
=== jpetso_away is now known as jpetso
nixternalVorian: if you want to, you need to fix the kmldonkey package with the updated cdbs/ directory, change Maintainer to Kubuntu Developers <kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com>, add yourself as XSBC-Original-Maintainer, and then add export LDFLAGS+="-Wl,--as-needed" just above the kde.mk call in rules00:02
Voriannixternal: ok00:02
* nixternal goes and watches our tornadic weather in January in Chicago in sane :p00:03
nixternalyou know it is messed up when it hits 66 in Chicago during Winter time00:03
Vorianit's hot here too00:03
nixternaland there go the tornado sirens again00:04
nixternalgotta watch :p00:04
jjessenixternal: still getting storms?00:23
jjessewife mentioned she is under a tornado watch00:23
* jjesse is frankfort ky so doesn't know what is going on00:23
jjesseanyone see the video from Bill G's keynote at CES? http://gizmodo.com/341472/this-video-makes-bill-gates-look-cooler-than-steve-jobs01:21
jjessethat's right he's Big Pimpin Bill G01:22
* Jucato runs scared... yawning01:31
jjessemorning Jucato01:31
Jucatogood evening jjesse :)01:31
jjessehow arey ou?01:32
JucatoI'm... umm.. ok :)01:33
Jucatoand you? :)01:33
jjessetoo early?01:33
jjessei'm doing good, back on the road again01:33
jjessebtw i've been working on the adept docs a lot, lots of comits :)01:33
Jucatoooh! I haven't read yet... btw... is there a way I can read it as a plain text, w/o the XML tags? :D01:34
Jucatobah nvm.. I'm just being lazy lol01:34
jjessei would need a valid makefile to build01:34
jjessemaybe nixternal can build me one?01:35
jjessehe understands the process01:35
Jucatonah nvm... I'll just read it... but um... what's the link to your branch again? :D01:35
* Jucato seems to be losing his touch....01:36
Jucatobah, have to go... gotta stash away the christmas tree and stuff01:37
* Jucato wonders what the c/ directories mean01:41
jjessec is for the language01:43
jjessei think01:43
Jucatowhooops, jjesse, our adept guide instructs users to use "sudo adept" :D02:13
jjessehrm kdesudo?02:14
Jucato(of course there's no "adept" executable now, but "sudo" is equally wrong :D)02:14
Jucatokdesu would be ok :)02:14
Jucatojjesse: hmm wait... we have to be clear, is this handbook for Adept Manager? we might have to change &app and/or &appshort to reflect that,  right?02:15
jjesseit doesn't?02:15
Jucatoah &app is "Adept Package Manager" and &appshort is "Adept"... hm... ok I guess that would do :)02:16
Jucatobecause the command would have to be "kdesu adept_manager"02:16
jjesseok will have to change it02:16
* Jucato hugs jjesse02:17
JucatoI'll see if I can send patches too :P02:17
nivekWow. That's a ... unique ... username.02:18
nivek<zippercock> and get nothing during boot02:18
nivekhey Hobbsee02:19
jjessehello Hobbsee02:19
yuriyshouldn't documentation tell people to launch it from the menu?02:20
jjesseyuriy: tell it from both02:20
jjessethe menu and from the command line02:20
* Jucato seconds jjesse :)02:21
Jucatohi Hobbsee!!!02:21
Hobbseeheya Jucato!02:21
nixternaljjesse: meinproc index.docbook02:23
jjessenixternal: thanks, survive the tornamdo?02:23
nixternalfor adept handbook, that will build out the html with the kde settings02:23
Jucatohiya nixternal!! :)02:23
nixternalit was false alarms I think02:23
nixternalit all went a bit south02:23
jjesseah bummer :)02:23
nixternalgot windy though02:23
Jucatojjesse: the screenshots might now get linked properly though02:23
Jucato(a.k.a. there seems to be some wrong paths...)02:24
jjessehrmm got lots off errors when i ran meinproc adeptdude.xml02:24
jjessewill need to fix them02:24
* Jucato nods02:25
Jucatois it just me, or does Dolphin (KDE 4) launch 2 windows when I click on the K Menu entry, and it tries to open 2 non-existant directories, "KDE", and "4". (kubuntu-members-kde4 ppa)02:26
jjessemust be just you02:26
* Jucato sobs02:27
Hobbseedo we have finished kde4 final packages yet?02:28
jjessenot until next week right?02:28
JucatoHobbsee is excited :D02:28
Jucatothis friday (Jan 11)02:28
Hobbseei thought kubuntu had packages for it02:28
* jjesse is looking to reload his laptop w/ kde4 final02:28
* Jucato doesn't know what to do :)02:29
* Hobbsee has unlimited connection here @ library, so...02:29
Hobbseeoh, i'll update the daily cds02:29
Jucatocheater :)02:30
tlaytonjucato: i get those two windows with dolphin as well02:33
* jjesse can't really test it as he's currently running windows02:33
Hobbseeso, which packages are we to install in hardy to get kde4?02:33
Hobbseedoes it all "just work" from a packaging side yet?02:33
Jucatooh we have a metapackage now? kool02:34
jjessedon't know for sure, but i thought i heard it that way?02:34
Hobbseedoes that fix kdm4 into working?02:34
Hobbseei thought we had it.02:35
nixternallet me guess, Vorian is glued to the TV right now watching those nuts02:35
tlaytonjucato: plus, it looks for Home in the wrong dir. it is trying ~/KDE for Home, instead of the actual value in the bookmark02:35
nixternalGO LSU!02:35
Voriannixternal: i had to take a break02:35
jjessei hate OSU02:36
Vorianjjesse: where are you from?02:36
nixternalI now know why they call it OS X, they obviously missed a letter or 202:36
nixternalOSUX or OITSUX is more like it02:36
jjesseVorian: guess02:36
nixternalGO BLUE!02:36
Vorianoh sheesh02:36
nixternalactually I think jjesse prefers Green02:37
* Vorian vomits02:37
* Hobbsee wonders if she forgot to new the binaries02:37
Vorianwell, I can live with blue02:37
jjessei actually hope OSU wins so the Big Ten doesn't look like a complete embarrasment02:37
Jucatotlayton: no, it still goes to my $HOME, but initially, when you start Dolphin, it will open 2 windows, one is at ~/KDE, and one is at ~/4... neither folders exist02:37
nixternaloh man, to late, I have you quoted, Ohio will throw you out of the their state now02:37
Hobbseelots of kde4 langpacks02:38
Voriannixternal: was kmldonky ok?02:38
nixternalumm, have to look...but tell me that you just zipped everything up into a .bz2 and didn't actually do a .orig.tar.bz202:39
Hobbseeit apperas to be called kde402:39
Voriani did a mv tar.bz2 tro orig.tar.bz202:40
Voriandamn rrrrrrrrrr key02:40
Vorianits too touchy02:40
Hobbseeoh, meh.02:40
nixternalnah, to create an orig tarball, it has to be orig.tar.gz02:41
Vorianlate greeting Hobbsee :)02:41
nixternalto do that, extract the upstream tarball02:41
Hobbseekde4 packages are extremely broken, dependancy wise02:41
nixternalrename the directory if needed02:41
nixternalie. mv kmldonkey-4.0.0 kmldonkey-kde4-4.0.002:41
nixternalcd cd into the new directory02:41
nixternalthen do ->  dh_make -e your@email.address -f ../kmldonkey-4.0.0.tar.bz202:42
nixternalthat will create the debian/ directory and the .orig.tar.gz file for you02:42
Jucatojjesse: the Active filters section might need a major rewrite... (I'm still in the reading and reviewing part... I'll try to see what I can write up later :P)02:42
jjessetouchdown osu02:42
Jucatojjesse: unless of course, you beet me too it02:42
Jucatoer.. "beat me to it"*02:42
jjesseJucato: i think that guide needs a whole rewrite02:42
jjessealso check out addremoveprograms02:42
Jucatohaha well, some parts are ok :)02:42
Jucatoeek I hate that :P02:43
Jucatoheh ok I'll try :P02:43
jjessethe more i used to start documentating i the more istarted to like it02:43
jjessenote i started to like it02:43
* Jucato just doesn't like the concept behind using a separate app-install database...02:44
Jucato(an incomplete one, at that)02:44
jjessehrmm i didn't know there was a seperate database02:44
jjessefor add remove then adept/apt?02:45
Jucato!info app-install-data02:45
ubotuapp-install-data: Ubuntu applications (data files). In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.7 (gutsy), package size 5526 kB, installed size 17952 kB02:45
Jucatothat's what Add/Remove (Ubuntu and Kubuntu) uses02:45
jjessei like the optional part of it :)02:45
Jucatoit doesn't list everything that's in the app database itself, just a select number, probably to give more description or metadata02:46
Jucatowell, it's not entirely optional in the case of add/remove... :)02:46
Jucatoit's a required dependency of adept-installer :P02:46
* Hobbsee finally writes a .bz2 to .gz conversion script02:50
Jucatopython? or bash? :)02:51
Jucatoor perl? bwahah!02:51
* Jucato keeps quiet now02:51
Hobbseemight convert it to python later02:52
nixternalHobbsee: that is actually a good idea02:57
nixternalright now I copy and paste from knotes when I do it :p02:57
nixternalwtf, why didn't I ever think about tossing something in /usr/local/bin to do it...I am such a moron02:57
Hobbseeooh, i win.02:58
Hobbseei think02:59
* Jucato pets nixternal... you have your days :)02:59
Jucatoor nights :)02:59
nixternalya, but everyday is my day02:59
Jucatoevery night is my day :)02:59
nixternalmy enthusiasm has gone to crap recently02:59
Vorianok nixternal , re-sent02:59
nixternalI don't feel innovative with any idea02:59
nixternalactually, I haven't even come with up an idea lately02:59
nixternalI think the hamster in my head died03:00
Jucatoouch... I was about to laud you on your renewed efforts on Kubuntu actually :)03:00
* Jucato prepares the funeral rites then...03:00
nixternalI was just gonna have him creamated, then roll up his ashes and smoke um03:00
* nixternal is watching Bill Gates keynote again03:00
Jucatohappy new year! (I wasn't able to greet you)03:01
* n8k99 waves at Jucato03:01
Jucatonixternal: linky? :)03:01
nixternalright on the front page03:01
n8k99i was on a six week sabbatical03:01
Jucatooh... needs silverlight right?03:01
Jucaton8k99: nice!03:01
nixternalyou need silverass or whatever it is called to watch it in your browser, but there is a link right next to the window that you can grab the stream and watch it in a regular video player03:02
Hobbseesarah@LongPointyStick:/devel/current% bunzip2gz                          2:02PM03:02
n8k99yup i was playing with compiz and gnome while out of school03:02
* Hobbsee triumps over basename.03:02
Jucaton8k99: not nice03:02
Jucaton8k99: you have a tablet pc right?03:02
n8k99it was ok at first but then, well, i needed my productivity back03:03
n8k99yes, and i got the touchscreen working with the help of someone in malaysia03:03
* Hobbsee wins properly!03:03
Jucatooh kool!03:03
Jucatograts Hobbsee!03:03
Jucaton8k99: so there really are some compatibility problems when it comes to Linux/Ubuntu + Touchscreens?03:04
n8k99no and depends03:04
Jucatook :)03:05
n8k99my solution was ultimately enabling 'touch panel' instead of 'tablet' in BIOS03:05
Jucatocoz I might (if my dreams come true) get a UMPC... of course it runs Vista... so... :/03:05
n8k99which one are you looking at?03:05
Jucatoa Gigabyte U60...03:06
n8k99who makes that?03:06
Jucatothere are only 2 locally available UMPC's... Gigabyte U60 and Sony VAIO UX...03:06
JucatoGigabyte :)03:06
n8k99oh duh!03:06
Jucatohttp://www.buyqube.com/U60Notebook.htm da speks03:07
Jucatoit costs around half the price of a Sony VAIO... so...03:07
Jucatobut still 2x as much as a Nokia tablet.. :(03:07
n8k99yup a paid double a new Nokia tablet03:09
n8k99that looks like it may have the same screen in it that I have03:10
JucatoI want an N810!!! (or even just a N800 please?) :(03:10
n8k99the real pain is once you get the evtouch driver to cooperate you have to guesswork the xorg settings03:11
Jucatooh... I would hate that :(03:11
nixternalshh, but I really one :p03:11
nixternaldamn video keeps locking up03:11
Jucaton8k99: what's the model/brand of your tablet pc btw?03:11
Jucatonixternal:  you really one?03:12
n8k99fujitsu u81003:12
nixternalthe Bill Gates video is freakin' great on what his life will be like when he leaves Microsoft03:12
n8k99it's the u1010 in asia03:12
nixternalno I don't have one03:12
Jucato<nixternal> shh, but I really one :p03:12
nixternaldamn, spelling made me lose03:12
Jucatolol :P03:12
Jucaton8k99: oh I see...03:12
* Jucato looks03:12
* nixternal grabs the long pointy stick of doom really really quick03:12
* nixternal runs like a dart03:13
nixternalRUN FOREST RUN!03:13
JucatoHobbsee didn't notice yet...03:13
n8k99nixternal:  is that a dodge dart?03:13
Jucaton8k99: oh wow!! this one? http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080107-fujtisu-ultramobile-marries-eee-form-factor-with-tablet-pc.html03:13
Voriani'm getting this error with ligature03:14
Vorianhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51172/  Blitz_DIR03:14
n8k99Jucato: yes that's teh one03:14
Voriani read something about creating a BlitzConfig.mk file03:15
Vorianany ideas?03:15
n8k99Jucato this is actually mine http://so.nacreo.us/2007/11/on-video_28.html03:17
* Jucato heads for lunch03:27
Jucaton8k99: nice :)03:27
n8k99enjoy lunch03:27
Vorianfinally a break!03:29
nixternalVorian: OK, 2 things left with kmldonkey and you should be golden:03:31
nixternal1) debian/cdbs/ directory needs these 2 files only -> http://www.nixternal.com/~rj/cdbs/03:31
Vorianso - utils03:32
nixternal2) break up your lines in debian/control to 80 columns wide, add a full description03:32
nixternalbreak the line after kdelibs5-dev, so right after that comma hit enter and then add a space before the libplasma-dev03:33
nixternalthen it should be damn close to golden03:33
nixternalI made myself sick looking at your copyright file, so that usually means it has to be correct :p03:34
nixternalI hate copyright files when they have anything other than GPL03:34
nixternalHobbsee: does CC licenses meet DFSG?03:34
Hobbseei think so03:34
* Hobbsee runs off03:34
nixternal    Flag images found at http://www.hahn-hotel.com/flags/03:35
nixternal    "All sets provided by us are free to use to anyone, for commercial or03:35
nixternal     non-commercial websites."03:35
nixternal    However, the author has confirmed that they can be used under this Creative03:35
nixternal    Commons License:03:35
nixternal        http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/de/03:35
nixternalnotice the quote, just says you are free to use, not free to modify03:35
nixternalthat right there won't pass DFSG03:36
Voriannixternal: this app has poo for descriptions03:38
nixternalVorian: how come I don't see plugins/infowidget/geoip? anywhere in this archive?03:38
Vorianthere wern't any in the tarball03:39
nixternalwhere did you get that line from then in the copyright file?03:40
Voriannixternal: oops03:40
* Vorian edits03:40
nixternalok, ya so all of that CC stuff needs to go, and I just deleted the damn directory ;P03:41
Vorianlook at the source copyright03:41
nixternalCOPYING is GPL v203:41
nixternaleverything in that entire package is GPL v203:43
Vorianthose nutters put a crazy trailer at the end of their copyright03:43
nixternalthat is the copyright header info for every file in that package03:45
nixternalthe word 'creativecommons' is not found anywhere in there though03:46
Voriannixternal: how did you extract those?03:47
nixternalI think that is in debscripts03:48
nixternallicensecheck --copyright *03:49
nixternalin root directory of the application03:49
* nixternal goes to play some call of duty 403:51
Vorianok nixternal, you should have some mail04:22
=== uga__ is now known as uga
apache|mobileRiddell, imbrandon: can one of you please upload http://codebrowse.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/amarok/debian/revision/17307:45
apache|mobile...when the free is lifted ;-)07:46
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
_StefanS_hey Tonio_09:41
Tonio_yo _StefanS_ !09:41
Tonio_brb, just a moment09:41
\shmoins ton09:49
Riddellnixternal: those flags are CC (of some acceptable sort)10:15
RiddellCC is not DFSG free but it is fine in ubuntu10:15
Tonio_hi Riddell10:16
Riddellsalut Tonio_10:16
Tonio_Riddell: I was discussing with some collegues about fosdem10:19
Tonio_Riddell: will you be there this year ? I might10:19
RiddellTonio_: yes, should be10:19
Tonio_ho that would be super !10:19
Tonio_Riddell: you'll be at the kubuntu booth I guess ?10:22
Tonio_Riddell: if so may I be at the booth with you ?10:22
RiddellTonio_: there is no Kubuntu stall10:24
Tonio_Riddell: sad :/10:25
Tonio_Riddell: well in any case I might see you and a couple of other guys there, which is good :)10:26
\shTonio_: did you see that pykdeextensions re-implemented kdepyuic in the correct ways?10:34
Tonio_\sh: yeah10:46
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
Tonio_\sh: you mean the package ? it has been built and kdepyuic is correct now10:47
Tonio_\sh_away: guidance has been built with it10:47
Tonio_\sh_away: or are you talking about upstream that previously fixed it ?10:47
Riddellapache|mobile: amarok uploaded10:51
apache|mobileRiddell: thanks10:52
HobbseeRiddell: where is 4.0 (the rest of it?)11:00
RiddellHobbsee: on my hard disk11:02
HobbseeRiddell: when can we have it?11:02
Hobbseeand does it Just Work (tm) now?11:02
Riddellshould just work, it's not that different from the upload in currently11:04
RiddellI'll upload closer to release time11:04
Hobbseeah right11:05
manchickenMan, what a week... and it's only Tuesday.11:25
manchickenI had someone ask me if I was interested in a contract position at Boeing working with Python and Qt.  I hate turning down neat opportunities like that.  Anybody interested in moving to Washington state?  heh11:27
manchickenRiddell: Are you near the country?11:29
apache|mobileRiddell: can you please also backport to ubuntu2~gutsy1?11:30
sebasRiddell: Release time is Friday, before noon it seems, btw. :)11:31
Riddellmanchicken: not until next week11:31
Riddellapache|mobile: amarok? ok11:32
sebasRiddell: You're in Mountain View?11:32
Riddellsebas: will be11:32
apache|mobileRiddell: yep11:32
sebasRiddell: Cool :)11:32
apache|mobileinitial bug report actually was for the backport ;-)11:33
manchickenRiddell: Do you know about how much hotels are in the Scottish country-side?  My folks are gonna be having their 30th wedding anniversary next year and I thought that a trip to the picturesque Scottish country-side would be a nice gift.11:33
Riddellmanchicken: as much as you want to pay really :)11:34
manchickenRiddell: Well if you're anywhere near Mahomet, IL, let me know.  You're more than welcome to come visit :)11:34
Riddellmanchicken: plenty of cheapish bed and breakfasts about, plenty of expensive places too11:34
manchickenRiddell: What if I want a fantastic room but I'm not looking to pay anything?11:34
Riddellmanchicken: visitscotland.com is the main website11:34
manchickenIs it?  Thanks, I'll look there.11:34
Riddellmanchicken: they can stay in the spare room in my flat11:34
manchickenI don't know if you'd be keen on having my dad in your place.  He's a great guy, but I don't recommend living with him.11:35
manchickenBut then again, I never was much for living with other people.  Dacia's the only person I've ever really been able to live with well.11:35
Riddellmanchicken: what about that bairn you live with?11:36
* Tm_T is totally family person11:36
* manchicken doesn't know what a Bairn is...11:36
Riddellwee ane11:37
manchickenThe baby?11:37
manchickenIt's easy to live with the baby before it's born.  Ask again once it's come out.11:37
manchickenIt should really be here any day now.11:38
Tm_Tbabies <311:38
manchickenWe're 39 weeks, and pregnancies go up to 40 weeks on average from what I understand.11:38
Tm_Tmanchicken: it will be exhausting, but sooo rewarding11:38
manchickenWe're due on Monday the 14th.11:38
manchickenTm_T: Sounds like the rest of life.11:38
Tm_Tmanchicken: aye11:38
Riddellmanchicken: ooh ooh, lets have him come out on friday morning, then you can name him kde 4.011:39
manchickenBut at least the baby won't be as boring as some other parts of life.11:39
Tm_TRiddell: awww11:39
manchickenRiddell: heh11:39
Tm_Tmanchicken: boring, no, noisy in some cases, definately11:39
manchickenRiddell: We're nick-naming him "Badger," after that one badger song by weebls-stuff.co.uk11:39
* Tm_T is feeling older every day11:40
manchickenRiddell: My first brown ale is going to be called "Badger Brown"11:40
manchickenTm_T: Noisy is okay.  I'm just not interested in boring.11:40
manchickenEnough of life is already boring.11:40
Tm_Tmanchicken: hehe11:40
manchickenI still can't believe I got up at 4:30 this morning.11:40
manchickenIt's gotta be this stupid thunder storm.11:40
Tm_Tmanchicken: oh, get used to it11:41
Tm_Tmanchicken: and 2 hour sleeps tops11:41
manchickenSomething wrong with a thunderstorm in January.11:41
manchickenTm_T: That doesn't sound too bad.11:41
manchickenI'll just sleep like the baby.11:41
manchickenLots of naps :)11:41
Tm_Tunless babies have changed dramatically since 20's11:41
manchickenYou had a baby in the 1920s?11:42
manchickenI didn't know that about you.11:42
manchickenDoesn't that put you in your 90s?11:42
Tm_Tmore like 11011:42
manchickenAre you serious?11:43
Tm_TI'm very serious about this, in some weird way11:43
Tm_Tto be honest, no, I don't have kids on my own, yet11:43
Tm_Tmanchicken: I just often feel like I did born 189511:44
Tm_Tand why not11:44
Tm_Tnothing wrong in that year, really11:45
Tm_Thalf-rotten body and all, so, why not11:45
Tm_TEmmett Chapman - Lotus on Irish Streams11:46
manchickenAnd I'm sure that by 1895 you mean 1983 :)11:47
Tm_Tactually no11:47
Tm_Tby 1895 I mean 189511:47
manchickenI've gotta find some interesting beer recipes.11:48
Tm_Tmanchicken: oh, I know some "interesting" indeed11:49
manchickenOkay, interesting and good.11:49
manchickenMy first batch is going to be an English brown ale.11:50
Tm_Tmmmmh, I have to go, will catch you later ->11:50
manchickenBut I can't brew until after the baby comes or I might not get it into bottles on time.11:51
mhbTm_T: well hello to the 21st century, where all backends are Qt- or GTK- dependent and everythin is connected via DBUS.12:05
apachelogger__Riddell: thanks for the backport :)12:33
* stdin pokes someone to look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeutils/+bug/18110613:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 181106 in kdeutils "KGPG requires Konsole" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:31
jjessemorning :)13:45
DaSkreechstdin: What's the point?13:50
stdinDaSkreech: because it will need konqueror on gnome too13:50
DaSkreechstdin: Oh sorry I was asking what's the benefit of installin kgpg on Gnome13:51
stdindid i say konqueror, I meant konsole13:51
stdinmaybe because whatever gnome uses isn't as good? I don't know13:52
DaSkreechAnd KGPG doesn't really need Konsole I'll assume13:52
stdinit doesn't need it, but it does on gnome...13:54
DaSkreechSo if you remove Konsole on KDE and install KGPG it doesn't ask for it?13:54
stdinit looks in the kde settings for which terminal emulator to use and falls back to konsole, but gnome users don't have kde settings13:55
* Hobbsee notes it should look in /etc/alternatives then13:55
stdinall kgpg depends on is kdelibs (and so Qt3) and gnupg13:56
DaSkreechHobbsee: Question. Since we are shipping Dolphin will we still need to patch Konqueror?13:58
Hobbseeerm...good questoin13:58
Hobbseei suspect we can if we wish13:58
Jucatopatch how/why?13:59
Jucatobtw, hi! :)13:59
* DaSkreech hugs Jucato13:59
Jucatostdin: my kde4 goto guy, does clicking on Dolphin from the K Menu or kickoff launch 2 Dolphin windows, one opening to ~/KDE and one to ~/4.. neither of which exists?14:00
* DaSkreech ponders having a konqueror-virgin package14:00
Jucatothe correct (politically correct) term would be "vanilla" :)14:01
* stdin starts kde4 and checks14:01
Jucatostdin: even in kde314:01
JucatoI mean, launching Dolphin 4 from KDE 3 K Menu14:01
DaSkreechJucato: how is your wizardry ?14:02
Jucatoin what? (but the answer will always be "poor")14:02
stdinJucato: confirmed in kde314:02
DaSkreechJucato: Sourcemage14:03
Jucatoah magery...14:03
Jucatoer.. magecraft :P14:03
stdinand now kde4 too14:03
Jucatodoing fine... still finding a way to strike a harmonious balance between it and Kubuntu :)14:03
Jucatostdin: wonder what happens :/14:04
DaSkreechJucato: They are source based right?14:04
stdinI have no clue :p14:04
JucatoDaSkreech: yep14:05
DaSkreechAh so getting KDE4 isn't an issue?14:05
Jucatostdin: perhaps a hardcoded $HOME setting for Dolphin14:05
JucatoDaSkreech: well that depends.. it still uses some form of packaging system (like portage)... but so far until last week, I've always built from svn14:06
stdinI'll have to have a look, but running dolphin from krunner works fine14:06
Jucatoah then more hm....14:06
DaSkreechMaybe they pass an argument to it from the menu?14:06
jjesseawesome everyone i'm supposed to be training at tthis client has called in sick14:07
jjessegoing to be a fun day14:07
JucatoI tried to check the menu entry.. nothing suspicious...14:07
DaSkreechjjesse: Wear a sars mask14:08
Jucatowell, if they've called in sick, they're probably absent.. :)14:10
Jucatostill, prevention is the best cure..14:10
Jucatoor some shyte like that :D14:10
jjessethey are absent14:15
jjessewhich makes my day even better14:15
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stdinJucato: I see why it's opening 2 windows now :)14:15
Jucatooh why? :)14:16
stdinExec=dolphin-kde4 %i -caption "%c"  where %c = "Dolphin KDE 4", but the wrapper scripts doesn't preserve the quotes14:16
stdinat least, I think ;)14:17
DaSkreechjjesse: are you paid to lecture or paid to teach?14:17
jjessepaid to teach, software trainer14:17
Jucatoso the caption becomes Dolphin, and KDE and 4 become arguments...14:17
stdinseems that way to me14:17
jjesseDaSkreech: so when the students aren't here, the client is still paying for the whole week of training14:20
jjesseDaSkreech: so i get paid to do nothing all day :)14:20
Jucatoperfect chance to do some Kubuntu love :)14:21
DaSkreechjjesse: You get paid to lecture then :)14:21
jjesseDaSkreech: yeah i guess you could say i get paid to lecture14:21
DaSkreechjjesse: I used to know a lecturer who would turn up for class and just start. Empty classroom didn't matter. He was paid to lecture during a certain time. Not to teach14:22
jjesseJucato: hopefully i can get some kubuntu love :)14:22
stdinJucato: actually it seems dolphin totally ignores -caption all together, then just takes everything but the 1st word as an argument, even when in quotes14:24
DaSkreechstdin: bug?14:24
stdinseems like it14:24
stdinand removing "-caption %c" from the .desktop fixes the multiple opens14:24
Jucatostdin: try --caption?14:25
stdinsame result14:25
Jucatomust really be a bug :/14:26
stdinhmm, other kde4 apps seem only to take the 1st word as the caption too, eg: kwrite-kde4 -caption "KKwrite KDE 4"    set's the caption to "KKwrite" and tries to open "KDE" and "4"14:32
* DaSkreech pushes stdin into #kde4-devel14:33
stdinDaSkreech: I'm just collecting some info to do just that :)14:34
Jucatostdin: does using single quotes make a diff?14:34
stdinJucato: nope14:34
Jucatostdin: hm.. my -caption doesn't seem to work at all...14:41
stdinnot on dolphin, but it works (for me) on konqueror14:42
Jucatooh wait, using the wrong binaries :P14:42
Jucatohm.. why do I have a dolphin in /usr/lib/kde4 and a dolphin-kde4... hm...14:43
stdinbecause dolphin-kde4 is a wrapper script?14:45
* Jucato didn't know14:45
JucatoI'm confused about $KDEHOME in there...14:46
Jucatodoesn't the patch to kdelibs4 take care of setting the $KDEHOME for kde4 apps?14:46
Jucato(patch from Debian)14:46
stdindoesn't hurt to set it anyway14:47
Jucatoanyway, the script does set the other env vars...14:47
Jucatostdin: that was.. um.. :/14:59
stdinI sooo wanted it to be their fault for once :p14:59
Jucatotoo bad :)14:59
Jucatome too :)14:59
Jucatojust for once...just for once!!!14:59
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stdin"sed -i 's/\\\$\$\@/\\"\\$$@\\"/g' debian/rules" should fix it: \$$@ -> \"\$$@\"15:21
* stdin makes debdiffs15:21
Jucatoaaah! gotta love sed :)15:21
stdinmy \ is beginning to get worn out :p15:21
DaSkreechJucato, stdin: they have been doing this a lot longer than we have. Learn from them while you can!15:29
* Jucato doesn't want to learn anymore... :(15:29
* stdin is too busy making debdiffs to learn anything15:30
* Jucato is too busy procrastinating to type anyth15:31
* DaSkreech is too busy typing to typ.. umm think15:33
stdinand now I have another bug: kfmclient-kde4, kfmclient-kde4, oh where for art thou kfmclient-kde4?15:35
Jucatoah perhaps no wrapper script?15:35
stdinshould be a wrapper script in /usr/bin, but it's not being created and so breaking url handling in kde315:35
yuriysame problem here15:36
* stdin pokes Riddell with some debdiffs http://www.stdin.me.uk/diffs/16:31
stdinor anyone who can upload them16:31
DaSkreechJucato: No sleep for you?16:32
Jucatostill typing a year end review :)16:32
Riddellstdin: I'll add those to the 4.0 uploads16:34
DaSkreechRiddell: Do we still need to patch Konqueror since we are shipping dolphin ?16:35
RiddellDaSkreech: patch for what?16:36
Jucato(same question I asked earlier :P)16:36
DaSkreechMenus etc to Kubuntuize it16:36
Riddellwe still use konqueror16:36
DaSkreechbut do we need to patch it16:37
Riddelland most of the changes we make are in 4.0 anyway16:37
Riddellyes, default konqueror is horrific16:37
DaSkreechRiddell: Is it possible to have a konqueror-vanilla package for those who like horror shows ?16:37
Jucatodefault konqueror 4 as a file manager is terrible... :(16:37
stdinkonqueror in kde4 uses the dolphin kpart16:38
DaSkreechYes I know16:38
* DaSkreech sighs16:38
Jucatostdin: yes... but annoyingly, you have to use Dolphin to configure settings for Konqueror too... in some cases16:39
stdinyou have to use konqueror in kde3 to configure some d3lphin settings, like if it opens directories or not ;)16:39
Jucatothat's a system settings problem :)16:41
Jucatobesides, we all know how d3lphin is :P16:42
stdinI wonder if I can find out why kfmclient-kde4 wasn't made now...16:43
RiddellDaSkreech: remove kubuntu-default-settings16:47
DaSkreechRiddell: how many apps does that affect?16:47
* DaSkreech will go find out16:47
DaSkreechRight after this meeting ;016:47
stdinRiddell: if you could also add "usr/bin/kfmclient-kde4" to debian/konqueror-kde4.install in kdebase-kde4 what would fix some breakage17:21
Riddellstdin: ok17:22
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yuriystdin: gonna apply that fix to ppa?17:35
stdinyuriy: thinking about it ;)17:37
Riddellyuriy: which fix?17:39
stdinthe small fix the debdiffs provided, I'm wondering if it's worth it17:40
Riddellstdin: I'd just wait for the 4.0 packages17:40
stdinthat's what I'm thinking too17:40
stdinseems like a lot of work, and bandwidth would be wasted, if I did17:41
yuriyi meant the kfmclient fix17:43
Riddellsame thing17:44
Riddellwho wants fame and fortune by submitting a paragraph to dot.kde.org pointing at this? http://drowstar.blogspot.com/2008/01/first-look-at-unreleased-kde400-with.html17:44
DaSkreechRiddell: Digg beat you to it :)17:45
Riddellnobody reads digg (well I've tried and never found it remotely useful), dot news on the other hand is always popular17:46
stdinignore me17:46
DaSkreechThey have been having slobbering wars over KDE 4 in the past three weeks17:46
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jjesseis that article really "first look"  i mean lots of people have been using kde4 from svn for a while18:08
Riddelljjesse: first look at 4.018:08
Riddell4.0.0 rather18:08
jjessewell can't you just compile from branches/4.0 and it will be "first look"18:09
Riddellwell yes, that's what he did18:10
Riddelland now I need someone to submit the story to the dot18:10
jjessehow do you do that?18:14
Riddellah hah, a volunteer!18:15
Riddelljjesse: http://dot.kde.org/addPostingForm18:15
jjessebored at work18:15
Riddellhttp://dot.kde.org/1199623673/ is the general format to follow18:15
jjessehrm what subject?18:16
Riddelljjesse: well the blog link I gave above18:17
coreymonRiddell: hey! im back!18:17
* Riddell high fives coreymon 18:17
jjessequick everyone leave18:17
coreymonanyone here miss me while i was gone?18:18
Riddellwe can stop wearing black now18:18
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jjesseok posted18:21
jjessewhy are Jucato's post so stinking long to read18:28
DaSkreechjjesse: power of the blont!18:32
jjessemy eyese glaze over halfway through18:33
Riddelljjesse: this read ok? http://dot.kde.org/1199816659/18:38
jjesseyeah it does18:38
jjessebett ther what i wrote :)18:39
Riddellwell it is what you wrote, just edited18:39
RiddellI wonder if anyone will join that irc channel18:40
jjessewhich irc hcannel?18:40
Riddellthe one in the story :)18:40
=== _czessi is now known as Czessi
ScottKDo I get tabs in Dolphin in KDE4?18:43
jjesseif you want?18:43
ScottKBut not by default then?18:43
jjessedon't listen to me :)  i don't know anything18:43
DaSkreechScottK: Sure. It's an easy recode and recompile away18:43
ScottKThat's a no then.18:44
DaSkreechwise man18:45
DaSkreechseele: ping18:45
seeleDaSkreech: pong18:47
DaSkreechseele: are you familiar with the KDE HIG?18:47
seeleDaSkreech: yes18:47
DaSkreechor PIG18:47
bigonis it normal that I get -DDATA_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/share/kde4/apps when building decibel?18:47
DaSkreechor HUG18:47
seelei wrote part of it18:47
DaSkreech :)18:47
seelewhat is HUG?18:48
DaSkreechseele: is there anything in there about accelarator keys ?18:48
DaSkreechHUman User Guidelines ?18:48
DaSkreechOr you know ...18:48
seeleDaSkreech: maybe.. is the wiki up?18:48
* DaSkreech hugs seele18:48
DaSkreechDunno it was down the other day18:48
seeleonly looks like some of it though18:49
DaSkreechSo nothing about tabs?18:51
stdinbigon: how are you building it?18:51
bigonin a pbuilder18:51
seeleDaSkreech: might be in the tabs section18:51
bigonso dbus .service files get installed in /usr/share/kde4/apps18:51
DaSkreechseele: Nope looked there18:52
seeleDaSkreech: are you looking for something in particular?18:52
stdinif it's a kde4 app built with our kde.mk18:52
DaSkreechYeah I'm kinda annoyed by apps having multiple ways of switching tabs18:52
Riddellbigon: it's specific in debian/cdbs/kde.mk, so yes18:52
DaSkreechI don't mind being able to change them but have some consistency at least18:52
DaSkreechAnd Konqueror's bug where it hops between two sets of keys for tabs is just as bad18:53
DaSkreechI'm going to file a bug against Kopete4 but I wanted a reference18:53
DaSkreechseele: is there a #kde-usabilty ?18:53
seeleDaSkreech: yes, but i dont know who all is in it18:54
seelei guess i should be in there, lol18:54
bigonRiddell: oh yes I see, but thats odd because when build on debian buildd the files get installed in the correct location18:54
seelethere are people in #openusability but it's pretty quiet unfortunately18:54
seeleellen and i both got busy around the same time and the project kind of fluttered18:54
* DaSkreech pictures fluttering usabilty parks18:55
Riddellbigon: mm, this is odd indeed18:56
Riddellhunger_t_: don't suppose you know why that might be?18:56
Riddelloh, decibel uses kdelibs18:57
DaSkreechIt's a pillar isn't it?18:57
DaSkreechseele: So don't count on a consistent interface for dealing with tabs?18:58
seeleDaSkreech: the problem is no one's fully looked in to it18:58
DaSkreechthat's fine18:58
seeleDaSkreech: i imagine tabs are used in all kinds of different contexts, so i cant immediately say there should be a single way of handling them, that's all18:58
DaSkreechwho should I poke to start it rolling18:59
seelesigh, probably me18:59
seeleellen maybe, if she is not too busy anymore18:59
seelebut i doubt that because she manages the season of usability which is coming up18:59
DaSkreechYeah I saw that. Great idea19:00
seelemaybe you could propose some parts of the HIG to research and complete for the season of usability19:00
seeleshe will probably make an announcement when projects can submit ideas19:01
DaSkreechHmm ok19:01
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DaSkreechI'll try make some notes19:01
seelesorry i couldnt be more help19:01
DaSkreechno that's helpful enough19:01
DaSkreechTo the blontmobile!!!19:02
bigonRiddell: what that mean?19:02
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Riddellbigon: our kdelibs is installed to a different location than in debian, but I don't see why that should change anything19:07
Riddellsince it's changing the data dir19:07
jackcyWell, I'm trying to create a config dialog for a pykde4 application. after reading through the docs and api pages the syntax must be something like this after creating a KConfigSkeleton19:12
Riddellbigon: lets wait and see if hunger_t_ has any ideas, he's into decibel19:13
jackcybut when i create the dialog with dlg = KConfigDialog(self, "Settings", self.config) and dlg.addPage(???, i18n("General") ) it does not work because I do not know how to create a new item as described in the original documentation: dialog->addPage(new General(0, "General"), i18n("General") );19:14
Riddelljackcy: got some sample code we can run?19:15
jackcyI uploaded the current snapshot to  wget www.liedler.at/klxdvdrip/tmp/klxdvdrip-0.02.tar.gz19:20
ScottKRiddell: http://drowstar.blogspot.com/2008/01/first-look-at-unreleased-kde400-with.html is linked in Groklaw's news section.19:25
jackcysorry, forgot: working on pykde4 executable klxdvdrip.py - not the old test version.19:31
Riddelljackcy: I get *** glibc detected *** python: malloc(): memory corruption19:33
Riddellcaused by the self.config.readConfig() line19:33
Riddelljackcy: why are you creating your own kconfig anyway?19:36
jackcyok, when I delete it, the app is executable. Are config dialogs generated automatically as I interpete it out of the api docs?19:37
jackcyi wanted to autocreate one, but do not know how to call this dialog.19:38
jackcy dialog->addPage(new General(0, "General"), i18n("General") );19:38
jackcythis is all info i have but how to translate it into python19:39
jackcyIn the python-kde4-doc there is talk about pykdedocs but they are not installed out of "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu/ gutsy main". I think this would help me learning how to code. Anybody an idea where to find pykdedocs?19:39
Riddelljackcy: they're in python-kde4-doc19:40
jackcyThen I'll digg there. Yesterday it was either too late or i digged to deep 'cause i landed in the c++ class references.19:44
jackcyThanks anyway and sorry to bother you.19:44
alleeHardyHmm, fonts of  hardy ubiquity are much worser compared to KDE fonts: http://www.mpe.mpg.de/~ach/tmp/snapshot1.png19:56
Riddelljackcy: does klxdvdrip.kcfg_ compile for you?20:00
jackcythat file was a try to autogenerate the config dialog after i read the tutorials. but i could not get it to work with it, so i renamed it.20:02
Riddelljackcy: I think it needs a .kcfg file20:03
Riddelljackcy: but in a c++ app that gets compiled to c++, I don't know if it would work at all in pykde20:03
Riddell\sh_away: ping, any ideas?20:04
jackcyok, so i think i will make the dialog by hand. at the moment there will only be about 10 options.20:05
Riddelljackcy: as I remember we added kconfig XT support to pykde for python-kde3 in kubuntu20:06
Riddellso I don't know if it'll work in python-kde420:06
Riddelljackcy: the place to ask would be on the kdebindings list https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-bindings20:08
_StefanS_Jucato: oh my gawd your blog posts are long :)20:10
Riddelljackcy: or maybe this one better http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/mailman/listinfo/pyqt20:10
jpatrick_StefanS_: philosophy uni sudent thoughts ;)20:10
jackcyAnd there I will go - thanks a lot!20:11
_StefanS_probably ;)20:11
yuriyubuntu email still not working.. am i missing something?20:11
Riddellyuriy: ask on #canonical-sysadmin20:12
yuriyalso mornfall hasn't been around again for a few days and darcs is hanging on me :-\20:14
Riddellyuriy: he's on #kde-devel20:16
_StefanS_Riddell: is there a list of agreed changes due for kubuntu hardy ? (on wiki.ubuntu.org or something?)20:24
Riddell_StefanS_: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHardyCatchup20:29
_StefanS_Riddell: thanks20:29
mornfallyuriy: What's up?20:32
mornfallI have been quite busy this week, two exams yesterday, one tomorrow and a fair bit of job stuff today...20:32
mornfallhave been and will be, anyway20:33
mornfallAnd need to do some administrative over the weekend.20:33
mornfallBut ask away : - ).20:33
DaSkreechHi mornfall20:33
yuriymornfall: well, good luck with  your exams!20:34
yuriyhave you had a chance to look at/apply my patches?20:34
yuriyi was trying to pull your latest change and merge it myself, but darcs hangs on "diffing dir"20:34
mornfallyuriy: Yes, we are having a conflict fight. I will resolve and re-record the changes myself, you should then unpull your patches and pull mine.20:35
mornfall(darcs 2 fixes that, but it's not stable yet)20:35
yuriyhmm ok so i'll wait20:36
mornfallAnyhow, conflict fight is bad regardless of darcs crashing.20:36
mornfallor spinning or whatever20:36
mornfallProbably 1 thing though...20:36
mornfallThe comments you have added, I am not sure I see their value over what is already in the method name and parameters.20:37
mornfallI dislike redundant comments, because they *will* get out of date and they will be more confusing than useful. Or at least that is what tends to happen to me...20:37
mornfall/** Returns the string to be displayed for the given status */20:39
mornfall     QString statusString( PackageState s ) const {20:39
mornfallIf I read the declaration, I already know everything that the comment says... Or am I wrong on that account?20:40
yuriyok i might delete the overly obvious ones later. i find that any kind of description to make code faster to understand20:40
yuriys/to make/makes20:40
mornfallI am not sure. But I usually get frustrated when reading comments that just duplicate what is plainly written in code, since they slow me down understanding code...20:43
yuriykk, i'll refrain from those20:43
DaSkreechyuriy: self documentating coode is good20:44
mornfallInside code: explain *why* something is done the way it is, not what is done (that is what code says).20:44
mornfallIn declarations: explain what the method does, if it is not obvious. However, think about fixing a method that does something that is not obvious.20:45
mornfall(Rename, split, ...)20:45
mornfallThat is what I am trying to do.20:45
mornfallNear classes, explanation makes oftentimes more sense, since they tend to be more complex than individual methods.20:46
mornfallSay MultiEditorBuddy could use a comment, however it could also use fixing to work better (eg. handling some keyboard shortcuts).20:47
mornfallI used to use left/right cursor arrows to expand/retract current item.20:48
mornfallIt would also make sense to document how ExtendingEditorBuddy works and how is the constructor supposed to work. (Those are things that are probably not-so-obvious).20:48
mornfall(Ie. that you pass a view and delegate, and that the constructor will tell the view to use the delegate, so you don't call setItemDelegate on the view manually, and that you don't need to delete the Buddy, since it will be destroyed with the view automatically).20:49
mornfallThese are also things that are fairly unlikely to change very soon.20:50
mornfall(Well, just an inspiration if you are in a mood to add comments).20:50
yuriyok. i'll probably wait for you to merge stuff before further work though20:51
mornfallOk, I'll better do that right away.20:52
yuriywell, exams first : )20:52
yuriyoh i think the motivation behind the "return string to be displayed" comment was that i didn't think it was obvious that it was the string used to display on screen, esp. since they weren't i18n'ed at the time20:56
mornfallTrue, but the i18n stuff should be fixed and it should be clear now. Hopefully, anyway.20:57
mornfallExams can wait a little ; - ).20:58
nixternalhowdy all21:16
nixternaljust a couple more extragear packages to go21:16
mornfallyuriy: Hm. With setCurrentIndex( 1 ), did the view work as expected? Since for me, it selects the right item but does not display the widget...21:32
mornfallAh, you did a fix in there as well.21:33
iRonWow! My keyboard layout fixed at last on Hardy. Problem was solved by removing xserver-xorg-input-evdev..21:37
DaSkreechhi nixternal21:42
nixternalhiya DaSkreech21:43
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nixternalso are you flying through chicago in a couple of weeks?21:43
DaSkreechnixternal: We will have  hardy packages in three days?21:43
nixternalwe should have them sooner21:43
DaSkreechnixternal: If I can get another 50 dollars :)21:43
DaSkreechIs there a kubuntu4-desktop ?21:43
DaSkreech Or kde4 ?21:44
nixternaloh man, if you haven't ordered your tickets yet, the price has more than likely gone up already21:44
nixternaldunno, Riddell would know better on that than I would21:44
mornfallyuriy: Now, can you try: mv adept-3 adept-3_bak, darcs get adept-3_bak adept-3, cd adept-3, darcs unpull --match '(author yuriy)' [answer y to all changes]; darcs pull http://anna.fi.muni.cz/~xrockai/adept-321:45
mornfallyuriy: ?21:45
yuriyok i'll try21:45
mornfallyuriy: I have tried to reconstruct most of your changes, sans the comments (although it may bee worth reinstating some of them).21:45
mornfallyuriy: I have also omitted disabling the unimplemented tabs. No idea what is best, but I guess I want to keep them like this for now. When we think out the interaction, it can be implemented...21:46
DaSkreechI'm off21:47
mornfall(I probably prefer to put helpful hints there (what the user should do to make them useful) instead of disabling them.)21:47
yuriyah ok21:47
nixternallibqt4-sql covers what used to be libqt3-mt-sqlite correct?21:49
yuriyok unpulling with verbose and it's on diffing dir again. let's see if it works21:49
mornfallIt may take a little while, but should work.21:49
yuriyyep, there it goes21:51
yuriyoh most of those patches weren't even showing up before21:53
yuriyok thanks21:54
mornfallPull again.21:55
mornfallWell, they should be what I have done in the last ~hour.21:55
mornfallYou can check with the timestamps (whether they are the new ones or some older ones).21:56
alleeRiddell: can you sync libkdcraw_0.1.3-1 from debian unstable?   (uses dcraw-8.81)    Or do I have to use a formal SYNC request on launchpad already?21:56
mornfall(say darcs changes --last 10)21:56
Lureallee: you need formal sync req, as it is used for track record21:58
Lureallee: but can be short21:58
Lureallee: and Riddell can do both approval as well as sync it (great to have archive powers here) ;-)21:58
alleeLure:  I know :)21:59
jpatrickLure: ah, I thought you meant you were part of ubuntu-archive now ;)22:00
Riddellallee: a quick bug report is appreciated22:16
nixternalRiddell: do you still want an extragear-plasma debdiff or should I just upload?22:18
Riddellnixternal: give me a debdiff and I can upload at the appropriate time22:19
nixternalthere you go22:19
nixternalno prob22:19
nixternalone more to go and then do vorian's packages if they are good to go22:19
jpatrickmassive source changes (?)22:20
nixternalbetween 3.98 and 4.0 with plasma? oh ya22:21
alleeLure: what's a quick report.    upstream and debian changelog + reason why to sync?22:22
Riddellnixternal: hmm, a diff -urN of the debian dirs would be better22:22
nixternalRiddell: roger22:26
nixternalRiddell: honestly, just uupdate -u the new tarball because there aren't any debian changes except for changelog22:27
Riddellnixternal: ok, thanks22:28
Riddell(not that I've ever used uupdate, but I get the idea :)22:29
nixternaluupdate -u is much easier at updating packages imho and typically works every time22:29
Riddellwhat's the advantage compared to just copying the debian directory over and dch -i ?22:30
nixternalit will test the patches and what not, which is what I like22:30
nixternalif a patch doesn't work correctly it will let you know22:30
nixternalplus it was a couple commands shorter :p22:31
nixternalcd dir_of_old_pkg/ && uupdate -u ../new_pkg_tarball22:31
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Riddellah hah, a sensible posting on kubuntu-users (moaning about stupid K names)22:35
Riddellallee: synced22:36
alleeRiddell: thx22:36
nixternalwas it ever an inside joke to name apps with a K? I always thought that developers of each application just did it for ammusement back then? wonder what he will say when he realises that KDE 4 doesn't follow the old school way22:37
alleeRiddell: as eventually my hardy laptop is now ready:   Any quick job/test for the next hour?22:37
nixternalI can't ever remember the mailing lists in 1996/1997 that said "hey, name your apps with a K in them"22:37
* hunger thinks that stupid-k rule is pretty konvenient.22:38
nixternalguess what I am trying to say is that it was never a KDE decision, it was something people just started doing22:38
Riddellyes lazyness22:38
nixternalI like it honestly22:38
Riddellah hunger, we were wondering if you knew why decibel breaks in kubuntu22:38
nixternaland it isn't like KDE is the only one to do it, there are Gnome apps that hint with the *g* just the same22:38
hungerRiddell: The name was decided on by the kde marketing team.22:39
Riddellhunger: and a very good name it is too, but it's the compile I was worried about22:39
hungerRiddell: Oh, dunno. Got the report, but was under the impression that it was due to some dependency?22:40
Riddellallee: work out why decibel compile breaks in kubuntu :)22:40
hungerRiddell: It did not build in a kde4 env for a while, but I did fix that several weeks ago.22:40
Riddellde.basyskom.simpleclient.textchannel.component installs to a different place22:41
hungerSo I hope that is not the problem you are seeing:-)22:41
Riddellhunger: do you know what decides where that gets installed?22:41
Riddellsomething different about that destination22:41
hungerHmm... let me check...22:42
Riddellit's DATA_INSTALL_DIR in the top level CMakeLists.txt22:43
Riddelland that is set to "share" with FORCE in the line above in that CMakeLists.txt22:43
Riddellbut presumably it doesn't get forced22:43
hungerIt should go into share/Decibel/componets.22:43
RiddellSET(MAYOR_VERSION "0")  that looks like a typo22:44
alleeRiddell: URL for the sources?22:44
hungerAre the other component files installed properly?22:44
Riddellallee: deb:decibel22:44
Riddellhunger: no, same issue22:45
hungerLet me check...22:46
hungerThey do get installed properly for me.22:46
Riddellhunger: everything gets installed to usr/share/kde4/apps/ when it should be usr/share/22:46
Riddelland we do set -DDATA_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/share/kde4/apps so fair enough22:47
Riddellbut why is it different between us and debian??22:47
hungerRiddell: Just fixed MAYOR:-)22:49
hungerRiddell: Thanks for the hint. My spelling sucks!22:49
hungerI am mostly working without KDE4 when developing decibel. Maybe the KDE stuff breaks things.22:50
* hunger checks.22:50
* hunger wonders whether there is a CMake debugger somewhere.22:51
hungerRiddell: I removed all the FORCE from the main CMakeLists.txt. That seems to fix your issue.23:10
hungerI'll commit that change after making sure stuff still installs fine for me with it;-)23:10
Riddellhunger: hmm, really, even if -DDATA_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/share/kde4/apps is still used?23:11
hungerRiddell: If that is used the component stuff gets installed beneath that directory (in Decibel/componets iirc). Is that what you want?23:12
Riddellhunger: I don't think so, I think we just want it in /usr/share23:12
Riddellhunger: but the issue is that both debian and kubuntu use -DDATA_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/share/kde4/apps but it only takes effect in Kubuntu23:13
Riddellwhich is crazy23:13
hungerCan you add -DCOMPONENT_SEARCH_DIR=/usr/share/Decibel/componets? That should work after the force is removed.23:14
bigonthere is another odd thing with decibel on debian de.basyskom.minigui.service is installed not on ubuntu23:15
bigon(according to http://launchpadlibrarian.net/11216622/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.decibel_0.5.0%2Bsvn737972-2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz and http://experimental.debian.net/fetch.php?&pkg=decibel&ver=0.5.0%2Bsvn737972-2&arch=powerpc&stamp=1195781792&file=log&as=raw)23:15
hungerMaybe I should just rename DATA_INSTALL_DIR...23:15
hungerThat might conflict with something used by KDE.23:15
hungerbigon: The minigui is build only if KDE4 is found.23:16
bigonsame thing for the .desktop file btw23:16
bigoncouldn't be a missing dependency that cause this path issue?23:16
Riddellok, that makes sense, KDE 4 won't be found since it's hidden in /usr/lib/kde4/23:17
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Riddellhunger: should we just install decibel to the same place as kde 4?23:17
hungerdecibel does not require kde4, so the build system will not error out when it is not there. It will just skip some of the gui stuff.23:18
bigondoesn't some install path redefined in kde specific files? (/me know nothing about kde and cmake) :o23:19
hungerbigon: I think that is exactly what is happening.23:20
Riddellbigon: yes they will be, and we install kde 4 to a different location from debian (/usr/lib/kde4/) but it seems strange that /usr/share/kde4/apps is used since it's not where we put kde 423:20
Riddellbut it must be something to do with that23:20
hungerMy guess is that one of the kde4 cmake magic files interferes. I try not to use anything not defined in my CMakeLists.txt files since I want decibel to build without kde4, but maybe some of my vars are getting overwritten.23:23
* hunger has to log out soon. KDE3 in hardy is not the most stable here:-(23:25
hungerkded keeps running amok and I end up having to kill it occassionally. Unfortunately some apps no longer work properly afterwards,23:25
allee_Riddell: why is /usr/share/kde4/apps strange?  It´s in debian/cdbs/kde.mk of decibel23:25
bigonso how to tell decibel to look for kde4 in the ubuntu kde path?23:26
hungerbigou: Feed it a FindKDE4 that knows what to do:-) It should get installed along with KDE4 afaik.23:27
Riddellallee_: yes, but it doesn't affect Debian23:28
hungerkmail just blocks here... is that a known problem in hardy?23:31
hungerkded eats 99% of my CPU right after logging in. I guess that is what blocks kmail.23:32
hungerIt asks for the kwallet passphrase and then nothing happens any more. kwalletmanager will not start either.23:33
hungerAny ideas?23:33
bigonthere is a /usr/share/cmake-2.4/Modules/FindKDE4.cmake23:34
bigonso it should be found by cmake23:34
Riddellbigon: it probably still needs to know about the funny location we put kde 4 into23:35
yuriybigon: for cmake you need -DCMAKE_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/lib/kde423:36
bigonok there is a #DEB_CMAKE_PREFIX = /usr/lib/kde4 I will try with commenting it out23:36
yuriyi don't know how that translates to packaging stuff23:36
hungerkdewalletmanager starts after killing kded (with SIGKILL), but it does not find any wallet anymore.23:38
allee_i´m a bit confused about the CMakeLists.txt.  It looks like it tries to mimic configure --prefix=/usr  but does everything itself.  There must be a cmake template that has done this23:41
* allee_ shudders SO_VERSION = VERSION23:41
bigongreat it even worse23:44
bigonin fact no, it find kde4 now23:46
bigon-- Installing /tmp/buildd/decibel-0.5.0+svn737972/debian/tmp/usr/lib/kde4/share/dbus-1/services/de.basyskom.decibel.log.service23:46
hungerIs kwallet currently broken?23:47
hungerI removed ~/.kde/share/apps/kwallet and kded does not run wild.23:47
hungerI grabbed a copy from backups from a month ago (where stuff worked fine) and kded runs amok again.23:48
* hunger reboots.23:49
=== nivek_ is now known as nivek
mornfallallee_: -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX23:55
hungerkded works fine till I enter my kwallet passwd. Then it eats all CPU cycles and nothing happens anymore.23:55
allee_mornfall: sounds reasonable ;)23:55
allee_mornfall: show do I get a list of variable?  I´ve found the command and modules lists, but not the variables :(23:56
mornfallallee_: Dunno. Try running ccmake instead of cmake.23:57
mornfallallee_: or cmake -L -N23:57
* hunger goes to bed. Maybe kded will finish whatever it does till tomorrow morning... and maybe kwallet will work again then.23:58
bigonwhen setting -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/lib/kde4 -- Installing /tmp/buildd/decibel-0.5.0+svn737972/debian/tmp/usr/lib/kde4/share/dbus-1/services/de.basyskom.decibel.log.service23:58

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