
evandmebrown: How's it going?  Any more roadblocks?17:10
cjwatsonpreseeding languagechooser/language-name is kinda weird. I wouldn't recommend preseeding anything there other than debian-installer/locale; if that doesn't work then we have a bug17:37
cjwatsontwb: debian-installer/exit/halt=true for the record17:38
cjwatsonmebrown: the reason your mails to me are bouncing with a syntax error might be a problem with your mail client; the mail that Evan forwarded to me had my e-mail address quoted like this: 'cjwatson@canonical.com' - which if it's an accurate reflection of the mail headers isn't valid syntax. You need to get rid of those apostrophes17:40
cjwatsonevand: did you manage to reproduce Michael's problem?17:41
cjwatsonoem-config certainly does try to fetch the default language and switch the UI to match17:41
cjwatsonoh, hmm, I wonder17:42
evandcjwatson: indeed.  IIRC, and I could be off as I did this in the early hours of the morning, it was not saving debconf values from the installer phase.17:42
cjwatsonright, the preseeding won't actually be copied over as such, I was just arriving at the same conclusion17:42
evandso when you got to oem-config, debian-installer/locale was blank17:42
evandah, indeed17:43
cjwatsonbut I think that's actually correct behaviour; instead, oem-config should be taking steps to fetch the default locale17:43
cjwatsonfor example by sourcing /etc/default/locale in the init script?17:43
evandthat makes sense to me17:43
cjwatsonthough I suppose having oem-config-udeb specifically copy over relevant preseeded questions could make sense too17:43
evandit does diverge from the ubiquity component a bit then though.17:44
cjwatsonhmm, sourcing it won't help, that won't magically turn into debian-installer/locale, bah17:44
cjwatsonevand: I think copying those variables may actually be the best we can do. Fancy doing that in a finish-install script in oem-config-udeb (you could tack onto one of the existing ones)?17:46
evandFYI, bug 174937 seems pretty serious.  I'm working on it today and hopefully I'll have it fixed before the impending alpha.17:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174937 in ubiquity "[hardy] Selecting Finnish or Danish on the language page triggers an infinte loop." [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17493717:46
cjwatsonyou'd have to hardcode the questions to copy, probably, and make sure the owner of those questions in the installed system is oem-config17:47
evandcjwatson: debconf-copydb?17:47
evandwill do17:47
cjwatsondebconf-copydb> yeah17:48
cjwatsonhmm, be careful though17:48
evandshould I build an updated gutsy version as well, for mebrown to use, provided he has time to change the solution?  Or is the current hack suitable?17:48
cjwatsondebconf-copydb can't set the owner17:48
evandI imagine I'll have to change that immediately after17:49
cjwatsonlet's just worry about hardy for now, we can supply mebrown with a patch if necessary17:49
cjwatsonyou could munge Owner: in the data stream with sed, or turn it into debconf-{get,set}-selections format and munge the first field, or ...17:50
evandah, ok17:51
cjwatson174937> ah, nasty; bug in ubiquity's localechooser integration17:51
cjwatsonI think I know the problem if you want a clue, but you might be having fun tracking it down yourself :-)17:52
cjwatson(and it was my fault :-/)17:52
evandoh, I'm always open to hints17:53
cjwatsonso localechooser 1.40 required a tweak to ubiquity's integration because it was asking countrychooser/country-name rather than countrychooser/shortlist in some circumstances17:57
cjwatsonIIRC, that happens for any language where there's only one country to pick17:57
cjwatsonI just made ubiquity use the exact same handling for both questions17:58
cjwatsonthat was wrong though17:58
cjwatsoncountrychooser/shortlist takes the ISO-3166 country code (e.g. FI)17:58
cjwatsoncountrychooser/country-name takes the ISO-3166 English name of the country (e.g. Finland)17:59
cjwatsonso you probably need to adjust the integration to figure out the right thing to set it to17:59
cjwatson(or conceivably just leave it alone, I'm not sure - try it with some combinations of languages and cities on the timezone page)18:00
evandindeed, thanks for pointing me in the right direction, that definitely will save me some time18:00
methhhpwhere can i configure the default locale to ubuntu-installer?18:55
evandmethhhp: Use the debian-installer/locale debconf question, but keep in mind you'll need to set this on the kernel command line unless you're using initrd preseeding.  See the install guide.19:00
methhhpok thanks19:00

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