
blackflagcan someone recommend a frontend for syslog-ng?00:01
sub[t]rnlblackflag➜ I like conky00:02
kameshHi all, I am planning to compile some c programs which include gsl libraries. I have installed build-essentials from apt. But I still get an errors like "error: gsl/gsl_rng.h: No such file or directory". I guess I still need to install some more packages so that I could compile my programs in kubuntu. could any one please let me know which one ?00:02
sub[t]rnlblackflag➜ ksystemlog is another00:03
SheeEttinkamesh: if you think GSL libs are the problem, make sure you install dev packages00:03
kameshThanks SheeEttin. I will install de packages now and let you know.00:06
blackflagI need someting to see also remote hosts00:06
kameshSheeEttin@ It worked thankyou very much.. Now I am of to programing :-)00:07
blackflagthanks, I wwill ahve a look to them00:07
SheeEttinblackflag: I use ksystemlog myself00:08
sub[t]rnlkaminix➜ sudo apt-get install libgsl0-dev00:09
sub[t]rnlah, nm, SheeEttin answered00:09
blackflagbut can I configure ksystemslog to recieve remote hosts messages?00:12
sub[t]rnlsettings -> configure ksystemlog -> system log -> add whatever logs you like00:14
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
blackflagcan not find a setting for remote host!?00:16
SchuenemannI can't play 2 musics at the same time. The second application says the device is busy =/00:20
WinstonSmithHow can I run PHP on Kubuntu?00:21
sub[t]rnl!info php500:22
ubotuphp5: server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (meta-package). In component main, is optional. Version 5.2.3-1ubuntu6.2 (gutsy), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB00:22
humboltoIs there a way to fix the pager and taskbar problem KDE has when running compiz?00:27
sub[t]rnlhumbolto➜ http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=49484 maybe00:28
Schuenemannwhat do I need to do in order to play 2 audio streams at the same time?00:29
sub[t]rnlnot sure00:32
sub[t]rnlnever saw a problem where someone couldn't00:32
articpenguin3800since i love kubuntu so much i think i do something that is against my vista license XD00:34
GrahamARight... this is probably a really dumb question. I have a UK keyboard.... being from the UK and on the 4 key I have 4, obviously, dollar sign $ and euro sign... how do I press the euro sign?00:39
GrahamANevermind, found out.00:40
allan__can someone assist me with burning a movie from the terminal i understand the concept just need assistance since i dont know what im doing wrong00:40
GrahamAContinue with your daily lives00:40
sub[t]rnlallan__➜ are you try to encode the movie first? say from .avi to DVD, or are you just trying to burn00:44
allan__sorry if this is a dumb question but whats the difference00:45
allan__doesnt the encoding burn it or no00:45
allan__im just trying to figure out how to burn it00:45
allan__unless i have to do something before hand00:45
sub[t]rnlwell, .avi or .wmv or whatever codecs you have can be burnt to a dvd, but for a dvd play to recognize it, the file type has to be supported00:46
sub[t]rnlthey need to be encoded to DVD in order for dvd players to be able to read them and play00:46
allan__mind helping me with that00:46
sub[t]rnlyour wanting to do this from the command line?00:46
allan__what should i do first00:47
sub[t]rnlwhat type of movie do you have00:47
allan__Spawn (1997) [ENG] [DVDrip].avi00:47
* sub[t]rnl nods00:47
allan__thats the whole movie00:47
allan__how it looks00:47
allan__like in file type00:47
sub[t]rnlcouple different ways we can encode the movie, we can use mencoder or ffmpeg00:48
articpenguin3800what better strigi or kerry00:48
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. If you really insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.00:48
allan__either or00:48
allan__i heard encoder is better cause alot of people use it00:48
allan__but i have more experience with ffmpeg00:48
allan__what do you think would be best?00:48
sub[t]rnli like ffmpeg00:49
sub[t]rnlok, setup a directory to place the encoded file00:49
sub[t]rnlmkdir ~/iso00:49
sub[t]rnlor something00:49
biovorempegpes is whats used in most digital transmissions (HD TV, DVD's etc)00:49
allan__would i do this in my home directory00:49
sub[t]rnlhow much room do you have in your home dir?00:50
sub[t]rnlyou'll need a bit for it to encode00:50
allan__20GB or so00:50
allan__i have enough though00:50
sub[t]rnlffmpeg -i move.avi -target ntsc-dvd /iso/movie.mpg00:50
sub[t]rnlfor the encoding00:50
allan__hold on00:52
allan__ffmpeg -i Spawn\ \(1997\)\ \[ENG\]\ \[DVDrip\].avi -target ntsc-dvd00:52
allan__thats what i got so far00:52
allan__whats after that00:52
sub[t]rnlthats the format00:53
sub[t]rnlpal or ntsc, you want ntsc00:53
allan__do i have to type anything after that though?00:53
sub[t]rnlyou need to specify the output file in that command00:53
sub[t]rnlffmpeg -i move.avi -target ntsc-dvd /iso/movie.mpg00:53
allan__i keep getting unknown format00:54
allan__should i give you the output?00:54
sub[t]rnlyeah, !pastbin it if its too big00:55
allan__ok i put it there and give you the link00:55
allan__thats the link00:56
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darkdancerI see there are people here, anyone intereted in tackling a problem?00:57
sub[t]rnlallan__➜ what version of kubuntu are you running00:57
hydrogen!ask | darkdancer00:57
ubotudarkdancer: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)00:57
darkdancerOk, will do, one moment.00:58
allan__feisty fawn00:58
allan__uh oh00:58
allan__hope that isnt bad00:59
sub[t]rnl7.04 or 7.10?00:59
allan__whats the command to find out00:59
sub[t]rnllsb_release -a00:59
sub[t]rnli c01:00
sub[t]rnlsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install tovid01:00
sub[t]rnldo that01:00
sub[t]rnltovid is a nice script suite that uses ffmpeg/mencoder/dvdauthor all in one01:00
allan__installing now01:01
allan__i got could not find package tovid01:01
sub[t]rnl!info tovid01:01
ubotuPackage tovid does not exist in gutsy01:01
sub[t]rnl!find tovid01:01
ubotuPackage/file tovid does not exist in gutsy01:01
=== litbang is now known as riefzu
allan__what do i do here01:02
allan__it says im in directory mode01:02
darkdancerI am not usingf kubuntu my friend is, and he is having this problem...He had the ability to play mp3's until this morning when he did a standard update and it seems to have broken his mp3 playing ability. He can not play an mp3 with any mp3 player, though he can with VLC. When he loads Amarok he gets "Amarok canoot play MP3's INstall MP3 support?"  A yes (or a no for that matter) causes the app to hang. He is Usinf Feisty Kubuntu.01:02
sub[t]rnlallan__➜ enable the medibuntu repo's01:03
allan__ok hold on01:03
sub[t]rnl!medibuntu | allan01:03
ubotuallan: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:03
allan__crap im lost01:04
sub[t]rnl!mp3 | darkdancer01:04
ubotudarkdancer: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:04
allan__so enable the repository01:04
sub[t]rnlgot it enabled?01:04
allan__hold on01:04
allan__what software section is this in01:05
allan__third party software01:05
sub[t]rnlyes, non free01:06
allan__im trying to do it through adept01:06
allan__do i have to add anything in01:06
darkdancerDo you really think that any of that will help with breakage from an update?01:06
sub[t]rnldarkdancer➜ sounds like he doesn't have mp3 support installed, so yes01:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about syslog-ng - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:07
darkdancerbut he did have it installed and he has reinstalled it. no good01:07
sweettoothim tryin to install a tar.gz file and when i do ./configure i get this error "No package 'imlib2' found" - help plz?01:07
sub[t]rnltry re-installing mp3 support then01:07
darkdancerdone. No help01:08
darkdancerHe thinks it is the xine libraries, but he can't figure out how ti reinstall those.01:08
suboptIs there a straighforward way to tell KDE that i want Emacs style keybindings for things like editing fields in forms; entering URLs in firefox; etc?01:08
sub[t]rnlsweettooth➜ sudo apt-get install build essential libimlib2-dev01:08
sub[t]rnlsweettooth➜ sudo apt-get install build-essential libimlib2-dev01:09
sub[t]rnlforgot the "-" in build-essntial01:09
allan__sub[t]rnl i did !info tovid01:09
allan__how do enable the repo01:09
allan__that or i can do it in adept01:09
sub[t]rnlyou need to add "echo deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ fiesty free non-free " to your /etc/apt/sources.list01:10
sub[t]rnlthen run apt-get update01:10
allan__ok hold01:10
darkdancersub[t]rnl, anyone? any ideas?01:12
allan__is /etc/apt/source.list a directory01:13
allan__how do i get into it from terminal01:13
sub[t]rnldarkdancer➜ sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs01:13
darkdancerthatnks sub[t]rnl I'll tell him to try that.01:14
sub[t]rnlallan__➜ not a directory, its a file01:14
XxXValeteXxXjhello people01:14
allan__wget perhaps01:14
sub[t]rnlallan__➜ you'll need to open and edit the file. No01:14
XxXValeteXxXso whos gonna move to KDE 4 when it gets released? :P01:14
sub[t]rnlallan__➜ its on your local filesystem01:14
sub[t]rnlallan__➜ kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list01:14
sub[t]rnlallan__➜ run that in konsole01:15
darkdancersub[t]rnl, here is the response from that command aikanar@arantinnu:~$ sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs01:15
darkdancerReading package lists... Done01:15
darkdancerBuilding dependency tree01:15
darkdancerReading state information... Done01:15
darkdancerlibxine-extracodecs is already the newest version.01:15
allan__its open01:15
darkdancer0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.01:15
allan__now how exactly do i add the line01:16
XxXValeteXxXbtw is there any way I can set a video as my wallpaper? :X01:16
NickPresta!pastebin | darkdancer01:16
ubotudarkdancer: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:16
sub[t]rnlallan__➜ add deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ fiesty free non-free01:16
darkdancerOoops sorry.01:16
allan__it says deb http:// and a link is displayed then it says feisty main retricted01:17
allan__to i add the line after it says that01:17
allan__sorry im alittle confused01:17
sub[t]rnlits ok, add what I put in quotes01:17
sub[t]rnl"deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ fiesty free non-free"01:17
sub[t]rnlwithout the quotes01:18
darkdancersub[t]rnl, here is the pastebin      http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51163/01:18
sub[t]rnlallan__➜ save and exit01:19
sub[t]rnlnow, just copy and paste what I type here into konsole01:19
sub[t]rnlsudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/feisty.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list01:19
sub[t]rnlwget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update01:20
sub[t]rnldarkdancer➜ this is in gutsy right?01:21
darkdancernoooo. Fiesty01:21
sub[t]rnldarkdancer➜ sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg kubuntu-restricted-extras01:22
sub[t]rnlsee if that does it01:22
darkdancerOk, checking01:23
sub[t]rnlrestart amarok afterwards01:23
sub[t]rnlactually, libxine1-ffmpeg is in kubuntu-restricted-extras, so just do the latter package01:23
martin_just swiching from ubuntu to the K one ;)01:23
sub[t]rnl!hi martin_01:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hi martin_ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:24
martin_hi subt!01:24
sub[t]rnl!hi | martin_01:24
ubotumartin_: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!01:24
allan__E: Type 'http://packages.medibuntu.org/echo' is not known on line 59 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list01:24
allan__E: The list of sources could not be read.01:24
martin_sorry if this sounds stupid but I can' find a way to change the logon screen :P01:24
allan__im screwed up01:24
allan__i screwed up01:24
darkdancersub[t]rnl,  libxine1-ffmpeg is already the newest version.01:25
darkdancerE: Couldn't find package kubuntu-restricted-extras01:25
darkdancerwhich repo is that in, it doesn't look like he hgas it01:25
sub[t]rnldarkdancer➜ in multiverse, i guess its gutsy only though01:26
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:26
sub[t]rnldarkdancer➜ the libxine1-ffmpeg was the package I was worried about anyway, and it looks like you have the fiesty recent01:27
darkdancersub[t]rnl, any more ideas?01:27
darkdanceror anyone?01:27
allan__what should i do01:29
sub[t]rnlallan__➜ pastbin your sources.list file01:29
allan__thats the link01:31
sub[t]rnldarkdancer➜ start amarok in konsole and see what it complains about when it tries to install mp3 support01:31
sub[t]rnlallan__➜ line 58 is wrong01:31
wesleyhow can i enable the use of special grafical themes in kdm theme manager in kubuntu01:32
sub[t]rnlallan__➜ just delete line 5801:32
darkdancerUnfortunately I gotta leave for a bit.........will be back in about 1 hour........01:32
=== darkdancer is now known as Dark_away
allan__its gone01:32
sub[t]rnlsudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/feisty.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list01:33
sub[t]rnldo that01:33
sub[t]rnljust copy and paste it into konsole01:34
wesleyhttp://img169.imageshack.us/img169/2383/schermafdruk2gm1.png  can some one help me enable this01:34
sub[t]rnl!kdmtheme | wesley01:34
ubotuwesley: To customize your !KDM theme, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu - However, see http://subtrnl.homelinux.com/kdmtheme.html for working around bug #132723 (http://tinyurl.com/2prhgc)01:34
allan__all done01:36
wesleybleach is populair by linux?01:37
sub[t]rnlallan__➜ sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/feisty.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list01:37
sub[t]rnldone that?01:37
sub[t]rnlallan__➜ wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update01:37
allan__gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.01:39
allan__maybe im doing it wrong01:39
allan__let me try again01:39
sub[t]rnl!medibuntu | allan (follow the steps here)01:43
ubotuallan (follow the steps here): medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:43
sub[t]rnlthen -> sudo apt-get install tovid01:43
Gargoyle76my restricted drvr for wireless card disabling itself01:45
Gargoyle76can anyone help?01:45
allan__i added everything01:46
allan__but i keep getting error no package found for tovid01:46
GoMittGoGOVERNOR ROMNEY: "And further, if I were fortunate enough to be elected your President, I'd call for a National Summit of Nations to create a new partnership – a Partnership for [Progress] and Prosperity."01:48
GoMittGo"This Partnership would assemble the resources of all the nations of the world to work to assure that Islamic states that are threatened with violent Jihad have public schools that are not Wahhabi madrasas; that they have micro-credit and banking, the rule of law, human rights, basic health care, and competitive economic practices." (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At Yeshiva University, 4/26/07)01:48
Gargoyle76that was irritating01:49
sub[t]rnlallan__➜ http://subtrnl.homelinux.com/convert01:50
sub[t]rnltheres a bash script for converting .avi's to .mpg's01:50
sub[t]rnlif you get a format error, try taking out the "ntsc-dvd" and running it again01:51
allan__what do i say this as01:51
sub[t]rnlsave it in your home directory as "convert"01:51
sub[t]rnlthen chmod +x convert01:51
sub[t]rnland run it in a directory that has an .avi file01:52
sub[t]rnlmake sure you have dvdauthor and mkisofs installed01:52
allan__chmod +X convert01:52
allan__chmod: changing permissions of `convert': Operation not permitted01:52
sub[t]rnlsudo chmod +x convert01:53
pacmanhas anyone ever tinkered with a program called fruityloops?01:53
allan__whats after that01:53
Gargoyle76can anyone help me w/ wireless card?01:53
sub[t]rnlallan__➜ then sudo chown $(whoami) convert01:54
sub[t]rnl!ask | Gargoyle7601:54
ubotuGargoyle76: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:54
Gargoyle76tried that01:54
Gargoyle76no one listening01:54
allan__sudo chown convert right01:54
sub[t]rnlsudo chown yourusername convert01:55
Gargoyle76wireless card disappeared01:55
sub[t]rnlexample, sudo chown allan convert01:55
Gargoyle76checked lspci and it is still listed01:55
sub[t]rnlGargoyle76➜ is it using a restricted driver?01:55
Gargoyle76but can't enable restricted drvr01:55
allan__all done01:55
sub[t]rnlallan__➜ now put the script in the directory that contains the .avi, and run ./convert01:56
Gargoyle76i enable -->reboot  --->system comes up but it has it as "not in use"01:56
articpenguin3800what better strigi or kerry01:56
allan__how would i write it out01:56
allan__Spawn (1997) [ENG] [DVDrip].avi01:57
allan__ ./convert01:57
sub[t]rnl!better | articpenguin380001:57
ubotuarticpenguin3800: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. If you really insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.01:57
pacmanso....nobody's used fruityloops01:57
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »01:57
sub[t]rnlallan__➜ put the convert script in the directory of the .avi file01:59
sub[t]rnlallan__➜ and just run ./convert01:59
sub[t]rnlallan__➜ thats it01:59
allan__allan@omega:~/Downloads/iso$ sudo ./convert02:00
allan__sudo: ./convert: command not found02:00
allan__was i supposed to put .sh after when i sabed it02:01
allan__saved it02:01
sub[t]rnlyou need to have the convert file, and the .avi in the same directory.  Then cd into the directory that contains the two. Then run ./convert02:01
allan__allan@omega:~/Downloads/iso$ ls02:02
allan__convert  Spawn (1997) [ENG] [DVDrip].avi02:02
allan__its in tehre02:02
allan__i dont get why its not workin02:02
sub[t]rnlGargoyle76➜ not sure why the driver gets disabled on reboot02:02
jdnewmilallan_ : may have to "chmod +x convert" ... don't use sudo if you can avoid it02:02
allan__ok i did chmod +x ./convert02:03
allan__still command not found02:03
sub[t]rnlnot ./convert02:03
sub[t]rnljust convert02:03
jdnewmileither should work02:04
sub[t]rnlnow, do ./convert02:04
allan__here ill paste the output in the pastebin02:04
allan__there is the link02:05
sub[t]rnltry -> ffmpeg -i whatevermove.avi -target movie.mpg02:06
joh6nnanybody here ever use apt-cacher?02:07
zippercockanyone know how to enable framebuffer support in Kubuntu? (besides recompiling the kernel)02:07
bldzrHi there, since I upgraded from my Nvidia 7600GT to a 8800GTS (512MB/N92), I got hit by the "weird problem"-bat. When I boot kubuntu, my monitor starts switching between analog/digital before it decides to go to standy-mode. I've specified the problem in a post on the ubuntuforums ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=661343 ), but I thought that I'd ask here in #kubuntu as well. I appreciate all the help I can get =)02:08
allan__unknown format02:08
sub[t]rnlallan__➜ there are gui apps that do this on the fly.  DeVeDe is one.  sudo apt-get install devede.  If you must encode and burn from the command line, I would just read up on ffmpeg and dvdauthor.  Or google tovid and give it a try02:08
bldzrAs I've written in my post, I've tried all possible setups (DVI/VGA/gfx outputs) and the live dvd, but I can't dodge the problem :\02:09
Gargoyle76has anyone run into depmod crashing?02:12
articpenguin3800when i put 2gigs of ram in tomorrow will kubuntu detect it02:12
Gargoyle76I keep getting bus error (core dumped)02:13
jugheadHey I have a quick question here - I have samba mounted shares on my desktop http://tinyurl.com/2gc3cm - link to screenshot - they are given long names so I can't tell them apart.  How can I customize them to just say music, backup, etc?02:13
bldzrarticpenguin3800: It should, yes =)02:13
wesleyi still dont get the bug fixed in kdm theme02:13
wesleycan someone fix this for me02:14
jdnewmilzippercock : I think that is a kernel option...02:14
articpenguin3800i doubt there will be a speed increase with 2Gigs of ram though02:15
zippercockthat is what i figured, my problem is that Usplash uses the framebuffer and Usplash worked just fine...02:15
zippercockso now i disabled Usplash and set my vga mode on the kernel option in grub...02:16
zippercockand get nothing during boot02:16
bldzrarticpenguin3800: Well, depends on your current setup I guess :)02:16
articpenguin3800it will help in virtualbox though02:16
jdnewmilzippercock : I dunno... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer02:17
ctothejMy gutsy install cds (desktop and alternate) never get past the "Starting system log daemon: syslogd, klogd." stage. It just hands there with a blinking cursor.02:17
sub[t]rnlzippercock➜ I have mine working02:18
zippercockhow did you set it up?02:19
sub[t]rnlkind of a little process to do it02:20
sub[t]rnldo you have your vga= in menu.lst?02:20
zippercockyeah and i set all of that02:20
=== Linux_Galore is now known as Linux_Galore_
zippercockand deleted the splash option02:21
sub[t]rnlset the res in /etc/usplash.conf?02:21
zippercocki just took usplash out of my kernel line in grub02:21
sub[t]rnledit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-framebuffer02:21
sub[t]rnl# blacklist vesafb02:22
sub[t]rnl # blacklist vga16fb02:22
sub[t]rnlcomment those two02:22
sub[t]rnledit /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and add vesafb and vga16fb02:23
sub[t]rnlthen sudo update-initramfs -u02:23
sub[t]rnland your done02:23
Gargoyle76has anyone had depmod crash during install of new programs or updates02:24
Minatakuzippercock: I've had that problem.02:25
zippercockso in making linux more "simple" they added a bunch of annoyance for those who wish to use console and not X...02:25
zippercockfun ufn02:25
zippercockfun fun *02:25
MinatakuIf the image intended for the GRUB background goes missing, you won't see anything02:25
zippercockbut it is done, and hopefully I will reboot to a delightful console with decent res02:26
sub[t]rnlzippercock➜ in an attempt for "stability" the kernel team blacklisted framebuffers... so..  yeah.02:26
Minatakusub[t]rnl: Are you SERIOUS!?02:26
sub[t]rnlas a heartattack02:27
MinatakuSo the VTs run in pure, pre-Hercules text mode?02:27
MinatakuWhat the hell kind of bullcrap is that?!02:27
MinatakuOkay, this distribution truly sucks.02:28
MinatakuI knew it before, but now I'm saying it.02:28
MinatakuI have concrete proof of it now.02:28
sub[t]rnlyou in *buntu now?02:28
MinatakuI've never used it.02:28
sub[t]rnlthats the head part of the framebuffer modules file02:29
MinatakuWhat the hell kind of idiotic lunacy is that?!02:29
MinatakuThe only reason the kernel has instabilities is because Debian and Ubuntu blindly patch it with idiotic bullcrap that never works02:29
snarksterwhat does that mean02:30
sub[t]rnlyour average user doesn't spend much time in VT's though, and I guess they wanted to aim at a more general audience with it02:30
Minatakusnarkster: Debian/Ubuntu kernels suck02:30
Gargoyle76has anyone had depmod crash during install of new programs or updates02:30
zippercockso it still didn't work.02:30
zippercockwhich is just as well...02:30
Minatakuzippercock: If you're actually skilled with Linux, may I suggest ANY OTHER DISTRIBUTION.02:31
ardchoille!guidelines | Minataku02:31
ubotuMinataku: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:31
zippercockI guess I will most likely go back to Slackware02:31
Minatakuzippercock: That or Gentoo.02:31
Minatakuzippercock: Good call, BTW.02:31
sub[t]rnlits just a comment here, and a module load there to get it back, but yeah, its caused a little headache with the community.02:31
zippercockwell my issue is that I followed exactly what you told me, and therefore it ought to be working.02:32
zippercockBut... it isn't.02:32
MinatakuNot to mention that Debian/Ubuntu packages are also heavily patched to fix "bugs"02:32
zippercockOther preconfigured things like this have caused me headaches too02:32
Minataku"Bugs" being "things that don't work in Debian/Ubuntu because they just plain suck"02:32
limacisn't kubuntu 8.04 an LTS?02:32
ardchoillelimac: no02:32
biovorehardy is the next LTS..02:33
limacubuntu is?02:33
zippercockDebian/Ubuntu have their place.02:33
biovoreisn't it?02:33
MinatakuSo instead of fixing the real problems, the ones that THEY caused, they blame it on the people who wrote the applications and patch those instead.02:33
ardchoillebiovore: Hardy will not be an LTS release02:33
limacbut for ubuntu it is02:33
biovoreok.. is it the one after hardy?02:33
limacwhat is after hardy!02:33
limacthe name? ;P02:34
snarksterdo any of you know why modprobe ndiswrapper doesnt start after I put it in rc.local02:34
zippercockI really like the polish of the systems, I just hate the modified packages that come with them.02:34
MinatakuWell, they usually go alphabetically now02:34
MinatakuSo after Hardy Whatever02:34
MinatakuI'd imagine it'd be Idiotic Ibex02:34
ardchoilleMinataku: Please take those comments to another channel.02:34
MinatakuOr some similar nonsense02:34
zippercockto be honest the massive apt repos are what drew me in to leaving Slackware02:34
zippercockwhich... well... apt is amazing.02:34
MinatakuMore thought is put into making up a silly name than there is in making things work.02:35
Minatakuzippercock: Ever try Portage?02:35
MinatakuI think you'd like Gentoo, honestly.02:35
zippercockI LOATHE PORTAGE!!02:35
MinatakuThere's a large package repository02:35
zippercockportage = a good way to break a system02:35
Minatakuzippercock: Uh... no it's not.02:35
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!02:35
MinatakuUnless you don't know what you're doing.02:35
MinatakuOr you DO and do something stupid.02:35
zippercockdude using portage is like adding C flags to a .tgz02:36
zippercockjust don't do it02:36
MinatakuOr don't use insane, idiotic options02:36
ardchoillePlease take the ot chatter to another channel. Last warning.02:36
MinatakuThe options are all described in the GCC manual page02:36
MinatakuIncluding the ones that are known to not work and produce bad code02:37
snarksterI need help can some one please direct me to the location to get information as to why modprobe ndiswrapper doesnt not start automatically after putting it in rc.local02:37
zippercockwell either way, apt/aptitude/wajig are awesome tools (and faster than portage)02:37
zippercocksnarkster: try #linux02:37
MinatakuKubuntu can compile things too, so there. On-topic justification complete.02:37
zippercockor rather ##linux02:38
zippercockKubuntu can... after "$ sudo apt-get install build-essential"02:38
snarksterwhy shoulod i goto #linux when I use kubuntu02:38
zippercocksnarkster: ##linux can generally help with those problems very quickly02:39
maduserI have a usb hard drive that the compter cannot access02:39
maduserhow can I access it?02:39
MinatakuSorry, but the whole "ease-of-use" thing is really starting to turn Kubuntu into a bad Windows clone.02:39
snarksterok thnak you02:39
MinatakuMy apologies for getting out of hand02:39
maduseronly the kernal sees it02:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kubuntu8.04 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:39
MinatakuBut I don't want to see a good thing go sour.02:39
Minatakumaduser: K E R N E L02:40
NickPresta!tell limac about hardy02:40
Minatakumaduser: "KERNAL" was the code in the ROM of older Commodore systems02:40
zippercockmaduser: add /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 vfat noatime 0 002:40
joh6nnanybody here ever use apt-cacher?02:40
zippercockto your /etc/fstab02:40
zippercockand then mkdir /mnt/sda102:40
zippercockand then reboot02:40
maduserits not fat02:40
Minatakuzippercock: Well, not necessarily02:41
zippercockwell then, sub the filesystem02:41
MinatakuIt's all very dependent on his specific setup02:41
MinatakuIt may be a different device02:41
maduserits a format corrupted by a mac02:41
zippercocktrue, but02:41
MinatakuOr there may be multiple partitions02:41
zippercockshould work02:41
MinatakuBetter would be to not modify critical system files first02:41
MinatakuAnd instead manually mount it instead02:41
Minatakumaduser: Don't touch fstab yet02:41
zippercockthen again if using kubuntu you would likely just mess up all of your devs if you use an fstab entry02:42
sub[t]rnlsnarkster➜ To run a script or application at boot, first, create a script and place it in /etc/init.d/ Be sure to chmod +x it, sudo update-rc.d scriptname defaults02:42
Minataku!info disktype02:43
ubotudisktype: detection of content format of a disk or disk image. In component universe, is optional. Version 9-1 (gutsy), package size 37 kB, installed size 136 kB02:43
Minatakumaduser: If you're not sure what's on that drive, use that utility.02:43
MinatakuCheck what the kernel said the drive consists of02:44
MinatakuIt'll give you a device name, and if there are partitions, list which ones exist02:44
snarkstersub[t]rnl: thank you02:44
MinatakuThen you can use "sudo disktype /dev/whatever0x"02:44
MinatakuThough if it's a Mac drive... well who the hell knows what FS it's using02:46
MinatakuIt's hard to tell the messes a Mac makes02:46
MinatakuNah, it's either MFS, HFS, HFS+ or UFS/NeXTSTEP02:47
madusermabe I will use a windows disk to rewrite the drive02:47
MinatakuSure, if you don't want any help, go ahead and do that.02:47
MinatakuBeing blown off when I try to help annoys me02:48
MinatakuMy apologies for acting out-of-hand02:48
MinatakuLike I said, I have respect for Kubuntu, but it's starting to go the way of Windows and hide everything possible from the user02:49
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:49
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marx2kDoes anyone know if Kubuntu will auto-update to KDE4 when it is officially released?02:56
snarksterive asked that and the answer I got was probably nit02:58
ubuntucan somebody help medo a chkdsk>02:58
ubuntuor whatever itis02:59
marx2kwhat are you checking for?02:59
marx2kyou want fsck02:59
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ubuntubiovore: yeah03:00
ubuntubu never mind i have a windows harddrive i want to mount but it wont03:00
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marx2kWhats the error it gives?03:01
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marx2kI just went through mounting an external ntfs drive03:03
marx2kstupid Fat32 and its' stupid 4G file limit...03:05
nowisnhi all03:05
ehcI am getting a permission denied error with thunderbird and OpenPGP keys. What should the ~/.gnupg/ directory have for ownership and editability? like evan:evan 755 for example?03:06
marx2ktry 664 or 66603:07
marx2kor a+rw03:07
ehcmarx2k, should I the user own the file or just root?03:08
nowisnah bit of a problem i downloaded 7.10 and burnt the dvd and inserted it to pc with windows on it, kubuntu loaded fine and then i asked it to install, it prompted me through all the steps for my info and when it got to the partition page it asked me to format 57% of the drive, i assumed it recognized windows and broke my 120gig drive in half so i continued on03:09
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nowisnthen when it finished installing i rebooted and i get an eror saying error loading operating system03:10
marx2kehc: I imagine it would be you... but I am not sure. Though I think if it's in your directory, you should be owner03:10
nowisnno windows or linux03:10
marx2knowisn: When you're in the grub menu (at boot), type 'b' and make it hd(0,0) and see if that helps03:11
nowisnshould i just start from scratch03:11
marx2knah not yet03:11
nowisnthere is no grub menu03:11
marx2kIts probably on there, but the MBR or menu.lst is incorrect03:11
nowisnpc just verified dmi pool then gives the error03:11
dbmoodbwhen can we expect to see 4.0 ?03:12
dbmoodbin an ubuntu release - ...03:12
marx2kdbmoodb: 3 days03:12
marx2koh.. heh03:12
marx2kdont know03:12
marx2knowisn: you only have 1 drive?03:12
ehcmarx2k, it works if I ran tbird under sudo but not if I change the permissions to 777 and then try as user.03:13
nowisneven when i try to boot a xp disk it says boot from cd/dvd then the error appears, it won't even boot from a cdrom03:13
dbmoodbwhat happened nowisn ?03:13
marx2kehc: did you list the ~/.gnupg directory? What are the permissions on it?03:13
marx2knowisn: That sounds more like a computer issue than an OS issue. Have you tried booting from a LiveCD?03:14
matthewWhoa... ok..03:14
nowisnI just totally fudged up my system03:14
nowisnnope going to now03:14
marx2kwell at worst you will need to reinstall03:14
dbmoodb- dude tis not a nas or other em device :) - so you are fine03:14
marx2kplaying with the MBR is irritating. Luckily Super Grub Rescue Disk was created :)03:15
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dbmoodbunless you wiped your bios03:15
marx2khahahah "Kubuntu Installer BIOS WIpe Buf"03:15
ehcmarx2k, 664 isn't enough, 777 is (the owner is user:user)03:15
dbmoodb- bug03:15
marx2kehc: so 777 works?03:15
dbmoodbno feature03:15
killermachhow do I get the directory tree on dolphin? so far I find dolphin very unusable03:15
ehcmarx2k, yeah03:16
dbmoodbwhy was kolphin adopted over konq ?03:16
ehcmarx2k, I just need to find how little permissions it needs03:16
nowisnme-- can kubuntu wipe a bios03:16
dbmoodbah only if you really try nowisn- and i mean really really really try03:16
biovoreit can if you write a program to do it..03:16
dbmoodbaka flash bios03:17
nowisnjust running a check on that dvd for errors again03:17
ehcmarx2k, 764 works but 760 doesn't?03:17
marx2kMan, I have to bend over backwards just to update my BIOS. If you find a way to do it FROM Linux, let me kinow :)03:17
marx2kehc: I hate octal permissions :D03:18
ehcmarx2k, well it is working now. thanks03:18
marx2kehc: good. did you do that recursively?03:18
nowisnjust wondering if this could be caused by hardware issues, this is brand new hardware?03:19
dbmoodbhow new ?03:19
marx2knowisn: if the LiveCD booted, you should be fine as far as hardware03:19
marx2kyou might just need to re-write grub to the MBR03:19
ubotufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot03:19
dbmoodbnot helpful hoof03:20
nowisngigabyte X38-DQ6 quad core Q6600 4 gig reaper ram03:20
ehcmarx2k, yup03:20
nowisn2 weeks old03:20
nowisnATI 3780 vid card03:21
nowisnsorry 387003:21
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marx2knowisn: sorry I may have missed your answer, but do you have one hard drive?03:21
hoofhartedcan i fsck a windows harddrive from here03:21
dbmoodbif you have fsck for ntfs03:22
dbmoodbdo you have it ..03:22
marx2khoofharted: you might just want the Windows checkdsk to do it upoin booting into windows03:22
hoofhartedi dont know03:22
nowisnyes one hard drive and two others on a promise technologies 133tr2 controller card03:22
dbmoodb- dont think it exists03:22
nowisnno scuzi or sata drives03:22
marx2knowisn: it probably installed grub onto one of those other hard drives :)03:22
dbmoodbi get that too03:23
dbmoodbjust change it to target device is another number like if it is h0,0 try h0,1 .. etc03:23
marx2knowisn: your best bet might just be to download and burn Super Grub Rescue Disc03:23
thomas_newbie__is there a way you can see your ip address instead of going to a website? ifconfig ?03:23
joh6nnanybody in here have any experience with apt-cacher?  i'm getting unexpected results when i use it in conjunction with Acquire::http::Proxy “http://apt-cache-machine:3142″;03:24
marx2kthomas_newbie__: ifconfig for wired, iwconfig for wireless03:24
nowisnhmm I only noticed one drive in the prompt03:24
esaymwhat is the default kernel installed on ubuntu 7.10?   RT or Generic?03:24
marx2knowisn: what prompt?03:24
nowisnK super grub, okay got a link03:24
marx2kesaym:  generic03:24
esaymthank you03:24
thomas_newbie__marx2k: k thx but what i get when i do ifconfig is my router's ip....Can I see my real ip using ifconfig?03:25
marx2knowisn: theres a point later in the install where there's an 'advanced' button in the lower right.. .thats where you specify where to install grub to (they really should make that more self-explanatory)03:25
nowisnduring install it goes to the partition page, i thought i only seen one drive03:25
hoofhartedcan i fsck a windows harddrive from here03:25
marx2kthomas: ifconfig should bring up the current networking cards in your system and their own IPs03:25
marx2khoofharted: you can try. unmount it first, I think03:25
marx2knowisn: yeah but Im talking about later in the install03:26
dbmoodbcheck the fecking manual before you blow his thing up03:26
nowisn, hmm my screwup, always in a hurry03:26
marx2knowisn: if you didnt know to look at that area, you'd never know it even exists... it's really not obvious03:26
nowisnoh crap if it installed on another drive i hope it didn't destroy any data03:26
hoofhartedmarx2k: ok done03:27
marx2knowisn: no, it wouldve just installed the grub to the MBR of another drive. no data loss03:27
nowisnOh thank god03:27
thomas_newbie__marx2k: so no? i have a router and a modem in front of it03:27
thomas_newbie__anyone else help?03:27
sub[t]rnlwhatcha need?03:27
thomas_newbie__is there a way i can view my ip address..not my router's ip address using ifconfig? or what03:28
nowisni'm going to shutdown and pull that controller cards cables before loading again03:28
sub[t]rnlnaw, thats just internal03:28
dbmoodbsure ifconfig03:28
sub[t]rnlneed to have it viewed from somehwere outside the router03:28
sub[t]rnlyou could do something like this03:28
sub[t]rnlcurl -0 "http://checkip.dyndns.org" | awk '{print $6}'03:29
sub[t]rnldon't know, play with the bash regex and clean it up03:29
thomas_newbie__sub[t]rnl: wow03:29
thomas_newbie__sub[t]rnl: dont know what that does....03:29
thomas_newbie__sub[t]rnl: so answer is that it's complicated...03:30
thomas_newbie__sub[t]rnl: that sux....the only way in that case is whatismyip.com03:30
sub[t]rnlcopy and paste that into a file, chmod +x it, then run it.  pretty easy :D03:30
dbmoodbno he is just getting the ip from checkip03:30
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dbmoodbwhy do you need your internet ip ?03:30
thomas_newbie__dbmoodb: i'm configuring my apache2 server03:31
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dbmoodbso use dyndns03:31
thomas_newbie__dbmoodb: might need guidance on that :S03:31
dbmoodb:) dyndns.org03:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ddclient - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:31
dbmoodbdpkg know it ..03:32
thomas_newbie__hold on03:32
SheeEttindbmoodb: I do believe it comes with documentation03:32
thomas_newbie__let me look it  up03:32
sub[t]rnl!info ddclient | thomas_newbie__03:32
ubotuthomas_newbie__: ddclient: Update dynamic IP address at DynDNS.com. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.7.3-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 50 kB, installed size 308 kB03:32
dbmoodbso do i shee03:32
thomas_newbie__sub[t]rnl: don't i have to pay for dyndns03:33
SheeEttinOh, you weren't the one asking for help...? :P03:33
thomas_newbie__i'm registering a domain name/03:33
sub[t]rnlyou can register what, 5 hosts too03:34
dbmoodbyou get a few options03:34
dbmoodbnot purely free of advertising for them03:34
thomas_newbie__i'm confused i guess i'll ready up on it03:34
nowisnokay bit of help here on what i should do i disconnected other drives so theres only the one, its got windows on it somewhere, but who cares about it, the livecd is loaded at the install page.03:34
DarkDancer2I'm back, does anyone even remmeber my problem?03:34
nowisncan i fix grub with this03:34
thomas_newbie__hold on though lol why do i need an domain name....ip address is fine03:34
dbmoodbdo you have a static ip ?03:35
sub[t]rnlnowisn➜ yes, boot into the live cd, and you can restore the mbr from within the grub> shell03:35
sub[t]rnlthomas_newbie__➜ if your ip changes, the host you setup will always point to it, via ddclient.03:35
thomas_newbie__sub[t]rnl: aww yea awesome i just read that03:36
sub[t]rnlthomas_newbie__➜ most routers support this dyndns update as well03:36
dbmoodbnot all are reliable tho03:37
nowisnbasic walkthrough may be needed, I haven't used linux in a long time, damn i feel old lol03:37
thomas_newbie__sub[t]rnl: lets assume that my ip does not change....I won't need this right?03:37
killermachsorry.. but did anyone ever answer how to turn on the directory tree in dolphin?03:37
sub[t]rnlthomas_newbie__➜ no03:37
SheeEttinSo anyway, I got a problem. If I try to log in, KDM hangs at the "system services" stage. Any suggestions on where to look for logs, culprits, etc.?03:38
sub[t]rnlthomas_newbie__➜ but it could still be usefull for having a domain associated with the ip to your choosing03:38
nowisnthis dvd livecd loads slow i find03:38
sub[t]rnlthomas_newbie__➜ so instead of, hey and check out my site! it could be, hey http://SheeEttin.is-a-geek.com and check out my site03:38
sub[t]rnlthey offer a range of free domains03:39
SheeEttinactually it's sheeettin.ath.cx03:39
dbmoodbbah why do you al pick those03:39
SheeEttinShort and easy to remember.03:39
nowisnanyone busy, where do i find the grub shell03:42
sub[t]rnlnowisn➜ once you get in the livecd, run sudo fdisk -l, find the partition that / is loaded on, then install grub on that partition.. example.. grub-install --root-directory=/dev/sda2 /dev/sda03:42
sub[t]rnlor I can show you how to do it by the grub shell03:43
sub[t]rnlbrb smoke03:44
dbmoodbmmm yummy yummy tar03:45
SheeEttinor case fire, one or the other03:45
alexbobpIs it possible to install Mac OS on a hard drive to be used in a PPC mac, from an x86 computer?03:45
DarkDancer2hello all, is there a way to force apt-get to install something over itself?03:45
SheeEttinDarkDancer2: as in...03:45
dbmoodbpurge remove ... reinstall03:45
Dr_willisapt-get has a force option.03:45
alexbobpDarkDancer2: apt-get --reinstall install ...03:46
Dr_willisI thought.. but ive rarely seen a case where someone needs to reinstall a package.03:46
dbmoodb- did to get lprng working03:46
alexbobpDr_willis: reinstalling a package is useful if some files get corrupted.  I've had that happen, although it's rare03:46
DarkDancer2Referring to the problem I came in here for, (which I will detail for you if you would like to hear it) I am trying to help a friend get his mp3's working again.03:46
dbmoodb-  (on a arm)03:46
Dr_willisalexbobp,  every time ive seen someone want to reinstall a package.. they mistakenly think it will reset their USERS home dir settings..03:47
alexbobpoh, I see the problem with my question.  I meant, Is it possible to install Kubuntu PPC on a hard drive to be used in a PPC mac, from an x86 computer?03:47
SheeEttinsaw someone once who had to uninstall and reinstall HAL... fully uninstall, not just a reinstall... scary.03:47
alexbobpDarkDancer2: you probably would want dpkg-reconfigure then, not reinstalling03:47
alexbobpsee what Dr_willis said03:47
dbmoodbshee no down time ?03:48
DarkDancer2dpkg-reconfigure packet name?03:48
dbmoodbyes - salt and pepper03:49
SheeEttinDunno. 'Twas on kubuntuforums.net, could probably dig it up if you want...03:49
nowisnlinux is on dev sda203:49
shadowhywindhay all, I was wondering, Is anyone else having an issue keeping the current/correct time?03:49
alexbobpDarkDancer2: yeah.  Sometimes for the mp3 thing, even "rm ~/.xine" works.03:49
alexbobpwhat's the specific symtom?03:49
alexbobper, make that rm -r03:49
ubotuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)03:49
shadowhywindWell thats not the issue, My time will randomly go forward an hour, or back couple of hours, just at random times03:50
SheeEttinalexbobp: re: PPC/x86, in theory it's possible, but I don't know if the system would like having its processor architecture changed on it...03:50
dbmoodbdual booting03:50
DarkDancer2Thanks, will try.03:50
alexbobpSheeEttin: The reason I want to do it is I have an old mac with a busted CD drive, and I want to install Kubuntu on it03:51
dbmoodbalex - floppy ?03:51
alexbobpIf only VMWare could emulate PPC.  I've used VMWare for offline installations before...03:51
SheeEttinno drives you can steal from something else?03:51
dbmoodbor you could just take a cdrive from another comp03:51
dbmoodbah - debootstrap ?03:52
thomas_newbie__sub[t]rnl: yea thats awesome but I always thought I had to pay for that :S03:53
thomas_newbie__sub[t]rnl: anyway i created an account with DynDNS03:53
alexbobpit's CD drive has one of those weird wide ribbon cables.  I don't know where to find another one like it,03:54
nowisnmust be doing something wrong, unrecognized option03:54
dbmoodb-usb boot ?03:54
SheeEttinalexbobp: floppy, USB, network boot...?03:55
Dr_willisweird wide ribbon cable? You mean an IDE cable?03:55
alexbobpit's way too old for usb boot.03:55
dbmoodbos x ?03:55
alexbobpDr_willis: yeah, but the wide kind.  Lemme count the pins.03:55
Dr_willisI do belive there are 40 and 80 pin? i forget. :003:56
SheeEttinI'm not aware of any wide ribbon, 'cept maybe SCSI...03:56
dbmoodbgot a floppy drive ?03:56
Dr_willisHmm.. trying to rember what a scsi cable even looks like.03:56
alexbobpIt has a floppy drive.03:56
alexbobpis there a floppy disk that can load stuff from the CD drive?03:57
SheeEttinhttp://utils.blinkenlights.nl/scsi/50pinscsi.jpg ?03:57
alexbobpSheeEttin: Yes, that's it03:57
nowisnis there a readme on installing grub?03:58
SheeEttinSCSI it is.03:58
alexbobpfirst I'm going to try CD again.  I think it might boot from CD if I hold down a key?03:58
SheeEttinalexbobp: C, I think03:58
farchordAnyone know what's the command to know my current kubuntu release?04:02
Dr_willislook in  the help/info/about menu item normally04:03
SheeEttinfarchord: "lsb_release -a"04:03
Dr_willisfor kde.. for kubuntu - see SheeEttin04:03
farchordOk this is really on the odd side04:03
* Dr_willis wonders how people forget what release they installed..04:03
farchordThis system is a fresh install of Kubuntu04:03
farchordAnd, for some reason, it just told me there's a distro upgrade to 7.1004:03
farchordbut im already using 7.1004:03
SheeEttinDr_willis: you'd be surprised at what can happen04:03
* farchord scratches his head04:04
* Dr_willis scratches his....... nose.04:04
SheeEttinfarchord: known problem. CD-ROM repo probably still enabled (see /etc/apt.sources.list).04:04
Dr_willisThats a bug farchord  :)04:04
DarkDancer2Ok, SheeEttin that didn't change anything....04:06
farchordsorry kind of a newb, which line do I comment out?04:07
SheeEttinDarkDancer2: don't look at me, I didn't recommend anything to you >_>04:07
DarkDancer2oh, sorry... ;)04:07
cleit0nhi, how i do to upgrade festy -> gust with CD?04:08
nowisnsomeone please show me how to install grub from the shell, TY04:08
DarkDancer2sorry, that was alexbobp04:08
Dr_willissudo update-grub should 'install it' - dependiong on what you got going on.. it may be miss-configured. :)04:08
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:09
SheeEttinnowisn: try the grub documentation, too04:09
Dr_willisthe grub homepage has some very well done docs. :)04:09
alexbobpDarkDancer2: what did I do?04:09
nowisnTY so much04:09
DarkDancer2alexbobp, you said we should rm the .xine directory04:10
alexbobpso after mucking around inside my mac and adding a few PCI cards, it appears to boot but won't talk to the monitor, which is kind of a big problem.  Any advice?04:10
DarkDancer2we did that then removed the libxine1 package and installed it again. no go.04:10
alexbobpDarkDancer2: what is the problem you're having with mp3s?04:11
SheeEttinalexbobp: reseat video card, check BIOS for video init options, make sure monitor is plugged in & turned on, etc.04:11
alexbobpit's an integrated video card04:11
cleit0n how i do to upgrade festy -> gust with CD?04:11
alexbobpand it doesn't really have a bios04:12
DarkDancer2alexbobp,  mp3's will not play since an update that came in this morning, they won't play in any app he has, except VLC. FLAC's play fine.04:12
alexbobpor, it doesn't have one with a config screen, anyway04:12
SheeEttincleit0n: I think the alternate installer can do that04:12
farchordmmmmm k now it won't update, gives a segmentation error on the linux image packet04:13
alexbobpvlc has it's own library.  what messages do you get from other programs?04:13
mixedhow do you disable system sounds?04:14
alexbobpDarkDancer2: try also reinstalling mpeglib04:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about conky - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:14
SheeEttinmixed: system settings > notifications04:14
se7en_!info conky04:14
ubotuconky: highly configurable system monitor for X based on torsmo. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.7-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 140 kB, installed size 472 kB04:14
DarkDancer2alexbobp, just a sec, I'll get it for you.04:16
mixedSheeEttin, that was it, thanks, it's a little bit from SuSE 10.3 KDE04:16
cleit0nSheeEttin: http://www.kubuntu.org/download.php#latest here dont have this04:16
mixedanyone know if linuxquestions.org is down04:17
SheeEttincleit0n: 32-or or 64-bit processor?04:18
brian_I have the latest flash player with FF but it runs extremely slow... seems like 1 fps. Sound is ok. Any ideas on what to check?04:18
cleit0nSheeEttin: 3204:18
=== brad__ is now known as some_dude
farchordahhh found how! Good ol' apt-get upgrade.04:20
qinyanwhy I upgrade my system and then I found sound card don't work?04:20
qinyanmy sound card is ALC26204:20
DarkDancer2alexbobp, never mind, it did work, you are a genius.... ;)04:23
root__hi all04:23
root__a have a little poblem04:23
SheeEttindon't we all04:23
alexbobpDarkDancer2: not really, but thanks04:23
oakbrookHello, I'm new to using IRC....But not new to Kubuntu. I just finished setting up an old dell gx60 with a 32 in LCD screen, and it works, but I'm getting 2 errors when the desktop is loading. It says "file protocol died unexpectedly" and "process protocal died unexpectedly" in 2 different kde desktop windows, it loads really slow until I click OK and then it appears to work fine...any ideas what the problem is?04:24
alexbobpoakbrook: that probably means you saved your session with a konq/dolph window having a uri that is no longer available.04:25
alexbobpI often get that when I log off while I had open my flash drive, for example.04:25
Dr_willisi agree with alexbobp04:25
alexbobpit's an annoyance, but nothing to worry about04:25
Dr_willisSaves Sessions is a neat feature.. but can be an annoyance04:26
Dr_willisI normally just disable them04:26
* SheeEttin hasn't tried saved sessions since logging out didn't work in dapper04:26
brian_Can anyone help with a Flash Player slowness problem?04:26
oakbrookthat's true at least it was true...the dolphin window was loaded at first but now it's not and it still does that.04:26
SheeEttinbrian_: how powerful is your CPU?04:27
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)04:27
oakbrookam i missing something about saved sessions?04:27
Dr_willisI would check out the kde sessions settings. and tell it to strt with a new session, or somthing like that. :) i forget where the setting is even at04:27
brian_SheeEttin: 533Mhz with 256mb RAM (maxed).04:27
SheeEttinoakbrook: maybe, try setting it to not save sessions, log out & back in, and set it to save them again04:27
alexbobpoakbrook: even if it has no content, a window with a uri in it will be saved and crash again if you log out and log back in.  If you close the window and then log out, it shouldn't show up again.04:27
SheeEttinbrian_: turn the quality down low and that's pretty much all you're gonna get.04:28
Dr_willisif its set to save the sessions on logoig.04:28
SheeEttinoakbrook: system settings > advanced > session manager04:28
oakbrookI closed it, but it stil happens...where do I find the save sessions options?04:28
brian_SheeEttin: Thanks.04:28
DarkDancer2Bye all!04:28
alexbobpbrian_: I can see why your flash is slow, but short of overclocking there's no software fix for a slow CPU.04:29
SheeEttinhmm, I should probably go to bed too04:29
alexbobpalso overclocking is a bad idea if you don't know what you're doing.04:29
SheeEttinnight y'all04:29
brian_alexbobp: It ran much smoother under Windoze though, so I thought I might need to check a setting...04:29
nowisncan't figure it out so i'm going to just reinstall04:30
oakbrookI think I found it under system settings session manager, it was resuming the same session. I'll give this a try, thanks Dr. Willis!04:32
alexbobpbrian_: unfortunately, adobe doesn't care that much about Linux, and I get the sense that flash for Linux is not really optimized.04:33
alexbobpYou might be better off with gnash, but it will have fewer features.04:33
thomas_newbie__the default configuration file for apache2 is /etc/apache2/apache2.conf        ??04:33
brian_alexbob: I was considering that before, I guess that's my only option now. Thanks.04:34
=== tonyavila is now known as nugz1212
lee986321__eepers wrong area...eh how do i get to  eh the open-source...eh the one with da lizzard?04:39
Gargoyle76I am having major issues w/ adept04:42
Gargoyle76I can't install/uninstall anything properly04:42
Gargoyle76it's causin havoc!04:43
Dr_willisi always install synaptic, or use the shell for installing stuff04:43
Dr_willisadept - always.. well annoyed me. :)04:43
Gargoyle76I need help...i watch the install on details and depmod crashes04:45
=== sirin is now known as sirina
Gargoyle76I'm a newbie and I don't understand what depmod is doing04:50
sirinawhat is depmod? *lol*04:52
biovoreit do that on a kernel install/update?04:53
Gargoyle76you know...it's not very helpful to make fun of people who are trying to learn04:53
Dr_willisI cant rember ever usng depmod either.04:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:54
Dr_willisand im not a newbie. :)04:54
biovoredepmod build the kernel module dependencies04:54
Dr_willissounds vaguely familer.04:54
biovoreso when you install a module.. it knows what there modules are need to make the module work..04:54
Dr_willisused after you compile modules.. i think...04:54
biovorelike you pci network card needs pci support..04:55
Gargoyle76that is why nothing is working!04:55
biovorefor the nic card driver to work..04:55
biovoresudo depmod -a04:55
Dr_willisYou are installing Packages (.debs) and getting depmod errors?04:55
biovoreshould rebuild teh depmod04:55
biovoreits run by the kernel install script when you update a kernel.. (or suppose to be)04:56
sirinaGargoyle76: i just wondered how he says d'he is a newbie though i don't know what depmod is04:56
Gargoyle76depmod -a will not complete04:57
ForgeAushey all :)04:57
ForgeAusbeen a while :)04:57
sirinaGargoyle76: it was a serious question, didn't mean to make fun of it04:57
sirinaman depmod04:57
sirinasorry. :)04:57
Gargoyle76apology accepted04:57
sirina*of him04:57
sirinaokay. :)04:57
Gargoyle76i'm just really frustrated04:58
ForgeAusoohh nice kde4 :)04:58
biovoreyeah kde4 still very unstable04:58
ForgeAuswell its only a release candidate at this stage right?04:58
biovoreprobably won't be ready for show time for another year.. looks nice though.. :-)04:58
sirinaouffa. why Gargoyle76?04:59
biovoreGargoyle76: sudo apt-get install -f04:59
biovoresee if that can complete..04:59
ForgeAuscan't wait for the Windows version to come out :) lol! ... lets hope it brings lots of defectors to Kubuntu :)04:59
Gargoyle76I may have screwed up...i downloaded kde4...just to peak and it didn't work...so I tried to go back to my original mgr and it crashed from then on05:00
sirinauhm sayin' he speakin with him. sorry again, Gargoyle76. :)05:00
Gargoyle76hold one..I'll try that05:00
=== aaron is now known as Quillan
biovoreI don't think I want all thoses windows users.. Linux not ready to handle the masses of stupid that follows microsoft around..05:00
Dr_willisWindows is the reason such mass's of stupids.. exist. :)05:01
killermachI'mstill googling for a directory tree in dolphin.. anyone find it yet?05:01
ForgeAusto be fair both systems have their complexities and difficulties05:01
Dr_willisi think the Technical term is "MS-Lemming-Zombie" :) but i wont rant any more.05:01
ForgeAusdolphin directory tree?... um is it meant to have that?05:02
ForgeAususe konqueror instead05:02
ForgeAusor krusader05:02
biovoredolphin is kde4 (they have it backported for QT3 atm)05:02
ForgeAus(although krusader isn't exactly a directory tree view either come to think of it)05:02
Gargoyle76it's trying to run depmod...seems frozen05:02
biovoreharddrive going?05:02
ForgeAusyeah I know dolphin is kde4 default file manager05:02
ForgeAusme I'd still go with konqui tho05:03
biovoreyeah.. same here..05:03
Gargoyle76sounds like it's trying to access something05:03
ForgeAusI think Dolphin is too simple to handle the functionality I want out of a file manager lol05:03
ForgeAusI don't need another nautilus-like file manager05:03
biovoredolphin atleast can uses konquerors service menu entries and stuff..05:04
killermachok I found this http://dot.kde.org/1172721427/1172794484/1172821938/ looks like it or at least was missing entirely05:04
ForgeAusyeah well thats probably something to do with k-parts or what is it again? that KDE equiv of bonobo or something... started with d anyway...05:05
Gargoyle76http://www.pastebin.ca/846270 here is what happened05:05
ForgeAusbeen too long since I kubuntued I guess05:05
biovorebut konqueror does have a file-tree05:06
ForgeAusat least thats one of its functions05:07
biovoredoes dolphin have one?05:07
killermachyeah.. but kubuntu has opted to default to dolphin, to make our machines less usable05:07
ForgeAuskillermach I honestly do recommend either konqueror or krusader as finle managers05:07
ForgeAusI mean dolphin is ok, but theres probably alot of functionality you can't get out of it that others probably do have05:08
sirinawhat a weekday is today?05:08
ForgeAusdepends on your needs05:08
Gargoyle76http://www.pastebin.ca/846270 here is what happened05:08
killermachForgeAus: I prefer konqueror, been using since 1999 or so05:08
biovorewell the only dolphin really has going for it is it looks nice..05:08
ForgeAusfor basic purposes theres probably nothing wrong with dolphin05:08
killermachForgeAus: but Gutsy has forced dolphin on me via default install05:08
ForgeAus:) killermach then go for it...05:08
ForgeAuscan't you change the default?05:08
sirinawhat a weekday is today? ...05:08
ForgeAusI mean the default file manager app not the default installed one05:09
killermachForgeAus: I don't know.. can I change it? for nearly 10years I've never had to change the default kde file manager05:09
ForgeAusum... I'm not certain as to where to change it to be honest...05:10
ForgeAusbrb I might be able to find out05:10
sirinatuesday, brainz! ;)05:10
Gargoyle76*head hurts*05:10
ForgeAusI mean the whole Doplhin things seems to have good intentions, I just find it a step backwards for my purposes05:11
marx2kso/// how does one enable compiz in kubuntu?05:11
ForgeAusmarx have you installed it via adept?05:11
biovoreGargoyle76: sudo dpkg --configure -a --debug=32005:11
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion05:11
ForgeAushey stdin :)05:12
Gargoyle76ok...hold one05:12
killermachForgeAus: I only use a file manager for one thing, managing/moving and finding files easily, none of which dolphin does better or as well as konqueror05:12
ForgeAuskillermach, yes but dolphin imho hasn't matured yet as an application05:13
stdinhello ForgeAus, and everyone :)05:13
ForgeAusstdin how do you change the default file manager from dolphin to konqueror?05:13
Gargoyle76same thing...-_-05:13
ubotuDolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.05:13
ForgeAus(or krusader for that matter?)05:13
killermachForgeAus: I agree, so never replace a mature app w/ a new one. that's a basic no-no05:13
ForgeAusahh there ok :)05:13
ForgeAuskillermach one would think05:14
ForgeAusbut the KDE people must have their reasons05:14
biovoreGargoyle76: anymore debug info?05:14
sigma_123yeah but the kde4 dolphin is alot more mature05:14
killermachForgeAus: thanks.. I'll try it05:15
ForgeAusdon't thank me thank stdin :)05:15
stdinno, thank ubotu :)05:15
biovoreGargoyle76: what you have in /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic05:15
biovoreand what arch you running?05:15
ForgeAuslol stdin :) that too05:16
Gargoyle76hold one05:16
sigma_123but i think its time the web browser and file manager split ways05:16
ForgeAusalthough thanking a bot is a little odd... don't you think?05:16
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!05:16
Gargoyle76what u wanna know05:17
biovorepc 32bit or pc 64bit ?05:17
sigma_123now the konq team can concentrate on making a awesome web browser05:17
biovorewell konqueror has had good css support..05:17
Gargoyle76tosh laptop05:17
ForgeAusapt apt-get yum glsapt/slapt-get rpm.. its all good... just don't try them all with your kubuntu :)05:18
sigma_123yeah thats true05:18
biovoreGargoyle76: what you have in /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic05:18
ForgeAusof course theres lotsa others packman, pkgsrc, ebuild, etc...05:18
biovorepaste bin a directory listing..05:19
sigma_123so when will flash start working again?05:22
biovoremaybe never.. :-(05:22
biovoreyou can manualy install it..05:22
biovorebut it kinda a pain for people who arn't linux savy05:23
ForgeAuswhat do you mean start working again?05:23
ForgeAuswhen did flash stop working?05:23
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash05:24
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.05:24
biovore3 weeks ago.05:24
nowisni see on the download site v1.0 for kubuntu05:24
biovoreGargoyle76: you look like you got the right  files in that directory05:24
nowisnis this different from 70405:24
biovoreGargoyle76: sudo depmod -a 2.6.22-14-generic -v05:25
sigma_123i hate flash. dnt know y it was invented. its such a waste of bandwidth05:25
Gargoyle76ok..hold one05:25
biovoreshould print a ton of stuff to the screen..  list the list of all the module dependencies for the kernel.05:25
Gargoyle76"Bus error (core dumped)"05:26
biovorewell explains why apt isn't happy05:26
biovoretry dmesg05:27
Gargoyle76what does that do05:27
biovoreprints the kernel messages05:27
biovorewhat the kernel did05:27
Gargoyle76pastebin it?05:28
biovoreif you  want..05:28
biovoremight shed some light05:29
biovoreso (core dumped) is ussually means the program did a boo-boo or something hardware messed up and the kernel dump the program to save the system.05:29
sigma_123how do i stop konqueror animating icons when i click on them?05:30
biovore[   39.766273] PCI: If a device doesn't work, try "pci=routeirq".05:33
biovoremy pci bus being weird05:33
biovoremight need to 'pci=routeirq to the kernel command line..05:34
Gargoyle76there's more..it didn't copy05:34
acee1234anyone know how to get full screen to work  on youtube it flashes up then disappears shortly after hitting the full screen button05:35
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:37
biovoreacee1234: it works here05:37
kalorin`ok question05:38
acee1234biovore: are you using compiz?05:38
kalorin`what do you think will work better for linux, a diamond stealth 64 2mb or a matrox milenium 2mb?05:38
kalorin`(yeah they're way old)05:39
biovoreacee1234: no..05:39
Gargoyle76revised post05:39
acee1234biovore: perhapse problem there?05:39
biovorewell compiz does break alot of things..05:39
biovoreGargoyle76: I see some problems there.. :-(05:40
biovoreharddisk looks like its not happy05:40
acee1234biovore: how do i kill compiz05:40
biovoreor the harddisk controller isn't working right..05:40
acee1234kill all?05:40
Gargoyle76are there any hd utils I can use to fix it?05:40
biovoreacee1234: depends on how you got it setup..05:40
biovore[ 2838.176000] end_request: I/O error, dev hda, sector 8823178705:40
biovoreI only seen this disk that are bad..05:41
acee1234biovore: i run compiz & at boot05:41
biovorebut it could be a IDE controller problem05:41
acee1234biovore: killall doesnt work05:41
biovoreacee1234: I havn't messed with compiz/beryl in months.. not sure how to kill it..05:42
acee1234biovore: figured it out05:42
acee1234biovore: still wont maximize05:42
acee1234behaves like a popp blocker is somewhere05:43
ForgeAusoops wrong channel05:43
killermachForgeAus: hmm.. when open konqueror, and click Settings->Configure Konqueror , nothing happens, just get a spinning cursor then the konqueror window goes dim and stays that way05:47
killermachI have to kill  it w/ xkill05:47
=== Linux_Galore_ is now known as Linux_Galore
thomas_newbie__can someone help me with my apache2 server...I have a domain name set up to my ip but when i try to connect it doesn't load a page05:48
killermachForgeAus: I'm sure it must be something in .kde/share/apps/ corrupted, but not sure what05:48
killermachthomas_newbie__: is the server started?05:48
thomas_newbie__yes because when i localhost it works05:48
killermachdo netstat -anp --inet |grep 8005:49
killermachthomas_newbie__: oh it works on localhost, but not from internet?05:49
Gargoyle76biovore> still there?05:49
ForgeAusum.. killer you shoul dhave a dialog box05:49
biovoreyup for a few mins..05:49
ForgeAusthat lets you change "mime" types and such05:49
thomas_newbie__killermach: yes05:49
Gargoyle76any ideas?05:50
killermachForgeAus: I created a new account, and konqueror works fine onthat user05:50
killermachthomas_newbie__: you have a few things that may cause that05:50
killermachthomas_newbie__: 1st try to run on port 8080 to see if your ISP has port 80 incoming blocked05:50
ForgeAuskillermach you may need to log into your other account or run it as kdesu to change it05:51
thomas_newbie__killermach: and btw theres no "directoryindex" directive in the configuration files you know of? maybe thats the problem?05:51
thomas_newbie__killermach: it doesn't because i have an apache server set up on port 80 on my windows machien05:51
killermachthomas_newbie__: 2nd make sure you are forwarding that port through your NAT firewall and/or have your iptables firewall allowing port 80 from outside world05:51
killermachForgeAus: yea.. just rebooted even.. no fix it05:51
ForgeAuseither that or you have some kind of configuration fault05:51
thomas_newbie__killermach: ohhhh05:52
ForgeAusits also possible that you have corrupt konqueror even ... but I wouldn't suggest thats a likely cause at this stage05:52
killermachthomas_newbie__: so create an index.html file05:52
thomas_newbie__killermach: i think you got it.....I might not be forwarding the port...I have a router05:52
ForgeAusI'm not sure much about how multiple users affects konqueror configuration05:53
killermachyep.. you have to set up your NAT router to forward to that machine05:53
thomas_newbie__killermach: but shouldn't the router anyhow still forward the port to my linux machien aswell?05:53
matthew_Where can I download Fiesty Fawn?  It's not listed here: http://www.kubuntu.org/download.php05:53
matthew_Seems to be skipped05:53
biovoreGargoyle76: from what the dmsg says.. your disk looks kinda dead...  could google on turning off DMA and doing the pci=irqroute thing might help05:53
killermachForgeAus: individual users have individual settings for konqueror, I only made the other user to determine if my user profile is borked05:53
thomas_newbie__killermach: in my config files, I don't see a DirectoryIndex directive like there should be....right05:54
Gargoyle76that's what I was afraid you'd say05:54
biovoreGargoyle76: but as of right now.. you disk is probably so corrupted that currently installed OS is probably toast or close to toast..05:54
killermachthomas_newbie__: it may be inthe global httpd.conf or the conf.d/ directory05:54
biovorebiovore: the pci line in the dmesg kinds suggest the pci bus connection to the ide controller might have problems..05:55
biovoreI am out for the night..05:56
Gargoyle76me too05:56
Gargoyle76thx for the help05:56
marx2kman... compiz themes come in 2 flavors. Vista and OSX05:56
SteamMachineSo, hi all.05:57
* fideas I'm not available now: Gone away for now.05:58
=== fideas is now known as fideas_away
killermachthomas_newbie__: I have to go.. have fun06:00
SteamMachineHi all.06:02
thomas_newbiekillermach: hey maybe its because I don't have set permissions for my index.html file?06:02
SteamMachineI was wondering about an odd bug I encountered.06:02
SteamMachineWhen I installed kubuntu 7.10 from the install dvd - it told me there was a new version I could upgrade to.06:02
SteamMachineie, version 7.10.06:03
SteamMachineIt's done this every time I installed it.06:03
SteamMachineVery odd, though it doesn't seem to cause any other issues.06:03
killermachthomas_newbie: your index.html should be world readable06:05
killermachthomas_newbie: so something like chmod 644 index.html06:05
killermachthomas_newbie: on that note .. I'm going to be..'night06:05
thomaskbuany konversation gurus here?06:08
factorxthomaskbu: just ask your question06:09
nowisnhey are there any other larger channels that support linuxmce06:09
thomaskbuok -- about 3 weeks ago the watched nicks online feature stopped working correctly -- it never alerts on sign on now and only about half the time on sign off06:09
thomaskbuany ideas why or how to fix06:09
nowisntried to install it but its making kubuntu buggy saying its causing errors06:10
thomasnuggetts__how do i save a kate text file to the root directories ?? no permissions how to do?06:10
nowisnits telling me to do a fresh install again06:11
nowisnof kubuntu06:11
nowisndiff.list-kate   changed  'zliblg'  '1:' '06:14
nowisnthis is one of the modifications06:15
nowisnhmm now says i don't have an internet connection06:16
AmyRose!pm | comp406:17
ubotucomp4: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.06:17
nowisnK thats it, later06:17
thomasnuggetts__can someone help me with my apache server...it is up and running but how do I configure it so a specific webpage shows up when you go to my domain name?06:17
AmyRosecomp4: STOP PMING ME06:20
sparri get audio/video desync in kdenlive, help?06:24
thomasnuggetts__anyone can help?06:25
BraWearerSamuelI am a guy and wear a bra as often as I can and out in public all the time06:28
BraWearerSamuelI wore a bra out in public to the mall today under just a t-shirt06:28
BraWearerSamuelI am a guy with a huge bra collection that I wear06:28
BraWearerSamuelI adjust my bra straps when people are looking at me.06:28
BraWearerSamuelI love when my bra straps project through the back of my shirt.06:28
n8k99!offtopic BraWearerSamuel06:28
matthewok, whats this about Bra's?06:41
matthewoh.. Never mind i read the history of the Bra crap06:42
Q-collectivehey all06:42
Q-collectiveCurrently when I close my laptop, the computer goes to a "deep sleep" that it can't wake up from. I have to reboot... I know this is a userspecific setting since my brothers account doesn't have this rather annoying behaviour. Where can I change this setting?06:44
matthewIn System settings> Laptops and power , I guess you could look there06:45
matthewoh, under that laptops & power , in the laptop battery tab, there are more tabs... look under button actions06:47
Q-collectivematthew: I don't have a laptop&power06:47
matthewHmm... I honestly wouldnt know how to then...06:48
Q-collectivegreat :(06:49
matthewyea.. im New to Linux on almost all counts06:50
GuyFromHellwhat's the name of that program that handles deb's like gdebi?06:50
matthewi had one HELL OVA time getting Firefox to work, when ubuntuzilla didnt work06:51
jussi01!info gdebi-kde | GuyFromHell06:51
ubotuguyfromhell: gdebi-kde: Simple tool to install deb files. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3.2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 17 kB, installed size 124 kB06:51
GuyFromHelljussi01: thank you much =)06:51
jussi01GuyFromHell: :)06:51
matthewyea ubuntuzilla is a pre packaged scripter, but you need to get that to install and unpackage too06:52
sirina<-- second name is nickserv. *haha*06:52
matthewubuntuzilla, is a mozilla installer basictly06:52
Jeroidoenst adept install and be able to remove packages?06:53
jussi01Jeroi: correct it should06:53
=== brad__ is now known as some_dude
Jeroianyway, howcome aptitude or apt-get is never made to work like so that it can figure all the hand made programs and downloaded deb packets also?06:55
jussi01!checkinstall > Jeroi06:56
jussi01Jeroi: I dont really recomned it though.06:56
Q-collectivemight anyone else be able to help me out btw? :)06:56
jussi01Q-collective: question again?06:56
Q-collective[07:44:09] <Q-collective> Currently when I close my laptop, the computer goes to a "deep sleep" that it can't wake up from. I have to reboot... I know this is a userspecific setting since my brothers account doesn't have this rather annoying behaviour. Where can I change this setting?06:57
JeroiQ-collective just double klick on deb packet with your mouse06:57
Jeroiadpet installer will handle the packet from that06:57
Q-collectiveJeroi: wrong question06:57
=== cristian is now known as Joh
Q-collectiveI didn't have a question related to a deb package06:58
=== Joh is now known as JoH_Buzz
Jeroiwell cant help you there, I dont use laptop06:58
=== cristian is now known as JoH
Jeroimy kubuntu wont go even into sleep07:01
JeroiI close my monitor for overnight07:02
Jeroimy windows does go to sleepmode07:02
JeroiI tough that kubuntu would go also, but it seems not.07:02
LynoureJeroi: Gutsy has some suspend troubles, but you should be able to adjust the setting from power manager, and see if it will suspend...07:07
=== patrick_ is now known as latronis
LynoureJeroi: if it is not running, you can try starting it with   guidance-power-manager07:13
Lynourekalorin`: keyboard problems?07:19
kalorin`yeah seem to have a dying one07:20
kalorin`all the sudden today I noticed that the o i u q w e r keys wouldn't repeat07:20
kalorin`weirdest thing07:20
kalorin`they'd generally work 1 time but not repeat07:21
kalorin`just switched it out07:21
Lynourekalorin`: luckily keyboards (non-laptop) are cheap07:24
=== posingaspopular is now known as eddieftw
inteliwaspwhat shuld i check on my laptop b/c it wont boot the 7.10 cd but it will boot the gentoo live cd...07:35
jussi01inteliwasp: have you tried the alternate cd?07:36
ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal07:36
inteliwaspdid they do something diffrent with the new versions?07:36
jussi01inteliwasp: no, there are 2 types of cd's. the desktop and the alternate.07:37
jussi01inteliwasp: what is your hw specs07:37
inteliwasplaptop amd 2800xp m, 512MB, and i do not see anything with the cd text during boot, it just goes to the hdd boot, the cd does work on another comp...07:39
jussi01inteliwasp: curious07:41
* inteliwasp seems to be a magnet for bad hardware...07:41
=== Dannilionz is now known as Dannilion
jussi01inteliwasp: gfx card?07:44
inteliwaspcrap-tastic ati igp07:45
jussi01inteliwasp: Im guessing thats the issue. try the alternate, but it may need some command line tweaking after install07:46
inteliwasplike what kind of tweaking?07:46
noaXessif i'm not logged in in my kde session.. will apt-get update the system anyway?07:46
sigma_123can someone tell me how to stop konqueror animating every icon i click? its so irritating07:47
inteliwaspnoaXess: if you do "apt-get update" the "apt-get upgrade" it will install all new updates07:49
jussi01sigma_123: you mean the bouncer while starting? or?07:49
jussi01inteliwasp: installing drivers by hand... (/me has similar hw)07:49
sigma_123jussi01: yeah that thing07:50
* inteliwasp rus off to d/l alternate install disc07:50
jussi01sigma_123: system-settings - keyboard and mouse - mouse - visual feed back on activation (uncheck)07:51
sigma_123ah yes. dam i always 4get that. thanks07:52
jussi01sigma_123: :)07:53
noaXessinteliwasp: wow.. inteligent.. that i know sorry.. but my question, if i set in adept_manager that updates should automatically downloaded will that happen even if i'm not logged in in my kde session?07:55
jussi01noaXess: I dont think so.07:56
inteliwaspnot sure, check to see if there is a cron job or the program is still active07:57
sonoftheclayrOkay I have a bit of a problem. My laptop has 2 memory sockets with a maximum amount of 512MB, at the moment I have 256MB and I wanted to know if there was a way I could find out if both banks were full or not08:08
sigma_when i press the volume up and down buttons on my keyboard it adjusts the "Headphone" volume in kmix and not the "PCM" volume. how can i change it so that it adjusts the PCM volume?08:10
emilsedghsigma_: right click on kmix'es sys tray applet08:10
emilsedghsigma_: and click on 'Select Master Channel'08:10
sigma_emilsedgh: i set it to PCM but the keyboard is still adjusting the Headphone volume08:11
emilsedghsigma_: try others, i dont know anymore :)08:12
sigma_could it possibly be the mapping of the keyboard?08:14
ere4sisigma_:  that was my first guess...08:15
ubotuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts08:15
ubotukeyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts08:15
ere4sisonoftheclayr, do you want to know if you have 2x 128 mem or 1x 256?08:18
sigma_can somone paste the command that opens Adept Add/Remove programs? i deleted the shortcut by mistake08:20
ForgeAusdo a ls on your /usr/bin directory08:20
ForgeAustheres a list of adept adept-this adept-that, its one of them :)08:20
ForgeAusprobably adept-manager or something I guess08:21
emilsedghsigma_: adept_installer i think08:22
sigma_so guys its 3 days to kde4, i see they already finalized the packages, has it already been inserted into kubuntu?08:23
zlatkodo you know any multi messenger programs for kde, except kopete and pidgin?08:24
zlatkolike trillian?08:24
ForgeAusI heard trillian astra supposedly was able to have had a linux version but I havn't seen/heard about one actually existing08:25
ForgeAusbesides its not free anyway08:25
zlatkoi will take a look08:25
zlatkoit should be for linux08:26
ForgeAusshould be would be nice tho :)08:26
zlatkohehe, maybe sometime in the future08:27
sonoftheclayrere4si: I don't know at all. That's what I want to find out08:29
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zlatkowhat do you use the python interpreter for?08:32
ere4sisonoftheclayr,  type   free    in a terminal - from there you can see how much mem you have - to see if it is in one slot or two youi'll need to open the case and look - hope it helps :)08:34
inteliwaspfor some reason the desktop cd and the alt cd will not boot on my laptop...08:35
ere4sisonoftheclayr,  terminal = konsole08:35
sonoftheclayrere4si: sudo lshw | less. There are two banks and each has 128MB in them08:35
sonoftheclayrThank you anyway08:35
ere4sisonoftheclayr,  well done - does that solve your issue?08:36
sonoftheclayrYes it does. Now I know how much RAM to buy08:36
zlatkowhat do you use the python interpreter for?08:42
jussi01zlatko: to interpret python? (python is an interpreted language - best to read about that yourself...)08:43
=== _roconnor is now known as roconnor
=== Agrajag` is now known as Agrajag
inteliwasphave they changed the intall cd from 6.06?08:55
inteliwaspi am not able to boot the 7.10 desktop or alt install disks08:56
jussi01inteliwasp: ouch. did you check md5sums?08:57
inteliwaspon the desktio cd i did with another comp, it was ok08:57
jussi01inteliwasp: thats weird. I dont have an answer for that one08:58
inteliwaspshall i ask later when more ppl are up?08:59
ActionParsniphi all09:00
=== AddyK is now known as AddyK-L32
ActionParsnipvery quiet today :)09:14
PolitikerNEUdoes anybody know how/whether I can hide backup files (kubuntu 7.10 64 bit)09:17
=== eddieftw is now known as posingaspopular
khelllhow to edit host names?09:22
ubotuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab09:23
fildo!hostname | khell09:23
ubotukhell: please see above09:23
khelllfildo how can i let kubuntu to check for www.myapp.com locally09:24
kraweky esto?09:31
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.09:31
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash09:32
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.09:32
=== greenery_ is now known as Greenery
khelll am trying to associate /var/www/apps/myapp/ with an domain name www.myapp.com , how to do so09:34
yao_ziyua1currently i keep kubuntu in a virtual machine under my windows xp09:47
yao_ziyua1i want to fully migrate to kubuntu,09:47
yao_ziyua1but i want to do it seamlessly:09:47
LimCoreyao_ziyua1: cool09:47
=== thanasi is now known as scorpking
yao_ziyua1let a virtual machine manager creates a virtual machine that creates and uses an actual linux partition (ext3) on my hard disk for installing kubuntu09:48
yao_ziyua1and initially let me use this Kubuntu as a virtual machine and later i can reboot directly to it09:48
yao_ziyua1can any virtual machine manager do that?09:48
PROCYYONhello ppl09:49
PROCYYONive install kubuntu09:49
scorpkingyao_ziyua1: not that i know of but qemu might be able to do that. it won't run xp though09:49
yao_ziyua1i remember vmware seems to be able to do it by providing a "Disk Partition Mounter" so that a VMware virtual machine can use a real disk partition09:49
yao_ziyua1scorpking: why qemu can't run xp??09:49
PROCYYONbut when grub starts it displays one row with unknown characters09:50
scorpkingqemu can use /dev/hda? for a hard disk09:50
PROCYYONand it doesnt run09:50
scorpkingyao_ziyua1: some problem with validation of xp09:50
yao_ziyua1so vbox becomes my only option?09:50
scorpkingnot sure. will start using it today myself ;)09:51
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:51
PROCYYONKubuntu is the only OS in my pc. I havent lost gbub due to windows09:55
scorpkingPROCYYON: look on that link and try to re-instal grub09:58
PROCYYONive installed at least 4 times09:59
PROCYYONive run kubuntu in a WD hdd09:59
PROCYYONand now im change it with a seagate10:00
PROCYYONthere is any problem with seagate hard disks?10:00
ForgeAusif grub isn't working that link helps10:00
ForgeAusit may have autoinstalled incorrectly10:00
ActionParsniphi all10:01
ForgeAusvmware runs winXP doesn't it?10:01
jussi01ForgeAus: yes10:01
ActionParsnipForgeAus, vmware runs any operating system virtually10:02
ForgeAushmmm... thats suprising didn't know qemu doesn't run XP... strange...10:02
tuxickhow to keep kubuntu/kde from messing up network? i want network brought up at boot time10:02
ForgeAusAction even macosx86 so I hear, never been able to try it sofar...10:02
jussi01PROCYYON: go and reinstall grub10:02
jussi01!tab > ForgeAus10:02
ActionParsnipForgeAus, not seen that but it technically should10:02
ForgeAusJussi I know about nick completion on IRC10:03
ActionParsnipForgeAus, qemu does run xp10:03
ForgeAusI never use it tho10:03
ActionParsnipForgeAus, you can even run kubuntu in xp in kubuntu10:03
ForgeAushehe :)10:03
jussi01ForgeAus: great. just you havent been using it...10:03
ForgeAusjussi I used to once but too many people with similar nicks made it a pain10:03
ActionParsnipForgeAus, I use virtualbox myself (if i have to)10:04
ForgeAusI know it wraps around/through the list and stuff... but I always found it easier to type an abbrev instead10:04
ForgeAusyeah I got that in my Kubuntu install but I only have VMware in my XP install10:05
ForgeAusI found VMware server more friendly in XP than the *nix version, mostly due to the ease at which you can mount drives...10:05
ActionParsnipForgeAus, depends what you are familiar with really10:06
ForgeAusthe .pl script for it wanted to do all silly stuff like install ncb devices and stuff that doesn't seem necessary for mounting a virtual drive...10:06
ActionParsnipForgeAus, I prefer the unix one as it runs like a charm (plus i have to maintain it at work a lil)10:06
ForgeAusAction you can mount drives in *nix with VMware?10:07
emilsedghanyone tried kdevelop and or quanta+ from kde4? are there usable?10:07
ActionParsnipForgeAus, sure10:07
ForgeAusAction using the perl script uh?10:07
ActionParsnipive not set it up myself but ive seen mapped drivesd10:08
ForgeAusI think I'll wait till it gets integrated into FUSE10:08
ForgeAusthat should make it easier at least10:08
ForgeAusthat script was causing me major headaches10:08
ForgeAusin windows it was simple I was shocked that it automaticlaly picked up the EXT2IFS driver and read my kubuntu.vmdk as soon as I mounted it... but in Kubuntu itself I couldn't even get a .vmdk mounted at all10:10
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lunar-ravenis anyone running hardy?10:16
stdinthey are in #ubuntu+110:17
lunar-ravenlol ok10:17
=== lab014-06 is now known as smrad
megaarmorednoobneed help men10:37
posingaspopularhi megaarmorednoob10:37
posingaspopularask away10:37
megaarmorednoobwhat "ask away" means?10:38
megaarmorednoobi'm not so good in english10:39
khelll i did modified /etc/hosts added this line www.d1g.com home , went to firefox hitting home , is doing nothing !!!10:39
megaarmorednoobmy Kopete won't show russian symbols10:41
megaarmorednoobhelp plz10:41
=== christian__ is now known as Chrigu
=== Chrigu is now known as chrigi
stdinyou can use #ubuntu-ru for russian language support10:42
thanasi!dolphin > me10:50
* fideas Gone away for now.10:58
=== fideas is now known as fideas_away
jasmin_any one knows about airtel edge usb modem11:01
jasmin_help me11:02
megaarmorednoobmen, where's russian ubuntu channel?11:06
megaarmorednoobi've lost it11:06
ActionParsniphey all11:20
gladierhey guys - quick quesiton ... which repo has vmware-workstation and vmware-player and vmware-server in it?11:22
bazhanggladier: none11:22
bazhangvmware workstation is pay for gladier11:22
gladierfine .. vmware-server and player then11:23
sub[t]rnlmultiverse probably11:23
sub[t]rnlActionParsnip➜ heyas11:23
ActionParsniphey sub[t]rnl11:24
gladiernot in multiverse11:24
ActionParsnipgladier, http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_vmware_server11:24
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers11:25
voicucan someone tell me how does vnc work? it keeps telling me that there is no server running on the machine altough there is and the connection should be able to go through11:27
gladier.. i have multiverse11:27
wesleycan someone fix the bug in kdm theme manager for me?11:27
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu11:27
ActionParsnipvoicu, vnc allows you to remotely control a remote pc system11:27
voicuyeah, i know, but do i need any special networking rules or something?11:28
ActionParsnipvoicu, make sure you have a vnc server running on the system you wish to control11:28
wesleycan someone fix the bug in kdm theme manager for me? via krfb11:28
ActionParsnipvoicu, is the pc you control on the local network or is it over the web?11:28
voicui have ping response, the server should run (it's an XP machine) but it still says no connection or no server11:28
voiculocal network11:28
ActionParsnipvoicu, ok and have you told your firewall to allow connections (if you have one)11:29
wesleycan someone fix the bug in kdm theme manager for me? via krfb11:29
ActionParsnipon the xp machine11:29
voicui deactivated all firewalls11:29
voicui kept only the nat rules11:29
ActionParsnipvoicu, nat is when you access the www which doesnt affect what you are doing11:30
wesleycan someone fix the bug in kdm theme manager for me? via krfb11:30
ActionParsnipvoicu, ok so you have no windows firewall either11:30
ActionParsnipvoicu, try accessing your xp system via ip in your vnc client nstead of computer name11:30
voicuwell rdp works11:30
wesleycan someone fix the bug in kdm theme manager for me? via krfb11:30
voicuxp is running rdp not vnc?11:31
ActionParsnipvoicu, do you want to connect via rdp or vnc?11:31
wesleycan someone fix the bug in kdm theme manager for me? via krfb11:31
voicuactionparship: afaik vnc is faster right? if rdp doesn't cut it i would like to be able to connect with vnc11:32
wesleycan someone fix the bug in kdm theme manager for me? via krfb11:32
ActionParsnipvoicu, rdp is encrypted which is also good for connecting over www. you wont notice any speed increase at all using vnc over lan as the connection is fast anyway11:32
ActionParsnipwesley, stop repeating you look ridiculous, clearly no one can help. go ask google11:33
voicuwell ok then, rdp it is :D11:33
voicuthanks for the info11:33
ActionParsnipvoicu, if you port forward on your routers WAN port yu can connect over the www11:33
ActionParsnipvoicu, np man11:34
ActionParsnipvoicu, also it will allow you to connect from windows machines too (work / uni etc)11:34
voicuyeah, i know how nat works, i made the script myself11:34
voicuok, gotta go, bye11:34
wesleyi just repeat till someone answers there are like many people in this irc somone should can help me11:34
wesleycan someone fix the bug in kdm theme manager for me? via krfb11:35
=== ubuntu is now known as ValeteXxX
ActionParsnipwesley, if no one replys.no one can. doi you want everyone to say no?11:35
wesleynope there should be one who is able to help yesterday i did get a site but it did not helped11:35
ActionParsnipwesley, have you googled? You havent even said what the problem is yet?11:36
sub[t]rnlwesley➜ edit your /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc and put Theme=/usr/share/apps/kdm/themes/directoryofyournewtheme11:36
ActionParsnipwesley, try that instead11:36
sub[t]rnlwesley➜ under that add usetheme=true, save and your done11:36
ValeteXxXWhat is the location for the new partition mean? The installation asks me if the partition shud be locaded at the beggining or end (installing kubuntu)11:36
ValeteXxXsrry about the bad english x_x11:37
ActionParsnipValeteXxX, its the location on the platter11:37
wesleyi did someting like that yesterday11:37
ActionParsnipValeteXxX, of the new partition11:37
ValeteXxXActionParsnip: is it critical information or just some sort of organization?11:37
ActionParsnipValeteXxX, its just organisation. just make sure you have at least a / and /swap11:38
wesleythat why i am asking help11:38
ActionParsnipValeteXxX, you could even have one for /home11:38
ActionParsnipwesley, still no idea what your issue is..........11:38
ValeteXxXActionParsnip: yes I wanna have a /home, thats y I am doing it manually :D11:38
ActionParsnipValeteXxX, cool11:38
ValeteXxXActionParsnip: what about that logical and primary types?11:38
wesleythat i dont get that bug fixed what preventents that i can set my own kdm theme11:39
ActionParsnipValeteXxX, id google for hard drive partitioning to see what you are getting yourself into. Its not hard but is good to know11:39
ValeteXxXok ty11:39
sub[t]rnlwesley➜ There is a bug within /etc/kde3/kdm/backgroundrc.  It would appear that if Wallpaper=default_blue.jpg doesn't exsist, kdmtheme manager will not be able to switch theme's.11:39
ActionParsnipwesley, why didnt you say "hi can anyone help me apply acustom kdm theme" so you dont look like a retard?11:39
jussi01ActionParsnip: be nice11:40
wesleybecause my englisch is not that good ?11:40
ActionParsnipwesley, "a bug with kdm" means a whole myriad of things from glitches to settings to core dumps11:40
ActionParsnipwesley, no you need to state what you want sorting instead of an overview statement11:40
ActionParsnipwesley, its like walking into a car garage and saying "my car is broken can you fix it" it means nothing11:41
ActionParsnipjussi01, will do]11:41
wesleyits doest work11:44
ActionParsnipwesley, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3723811:44
ActionParsnipwesley, does that help any?11:49
ValeteXxXIf I want to make room for 2 distros how sud I partition my hard drive?11:50
wesleyi dont realy now i am still editing i have my background off now11:50
ActionParsnipValeteXxX, just leave unpartitioned space11:51
ActionParsnipValeteXxX, the other system will see it and offer to use it11:51
ValeteXxXActionParsnip: oooh ok thanks11:51
ActionParsnipValeteXxX, np11:51
niels_ubotu: !adept crash fix11:56
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »11:56
wesleyit doest all not help11:56
ActionParsnipwesley, have you googled any?11:57
sub[t]rnlits pretty straightforward11:58
sub[t]rnl!kdmtheme | wesley11:58
ubotuwesley: To customize your !KDM theme, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu - However, see http://subtrnl.homelinux.com/kdmtheme.html for working around bug #132723 (http://tinyurl.com/2prhgc)11:58
underdogi seem to have a serious problem. i was attempting to get a VGA monitor to work as dual with my laptop's LCD. I was in kcontrol and enabled this through the peripheral settings. it then stated that the X server would need to be restarted. upon restarting, i am no longer taken into the desktop environment. i'm stuck at a text prompt asking me to log in. any ideas anyone?11:58
sub[t]rnlunderdog➜ sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:59
sub[t]rnlunderdog➜ always backup your /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:59
underdog(sub[t]rnl): thank you for the information. so will that sudo command you noted above fix the problem?12:00
sub[t]rnlunderdog➜ that will generate a new xorg.conf to get you back in X12:01
underdoghmm okay. so does this mean i will not be able to have a dual display?12:01
underdogi will always come to the same problem?12:01
jussi01!dualhead | underdog12:01
ubotuunderdog: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama12:01
jussi01!xinerama > underdog12:01
jussi01underdog: which gfx card do you have?12:02
ActionParsnipunderdog, you will but you need to keep a good xorg.conf so if the changes you make dont work you can go back12:02
underdog(ActionParsnip): thanks i will do that. i guess i just need to keep working on it.12:03
underdog(jussi01): i'm not sure. i believe it is integrated into my HP.12:03
ActionParsnipunderdog, try stuff, if it doesnt work roll bak and re-evaluate12:03
ActionParsnipsup ValeteXxX12:03
ValeteXxXI wanna dual boot with XP but I donno where to begin12:04
underdog(ActionParsnip): is there an easy way to roll back the xorg.conf file?12:04
ActionParsnipValeteXxX, install xp first and leave space for ubuntu. if you want to share files between then make a data partition in fat3212:04
ubotuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot12:04
ValeteXxXty ty people :D12:05
ActionParsnipunderdog, sudo cp xorg.conf xorg.conf_<some version number>; sudo cp ./xorg.conf_backup ./xorg.conf12:06
ActionParsnipobv xorg.conf_backup is your known good xorg.conf12:06
underdog(ActionParsnip): thanks a lot. that makes things easier.12:07
underdogmuch appreciated.12:07
ActionParsnipunderdog, or you could move them (with version number) to a folder in ~?12:07
ActionParsnipunderdog, but the main bit is cp ./xorg.conf_backup ./xorg.conf12:08
underdog(ActionParsnip): thanks. :) i'm gonna try and fix this all now.12:08
drifusing x11vnc but when trying to connect from another machine via tvncviewer I get "selection_send: no send: uninitialized clients" on the server side12:10
drifany clues?12:11
ActionParsnipdrif, is the server on *nix or windows?12:12
drifActionParsnip: server on kubuntu 7.04 and client is windows machine12:12
ActionParsnipdrif, can you ping the system?12:13
drifActionParsnip: naturally, how else would I even start makign the connection? it says "08/01/2008 14:04:51 Got connection from client" and is using client protocol version 3.812:15
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ActionParsnipdrif, just getting info12:16
ActionParsnipok is there anyfirewalling on either pc blocking the connection12:17
ActionParsnipthe firewall will also have to allow the vnc traffic out of your windows box12:17
drifActionParsnip: no12:17
drifActionParsnip: actually, a sec12:17
wesleydoes someone know where vthe data files from wesnoth are on my system?12:19
jussi01drif: have you tried using a different client?12:19
drifActionParsnip: well, that was elemental.. forgot completely the windows' own firewall being on as default12:19
shaffythanks for the help everyone.  i restored my xorg.conf file and i'm back at it12:20
ActionParsnipdrif, all good now?12:20
ActionParsnipshaffy, sweet move dude12:20
drifActionParsnip: yup12:20
ActionParsnipdrif, I ask stupid questions cos its usually something small and stupid like taht12:21
drifActionParsnip: like they say, out of sight, out of mind :D12:21
ActionParsnipdrif, glad its all groovy man12:22
drifActionParsnip: yeah, I know that scene :D I'm making those very same ones when helping others out12:22
shaffyso, i'm guessing to get the dualhead to work, it's not as easy as just going into kcontrol --> peripherals --> monitor & display  ?12:23
ActionParsnipshaffy, i think theres an xorg.conf line or two that you need. if you look at "Section display" i think you need 212:23
drifActionParsnip: btw, do you happen to know if the support scheme is still the same between ati vs. nvidia? I'm still using 7.04 with ATI and not quite aware12:24
ActionParsnipdrif, how do you mean?12:25
drifActionParsnip: in plain, better support for nvidia cards.12:25
ActionParsnipdrif, all the way :)12:26
drif thought so12:27
ActionParsnipdrif, if i'm intending linux then i always go for nvidia12:27
wesleycan some one tell me where the location is from the standard campains from wesnoth12:28
desioCan somebody explain  me how this work?12:30
Lynourewesley: if you install wesnoth-all, you'll get that, other campaigns and the editors. (if I understood your question)12:30
ActionParsnipdesti, in what way?12:30
ActionParsnipdesio sorry12:31
desioI'm a newby12:31
drifActionParsnip: yeah, intending to buy nvidia as well - too bad this mobo has ati integrated12:31
ActionParsnipdrif, get an extra card and disable onboard12:31
desioso, i understand if i have some problems i ask you?12:32
ActionParsnipdesio, what do yu want to do and we'll help all we can12:32
desiothis is a Ubuntu forum!12:32
ActionParsnipdesio, google is good too :)12:32
desiono i like human references12:32
drifActionParsnip: gladly, it's making audible (atleast to my ears) sound when there's activity on screen..12:32
desioso i can speack english12:32
jussi01!ask | desio12:32
ubotudesio: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)12:32
ActionParsnipdesio, yes ask away12:33
desiook ActionParsnip12:33
desioi use to post in kubuntu forum12:33
ActionParsnipdrif, I had that with mine so i got a card. I know what you mean12:33
ActionParsnipdesio, you can ask in here12:33
desiothanks ActionParsnip12:33
desioi have to go now see you12:34
ActionParsnipsee you man, peace12:34
drifActionParsnip: is there much difference in support between nvidia models?12:38
jussi01drif: some of the newer models are not yet covered by the restricted manager12:38
drifjussi01: so which card would you suggest?12:39
jussi01!hardware | drif12:39
ubotudrif: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection12:39
jussi01drif: I cant suggest anything in particular, but somefriends of mine use the 7950 to good effect. ( I have a 6600gt)12:41
ActionParsnipi have onboard nvidia (www.efficientpc.co.uk) but they have changed their range12:42
ActionParsnipdrif, for desktop apps just get a midrange geforce12:43
jussi01drif: anything on that list with support will be pretty good :) I suggest you go look at specs and buy whats right for you12:43
drifmy main factor is sound, no noisy coolers for me :-\ but also somewhat performance12:44
ActionParsnipdrif, get a fanless one then12:44
ActionParsnipinno3d do some ok fanless geforces12:45
shaffycan someone tell me how to logout of my desktop environment, so it is just command line?12:46
ActionParsnipdrif, do you have pciexpress?12:46
shaffy(i.e. so xserver is shut down,i believe12:46
drifActionParsnip: yes12:46
DaSkreechshaffy: alt+ctrl+F1 -> login -> sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop12:46
jussi01shaffy: just press ctrl + alt + funtion key12:46
ActionParsnipdrif, where are you on the globe?12:47
shaffyperfect DaSkreech.  that's what i needed.12:47
shaffythansk jussi0112:48
drifActionParsnip: Finland12:48
jussi01shaffy: :)12:49
ActionParsnipdrif, i cant find a finnish supplier but something like http://www.compumusic.com/i259280.htm12:50
jussi01drif: where in finland are you?12:50
Tm_Tjussi01: krhm12:51
Tm_T!fi | drif12:51
ubotudrif: Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi12:51
drifTm_T: I believe we both were using English..12:52
Tm_Tdrif: I know, but, it's easier, AND also you are allowed to speak more freely there12:52
Tm_Tdrif: tervetuloa12:52
jussi01drif: there are lots of good stores, pm me if you would like a reccomendation.12:53
drifTm_T: hehe12:53
* DaSkreech phears the Tm_T12:54
* stdin giggles at Tm_T's silly hat12:55
Tm_Tstdin: shall we dance?12:55
stdinbut there's no music...12:56
Tm_Tbut there's funny hats!12:56
* Tm_T hides12:56
* drif plays musical saw - any requests?12:57
stdinthe magic of ChanServ, all hail!12:57
jussi01now now kids...12:57
drifpromotion and demotion all in same package12:58
shaffycan anyone direct me on how to install XFree86?  i've looked it up in adept manager, however, it seems the only things i can find involve the synaptics touchpad/touchscreen.13:00
stdinXFree86? we use X.Org here13:00
shaffystdin: shit.  i must be confused then.  i was trying to get dual-monitors / dualhead to work.13:01
shaffythought i needed that13:02
DreadKnightis the wacom mouse working in hardy yet? ^^13:02
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama13:02
stdinand watch the language please :)13:02
ActionParsnipshaffy, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XFree8613:02
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distinghello, totem movie player is the only one that is in full volume and other players such as mplayer wouldn't turn high enough even omn it's full volume. but on kmix everything is up high. how can i fix this please? :D thank you13:09
distinghello, totem movie player is the only one that is in full volume and other players such as mplayer wouldn't turn high enough even on it's full volume. but on kmix everything is up high. how can i fix this please? :D thank you13:09
sub[t]rnldisting➜ try adjusting levels in alsamixer13:11
distingsub[t]rnl> i did no luck, it's turned up to the max13:11
disting<sub[t]rnl> i am using headphones13:12
sub[t]rnlkmix is a frontend to alsamixer anyway.. duh13:12
sub[t]rnldisting➜ hrm, don't know.13:13
=== pierre_ is now known as query_k
query_khi all13:18
query_kI have a question regarding openoffice spreadsheet13:18
jussi01!ask | query_k13:18
ubotuquery_k: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)13:18
query_kAnyone know how can i get the address of the cell that gave me the minimum while using the min function13:19
distinghello, totem movie player is the only one that is in full volume and other players such as mplayer wouldn't turn high enough even on it's full volume. but on alsamixer everything is up high. how can i fix this please? :D thank you13:21
jussi01!repeat | disting13:22
ubotudisting: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com  http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience13:22
ubuntuAre nVidia drivers for my graphic card required for me to extend my desktop to a second monitor or can I do without those drivers?13:23
ubuntuI've looked at the FAQ and at the help system within KDE but I don't see any mentions of how to exten your monitor to a second desktop13:23
jussi01!dualhead | ubuntu13:24
ubotuubuntu: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama13:24
ubuntuthanks juss appreciated13:24
jussi01!xinerama > ubuntu13:26
ubuntuXinerama vs twintip13:26
ubuntuahas nyone tried both?13:26
ubuntuI'm not looking for someone to babysit me through the install I 'm just wondering if there's one that has a particular feature that's useful which the other one wouldn't13:26
ubuntuI started with the livecd13:27
ubuntuit's pretty cool I have a laptop and practicly everything works out of the box13:27
ubuntuthe only thing I don't understand is..13:27
ubuntuI have a bluetooth mouse/kb...13:27
ubuntuthey'll only work if I have my usb dongle plugged in egven if the laptop supports usb (maybe I need to install a binary driver)13:28
ubuntuand if the dongle is in when thcomputer is booting... the mouse/kb work for 5-120 seconds but then they stop working and I have to pull out/plugin the dongle again13:28
ubuntuanyone had similar experiences?  it's not that it doesn't work.. it's just acting wierd13:29
jussi01ubuntu: hat sounds weird, I have no such issues with my bt mouse13:29
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup13:30
jussi01ubuntu: there might be something there13:30
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ubuntuI have a logitech rig13:31
ubuntuat least it works13:31
ubuntumaybe once I go from LiveCD to he HD install it'll work better who knows13:31
ubuntuI know I'm switching soon13:31
jussi01ubuntu: my mouse is also logitech...13:31
ubuntuI just need to use the LiveCD for another week or so13:31
simonovaI'm trying to install the kde4 beta files, but something went wrong, and now I have a ton of broken dependencies that apt-get -f install won't fix13:31
ubuntuwhy isntall something beta13:33
ubuntuunless you expect stuff to go wrong13:33
simonovait comes out in 3 days13:33
ubuntubetas are for people whoave too much time on their hand13:34
simonovaI was assuming it'd be somewhere near stable13:34
ubuntutypically programers playing around13:34
ubuntuI hear ya13:34
llutzwait for 4.1 and ask again for stability13:35
simonovais there any way to remove broken packages?13:35
llutzapt-get remove package (maybe with force-option)13:35
simonovawhat is the force option?13:37
llutzsimonova: man apt-get tells you (--force-yes)13:38
Tm_Tnot that force option13:39
humboltosuddenly archive files do not open embedded in my konqueror anymore. how to get it back like it was?13:39
simonovahmm, it still wants me to run apt-get -f install13:39
simonovawhich refuses to work13:39
llutzthen try dpkg13:40
waylandbillI have firefox working with dansguardian. Is there a way to require using dansguardian? Like making firefox and konqueror not work with a direct connection?13:52
humboltoWhy does Kubuntu try to cripple KDE to be as dumb as GNOME is?13:57
humboltoWhy those insanely stupid default settings for konqueror?13:58
humboltoI want konqueror to be konqueror! If I'd like a GNOME-ish desktop I'd use GNOME!13:58
humboltoGive me back my KDE!13:58
sub[t]rnlsudo rm -r /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/apps/konqueror14:00
sub[t]rnloh, he's gone.. heh14:00
sub[t]rnlhumbolto➜ sudo rm -r /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/apps/konqueror14:01
humboltoIs that the policy? Free speach? I did just ask questions so far!14:01
stdinhumbolto: you didn't ask a support question the whole time, just complained.14:02
humboltoI deinstalled the kubuntu-default-settings package.14:02
humboltoSince when this channel is just about support?14:03
driffrom the very beginning?14:03
sub[t]rnlread the topic?14:03
humboltoWell, that's why I am here. I want to find support for my opinion!14:04
humboltoDo you think people who go for Kubuntu don't choose KDE for it's features? Like it's rocking file manager konqueror?14:04
sub[t]rnli told you how to get the default KDE profile back for konqueror14:05
stdinif you have a specific question then I suggest you ask it14:05
sub[t]rnlproblem solved?14:05
humboltoWell, I had. Why is it that Kubuntu thinks they need to cripple KDE?14:05
sub[t]rnlfunny how adding one simplified konq profile is "crippling" kde14:06
tuxickwhy do the search results i find on the wiki point to ubuntu?14:06
stdinhumbolto: you'll get no more warnings here14:06
tuxicklooked for info about compiz and they tell me all sorts of gnome stuff14:06
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion14:07
tuxickhow come adept just showed it?14:07
tuxickah ok no by default14:07
stdinstill installable, just not install by default because it's horrible14:08
humboltostdin: First, there were no warnings so far what so ever! Second, if anybody is interested in improving Kubuntu's acceptance, I suggest you listen to your users instead of banning them. Of course I acknowledge you are all volunteers, ...14:08
humboltostdin: you guys just shot me in the back without any prior warnings.14:08
stdinhumbolto: I didn't ban you, and the remove was a warning14:09
stdinif you feel you want to discuss it more, join #ubuntu-ops14:09
humboltostdin: one might see it that way, another might not.14:09
sub[t]rnlhe didn't ban you... thats obvious.. and he just said he warned you by removing you..14:10
sub[t]rnlonly one way to see it14:10
tuxickstdin: i was just curious14:10
tuxickit's not working anyway14:11
tuxickcries about xgl14:11
tuxickooh dear, it's all gnomish stuff?14:12
stdinwhat is?14:12
tuxickgentoo docs about xgl talk about gtk+14:12
ForgeAusits qtless?14:13
humboltosub[t]rnl: yes, now that he mentioned his removal was a warning, I can see that too. But usually before you through somebody off a runnig train, you warn him in text. anyhow, not worth any further discussion.14:13
bobesponjamy knetworkmanager crashed and now it won't work wifi, nothing happens when my wifi card is on even if airsnort works good14:25
bobesponjaany idea how I can get the wifi manager to work again?14:25
teclo-Hello, how can I tell kubuntu that i don't wanna use dolphin as file manager, but only konqueror...14:25
ubotuDolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.14:26
mohihi all14:35
mohiif I install Koffice2, would it conflicts with my current Koffice?14:36
BluesKajHowdy all :-)14:36
ubunturosis dolphin a lightweight Konqueror ? (or sort of )14:37
BluesKajmohi, how are you going to install it ?14:37
BluesKajyeah sort of14:37
mohiBluesKaj: adept-manager14:38
BluesKajok mohi , then installing koffice 2 will prolly replace the original14:38
mohiBluesKaj: shit!14:40
stdinit won't conflict afaik14:40
mohiBluesKaj: does Koffice2 have live disk?14:40
BluesKajmohi, I didn't say it would destroy your settings and data , it should save all that14:41
mohicool! tanx ;)14:42
andres6good mourning14:45
BluesKajno such thing :)14:48
LjLubunturos: not quite... dolphin is a file manager - period - konqueror is mostly a kparts shell, i.e. it is a place where any contents provided by kparts can be displayed. so it acts as a web browser, a generic file viewer, and a file manager as well14:56
ubunturosLjL: hmm, so, could dolphin be like one of the kpart14:58
ubunturos's content?14:58
LjLubunturos: yes indeed. the file browsing part.14:58
ubunturoscoo! - KDE rocks!14:59
BluesKajI like konq cuz one can tab browse files and websites in one app14:59
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ubuntu__Hello I am installing and partitioning manually but I have a question: Do I need a mount point for sawp?15:20
llutzubuntu__: no15:20
ubuntu__llutz: thanks15:20
ubuntu__I wonder if I shud make a /usr partition :S What do you guys think?15:25
trappistubuntu__: I wouldn't15:25
trappistI'd do /var and /home15:25
pagtrappist, why /var ?15:25
trappistubuntu__, pag: http://blog.linuxkungfu.org/blog/index.php?/archives/15-My-Partitioning-Preferences.html15:26
trappistpag: short answer, logs can fill up your hard drive.  if a /var partition fills up you'll be ok, but if / fills up you could have a bad day15:27
pagtrappist, true, but if you have ~10GB for / and do not run any web/mail servers, then fill up is highly unlikely15:27
pagmy var is < 500MB15:28
lovrehi all15:28
lovreone question, i dont see windows xp in grub menu when booting. It just dissapeared. Why is this?15:28
trappistpag: yeah that's the thing it really all depends on your usage.15:29
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto15:29
trappistpag: but "it depends" isn't all that helpful an answer to somebody asking for advice :)15:29
ubuntu__Is it a good idea to make /home fat32 or shud I mae another partitition to share with Windows?15:29
paglovre, have you moved the XP entry within your menu.lst?15:29
llutztrappist: then you also should consider a separate partition for /tmp15:29
trappistubuntu__: making /home fat32 is a very, very bad idea15:29
LjLstdin, why does every incarnation of the kde4 packages break URL handling (at least from konversation) in a novel way each time? >:15:29
ubuntu__trappist: thanks :D15:29
trappistubuntu__: back in my dual booting days I had a fat32 partition that I mounted as /data15:30
ubuntu__trappist: I am still rather clueless x_X15:30
stdinLjL: what happens?15:30
lovrepag: i didnt touch anything. I just restarted comp, and there wasnt xp in the menu anymore15:30
lovrepag: can i get it back anyhow?15:30
trappistubuntu__: fat32 doesn't understand unix file permissions.  you'll find a lot of stuff doesn't work if /home is fat32.15:30
ubuntu__trappist: hmmm do I need to set a mount point for my fat32? :S15:30
BluesKajlovre, pastebin your grub menu : kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst ... maybe we can help15:30
paglovre, pastebin ( http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org ) your menu.lst please15:30
trappistubuntu__: if you want access to it from linux, yes.15:30
Chousukeubuntu should mount it automatically15:31
ubuntu__trappist: can I put a random name like /windows?15:31
trappistubuntu__: sure15:31
llutzubuntu__: if you are jsut a single user, mount it into $HOME/data15:31
LjLstdin: well, after the dist-upgrade i did today, i get "KDEInit could not launch 'kfmclient-kde4'.: Could not find 'kfmclient-kde4' executable.". before, URLs would simply open in Konqueror "4" instead of Konqueror "3"15:31
LjL(i'm talking while being in KDE 3)15:31
Chousukeubuntu: you can mount any filesystem anywhere.15:31
Chousukeubuntu: sometimes even twice.15:31
Chousukewhich is pretty funky, but possible :P15:32
lovrehere it is15:32
ubuntu__Chousuke:  :P15:32
Chousukethe only restriction is that you must have a / :)15:32
llutzand it's nice to mount something on top of / :)15:32
paglovre, is Windows at first partition of first hard-drive?15:32
lovrepag: there is only 1 hard drive15:32
stdinLjL: hmm, there should be a wrapper script in place for that, /me looks into it15:33
paglovre, but is it on first partition? ( sda1 )15:33
lovrepag: no15:33
ubuntu__hmmm ubuntu partitioning thingy says I have unusable space :S15:33
lovrepag: actually, yes, its sda115:33
lovrepag: sory15:33
llutzubuntu__: you tried to create more than 4 primary partitions?15:34
paglovre, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51209/ that'll do it then :)15:34
lovrepag: as i can see, there is entry missing15:34
ubuntu__llutz: yes15:34
ubuntu__llutz: swap the onde for windows / /home and I was left with some space15:35
llutzubuntu__: you only can have 4, make one of them an extended drive with logical partitions in it15:35
lovrepag: thank you, i will restart to check it, brb15:35
paglovre, sure. come back to tell if it worked :)15:35
llutzubuntu__: installing linux on logical partitions works fine15:35
LjLstdin: FYI, i just tried a PDF link instead of an HTML link (still in Konversation), and it opens with KPDF "3" as it should. (also, any URL i open from within Konqueror "3" opens in Konqueror "3", but i suppose Konqueror handles its own links internally)15:35
ubuntu__llutz: :S15:36
stdinLjL: yeah, basically the wrapper script for kde4s kfmclient seems to have gone missing somehow15:36
LjLstdin: why does HTML go to kfm anyway? seems a bit counter-intuitive, shouldn't it just go to konqueror?15:37
=== INFOEXCLUDED is now known as Weroc
stdinLjL: it's always been kfmclient (from kde3), kfmclient was/is used to open konqueror in the right "mode"15:39
stdinmakes it start faster15:39
LjLone of those wonderful KDE hacks, i see ;P15:39
stdinotherwise it'd have to determine the mime type as it get's the content (slower)15:40
=== Weroc is now known as NoWaspAtWDC
LjLstdin: well but somehow it does at least for PDF files15:40
BluesKajI prefer konq as a browser (seems safer somehow), but wish it was abit faster at loading webpages15:41
LjLstill from http:// i mean of course15:41
lovrepag: it worked, thank you very much15:41
paglovre, np :)15:41
LjLBluesKaj: perhaps it'll improve with webkit... it's not that slow really though, if you time the loading time you'll probably find it's about on par with firefox, except that the loading feedback is different15:42
LjLnobody seems to like konqueror very much... but remember we're among the few who can claim their own html engine which is not only pretty good and pretty standards compliant, but which also has been ported to numerous successful commercial products :)15:43
BluesKajLjL, webkit?15:43
LjLBluesKaj, webkit is the port of khtml that's been created by Apple for their (Mac OS X default) Safari browser, and which is also used in Symbian S60 devices and a couple other places. there's currently an effort to merge it back with the original KHTML, or at least to make it usable from Konqueror. i think you can try it right now with the KDE 4 packages15:44
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BluesKajwell, konq isn't the most appealing eyecandy-wise , but I've learned to appreciate it's flexibility :)15:45
stdinthe liveCD used webkit by default15:45
BluesKajstill running kde3.8 so i 'll wait til 4 is stable enuff for me to install without a miriad od backfixes :)15:46
stdinI've seen plasmoids embeded in webpages using webkit15:46
LjLBluesKaj: don't hold your breath ;)15:46
BluesKajhehe LjL15:46
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BluesKajdid i say kde 3.8 ?...i meant 3.5.8 of course15:51
LjLstdin: also, konqueror doesn't start from the k menu in KDE 4 (i guess for the same reason), and System Settings also doesn't load15:52
stdinLjL: konqueror doesn't run because the .desktop uses kfmclient-kde4, systemsettings for another reason15:54
stmartinI have one problem, on ubuntu and kubuntu15:56
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv415:57
stmartindidn't I correctly disabled ipv6?15:58
stmartinis my method correct?15:58
BluesKajstmartin, the tutorial describes the correct method to disable IPv615:59
LjLstdin, and launching Dolphin from the K menu results in *two* Dolphin windows opening, one in /home/kde4/KDE, and one in /home/kde4/4 (both of which, of course, don't exist. /home/kde4 itself is the correct directory for my KDE 4 user)16:00
stmartinbut why I can't update my linux?16:00
stdinLjL: yep, I'm working on that one as we speak16:00
mkitzmanHello, is there anyone who could Give me a few pointers about samba in kubuntu?16:01
BluesKajgotta go , BBL16:01
stmartinok, thanks BluesKaj16:01
Dr_willismkitzman,  the samba-doc package - has several html books on the topic. :) care to ask a more specifc question?16:01
mkitzmanI have a kubuntu system set up with a share I would like to mount in windows.  I can see the computer on the network, but when I enter my username and password to try and mount it, it returns askinG for my password aGain16:03
mkitzmanand here is the crazy part, I have added my samba user...16:03
mkitzmansorry about my "G"s, somethinG is GoinG on with my keyboard and GooGle desktop....16:04
Dr_willismkitzman,  use 'sudo smbpasswd -a YOURUSERNAME' and give the user a samba password.16:05
mkitzmani have done this, and verrified that my username was added.16:06
Dr_willisalso  - you might want to enable the home shares in the /etc/samba/smb.conf file16:06
mkitzmanis this needed?16:06
Dr_willisThats about alli have to do to get the home shares going.16:06
Dr_willisYou did enable a share?16:06
Dr_willisNone are enabled by default/16:06
mkitzmanyes, but not my home directory.16:06
Dr_williswhat one did you enable then?  there may be a mistake in how ya did it.16:06
Dr_willisI normally just uncomment the homes.. the problem with sharing /var/www - is the owership OF that www dir.16:07
Dr_willisI dont think you can just share it - and let everyone have write permission to it.16:07
mkitzmanyeah, I chanGed the ownership of that directory to me...16:07
Dr_willisI would enable the home shares - just to see that  samba is working right.. then you could always link /var/www to /home/whatever/var/www i guess :)16:08
Dr_willisor ssh in to the box and copy the files to the right place.16:08
mkitzmanI could give that a whirl.16:08
Dr_willisI dont mess with web servers. so cant tell ya more. there may be a better way to do it.16:08
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Dr_willisits possible that messing with who owns stuff in that dir. May break the webserver.16:09
mkitzmanno problem, thanks for the advice.  :)16:09
Dr_willisHmm.. I got a link in /var/www/mythweb to my mythtv install . :) ya could make a linkto the users home/www i guess also16:10
mkitzmanhmm, that could work as well16:10
mkitzmanthat's a good idea16:10
XxXValeteXxXok people so how is this for a partitioning scheme: NFTS for Windows (primary); FAT32 at /windows (primary); swap (logical); / (primary); /home (logical). What do you think? :S16:10
XxXValeteXxXthe linux partiotions are using reiserfs16:11
Dr_williswell.. windows can read/write ext2/3 now a days.. and linux can read/write ntfs.. so do you need a fat32 any more?16:12
lovrecan anyone recommend a program like dreamweaver, but for kubuntu, I need a wysiwyg html editor for linux, that is at leat good. ?16:12
pag!info kompozer | lovre16:12
ubotulovre: kompozer: Complete Web Authoring System. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.10-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 8510 kB, installed size 26160 kB16:12
XxXValeteXxXDr_willis: I wasnt really sure of what I was doing xD16:13
lovrepag: thank you very much. Is it ok for php development also?16:13
Dr_willislets see.. Windows XP (primary) (swap primary) (/ Primary) and (home Primary) :)16:13
Dr_willisis about what i use.16:13
Dr_willisactually i tend to put swap at the very end.16:13
paglovre, to be honest: I have no idea at all - I've never done any webpages16:14
Dr_willisI recall that resizing partitions with the parted tools can be a little annoying - if they are not primaries.16:14
Dr_willisBut i havent resized any in a long time.16:14
lovrepag: ok, thank you :D16:14
Dr_willisOr if installing Kubuntu - set up like ( windows primary) (A bunch of the HD unallocat4ed) - The installer will  allocate/fdisk/format the Unallocated space as needed.16:15
XxXValeteXxXDr_willis: oooh I  shoudlnt have used a fat32 partition =_=16:16
XxXValeteXxXDr_willis: oh nvm too late16:16
Dr_willisXxXValeteXxX,  i dont use fat32  partitions any more.16:16
Dr_willisUnless you just want some place to keep your mp3's :) i guess16:16
XxXValeteXxXDr_willis: oh well at least I can save my important windows stuff in another partition, just in case windows gets messed up =\16:18
nexamacanyone got any great suggestions to why i cant connect to internetpages via browsers?16:26
nexamaci can ping them, and im on IRC now, but just cant open them :|16:27
mdasilvanexamac: telnet www.somewebsite.com 8016:28
mdasilvaGET /16:28
mdasilvasee if you get a response16:28
dthacker-workhi, we've changed wireless keys and encryption methods at work, but KNetworkManager will net let me select the new encryption method.  How do I get it done?16:28
nexamacmdasilva: connection closed by foreign host16:29
* marcx zbohom budte ... zajtra zbohom budem16:29
nexamacdthacker-work: if you man iwconfig and skip to line 207 theres a whole section on that subject :)16:31
orphemalBuenas ... primeroque nada un saludo a todos...16:32
orphemaltengo un problema con mi laptop y16:32
orphemalcon la conexion Wireless....16:32
BluesKaj!es | orphemal16:33
ubotuorphemal: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:33
orphemalubotu: tnx ;)16:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tnx ;) - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:33
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dthacker-worknexamac: tnx, perhaps it's time to abandon the GUI16:35
nexamacGUI is sweet, but terminal is effective :P16:36
nexamacreboot time16:37
dthacker-workbye for now....16:37
nexamacback <316:46
luigiciao a tutti16:51
jussi01!it | luigi16:51
ubotuluigi: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!16:51
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W8TAH|Classhi folks -- i have a kubuntu gusty laptop -- i use it in 3 modes -- wireless (broadcom card which does work) wired and docked (wired) i need it to be able to traverse connections etc seamlessly -- for the past 3 weeks ive been using it wirelessly without any problems - now i cant use it wired - i need help please17:01
nosrednaekimW8TAH|Class: hmmm, knetworkmanager doesn't see that you are attached to wired?17:01
W8TAH|Classlemme check17:02
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W8TAH|Classdoes not appear to17:03
W8TAH|Classi have a link light17:03
thomasnuggetts__can anyone help me with my apache2 server? I don't know how to set up the configuration file so that when you enter my domain it goes to a specific page17:04
W8TAH|Classive used this laptop under several variants of linux (ubuntu, gentoo and kubuntu) it worked great under fiesty but since i upgraded to gusty -- ive had lots of fits17:04
W8TAH|Classnosrednaekim: for whatever perverse reason, its now working17:05
nosrednaekimW8TAH|Class: yeah... people have been saying such things about gutsy... from that i've noticed, the .10 relase is always less stable17:05
W8TAH|Classso i gotta live with 6 months of this?17:05
W8TAH|Classor can i wipe out and roll back to fiesty17:06
W8TAH|Classmy gusty desktop works great17:06
jussi01W8TAH|Class: 4 months ;)17:06
Dr_willisGusty works here - with very few issues.17:07
nosrednaekimit just broke suspend for me, but everything else works17:08
Dr_willisnote that i NEVER upgrade. I do clean installs.17:08
W8TAH|ClassDr_willis: far as i can tell -- this is the only problem ive had but its big17:08
Dr_willisi never use suspend anyway. :) no idea if that works or not.17:08
W8TAH|ClassDr_willis: id prefer to do that but in a dual boot situation thats a problem17:08
BluesKajgutsy is ok, but i don't see many advantages over feisty17:08
Dr_willisMy wireless finially sta4rted workign with gutsy.17:08
Dr_willisgutsy has more games in the repos. :)17:09
BluesKajyeah, that's what I mean...no advantages :)17:09
* W8TAH|Class !a gamer17:09
thomasnuggetts__can anyone help?17:09
BluesKajgames ...bah humbug!...buy an xbox!17:10
W8TAH|Classthomasnuggetts__: id try the #apache room17:10
Dr_willisI got an xbox. :) brother gave it to me.17:13
Dr_willisi just cant find any games for it i like.17:13
Dr_willisHwllo stmartin17:13
yao_ziyuanremember last time i reported here that kubuntu has poor support for east asian language display and input (e.g. chinese)?17:14
stmartinI have broadband connection. I chose Networking and on the second tab, i chose Static Ip address17:14
stmartinwhat should I write in?17:14
Dr_willisyao_ziyuan,  no. :P17:14
yao_ziyuansomeone in #ubuntu-cn told me that ubuntu has perfect support for these while kubuntu doesn't17:14
Dr_willisyao_ziyuan,  Possible. Could be somthing that GNOME has worked on more then KDE has.17:14
yao_ziyuanso my suggestion is make kubuntu as good as ubuntu in this aspect17:15
stmartinDr_willis do u know what do I need to write in?17:15
jussi01yao_ziyuan: as you were told last time, this is not the place for that.17:15
Dr_willisstmartin,  my isp gives me a dyamic ip. If your assigns you a static ip. then you need toenter the ip they gave you.17:16
jussi01yao_ziyuan: please file a bug17:16
stmartinI have dynamic IP17:16
yao_ziyuanDr_willis: yes, particularly, KDE's support for east asian language input is via a program called SKIM while GNOME uses GIM, and SKIM sucks very much compared to GIM17:16
Dr_willisstmartin,  then you dont want to set  a static ip.17:16
stmartinthan, what should I do?17:16
Dr_willisstmartin,  if its dynamic.. then its NOt static.. You set it to use dynamic ip. You dont write in anything17:16
stmartinbut, I must choose Static Ip or DHCP17:17
Dr_willisYou set the system to use the dhcp server.17:17
yao_ziyuanjussi01: give me the bug filing url and i'd like to drop a few lines17:17
ubotuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/17:17
jussi01!bug | yao_ziyuan17:17
ubotuyao_ziyuan: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots17:17
Dr_willisNOW youa re asking the right question.. :) - Not static , only other optiuon is to use dhcp. :)17:17
stmartinDr_willis what to choose?17:19
stmartinStatic Ip or DHCP?17:19
Dr_willisstmartin,  you said theres a dhcp button.. since youa re using dynamic - thats using dhcp.17:19
Dr_williswhich i though twas the default anyway.17:19
stmartinI tried several times before with DHCP, but it seems like my connection isn't working properly17:20
ScorpKinghow can i hide and unhide the menubar in apps?17:20
Dr_willisThats possible..  stmartin  or there could be some other quirk/thing going on.  You are connected wired from the network card on the pc. to the cable modem? or whats your exact setup?17:21
stmartini have switch, and adsl modem17:21
W8TAH|Classback in a moment -- testing something17:21
stmartinadsl modem (d-link)17:21
yao_ziyuananother question:17:21
yao_ziyuannow i found that KDE's clock can use the digital font17:22
yao_ziyuani think it should be default17:22
yao_ziyuanit's a big selling point for me17:22
stmartinI disabled ipv6 also17:22
stmartinbecause of slow connection17:22
stmartinthen I get advice that I should change something in my networking panel17:23
stmartinso I tried with Static IP address and seems it is working perfectly17:23
stmartinI have Ethernet connection17:24
yao_ziyuanan open source project's bug reporting and fixing process is much more efficient than a closed source one like Windows, isn't it?17:24
BluesKajyao_ziyuan, sometimes one can actually find solutions in the bug report pages :)17:25
yao_ziyuandiff files...17:26
ScorpKingfound it. control + m. nvm17:28
jussi01oh, bot gone.17:30
jussi01hi chris06268917:30
ubotuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!17:32
stmartinDr.willis are u there?17:34
yao_ziyuanthe digital clock style is so cool...17:40
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Caarrie|macanyone know why i have the process date running at between 0 and 100% cpu17:52
DaSkreechI have an issue with a Buntu booting17:56
DaSkreechit reached dhcpbd and just stops17:56
DaSkreecheven if I start it manually17:56
DaSkreechif you look at it without the splash 1/2 the time the dhcdbd generates an [OK] the other it doesn't but regardless it simply stops there17:59
DaSkreechif I manually start dbus and dhcdbd it works fine17:59
DaSkreechif I manually start the DM (slated to start right after dhcdbd in the startup list) that also starts fine17:59
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yao_ziyuanfiled two...18:06
thedoc2097Hi people there! I need some help with the grub bootloader! Somebody there that knwos something about it18:13
Dr_willisDaSkreech,  ive seen if the dhcp server isent responding - where it can take a min. or more for it go timeout. But  it MAY be hanging at whatever is right past the dhcp setp18:13
DaSkreechSat there for an houe18:13
DaSkreechand again it does it even if I start it manually18:14
DaSkreech!grub | thedoc209718:14
ubotuthedoc2097: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:14
_ubuntuhi ppl there18:14
=== _ubuntu is now known as _ubuntu_
_ubuntu_any Linux user?18:15
Dr_willisThis channel is full of linux users.18:15
_ubuntu_good :D18:15
Dr_willisHot Linux Chix even! :)18:15
thedoc2097Sorry butthis won´t help me. Because the /boot directory of my distro is on another partition and i don´t know how to link to this directory18:15
thedoc2097distro is on hda3 and /boot is on hda418:15
Dr_willisthedoc2097,  normally you mount /boot to the proper place on /18:15
DaSkreechthedoc2097: So?18:15
_ubuntu_u know its my 1st time to use linux and iam working from the booting CD too :D18:15
Dr_williswhich is /boot :)18:15
DaSkreech_ubuntu_: Welcome18:16
_ubuntu_thanx :)18:16
_ubuntu_i have final exam tomorrow in linux18:16
thedoc2097it´s a silly thing, but i have no other possibility as to put the boot directory to an another partition, because the distro i installed is a live distro and uses all the space of the partition18:16
Dr_willisthe only real differance in the grub configs - i think is the location of the root directive.. actually that may point to the root partition also.18:16
_ubuntu_i got so curs to use every thing in it18:16
Dr_willisMany disrtos set up seperate /boot partitions18:17
_ubuntu_iam actually a windows lover , but i start to love linux18:17
stmartinHi! Why I have double ubuntu's when I boot ?18:18
Dr_willisloving windows is like having an 'abusive lover'18:18
_ubuntu_me and me :)18:18
thedoc2097yeah, thats my problem. When I installed the backtrack3 distro there was no /boot directory on the distros partition, but if i boot from cd there is a boot directory, so i copied the /boot directory to hda418:18
Dr_willisstmartin,  you mean 2  Grub entries for ubuntu in the grub menu?18:18
_ubuntu_but u know in programs its so easy to work in windows18:18
Dr_willisstmartin,  one for each kernel, and options for a recovery mode.18:18
thedoc2097and i don´t know what path i should use in grub /dev/hda4/boot/vmlinuz doesn´t work18:18
stmartinThere are 418:18
stmartin2 pairs same18:19
Dr_willis_ubuntu_,  it can be.. but it depends on the task18:19
_ubuntu_in networks in prefer linux ,18:19
Dr_willisstmartin,  Thats normal.18:19
stmartinDr_willis, which I should click on?18:19
_ubuntu_yes exactly18:19
stmartinThe 1 or the 3-rd?18:19
Dr_willisstmartin,  try the first one? logically that would be the newest.18:19
DaSkreechthedoc2097: You should probably read the grub entry18:19
_ubuntu_ok guys , nice to see u here tonight18:19
_ubuntu_keep the success18:20
Dr_willisGrub is the kind of tool - its worth learning/reading and learning well.18:20
stmartinand what will happen if I click on the 3-rd?18:20
DaSkreechstmartin: The newest on unless it gives you issues then the 3rd18:20
thedoc2097I can edit the grub entry that´s not the problem, but I am not sure what path i have to put in18:20
_ubuntu_Bye :)18:20
DaSkreechstmartin: You boot up in a old kernel (by default )18:20
DaSkreech_ubuntu_: come back soon18:20
thedoc2097daskreech : you have any idea which path i have to use if the /boot directory is on hda418:20
_ubuntu_i will after finals :)18:21
DaSkreechhd(0,4) ?18:21
stmartinbut I have the updates, again on the 3-rd18:21
thedoc2097no, hd0,318:21
_ubuntu_thanx for ur kind DaSkreech :)18:21
stmartinI think they are the same18:21
DaSkreechthedoc2097: Ah right correct :)18:21
thedoc2097lol :-)18:21
DaSkreechstmartin: they would be18:21
stmartinso why there are double same pair?18:22
DaSkreechstmartin: Linux is good like that. as little discrimination as possible18:22
DaSkreechstmartin: One is older18:22
stmartinso the 3-rd is older?18:22
Dr_willishda4 would be  hd0,3 in grub terminology18:22
DaSkreechif the new one does something horribly wrong and breaks your machine you can just choose the old one and continue doing work18:22
Dr_willisstmartin,  look at the version #'s on the kernels.. I imagine one is higher.. that should be the first one18:22
DaSkreechstmartin: Right18:23
Dr_willisIt keeps an entry for ALL your kernels.. just in case one dosent work.18:23
DaSkreechstmartin: It's a safety feature18:23
Dr_willisand No it dosent take up a lot of disk space. :P18:23
DaSkreechstmartin: Suppose you install a new kernel and it breaks say your video card  driver?18:23
stmartinok, thanks. And I still haven't solved the mistery with the network?18:23
Dr_willisactually if you used envy, or automatix, installing a new kernel often WILL break the video card driver.18:24
DaSkreechYou couldn't do anything but now you can just go back to the one that works and there you go18:24
Dr_willisso dont use those. :)18:24
stmartinI tried with DHCP and it didn't work18:24
stmartinI tried with Static IP, and it works18:24
* DaSkreech thanks Dr_willis for the good plug :)18:24
Dr_willisif it works.. whats the problem?18:24
stmartinbut I have dynamic Ip address, I am 100% sure18:24
stmartinand do u know how to disconnect18:24
Dr_willisdisconnect? why bother?18:25
stmartinI connect through terminal18:25
stmartinpon dsl-provider18:25
Dr_willisYou on dialup?18:25
stmartinno, broadband connection18:25
Dr_willisdsl is 24/7 isent it18:25
DaSkreechYOu can dialup into broadband18:25
stmartinI started pon dsl-provider18:25
stmartinin the terminal18:25
tzdanyone using videopods here please?18:25
Dr_willisI have no knowledge/expeience with DSL other then to hear.. its a PITA. :)18:25
stmartinI tried poff to disconnect, but didn't want to disconnect the connection18:25
ubotuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE18:26
stmartinok, thanks18:26
Dr_willisand thats the extent of my DSL experience. :)18:26
w8tah_hi folks - how does one configure the graphical greeter in kdm under gusty?18:27
w8tah_mine currently has the user list but i want the one without it18:28
Dr_willis!find kdm18:28
ubotuFound: kdm, kde-kdm-themes, kdmtheme18:28
Dr_willisInstall the kdmtheme tool and some themes for it.. and have fun18:28
Dr_willisI tend to favor simple looking themes for kdm.18:28
Dr_willishmm,, too bad ubotu  dont poste the  found: info without the commas, you could just cut/paste the list :)18:29
DaSkreechDr_willis: talk to seveas18:30
w8tah_Dr_willis: one more question - once that theme manager is installed -- where is it hidden?18:31
solid_liqDr_willis, hey, did you ever find ##linux-coders?18:31
DaSkreechw8tah_: System settings18:31
DaSkreechDr_willis: any ideas on the boot up issue?18:32
voonteHm, so I tried to install the minimal cd of gutsy to get a minimal system. I deselected all options (lamp server, desktop etc) but still OpenOffice gets installed.18:33
voonteIs it possible to install a minimal system any other way?18:33
mathiastest åäö18:34
MinatakuHeya, Dr_Willis18:35
MinatakuDr_Willis: What's up?18:35
Dr_willisW8TAH,  i run the tool kdmtheme i belive.. its in the settings menus/panels/tools somewhere18:36
Dr_willisMinataku,  got the week off.. and we are having 100 year floods. :)18:36
MinatakuDr_Willis: Ack18:36
Dr_willisand the bank account is on 0 :(18:36
MinatakuDr_Willis: Double Ack18:36
Dr_willisand the fire FINLALLY realized why i told her not to slurge on Xmas!  and of course its MY fault.18:37
Dr_willisthe wife i mean.. :) not fire.. heh18:37
MinatakuDr_Willis: Doing anything with your week off?18:37
Dr_willisCleaning house.. and cleaning house.. and cleaning house.18:37
MinatakuTriple ack.18:37
Dr_willisso far shes rearanged her room 5 times. I aint got anything else done. she yells at me every 5 min. so... DONT get married.18:37
BluesKajDr_willis, gonna fire the wife ? :)18:37
MinatakuI'll be getting a broken DECpc 433 and a working HP 700/RX X Terminal on Thursday18:38
Dr_willisInlaws keep comming over wanting to play Dominos.. so i never get anyting done in the afternoon. either. -18:38
JuJuBeeI have a runaway mysql query (i think) and mysql server not responding.... How do I restart mysql properly?18:39
Dr_willisBRB..gotta do a little work.18:39
BluesKajwifey and me have been together for 43 yrs...we have our own pc's in seperate rooms...it works, somehow :)18:39
Dr_willisBluesKaj,  the problem is every 4 min... shes yelling at me to come in ther and do somthing.. she just sits there and thinks about how to rearange her room... or wants a drink.. or wants to ask me somthing... or.....18:40
Dr_willisshe dosent realize that shes doing this however.. :)18:40
shadowhywindHay all does anyone know of the settings needed to get WPA2 to work with wpa_supplicant?18:41
Dr_willisI have to go to work to rest up.18:41
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:41
=== _czessi is now known as Czessi
* DaSkreech chuckles18:42
BluesKajDr_willis, yup, i know the feeling ...wife still works (thank God) , but it won't be long til she retires too ...then the fun will really start18:43
Dr_willisBluesKaj,  get an RV and travel! :)18:44
Dr_willisThen drive away when shes looking at the grand canyon!18:44
* Dr_willis quickly clears the screen18:44
JuJuBeeCan either of you help me with a mysql question ?18:44
Dr_willisJuJuBee,  we can try/ im not too good at myswl however.18:44
BluesKajthe GC is looooong drive from here18:45
Dr_willisIdo have a book on MySql. :) it was in the bargin bin18:45
Dr_willisBut that problem is over my head. :)18:46
FunnyLookinHatAnyone know when they plan on releasing a Kubuntu Hardy Alpha with KDE4?18:46
JuJuBeeThanks anyway...18:46
Dr_willisI would start small and build up with simpleer queries. and see if  thers somthing fundamental you are doing wrong.18:46
BluesKajFunnyLookinHat, that question remains a mystery or closely guarded secret , it seems :(18:47
bigonis it normal that I get -DDATA_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/share/kde4/apps when building decibel?18:47
FunnyLookinHatBluesKaj, heh, figures   : )18:47
MinatakuGiven the direction *buntu has been taking lately, it's probably a "closely guarded secret"18:47
Minatakuaka "Needless proprietarism"18:48
MinatakuBut then I'm getting angry again18:48
steveireHi. Can QtParted resize a vista partition cleanly?18:49
BluesKajFunnyLookinHat, I'm a bit reluctant to try kde4 anyway, after seeing all the probs ppl are having with it ...pll like me who are basically CLI neophites and filesystem ignoramases :)18:50
BluesKajerr ignoramuses18:53
Dr_willisBut its the latest and greatest! and ya just gotta have the newest of everything!18:53
kristian_hi an alle18:54
kristian_hi to al18:54
Dr_willisIm suprised we dont see more  firefox 3. questions actually :)18:54
BluesKajnever been an early adopter ...comes from being cheap and not rich mostly :)18:54
BluesKajI have FF3 beta running fine in windows18:55
Dr_willisyep. i just notice a lot of my extensions dont work. :(18:58
Dr_willisbut they will eventually18:58
JuJuBeeDr_willis : got my answer from #mysql, someone finally answered.  Thanks anyway.18:58
Dr_willisof coruse it seems that  a lotof the extensions i did use. are getting integerated into firefox. :)  enhanced tabs and so forth18:59
bluestormdo you know where i could get information about the kde4 packaging status ?18:59
DaSkreechJuJuBee: What was it?18:59
bluestorm(or at best, link to actually usable packages)18:59
BluesKajI noticed FF3 works ok but doesn't launch from a desktop icon on my setup19:00
JuJuBeeI needed to specify the relation between the tables using a JOIN.  Since I neglected to, I was getting the product of results from all tables (22+ million) rather than the 29 I expected.19:00
TunaTombluestorm: but, but... kde4 is to be relased on 11 !?!19:00
bluestormyes but it has been tagged already19:01
bluestormso they could be packages around19:01
TunaTombluestorm: _If_ they are already packed, I would be willing to bet, no one would publish them before the official release !19:02
TunaTombluestorm: That would kinda spoil the party, wouldn't it?19:02
bluestormthat's a point of view19:02
bluestormbut my use case is not "spoiling"19:02
bluestormi'm writing a local press release19:02
bluestormand would be happy to include a "url to the ubuntu packages"19:03
bluestormi'll publish it on 11 too, but i can't wait for the ubuntu guys to decid to publish them to write my paper19:03
sd132is anybody else  having problems with kopete logging into yahoo?19:03
DaSkreechbluestorm: join the devel team then :)19:04
bluestormso if i don't see anything a couple of day before 11, i just won't speak of the ubuntu packages19:04
TunaTombluestorm: Oh, well, in that case you should definitely visit #kde4-devel . Perhaps jpwhiting or daskreech can advise you.19:04
ntweati cant log onto anything using kopete19:04
TunaTom(oh, he's already there :)19:04
bluestorm(of course i'll say "you can install them with your distro by the usual procedure" or something like that, but having a real link would have been nice)19:04
stdinbluestorm: kde4 packaging status: "on target"19:05
ntweati m having problem with ntfs...19:05
sd132well then i guess its time to remove kopete19:05
TunaTombluestorm:  Normally the kde-packages are published at kubuntu.com . A link to their page will be a save bet.19:06
ntweatya i jst installed Kubuntu again... m waiting for updates19:06
ntweatpidgin is better than kopete19:06
thomas`The version-upgrade "tool" in adept Manager is not working well, the sources are not found (404) due this howto: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade19:06
stdinTunaTom: no, the'll be on the kubuntu-members-kde4 ppa19:06
stdinafter the'll drip into -backports19:07
DaSkreechntweat: Yep but I give the Kopete team some props19:07
jackcyhas anybody worked with pykde anf konfigskeleton? i need help there19:07
jugheadhow do I kill compiz and make sure it doesn't start?  I started it and restarted my laptop (I didn't put anything in ~/.kde/Autostart) and it keeps starting.  that would be ok except knetworkmanager is running in the upper left corner instead of the system tray, and my power settings manager is gone completely19:07
bluestormhm TunaTom, i'll do that at least, thanks19:07
stdinjughead: use "kwin --replace" to stop compiz, then just logout and back in to test if it stops restarting it19:08
ntweati need some help with ntfs any1??19:09
jugheadstdin, I did that command and logged out and tried restarting it won't stop19:09
TunaTomstdin: Thanks, but I thought about a (short) release note and install instructions :)19:09
hydrogenuninstall compiz :)19:09
stdinTunaTom: there will be, when 4.0.0 is released ;)19:09
jugheadhydrogen, should I do that while it's running?  I don't want a scneario were compiz wants to start but can't so I don't start x at all19:10
TunaTomstdin: Yes, that's what I told bluestorm :)19:10
* TunaTom is doomed19:10
hydrogenjughead: if it can't start kwin should I think..19:10
thomas`Version Upgrade in the Adept Manager: http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/45907319:11
stdinjughead: you could try removing the files in ~/.kde/share/config/session (if any of them look like something to do with compiz)19:11
=== pc4 is now known as EliaNosft
EliaNosftAlguien habla español19:12
mathiashi all19:12
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.19:12
mathiaslinux newbie here19:12
EliaNosftGracias, Adios19:12
TunaTomhi mathias. gotta problem to solve?19:14
stdinthomas`: why do you have archive.kubuntu.de in there?19:14
mathiasTunaTom:  i guess therwill be plenty :)19:14
ntweatmathia even i m a newbie19:14
jugheadI'm getting rid of it19:15
TunaTomntweat: in some regard, we're all newbies :)19:15
mathiasfirst i want to install firefox19:15
thomas`stdin: dunno. how to change that?19:15
ntweattuna: can u help me with a problem??19:15
thomas`stdin: change into what?19:15
TunaTommathias: did you have a look at adept?19:15
mathiasin adept i find it but it wants the cd  . do i realy need it ?19:15
ntweatmathia: install it via ur adept manager!!19:15
TunaTomntweat: I'll do my very best .19:16
mathiasdaamn i need e mouspad brb19:16
stdinthomas`: open adept then go to Adept -> Manage Repositories and remove them, or (if there are no others) use de.archive.ubuntu.com19:16
ntweattuna: i was first on windows now i m shifting all my data is still on NTFS.. kubuntu is detecting the drives bt unable to mount them19:17
TunaTommathias: do you know how to start the adept manager?19:17
TunaTomntweat: are you comfortable with the console?19:17
mathiasTunaTom:  yes and i find a couple of firefox lines19:18
ntweattuna: ya.. i was using feisty for a week or so b4 shifting to gusty19:18
mathiaswhen i try to aply changes he wants the cd .. do i realy need it ?19:19
TunaTommathias: No.19:19
ntweatmathia: as i did it in the old version it directly dwnloaded from the net!!19:19
ntweattuna: what may the prob??19:19
TunaTommathias: It's just that the CD is still registered as repository.19:19
thomas`stdin: same 404 errors now with de.archive.ubuntu.com19:20
mathiasTunaTom:  my english suck (from sweden).. repository ?19:20
TunaTomntweat: try to drop to the console and mount the partition by hand.19:20
ntweattuna: dint get u...19:21
stdinthomas`: you sure? I'm looking at http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz now19:21
ntweattuna: can u explain??19:21
TunaTommathias: The places where programs (and other stuff) is stored as packages.19:21
mathiasTunaTom:  tnx19:21
mathiasis thehe a easy way to upgrade  lik win update on kubuntu ?19:22
mathiashate this keybord19:22
TunaTomntweat: When you try to double-click the ntfs-device in konqueror or dolphin, it says something about permissions?19:22
TunaTommathias: lol19:22
ntweatmathias: adept automatically updates all s/w19:22
TunaTommathias: win update?19:22
ntweattunatom: getting this...19:23
ntweathal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused uid 100019:23
TunaTommathias: maybe ou want to remove the unneeded CD-Repository?19:23
mathiasTunaTom:  newer ever tryed windows ? :P19:23
ntweatmathias: when u get used to kubuntu its better than windows any day!!!19:24
TunaTomntweat: yes, that's permissions. Open a console and19:24
TunaTomless /etc/fstab19:24
mathiasntweat:  for some .. i only trying for fun ..19:24
TunaTommathias: Well, yes, but you can't properly update a windows installation, can you?19:25
mathiasTunaTom:  how do i remowe cd-res...19:25
ntweattuna: here is what came...19:25
ntweat# /etc/fstab: static file system information.19:26
ntweat# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>19:26
ntweatproc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       019:26
ntweat# /dev/sdb1019:26
ntweatUUID=ace24c67-cb8d-448e-9ef0-ad48f0696e6d /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       119:26
ntweat# /dev/sdb919:26
ntweatUUID=86b9ecb6-46b9-4b6e-a7bb-f9d118c22c58 none            swap    sw              0       019:26
ntweat/dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0       019:26
ntweat/dev/fd0        /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto,exec 0       019:26
ntweat/etc/fstab (END)19:26
TunaTommathias: sorry, I have a german version, but it should be in the "Adept" menu...19:26
LjL!paste | ntweat19:26
ubotuntweat: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)19:26
ntweatsorry ubotu19:27
TunaTomntweat: Do you know on which device your ntfs partition resides?19:27
mathiasTunaTom:  find it.. :)19:28
* inteliwasp finaly got a working linux os back on his laptop...19:28
ntweattuna: yup...19:28
TunaTommathias: in the second tab, the top entry is about the cd repository. Just uncheck it and close the configuration. You won't be asked for the cd again.19:28
thomas`stdin: http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/45924319:29
TunaTomntweat: try to mount that partition from the console.19:29
thomas`the ../ubuntu/ is missing ?19:29
ntweattuna: i dont knw any commands...19:29
TunaTomntweat: like so: sudo mount /dev/DEVICENAME /mnt19:29
DaSkreechhi mathias19:29
mathiasanyone use a nice msn messenger clone  ?19:29
mathiashi DaSkreech19:29
TunaTomntweat: no fears19:29
DaSkreech!info amsn | mathias19:30
ubotumathias: amsn: An MSN messenger written in Tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97RC1+dfsg-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 3371 kB, installed size 10956 kB19:30
ntweattuna: the partions r on the same drive as the linux19:30
ntweatmathais: use pidgin19:30
TunaTomntweat: what does ls /dev/sdb* say?19:31
TunaTomntweat: Or better: What is the label of the partition in dolphin or konqueror ?19:31
stdinthomas`: you forgot the "/ubuntu/" at the end of the line, it should be "deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty ...."19:32
hydrogenI need my normal user to be able to read /dev/input/event1.. whats the "proper way" to do this?19:32
ntweatNew Volume19:32
ntweattuna: new volume19:32
ntweattuna: i have 6 partions by that name19:33
Dr_willisrelabel them :)19:33
ntweattried that19:33
Dr_willisthese are windows? or Linux filesystems?19:34
kiizhi all. i use synaptic packages manager.i try tp update and it says some package cant be authenticated.pls what is wrong and how can i solve it19:34
ntweatdr: windows NTFS19:34
Dr_willisYou proberly dont have the keys imported for some of the enabled repos.19:34
Dr_willisi thouhg it asked if you wanted to still install them.. you can just have it install..19:35
ntweatdr: explain newbie here19:35
hydrogencurrently I'm just chowning the event1 device to something my user can read19:35
hydrogenthats pretty ugly19:35
Dr_willisntweat,  i recall some linux tool that can  relable the ntfs disks.. I just change their labels from windows however.19:35
TunaTomntweat: if you right click the partition and open the properties, have a look at the meta-info tab. There is a "Device File"19:35
hydrogenand it doesn't remember if atfer a reboot19:35
TunaTomhydrogen: It's not about an ugly label but mounting the partition.19:36
hydrogenI'm not talking to you!19:36
TunaTomhydrogen: oops19:36
Dr_willisfor external/usb ntfs drives - i always just manually put a proper fstab line in fstab for them.19:36
DaSkreech!katapult | mathias19:36
ubotumathias: katapult is the new application launcher for KDE, to be used with applications, bookmarks, and Amarok playlists. Once you have installed, hit Alt+f2 -> katapult, then hit Alt+Space, and type what you want.19:36
ntweattuna: jst 2 tabs mounting and general19:36
Dr_willisExternal ext3 mount find here automaticially. but ntfs always has that error uid 1000 issue19:37
stdinhydrogen: probably (guessing) something like ' "KERNEL=="event[0-9]*", MODE="0666" ' in /etc/udev/rules.d/40-permissions.rules19:37
ntweattuna: jst 2 tabs mounting and general19:37
hydrogenstdin: thx19:37
TunaTomntweat: Any of these tabs contains the "Device file" ?19:37
thomas`stdin: Failed to fetch http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/Release Unable to find expected entry  i18n-de/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)19:38
mathiasWOW... is there anyway i can regret somthing i done ??19:38
mathiasi tried to change som icons and stuff19:38
mathiasa theme of som kind19:38
ntweattuna: nopes19:38
mathiasnow i missing plenty19:38
stdinthomas`: post your sources.list to pastebin19:39
TunaTomntweat: Okay, back to the console then. What does ls /dev/sdb* say ?19:39
ntweattuna: its long whr shud i show it to u??19:40
ntweattuna: sorry19:40
kiizpls why does synaptic report that marked packages can't be athenticated19:40
ntweat:tuna: it says... bash: /dev/sdb: Permission denied19:40
thomas`stdin: thanks a lot, now it works. i dropped some lines.19:41
mathiasdamn.. where did i rezise my panel meny19:41
TunaTomntweat: Hmm. Mounting the partition is easy. You just have to know the device file.19:42
TunaTomntweat: To be honest, I have no idea on how to easily find out which device.19:42
ntweattuna is it smething like sda??19:43
TunaTomntweat: most probably.19:44
TunaTomhow many sda do you have?19:44
ntweattuna got them19:44
TunaTomwhich one is it?19:44
ntweattuna its sdb819:44
TunaTomthen in console type sudo mount /dev/sdb8 /mnt19:45
ntweatans 1 sda119:45
Dr_willisYou might want to make some better mountpoint dirs. :) like /media/sdb8 and /media/sda119:45
TunaTomntweat: one after another.19:45
Dr_willisof course ifyou want the users to access them - then you may need extra options also.19:46
TunaTomDr_willis: Good point.19:46
Dr_willisand if you want it to be perment - you gotta edit the fstab file.19:46
ntweattuna the problem is that i dint shutdown windows i hibernated it19:46
Dr_willisand if its ntfs - and you want them writeable - you want to use the ntfs-3g options/filesystem....19:46
TunaTomDr_willis: First finding out which is the correct partition19:46
* Dr_willis ran out of ands. :)19:46
Dr_willissudo fdisk -l  | less19:46
Dr_willisand look :) i guess.19:46
TunaTomDr_willis: afterwards making permanent changes.19:47
ntweatbrb guys got to shutdown windows19:47
TunaTomntweat: bye19:47
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!20:01
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sebbarhi, how do I get a list of my laptop's hardware?20:11
sebbarBluesKaj: ok cool, what about processor/ram?20:12
BluesKajsebbar, in the k-menu choose kinfocenter20:13
BluesKajunder system20:14
jugheadhey I plugged in a usb external hard drive before I left home and tried to access it (I use it through freenx) and nothing showed up.  dmesg output is odd... too long here's the pastebin:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51253/ any ideas?20:14
sebbarBluesKaj: great tnx20:14
BluesKajnp, sebbar20:14
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
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mathiasanyone know where to find stuff like this clock and menus below it onn this WP20:22
DreadKnightmathias: that's the famous cairo clock dude :D20:24
mathiasis it superkaramba      ?20:24
mathiasDreadKnight: . linux newbie :)20:24
DreadKnightmathias: search in repository for it :D it's not superkaramba.... well at least that's my thought about those images...20:25
DreadKnightmathias: says there "karambs: right top chrome clock" heh20:26
mathiasahh :)20:27
mathiassuperkaramba   looks cool ..20:27
mathiasnow all i have to do is learn how to install it20:27
DreadKnightmathias: never used it actually, but kde4 has plasma... "add widgets" and there you go20:28
mathiasi dont have 4.020:29
NickPrestamathias, `sudo apt-get install superkaramba`20:29
mathiasNickPresta: .. hmmm that dndt work20:30
thedoc2097Does anybody know what is error 26 (too many symbolic links) at grub bootloader??20:30
thedoc2097I hate this fucking bootloader20:30
LjL!language | thedoc209720:30
ubotuthedoc2097: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:30
mathiasE: Kunde inte erhålla låset /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)20:30
mathiasE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?20:30
mathiasohh sry thats swedish20:31
NickPresta!aptfix | mathias20:31
ubotumathias: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »20:31
NickPrestaand mathias if you install the 'cairo-clock' package, you have cairo clock :)20:31
mathiaswhy make it easy ..20:31
soonI need to ask someone about TV, DVD and specifically SCART stuff ... any suggestions which channel?20:31
mathiasther win is easy .. dubbleklick .. nexxt.. Done20:32
NickPrestamathias, sorry, what?20:32
mathiasNickPresta: i have a file.. and i want it installd.. :)20:32
NickPrestamathias, which file?20:33
NickPrestamathias, install it from the repositories. You may be used to the Windows way of installing things but GNU+Linux is not Windows :)20:34
NickPrestamathias, open up Adept manager and find the application you want to install.20:34
mathiasNickPresta:  cant find it in adept.. can i browse local files ?20:34
NickPrestamathias, for more information about the subtle (and not so subtle) differences between Linux and Windows, check out: http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm20:34
Bauldrickwhy doesn't amarok pull track info from freedb* ?20:34
Dr_willisI think you have to enable that feature.20:36
NickPrestamathias, the reason it can't find it is because you probably don't use the Universe and Multiple repository enabled. Check out: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu Specifically the pictures which show how to enable Universe and Multiverse repositories.20:36
Dr_willisIts not enavled by default20:36
jpatrickBauldrick: I think it should...20:36
Dr_willisHmm.. i may be thinking of some other player.. I cant even find  any mention of the  freedb stuff in amarok20:37
Dr_willisthere we go.. under the 'engine' tab20:38
Bauldrickyeah - but it won't get the info, ive tried freedb2.org uk.freedb etc...20:38
mathiasNickPresta:  you are an angel ... TNX20:39
BauldrickKsCD player has no problem and uses the same engine?20:40
fir3_where can i get .deb packages for kde 4.0?20:40
flipmoderunning kubuntu 7.10 cant get cds or dvds to read anyone know a fix?20:40
NickPrestamathias, no problem. Remember, installing software from source and finding "files" from websites is usually a last resort when it comes to installing packages that are in the repos.20:41
ubuntu_hi, when i try to boot up my computer. it comes up in a terminal style, but instead of it saying what directory its in it says (initramfs) and i cant get the computer to boot up at all. what is this and how can i fix it (im on a live cd now)20:47
LeAstraleubuntu_: which gfx card do you have? and which settings have been changed recently?20:48
ubuntu_its not a graphics card problem20:49
ubuntu_and i dont remember changing anything20:49
ubuntu_it also mentions somthing about "BusyBox" but i dont know what that is20:49
mathiasconversation with SU failed... when i tried to open adept.. whats wrong ?20:50
abovebrewi'm new to the linux community... could someone help me install a driver for the latest kubuntu?20:53
abovebrewtrying to install a touchpanel driver20:53
ubuntuhallo can i speak obout love?20:53
garulfounixHi everybody20:54
mathiaswell i try to reboot20:54
abovebrewhi garulfounix20:54
garulfounixsomeone can tell to me if KDE 4.0 will be integrated in Gutsy ?20:55
ubotukde4 is KDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information, please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4 - The Release Schedule is available at http://tinyurl.com/2gqwmr - RC 2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php20:55
Flare183slow bot20:55
abovebrewi need help installing a driver20:55
LeAstraleabovebrew: which driver?20:55
abovebrewan elo touchpanel display driver20:56
abovebrewUnified USB Driver.tar.gz20:57
abovebrewi've uncompressed the drivers.. have them in a folder, but don't know what to do from there20:57
abovebrew(trying to make a touchpanel mp3 jukebox)20:58
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bahmanHi everybody :)21:01
LeAstralebahman: hi there21:01
bahmanCould anyone help me in deleting fonts that created by root-user?!21:01
abovebrewLeAstrale: Am I not worth helping?21:02
bahmanI added an unsupported program which name was "Ubuntu restricted extras" - It was install some fonts I really hate them! How could I delete these fonts?!21:04
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bahmanLeAstrale: Hello again, Could you help me?!21:06
ubotuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot21:09
articpenguin3800is it normal for the kernel to cache 900Megabytes21:09
=== EtherBunny is now known as Ether_Bunny
sourcemakerarticpenguin3800: yes21:09
articpenguin3800whats in the cache?21:09
articpenguin3800will the kernel free the cache memory when an app needs the memory or will go to the swap21:11
Name141Couldn't I just repartition my current HD , manually , then when my windows partition is resized, go back , and click 'use free space' on the partition manager ?21:11
Name141Last time I resized my partition , it went to ext3, then I had "unusable space"21:11
Name141without a swap21:11
BluesKajarticpenguin3800, frees the cache memory before swap21:13
articpenguin3800XD windows would go to the swap right away in fact windows always goes to the swap21:13
BluesKajthis ain't windows21:13
Name141Why is it that part of the free space left is then called "unusable" space ?21:15
dubbydubbyhelp someone im trying to do flash, and I have all the packets and stuff and when i try to install the file with nspluginwrapper it tells me there is no available viewer for the .so but the thing is i have what its asking for (libgtk2.0) installed21:15
BluesKajName141, if possible make a swap partition about 2G21:15
Name141BluesKaj: I was wondering how to do so, I repartition my windows part, NTFS ,and then I have "free space" , then I go to repartition that space, and use almost all of it, as the / , then I have "unusable space" , thus I can't make the swap21:16
jussi01dubbydubby: umm, are you following a guide or?21:17
BluesKajName141, do you have the kubuntu live cd , or gparted live cd ?21:17
Name141BluesKaj: I was thinking I might could make the free space, after repartitioning the NTFS , and making it in to free space, then going back and saying for it to use "free space" ?21:17
dubbydubbyjussi01 iv tried a bunch of the guides already non of them work but im pretty good at reading errors21:18
Name141BluesKaj: Kubuntu Live, it's the only Ubuntu I can get to run right, besides Xubuntu, but then I can't read the screen at any resolution21:18
BluesKajdubbydubby, the file youwant is libGL.so.1.221:18
jussi01dubbydubby: I assume you have seen the guide under !flash ?21:18
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash21:18
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.21:18
dubbydubbyjussi01: its asking me for libgtk which i have installed21:19
jussi01!find libgl.so.1.221:19
ubotuPackage/file libgl.so.1.2 does not exist in gutsy21:19
Name141BluesKaj: The orignal Ubuntu takes me to 'busybox' or whatever, and wont continue to boot21:19
dubbydubbyjussi01: here is the error /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/i386/linux/npviewer.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:21
Name141either way, I want to be able to keep windows , and use Kubuntu also.21:21
BluesKajName141, then the swap partition is the least of your worries ATM ...system settings/monitor&display and try to change the resolution so you can see the panel etc21:22
Name141BluesKaj: I can see it all in Kubuntu right , however 800x600 doesn't fill the full screen21:23
BluesKajwhat graphics card , Name141 ?21:24
Name141the ONE time Ubuntu booted right, it worked right21:24
Name141but it still didn't fill the full screen also21:24
Name141nVidia GeForce 8300 GS21:25
BluesKajcan you run the installer and partitoner without losing sight of the next tabs etc as you do the install?21:26
BluesKajtabs=buttons , i guess21:27
Name141yeah, but getting the partition setup is the problem.. and it acts like .. when you take a low def program (4:3) and display it on a HD monitor21:27
Name141If I move the res down to 800x60021:27
Name141(it has those black 'bars' around it)21:28
Name141The monitor is a dell SE198WFP21:29
dubbydubby!find libgtk-x11-2.0.so.021:31
BluesKajName141, yeah, you'll have to download and install the driver from here after fixing the swap, http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_100.14.19.html21:31
ubotuFile libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0 found in libgtk2.0-021:31
Name141ok BluesKaj, but I still don't understand why it wont let me use the space after I make the ext3 /21:33
Name141(and resize the NTFS (windows) so that I can make the ext3)21:33
Name141so I CAN make the swap21:33
BluesKajName141, have you defragged windows , and make sure the ntfs partiton is has some headroom as well21:34
steveireI bought a dell vostro 1500 today with an intel 3945abg. Network manager shows networks, but can't connect. What can I do?21:34
ubuntu_hi, when i try to boot up my computer. it comes up in a terminal style, but instead of it saying what directory its in it says (initramfs) and i cant get the computer to boot up at all. what is this and how can i fix it (im on a live cd now)21:35
BluesKajalso , Name141 ..I suggest you go back into windows , download and burn GParted live cd and use that to resize and format the partitions you want to make before you install kubuntu ...it's much easier21:36
Name141BluesKaj: I think I should go in to the live CD and get on IRC with whatever IRC client there ?21:36
Name141BluesKaj: i am in windows21:36
Name141I gave all the space back to NTFS21:36
BluesKajwell, the above is my suggestion and method ...that's the safest way IMO21:38
BluesKajName141, warning ...it takes a long time :(21:39
Name141It didn't take no time in kubuntu21:39
Name141also, will this screw up all my data21:40
Name141(on windows)21:40
dubbydubbyhey anyone know how i can get the nspluginwrapper-i38621:41
Name141Again, I figure I can just make the free space, and go back , then use the 'free space' option of the installer /21:41
BluesKajI've never tried the kubuntu partitioner qparted...maybe it's faster, dunno21:41
Name141so maybe the installer can setup the swap and / partition ?21:42
BluesKajdubbydubby, it's in the repos if you have all the sources enabled in adept21:42
BluesKajName141, yes the installer has a partitioner app21:42
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BluesKajdubbydubby, Open adept package manager, On the menu of that screen you will want to click on Adept -> Manage Repositories, click the kubuntu software tab, check all the boxes "X",same goes for the third party software tab. Close,and then in the terminal "sudo apt-get update".Now you have more sources for applications other than the defaults that came with Kubuntu21:43
NickPrestaName141, BluesKaj, if I'm not mistaken, the installer in the partition editor does not resize/create new partitions. It only edits what you have so if you try to edit an existing partition (with Windows for example) it will format the partition.21:44
NickPrestathe partition editor in the installer**21:44
BluesKajthx NickPresta , did you get that Name141 ?21:44
NickPrestaName141, if you need to resize/edit existing partitions, select QTParted inside K Menu.21:45
ubuntuthanks and bye all21:46
BluesKajNickPresta, Name141 , i've never used the kubuntu install partitoner to change any existing partitions. I've always used GParted to the partitoning first .21:46
BluesKajto do21:47
Name141"Although the Ubuntu installer does now include support for resizing NTFS partitions, it is not 100% effective. If you try the above procedure and have no luck, try the following alternative method:"21:47
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blizzzekboth kontact and korganizer crash on startup, i suspect a created task of being the cause for that. does anyone know, where tasks are saved to? i could not find the correct file in ~/.kde/share/apps/korganizer. (i have a backtrace if someone is interested in it)21:50
BluesKajblizzzek, try kcron21:51
blizzzekBluesKaj: with tasks i mean jobs/assignments/however they are called in the english version of korganizer/kontact21:53
BluesKajblizzzek, ok...sorry dunno anything about that21:54
blizzzekBluesKaj: np21:54
ubuntuhi, when ever i try to boot up after it goes through the grub instead of going to a login screen it goes to a black and white screen and it says "BusyBoxv1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu7) built-in shell (ash)" then goes down a line and says "(initramfs)" i cant boot up or anything, what is this error and how can i fix it?21:55
mathiasis it easy to upgrade from kde 3.5.5 to 4 ?21:56
jussi01!kde4 > mathias21:57
jpatrickmathias: just install kdebase-workspace-dev21:57
BluesKajmathias, good luck !21:57
jpatrickworks good here21:58
nutzhi everybody22:00
jussi01hmm, ive just turned on zoom by accident in compiz, anyoe know how to turn it off?22:00
NickPrestajussi, Meta + Scroll Out22:00
BluesKajyeah jpatrick , of course it does for knowledgeable linux users, who know how to set up and install a mess like kde4 :)22:00
jussi01NickPresta: thanks... :D22:00
nutzcould somebody give me the name of that applet that shows me that i'm changing volume, when i'm changing volume?22:00
nutzit's a little osd-thing22:01
BluesKajthe speaker icon in the panel ?22:01
nutzBluesKaj: nae - i think it's something else22:01
nutzit pops up when i change the volume on my laptop with the buttons for volume22:02
nutzit's right in the middle of the screen22:02
BluesKajis the volume changing ?22:02
nutzthere's no problem with it - i'm just wondering what the name of that program is22:03
timpahow do i drive msn?22:03
filadodaHi everyone!! The input volume in the mixer are everybody down! I turn them up and when i reboot they are again down!! How can i register my changes?22:04
NickPrestatimpa, drive MSN?22:04
timpaor something to chat22:04
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NickPrestatimpa, there is Kopete and Pidgin. Both are capable of the MSN protocol22:04
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filadodatimpa, aMSN is also a valid software!!22:05
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BluesKajfiladoda, after making changes, click on settings/configure kmix/apply/ok22:07
BluesKajfiladoda, make sure you also have all the vol ctrls in alsamixer turned up to least 70%22:08
evil_techanyone have xubuntu running on an IT8212 ide raid controller  (either as raid or not)22:09
evil_techor any of the ubuntu's for that matter22:09
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jpatrickevil_tech: best ask in #xubuntu22:10
evil_techxubuntu too low traffic right now22:12
evil_techand the problem seems not to be limited to just xubuntu as ive tried kubuntu and ubuntu with the same results22:12
nutzthanks anyways22:13
julian_yesterday I installed ubuntu64 on my laptop (just for proving) and I have noticed something22:13
julian_my Hard Disk sounds really hard in kubuntu22:14
julian_any idea?22:16
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JortmansHELP!!! several programms keep n crashing, all giving the same SIGSEGV 11 error22:21
jpatrickJortmans: what does running them from the konsole say?22:21
Jortmansdunno, there's not really a wy to tell wch programm will crash and when22:22
JortmansI'm suspecting my flash plugin in firefox intiates the whole thing22:23
JortmansI'll try t make conquerer crash again22:24
Jortmanskdwallet crashed now22:26
Jortmansgiving the smae SIGSEGV 11 error22:26
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jckffyiis there an amarok channel?22:40
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XxXValeteXxXI installed windows and, after that, kubuntu. The grub shows both but it gives an error when I try to log in win XP. What do I do? :S22:45
Flare183!fixgrub | XxXValeteXxX22:46
ubotuXxXValeteXxX: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:46
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kgxis there any way someone can figure out my ssh password?23:01
hola someone can help me with compiz?23:04
Flare183!compiz | hola23:08
ubotuhola: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion23:08
terran4000Now only if compiz worked correctly with fglrx we'd all be happy23:09
terran4000kgx: yes, they can either guess and 'theoretically' it is possible to hack it but not within a lifetime23:10
kgxterran4000: i just logged into my home computer and there was an ssh login from thailand!! (ip:
kgxgoogle tells me that IP is in the blocked list for heaps of people23:12
kgxi shut down my pc. will have to go home and figure out what he managed to get23:13
Flare183kgx: you might want to setup that fireware23:13
kgxworst thing was at this was cygwin on windows, which would have given access to lots of stuff23:13
terran4000The other 'possible' way is that he/she/it hacked via a backdoor or whole in 'some' software23:13
Flare183kgx: doubt it through23:14
kgxi've got a firewall, i guess i should restrict ssh to only certain IPs23:14
terran4000Windows ... that would explain a lot of it ><23:14
Flare183lol yeap23:14
dubbydubbyhey anyone know how i can install nspluginwrapper.i386 when i have the x86_64 arch?23:14
terran4000No serious ... I quit my last job because they refused to switch from XP SP1 !23:14
Flare183!amd | dubbydubby23:14
terran4000Yes. SP1 ... not 223:14
Flare183slow bot23:14
Flare183oh come on23:15
Flare183!amd > dubbydubby23:15
terran4000We broke the bot >_>23:15
terran4000Anywho, kgx: you're best bet would be to setup host based SSH23:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:15
terran4000It's a bit anal in my opinion but it works ...23:15
Flare183Please don't ban me for this (it's a test)23:15
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash23:15
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.23:16
Flare183ok the bots fixed23:16
dubbydubbyhes goin now23:16
kgxterran4000: thanks...will do that23:16
dubbydubbywell he knows nothing about amd23:16
dubbydubbyFlare186: bot knows nothing about amd23:16
terran4000kgx: just remember, once you have host based enabled ... ONLY those computers will be able to connect. So, if you get a new computer (for example) at work ... you won't be able to connect23:16
dubbydubbyFlare183: bot knows nothing about amd23:16
Flare183!amd64 | dubbydubby23:17
ubotudubbydubby: AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.23:17
Flare183!search chroot23:17
ubotuFound: debchroot, sbuild, chroot, pbuilder, debootstrap23:17
Flare183debchroot | dubbydubby23:17
Flare183!debchroot | dubbydubby23:17
ubotudubbydubby: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box23:17
dubbydubbyFlare183 got it now23:17
terran4000Bootstrapping? Isn't it just easier to get the 32bit libraries from the repo's and 'just' let ubuntu do it's thing?23:18
Flare183may be23:18
BluesKajinstall ia32libs helps run 32bit apps on 64bit kubuntu23:19
holaBluesKaj: hi23:19
BluesKajhi hola23:20
holaBluesKaj: do you know how to remove completely compiz after install23:20
BluesKajhmm, sudo apt-get purge compiz ?23:21
dubbydubbyagh someone im having real trouble with nspluginwrapper i have the x86_64 version and it tells me it cannot find libgtk2.0-0 which I know is installed23:22
terran4000dubbydubby: did you install the dev libraries?23:23
dubbydubbyyes, at first know but i have tried installing the dev libraries as well23:23
dubbydubbyterran4000 ^23:23
terran4000What's the "exact" error you get?23:24
dubbydubbyerror while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0:23:24
dubbydubbyerror while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0:23:24
terran4000hm ..23:24
dubbydubby cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory23:24
terran4000I remember this error from somewhere, give me a min23:25
dubbydubbydid you get all that, and sorry for the double post23:25
dubbydubbyi see an [error] lol in Konversation23:25
dubbydubbyusr/lib/nspluginwrapper/i386/linux/npviewer.bin: Unknown command.23:26
dubbydubbyiv tried reinstalling libgtk2.0-023:26
dubbydubbyiv tried purging and installing nspluginwrapper23:26
terran4000installed that right?23:27
dubbydubbyyeah iv done that as well libgtk2.0-dev23:27
terran4000that too?23:27
dubbydubbyyep for libx11-dev23:28
terran4000sadfish421: howdy23:28
sadfish421OMG i need help23:28
dubbydubbyterran4000 yes on libx11-dev23:29
terran4000Don't we all, my doctor said to simply take some pills >_>23:29
nexamacsadfish421: state the problem and wait for help23:29
sadfish421i just installed Kubunto (this is my first time using Linux)23:29
nexamacgo on23:29
terran4000dubbydubby: wait ... random question23:29
=== nexamac is now known as NexaMac
terran4000dubbydubby: why not just install from repo's?23:30
BluesKajnow here's something for gamerz : http://www.engadget.com23:30
sadfish421and i want to install my drivers for my nvidia card but it says i need to close xserver and i don't know how or what to do :(23:30
dubbydubbyterran4000 you mean nspluginwrapper for i386?23:30
NexaMacsadfish421: you have to stop the xserver :P23:31
NexaMacwhat kind of install, what video card?23:31
sadfish421yeah or reboot with it not running so i can install23:31
terran4000dubbydubby: I do believe it is in the repo's. just apt-get it ...23:31
terran4000"I think"23:31
NexaMacsadfish421: is it a .py script?23:31
NexaMaccan you give me a link to the guide youre using sadfish421?23:32
sadfish421no it's a .run23:32
NexaMacsadfish421: is this your only computer?23:32
terran4000dubbydubby: I could ofcourse be wrong, because the only kubutu's I have running are all x64's.23:33
sadfish421i was using vista but i hate windows and i'm only useing this computer for WOW and ventrillo23:33
NexaMacsadfish421: allright, which part are you on?23:33
sadfish421Chapter4 starting the installer23:34
NexaMacdont do this yet23:34
sadfish421and i can open the console and run it in the root but it says something about closing the xserver befor it can install23:35
NexaMacbut to shutdown the xserver hit ctrl+alt+F1 or F223:35
NexaMacthen login23:35
NexaMacthen type sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop23:35
NexaMacor maybe kde stop not sure about kde :/23:35
NexaMacthen do what the install told you23:35
NexaMacnow go for it:P23:36
Bauldrickstill cant get track info in amarok23:36
NexaMacXMMS <323:36
terran4000NexaMac: psh, xmms. What you need it a straight pipe to /dev/dps. No fancy smancy 'gui'23:37
NexaMacbtw, i dont know jack shit about KDE and the difference between KDE and GDE.. is compiz working the same way?23:38
terran4000NexaMac: But aye, compiz/fusion/beryl/<insert name of composite manager here> will work for most gui's like KDE and Gnome23:39
NexaMacor rather, does compiz work with kde? :p23:40
terran4000Depends on if you have the video drivers to support it23:40
terran4000If you have an nvidia card running new-ish nvidia drivers ... then no problem23:40
NexaMacthis one is a macbook :>23:41
NexaMacso no23:41
terran4000If you have an ATI ... play to the Elvaan Gods to smite tee ol AMD-ATI code into order hope the newest drivers don't break more than fix23:41
NexaMacintel built in23:41
NexaMacmy old laptop had ati, i gave up :D23:42
terran4000NexaMac: lol, ATI is 'bad' but not 'that' bad.23:42
NexaMacit is :P23:42
terran4000Then again ... it literally took my 3 days to get video workin >_>23:42
XxXValeteXxXjesus christ its actually cheaper to buy a ticked to USA and buy a laptop then to buy one here =_=23:42
NexaMacsome nvidia cards fail horribly too :/23:42
NexaMacXxXValeteXxX: where is "here"?23:43
terran4000Only to find out 'for some reason' ATI's drivers + my card didn't like using the 2nd head with VGA instead of DVI! ... so it crashed because of a physical cable (which is in good condition)23:43
NexaMaci have to unplug my HDTV everytime i boot linux on my desktop due to the fact that it notices the extra cabel and uses it as primary screen23:45
terran4000Oh, though ... random bit of news here: the Newest ATI drivers actually support compiz23:45
NexaMacwhich fails considering the resolution is 1366x768 :/23:45
NexaMacnotice the 6 extra pixels for the joy of torture23:45
XxXValeteXxXNexaMac:  Brasil23:46
NexaMachaha awesome :D23:46
NexaMacyou can order a computer online tho, wouldnt that save you even more money? :P23:47
XxXValeteXxXNexaMac: here a macbook pro costs around 8k dollars :\23:47
XxXValeteXxXhow is that for overpricing? =~~23:47
NexaMac8k dollars? >_>23:47
XxXValeteXxXNexaMac: amazon doesnt ship eletronics here23:47
NexaMacthats 6-7 times as expensive tho23:47
NexaMacamazon ftl23:47
XxXValeteXxXNexaMac: just books dvds etc23:47
XxXValeteXxXNexaMac: yeah :|23:47
NexaMacnever heard of, never used23:48
NexaMacor.. ive heard of amazone.com23:48
NexaMacbut tbh i couldnt care less :o23:48
NexaMacwww.apple.com im sure theid be happy to send you one for 1-2k dollars23:48
NexaMacdamnit i forgot what i was doing23:48
NexaMacive got an idea23:49
NexaMacill sell my World of Warcraft account, then ill make millions and buy apple23:49
NexaMacill send ya a macbook pro XxXValeteXxX23:50
terran4000How about just send me 30g so I can buy me a mace?23:50
NexaMac<---- EU23:50
terran4000WoW doesn't care ^_^23:50
NexaMacchinesefarmers.com? :<23:50
XxXValeteXxXcomputer stuff here is way overpriced23:50
NexaMacits pretty overpriced in norway too imo23:51
terran4000Not to mention finally got cedega + wow finally working at 50fps!23:51
NexaMaccedega fails23:51
BluesKajno pc manufacturers in Brazil ?23:51
terran4000heh, it actually works much better for me than wine23:51
XxXValeteXxXBluesKaj: not many23:51
NexaMacwont let me use a .no keyboard, and the FPS is crap too23:51
XxXValeteXxXI am not sure I think not23:51
NexaMacwell ok, standard wine is worse terran4000 ill agree23:51
NexaMacluckily im dual booting OS X and Kubuntu atm, so i can use the "real" mac client :D23:52
NexaMacthey should really make a linux client soon23:52
XxXValeteXxXI wonder how leopard would run on a machine with 512 RAM23:52
NexaMacor let the opensource community do it for them23:52
NexaMacXxXValeteXxX: im guessing it would be ok23:53
terran4000They should do that, but they won't >_> Blizzard was never a fan of *nix23:53
erichehe i didn't wright what you said down and got lost half way throught it23:53
ericthis is sadfish42123:53
ericnvidi drivers23:53
NexaMac"guild MOTD: Cry more N00B!"23:53
NexaMaceric: which part did you stop at? P:23:54
XxXValeteXxXNexaMac:  hopefulle better then the OS whose name cannot be said23:54
NexaMacXxXValeteXxX: ahahhaha23:54
NexaMacholy crap i almost forgot :D23:54
ericwell just after i hit ctrl+alt+F123:54
NexaMacmy steph dad brought home a computer from work for his kids23:54
NexaMacits running vista23:54
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!23:54
NexaMac128 mb ram, 64mb built in intel (?) vid card, pentium 533 mhz or some crap23:54
NexaMaci lolled23:54
XxXValeteXxXNexaMac: ahahahahaha23:55
NexaMacNickPresta: aight23:55
BluesKajthatkind of pc couldn'yt run vista23:55
XxXValeteXxXNexaMac: I wanna see them running sword of the new world on that machine, on top of vista x)23:55
ericheheh yeah i was oh that looks easy then BOOSH i was out of the gui23:55
NexaMaceric: login with your username and password, locate the installer.. like cd Desktop/installer if youre anything like me23:55
NexaMacthen ./installer i guess23:55
NexaMacBluesKaj: thats my point exactly ;)23:56
NexaMactried switching the disk over to another computer to at least boot it properly, bluescreen :<23:56
erici did but it said i needed to do it from the root  something or other ... sorry im souch a noob at this23:57
terran4000eric: it's ok. no worries23:57
Greeneryuse sudo23:57
terran4000sudo <my command here>23:57
NexaMacdid you understand that eric?23:58
NexaMacif you put sudo infront of a comman, you run it as root23:58
ericoh ok i'll try that23:58
NexaMacaptitude update23:58
NexaMacwont work23:58
NexaMacsudo aptitude update23:58
NexaMacalso a good idea :o23:58
Greeneryeric: trying to install nvidia driver?23:59
ericalso i was wondering you said once i ctrl+alt+f1 i need to type something else in to stop Xserver?23:59
Greenerysudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop23:59
NexaMacah yes23:59
NexaMacwhat Greenery said23:59
Greenerydo that to stop xserver23:59
NexaMacwrite it down this time :P23:59
erichehe i will23:59

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