
lime4x4i added another hard disk to my myth box how do i change who owns it? I use gparted to format it. It's mounted at /media/sdb1 but it's owned by root i need to change it to allow mythtv to use it00:12
directhexchown to change ownership. chmod to change what given users can do00:12
lime4x4it would be sudo chown john /mnt/sdb1?00:13
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ - See also « /msg ubotu ircstats »00:33
levanderOkay, how do I get to the mixer in Mythbuntu?00:36
levanderI've got some hum from my speakers I want to try to get rid of.00:36
lime4x4in a terminal type alsamixer i think00:36
levanderIn Ubuntu with Gnome, there was just some speaker icon I clicked on to get to the mixer.00:36
levanderlime4x4: Cool, gimme a sec to try.00:36
lime4x4you might need to use groud islolation cables to get rid of the hum that's what i had to do00:37
levanderground isolation cables? wtf?00:37
rhpot1991random crashes == fun00:38
lime4x4radioshack has them00:38
levanderhow much?00:38
lime4x4what happens is u have feedback from to powered devices00:38
lime4x4i think they were under 15 bucks00:38
lime4x4they make a kit with the 1/8th stereo plug adaptor00:39
rhpot1991what are they, just some fancy cables with extra protection?00:39
levanderYou know, I had mythbuntu on an old box that was too slow.  I just manipulated the mixer in Gnome to get rid of it.  Now I buy a new fast computer, and I have to buy ground isolation cables.00:39
levanderAnd, I can't get rid of blurry tickers on CNBC.00:39
levanderWhich were fine if I turned on deinterlacing with my old computer.00:39
levanderI need someone to yell at!00:40
rhpot1991levander: alsamixer will do the same as the gnome mixer00:40
lime4x4there rca cables with a round plastic thing that isolates the ground wires00:40
rhpot1991I've used it on a box with gnome mixer before00:40
lime4x4gotta run be back later00:40
Davieyalsamixer is often better IMO00:41
levanderI know there are a few different devices that the mixer operates on and you have to pick the "right" one...  I'm gonna go look at the devices in alsamixer00:41
rhpot1991I like this description "Modifying the default may have severe consequences"00:42
levanderYall really don't think it's a software thing?  It's definitely a hardware thing?00:52
levanderBecause, I'm thinking about re-installing vanilla Ubuntu with Gnome, then installing Mythbuntu, like I had it before.00:53
levanderAnd see if the hum goes away that way...00:53
rhpot1991I'd try a live cd to test it00:54
Davieylevander: i wouldn't think it's mythbuntu's fault - mythbuntu is closely based on ubuntu01:01
Davieyv. closey01:01
sung_so, my myth box is in another room in my house01:33
sung_and i want to contorl it from another machine on my network01:33
rhpot1991sung_: you can control it over telnet02:24
rhpot1991sung_: or have the other machine be a frontend that connects to that backend02:24
sung_what can i do over a terminal?02:26
sung_is there some command line thing to control the frontend02:27
sung_eg, open up music player, and play this?02:27
rhpot1991that too02:28
sung_i was hoping for something a bit more abstract02:28
rhpot1991does the other computer run linux?02:28
rhpot1991actually that idea wont work anyways02:29
rhpot1991you could prob code up some web interface to send telnet commands02:30
sung_i was thinking about just doing it all via vnc02:30
sung_and that's good if i'm on the local network02:30
sung_only issue would be the crazy resolution02:30
rhpot1991so the backend should do the playing and it should happen on the tv that its connected to right?02:30
sung_but i'm not in the same room02:31
rhpot1991or should the tv output happen on the one doing the commands02:31
sung_and for the most part, i just want to control it for playing music02:31
sung_i'm guessing the best thing to do is just play music via mpg12302:31
rhpot1991if its just music its a lot easier02:31
sung_any good curses mp3 players you can think of that support playlists and hte like?02:31
rhpot1991just use a music player (pleanty of them, rhythmbox is good) and control it with vnc or nx (http://www.nomachine.com/) or something02:32
rhpot1991heck there might be some sort of network hookins for some of the music players02:32
rhpot1991xmms isn't bad either02:35
rhpot1991those are about the only 2 I ever used02:35
Benny_132hi all i jsut wanted to no i wanna setup mythbuntu but i only want to use it for mythvideo i dont need to record any shows just like it how organised mythvideo is will i need a tv tuner card and how would i connect it to my 32" lcd tv ???02:59
rhpot1991you don't need a tuner if you aren't going to record03:09
rhpot1991and you can hookup by using some method of output from your video card03:09
Dr_willisI use MythTV on several machines just to give me a video player front end for the TV.03:54
Dr_willisnone have tuners.03:54
Dr_willisHmm.. All my channels have a callsign and name of   like  "Adding Channel 2" - I see in Mythweb where i can correct this, But whats the differnce btween the callsign and name?    callsign is like 'NICK" and Name would be "Kickalodian" ?04:18
pdragoni think the callsign is the short abbreviation it shows in mythweb04:22
pdragonname is the long full name of the channel04:22
pdragonif it has one04:22
Dr_willisOk. :) not wanting to mess things up.  i see that ONE channel did get its name and description right.. 1 out of 60 heh.04:23
Dr_willisand its the "Info Channel" that is just banner ads all day. heh heh.04:23
pdragoni would get that if i just tried to get the channels right from the tuner and not schedules direct04:23
Dr_willisWell it was Schedules Direct that some how messed up.04:24
Dr_willisI may try deleting the  listing, and readding it - i guess.. that might get it going easier.04:24
Dr_willisnot sure how safe it is to do this with mythweb while its recording.04:24
pdragonchanging the name and callsign shouldn't affect anything04:25
rhpot1991callsign for me is stuff like WGAL04:52
rhpot1991their broadcast name or whatever04:52
Dr_willisOk. :) well off to Station  ZZz. for some Comercial Free Sleep.04:57
javatexanhowdy all...I am happier...been writing code all day.....yeeeehaw! :))05:27
rhpot1991javatexan: mess with transcode at all?05:27
rhpot1991it has the ability to do mpeg4 out of the box (xvid I believe)05:28
javatexanfunny you ask....been failing miserably all day at it05:28
rhpot1991strange, how does it fail?05:28
javatexanI have everything about good, but I am still trying to take mpeg files from another source outside of mythtv and have mythtv mark commercials and transcode to another format like h.264....anyone been down this path before?05:28
rhpot1991and did you enable transcoding on the backend?05:28
javatexannot it....me....05:28
rhpot1991hmmm, I dunno about feeding it a video from a different source05:28
javatexanthe files i have don't come from BE source, so its not in db to to the transcode05:29
javatexanif I could fool it into thinkin it made the mpeg filles ....then maybe05:29
javatexancould I copy the files to the recording folder and run some script to add them to the db...like findOrphans.pl and then run the transcode stuff?05:30
rhpot1991well youcan drop a file in and add it as a recording05:30
rhpot1991there is a 'myth.rebuilddatabase.pl' in the contrib folder05:31
javatexanIll look at it05:31
rhpot1991myth.rebuilddatabase.pl --file MyVideo.avi05:31
javatexanokay now we are getting somewhere05:32
rhpot1991should add it to your recordings, then theoretically you can go in and make new cut points by hand and trim the commercials out05:32
rhpot1991and then transcode it05:32
rhpot1991provided it doesn't blow up at your source at some point05:32
rhpot1991I've used it to bring old recordings back in05:32
javatexanLOL...no joke05:32
rhpot1991in order to transcode you have to hit the checkbox in mythtv-setup that enable transcoding05:33
rhpot19914 or 5 pages in on the general menu05:33
rhpot1991same place you enable user jobs05:33
javatexanokay...how many processes should I have in the BE....right now I have 1 i think, but I have Core DUO 2.2 GHz and 2GB ram...what do you think?05:34
javatexani want 10....naw....LOL05:34
rhpot1991I do all my transcoding on an amd 1900+05:35
rhpot1991works good enough for me05:35
rhpot1991you can set up new recordings to transcode automagically05:35
rhpot1991wont help you with the imported ones, but its good to know05:35
rhpot1991core 2 duo should be more than enough for anything you throw at it, just let it pound through one at a time05:36
=== kjetil_ is now known as KjetilK
henkpoleyMy mythtranscode started from MythArchive is trashing (swapping)08:15
henkpoleyIs here anything I can do to prevent that?08:15
henkpoleyAnd what would be usefull dumps for a bugreport?08:15
henkpoleyNobody here?08:41
Ethangood morning :)09:38
Ethani still have hundreds of scanned channels in myth and its very tedious to sort out the ones i want... and even after deleting the unwanted ones, i dont know an easy way of re-sorting them so that they get decent channel numbers (like 1-50 instead of 659, 10768, 65520)09:40
Ethani guess nobody knows a really cool way of browsing & sorting 500+ chans?11:36
Davieyyeah, delete those you don't watch11:46
FallenHi1okiriwhat settings do I have to use to be able to scan channels (germany + dvb-s) - I only get "cannot access card" (don't know if the translation is right, I run a german gui)11:56
Ethanwhat do you use to scan?11:57
Ethani'm working on german dvb-s right now11:57
FallenHi1okiriEthan: I tryed to run scan with the myth-config11:57
Ethani found that pretty hard to get working11:58
FallenHi1okiriI used EPG / ETI, selected dvb card and diseq -> lnb11:58
Ethanfirst try "scan Astra-19.2E" in the dvb-apps directory11:58
Ethanusually in /usr/share/dvb-apps/examples/scan/dvb-s or something like that11:59
FallenHi1okirione moment please - I have to switch the dvb card in another system11:59
Ethanif you dont have that, do "sudo apt-get install dvb-apps" (or dvbapps)11:59
FallenHi1okiriEthan: dvb-utils?12:04
FallenHi1okirithere is no dvb-apps / dvbapps12:04
Ethanyeah it might be dvb-utils12:05
Ethani keep mixing those up12:05
FallenHi1okirilogin as: blitz12:06
FallenHi1okiriblitz@fenris's password:12:06
FallenHi1okiriLinux Baldur 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 23:05:12 GMT 2007 i68612:06
FallenHi1okiriThe programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;12:06
FallenHi1okirithe exact distribution terms for each program are described in the12:06
FallenHi1okiriindividual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.12:06
FallenHi1okiriUbuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by12:06
FallenHi1okiriapplicable law.12:06
FallenHi1okiriTo run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".12:06
FallenHi1okiriSee "man sudo_root" for details.12:06
FallenHi1okiriblitz@Baldur:~$ sudo apt-get install dvb-apps12:06
FallenHi1okiri[sudo] password for blitz:12:07
FallenHi1okiriPaketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig12:07
FallenHi1okiriAbhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut12:07
FallenHi1okiriReading state information... Fertig12:07
FallenHi1okiriE: Konnte Paket dvb-apps nicht finden12:07
FallenHi1okiriblitz@Baldur:~$ sudo apt-get install dvbapps12:07
FallenHi1okiriPaketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig12:07
FallenHi1okiriAbhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut12:07
FallenHi1okiriReading state information... Fertig12:07
FallenHi1okiriE: Konnte Paket dvbapps nicht finden12:07
FallenHi1okiriblitz@Baldur:~$ apt-cache search dvb-apps12:07
FallenHi1okiriblitz@Baldur:~$ apt-cache search dvb12:07
FallenHi1okiridvb-utils - Viewer programs for DVB cards12:07
FallenHi1okiridvbackup - backup tool using MiniDV camcorders12:07
FallenHi1okiridvbsnoop - DVB / MPEG stream analyzer12:07
directhex|bspthat's more than a little irritating12:07
FallenHi1okiridvbstream - Broadcast a DVB Transport stream over a LAN12:07
FallenHi1okiridvbtune - Simple tuning application for DVB cards12:07
FallenHi1okiriklear - DVB TV viewer and harddisk recorder for KDE12:07
FallenHi1okirikvdr - DVB (digital TV) Video Disk Recorder for KDE12:07
FallenHi1okirilibdvb-dev - library to tune and command Digital Video Broadcasting cards12:07
Ethanplease only paste a few lines12:07
FallenHi1okirilibdvbpsi3 - library for MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables decoding and generating12:07
FallenHi1okirilibdvbpsi3-dev - development files for libdvbpsi312:07
FallenHi1okirilibdvbpsi4 - library for MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables decoding and generating12:07
FallenHi1okirilibdvbpsi4-dev - development files for libdvbpsi412:07
FallenHi1okiripentanet-doc - Documentation for Pent@NET Utilities12:07
FallenHi1okiripentanet-utils - Utilities for Pent@NET DVB Data receiving cards12:07
FallenHi1okiritinysnmp-module-dvb - DVB Data Receiver MIB module for TinySNMP12:07
FallenHi1okirivdr - Video Disk Recorder for DVB cards12:07
FallenHi1okirivdr-dev - Video Disk Recorder for DVB cards12:08
FallenHi1okirivdr-plugin-bitstreamout - Plugin for VDR to play AC3 sound over a sound card12:08
FallenHi1okirivdr-plugin-examples - Plugins for vdr to show some possible features12:08
FallenHi1okiriputty copied everything not the selected lines :(12:08
FallenHi1okirido I have to close mythtv before scanning?12:08
FallenHi1okirior stop the backend? my dvb-adapter is busy12:08
FallenHi1okiriEthan: I wanted to paste 2 lines with the exact error message - didin't recognize that putty copied _everything_ in the session to my clipboard12:08
Ethani guess he hit "paste" accidentally with a big buffer :(12:08
Ethanin putty, the lines are copied automatically as soon as you mark them. dont use "copy"12:09
Ethanwhen using scan, you need to stop the myth-backend first12:09
FallenHi1okiriEthan: wheres the dvb-utils directory?12:10
Ethanonly one dvb-application can use the card at one time... either myth, or scan, or kaffeine, mplayer, etc. etc.12:10
Ethanfallen: i already told you further up12:10
FallenHi1okiriah - didn't se the line sorry12:10
FallenHi1okirianother possible location? it's not in /usr/share12:11
Ethanactuially i think its /usr/share/doc/dvb-something12:11
FallenHi1okirijep. doc is right12:11
Ethan(whetever the guy was smoking who puts utilities into a doc directory...)12:12
FallenHi1okiriscan is running :)12:12
Ethangood... pipe the output into something like myscan.conf12:13
Ethan"scan Astra-19.2E > mychannels.conf"12:14
Ethanit will run for 10 minutes or so12:14
FallenHi1okirihm. if I'd know that I'd copied my channels.conf form vdr12:14
Ethanthen copy that file to somewhere with a short path (like /tmp) because you need to enter the path manually in myth12:14
Ethanthen import that channels.comf into myth12:15
Ethani dont know if the vdr channels.conf is the same format, you could try12:15
Ethani'm just telling you what i did yesterday12:15
FallenHi1okirihm. it's a old channels.conf... and 10 minutes are okay :)12:15
Ethanbut after scanning again in myth i anded up with 1200 channels and it takes hours to sort them12:16
FallenHi1okiriI know that from vdr :)12:16
FallenHi1okirihow do I import the channels.conf?12:16
Ethani'm still looking for an easy way to view, test, sort, edit the channels12:16
Ethanyou go to mythtv-setup, video input (or so), where you could do a scan12:17
Ethanand change the "method" from "full frew scan" to "import channels.conf"12:17
Ethanalways stop mythbackend before running mythtv-setup12:18
FallenHi1okirihm... I thing I should start vnc - my tvout is not the best way to work on a setup12:18
FallenHi1okirior better my tv is not the newest one and I can hardly read something12:18
Ethanalso make sure to configure disecq - i have a quad LNB so i selected "universal - european"12:18
FallenHi1okiriI got a quad lnb connected to a multisync12:19
Ethanthats just what i have too12:19
FallenHi1okirigreat :)12:19
Ethananother tip: open a terminal window (xshell) and run mythfrondend or mythsetup from that - that way you'll see error messages on the console12:20
FallenHi1okirihm. how do I enable vnc form command line?12:20
Ethanthats how i saw the "diseq not conf'd" message12:20
Ethanhm... dunno12:20
Ethandont you have another monitor? hook it to your mythtv box and get everything running that way before you try using tv-out12:22
FallenHi1okirihm. I hope it doesn't kill my configuration. first time I tryed this I didn't get my tvout working with a connected monitor12:23
Ethanwhat video card?12:25
FallenHi1okiriati radeon 900012:25
FallenHi1okirimonitor connected - rebooting :)12:25
FallenHi1okiriah - tvout isn't working if a monitor is connected via dvi - analog + tvout work12:26
Ethanokay, then it sould work again when you disconnect the monitor, right?12:28
Ethandamn, drilled a 12mm hole through the wall but cant cet my rj45 plug through :(12:29
Ethanneed 15mm12:29
directhex|bspsnip & re-crimp!12:29
Ethanyeah i guess i'll have to...12:31
Ethanbut i'm too lazy :P12:31
Ethani've been living with the cable going through 2 doors for a year now^^12:31
FallenHi1okiriEthan: I tryed to import it but it doesn't add channels12:33
Ethanafter import, do a mythfilldatabase12:34
Ethanbut start the backend again first12:34
FallenHi1okirino. still no tv12:38
Ethanwhat do you mean "no tv", what exactly are you doing?12:40
Ethanwhen importing the channels.conf in mythtv-setup, you can see if its doing something or not12:41
Ethanif not, then check the file path and contents12:41
FallenHi1okiriEthan: file path and contents are okay but I don't get a output12:42
FallenHi1okirifound my mistake.12:43
Ethanoutput of what?12:43
FallenHi1okirithere happend nothing when I tryed to import my channels - I used mythtv-setup -> edit channels -> channel scan and not link -> chanelscan.12:44
FallenHi1okirinow he's importing my channels.conf12:44
Ethanhm... i thought those were the same menus... just in different places12:44
FallenHi1okiriafter that I have to run a mythfilldatabase and start the backend and then I should be able to watch tv, right?12:44
FallenHi1okiriI thought so, too12:44
Ethanfirst start backend, then mythfilldatabase. oh yes and for "tv guide sorce" select "epg only" (at least thats what i did)12:45
FallenHi1okiriI did this, too12:45
Ethanthen mythfilldb should take about 5 mins12:45
Ethanfunny, on knoppmyth (which i tried first), there was a German "xmlsomething" but not in mythbuntu12:46
FallenHi1okirihm. maybe a tvtv.de integration?12:47
Ethantvmovie.de i think12:47
Ethanoh well... epg is all i need12:48
FallenHi1okiriI use EPG for ~4-6 years now and I'm still happy with ti :)12:48
FallenHi1okirihm. importing takes long12:50
Ethanyes, maybe 10-15mins12:53
Ethanit scans as it imports12:53
Ethani need to do some shopping... back later12:54
FallenHi1okiriEthan: works, thanks :) hf12:55
FallenHi1okiri 14:04:53 up 38 min,  4 users,  load average: 5.41, 3.63, 2.5013:05
FallenHi1okirimy load seems a bit high - and tv playback is not smooth - I guess 15-18fps13:05
FallenHi1okiriit's a 2.6ghz celeron with 1gb ram13:06
rhpot1991anyone see this: http://www.engadget.com/2008/01/08/directvs-pc-tuner-is-real/14:15
Ethanfallen: make sure you are using xv15:23
Ethanotherwise ...um... you're gone, ok15:23
AquahallicMornin' folks16:30
* Dr_willis injects coffee...16:36
Dr_willisSaw at the gas station they have 'Power Coffe' In the electric blue Pot!   - I aint going near that stuff. :P16:37
ner000Hi Has anyone managed to get the Nebula Digitv remote working?16:37
Aquahallicwhen running a slave backend... if all my capture cards are in my master backend... should I also setup the capture cards on the slave backend??16:57
rhpot1991why is it a backend, why not just have it as a frontend that connects to your master backend17:00
Aquahallicif it's a slave backend won't the master backend hand off jobs to it?? like transcoding and commflag jobs?17:03
Aquahallicor am I mistaken about this??17:03
rhpot1991commflag yes17:12
rhpot1991transcoding can only happen on the backend that has the files17:12
rhpot1991unless you have some nfs share setup to share the files, then it might work17:12
AquahallicI do17:12
AquahallicI have my master backend mounted to a 500 gig drive for my /var/lib/mythtv dir17:13
Aquahallicthen I export that out... and mount it as a NFS share for my slave backend17:13
Aquahallicso to the slave it "looks like" it's a local folder17:13
AquahallicI just figured since my slave is a 2.6 gig p4 it was a shame to just "waste" those resources17:14
MythbuntuGuest01hello need help17:17
Dr_willis"Please state the nature of the mythubuntu emergancy"17:18
MythbuntuGuest01is a 800MHz enough to record tv?17:19
Dr_willisHmm... interesting question.. I dont know. :)17:21
Dr_willisI think my main box cpu's is running about at 1000, for powersavings most of the time. But if you start recording then transcode/tag cmercials.. it may not be enough.17:22
MythbuntuGuest01ok, but perhaps someone else have the answer?17:22
Dr_willisOne way to find out.17:22
Dr_willistry it and see if it works. :) or check the forums - 800 is a bit low im thinking.17:22
MythbuntuGuest01yes but my usb stick doent work fopr linux i have a pci card but its in other pc and i will be sure that its enugh17:23
rhpot1991does your tuner have hardware encoding?17:24
MythbuntuGuest01i think no17:24
MythbuntuGuest01its a 310i from pinac or something like that17:26
Aquahallicif you're not using hardware encoding then 800 mhz is probably too low... when using a card that has an encoder onboard you offload the strain to the card freeing up the cpu for other processes17:26
MythbuntuGuest01ah ok thanks now i seach for my card, but i think it hasnt a hardware encouder17:27
MythbuntuGuest01i found, it has only a software encoder.. :(17:29
MythbuntuGuest01to record tv what cpu speed do i need?17:29
MythbuntuGuest01with no hardware encoder?17:30
Aquahallicwell.... you can try it... I'd set it up and get it recording a tv program.. then run 'top' and you can see your cpu usage17:30
rhpot1991I think I've seen 1ghz somewhere as a recommended limit17:31
rhpot1991can't recall where though17:31
Dr_willisyea i was thinking 1 ghz as a min.17:31
MythbuntuGuest01ok thanks..... do the 310i card work for with linux/ubuntu?17:32
AquahallicI'm running a 2.4 gig as my backend.. with a hardware encoder capture card... I'm currently watching a livetv program and my cpu is only at 4% useage17:32
MythbuntuGuest01oh thats good, but my main computer cpu is so fast and not there for record :)17:33
MythbuntuGuest01do someone know that the 310i fron pina or so work with ubuntu?17:36
MythbuntuGuest01it where better for me that my usb stick work but with the firmweware version found he no channels.....because the driver is only for usb 2.0 and not for 1.1 ....17:40
MythbuntuGuest01ok i must go, thanks for you help... bye17:42
wweaselHello, I just installed Mythbuntu and am having some trouble. "Watch TV" returns: "Could not connect ot the master backend server -- is it running? Is the IP address set for it in the setup program correctly?17:43
wweaselThis is a standard Backend/Frontend install17:43
wweaselIs there anyone here who could help me out?17:44
Aquahallichave you gone into setup and populated the IP of your machine??17:45
wweaselI suspect that my problem is because I set a password for the MySQL database (I intend to add another frontend), but haven't entered that password anywhere, so it can't connect.17:45
Aquahallicyou have to tell the frontend the info of the backend17:45
Aquahallicit's in setup under general when you're in the frontend17:46
wweaselAquahallic: It's set to loopback,
Aquahallicdo you have a static IP??17:46
wweaselAquahallic: huh? It's a combined master backend/frontend.17:47
wweaselthe local loopback should work fine17:47
rhpot1991loopback is fine as long as the frontend is on the same box17:47
Aquahallicit really doesn't have an impact here17:47
rhpot1991did you enter your mysql password into the setup?17:47
wweaselrhpot1991: Yes, I did. As I said before, I suspect that's the problem.17:48
wweaselrhpot1991: Can't figure out where to tell MythTV the password though...17:48
Aquahallicwhere you have the IP populated as there's a user and password blank17:49
wweaselAquahallic: oh!17:49
rhpot1991might want to verify that username and password work properly on the mythconverg db if you created it by hand17:50
wweaselAquahallic: Hmmm...I don't see it. I'm in MythTV Setup, under 1. General ?17:50
Aquahallicsee where it says.. Hostname17:51
Aquahallicthat's your right?17:51
wweaselFirst page is "Host Address Backend Setup"17:51
Aquahallicyou're in mythtv-setup17:51
Aquahallicyou need to be in the frontend17:52
Aquahallicthen.. Util/setup17:52
wweaselSorry. I'm embarassed at how much trouble I'm having with this :P17:52
wweaselShould user remain mythtv? (I'm assuming so, because I didn't change that manually)17:53
wweaselhmmm...it seems my meddling has done me worse.17:55
wweaselrhpot1991: You suggested that I "might want to verify that username and password work properly on mythconverg db" - how do I go about doing that?17:57
rhpot1991mysql -u mythtv -p mythconverg17:57
rhpot1991I'm assuming you just changed the password for mythtv?17:58
rhpot1991also how did you go about changing it?17:58
wweaselIn the installation dialogs on the Mythbuntu LiveCD, it suggested I add a password if I intend to put access the DB over the network. So I put one in the textbox.17:59
rhpot1991hmmm (not positive) but that should work for you17:59
rhpot1991try that command and see if it works17:59
wweaselrhpot1991: It seems like I've created myself a problem. I get "Access denied"17:59
Aquahallicit should be mythtv as user and password should be the password you created17:59
wweaselrhpot1991: Perhaps I typo'd it. There wasn't a confirm password box, so...gah, that would be pretty silly.18:00
Aquahallicpopulate that.. then next through all the rest... then reboot the box... your frontend will fireup... when it does.... exit out of frontend.. if you don't get an error saying it can't connect to the backend you're in good shape18:01
wweaselAquahallic: I think I need to reset the password. I can't get into the DB.18:01
Aquahallictry... mysql -u root -p mythconverg18:01
rhpot1991that text is stored somewhere18:01
Aquahallicmaybe you set the root password and not the mythtv user18:01
rhpot1991let me poke around and see if I can remember18:02
rhpot1991I think MCC should set the mythtv one, though I've never used it to do so18:02
Aquahallictry the user as root and not mythtv with that command line string18:02
Aquahallicif that gets you in.. you can set the mythtv password then18:03
AquahallicI think that's the password that mythtv uses.. not the password the mysql db is set at18:04
wweaselwhat the hell...ok, i tried disabling MySQL Service from the MCC, then re-enabling it. Well, after disabling it it I shades out the box and can't be re-enabled... Think it removed the package. What packaged do I install?18:04
Aquahallicin the mythbuntu control center?18:05
wweaselthis is ridiculous :(18:05
Aquahallicunder services??? you set the mysql to disabled?18:05
wweaseli just did that.18:05
Aquahallicok... that's just the ethernet interface18:05
rhpot1991thats where it stores the default password, I'm not sure if it updates it if you change it via MCC or not, its worth him checking to see if he typo'd though18:05
Aquahallic"I think"18:05
wweaselwhy doesn't it let me re-enable it? :P18:05
rhpot1991wweasel: try to close MCC and open it back up?18:06
wweaselDBPassword is set to 8 alphanumeric characters bearing no resembance to the password I set :P18:06
Aquahallictry opening a CLI then try... /etc/init.d/mysql status18:06
rhpot1991can prob ignore that then, its the default one myth would have used18:07
Aquahallicas root18:07
wweaselAquahallic: yeah, it says it's running. Uptime: 26 min, etc.18:08
Aquahallicok.. then you only removed the server interface that allows mysql to listen on a tcp port18:09
rhpot1991and lost the password you set18:09
Aquahallicfix the issue of the frontend not connecting to backend first18:09
wweaselthank you so much for your help, you two18:10
rhpot1991hold up18:10
rhpot1991you set up anything yet or not really?18:10
wweaseltime for a reinstall?18:10
rhpot1991I think if you reconfigure the db it will ask you for the password again18:10
Aquahallictry mysql -u root mythconverg18:11
rhpot1991sudo dpgk-reconfigure mythtv-database18:11
Aquahallicand try the password you set during setup18:11
rhpot1991do what Aquahallic says first18:11
Aquahallicif you can get in like that.. then you can set the mythtv user password18:12
rhpot1991if thats the case then the password in that txt might be your mythtv password, you can try that too18:12
wweaseldpkg-reconfigure failed. "It's also possible that mysql-server wasn't running"18:13
wweaseloh wait!18:14
Aquahallicyou removed mysql server18:14
wweaselit worked when i typed in the password that i set on install18:14
Aquahallicthat's the tcp interface18:14
Aquahallicone sec18:14
rhpot1991you set the root then18:14
rhpot1991get that password from the txt file I told you18:14
rhpot1991thats your mythtv user password18:14
* rhpot1991 wonders why dpkg failed though...18:15
wweaselI hadn't typed in the password for the root account on mysql18:15
wweasel"mysql -u root -p mythconverg" works, "mysql -u mythtv -p mythconverg" doesn't.18:15
wweaselwhen typing in the password that i set.18:15
rhpot1991cause you set the root password18:15
rhpot1991go to /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt18:15
rhpot1991thats your mythtv password18:16
Aquahallicbecause mysql-server isn't installed anymore18:16
rhpot1991Aquahallic: how isn't it installed if he just connected with root?18:16
Aquahallicwhen he set it to disabled.. it uninstaled the mysql server18:16
rhpot1991he just disabled the service18:16
Aquahallicno no18:16
Aquahallicnot mysql... only mysql SERVER18:16
wweaselAquahallic: you're right!18:16
Aquahallicthat's the portion that lets mysql listen on a tcp port18:17
=== Solar_ is now known as Solarbaby
AquahallicI know... I've been sitting RIGHT where YOU ARE!18:17
Aquahallicnow.. when you go to connect another backend on the network to this master.. you'll need to re-install mysql server so it will listen on a tcp port for connections18:18
=== MythbuntuGuest91 is now known as prekitt
wweaselAquahallic: Alright, apt-get install'd it. "/etc/init.d/mysql-server start" ?18:18
Aquahallicdon't worry about that right now18:18
Aquahallicget your frontend connected to the backend FIRST!18:18
Aquahallicshoot at one problem at a time18:18
prekittHow do I configure my serial ir receiver to mythbuntu, I have a homebrew ir receiver/blaster?18:19
prekittam Not sure how to enable lirc_serial kernel module18:19
Aquahallicthe serial on lirc that comes packaged with mythbuntu is broke18:19
AquahallicI have a serial homebrew myself18:19
Aquahallicyou have to install the pre-release of lirc 0.8.3 I think it is18:20
wweaselAquahallic: Since I installed mysql-server, mysql is throwing an error message.18:20
Aquahallicyeah.. it's not configured yet18:20
wweaselSo how do I proceed?18:20
Aquahallichold... I'mma piss myself...LMAO18:21
wweasel* MySQL is stopped.18:21
prekittAquahallic, did you get it to work with that?18:22
wweaselrhpot1991: I'm back where we were.18:23
Aquahallicyes... the pre-release of lirc works with serial homebrew18:23
wweaselrhpot1991: MySQL root works with the password I set. user "mythtv" doesn't work with either password, not mine nor the one in mysql.txt18:24
wweaselI'm assuming I don't want to tell MythTV to connect to MySQL as root. Seems wrong :P So, how to go about connecting as mythtv?18:25
wweasel(btw, the problem with the ethernet interface is solved)18:25
Aquahallicwweasel go read this URL....18:26
Aquahallicthat shows you how to reset the mythtv user password on mysql18:27
rhpot1991can also do it in phpmyadmin if you have that installed18:28
wweaselAquahallic: excellent. thanks :)18:28
Aquahalliclemme know how you makeout18:28
rhpot1991I'm not sure why the password in the txt file shouldn't work if your password was the root one, but oh well18:29
rhpot1991I know one guy had a problem distinguishing between an O and a 0 before18:29
Aquahallicthat .txt file.. is the password you setup in the frontend18:29
rhpot1991took a whole day working on stuff and he realized it18:29
Aquahallicit's a plain txt file..18:29
rhpot1991Aquahallic: thats the password that mythtv generates for you mythtv mysql user, normally18:30
Aquahallicyou edit that file with the user and passord that you have SET18:30
Aquahallicyes... but if he's changed it in the frontend setup.. it gonna be what he set it to... and not what the actual user/pass is on the db itself18:30
rhpot1991ah ok, I see what you are saying18:30
rhpot1991it is by default, but then he changed it18:31
Aquahallicthat's what the frontend USES to authenticate.. not what the mythtv password actually IS on the db18:31
Aquahallicby default on a new install.. mythbuntu will set that to whatever it's set the mythtv user to18:31
Aquahallicbut if he's changed it... then it's whatever he's changed it TO.. .thus the frontend not connecting...:)18:32
Aquahallicso his BEST bet is to login as root to mysql and change the mythtv password.. then go set that .txt file to reflect the same18:33
wweaselAquahallic: I successfully changed the password. But mysql -u mythtv -p mythconverg still doesn't work with the new password :P18:33
Aquahallicdid you restart mysql?18:33
wweaseloh, nope!18:33
rhpot1991ya restart it to reload the privs18:34
wweaselok, trying that.18:34
AquahallicNOT mysql-server18:34
Aquahalliconly mysql18:34
Aquahallicserver has nothing to do with this18:34
wweaselAHA! Success18:35
rhpot1991also an interesting note, if you use the -p flag with mysql it will ask for a password first before it even tries a connetion, so that doesn't guarantee you are able to hit it18:35
wweaselmysql-server is working fine now.18:35
Aquahallicgo edit that mysql txt file to reflect the mythtv user and pass you just set18:35
Aquahallicthen reboot that box and let everything loadup again18:36
directhexbe sure to edit the file in /etc/mythtv and remove local copies in ~/.mythtv18:36
wweaselmmm, the tension is building :)18:37
wweaselnot really working18:39
Aquahallicto enable mysql-server to listen for IP connections you'll have to edit /etc/mysql/my.cnf and change the 'bind-address' from to an the IP of your backend server18:40
Aquahallichow ya mean?18:40
Aquahallicdid the frontend fireup?18:40
wweaselshows me all the correct information18:40
wweasellocalhost, mythconverg, user=mythtv, password is correct...18:40
wweaselhit Next>, Next> and nothing happens.18:41
Aquahallicok... now... next through all that18:41
Aquahallicthen you'll be back to your frontend menu18:41
wweaselnope, just closes.18:41
Aquahallicwhat just closes?18:41
Aquahallicthe frontend?18:41
wweaselthe frontend18:41
rhpot1991I wonder if the db didn't get created or something18:42
wweasel"mysql -u mythtv -p mythconverg" works.18:42
Aquahalliche can login to it so I'd think it did18:42
wweaselmythfilldatabsae doesn't18:42
Aquahallichmmm.... mine did that....18:42
* Aquahallic tries to remember what it was....:/18:42
wweaselAccess denied for user.18:42
Aquahallicyou get that when trying to login to the db as mythtv and using the password you created for it?18:43
wweaselThat works fine18:44
wweasel"mythfilldatabase" throws an error18:44
wweaselAccess denied for user 'mythtv'@'localhost' (using password: YES)18:44
Aquahallicg'friend is watching tv so I can't go into my backend setup18:46
Aquahallicrun through mythtv backend setup again... make sure everything is populated correctly18:47
Aquahallicone suggestion though!18:47
Aquahallicif you're going to be connecting other frontends to this... set a static IP18:47
wweaseli have a static IP18:48
Aquahallicthen put the static IP in all the blanks that you have
Aquahallicrun the backend setup again18:48
wweaselcan't even get into the backend setup18:48
Aquahallicis the backend running?18:48
Aquahallicdo this18:49
Aquahallicbackout of the frontend18:49
wweaselright now i'm at the desktop18:50
Aquahallicat the desktop go into Applications/settings/mythtbackend setup18:50
wweaselthat's what i've tried18:50
Aquahallicand what does it do when you try that?18:51
wweasel"Mythbackend must be closed before continuing. Is it OK to close any rcurrently running mythbackend processes?" -> OK.18:51
Aquahallicit should popup after that18:52
Aquahallicunless that mythfilldatabase has something hungup18:52
Aquahallicreboot that box... don't do ANYTHING but backout of the frontend.. then try to open the mythtv-setup18:52
wweaselthen a terminal window opens up throwing a lot of errors, mostly the same as mythfilldatabase does, telling me it can't connect to the database. then Database Configuration pops up, just like with the frontend.18:52
Aquahallicis mysql running?18:53
Aquahallictry /etc/init.d/mysql status18:53
Aquahallicnow.. when it comes up.. back right out of the frontend18:54
Aquahallicthen open mythtv-setup18:55
wweaselshould i open it from a terminal, so I see errout?18:55
Aquahallicif it throws that setup window up again... go through it.. and put your static IPs for that backend server in the "server ip" and for the "masterbackend ip"18:55
* Aquahallic thinks that's what they're called18:55
wweaselDatabase Configuration again.18:56
wweaselput in static local IP, or local loopback
Aquahallictry what I just said18:56
Aquahallicthe IP not a loopback18:56
wweaselstill no success18:56
wweaselrunning mythtv-setup...18:58
wweaselopens up database configuration again.18:58
wweaselwhy don't I try telling Mythtv to connect to the DB as root?18:59
wweaselstill no luck18:59
Aquahallicsec... .she's done with her show.. let me get into my setup18:59
wweaselI think somehow the problem is with the ethernet interface. I can connect the db manually just fine.18:59
Aquahallicok.. go to /etc/mysql/my.cnf19:00
Aquahallicopen it19:00
Aquahallicfind bind-address19:00
Aquahallicit will probably be change it to your static IP19:01
rhpot1991when you connect to the database can you do anything on it?19:01
rhpot1991like a query or view tables or anything?19:01
wweaselrhpot1991: Don't know MySQL, haven't tried19:01
Aquahallictrue... the db could be jacked19:02
rhpot1991login with mythtv19:03
wweaselcan i get mythtv to restart the db from scratch?19:03
rhpot1991and do 'select * from settings;'19:03
rhpot1991I think that table should have data19:03
wweaselhas a bunch of info19:04
rhpot1991then your db at least exists and your user has privs19:04
wweaselfor some reason it can't connect from mythtv backend though.19:05
Aquahallicyou didn't change any of those ports in the initial DB setup did you?19:06
wweaselrhpot1991: Should I dpkg-reconfigure?19:07
wweaselAquahallic: nope!19:07
Aquahallictell me what you have for them19:07
wweaselcan't see them anymore :P19:07
Aquahallicmine is... server runs on 645319:07
wweaselbut it was 6543 i think19:07
Aquahallicshows status on 645419:07
wweaselthat must be it19:08
Aquahallicmaster runs on 654319:08
Aquahallicactually... it's 654319:08
Aquahallictypo above19:08
wweaselso do we have any idea how to proceed?19:08
wweaselit seems we've hit a rut.19:09
Aquahallictry... dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database19:10
Aquahallicsee if it will let you setup your db again19:10
rhpot1991make sure you run that as sudo19:10
Aquahallicok... reboot19:12
wweaselAha, it worked!19:13
wweaselNow, "Could not connect to the master backend server -- is it running? Is the IP address set for it in the setup program correct?"19:14
Aquahallicis that the frontend?19:14
rhpot1991restart your backend19:14
rhpot1991sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend restart19:14
rhpot1991though if you just restarted you machine that shouldn't be happening.......19:14
wweaseldidn't restart :P19:15
rhpot1991sorry for thinking mid point there19:15
wweaselrestarted mysql only19:15
rhpot1991ah, I saw reboot above19:15
wweaselok, ok :)19:15
wweaseli was excited, i wanted immediate results :P19:15
Aquahallicreason I said reboot... was you also set static IPs... so the mysql-server had to be restarted also... or it wouldn't bind19:16
wweaselrebooted. still "Could not connect to the master backend server" ...19:17
Aquahallicis that on the frontend?19:17
wweaselI got in though!19:17
Aquahallicok... go through the general setup again19:18
wweaselChose "Watch TV"19:18
Aquahallicon the frontend19:18
wweaseland error19:18
Aquahallicand try changing that back to
Aquahallicfor now19:18
Aquahallicthen you can work on the mysql-server portion after you get it working19:18
wweaselStill no connecting.19:19
Aquahallicdid you backout of the frontend?19:19
Aquahallicthen come back in?19:19
Aquahallicdo that..19:19
wweaselCould not connect.19:19
Aquahallicyou have the mythtv as user and the password you created in there?19:20
wweaselnothing just works :P19:20
wweaselmythfilldatabase works now19:21
Aquahallicsee if you can get into mythtv-setup19:21
wweaselconnects just fine19:21
wweaseloh, but "Connecting to backend server [...] Connection timed out. You probably should modify the Master Server settings in the setup program and set the proper IP address."19:22
Aquahallictry mythbackend setup again19:22
wweaselok, i'm in mythtv-setup19:22
Aquahallicset those IPs back to again19:22
Aquahalliclet's get it working locally first.. then you can set real ips19:23
wweaselstill same error :O19:24
rhpot1991did you ever get the mysql service back up?19:24
rhpot1991I haven't been paying steady attention19:24
Aquahallicreboot it again since you made all the changes to the backend setup19:24
Aquahallicshouldn't really need to but... since you're still getting the error let everything load back again fresh19:25
wweaseli'm still getting the "Connection timed out." error, but it is now trying as I asked19:25
wweaselk, i'll reboot19:26
wweaseli haven't rebooted yet.19:26
wweaselbut it seems like mythbackend wasn't running.19:26
wweaseland that was the cause of all my errors19:26
T045They, anyone wanna discuss/verify some ideas to use mythtv with a touchscreen (nothing else for input)?19:26
Aquahallicit shutsdown19:26
Aquahallicwhen you run mythtv-setup19:27
wweaselk, rebooting19:27
wweaselStill "Could not connect to the master backend server -- is it running?19:29
wweaselmythbackend isn't running19:30
wweaselfor some reason it isn't starting on "startup"19:30
Aquahalliccan you start it?19:30
wweaselThis is really confusing.19:30
wweasel/etc/init.d/mythtv-backend start    ->   mythbackend already running, use restart intsead19:31
wweasel/etc/init.d/mythtv-backend restart    ->    mythbackend No /usr/bin/mythbackend found running; none killed.19:31
Dr_willissounds like a pid/lock file may be hanging about?19:32
Aquahallicgo look at /var/log/mythbackend log and see if you find any errors19:32
Dr_willisbut if none found none killed. it 'should' be strted now. :)19:32
AquahallicI had that SAME problem with my backend and it was permissions on the /var/lib/mythtv dir screwed... I was using NFS19:33
wweaseli just tried restarting again, still says none found.19:33
Aquahalliccheck for any errors in /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log19:34
Aquahallicat the bottom of the file19:34
wweaselAccess denied for user 'mythtv'@'localhost'19:34
wweaselwhat the hell :(19:34
Aquahallictry resetting that mythtv user password again19:35
directhexwhich mysql.txt did you change?19:35
wweaselah, one was not fixed.19:36
wweaselit's now fixed19:36
wweaselthe one in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt was still wrong19:36
Aquahallicthat or restart all the services19:36
AquahallicI'd reboot... easier19:36
wweaselhaven't rebooted yet19:37
Aquahallicin that mysql.txt file... did it have the real ip or a loopback?19:37
wweaselwrong password19:37
Aquahallicwhat ip though?19:38
wweaselhold on19:38
wweaselnew error in mythbackend.log19:38
wweaselwhat user does mythbackend run as?19:38
Aquahallicshould be mythtv19:38
wweaselok, that's the problem19:39
wweaselhold on...just fixing folder permissions on my recordings folder19:39
Aquahallicheh.. that bit me in the arse using NFS19:39
Aquahallicdirecthex.. does that /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt house what the backend uses to logon mysql or the frontend?19:40
directhexAquahallic, yes19:40
Aquahallicfrontend or backend?19:40
directhexboth, barring overrides19:41
Aquahallicand that file is populated by running the general setup in the frontend.. correct?19:41
wweaselAquahallic: BTW, thank you so much for all the help. you've been incredibly nice and helpful19:42
wweaseland patient!19:43
Aquahallicnp... I learn things helping...;)19:43
wweaselalright, still no backend19:43
Aquahallicwhat's in mythbackend.log?19:44
wweaselabout to check19:44
wweasel /media/data/recordings still not writeable by user...let me fix.19:45
wweaselAha, success.19:46
Aquahallicpermissions will get ya everytime19:46
wweaseltime to see if it works :P19:46
Aquahallicdid me19:46
wweaselI can haz frontend?19:47
wweaselWooo, no errors19:47
wweaselAlso no video from Live TV...19:47
wweaselerm :(19:47
Aquahallicdid you setup your card and video sources under backend-setup?19:47
wweaselthough i might have gotten the us-cable thingy wrong19:48
Aquahallicwhat's it do when you view livetv19:48
wweaselblack screen, hangs19:48
Aquahalliccheck your card settings in backend setup19:49
Aquahallicand your video sources19:49
Aquahallicmake sure you set the right input for your capture card too...19:49
wweasel(btw, i find the interface very slow. takes a good second after i hit the up arrow before the selection moves19:49
Aquahalliccheck your frontend and backend logs19:50
AquahallicI've found they hold the "Keys to the Castle"19:50
wweasel"Unknown video codec, please go into the TV Settings, Recording Profiles, and setup the four 'Software Encoders' profiles"19:51
Aquahallictry just the livetv setup for now..19:57
wweasel2008-01-08 14:57:17.574 TV Error: StartRecorder() -- timed out waiting for recorder to start19:59
wweaselah, it's setup wrong20:00
Aquahallicthe capture card?20:00
wweaselit's not V4L20:00
AquahallicI'm using a hauppauge20:00
wweaselme too :)20:01
Aquahallicprolly have to go setup your video sources and all that once you finish this20:01
rhpot1991happauce doesn't use software encoders, you got something set up wrong20:01
Aquahallicyup... it's h/w encoding20:01
wweaseli had a pvr 500 as well as my pvr-150, but the pvr 500 had random failure. and hauppauge has really poor customer support. been waiting for a while to get it back from RMA.20:01
rhpot1991its listed as pvx50 or something in the setup20:02
Aquahallicrecheck your video sources and all that20:02
wweaselbtw, out of curiosity, should I run mythfilldatabase every single time i leave backend-setup?20:02
wweaselseems unnecessary :P20:02
Aquahallicyou don't have to... but.. it doesn't hurt anything20:03
wweaselyay TV!20:03
AquahallicNOW you get to setup the mysql-server portion when you go to connect a slave or remote frontend20:04
Aquahallicthat part's fairly simple though20:04
wweaselmythtv certainly isn't easy to set up.20:05
Aquahallicjust go through the backend setup again and change those loopbacks to the real ips... and edit that /etc/mysql/my.cnf bind-address on the masterbackend20:05
wweasel(I've been with GBPVR for years, but hate having to administer a Windows PC. And I'd like to get a second frontend, which nothing does as well as mythtv)20:06
Aquahallicmythbuntu was cake to setup.... it all pretty much worked out of the box for me.. 'cept I have a legacy nvidia and had to get that straightened out.. and the serial module doesn't work in the version of lirc that comes with mythbuntu20:07
wweaseli changed all the IPs20:07
wweaselshall I reboot?20:08
Aquahallicon the backend and in the frontend?20:08
Aquahallicand that my.cnf file??20:08
wweaseloh, not my.cnf yet20:08
wweaseloh, never changed that back :P20:09
wweaselalright, yes, it's fixed on all of them20:09
Aquahallicthat's what tells your mysql server to listen on the network20:09
Aquahallicok.. reboot20:09
wweaselthough it doesn't seem to have fixed automatically in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt20:09
wweaselshould i change that one manually?20:09
wweasel(i'm surprised my laptop's battery has lasted this long :)20:10
Aquahallicon my masterbackend mine's still a loopback... but on my slave it's the ip of the backend20:11
Aquahallicso on this machine being your master backend it shouldn't matter20:11
wweaseli'll leave it20:11
Aquahallicsince the mysql db resides on that machine a loopback is fine20:12
wweaselok, it's still working after changing the IPs20:14
Aquahallicshould be able to now connect a remote frontend20:14
Aquahallicnow you get to go through all your frontend and backend logs and correct any errors or warnings you might find20:15
wweaselmy MCEremote doesn't seem to be working great20:15
Aquahallicthere's a setup in the mythbuntu control center for the remotes20:15
wweaselwhat does "Generate dynamic button  mappings" mean?20:16
wweasel(in the MCC)20:16
Aquahallicand there's a checkbox that generates a file to tell mythtv what buttons do what20:16
Aquahallicthat's what that does20:16
Aquahalliceverything is controlled by a letter on the keyboard with mythtv20:16
wweaseli just set apt-get upgrade, so I'll wait a bit :)20:17
Aquahallicthat maps the buttons on your remote to a specific letter/key on the keyboard20:17
Aquahallicoh boy.. .if you haven't upgraded all your packages... you'll have to rerun the backend setup again20:18
Aquahallicso... I hope you took notes....LOL20:18
wweaselhaha :)20:18
Aquahallicfun stuff20:18
wweaselmeh, it's taking too long to download anyways, i'm impatient20:20
AquahallicI'd let it go20:20
Aquahallicgo eat lunch  or something....LOL20:20
wweaseldamn do i need some lunch20:21
Aquahallicthere ya go.. perfect opportunity20:21
wweaselbut first i'm going to play with NVIDIA drivers and remote control :P20:21
Aquahallicwhat nvidia card you have?20:21
wweaselGeForce 6250 I believe20:22
Dr_willisI am having sole odd issues with nvidia and video playback.. it will work for a long time.. then a day or so later.  i try to play a video and its all garbled.. if i restart the pc.. its back to working.20:22
Dr_willisOnce i just restarted the mythtv front end and it started working.20:22
wweaselwhat the hell slow dl speeds20:23
wweasel7000 B/s ?!20:23
Dr_willisits doing it in all the video players also. Not just mythtv's player. vlc, xine, totem, ect.. all have the garbled video.  Im betting its some nvidia bugglet. :(20:23
wweaselcan't really trust restricted drivers *rolls eyes*20:23
Aquahallichere's a REALL GOOD readme that I found helped me out HUGE for my prebuffer pauses and my audio missing errors in the frontend logs.... http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-hw2.html20:24
Aquahallicwhat video card you using Dr_willis?20:24
Dr_willis6800 on that machine.20:24
Dr_willisive not noticed the issue on my 5500 or 8800 nvidia based machines20:25
Aquahalliccheck that you're using the right drivers recommended for that card20:25
Aquahallicmines a legacy card... and it did work with the newer drivers... but.. my fonts were funky... so I removed them and installed the legacy and it works fine...20:26
Dr_willisnvidia-glx , not the legacy for that one.20:27
Aquahallicthere's also some stuff out there about nvidia "flavored" kernels... I think there's some settings in the kernel that should or shouldn't be there if you're using the restricted drivers20:27
Dr_willisactually - it is using the nvidia-glx-new i notice..20:28
AquahallicI used to use knoppmyth... and I woundup recompiling my kernel to get my nvidia to work properly...20:28
Dr_willisIt may be i need the normal.20:28
Dr_willisbut its not a big issue :) just seems to happen once a week.20:28
Aquahallicanother thing that freaked my nvidia out was it was sharing an IRQ with my usb20:29
AquahallicI found that by doing cat /proc/interrupts20:29
AquahallicI tried to get my video capture sound and network cards all using thier own irqs and not sharing with anything20:30
wweaselAquahallic: I don't believe it matters except for ISA cards, and apparently NVIDIA too :P20:31
Aquahallicthen I used setpci and set the latency of everything on the bus to b0 then set my video, sound, network, capture cards to ff so they had priority on the bus and could send large bursts...:)20:31
Aquahallicyeah... nvidia makes nice cards... they just never play nice with linux....20:32
AquahallicI found the latency thing cured all my video and sound buffer issues...:)20:32
Aquahallicjust food for thought20:32
wweaselthat's quite a lot of work!20:35
Aquahallicit takes some tweaking for sure20:35
directhexseems pretty extreme20:35
AquahallicI think ALOT of it had to do with this #$%^& IBM Thinkcenter I'm using as my slave backend20:36
wweaselah, possibly20:36
AquahallicNOTHING is configurable in the bios20:36
wweaselI hope my custom built backend won't cause me so many problems20:36
wweaselthen again, i hate my POS backend.20:36
Aquahallicmy backend I can set all that stuff in the bios... so it was CAKE20:36
wweaseli cheaped out on the motherboard...and it %(*&# sucks.20:37
wweaselI'll never buy another Gigabyte board.20:37
Aquahallicmy backend is an older Asus board.. but it still rocks20:37
Aquahallicnow on when I buy a motherboard I'll make SURE all the irqs and latencys are all configureable by bios20:38
wweaselAsus always rocks.20:38
Aquahallicit's been good to me... only thing I've had to do is go through and replace the heatsink compound on the processor after about 4 yrs....LOL20:39
directhexasus couldn't find their arse with an atlas20:43
Aquahallicwhat mobo  you use directhex?20:43
directhexAquahallic, on my desktop? some abit thing20:44
wweaseldirecthex: I've never had a problem with asus20:44
directhexwweasel, google for sky2 asus error20:45
wweaselwell, in general i've found their hardware solid20:47
Aquahallicwell... g'friend has a grocery list prepared with my name pasted all over it20:47
wweaselthis gigabyte board is a POS20:47
Aquahallicso I better go hop in the shower20:48
wweaselAquahallic: thank you so much for your help20:48
Aquahallicgl wweasel20:48
AquahallicI'm just glad to see I'm not the only one that beat my head against a wall with mythtv20:48
Aquahallicand I could help someone else avoid it20:48
Aquahallichave a good one everyone20:49
wweaselhaha, couldn't have done it without your experience20:49
=== Aquahallic is now known as Aqua_awy
Aqua_awysure ya could have.. would have just taken you a hell of alot longer20:50
soonHi folks - this is probably a little of topic, but where else? I need to connect a TV, a satelite reciever, a terrestial digital topbox and a dvd-recorder  ... big trouble21:32
soonanyone care to loosen the cables for me ... its getting hard to breathe21:33
Dr_willisget one of those big switch box's :)21:37
directhexbin the dvb-t box, and get an idtv!21:41
rhpot1991throw it all away and go get some books21:45
* rhpot1991 is bitter today21:45
soonwell youre all very helpful :-)21:49
rhpot1991I have an auto component switch box that works well21:50
soonthe terrestial digital box takes a normal aerial in ... is it okay to use the aerial out? (someone mentioned something about 'looping'  it)21:51
soona switch box ?! Hmm21:51
blkorpheusbug 11853822:53
blkorpheusanyone notice this?22:54
wweaselFor some reason, when I just changed theme MythTV became windowed. I'd like it back to fullscreen :P any ideas?23:30
Tarithere's something in settings to toggle windowed/fullscreen23:32
wweaselfound it23:33
wweaselmust have selected it by accident23:33
Aqua_awywweasel... who's winnin'....:P23:43
=== Aqua_awy is now known as Aquahallic
wweaselhaha, I think the score is like MythTV 20 - 3 wweasel.23:46
TariMythTV .20!23:47
Tarimeh, I didn't find it that funny23:47
Tariand yet.. maybe I did23:47
wweaselnow i need to find a nice OSD theme.23:49
wweaselthe default one is *very* clunky23:49
morphios2i just bought a twinhan DVB-S PCI AD-SP200 (1027) does it work with mythtv23:50
* Aquahallic likes Blue... kinda has that cartoony look23:50
wweaselI like Blue too! Are you talking about main themes? I'm talking about the little overlays23:50
Aquahallicheh.. missed OSD23:51
wweaselwhat do you use?23:51
directhexmorphios2, is it on the linuxtv dvb wiki supported list?23:51
AquahallicI'm just using the default for the moment.... I just set my box up last weekend and been dinkin' around with it23:52
morphios2i think so23:52
morphios2was just asking if anyone already had one working23:52
wweaselprobably: he's just not here :)23:57
directhexthe ad-sp200 is not listed on the wiki23:57
directhexthe ad-sp300 is unsupported23:57
directhexthe ad-sp400 has experimental support23:58

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