
ubotuNew bug: #181143 in bzr "inventory sha1 is not checked during routine operation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18114300:06
abentleyIn xml5, those sha1s are not reliable, because there are two xml5 serializations.00:13
mtayloranybody have a problem with a little patch to allow the passing of a File() object in the output param of cmd_send._run() ?00:13
lifelessabentley: we should _always_ have the sha1 in the revision and that of the inventory match within a given repo00:15
lifelessabentley: if they don't, then  check and reconcile should allow correcting that / reporting on discrepancies00:16
lifelessabentley: so what I ened is a InterDiffingSerializer that also does Model1To2 stuff00:17
lifelessabentley: is _install_revisions used by bundles?00:20
lifelessso I think we generate check errors from it00:21
lifelesssearch for 'FIXME: TODO: The following loop *may* be overlapping/duplicate'00:21
abentleyOld bundles only.00:22
lifelessoh, new bundles don't use it?00:22
abentleyThey don't use it for file texts.00:22
abentleyNot sure about the rest, but I think not.00:22
lifelesshmm, I think CommitBuilder may fit in there now00:23
abentleyFor old bundles?00:23
abentleyI think Jelmer had something that used it.00:23
lifelessheres what I'd like to do. I'd like to allow InterDiffereringSerializer to match (non-rich-root, rich-root|subtree)00:24
lifelessand use CommitBuilder in install_revisions which will take care of the differences automatically00:24
lifelessdoes that sound ok to you?00:25
abentleySeems okay.00:26
jelmerabentley: I don't use install_revisions() anymore00:26
lifelessdid you see the iter_inventories patch?00:26
abentleyWhat about the tree_root knit?00:26
lifelessabentley: commit builder abstracts that out00:26
lifelessyou add the root, and a rich root repository will add an entry; non rich ones will assert that the revision is unmodified etc00:27
abentleyWhat about Inventory.revision ?00:27
lifelessthats the inventories creation id so set by the commit00:28
abentleyWhen converting from plain to rich-root, we assume the root revision changes every commit.00:29
lifelessright; the old tree has inv.root.revision == inv.revision00:30
lifelessso the commit builder will see those revisions when writing to a rich root repo00:30
lifelessI'm going to start a new isolated branch for this00:31
lifelessI'll make sure there are tests00:31
abentleyDoesn't the commit builder have all sorts of clever logic determine the file's revision?00:31
lifelessyes, thats what we're missing in install_revisions which causes it to generate bad file graphs00:31
lifelessyou're wondering if it will overwrite the information during conversion00:32
abentleyIf the commit builder commits to a rich-root repo, won't it assume the root revision should not change?00:32
lifelessyeah, I'll need to extend the api to be able to force this00:35
lifelesswhich is fine, it'll still be cleaner I think00:35
mtaylorjelmer: mtaylor@solace:~/src$ bzr svn-import --trees http://code.djangoproject.com/svn django00:35
mtaylorbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "http://code.djangoproject.com/svn/django/branches/queryset-refactor/".00:35
poolieabentley, hi00:46
abentleypoolie: hi00:55
poolieabentley, are you working at canonical now?00:56
abentleyNo, next week.00:56
jelmermtaylor: You may want to remove the entry for django in ~/.bazaar/subversion.conf01:06
mtaylorjelmer: really? what's that entry for?01:06
jelmerremembers the branching scheme so it doesn't have to be recalculated each time you use bzr-svn01:07
mtaylorhow very, very weird01:09
mtaylorjelmer: I tried to do an svn-import of http://reviewboard.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/reviewboard01:10
mtaylorand it "worked"01:10
mtaylorexcept it left stuff out01:10
jelmerwhat sort of stuff did it leave out?01:10
mtaylordirectories and stuff01:10
mtaylorthe djblets dir for one01:10
jelmeryou would probably want to import the full repository01:10
jelmernot just a part of it01:11
mtayloryeah... sorry. I meant... http://reviewboard.googlecode.com/svn01:11
mtaylor(bad cut-n-paste)01:11
jelmerwhere should djblets be?01:11
mtaylorthe trunk has one dir, reviewboard01:12
mtaylorand djblets should be in that dir01:12
mtaylorat least, it is when I do an svn co01:12
jelmerI don01:12
jelmer't see it in the Svn webview01:12
jelmerare you sure you subversion checkout is up to date?01:13
mtayloryeah - I didn't see it there either :)01:13
mtaylorI did this:01:13
mtaylorsvn co http://reviewboard.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ reviewboard-read-only01:13
mtaylorls reviewboard-read-only/reviewboard01:14
mtayloraccounts      contrib       __init__.py  README                  settings.py01:14
mtaylorAUTHORS       COPYING       iphone       reports                 templates01:14
mtaylorautogen.sh    devserver.sh  m4           reviews                 test.py01:14
mtaylorChangeLog     diffviewer    Makefile.am  scmtools                urls.py01:14
mtaylorconf          djblets       manage.py    server.sh               utils01:14
mtaylorconfigure.ac  htdocs        NEWS         settings_local.py.tmpl  webapi01:14
mtaylorwhich I find _exceptionally_ odd01:14
lifelessexternals perhaps ?01:15
jelmeryup, externals01:16
jelmermtaylor: bzr-svn doesn't support externals yet01:16
mtaylorstupid svn people and their externals :)01:16
lifelessabentley: still around ?01:53
abentleyI can answer a quick one.01:53
lifelesswhen we load a non rich roots inventory, is inv.root.revision set correctly?01:53
lifelessthat is, is it set == inv.revision01:54
abentleyI remember working on that, so I'd expect so.01:54
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dleeI know we don't yet have line-ending stuff in bzr, but is there any way to get CRLF line endings from cvsps-import, or is that strictly an issue of what cvsps itself puts out?  I think it might be in Bazaar territory because --use-cvs doesn't change anything, and without it,03:08
dleeI think Bazaar uses direct RCS access.03:08
fullermdIt pretty much takes what comes out of the RCS files.03:08
dlee...and RCS includes in its spec (or at least CVS does) that line endings should be LF only.03:09
dleeCVS converts per OS on checkout.03:09
dleeInterestingly, I got expected behavior (OS-proper endings) using Tailor, but cvsps-import gave me LF-only everywhere.03:10
dleeand Tailor missed all my CVS tags. :P03:10
fullermdOne guess is because tailor checks out the files into a tree to work on, while cvsps-import just captures the file versions from stdout.03:13
dleeHmm... but I'd think stdout would be OS-translated too... so is this even sensibly addressable in Bzr or cvsps-import, or would it have to be in cvsps?  Or somewhere else... maybe a cvsps wrapper that converts line endings--but that sounds dangerous without knowledge of file types etc...03:17
fullermdcvsps just synthesizes the changesets.  cvs or co is used to get the file versions.03:17
dleeMy cvs checks out with CRLF though; this is why I'm surprised --use-cvs didn't help.03:19
fullermdYeah, but co'ing a dir tree doesn't necessarily give you the same thing as 'co -p'ing a file version to stdout.03:20
winzo_I'm trying to capture bzr output test for use within a bash script. I've tried several things and googling proved fruitless. Anyone know what I'm missing?03:20
dleeI can test that anyway; it's a good start.  Thanks much. :)03:21
winzo_i.e., echo " $( bzr update ) " > myfile03:22
dlee(I have some 40 projects I want to talk my company into moving from CVS to Bazaar, and they're all in CVS; so the plan is to come up with a nice clean conversion plan, then pull it off, and then start demonstrating pros :)03:22
spivwinzo_: just "bzr update > myfile", surely?03:23
winzo_You'd think so. But it didn't work.03:23
winzo_A newline char gets written, though. :?03:23
dleeWhat command are you using for your test? (bzr command I mean)03:24
spivPossibly "bzr update > myfile 2>&1" then.03:24
spiv(to capture stderr as well as stdout)03:24
dleethat's where I was heading...03:24
winzo_That was it! Looks like I was re-directing wrong. :D03:25
winzo_Thanks guys!03:25
induhow to install webserve03:28
dleefullermd:  cvs update -p produces CRLF here.  Does --use-cvs literally make cvsps-import run the cvs command on my path?03:31
dleeFiling a bug for lack of a better idea...03:37
inducould some one please help in installing webserve03:39
lifelessindu: If I can make a suggestion. Ask specific questions.03:46
lifelessindu: e.g. 'When I XXX YYY happens'03:46
ubotuNew bug: #181161 in bzr-cvsps-import "Line endings go from CRLF to LF under Cygwin, but not with Tailor" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18116103:56
lifelessdlee: have you tried without cygwin? cyginw does some file mode seting magic03:59
dleeI don't happen to have a non-Cygwin cvsps, though I do have a non-cygwin cvs I think.04:00
indulifeless, i am not knowing the procedure of installing webserve04:02
indulifeless, i have seent he docs folder of the webserve source, where there is a README.txt file, which is giving information about how to configure webserve04:03
induwhich is to be done after the installation, of webserve, and no info about the installation procedure04:03
induits in python coding04:04
spivindu: the README.txt has a section titled "Install"04:05
induspiv, yeah, its in the last line of the README, I am sorry, i missed seeing it. thanks04:06
induspiv, but without knowing this, i have done the copying of the webserve into the plugins fodler04:06
induand then I have done the proper configurations also in the apache.conf file04:07
induthen I started webserve, using #bzr webserve --port=9099 "Official repository" http://localhost:9099/bazaar/04:07
indunow, when I am trying to access the http://localhost:9099/bazaar, its displaying nothing on the browser04:08
induUnbale to connect04:08
spivRunning "bzr webserve ..." has no relation to Apache AFAICT.04:09
spivi.e. you run that command to run it as a standalone server.04:10
induspiv, now i have dont the all the explained configurations, and when i am accessing, through http://localhost/bazaar, my apache error.log is showing the mesage as04:29
spivindu: it sounds like you don't have bzrlib properly installed04:36
lifelesswoot, it pulls04:37
spivindu: oh actually, that looks like a bug in the webserve plugin04:37
spivindu: put "import bzrlib.commands" in the webserve plugin's __init__.py04:38
spivindu: or just change the line that says "import bzrlib" to say "import bzrlib.commands"04:39
induany idea about this error message04:42
dleeIf I do bzr send ... > outfile, then email outfile to a committer, (I) is this the best way to submit code changes where I can't commit/push, and (II) can the committer select among my (possibly multiple) commits in outfile easily and apply at will, in whole or in part?04:47
spivdlee: (why not just run "bzr send", and let it start the email client for you?)04:48
dleeI'm afraid so far my emailings of this sort have just been typo fixes in comments, but I assume those are still of use.04:48
spivdlee: yes, that's a good way to give your changes to someone else04:49
dleeHehehe, good idea but this box isn't set up very well for that.  This is Windows+Cygwin without Windows mail or well-configured Cygwin SMTP... mea culpa :)04:49
spivdlee: they get all the revisions that you added, so they can do with them everything you can locally04:49
spivdlee: including examine individual revisions, etc.04:49
spivdlee: ah, I see :)04:49
induspiv, yeah, now i can see something in my browser, but an error message, saying section not found04:50
dleeCool...because one thing I just saw involves a misspelled class name, and the author may wish not to mess with that04:50
induwhere as I have the repositories in the approprate lcoation04:50
spivindu: I'd guess there's a problem with the configuration file for webserve, but I have no experience with that myself.04:51
spivindu: so I can't offer much help on that04:51
fullermdOf course, if they cherrypick revs, you lose the identity.  But if upstream is in CVS anyway, it hardly matters...04:52
dleeThere must be a way to grab --mail-to from bzr log or somesuch though...04:52
spivfullermd: yeah, but "bzr send" doesn't make that situation any better or worse.04:53
dleeOh this is for Bazaar plugins actually.  I don't know Python (yet), so the best I can do so far is to send typo fixes while I read code and docs...04:53
fullermdYeah.  `send` is uninvolved in that part of the process.04:53
induanyone else there, who can help me in this please04:54
dleeI read with a talking computer, and it seems to catch types of spellos that more easily escape the eye... if you type "Don't forget you hat," I'll catch it right quick; but if you type "Seems theirs a bug here," I won't...04:54
fullermdWhereas that latter instantly grabs my eye and makes me want to beat the perpetrator with a 2x4   :p04:57
induhmm, there seem to be a mistake in the my webserve conf file, could some one please correct it, http://pastebin.ca/84626905:03
ubotuNew bug: #181165 in bzr-webserve ""import bzrlib" should be "import bzrlib.commands"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18116505:05
spivindu: it would help to also tell people what the error you are getting is.05:05
induspiv, my error is on the browser only, and it has lot of details, i think i can take a screenshot and send, any site where I can upload the screenshots images05:07
induin simple, my Error messages on my browser says that ,, section not found: None05:08
induSection Not found05:08
induno one here, who can provide me help in webserve ?05:13
dleeSpiv: fwiw, bzr send direct to email now works here--nicer indeed.  I may be the only Windows user using Mutt though....05:13
spivdlee: :)05:13
fullermdWell, surely there's at least one other sensible Windows users in the wor...   no, you're probably right.05:21
dleefullermd :)05:22
dleefullermd: btw, I tried checking through cvs-import code, and now I wonder if subprocess.popen() is capable of being told something that might help with the line ending conversion issue--but that's a taller stack of stuff to paw through than I want to start tonight...05:24
fullermdWell, that's waay over my head   :)05:26
dleeDoes the cvs-import guy come in here?05:29
fullermdOh, yes, he's in here most days.  But he's in my TZ; it's almost midnight now.05:34
fullermdHe's usually here during the day (say, 1500-2300Z).05:35
fullermdjam or jam-laptop or some such.05:36
fullermdThe list would probably also be a good place to check.05:37
dleeSince I submitted a bug on the cvsps-import line ending issue, if I do manage a code fix that works in my strange environment, would I be better to send it to Jam or somehow paste or attach it into the bug report?05:50
spivdlee: you can attach patches to bugs05:52
spivdlee: or even upload a branch to launchpad and link it to the bug.05:52
dleeAh, the former doesn't surprise me but I didn't spot how to do it; the latter is beyond me to date...05:53
dleebut sounds cool05:53
jameshdlee: you can add attachments in followups to a bug report05:54
jameshwe don't currently have a way to create an attachment when the bug is filed.05:54
dleejamesh: gotcha; explains how I missed it.05:58
mtaylorjelmer: you around? is there any way to do an svn import do that svn tags show up as bzr tags and not bzr branches?06:10
fullermdsvn has tags?   ;)06:12
jameshfullermd: as much as they have branches ...06:14
induno help in webserve i can get here?06:39
lifelessindu: you've been getting help; its a shame it hasn't been enough to sort it all out yet.06:40
lifelessindu: I suggest mailing the list; goffredo reads the list and he knows all about webserve06:40
fullermdlifeless: Oh, hey, it just mentally penetrated that you're fiddling with inventories...06:42
fullermdlifeless: How amenable is our current setup and/or your work to referencing unchanged files?06:43
lifelessfullermd: EPARSE06:46
mtayloris svn2bzr still in work? or has bzr-svn pretty much supplanted it?06:46
fullermdlifeless: `bzr ci --unchanged -m'foo' asdf.c ; bzr log --limit=1 asdf.c (check for 'foo')`06:46
lifelessfullermd: it won't record that06:47
lifelessfullermd: a new version of asdf.c isn't recorded, nor does the metadata about it change.06:47
fullermdDoes it require major surgery to do so?06:48
lifelesswhats the use case06:48
fullermdConversions, for one thing.  Forced commits are very common in the CVS world for making notes on files (updating incorrect commit messages, etc)06:48
fullermdLosing that information would make 'log $FILE' misleading at best.06:49
fullermdAnd with --unchanged existing in bzr, one can imagine doing similar things; if we need --unchanged, we can just as well need to reference files in it, and having 'log' not show those revs would be Wrong.06:49
lifelessso two things06:50
fullermdOf course, the very thought of "high fidelity CVS conversion" is giggle-inducing.06:52
fullermdBut still.06:53
lifelessI think this is worth raising; the conversion argument is not strong - because the upshot of that argument is being a usperset of everything, good bad and ugly06:54
fullermdJust a thought; ISTM that it's something we otter be able to represent, so as long as we're rototilling inventory handling anyway it's a capability to bear in mind.06:54
lifelessthe argument about 'what is --unchanged for' is however really good06:54
lifelessif --unchanged is to allow logging extra information, there's no good reason you can't tickle some files in passing06:54
lifelesswe can represent a new change in the per file graph in the current disk format06:55
lifelessthe surgey is in the commit code is all06:55
lifelessand in UI, to diferentiate between 'selecting' and 'annotating'06:55
fullermd'k.  Should I file a bug, or open up a list discussion?07:04
lifelessdiscussion i think07:04
* fullermd nods.07:04
fullermdGood 'nuff.  Thanks.07:05
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jelmermtaylor: No, bzr-svn doesn't support creating tags yet, that's an open bug.11:59
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ignashow do i release a lock on a launchpad repository ?17:46
ignasi have lost the connection during the initial stage of a push17:46
LarstiQignas: tried bzr break-lock <remote/url>17:46
samiamhi all18:12
samiamquick question18:13
samiamI was trying to install bzr v1.0 onto a ubuntu feisty install and I am getting the following error "Failed to fetch http://bazaar-vcs.org/releases/debs/feisty/./Packages.gz  MD5Sum mismatch"18:14
samiamdoes anyone have an idea if it  is possible for me to fix this on my end or must I wait for changes at the bazaar site?18:14
samiamthere is the obvious alternative that I can install from source, but I liked being able to apt-get the newest release... it will significantly beat version .15 that I have now18:15
Odd_Blokesamiam: What did you add to your sources.list?18:17
luksI don't see the actual deb files for feisty there18:17
samiamOdd_Bloke: deb http://bazaar-vcs.org/releases/debs/feisty ./18:17
luksbut you can use http://launchpad.net/~bzr/+archive which seems to have them18:17
samiamI followed the instructions provided on http://bazaar-vcs.org/DistroDownloads18:18
samiamthanks luks18:21
samiamlooks like getting it from launchpad works properly18:21
mtaylorBAH! The link from bazaar-vcs.org should be changed to the PPA18:23
jelmermtaylor: Well, PPA doesn't build stuff for feisty and dapper yet afaik...18:25
elmojelmer: sure it does?18:25
elmooh, rather, PPA itself can18:25
elmothe packaging would probably need altered to be able to build on all those18:25
mtaylorjelmer: I see bzr packages for dapper-gutsy18:25
jelmerelmo: oh, ok. when was that added?18:26
jelmerelmo: last time we discussed this (a bit before the holidays iirc) PPA supported only gutsy and hardy18:27
elmojelmer: don't know actually, someone only pointed it out to me in the last week or so18:27
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thumperis there any way I can ask a branch what locks it has?19:18
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Pengthumper: I think 'bzr status -v' gives some information.19:26
thumperPeng: ta19:27
thumperPeng: it seems that status requires a working tree19:28
thumperPeng: which I don't have19:28
statikif I want to convert a subversion repository to bazaar19:28
Pengthumper: Sorry, I meant info, not status.19:28
statikand I have a lot of tags in my subversion repo (from every nightly build), what is the best way to get that tag info into bazaar without importing every single tag branch?19:29
thumperPeng: oh, ok, it isn't showing anything about locks19:29
Pengthumper: Even with -v?19:29
thumpermorning statik19:30
statikhey there thumper19:30
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dleeOk I'm *sure* I'm missing the obvious this time, but... if I have 320 revs in my local branch but I need to undo just revision 313, how do I do it?  I'm used to applying what amounts to a reverse patch, then committing rev 321... but I've never done it in Bazaar.20:13
LeoNerdYou can merge it in reverse20:16
LeoNerdbzr merge -r 313..31220:16
PengMight need to use: bzr merge -r 313..312 .20:17
Peng(with the . at the end)20:17
dleeAh... I hadn't put the . for merge branch, so I was getting an error.  Why does "bzr merge -c313 ." say "all changes applied successfully" but appear to do nothing at all?  (Granted that was an experiment...)20:21
Odd_Blokedlee: Check 'bzr status'.20:23
dleeOdd_Bloke:  I must be fine; "bzr status --versioned" is empty.20:25
dlee...and "bzr diff" is also empty.20:26
dleePeng: Worked, thanks.20:26
fullermddlee: '-c313' means '-r312..313', not '-r313..312'.  And it's expected to do nothing, since it's an attempt to merge something you already have.21:17
dleefullermd:  That was my guess, but I experimented to see if it would figure out (from having nothing to do otherwise) that I wanted to go the other way. :)  I was just surprised it said nothing about it, except to indicate success at doing nothing.21:19
dleeIs there a shortcut for reversing just one revision?  I think subversion would do -C313.  That was confusing to me when I saw it, but I'm slipping Bazaar methods into a project hand-over report and making them look as easy as pie so people might start liking Bazaar as much as I do. :)21:20
dlee-r313..312 is good enough otherwise.21:20
Penghg has a backout command.21:25
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dleepeng: Could be done pretty quick with a plugin I bet.21:39
PengProbably be done with an alias.21:45
PengWhat the heck?21:46
lifelesshmm, side effect of a failed upgrade most likely21:48
PengI didn't know anything other than '.bzr.backup' was used.21:48
PengI ran a 'find' and upgrade to pack-0.92 to upgrade branches a couple days ago.21:48
PengRepos were already updated.21:48
PengThere was only a 'repository.backup' directory, no 'repository' directory.21:48
mtaylorhey guys - given a MergeDirective - what's the best way to get a list of revisions contained within it21:49
PengAnd a .bzr.backup was created.21:49
mtaylorI'm guessing I want to get deserialize the MergeDirective.bundle, right?21:49
lifelessPeng: strange; care to file a bug with any info you can think of that might be relevant?21:49
PengVery little info though.21:50
mtaylorah... found it21:51
PengBug 145812, perhaps?21:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 145812 in bzr "Upgrade can leave a broken repository (with backup)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14581221:52
lifelessPeng: so the repository is not working at all ?21:53
PengI renamed it back to 'repository' and it's fine.21:53
poolfoolI have been using bzr under linux for a while now, I am now trying to get a National Instruments (NI) LabView (LV) project under revision control with bzr (1.0.0); my project directory has sub directories with whitespace (proj/a sub proj). This seems to cause problems when I try to branch.21:54
poolfoolI get the error "bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "C:/Documents and .../Desktop/proj/a sub proj". what am I doing wrong? Does bzr on Microsoft Windows not handle whitespace as well?21:55
lifelessit should21:56
GaryvdMis "proj/a sub proj" the dir you are branching from, or to?21:58
poolfoolJust for a point of refrence, 'bzr branch "proj" "proj.a"' works fine ...21:58
poolfoolimportant ... note the ' " '21:58
poolfoolGaryvdM: branching from21:59
GaryvdMAnd if you go into that dir, is there a hidden directory called .bzr?22:00
poolfoolGaryvdM: So ... on a linux machine what I think I would type is "bzr branch proj/a\ sub\ proj proj/a\ sub\ proj.b"22:00
PengAh ah.22:00
PengI just checked .bzr.log.22:01
PengIt is the bug I mentioned earlier.22:01
poolfoolGaryvdM: Under 'proj' there is a folder .bzr; under the folder 'proj' "bzr status" returns nothing. ie. every file in there (including 'a sub proj') are under bzr control.22:01
GaryvdMon windows what you would type is: bzr branch "proj\a sub proj" "proj\ a sub proj.b"22:02
Penglifeless: Comment?22:03
GaryvdMI think your branch is "proj" - not "proj\a sub proj"22:03
lifelessPeng: what bug earlier ?22:04
PengBug 145812.22:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 145812 in bzr "Upgrade can leave a broken repository (with backup)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14581222:04
PengYou triaged it a few months ago. :)22:04
poolfoolGaryvdM: Yep ... I was trying to branch an individual sub directory in the project ... not the whole project. My Bad.22:04
PengTrivial to reproduce.22:04
Pengbzr init --pack-0.92-subtree; bzr upgrade22:05
lifelessI have no browser right now, will check it later22:05
PengYou don't have a browser open?22:05
lifelessperformance testing22:06
lifelessneed the memory for cache22:06
PengWith that 20-second commit I do with hg, when Firefox is really chewing RAM, it can take over a minute. :)22:08
ubotuNew bug: #181367 in bzr "bzr update should work in a treeless bound branch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18136722:26
pooliegood morning22:47
statikhello! when I try to run bzr qcommit under gnome (ubuntu 7.10 gutsy), I get a window with no window decoration. When I run qtconfig, I get normal looking window decoration. Do I need to do anything special to make qbzr get window decoration?23:05
jelmerstatik: luks is the person you would want to talk to, when he's around23:16
statikjelmer: ok, thanks23:16
statikI did try just a very simple pyqt application, and I get window decoration23:16
statikand I don't see any errors in ~/.bzr.log23:16
jelmerlifeless: Now that PPA supports Dapper, Edgy and Feisty, do you have any plans to move the bazaar-vcs.org debian repo to PPA or would you rather keep it separate because of the signing?23:23
mtaylorstatik: the best way to fix that is to use pygtk23:26
statikmtaylor: did you know qbzr already has the commit message save and restore in it?23:26
statikyou'll need to modify it to handle per-file commit messages, but that should be not so hard23:27

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