
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
DrDerekah, LjL01:08
DrDerekI understand the rules more now, before I wasn't thinking I was going to be as much as a regular at offtopic as I thought I would be,I guess my excuse for shinanigans -- but, how much longer is my banishment til?01:09
DrDerek<- Kagar, btw01:09
LjLDrDerek: hold on a second, you're saying you felt you could ignore the rules because you weren't going to become a regular "so who cares"?01:11
DrDerekeh, not so much, but kinda -- back when I first started getting in trouble -- but recently I've met a lot of friends from offtopic, and I want to make amends. I know I push it a lot, but I've gotten better at keeping it down, and now that I know the punishments really do suck, I'm not going to do it again..as cliche as it sounds..01:14
LjLDrDerek: i'd rather you understood why the rules are there and how even someone who isn't [going to be] a "regular" should respect them.01:15
LjLwhen i go to a foreign country, i don't disregard the rules just because i'm getting back home before they can fine me01:16
DrDerekhmm, good point.01:16
LjLanyway, it's been a month, so i guess i'll unban you anyway, needless to say, any further misbehavior will result in a very, long, ban.01:16
DrDerekI appreciate it, and you won't hear any more negative reports01:17
ubotuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)01:24
ubotuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)01:24
ubotuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)01:24
LjLbots kicked amaranth :>01:25
elkbuntuand missed elder01:25
Amaranthoh, stupid router01:25
LjLyeah, i'm looking as to why elder was missed01:25
elkbuntuah, no they didnt01:25
LjLoh right.01:26
elkbuntuit just looks like it at a glance01:26
LjLthat's a bug though01:26
LjLAmaranth: test you? :)01:27
Amaranthno no, i'm good01:28
Amaranthjust trying to remember the unban command01:28
Amaranthi'm on windows01:28
LjLi think you were surprised that it was "unban" :P01:28
Amaranthi got no feedback from it01:28
LjLshould get a NOTICE01:29
Amaranthoh it's going to #python01:29
Amaranthstupid xchat01:29
Amaranthi need to get python installed so i can get chanserv.py going again01:29
stdinit's just /mode #ubuntu -b Amaranth!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic01:30
LjLdesertc: can we help you?01:31
elkbuntudesertc, if you're here for something, you need to let us know. we dont read minds01:31
Amaranthstdin: yeah yeah01:31
Amaranthi'm spoiled, chanserv.py does it for me automatically01:31
desertcLjL: nalioth asked me to pop in here01:31
naliothdesertc: please explain why01:31
desertcBecause I am seeking assistance with my ubuntu freenode cloak01:32
LjLdesertc: i.e. you would like one?01:32
desertcI would like one.01:32
LjLdesertc: make sure that you have a valid email address set on your nickname (it can be set as private, /msg nickserv help set)01:32
elkbuntudesertc, try: may i please have an ubuntu cloak <insert LP url here>01:33
desertcIt is set.01:33
LjLdesertc: also, can you confirm that https://launchpad.net/~matthew-t-craig is your launchpad URL?01:33
desertcYes, this is my launchpad URL01:33
LjLdesertc: you should probably add your IRC nickname to there01:33
naliothwhy are we giving information that desertc should be giving us?01:36
elkbuntunalioth, i dont know. i even asked for the information01:37
elkbuntudesertc, is there anything else that you need done?01:39
elkbuntuif not, refer to /topic01:39
naliothdesertc: your cloak will be enabled within the next few hours  :)01:50
desertcThank you for your assistance.01:50
ardchoillestdin: Apparently vit_* didn't learn after being removed01:53
stdinthat's why I put the ban on vit_*!*@*, that should allow vit and vit_ but not vit____....01:53
stdinthat's what I think anyway :p01:54
ardchoilleYeah, that's seems to be the best thing to do01:54
ardchoilleToo bad some folks can't take a hint after a /quote remove01:55
stdinI don't even know if he's at any of those sessions, all from different IPs01:56
stdinbut the ban should be a good hint01:56
ubotuIn #ubuntu, WooD said: ubotu: this is a freslly new installed system. I have not been able yet to see the screen logon03:17
tonyyarusso!bot > wood03:18
gandhiichanged port to 8001..  still not working.  what gives?03:28
elkbuntubecause we have to manually test you then manually lift the ban03:38
elkbuntuyou pass03:41
elkbuntugandhii, you're now unbanned03:42
MadpilotDog, #u is a gong show...03:50
=== moppy is now known as fiberoptic
fiberoptichi you guys some one from this server has been spamming us at irc.rizon.net please come to #services there to discuss this matter04:14
tonyyarussoclearly that looks like a user to take seriously..04:15
jdongyeah I know, his username lets us know where his priorities are!04:23
ubotuastro76 called the ops in #ubuntu (Manuel_Rodriguez)05:20
naliothserial troll05:21
=== Anie is now known as agus
=== Anie is now known as agus
=== Anie is now known as agus
jussi01fdoving: whats your thoughts on that guy in #k ??10:32
ardchoilleDo bans/removes/kicks not het logged to http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ ?10:46
jpatrickno (I think), but the bot logs them10:47
ardchoilleHow do I access the bot's logs wrt those actions?10:48
fdovingdoesn't the bantracker track those?10:58
jussi01fdoving: ardchoille and I dont have bt access10:58
jpatrickjussi01: /msg ubotu %btlogin10:58
jussi01jpatrick: been there - no access.11:00
jpatrickjussi01: /msg ubotu %login - then?11:00
jussi01jpatrick: until we gain admission to the ubuntu-irc team then no access to the bot. (afaik)11:01
jpatrickjussi01: you're not in and have + ?11:01
jussi01yeah, thats correct.11:02
jussi01jpatrick: its a bit weird, but the famous dutchman did it... ;)11:04
ardchoillefamous dutchman?11:06
jussi01jpatrick: do you have that scripted?11:08
jpatrickjussi01: what scripted?11:08
jussi01ban forwarding11:09
* jussi01 wouldnt mind a nice banforward script11:09
jpatrickgood old /mode +b *!*@foo!##windows11:10
jpatrickjussi01: have you looked at an irssi script source?11:11
jussi01jpatrick: Ive seen them, but they dont make too much sense to me... Id love an addition to auto_bleh.pl11:12
jpatrickjussi01: then you why I don't code in Perl11:12
jussi01jpatrick: my perl is not the best... (ie. doesnt exist)11:12
jpatrickI've tried and failed11:13
jussi01jpatrick: I dont code... much11:13
ardchoillejussi01: I bet banforwarding could easily be written into auto_bleh11:14
jussi01ardchoille: Im sure it could. just I dont have the skill to do it...11:14
jpatrickjussi01: I code at lot, just can't get round perl11:15
jpatrickwhere's this auto_bleh?11:16
jussi01jpatrick: I think its the irssi.org site...11:17
jpatrickI can't find it there11:18
jussi01someone in here gave me a link...11:18
jpatrickfound it11:18
ardchoilleHmm.. I think I found a bug in auto_bleh: lines 33 and 3611:21
ardchoilleLine 36 should be "abkn" instead of "abk"?11:22
ardchoillesorry, 34 and 3611:22
jpatrickgood point11:22
crdlbif only there were python bindings :/11:23
jpatrickcrdlb: that's 1 reason why I prefer weechat11:23
ardchoilleI think I could add banforwarding to auto_bleh if I just knew how to pass the forward channel to auto_bleh11:25
ardchoillebtw, what is amb and amr?11:26
crdlbmulti I think?11:27
jpatrickardchoille: line 137 would be your best bet11:27
ardchoillejpatrick: My line 137 is blank. Was that what you meant?11:28
jpatrick$hostname =~ s/.+\@//;11:29
jpatrickor after that add: $hostname =~ "!#ubuntu-ops";11:30
ardchoilleHmm.. maybe it isn't as easy as I thought :)11:30
jpatrick^that could do it :)11:31
ardchoilleso  s|$hostname =~ s/.+\@//|$hostname =~ "!#ubuntu-ops"|  ?11:32
jpatrickno, new line11:32
jpatrickright after it, which command should I do to test?11:32
ardchoilleHmm.. that would tell auto_bleh about the forwarding channel, but what about the command, /abf?11:34
jpatrickthat's what I want to it11:35
ardchoilleGonna have to write that into %command_bindings and a "sub cmd_abf"11:35
jpatrickardchoille: basically we've made every ban forward to: "!#ubuntu-ops"11:37
* jussi01 hugs ardchoille 11:38
jpatrickwhat about me? :(11:39
* ardchoille hugs back, of course :)11:39
* jussi01 hands jpatrick a nice whiskey ;)11:39
ardchoilleHmm.. I think I'll leave this to a perl coder11:39
jpatrickardchoille: ok, that did not work (I think)11:40
jpatrickyep, leave it to the perl guys11:41
ardchoilleYeah, we can always /csop and do it manually11:42
Picicari_teman_FS: How can we help you this morning?13:15
ubotuIn ubotu, shazoor said: what is a bot14:06
jpatrick!bot > shazoor14:06
ikoniajpatrick: how does that work ?14:12
ikoniajpatrick: shzoor is not in this channel,14:12
ikoniaahhh pm's are not channel specific14:12
jpatrickikonia: it /msg's him14:12
ikoniaignore me14:12
ikoniaI'm being dumb14:12
ikoniasorry, I'm thinking !something | user14:12
ikoniasorry, brain fade14:12
PiciIt only matters if shzoor is not in any channels you are in. then it complains (or at least it used to)14:12
PiciBut thats only an added precaution to prevent spamming.14:13
ikonia as soon as I said it, I saw my own mistake14:13
jpatrickikonia: we are only human :)14:19
elkbuntujpatrick, speak for yourself :Þ14:21
elkbuntusome of us are superhuman, and those troll things are most certainly sub-human :Þ14:22
LjLelkbuntu: tell jpatrick about yourself14:22
ubotuelkbuntu is cute14:23
elkbuntuthere, done14:23
ubotuMostly just statistics, but yeah.14:24
elkbuntuhow would you know?14:25
ikoniaelkbuntu: ubotu thinks highly of you14:25
elkbuntuLjL, how do we check who put the factoids in?14:26
ubotuelkbuntu has no aliases - added by Seveas on 2006-10-20 17:12:4614:26
LjLelkbuntu: mostly you don't because that mechanism is messed up, but yeah pici said14:26
PiciIt has who added them, but not who edited them last.14:27
LjLsometimes not even that14:27
elkbuntu!btw, how *do* you add an alias? i always fail14:27
LjLa is <alias> b?14:27
Pici!elk is <alias> elkbuntu14:27
ubotuI'll remember that, Pici14:27
Pici!forget elk14:27
ubotuI'll forget that, Pici14:27
elkbuntu<Ubotwo> Factoid elk is <alias not found14:28
PiciI removed it14:28
LjLubotwo is broken in many ways14:29
elkbuntuyeah i got it again14:29
PiciBut ubotwo already means something else!14:29
LjLPici: that would be if i put something before the is14:30
PiciI know ;)14:30
Tm_Telkbuntu <314:45
* Tm_T hides14:45
* elkbuntu sets the ljl monster on Tm_T14:45
Tm_Telkbuntu: you are still <314:48
no0tic<3 it seems an ice cream14:49
ikonia3 ? I don't get that14:53
jpatrickikonia: it's a heart14:53
elkbuntuTm_T, nows not the right time to do that. i currently have two barely pubescent loco people infatuated with me :-/ it's um... rather awkward14:54
PiciYes, it sounds awkward14:54
Tm_Telkbuntu: hmmmm, interesting, you should say that you look like me, and then show pic of mine14:54
PiciTheres always mnepto-k's picture....14:55
Tm_Telkbuntu: that will chase them off for good14:55
Tm_TPici: that too14:55
elkbuntuTm_T, i think it's the 'omg girl' reaction and it wouldnt matter how old or ugly i was14:55
Tm_Telkbuntu: believe me, my pic will do the trick14:55
Tm_Telkbuntu: or you believe they would like a bearded lady?14:56
ikoniainfatuation huh, you must have a good effect on them14:56
elkbuntuTm_T, one of them has seen me talk, so it would fail on him anyway, then he'd tell the other :(14:57
Tm_Telkbuntu: sith's spit, plan b, you shave your beard daily!14:58
Tm_Telkbuntu: that works for me14:59
elkbuntuyou gotta show me this pic14:59
Tm_Twell, people don't believe me, but still14:59
Tm_TI'll try to find some good one, not too shocky14:59
ikoniaTm_T: I'd love to see a pic, nice to see who I'm chatting with15:00
Tm_Tikonia: and you can prove I'm on that pic, or that pic is recent, or...15:01
ikonianot at all15:01
ikoniaI'd trust you to post a real pick15:01
elkbuntuikonia, she's showing me her 'scare off the guys asking for a pic' pic15:01
Tm_Twell that one is real15:02
ikoniais Tm_T a girl ?15:03
ikoniaTm_T: I apologise, I always thought your nick was a male nick15:04
elkbuntuits not exactly a gendered nick15:04
elkbuntuanyway, im heading to bed, gnite15:05
Tm_TI'm what I am15:05
Tm_Telkbuntu: http://kapsi.fi/~tm_travolta/kuvat/temps-01.jpg15:05
* Tm_T is a pretty old girl, yes he is15:06
elkbuntuikonia, sorry, it was just too funny to resist15:09
ikoniaTm_T: elkbuntu was right your nick is genderless15:09
ikoniaelkbuntu: not at all15:09
ikoniaelkbuntu: I can take it15:09
ikonianever hurts to realise that the mental picture you have of people may not be who they are15:09
Tm_Twell you never really know me without living with me15:09
Tm_Tbecause none of "pictures" will tell the real me15:10
Tm_Tnot that they would lie actually, but, you cant assume much15:11
ikoniaTm_T: I meant vistually, eg: the way someone talks, the nick, the topics they chat about, you get mental pictures15:12
Tm_TI know15:12
Tm_Tin my case, that does lead you the wrong way badly15:12
ikoniawhen elkbuntu said you where "she" it threw men15:12
Tm_Twell I talk myself as a woman often15:13
Tm_Tand why not15:13
ikoniathats fine15:13
ikoniajust to me back15:13
Tm_Tlearn to ignore gender15:15
Tm_Tit matter not15:15
ikoniano, it does not matter15:15
ikoniajust odd when you have a mental picture of someone and it turns out not what you thought15:15
ikoniaammusing and a nice surprise in some ways15:15
Tm_Tikonia: to tell the truth, I was pretty much "a man" back in 30's but then I grew out of it15:16
Tm_Tin my age, well, everything than life and thoughts and feelings itself are meaningless15:17
ikoniaha ha ha, best response I've heard in ages15:17
Tm_Tikonia: sometimes truth is15:18
ikoniait's nice to have a face to you though now15:18
Tm_Twell that's without my grey beard I'm having now, but yes15:19
ikoniastill nice to see15:19
ikoniaI've seen few people now, so it's nice to have a mental picture thats a bit more accurate15:19
ikoniait certainly doesn't matter, just nice15:20
PiciI dont even know what that means.16:34
PriceChildPici, hmm?16:34
Pici<chuy> !Vagina Gentium16:34
ikoniaPici: he's named a disk that16:35
ikoniaPici: he comes in asking how to mount it as a weak excuse to keep saying Vagina16:35
PriceChildoh for crying out loud16:35
PriceChildnot them again?!16:35
ikoniahe's been in for days16:35
PiciHes banned now.16:35
PriceChildhe gets answered and things sorted right?16:35
PriceChildbut comes back anyway?16:35
ikoniayup, finds reasons to say vigina16:35
jdonglol do people spend their free time thinking of how to goof off in #ubuntu?16:36
ikoniayes clearly16:36
PiciIf the bot attacks werent evidence enough..16:36
PriceChildjdong, we get the same on the forums don't we?16:39
jdongyeah :)16:39
jdongthough with much less vagina stuff...16:40
ikoniayou can never have too much.....etc etc16:40
PriceChildjdong, oh we've had a reasonable amount of vagina stuff :/16:40
ikonia<snip> PriceChild </snip>16:42
ikoniaI'll ave that quote for later16:42
Piciikonia: I was thinking the exact same thing.16:42
jussi01ahhh, you will all make me die of laughter...16:43
ikoniawould someone give me an opinion on this please. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51101/16:52
ikonialines 9/10/11 please16:53
PiciDoes the person claim they are running Ubuntu or Redhat?16:53
Mezikonia, that a linux question ?16:53
Mezubuntu *16:53
ikoniaI don't think he's running ubuntu16:53
ikoniaas dhcdbd has a hardcoded path in it for the redhat boot scripts16:54
Pici/me lastlogs16:54
ikoniafrom what I'm reading16:54
Mezhe could be but dodgy code?16:54
Mezikonia, ask for a uname -a :)16:54
ikoniaMez: thats next on my list16:54
ikonialooks llike ubuntu16:55
Meztail /etc/motd ;)16:55
Mezah no16:55
Mezlsb_release -a16:55
ikoniaMez: could be cut and paste from google16:56
Meznot for lsb_release ;) not many know it16:56
ikoniahe could be innocent just seems odd16:56
jdongikonia: that's a dbus path16:56
ikoniajdong: yes, but why referencing redhat device files for the network16:57
jdongikonia: redhat wrote dhcpdb, its dbus handle is under /com/redhat16:57
Mezand either way, it gives you the rlease version16:57
jdongthe bash prompt is also classic debian/ubuntu style16:57
jdongredhat uses [ user@host:~ ]$ or similar16:58
jdongand also in redhat /var/log/messages is owned by root/admin and not readable without root access16:58
ikoniajdong: nice detective work16:59
ikoniajdong: I didn't realise that dbus was wrote by redhat16:59
jdongikonia: dhcpdb is a spawn of the NetworkManager project and redhat wrote all that stuff16:59
PiciAh, so I can blame them ;)16:59
jdongyeah :D16:59
jdongapparently the next major version is suppoesd to suck less (tm)?17:00
ikoniajdong: I doubt that17:00
Picijdong: in time for Hardy/Gnome 2.22?17:01
jdongPici: not sure; I've been living in a box for the past 3 weeks17:02
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic-local
desertcnalioth, LjL: Salutations.18:00
PriceChildHey desertc, anything I can help with?18:07
desertcPriceChild: Perhaps!  Thanks for offering.  I was inquiring about my Ubuntu cloak yesterday, and nalioth and LjL were helping me out.  LjL added me to the Ubuntu Cloaks team in Launchpad, but the cloak has not yet activated on Freenode over the last 12 or so hours.18:08
PriceChildah yup saw that email this morning18:10
PriceChilddesertc, sorry but freenode hasn't caught up on our new gcf for ubuntu so you'll have to wait for nalioth to enable the cloak. He's not /away atm so it shouldn't take to long to get turned on. Please ensure you've gotten 2 nicks linked to each other, and an email set :)18:11
PriceChildwe've pinged him enough too :)18:13
desertcPriceChild: "2 nicks", you mean like desertc and desertc_ , right?18:13
PriceChildand desertc_ linked to desertc18:17
desertcThanks.  Yes, that's done.18:18
desertcAll those requirements were necessary for the Unaffiliated cloak.18:23
desertcAnyhow, I'll just wait for Nalioth.  :-)18:23
desertcAh, I see the cloak has been changed.18:24
PriceChilddesertc, cool :)18:31
desertcHave a nice day.18:31
PriceChildhow shiny18:32
Garysuper sparkly :-)18:40
astharothello :)19:41
Piciastharot: Hello, how can we help you today?19:41
astharotdesertc told me to come here to ask for a cloak19:41
Piciastharot: Are you an Ubuntu member?19:42
ubotuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks19:42
naliothPici: it's19:42
ubotuWant to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember19:42
astharotI'm already a member19:42
astharotand also a motu19:43
astharotsince 200519:43
naliothastharot: MOTU is not related to us, i'm afraid19:43
naliothastharot: please follow the "want to become and Ubuntu member" steps19:44
astharotnalioth: i'm an ubuntu member19:44
Picinalioth: But he said he was a member... was giving him the nicksetup links19:44
naliothastharot: your launchpad page says differently  ;(19:44
astharotI linked my launchpad page19:44
* Pici runs off19:44
astharotUbuntero:  Yes19:44
LjL-MobileThat's not member19:44
naliothah, Ubuntero is not "Ubuntu member"19:44
ubotuWant to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember19:45
naliothompaul: already done once  :)19:45
ompaulnalioth, well I am logged19:45
astharothow to recognize a member?19:45
ompaullagged even19:45
astharotI've the icons of ubuntumembers and ubuntu-dev :P19:46
naliothastharot: you can look at their cloak on irc19:46
ompaulastharot, read that web page19:46
ompaul!register | astharot19:46
ubotuastharot: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration19:46
naliothastharot: on launchpad, it'll say the person is a member of "ubuntu members"19:46
astharotok ok... it's only because when I was member launchpad didn't exist yet19:47
astharotthen I was offline now I have to "upload" my launchpad page19:47
astharotthank you, see you next time :)19:47
ompaulastharot,  https://launchpad.net/~ubuntumembers19:48
astharotYou are an indirect member of this team:19:49
astharotGerardo Di Giacomo ? MOTU ? Ubuntu Development Team ? Ubuntu Members19:49
naliothyou may be an indirect member of a lot of teams19:49
naliothbut for a cloak here on irc, you must be a full member of "Ubuntu Members"19:50
no0ticnalioth, when will freenode be re-enabled to receive donations?19:53
=== jpatrick_ is now known as jpatrick
naliothno0tic: unsure20:02
Picinalioth: Sorry, I misunderstood.  I don't have any say in getting someone a cloak anyways, just wanted to make sure that he at least had some of the prerequisites done (although he didnt have the most important one)20:05
naliothPici: most folks don't come here for an @about/cooking/khenpan/pici type cloak  :)20:06
Pici!ircstats-#ubuntu-offtopic | tonyyarusso20:25
ubotutonyyarusso: Fun statistics about this IRC channel are available at  http://www.ubuntuircstats.org/#ubuntu-ops.html - LoCo team leaders can also request to have their channel stats collected.20:25
Piciwell, that kind of worked.20:25
tonyyarussonot really20:25
Picino, not really indeed20:25
* Pici goes back to the drawing board.20:25
LjL-Mobilethere is a 'current channel' variable in ubotu if that's what you're looking for20:28
LjL-Mobilemight be $channel, i never remember20:29
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu-ops!20:29
PiciIts $chan, but it includes the #20:29
jpatrick$chan I think20:29
PiciI dont think its possible without enabling some more supybot plugins,20:29
LjL-Mobilepici: yes it includes that, ask the guy to change the urls accordingly :)20:31
PiciThis is how I do my alias on my bot: "re s/ #*//g http://nullcortex.com/irclogs/[re s/\//-/g $channel.html]"20:32
PiciIncludes some other stuff to handle channels with slashes in them.20:33
ompaultwo people removed from #ubuntu check for reasons20:41
ompaulahh there is the first one20:41
tonyyarussoswitch^ was mine in -ot, ty20:41
tim__yes ?20:41
tim__what was that for?20:41
ompaulPriceChild, / ljl / tonyyarusso  that was the equiv of rm imho was I right or wrong20:41
ompaultim__, I think you will find it was for stating that point in #ubuntu as there are new users in there who might do that -20:42
=== tim__ is now known as Dmole
Dmolesorry wrong name :)20:42
ompaulit does not matter you are banned either way afik20:42
tonyyarussoompaul: As a result, pretty likely, although given what we've seen before, far more likely to have been a legitimate question (ie, unintentional)20:43
ompaultonyyarusso, saw the :) in there with the OMG and that was my trigger20:43
tonyyarussoyeah, not sure20:44
tonyyarussoDmole: Care to take a stab at guessing what the problem may be?20:44
Dmole"sorry wrong name" ie my nick was not e+20:45
tonyyarussono, regarding the last thing you said in #ubuntu20:45
Dmolei gave the command that was giving me problems ?20:47
ompaulwith an OMG and a :)20:47
ompaulwhich makes it look like you are not serious20:47
ubotuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.20:47
Dmoleis the omg the problem ? .... oh sorry20:47
ompaulDmole, it is that coupled with the comment20:47
ompaulthat it makes me think you did not20:47
Dmolewell it has me in a bother20:48
ompaulactually do that command as that command would only attack your own files20:48
Dmolehow do i fix this?20:48
ompaulyou can't really - unless you ahve a backup cos you need permissions from all over the place changed in different ways20:48
Dmolewell it was only the o so i think it is fixable20:49
Dmole"o" = other users20:49
Dmolecan i ask this question in #ubuntu or can you answer it here?20:50
ompauljust a sec20:50
Dmolei want to "chmod -o-rwx /home/user/.*"  without it going up the file tree20:51
Dmoleok I will wait20:51
ompaul<tim__> OMG help!    "chmod 0777 ./.*"  results in changes up the tree! (like ./../../passwords.txt)  :) how do i stop this?20:52
ompaulthis is not the problem you are stating now20:52
Dmoleit is, and i will explain now; I want to do something like "chmod -o-rwx /home/user/.*" without it going up the file tree because previously I did something like "chmod 0777 /home/user/*"20:54
ompaulSwitch^,  please refrain on taking the bans in one place to another20:55
Switch^yes, I'm sorry20:55
Switch^ompaul: I just found it weird20:55
ompaul!guidelines | Switch^  (please have a look at this and come back to me in about 15 mins)20:56
ubotuSwitch^  (please have a look at this and come back to me in about 15 mins): The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:56
DmoleI could use /* but it won't affect the .* files, and it dislikes  regx so \.[^\.].* is out of the question ... i think20:57
Dmoleompaul: do you understand ?20:57
ikoniawhat the devil is going on here ?20:57
ubotuikonia called the ops in #ubuntu (candy flooding)20:58
ubotuCpudan80 called the ops in #ubuntu (candy)20:58
ompaulDmole, let me apraise ikonia about that20:58
ikonianalioth: appriciated20:59
Amaranthnice one tonyyarusso20:59
naliothikonia: i didn't do it20:59
tonyyarussoAmaranth: I haven't done that in so long...there goes the record.21:00
ikoniadidn't see who did21:00
ikoniatonyyarusso: quick response, thanks21:01
Amaranthikonia: he banned the wrong person :P21:01
ikoniareally, I who got candy then ?21:01
ikoniait all went really quick21:01
ompaulDmole, let me help you here, (A) chmod 777 is not going to go recursive (B) you missed a clue that makes it valid to ubuntu - so I thought then as I do now that you are (A) not on ubuntu or (B) not defining the problem21:01
tonyyarussoikonia: nixternal did21:02
ompaulDmole, and your regex is rubbish21:02
ompauland I was right in the first case21:02
Dmolethanks for offering to help  ompaul21:02
ompaul!guidelines | Dmole (come back in a week  and we might life the ban)21:02
ubotuDmole (come back in a week  and we might life the ban): The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:02
Dmoleyes i am in ubuntu21:02
ompaulehh you can't be21:03
ompaulyour problem is not valid as you describe it21:03
Dmoleand no my regex is fine as perl thinks it is21:03
ompaulit is not possible21:03
ompaulyour problem is not possible you are missing one vital part and it is not there21:03
Dmoleand i did miss type because I used the -R21:03
ompaulthat would not work21:04
ompauland please stop trying to pretend, put the straws away21:04
DmoleI will copy past from the cli21:04
ompaulyou can paste your history in paste.ubuntu-nl.org21:05
ompauland we can review it there21:05
Dmolewhat is that command for command history?21:06
ikoniafc -l21:07
ikoniaor history21:07
ikoniadepending on your distro21:07
ompaulhistory is pretty much universal21:07
ompauland much more fun21:08
Switch^ompaul; can you unban me?21:10
ompaulSwitch^, quick question, why do you think you were banned?21:11
ompaulSwitch^, you can take it to pm if you want21:11
Dmoleompaul: I posted excerpts from my history21:16
ompaulip ?21:16
ompaulwe all, alas failed telepathy21:16
Dmolesorry i thought it was accessible by user name  because it asked me for one21:17
ompaulDmole, ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh21:18
ompaulyou have not convinced me21:18
ompaulagain you seem to not be using ubuntu21:19
ompaulthere are many reasons for this21:19
Dmole! what?21:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about what? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:19
Dmolewhat is the ubuntu version of ver?21:19
ompauluname -a21:21
ompaullsb_release -a21:21
ompaulboth of those please21:21
ompauland fast21:21
Dmoleompaul you don't seem to take me seriously. it's not vary nice to meet this type of attitude when honestly looking for help :(21:21
ompaulwell that would convince me21:21
DmoleLinux TimsBay 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Dec 18 08:02:57 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux21:22
DmoleNo LSB modules are available.21:22
DmoleDistributor ID: Ubuntu21:22
DmoleDescription:    Ubuntu 7.1021:22
DmoleRelease:        7.1021:22
DmoleCodename:       gutsy21:22
ompaulso how the blazes are you working in /root/ then ?21:22
Dmolewell all you have to do is "sudo passwd root"21:23
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.21:23
Dmoleand then "su - root"21:23
ompauldude (A) don't use sudo21:23
ompaulme that is21:24
ompauldude (A) don't use root21:24
ompaul(B) use sudo21:24
Dmolewell often i have to use 10 or 20 root commands  but yes i stay in a user account most of the time21:24
ompaul10 or 2021:25
* ompaul is stunned21:25
ompaulI run a 60 machine network and root is the last thing I would look for even on the debian boxes21:25
Dmolewell you probably know how to do things better then I21:26
ompaulwell for one21:26
ompaulwhat you wrote in all three cases are different21:26
ompaulthe o does nothing in chmod21:26
ompaul-R is recursive i.e. down a tree21:26
ompaulnot up a tree21:27
Dmoleman chmod said that o+wrx will add wrx to all users21:27
ompaulwell depends on what files you borked21:27
Dmole-R is down but also up when .* is used21:27
Jack_Sparrowdbmoodb:  is being rude and disruptive21:27
ompaulJack_Sparrow, thanks caught that21:29
Dmoletry "ls -al -R .*" you will see what i mean21:29
dbmoodbwon't ls -RAL work ?21:29
dbmoodbwhy do you need the -R to be separate - just a note21:30
Dmoleyes but that's an aside21:30
ompaul ./21:30
ompaulwhich is the current directory and below21:30
ompaulthat is all21:30
ompaulbelow being the ones in /root/,*21:30
dbmoodbthought there was a space in there21:30
ompauldbmoodb, you are right21:30
ompauldbmoodb, but frankly why would I let you back into #ubuntu?21:31
dbmoodbeh ?21:31
dbmoodbi don't want you too21:31
ompaulso why are you here?21:31
dbmoodbto see if the higher powers know what the name of the stupid thing is before i go for real help21:31
dbmoodbubuntu is my testing thing - i trash it21:32
mneptokreal help?! where?!21:32
ompauldbmoodb, this is not a help channel you really don't want to know the origin of what you were looking at when you arrived, trust me on that - boring as all get out21:32
dbmoodbin debian or compiz-fusion on or the other21:32
ompaulmneptok, I believe in your office on your phone eating your doughnuts21:33
dbmoodboh ssh om i know what this channel is meant to be for21:33
Dmoleompaul: not for me the " ls -al -R .*" command lists my entire file system21:33
dbmoodbno really ?21:33
mneptokTHERE ARE DONUTS?!?!?!21:33
dbmoodbnot anymore21:33
mneptokwhy was i not informed?21:33
ompaulmneptok, so we could eat them on you21:34
mneptokwhere is the sticky note? the flaming arrow?21:34
dbmoodbHA I WIN OM21:34
dbmoodbUbuntu users: #ubuntu for general help; this channel is only for Compiz-specific help21:34
ompaulmunch munch21:34
dbmoodbgo fuck your self21:34
dbmoodb- well not you21:34
ompaulboo bue21:34
* ompaul is not in the mood21:34
mneptokhow anticlimactic21:34
ompaulmneptok, and what did you want - fireworks?21:34
mneptoksomething a little more ... inspired.21:35
ompaulSwitch^, eh anything else?21:35
Switch^ompaul: no, thank you :p21:37
Dmoleompaul what do you think of the fact that "ls -al -R .*" lists my whole fs?21:37
ompaulDmole, okay, many years ago I had a situation where someone read to me the contents of a file system over irc21:37
ompaulDmole, and the permissions were changed by hand21:38
ompaulthe only think you can do is pull your data to one side21:38
ompauland reintroduce it after you reinstall - cos anything else is a waste of breath to be honest21:38
ompaulDmole, or in other words you got yourself a nasty one there21:39
ompaulDmole, if you have that situation, to get every link right and package reinstalled correctly you would save maybe three to four hours at a minimum with NO typos21:40
ompauland you will make one so just reinstall21:40
Dmolewell I was going to write a script to do -R properly for any command but i thought it must exist so i asked got banned and now i'm going to write the script.21:41
ompaulDmole, you got banned because it looked like a troll - figure this out21:41
ompaulyou started by talking about passwd.txt21:42
ompaulwe don't have such files21:42
Dmoleoh i do understand that this is the internet so you have to be causes etc21:42
Dmoleit's ok i'll change my ip and be back in a jiffy21:43
tonyyarussoDmole: If you do, you will be banned from the entire network, not just #ubuntu21:43
Dmolenot likely but have a nice day :)21:43
tonyyarussonalioth: ^^21:43
ompaulwell now that could be interesting21:44
naliothtonyyarusso: ^^ nice eyebrows21:44
tonyyarussonalioth: they're furry!21:44
Flare183this dude, J-_ just told me to f off22:02
naliothFlare183: so /ignore him   :)22:02
jdongman everyone whose nick starts with j is trouble.22:03
ompauljdong, who gave you permission to speak?22:03
ompaulyou just assuming things again?22:03
naliothi think he's speaking from experience, ompaul22:04
naliothlet's kline him22:04
PriceChildnalioth, I don't see flare's complaint in the public channel?22:04
naliothjust to be sure22:04
naliothPriceChild: yep.22:04
PriceChildcould you gimme a timestamp? :)22:04
LjLPriceChild: that's why /ignore was suggested i believe22:04
PriceChildall i see is "damn it"22:05
LjLPriceChild, i think it was in PM22:06
ubotuJ-_ called the ops in #ubuntu (_boikhutso_)22:06
PriceChildLjL, sorry when i was addressing nal, i meant i didn't see j-_ say what he was acused of saying in the main channel22:06
PriceChildgah... boikhutso was told how many times?22:07
jdongI'm pretty sure PMs are out of our domain?22:07
jdongerr... PM's.22:07
LjLunless there's repeated reports of them22:07
naliothPriceChild: right.  i suggested /ignore22:07
naliothyes, PMs are out of our domain22:08
PriceChildnalioth, yup22:08
Jack_SparrowI really really tried to get him to use the pastebin22:09
naliothJack_Sparrow: it happens22:11
Jack_SparrowMOre trouble22:11

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