
mirakI have a bug where nautilus always try to create thumbnails00:00
tiagobugarinsoundray: no, it is a laptop's internal keyboard. no external usb keyboard is working also00:00
Slartpavs: ifconfig -a also returns nothing?00:00
zxcis it normal that nautilus does not remember unmaximized size when you close a maximized nautilus window ??00:01
pavsslart it shows eth1 eth0 and lo00:01
yusuoi cant reconfigure x i keep on gettin an error message any ideas00:01
Slartpavs: ah.. ok.. try this "sudo ifup eth1"00:01
Slartpavs: you can replace eth1 with eth000:01
=== Ttech2 is now known as tttttech
pavsslart ifup not installed :(00:01
soundraytiagobugarin: strange that it would work with knoppix, but not Ubuntu. Perhaps try with a PCMCIA USB adapter?00:02
|unjustice|soundray: are you saying that my hardware's fucked...because I cannot likely fix it (laptop)00:02
annonymousecan any help me ive lost my login manager button00:02
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Slartpavs: ifup isn't installed?.. what kind of ubuntu are you using?00:02
soundray|unjustice|: no, I wouldn't say that because using such language here makes you highly unpopular00:02
pavsslart I am telling you ever since I did autoremove it messed up everything00:03
|unjustice|soundray: my apologies...is my inability to set my clock due to hardware malfunction?00:03
Slartpavs: but.. but.. apt is supposed to stop you from doing nasty things like that.. autoremove should be a safe operation00:03
th1Hi, I just tried to install flash plugin on KUbuntu 7.10 but then I get this aptitude error: md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz\n The Flash plugin is NOT installed.00:04
Slartpavs: I'm loosing faith in the apt-system now..00:04
soundray|unjustice|: it's possible. Like I said, your backup battery may be flat00:04
pavsslart tell me about it, I even so it remove xinit right in front of my eyes00:04
Slartth1: and then you read the topic and understood why00:04
th1Slart, thanks ;)00:04
ScReaMiNgspeak english?00:04
Slartpavs: well.. I think you're looking at a reinstall then00:04
Slartth1: you're welcome =)00:04
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.00:05
flushyo folks anyone running ipodlinux  and can tell me how do i play music ?00:05
Slartyes, I speak english ScReaMiNg00:05
pavsslart thanks for the help :( and your time. I think I will go for fedora this time :(00:05
ScReaMiNgI don't know speak english00:05
Slartpavs: good luck.. hope it works better for you00:05
ScReaMiNgspeak bulgarian?00:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:05
pavsslart thanks again. bye00:05
Slartbye pavs00:05
Slarthmm... language info for bulgarian anyone?00:06
rezman_anyone play ut99 on gusty yet?00:06
ScReaMiNgspeak bulgarian?00:06
Slart!bg | ScReaMiNg00:06
ubotuScReaMiNg: опитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently00:06
ari_stressmorning all :D00:06
acidfire2008hey guys i got a ? if someone can help me. Ive got ssh threw a server i got and i can only ssh to it and im wanting to install vnc and get it working00:06
ScReaMiNgbylgarin li si pich?00:07
=== rezman_ is now known as rezman
StarnestommyScReaMiNg, ubotu is a bot00:07
ryanpMe again. That's a no-go on the "nosplash"/remove "splash" boot commands. Same problem. :-/ I'm really confused now, because I just used this CD yesterday and it worked fine...00:07
SlartScReaMiNg: ubotu is a bot.. type /join #ubuntu-bg to get to the bulgarian channel00:07
|unjustice|soundray: if my backup battery was flat, wouldn't I be unable to run without outlet power?00:07
Slartryanp: hmm.. what video-card did you have?00:08
soundray|unjustice|: is it a laptop?00:08
|unjustice|soundray: yup00:08
ryanpnVidia GeForce4 MX 420, I believe.00:08
soundray|unjustice|: the main battery that runs the computer is different from the backup battery, which is a button cell that only runs the clock chip when the laptop is powered down.00:09
Slartryanp: hm.. sounds old enough to be supported... I've never had any problems with the live-cd.. but I'm off to bed.. I hope someone can help you further00:09
WooDHi guys, I did a sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb and since that time I get the error hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 1000 when I want to access the HDD .. any clue about this bug ?&00:09
ryanp@slart thanks anyway00:10
allobjectsfallore: any ideas why I can't run the flashplayer-installer script after extracting the *.tar.gz00:10
crimsunWooD: if you used that precise command, you can't run it on an entire block device.  You need to use a partition.00:10
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
yusuook still having problems with my resolution please i really do need help00:10
WooDcrimsun, I better use a partition software to format the drive ?00:11
th1allobjects, just look at the post at the link that ubotu gives, and download the deb package from there with wget, and hten dpkg -i filename. :)00:11
|unjustice|soundray: thanks00:11
soundray|unjustice|: anyway, does your problem occur when you leave the machine running overnight?00:11
ljsmithxif i right click on my desktop and try to change settings it wont lets me change tabs00:11
|unjustice|soundray: I have not really tried...I usually turn it off when I sleep, but I think that it runs fine over night00:11
gunjawood: Seems like u got no partitions, fdisk /dev/sdb and use the menu there00:11
=== YanchoAWY is now known as Yancho
ljsmithxand now it has disabled my wobbly windows00:12
WooDgunja, ok00:12
gunjaWood: u need to be using mkfs.ext3 on /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdb2 etc, etc00:12
rezmandoes anyone know if there is a new loki installer for ut9900:12
juggyquick question about steam on ubuntu00:12
googlahWooD: use gparted to partition easy00:12
allobjectsth1: sorry how do I get ubotu to show the link ?00:12
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash00:12
ljsmithxi can't get to the tab to do anything exept change y wall00:12
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.00:12
ljsmithxhow do I fix this?00:12
th1allobjects, /msg ubotu flash00:12
juggyi install it but where does it go and how do i run it?00:12
yusuohow can i go about fixing my screen resolution00:12
yusuoit only allows me 640x48000:13
Xintruderis ubuntu linked with debian servers?00:13
soundray|unjustice|: do you ever boot without a network connection?00:13
WooDgooglah, thanks !! I'll do that00:13
ljsmithxyusuo, what graphics card do you have?00:13
WooDgunja, thanks00:13
soundrayXintruder: no00:13
Chris|go to system > prefferences > screen resolution00:13
allobjectsth1: thanks00:13
|unjustice|soundray: rarely, if I do I usually have wireless running00:13
th1Xintruder, no it's separate from debian servers ;) don't ask ubuntu questions in #debian channel or you will get banned.. they are militant ;)00:13
soundray|unjustice|: then ntpdate should sync the time correctly, if it's correctly configured and the server is accessible. Check /etc/default/ntpdate00:14
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khaotikhow do i uninstall automatix2 from my machine?00:14
ljsmithxIn the Appearance menu I can't change anything00:14
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
ljsmithxkhaotik, sudo apt-get remove automatix200:15
soundraykhaotik: the only sure way is to reinstall00:15
ljsmithxHas anyone got a fix for my problem?00:15
yusuoanyone got a fix for my problem00:16
khaotikthats what i was afraid of soundray00:16
soundraykhaotik: sorry00:16
* mneptok spews rage and hatred at Automatix00:16
ljsmithxI cannot change anything in the Appearance menu, when I click it doesnt respond :'( any help?00:16
carlI can't get this ATI Card to Install00:16
* LjL spews rage and hatred at these people who keep highlighting him with automatix00:17
Nostahlheyey all my sound isnt working all of a sudden any idea's?00:17
ljsmithxI guess noone knows00:17
shane_hey everone00:18
flyingfreeokay here the situation....00:18
shane_Gutsy users?00:18
flyingfreeI somehow lost the right to use sudo commands and can no longer use synaptic and yet I am the only uer00:18
LjLflyingfree: did you by any chance attempt to change your hostname?00:19
flyingfreeI recently added another user to the group and soehow they are not there and myself and all other users I created have lost admin rights00:19
LjLflyingfree: if you type « groups » from your user does "admin" show up?00:19
flyingfreeanyidea how I get them all back00:19
flyingfreethe root username does not work00:19
LjL!root | flyingfree, it's not supposed to00:19
ubotuflyingfree, it's not supposed to: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:19
oldude67how do i get emerald themes for compiz apt-get emerald?00:21
LjLflyingfree, short answer, boot with init=/bin/sh and adduser yourself admin00:21
LjLoldude67: try asking in #compiz-fusion perhaps00:21
soundrayLjL: why not boot in recovery mode? (Easier to explain...)00:21
flyingfreecan anyone hear me00:21
flyingfreethis kopete takes along time to clean up the people in the room00:22
LjLsoundray: because i don't know what it logs you in as, i've never used recovery mode00:22
soundrayLjL: runs a root shell in single mode without a password00:22
LjLsoundray: should be good then. i was under the impression that some password got asked.00:23
=== joar is now known as CosmicBat
fenderI recently installed latest version of Ubuntu on my laptop (Desktop Version) and I can't get the wireless to work on it00:24
fendercould anyone help me?00:24
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ouellettesrwhat command do I use to scan the usb ports00:25
rezmanok im a newbie how do i use wine00:25
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:25
soundrayouellettesr: lsusb (consider adding -v or -vv)00:25
ouellettesrthanks soundray00:25
fenderthank you00:25
carlhow do I install a saved download from my desktop in terminal00:25
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.00:25
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org00:26
ljsmithxi cannot choose anything from the appearance menu!00:26
ljsmithxhow do i fix this?00:26
ljsmithxit just doesnt respond00:26
itch_Hello guys. I have a small problem. I`m trying to connect to a wireless router. The connection is secured via WPA key. I know the key, but somehow I still can`t connect. Can somebody please help me ?00:27
markdcarl: I assume the desktop in running linux.  Do you know if it is running a ssh server or anything like that?00:28
th1itch_, do you know if your wireless card was detected correctly?00:28
carlI really don't have no Idea00:28
carlI got my ati Driver I need on my desktop just don't know how to install it00:29
norbachi ppl00:29
|unjustice|soundray: permission denied for /etc/default/ntpdate00:29
bluefox83my girlfriend's copy of mozilla seems to be lacking a "copy image" feature, and she really needs it, does anyone know how to put it in hers?00:29
allobjectsth1: that flash fix pointed to by ubotu eventually points here for 32 bit packages but one seems to have autoritity login to get it ? http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=53648&stc=1&d=119803346600:29
itch_thl , yes, it is. I just installed the drivers for it. I can see all the wireless hot-spots near me. But, somehow I cant`t connect.00:30
norbacsorry to ask thins here .. but I was wondering if some one a chat room where I can info about hosting options00:30
echowip`hmm whats the easiest way to install my nvidia drivers on this laptop running ubuntu?00:30
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:30
sarthori am connected to 1MB DSL Bridge mode. Dialing from LInux, isp assigned me dynamic ip. exm. gateway is ppp0, Now i hav also satellite downlink. IP based. thats IPs are gateway is, i am not routing my satellite IP from ISP, What to do?? shud i have to up ifconfig ppp0:1 but what to do for double gateway????00:30
ouellettesrhow can I scan the ttys  to see which one a device is listed on?00:30
khaotikits all good i should have never loaded it00:30
ph|berwhy doesnt the nopasswd sudo work?00:31
khaotiki don know i jus did sudo apt and it looks like it removed it00:31
nano__does anybody know how to turn off those annoying Azereus popup messages that popup occasionaly?00:32
markdcarl: Yeah, I am not aware of a way to get the files without it running some sort of server (ftp , ssh ...etc).  And all of things are not enabled by default (or installed if I remember correctly) in Ubuntu desktop.00:32
soldatsnano__, its in the settings or gonfiguration menu00:32
markdcarl: Other than walking up to the desktop :D00:33
nano__sodats: i can't quite find it00:33
Red-SoxI know this isn't the place but I really need some help--if you're pretty good with image editing pleease msg me00:33
carlwut u mean ?00:33
ari_stresshow do i make my gutsy to logon to a samba domain?00:33
soldatsi havent used it in over a year but i remember doing it the way i mentioned00:34
Bassman321Hey there00:34
soldatsRed-Sox, what are you trying to do00:34
Bassman321Hey I kind of need some help00:34
=== LjL changed the topic of #ubuntu to: The Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Important: type « /msg ubotu !etiquette » | Please be patient and read the FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Adobe Flash plugin installation is currently broken, see « /msg ubotu flash »
Red-Soxsoldats: http://img186.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture1oe7.png I need to remove the continent borders from the one on the left00:34
markd!ask | Bassman32100:35
ubotuBassman321: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)00:35
sarthori am connected to 1MB DSL Bridge mode. Dialing from LInux, isp assigned me dynamic ip. exm. gateway is ppp0, Now i hav also satellite downlink. IP based. thats IPs are gateway is, i am not routing my satellite IP from ISP, What to do?? shud i have to up ifconfig ppp0:1 but what to do for double gateway????00:35
|unjustice|soundray: ntp does not seem to work when I try to update...fails to writ to cache00:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about domain - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:35
nano__does anybody have MCP51 nvidia audio chipset?00:35
Bassman321Hey can someone help me out here? I'm new to Ubuntu.00:36
Red-Soxsoldats: No ideas? :/00:36
markdBassman321: what's up?00:36
soldatsRed-Sox, well it looks like a long task00:36
Red-Sox:( ok00:36
Bassman321Ah not a lot just need some help00:36
markdcarl: sorry I couldn't help you out more...00:37
Bassman321Can you help me out a little?00:37
soldatsRed-Sox, id try and do it myself my i dont have the time right now, i really dont remember the steps off hand i havent used GIMP in a while00:37
=== LjL changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Important: type « /msg ubotu !etiquette » | Please be patient and read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Adobe Flash installation is currently broken, see « /msg ubotu flash »
carlit's ok00:37
Bassman321I'm having some trouble with my internet00:37
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markdBassman321: What kind of trouble, details :D00:38
itch_When I close the lid of my notebook, the display should be blanked (as it is set in the PM options). But the display stays ative. Any sugestion on how i can correct this ?00:38
khaotikwhats the easiest way to install MS Font packages00:39
gyaresu!fonts | khaotik00:39
ubotukhaotik: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer00:39
sarthorhow to check that is there bluetooth in my dell latutude x-300 or not.. using hardy..00:39
Bassman321So can I have some help?00:39
Bassman321I'm kinda new00:40
gyaresu!ask | Bassman32100:40
ubotuBassman321: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)00:40
Bassman321When I try to connect to the internet, I can see all the wireless networks in my range, but when it connects, it just shows those 2 little computers with an exclamation mark beside them00:40
gyaresuBassman321: Is your wireless network encrypted?00:41
shadix_weird everytime i start a game my comp hangs, all games, and when i shutdown my comp the screen turns to green and red snow00:41
kojiroBassman321: what kind of encryption does your wifi use?00:41
* kojiro winks at gyaresu 00:41
shadix_super annoying00:41
kojiroBassman321: does it use MAC address filtering?00:41
Bassman321I don't belive so00:41
Masqyhi all.. I am having a problem with Webcam Logitech Pro 5000 with ubuntu 7.10. I dled, compiled and installed the recent svn of the uvcvideo driver, but it seems to work only in Skype.00:41
gyaresukojiro: Good luck :) you sort it. I'm off to work.00:41
pgan002Hi - when I use my wireless card, my computer freezes for about 5 seconds quite often and inpredicably.  It's a PCMCIA card, Belkin F5D7010 v7. lspci says "Belkin Unknown device 701f (rev 20)"00:42
tssomAre there any free voip software avaiable?00:42
WooDI still get  the error hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 1000 after a format to ext3 on sdb :S what do i need to do ?00:42
kojiroBassman321: how many times have you tried to connect?00:42
Bassman321A lot00:42
Bassman321I've unplugged my router and wireless adapter too00:42
MasqyIt doesn' t seem to work neither in Egika nor in Mplayer nor in Vlc.. any suggestions?00:42
dave_ubuwood - Skype is available for linux00:42
soundray|unjustice|: if you run ntpdate by hand, you should use sudo. It's better to start the script in /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate (also with sudo)00:42
=== LjL changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Important: type « /msg ubotu !etiquette » | Please be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Adobe Flash installation is currently broken, see « /msg ubotu flash »
Bassman321Both my roaming modes are on00:42
tssomI'm looking for one that i dont have to pay to make a call with. I've seen one before, but i cant find it anymore00:43
sarthorhow to check that is there bluetooth in my dell latutude x-300 or not.. using hardy..00:43
kojiroBassman321: being able to see the SSID, but not being able to connect to an unencrypted AP is a classic symptom of MAC address filtering00:43
WooDany clue why I cant acces to my new HDD freshly formatted to ext3  ?00:43
Bassman321So how do I fix it kojiro?00:43
pgan002WooD: ekiga is a free voip.  See also "apt-cache search voip"00:43
BakefyI want to create a NAS from an old PC... would ubuntu server be the right way to go?00:44
jett_how do i install ubuntustudio on my gutsy gibbon00:44
WooDpgan002, hey I have a problem with an hard drive .. i dont want to chat ..00:44
LjL!ubuntustudio | jett_00:44
ubotujett_: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org00:44
Nostahlhi all.. my sound quit working. is there a way to reset it or something00:44
kojiroBassman321: well, check the router to see if it registered you as a client00:44
pgan002tssom: ekiga is a free voip.  See also "apt-cache search voip"00:45
Bassman321kojiro, how do I do that?00:45
pgan002WooD: sorry, posted to the wrong person before00:45
kojiroBassman321: you need to access its settings00:45
jett_ubotu: thanks00:45
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)00:45
Bassman321Ok I'm at the settings00:45
WooDpgan002, :ok no problem00:45
RyanHey guys, question: If I were to install a command line system for a minimal install, what packages would you suggest getting to get an openbox GUI working?00:45
sarthorhow to check that is there bluetooth in my dell latutude x-300 or not.. using hardy..00:45
kojiroBassman321: somewhere it'll have a list of clients connected to it, and that connected to it recently00:45
LjLkojiro: for a split second i thought i was in the wrong channel00:46
tssompgan002:  thanks00:46
pgan002WooD: can oyu mount it?00:46
allobjectsI installed the flash plugin RPM from adobe site using alien, but it does not show up in fire fox about:plugins. The output from alien insatll here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/3360/ can someone please advise ?00:46
kojiroLjL: heh, no, I decided to give xubuntu a try on this lappy00:46
Bassman321The Log was disabled00:46
soundray!flash | allobjects00:46
ubotuallobjects: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash00:46
Bassman321I enabled it00:46
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.00:46
kojiroBassman321: well, you also just restarted the thing00:46
kaos01do i need to do something extra after an install to get ssh access to my box ?00:46
RyanBaD-BBerry: I would do this, but my university has enterprise wpa on the wired lines.00:46
RyanBaD-BBerry: I see. And this does a minimal install?00:46
WooDpgan002, no .. it says wrong fs type when i type sudo mount /dev/sdb /media/sdc1/00:46
RyanHey guys, question: If I were to install a command line system for a minimal install, what packages would you suggest getting to get an openbox GUI working?00:46
soundraykaos01: yes -- apt-get install ssh00:47
Bassman321What do you mean the thing?00:47
zcat[1]trying to get a webcam working,  ID 041e:4058 .. ekiga says Error while opening video device UVC Camera (041e:4058) -- what now?00:47
kaos01soundray, yes i have sshd running00:47
kojiroBassman321: the router00:47
LjLsoundray, use !flash in pm only please, while it has the "also" appendage00:47
allobjectssoundray: that ubotu link does not allow you to download the packages00:47
Bassman321Then why am I still connected00:47
kojiroBassman321: you said you unplugged it00:47
Nostahlhow can i get my sound working it just up and quit?00:47
kojiroBassman321: please don't give me mixed messages, I confuse easily00:47
wasted Anyone that knows how to install crosstool can you look at this? http://pastebin.com/d3e7090ff00:47
LjLallobjects: uh?00:47
Bassman321Kojiro, Sorry00:47
pgan002WooD: what about "mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb /media/sdc1"?00:47
wasted Anyone that knows how to install crosstool can you look at this? http://pastebin.com/d3e7090ff00:47
WooDpgan002,  ok ill try that00:47
soundrayallobjects: please read the whole thing -- I'll get ubotu to pm you:00:48
nd2does anyone know how to find the location of a usb-drive in the usb tree?  similar to that of the physical addresses of input devices.  ?00:48
soundray!flash > allobjects00:48
Bassman321Theres a checkmark under 'filter multicast' shall I leave it checked or unchecked00:48
soundrayThanks LjL00:48
=== ajmorris_ is now known as ajmorris
pgan002WooD: also check out the partition using gparted00:48
kojiroBassman321: leave it whatever it is -- that doesn't have to do with mac address filtering00:48
nd2ie: i need to find the physical address of the usb-drive00:48
Bassman321My wireless mac filter is already checked as 'disabled'00:48
pgan002Hi - when I use my wireless card, my computer freezes for about 5 seconds quite often and inpredicably.  It's a PCMCIA card, Belkin F5D7010 v7. lspci says "Belkin Unknown device 701f (rev 20)"00:48
kojiroBassman321: OK, so it's something else -- are you sure there's no encryption/authentication setup?00:48
WooDpgan002, i did your command and still the same problem .. ill reboot .. It maybe have a bug somewher00:49
Bakefyanyone here use the sever edition00:49
Bassman321Well I don't need to put in any password when I connect if that's what you're saying00:49
=== pgan002 is now known as p1
LjL!anyone | Bakefy00:49
ubotuBakefy: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:49
LjL!server > Bakefy    (Bakefy, see the private message from Ubotu)00:49
mikubuntuon google earth i keep getting a message to update my graphic  card driver.  on this page in the ubuntu docs, it says to look into the restricted drivers, but the only thing listed in my restricted drivers folder is hal ... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=482611   anybody know how i might update ati rage mobility driver?00:49
BakefyI want to make a network file server... NAS. (thanks LjL) and I wonder if Ubuntu server is the best option00:49
allobjectsLjL: the link for 32 bit packages for 7.10 takes me to a page wher eI need a login. Can't see where to get an account00:50
LjLb!best > bakefy - sorry, bot spam has to continue :)00:50
LjL!best > bakefy    (bakefy, see the private message from Ubotu) - sorry, bot spam has to continue :)00:50
BakefyLjL, say what?00:50
LjL!best | Bakefy00:50
ubotuBakefy: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. If you really insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.00:50
BakefyLjL, got it... thanks00:51
kojiroBassman321: what type of wifi device is it?00:51
Bassman321You mean what type of wirless adapter do I have?00:51
LjLBakefy: it's certainly a "good" option. whether it's the best... well we're a bit biased towards ubuntu here i would suppose00:51
BakefyLjL, if you were to create a file server would you use server, or ubuntu desktop00:51
LjLBakefy: i would use server00:51
MongooseWAhow do i get moblock to stop blocking last.fm?00:51
allobjectsljL: Am I misreading and going to the wrong link to download the 7.10 packages ?00:51
LjLallobjects: wait, i'm looking00:52
nicolas-ardhello everybody..00:52
BakefyLjL, thanks for the help... I am going to go buy two 500 GB drives at frys tonight!00:52
nicolas-ardthe spanish channel was bored jeje00:52
nicolas-ardwhat is frys?00:53
LjLallobjects: ah yes, i'm afraid you simply do have to register to ubuntuforums to download attachments00:53
allobjectsLjL: btw, if I have done the wrong thing trying to install the rpm via alien, please tell me how to undo00:53
Bassman321My wirelss adapter is a linksys wireless-G WUSB54G v. 400:53
LjLallobjects: possibly not easy... what was the package name?00:53
Shadixok i booted my comp after switching drivers and now I get a black screen....so i boot into recovery and "startx" but xserver says no screens detected00:53
Starnestommytry running Xorg -configure?00:54
allobjectsLJL: here is the install output http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/3360/00:54
nicolas-ardha.. look the backup of the xorg.conf..00:54
Bassman321Shadix that happens to me and I just wait for about 3 minutes and it comes on00:54
LjLallobjects: try « sudo apt-get --purge remove flash-plugin »00:54
=== shane__ is now known as Tigerplug
LjLShadix: restore the backup copy of /etc/X11/xorg.conf. if you used standard tools to switch driver, one should have been created automatically (probably with a name like /etc/X11/xorg.conf.<date>)00:55
nicolas-ardShadix: yes, i think the same that LjL00:55
kojiroBassman321: Well, is your machine listed as a client on the router?00:56
kojiro(after you try to connect)00:56
Bassman321I don't know I'll boot back into linux, try to connect, and then boot back into windows and look at the log00:56
allobjectsLjl: that ssemd to work. Just for my own understanding, what does "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place" mean ?00:56
StarnestommyI think it means ld is being configured to be able to include newly installed binaries00:57
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LjLallobjects: it's normal, it's a feature introduced in Gutsy to make installing multiple packages take longer time by deferring certain actions (such as running ldconfig to configure libraries) after installing all packages, rather than doing them once for each package00:57
kojiroBassman321: or you could boot into linux, try to connect, and then plug in an eth cable to see the log... but you left00:57
LjLerr, take *shorter* time :)00:57
soundrayLjL: *less* time00:58
allobjectsLjL: cool, thanks for your help, will get account to forums now and try getting that package00:58
Shadixi did sudo "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" now i'm back00:58
* soundray relishes in correcting the language of people who are smarter than himself :)00:58
puplinI need some help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=409055200:59
LjLsoundray: my english is going, i can feel it dave, i can feel it... daisy...00:59
p1Hi - when I insert my PCMCIA wireless card and execute "ifconfig wlan0 up", my computer freezes for about 5 seconds quite often and inpredicably.  It's a Belkin F5D7010 v7. lspci says "Belkin Unknown device 701f (rev 20)"00:59
kojirosoundray: you can't 'relish *in*' something :P00:59
* kojiro hides00:59
axjvDoes anyone know the name of the alsa service that starts up in a default install? I accidentally deleted it from my sessions.00:59
KasplattI can't remove "msttcorefonts" !!00:59
LjLKasplatt: you can't remove microsoft software? how surprising *g*... what does it say?01:00
shadixeww i feel dirty now that I've had to use my whinedows machine01:00
soundraykojiro: you can't? What's the correct way to say it then?01:00
shadixthx for your help though01:00
kojirosoundray: nevermind, I recant my statement01:00
Kasplattwhen I tried to install it it failed , and I had to stop the process using ctrl-c so now when I try to remove it it tries to download some files. and one file keeps stopping , the same file that stopped when I tried to install it.01:00
icheynehi all. I disabled wireless using network manager, but now I can't renable it! What do I do?01:00
Kasplattshadix: new to linux :P ?01:00
wpkicheyne: using network manager01:00
icheynewpk, yes01:01
icheynewpk, using network manager01:01
soundraykojiro: did you look it up somewhere?01:01
shadixKasplatt: lol a little I havn't had to use it for a longtime.....not since I used another comp as a router01:01
shadixthe days before routers01:01
icheyneI can set it up again, but the little radio button is not available01:02
nano__hey guys, where i can check to see all the messages of drivers loading and stuff when i first boot up....i know there is a log file somewhere, im using ubuntu 7.0401:02
Kasplattshadix: hmm ok :)01:02
neverbluenano_, in /var/log01:02
neverbluesorry, /var/log/01:02
nano__neverblue: would it be in syslog01:02
neverbluenano_, possibly, or messages01:02
echowip`how do i check to see that my video drivers are up to date?01:02
icheyneok let me rephrase my question - where can I see a list of the available wireless networks and their strengths?01:02
nano__neverblue: ill check01:03
icheynenano_, do you mean dmesg?01:03
p1Hi - when I use my wireless card, my computer freezes for about 5 seconds often and unpredicably.  It's a Belkin F5D7010 v7, which should work fine with ndiswrapper, according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsBelkin . lspci says "Belkin Unknown device 701f (rev 20)".01:03
nano__icheyne: im trying to see if alsa was started during boot...01:03
LjLKasplatt, pastebin the output of the whole thing please01:03
neverblueechowip`, how did you install them initially ?01:03
icheynedmesg ! grep alsa01:03
KasplattLjL, of the uninstallation progress ?01:03
icheynesorry that's a pipe not a !01:04
icheynedmesg | grep alsa01:04
LjLnano__: depending on the level of detail you want, /var/log/boot or /var/log/kern.log01:04
nano__icheyne "dmesg | grep alsa" doesn't turn anything up, but my sound is working..01:04
nano__icheyne: im not on OSS01:04
echowip`neverblue: by just using administration>restricted drivers manager01:04
icheynenano_, you're right I'm talking crap01:04
KasplattLjL: do you want me to paste what it does when I tell it to remove msttcorefonts ?01:05
echowip`it automatically downloaded the drivers.... but im not sure if they're the proper up to date files01:05
icheynenano_, I just checked it and it did not show up my alsa - sory01:05
neverblueechowip`, then your update manager will let you know if a newer one is available, and will prompt to download the package01:05
nano__icheyne: so what file do you think i should check?01:05
icheynenano_, there are some really good troubleshooters on the ubuntu wiki01:05
Nostahlcan someone help me my sound stoped working all of a sudden01:05
nano__icheyne: ill give it a shot01:05
icheynenano_, there's also the alsa wiki01:05
neverblueNostahl, what application are you using to listen to sound in ?01:05
nano__icheyne: thnkx01:06
tssomIs there any software at all that lets me call 100% free to cellphones arround the world?01:06
neverblue!offtopic | tssom01:06
ubotutssom: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:06
Nostahlneverblue i was in the prefferences/sound   and i cant hear any of the test sounds01:06
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neverblueNostahl, do you have a web browser open, where you maybe listening to audio, say possibly in flash ?01:07
KasplattLjL: sorry but it seems to be removed , so I guess it's okay.01:07
LjLnano__, if sound is working, then what's the problem? =) anyway there's no module actually called alsasomething... try "grep snd /var/log/udev" (or just "lsmod | grep snd" which will tell you which sound modules are loaded, whether or not they got loaded on boot)01:07
neverblueNostahl, logout of your system, log back in again, see if its still occurring01:07
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LjLtssom: no01:07
Nostahlbrb if it dosnt work hehe01:07
Kasplattbut when I try to uninstall HL2 , it keeps renewing my files instead of deleting them.01:07
lufisIs there a good flickr uploader for linux?01:08
LjL!good > lufis    (lufis, see the private message from Ubotu)01:08
kojiroI want the machine to connect to my network at boot instead of waiting for me to log into X and enter my keychain password -- how can I do this?01:08
Kasplattand I can't reinstall unless I uninstall .. so I'm pretty stuck.01:08
lufisLjL: well, technicalities about words aside, i just want someone else's opinion01:09
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows01:09
emaudeHello all. I don't want to interrupt anything, let me know when I can ask a question.01:09
LjLKasplatt: hl2?01:09
kojiroemaude: just ask01:09
khaotikmy multiuniverse repository are coming up up with an error01:10
emaudeHow the heck do I open up TCP Port 3306 for MySQL?01:10
KasplattLjL, yes01:10
Bassman321Hey I'm back01:10
kojiroBassman321: I wish you had waited a sec01:10
Bassman321I'm looking at the log right now01:10
nano__can i use the "find" command to search for a string in file content, or am i stuck with grep01:10
Bassman321Lol did you find out anything?01:10
kojiroBassman321: it doesn't help01:10
Bassman321So you found out my problem?01:10
Bassman321I mean solution01:10
kojiroBassman321: if you connect on the same machine via Windows of course the log is going to say you're connected01:10
LjLlufis: all 1148 of us? :) look, there's *five* applications in the repos that can do what you want. it's not that many. i'm sure you can just install them and try them all briefly.01:10
kojiroBassman321: which invalidates the test01:11
Bassman321Yes but there should be 201:11
LjLnano__: grep it is. why is it bad?01:11
allobjectsLjL: deb package worked a treat. Thanks for your time01:11
kojiroBassman321: OK, are there 2?01:11
nano__LjL: i was just wondering if there was any alternative01:11
Bassman321Only one01:11
Bassman321But something different happend this time01:11
kojiroBassman321: what happened?01:11
Bassman321It showed that it connected and had the little bars and it apperently was '73%' connected but I couldn't access any websites01:12
khaotikhttp://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-security/Release: Unable to find expected entry  multiversedeb/source/Sources in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)01:12
flyingfree hello all01:12
flyingfreelooking for a little help with a login issue01:12
KasplattLjL: yea hl2 , I can't uninstall it.01:12
fi1hello where can i find some documentation on how to use more than 4GB in ubuntu 7.10 thanks01:12
kojirowhat login issue, flyingfree?01:12
LjLKasplatt: what's hl2?01:13
kojiroBassman321: is the router set up to do dhcp?01:13
flyingfreeI recently added a new usr and instead of showing up as a viable user I managed to somehow remove administrative rigths from myself and all the user I created, problem is I was the only admin01:13
p1When I use my wireless card, my computer freezes for about 5 seconds often and unpredicably.  It's a Belkin F5D7010 v7, which should work with ndiswrapper, according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsBelkin01:13
flyingfreeroot does not work01:13
KasplattLjL: oh, it's Half Life 201:13
Bassman321Yes I think so but let me make sure01:13
Strangewor1Kasplatt: Half-life 2, possibly one of the best games evaar.01:13
Kasplattseaman: lol , nice nick.01:13
emaudeServer help, please?01:13
kojiroflyingfree: ouch :(01:13
Name141How would I setup a dual boot ?01:14
Bassman321It says dhcp server: enable and its enabled01:14
LjLnano__: of course there are alternatives, just "find" is not one. what are you looking for, something faster...? i suggest typing « /msg ubotu search search »01:14
Name141I am getting stories of I do not need to format my windows, and Ubuntu will resize my partition for me ?01:14
khaotikdoes anyone no the proper apt line for multiuniverse repositories?01:14
kojiroLjL: is there an ubuntu way to fix flyingfree's problem or should I talk him through a chroot?01:14
Bassman321If hl2 is on steam, I know a good link to a site with a guide for setting up steam on Linux01:14
nickrudflyingfree: can't you boot into recovery mode? Hit return there and you get a root terminal (as long as you haven't set a root password, that is)01:14
kojirooh, that'll do it01:15
LjLkojiro: i told him before to boot with recovery mode or init=/bin/sh and then "adduser himself admin"... not sure if that didn't work for some reason01:15
flyingfreehow do I boot into recovery mode01:15
LjLflyingfree: you reach your GRUB menu and select recovery mode01:15
flyingfreesorry didn't catch that LjL01:15
nickrudflyingfree: boot, when you see something about grub hit escape, you'll see a menu. Chose the one with recovery in parentheses01:16
flyingfreeokay I'll give that a try and from there01:16
LjLflyingfree: the GRUB menu is the menu you see when you boot. if you don't see one, hit Esc right after the BIOS hands control to the bootloader, i.e. ... just keep hitting Esc until something happens ;)01:16
flyingfreeinit=/bin/sh and then adduser username admin?01:16
nickrudflyingfree: no, just run adduser usrername admin01:16
LjLflyingfree: no, init=/bin/sh is a kernel parameter, and an alternative to recovery mode. disregard it, recovery mode should do it find01:16
flyingfreeokay thanks01:16
ZaschHello. Evolution seems to keep "forgetting" my calendar, and I'm not sure why. I reboot and everything I have in my calendar is gone, except for the names of the calendars01:17
flyingfreebrb hopefully01:17
nickrudLjL: does init=/bin/sh bypass a root pasword ?01:17
LjLflyingfree, you can always start irssi from recovery mode01:17
LjLflyingfree: if you need assistence while in recovery mode01:17
* nickrud doesn't feel like rebooting to find out01:17
LjLnickrud: yes01:17
KasplattLjL: it's messed up, every time I try to uninstall it it just copies new files over the existing ones...01:17
LjLnickrud: actually it's the reason why i originally suggested it to him -- i didn't know whether recovery mode also did. but it seems to, so01:17
nickrudLjL: no, recovery won't01:18
Bassman321So what do you think kojiro01:18
Bassman321Any solutions?01:18
ZaschAlso, I juts tried restoring Evolution's settings from a backup, but now the bars on the top and bottom of my screen just completely disappeared.01:18
LjLnickrud: ah but you mean that *if* a root password is set, recovery will bypass it, otherwise it'll ask for no password...?01:18
nickrudLjL: I recently had to go in an muck with /etc/shadow, I set a root password while helping someone with a use case, then forgot the password. Then I set rootpw in /etc/sudoers. FUN!01:18
nickrudLjL: if root has a password, recovery mode (single user) asks for it01:19
LjLKasplatt: well i don't know really, if you didn't install it from a .deb package it depends entirely on its installer. you could possibly run it with checkinstall or strace to see which files it tries to create01:19
LjLand then remove manually01:19
LjLthat's far from ideal i guess01:19
orangePnutI need help connecting to the internet using dial-up01:19
Name141Is it nessessary to still do the old stuff when doing a dual boot?  Backing up windows, installing windows again on the smaller partition , then installing the linux version ?01:20
kojiroshouldn't root always have a password, even if it's a randomly generated one?01:20
allobjectsDue to bug related to my wireless card I need to run 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart' after a reboot to get my card going. I have done this in my session startup programs but is there any way I can ensure this runs without loging into any user ?01:20
KasplattLjL: hehe it's .exes , and I have to use Wine to do so.01:20
XxXValeteXxXhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii =**********01:20
XxXValeteXxXHow can I set a video as my wallpaper?01:20
Bassman321Convert it to a .gif01:20
nickrudName141: no, if you have vista use vista's partition resizer, otherwise ubuntu has a partition resizer. Backups are always wise, however01:20
KasplattXxXValeteXxX: only way I know is by using VLC player. if you want sound and stuff.01:21
LjLnickrud: well init=/bin/sh was always the standard way to just boot into a root console without further ado. oh one hand, it's useful if you've been foolish enough to set a root password and forget it ;)  on the other hand, it helps reminding that if one has physical access to a machine, there's nothing stopping them from logging in as root01:21
kojiroBassman321: ok, try this01:21
XxXValeteXxXBassman321, I can use gifs as wallpaper? O_o01:21
XxXValeteXxXBassman321, cool :-O01:21
Bassman321Yeah very01:21
kojiroBassman321: connect to the thing like last time, and wait until it gives you 78% or whatever01:21
XxXValeteXxXKasplatt, I just want the looks01:21
Name141nickrud: so I just back up stuff now, for now, then install Ubuntu, and it SHOULD repartition things, and KEEP my current data on windows also ? (and the hidden dell partition for the system image?)01:22
XxXValeteXxXKasplatt, I was going for sunny beach thing01:22
kojiroBassman321: then try to ping (that's google)01:22
kojiroBassman321: but ping the IP address, not google.com01:22
KasplattXxXValeteXxX: hehe ok , then .gifs I guess, if that's possible ;)01:22
nickrudLjL: I do wish I'd known about /bin/sh (well I did, but assumed it would require a password). Mucking with shadow reminded me again why I have a bios password (and a lock on the case)01:22
kojiroand _still_ there's no such thing as local security :)01:23
nickrudName141: yes. If you've done any partitioning in the past, you'll find it very straightforward01:23
LjLkojiro, i'm only assuming that it's a wifi network you're talking about, and even then, i know nothing about those. but https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo#head-92c70cd59ecb39c8645a88a26134115395c7d904 seems like it might be relevant01:23
suboptIs there a straighforward way to tell KDE that i want Emacs style keybindings for things like editing fields in forms; entering URLs in firefox; etc?01:23
kojiroLjL: thanks, opening01:23
=== anthis is now known as echowip
LjLnickrud: yeah that's the best one can conceivably do. although i suppose some mechanism that degausses the HD when one tries to force the case open would beat it ;)01:24
echowipi just installed ubuntu and in network settings my wireless conection isn't being noticed....01:24
nickrudLjL: :)01:24
echowipwhat do i do to make sure my wireless adapter is being noticed?01:24
kojiroLjL: but that's just a DoS vuln :P01:24
p1When I use my wireless card, my computer freezes for about 5 seconds often and unpredicably.  It's a Belkin F5D7010 v7, which should work with ndiswrapper, according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsBelkin01:25
Bassman321So how do I ping an adresse?01:25
LjLsubopt: not a positive answer, but http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde&m=117678980105459&w=201:25
KasplattBassman321: ping "adress" ?01:25
LjLkojiro: hm?01:25
kojiroBassman321: open a terminal and type ping -c3 <address>01:25
suboptLjL: thanks01:25
Bassman321So after I ping the site what do I do?01:26
blake_anyone know how to dismount a fat32 external on ubuntu01:26
WooDhow come gparted is very slow to check for drives ?01:26
blake_the drive has never been opened in ubuntu01:27
aszwet1hi i had apach2 up and running and then i accidently deleted /var/www using rm command01:27
aszwet1any help?01:27
kojiroBassman321: does the ping succeed?01:27
allobjectsHow can I run a command as part of the bootup without having to log into any user ?01:28
th0raszwet1 do you have a backup?01:28
martin_new to ubuntu01:28
martin_how can i do to edit menus from the top bar?01:28
aszwet1don't think so lol01:28
martin_I can add new menus/items but can't delete them :P01:28
th0raszwet1 I don't think there is any way to retrieve it...not like windows01:28
aszwet1the only thing that was there was apache2 folder with the test.php01:29
aszwet1but that doesn't mean that apache2 won't work does it?01:29
Kasplattmartin_: uhh you right click on the thing you want to delete and press remove applet ?01:29
Daisuke_Idothis is probably a really retarded question, but how can i adjust the gamma settings for the desktop?01:29
th0raszwet1 /var/www contained your website?01:29
Kasplattmartin_: or it's called "Remove From Panel" I don't remember01:29
aszwet1nope th0r torrentflux, but i was installing something new anyways01:29
allobjectsCan someone please tell me how to add a command to some startup script so that it runs each time the machine boots ?01:30
aszwet1i was just wondering if by deleteing the apache2 folder that made apache2 stop working... th0r?01:30
Jack_Sparrowmartin_: Use Terminal and type gconf-editor01:30
th0raszwet1 then yes, apache should be ok. There are only a few files in /var/www/apache2...3 gifs, 2 png, and index.html. If you need them I could probably get them to you01:30
=== Monobi_ is now known as Monobi
Jack_Sparrowallobjects: You want it to run at grub selection...?01:31
th0raszwet1 not sure, but I don't think so. I think the apache2-default folder is just the page that loads when you first install apache2 before configuring it01:31
aszwet1oh thank god01:31
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Doonzhow do i check what kernel version im using?01:32
th0raszwet1 give me a sec and I will find out.01:32
Jack_SparrowDoonz: uname -a01:32
allobjectsJack_Sparrow: I need to run 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart' so by the time the machine is sitting at login prompt that it has run01:32
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th0raszwet1 I am remoting to my server to see exactly what that index.html is01:32
allobjectsJack_Sparrow: it is a work around for a bug related to my wireless card01:33
blake_Hi there. Does anyone know how i can access an external hard drive in ubuntu i keep getting the error message: unable to mount the colume. logfile indicates unclean shutown01:33
Jack_Sparrowallobjects: Put it in startup or read the info where you got the workaround01:33
SANTAbiosUbuntu sux, why wont flash install properly, what a stupid distro!!!01:33
allobjectsJack_Sparrow: I have put it into my startup programs in the session but that only runs when I log in01:33
allobjectsJack_Sparrow: also there is no doco for the workaround, I discovered it myself01:34
Doonzso ubuntu 7.10 uses linux kernel version 2.6.22?01:34
p1allobjects: "man init"01:34
KasplattSANTAbios: it does.01:34
Jack_Sparrowallobjects: Sorry, dont know how to get it to run before you login01:34
SANTAbioscan anyone in hear get 7.1 to work with flash?01:34
SANTAbiosKasplatt no it doesnt, youtube freezes my entire box01:34
bazhangSANTAbios: off topic; this is a support channel01:35
SANTAbiosit a piece of shit01:35
p1Doonz: uname -l01:35
axjvDoes anyone know the name of the alsa service that starts up in a default install? I accidentally deleted it from my sessions.01:35
KasplattSANTAbios: if you go to the adobe website you can download flash there01:35
Jack_Sparrow!flashissues > SANTAbios01:35
SANTAbiosso support it, why wont ubuntu support flash01:35
allobjectsSANTAbios: yes mine works ... see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63639701:35
Jack_SparrowSANTAbios: Read the link/info01:35
bazhangSANTAbios: you were given a link--go read it please01:35
Doonzuname -l doesnt work01:35
th0raszwet1 yup...it is the 'It works!' screen that shows up when you first run apache....not needed01:35
Jack_SparrowDoonz: I thought I said -a01:36
Doonz<nix'p1> Doonz: uname -l01:36
soldatsuname -a01:36
Jack_SparrowDoonz: Should give All info01:36
iceswordhow to add a excutable attibute for a file from the command line?01:36
Doonzit says linux server
ethan961chmod +x01:36
Jack_SparrowDoonz: Yep, I gave it to you .. with your name highlighted 5 minutes ago01:37
iceswordethan961, yes ,ok ,good01:37
jonny_how do i see who is log into my machine using ssh i dont see them when using who01:37
khaotikwhats a good graphical system monitoe01:37
soldatsgnome system monitor01:37
SANTAbioscan someone help me, instead of telling me to read old docs01:37
th0rjonny_  you can do 'ps ax | grep ssh'01:37
Doonzcan i upgrade this kernel to 2.6.23?01:38
SANTAbiosi have ubuntu 7.1, now im a 65 yrs old01:38
Jack_SparrowSANTAbios: Dont be rude.. it isnt hard to do..01:38
kojiroBassman321: any luck?01:38
nano__hey guys, i have a really wierd problem with my sound on my toshiba laptop.....the problem is strange because i am dual booting with windows and if i boot into linux with windows vista in suspend or hibernate mode, my linux sound works; however, if i log out of vista and do a shutdown and then log into ubuntu, my sound doesn't work.................has anybody ever come across anything like this before?01:38
p1blake_: use the mount command from the terminal (see "man mount").  But I suspect it will give you the same error messge.  Also, try looking at the disk using gparted or parted01:38
SANTAbiosand youtube freezes my box, i hate it01:38
SANTAbiosplease is there an easy way?01:38
soldatsgo to the adobe home page01:38
flyingfreeLjL and Kojire (?) thanks!!01:38
bazhangSANTAbios: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/paid01:38
kojiroflyingfree: heh, I didn't do anything01:38
kojiroso you're welcome01:38
BassmanIm back01:39
kojiroBassman321: welcome back :)01:39
Jack_SparrowSANTAbios: I'm 55 that does not mean I get to be rude and spoon fed...  It is two lines to read.. how hard is that...01:39
th0rnano__  I am running a dual boot Toshiba A200 and when I use windows, the next time I start linux the sound doesn't work. I have to shutdown completely after running windows...a reboot won't do01:39
Jack_SparrowSANTAbios: The workaround I used is to first go to synaptic, select the flashplugin-nonfree package and then mark it for *complete* removal. Then install the hardy flashplugin,  http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10761023/flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.115.0ubuntu2_i386.deb01:39
SANTAbioshey jack please help me01:39
BassmanThe pinging didn't work01:39
allobjectsSANTAbios: sorry I thought you were looking at how to install flash. Do you know what version you have installed ?01:39
SANTAbiosno sir01:39
kojiroBassman: OK, that confirms that despite what nm-applet says you are not connected01:40
jonny_thor: is there any other easier way?01:40
p1icesword: "chmod +x FILENAME", or "chmod o+x FILENAME". See "man chmod"01:40
nano__thOr: for me i don't have sound if vista is completely shutdown, but i have sound if vista is in suspend/hibernate....i guess this is the opposeite of you01:40
soldatsSANTAbios, open firefox and type about:plugins and make sure you have version 901:40
matkixI need help...............= Oddly enough I got my wireless card to work right out of the gate! Great news! However, I just noticed my LAN card will not work at all... So Anyone have any ideas on how I might resolve this issue?01:40
kojiroBassman: you might find it easier to just plug in instead of rebooting and reconnecting all the time01:40
jonny_its pretty crowded01:40
th0rnano__  either way...the tosh seems to have some issue with windows/linux sound01:40
allobjectsSANTAbios: are you using fire fox browser ?01:40
BassmanYeah to make it look connecteed, I have to keep setting up my ip and turning on and off roaming mode01:40
Jack_Sparrowsoldats: Even if it shows he has 9 it does not mean it installed correctly01:40
kojiromatkix: that's rare01:40
RenatoSilvawhat's the CCSM option to control what to do on double-clicking window title?01:40
nano__th0r: have you come across any solutions?01:40
SANTAbioswhich browser should i use01:40
matkixkojiro, So can you help?! :)01:40
BassmanWhat do you mean plug01:40
Jack_SparrowRenatoSilva: Try asking in #Compiz01:41
kojiromatkix: I dunno01:41
BassmanIm dual booting01:41
soldatsJack_Sparrow, yes i know but there was a problem with flash 8 not working on youtube since he specifically said youtube01:41
nano__th0r: so basically after using windows , you just shutdown, and then start up again...and you get sound?01:41
kojiromatkix: what makes you say it doesn't work at all?01:41
OqtolAnyone chime in on the best place to put cpan files? I'm installing Bugzilla and it's requiring me to d/l some cpan perl files but suggesting i place them in my /home directory... which isn't the best idea i'm thinking01:41
th0rnano__  no...on the rare occasion I use windows I just reboot a couple of times to get sound back <smile>01:41
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:41
kojiroBassman: I get that01:41
th0rnano__  yup01:41
flyingfreeLjL thanks01:41
SANTAbiosallobjects which browser should i use?}01:41
matkixkojiro,  Its not showing up! :(01:41
nano__th0r: very interesting...01:41
LjLmatkix: is the card recognized at all? in ifconfig? ifconfig -a? it might be network-manager's fault...01:41
allobjectsSANTAbios: that browser should be fine.01:41
nano__th0r: what kinda sound hardware do you have MCP51 i suppose?01:41
kojiromatkix: where should it show up that it's not showing up?01:41
nickrudOqtol: why not use the bugzilla from the repos?01:41
ahzWhich ubuntu package contains rpm2cpio ?01:41
RenatoSilvaDoes anyone got ltmodem working on an Agere?01:41
LjL!find rpm2cpio | ahz01:41
OqtolIt's out of date like subversion is isn't it?01:41
nickrud!find rpm2cipio01:41
ubotuahz: File rpm2cpio found in rpm01:42
ubotuPackage/file rpm2cipio does not exist in gutsy01:42
nickrudOqtol: ah, that's a reason not to01:42
LjL!apt-file > ahz    (ahz, see the private message from Ubotu)01:42
Jack_Sparrownickrud: tag.....01:42
nickrudJack_Sparrow: at work, I duck01:42
matkixNetwork manager. I havent checked ifconfig01:42
At0mic_PCCan someone refresh my memory on bluetooth?01:42
fallorei'm using dvd::rip and it's telling me i don't have xine. i'm trying to install it but synaptic-manager told me it wasn't for me i386 pc and a "sudo apt-get install xine" doesn't work. any ideas?01:42
acidfire2008does ubuntu server come with gnome and ubuntu desktop?01:42
Jack_Sparrowahz: What are you trying to do with an RPM01:42
LjLAt0mic_PC: specifically?01:42
kojiromatkix: check lshw and ifconfig01:42
LjLacidfire2008: no01:43
Oqtolnickrud: Not understanding :), I used the repos for mysql as it was v5, but bugzilla isn't at 3 in the repos is it?01:43
ahzJack_Sparrow: unpack it as if it were a tarball01:43
At0mic_PCI had it set up so that I could right click a file and "SEND" "Chris" but I got a new phone and can't remember how to get my new phone in the list.01:43
acidfire2008so if u want a gui would i need to install gdm and ubuntu desktop?01:43
flyingfreekojiro yeah you did saved me about three to four hours worht of time reinstalling ubunut from scratch01:43
LjLacidfire2008: ubuntu-desktop alone will do, it depends on gdm.01:43
matkixLjL, I checked ifconfig and I have an eth0 and eth1 and eth1 is my wireless. I also have a mess of vm adapters... however I do see an eth 0 with what appears to be a vaild mac address.01:43
Jack_Sparrowahz: Using rpm's you can use alien.. but I strongly suggest against it01:43
nickrudOqtol: you should consider putting them in /usr/local somewhere, I'm sure cpan has a suggestion for that.01:43
allobjectsSANTAbios: In a new tab enter 'about:plugins' without the quoted to see what version of the Showckwave Flash plugin is installed01:43
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)01:43
ahzI don't need to install. I just need to grab 1 file out of an rpm01:44
fallorei'm using dvd::rip and it's telling me i don't have xine. i'm trying to install it but synaptic-manager told me it wasn't for me i386 pc and a "sudo apt-get install xine" doesn't work. any ideas?01:44
kojiroflyingfree: alright me! go me!01:44
LjLmatkix: and it's supposed to have an IP address? or get it from a DHCP server, or something?01:44
nickrudOqtol: if you want a later version, for a reason, that makes sense.01:44
ahzI suppose I can use alien to convert rpm to tarball01:44
matkixShould have an ip address...01:44
acidfire2008LjL ty01:44
Oqtolnickrud, i'll place them in /usr/local in some directory, if nothing is standardized for cpan files. Thanks for your help01:44
acidfire2008ive been wondering bc i want to remote into a gui01:44
acidfire2008with like vnc and shit01:45
RenatoSilvaRenatoSilva: Does anyone got ltmodem working on an Agere?01:45
LjLahz, either will do fine. what Jack_Sparrow is saying is that blindly installing an RPM under Ubuntu is bound to lead to trouble... but if you know what you're doing and extract single files in /usr/local or /opt, you should be fine01:45
fallorei'm using dvd::rip and it's telling me i don't have xine. i'm trying to install it but synaptic-manager told me it wasn't for me i386 pc and a "sudo apt-get install xine" doesn't work. any ideas?01:45
ZloogHi, is there a way to use apt-get to find out what package installed a particular file?01:45
matkixLjL,  I would like to  be able to get to it from the network manager so I can change it on the fly. My job requires me to be connected to many networks a day and I need it to be quick and easy to change my ip.01:45
Zloogfallore: what error does apt-get give you?01:46
allobjectsSANTAbios: that should bring up a page of all installed plugins in your firefox browser. Did that work ?01:46
nickrudOqtol: one more thing, you should see if the cpan module has already been made as a deb, many have01:46
RichWHi, I just installed about 164 updates and rebooted after first installation.. most applications exit with this error (Even gnome-terminal!): Bus error (core dumped)01:46
LjLmatkix, problem is, i have to say that network-manager is generally a chore to use, from many reports i've seen :| my suggestion is, try configuring it manually in /etc/network/interfaces, and see what comes out of it01:46
falloreZloog: pmed you01:46
BassmanIm going to try to use ndiswrapper or whatever01:46
BassmanDo you think that's a good idea01:46
nickrudfallore: install xine-ui01:47
ctothejMy gutsy install cds (desktop and alternate) never get past the "Starting system log daemon: syslogd, klogd." stage. It just hands there with a blinking cursor. What is going on? What can I do to install gutsy?01:47
Oqtolnickrud: I actually did that and grabbed a few, some were out of date though, causing module-check on bugzilla install to kick back to span links01:47
LjLRichW: got any third party repositories enabled? did the updates upgrade your kernel?01:47
Kuroponlooking for someone with ATI card and has 3D effects running01:47
Oqtol*span = cpan01:47
nickrudOqtol: you're ahead of me :001:47
fallorenickrud: installing atm, hope this works :]01:47
* nickrud waves hand at Kuropon 01:47
RichWLjL: yes it upgraded my kernel.. and no 3rd partys01:47
matkixLjL, What do you mean try to configure manually? Like every time I want to change the ip address?01:47
Oqtolnickrud: Just love apt-get01:47
Oqtolnickrud: not ahead. haha01:47
RichWLjL: I only see one kernel in grub boot...01:48
ogrehey guys, I added kde then went back to gnome. now rar isnt working for double compressed .r01 .r02 files. any suggestions on how to fix this?01:48
* Kuropon waves back at nickrud 01:48
nickrudKuropon: what video chip do you run01:48
DoonzANyone use port multipliers in ubuntu?01:48
arken_Hello. How do I patch Sauerbraten?01:48
Kuroponnickrud, I got you opened in private window01:48
nickrudKuropon: you must not be registered, I'm not seeing you01:49
LjLRichW: yeah, because the update was a minor revision number (or whatever it's called) update... perhaps try forcing installation of the old kernel with « sudo apt-get install packagename=version » (make sure you do the same with modules & all, see « dpkg -l | grep linux »), though i cannot guarantee anything01:49
LjLmatkix, well not necessarily, you can still set it up for DHCP01:49
At0mic_PCLjL: I've been able to send a file to the computer with the phone. And in windows on this same box I was able to send a file from the computer to the phone.01:49
nickrudKuropon: it's pretty straightforward, we can do it here in mainline01:49
Kuroponnickrud, gah ok well.. chip? meaning?01:49
nickrudKuropon: like a 9500, or x1xxx, or 200m01:49
Kuroponnickrud, sec01:49
matkixLjL, I use 10+networks a day with no dhcp can you offer a better suited suggestion? Or should I just ditch ubuntu all together and go xp?01:49
nickrudKuropon: lspci | grep -i vga   in a terminal will tell you01:50
arken_I need to know how to patch Sauerbraten. I am a noob to linux, where is the equivelent of the "Program Files" Folder?01:50
fsanludoes anyone know how to like get a certain file type to be used by a different program other than the default? for example i have some mp3's that i want to play using VLC and not the movie player, which is used as default.01:51
th0rmatkix do you have static ip addresses in each of the networks?01:51
RenatoSilvaDoes anyone got ltmodem working on an Agere?01:51
Kuroponnickrud, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device 958801:51
LjLAt0mic_PC: i'm on KDE so can't say for sure how that's supposed to be done in GNOME... i think you should be able to type "obex://" in a Nautilus window. possibly. you might need to run « sudo apt-get install gnome-vfs-obexftp » to achieve that01:51
nickrudarken_: there is no exact equiv, the files get scattered around the filesystem base on function.  dpkg -L <pkgname> will tell you where01:51
allobjectsfsanlu: look at file properties 'open with' tab01:51
LjLmatkix: err if you need to manually change IP address that often, what difference does it actually make if you do it from n-m or using /etc/network/interfaces?01:52
arken_What if i do not know the pkgname?01:52
RichWAt0mic_PC: You need gnome-ftp-obex i think it was.. i might of got package name wrong01:52
Johnsonhey skype is opening then just closing01:52
nickrudKuropon: hrm.  Don't know that unknown chip :)  Is it real new, or real old?01:52
XxXValeteXxXWhat program can I use to edit gif files? I wanna edit them frame per frame01:52
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
LjLarken_: the package name for sauerbraten is, quite surprisingly, "sauerbraten"01:52
LjL!pm | acidfire200801:52
ubotuacidfire2008: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.01:52
matkixLjL, So I have to edit a file each time I want to change the ip then down and back up eth0?01:52
Kuroponnickrud, ati hd2600xt01:53
SANTAbioshey jack_sparrow thank you01:53
falloreanyone here have experience in (successfully) using dvd::rip to rip a dvd?01:53
SANTAbiosJACK u rock!!!01:53
SANTAbiosyour  smart01:54
bazhangfallore: yes01:54
matkixLjL, Another issue I have had. It takes over 10 min to boot my system. Can you provide any input as into how I might trim this down to at least = to a windows boot?01:54
nickrudKuropon: a sec, I need to find out which driver supports that one01:54
LjLXxXValeteXxX: if the GIMP is unable to do that out of the box, use something like "gifsicle" to extract the single images from the GIF, edit each of them, and then re-create the GIF animation with gifsicle again01:54
pvl1howddoes rss work in firefox?01:54
bazhangpvl1: how well; or how to use it?01:54
allobjectsSANTAbios: sounds like your problem is fixed ?01:55
jonny_is there a simple way to see who is logging using ssh ? besides ps ax | grep ssh?01:55
fallorebazhang: can we talk in pm?01:55
arken_Hmm. This still leaves me with the issue of how to patch Sauerbraten. I got the folder, but I don't know how to do it...01:55
bazhangfallore: better to talk here01:55
Doonzis there  a way to search apt get?01:55
fallorethats fine bazhang01:55
jonny_i will see everything if i set up firestarter right?01:55
bazhangDoonz: apt-cache search01:56
fabian__hello .....I am new in ubuntu01:56
LjLmatkix, you don't *have* to do that, it can most probably be fixed from within network-manager, i just don't know how, and have found that network-manager is a chore i don't really want to deal with. but you might have better luck with someone else. editing a text file each time? yeah, possibly, but you could also just run "ifconfig eth0 <address> gw <gateway>". you could even easily make a little graphical interface to that using zenity01:56
bazhangask away fabian__01:56
Doonzapt-cache search packagename?01:56
fallorebazhang: what i've done so far is open the program, run the check test and edit the preferences to my liking. everything was green, i installed xine and rar and mplayer like it asked.01:56
bazhangDoonz: or related word like mp3 etc01:56
matkixLjL,  What about my boot time question?01:57
fallorebazhang: now i'm at the actual project window. i created a new project, told it where to look and the ripping mode. it doesn't seem to be dong anything and i don't really know how to make it do something.01:57
Doonztrying to find libata-tj-2.6.2201:57
LjLmatkix, slow booting might be due to many factors, i suggest installing the "bootchart" package to see where it's getting stuck. do you see the splash screen while booting?01:57
bazhangSANTAbios: revised your opinion of ubuntu?01:57
pvl1bazhang, to use01:57
ogrehey guys, I added kde then went back to gnome. now rar isnt working for double compressed .r01 .r02 files. any suggestions on how to fix this?01:57
matkixLjL,  No I don't see anything.... just a black screen.01:57
bldzrHi there, since I upgraded from my Nvidia 7600GT to a 8800GTS (512MB/N92), I got hit by the "weird problem"-bat. When I boot kubuntu, my monitor starts switching between analog/digital before it decides to go to standy-mode. I've specified the problem in a post on the ubuntuforums ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=661343 ), but I thought that I'd ask here in #Ubuntu as well. I appreciate all the help I can get =)01:58
LjL!brokenusplash | matkix01:58
SANTAbiosnot it used to work fin01:58
Kuroponnickrud, do you run them without using the composite? or with01:58
ubotumatkix: Supported screen resolutions are sometimes detected incorrectly, causing the splash screen to not appear and slowing down boot. Edit /etc/usplash.conf and change "xres" and "yres" to a resolution that your graphics system certainly supports, then run « sudo update-usplash-theme usplash-theme-ubuntu »01:58
SANTAbiosnow my flash is screwed why?01:58
acidfire2008LjL can i pm u?01:58
ogreerr i added kubuntu-desktop I should say01:58
fallorebazhang: sorry to bother you, did you read my messages or should i re-enter them?01:58
fabian__one question.. I cant install my card video (ATI 9550)01:58
nickrudKuropon: you have to use the ati drivers from their website, http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html . You should use the instructions at http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide01:58
Prez_this is odd, just installed Gutsy on brand new thinkpad x61 and says cannot enable desktop effects, it was working fin on my previous ThinkpAd X60s01:58
bazhangpvl1: depends on the web page; generally clicking on the orange rss icon in the address bar will open up a feed page and then you hit subscribe; this can then be made a bookmark01:59
Prez_i have glxgears working fine01:59
SANTAbiosman i 512 mb of ram, and my gnome is slow, how do i speed it up?01:59
Johnsonhey, skype keeps aborting(core dumped) i've unistalled and reinstalled anybody know how to fix this. it just opens the closes itself01:59
pvl1bazhang, ah, i see thanks01:59
bazhangfallore: I'm following you--what was the problem01:59
LjL!pm | acidfire2008, as i said before01:59
ubotuacidfire2008, as i said before: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.01:59
LjL!vnc | acidfire200801:59
ubotuacidfire2008: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX01:59
nickrudKuropon: I'm using that driver, and I have compiz working fine without xserver-xgl .01:59
Kuroponnickrud, what card u use01:59
fallorebazhang: now i'm at the actual project window. i created a new project, told it where to look and the ripping mode. it doesn't seem to be dong anything and i don't really know how to make it do something.01:59
bazhangSANTAbios: try something lighter like xfce for a window manager01:59
nickrudKuropon: 200m01:59
th0rI have a package, nginx, a web server, that apparently got installed somewhere along the line. I can't get apt-get or synaptic to remove it...something aobut a post-installation script failure. Any way to clean this thing out?01:59
puplinPrez_: do you have gfx drivers running properly01:59
nickrudKuropon: cheap laptop :_)01:59
Kuroponnickrud, lol01:59
SANTAbioscan u tell me how to change root pw01:59
LjL!root > SANTAbios    (SANTAbios, see the private message from Ubotu)02:00
SANTAbiosis it su02:00
acidfire2008ok i installed ubuntu desktop but how do i connect to it with vnc and actually see the desktop02:00
Kuroponnickrud, you have composite enabled ?02:00
Prez_puplin: how do I check that, I check glxinfo, and says I have DRI02:00
acidfire2008i can see its currently running02:00
nickrudKuropon: yes, it's enabled automatically by X with that driver02:01
bazhangfallore: I have had troubles in the past with that particular app as well; I eventually just switched over to another one--are you set on using this one or are you open to suggestions for others?02:01
LjLth0r: is it the nginx package from the official repositories? do you have other third-party repositories enabled? if the answers are "yes" and "no", then file a bug at http://bugs.ubuntu.com/02:01
bldzrThere's a swedish guy who makes ubuntu-remixes with the user running as root by default (oh, the agony) :p02:01
Prez_puplin: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c) that's my graphics card02:01
fallorebazhang: my goal is to rip a dvd using ubuntu, i'd like it to be as efficient as possible but as long as it gets done i'm fine :]02:01
nickrudKuropon: that howto page I gave you walks you through getting compiz up and running as well02:01
bazhangSANTAbios: no need to use root02:01
Kuroponnickrud, is your video playback flawless while havving compiz running?02:01
=== firstsept_ is now known as firstsept
rodolfohello everyone02:02
th0rLjL I don't ever recall installing it, suspect it was installed with something else and I didn't catch it. I have apache running on the server just fine. This nginx thing pops up an error every now and then, like when I updatedb...but it isn't running according to ps. I just want it out <smile>02:02
nickrudKuropon: no, I have to use x11 to get playback.02:02
Kuroponnickrud, maning?02:02
bldzrCrazy activity in here :)02:02
acidfire2008LjL how do i get into the ubuntu desktop now02:02
Kuroponnickrud, meaning?*02:02
bazhangfallore: well how squeamish are you about using non-gnome apps with your gnome desktop? if not, then k3b does the job for me02:03
LjLth0r: if you "just want it out", edit the postinst and stick a line saying « exit 0 » right after the first #!/bin/sh line. no guarantees though.02:03
nickrudKuropon: or, switch to metacity. x11 is a different video output, xv is the standard these days. You can set that video output in your players02:03
fallorebazhang: i dont even know why i would be squeamish :] i'll check it out, thanks. i just thought k3b was more for cds than dvd's, don't know why :p02:03
th0rLjL yeah...was hoping there was a way to tell dpkg or apt-get to dump it...but doesn't look like it.02:04
bazhangfallore: haha; k3b is remarkably versatile--they even have their own channel I believe :}02:04
Kuroponnickrud, doesn switching from xv to x11 downgrade performance?02:04
th0rLjL tried to reinstall it, but that didn't work either...so I am stuck in some midpoint02:04
LjLth0r: no, there is no "sane" way to do that. if the postinst isn't completing, it may mean files are being left over the place, or other unpleasant things... that's why APT just refuses to remove it. and why i said "no guarantees"02:04
fallorebazhang: could you direct me to it, just in case? :]02:04
nickrudKuropon: some, yes. mplayer won't scale it, either. But you can switch easily between compiz and standard metacity easily.02:05
SANTAbiosok guys can i install my epson printer on ubuntu?02:05
LjLth0r: the "right" thing to do is file a bug.02:05
th0rLjL yup...thanks02:05
bazhangfallore: the channel, or the download site? :}02:05
LjLacidfire2008: how can you see that it's running?02:05
Kuroponnickrud, I have the drivers02:05
fallorebazhang: the channel for k3b (IRC)02:05
fallorebazhang: i grabbed it with apt-get02:05
craigbass1976Hey all.  Anyone got any idea for a project management app in Ubuntu?  I'm already using flyspray, but I wanted something a little more graphical for the planning stage.02:05
gyaresu!printers | SANTAbios02:05
acidfire2008Fatal server error:02:05
ubotuSANTAbios: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows02:05
acidfire2008Server is already active for display 002:05
acidfire2008If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock02:05
acidfire2008and start again.02:05
* gyaresu waves at nickrud 02:06
nickrudKuropon: I'm not going to be reliable for walking you through the howto, I'm at work and may need to go at any time. I've used that howto for the last few driver releases, it works well02:06
Kuroponnickrud,  create .deb method didn't work02:06
* nickrud waves at gyaresu 02:06
matkixLjL, Sweet! Your great help! Boot times are great now! So what were you saying I should do about my network issue? I can write some script to help me along with changing my address hourly?02:06
ogrehey guys, I added kubuntu-desktop then went back to gnome. now rar isnt working for double compressed .r01 .r02 files. any suggestions on how to fix this?02:07
joh6nnanybody here ever use apt-cacher?02:07
nickrudKuropon: in what way? did you install all the packages mentioned before it?02:07
macoHola amigos gringos maricotas02:07
ogrees | maco02:07
Kuroponnickrud,  mmhmm02:07
ogre!es | maco02:07
gyaresujoh6nn: Have you got a specific problem with it?02:07
ubotumaco: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.02:07
Kuroponnickrud, it's prolly my card02:07
matkixHey all! Where can the NETWORK MANAGER config be found?02:07
macoNo me llames frijolero, pinche gringo puñetero!!!02:08
fallorecan someone recommend a good FTP client? running gutsy02:08
nickrudKuropon: I will say the howto is not well designed, many things are in small type. Don't miss a step. And the card type would have no bearing on creating the deb02:08
gyaresufallore: filezilla02:08
bazhangfallore: hmm seems not be a #k3b on freenode; perhaps that is because it is so darn good02:08
joh6nngyaresu: i've tried following some online tutorials on installing it and setting it up, and i don't have any problem following the instructions.  but when i get to actually testing it (running apt-get update, or checking http://localdomain.localhost:3142/), i only get error messages02:08
hack184what is a good torrent program02:08
joh6nnso i'm clearly missing something, i just don't know what02:08
Kuroponnickrud, those settings simply didn't work02:09
scguy318!torrent | hack18402:09
ubotuhack184: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P02:09
fallorebazhang: bummer. i'll tinker with it and see if i can get it to work :]02:09
falloregyaresu: thanks :]02:09
bazhanghack184: transmission, deluge, ktorrent are a few; rtorrent is a cli version02:09
gyaresujoh6nn: That's not your IP or hostname:  http://localdomain.localhost:314202:09
scguy318hack184: I like uTorrent on Wine or KTorrent02:09
nickrud!doesntwork | Kuropon02:09
ubotuKuropon: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.02:09
bazhangfallore: come back and ask if you have problems :}02:09
gyaresufallore: np02:09
matkixHey all! Where can the NETWORK MANAGER config be found?02:10
joh6nngyaresu: yeah, i know, i was generalizing, because http://icarus.local/ isn't nearly as useful to you02:10
joh6nn; )02:10
rodolfohow can i use git to check a video driver out? can anyone answer?02:10
gyaresujoh6nn: I disagree. Literal strings are far more useful.02:10
Kuroponnickrud, I have a Linux guru fondleing my linux and he can't get my card to work with 3D effects02:10
LjLmatkix, something like « gksudo ifconfig eth3 $(zenity --entry --text "IP address" --entry-text "") »02:11
LjLmatkix: but of course you should first make sure eth0 actually works when manually configured...02:11
gyaresujoh6nn: Which tutorial are you using?02:11
matkixLjL, So would I put that into some type of file and make it executable?02:11
zetheroowhat the best app for connecting bluetooth devices in Ubuntu?02:11
zetherooso for nothing is workingwell02:12
killer3333alguien habla español02:12
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.02:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about git - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:12
joh6nngyaresu: http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-set-up-a-repository-cache-with-apt-cacher02:12
ogre!es |  killer333302:12
ubotukiller3333: please see above02:12
bazhang!info git02:12
ubotugit: GNU Interactive Tools, a file browser/viewer and process viewer/killer. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.3.20-11 (gutsy), package size 259 kB, installed size 992 kB02:12
LjLmatkix, yeah, put it in a file starting with #!/bin/bash, make it executable (chmod +x filename), and create a menu entry for that file (or place it on the desktop, or something). but really, before doing that you really should just make sure eth0 can be made to work at all02:12
nickrudKuropon: I did read that the 7.10 and 7.11 didn't have the agp support, but that the 7.12 was supposed to. It may not02:13
fallorebazhang: i'm not quite sure how to use k3b from the point where i'm at :/ would you mind helping if you can?02:13
rokraplease how to launch a gnome session using the .xsession file?02:13
gyaresujoh6nn: Running it locally or on a server on your lan?02:13
joh6nngyaresu: server on the lan02:13
Kuroponnickrud, agp?02:13
rodolfobazhang: thank you :)02:13
zetheroohow can I view the bluetooth devices that are paired to my machine?...02:13
matkixLjL,  I will check eth 0, So will it prompt me for the ip address when I run the script or just use the one in the ""'s?02:13
bassmanIm back02:14
bassmanNo progress made02:14
graelbAnyone know of a GUI that does the same thing that winSCP does?02:14
WooDHi Guys.. I really dont know what'S going on.. I cant access my new HDD SATA drive .. what's wrong ?02:14
LjLmatkix: it will prompt. the one in the "" is just a random default, you can leave it out completely if you prefer02:14
=== ward_ is now known as Ward1983
gyaresujoh6nn: can you ping icarus.local or is it possibly that your router isn't doing dns well and you just need to change it to icarus02:14
LjLmatkix: just try typing that command it right now (it won't hurt)02:14
bazhangfallore: put in the dvd; assuming k3b is installed you should get a dialog box for what to do with it (not sure with gnome gtk though); alternately just open k3b and choose 'rip video dvd' from the dropdown menu02:14
eHomegraelb: file browser02:14
gyaresuzetheroo: hciconfig02:14
matkixLjL, Can I enter 2 commonly used ip's and ask it to prompt me for one or two?02:14
joh6nngyaresu: i can ping icarus just fine; i almost never actually sit at it; i usually just ssh in02:14
bazhangrodolfo: no worries :}02:15
gyaresuzetheroo: hcitool02:15
eHomegraelb: file browser is better than winscp02:15
fallorebazhang: thats as far as i got, i dont konw how to start it, tell it where to put it, how compressed, etc. it feels like a gui should be popping up with a list of options right now02:15
zetheroogyaresu: is that a gui02:15
bldzrWooD: Have you created a partition which you've formatted and mounted? =)02:15
bassmanMy network adapter can see my networks, I just can't connect. Any help?02:15
graelbeHome: file browser? is it in the repositories, or do i need to download it and compile it?02:15
gyaresujoh6nn: Yeah. I'm asking if you can ping both hostname and hostname.domainname02:15
gyaresuzetheroo: commandline02:15
bldzrWooD: gparted might be a push in the right direction :)02:15
gyaresuzetheroo: But if you're having problems then it's the best place to be.02:15
eHomegraelb: ubuntu's file browser -- should installed by default02:16
hack184i having a problem02:16
joh6nngyaresu: sorry.  i can ping icarus.local, but icarus is a no-go02:16
WooDbldzr, I tried with gparted and when I start that software it takes about 5 min to open and when it'S open I can format the drive but when I try to access the drive it does not work :((02:16
zetheroogyaresu: I just need an app which will aloow me to easily copy stuff to a BT device02:16
gyaresuzetheroo: something like 'hcitool dev' should show you your bluetooth devices.02:16
hack184Could not download all repository indexes02:16
hack184i get this error message Could not download all repository indexes02:16
Superbike32hey guys02:16
graelbeHome: <----running xubuntu, but if it installed with ubuntu, i'm sure it's not too hard to find ;-)02:16
bazhangfallore: this is perhaps not the best place for a walkthrough; could you take a look at their faq and docs first? it would simplify things immensely if you upped your knowledge base first :} http://k3b.plainblack.com/02:16
nickrudKuropon: sorry, was away for a sec. agp is the kernel end allowing 3d acceleration.02:17
WooDbldzr,  it gives me an error02:17
gyaresujoh6nn: Maybe set icarus in your /etc/hosts file via its IP.02:17
LjLmatkix: yes. try this: echo -e "IP1\nIP2\nIP3" | zenity --list --column="IP"02:17
fallorebazhang: sure, that should've been the first thing i did. sorry02:17
eHomegraelb: i only use ubuntu - not sure what xubuntu - ask the guru's02:17
Superbike32Hello guys!02:17
gyaresuzetheroo: Then use the default gnome bluetooth manager.02:17
bassmanMy network adapter can see the networks, I just can't connect02:17
bassmanAny help?02:17
WooDI have to take a windows to make a format on it :S02:17
gyaresuzetheroo: Or the KDE version. kbluetoothmanager (or something like that)02:17
graelbehome: it's ok, you've helped =) thank you!02:17
bldzrWooD: Hmm, I'm no expert, can't really help you there02:17
Thorsten11Anyone know of a good write up for setting up a print server with server 7.1002:17
matkixLjL, Say I want to enter 2 commonly used ip addresses. Is there a way I could put them in the script and it would prompt me what of the two ip's I wanted to use?02:17
WooDbldzr, ok02:17
gyaresubassman: Encryption on the router?02:17
Superbike32can anyone help me on how to install ubuntu via the live cd version in a clean install?02:17
bldzrBut I'll check google :)02:18
LjLmatkix: err... yes, i just told you02:18
matkixer lol02:18
gyaresuSuperbike32: Have you clicked the 'install' button on the desktop?02:18
MoLE_Superbike32, what help do you need?02:18
Superbike32i dont understand all the things on it02:18
Superbike32the allocation of spaces and stuff02:18
Kuroponnickrud, communicating between 2 people isn't very efficient02:18
gyaresu!install | Superbike3202:18
ubotuSuperbike32: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate02:18
matkixLjL,  Sorry, xchat was stuck on the last thing you said before, sorry.02:18
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1831119 Thorsten1102:19
LjLmatkix: complete command (but again, useless unless you have the interface configured): gksudo ifconfig $(zenity --list --column="IP" </usr/local/etc/my-addresses)02:19
bassmanNo encryption on the router02:19
Thorsten11bazhang: thanks:)02:19
bassmanNo mac filtering02:19
WooDwhat is scd0 ?02:19
Thorsten11http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1831119 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=183111902:19
MoLE_Superbike32, that's called the partitioning stage of the install.  Are you installing to a blank hard disk?02:19
LjLmatkix: where /usr/local/etc/my-addresses would be a text file containing a list of the IP's you want to select from, each on a separate line02:19
gyaresubassman: So you've tried the GUI. Wanna try the command line?02:20
Ward1983anyone ever installed a nightly build of code::blocks ?02:20
bazhangThorsten11: no worries :}02:20
brokenFUNi just compiled/installed mplayer. now how do i uninstall it?02:20
WooDany know what could be /dev/scd0 ?02:20
nickrudKuropon: elaborate,02:20
brokenFUNwhat dir is mplayer in when you compile it?02:21
nickrudKuropon: or, while we have the time, put the output of the sudo sh ati... on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org02:21
bazhangbrokenFUN: why compile it?02:21
brokenFUNi needed to patch it02:21
Kuroponnickrud, trying to talk to this idiot whoes messing with my xorg and crap.. relating your info02:21
gyaresubrokenFUN: Compiled it? Why not just install package via apt?02:21
fotofloi would like to compile apache myself, but i want to use checkinstall to make sure that if everything doesnt go well, i have an easy way to uninstall02:21
th0rdoes anyone know how to remove a package entry so synaptic doesn't know it is there anymore?02:21
fotoflounfortuatly checkinstall doesnt seem to be in the repos, is that correct?02:21
nickrudKuropon: ah, I see. You have a point. why not put him on?02:21
bazhangbrokenFUN: no idea what you did--how can others fix it?02:21
* MoLE_ thinks Superbike32 is off reading the documentation.02:21
IdleOneKuropon: why is someone else messing with anything on your system02:21
jrib!info checkinstall | fotoflo02:21
ubotufotoflo: checkinstall: installation tracker. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-4ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 113 kB, installed size 544 kB02:21
Superbike32mine seems to differ a little02:21
gyaresubrokenFUN: ah. Right then you compiled it in a directory right?02:22
brokenFUNgyaresu: like i said i needed to PATCH it02:22
Superbike32from the documentation02:22
KuroponIdleOne, because I am clueless on how to use linux02:22
jribfotoflo: have you enabled the universe repository?02:22
zero88anyone familiar with the Gem packag manager???02:22
Kuroponnickrud, seems busy with someone else02:22
MoLE_Superbike32, so what is different to the documentation?02:22
genesishello all how do I take a picture I got from a cellphone sent to evolution to change from a "mailbox file" to one of jpg or png?02:22
fotoflojrib: probably not02:22
IdleOneKuropon: follow nickrud's advice and directions you will be fine.02:22
fotoflolemme check02:22
jrib!universe > fotoflo (read the private message from ubotu)02:22
gyaresubrokenFUN: Did you compile the source from a download or did you try and hack up a .deb package?02:22
brokenFUNwhat dir would it be in then so i could remove mplayer after compiling/installing?02:22
pvl1anychance someone can explain to me what parsing is?02:22
Ward1983brokenFUN, did you install with "sudo make install" ?02:22
zetheroogyaresu: I have successfully paired the device using the Ubuntu Gnome BT app.... but how do I go about moving data02:22
IdleOneKuropon: not to mention you cant learn unless you do it02:22
Superbike32i will be back in a few mins guys, hopefully.............02:23
brokenFUNWard1983: yeah i did02:23
Superbike32i will try again to install it........02:23
nickrudIdleOne: Kuropon has a point, I'm at work. Thinks are very slow right now here, but I do disappear for a couple minutes at a time02:23
hack184i keep on getting an error Could not download all repository indexes02:23
jribpvl1: can you be more specific?02:23
KuroponIdleOne, slowly reading on how to do things.. last time I did things myself it didnt go well02:23
jribpvl1: otherwise... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parsing02:23
Ward1983brokenFUN, then you should be able to uninstall with "sudo make uninstall" in the same directory with the source02:23
IdleOnenickrud: ahh I see. Kuropon doctors have a saying : see it once do it once teach it once. goosd thing we arent doctors huh :)02:24
Ward1983brokenFUN, that allways worked for me so far02:24
nickrudIdleOne: but I do have to say that performing surgery on dpkg stuff gets my blood flowing :)02:24
IdleOnenickrud: :)02:25
gyaresubrokenFUN: Ward1983 I like to make the package in a 'download' directory and then copy the binary to a ~./bin/ folder which I've made in my path. Helps not installing unsupported packages.02:25
Kuroponnickrud, can you send me your xorg.config?02:25
brokenFUNi get a Make *** error02:25
IdleOnebrokenFUN: what error?02:25
brokenFUNmake: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'.  Stop.02:25
Ward1983gyaresu, i do that too but i rarely need to compile :-)02:25
gyaresuWard1983: :)02:25
rodolfobazhang: i can't find it neither on freedesktop.org nor on the terminal. do you know where it is available for download?02:25
pvl1jrib, what does it do? like why do we need it?02:26
jribpvl1: if it's not an ubuntu support question, please ask in a different room.  #ubuntu-offtopic for example02:26
Ward1983brokenFUN, are you in the right directory? (the same one u were in when doing sudo make install)02:27
pvl1jrib, oh sorry then.02:27
nickrudKuropon: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51168/ . It's the standard one that ubuntu creates by default, with fglrx replacing ati02:27
bazhangrodolfo: in the gutsy repos; are you on hardy?02:27
brokenFUNsure is02:27
Kuroponnickrud, yours >>02:27
rodolfobazhang: no, on gutsy02:27
matkixLjL, How do I make it so when I click on the icon it executes it rather than opening up a text doc?02:27
rodolfobazhang: should I add some repo manually?02:27
Superbike32when i run the install, i dont see an option to type in my name, or format harddrive or anything, just showing me how much to make to a new partition, and it wont let me do 100%02:28
zetherooI need help with bluetooth in Ubuntu02:28
gyaresuSuperbike32: Did you chose the option to 'use whole drive' (or similar)02:28
Ward1983brokenFUN, no idea then, it allways worked for me02:28
Kuroponnickrud, so you haven't done anything to change it?02:29
brokenFUNWard1983: never mind i got it to work02:29
Ward1983brokenFUN, no problem02:29
bgt421hi everyone,  I'm new to linux and I can't find the NetworkManager applet in Gnome. nm-applet and NetworkManager are running, but I can't see the applet in the panel. Any idea how to get it back>02:29
Superbike32for me02:29
Superbike32there is not that option02:29
IdleOneSuperbike32: before entering user name and passwords it installs the system. partitions first and the option is " use entire space" or sonething similar02:29
Ward1983anyone ever installed code::blocks?02:29
Kuroponnickrud, how do I view mine?02:30
Superbike32that option fails to appear for me02:30
LjLmatkix, just making it executable should do it. « chmod +x filename »02:30
Superbike32it asks me which hd to install to, then tells me to select how much to move to anew partition02:30
Superbike32and it wont let me 100%02:30
shadixstill broken02:30
s_spiffbgt421, ok newbish way, but still, did you restart your system and try?02:30
IdleOneSuperbike32: when it shows you the partition it wants to create there should be a second line with a button you click to use all the hardrive02:30
bazhangrodolfo  GNU Interactive Tools, a file browser/viewer and process viewer/killer. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.3.202:30
bob301In the Synaptec package Manager, what is the difference between the 'nvidia-glx' driver and the 'nvidia-glx-new' driver?02:30
gyaresuSuperbike32: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall02:30
nickrudKuropon: it's in /etc/X11/xorg.conf , and I made one change, changing the device driver from ati to fglrx02:30
Superbike32i see that guide02:30
Superbike32the thing isnt working like its supposed to02:30
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:30
Superbike32for some reason02:30
IdleOne!enter | Superbike3202:31
ubotuSuperbike32: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:31
matkixLjL, I did it... and when I click on the icon it just opens a text editor.02:31
gyaresuSuperbike32: Try and be specific as to which bit you got up to .02:31
zetherooBluetooth anyone?02:31
Kuroponnickrud, so use an editor? and path?02:31
bgt421s_spiff: yeah. "Network manager"  is in the Sessions-> startup section, and later just to be sure I added "nm-manager" and restarted. didn't work02:31
Superbike32I will bring back up my ubuntu, and if it still dont work, ill come back and tell you whats not working.02:32
s_spiffbgt421, umm, gimme two minutes02:32
anakrakatoaCan anybody use wireless with ubuntu?02:32
FezzlerDumb question:  If I have cable Internet service, and a cable outlet in a spare room, can I add my own cable modem and have high speed internet in that room?02:32
PiemanDCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 002:32
proqanakrakatoa: yes, a great many people02:32
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!02:32
hack184i keep getting Could not download all repository indexes02:32
Ward1983anakrakatoa, yep i can use wireless with both my cards :-)02:32
IdleOneFezzler: probably not but give it a shot02:32
rodolfobazhang: (it was disabled) got it. thanks again =x02:33
bgt421s_spiff: Both processes are running according to "ps -e"02:33
bazhangrodolfo: hehe no worries :}02:33
th0rFezzler in most cases the isp registers the mac address of the modem. If that is the case you will have to register the modem, and pay for the service.02:34
s_spiffbgt421, the command for the network manager in the sessions should be : nm-applet --sm-disable02:34
fallorehow can i get my linux computer to sync up with the workgroup the rest of the (windows) computers are using in the house?02:34
th0rfallore look at fusesmb02:35
allobjectsIf I have a script file on my desktop as follows: "-rwxrwxrwx 1 user user 141 2008-01-08 12:28 force-wireless" why can't I execute this from a terminal ?02:35
bgt421s_spiff: ok I'll try that. what does that mean, exactly?02:35
aszwet1hello i'm trying to install mod_scgi modules for apache2 is there anyone who know how this is done?02:35
s_spiffbgt421, and the other thing you've added to Sessions the nm-manager, well I have no clue what that is.02:35
joh6nngyaresu: ok, i seem to have gotten things closer to working; icarus.local seems to be resolving properly, now02:35
falloreth0r: i'm sorry, i dont understand :/02:35
anakrakatoaWard1983:my card seems ok,the problem is "iwlist scan" always gets me the same results as it gives at the very first time.Even in the place ame where I can use wireless with Mandriva02:35
gyaresujoh6nn: cool.02:35
robdigallobjects: probably because the directory is not on  you path. type ./force-wireless02:35
th0rfallore install fusesmb from synaptic. It is real easy to use....type 'man fusesmb' after install and it will explain what to do02:35
s_spiffbgt421, umm, nm-applet mean its a applet, a part of the panel if I'm not mistaken. As for the --sm-disable, I guess just some parameters. Someone with more experience may be able to help you out with that02:36
proqallobjects: what error do you get when you try?02:36
aszwet1hello i'm trying to install mod_scgi modules for apache2 is there anyone who know how this is done?02:36
allobjectsrobdig: ahh, that worked thanks02:36
th0rfallore it will put your workgroups in a folder of your choice..the shared folders on the network should just be part of your folder02:36
Ward1983anakrakatoa, i mostly use the GUI to look and connect to router/access points02:36
joh6nngyaresu: i'm not sure that i'm getting the results i should be, though02:36
robdigallobjects: cool, good luck :)02:36
bgt421s_spiff: Thanks a lot! I'll reboot and see...02:37
gyaresujoh6nn: Error message?02:37
unagiany ideas on why my wireless mouse stopped working02:37
falloreth0r: i'm not seeing it when i search fusemb on synaptic with all available apps shown02:37
=== Goda is now known as Goda90
s_spiffbgt421, no probs. Let me know if that works.02:37
IdleOneunagi: batteries?02:37
nickrudKuropon: was away, yes:    sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg . But doing this edit won't do you any good if you haven't completed the driver compile and install02:37
unagiwould it still be batteries if the led still comes on02:37
allobjectsrobdig: Can I also just plonk that into init.d folder and get it to run duing startup ?02:37
th0rfallore just a sec02:37
joh6nngyaresu: no error message, just not what i'm expecting to see.  i'm using Acquire::http::Proxy “http://icarus.local:3142″; in apt.conf to forward my sources.list through my Icarus box02:37
Ward1983anakrakatoa, you should try the GUI (just click the wireless icon in the right top corner of the screen)02:38
IdleOneunagi: dont think so02:38
joh6nnsome of the repository requests seem to be actually headed through icarus, but most of them seem to still be direct to the outside02:38
unagiso any other ideas?02:38
Ward1983unagi, its working on other comps right?02:38
unagihavent tried02:38
aramcould anyone please help how would i move my tasklist panel02:39
Ward1983unagi, is it an optical mouse? or laser?02:39
Ward1983unagi, check if the light works02:39
unagiand for the love of all that is holy can someone please help me figure out how to get linux to mount my external automatically and put the icon in places and desktop?02:39
unagithe light does work02:39
nickrudaram, left click and hold on the panel, drag it around02:39
s_spiffaram, by just drag it around to different corners02:39
Ward1983first hold your finger in front of the sensor02:39
anakrakatoaWard1983: I tried that,but it's the same as "iwlist scan"02:39
th0rfallore it is there...but now that I think about it I downloaded the source and compiled it as there was a problem, but I don't recall if the problem was in ubuntu (my server) or suse (my laptop)02:39
gyaresujoh6nn: Sorry. I'm not familiar enough to suggest other than hashing out the outside references. (Or just create a new apt.conf and backup the working one.02:39
robdigallobjects: not sure if there or in one of the /etc/rc* directories. perhaps someone else here would know better02:39
th0rfallore I can pastebin my sources.list if you like.02:39
Ward1983anakrakatoa, thats weird since it works in another distro :s02:39
aramnickrud: thanks but it doesnt work for me02:39
joh6nngyaresu: all right, well i'm farther than i was before, so thanks.  ; )02:40
aramany help please02:40
Ward1983unagi, try "pairing" the receiver and the mouse again02:40
nickrudaram: this is the gnome taskbar, right? or just the window list.02:40
unagii did02:40
s_spiffaram, right click, and remove the check mark from 'Lock...'02:40
unagi15 times02:40
aramnickrud: yes02:40
anakrakatoaWard1983:it seems that it never found new signals automatically or manually on ubuntu02:41
arams_spiff: thanks i have done that also02:41
Ward1983unagi, then you should try another  USB port, and / or other computer02:41
anakrakatoaI don't know what's going on02:41
nickrudaram: yes could be either :) if it's just the window list, do waht s_spiff said, then drag02:41
unagiok what about my external drive problem02:41
nickrudaram: you have to grab the little bar to the right02:41
s_spiffnickrud, hehe. Seems he's tried that too :(02:41
aramnickrud: i will try my best to see if i can move it :D02:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tone - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:41
Ward1983anakrakatoa, i have no idea, never had trouble with wifi :(02:42
gyaresuhmmmm. That should definitely be there..02:42
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:42
Ward1983anakrakatoa, but if the card is listed with your network devices it sohuld just work :s02:42
unagican someone please help me figure out how to get linux to mount my external automatically and put the icon in places and desktop?02:42
gyaresuunagi: What filesystem is it using02:42
nickrud!etiquette | gyaresu (don't get smug :)02:42
ubotugyaresu (don't get smug :): Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubotu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense...02:42
aramthanks a lot i could do it02:42
s_spiffaram, our pleasure02:43
gyaresu!stabInTheEye | nickrud ;)02:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about stabintheeye - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:43
anakrakatoaWard1983:It's weird enough,I have never had it worked in ubuntu,ever.....02:43
ubotuYou should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines02:43
Ward1983unagi, you should be more patient, maybe you didn't notice but my question is repeated once, and i'm here like half an hour02:43
* nickrud is glad he wears glasses02:43
bgt421s_spiff: it's still gone. I only have one panel, the top one. It's not trying to load in the "second" panel that's not there, or anything is it?02:43
anakrakatoaWard1983:thank u,though02:43
IdleOne!samba | unagi02:43
ubotuunagi: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:43
Ward1983unagi, i saw you repeat your questions like 5 times in 2 minutes02:43
gyaresuunagi: Ward1983 And I've tried to help...02:44
arams_spiff: thanks again and also i appreciate nickrud helep by02:44
s_spiffbgt421, nopes. If you haven't modified your theme or panels... it should have loaded in the top panel at the right, the little two screens icon02:44
unagiok im not sure why people are getting hostile02:44
gyaresuunagi: Ah ^^ ntfs. Right. (preface with the nick of the person, helps to see)02:44
gyaresu!ntfs-3g | unagi02:44
ubotuunagi: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions02:44
IdleOneeverybody relax!02:44
Ward1983anakrakatoa, just ask every half hour or so, someone can probably help you02:44
unagii have ntfs-3g, it is installed, and works gyaresu02:44
s_spiffunagi, just install ntfs-3g fromt eh apt's along with ntfs-config02:45
bgt421s_spiff: I was playing with those earlier :(...02:45
anakrakatoaWard1983:I will,thanks!02:45
gyaresuunagi: Ok so you need it to auto mount with persisten naming. That can be a little flaky from my experience but I'll find a link.02:45
s_spiffbgt421, haha. The it must have already loaded. Ok do one thing. Just right click on any panel of your choice, and click on Add to Panel02:45
* IdleOne takes knife out of nickrud's eye and places it firly in his chest. that's how it is done gyaresu 02:46
Ward1983unagi, not hostile at all, jsut good avice02:46
=== RiXtEr_ is now known as RiXtEr
Ward1983anakrakatoa, no problem (whats kindof wifi card do you have btw?)02:46
s_spiffbgt421, then select Network Manager applet from the list. You'll have it in your panel. Then just move the network manager applet to the corner of your taskbar, or wherever you wish.02:46
bgt421s_spiff: all that's there is "Network Monitor". It doesn't seem to have the same interface.02:46
anakrakatoaWard1983:it is rtl8187b02:46
s_spiffbgt421, do you want the interface where you can modify your ip add and such stuff?02:47
Ward1983anakrakatoa, here you go :-) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60478402:47
bgt421s_spiff: Yeah, more specifically see and select nearby wireless access points02:47
Ward1983anakrakatoa, google is your friend :p02:47
WooDOk I partitionned my hdd to ext3 with gparted. What do i need to do next ?02:47
allobjectsIf I have a shell script that I want to run automatically at boot, what do I need to do ?02:48
gyaresuunagi: http://www.debuntu.org/device-partition-labeling02:48
s_spiffbgt421, umm... Go to System > Administration > Network that should help you out. Unfortunately, I've never configured for wi-fi points :(02:48
pfarshimis registartion necessary to chat here?02:49
s_spiffpfarshim, nopes02:49
Starnestommyjust to send private messages02:49
kerbtrayhello peeps, i have the following problem : whenever i open a shoutcast link (*.pls) mplayer opens. I have set the coorect assosiations with *.pls. I have cleared the shoutcast support in the mplayer configurations any 1 ideas ?02:49
Ward1983anakrakatoa, then it still won't work perfectly but it sohuld be able to connect to networks02:49
IdleOnepfarshim: no but to send private messages yes02:49
pfarshimIdleOne: I just messaged you02:50
IdleOneno you didnt02:50
unagiim not sure i follow what youre saying about lables gyaresu, i just want the drive to mount when i plug it in02:50
pfarshimIdleOne: how can I check if I am regsitered?02:50
Starnestommypfarshim, /msg nickserv help register02:50
IdleOnepfarshim: you see it on your client but the server did not relay the msg to me because you are noty registered02:50
ubotuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:50
IdleOne!register | pfarshim02:50
ubotupfarshim: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration02:50
ari_stresshow do i set my ubuntu to logon to samba domain?02:51
gyaresuunagi: And unless you have an entry in fstab it will probably mount it with the native ntfs driver which can't do 'write'02:51
bgt421 s_spiff: it doesn't have that. It's enabled by default on the live CD, nm-applet. is there a way to reset Gnome to the factory defaults(without deleting my user and starting over)>02:51
allobjectsWhat chmod do I need to do to a shell script to allow it to be executed as a service in /etc/init.d ?02:51
unagi/dev/sdb1 /media/External ntfs-3g defaults,auto 0 002:51
th0rari_stress I use fusesmb to access the workgroups02:51
Starnestommyallobjects, sudo chmod +x filename02:51
ari_stressth0r: do we still need to logon?02:52
s_spiffbgt421, umm, I don't think so. I'll look around and get back to you. Till then either ask around here again, or post your issue in the Forums.02:52
hack184I keep getting a message saying Could not download all repository indexes how do i fix it02:52
allobjectsStarnestommy: that add execute, but what about user and group ?02:52
unagi/dev/sdb1 /media/External ntfs-3g defaults,auto 0 0 gyaresu02:52
mularhey guys trying to run a script when I suspend to kill the mixer_app2 then unload my soundcard.. so I loaded up a script with the help of the net in /etc/acpi/suspend.d and resume.d - I set them both to chmod +x - they don't seem to activate any ideas?02:52
XinFeiwhats the thing u type in terminal to shut down all firefox programs.. it its already running but i closed it like 5min ago02:52
nickrudhack184: could you run    sudo apt-get update   in a terminal, and put the results on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org02:52
th0rari_stress I don't....fusesmb runs at login and my workgroup shows up in a folder in my home directory. Don't recall exactly how I set it up, but it wasn't hard02:52
Starnestommyallobjects, I think +x adds it for everyone02:52
bgt421s_spiff: cool, thanks. I think I'll ask this in the forums. Thanks for all the help!02:53
th0rari_stress there are howtos on the web for it02:53
Starnestommyallobjects, if not, chmod o+x filename02:53
gyaresuunagi: and can you 'mount /dev/sdb1' from the command line?02:53
th0rari_stress the other option is to use smbmount....there is a man page for that02:53
aramwhat is the command in terminal to open shared file from windows02:53
IdleOnehack184: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and remove all the country codes from the repos url's so if in US remove the us.02:53
th0raram smbmount02:53
gyaresuunagi: ok. wait one.02:54
unagigyaresu ok02:54
nickrudth0r: do you have a pointer to a quick howto on that workgroup in home with fusesmb02:54
IdleOnehack184: remember to save the file then run sudo apt-get update02:54
aramth0r: could you give me example02:54
pfarshimIdleOne: so it worked?02:54
th0raram in a terminal type 'man smbmount'02:54
IdleOneyes pfarshim it did. it is polite to ask permission before messagin someone :)02:54
nickrudth0r: never mind, I read down a bit02:54
matkixHow do I set my ip address, default gateway for an interface? ifconfig eth0 ??????02:54
th0rnickrud let me check...give me a sec02:54
pfarshimIdleOne: ok sorry02:54
anakrakatoaWord1983:I just got a driver for rtl8187b from your link,and I'm trying it out,thank u again02:54
mularwhen I suspend I lose sound.. if I do killall mixer_app2 then do modprobe -r snd_ca0106 then reenable it.. sound works again - I want to make this happen auto when I go to suspend?02:55
IdleOnepfarshim: no problem. glad you got it worked out02:55
th0rnickrud I ran into a problem with fusesmb in either suse or ubuntu (I run both on different computers). So I compiled the source and installed from there...don't recall if the issue was in ubuntu or suse02:55
=== aro is now known as jsk
aramth0r: could you please give me an example of  it02:55
s_spiffmatkix, just go to System > Admin > Network and select whatever connection type you want to configure02:56
musikgoatanyone else having problems loading www.ubuntu.com ?02:56
nickrudth0r: ok, thanks for the warning. I've known of fuse, but hadn't used it until I tried out sshfs. Now I need to know all :)02:56
gyaresuunagi: Does this help: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/widows-ntfs-partitions-readwrite-support-made-easy-in-ubuntu-feisty.html02:56
=== jsk is now known as aroo
zero88can a nmap scan from a wired host see a wireless host?02:56
th0raram give me a sec02:56
aramth0r: ok02:56
Starnestommyzero88, I think so02:56
icewolfHi all, from Buenos Aires, the ubuntu apt repositories are offline?02:56
zero88starnestommy ok02:57
biouserI need a work-around for using Mackichan's "Scientific Notebook" (http://www.mackichan.com/) and the associated files in Ubuntu.  Any ideas?02:57
matkixs_spiff, I can't... It won't let me... When I change the settings they don't apply to my eth 0 adapter.02:57
biousera viewer would be a good place to start.02:57
IdleOneicewolf: possibly02:57
gyaresuzero88: Yes. If you're connected to the same network.02:57
=== john_ is now known as glick
zero88gyaresu oh ok thanks02:57
biouserI am thinking about trying to tackle Lyx, but I'm not sure if it can open/produce the file-types02:57
gyaresuzero88: Are you just trying to see open ports?02:58
IdleOnemusikgoat: loads fine here02:58
musikgoatcan anyone point me to the x64 alt install torrent file?02:58
glickhwy how can i get flash working in 7.10 is it still broken?02:58
th0raram it is included in the smbfs package, and I don't have that installed.02:58
musikgoatthanks IdleOne, i don't know whats up, all other pages load fine02:58
zero88gyaresu yes, and i cant seem to see my wireless comp for some reason02:58
gyaresuzero88: 'nc -zv hostname 1-1024' Is more efficent.02:58
glicki installed flash from synaptic but it doesnt work02:58
matkixHow do I set my ip address, default gateway for an interface? ifconfig eth0 ??????02:58
s_spiffmatkix, umm, well then i think ifconfig is the way to go. but do ask around again. Maybe someone must have had the same issue02:58
zero88gyaresu nc is better then nmap?02:58
biouserglick, you need to install the tarball from adobe02:58
th0raram http://linux.die.net/man/8/smbmount02:59
biouserglick, it's not a big deal02:59
gyaresumatkix: 'ifconfig eth0 gw'02:59
aramth0r: ok i mean like if i type smb mount then what is the example of it would be like smbmount \\\share name?02:59
biouserglick, let me know if you have trouble02:59
nickrudbiouser: you might try installing it in wine02:59
gyaresumatkix: 'sudo route add default'02:59
glickok thanks Biohazard02:59
matkixgyaresu, How do I set up the netmask?02:59
gyaresuzero88: netcat is a very very useful program.02:59
IdleOnemusikgoat: what country?02:59
biousernickrud, that's what I was thinking02:59
icewolfsomeone knows why the apt servers are offline?02:59
musikgoatIdleOne: US please02:59
shadixare they?02:59
hack184what do you mean by repos02:59
Starnestommythe us one seems to be on03:00
th0raram look at the link. You will need the ip of the service, the name of the service, the user and password if necessary, the moujntpoint for the service in the local computer and other options03:00
zero88gyaresu yes ive heard. but this is the first someone has recommended it over nmap03:00
Starnestommyhack184, package repositories?03:00
biouserglick, http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash03:00
=== aroo is now known as aroo_
gyaresumatkix: 'man ifconfig' you'll see that it's 'netmask whatever' on the same line.03:00
aramth0r: thanks a lot03:00
icewolfthe repos to download pacakges via apt03:00
icewolfare absolutely offline03:00
icewolffive hours ago almost03:00
IdleOnemusikgoat: http://mirrors.easynews.com/linux/ubuntu-releases/gutsy/ubuntu-7.10-alternate-amd64.iso there ya go03:00
bazhangicewolf: what country03:00
shadixicewolf: i just did apt-get update and it worked fine03:00
gyaresuzero88: Nmap is overkill just to find out if port 22 is open for example. 'nc -zv hostname 80'03:00
musikgoatthanks IdleOne you rock03:00
gyaresuzero88: Nmap is overkill just to find out if port 22 is open for example. 'nc -zv hostname 22'03:00
biouserglick, pretty painless03:00
IdleOnemusikgoat: np03:00
=== aroo_ is now known as aroo
icewolfargentina, but i change the repos to main servers and doesnt work i didnt touch the sources.list03:01
biouserglick, $tar xvf "thename.tar.gz"03:01
bazhangicewolf: you might try !easysource to change for a bit03:01
zero88gyaresu i c, i think i will try using nc again03:01
anthisim trying to setup my wireless on my laptop running ubuntu... anyone mind helping?03:01
unagigyaresu no not really, because my external doesnt show up in the config03:02
matkixgyaresu, I get gw unknown host03:02
icewolfok i will try03:02
Jack_Sparrowicewolf: repos work for me here03:02
gyaresuzero88: It's particulary better not just at one port but when you're doing a lot. Try it from port range 1-50000 for example.03:02
Starnestommysame here03:02
bazhangicewolf: you know the link?03:02
Jack_Sparrowicewolf: Pastebin your sources.list...03:02
glickbiouser, its asking for the instalation path of firefox03:02
icewolfyes, i know how to, I am just asking if its about a felt down of the servers03:02
icewolfno i dont have the easysource address03:03
zero88gyaresu im assuming its alot faster then nmao03:03
gyaresumatkix: my bad. gw is from the 'route command'.03:03
tusseynot syncing VFS unable to mount root fs03:03
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic03:03
tusseythat's what I get on boot03:03
icewolfa lot :)03:03
tusseythe computer was hard shut down during hibernate and now it won't mount03:03
icewolfall the people here seems to be happy people :)03:03
aramcan i install xchat on redhat ?03:04
tusseyany ideas how to fix? I'm a new ubuntu guy03:04
sarixehi, i have a dell xps m1530 with a sigmatel 9205.  in the volume control app, it shows up as HDA Intel (Alsa mixer), or SigmaTel STAC9228 (OSS Mixer).  either way, i can't seem to get the front line-in or the webcam mic working.  any help?03:04
gyaresumatkix: 'sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask'03:04
Jack_Sparrowicewolf: Hopefully you never used automatix or envy. both bad ideas03:04
matkixSo what would the 2nd address in "sudo ifconfig eth0" would the 2nd addy be the mask or the gw.03:04
IdleOnearam: surelly.  ask how in #redhat03:04
hack184edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and remove all the country codes from the repos url's so if in US remove the us. where are the country codes03:04
goldenratio hello everyone, i was wondering if there is a website for some criteria information regarding partition sizes for mandrivia, mostly what im trying to do is create seperate partitions for /boot /home /usr /var, etc and require more info hello everyone, i was wondering if there is a website for some criteria information regarding partition sizes for mandrivia, mostly what im trying to do is create seperate partitions for /boot /home 03:04
th0raram should be able to...ask on #redhat03:04
Starnestommytussey, try to log in in recovery mode03:04
glickwhas the install path for firefox?03:04
goldenratiosorry guys03:04
zcat_using iptables, how do I blackhole a fange if IP addresses.. I tried to follow the manpage but it's a bit too complicated03:04
goldenratiomy bad03:04
glicksimply /usr/bin/firefox?03:04
gyaresumatkix: 'sudo ifconfig eth0 address netmask' technically. Not that the netmask is required for simple ip's.03:04
aramok thanks03:04
biouserglick, let me see, maybe03:04
icewolfyes, i used it :(03:04
tusseyI get the same message03:04
unagiok i dunno what or how i fixed it but thank u gyaresu u helped alot03:05
icewolfand the problems begins here03:05
Jack_Sparrow!automatix > icewolf is where your problems started03:05
bazhangruh roh03:05
anthisim trying to setup my wireless on my laptop running ubuntu... anyone mind helping?03:05
th0rgoldenratio  would have to ask on #mandriva03:05
anthisits a fresh installation03:05
biouserglick,  /usr/lib/firefox I believe03:05
bgt421s_spiff: Fixed it: I didn't have the "Notification area" in the panel. Doh!03:05
gyaresuzcat_: http://www.netadmintools.com/art216.html03:06
icewolfautmatix takes pacakges from some other places, but in log i checked that used the universe and backports repositories too03:06
Jack_Sparrowicewolf: Dont bother with easysource...  fresh install is the way to go..03:06
bazhanganthis: you have tried this before? or new to ubuntu03:06
IdleOnedeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy universe ( remove the us. in front of archive. do it on all the lines03:06
IdleOnehack184: ^^03:06
jscinozhey guys03:06
anthisbazhang: new to ubuntu...03:06
unagiomg i feel so stupid!03:06
s_spiffbgt421, hehe. good to know. I was going crazy trying to sift throw soo many threads on the forums!03:06
IdleOneanthis: welcome03:06
biouserglick, that is right03:06
matkixSo this command won't work "sudo route add default"03:06
anthisIdleOne: thanks03:06
gyaresuunagi: You're welcome.03:06
biousermatkix, what are you trying to do?03:06
glickthanks biouser03:06
matkixSet my default gw03:06
glicklets see if it worked03:06
unagimy mouse works i just forgot it doesnt see this desk03:07
gyaresumatkix: 'sudo route add default gw'03:07
jscinozI'm attempting to playback an xvid encoded video file with 1920x1080 resolution, when i play it in totem it stutters horribly, but if i play it in mplayer it plays perfectly. Any ideas why this happens?03:07
gyaresumatkix: missing the 'gw'03:07
bgt421s_spiff: Thanks a lot! That probably would've been a hard one to crack "by the book". I created a new user and discovered that's what I didn't have.03:07
bazhanganthis: what kind of wireless card do you have in your laptop? lspci will show it in the terminal, or lsusb if it is a usb dongle03:07
gyaresuunagi: usb? unplug >> replug03:07
anthisjust not sure how i set it up... its recognizing my network card in the restricted drivers list... but in network connections doesn't show wireless capabilities03:07
biousermatkix, yeah, what is gw?03:07
bazhanganthis: dont paste in the channel though03:07
unagino no my mouse works fine i just thought it didnt but its the surface im on i forgot it doesnt see the surface03:07
s_spiffbgt421, I'll remember next time to ask anyone what all do they have on their panel. My bad. :P03:07
gyaresubiouser: gateway option of the 'route' command03:07
matkixgyaresu, I get SIOCADDRT: No such process03:07
benbanyone here run subversion over http?03:08
bazhangunagi: lol03:08
IdleOneunagi: lmao03:08
anthisbazhang you get the msg?03:08
gyaresumatkix: file exists. Means it's already there. check 'route' by itself. Can you ping now?03:08
th0runagi always carry a mousepad (and a small bottle)03:08
bazhanganthis: you registered? best not to pm--others can learn from your experience03:08
unagiyup lol03:09
rideickHi... is there anybody from Vancouver?03:09
ekim|dt-linuxhow long does it usually take tracker to do its thing03:09
matkixgyaresu, Well I'm connected now to the net via eth1 so... would that be the problem?03:09
ekim|dt-linuxbecause when I go to tracker search tool , I get no results on anything03:09
bazhangrideick: this is a support channel--you have a support question?03:09
benbrideick: any jobs going there? :)03:09
gyaresumatkix: default gw is still for eth103:09
gyaresumatkix: What are you trying to do?03:10
matkixgyaresu, Connect to the net via my lan card not my wifi.03:10
bailey321Hey guys is it possible to get Deluge or qbittorrent to work in ubuntu dapper?03:10
matkixgyaresu, My wifi is the only thing the network manager picked up.03:10
ekim|dt-linuxbailey321, what do you mean "possible"03:10
ekim|dt-linuxits not in the repos ?03:10
ekim|dt-linuxprobably too old03:11
IdleOnebenb: monter.com and #ubuntu-offtopic03:11
th0rbailey321 if it isn't available inthe repos it shoujld be possible to compile it03:11
bailey321na dont think so03:11
IdleOnebenb: monster.com and #ubuntu-offtopic03:11
rideickbazhang, I dont need support.. I just wanna talk to anybody about linux here in vancouver03:11
ekim|dt-linuxhe meant monster.com03:11
anthisbazhang you get the msg now?03:11
bazhanganthis: please use the main channel03:11
gyaresumatkix: ah. Well you can ping via eth0 like this... 'ping -I eth0'03:11
rideickbenb, I just wanna talk to anybody about linux here in vancouver03:11
IdleOne!paste | anthis03:11
ubotuanthis: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:11
Jack_Sparrowrideick: This is not the place for you to do that.03:11
bazhangrideick: there is likely a ubuntu channel for vancouver03:12
matkixWoot! It pings!03:12
IdleOnerideick: #ubuntu-offtopic03:12
rideickJack_Sparrow, sorry03:12
matkixgyaresu,  So how would i force all my traffic to use that?03:12
th0rrideick: google the linux user group (LUG)03:12
anthis Intel corp pro/wireless 394503:12
Ward1983anyone ever installed code::blocks?03:12
Jack_Sparrowrideick: np... offtopic room is fine for that03:12
aszwet1has anyone here ever set up wtorrent?03:12
gyaresumatkix: Can you ping via eth0? If so bring down eth1 and all should be good.03:12
atheI'm experiencing strange window positioning behavior on 7.10, running it on 2 monitors in the twinview config set up through envy. Some windows, stuff like about dialogs and the like simply refuse to remember their previous position and snap to the right border of the main screen, more or less persistently. Compiz's "place windows" does not affect this. Any ideas would be appreciated.03:12
rideickJaan_, thanks03:13
ekim|dt-linuxno vancouver03:13
gyaresuaszwet1: rtorrent yes...03:13
rideickth0r, thanks03:13
ekim|dt-linuxubuntu-newhampshire , ubuntu-main03:13
ekim|dt-linuxa bunch of others ... but no vancouver03:13
biousercan someone tell me:  can you run a whole CD in wine... like one that would do something if you just popped it in...03:13
aszwet1gyaresu rtorrent-svn and then wtorrent webui?03:13
bazhangathe: uh oh; envy03:13
ekim|dt-linuxbiouser, yeah ... I did it with starcraft03:13
IdleOne!envy | athe03:13
ubotuathe: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »03:13
Jack_Sparrowathe: Please avoid using scripts like envy...03:14
gyaresuaszwet1: rTorrent 0.7.1 - libTorrent 0.11.1 from command line03:14
ekim|dt-linuxbasically...wine emulates (it does!) a windows install , so you basically install something "into" wine...03:14
biouserekim|dt-linux, I think I found the .exe that runs when you put the CD in03:14
anthisbazhang: did that help?03:14
Jack_Sparrowbiouser: no03:14
ekim|dt-linuxso pop in the cd ... open a terminal and type /media/cdrom/setup.exe03:14
ekim|dt-linuxwine /media/cdrom/setup.exe03:14
ekim|dt-linuxand that will install it "into" wine03:14
ekim|dt-linuxif you want to remove it ... go to Applications -> wine -> Uninstall wine Software03:15
sarixehi, i have a dell xps m1530 with a sigmatel 9205.  in the volume control app, it shows up as HDA Intel (Alsa mixer), or SigmaTel STAC9228 (OSS Mixer).  either way, i can't seem to get the front line-in or the webcam mic working.  any help?03:15
trurlHi, im trying to open an dvb stream with mplayer, but the mplayer-gui always adds http:// to my url (ie. dvb://somechannel -> http://dvb://somechannel). everything works fine using the command line, but then im missing the controls.03:15
biouserekim|dt-linux, thanks.. let me see... in this case 4381.exe03:15
ekim|dt-linuxbiouser, what cd is it ?03:15
Jack_Sparrowbiouser: #Winehq has help with different programs...  make sure you have run winecfg from terminal and setup your Wine....03:15
ekim|dt-linuxor http://appdb.winehq.org03:16
ctothejMy gutsy install (desktop and alternate cds) hang and never get past the "Starting system log daemon: syslogd, klogd." stage. It just hangs there with a blinking cursor.03:16
bazhanganthis: did what help? if you want to paste something you should check the link at !paste and put it there--that way many can look at and diagnose your problem03:16
bazhang!paste | anthis03:16
ubotuanthis: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:16
ekim|dt-linuxcan someone answer my original question03:16
biouserekim|dt-linux, Jack_Sparrow thanks, let me work with that for a while... it is a scientific notebook program/lecture notes03:16
matkix_gyaresu, So I took down eth1 and it kicked me fully offline.03:16
bazhanganthis: no private messages please03:16
ekim|dt-linuxbiouser, sounds...exciting03:16
matkixAnyone here?03:16
ekim|dt-linuxno...you are all alone03:16
ekim|dt-linuxall by yourself03:17
ekim|dt-linuxwith NOBODY ELSE03:17
matkix_lol, I got disconnected.03:17
ekim|dt-linuxexcept a dog and a bunch of mannequins03:17
IdleOne!attitude | ekim|dt-linux03:17
ubotuekim|dt-linux: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:17
ekim|dt-linuxpoor dog :(03:17
bazhangmatkix_: we can see you fine03:17
IdleOneekim|dt-linux: be nice to do peoples please or the dog is going to bite you03:17
sarixeeek, mannequins03:17
ekim|dt-linuxI am joking sorry...03:17
matkix_gyaresu, So I took down eth1 and it kicked me fully offline, So why when i run the ping -I eth0 it pings when eth1 is up? but take down eth1 and there goes eth003:18
ekim|dt-linuxI am referencing the movie I am legend03:18
maneyThey say there's luck in odd numbers...  Did a dist-upgrade on a Feisty box this morning, after which the boot choked when it hit the filesystems that live in LVM partitions.  I found that all it needed was "pvchange -a y" and control-D and then everything seemed to work, but of course it needs that run every time it boots.  :-(  Arguably I should have let the damn GUI run the update, but if I can no longer do Ubuntu dist upgrades over an SSH command lin03:18
maneye it may no longer be the right choice for me. :-(  :-(03:18
IdleOnehavent seen it yet but thanks now you have ruined it for me :P03:18
anthisbazhang:what do you want me to paste....?03:18
bazhang!wireless | anthis please read this first03:18
ubotuanthis please read this first: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:18
matkix_Can someone help me with my network.... wired network not wireless.03:19
Soskelcan someone please access: http://webtechmedia.net/greg03:19
trurlIdleOne: good, otherwise the movie itself would have ruined itself (err) for you <g>03:19
ekim|dt-linuxwireless on linux is a bit tricky03:19
anthisyeah and pissing me off :/03:19
ekim|dt-linuxmatkix_, well open the network manager03:19
Jack_SparrowSoskel: Please do not post links with no descriotion of the problem you are having03:19
anthisi've read those wifidocs plenty03:19
anthisand still cant get it to work03:19
ekim|dt-linuxit should be that little icon in your systray03:19
ekim|dt-linuxanthis, what card do you have03:19
matkix_ekim|dt-linux, Network manager won't show eth0 or I would have already done it.03:19
anthisIntel corp pro/wireless 3945abg network connection03:20
ekim|dt-linuxmatkix_, ahh...then you have a bigger problem03:20
esaymwhat is the default kernel installed on ubuntu 7.10?   RT or Generic?03:20
bazhanganthis: then paste lspci (if internal nic) or lsusb if it is usb dongle03:20
ekim|dt-linuxyou need to get a working driver for your eth03:20
anthisits integrated in the laptop03:20
ekim|dt-linuxlspc | grep eth03:20
ekim|dt-linuxanthis, those are usually tricky03:20
matkix_ekim|dt-linux, I know that.... I want to see if someone can help me to configure eth0 via ifconfig and get connected via my lan card not my wireless card.03:20
ekim|dt-linuxvery proprietary...03:20
ekim|dt-linuxmatkix_, I understand that03:20
ekim|dt-linuxmatkix_, do you have an odd lan card , because they are usually the easiest to get working03:21
matkix_Its in a 1/1.2 year old ibm think pad03:21
gyaresumatkix_: Sorry. Work. did you try running those commands while eth1 was down?03:21
matkix_gyaresu, yep03:21
bazhanganthis: that is odd--should work out of the box--it is very well supported in linux and ubuntu in particular--what network are you trying to access? home? outside? what encryption protocol or is it open03:21
gyaresumatkix_: what's the ifconfig of eth1 at the moment.03:21
ekim|dt-linuxif you do ifconfig , what do you get03:21
ekim|dt-linuxdo you SEE any ethernet devices ?03:21
kr00lHow do i use Openoffice to view .docx files?03:21
pteagueis there a way to tell what kind of video card you have via the command line?03:22
ekim|dt-linuxkr00l, you don't03:22
matkix_gyaresu, Well eth 1 and eth0 are not on the same network.03:22
Jack_Sparrowpteague: lspci03:22
IdleOnekr00l: #openoffice.org03:22
bazhangkr00l: office 2007?03:22
anthisbazhang:home network03:22
ozzloyi have a bunch of files named IMG_0001.jpg and i want to rename them to 0001.jpg instead.  howdoi?03:22
ekim|dt-linuxhong long does it take for tracker to start returning results03:22
bazhanganthis: what ==wep. wpa, etc03:22
pteagueJack_Sparrow> cool, thanks... keep forgetting about that 1... don't use it enough ;)03:22
ekim|dt-linuxozzloy, do you have thunar installed ?03:22
kr00lbazhang: correct it's a .docx file and i use open office. You can't use Office 07 on ubuntu can you?03:22
CsabaW: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com gutsy-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu03:23
gyaresumatkix_: ah. then just drop the eth1 network and run 'dhclient eth0' that should get you up via dhcp. (make sure it's installed first)03:23
ekim|dt-linuxit has a really nice bulk-rename feature03:23
CsabaWhat does that mean?03:23
anthisbazhang: i believe its installed the drivers automatically... but in the network settings it doesn't include the wireless option03:23
matkix_gyaresu, eth0 is connected directly to the internet... I mean directly, So you have to enter a real world ip to get online.03:23
gyaresumatkix_: ><03:23
IdleOneozzloy: search synaptic for bulk rename03:23
ozzloyekim|dt-linux: nope.  i was thinking perl could do it somehow03:23
ekim|dt-linuxmatkix_, no router ?03:23
matkix_gyaresu, Thus I need help doing so! :)03:23
gyaresumatkix_: right. Like a cable modem or somethign?03:23
ekim|dt-linuxozzloy, what ?03:23
matkix_gyaresu, No ds3 and cat5 :P03:23
ekim|dt-linuxozzloy, what about perl ?03:23
ozzloywell i know perl can do it, but i don't know the syntax03:23
ekim|dt-linuxwhat are you talking about ?03:23
bazhanganthis: what is the router using? wep, wpa or other03:24
* ekim|dt-linux is confused03:24
gyaresumatkix_: ah. Then can you give me the ip/netmask/gw that you should be using?03:24
matkix_ekim|dt-linux, Well yes there is a router, A Cisco with my ds3 card.03:24
joh6nnanybody in here have any experience with apt-cacher?  i'm getting unexpected results when i use it in conjunction with Acquire::http::Proxy “http://apt-cache-machine:3142″;03:24
anthisbazhang: its using wpa03:24
bazhangkr00l: there is a thread at the forums on that--want me to google it for you?03:24
Navlopbeen looking all over the web for a pdf how-to build the perfect server?03:24
ekim|dt-linuxmatkix_, why do you have two ethernet cards ?03:24
ekim|dt-linuxmatkix_, you can't use them both at the same time03:24
bazhanganthis: any way to set to open while you try to connect?03:24
kr00lbazhang: that would be great!03:24
matkix_gyaresu, is what I use on my other systems.03:24
* IdleOne has 2 eth cards :/03:24
matkix_ekim|dt-linux, One is wireless.03:25
ozzloyekim|dt-linux: i was thinking i could use perl to do it.  or maybe "find" could do it03:25
ekim|dt-linuxmatkix_, ahh03:25
matkix_ekim|dt-linux,  I don't want to. I want to use my wired card. eth -03:25
anthisbazhang:negative... not with this router03:25
ozzloybut i don't know the syntax off the top of my head.  i'm gonna look it up in the man page03:25
ekim|dt-linuxozzloy, do what !?!?03:25
gyaresumatkix_: ip gw netmask ? (which order?)03:25
bazhanghttp://blog.mypapit.net/2007/09/how-to-open-microsoft-openxml-docx-file-in-openoffice-ubuntu.html kr00l03:25
IdleOneekim|dt-linux: he wants to rename a bunch of files and remove the img from the filename03:25
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk03:26
kr00lbazhang: thx!03:26
matkix_gyaresu,  ip default then mask03:26
ekim|dt-linuxozzloy, http://www.moxleystratton.com/articles/rename-files-bash03:26
bazhangKen_xu: this is for english support please the click one of the links above for chinese support xie xie03:26
Navlopbeen looking all over the web for a pdf how-to build the perfect server03:26
=== cz1 is now known as czk
anthisbazhang: it should list all 3 like this:http://www.techotopia.com/images/f/fa/Ubuntu_linux_network_settings.jpg03:27
bazhangNavlop: ubuntu server?03:27
IdleOneNavlop: the perfect server? for03:27
gyaresu'sudo ifconfig eth0 address netmask'03:27
anthisbut it doesn't.... its only listing wired connection and a modem connection03:27
matkix_So =ip default gw mask=
gyaresumatkix_: 'sudo ifconfig eth0 address netmask'03:27
anthisi dunno what to do because this is the first time i've used ubuntu03:27
Jack_SparrowNavlop: This is a support room for people that have already decided on what server software to run... #Ubuntu-offtopic would be a better choice than in this room03:27
gyaresumatkix_: 'sudo ifconfig eth0 address netmask' SORRY03:27
gyaresumatkix_: 'sudo route add default gw'03:28
bazhanganthis: you can try through network manager--did you enter the correct wpa passphrase? otherwise it is to the terminal03:28
matkix_address: Unknown host03:28
Navlopso i can read up on it and work on getting server up, for Ubuntu server 7,qo, every where i look, i ned to be on the net for setps to follow, i like to read03:28
matkix_gyaresu, address: Unknown host03:28
gyaresumatkix_: What are your DNS servers because they will need adding to /etc/resolv.conf03:28
ozzloyekim|dt-linux: heh, thanks03:28
matkix_I can add them.03:28
IdleOneKen_xu: /join #ubuntu-cn03:29
matkix_gyaresu, I will add my dns. I just want to be able to ping my gw first.03:29
nephlimany idea how to tell firefox to handle mms types with XMMS and not totem?03:29
bazhangKen_xu: okay, but you need to speak english in here03:29
gyaresumatkix_: sigh. my fault again. just remove 'address'03:29
hack184is the update server down03:29
nephlimi can't find a way in firefox's preferred  apps dealy03:29
anthisbazhang...... im trying to say i cant enter a wpa passphrase.... because the window isn't listed03:29
gyaresuhack184: Depends which one you're pointing at...03:29
bazhanganthis aha03:30
Jack_Sparrowhack184: Nope, but have had a few people not get connected that had used automatix...03:30
bazhangautomatix hack184?03:30
RoxanneEDMhi boys... if i have 2 AVI files, what program would i use to burn them to DVD?03:30
anthisyeah hmm ok03:30
=== Dark_away is now known as DarkDancer
Navlopbeen looking all over the web for a pdf how-to build the perfect Ubuntu 7.10 server, any one have one in pdf format...03:31
dimas_is there any other place i can get video codecs besides the one available from automatix?03:31
gyaresumatkix_: :) nice ip you've got there03:31
matkix__gyaresu, Can you hear me?03:31
bazhangNavlop: you want a howto in pdf? can it be in a different format? will google for you (for karma)03:31
=== DarkDancer is now known as DarkDancer2
Navlopi found a whole bunch but not in pdf format03:31
andrukis there a way i can stop the keyring manager from asking me for my sudo password when my comp tries to connect to a wireless access point with WPA enabled?03:31
Navlopbazhand don't matter as long as i can print it out and read it as i go03:32
bazhangNavlop: you can convert text to pdf you know03:32
th0rbazhang  will google for karma....is that like will work for food?03:32
matkix__gyaresu, Hey bud you still here?03:32
bazhangth0r: hehe03:32
gyaresumatkix_: :) nice ip you've got there03:32
matkix__gyaresu, yeah! I'm on the correct eth card!03:32
gyaresumatkix__: Now about your firewall...03:32
Jack_Sparrowbazhang: His lack of response means the answer we expected...  There will be more....03:32
matkix__gyaresu, haha, what firewall?03:33
bazhangJack_Sparrow: you nailed it! again :}03:33
gyaresumatkix__: zackly. Just port scanning you now.03:33
dimas_where i can get video codecs?03:33
Jack_Sparrowbazhang: It has been one of those days.03:33
Navlopbazhand don't matter as long as i can print it out and read it as i go03:33
bazhangJack_Sparrow: they all seem to be one of those days haha03:33
gyaresumatkix__: You're directly connected to the web so you don't have the luxury of a hardware firewall (like a router) You'll want to fix that.03:33
larsx2win32codecs on application Add Programs03:33
bazhangNavlop: perfect server? ubuntu? just a moment while I google..03:34
Jack_Sparrowbazhang: Im calling it a night... nice work... thanks for helping out03:34
bazhangJack_Sparrow: you are most excellent thank you03:34
allobjectsWhenever I login I get a pop up dialog saying my set and detected keyboard settings differ ans aks if I want to keep the X settings or my Gnome settings. Can someone help ?03:34
dimas_larsx2 there is not codecs direct given from ubuntu03:34
jett_hey i installed ubuntustudio and flac. now my laptop wont play audio. can anyone help?03:34
bazhanghttp://rootprompt.org/article.php3?article=11304 Navlop03:35
larsx2are u asking me or telling me?03:35
dimas_larsx2 i am telling you03:35
bazhanglarsx2: you can go to www.medibuntu.org for that package--the instructions are on the site03:35
Navlopbazhang, been thier, not in pdf or txt to print03:36
hack184my computer has Failed to fetch http://ftp.unina.it/pub/linux/distributions/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-security/multiverse/source/Sources.gz  any idea why03:36
bazhangjett_: for which player--you may need to install flac support03:36
shadixonce I've navigated via terminal to the folder I want what is the command to run a config file?03:36
Navlopyou must join or donate to site03:37
jett_amarok, rhythmbox, and flashplayer in firefox doesnt work03:37
matkixgyaresu, Still here?03:37
gyaresumatkix: yep03:37
dimas_bazhang: do you know where can i get video codecs diferents than the ones from automatix?03:37
googlahhack184: the file doesnt even exist :)03:37
matkixgyaresu,  So my goal is to put together some script to do this for me.03:37
jett_bazhang:is there like a restore for linux?03:37
matkixgyaresu,  I change my ip 15 - 20 times a day. As I work on 15-20 networks per day.03:37
th0rshadix you cannot run a config file03:37
RoxanneEDMif i have 2 AVI files, what program would i use to burn them to DVD?03:37
hack184i know why is my computer trying to get an update from there03:38
matkixI just want something I can execute and it askes me what ip i want from a list.03:38
gyaresumatkix: Then you're going to love /etc/network/interfaces file.03:38
bazhanghttp://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_server_ubuntu7.10 Navlop this prints fine for me03:38
shadixth0r: can you help me install Cube i've DL'ed the tar.gz now what?03:38
googlahyeah but you wont be able to get it from there anyway.. hack184.03:38
th0rshadix haven't the foggiest idea...sorry...don't use it03:39
allobjectsdoes anyone know where keyboard layou settings are stored ?03:39
gyaresumatkix: I will look around. You can even name them something like eth0.home eth0.work and have different settings.03:39
matkixgyaresu, Here is what I got so far... now I would like to change this to include the default route and the subnet masks can you help me do that? gksudo ifconfig $(zenity --list --column="IP" </usr/local/etc/myaddresses)03:39
bazhangdimas_: umm automatix? that is a troublesome bit of software--not sure what you installed--what do you need specifically ie what file can you not play or use03:39
dimas_roxanneedm ubuntu come with a dvd burner program03:39
shadixth0r: it's a game03:39
DarkmystereRoxanneEDM: Try Add Remove Programs im looking through the list second03:39
shadixcan someone else help?03:39
induhi all, I need help in installing webserve ( a bazaar front end) in my system03:39
bazhangjett_: restore to what exactly?03:39
IdleOnehack184: if you dont know why that link is in your sources.list then remove it03:39
IdleOnehack184: any non ubuntu url's in sources.list do not belong there unless you put them there and know what you are doing03:40
nickrudhack184: that looks like a mirror of ubuntu03:40
DarkmystereRoxanneEDM: Brasero Disc Burning Application Or CD/DVD Writer Gnome03:40
jett_bazhang:its previous state, where my audio worked before i installed ubuntustudio+flac.03:40
nickrudhack184: there should have been an error code , like 404 or something as well03:41
bazhanghttp://www.arsgeek.com/?p=439 RoxanneEDM03:41
dimas_bazhang: .asf perhaps doesnt play03:41
RoxanneEDMthank you guys03:41
IdleOnenickrud: point is he does not know why it is there03:41
nickrudIdleOne: it's gutsy-security03:41
tssomHow do i get a pickture in the bacground of my cube?03:41
bazhangjett_: you want to remove ubuntustudio and flac? why not just install flac support its very easy03:41
DarkmystereRoxanneEDM:Your Welcome Need anything else?03:41
dimas_nickrud hello03:42
allobjectsWhere are gnome and X keyboard layout settings kept ?03:42
nickruddimas_: hello03:42
bazhangdimas_: is that windows or what format?03:42
DarkDancer2hello all, is there a way to force apt-get to install something over itself?03:42
jett_bazhang:i think i have flac installed03:42
bazhangjett_: what sound app?03:42
dimas_bazhang windows03:42
WNxCrypticAnyone provide guidance in configuring vsftpd for using local-system logins as the ftp users? I have my vsftpd setup but it gives me a permission denied when I try to upload files to any directory but the users' home directory.03:42
IdleOnenickrud: I have never seen mirrors in my sources.list03:42
jett_bazhang:what do you mean what sound app?03:42
nickrudhack184:    you should run     sudo apt-get update    in a terminal and put the results on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org03:42
bazhangdimas_: ask in ##windows but dont tell them it is for ubuntu :}03:43
WNxCrypticI have tried editing the vsftpd.conf several times.03:43
jett_bazhang:i just did sudo aptitude install flac03:43
nickrudIdleOne: I use a mirror :)03:43
bazhangjett_: what are you using to listen to music type app = application, software program etc03:43
dimas_nickrud do you know if is posible to update video codecs source some how?03:43
IdleOnenickrud: k then :)03:43
th0rWNxCryptic you should also be able to upload to directories under the user directory...but that is it. A security issue03:44
jett_app = amarok/rhythmbox03:44
nickrudIdleOne: if you go to software sources, and select the dropdown for the archive, you can select other, then hit a button that will find the fastest mirror for you03:44
IdleOnenickrud: and they never crack?03:44
bazhang!info flac03:44
ubotuflac: Free Lossless Audio Codec - command line tools. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.4-3ubuntu1.1 (gutsy), package size 162 kB, installed size 388 kB03:44
jett_!info flac03:44
Jangariis there a way i can disable my laptop's internal speakers while headphones are plugged in?03:44
WNxCrypticth0r: any work around? If not, how do I simply create a normal ftp user that has access to every directory?03:44
bazhang!find flac03:44
ubotuFound: flac123, libaudio-flac-decoder-perl, libaudio-flac-header-perl, libjflac-java, xmms2-plugin-flac (and 6 others)03:44
nickrudIdleOne: anything can crack03:44
th0rWNxCryptic I don't have vsftpd installed, but as I recall there was an optiion like chroot-user or some such03:44
jett_!find flac03:44
nickrudIdleOne: don't tell anyone, but ubuntu was hacked once!03:44
th0rWNxCryptic but what you want is very poor security and I would advise against it03:44
RoxanneEDMDarkmystere: the link to the deb file is not working03:45
bazhangjett_: iirc there is a specific bit for amarok, let me check03:45
WNxCryptictho0r: its a development server03:45
IdleOnenickrud: mums the word03:45
tssomJangari: Is you pcspeakers playing at the same time as your headpones?03:45
WNxCrypticth0r: security is of very little concern.03:45
th0rWNxCryptic in the config...something along the lines of chroot user03:45
Jangariyes, tssom03:45
DarkmystereDid u try Synaptics?03:45
nickruddimas_: you can install the w32codecs for xine , and ubuntu-restricted-extras for totem03:45
th0rWNxCryptic if you pastebin the config I will see if I can find it for you03:45
tssomJangari: What i did, was i muted surround and and added front.03:46
DarkmystereRoxanneEDM: or ADD/Remove Programs if u go to sound and video and scroll down u should see it03:46
Jangariokay, where does one do that? in the sound settings03:46
jett_bazhang:ok but i dont think thats the issue. cause sound for flashplayer in firefox doesnt work either03:46
tssomJangari: Yes03:46
nickrudhack184: how are you doing on getting that output, having any issues?03:46
jscinozhey guys, for some reason i can play back extremely high resolution videos (1280x720 and 1920x1080) perfectly in mplayer, but they stutter horribly in totem. How can improve totems playback to prevent this?03:46
WNxCrypticth0r: "chroot_local_user=YES" is commented out03:46
dimas_nickrud from add programs?03:47
hack184i got it figured out03:47
th0rWNxCryptic it is commented out because yes is the default. Take out the comment and change it to no...and remember you have to restart the server03:47
alexbobpIs it possible to install Ubuntu PPC on a hard drive to be used in a PPC mac, from an x86 computer?03:47
nickrudjscinoz: you can change the backend of totem by installing totem-xine , that may help03:47
hack184for some reason it wanted to go to that site then i changed it back to the main server03:47
WNxCrypticth0r: what's the directory for /init.d/ there's something before it..like SOMETHING/init.d/vsftpd restart03:48
nickruddimas_: the restricted extras, yes, the w32codecs go here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu#head-381bea41610683e5e26322fd7028e7aef85e3105-203:48
th0rWNxCryptic /etc/init.d03:48
jscinoznickrud, alright one moment while i test it.03:48
bazhangjett_: hmm sounds like two different issues03:48
RoxanneEDMwill gnome baker make video DVDs?03:49
nickrudjscinoz: mplayer is a pretty sophisticated player, the gstreamer backend for totem is getting better ....03:49
th0rWNxCryptic you may still run into issues since you need root permission to write to the entire tree03:49
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
jscinozwhat backend does mplayer use? ffmpeg?03:49
th0rWNxCryptic there may also be a config entry for 'allow root login'03:49
th0rWNxCryptic (working off memory)03:49
th0rWNxCryptic (OLD memory)03:50
defuegoRox - you may be interested in - google 'ubuntu gutsy author video dvd' - http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu+gutsy+author+video+dvd&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a03:50
jett_bazhang:should i try to fix it or reinstall?03:50
bazhanghttp://netwolfuk.wordpress.com/2007/12/07/amarok-two-years-on/ he recommends using the xine engine as opposed to gstreamer for amarok jett_03:50
th0rWNxCryptic (old VOLATILE memory) <smile>03:50
nickrudjscinoz: I think it has it's own libs03:50
tssomIs anyone else experiencing that firefox crashes alot in 7.10?03:50
bazhangjett_: the flash issue is another problem03:50
jett_bazhang: ok ill try that thanks03:50
tssomit happens mostly when watching videos in firefox03:50
shadowhywindHi all, I was wondering if anyone else is having a problem with ubuntu keeping the correct time?03:51
joseshey guys...tryna install ubuntu without desktop coming out..how can i make this possible03:51
josesfrom live cd03:51
markdshadowhywind: you don't happen to have a dual boot?03:51
Murdoc650hey guys, I need some quick help03:51
musikgoa1joses: the alt installer has a server version03:51
bazhangjoses: why not just get the alternate cd if you dont want to see the desktop03:51
nickrudjoses: not sure I understood the question ...03:51
Murdoc650I run Ubuntu on one of my HD's and XP on the other03:52
shadowhywindmarkd I do dual boot, But i haven't booted into vista in over 203 weeks03:52
Murdoc650today my XP decided to die03:52
Murdoc650and I want to get stuff off of it03:52
Murdoc650any way I can do that through Ubuntu?03:52
nickrudshadowhywind: doesn't that make you sort of a virtual dualbooter?03:52
th0rshadowhywind  has vista been out four years already!?03:52
nickrudor theoretical?03:52
RoxanneEDMlol th0r03:52
josesthe oem version wont go throuh with it..i got a live cd..i know i installed it once without my desktop loading..some sort of code..cant remember03:52
shadowhywindsorry 2-3 weeks.. hehe03:52
bazhangjoses: save yourself some headache and get the alternate cd--you want server or desktop version?03:53
josesanother q does 64 bit take longer to install than 32 bit?03:53
shadowhywindalso why would dual booting cause ubuntu to lose track of time?03:53
josesdt not serv03:53
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nickrudshadowhywind: your windows might have reset the hardware clock03:53
ZaschHello! I am trying to open up a program that I have on my desktop, but it says it can't open it because of too many open files. How do I increase the maximum number of files I can have open?03:53
Murdoc650anyone know?03:54
markdshadowhywind: Ubuntu and widows disagree what the bios clock should be set to03:54
bazhangjoses: not sure about time--but havent heard that it is longer to install 64bit desktop03:54
markdHardware clock.  which every it is called ;D03:54
* nickrud meant what markd said, but didn't say it well03:54
nn64 can some one help me test my irc? /server linuxmain.net then  /join #linuxmain03:54
shadowhywindthats the other thing, I just got my laptop back from the repair shop, Booted into vista once to see that the repairs were fixed. Ever since then I have been in ubuntu. And it seams that the Bios clock is also getting screwed up03:55
ZaschIn fact, I seem to be unable to open anything now03:55
bazhangZasch: short answer get more ram03:55
matkixSo... If I wanted to in bash shell scripting make the script echo a Wait for 10 sec then make it wait for 10 sec what would the command for it to wait be?03:55
Zaschbazhang: How much RAM do I need?03:55
Murdoc650Is there any way for me to access my XP HD from my Ubuntu HD if I boot the XP as a slave to Ubuntu?03:55
josesis it possible to install faster..stays stuck on 15%03:55
th0rmatkix sleep03:56
markdI think windows sets it to local time while ubuntu uses UTC and adjusts to local.  But I might be wrong.03:56
musikgoa1yes Murdoc650, with ntfs-3g03:56
matkixth0r, ty!03:56
shadowhywindok thanks for the info.03:56
JennnyI'm trying to learn how i would install .tar.gz files using the terminal. Can someone help me?03:56
SANTAbioswhy doesnt ubuntu support root?03:57
Dr_willisJennny,  you have some reading to do.. :) In short.. Uncompress it.. cd to the dir. ./configure  , make, sudo make install.03:57
Ashfire908SANTAbios, use sudo03:57
th0rJennny place the file where you want it to be and type 'tar -xvzf filename'03:57
Dr_willisSANTAbios,  it does support it.. direct logging in is disbled for security reasons.03:57
MagicDucktssom, it's probably due to the plugin you are using, not firefox itself03:57
Ashfire908!sudo | SANTAbios03:57
ubotuSANTAbios: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.03:57
matkixth0r, What would the command be if I wanted the script to display on the gui the wait notice... echo didn't do the trick...?03:58
SANTAbiosi think ubuntu is not that cool03:58
Dr_willisSANTAbios,  demand a refund then.03:58
roro98812i downloaded ubuntu live cd but it freezes after choosing start/install03:58
matkixSANTAbios, What did you expect of it?03:58
SANTAbiosi like freebsd03:58
Dr_willisthis is linux.. use what you want.. no one is forceing you to use ubuntu.03:58
th0rmatkix there are some utilities you can get that will install a prompt or take input for a script...but I don't recall what they are. Never got that deep into scripting...prefer to just do it in a terminal to begin with03:59
matkixSANTAbios,  Please see freebsd.org03:59
markdokay then use it.03:59
matkixSANTAbios, Have a nice day!03:59
SANTAbiosjust jokin03:59
SANTAbiosi love ubuntu03:59
Jennnyth0r: I'm trying to install "install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz" but what you just told me to doesen't work.03:59
roro98812will ubuntu 7.10 work on my amd 64 bit laptop?04:00
matkixAll, How do you display a message on the gui from a shell script. I attempted to use echo and that didn't work... what would be the command to do the trick?04:00
Ashfire908roro98812, processor wise it should04:00
biouserI need to REALLY kill a process04:00
Dr_willismatkix,  there are some dialog programs that let scripts generate alerts and so forth.04:00
roro98812ok thx ashfire04:00
biouserwhat argument should use04:00
Ashfire908biouser, kill?04:00
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:00
biouser#kill 920804:01
matkixDr_willis, Might you tell me what command would go before what I want to be displayed as echo didn't do the trick.04:01
biouserbut with like a -b for brutally kill04:01
DingbatFor some reason, since I upgraded from 7.04 to 7.10, Totem doesn't seem to work with the Gstreamer plugins anymore.  AVI, WMV and other types are failing (even though VLC plays them fine).  What can I do?04:01
th0rJennny what you asked didn't quite match what you are trying to do. There is an issue with flashplayer in ubuntu at the moment04:01
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash04:01
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.04:01
Ashfire908biouser, uh... signal 9?04:01
Dr_willisi dont rember matkix  :) theres several.  but every so often the disrtos start usind some other one.04:01
biouserAshfire908, syntax?04:01
Dr_willis!find dialog04:01
ubotuFound: dialog, gtkdialog, krb5-auth-dialog, libtk-filedialog-perl, libui-dialog-perl (and 2 others)04:01
Dr_willis!info gtkdialog04:02
ubotugtkdialog: GUI-creation command-line utility based on GTK+ library. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:0.7.20-2 (gutsy), package size 75 kB, installed size 476 kB04:02
Ashfire908biouser, 15 to more end it.04:02
Jennnyth0r: i know but using the binaries will fix the problem so i just need to get this installed but i don't know how to use .tar.gz04:02
bazhangZasch: if that is possible then 2GB is a fair bet; if not you might try a lighter window manager like xfce or use lighter weight apps04:02
th0rDr_willis nicely done <smile>04:02
biouserAshfire908, what do I put in the termianl04:02
Ashfire908biouser, i think it's -s [Signal]04:02
IL0v3C0fF3EIs ubuntu studio a distro or a program u can get for ubuntu??04:02
biouserI have this splash screen from win04:02
Ashfire908kill -s <signal> <pid>04:02
th0rJennny the link explains all the details, but as I recall you need to copy the flashplayer.so (not sure of the name) to the plugins folder for firefox04:03
DingbatFor some reason, since I upgraded from 7.04 to 7.10, Totem doesn't seem to work with the Gstreamer plugins anymore.  AVI, WMV and other types are failing (even though VLC plays them fine).  What can I do?04:03
biouserso $kill -s 9 ####04:03
Ashfire908biouser, should do it04:03
matkixAnyone. What command can I include in a bash script that will display a notice on the gui. Something similar to echo but that will show on the gui.04:03
Jennnyth0r: so can you help me mount the .tar.gz?04:03
IdleOneIL0v3C0fF3E: it is a set of multimedia applications bundled into a nice package and a default theme on top of ubuntu04:03
biouserAshfire908, it did, thanks!04:03
Dr_willis!info gtkdialog |matkix04:03
bazhangDingbat: any reason not to use vlc?04:03
ubotumatkix: gtkdialog: GUI-creation command-line utility based on GTK+ library. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:0.7.20-2 (gutsy), package size 75 kB, installed size 476 kB04:03
Ashfire908biouser, try -s 15 if you want it to stop the process nicely04:04
musikgoa1Jennny: tar xzvf filename.tar.gz04:04
Ashfire908biouser, np.04:04
skyline_-Hi if I wanted to BKDM into Ubunto to make the SSA package 20k bytes, how would I do so?04:04
IL0v3C0fF3EIdleOne,  so i can get it for ubuntu?04:04
th0rJennny the filename is libflashplayer.so, and you don't mount the tar.gz. If you issued the command I told you then the tar.gz file should have created a folder next to the tar.gz file, and the lib file will be in that folder04:04
th0rJennny  in what folder is the tar.gz file?04:04
bazhangskyline_-: umm what is bkdm?04:04
skyline_-the package04:05
skyline_-i dunno what its used for04:05
Jennnyth0r: it's flash player 9 plugin that fixes the ubuntu problem04:05
bazhangno idea then skyline_-04:05
Ashfire908skyline_-, well you need to take idkwyta and then tmwyata.04:05
schweppsjenny, copy libflashplayer.so to the plugins directory in .mozilla04:05
skyline_-ok ty04:05
IdleOneIL0v3C0fF3E: yes #ubuntustudio can help you04:05
Ashfire908skyline_-, uh i was kidding04:05
th0rJennny  again, in what folder is the tar.gz file?04:05
bazhang!info bkdm04:06
ubotuPackage bkdm does not exist in gutsy04:06
Jennnymusikgoa1 that doesn't work04:06
bazhang!find bkdm04:06
markdmatkix: I used to have a opengl thing but I lost it a while back,  not sure of an easy bash/X command.04:06
ubotuPackage/file bkdm does not exist in gutsy04:06
Jennnyth0r: it's install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz04:06
biouserI am using totem and have this .avi file.... got all the extra codecs that the GUI found for me... now it says: Internal data stream error04:06
th0rJennny in what folder is the tar.gz file?04:06
dimas_th0r lol04:07
Jennnyth0r: oh, it's on my desktop04:07
th0rJennny open a terminal04:07
Jennnyth0r: i'm there04:07
th0rJennny in the terminal type 'cd ~/Desktop'04:07
biouserwhat is the most thoroughly codec 'd-out media player for super-proprietary BS .avi vids?04:07
biouseris there still a libxine-extracodecs?04:08
th0rJennny then type 'tar -xvzf  install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz'04:08
biouser!find libxine04:08
ubotuFound: libxine-dev, libxine1, libxine1-dbg, libxine1-doc, libxinerama-dev (and 9 others)04:08
twavisdegwetso ughh any1 know how to install orinoco04:08
biouser!find libxine-extracodecs04:08
twavisdegwetor put me in the direction of how to04:08
ubotuPackage/file libxine-extracodecs does not exist in gutsy04:08
ubotuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.04:08
bazhangbiouser: what kind of file you trying to play?04:08
cleit0nhi, how i do to upgrade festy -> gust with CD?04:08
th0r!flash > th0r04:08
biouserbazhang, .avi04:09
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash04:09
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.04:09
Jennnyth0r: K04:09
GogHenriqueubuntu repositories are ok?04:09
bazhangcleit0n: iirc you need to get the alternate cd for that04:09
th0rJennny now on the desktop you should have a new folder...what is it called?04:09
twavisdegwetorinoco!!! how do i install it?04:09
GogHenriquehere i can't update or install some packages04:09
cleit0nbazhang: what alternate CD?04:10
Jennnyth0r: install_flash_player_9_linux04:10
GogHenriqueUbuntu repositories are ok? Here I can't update or install some packages04:10
bazhangbiouser: you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed? you may also want to enable the repositories at www.medibuntu.org see the site for instructions on how to do so04:10
th0rJennny right...in the terminal type 'cd install_flash_player_9_linux'04:10
Ashfire908GogHenrique, which04:10
bazhang!alternate | cleit0n04:10
ubotucleit0n: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal04:10
th0rJennny then type 'sudo ./install.sh'04:11
bazhangwww.ubuntu.com cleit0n04:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about patient - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:11
biouserbazhang, thx, I didn't have that package... so I am apt-getting it right now04:11
bazhangquestion racarter?04:11
racarteri need help figuring out why this linux machine isn't online04:12
Jennnyth0r: that doesn't do anything. Command not Found04:12
bazhangbiouser: no worries :}04:12
racarteri can't ping yahoo for example04:12
jga23my user doesn't have access to one of my drives (I get a popup asking for my root password), how do I fix that?04:12
dimas_!relax | th0r04:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about relax - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:12
Ashfire908dimas_, it's !patience04:12
bazhangdimas lol04:12
biouserso, you guys get Java from the tarball or from the repos?04:12
th0rJenny...yeah...was working off memory <smile>. type 'ls' in the terminal and see if there is a 'install' or 'Install' or some such04:12
racarterphysically everything looks ok, and nothing has really changed on the machine04:12
Ashfire908GogHenrique, which packages04:12
IdleOne!java | biouser04:12
ubotubiouser: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)04:12
bazhangbiouser: from the restricted extras04:12
Learning-UbuntuCan I just paste fonts into the gksu nautilus fonts:// window to get them to work?04:13
murchhi folks anyone got a mo to help a puzzled individual04:13
racarteri think you should use the sun java jre04:13
th0r Jenny going to download that tar.gz now...give me a sec04:13
racarterdoes banging your pc help fix it?04:13
bazhangmurch: ask a more specific question :}04:13
racarteri see no good reason why this machine should not be online04:13
racarterno damn good reason i tell you04:13
IdleOneracarter: only on sunday so your gonna have to wait 6 moe days04:13
biouserIdleOne, bazhang much apprec.04:13
murchthe "ls" command doesnt seem to work on occasion04:14
bazhangracarter: what is the issue? please be precise04:14
Jennnyth0r: it's 'sudo ./flashplayer-installer'04:14
racarterthe issue is it sucks04:14
dA_ShArPHi all I am getting this error "sudo: must be setuid root" I wanted to enter recovery console from boot menu to recover back my sudo, but unexpectedly I commented those lines from my grub... I can't uncomment them without sudo neither I had su enabled :(, can any body help me getting my sudo back04:14
racartervery suddenly the computer cannot access the network04:14
racarterping -c 3 www.yahoo.com fails for example04:14
th0rJennny  hey...not bad for old memory <smile>...I was close04:14
IdleOneracarter: watch your language and calm down. explain what is going on and someone will try to help.04:14
Ashfire908!calm > Ashfire90804:14
racarteri did sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart04:15
bazhangracarter: sounds like a hardware issue--if you have a specific support question then ask away--if you just want to kibbutz then join #ubuntu-offtopic04:15
th0rJennny however, you still need to copy that lib file to the plugin folder for firefox...soon as the install is done let me know and we will check for that04:15
racartermy specific question i guess is where do i start troubleshooting at this point04:15
murchthe "ls" command doesnt seem to work on occasion anyone got any ideas as to why04:15
racarterhow can i prove it's a hardware problem.. i honestly don't believe it is for some reason04:15
bazhangracarter: what card and chipset for that nic?04:16
racarteri have a feeling if i reboot it will work04:16
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racarteri dont knwo04:16
Learning-Ubunturacarter, Things I do is I change my DNS to OpenDNS, for some odd reason my location document in the network manager applet keeps changing so I change that or configure it again . Not sure if that will help you though :(04:16
bazhangracarter: when did it stop working04:16
Jennnyth0r: works great!04:16
dimas_!drinking a budwaiser | ashfire90804:16
th0rJennny does firefox work too?04:16
bazhangdimas_: please dont04:16
racarteri just noticed it now, how do i find out what nic card i have?04:17
Ashfire908racarter, what does ifconfig eth0 give? (pastebin it)04:17
Jennnyth0r: how do i learn how to use the terminal like a power user? Yep fire fox too. did: '/usr/lib/firefox'04:17
th0rJennny ok...then you can delete the tar.gz file and the folder it created on the desktop04:17
bazhangracarter: it was working before? before what--what happened or was it just sudden you did nothing04:17
Ashfire908racarter, unless it's  a oneliner04:17
racarterits hard to pastebin since it's on another machine that does not have network access.. but i dont think i see anything unusual there04:17
th0rJennny there are tutorials on the web about using bash and the command prompt04:17
racarterit has an etho and lo interfaces04:18
bazhangracarter: dont paste in the channel but is there a iwconfig listing at all?04:18
Jennnyth0r: can you link me one that would be helpful or that you have learned from?04:18
th0rJenny http://www.hypexr.org/bash_tutorial.php04:18
Ashfire908racarter, doe eth0 have a vaild ip and stuff and has "UP" somewhere?04:18
racarteriwconfig says no wireless extensions04:18
bazhanghttp://www.ss64.com/bash/ jenny also see here04:18
th0rJenny ALL the answers are in the ABS....   http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/04:18
racarteri never heard of that command before04:18
nano__hey guys, does anybody know of an applet that i can install in my taskbar that will let me control the setting of my mouse......i need it because i alternate between mouse and touchpad04:19
Learning-UbuntuCan I just paste fonts into the gksu nautilus fonts:// window to get them to work?04:19
biousermurch, sounds ridiculous04:19
Ashfire908!fonts > Ashfire90804:19
bazhangracarter: then your wireless card is not recognized; was it working with ubuntu before? gutsy I assume04:19
murchi know04:19
Ashfire908!fonts | Learning-Ubuntu04:19
ubotuLearning-Ubuntu: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer04:19
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:19
racarterit doesn't have wireless04:19
twavisdegwetmines never been recognized..04:19
racarterit's an old pc04:19
fcmattdoes anybody know how to get compiz going on an ATI x300 graphics card?  it's not working for me.  was dealing with this problem lastnight but i tried some wikis today and none helped, just screwed my comp up04:19
Learning-Ubuntuty Ashfire90804:19
biousermurch, what happens?04:20
some_dudehi, what pacakge has mysql.h ?04:20
bazhang!compiz | fcmatt04:20
ubotufcmatt: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion04:20
Ashfire908Learning-Ubuntu, also if you want fonts like times new roman, install "msttcorefonts04:20
fcmattnegative, bazhang04:20
th0rsome_dude that would be in the mysql-dev package04:20
Ashfire908*" also.04:20
murchthere is a set of archive files along with the extracted content and I get nothing after either ls or ls -a04:20
matkixHow do you make a bash script prompt you for a value?04:20
Learning-UbuntuAshfire908, Have those was working on conky :)04:20
some_dudeth0r:  I can't find a mysql-dev04:20
jscinozwhy is gstreamer much slower at decoding 1080p xvid than xine?04:20
Ashfire908Learning-Ubuntu, k04:20
Aloneawhat allows ubuntu to be able to use 1440x900 resolution so easily? on slack I could never get it, but on here it just does.04:20
th0rsome_dude give me a sec04:20
biousermurch, can you see it in a file browser?04:20
murchoh yes04:21
bazhangfcmatt: they are the experts--I use nvidia so no help here04:21
biouserAlonea, magic I think04:21
murchthats whats puzzling me04:21
fcmattbazhang, i realize that, but that did not help me lastnight or today04:21
Aloneabiouser: lol. yeah, us slack people are confused as hell. tried the modeline thing and it just doesn't work.04:21
biousermurch, just on certain files?04:21
Aloneabiouser: wonder if there is a dev in here that knows04:21
racarteris mysql still open source?04:22
murchnope every thing in the directory04:22
Ashfire908Alonea, because ubuntu rocks04:22
bazhangfcmatt: there are several posts in the forums on that or youcould just keep trying here as many have that card--may need to be patient though04:22
Ashfire908racarter, sorta04:22
biouserAlonea, just quit04:22
Starnestommyracarter: I think so04:22
Ashfire908racarter, the community version is i think04:22
Murdoc650Need some help getting ntfs-3g working04:22
murchim running hellanzb to download to the folder in question04:22
Ashfire908racarter, erm it better be :)04:22
Aloneabiouser: don't know how. think I am going back to slack anyway. gusty too unstable04:23
crdlbfcmatt: you stayed around for a total of 20 minutes04:23
biousermurch, just one particular directory?04:23
Jennnyth0r: thanks for your help04:23
fcmattcrdlb: what are you talking about?04:23
crdlbfcmatt: in #compiz-fusion04:23
nano__th0r: i think i have figured out what is wrong with you hp laptop04:23
biousermurch, maybe a permission thing?04:23
fcmattcrdlb: nobody was talking and i had to sleep04:23
murchis it because a process is writing to the folder04:23
bazhanghttp://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=631483 here is one such link fcmatt04:23
racarterrestarting my computer did not solve the network problem apparently04:24
tssomIs there a simple program that lets me limit the global upload rate on my system?04:24
some_dudeis there a bot that can tell me about packags ?04:24
racartermaybe it is a hardware problem04:24
biousersome_dude, yes04:24
bazhangtssom: traffic shaping? firestarter may be able to do that--or just the torrent client itself can be configured04:24
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!04:24
fcmattbazhang: thanks for the nvidia.  im using ati04:24
crdlbfcmatt: ok ... so why not try again now that you're awake?04:24
jribsome_dude: ubotu can, but you may also use packages.ubuntu.com04:24
Ashfire908racarter, giggle the network cable :)04:24
th0rsome_dude I'm not having any luck locating that file. The good news....there are plenty of people on google looking for it <smile>04:24
cellofellowWill cdda2wav rip faster than cdparanioa?04:25
some_dudeth0r:  I notice that04:25
fcmattcrdlb: because i would rather keep trying wikis on the net04:25
nano__th0r: right now I can get ubuntu sound, regardless of how i boot into my ubuntu partition....i solved this by booting into my vista partion, uninstalled "Conexant Sound driver" and instead installed "High Definition Audio"04:25
tssombazhang: can i apt-get firestarter? (and it's not torrent)04:25
bazhangfcmatt: x1300 pro? that link is for that card04:25
fcmattbazhang: x30004:25
bazhangtssom: sure04:25
Ashfire908some_dude, !info does it, but if you want to do it for more than one or two use private messages04:25
crdlbfcmatt: why is that? I answered your original question04:25
racartergiggle the network cable?04:25
fcmattbazhang: dont worry about looking, prolly what you find i have already tried04:25
some_dude!info mysql.h04:25
ubotuPackage mysql.h does not exist in gutsy04:25
crdlbfcmatt: you broke compiz by enabling ATI's driver04:26
th0rnano__ I wll make note of that and try it next time I am in windows...thanks04:26
racarterim dumb, it was a problem in my ip configurations04:26
bazhanghttp://beans.seartipy.com/2007/10/30/finally-got-3d-desktop-effects-in-my-ubuntu-gutsy-ati-hardware/ fcmatt try this one then04:26
fcmattcrdlb: well i am trying again.  reinstalled it lastnight04:26
biouserbazhang, the .avi still doesn't play : internal data stream error.....04:26
crdlbfcmatt: please join #compiz-fusion04:26
some_dudewhat about a debian package ?04:26
nano__th0r: np....please do let me know if it works...04:26
bazhangfcmatt: aha; well keep trying here, and you will likely find someone who has that card, but it may not be instantaneous :}04:27
DingbatYay -- fixed my codec problem.04:27
bazhangbiouser: you used automatix or other before?04:27
bazhangracarter:  all sorted then?04:28
biouserbazhang, yeah... not on this box, but I think that this file has some fancy DRM stuff too...04:28
ozzloyi have a bunch of files of the form ABC_####.XYZ and i'd like them all to be ####.xyz  how do i do that?04:28
bazhangbiouser: I would suspect as much for the drm--some work and a very few dont sorry I cant help more04:28
DarkDancer2Bye all!04:29
racarterbazhang, yes i think so04:29
jribozzloy: use the 'rename' command04:29
ozzloyi have a bunch of files of the form "ABC_####.XYZ" and i'd like them all to be "####.xyz"  how do i do that on the command line?04:29
biouserubuntu can handle some DRM files?04:29
ozzloyjrib: oic04:29
bazhangracarter: tried it out yet? if it still doesnt work then ask again and we can likely sort it out04:29
FactTechQuestion: Is there any way to check the filesystem type of a mounted hard drive?04:29
jribozzloy: 'man rename' has some examples.  You need to understand regular expressions though04:29
bazhangbiouser: like what for instance?04:29
some_dudeany ideas on mysql.h ?04:29
fcmattbazhang: it's blacklisted04:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about filesystem - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:30
th0rozzloy there is an irc that can help with that...#bash, #bash-scripting, something like that04:30
bloodboyhello, can anyone get me the md5 hash for ubuntu-7.10-dvd-amd64, plz?04:30
biouserbazhang, this is from my analysis course04:30
ozzloyjrib: i know some RE stuff.  i'm thinking capture group for the #### part, but i don't know ohow to do upper to lower04:30
bloodboythe hash is bot in this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes04:30
ozzloyjrib: also, i've not seen the y/a/b/ before.  i've used s/a/b/ a log04:30
jribfcmatt: please don't be annoying04:30
bazhang!caps | fcmatt04:31
rjune_what is GC?04:31
ubotufcmatt: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.04:31
bloodboycan some one help me here04:31
bloodboyi'm having a problem04:31
jribozzloy: man rename  has that example (upper case to lower)04:31
bloodboymy windows installation is hosed04:31
bloodboyplz help , i need to find the hash04:31
* Dr_willis wonders what a G.C even is..04:31
fcmattkind of upsetting, yo!  things just aren't cool with ubuntu anymore04:31
tssombazhang: can you please explain to me how i can limit the upload on my program with firestarter? i really dont got any idea how to work a firewall04:31
LadyNikonbloodboy: this isnt a windows channel sorry04:31
speeddemon8803bloodboy, we cant help with windows problems.04:31
DingbatGC ... Global Catalog?04:31
th0rbloodboy boot the windows cd, choose R for repair, then at the prompt type 'fixmbr'04:31
some_dudehmm, there is no mysql.h for ubuntu04:31
Dr_willisGame Cube?04:31
biouserGraphis Card04:32
bloodboyubuntu installation hosed my windows04:32
bazhangtssom: what program? what are you trying to do?04:32
bloodboynow i just want to check the md5 sum04:32
LadyNikonbloodboy: define hosed?04:32
Ashfire908Dr_willis: GameCube Sucks.04:32
th0rsome_dude funny...it is in synaptic04:32
Dr_willisAshfire908,  people who say things suck.. really suck. :)04:32
DingbatHosed ... probably overwrote his windows partition.04:32
speeddemon8803Bloodboy, the default installation of ubuntu completely formats the hard drive and installs ubuntu over windows.04:32
bloodboyneed md5 sum04:32
evsaque tal gente04:32
LadyNikonbloodboy: enough.04:32
tssombazhang: wow downloader. i know i know. but my gf wants me to play with her :P04:32
bazhangbloodboy: you cant boot into windows? sounds like a grub menu problem04:32
bloodboyi think so04:32
Ashfire908bloodboy, md5sum04:32
bloodboyyes plz^^04:33
some_dudeth0r what package ?04:33
biouserevsa, nada mucho04:33
LadyNikonbloodboy: stop spamming please.. use full sentences.. how did the ubuntu installation hose windows?04:33
bloodboyi think i have a corrupt download04:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spamming - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:33
evsaaqui si hay mucha gente04:33
bloodboymy PC can 't load04:33
tssombazhang: it's taking to long do download, coz there is no way to limit the upload rate.04:33
Ashfire908!enter | bloodboy04:33
ubotubloodboy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:33
bloodboyNTDLR error04:33
jribbloodboy: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/releases/7.10/release/MD5SUMS04:33
DingbatDoesn't vista have trouble in a dual-boot environment?04:33
speeddemon8803thanks ash, i forgot the command, was using that just to get the site :)04:33
th0rsome_dude all the mysql packages...mysql, mysql-admin....must be a dozen packages04:33
evsahello people04:33
bloodboykthx jrib04:33
some_dudeit's not in Adept04:34
bazhangtssom: aha I see--not familiar with WoW or what that does, but firestarter has some docs you should read first--want a link?04:34
tssombazhang: sure04:34
bloodboyi got a question04:34
bloodboythe md5 sums don't match04:34
bazhanghttp://www.fs-security.com/docs.php tssom04:34
bloodboywhat should i do with the image i got now?04:34
biouserwhat are some differences between xine and gstreamer?04:35
tssombazhang: thanks04:35
LadyNikondelete it.. and download a new one04:35
bazhangtssom: no worries04:35
jribsome_dude: did you search on packages.ubuntu.com for packages containing that file?  Why do you need it by the way?04:35
evsahey I don't understand04:35
some_dudeI'm trying to make a program that requires it04:35
DingbatBlodody ... download a new one.04:35
jribsome_dude: and my first question?04:35
bazhangbiouser: opinions vary; I prefer xine myself04:35
jrib!es | evsa04:35
ubotuevsa: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.04:35
some_dudeyea, packages.ubunut.com did not show results04:35
nugz1212can someone help me get compiz-fusion setup?04:35
bloodboyi don't understand04:35
bloodboywhy is it corrupt?04:36
bloodboyi didn;t disturb the download04:36
LadyNikonbloodboy: could have been something in the download04:36
some_dudeI've added a ton of packages to do with mysql, and no good04:36
Dr_willisbad downloads happen.04:36
biouserbazhang, I always have to move to xine it seems.... still working with a pretty fresh install on this box...04:36
jribbloodboy: please stop breaking up your thoughts by pressing enter04:36
bazhangbloodboy: try a new download04:36
evsabye people04:36
bloodboythe thing is i can mount the CD04:36
jribsome_dude: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=mysql.h&searchmode=searchfiles&case=insensitive&version=gutsy&arch=i38604:36
evsasee you later04:36
nugz1212can somebody help me install compiz-fusion on 7.04? i cant get it to work04:36
bazhang!compiz | nugz121204:37
ubotunugz1212: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion04:37
LadyNikonbloodboy: it can be mounted.. its just may have been corrupted.  bloodboy be careful you will get kicked if you dont type complete sentences04:37
nugz1212i tried the one for ati04:37
bazhangnugz1212: read that link first and post your specific question in that channel04:37
nugz1212my card is working and everything, but i cant get xgl or compiz to come up04:37
some_dudeyea, but I've already installed libmysqlclient15-dev04:37
speeddemon8803All users:Please do not use the enter key as punctuation as that does get confusing to the volunteers who are supporting us in here. Thank you...-Ubuntu Beginner team member.04:37
bazhangnugz1212: they are the experts04:37
bloodboydoes anyone know why i still can mount the image using Daemon Tools on Windows?04:38
bazhangbloodboy: no idea04:38
bloodboysorry to mention Windows here, but that is the only OS working now04:38
Dr_willisbloodboy,  it could be bad in the middle of a file..  not where  its being looked at initially04:38
bloodboyif the md5 sums do no tmatch r u sure i have to download again?04:38
LadyNikonbloodboy: we cant really do anything with windows since this is a totally different operationg system04:38
th0rbloodboy being able to mount the CD simply means the directory is intact...it says nothing about the data on the rest of the disk04:38
bazhangbloodboy: several people have advised you to get a new download--what you do with that advice is up to you04:39
jribbloodboy: yes04:39
Dr_willisif the md5s dont match.. redownload.. end of story.04:39
LadyNikonbloodboy: md5 sum confirms that all the peices are in the correct order.04:39
bazhangbloodboy: or ask in ##windows04:39
bloodboyi can;t anymore this moth04:39
Dr_willisbe sure you are looking at the right md5 for your iso also.04:39
LadyNikonso if its off.. ten you gotta make sure04:39
bazhangbloodboy: you can have ubuntu ship you the disks you know04:39
bloodboyHash List04:40
bloodboyCreated by using HashMyFiles04:40
bloodboyFilename  MD5  SHA1  CRC32  Full Path  Modified Time  Created Time  File Size04:40
bloodboyubuntu-7.10-dvd-amd64.iso ca2d8ec01427aee582cdd990362e7dcb 1ac9819aa0a65008be5e1a7bd203b38d3fb08490 53a865b204:40
biouserbazhang, gxine plays it with all the libxine stuff, no totem-gstreamer I guess....04:40
bloodboymy hash output04:40
LadyNikonbloodboy: please dont paste here04:40
RoxanneEDMsorry to come back and bug you guys, but i need to burn a few AVIs to a DVD, now i had a look at gnomebakerand brasero, but it doesnt seem that they will make Video DVDs... is this correct?04:40
LadyNikonuse the pastebin04:40
bazhangbiouser: solved?04:40
Dr_willisRoxanneEDM,  theres no 'a few clicks and an avi is now a dvd' programs for linux that ive seen.04:40
th0rRoxanneEDM  you might also look at devede04:40
DoonzHey can someone give me some one on one help with installing this piece of software?04:40
th0rDr_willis devede04:40
bloodboyso if this download is corrupted is it my fault?04:41
RoxanneEDMi will try devede04:41
biouserbazhang, looks that way, thanks for the help04:41
LadyNikonbloodboy: nope04:41
LadyNikonsometimes it gets corruped :)04:41
Dr_willisRoxanneEDM,  technicially you want a program that takes a avi and makes a dvd video disk structure/files. :) you then burn those to the disk.04:41
RoxanneEDMthank you th0r04:41
bloodboybecause its the first time i use md5 on files04:41
bazhangbiouser great news!04:41
Dr_willis!info devede04:41
ubotudevede: program to create video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.13-0.0 (gutsy), package size 741 kB, installed size 1700 kB04:41
LadyNikonjust download it again.. check the md5sum before you install04:41
Dr_willisthe ones ive tried so far th0r  dont work very well. I will try that one next. :)04:41
bazhangback in a moment04:41
DingbatWhen you transfer gigs of data, probability that a bad byte will slip in ... happens.04:41
some_dudestill no good04:41
bloodboyany articles on that?04:41
RoxanneEDMi liked Nero  on windows.... maybe under WINE?04:41
bloodboyit really breaks my confeidence04:42
Dr_willisRoxanneEDM,  i also like nero..04:42
th0rDr_willis I had it for years and never realized it would do the conversion. And was pleasantly surprised...it did a good job. Have created several dvd's from avi's and they all worked fairly well04:42
Dr_willisbloodboy,  you were never around in the modem days. :) bad dloads were common then.04:42
defuegoRoxanneEDM - you may be interested in - google 'ubuntu gutsy author video dvd' - http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu+gutsy+author+video+dvd&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a04:42
DingbatHave you tried downloading using p2p blooboy?04:42
bloodboyhow come like when i use Windows Update, there is no mention of md5 sum on the files?04:42
LadyNikonbloodboy: because they probably do it behind the scenes..04:42
th0rbloodboy  because windows can't count that high04:42
Dr_willisbloodboy,  they are usingtheir own verification. Ive downloaded exe's that when i ran.  windows would say they were bad..04:43
Dingbatwindows update does it's own check during unpacking.04:43
nickrudlol, 2 points for th0r04:43
some_dudeif I drop a debian package on to the system will it break ?04:43
LadyNikonbloodboy: your not gonna get your issue solved .. redown the package and check the md5sum04:43
th0rsome_dude depends...what's it made of?04:43
ubuntuhow do i get the addon for compiz ? so i can add in 3D environment04:43
LadyNikonthen install.04:43
DingbatThey put the md5 in the metadata me thinks (of the file that is).04:43
bloodboyi can04:43
nickrudsome_dude: depends on the package, but it's not a good idea04:43
bloodboyi can't04:43
bloodboymy bandwidth is capped now04:43
defuegoRoxanneEDM there's also a nero for linux see the nero.com  website04:43
nano__according to the alsa website, the latest version of alsa is 1.0.15, but according to synaptic the latest version is 1.0.13.....does anybody know whats up with that?04:43
bloodboyi busted my download quota04:43
LadyNikonsorry to hear about that04:44
bloodboynow internet is so slow and i cant try Ubuntu :(04:44
gyaresuLadyNikon: bloodboy If you have a link then you can possibly 'wget -c file.iso'04:44
Dingbatbloodboy -- just ask for the CDs via mail.  It's free.04:44
nickrudnano_: because 1.0.15 (and .14) were released after ubuntu froze04:44
Dr_williscapped bandwith and its only the 7th? gesh.04:44
biousernano__, ubuntu is a little behind the bleeding edge04:44
LadyNikongyaresu: ?04:44
nano__what do you guys mean by "ubuntu froze"04:44
bloodboy19th this month it will come back04:44
gyaresuLadyNikon: If he's downloading a file that's possibly not complete then perhaps a 'continue' with wget will fix it.04:44
ubuntuSearch Advance Desktop Effects in Add/Remove programs ??04:44
DoonzHey can someone give me some one on one help with installing this piece of software? http://home-tj.org/wiki/index.php/Libata-tj-stable04:44
=== ubuntu is now known as EdwardXp
Dingbatbloodboy --> took me about 2 weeks to get mine.  You get 4~6 copies usually.  You can give some to friends.04:44
speeddemon8803This is an "ubuntu" support room...please limit your questions to "ubuntu" related topics...thanks :)04:45
bloodboythe file is complete04:45
Murdoc650I'm trying to install the adobe flash player so I can watch flash videos online but I cant get it to install, can anyone help?04:45
nickrudnano_: about 2 months before release, the package version's freeze, that is, don't change. After that, there will never be an updated package except for security or serious usability bug04:45
bloodboyi checked the file length04:45
gyaresu!flash | Murdoc65004:45
ubotuMurdoc650: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash04:45
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.04:45
gyaresuI win.04:45
bloodboyis there anyway to repair the file?04:45
bloodboylike perform data correction?04:45
nano__nickrud: so your saying i can't install alsa 1.0.15 using synaptic on my ubuntu 7.0404:45
gyaresubloodboy: What file did you download?04:45
IdleOne!info alsa04:46
ubotuPackage alsa does not exist in gutsy04:46
Dingbatbloodboy > you'd need the good file to compare to the badfile I think.04:46
nickrudnano_: gutsy will have 1.0.13 until it's end of life. And correct, unless you find a deb package or create it yourself04:46
nomasteryodathe new way with the binary from adobe just works... takes some amt. of brain, but not a geek to get'r done04:46
bloodboyMD5 : ca2d8ec01427aee582cdd990362e7dcb04:46
wweaselnano__: No, you would have to build it from source probably.04:46
Dr_willisbloodboy,  thers no real need to download the dvd either.. the cd will install the os just fine04:46
bloodboySHA1: 1ac9819aa0a65008be5e1a7bd203b38d3fb0849004:46
_AhtiWoah, did yous know that if you write /quit <name>  you can kick people off te channel 0.004:46
nickrudnano_: with security fixes backported from the current releases to the version in ubuntu of course04:46
speeddemon8803Bloodboy, just redownload the file...or get the cd....which will take 4-6 weeks...or get the dvd..which will take maybe 4 weeks.04:46
gyaresubloodboy: Does your ISP have a free mirror? That is usually the case and they don't cap you for that.04:46
bloodboywhats the difference between the cd and the DVD?04:46
nano__very interesting.....thanks fellow04:46
wweasel_Ahti: that is unacceptable conduct on a support channel04:47
IdleOne!ops _Ahti spamming lamer kiddy suff04:47
chiefinnovatorI applied these iptables rules from here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo and it seems to have slowed down my server.  Is that possible?04:47
speeddemon8803The dvd contains the repositories and the cd doesnt.04:47
wfroelichHi all, I've been using gusty and am running into some wireless problems here at home.  It's working great at the office so I don't think it's a driver issue.  Can anyone help?04:47
biousernano__, it is not that hard to build from source, but a bit dangerous in that it can confuse the system a bit in my experience... though I had some good success with it eventually04:47
wweaselhere goes the kicking.04:47
Dingbatbloodboy >> do you have LUG in your area?  (Linux User Group) ... maybe someone already has a copy.04:47
_AhtiAtleast i know that ubuntu community has grown a little04:47
nomasteryodabloodboy, or an Ubuntu Local group04:47
Dingbatbloodboy >> sneakernet is still very reliable.04:47
speeddemon8803I am a LUG supporter for the baton rouge area.04:47
nano__what is the difference between alsa-lib and alsa-utils?04:47
wweaselyay jrib04:47
Madpilotjrib, nice04:47
IdleOne2points for jrib04:48
* Doonz waits in the corner04:48
bloodboyi dont understand...04:48
nomasteryodalib is libraries and utils are tools04:48
speeddemon8803Bloodboy, what do you not understand?04:48
nano__what about alsa-drivers04:48
bloodboyhow come the Ubuntu FTP servers give me a corrupt download?04:48
th0rnano__ are you considering building from source?04:48
nickrudDoonz: nobody waits in the corner around here04:48
nano__th0r: yes i am04:48
wweaselnano__ they are parts of the whole of alsa04:48
Dingbatblooboy >> ftp is not self-correcting.04:48
th0rnano__ let's go to offtopic04:48
Dr_willisbloodboy,  data can get messed up during transmission.04:48
nugz1212how long does a distro upgrade take from 7.04 to 7.10 in the update manager?04:48
bloodboyi use ATI drivers and NVIDIA exe files, and never check the md5 sum04:48
Vad1Is there any terminal command that'll show me all programs that I can launch from the terminal?04:48
wweaselnano__: I'm sure you can find a tutorial on building alsa from source on the internet04:48
nano__th0r: what is offtopic?04:48
Dr_willisVad1,  hit tab a few times.04:49
IdleOnenugz1212: couple hours at least04:49
Dingbatbloodboy >> that's why sometimes it's better to download using bittorrent.04:49
th0rnano__ join #ubuntu-offtopic04:49
speeddemon8803Bloodboy, computers are never 100% foolproof or 100% error proof...thats just that.04:49
bloodboyis there any better way to download the DVD?04:49
nano__oh okay04:49
Vad1Dr_willis: How can I use that with grep?04:49
Dingbatbloodboy >> use bittorrent.04:49
IdleOnenugz1212: maybe more depending on hardware and connectivity04:49
jribnugz1212: depends on a lot of things (how many packages are installed, your connection, and your computer).  But a couple of hours is probably a good guess04:49
gyaresubloodboy: Does your ISP have a file mirror?04:49
Dr_willisbloodboy,  you dont really need the dvd at all.. and you could try torrents.04:49
bloodboymy ISP has04:49
Dr_willisVad1,  you dont really. thats the shells filename completion.04:49
gyaresubloodboy: With ubuntu on it?04:49
bloodboyand....it dont have the download that i want04:49
bloodboyonly has CD04:49
Dr_willisVad1,  the commands you have avail - depens on your PATH basially.04:49
Vad1Dr_willis: no way at all?04:49
nickrudDoonz: ubuntu already has libata .....04:49
bloodboynow i'm so sad :(04:50
Shadow6363hi, im trying to add an ntfs raid, which ive done before but cant seem to get working this time around.  when i go to run dmraid, i get the following output http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51176/04:50
bloodboyeven downloading from ISP mirrors is slow04:50
nomasteryodabloodboy, all the other stuff is smaller... the extras you want04:50
Dr_willisVad1, you could some how do a ls for every dir in the $PATH variable. if your eally wanted to.. not sure why that would be usefull to know all the app names.04:50
nomasteryodathat would be on the DVD04:50
Dr_willisive seen torrents for the cd's and dvd's both.04:50
Dingbatbloodboy >> http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/ubuntu-7.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent04:50
gyaresubloodboy: Ok. No offence but you don't sound like you need the 64bit version and you could do just fine with the normal cd not the dvd. Your ISP would also have the APT mirror by the sound of it so none of this would add to your bandwidth cap.04:50
Vad1Dr_willis: I just need to find one, I was hoping I could | grep it04:50
nugz1212my installer freezes, not crashing, but freezes up at 39 out of 59 packages to upgrade04:51
Dr_willisVad1,  type the first letter and hit tab perhaps? or use the locate command.04:51
Doonznickrud but is that with Pm support?04:51
gyaresuDingbat: He's got His ISP's mirror apparently. Should use that as he's capped.04:51
Dr_willisVad1,  or are you just trying to rember the name of it?04:51
nomasteryodabloodboy, check this list to see if some group is near you... http://www.linux.org/groups/australia.html04:51
bloodboysigh :*(04:51
bloodboyi can;t do anything now04:51
Vad1Dr_willis: actually I'm trying to find out what it's called. It should contain the word "terminal"04:51
pr0nGuyIs it possible to open .pub files in Linux?04:51
DingbatBloodboy >> Near what town in Australia do you live in?04:51
bloodboythey capped me04:51
nomasteryodathey will get what you need ... if don't have already04:51
nomasteryodano the usergroups04:52
gyaresubloodboy: Who is your ISP?04:52
nickrudDoonz: I'm not sure, but I think the 0808 release could be in the kernel, you could check the changelog04:52
Dr_willisVad1,  looking for gnome-terninal ?04:52
* Doonz is in over his head04:52
Dr_willisVad1,  locate terminal | grep bin | less04:52
benbVad1: sudo updatedb ; locate terminal04:52
DingbatBloodboy >> http://www.mlug.org.au/04:52
bloodboyshould i go ahead and perform a repair on my PC?04:52
Dr_willisVad1,   is one way04:52
DingbatThere's a linux user group in your area bloodboy.04:52
Enkidu_akGood evening04:53
bloodboyor take it to a technician04:53
nickrudDoonz: lol, I'm swimming hard too :004:53
Dingbatbloodboy, there's a LUG in melbourne04:53
Dingbatbloodboy >> http://www.mlug.org.au/04:53
Shadow6363in addition, nothing shows up under the /dev/mapper/ folder04:53
DingbatYou could get some help from there.04:53
Dr_willisbloodboy,  only you know your own skills with repairing pc's :)    You will want to learn how to do it all someday.04:53
benbbloodboy - what plan you on?04:53
Enkidu_akAre any of you familiar with LBRC? It is a service that allows you to use a bluetooth device as a uinput device.04:53
nomasteryodaDingbat, there you go that should help... he just needs to give them a buz04:54
bloodboyi'm so scared04:54
bloodboymy PC is hosed now :(04:54
Mr_Awesomeif i have rhythmbox running, i dont hear sound on videos that i play through firefox. any idea what could be wrong?04:54
bloodboyWindows won;t boot04:54
Dingbatbloodboy >> How are you in IRC if your PC is hosed?04:54
bloodboyusing my brothers PC04:54
bloodboyny data is not here though :(04:55
Dingbatbloodboy >> Just contact your town's LUG -- I'm sure you can find a bloke there who will be happy to help.04:55
DingbatBloodboy >> Maybe all you need is get the MBR restored (the original windows one).04:55
bloodboyi'm not sure what happened exactly04:56
bloodboywhen the dual boot installation was finalising...than the whole machine crashed04:56
speeddemon8803I wanna thank each and every operator and helper of this chat room for what you do. :)04:56
BrokenPipeWhy would the password popup for Administrative Tasks hang for a very long time after entering my password?  It happens on my desktop, but not on my media PC.04:56
bloodboyliterally crashed04:56
nomasteryodaand that is pretty simple to try ... tis worth a shot... boot windows cd and do recovery console then type fixmbr i think04:56
bloodboythe whole screen just blacked out and the hard disk look like it powered down04:56
bloodboyi though there was a power failure..04:57
DingbatWell -- first thinkg that happens in a multiboot setup is that the boot record gets changed ... grub gets installed ... you could fix your master boot record using your windows CD.04:57
DingbatThere's a command called fixmbr.04:57
bloodboynow when i turn on my PC there is only a black screen04:57
nephlimhow do i get firefox to open mms links with xmms rather than totem?04:57
bloodboydo you think the hardwae is spoilt?04:57
bloodboycan installing a corrupt Ubuntu image cause this problem?04:58
nomasteryodanephlim, try setting using about:config in the address bar and search for mms ?04:58
Dr_willisbloodboy,  given the limited info yuve given.. i doubt if we can tell.04:58
benbbloodboy: do you see the BIOS message?04:58
musikgoatnephlim: edit -> preferences -> content -> file types04:58
Dingbatbloodboy >> sounds more like a hardware failure. If all you get is a black screen, could be bad RAM, bad HD controller.  Doubt it's your OS that did that.04:58
nomasteryodaor what musikgoat said04:58
gyaresubloodboy: http://askbobrankin.com/fix_mbr.html04:58
bloodboyBIOS message then loading PBR....204:58
ali1234i'm trying to start a remote desktop session using vnc. i ran "vncserver :1" on the remote machine, but when i connect, it is stuck on the ubuntu (gnome) splash screen forever...04:58
bloodboyBLACK SCREEN04:58
benbget a live CD04:59
DoonzCan Anyone help me with getting my Port Multiplier to work?04:59
bloodboyi tried booting from CD but it didn't work04:59
BrokenPipeHow do I select a different default sound device for ALSA?04:59
bloodboymy brother did that actually04:59
* googlah haves a swedish snus04:59
LurnerHey.. I'm 3/4 of the way to getting a samba share to work. I've got both machines to see each other in the Network Neighbourhood/Places/Network area, and the Linux machine can access the XP machine but the XP machine is forced to do a log in to the Linux machine, so obviously I have to make an account on the linux machine for the XP machine. I have already said which folder I want to share, now how to I create an account for this Samba share04:59
Lurner ?04:59
DingbatBlooboy >> Your machine is a DELL right?04:59
CreedIm doing a report on Linux and was wondering, what is the correct term of the command line only thing on F2-6?05:00
Dr_willisLurner,  i alwsya make xp and linux users with identical names and passwords.. and i also give the linux user a samba password with 'sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME'05:00
nephlimmusikgoat, I tried the file types, and there's nothing there that lists mms type. in any event, everything is set to xmms anyway, and still no dice.05:00
bloodboymy mother won;t allow me to go to the LUG meeting05:00
Dr_willisLurner,  i make that password identical to the users password. :)05:00
DingbatBlooboy >> http://www.howtofixcomputers.com/bb/ftopic154522.html05:00
googlahLurner: Try to make a simple system user05:00
BrokenPipeSearching ubuntuforums.org really sucks... =\05:00
bloodboyFor those interested – Pre Meeting drinks/snacks at 6pm JAWA Bar – 297 Victoria St. North Melbourne.05:00
ali1234Creed: the console?05:00
bloodboyI can't drink05:00
PurpZeYCreed: A terminal, or console05:00
musikgoatnephlim: see if nomasteryoda's suggestion pan's out then?05:00
bloodboyand those ppl are way older than me...05:00
DingbatBloodboy >> http://www.howtofixcomputers.com/bb/ftopic154522.html05:00
Dr_willisI thought Beer flowed in the streets down there... :)05:00
Creedali1234 / PurpZeY really? Thought it was something else...tty...what does tty stand for?05:01
ubotuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.05:01
bloodboyDr willis y u said so?05:01
DingbatBloodboy, from what I'm reading about PBR 2 error, it could be that you trashed the utility partition that DELL installs on your machine.05:02
tssombazhang: i've tried to block the port the downloader is using for upload. but it's not working, what am i doing wrong?05:02
bloodboyyeah dingbat05:02
CreedPurpZeY, but what does tty stand for?05:02
lmillerHi, in gutsy there is something wrong with audio.05:02
speeddemon8803heh, ive trashed the recovery partition of my HP laptop...hp said i was done..i proved them wrong by recovering my rc partition.05:02
Malik_can some1 help me out ?05:03
PurpZeYCreed: I don't know. I'm sure someone does, if no  on here does I imagine google does05:03
bloodboyi think i better spent 500 aussie dollars to get it fixed by an IT professional05:03
gyaresuCreed: Teletypewriter05:03
tssombazhang: also, is there a way to block all ip's instead of just 1 and 1 ip?05:03
bloodboyi don't wanna lose my data05:03
DingbatBloodboy >> You might want to call DLL.05:03
Malik_iam jus a bit confused about ubuntu05:03
DingbatDELL that is05:03
ali1234Creed: see also man chvt. tty originally stood for teletype i believe05:03
bloodboyi got friends pictures inside05:03
Dr_willisbloodboy,  remove hd.. put it in 2nd machine.. backup imporntant data.05:03
DingbatThey might have tools to fix the Boot records on their stuff.05:03
Creedgyaresu, agh lol think Ill stick to tty, sounds more technical.05:03
Malik_wine is the program that helps you run windows app. on ubuntu rite05:03
bloodboysigh,,, expensive lesson05:03
Dr_williswell night all.05:03
apocalypt1i just got a second monitor and set up a dual display, but there are no title bars on my second monitor. the only thing i can think of is that i may not have adequate graphics hardware to operate this rig. i have a GeForce 6200 card with 256 mb of memory. is this adequate, and if so do you have any idea what is wrong?05:03
gyaresuCreed: PGP is Pretty Good Protection :) /ot05:03
Dr_willisits scary when just removing a recovery partition can trash a machine...05:04
Creedgyaresu, heh that I love ;)05:04
FlynsarmyHi. When i try to boot ubuntu it keeps failing to load the GUI then goes to a blue screen explaining it. Now i'm at the command line. Anyone know how to fix this?05:04
nugz1212upgrade still sitting at 39 out of 59 packages05:04
gyaresubloodboy: How most of us start really :) Give you something you HAVE to learn how to fix.05:04
speeddemon8803Yep, dr...but when you have the cd's its not too too bad...05:04
Dr_williseven then.. the rc souldent stop the machien from booting the cd.05:04
lmillerno sound on youtube, and in xmms, the volume control is loud and unaffected by the system volume. In fact, the system volume controls can only go on the scale of loud (0%) to very loud (100%)05:04
DingbatDr_Willis >> I ghost my machines (Acronis True Image) before I do anything on them.05:04
ali1234apocalypt1: "title bars"? you mean, the panels, or window decorations?05:04
DingbatDr_Willis >> I have a USB Drive that I use just for pre-emptive imaging.05:04
speeddemon8803Dingbat, same here :)05:04
Dr_willisMy Gateway has a little rescue partition.. not sure what it does exactly. :)05:05
DingbatDr_Willis >> Saved my derriere.05:05
ali1234apocalypt1: 6200 is more than adequate05:05
gyaresuFlynsarmy: Is this a new system? Upgraded kernel? Used automatix?05:05
biouserwhat to add to sources.list to get medibuntu?  link?05:05
Dingbatbloodboy >> before spending money ... call Dell.  Maybe they can help you fix it.05:05
speeddemon8803my hp came with a recovery partition..i removed it...then re-installed it with a program that hp said they couldnt put back on my pc...and it came from their website.05:05
Dingbatbloodboy >> they may be able to restore the system from the rescue partition.05:05
Dr_willisIm sure theres plenty of guides/sites/info about dells and how to rescue them..05:06
Dingbatbloodboy >> you did create your rescue CD/DVD right?05:06
gyaresuDr_willis: Windows OS install files. Doesn't help when the drive dies. Sometimes you have a utility to make a cd/dvd out of them from within windows.05:06
speeddemon8803Dingbat, I hope he did..if not...wow...bad bad bad thing.05:06
Flynsarmygyaresu: It's a few months old. the error is 'The display sever has been shut down 6 times in the last 90 seconds.' Automatix is installed but i haven't touched it since i installed ubuntu months ago. Last night i marked packages by task in synaptic package manager and installed audio and video editing software. that's when the problems began05:06
PurpZeYDingbat: Generally, in my experience, they will tell you if you messed with the partition table you screwed it and are on your own05:06
apocalypt1ali1234:ok, good. any idea whats wrong?05:07
WinShadehello all... ubuntu newbie, am i in the right place?05:07
speeddemon8803Purp...yeah, but ive got a little thing called an A+ certification that keeps my butt safe :)05:07
ali1234apocalypt1: sounds like nothing is wrong at all05:07
PurpZeYWinShade: Yes.05:07
speeddemon8803Yes you are Winshade :)05:07
angelwhat is the name of the software that will make 2 hds look like 1?05:07
Flynsarmygyaresu: After they installed i rebooted and my screen resolution was gone. so i went into xorg.conf and added 1440x900 to the screen res list, rebooted and now can't get the GUI at all05:07
gyaresuFlynsarmy: You've updated packages that are now messed up because of automatix. Hard to help you, can be done manually but might be time for a clean install.05:07
th0rWinShade yup05:07
ali1234apocalypt1: by default there are no panels on the second monitor05:07
Flynsarmygyaresu: OK, thanks05:07
gyaresuangel: You mean RAID?05:07
mortal1does anyone know what config file I need to use to make telnetd use a differnet port (yes I know it's insecure)05:07
th0rangel raid05:07
WinShadek great. i'm sure u guys get a bunch of my type showing up, and tell me if this can easily be found in the FAQ section and i'll try to figure it out from there05:08
speeddemon8803WinShade, you can ask and we can probably get you an answer without redirecting...most of the time.05:08
angelth0r, gyaresu so i hvae 2 160gb and i want ubuntu to see it as 1 320gb. i would use raid?05:08
gyaresu!welcome | WinShade05:08
ubotuWinShade: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.05:08
apocalypt1ali1234: its not that there arent panels, there are 2. its that the windows dont have title bars (and as such, no close, minimise, move, etc)05:08
gyaresu!ask | WinShade05:08
ubotuWinShade: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)05:08
biousernm the medibuntu question... just needed to wget05:08
th0rangel yup...but I don't know how...never set one up05:09
lmillerSo, volume control on 0% is still loud, but gets louder when sliding it up...05:09
ali1234apocalypt1: in that case it sounds like the window manager didn't run or crashed. turn off desktop effects... they dont work with dual head and the 6200, at least not for me05:09
lmillerany suggestions?05:09
river444Hey guys, Need some help :P, I'm trying to install ubuntu on my hard drive ( not my first time, but 3rd xD ) and I'm getting this error, ACPI: unable to loard the system description tables, how do I fix this?05:09
speeddemon8803Welcome all users to the official Ubuntu IRC support channel! We are all volunteers (meaning we are not paid for our services). If you need help do not be afraid to ask a question. Dont ask to ask..just do it :)05:09
Scuniziriver444: turn off acpi on install..05:10
speeddemon8803Thanks, have a wonderful day!05:10
pr0nGuyIs there a way to open .pub files in Linux?05:10
river444and how might I do this scunizi05:10
gyaresupr0nGuy: openoffice.org05:10
DoonzCan Anyone help me with getting my Port Multiplier to work?05:10
gyaresupr0nGuy: no. wait. that's not right.05:11
th0rriver444 when the disk boots there is a chance to enter options....just type 'acpi=off' and hit return05:11
ali1234pr0nGuy: hexdump -C *.pub05:11
BrokenPipeHow do I select a different default sound device for ALSA?05:11
WinShadei recently got a laptop my friend wuz gunna just throw away. i've been wanting to try ubuntu forever so what better opportunity. unfortunately it runs in "low graphics mode". after the dialog disappears it remains in a black screen. Somewhere I read I can just press ctrl+alt+F2 to drop to a command line and that works. In windows you can get information like manufacturer code, etc for unidentified devices. Is there anyway to do this in05:11
WinShadethe ubuntu command prompt so that I know which drivers i'm looking for?05:11
Scuniziriver444: not really sure.. it's one of the boot options. someone here should know.. look up at th0r 's response  :)05:11
th0rWinShade ask your question05:11
river444th0r, after it says acpi though it also says, Kernel Panic - not syncing? will turning off acpi fix that too?05:12
shadixI'm still having trouble installing Cube, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51177/ i followed all the steps here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=266058 note I'm not installing Cube2 just Cube05:12
th0rriver444 don't know...but it is the first thing I would try05:12
river444I Just tryed to reboot and I didnt see an option to turn off acpi lol05:13
gyaresuWinShade: You might find either the 'Alternative' (text based) or xubuntu better than the standard install if the machine is very low spec.05:13
induhi all, can i get help on webserve plugin of bazaar here05:13
WinShadeo sorry, i forgot to mention that i did resort to installing via the text based, however now that i have i still need to find the drivers05:13
th0rWinShade Alt-Ctl-F2 won't work til the system is booted. If I were you I would try the alternate cd...this is an older laptop from your desc and probably doesn't have much ram/cpu/hd05:13
biouserthanks all!  fixed enough issues for the night!05:14
induI installed webserve, and when trying to access it, I am getting a message on the browser like Section Not found05:14
shadixWinShade: have you finished the installation or is this happeneing during05:14
th0rWinShade then you have ubuntu booting on this computer>05:14
induwhere as i have approriate configurations in the weberve conf file,05:14
WinShadeyes, i have finished the install05:14
th0rWinShade what drivers are you looking for?05:14
indumy webserve conf file can be found here, http://pastebin.ca/84626905:14
gyaresuWinShade: so go to the command prompt ctrl+alt+F2, login and from there you can type lspci to start with.05:15
WinShadethats the problem.. i dunno. for starters I wanna figure out what my graphics card is, so I can maybe get into the desktop screen... but I don't know how to identify devices like i could with windows05:15
WinShadei'll try lspci one sec05:15
malnilionWinShade, you could see what vid card you have in System>Preferences>Hardware Information as well05:15
th0rWinShade ok....lspci, lsusb, lshw05:15
river444can someone tell me how I go about disabling acpi?05:15
Scunizimalnilion: he's got a  black screen05:16
PurpZeYth0r: I thinks WinShade is a little confused...he wants to install video drivers to get into x...and install drivers...a windows type thing05:16
gyaresuWinShade: th0r glxinfo hwinfo...05:16
th0r river444 when the disk boots there is a chance to enter options....just type 'acpi=off' and hit return05:16
malnilionScunizi, oh I thought he meant he was in safe graphics mode05:16
th0rPurpZeY yeah...I am waiting for the smoke to clear and will see if he has a desktop he can get into05:17
PurpZeYth0r: Just making sure you realized what was going on..;)05:17
pr0nGuyali1234: that command didn't seem to work.05:17
th0rWinShade when you boot ubuntu, do you get a graphic login or just text mode?05:17
river444th0r, I get another error. MP-BIOS bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC, then below it, it is, Kernel panic-not syncing: no init found. Try passing init=option kernel05:18
WinShadei get a graphical "running in low-resolution" dialog, then when i press continue i get nothing. also when it's in low resolution there's weird striped lines goin thru the screen, so i figured ubuntu wasnt having an easy time with the graphics card05:19
zobfSPEAK TO ME05:19
th0rriver444 I don't know...don't recognize anything in there...sorry.05:19
WinShadebut when i press ctrl+alt+f2 i do get a command line05:19
gyaresuWinShade: And did you run 'lspci'?05:20
WinShadelspci gives me a bunch of devices but the important one (far as i can tell) is "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03)05:20
WinShadeshould i just look up a driver for that now?05:21
gyaresuWinShade: Yep.05:21
WinShadeaight i'll try that, and msg u if i have any problems05:22
ScuniziWinShade:  perhaps changing the graphic driver.  from the terminal type sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf .. when it opens look for the line that mentions the video driver.  It's probably listed as nv or nvidia.. change it to vesa then ctrl +o then ctrl+x.. now CTRL+Alt+backspace to restart the graphics screen and driver.05:22
shadixI'm still having trouble installing Cube, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51177/ i followed all the steps here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=266058 note I'm not installing Cube2 just Cube05:22
FastZI dont have a boot splash screen when I boot into Ubuntu.  Where do I enable that?05:22
ubotuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.05:22
ubotuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork05:22
WinShadeScunizi: I'll give that a shot now, one sec05:22
th0rWinShade bet it is uvcvideo05:23
shadixoh beat me to it05:23
marx2kok who has a link to a tutorial that fixes the Ubuntu issue that has me reinstalling the Nvidia driver from the website on every reboot?05:23
james296is it at all possible to be able to have Ubuntu update the current software that is in Synaptic to their latest stable versions?05:23
th0rWinShade type 'lsmod | grep video' and see if uvcvideo is loaded (or some other video module)05:24
james296take Gimp for example05:24
PurpZeYjames296: That little orange icon in the upper right hand corner05:24
LeechzillaHi, is it possible to get filename of the video playing in VLC player, from Terminal?05:24
james296or Pidgin05:24
gyaresuWinShade: Can you check that the BIOS has allocated enough memory to the video controler. You should be able to give it at least 32MB and 64MB if you've got enough RAM.05:24
james296that doesnt update them to their LATEST stable versions05:24
ali1234james296: no, you have to wait for somebody to package it for ubuntu05:24
nickrudjames296: you can find some stuff by enabling the backports05:24
james296only to the version thats available in the Gutsy repositories05:24
up_the_ironsI've recently installed Ubuntu Server 7.10 on a 64-bit Intel box.  I'm not used to parted, instead fdisk.  I'm trying to make do.  I have a lot of free space (4.4TB) on this RAID5 of mine.  But if I do "mkpart primary 102gb 4400gb" in parted, the partition won't get bigger than 2099gb05:24
up_the_ironsany tips?05:24
ali1234james296: if you must have bleeding edge, just compile it yourself, it isn;t that hard05:25
gyaresuLeechzilla: 'vlc --help'05:25
WinShadeok in the xorg file it says "identifier "Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G/GE Chipset In$ then Driver "intel"05:25
nickrudjames296: that's not the way ubuntu works. A release is a release, you'll see new software in april05:25
WinShadeis that whats supposed to be there?05:25
james296thats gay...05:25
WinShadeThor: i'll try it now, gyaresu one sec, i'll try to see what i can /cant do with the bios in a second05:25
malnilionWinShade, yeah, I would say so05:25
FastZPurpZey, the Gnome splash screen isnt what I'm talking about, I'm talking about the Ubuntu splash screen when you first boot into Ubuntu05:25
nickrudjames296: that's stablility and predictability05:25
th0rWinShade probably. Try this at the command prompt....sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh05:26
james296isnt Gimp 4.2 stable enough??05:26
PurpZeY!usplash | FastZ05:26
ubotuFastZ: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork05:26
WinShadeth0r: video       18060  005:26
james296same with Pidgin 2.3.105:26
astro76!timebasedreleases | james29605:26
ubotujames296: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases05:26
nickrudjames296: there are other distros that do that if you like05:26
th0rWinShade give that dpkg command a try05:26
ScuniziWinShade: that might be it  but if you want to test change "intel" to "vesa".. it can always be changes back.05:27
malnilionjames296, I'm pretty sure gimp 2.4.2 is in the repos...05:27
james296I have tried to deal with PCLinuxOS but the way it is, just somethin about it doesnt suit my taste...05:27
FernandoLujanIs anyone available to help me with some problems? Ubuntu doesn't recognize my sound card, and I'm not sure what to do.05:27
UnknownUniverseHow do I remove network manager icon?05:27
shadixFastZ: I think they removed it with Gutsy05:27
james296gimp 2.4.2 isnt in the repos....05:27
UnknownUniverseFernandoLujan: #alsa05:27
nickrudmalnilion: you must have backports enabled05:27
DoonzSo can anyone help me with getting Ubuntu set up with port multipliers?05:27
WinShadeth0r: i selected 800x600 since i figure most monitors of this age can handle at least that. what do i do again to start up the graphical interface?05:28
jeff__where is the thing to check boxes to turn on proprietary drivers or not?05:28
malnilionnickrud, ah, I see.05:28
WinShadeScunizi: I'm not ignoring u, just surrounded by a bunch of options. i'll try that next05:28
Leechzillagyaresu: There's nothing there about getting the filename. Is there any other way?05:28
PurpZeYjeff__: System --> Adm --> Restricted Drivers Manager05:28
Doonzseriously nobody can05:28
th0rWinShade hit Alt-F7 and if it is running it will take you to the gui, if it isn't running, hit Alt-F2 again and type startx05:28
hunchybunchFernandoLujan, have you tried alsaconfig yet?05:28
UnknownUniversePlease how do I disable network manager icon in panel05:28
jeff__in kubuntu?05:28
ScuniziWinShade: no problem05:28
gyaresuLeechzilla: Does it have to be vlc? mplayer will do everything but dvd menus from the command line...05:29
PurpZeYjeff__: I don't know how to get to it necessarily in kde but it's the restricted drivers manager05:29
FernandoLujanhunchybunch, alsamixer in the terminal?05:29
WinShadeth0r: still getting weird blue alternating dots set up in a neat stripe pattern vertically on the screen05:29
th0rWinShade yeah...it isn't configuring the modelines correctly.05:29
WinShadeth0r: totally black screen otherwise, seems its not doing anything (loading or anything)05:29
nickrudUnknownUniverse: killall nm-applet (temporary)05:29
th0rWinShade give the other guys a shot...maybe their ideas will work05:30
WinShadek thx05:30
malnilionUnknownUniverse, well, you could remove network manager entirely if you don't need it for wifi or anything.05:30
FernandoLujanhunchybunch, Can you explain what I should do for alsaconfig? I don't think I have tried that.05:30
UnknownUniversemalnilion: I'm using eth005:30
gyaresunickrud: 'pkill' rather than killall to just get most of the name right.05:30
rredd4_does itunes software work with wine in 7.10?05:30
DoonzSo can anyone help me with getting Ubuntu set up with port multipliers?05:31
gyaresuWinShade: http://wiki.zenwalk.org/index.php?title=82845G/GL_Integrated_Graphics_Device And I'd have a look at the bios setting...05:31
malnilionUnknownUniverse, well if you don't use wifi, I might just go ahead and remove it05:31
nickrudgyaresu: I've used that intermittently, but never saw a reason to prefer ...05:31
Leechzillagyaresu: mplayer would be nice too, but I don't see such an option in help05:31
ScuniziDoonz: probably not tonight..  you might try #ubuntu-server05:31
WinShadeScunizi: ok so i changed it to vesa and saved. alt+F7, gives thicker more consitent blue lines over a black screen05:31
WinShadegyaresu: thank you, will check it out now05:31
gyaresuLeechzilla: To run a file from the command line? With mplayer it's just 'mplayer file.avi'05:32
ScuniziWinShade: did you restart the GUI?05:32
UnknownUniverseok malnilion But I'll just killall nm-applet05:32
Leechzillagyaresu, no to display the filename of what I'm playing already05:32
WinShadeScunizi: how? :$05:32
gyaresuLeechzilla: As an overlay?05:32
Leechzillagyaresu, no, in terminal05:32
nickrudheh. He's gone and done it :)05:32
ScuniziWinShade: ctrl+alt+backspace... kinda like ctrl+alt+delete on windows but less distructive05:32
WinShadeScunizi: lol, will do05:33
gyaresuLeechzilla: 'mplayer file.avi' Then it sits there playing in the terminal so you can just see what it is.05:33
WinShadegives the same black screen but the blue lines are less consistent again..05:34
Leechzillagyaresu, no thats not what im looking for05:34
LeechzillaI need it for using it in a screen, not for me to "see" it05:34
WinShadebtw is there any way to restart or shutdown the computer from the command line? i dont want to hard boot every time05:34
ScuniziWinShade: do one more change.. change from vesa to nv then restart the GUI again.05:34
gyaresuLeechzilla: So you want to play a bunch of files and have a script detect the name of the file playing?05:35
corinthI have a folder of txt files I'd like to lock. Anyone know how to set a folder to only open with a password? A native way OR another application.05:35
LeechzillaWinShade: sudo reboot05:35
WinShadeScunizi: k05:35
nickrudWinShade: reboot or halt (with sudo)05:35
WinShadeLeechzilla: thx :)05:35
Leechzillagyaresu: yes05:35
Shadixhey i can't get this right none of my games will play they all just hang. Graphics issues I'm using the flgx driver. Open Area just hung and now I can't move my mouse05:35
ScuniziWinShade: sure.. sudo reboot or sudo shutdown now05:35
Starnestommyor sudo telinit 0/605:35
FastZshadix:  it shows with every other clean install of Gutsy I have on other machines.05:35
roro98812i was trying to boot from a ubunto live cd but after the loading page with the bar thingy it stops on a black screen ... whts the problem some1 helllllp!!!!05:35
Starnestommy0 for shutdown, 6 for reboot05:35
nickrudas always, many ways05:35
malnilionshutdown -r now :P05:36
ShadixFastZ: I've never seen it since my card can"t handle the splash05:36
gyaresuLeechzilla: 'ps auxf |grep mplayer' then pass it to awk or similar05:36
Starnestommyroro98812: hit F6 at the boot menu and change "quiet splash" to "nosplash"?05:36
WinShadegyaresu: UMA Video Memory: 1 MB (something tells me that's pretty low)05:36
Doonz*sigh* this sux05:36
roro98812ok thx ill try it05:36
gyaresuWinShade: :) I thinx I've foundz it!05:36
WinShadegyaresu: ?05:36
Leechzillagyaresu: That's the only way? Cause that wouldn't tell me if the video is paused or playing05:37
Shadixroro98812: you can also just delete "quiet splash" from the kernel line if you don't care to have a splash.05:37
gyaresuWinShade: If you've got 512MB ram then set it to 64MB or similar.05:37
acee1234anyone know how to get full screen to work  on youtube it flashes up then disappears shortly after hitting the full screen button05:37
SANTAbiosi lost my  main tool bar, how do i get it back to the top?05:37
Shadixok brb reboot05:37
BakefyI am installing ubuntu server and I got an error, "grub error 18" to me that means my hard drive is too big...05:37
roro98812thx shadix05:37
Bakefycan I set the partition up so that it works?05:37
SANTAbiosi lost my  main tool bar, how do i get it back to the top?,the one thats says apps ect...05:37
SANTAbiosi lost my  main tool bar, how do i get it back to the top?,the one thats says apps ect...05:38
WinShadegyaresu: bios only allows me to go up to 8 MB05:38
malnilionWinShade, do it05:38
FastZShadix:  maybe that's my problem.  Maybe the card in this notebook cant handle showing the splash.  It's no big deal really.  Just annoying to sit there looking at a solid black screen while Ubuntu is booting before the gdm login screen comes up.05:38
nickrudSANTAbios: do you know how you lost it? Did you delete it?05:38
malnilionWinShade, I'm betting it'll make a difference05:38
hunchybunchFernandoLujan, i thought there was a  alsaconfig backport, i guess not.  i would grep your dmesg and lsmod to see if it loaded your module first05:39
StarnestommyFastZ: edit the entry /boot/menu.lst where it says "quiet splash" to say "nosplash05:39
bullgard4I have got two DEB program packages on my Ubuntu 7.10 computer: linux-source "Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches". Why is its size only 53.2 kB in contrast to linux-source-2.6.22 version 2.6.22-14.47 which comprises 45.5 MB?05:39
nickrudSANTAbios: you can reset the panels to the default by typing in a terminal,    gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && pkill gnome-panel05:39
Shadixok imma back05:40
nickrudbullgard4: the source is in /usr/src as a tarball05:40
WinShadegyaresu/malnilion: ok, the interface loaded up but i'm still getting those blue lines on the screen. it doesnt matter that much to me that i have perfect picture, but if it's not too much trouble can u help me troubleshoot?05:41
hunchybunchanyone getting water effects with compiz - mine does nothing :((05:41
ShadixI'm having serious graphics issues, on reboot or shutdown my comp hangs and i get green,yellow, and red snow.05:41
malniliongyaresu, good call on the ram, do you think his refresh rates might be off?05:41
bullgard4nickrud: I do not quite understand. One size is kilobytes, the other Megabytes. A tarball does not compress Megabytes into kilobytes.05:42
gyaresuWinShade: malnilion http://wiki.zenwalk.org/index.php?title=82845G/GL_Integrated_Graphics_Device That might help. Set VideoRam higher and get some proper res. Is it an LCD or CRT?05:42
hunchybunchShadix, you have one monitor?05:42
Shadixhunchybunch: try shift+F9 or shift+super key+f905:42
malniliongyaresu, WinShade is on a laptop05:42
gyaresumalnilion: k.05:43
WinShadeLCD (laptop)05:43
nickrudbullgard4: read the description of linux-source- , it says that package will always depend on the lastest kernel source. It's like a pointer to the real thing05:43
WinShadei'm slow on the uptake sumtimes :)05:43
gyaresuWinShade: Can you edit files from the command line?05:43
WinShadei figured out nano alrite05:43
Shadow147hey I have to reinstall my windows XP system is there a way to install grub and for it to detect both Linux/XP05:43
bullgard4nickrud: Ah, yes, a pointer. This makes sense. --  Thank you very much for commenting.05:44
malnilionWinShade, try going back into sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:44
hunchybunchShadix, been there, done that - maybe my old video card cant hack it.05:44
acee1234anyone know how to get full screen to work  on youtube it flashes up then disappears shortly after hitting the full screen button05:44
malnilionWinShade, and change the driver to "i810"05:44
nickrudbullgard4: you'll see that a lot in the packaging system. It's the same principle behind the ubuntu-desktop package05:44
gyaresuWinShade: Cool. Then you could go to ctrl+alt+F2 and edit the (after backing up) /etc/X11/xorg.conf file05:45
speeddemon8803!nl | hunbuso05:45
ubotuhunbuso: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl05:45
Shadixhunchybunch: could be, i hate video card issues that my problem now05:45
bullgard4nickrud: right.05:45
hunchybunchShadix, only one monitor, right?05:45
Scunizimalnilion: WinShade might need to sudo apt-get install i81005:45
nickrudspeeddemon8803: how did you know that was dutch? it was gobbledegook on xchat here05:45
Shadixyep LCD digital05:45
gyaresumalnilion: You help out WinShade. I'll pop in if I'm needed.05:45
malnilionScunizi, good point05:45
speeddemon8803Pretty sure it was dutch.05:45
malniliongyaresu, thanks for posting that zenwalk wiki link05:46
speeddemon8803If not, oh well they will get redirected again.05:46
Shadow147hey I have to reinstall my windows XP system is there a way to install grub and for it to detect both Linux/XP?05:46
Scunizimalnilion: WinShade or if that doesn't find it.. then sudo aptitude for the text based graphical apt tool..05:46
gyaresuShadow147: Do you have to reinstall or repair xp?05:46
nickrudspeeddemon8803: you obviously saw real characters, I didn't. I wonder why...05:46
DoonzSo can anyone help me with getting Ubuntu set up with port multipliers?05:47
gyaresuShadow147: Are xp and ubuntu on the same drive?05:47
Shadow147gyaresu reinstall it05:47
speeddemon8803I am not the all knowing speeddemon but I do try to at least point our users to a place where they may or may not get the help they need. If they dont get the help they need, they get redirected yet again.05:47
WinShademalnilion: i didn't think to backup, and when i did the ctrl+alt+backspace it loaded a black screen :(05:47
nickrud!grub | Shadow14705:47
ubotuShadow147: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:47
biouserhow to uninstall a program that was installed on wine?05:47
Shadow147gyaresu no they are on 2 seperate drives05:47
gyaresuShadow147: Nice. That'll help heaps.05:47
JangariShadow147: backup your grub, then reinstall xp, then use super grub disk, then copy back the menu.lst from the backup you made05:47
WinShadeScunizi: i'd try those but this laptop's wifi card still isnt operational05:47
speeddemon8803My best friend speaks dutch, and when someone starts talking like that she can talk to them..so it must be dutch.05:47
corinthI have a folder of txt files I'd like to lock. Anyone know how to set a folder to only open with a password? A native way OR another application.05:47
speeddemon8803is all i can figure.05:47
ScuniziWinShade: can you plug it  directly in.. w/ ethernet cable?05:48
Shadixhunchybunch: I'm using the (ATI Radeon (fglrx)) driver with a Radeon x700 pro05:48
gyaresuShadow147: What Jangari said. (grub IS on the ubuntu disk right?) Then you wouldn't need to edit it, just unplug the drive for safety and reinstall xp. Then plug the drive back in.05:48
hunchybunchShadix, are you gutsy?05:48
nickrudspeeddemon8803: no, I mean I saw stuff that was obviously no known language. Bunch of caps with odd characters, like superscript 2. I have language issues05:48
WinShadeit's a bit of an issue, i'll c if it works, but again, i lost the display.. what can i do?05:48
malnilionScunizi, I don't think there's an i810 package, I think those drivers *should* be included by default in Ubuntu, but I'm not sure05:48
Jangariif they're on separate hard drives, gyaresu, rather than seperate partitions05:49
gyaresunickrud: I saw that also (not a reall language) and I'm using rxvt-unicode05:49
Jangarihelps just to make a copy of the grub now though, then restoring it post windows installation is easy, but you still need to background the MBR using super grub disk05:49
Shadow147gyaresu really well I just want to be safe than sorry05:49
gyaresuJangari: He said they were separate drives.05:49
Jangariah, pardon05:49
nickrudmalnilion: there's xserver-xorg-video-i81005:49
ScuniziWinShade: often xorg will automatically make a backup.  look in /etc/X11 for xorg.<something>  if it's there there's a way to copy it back05:50
hunchybunchShadix, i had the same problem when plugging into my TVout port, TV was ok, but monitor went white and funky.  using the fglrx driver that is.05:50
WinShadeumm... how? i have no display...05:50
malnilionnickrud, that'd be the one lol05:50
WinShadethe computer's fan just went crazy just down05:50
evil_techdoes ubuntu not have support for IT8212 IDE controller05:50
ScuniziWinShade: ctrll+alt+f2?05:50
JangariShadow147: you can just try anything, there's no chance of harming ubuntu by reinstalling windows, it's just a pain to restore the grub, is all05:51
WinShadeScunizi: that did nothing05:51
speeddemon8803Nick, I am not using Ubuntu atm, but I do have language packs in windows that help me with that issue. :)05:51
nickrudspeeddemon8803: ah, one of those non standard things05:51
* nickrud is at peace with his machine again05:51
Jangarialright, i'm out05:51
Doonzso are there any more support channels i could try05:52
Shadixhunchybunch: is there a better driver out there?05:52
ScuniziWinShade: I'm at a loss at this point. I'll let others take over from here.. good luck.05:52
WinShade:S, when i restarted i got a message about the computer having to shutdown to maintain temperature... could that have been caused by the change we made to the video thinger?05:52
WinShadeScunizi: it works now05:52
* speeddemon8803 pats nick's pc...it be ok ;)05:52
WinShadeno blue stripes or anything :p05:52
astro76Doonz: what do you mean by port multiplier, a kvm?05:52
Shadow147Jangari I want to make sure I can restore grub to be my loader instead of winXP loader05:52
malnilionWinShade, awesome!05:52
WinShadeguess even linux systems needs a reboot every now and then05:52
Shadow147because I will have to wipe the hard drive05:52
reverendnathanHey gang, adept is telling me amarok and amarok-xine need updates indefinately. Meaning, they've been updated, but keeps insisting on an update. How do I correct this?05:52
gyaresuDoonz: What was the issue?05:53
ScuniziWinShade: as in "correctly"? or sort of.05:53
Doonztrying to get my port multiplier to work05:53
nickrudShadow147: it's not hard to do, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows has instructions.05:53
attickiddoes making a partition for ./usr/ is really usefull would anyone recommend me to do this for any special reason?05:53
WinShadeya, totally fine, cept for that weird temperature thing. hopefully that won't recur05:53
nickrudattickid: no reason at all anymore05:53
ScuniziWinShade: what kind of lappy is it?05:53
gyaresuDoonz: What do you mean 'port multiplier'?05:53
WinShadeIt's a dell inspiron|110005:54
gyaresuWinShade: If you know what you did to fix it. Add it to the help.ubuntu.com wiki for others.05:54
attickidnickrud: It would be ok just making a partition for /home right?05:54
Doonzthats what im trying to get to work05:54
Doonzit has a 5-1 port multiplier on port 105:54
nickrudattickid: yeah, / and /home are all you really need. Some people do /var because they are worried about logs or such running them out of disk space05:55
astro76Doonz: it's an esata controller, I'd suggest calling it that when asking for help ;)05:55
ScuniziWinShade: you might want to search ubuntuforums.org and see if there are any issues with the fan thing. there may be a fix if it becomes an issue in the future..05:55
WinShadei'll do that. but i think it's just changing the x11 file to "i810" from "vesa" or whatever it was before.which is what the site you sent me tells me to do anyways05:55
Doonzyes but its the port multiplier part that isnt working05:55
malnilionWinShade, for what it's worth, I've got a similar onboard video card in an old desktop of mine and it runs Desktop Effects semi decently in case you get curious ;)05:55
Doonzthe controller card is fine05:55
WinShadealright, i'll do that, thanks scunizi05:55
astro76Doonz: no, the whole thing is an esata controller, there is no port multiplier05:55
WinShademalnilion: i planned on trying that, thx05:55
ScuniziWinShade: next is wireless..  no experience there.. good luck..  have fun :)  Next thing you know all your machines will be running something other than WinXX05:56
Elder__it says i have flash installed but it wont display it on any of the webpages that require it and still says i have additional plug-ins to be installed05:56
Doonzok well you seem to know alot about it... how do i get the module that supports PM installed into ubuntu 7.1005:56
gyaresuDoonz: Look at the side menu of that site. Under 'Port Multiplier'05:56
WinShadelol, hope so05:56
Elder__any thoughts?05:56
WinShadeVista is on my laptop cuz i use visual studio to write programs in c#05:57
Doonzthat is the walkthrough i tried following05:57
WinShadeis there anyway for me to use visual studio semi-decently thru linux?05:57
gyaresuDoonz: Where are you with it? Is it recognised?05:57
attickidnickrud: Im about to install linxu again..can I just save the usr/ folder and paste it in the new installation to get all packages I got in the older one?05:57
Shadow147Jangari hey how do I find out where grub is installed?05:57
Doonzthe card is but its only reconising 1 hdd05:57
Doonz1 outta 5 attached05:57
bulmer!clone | attickid05:57
ubotuattickid: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate05:57
ChuckFuI am using Ubuntu 7.10 with a Diamond Stealth Radeon 9250 card, it is not listed in the driver for the card , what drive should I use05:57
ScuniziWinShade: yep.. sort of.. load linux and vmware server (free) then load windows to run in a window in linux :)  Virtual Machine..05:58
nickrudattickid: no, see the clone above05:58
ScuniziWinShade: or dual boot.05:58
attickidok thanks:)05:58
matkixAnyone here know anything about cpanel?05:58
malnilionWinShade, yeah vmware's cool, but I wouldn't suggest it on your super old lappie ;)05:58
WinShadeScunizi: sounds nice, i tried dual booting once. that was a nightmare. i really didnt like it. i'll give vmware a shot at some point.05:58
gyaresuDoonz: Are you using 6.06 Dapper?05:58
Doonzsee that was my next question05:59
ScuniziWinShade: not on the old lappy though.. something with more umpf05:59
WinShademalnilion: o no, thats for my newer laptop that i'm on right now05:59
river444hey what does 1 long system beep followed by 2 short ones mean?05:59
Doonzshould i install 6.06 instead of 7.1005:59
nickrudChuckFu: in a terminal, type  glxinfo | grep direct05:59
WinShadei hate vista with a passion. but i'm willing to give it another shot once SP1 comes out05:59
gyaresuDoonz: Are you using a vanilla kernel from kernel.org (unpatched)? Are you using exactly linux-
nickrudChuckFu: what that does is check for whether or not you have 3d acceleration with the driver you're using right now06:00
river444hey what does 1 long system beep followed by 2 short ones mean?06:00
gyaresuDoonz: Unless the latest kernel supports your card.06:00
Leechzilla_Does the VLC player package for Ubuntu come with D-Bus control enabled?06:00
Doonzwell im running 2.6.2206:00
Elder__river444: do you get video?06:00
Doonzthat site has it06:00
gyaresuYou need to find out if the patches are in the kernel you are using or an even more recent one. Gutsy for example.06:00
Doonzhow how how06:00
river444elder no, but it the beeps come out almost instantly06:01
gyaresuDoonz: K. Stay calm. I'm looking :)06:01
revilodra1who will read my xorg.conf to tell me where my resolution problem lies?06:01
Doonzsorry im only going on day 2 of this06:01
Elder__river444: most likely a memory error.. probably a bad stick of ram.06:01
FactTechQuestion: Is there any way to determine the filesystem type of a mounted hard drive?06:01
WinShadeok next issue: I go under the system menu to get to "Screen resolution preferences". it only lets me select 640x480 60. it's not even using the full screen space, so i defn think it can support more. any takers?06:01
Doonzand now its a lovely 3 am and i need to be up by 606:01
gyaresuDoonz: What's the cards output from 'lspci'06:02
FactTechrevilodral What kind of problem are you having?06:02
biousermy ubuntu is getting pretty crunk06:02
gyaresuDoonz: You won't fix it tonight then. Best come back with a fresh head.06:02
Doonzi have someone helping me06:02
gyaresuDoonz: (5pm here :)06:02
bullgard4FactTech: You can determine the file system of a mounted partition using th Gparted program.06:02
Doonzill drink coffe tomorow06:02
steve2838What process controls the <F> function keys? I'm using ubuntu, but I put fluxbox on it and when I press <F1> I get the gnome help window. How do I turn this off?06:02
Shadow147so how can I find my GRUB Installing?06:02
malnilionWinShade, it's not wide screen is it?06:03
revilodra1facttech; although im on resolution 1024 x 768 it is nowhere as nice as it was before i started playing with the resolution and graphics card... now it will only work on 'vesa' when before i was using fglrx06:03
FactTechbullgard4 Thanks. Any other way you know of? (Just curious.)06:03
DarkmystereShadow: Did u try Synaptics Packet Manager?06:03
Darkmysterei think its in there06:03
FactTechrevilodral Is the fglrx driver still available on your system?06:03
gyaresusteve2838: still using fluxbox?06:03
Doonz02:00.0 RAID bus controller: Sillicon Image, Inc Sil 3124 PCI-X Serial ATA Controller06:04
river444elder It was working fine before it took the computer apart and cleaned everything06:04
WinShademalnilion: no no, just a regular screen. but i think in windows it was running 1024x76806:04
gyaresuFactTech: 'mount'06:04
WinShademalnilion: if not, it was defn running at least 800x60006:04
river444elder, maybe its my gpu unit?06:04
revilodra1factech; yes but when i try to use it bad things happen, and when i select 'test' it goes black then reverts back to vesa06:04
sam__can any one help me regarding network streaming programming in c..06:04
FactTechgyaresu ooops... looks like I was reading the wrong man pages. Thanks for the tip.06:04
nickrudriver444: have you made sure that you've reset all the parts?06:05
gyaresuFactTech: np06:05
steve2838gyaresu: yea, I haven't used linux in a while now though.06:05
gyaresusteve2838: k. well I loves it so wait a sec.06:05
FactTechgyaresu The reason I was asking is because I hit a 2GB max file size issue while trying to zip some files. Is that error coming from zip itself? I'm using an ext3 partition.06:05
Shadow147any Ideas on how to locate my GRUB Installation?06:05
nickrudShadow147: your grub is in /boot/grub06:06
river444nickrud what do you mean?06:06
WinShadeanyone got any ideas about how i can get the screen resolution preferences to go above 640x480?06:06
Shadow147nickrud I am using to seperate hard drives06:06
FactTechrevilodral What does your monitor section look like in xorg.conf?06:06
ChuckFunickrud thanks06:06
nickrudriver444: reseat all the cards, make sure they are in place. I'd pull each and check for any gunk getting blown in06:06
revilodra1fact tech; will u read it ?06:06
gyaresusteve2838: ~/.fluxbox/startup http://gyaresu.pastebin.com/f14753e3a06:07
FactTechrevilodral Is 1024x768 the biggest resolution you're getting on the list?06:07
Doonzgyaresu 02:00.0 RAID bus controller: Sillicon Image, Inc Sil 3124 PCI-X Serial ATA Controller06:07
Shadixwhat other ATI drivers are there. i have the latest ATI restricted driver but I still hang on reboot and shutdown06:07
revilodra1factech; yes when i choose a dell monitor, where before it was using plug n play06:07
ChuckFunickrud it says direct rendering: Yes06:07
river444nickrud I have....just a second ago it booted then I adjusted some power supplies for all of my fans to work and now I get the 3 systems beeps, 1 long and 2 short06:07
mawenjuncan't download nvu06:07
nickrudShadow147: irrelevant. grub will be in /boot/grub of the ubuntu installation. It also has a piece in the mbr of the first drive, that's what you will need to rewrite after you install windows06:07
malnilionWinShade, there are a couple ways you might approach this06:07
FactTechrevilodral I'm hoping wading through the whole file is unnecessary.06:08
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:08
WinShademalnilion: i'm all ears (eyes?)06:08
nickrudChuckFu: then you are using the right driver :) It would be ati06:08
revilodra1factech; where do i paste it06:08
FactTechrevilodral Please try to hit the exact spelling of my handle -- it's hard to pick out your messages otherwise06:08
mawenjunhow to download nvu?who can help me?06:08
steve2838gyaresu: Isn't that just a batch file? What command would I use to remap the F1 key?06:08
river444nickrud I have....just a second ago it booted then I adjusted some power supplies for all of my fans to work and now I get the 3 systems beeps, 1 long and 2 short06:08
astro76mawenjun: it's called kompozer now06:08
ChuckFunickrud humm I can type faster then the letters appear on the screen06:08
gyaresusteve2838: ~/.fluxbox/keys http://gyaresu.pastebin.com/m60af8c906:09
revilodra1FactTech: ok where do i paste it06:09
astro76mawenjun: use synaptic or apt-get06:09
gyaresuDoonz: Looking now.06:09
malnilionWinShade, well, you could open a terminal window (Applications>Accessories>Terminal) and open up the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file again06:09
FactTechrevilodral You don't really have to paste it. Just tell me what you see.06:09
gyaresuFactTech: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_systems06:09
FactTechgyaresu That's not a man page! :)06:09
gyaresuFactTech: ext3 16GiB06:09
Shadow147so should I make a GRUB SuperDisk?06:09
river444nickrud I have....just a second ago it booted then I adjusted some power supplies for all of my fans to work and now I get the 3 systems beeps, 1 long and 2 short06:09
malnilionWinShade, and scroll down this time to the Monitor section06:09
nickrudChuckFu: more likely you have a runaway process than your video driver being the issue. alt-f2 , run gnome-system-monitor06:10
ChuckFunickrud what I'm saying is my letter lag behind my typing06:10
WinShademalnilion: ok, i'm following along06:10
FactTechgyaresu Right, that's why I don't get why I saw the error. It must be coming from the app or the kernel.06:10
ChuckFunickrud thanks06:10
malnilionWinShade, lol, actually now that I think about it, this might not be the easiest way06:10
nickrudriver444: hm. What do you mean by adjusted?06:10
gyaresuFactTech: Across a network maybe? samba?06:10
revilodra1FactTech: monitor -  identifier ; generic monitor06:11
revilodra1option ; dpms06:11
revilodra1horizsync ; 28-5006:11
revilodra1vertrefresh ; 43-7506:11
FactTechgyaresu Nope, but I did see a post about that somewhere. Just directory-to-directory within same mounted partition.06:11
gyaresuShadow147: You've got two separate drives and grub is on the ubuntu disk right?06:11
river444nickrud, daisy chained the fans how there suppose to be then reconnected my gpu unit my hard drive and my dvd-rw drive06:11
astro76!paste | revilodra106:11
uboturevilodra1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:11
gyaresuFactTech: Ah.06:11
FactTechrevilodral OK, that probably means you just need to add a little info.06:11
WinShademalnilion: do u have another recommendation then?06:11
jubehi, I'm trying to edit the default initrd to add a few options I need. I cpio extract it, do my edits, cpio rearchive it, and modify grub.  but when I reboot, while it seems to do something with initrd, it apparently ignores my edits.  any suggestions about what I'm going wrong?06:11
revilodra1factech: such as?06:11
Shadow147gyaresu yes06:11
FactTechrevilodral Do you see any lines in that section that say HorzSync or VertRefresh or anything like that?06:11
nickrudriver444: Assuming you didn't blow anything up, it sounds like a connector problem. Reseat06:12
malnilionWinShade, you might want to try changing the monitor model in the Screens and Graphics program06:12
revilodra1FactTech: yes i stated their values06:12
bullgard4FactTech: sudo cfdisk /dev/sda (If sda is the drive you are interested in.)06:12
Shadixrevilodra1: if you type fac and press tab it will automaticly insert FactTech:06:12
james296how can I fix the md5 mismatch problem when installing flash?06:12
gyaresuShadow147: Then there's no problem re-installing xp.06:12
FactTechbullgard4 Thanks -- I'll check it out.06:12
Shadow147gyaresu I did a cd /boot/grub and it found it no problem06:12
revilodra1Shadix: yeah i know thanks06:12
malnilionWinShade, which is in System>Administration06:12
nickrudriver444: http://www.amptron.com/html/bios.beepcodes.html06:12
Shadixrevilodra1:  :oP06:13
gyaresuShadow147: Sorry. I don't understand the context of that statement.06:13
FactTechrevilodral OK, I see them up there. Those are pretty low for higher resolution rates. Do you have the manufacturer specs on the monitor?06:13
nickrud!brokenflash | james296 (install from adobe)06:13
ubotujames296 (install from adobe): The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.06:13
steve2838gyaresu: hmm... F1 alone doesn't seem to work.06:13
reverendnathanAdept is telling me amarok and amarok-xine need updates indefinately. Meaning, they've been updated, but keeps insisting on an update. How do I correct this?06:13
FactTechrevilodral You can update the values, restart X, and you'll get more resolution values. But it's important to use manufacturer data to set the values.06:13
revilodra1FactTech: not with me but i could probably find them out its a dell inspiron 6400 with ati x1400 graphics card06:13
gyaresusteve2838: Did you try the keys file. I don't set F1 alone to anything because apps will use it.06:14
Doonzgyaresu no luck?06:14
WinShademalnilion: you are a god amongst men06:14
ChuckFunickrud is there a way to see how the video card is performing it has 256Meg that should be enough06:14
FactTechrevilodral Take a peek at the back of the monitor to see if you can get the exact model number. A google search on that plus "specifications" will usually turn up a page from the manufacturer.06:14
CreedThis isnt a Ubuntu question but maybe someone will know...How do I get to f2 terminal in Knoppix without doing ctrl+alt+f2?06:14
Shadow147gyaresu well nickrud told me to look for /boot/grub and I did a cd /boot/grub to find it and it found it with no errors06:14
kid_confuciushello i seem to be having a problem changing resolution on my desktop it seems to be stucked on 120x768 i use a nvidia 6600 i installed the driver already through the restricted driver manager06:15
malnilionWinShade, so it worked, I assume :)06:15
WinShademalnilion: yep :P06:15
gyaresuShadow147: Don't you just want to do a reinstall of xp?06:15
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steve2838I see. My probably is that <F1> alone opens gnome Terminal Manual, but I guess that's a function of terminal.06:15
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:15
kid_confuciusbut i seem to cant change the reso still and i dont get the nvidia configuration menu either06:15
nickrudChuckFu: not really, but glxgears will give you a minimal idea. Your card is old and well documented, I would find it very suprising that the video is your problem06:16
gyaresuDoonz: http://kernel.xc.net/06:16
gyaresuDoonz: http://kernel.xc.net/search.cgi?string=3124&version=2.6.23&arch=i38606:16
steve2838gyaresu: I figured it out. It was just under terminal preferences. For some reason I was under the impression that the gnome dm was doing it.06:17
FactTechkid_confucious You probably need to update your monitor info in /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:17
ChuckFuok thanks nickrud06:18
kid_confuciusanything special i need to add06:18
Shadow147gyaresu yeah it's just I am not sure grub will still be around and will function with my new install of WinXP06:18
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:18
gyaresuDoonz: 'modprobe -l |grep -i sil' output is: /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/drivers/ata/sata_sil24.ko Do you have this module loaded?06:18
nickrudShadow147: have you looked at the link I've given you twice?06:18
gyaresuShadow147: jlskda;lskdjfl;kasjfjasldlkajfkjsl;fasjke YES.06:19
Shadow147gyaresu this my first time restalling windows xp with grub06:19
gyaresusteve2838: Which terminal?06:19
FactTechkid_confucious Hold a sec... I'm looking up a page for you...06:19
Shadow147gyaresu ??? and nickrud I have looked at both links and it's confusing me06:20
Doonzgyaresu yes06:20
FactTechkid_confucious See this, but it's important that you look up the correct data for YOUR monitor. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/18060106:20
gyaresuShadow147: I understand but at some point you're going to have to understand that you've got an excellent setup with them both being on separate drives.06:20
nickrudShadow147: then that's a different answer, confusion is understandable06:20
gyaresunickrud: linked him supergrub?06:20
_MattBI have a pci express SATA card that was installed when I installed ubuntu, now i've added a 2nd card that is the exact same as the first and the drives are not being detected06:20
_MattBdoes someone have some pointers on where i can start looking (new to this)06:21
nickrudgyaresu: no, using a livecd to write the mbr06:21
CreedThis isnt a Ubuntu question but maybe someone will know...How do I get to f2 terminal in Knoppix without doing ctrl+alt+f2?06:21
FactTechrevilodral What method were you using to switch your video card driver?06:21
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:21
gyaresunickrud: You see that he's got two separate drives with grub on the ubuntu one yeah? Shouldn't be a problem. You're just enabling him to fix it when it is :)06:21
nickrudShadow147: go ahead and install windows, then come back in a live cd. Someone will walk you through it, it takes 5 minutes max06:22
evil_techso i installed ubuntu and now it goes to boot and just sits at grub06:22
evil_techno error message06:22
evil_techjust grub telling me to please wait06:23
evil_techany ideas?06:23
DarkmystereWell can some 1 help me everytime i try and download the Backtrack iso Torrent it gives me an error ive tried 5 diffrent torrents Could anyone help me?06:23
sam__can any one help me in streaming programming06:23
nickrudI hate installs. Mine always seem to go like clockwork, so I've never had to learn to troubleshoot them06:23
nickrudShadow147: yes?06:24
hunchybunchevil_tech, did you install grub in the mbr?  are you using hda1 as your master boot partition?06:24
FactTechevil_tech What's in your /boot/grub/menu.lst file?06:24
evil_techgrub loads06:24
evil_techthen it just stops telling me to wait06:24
hunchybunchDarkmystere, do you have a firewall blocking upper ports?06:24
FactTechhunchybunch Which ISP was the one mucking with torrents, again?06:25
Doonzgyaresu yes i do have that module06:25
FactTechevil_tech Right.06:25
gyaresuDoonz: Yep sorry. Work phone atm.06:26
FactTechDarkmystere Do you get your internet service via Comcast, by any chance?06:26
Shadow147nickrud I am going to back up some things off of my XP install into my external drive06:26
Darkmysterehunchybunch:No because i mounted my windows partion and a .torrent file got to 20% in 5mins06:26
kid_confuciusi dont get it06:26
nickrudShadow147: good idea. Backups are never a waste of time06:26
kid_confuciusam i suppose to add those lines06:26
kid_confuciusand then it will let me change reso06:26
FactTechkid_confucius Yes.06:26
Shadow147nickrud exactly06:26
DarkmystereFactTech:No not anymore i did have that problem tho06:26
FactTechkid_confucious The values there determine safe ranges for resolution.06:26
FactTechkid_confucious Please *don't* guess. Look it up.06:27
FactTechkid_confucious I think it's possible to damage your monitor if you enter wrong values.06:27
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:27
soldatsi forgot whats the cli command to update the /var logs06:28
soldatsit is updatedb06:28
=== evil_tec1 is now known as evil_tech
hunchybunchdoes dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg --phigh regenerate a new conf file?06:29
nickrudhunchybunch: yes06:30
DarkmystereHunchyBunh:u have to go through a reconfiguring with options on res and things06:30
FactTechnickrud huncybunch What does the --phigh parameter do?06:30
DarkmystereHunchybunh: it doesnt just reset it06:30
nickrudFactTech: it limits the questions asked. without any -p option, it goes through every possible question06:31
=== alan1 is now known as speeddemon8803
hunchybunchDarkmystere, does it use hal to make a new one?06:31
nickrudFactTech: from keyboard to bus id to refresh rates to driver06:31
FactTechnickrud That sounds useful!06:31
FactTechnickrud Will it leave the previous settings intact for questions you skip?06:32
nickrudFactTech: -pcritical will ask no questions, I usually suggest it for someone who has res problems as the first troubleshooting step06:32
nickrudFactTech: no, it's fresh06:32
DarkmystereHunchyBunch: it uses a In terminal Gui to do it It kind of looks like the Text Installer06:32
bulmerFactTech, save the xorg.conf before doing a reconfigure06:33
nickrudFactTech: I like working from a known base myself06:33
hunchybunchDarkmystere, sounds like it takes you back to a fresh xorg.conf then right?06:33
nickrudFactTech: and it creates a backup based on time and date06:33
Darkmystere!tell hunchybunch about x06:34
hunchybunchkewl :P06:34
Darkmystere!hunchybunch i had to do it a couple of times >.>06:34
nickruddang Darkmystere you know the really arcane ubotu addessing convention :)06:34
FactTechnickrud Good info. Thanks.06:35
Shadow147this is just weird for me06:35
olskolirchow do I move my kweather over by my clock please.  I right click kweather in my taskbar and there is not option to move it.06:35
Darkmystere!hunchybunch x.org conf is like black people once u go black u never go back lol06:35
hunchybunchthats how i like my coffee :P06:36
Darkmystere!tell hunchybunch about xcfg06:36
CreedThis isnt a Ubuntu question but maybe someone will know...How do I get to f2 terminal in Knoppix without doing ctrl+alt+f2?06:36
Darkmysterehunchybunch basicly without xorg config ur thing is crappy once it took me 5 jkdefrags to be able to login and fix it --06:36
hunchybunchubotu dudnt want to hook me up06:37
Darkmystere!tell Creed about terminal06:37
nickrudFactTech: dpkg-reconfigure is the general configuration tool for debian/ubuntu, if you install configure-debian you can see it all06:37
speeddemon8803!tell hunchybunch | xcfg06:37
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:37
hunchybunchohh great wizard ubotu !06:38
Darkmysterelol Speeddemon880306:38
bulmerCreed, what purpose is that for?06:38
evil_techok my menu.lst looks normal06:38
FactTechCreed It's an interesting question. I don't know the answer but would think it was possible.06:38
Shadixhow come I can't open the GLMatrix screensaver file to edit it?06:39
Darkmystere!tell speeddemon8803 about botabuse06:40
zetheroohow do I add NTFS compatibility to the Ubuntu Partition Editor?06:40
nickrudShadix: the gnome-screensaver app is brain dead06:40
Shadix/usr/share/applications/screensavers i can't open any files in this directory06:40
hunchybunchFactTech, if you boot up to a getty term, instead of using gdm, i think its like that - it might be ctrl alt f106:40
speeddemon8803darkmystere, Notice one thing though...I did check out factoids after so I was aware..so technically there was no abuse of ubotu thanks for pointing out the abuse feature though ;)06:40
WinShadeok, so I'm trying to get AIGLX workin. I have a question. on http://wiki.zenwalk.org/index.php?title=82845G/GL_Integrated_Graphics_Device it says to add these to the correct sections.. for example where it says section "ServerLayout" should i add that to the section "serverlayout" that is already in the conf file?06:41
Shadixnickrud: HAHA06:41
gyaresuzetheroo: gparted should give you the option to create an ntfs partition.06:41
Darkmysterespeeddemon8803:lol it was just an example like Jack_Sparrow showed me =)06:41
Creedbulmer / FactTech Its an assignment for college :( Gotta get to f2 tty, cant use GUI. Any way to kill x completely? Killing Xorg restarts it.06:41
nickrudShadix: oh, you should be able to open it with gedit06:41
Shadow147theres also another reason I love linux in genral most of the devices I use can be accessed with out additional software06:41
FactTechhunchybunch No, I think the trick is Creed wants to get to tty2 without using the CTRL-ALT key combo.06:42
Doonzgyaresu ??06:42
DarkmystereWell im learning all i can about ubotu so i can use em to my advantage06:42
zetheroogyaresu: Unable to read the contents of this filesystem.06:42
nickrudShadix: and thanks for that, I see ways to customize screensavers again !!06:42
soldatsis the update database cmmand still "updatedb" becasue it seems to hang for a while06:42
speeddemon8803Please, if you must "try out" commands go to #ubuntu-bots..or try them in private message with Ubotu, thanks :)06:42
evil_techtry sudo gedit filename06:42
FactTechCreed The getty command looks promising on first glance.06:42
SpaminaCanhow come i am getting really BAD download speeds?06:42
gyaresuDoonz: It should be recognised from everything I'm reading. Might have to take another approach. How many drives attache in what way?06:42
hunchybunchCreed, uninstall gdm would allow you you to do that06:42
SpaminaCani have a 10mps connection....06:42
Creedhunchybunch, its a LiveCD06:42
gyaresuzetheroo: From where? GUI? command line?06:43
bulmerCreed get to f2 or just take a snapshot of whats in console2 ?06:43
gyaresuzetheroo: What are you doing specifically?06:43
Darkmysterespeeddemon8803: U mean me or someone else? i only use the commands when its relivant with someones problem06:43
Doonzthey just connect to a port multiplier 5-1 and then plug into the esata controller card06:43
hunchybunchCreed, your making things difficult :P06:43
Doonzhyaresu they just connect to a port multiplier 5-1 and then plug into the esata controller card06:43
zetheroogyaresu: I have plugged in a USB portable HDD06:43
Darkmysterehunchybunch what u need help with?06:43
Creedbulmer / hunchybunch , get to f2. Vmware wont pass through my ctrl+alt+f2 else I would use it :(06:43
speeddemon8803General comment Darkmystere.06:43
zetheroogyaresu: I just want to format it06:43
evil_techtry an onscreen keyboard?06:44
gyaresuzetheroo: Using what program?06:44
Darkmysterespeeddemon8803_:oh ok =)06:44
nickrudCreed: you're running a live cd in vmware ?06:44
nickrudCreed: don't mind me, I'm just nosy.06:44
SpaminaCanwhy are my dl speeds so horrid, i can download up to 1096KB/s and ubuntu gives me 100-200KB/s max.....06:44
Creednickrud, orders are orders :( Supposed to use Jing and record a few really lame steps (cat /proc/cpuinfo, etc)06:44
zetheroogyaresu: Partition Editor06:44
DarkmystereCreed: Try Ctr+Alt+ins06:45
zetheroogyaresu: System>Administration06:45
CreedDarkmystere, wish I had a Insert key heh06:45
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Darkmystere!tell Creed about Terminal06:45
hunchybunchCreed, dont use vmware, sorry, maybe it will let you assign virtual hotkeys though in vmware06:45
CreedDarkmystere, I have to use tty on f2, not terminal.06:45
gyaresuzetheroo: Not a gui man myself. Either get gparted (which that might be, don't know) or I can show you how to do it from the command line.06:45
Shadixnickrud: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/modify-glmatrix-screensaver-231745/06:45
Creedhunchybunch, cant seem to find it anywhere...not event he VNC session vmware allows does the keys.06:46
Shadow147I mean I just plugged in my fujifilm camera and ubuntu just reconized it and mounted it with no trouble unlike windows06:46
DarkmystereCreed:Oh Ok Sec Man im looking at my VMware Player06:46
zetheroogyaresu: gparted is Partition Editor06:46
DarkmystereCreed: what version of Ubuntu are u using?\06:46
hunchybunchShadow147, cool, isnt it06:47
nickrudShadix: I don't think I want to go that far. But I see I can add options to the exec line in the desktop file . Nice06:47
CreedDarkmystere, knoppix lol but it should be fairly the same, linux is linux.06:47
DarkmystereCreed: Great lol06:47
hunchybunchShadow147, don't forget to unmount when unplugging06:47
DarkmystereCreed: Sec trying to find u a factoid...06:47
evil_techany ideas06:47
WinShadei need help getting AIGLX working on my laptop06:47
james296is there an easy way for me to get the newest Nvidia driver that was just recently released?06:48
Shadixnickrud: you wouldn't see a way to change the color in there would you?06:48
gyaresuzetheroo: 'dmesg' What's the device node /dev/sda ?06:48
Doonzgyaresu they just connect to a port multiplier 5-1 and then plug into the esata controller card06:48
CreedWinShade, the people in #ubuntu-effects are well trained to help with any video issues or setup :)06:48
WinShadeCreed: aight, thx06:48
nickrudShadix: for matrix, no. man matrix gives the options you can use06:49
WindowSmasherHey all06:49
zetheroogyaresu: sdb106:49
nickrudShadix: glmatrix I mean06:49
evil_techbruce__: yes you can06:49
gyaresuDoonz: and what about 'sudo fdisk -l'06:49
nickrud!caps | BRUCE__06:49
ubotuBRUCE__: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.06:49
evil_techbut its hard and you would have to be trying06:49
FactTechCreed I know you can kill X but I'm not sure that will help you.06:49
CreedBRUCE__, dont have to yell :) And yes its possible, but most viruses are pretty dumbed down in Wine. Dont worry, they cant infect your system files (unelss its smart and you run wine apps as root)06:49
=== di[a]fic is now known as diafic
gyaresuDoonz: Do you have 4 e-sata drives plugged in at the moment?06:50
FactTechCreed I'm thinking it will dump you to tty1.06:50
CreedFactTech, yeah, I tried killing xorg which just restarted it. Gotta stop it withoutit restarting.06:50
CreedFactTech, any tty where I can input a few commands is fine.06:50
BRUCE__suld i get an antivirus??06:50
FactTechCreed did you try "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"?06:50
Shadixhere is something I've never even thought of. Are there and virus's for U?buntu06:50
gyaresuzetheroo: So you have an external drive recognised as /dev/sdb . You can check that by 'sudo fdisk -l' and it will list all your drives.06:51
Doonzi have 5x 500gb drive plugged into a 5-1 port multiplier. From there 1 esata cable runs to the controller card. Right now in fdisk it only shows 1 of the 5 drives06:51
UbagumbaNew guy here.  I've been trying to get my back and foward buttons to work on my mouse but the best I've done following the documentation and forums is to get the wheel to navigate foward and back.  Anyone have good solutions?  7.10 with Kensington wireless mouse in a box.06:51
Darkmystereubotu, tell Creed about x06:51
soldatsi forgot the update database command??06:51
gyaresuShadix: Yes but about 6 and they don't matter.06:51
nickrudsoldats: updatedb06:51
CreedFactTech, runs KDM but doesnt seem to start up KDM should.kdm not running06:51
nickrudsoldats: for the locate command, that is06:51
WindowSmasherTrying to install 7.10 on a desktop and it wont even set the disk label06:51
WindowSmasherany help?06:51
JairunCalothShadix: while not completly impossible. viruses in linux are pretty much unheard of06:51
Doonznix'gyaresu i have 5x 500gb drive plugged into a 5-1 port multiplier. From there 1 esata cable runs to the controller card. Right now in fdisk it only shows 1 of the 5 drives06:51
FactTechCreed Maybe switch that to "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop"?06:52
WindowSmashe1gparted wont even set a disk label.  can anyone give me some advice06:52
soldatsnickrud, yea i thought so but when i did it it hung for a very long time, so i thought it may be something else, i guess ill try again06:52
nickrudsoldats: takes a while, watch for disk activity06:52
hunchybunchviruses are only an issue if you network a windows machine onto the network.06:52
nickrudWindowSmashe1: what kind of partition?06:52
CreedFactTech, KDM is the only one, and still nothing :(06:52
gyaresuDoonz: That's a separate peice of hardware then yes. The port multiplier?06:52
WindowSmashe1The disk has no partition and no label06:52
soldatsnickrud, thanks for the tip, it was for the locate commad, so hopefully it will work better06:52
FactTechCreed Did you look over the man pages for "getty"?06:53
JairunCalothI'm looking to setup my laptop as a WAP for my nintendo DS. I've figured out that I need to setup a bridge on the laptop and put the wifi card in master mode, however I'm haveing some trouble with the technical details of doing so.06:53
gyaresuDoonz: mmm hmm. And what is that?06:53
nickrudWindowSmashe1: you label partitions, not disks06:53
ShadixJairunCaloth/gyaresu: I guess most virus's are created with a monetary motive. Too much effort for little or no return06:53
WindowSmashe1okay well I can't partition06:53
WindowSmashe1I get error code 506:53
Doonznix'gyaresu yes it is but its the controller card that needs the driver to see the other drives06:53
bulmerCreed look into agetty06:53
cybergighunchybunch so I have a risk of catching viruses and it messing up my system because I'm connected to a windows network.06:53
nickrudWindowSmashe1: try   sudo fdisk -l , what does that say about the disk?06:53
JairunCalothmostly I seem to be having trouble getting the bridge setup06:53
gyaresuDoonz: What is the Multiplier Card?06:53
Darkmysterehunchybunch:Join the #Ubuntu-bots channell i want to show u somthing and giv u a few pointers06:54
hunchybunchcybergig, windows always has an issue06:54
Shadow147hunchybunch yea06:54
nickrudWindowSmashe1: be sure to unmount the partition(s)06:54
Kobaya|Hiroyukihttp://myexANNA.com/?id=63e6bf0d - NSFW06:54
astro76cybergig: no, connecting to windows machines doesn't change anything, there is still no risk of viruses to you on Linux06:54
Yasumotoyay for leenix06:54
WindowSmashe1now it shows properly06:54
some_dudeI saw a package manager for ubuntu, it was not very detailed, but had the packages broken down into catagories, that was it's name ?06:55
Yasumotobye brice06:55
Darkmysterehunchybunchy,cybergig Windows has soo many problems that microsoft doesnt even trust it!!06:55
up_the_ironsAt the end of a Ubuntu server install, it will eject the CD-ROM; however, I really don't want it to do this since the server is at a data center far away ;)  Is there any way to keep it from ejecting the CD-ROM ?06:55
DarkmystereCya guys06:55
WindowSmashe1my / swap and /home06:55
nickrudcybergig: the machine code written for windows doesn't run on linux. First line of defense06:55
WindowSmashe1I'm gonna try again06:55
cybergighunchybunch I don't connect to windows machines, Im just connected to the close network... I would still need a virus scanner anyways, I just need to know if I'm more at risk.06:55
gyaresuDoonz: .........................sigh.06:55
Yasumotoyah for sure06:55
nickrudWindowSmashe1: is this going to be on a fresh hard drive?06:55
Doonznix'gyaresu why the sigh?06:55
gyaresuDoonz: Don't you think you should have told me about that? Please post the lspci.06:55
WindowSmashe1It had windows on it06:55
Creedinit 8 = bad idea :(06:55
Shadow147some_dude theres tha add/remove in Applications and Synaptic06:56
nickrudWindowSmashe1: had, meaning you're gonna wipe it and give it all to ubuntu? You can use   cfdisk   , I prefer that tool to gparted anyway06:56
cybergignickrud, what about wine.. you can get applications from windows to run on linux but it is still a risk I know trying to operate such a way. I'm just talking about as a normal linux user at the moment.06:56
some_dudeShadow147: I want to say it was not as advanced as Synaptic06:56
Shadow147some_dude ok06:56
Shadow147some_dude then I am not sure06:57
Shadow147I am doing updates really quick06:57
Madpilotcybergig, Windows viruses have a tough time running in Wine. There's an amusing article about trying it somewhere out on the web.06:57
WindowSmashe1The partitioner hangs at 5%06:57
nickrudcybergig: as a normal linux user, I have paid zero attention to viruses for 8 years.06:57
some_dudewell thanks, I'm going to give synaptic a go, because adpet is a bit harsh06:57
astro76cybergig: plus a windows virus did run in wine, the damage would be restricted to ~/.wine/06:58
nickrudcybergig: and that's not because I don't care, it's one reason I run linux. So I can pay zero attention06:58
hunchybunchcybergig, well, there is clamav, but it is more to protect windows machines that may connect to your files.06:58
WindowSmashe1Looks to be working now06:58
Shadow147cybergig then your wine install would be dead06:58
WindowSmashe1This is crazy06:58
WindowSmashe1I've never had a problem installing ubuntu anywhere06:58
nickrudfirst time for everything. My last install using the the desktop!! cd actually worked06:59
Doonznix'gyaresu it is /dev/sdh that is the one outta the 5 drive showing from the port multiplier06:59
JairunCalothsome_dude: I've found synaptic to be great when I don't know exactly what package I want to install, and want to be able to look through them. However, if you know the package name, apt-get is lightyears faster.06:59
bulmerup_the_irons, even if it does reject it, once you tell the system to reboot, it does close the cdrom so your disk is back as if you have not ejected it right?06:59
gyaresuDoonz: lspci (and please use my name so it highlights). All the other drives are NOTHING to do with either of these cards?06:59
nickrudJairunCaloth: try apt-cache search , still faster than synaptic07:00
cybergigI wouldn't want to go through the hassle of setting up an X system anyways if wine were to crash or something. because of a virus, I mosly moved to linux on a wrong reason.. kept on getting tired of it rebooting after an update by itself when I was working.07:00
JairunCalothnickrud: does it search discriptions as well?07:00
hunchybunchcybergig, you are going to be bored with linux because you aren't going to have to viruscan or worry about malware, sorry :)07:00
nickrudJairunCaloth: yes.07:01
JairunCalothnickrud: awsome, thanks :)07:01
cybergighunchybunch, No I won't get bored... I have plenty of tasks to do.. its just maybe that one will spare me some time from launching an app to scan for viruses07:01
Doonzgyaresu http://pastebin.com/dd4d93e9be07:01
olskolirchow do I make my bash history longer please?  so that I may see more enteries07:02
nickrudJairunCaloth: and aptitude has a great search function, try aptitude search \!~i~sgnome  (not installed, in section gnome)07:02
tanathcan anyone help me? i'm in the middle of a full screen game which just lost focus, and now i can't get back into it07:02
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gyaresuDoonz: Do you mean this one: http://pastebin.com/d4d93e9be07:02
cybergighunchybunch, I'm amused anyways by compz fusion it seems to entertain me when I have nothing to do @_@..07:02
tanathit's still going though, 'cause i can' still hear it07:02
JairunCalothtanath: can you alt-tab back into it?07:02
tanathJairunCaloth, nope07:02
olskolirctanath pgrep <game name> then kill the pid07:03
tanatholskolirc, i don't want to lose progress07:03
tanatholskolirc, that's why i'm trying to get back into it first07:03
Doonzgyaresu yes sorry07:03
cybergigShould be in bed.... i'm sick and I need to get up in the morning to do some work..07:03
=== olskolirc is now known as cutyourloss
TixerWhy can't I remove /media/disk?07:03
Tixerrm: cannot lstat `/media/disk': Input/output error07:03
nickrudtanath: could it be you lost focus cuz it crashed?07:03
hunchybunchcybergig, yea, i'm trying still to figure compiz out - try emerald with it - its cool too :P07:04
JairunCalothSo anywho, can someone point me to some good solid beginners info on setting up bridges?07:04
tanathnickrud, no, an msn window popped up and stole focus07:04
tanathnickrud, i can still hear it going, so i know i'm not dead :P07:04
nickrudTixer: it would be sudo umount /media/disk07:04
cybergighunchybunch, same here I havn't gotten to the cube part yet... I just started getting amused when the whole thing shrunk to where you can choose desktops in a cool perspective...07:04
nickrudtanath: ah, well just a stab in the dark07:05
tanathgah, this is really frustrating :(07:05
Shadow147Tixer if that doesn't work use sudo umount /media/disk -o force07:05
cutyourlosshow do I apt a package name just to show me information on that package07:05
tanathcutyourloss, apt-cache show packagename07:05
nickrudcutyourloss: apt-cache show <packagename>07:05
Shadow147I will be back going to install windows07:06
JairunCalothtanath, sometimes when WoW doesn't want to come back up, I can right click it's box in the task manager and send it to annother workspace. Sometimes it will come back up when I move to that workspace07:06
Doonzgyaresu here is where im missing the module from07:06
tanathJairunCaloth, cool, will try that. thx07:06
hunchybunchi'm trying to get the water thing to work, but i'm doing something wrong.  and the deal where the windows swich to the taskbar  like it's being sucked up - i cant get it to do that either.  i think im setting too much stuff wrong or something07:06
nickrudoh, JairunCaloth we get that question now and again, thanks for that07:06
Doonzthere isnt an sil 3124 in it and i need to get it there so that PM support is enabled07:06
Doonzbut im too stupid to figure out how to do it07:07
cutyourlossthanks tanath07:07
WinShadehey guys, i have another one. when i start up the computer I have one screen resolution (640x480) and after i log in it switches to my main resolution (1024x768). is there anyway to make it just be 1024x768 for the logon screen too?07:07
ShnozberrieHi i'm completely new. Is there a way to run apps like tomboy via terminal without the terminal being linked to the app? (turn the terminal off/ turn whatever you started off). I just want to be able to use terminal to start programs so I dont need to dig through lists07:07
tanathJairunCaloth, erm, almost worked :(07:07
Superbike32Hello All!07:07
gyaresuDoonz: i asked you if you had the sata-sil24 module and you said yes.07:08
JairunCalothShnozberrie: alt + F2 will let you run a command and not have to have a terminal up.07:08
Shnozberriegreat, thank you jail !07:08
Superbike32im trying to run a game called tibia on Wine, can anyone help me to try and get it to work, because it can use directx5 or directx9 mode, but i cant pass through at the end another thing, such as engine 0, engine 1, etc....07:08
tanathJairunCaloth, there was a tiny box in the bottom left in which i could see my game cursor when i put it there. it enabled me to bring up the esc menu, which i couldn't see, but allowed me to quit the game properly... i think07:08
Doonzgyaresu well it showed up when i searched like you said,07:08
cybergigHaven't heard about the water thing, but I only have seen the cube..07:08
soldatsSuperbike32, try asking in #winehq07:09
tanathJairunCaloth, was trying to tell it to 'return to game' but didn't work07:09
cybergigI just started using linux two weeks ago.07:09
JairunCalothShnozberrie: if you need the app to have root access, prepend it with gksudo, which pops up the password dialog for ya07:09
JairunCalothtanath, yeah... doesn't always work. Were you using the pager for that?07:09
gyaresuDoonz: 'modprobe -l |grep sil24' then see if it's loaded 'lsmod |grep -i sil24' if it's not then load it. 'sudo modprobe sata-sil24'07:09
tanathShnozberrie, you can also put a '&' after the command07:10
tanathJairunCaloth, pager? what's that again?07:10
neetoI have a mouse with forward/back buttons and it doesn't work natively with xubuntu. How can I get this to work?07:10
tanathneeto, i believe you need to use xmodmap for that. i had to07:10
hunchybunchcybergig, your doing good then, ive been using it about 10 years, and still dont know how to do alot of stuff, cus im lazy.07:10
neetotanath: thanks.07:10
JairunCalothtanath, the small boxes in the corner of your screen that represent your virtual desktops07:10
gyaresu!mouse | neeto07:10
ubotuneeto: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto07:10
tanathneeto, i think you'll need to google it07:10
tanathJairunCaloth, er, no. i pressed ctrl+alt9right07:11
Shnozberriejust "command" & = password dialog?07:11
tanathJairunCaloth, er, ctrl+alt+right07:11
Doonzit lists when i do lsmod07:11
WinShadeanyone know how to make logon screen have a particular resolution?07:11
tanathShnozberrie, what? no like this: sleep 5 &07:11
cybergighunchybunch, same here... I will eventually have to stop with the effects and start cross platform coding under linux.07:12
Doonzgyareus it lists when i do lsmod07:12
tanathShnozberrie, runs it in the background basically07:12
|Quest| i need a virtual machine that supports pci. any suggestions ?07:12
gyaresutanath: You'll fine that editing the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is usually the way to go.07:12
up_the_ironshow do i modify the boot parameters in a ubuntu 7.10 server install?07:12
tanathgyaresu, er, for what?07:12
Shnozberrieahh I see. Thanks!07:12
up_the_ironsI don't see that option in the initial bootup screen07:12
gyaresutanath: You gave advice on buttons for mice.07:12
hunchybunchcybergig, that sounds like work :(07:12
bulmer|Quest|,  maybe Xen ?07:13
tanathgyaresu, oh. no, not for those. you use xmodmap. best not to edit xorg.conf07:13
Doonzgyaresu it outputs |  sata_sil24 15236 0        and       libata 125168 407:13
gyaresuDoonz: Before you 'sudo modprobe sata-sil24'07:13
up_the_ironsbulmer: no, it's a type of CD-ROM that doesn't go back in07:13
cybergighunchybunch :( I know... it all sucks... but what I can't get is why windows users love and trust microsoft so much. I mean my dad works at nasa and they have linux systems, he says he hates linux compared to windows..07:14
bulmerup_the_irons, you mean at boot the CDROM door does not close back?07:14
tanathpeople actually trust microsoft?07:14
gyaresuDoonz: Did it show up before you 'sudo modprobe sata-sil24' or after?07:14
Doonzgyareus before07:14
cybergigI think they need to move up from the older versions to the newer then they will apreciate it more o.o;07:14
tanathmeh. fud works i guess07:14
up_the_ironsbulmer: that's correct, it doesn't close back up07:15
jussi01!tab > Doonz07:15
tanathcybergig, people tend to dislike change. maybe he'd just rather still with what he knows and is used to07:15
up_the_ironsbulmer: it's common on slim-line CD-ROM's for servers07:15
hunchybunchcybergig, thats cus it works, but it takes alot of work to set the buggar up right.  Ive been procrastinating doing sql and html, even though i know i can do it.07:15
bulmerup_the_irons, then i will not such remote install then07:15
up_the_ironsbulmer: i don't know what they call that style, but once ejected, you have to manually push it back in07:15
Doonz<nix'jussi01> cant cause im using a bnc and names look wierd07:15
selig5  WinShade go to system>preferences>screen resolution and you can make your resolution the default for your computer07:16
up_the_ironsbulmer: well, boot param "cdrom-detect/eject=false" seems to be the ticket07:16
up_the_ironsbulmer: i'm gonna try07:16
Doonzgyaresu when i had things working in windows i had to have sataraid5 installed in order to see all 5 drives07:16
bulmerthere you go..i know linux users are resourceful07:16
cybergigSetting up things in linux takes a little more effort but I don't think its more effort than setting up a program through CMD in windows.07:16
tanathcybergig, setting what up?07:17
gyaresuDoonz: Sorry I've not got the brain for this at the moment. I think it's time for me to eat.07:17
soldatsup_the_irons, if possible do "eject -t" in a termnal to close the drive door but the boot param will be the best bet07:17
cybergigtalking about setting things up in general07:17
gyaresunp sorry I couldn't help more.07:17
hunchybunchcybergig, you might have something there :)07:17
cybergigthrough terminal, which seems to be the basic instalation thing in linux.07:17
tanathcybergig, such as? aside from possibly getting a few things working properly i can't think of anything that's more difficult to configure07:18
up_the_ironssoldats: thanks07:18
tanathcybergig, er, there's add/remove, synaptic... no need for terminal to install things07:18
cybergigA command prompt program? Such as a server that needs to be configured through CMD rather than be installed through CMD07:19
WinShadei need ndiswrapper but don't have a network connection on the laptop i need it on, is there any way to get it?07:19
cybergigIt can be set up through CMD if you run it through CMD but... thats basically running the EXE which is similar to the linux setup, except in times its not as GUI based07:19
cybergigthats what I have notised07:19
tanathcybergig, if you want to do that stuff, chances are you already know how07:19
cybergigChances are, probably... but I don't know a whole lot about the linux kernal and its commands07:20
cybergigthan CMD07:20
soldatsup_the_irons, well ireally didnt know what you wanted but i thought you needed the door to close so that commad will work for it, hope it help in some way. i gotta go, cya07:20
bulmerWinShade, use a cable like cat5 to get it hooked to a pc that has access to the internet07:20
WinShadebulmer: i figured that was my only option, alright, thx07:20
tanathcybergig, you mean terminal/shell commands?07:20
tanubiscybergig: what app are you trying to configure?07:21
tanathcybergig, 'cmd' is the exe name for a command prompt on windows07:21
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bulmerWinShade, you can always burn a copy to a floppy or usb drive or cdrom...etc07:21
hunchybunchcybergig, 10 years ago when i started using linux, i had to learn the hard way, and it was fun and all, time consuming though.  Now im getting real lazy cus linux is easier than windows in alot of ways07:21
cybergigI'm talking about general set up of an application in a type of terminal, I know what CMD is in windows but it the 'type' of windows terminal to use07:21
cybergigas to where linux's terminal is just named as terminal.07:21
tanathcybergig, generally you don't have to set up an app in a terminal07:22
oddalothello, can someone guide me through getting a good resolution for my monitor, i can only set this crt at 60hz at it's giving me a massive headache07:22
cybergigI was talking about the simplicity rather than asking a question of how to setup07:22
oddaloterr refresh rate i mean07:22
cybergigprobably don't have too, It just seems easier to work through a temrinal for me at times..07:22
bulmeroddalot, maybe you need a bed rest for a few, headaches will go away.. :)07:22
|Quest|bulmer to use xen.  xp wants me for special hardware.07:22
|Quest|bulmer any other vmachine that supports pci07:22
|Quest|bulmer any other vmachine that supports pci port07:22
|Quest| i need a virtual machine that supports pci. any suggestions ?07:22
oddaloti have been resting for days07:23
tanathoddalot, sys > prefs > screen resolution07:23
|Quest| which linux distro has minimal driver problems? (i cant find some drivers of hardware that work in windows)07:23
tanath|Quest|, depends on your hardware07:23
tanubiscybergig: absolutely anything you can do with a gui in linux you can do from the terminal, and a great deal more besides...  it's just learning the commands07:23
oddalottanath...it doesn't allow me to do any good refresh rates, all the ones that work in windows are all wobbly in ubuntu07:23
kr00lI need help installing 'top2svg-v0.2.tar.bz2 it's. Link here: http://freshmeat.net/projects/top2svg/07:23
|Quest|tanath using pci windmodem and pci tv tuner.07:23
bulmer|Quest|, what? Xen requires xp? one from Novell does not require xp eh?07:23
soldats|Quest|, you can use vmware to run virtual windows07:23
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers07:24
tanathoddalot, weird. sounds like you might need to play with your xserver config (xorg.conf file)07:24
oddalotwell..i have07:24
|Quest|bulmer xen require special hardware to run xp07:24
oddalotbut i can't seem to find the specs for this monitor07:24
cybergigI know that, I was just stating its the same way with windows... and I wonder why the people who know how to do it within windows don't want to move to linux, which is better.07:24
|Quest|soldats does vmware supports pci port?07:24
oddalotand i tried the repackage command or whatever it's called..that didn't work either07:24
hunchybunchi keep forgetting all the commands and there syntax :P  short attention span07:25
tanath|Quest|, i'm really not too sure. i hear knoppix is great for hardware support, and that's been my experience, but it's generally used more as a livecd rather than a desktop system07:25
soldats|Quest|, i believe so07:25
bulmer|Quest|, curious what special hardware is required to run xp on Xen?07:25
JairunCalothoddalot: did you auto detect the the moniter? Sometimes you get inacurate info that way.07:25
cybergigsame, linux seems to have more terminal wise but I think its easier to understand if you know how in windows o.o07:26
JairunCalothlol nm, just read up07:26
tanubisquest: if you take a knoppix liveCD, you can usually port the drivers into ubuntu, but it'll be messy.07:26
|Quest|tanath soldats ic.. but iam having problems with pci tvtuner and winmodem.  by the way where i can get a list of ubuntu supported tv cards ?07:26
oddalothow do you autodetect?07:26
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tvtuner - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:27
|Quest|bulmer check the xen site. it says . it needs special processor for multi os07:27
bulmerdoes K3B uses up as much as 93% of cpu when verifying a dvd burn? its been hovering at this rate for 30 mins now, i burned with verify written data07:27
JairunCalothoddalot: the option was in the reconfigure script07:27
soldatsapparently tv tuner needs more support than i know of maybe infred or bluetooth07:27
oddalotyeah, i did that07:27
oddalotstill didn't work07:27
JairunCalothyou're best bet is finding the moniter specs...07:28
ubotuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out07:28
oddalotlol, this monitor is agent07:28
ShnozberrieIs there a way to hibernate an ubuntu session and go to a windows boot then come back?07:28
tanubisbulmer it can.  Verify will use CPU to hash the file on the drive and the file on the cd to see if there are defects.  Time for that varies by cpu speed, but takes about the same amount of time as it would to zip and unzip the thing.07:28
bulmer|Quest|, dont quote me, i think they meant it is targeted for dual core processors, but it didnt say it will not run on single core cpu's07:28
oddalothowever you spell it07:28
soldats|Quest|, yea you got the link cool07:28
florinsorry for the offtopic: does anybody know an active openoffice channel?07:29
oddalothey quest, use tvtime07:29
oddalotit's the best for testing out your settings07:29
bulmertanubis, thanks for the confirm..its just been hovering to like 93%+ for the past 30 minutes while verifying my burn07:29
cybergigAnyways, I think I'm going to take some sleeping pills and go to bed again... need rest since I'm sick..07:30
oddalotyes, i was sick...didn't rest07:30
oddalotgot sick again07:30
tanubisbulmer: what is your CPU speed?07:30
bulmertanubis a measly 1.8gig p4..pretty old, 512mb07:31
oddalotlinux doesn't require massive specs  LD07:31
cybergigwindows does though :(07:31
oddalotwhich begs the question07:32
cybergigthats what made me convert more as well... I had like 40 processes running and lagging like hell.07:32
tanubisbulmer: 30 minutes is a pretty long time then.  I'd expect 30 minutes+ on a 750mhz or worse, but that seems excessive.  Is it a CD or a DVD?07:32
bulmertanubis, DVD burning..a fedora 807:32
|Quest|tanath soldats bulmer where i can get a list of ubuntu supported tv cards ?07:32
tanubisbulmer: ya, that'll be a while07:32
|Quest|bulmer tanath soldats  thanks!07:32
bulmer!hardware | |Quest|07:33
ubotu|Quest|: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection07:33
oddalotok..maybe i can just keep looking through the monitors list and find one with a good resolution and refresh rate07:33
Crazy181hi guys i have a linksys usb 54g wireless adapter and it is not woking can anyone help me out please?07:34
bulmerCrazy181, what have you done so far ? also elaborate in your network setup, who owns the AP, wep or wap?07:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about inittab - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:36
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:36
|Quest|bulmer - i need you require a processor with the virtualization extensions (that is, it has the vmx flag and virtualization is enabled in bios).      to run xen. by the way dont you pvt ?07:37
Xintruderanyone here installed ubuntu on asus eee, with no problems?07:37
cafuegoby way of eeexubuntu07:37
cafuego... so it gets th asus acpi and modified atheros driver... so make sure you don't overwrite the kernel.07:37
Xintruderdo i need a special ubuntu cd for eee?07:37
james296when editing a program in the gnome main menu thing, how come every time I double click an icon, the Launcher Properties window ALWAYS shows up in the background instead of in front of the Main Menu window?07:37
Crazy181bulmer i have been googling for solutions with no luck, the ap is mine and i have disabled security on it to try and get this working i am unable to get an internet connection on the machine so i am on my laptop also using ubuntu on wirless07:38
bulmer|Quest| usually i dont go private because i thought i cant get pvt messages when unregistered..07:38
bulmer|Quest| i dont know those fllags as i dont have a dual core cpu07:38
bulmerCrazy181, you are on ubuntu and using wireless now?07:39
Crazy181bulmer - yes but i am using my laptop the adapter that is not working correctly is on my desktop machine07:39
kr00lHow do you extract a .tar.bz2 file07:40
bulmerCrazy181, oh okay, now what have you done in the desktop to get this usb wifi nic to work? is it also using ubuntu on the desktop?07:40
zenittar xjf file07:41
=== netdemon is now known as NeT_DeMoN_
NeT_DeMoN_how do you upgrade to version 7.10 through the terminal???07:41
tanubiskr00l: gunzip <file>07:41
kr00lzenit: now, how to i install it?07:41
james296when editing a program in the gnome main menu thing, how come every time I double click an icon, the Launcher Properties window ALWAYS shows up in the background instead of in front of the Main Menu window?07:42
FlannelNeT_DeMoN_: Why do you want to upgrade via terminal?07:42
Crazy181bulmer:i have not tried much as i am relatively new to linux networking also i have found no usefull info via google07:42
NeT_DeMoN_Flannel: because the update manager always has errors07:42
FlannelNeT_DeMoN_: which errors?07:42
tanubisnet_demon_ apt-get dist upgrade07:42
Crazy181bulmer: yes i am using ubuntu on the desktop aswell07:42
NeT_DeMoN_Flannel: the fetch wont download properly07:43
bulmerCrazy181, well you have not looked hard enuff, plenty of very good usefull info on google..anyhow..is it plug in to your desktop?07:43
NeT_DeMoN_tanubis: that didnt work07:43
tanubisnet_demon_ apt-get dist-upgrade07:43
Xintruderis 256MB NVIDIA® GeForce® 8600M GT considered a high end graphics card, that willl work perfectly woth ubuntu (and compiz) ?07:43
Mazus"high end"07:43
NeT_DeMoN_tanubis: still nothing07:43
Crazy181bulmer: it is connected via a usb2 interface and does say that there is a wireless adapter there07:43
FlannelNeT_DeMoN_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades#head-f2435a45758bb5836f8e5b87e90045463f8c6ec7  Make sure you have the ubuntu-desktop meta package, as well as linux-generic07:43
predaeusXintruder, the specs are by far sufficient for compiz07:44
bulmerCrazy181, what does iwconfig tells you?07:44
noodles12hey guys.. I want to learn how to making websites just to help out my friends site that is ghettoly done using frontpage. Should I just start learning a dreamweaver-like program for linux or should i actually learn html and javascript?07:44
bulmernoodles12, what language is ghettoly?07:45
kr00lI need some help installing "top2svg-v0.2"07:45
JairunCalothnoodles: regardless of how you put together your pages, a knowlege of at least HTML can really help07:45
* JairunCaloth pulls out the "back in my day" sign07:45
tanubisnoodles12: learn html and javascript07:45
mikes0000hey, is there a way to to get ubuntu to start without all the grafical stuff, i need to get in to install drivers for my video, but i cant cause it just freezes on startup07:46
Crazy181bulmer it reports as wlan01 but cant see my network bulmer what part would you like to know?07:46
tanubisnoodles12: a good editor to get you started is quanta (apt-get install quanta)07:46
Crazy181of iwconfig that is07:46
bulmerCrazy181, are you sure wlan01? not wlan0 or wlan1 ?07:46
bulmerCrazy181, what does iwconfig tells you? can you pastebin the result so we can peek?07:46
noodles12bulmer: haha sorry. i couldn't think of the word.07:47
Crazy181i cant as i have no network connection on my destop machine07:47
|Quest|bulmer are you getting my messages?07:47
|Quest|bulmer to use xen. i must have that07:47
bulmerCrazy181, i'd like you to take the time an copy it to pastebin, am taking my time to assist you07:48
|Quest|bulmer are you getting my messages?07:48
noodles12tanubis: thanks .. is quanta an editor for me to write html-code and see my page, or is it kind of like dreamweaver and frontpage?07:48
kr00lI would like some help installing a package called 'top2svg-v0.2.tar.bz207:48
bulmer|Quest| i dont think i can get private messages, am not regitered user07:48
Crazy181bulmer - ok imm on it now07:48
tanubisnoodles12: it's an editor to let you write html/javascript/asp/php and lots of other web languages.  It contains some buttons and the complete list of html tags for reference, so it's a good one to start learning from.  Has a preview button so you can see what it looks like as a webpage.07:49
NeT_DeMoN_im still having errors with the 7.10 upgrade07:49
kr00lNeT_DeMoN: just do a fresh install07:49
NeT_DeMoN_kr00l: how07:49
noodles12tanubis: cool thanks i'll def. check it out07:49
NeT_DeMoN_or wait, i thought you said fetch :P07:50
NeT_DeMoN_but ive tried 4 times to install it07:50
some_dudehey, I've made a program, and now I have to do a make install, but I don't want to clutter the file system. Iwold prefer to make package I can remove later07:50
some_dudedoes make remove work ?07:50
bulmerkr00l, once you have unzipped the file, does it have a README file you can read about how to install it?07:50
Flannelsome_dude: put them in /usr/local07:50
sethksome_dude, not always.  Best thing to do is to use --prefix= on configure07:50
sethkFlannel, source is installed to /usr/local by default07:50
kr00lNeT_DeMoN: go to www.ubuntu.com and click the download tab. Then download the new 7.10 .iso. Burn it and then turn off your computer and have it boot to the cd. Then install it07:51
hunchybunchNeT_DeMoN_, i would always make my home directory on a separate partition from the root, that way you can install whatever whenever.07:51
some_dudewhat's the prefix do ?07:51
sethksome_dude, for example, you can say   --prefix=/usr/local/something07:51
bulmersome_dude, you create the target on the Makefile to uninstall, it does not happen magically07:51
sethksome_dude, then it will create /usr/local/something/bin07:51
NeT_DeMoN_kr00l: alright07:51
sethksome_dude, /usr/local/something/whatever07:51
some_dudethen I can move create the package from it ?07:51
=== malnilion_ is now known as malnilion
sethksome_dude, if you put it in it's own directory, you can simply delete that directory07:52
kr00lbulmer: IDK it's an executable that asks to open in terminal07:52
SA007_anyone here working with bridging? for some reason it is only working partly here07:52
Crazy181bulmer - k here goes07:52
some_dudeI can deal with that07:52
Crazy181matt@matts:~$ iwconfig07:52
Crazy181lo        no wireless extensions.07:52
Crazy181eth0      no wireless extensions.07:52
Crazy181wmaster0  no wireless extensions.07:52
Crazy181wlan0     IEEE 802.11g  ESSID:"TTS"07:52
Crazy181          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.412 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated07:52
Crazy181          Retry min limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr=2346 B07:52
Crazy181          Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:007:52
Crazy181          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:007:52
Crazy181          Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:007:52
bulmerCrazy181, i said pastebin, not in this channel07:52
kr00lbulmer: here is the link 'http://freshmeat.net/projects/top2svg/07:52
sethksome_dude, the uninstall with make _might_ work, but it's not always available and even when it is, it is often unreliable07:52
Crazy181sorry :(07:53
predaeus!paste | Crazy18107:53
ubotuCrazy181: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:53
sethkRandompolygamy, ???  Umm... _interesting_ name.  :)07:53
tanubiscrazy181: what happens when you go ifup wlan0 ?07:54
some_dudeso prefix is just as good as creating a deb package ?07:54
bulmerkr00l, sorry i cant open up my browser right now, i have K3B using up 93%+ of my cpu...and lots of memory too i think07:54
efremWhat is that command that saves the output of a terminal session to a text file ( for looking back at later ) ?07:54
kr00lbulmer: what's k3B?07:54
sethksome_dude, you don't get the dependency checking you would get with a .deb, so not quite as good07:54
sethksome_dude, but in many cases more than good enough07:55
bulmerkr00l, am burning a dvd...07:55
ari_stressefrem: anycommand > textfile.txt07:55
some_dudeand that's a ./configure prefix=/usr/local/bla bla07:55
Randompolygamykr0ol its a Dvd burning app07:55
Randompolygamysorry bulmer didnt see ur reply07:55
some_dudewell I'm sure the dependents are there, since I just made the program07:55
Crazy181tanubis- i get Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan007:55
efremari_stress, I mean the shell and all, basically what I would get by scrolling back and copying all the text ( for multiple commands, not just one )07:55
sethksome_dude, yes, I'm sure, but you asked whether in general it's as good as a deb, so I answered generally.07:55
sethksome_dude, as I also said, in many cases, it's not really an issue07:56
some_dudegot you07:56
mikesshey, im having some trouble getting ubuntu to work, when ever i try to start it, it shuts off my monitor and the lights on my keyboard flash and sugestions?07:56
pteague_workubotu, !media07:56
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs07:56
ari_stressefrem: in that case, you can use the command: script, man for it07:56
bulmerCrazy181, per what you just pasted, it looks like you are using wlan0 and uses TTS essid, but you are not associated yet07:56
sethkmikess, smoke some wacky weed and watch the lights.07:56
pteague_workubotu, !codecs | pteague_work07:56
efremari_stress, Thank you, that's it07:56
mikessyea, thats about all i can do right now...07:56
sethkmikess, usb keyboard, or ps/2?07:56
kr00lbulmer: The author says that "It’s a simple Perl script that transforms the .top file into .svg"07:57
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:57
bulmerCrazy181, you can try to  sudo  (ifdown wlan0; ifup wlan0)07:57
ZklineHave a bit of a knitpickey question here...07:57
anthisubotu, !codecs07:57
mikessi have a radio x850, i think its something with video drivers, but i cant get in to try to update them07:57
sethkmikess,the monitor problem might be configuration (e.g. having a resolution set that the monitor doesn't support)07:57
Crazy181bulmer - that is my ssid yes but it doesnt actualy find the network (imm on my laptop and desk right next to desktop and it has 67%)07:57
sethkmikess, boot the live cd07:57
bulmerkr00l, were you able to uncompress the file ?07:57
sethkmikess, then you can mount the file system and do what you need to do.07:57
Crazy181bulmer - i manualy set the ssid to check if that would fix the issue07:58
ZklineIn /etc/cron.daily I have sysklogd, which uses the savelog script to do some log rotation.  But there's also a logrotate script.  I'm a bit confused as to why both exist.  They seem rather redundant and even possibly conflicting.07:58
MongooseWAanybody know how to install hydrogen, the drum machine app?07:58
mikessi tryed, nothing on the live cd will work same thing happens, and i tryed installing with the alternitive cd same thing07:58
bulmerCrazy181, you can try to  sudo  (ifdown wlan0; ifup wlan0)07:58
RandompolygamyIs there a Compiz - extras enthusiasts around??07:58
ari_stressMongooseWA: it's not in the repository?07:58
tanubiscrazy181: what do you have under /etc/network/interfaces ?07:58
efremmikess, Sounds like a kernel panick ( not easy to cause ), are you sure there are no hardware problems?07:58
sethkMongooseWA, I'm morally opposed to drum machines.  Let the machine do things that are boring, not fun.07:58
kr00lbulmer: yes and when i open it there are is a "top2svg" Executable text file and some examples07:58
Crazy181bulmer - same result already tried that :)07:58
MongooseWAi am too, as a drummer. but i wanna play around with producing.07:59
bulmerkr00l, someone suggested gunzip or bunzip earlier to uncompress it right?07:59
mikesspretty sure ive ran an older version on this comptuer before only thing differnt is the videocard07:59
bulmerim lagging badly..07:59
sethkMongooseWA, I know.  A while back, most pop stuff was recording with mechanical drumming, but fortunately that seems to be behind us.07:59
MongooseWAand it doesnt seem to be in repo's. i've tried compiling from source but it incessantly bithces that i dont have the dependent libsnd, flac, etc libraries when i try to configure07:59
bulmer!ping bulmer07:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ping bulmer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:59
kr00lbulmer: it is unzipped07:59
JairunCalothis there anyone who could take a look at my /etc/network/interfaces and tell me where I might be messing up building this bridge?07:59
MongooseWAsethk, i hear you. acoustic is best, but electronic music can still be good, imo07:59
sethkMongooseWA, if there isn't a package available, you may just have to fight through the dependencies.08:00
MongooseWAthanks though08:00
sethkMongooseWA, probably you need to install some _dev packages08:00
mikessit boots fine in recovery mode tho08:00
mikessis there any way to boot without running x?08:00
bulmerkr00l, well maybe you dont really need to install it, you just run the command with options of the file you need to convert..read the examples08:00
sethkMongooseWA, usually when you can't build from scratch and you have, e.g., snd installed, you need the header files from a package named snd_dev (not the exact names, but you get the idea)08:00
sethkmikess, you can boot into recovery mode08:01
mikessyea that works08:01
bulmerCrazy181, you have tried ifup wlan0 ?  what was the response if any?08:01
sethkmikess, you can then do control-alt-f1, log in, and kill any X that is running (if any is running)08:01
MongooseWAo0o0 got it08:01
MongooseWAthanks sethk08:01
Crazy181tanubis -auto lo08:01
MongooseWAhopefully this'll fix hydrogen's install08:01
Crazy181tanubis - iface lo inet loopback08:02
ShnozberrieWhere can I disable workspace scrolling by mouse? I have a touchpad and I accidentally hit it often.08:02
rodolfohey i'm running Ubuntu gutsy. Can somebody teach me how to check for new video driver from git or give me some useful link that explains...(how to)?08:02
MongooseWAgrrr its still complaining about not having the flac++ libs08:02
mikessboot into recovevey mode and do that?08:02
Crazy181bulmer - Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan008:03
sethkMongooseWA, search for packages with flac in the name, see if there is a dev package you need.08:03
MongooseWAyeah, did that08:03
MongooseWAand got it :-D08:03
sethkMongooseWA, I haven't installed this particular app, which is why I'm being somewhat vague08:03
MongooseWAsethk, you're fine. i tihnk it should work now08:03
sethkMongooseWA, hope so.08:03
MongooseWAwhat do these errors mean?08:04
MongooseWAsrc/lib/xml/tinyxml.h:828: error: extra qualification ‘TiXmlDeclaration::’ on member ‘TiXmlDeclaration’08:04
bulmerCrazy181, you proly dont have the drivers for it loaded..try loading that first, and maybe you have to use ndiswrapper which am not fond of or familiar with08:04
MongooseWAmake[1]: *** [src/tinystr.o] Error 108:04
MongooseWAmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/evan/Desktop/hydrogen-0.9.3'08:04
MongooseWAmake: *** [hydrogenPlayer] Error 208:04
AtulMy firefox wont have flashplayer how to add plug-ins to it.08:04
mikesssethk do i boot into recovery mode and do the ctrl-alt-f1?08:04
sethkmikess, try that, yes.08:04
mikessalright ill try thanks08:05
Crazy181bulmer - i will c what i can find on google thanks for your help guys08:05
sethkMongooseWA, usually that means the app was never compiled with a recent version of the compiler, and it has an error that an earlier version of the compiler overlooked08:05
bulmerCrazy181, okay..good luck08:05
sethkMongooseWA, you have to fix that .h file.  If you put it on the pastebin, we can look at it and see why it's being bitchy08:05
tanubiscrazy181 you need to have an entry in there for wlan008:07
sethkMongooseWA, as bulmer said, tinyxml.h08:07
tanubiscrazy181 add in something like... iface wlan0 inet dhcp08:07
tanubiscrazy181 you need to have an entry in there for wlan008:08
tanubiscrazy181 add in something like... iface wlan0 inet dhcp08:08
mikesssethk i tryed that and it didnt do anything, i also noticed that its only the caps and scroll lock that flash if that makes a differnce08:08
sethkmikess, they flash continuously?08:09
sethkmikess, what kind of machine is it?  as in processor type, speed, whatever?08:09
Crazy181tanubis -ty will try that08:09
tanubiscrazy181 after adding that line, try ifdown wlan0 ifup wlan008:09
tanubiscrazy181 after adding that line, try ifdown wlan0 //  ifup wlan008:09
mikessamd64 3200+ gigabyte motherboard, 2 gigs of ram, and a radeon x850 videocard08:10
sethkmikess, did the install work normally, show the gui, etc?08:10
MongooseWAsethk, where is tinyxml.h located?08:10
bulmerwhat was the signal one sends to a possibly just sleeping process? hup? i dont want to kill it, just a nudge to wake it up08:10
mikessno, the gui wouldnt load nothing on the regular disk would work, i had to download the alternative copy and do text install08:11
tanubisls |grep php308:11
sethkMongooseWA, the error message said  src/lib/xml/tinyxml.h, so I assume that's in the place where you extracted the files from the tarball08:11
sethkmikess, hmm.  if it were just the video, X would fail to start but it would bring up a console login08:12
sethkmikess, boot the alternative CD, get to a prompt, mount the file system, and look in the logs (/var/log/messages, /var/log/syslog are the ones that typically we care about)08:13
mikesssethk, when i try to boot anything on the live cd, says loading kernal to 100% then goes turns the monitor off and does the flashy thing08:14
sethkMongooseWA, you can take out the "virtual" qualifier and it should build.  I know that doesn't make much sense but I think it will work.08:14
dr_pressureguys -- quick question: i'm root on a dlink router, and i want to modify a file, but it's giving me some crap about a read only file system -- how can i bypass that?08:15
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter08:15
sethkmikess, ok, in that case, boot the alternate cd and get access to the files and look at the X log (usually /var/log/Xorg.0.log)08:16
bulmerdr_pressure, you have a shell access to a dlink router?  is it even possible to write inside that router?08:16
MongooseWAsethk, how do i go abotu doing that? im a newb at programming.08:16
mikesssethk could i do that in recovery mode because that boots fine08:16
sethkMongooseWA, bring up an editor and simply delete "virtual"08:16
ShnozberrieSo i'm having a big problem. I installed ubuntu first on ReiserFS leaving unallocated space in the HDD for a windows partition. When I use the windows installer it gives me an error upon attempting format / partition on this unallocated space. Fdisk shows it as a HPFS/NTFS drive.08:16
sethkmikess, sure, any way that gets you to a prompt.  In this case, then, look at Xorg.0.log.old08:17
dr_pressurebulmer, there's a different file system which i can write to -- but i want to modify the html page (usually done by firmware update). it's a read only file system, but seeing as i'm root isn't there any way i can get around that?08:17
sethkmikess, because Xorg.0.log will be from the successful recovery mode startup08:17
bulmerdr_pressure, answer those dlink routers run from its ram, so you have no where to write and save08:17
white_eaglecan VLC play .rm files?08:17
dr_pressurebulmer, yes, i know i wont be able to save, but is there a way i can write anyway08:18
MongooseWAsethk, do i delete all occurances of "virtual" in tinyxml.h? there's quite a few08:18
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs08:18
sethkMongooseWA, no, only the one on the line where you got the error message.  828 I think it was.08:18
bulmerdr_pressure, the router itself does not allow you to write to its flash memory correct?08:18
dr_pressurebulmer, not as far as i can tell08:18
MongooseWAsethk, no dice08:19
sethkMongooseWA, did the error message change?08:19
sethkMongooseWA, was it 828?  If so I told you the wrong line.08:20
bulmerdr_pressure, none that I know of on these cheap routers..single board computers may have the circuitry but not sure about soho class or routers08:20
MongooseWAsethk, nope,it's exactly the same. i commented out line 830, though08:20
MongooseWAline 830 is virtual ~TiXmlDeclaration(){}08:20
sethkMongooseWA, I forgot that it uses the line number where the error is on a multi-line statement08:20
ShnozberrieShould I just try formatting the entire disk and installing windows FIRST?08:20
bulmerShnozberrie, yes, but why even use windows?08:20
dr_pressuredamn, thanks anyway bulmer08:20
ShnozberrieAdobe CS3 : (08:21
sethkMongooseWA, put 830 back in, and on the constructor, take out TiXmlDeclaration::08:21
MongooseWAok, yeah08:21
MongooseWAi was gunna suggest that08:21
sethkMongooseWA, it's a class constructor, and the qualifier is redundent.08:21
sethkMongooseWA, I should have seen that right away; I must be getting old and senile.08:21
bulmerdr_pressure, how would one upgrade a firmware on those units anyways? maybe same steps?08:21
ere4siwhite_eagle, vlc can't play .rm files - there's a real player in synaptic tho' :)08:21
MongooseWAugh, now im getting a different error08:22
white_eagleere4si: I know, i was just asking08:22
MongooseWAstill with tinyxml, i believe08:22
sethkMongooseWA, well, that's progress (I hope)  :)08:22
MongooseWAyeah :-\08:22
MongooseWA1 sec, ill pastebin08:22
dr_pressurebulmer, i have actually found the mechanism by which firmware update works --- it's a command line program which gets called by the html.... i've yet to try to hack it, but my guess is that it would be only accept files that are cryptographically signed :(08:22
MongooseWAsethk, http://pastebin.com/d5a0f58ad08:23
Matrixisrlanybody know how to configure ubuntu 7.1 sound08:24
bulmerdr_pressure, these soho routers have somekind of linux behind it noh? like a zyxel has busybox, i have yet to figure out how to write to the flash memory, i like to change the iptable rules on it08:24
ere4siwhite_eagle, "real" is a commrercial entity - linux has a port of there codec that will play their files - is what I meant :)08:24
zetheroocan I format an ntfs drive with gparted?08:25
ChrisGibbsits been a while since i have previously done a new install but does 7.10 complain when /boot is its own partition??08:25
sethkMongooseWA, it's a class, but the code is referring to it as a struct08:25
bulmerdr_pressure, once you access the basically command line of that router, look in  /bin or /sbin or whichever a normal linux would put binary executables08:25
ChrisGibbsit seems to boot when installed but after updates I could not boot anymore08:26
chibongi know this is a simple question but what does flgrx mean08:26
MongooseWAhmm.. i dont understand why the "stable" version should cause this much trouble08:26
dr_pressurebulmer, yes i am constantly playing around with the iptables rules... i want to cross-compile a whole bunch of networking tools for it, but first i need to figure out how to write to flash08:26
bulmerdr_pressure, good luck man, and paste your hacks so we all can learn :)08:27
dr_pressurebulmer, cheers :)08:27
mikesssethk, i checked thoes log files they had nothing in them, and xorg.o.log wasnt there08:28
sethkmikess, upper case X on that file name08:28
mikessthere was nothing like that in the dir08:28
sethkMongooseWA, the error this time is on tinyxml.cpp, so please put that on the pastebin also08:29
chibongdoes anyone know how to install ati drivers on ubuntu feisty with dual head08:29
ShnozberrieHey guys I just want to ask one last time before I run off and reinstall ubuntu again. Any ideas why my windows installer can't format my ntfs partition? Just says "does not meet criteria for install"08:29
bulmermikess nothing in /varl/log/X*08:29
sethkmikess, if the gui starts up, it has to be there.  If you are booting to a command line then it may not be there.08:29
mikesssethk, the gui wont start up i think it crashes before it can08:30
MongooseWAsethk, http://pastebin.com/d53d3054d08:30
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sethkmikess, ok.  beginning to sound like a weird problem, maybe mixing 32 bit and 64 bit apps.08:30
mikessi downloaded the 64bit version hmmmm did the cd validation aswell08:30
Shnozberrieokay, i'm off to install. see you all in an hour or so08:30
chibongdoes any1 here know how to install ati drivers to get full 3d acceleration from the video card on ubuntu feisty.08:32
mdkehi. Can someone tell me how to specify the editor I want to use when editing my crontab?08:32
Byronhey, i've just put some random ati card in my machine, and now ubuntu keeps going into safe mode, even though its already installed the drivers08:32
astro76mdke: update-alternatives --config editor08:32
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mdkeastro76: without administrative access?08:34
sethkMongooseWA, I think there are two definitions of TiXmlDeclaration, one in tinyxml.h and the other in tinyxml.cpp08:34
astro76mdke: hang on08:34
astro76mdke: no you need admin for that08:34
MongooseWAmk. makes sense.08:34
astro76mdke: need to put export EDITOR=vi or whatever you want in .bash_profile or .bashrc08:35
astro76mdke: probably .bash_profile08:35
mdkeastro76: ah, i'll try that - thanks08:35
sethkMongooseWA, looks like they are identical, so take one out.08:35
MongooseWAeither or?08:35
mdkeastro76: works, thanks!08:36
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sethkMongooseWA, shouldn't matter.  I'd take it out in the .h file, but that's purely asthetic.  :)08:36
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MongooseWAme too :P08:36
astro76you're welcome08:36
MongooseWAmake: *** No rule to make target `src/lib/xml/tinyxml.h', needed by `hydrogenPlayer'.  Stop.08:36
PKdoRhow di I anable the desktop eviroment?08:38
mar77ijust wondered that there is no /etc/X11/gdm directory... I want to configure the login screen to have numLock on...08:38
sethkMongooseWA, make sure the file is still there.08:38
MongooseWAsethk, did you mean just purge the contents of the file?08:38
ere4siPKdoR,  are you at a text login? - startx08:38
PKdoRwen i start ubunto he desktp doeas not start i sas there is a problem with X08:39
PKdoRere4si yes08:39
ere4siPKdoR,  then login and type    startx08:39
chibonghey can any1 tell me how to get full 3d acceleration on an ati radeon 9600 with dual head. Ive tried installing sum drivers but it never works08:40
MongooseWAgrah, this is frustrating and im tired08:40
MongooseWAthanks for your help, sethk08:40
PKdoRiere4 it says "fatal error 104"08:40
MongooseWAim gunna go to bed, though08:41
mar77ijust wondered that there is no /etc/X11/gdm directory... I intended to configure the login screen to have numLock on...08:41
ChrisGibbs!ati | chibong08:41
ubotuchibong: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:41
ljsmithxhello all!08:41
astro76mar77i: locate gdm | grep etc08:42
PKdoRere4si it says "fatal error 104 [connectin reset on X server]"08:42
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ere4siPKdoR,  then type   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg     and choose the defaults exept for the video driver - select vesa for that to get you a desktop08:42
jetscreamer/etc/gdm/gdm.conf is basically blank now08:42
mikesssethk, the last thing that pops up right before it crashes is at the top of the screen "3,354275 pci cannot allocate resource regon 0 of device 0000:00:00.0" and at the bottom, kernal alive, kernal dirrect mapping to tables up to 1000000000000 @ 8000:d00008:42
jetscreameryou add what you want08:42
jetscreamerto change08:42
ljsmithxWhen I right-click on my desktop and goto change wallpaper, the appearance menu doesn't08:43
jetscreamerthe one it uses is called default and it's under /lib or /var i forget08:43
mar77ioh I found it in another forum. thanks astro76 - this has changed since ff08:43
jetscreameryou have to put the section headers, then the directives08:43
ljsmithxit does respond it just doesnt out put the graphic to tell me its doing something :(08:43
jetscreamerinto /etc/gdm/gdm.conf08:43
sethkmikess, ok08:44
sethkmikess, that's a dma issue, most likely for the video card08:44
ljsmithxif i click on visual effects it still shows me the wallpaper tab, but if i click around it changes my visual effects settings08:44
ljsmithxis anyone else experiencing this?08:45
mikesssethk, its a agp video card also08:45
sethkmikess, sometimes with this sort of problem, you can make it work by toggling the value of plug and play support in the bios.08:45
crdlbljsmithx: but all other windows work perfectly?08:45
sethkmikess, agp is basically a single slot pci bus, so that tracks.08:45
sethkmikess, get back to the command prompt, and do this:      lspci08:45
crdlbljsmithx: it's just a plain old gtk dialog, so I don't see how that would even be possible :/08:46
ljsmithxthe appearence window was behind this one, now its grayed out08:46
sethkmikess, then see what device is at address 0:0:0  (however many zeroes there are  :)  )08:46
mikessalright brb08:46
ljsmithxcrdlb, how can I prove this to you?08:46
crdlbunless it's a compiz-related drawing problem08:46
hxuHi! I'm gonna ask a question about laptop wireless driver, is this the right place?08:46
crdlbljsmithx: I'm not saying I don't believe you :)08:46
ljsmithxok then ll08:46
sethkljsmithx, has to be a window manager issue of some sort.08:47
acdvsI need help about running irssi from behind an authenticating proxy server at office. Is this the right place?08:47
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crdlbljsmithx: it works normally when using metacity right?08:47
ljsmithxhow do I know that?08:47
crdlbacdvs: #irssi might be better08:47
sethkljsmithx, run metacity08:47
ljsmithxfrom the command line?08:48
crdlbljsmithx: setting visual effects to 'None' runs metacity08:48
ljsmithxwell thats the thing08:48
acdvscrdlb: yes I need help with setting up irssi08:48
crdlbor run metacity --replace in a terminal08:48
ljsmithxI can't get to the visual effects tab because the window doesn't show me whats going on : /08:49
PKdoRere4si thank you sir tha worked Im runing in vbox by the way08:49
ljsmithxmetacity --replace08:49
ljsmithxi'll do that08:49
ere4siPKdoR,  you might need driver for you're card lol :)08:49
ljsmithx:( nope08:50
ljsmithxthe visual effects are now turned off08:50
sethkHave to go, goodnight all.08:50
ljsmithxAll I know is it is responding but isnt giving me the graphic output to tell me its doing anything08:51
ljsmithxif i click randomly my wallpaper changes08:51
ljsmithxif i open the change wallpaper window then really quicly goto the visual effects tab it goes there08:53
ljsmithxand it shows me it does08:53
ljsmithxi think i found me a bug?08:53
Magick211Has anyone else had problems with burning cd/dvd's on laptops? Ive read trough the forums and it seems to be a common problem but i havent found any fixes, when i try to burn i get an error "Please insert black disc. The burner works fine in winblows08:54
Magick211I think my drive may be detected as a cd/dvd reader08:54
kr00lcan you run office 07 in ubuntu?08:56
dgjoneskr00l, you might get an answer to that looking at winehq.com in their app database, or if not in the #winehq channel, I've never tried so can't answer, but those places may give you some info08:58
jetscreameryou can't even run it in w2k08:58
mikesssethk, is there a way to scroll up in terminal?08:58
jetscreameror pgdn08:58
kr00ldgjones: thx08:58
jetscreamermikess: ^^08:58
dgjoneskr00l, no probs08:58
walkieswhat is the best way of queueing up and letting a bunch of files transfer from a shared folder on your network?08:58
spacecathow should i start learning C++08:59
MicronXDcould someone assist me in gettin the latest version of "dbus"?08:59
Guest16155hello, when i use "scandir" — i get List of files and directories inside array. does its possible to recognize each cell in the array if its filename or folder ?08:59
MicronXDspacecat: look for a "Hello World" in C++08:59
mikessis there a way to scroll up in recovery mode?09:00
MicronXDspacecat:  Google for "C++ hello world" and then join a C++ support forum, and you should be on ur way09:01
atm0sphmikess, are you typing commands and it's scrolling too much or are you just wanting to scroll back durin gthe boot process?09:01
passbedoes anyone know where horde should be installed (im doing a manual install, install file says /usr/local/apache/htdocs, however this does not exist)09:01
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mikessscrolling to much09:01
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atm0sphmikess, try appending | more to your commands09:02
crdlbless is better :P09:02
walkieswhat do you guys suggest, I need to copy a lot of seperate files and directories from a smb share on my network, one directory I want to transfer is going to take 2 hours, how can I automate the task of waiting fr a folder is complete before chosing the next folder to download?09:03
MicronXDCould someone help me obtain the latest version of "dbus"? :D09:03
atm0sphscrollable is good09:03
zetheroohow can I change my sudo password?09:03
MicronXDCould someone help me obtain the latest version of "dbus", please ^ ^09:04
MicronXD                                       Could someone help me obtain the latest version of "dbus", please ^ ^09:05
atm0sphzetheroo, sudo passwd root I believe09:05
MicronXDi think apt get is lookin in the wrong place :/09:05
atm0sphMicronXD, do you know how to change your repositories?09:05
zetherooatm0sph: thanks09:05
MicronXDatm0sph, :/ no09:06
atm0sphzetheroo, that may not work though..09:06
MicronXDatm0sph, I'm a bit of a n00b09:06
atm0sphMicronXD, s'ok.. sec.. looking09:06
zetherooatm0sph: it did .. thanks09:06
atm0sphzetheroo, :)09:06
MicronXDatm0sph, If i don't respond for a sec, I'm gettin my power cord09:06
atm0sphMicronXD, is that dbus a part of gatreamer or no?09:07
mikessmy ubuntu crashes seconds after trying to load, turns off my monitor and the scroll and caps lock flash any ideas?09:07
MicronXDI'm not really sure09:07
erUSULatm0sph: no; dbus is used all over gnome and other software too09:07
atm0sphMicronXD, sorry I dont know then.09:07
MicronXDatm0sph, I'm not ACTUALLY using ubuntu right now09:08
erUSULmikess: that's a kernel panic can you check the logs to see if you got something there explaining it??09:08
MicronXDatm0sph, I'm using knoppix09:08
erUSUL!bugs | mikess09:08
ubotumikess: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots09:08
atm0sphMicronXD, why do you need to update dbus then?>  is something not working?09:08
atm0sphknoppix is pretty sweet.09:08
mikesswheres the log?09:08
MicronXDatm0sph, i did "apt-get install dbus"09:08
MicronXDatm0sph, but it said i have the latest version09:09
erUSULmikess: /var/log/messages /var/log/syslog09:09
atm0sphwhats the problem then?09:09
atm0sph(%BKernel%B):%B[%BLinux 2.6.22-14-generic i686%B]%B (%BUptime%B):%B[%B6:18%B]%B (%BLoad%B):%B[%B0.42%B]%B (%BCPUCount%B):%B[%B1%B]%B (%BModel%B):%B[%BIntel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1000MHz%B]%B (%BClock%B):%B[%B600.000MHz%B]%B (%BCache%B):%B[%B1024 KB%B]%B (%BBogomips%B):%B[%B1191.76%B]%B (%BMem%B):%B[%B413/510M %C14[%C4||||||||%C3||%C14]%C%B]%B (%BTotal Space%B):%B[%B58.6G%B]%B (%BProcesses%B):%B[%B132%B]%B09:09
atm0sphOH NO09:09
MicronXDatm0sph, then when I tried to install "bluez-utils", its says I don't have dbus 0.35 or newer09:09
FreezeShey guys09:09
MicronXDatm0sph, so i believe apt-get is looking for dbus on the disc09:10
atm0sphMicronXD, apt-get should be looking at url's09:10
MicronXDatm0sph, but I'm not sure how to get "apt-get" to look on the web09:10
mikessthere is no data in them only thing hat comes up before crash is pci cannot allocate resource regon 0 of device 0000:00:00.009:10
atm0sphwhere is the sources.lst file ahainm09:11
MicronXDatm0sph, eek idk09:12
xibalbain 6.06lts, how would i install a smp kernel09:13
mikesserUSUL, there is no data in the logs only thing that comes up before crash is pci cannot allocate resource regon 0 of device 0000:00:00.009:13
xibalbai have an amd 64 4200+ x209:13
atm0sphMicronXD, type gedit /etc/apt/sources.list &09:13
atm0sphthat will bring up your sources file09:14
atm0sphit shoudl check those url's for repositories09:14
atm0sphwhen you apt-get09:14
xibalbaatm0sph any idea which pkg name to use for smp kernel09:14
atm0sphxibalba, I'm actually kind of a nub..  I have no idea what smp is09:15
xibalbadual proc cpu09:15
j-dawghi all...need some help here...new Ubuntu user...hoping to get it all working before my XP 30 day trial wears off :)09:15
atm0sphj-dawg, whatcha need?09:15
j-dawgI am trying to connect to my IMAP server09:15
j-dawgit won't work from Evolution, Thunderbird or even a web browser09:16
j-dawgit connects09:16
j-dawgand says it's downloadingheaders09:16
j-dawgbut then it just hangs09:16
khelllhow to set host www.myapp.com as a localhost  ???09:16
atm0sphyeah I'm not sure about imap servers09:17
j-dawgare there known problems connecting to IMAP under Ubuntu?09:18
erUSULmikess: :S then you can try to boot into recovery mode (without X) and see if the panic msg is printed on the console... that's the only way you can make a usefull bug report...09:18
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erUSULxibalba: the generic kernel supports smp09:18
mikessmy ubuntu crashes seconds after trying to load, turns off my monitor and the scroll and caps lock flash any ideas? error before crash is pci cannot allocate resource regon 0 of device 0000:00:00.009:19
erUSULkhelll: System>Admin>Net ?09:19
khelllam using kubuntu :)09:20
atm0sphj-dawg, read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2152009&postcount=49 it MIGHT help09:20
quantum_haxxmikess: have you changed any hardware recently in the PC?09:21
hysteria-spiAny cools  tips for ubuntu for a newb09:21
atm0sphhysteria-spi, what version you running?09:22
mikessjust video card and procthis is a fresh install tho09:23
atm0sphgo to system, preferences, then advanced desktop settings09:23
atm0sphplay in there09:23
Gate_Laptopany have a word of advise for the following situation: I have a recent macbook just reinstalled with an encrypted drive etc, single boot Ubuntu 7.10. Problem is the system won't boot on its own, but if I choose "boot from first hard disk" from the CD it boots fine.09:23
quantum_haxxmikess: was the graphic card pci-express, agp, or pci?09:23
vallhalla81hysteria-spi: try this it may help09:24
mikessagp radion x85009:24
erUSULkhelll: man localhost09:24
quantum_haxxmikess: what pci cards do you have in your pc, do you know?09:25
hysteria-spiI dont have that option09:25
mikessjust a sb x-fi09:25
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j-dawgatm0sph: I see he asks my question but no answer...did I miss it? I was gonna e-mail him and see if he ever got an answert09:26
mikessi did lspci and 00:00:00 is my nforce3 chipset09:26
aroonihas anyone gotten ubuntu gutsy + pocket pc + google calendar + thunderbird (with lightning plugin) working (and syncing)?  any suggestions?09:27
opusmy lcd samsung 226BW support 60hz refresh rate, I am able to get max 51 in System -> Preferences -> Screen  Resolution, I have an entry in the xorg.conf "VertRefresh 60" any ideas what to do?09:27
quantum_haxxmikess: i have some troubles with an nforce ethernet card in my laptop too, but it usually doesn't lead to crashes...it just gets renamed every boot (atm its eth150 XD)09:27
quantum_haxxmikess: does the crash occur only in the GUI, or if you boot to a recovery session too?09:27
mikessrecovery works09:28
quantum_haxxmikess: when it crashes, does it load any part of the GUI, or does it just give you a terminal screen with the error and crash?09:30
WinShadesorry. wats the command to copy a directory to another directory from terminal?09:31
neo_cp -R /source /desc09:31
mikessit flashes that for a second then monitor says no signal and cap and scroll lock flash09:31
phpcurioushi , can anyone help me with my crontab problem ? http://bin.cakephp.org/view/72253854009:31
quantum_haxxmikess: did you have an ati card before updating?09:32
neo_what's the problem with the crontab ?09:32
quantum_haxxmikess: did you have a driver installed for your old card?09:32
mikessyes a 9700 and it booted fine09:32
quantum_haxxmikess: try to, in the recovery menu, edit your xorg.conf to use the vesa driver09:33
quantum_haxxmikess: then install the ati drivers for that card09:33
mikessno fresh install live cd wouldt boot had to get alternative09:33
phpcuriousneo_  my php script is supposed to run using cron09:33
quantum_haxxmikess: ah, what drivers did you choose to use then?09:33
tuntunHi. Who has been using the mplayer-mozilla plugin for a while? what doesn't it play?09:33
mikesscan u turn internet on in recovery?09:33
phpcuriousneo_ I don't know if there is something that I am doing wrong...09:33
quantum_haxxmikess: yeah, with iwconfig/ifconfig09:34
passbecan anyone assist me in a horde error within relationship to pear's Mail_Mime module09:34
mikessit just auto'd09:34
WinShadewhat's the terminal command to recursively delete everything within a folder?09:34
khelllam trying to associate /var/www/apps/myapp/ with an domain name www.myapp.com , how to do so09:34
DaneSAhello ppl09:34
neo_the files at http://bin.cakephp.org/view/722538540 are ok09:34
DaneSAhow would i disable compiz09:34
kr00lwhat virtual machine can i use to run windows xp?09:35
WinShadenevermind figured it out09:35
mikessthey didnt work? do you have enable eth0?09:35
DaneSAi'm running gutsy 64bit09:35
mikessthey didnt work? do you have enable eth0?09:36
tuntunWho has been using the mplayer-mozilla plugin for a while? what doesn't it play?09:36
DaneSAhelp plz09:36
phpcuriousneo_: so what do you think is wrong ?09:36
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DaneSAdisable compiz09:36
tuntunWho likes the mplayer-mozilla plugin? what doesn't it play?09:36
quantum_haxxmikess: try to view your xorg.conf file with sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:36
neo_as I understood you want the output of to write down in /etc/cron.stockstatus.cakephp/DEXAMEDICA.html09:37
quantum_haxxmikess: if there is anything but vesa listed for driver, try changing it and booting into the GUI09:37
phpcuriousneo_:  yes09:37
mikessits empty09:37
quantum_haxxmikess: shouldnt be:P09:37
quantum_haxxmikess: make sure you keep the X capitalized09:38
phpcuriousneo_ : the script did nt run... the db table was not being populated... is there something else I forgot?09:38
quantum_haxxtry running: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg09:38
phpcuriousneo_ : btw, the output is just like a log... of the cron run09:38
quantum_haxxmikess: that should generate the xorg.conf file for you09:39
j-dawgcan anyone help me figure out why I cannot download mail from my IMAP server?09:39
mikessk got in that file09:39
quantum_haxxj-dawg: are you behind a firewall/proxy?  enable sharing on the account?09:39
quantum_haxxmikess: what does it say under driver?09:39
j-dawgno firewall or proxy...I can download fine under windows XP09:39
khelllhow to set host www.myapp.com as a localhost  ?09:40
quantum_haxxj-dawg: compare your settings in linux to those in XP09:40
j-dawgall the same09:40
j-dawgit connects to the server09:40
quantum_haxxmikess: change ati to vesa09:40
j-dawgbut it gets stuck when downloading09:40
j-dawgeven from the web interface it has problems09:40
quantum_haxxmikess: should give you a lower quality and no special effects GUI when you boot, might make life easier for you to get the drivers working09:40
quantum_haxxj-dawg: just gets stuck, no errors?09:41
mikesswhats the command to edit and save in vim again?09:41
j-dawgbut I can swap in my XP hard drive and connect/download without a problem09:41
j-dawgno errors09:41
j-dawgjust stuck09:41
j-dawgvery strange09:41
quantum_haxxmikess: insert=i  exit insert mode= esc  write=:w  quit=:q09:41
j-dawgtried on Evolution and Thunderbird09:41
neo_<khelll> how to set host www.myapp.com as a localhost : in /etc/hosts just add the www.myapp.com at the end of line " localhost"09:42
quantum_haxxj-dawg: hmm, do you have a stable internet connection? or does it cut out every so often?09:42
quantum_haxxj-dawg:  any other downloads just stick?09:42
j-dawgnope...I download packages w/o a problem09:42
mikessthen restart?09:43
quantum_haxxj-dawg: how long do you wait before giving up on the download? maybe it's just slow?09:43
quantum_haxxmikess: yea try to boot into the GUI now09:43
j-dawgI let it go for 10 - 15 min09:43
j-dawgshould not take that long09:43
quantum_haxxj-dawg: hmm, it really shouldn't09:43
quantum_haxxj-dawg: sorry, i have no idea what it could be:P09:43
j-dawgok...maybe I'll post to the forums...thanks09:44
mikesssame problem09:44
quantum_haxxj-dawg: no problem, and good luck getting it sorted09:44
quantum_haxxmikess: hmm, maybe check to make sure all your cards are secure in their sockets?09:44
mikessevery thing works in xp09:45
quantum_haxxmikess: hmm, sorry then i really dunno what it could be09:45
quantum_haxxmikess: you running 7.10 or 7.04?09:45
quantum_haxxmikess: does the live CD boot if you choose "safe graphics mode" instead of the normal boot?09:46
mikesshad to get alternative09:47
j-dawgok, I got another one...09:47
quantum_haxxmikess: have you tried any other liveCDs?09:47
j-dawgI want to install IE6 under wine09:47
j-dawgI have the "ie6setup.exe" file on my desktop09:48
dgjonesj-dawg, have you tried ies4linux?09:48
quantum_haxxj-dawg: try using wine-doors, should be able to do it pretty much automatically09:48
mikessno just ubuntu i have an old copy should i try that?09:48
j-dawgoh, is that a package? (sorry, newbie)09:48
quantum_haxxmikess: i was thinking to try something like knoppix09:48
quantum_haxxj-dawg:  yea wine doors is a gui that gives you a list of commonly needed wine packages, and downloads and installs them if you tell it which packages you want09:49
dgjonesj-dawg, i'm not sure if its in the repo's, but have a look at this web page and search synaptic to make sure http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page09:49
mikessill try that09:49
quantum_haxxmikess: yea, because if it happens in knoppix too, i really don't know what could be wrong09:49
quantum_haxxmikess: might be some driver that starts with ubuntu that messes it up09:50
quantum_haxxmikess: well, good luck with that09:50
dgjonesj-dawg, just checked, doesn't seem to be in the repositories, but its an option for installing if you really need it09:50
mikessyou recomdend any other versions other than knoppix?09:50
Xintruderis nvidia 8600 good for compiz ???09:51
DerangedDingoanyone know of a way to get the new Creative Zens to work in Ubuntu? The version of libmtp in Feisty's repo's can't detect it :/09:51
j-dawgdgjones: sorry to sound ignorant, but what do repositories do/mean? (new to all this)09:51
dgjones!repo | j-dawg09:51
ubotuj-dawg: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource09:51
quantum_haxxmikess: quite a few:P  you can try Sidux (runs kdelite), OpenSuse doesnt have a liveCD, however might work, PuppyLinux, Xubuntu (in case it has to do with the gnome interface)09:51
quantum_haxxmikess: otherwise it's really just a test, so choose any distro you feel like trying09:52
DerangedDingoj-dawg: they're a ton of packages hosted on ubuntu servers, and a few programs in ubuntu (Synaptic, apt-get, Add/Remove, aptitude) fetch the packages from the server and install them09:52
mikessdoes apt-get work with any other distro?09:52
mikesscause i really like the easy packages :D09:52
quantum_haxxmikess: all distros have something like apt-get but for example suse uses yast, fedora core uses yum, and some others use aptitude (or apt-get)09:53
|Stevie|morgen zusammen09:53
quantum_haxxmikess: might be best to google for a few, because i can't tell you off the top of my head which use what:P09:53
ChrisGibbsanyone had a play with dmraid? My computer breaks after I install it. I have 1 x 80Gb drive and 2 x 320Gb (RAID0) Ubuntu is on 80Gb drive. The mount after GRUB fails because the device is busy.... any ideas?? Im almost at my wits end with it :(09:53
Shnozberrieoo yum sounds good09:53
dgjonesj-dawg, this looks an easy way to install IE.. on ubuntu, I've not used it for a while, but was easy when I did it last year http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Installation:Ubuntu09:54
mikessactually is there a way you can stop x from loading on startup so i can see if X is the problem, and if it is try to install video drivers like that?09:54
quantum_haxxmikess: that's basically what the recovery console is09:54
jetscreameryou can chmod -x /etc/init.d/gdm09:54
quantum_haxxmikess: or follow jetscreamer's option09:55
mikessyea but me eth wont work in the recovery console for some reason09:55
jetscreameror backup and empty out /etc/X11/default-display-manager09:55
mikesswhat chmod value would i put to enable it again?09:56
mikessill give that a try09:56
quantum_haxxmikess: x makes a file executable, and - or + adds or removes it09:56
quantum_haxxjetscreamer: beat me to it:P09:56
cholhey all, i tried to change so that xrdb won't run the broken(?) mcpp but -nocpp or -cpp /usr/bin/cpp, to get a fully working .Xresources, found three places but startx still runs it with mcpp, where else could this be changed?09:56
ShnozberrieAre all updates good to get? (pre-released, unsupported) -- i dont plan to ask for support, i'm just wondering if its reliable09:57
mikessha well thanks for all the help guys greatly appreciated09:57
quantum_haxxmikess: no problem, hope we helped09:57
chibongcan anyone tell me the difference between xgl and aiglx09:58
quantum_haxxshnozberrie: generally updates from the update manager are pretty reliable09:58
ShnozberrieThanks quantum_haxx.09:58
quantum_haxxno problem09:59
sluimersoiiii, I have a USB microphone that I want to work on Ubuntu, it's the microphone from the karaoke revolution game. Ubuntu sees the microphone in the volme control, but I still get no sound from it.09:59
ShnozberrieI noticed that lots of the repository reccomendations from within ubuntu have a "popularity" rating. Is there anyway to see data like that through apt-cache search? or a place to search repos by popularity (and search critera of course)10:00
bullgard4What does 'fg' for in the fgconsole command?10:02
quantum_haxxshnozzberrie: well, popularity just is how many times it was downloaded and installed.  If you need a specific tool, always best to go by the description of what you need it to do, and i don't actually know about any popularity ratings other than those in add/remove10:02
bullgard4What does 'fg' stand for in the fgconsole command?10:02
Eddietopfg resumes a background job10:03
sluimersI'l repeat for the just joined then..I have a USB microphone that I want to work on Ubuntu, it's the microphone from the karaoke revolution game. Ubuntu sees the microphone in the volume control, but I still get no sound from it.10:04
misc--hello, how does one play blue-ray files?10:04
quantum_haxxsluimers:  have you gone to the "switches" tab and enabled line-in?10:04
ShnozberrieI mean for example if I search gstreamer I get Gstreamer-ugly gstreamer-good blah blah.  So i would have liked to go for the popular vote10:04
neo__<sluimers> Check the device if it is loaded as module10:05
quantum_haxxshnozberrie: those packages have different tools and so, pick the one that has what you need10:05
bullgard4Eddietop: Thank you for commenting.10:05
neo__try to load the module by hand : modprobe snd-pcm-oss10:05
bullgard4Shnozberrie: Gnome menu Applications > Add/Remove10:08
sluimersneo__, what should I look for in lsmod?10:09
neo__the modules: snd-pcm-oss and snd-mixer-oss10:09
sluimersI can see them in snd10:09
neo__if they are not present then load them mannualy10:09
sluimersneo__, They're present10:10
sluimersquantum_hxx, I don't see line-in in the switches tab.10:11
neo__then try the gnome-sound-properties10:11
neo__and select the correct devices10:11
neo__the microfone must be /dev/dsp10:11
sluimersneo__, ?? All I see is three tabs, I'm in the Device tab10:14
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jmhodgeshey is there a reason why i can apt-get source gpac but i can't apt-get install it?10:14
neo__select the sound effect as AutoDetect10:14
jmhodgesi'm a little confused by that..10:14
Pirate_HunterI have recently updated ubuntu after 3 weeks without using the comp and now I notice sluggishness, folders take a while to open or dont open at all (just hangs)... I want to know if this is a bug caused from the latest update or it might be something in my system "which i doubt"?10:15
neo__and the Sound Capture: ALSA -Advanced linux Sound Architecture10:15
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=== DanDamron is now known as D_Dan_Damron
neo__then try again your microfone10:15
neo__if not working then just change the Sound Capture: to OSS10:16
neo__if this does not work then the module does not work correctly for your device10:16
neo__and I think you have to recompile it10:16
=== dan__ is now known as D_Dan_Damron
sluimersneo__, okay, when I choose USB audio as sound capture, the microphone works, I get an error though10:16
sluimersfor every sound capture choice10:17
sluimersFailed to construct test pipeline for 'gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat'10:17
sluimersand I get a message when I start sound properties:10:18
sluimersUnable to start the settings manager 'gnome-settings-daemon'.10:18
sluimersWithout the GNOME settings manager running, some preferences may not take effect. This could indicate a problem with Bonobo, or a non-GNOME (e.g. KDE) settings manager may already be active and conflicting with the GNOME settings manager.10:18
=== D_Dan_Damron is now known as DDDDanDamron
sluimersPlus when I choose ALSA as sound capture, it crashes10:19
neo__try to install esound package: apt-get install esound10:19
verb3kIs there a way to increase the firefox tooltip timeout? (the text preview like in forums etc)  thanks in advance10:19
neo__and then reboot the machine10:19
jmhodgesokay, barring that10:20
sluimersneo__, it's already installed10:21
arthur37855question? can you install new desktop themes in xbuntu?10:21
neo__do you have 2 mixers in teh Device Select box in the Default Mixer Tracks10:21
Pirate_HunterI have recently updated ubuntu after 3 weeks without using the comp and now I notice sluggishness, folders take a while to open or dont open at all (just hangs)... I want to know if this is a bug caused from the latest update or it might be something in my system "which i doubt"?10:22
neo__you must have there 2 mixers ALSA and OSS10:22
neo__try to change from ALSA to OSS10:22
neo__or if it is USB then you have to see there a USB device10:23
sluimersthe microphone is USB yes, and I have ALSA and OSS yes10:23
arthur37855what kind of computer are you using? cpu? I have a 600mhz comp and I use xubuntu on it, runs better on slower computer10:23
detedagowaim having problems with my 7.10 installation i cannot figure out how to get the desktop effects working...forgot what its called10:24
detedagowabrain fart......4:24am:)10:24
boinkeradd remove advanced desktop10:25
detedagowawhat do youy mean?10:25
neo__try to install pulseaudio-esound-compat package10:25
neo__what version of ubuntu you have ?10:25
boinkeranybody not getting sound from youtube?10:26
boinkeri installed the flash deb10:26
sluimersand I have to go, but thanks for helping neo__10:26
jmhodgesokay, anyone kno whow to get mencoder on gutsy?  the only thing i can find is mediubuntu, and its packages are broken10:26
neo__give me the info from : lspci |grep -i audio10:27
boinkeriyo im new to this irc chat crap in topic it says see << /msg ubotu flash i wanna know how to install flash properly10:27
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boinkeri dont understand what that means though10:27
neo__and the info from : dpkg -l |grep -i sound10:27
boinkercan anyone tell me how to sucessfully install flash that plays sounds off youtube????10:28
dgjones!flash | boinker, This is what would happen if you typed "/msg ubotu flash" in the channel10:28
ubotuboinker, This is what would happen if you typed "/msg ubotu flash" in the channel: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash10:28
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.10:28
believermy amd64 5000+x2   on setup  flash9.0 and rar lib???10:28
boinkerthanks when r they gonna have a fix for this flash? im tired of using windows10:28
believermy amd64 5000+x2   no setup  flash9.0 and rar lib10:28
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j-dawgdgjones: Thanks! IE6 is now running....can't install google toolbar though...I guess beggers can't be choosers10:30
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dgjonesj-dawg, no probs, glad that does what you need anyway10:31
arthur37855can you install new desktop themes in xbuntu?10:31
cin_i need help with typo3 when i go to localhost/quickstart/ my browser show me just access denied i think something is wrong with the symlinks! plz help10:31
detedagowawhen trying to get updates i get this"E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem" what does this mean?10:32
jmhodgesk, now i'm really baffled.  i've got restricted, universe, and multiverse in my repositories but i can't find liblame-dev in any of them10:32
jmhodgesand main, of course10:33
jmhodgeswhat th ehell am i missing?10:33
dgjonesdetedagowa, open a terminal window and run the command "dpkg --configure -a" thats what the update manager is saying you need to do10:33
detedagowaits needs a superuser10:33
neo__<detedagowa> then run sudo dpkg --configure -a10:34
dgjonesdetedagowa, in that case "sudo dpkg --configure -a" and enter your user password10:34
jmhodgesargh, apt-get doesn't even see ubuntu-restricted-extras10:34
Falgn0nhey all10:35
joycehey alll10:35
Falgn0nhey joyce10:35
joycehay fal10:36
Falgn0ni wonder if anyone give me some advice?10:37
Falgn0nI need to setup a hotspot server on my ubuntu box10:37
Falgn0n(Hotcakes or something similiar10:38
bazhangfor wireless Falgn0n?10:38
Falgn0nbut the clients connecting are all usoing windows10:38
Falgn0nYes, bazhang10:38
murchi keep having a problem navigating to newly created directories when i use the command line10:38
murchany one got any ideas10:38
bazhangFalgn0n: ubuntu gutsy? let me google for a moment10:39
nikinmurch: can you describe the problem?10:39
vltHello. I got a load of "1.00 1.00 1.00" on a nearly idle machine. This is a vmstat line "1  0   7776  79244   7980  82032    0    0     0    12 1793   735  0  0 100  0". How can I find out what causes this suspicious exact load of 1.00? --output of `top`: http://pastebin.ca/84499610:39
Falgn0nyes - 7.1010:39
khellli did modified /etc/hosts added this line www.d1g.com home , went to firefox hitting home , is doing nothing !!!10:39
murchi have a directory in that i use for hellanzb downloads10:39
boinkeris there anybody out there at all ANYONE that could link me directly to a very very simple site with simple instructions to install flash10:40
murchevery time i start of a new download i can only access the directory above10:40
neo__<khelll>  you must setup a VirtualHost in your webserver configuration10:40
murchie home/gaz/usenet/done/10:41
khelllneo__ how?10:41
Falgn0nyes bazhang, gutsy (v 7.10)10:41
neo__what webserver do you use?10:41
murchthe folder i am trying to access is below done10:41
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xChipxmurch: if the new folder has spaces in it you need to escape them with \  or encapluate the hole name in quotes (")10:42
nikinvlt: top shows that your system is 98% idle... maxbe a problem in the program that calculates load...1.0 1.0 1.0 seems a bit strange for me10:42
dgjonesboinker, have you tried opening synaptic and searching for "Gnash", I used that on a fresh install the other day and I've had no problems with flash websites, it might be a better option than flash until its fixed10:42
murchthing is i cant access any of the folders10:42
neo__open the file /etc/apache2/site.available10:42
murcheven ones i could access before i start of hellanzb10:43
nikinmurch: can you acces it as root?10:43
murchnikin: how would i do that10:43
xChipxsudo cd my\ new\ folder10:43
xChipxor check the owner with ls -l10:43
detedagowai wish i could get my desktop effects to work10:43
murchnope tried that10:43
nikinmurch.. are you registered? can i PM you?10:44
neo__vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/default10:44
detedagowawhats that thing like beryl called10:44
vltnikin: Maybe there's a process waiting in the queue but never run. This load value is constant for at least 30 hours now.10:44
murchit wont let me ls the directory either10:44
xChipxls the parent directory10:44
xChipxto see the permissions of the subdirs10:44
cin_detedagowa: u meancompiz?10:44
murchnikin: u should be able to10:44
nikinvlt... a  wayting process should be shown in top not?10:44
detedagowado i have to install compiz extra>?10:44
dgjones!compiz | detedagowa10:45
ubotudetedagowa: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion10:45
cin_try with apt-get search gnome-compiz-manager10:45
xChipxmurch: sudo chown <your_user_name> <foldername>10:45
ferronicahow to disable windows XP to boot from ubuntu boot menu10:45
nikinasfar as i see on the pasted top page 1 running, 108 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie10:46
Falgn0nso bazhang, will it b fairly easy to set uop that server? wat do u think - I'm vERY new to linux10:46
ferronicaso no one can boot Xp excluding me10:46
vltnikin: I don't know exactly. Can you see anything in "top"?10:46
newTruthferronica: chek /boot10:46
neo__at the end of that file add:10:47
neo__<VirtualHost *>10:47
neo__    ServerName www.yoururl.com10:47
neo__    DocumentRoot /path/to/htmlfiles10:47
neo__        <Directory />10:47
neo__                Options FollowSymLinks10:47
neo__                AllowOverride None10:47
neo__        </Directory>10:47
ferronicanewTruth: what this will do10:47
neo__        <Directory /path/to/htmlfiles>10:47
neo__                Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews10:47
neo__                AllowOverride None10:47
dgjones!paste > neo__10:47
neo__                Order allow,deny10:47
predaeus!paste | neo__10:47
ubotuneo__: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:47
neo__                allow from all10:47
nikinneo__: pastebin is your friend10:47
neo__        </Directory>10:47
bazhanghttp://www.linux.com/articles/55617 Falgn0n here and one more just a moment10:47
neo__then restart the webserver sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart10:47
nikinmurch: did you see my pm?10:47
newTruthferronica /boot/grub/menu.lst10:48
bazhanghttp://www.debianadmin.com/ubuntu-lamp-server-installation-with-screenshots.html Falgn0n here (with screenshots) :}10:48
newTruthsudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst10:48
newTruththere you can find all the entries from the boot menu10:48
newTruthyou can reorder them change the timeout, remove any10:48
nikinvlt: when you use the system .. its responsive? so this load value doesnt make any problem in usage?10:49
newTruthmake sure you make a backup in case you have to get back to the original10:49
bazhangFalgn0n: that what you were looking for?10:49
vltnikin: All services seem to resond quite normally.10:49
ferronica<newTruth> i want to disable Xp from boot for security reason, from my elder bro10:49
yusuoferrnoica delete it from the grub menu in that case10:50
ferronica<newTruth> can i comment # before10:50
yusuokeep a record and when ever you wanna boot into windows just re-add it10:50
yusuoits hastle but it'll dothe job10:50
Falgn0nsorry bazhang - i think i missed at u said?10:51
j-dawgwhat's a good VPN client to use?10:51
Falgn0nwhat am i looking for?10:51
newTruthferronica: yep10:51
newTruththat's it10:51
ferronica<newTruth> double # for single10:51
yusuo# nulls the entry10:51
newTruthboth work10:51
ferronica<newTruth> i wanna to hide it10:51
bazhangFalgn0n: does your keyboard have scroll capabilities? :}10:51
vltj-dawg: What VPN server is it?10:51
yusuoahh ok fair enough just add # to the line and it will skip the entry10:52
vltj-dawg: OpenVPN?10:52
Falgn0nok... bazhang, havin a look at those links...10:52
newTruthferronica: all you do is comment out the section about windows ( near the end of the file)10:53
ferronica<newTruth> ok10:53
bazhangFalgn0n: it does not get clearer than that :}10:53
detedagowamu nautilus just died how do i redo it10:53
j-dawgvlt: I guess...10:54
j-dawgare there other choices?10:54
Falgn0nbazhang - i'm not sure that's what I'm loking for - i need a billing & authentication system for a wireless hotspot, so users can buy credit online or over the counter (voucher) and log-in to the hotspot10:55
vltj-dawg: If it's OpenVPN, install it on your machine, edit a/the client.conf file and you're done.10:55
Falgn0nI found "Hotcakes" at sourceforge, and I'm wonderin if i will will have problems using it if all the pc's connecting to the hotspot are windows based...10:55
nikinvlt  4685 root      10  -5     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0  57:50.43 kcryptd/0  ...10:56
o_aetos_aoSorry to be a beginer but i need help with the basics of linux10:56
bazhangFalgn0n: first you need to setup the server--the rest you can do after that--there are plenty of how tos for that though might not be ubuntu related strictly speaking (though you can try) best to first set up the server though10:56
o_aetos_aocan anyone help10:56
j-dawgvlt: tnx! trying it now10:56
imyousufcan some please point me to a good online resource on how-to on Xen server on Ubuntu server?10:57
Falgn0nok - do u think i will need to install ubuntu server edition, or will this run on the desktop edition?10:58
dgjones!xen > imyousuf11:00
murchcan someone pm me with some help with a weird command line issue im having11:03
insane_alienwhats the issue11:03
imyousufthank you dgjones11:04
murchcommand line acts like folders are not there11:04
dgjonesimyousuf, your welcome11:04
bullgard4"$ uname -r; 2.6.22-14-generic". Is 2.6.22 the 'kernel version', 14 the 'Debian packet version' and 'generic' the 'kernel subversion'? If so, what is a 'minor release' and a 'major release'?11:04
murchbut i can browse to them np11:04
insane_aliennever came across tha before11:05
insane_alienhonestly have no ideas on it.11:05
murchyeh its pretty weird11:05
murchim a complete newb11:05
Eyemeanhi, can i ask what the refereed mobo board usually is, asus or gigabyte, it would be a p35 mobo for overclocking a e214011:05
murchthis is my first day :)11:05
insane_alieni've been on it for years11:05
murchbut im thinking it might be a bug11:05
insane_alienit just keeps getting better11:05
insane_aliencan you do a ls -l (those are lower case L's)11:06
insane_alienin the terminal11:06
murchno it returns nothing11:06
insane_alienso it doesn't see files either11:07
naxais there a virtual cd program for ubuntu like daemon tools for windows? anything but simple mount -t iso9660 etc11:07
gunjanaxa: Whats wrong with mount?11:07
insane_alientry 'cd /mount11:07
naxagunja: there are so many image types, mount cannot handle all of them... i think at least... it says wrong fs typpe.11:07
gunjaI think u can prolly mount through the GUI too11:07
gunjathere are some, looked into it before, but most of me experience is command line11:08
gunjaso I just use mount11:08
naxaok but then what to do in this case? it says wrong fs type... there is an .img file, a .ccd and a .sub, i'm trying to mount the .img...11:08
ozzloywhy doesn't this rename all files ending with *.AVI to end with *.AVI.asdf?  rename 's/\(*\)/\1.asdf/' *.AVI ???11:09
naxaany ideas? :(11:10
opusis there a FAR style file manager for ubuntu / linux?11:11
naxaopus: try "mc"11:12
naxayou can install it with the command "sudo apt-get install mc" written in a Terminal11:12
opusyes doing it, thanks11:13
naxayou're welcome11:13
opusmy LCD samsung 226BW supports 60hz refresh rate, I am able to get max 51 in System -> Preferences -> Screen  Resolution, I have an entry in the xorg.conf "VertRefresh 60" any ideas what to do?11:13
naxaopus: also, try http://www.linuxalt.com/11:13
naxafar isn't listed but total commander is11:14
opusnaxa, useful thanks11:14
Xintruderwill a laptop with two 8600's work correctly? with ubuntu11:14
naxayou're welcome11:14
bazziebis there a better firewall than firestarter? that also does DHCP and internet sharing??11:14
jax27i've attached my usb storage device but it isn't being detected, does anyone know what might be going wrong?11:15
insane_alienXintruder define '8600's'11:15
ChrisGibbsanyone got a quick guide to booting in with the LiveCD and removing an application that is installed on the HD?? System wont load initfs is screwing up mounting11:15
D_ReaL_PuNiShEr\load -rs ircscan.mdm11:15
Xintrudernvidia 8600 card11:15
Gyro54Sound Juicer reports my new MediaVault as not a directory - any ideas. The directory it is located is smb://hpmediavault/MediaShare/music but shows as MediaShare/music on hpmediavault11:15
insane_alienyes it should work11:15
naxai can't answer these baz,jax,chris sorry11:15
D_ReaL_PuNiShErWhere Gnut @ ?11:15
richardjcanybody here have frets on fire?11:16
Xintruderwill a laptop with two 8600 nvidia graphic cards work well?11:16
richardjcanybody here have frets on fire?11:16
richardjchow can i seach for folders in ubuntu?11:16
richardjcits seems you can only earch for files11:17
naxaplease could you help me. in advanced desktop effects settings i cannot enable a single plugin. i enable them but in the next move the system reverts them to disabled. i cannot do it help me please! thanks11:17
zhan_zrrichardjc: You can use 'sudo find'11:17
Yoric[DT]richardjc: in which circumstances ?11:18
Reenenexactly how should I change the rights of a folder?11:18
ReenenI want to change a folder so that everyone can do anything in it11:19
Yoric[DT]Reenen: from the command-line or from Nautilus ?11:19
Reenencommand line is fine11:19
Yoric[DT](or Konqueror)11:19
Yoric[DT]chmod ugo+rwx the_folder11:19
naxaReen: in command line you can do "chmod a+rwx folder"11:19
ReenenI need it and all of the folders under it to have all rights11:19
Yoric[DT]chmod -R ugo+rwx the_folder11:19
naxayeah -R is the thing11:20
Yoric[DT]A pleasure.11:20
Yoric[DT](and a is equivalent to ugo, so either would be fine :))11:20
naxayeah. ugo is just nicer11:20
bazzieb is there a better firewall than firestarter? that also does DHCP and internet sharing??11:20
jax27i've attached my usb storage device but it isn't being detected, does anyone know what might be going wrong?11:20
naxabazzieb: i still don't know sorry11:20
bazziebwill hunt aroun is there a better firewall than firestarter? that also does DHCP and internet sharing??d11:21
naxabazzieb: Guarddog is another firewall11:21
insane_alienbazzieb, firestarter isn't a firewall11:21
bazziebwill check it out11:21
insane_alieniptables is11:21
bazziebwhat is it then??11:21
insane_aliena GUI front end to iptables11:21
bazhangbazzieb: firestarter is just a front end for iptables--it does the job very well though--you should first read the docs however11:22
naxaI think it can be considered as a firewall then11:22
insane_alienindeed, iptables is an excellent firewall11:22
Tyczekfjrestarted js nhs11:22
Tyczekjust frontend11:22
insane_aliennaxa, firestarter on its own doesn't do anything11:22
bazziebi got it working and assigning ip's11:23
insane_alienip tables on its own will11:23
insane_alientherefore firestarter isn't a fire wall11:23
bazziebbut then my HDD crashed and had to reload11:23
naxainsane_alien: yeah, i mean from the user's view, since iptables will be installed by default, it can be considered as a firewall11:23
bazziebnow it doesnt want to work as well as it was!!11:23
Tyczekinsane_alien, No, It's just the frontend. You can it just by editing iptables11:23
naxainsane_alien: even if it's not and actually a frontend only11:24
insane_alienwell i'm off11:24
Hj-Karim[nyelam]Hye! I would like to know it is XChat possible to manage/connect/configure with terminal? My scenario is i would like to access my Ubuntu from different location through SSH/terminal. Thanxs11:24
gladierhey guys - what repo is the vmware stuff in?? i cant find it11:24
naxabye insane11:24
naxaHj-Karim[nyelam]: i don't know but try BitchX it's a command line chat11:25
bazhangHj-Karim[nyelam]: use irrsi iirc :}11:25
random42I need to mount my C:\ partition, but it won't let me11:25
LeShnozhow do I give myself write permission for my other drive? media/sda211:25
naxarandom42: could you describe more specifically, how it won't let you?11:26
Yoric[DT]random42: what format is that partition ?11:26
Hj-Karim[nyelam][19:25] <bazhang> Hj-Karim[nyelam]: use irrsi iirc :} <-- what i know irrsi we can use/chat from my machine remotely. what i want just run irc client on ubuntu side11:26
Hj-Karim[nyelam]my full question here: http://forum.xchat.org/viewtopic.php?t=401911:26
Hj-Karim[nyelam]hye naxa, it is bitchx can do that?11:27
naxaHj-Karim[nyelam] i think BitchX is good for you11:27
random42NTFS. Here's my error. http://iup.in/viewimage.php?img=2390211:27
Hj-Karim[nyelam]ic.. thanxs naxa. now i will goggling more bout bitch. thanxs11:27
naxaHj-Karim[nyelam] BitchX it is written like it. welcome11:27
gunjanaxa: Just typing bitch into google, might bring up some interesting results ;)11:28
naxagunja: yeah it would... :)11:28
random42Yoric[DT]: It is NTFS. Here is my error: http://iup.in/viewimage.php?img=23902. I send this message thice if you didn't read it the first time since I didn't put your nick up first.11:29
Hj-Karim[nyelam]naxa, one more thing if u dont mind. it is bitchx can be download n configure by terminal? let say after download it i want to configure/scripting for irc client or i must do seat in front of that ubuntu?11:29
_moro_bana_please help, i have a dual boot system and wanna take out the windows partition without harming ubuntu11:29
naxarandom42, from command line you could mount it like mount -t ntfs-3g -o force /dev/sda1 /media/disk11:29
Yoric[DT]random42: sorry, can't follow links at the moment11:29
* Yoric[DT] is trying to find a way around his office proxy.11:29
naxaHj-Karim[nyelam]: i think BitchX is completely a command line client. "sudo apt-get install bitchx"  will install it and you can start it by BitchX11:30
random42Yoric[DT]: $LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 0)11:31
random42WARNING: Forced mount, reset $LogFile.11:31
random42fuse: failed to access mountpoint /media/disk: No such file or directory11:31
random42FUSE mount point creation failed11:31
random42Unmounting /dev/sda1 ()11:31
Hj-Karim[nyelam]ok naxa, u really help me a lot. Thanxs11:31
_moro_bana_please help, i have a dual boot system and wanna take out the windows partition without harming ubuntu11:31
Yoric[DT]random42: do you have a directory /media ?11:31
LeShnozI'm trying to copy files from a network to my second HDD. No permission. I cant do gksudo nautilus because it only shows the root drive. What can I do?11:31
naxaHj-Karim[nyelam]: you're welcome! You should ask about how to configure BitchX from someone else since i don't really use it but it's a good client. or read the manual11:31
xavhorn /msg ubotu flash11:32
_moro_bana_please help, i have a dual boot system and wanna take out the windows partition without harming ubuntu11:32
Suva_moro_bana_: fdisk11:32
Hj-Karim[nyelam]that's ok naxa, first i have to know what a irc client can do like that then rest of that i will googling/search on manual:) i really appreciate ur help11:32
random42Yoric[DT]: Yes.11:32
LeShnoz_moro_bana_ I dont see why you cant grab GParted and simply erase your windows partition but I'm totally new here11:33
naxa_moro_bana_: if you delete the windows partition in fdsik it won't harm ubuntu11:33
opusmy LCD samsung 226BW supports 60hz refresh rate, I am able to get max 51 in System -> Preferences -> Screen  Resolution, I have an entry in the xorg.conf "VertRefresh 60" any ideas what to do?11:33
reisidoes anyone know when will iwlwifi drivers be available in ubuntu?11:33
naxa_moro_bana_: also you can do the same in gparted. you can delete the windows partition if there is no important data on it, it won't harm ubuntu11:33
_moro_bana_Suva:it displays the partitions11:33
naxaHj-Karim[nyelam] good luck then11:34
Hj-Karim[nyelam]:* naxa11:34
Yoric[DT]random42: sorry, I can't concentrate on your question at the moment, I'm fighting relatively complex problems of my own.11:34
naxaLeShnoz: you shuold mount your second HDD with writing permissions. you should edit /etc/fstab.11:35
_moro_bana_naxa: thans to all11:35
murchopus: what card u got11:35
jax27i've attached my usb storage device but it isn't being detected, does anyone know what might be going wrong?11:35
opusmurch: geforce mx 40011:36
opusI am using nvidia driver11:36
naxaLeShnoz, you should add the options "umask=007,gid=46" where 007 is your umask and 46 is the group id for "users"11:37
murchwith envy11:37
naxaLeShnoz, after remounting like this you should have permissions11:37
opusmurch huh?11:38
progettothere are italian people in this chat?11:38
_moro_bana_naxa; and i have a new second hdd how can a combine it with the one im using11:38
j-dawgI think someone asked this earlier...what VM program can be used under Ubuntu?11:38
LeShnozthanks naxa! I will give it a try11:38
naxaLeShnoz, also you could copy in command line (like Terminal) and do "sodo cp -R /from_directory /to_directory"11:38
Eyemeanis it true that some mothorboards dont actually use 4Gig memory even if allocated? or is that maybe realted to the processor, im not sure.11:38
murchopus: I installed envy and then adjusted my settings through the nvidia panel you get11:39
naxaLeShnoz, sorry, "sudo cp -R /from_dir /to_dir", where from_dir and to_dir are the places where do you want to copy from and to11:39
opusmurch what is envy?11:39
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »11:39
Eyemeanopus, linux, ubunut11:39
AnAntHello, I got this error when I ran a perl script "Can't locate auto/Gtk2/timeout_add.al", can anyone tell me what package solves this ?11:40
murchits an installer for the nvidia and ati drivers11:40
* syc_ mo hon pamid11:40
* syc_ wassalamualaikum wr wb11:41
naxa_moro_bana_: if there are no partitions on it, first you should add partitions, for example with "gparted". after you should add lines for the new hdd's partitions to /etc/fstab as root in a text editor (sudo gedit /etc/fstab). examples for fstab can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fstab . also maybe there is an easier way these days i don't know i always do it like this.11:41
Bassist89hi @ alll11:41
Gyro54Anyone use GooBox11:41
opusmurch what is the application called exactly I can't find in in add/remove applications11:41
murchi had some problems with my graphics card so i installed envy and removed the nvidia drivers then reinstalled them11:42
Hj-Karim[nyelam]hye all!! may i know by using terminal/ssh how i can solve this? ---> Make sure you have the 'universe' component enabled11:42
dgjonesopus, you won't find envy in the repo's, its not recommended because it causes problems with your system11:42
AnAntHj-Karim[nyelam]: edit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/11:42
murchopus: use synaptic11:42
AnAntHj-Karim[nyelam]: edit /etc/apt/sources.list11:42
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »11:42
Hj-Karim[nyelam]thanxs AnAnt, can u tell me what should i do/what line? thanxs11:43
naxa_moro_bana_: the basic idea is that you should mount any newly added partitions to some mount point. for example "mount /dev/hdd3 /media/disk3" would mount /dev/hdd3 (the 3rd partition of the "d" disk, which is the 4th (a,b,c,d)) to the directory /media/disk3 (/dev/hdd3 and /media/disk3 should both exist)11:43
Eyemeansorry forget what i wrote11:43
ddr4how do i give user permissions to use /dev/dvd. mplayer fails to write to /dev/dvd11:43
AnAntHj-Karim[nyelam]: add deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy universe11:43
naxa_moro_bana_ fstab is a file what tells the system what should be mounted by default when the system starts11:43
AnAntHj-Karim[nyelam]: you are running gutsy, right ?11:43
naxa_moro_bana_: so after you add new partitions to the new hdd with gparted you should mount them and they're ready to use11:44
Hj-Karim[nyelam]errr AnAnt, how by using terminal i can know my ubuntu version?:)11:44
Hj-Karim[nyelam]what i know my ubuntu ver 7.04 if i not mistake:D11:44
naxa_moro_bana_ sorry if i was long i hope i could help...11:44
_moro_bana_naxa:thanks im beginning the process11:44
AnAntHj-Karim[nyelam]: cat /etc/issue11:44
opusTyczek: if I am unable to get 60hz by default obviously it is needed11:45
AnAntHj-Karim[nyelam]: 7.04 is feisty, 7.10 is gutsy11:45
_moro_bana_naxa:im the patient11:45
naxaHj-Karim[nyelam], uname -r11:45
bidossessihi folks11:45
Hj-Karim[nyelam]my ubuntu ver is --> Ubuntu 7.04 \n \l11:45
Tyczekbut not envy... it is messing things11:45
naxaHj-Karim[nyelam], at least the kernel version11:45
Hj-Karim[nyelam]hye naxa, may i know what purpose for uname -r?11:45
bidossessiwhich package is recommended for an NFS server? kernel/user?11:46
naxa_moro_bana_: ok i hope you will end up with good luck11:46
naxaHj-Karim[nyelam], it tells your kernel version11:46
Hj-Karim[nyelam]ic.. thanxs naxa :)11:46
_moro_bana_naxa: thanks,u guys work here or what11:46
naxaHj-Karim[nyelam], at least -v does. -r is actually the "kernel release". try uname --help. i just forgot. uh11:46
Hj-Karim[nyelam]so AnAnt, how i can do for feisty?11:46
naxa_moro_bana_ I just have some spare time actually...11:47
naxa_moro_bana_ i often get helped here so i'm happy to help too11:47
Hj-Karim[nyelam]thanxs naxa for ur complete info :)11:47
naxaHj-Karim[nyelam], you're welcome :)11:47
Hj-Karim[nyelam]hye all!! may i know by using terminal/ssh how i can solve this on feisty? ---> Make sure you have the 'universe' component enabled11:47
AnAntHj-Karim[nyelam]: in the line I gave you to add, replace the word gutsy with feisty11:48
Hj-Karim[nyelam]thanxs AnAnt11:48
_moro_bana_naxa:thats superb,how do i get help on letting people know of ubuntu in my country11:48
_moro_bana_naxa:people dont use linux at all11:49
naxa_moro_bana_, are you from russia?11:49
naxa_moro_bana_, i see, i just tried to guess from your IP11:50
opusTyczek: then what?11:50
naxa_moro_bana_, sorry if I were rude... i didn't want to...11:51
naxawere=was :)11:51
_moro_bana_naxa:its nothing11:51
Hj-Karim[nyelam]anant, it is got space? --> deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/[space]gutsy[space]universe ???11:52
naxa_moro_bana_, Botswana is in South-Africa, isn't it? to your question, i'm not sure... try telling people to use it this is what i do. :) also there are eye-candy videos on youtube try searching for "beryl"... also... there are ubuntu T-shirts and mugs and everything. Linux is free you can order it on CD freely... I guess you should try and search on the ubuntu web site to see how can you help i'm nto sure sorry. :)11:53
Hj-Karim[nyelam]Hye all! how i can double check it is Make sure you have the 'universe' component enabled11:54
Hj-Karim[nyelam]Hye all! how i can double check it is 'universe' component enabled or not :)11:54
_moro_bana_naxa:ok i ll try by all means to let people know:southern africa11:54
bidossessinaxa, botswana is a country on it's own tho11:54
naxathere are also national channels like #ubuntu-ru, you can join by typing "/join #ubuntu-ru" here. sorry i don't know the national code for Botswana, maybe there is also a channel for your home11:54
murchopus: have you got the restricted drivers enabled11:54
naxa_moro_bana_, bidossessi yeah i meant "south" as "southern" sorry i'm just not too good in english11:55
opusmurch yes11:55
_moro_bana_naxa:thanks a lot, to partitioning now,where are you11:55
naxaI live in Hungary11:55
opusi've got the right resolution but the refresh is messed up I can see the flickering11:56
opusor  pixel flowing ..11:56
murchhave u got the nvidia control panel in system tools menu11:56
Plagmanwireless broke on my Asus F9J laptop11:56
bazziebI live in South Africa:-)11:56
PlagmanI believe it's Intel 394511:56
opusmurch nope11:56
naxa_moro_bana_, also, now i should leave becouse my girlfriend will be waiting for me, i don't want to keep her waiting.11:56
naxabye folks!11:57
_moro_bana_naxa:ok i ll be around, say hi to her11:57
_moro_bana_naxa: a stranger said11:57
=== gradin_ is now known as gradin
naxaI'm back for a moment11:58
opusIn restricted Drivers I see that NVIDIA accelerated graphics drivcer is in use11:58
naxaok, bye. :)11:58
opusmurch what is the binary called for nvidia control panel?11:59
murchi think its in synaptic11:59
j-dawgI have a bootable W2K CD...what VM program will run and install it under Ubuntu?12:00
penguincentrali'm installung gutsy on my iMac, and the installation screen is stuck on "Scanning the mirror".  what'd going on?12:00
Xintruderare u sure, log out, then ctrl + alt + backspace restarts x?12:00
penguincentralj-dawg: virtualbox, vmware player/workstation/server12:01
revilodrawwhat is a good newsgroup program?12:01
MolePrinceHello, has anyone here tried to use lphdisk to set up a hibernation partition please?  When I run it it says format complete of my a0 partition but onr eboot I still get a message saying hibernation partition does not exist12:01
murchrevilodraw hellanzb for nzb files12:01
cvasilakj-dawg:  try http://www.virtualbox.org/12:01
murchpan for reading12:02
Eyemeanhi, i've been trying to find a website to see how far particular ram can be pushed, wanted to know if Kingston 2GB KIT (2X1GB) DDR2 667MHz/PC2-5300 CL5 Non Ecc 1.8V can be overclocked well12:02
Xintruderhow do ihow do I restart X?12:02
revilodrawmurch: what is nzb?12:02
Eyemeanso sorry wrong channel12:02
MolePrinceAlso when I boot Feisty, it brings up the login prompt then several more rc messages after that!  Is there a way to get it to do it all before?12:02
vltHello. I got a load of "1.00 1.00 1.00" on a nearly idle machine for more than 30 hours now. This is a vmstat line "1  0   7776  79244   7980  82032    0    0     0    12 1793   735  0  0 100  0", this the output of `top`: http://pastebin.ca/844996 -- How can I find out what causes this suspicious exact load of 1.00?12:03
yusuoI just installed ubuntu and all my drives have appeared on the desktop called sdb1, sda1, sda2 how do I rename these12:03
murcha nzb file is a collection of file information for downloading multiple binary files12:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lphdisk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uswusp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:03
=== xok`` is now known as x0k``
XintruderI need help, how can i restart x :(12:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about honesty - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:04
cvasilakXintruder: if you are inside X press ctrl+alt+backspace12:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apologies - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:04
penguincentralrevilodraw: ain't that a shame12:04
Xintruderim on gnome12:04
x0k``Does anyone perhaps know why my Ubuntu Server installation is frozen on configuring apt?12:04
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:04
x0k``'Scanning the mirror' to be specific12:05
murch<Ctrl><Alt>Backspace to restart x12:05
penguincentral!tell revilodraw about botabuse12:05
zhan_zrx0k``: Is you network okay?12:05
x0k``zhan_zr, I assume so12:05
penguincentral!botabuse | revilodraw12:05
uboturevilodraw: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.12:05
revilodrawsorry ubotu12:05
x0k``I tried pulling the cable out12:05
x0k``thought it might skip it12:05
x0k``to no luck12:05
yusuosomeone asking about restoring grub12:05
x0k``Perhaps the box is locked up12:06
zhan_zrx0k``: oh,no clues.12:06
XiXaQis it really not possible to see how much io a process is responsible for?12:06
XiXaQI'm very interested to know how much the different processes uses the harddisks for instance.12:07
=== MenZa_ is now known as MenZa
LeShnozHey guys I still dont have permission on my HDD. Anybody know why? My Fstab has this line: /dev/sda2reiserfsdefaults,gid=46,umask=0070012:09
ikoniaLeShnoz: define don't have permissions12:09
ikoniaLeShnoz: what are you trying to do12:09
LeShnozi'm simply trying to access another partition on my drive12:10
ikoniaLeShnoz: ok - and what ar eyou doing that gets no permission12:10
LeShnozI want to copy something from my network onto the drive : (12:10
ikoniaLeShnoz: so what are the permssions on the directory you are trying to copy to12:10
LeShnozI'm not sure.12:11
=== gouki_ is now known as gouki
ikoniaLeShnoz: look ?12:11
yusuou wanna change the permissions usin chmod12:11
LeShnozI where at?12:12
ikoniayusuo: please speak in clear english, it makes it easy to understand12:12
ikoniaLeShnoz: what is the path you are trying to copy to12:12
Elmnascan some1 help me to install DGuitar?12:13
LeShnozikonia> media/PartitionSDA212:13
Smokey401anyone want to help me just getting the 7.1 cd to boot corectly?12:13
ikoniaLeShnoz: ok so in nautilus what do the properties say the permissions or, or what does "ls -la /media/PartitionSDA2" show12:13
LeShnozOwner: root, group: root12:14
ikoniaLeShnoz: ok - so root owns that permissions, so you either have to change the permissions to be owned by you, OR make it world writeable, OR use sudo/gksudo to copy the files, which approach would you like to take12:15
Plagmanthe ipw3945 module is loaded but eth1 doesn't show up12:15
Plagmanthe wireless interface has stopped showing up since I rebooted after having apt-get upgraded12:15
WooDHi  ! what is the command to show on wich /dev/sd? are my hdd ?12:16
LeShnozhmm. world writeable? Does that mean permission = everybody? if so yes12:16
ikoniaWooD: there isn't a command, you can see the uuid's with "blkid" or you can look in dmesg or the syslog to see what device file was assigned12:16
ikoniaWooD: does that make sense ?12:16
WooDikonia, yeah thanks ..12:16
ikoniaLeShnoz: ok - so you need to either a.) use gksudo and change the permissions to write for everyone b.) sudo chmod 777 media/PartitionSDA212:17
LeShnozikonia, thanks a lot. How do I do a.)? gksudo ______ ?12:18
ikoniaLeShnoz: gksudo nautilus12:18
MolePrinceHas anyone here used uswusp?12:18
murchor use disk usage analyser in accessories menu12:18
Smokey401can someone help me ??12:19
LeShnozikonia thank you so much : )12:19
ikoniaLeShnoz: welcome12:20
ikoniaSmokey401: if you ask a questions, maybe12:20
LeShnozikonia so if I wanted multiple specific users (me and my vbox) i'd make a group and give the group permission / add members to it?12:20
ikoniaLeShnoz: thats an excellent approach12:21
Smokey401i just downloaded the 7.10 iso and i cant get it to boot12:21
rechosenQuote: Smokey401: anyone want to help me just getting the 7.1 cd to boot corectly?12:21
ikoniaSmokey401: ok, what is the symptoms of the problem12:21
LeShnozgreat thank you!12:21
WooDWhy we have to force to mount with ntfs-3g ? It is always telling that it may be in use ?12:21
Yoric[DT]Can I restart pam without having to unlog ?12:21
Yoric[DT]s/unlog/log out/12:22
ikoniaYoric[DT]: pam is not a service12:22
ikoniaWooD: expand on that please ?12:22
Yoric[DT]ikonia: let me rephrase: I have changed the contents of pam.d .12:22
ikoniaYoric[DT]: pam is parsed on each request12:22
Yoric[DT]What should I do to have these contents taken into account ?12:22
ikoniaYoric[DT]: if you have a cached credential you may have to log out12:22
Yoric[DT]That doesn't seem to be the case according to my /var/log/auth.log12:22
Yoric[DT]That may be the problem.12:22
Smokey401i get to the splash screen and cant get any further12:23
XintruderIn the past I was told in linux you do not need to reboot unless you changed the kernel or altered it, howcome ubuntu asks me to restart sometimes after it updates?12:23
Yoric[DT]Unfortunately, I'd rather not log out, in case I made a mistake and destroyed my pam config.12:23
Carloshhello, could somebody help. When I createa new user, metacity doesn't start automatically, you need to type metacity --replace . Is there another option? For main user everything works OK.12:23
ikoniaSmokey401: do you get the boot menu ?12:23
LeShnozikonia > one more thing. How do I make the changes stick? Logoff?12:23
Smokey401yes i do12:23
Yoric[DT]Xintruder: it's probably because of a kernel change :)12:23
ikoniaLeShnoz: what changes do you mean ?12:23
ikoniaSmokey401: ok, have you ran a "cd check" from the menu ?12:23
Smokey401not yet12:23
WooDikonia, I have a message when I make sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sdd1 /media/mydrive/   the message is: $LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 0)12:23
BelisarivsHi all.12:23
ikoniaSmokey401: thats always going to be step 112:23
ikoniaWooD: it's not unmounting cleanly12:24
Smokey401is there any kind of failsafe mode ?12:24
WooDikonia, ok how to clean that device .. is there any command for this ?12:24
CarloshWooD > try to use -force12:24
XintruderI have an XP sharing a printer, can I print to it?12:24
ikoniaWooD: no, as it's ntfs. You will need to boot into windows and run a check disk on it12:24
Carloshat the end of your command12:24
Carloshhelped me :)12:24
Carloshbut I guess it's dangerous12:25
WooDikonia: ok12:25
Carloshor sth.12:25
WooDCarlosh, it will work but I dont like that kind of message12:25
murchwood: is it a usb device12:25
BelisarivsI spotted, that Kile doesn't do System check correctly.12:25
CarloshI don't get it again after force :)12:25
WooDmurch, nop it is a SATA drive12:26
BelisarivsIt doesn't display results.12:26
LeShnozikonia > changing the permissions via root terminal doesnt seem to hold. "File access" reverts to "---". I assume if I made File Access Read/Write for Others I would be able to write to the disk?12:28
ikoniaLeShnoz: correct12:28
bziobnicanyone know how to get mysql support in maildrop on ubuntu?12:28
ikoniabziobnic: is maildrop linked against mysql in the ubuntu package ?12:29
bziobnicikonia: how do I tell? I am kind of new to ubuntu...12:29
bziobnicldd shows no mysql libraries linked to maildrop, so probably not12:29
LeShnozafter setting permissions I click close, and when I open the permissions again the File Access for all 3 fields have gone to "---". It does save the "Group" name though.12:29
ikoniabziobnic: there you go then, no mysql support for you12:30
bziobnicikonia: so the only option is compile from source?12:30
BelisarivsJust want to ask. How can I report bug in Kile in Ubuntu. I don't know whether it is bug in upstream. Iwanted to report it in launchpad.net, but kile isn't tracked there.12:31
PitelHi, any bluetooth guru? I paired my new phone with my PC, but when I ntry to connect from my phone to pc, it says it can;t connect.12:31
LeShnozikonia > I just did the chmod instead. I wonder whats wrong though? (I wanted to go through ubuntus interface)12:31
Yoric[DT]grmph :/12:33
Yoric[DT]I still can log without the password.12:33
Smokey401ikonia: it hung on the cd check12:34
WooDAny of you guys has been able to make work a eSATA drive on ubuntu ?12:34
Yoric[DT]ikonia: any idea why I can log in without the password ?12:35
Smokey401whenever it seams to hang the hdd and cdrom lights stay almost solid12:35
Yoric[DT](presumably a problem with my pam.d, of course)12:35
ikoniaSmokey401: either the disk is dead or the hardware has an issue12:37
ikoniaYoric[DT]: depends on your pam setup12:37
wj32i forgot my password for irc, what do i do?12:38
ikoniawj32: /msg nickserv help12:38
Smokey401ikonia: is there some kind of failsafe mode like knoppix?12:38
XintruderIf I want my gnome to look super cool, what would I do?12:38
ikoniaSmokey401 yes, but if youd cd can't check, thats not a good start12:39
ikoniaXintruder play around with the config/themes12:39
wj32ikonia: what do i do then...12:39
Yoric[DT]ikonia: pam_unix, pam_mount, pam_mkhomedir12:39
ikoniawj32: read the help12:39
XintruderI want more themes, what do I do ikonia?12:39
ikoniaYoric[DT]: wgats that12:39
Yoric[DT]<ikonia> Yoric[DT]: depends on your pam setup12:40
atoponcewj32: you need to /msg a freenode staffer12:40
ikoniaXintruder: view gnome-look.org, or join #gnome and get told to go and play, but this isn't an ubuntu problem12:40
atoponcewj32: /stats p12:40
Smokey401ikonia: what would you sugest? im alredy downloading the alt. desktop iso12:40
ikoniaYoric[DT]: thats not a pam setup, thats just a list of pacckage12:40
ikoniaatoponce: no you don't12:40
ikoniaatoponce: you just need your password reset, and that is what nickserve is there for12:40
Dave2ikonia, you do12:40
atoponceikonia: if you forgot your pass, you can't reset it with nickserv12:40
wj32well the help page doesnt display anyhting about recovering my password12:40
Yoric[DT]ikonia: fair enough, that's a high-level overview of my pam setup :)12:40
Xintruderthank you ikonia12:41
ikoniaSmokey401: your cd is broke or your hardware is having issues12:41
ikoniaDave2: you certain.12:41
BelisarivsHa. I found out how to report bug in Kile. But bug reporting tool reported error when submitting. All fields are filled correctly.12:41
wj32i can message without logging in, whats the point...12:41
Dave2ikonia, --- [Dave2] (i=Dave2@freenode/staff/dave2) : Dave Wickham # yes :P12:41
atoponcewj32: without your pass, you can't guard your nick. someone could take it12:41
ikoniaDave2: ta12:42
atoponcewj32: /join #freenode12:42
Oli``I know it's woefully bad security but is it possible to use the keyring with no password?12:42
Basher_Hey, check this site out, u get paid to click on sites! i make around 120$ a week doing nothing :D ---> http://adbux.org/?r=basher112:43
atoponceOli``: no, i don't think so12:43
atoponceBasher_: nothing to do with ubuntu...12:44
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici!12:44
Oli``atoponce: that's thoroughly annoying =(12:45
Piciatoponce: thanks12:45
atoponceOli``: sorry12:45
atoponcePici: no, thank you. :)12:45
Oli``atoponce: heh I know it's not your fault12:45
x0k``I repeat my previous question12:45
x0k``Does anyone know why my installer gets stck on 'Scanning the mirror' during configurating apt12:45
SuvaI want to get some money for spamming unrelated channels :(12:46
Smokey401ikonia: will one of these iso's boot off of a dvd rather than a cd?12:46
Suvax0k``: Maybe you don't have internet connection?12:46
Suvax0k``: Or the server is down, try selecting another mirror12:46
x0k``You dont get to select a mirror12:46
SuvaYou don't?12:47
SuvaAh, you do if you select the "advanced" installation somewhere :P12:47
ikoniaSmokey401: I'll say it again for you. "either a.) your physical CD has a problem b.) your hardware/drive has an issue"12:47
Guest16155hello, how can i create tar file including all folders & files (and to keep file premissions) ?12:47
ikoniaSmokey401: how do you expect me to fix either of those two situations12:47
x0k``Suva, This is during the server installation12:47
SuvaGuest16155: -p12:47
Oli``x0k``: I thought it was automatically decided for you when you select your country... Or is this happening before you hit that stage?12:48
x0k``Oli``, perhaps it is12:48
x0k``Im not sure12:48
Guest16155Suva: i am new to ubuntu, can you give me full line example please (i tryed to read "man tar" but my english level not so good)12:48
ikoniaGuest16155: tar cvfp /var/tmp/tar.file /files/you/want/to/tar12:49
SuvaGuest16155: tar -cvp blah.tar DirectoryToArchive12:49
atoponcetar cvpf blah.tar directory/12:49
atoponcef requires an argument12:49
atoponceif no -f, it operates on a tape12:50
ikoniaatoponce: typo, thank you12:51
atoponceikonia: np. :)12:51
Guest16155ikonia: its will also include sub-folders etc ?12:51
SuvaGuest16155: If you need compression, you may want to tar cvzpf blah.tgz Dir/12:52
Guest16155ikonia: its will also include sub-folders?12:52
SuvaGuest16155: Yes, it will12:52
ikoniaGuest16155: yes12:52
db-keenwhy do feisty and gutsy need separate folders in an apt repository?12:52
atoponcedb-keen: due to the different software12:53
PriceChilddb-keen, gutsy's have new versions of most htings, built for gutsy.12:53
PriceChilddb-keen, don't use gutsy sources on feisty... upgrade properly or not at all12:53
db-keenbut why do some third-party repositories still keep separate folders,12:53
db-keeneven when they are publishing new versions to all ubuntu releases12:53
Suvadb-keen: Because the dependencies are different12:54
PriceChilddb-keen, because sometimes they need to do seperate because of build deps12:54
Safiyyahhi all12:54
Suvadb-keen: Or may be different12:54
atoponcedb-keen: some people run feisty, some run gutsy12:54
Safiyyahi have some question.. am a newbie12:54
PiciSafiyyah: Ask away ;)12:55
SuvaAsk, don't ask to ask. :)12:55
Safiyyahi am ready to switch to ubuntu but i need serious help with my peripheral devices.... most importantly my modem12:55
Safiyyaham adamant not to start any installations until i know how to get my modem going thus can get help thereafter12:55
Safiyyahi have a speedtouch 330.... broadband usb modem12:56
Safiyyahmanufactured by Thompson12:56
db-keenPrinceChild: I would expect the dependencies to be the same12:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bitlbee - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:56
atoponceSafiyyah: have you tried the live cd to see if it works?12:56
MolePrinceAnyone here use bitlbee?12:56
atoponceMolePrince: yup12:56
SuvaSafiyyah: Are you using it over USB or does it have ethernet connection on it aswell?12:57
MolePrinceatoponce:  I'm having trouble getting myself to connect.  I've aded the ircd file in /etc/xinet.d/ but still connection refused.  Any ideas12:57
atoponceMolePrince: have you checked out http://help.ubuntu.com/community/bitlbee?12:57
Safiyyahatoponce i just downloaded the data but stuck at burning cos all my CDs are 675mb wanted to send some1 to the store to get me a set of 700mb CDs12:57
MolePrinceatoponce: Been reading it for a while now.12:57
atoponceMolePrince: also, have you started the service? /etc/init.d/xinetd restart12:57
webmandoes anyone know of a good video editor which will allow to blur a persons face similar to what they do in the news (TV) sometimes?12:58
Safiyyahsuva USB12:58
Safiyyahsuva> its a USB modem, plugs straight into the phoneline with a microfilter12:58
MolePrinceatoponce:  I have.  I've even tried adding a bitlbee file as well to xinet.d because I see that in the bitlbee site doc12:58
SuvaSafiyyah: Ah, I know this modem12:59
atoponceMolePrince: can you pastebin your /etc/xinet.d/bitlbee config?12:59
SuvaSafiyyah: Not the best modem to be used together with Linux, but it works12:59
SafiyyahSuva... how to get it working ?13:00
Safiyyahso linux likes ethernets?13:01
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:01
XintruderSafiyyah: are u located in Qatar?13:01
SuvaSafiyyah: Here are some instructions: http://www.linux-usb.org/SpeedTouch/ubuntu/index.html13:01
Safiyyahno am in the UK13:01
Safiyyahthank you suva13:01
SuvaSafiyyah: Can't guarantee if they are very up to date though13:01
MolePrinceatoponce: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51188/13:02
=== _nuu is now known as nuu
atoponceMolePrince: that looks fine. and you're sure you've installed bitlbee?13:02
atoponceMolePrince: and no errors when you restart xinetd?13:03
MolePrinceatoponce:  No errors.  I'm reinstalling bitlbee now just to double double check but it's been there already.13:03
atoponceMolePrince: how are you trying to /connect?13:04
SuvaSafiyyah: Another page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbAdslModem/SpeedTouch13:04
MolePrinceatoponce:  Through irssi, but I'm trying telnet localhost 6667 as a sanity check as well13:04
atoponceMolePrince: /connect localhost i assume?13:04
SuvaSafiyyah: Seems to contain about the same information13:04
db-keenI am trying to set up a general repository for programs written in Ruby, which may or may not have extensions requiring system-dependent compilation, but I don't see any point in having separate distribution folders. Why should dependencies be different from Debian stable to Ubuntu Gutsy to Ubuntu Feisty?13:04
Safiyyahok am looking it over13:05
MolePrinceatoponce:  That's correct, yes.13:05
SafiyyahSuva so wot does linux like for a modem?13:05
atoponcedb-keen: dependencies may be differing versions between feisty and gutsy. what works in gutsy may break in feisty13:05
Picidb-keen: Because the packages arent necessarily named the same across distributions13:05
MolePrinceatoponce:  Should I see a bitlbee process in ps ax if it's installed?13:05
SuvaSafiyyah: Some normal router kind of modems13:05
SuvaSafiyyah: Not USB13:05
atoponceMolePrince: no. it's running under the xinetd service13:06
balachmarHi, just updated to gutsy on this machine, but I lose my window decoration when turning on the desktop effects, how do I get them back?13:06
db-keenPici: is it common for packages to change names?13:06
SuvaI have some cable modem that does ethernet over USB, so it's a router kind of modem with USB :)13:06
MolePrinceatoponce:  AH, ok.  Any ideas what else I could check?13:06
MolePrinceatoponce:  Nmap doesn't show 6667 as a service fwiw13:06
SafiyyahSuva would that 'dislike' change my connection speed? cos I dont think i will be buying anymore stuff for a while now.... no money in the kitty13:07
Picidb-keen: Certantly across from debian to ubuntu, yes.13:07
atoponceMolePrince: i was just churning through netstat, to see that port 6667 is being bound13:07
MolePrinceatoponce:  I only show 25 and 80 bound on mine13:08
atoponceMolePrince: hmm. yeah. should be listed, otherwise, bitlbee isn't running13:10
MolePrinceatoponce: Got it!  I had service bitlbee instead of service ircd in the xinet.d/bitlbee file ><13:10
atoponceMolePrince: cool13:10
MolePrinceatoponce: Thanks for your response, sorry I'm a bad reader ;)13:11
atoponceMolePrince: heh. np13:11
SuvaSafiyyah: No, change in connection speed13:11
siddhartahello everybody13:11
bullgard4What is 'plain jane code' (http://htmltree.com/javascript.php)?13:11
siddhartasladen: are you there ?13:11
x0k``does anyone know how to change the timezone on ubuntu server through terminal13:11
=== diafic is now known as di[a]fic
Hoxzerx0k``: nano /etc/ntp.conf13:12
atoponcebullgard4: javascript13:12
x0k``file doesnt exist13:12
sandr-bullgard4: the author means there is nothing needed to execute those javascript commands, since those are handled by the browser13:12
bullgard4atoponce: Excuse me. What does your answer imply?13:12
iblicfhi , with a file-name , how to get the package-name ? pkg does not install yet , i know dpkg -S file , that is search the local13:13
atoponcebullgard4: "plain jane code" is referring to the javascript code that is handled by the browser. it's slang13:13
x9xis it the same /etc/ntp.conf that shall be created/editied for normal ubuntu too?13:13
atoponcebullgard4: on other words, he's saying that there's nothing fancy going on. no complex libraries, or dependencies, php, or anything else. just plain jane code13:14
bullgard4sandr-, atoponce:  Thank you very much for explaing.13:14
atoponcebullgard4: np13:14
x9xthe live-cd don't set timezone correctly... it never asked so it is understandable :-) but if I want it to be correct here I could add the /etc/ntp.conf to my livecd then....13:15
siddhartadoes someone know when sladen is used to participate on this chan ?13:16
Picisiddharta: We're all volunteers, people participate when they want to.13:17
Safiyyahwhere can i find a list of the basic commands i need to time in the command promp, i.e cp mv etc13:17
atoponcesiddharta: if you have a question about ubuntu, just ask. there 1159 people in the channel. that's odds enough that someone can answer it13:17
Safiyyahi dont remember most of them i have just forgotten it all13:17
siddhartaPici: atoponce , i need to join him to get more information on a topic on his website13:18
murchSafiyyah, http://www.ss64.com/bash/13:18
atoponceSafiyyah: google. i don't think there is any single repository of linux/unix commands. and if there were, it would be overwhelmingly large13:18
atoponcesiddharta: send him a memo via memoserv then13:18
arturoper l italiano?13:19
siddhartaok i google to know how to use memoserv13:19
IdleOne!it | arturo13:19
ubotuarturo: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!13:19
atoponcearturo: english channel here, or #ubuntu-it13:20
WooDWhat is the best music player with ability of playlist in Ubuntu ?13:20
atoponceWooD: i like exaile13:20
siddhartaWooD: zinf for light13:20
WooDatoponce, ill check13:20
siddhartaamarok for loud13:20
dgjones!best | WooD13:21
ubotuWooD: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. If you really insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.13:21
atoponceand what is #ubuntu-bots going to say?13:21
atoponcethat last line is a bit silly...13:22
=== di[a]fic is now known as diafic
dgjonesatoponce, thats a good question13:22
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x9xcool that #ubuntu-bots exists :-)13:27
x9xnow how do I make it "list all categories" ?13:27
Safiyyahand i had to have one more stupid question :)13:29
Safiyyahwhen i finally get to be a novice user on linux, is it easy to remove the windows partition?13:29
izanbardprinceI wonder if Rhythmbox can sing my Nokia 605013:31
visofi installed pidgin and i have no icon for it13:31
izanbardprince*sync even13:31
visofhow can i make icon for it in application13:31
izanbardprincevisof:pidgin should be under the Internet tab, it comes with Ubuntu13:32
sandr-my piding icon is located in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/pidgin.png13:32
Switch^does anyone know any good non-linear video editors for linux?13:32
visofi use feisty 7.0413:33
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izanbardprincevisof Alt-F2 then sudo update-manager -d13:33
izanbardprincegksudo that is13:34
x9xis it possible to have the live-cd use 3d-drivers?13:34
bidossessihow doable would it be to upgrade my motherboard/cpu and keep my system configuration?13:34
erawfishx9x: if you have the right videocard or possibly create your own livecd13:34
x9xok I want to create my own livecd (modify the normal one) with support for modern nvidia-cards13:35
BelisarivsDoes anybody has experience with ocr in Linux?13:36
dgjones!ocr | Belisarivs, no experience, but this may help you13:36
ubotuBelisarivs, no experience, but this may help you: OCR software for Ubuntu includes Tesseract, Ocrad and GOcr. GNOME users can use 'gocr-gtk' as a front-end to GOcr, while KDE users have Kooka available as a front-end to Ocrad and GOcr.13:36
bidossessihow doable would it be to change my motherboard/cpu (upgrade) and keep my system configuration?13:36
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x9xerawfish, should I do anything mor than add the nvididia-new pacakage? and will the start of the cd count as the reboot that ubuntu normally requires?13:37
murchbidossessi it shouldnt affect your system at all unless your hardware is incompatable13:37
Lartza_what is gui programming? i dont understand13:37
Joeliohey guys, I've just installed gutsy on my latitude d630 and then had to reinstall it once I'd ran an upgrade (Gnome was crashing). Is there a bug?13:38
=== cz1 is now known as czk
PoobleoLOL http://tinyurl.com/34vk4513:38
x9xwhould be at all possible to create a livecd that supports 3D with both nivida and ATI cards?13:38
Poobleohaha that guy is pissed13:38
bidossessimurch, so if i don't change any of my periferal and keep the same type of processor (amd64) it should be fine? i am hoping to ditch my athlonxp and move to something more recent13:38
bidossessiathlon 6413:38
erawfishx9x: why would ubuntu require a reboot for anything?13:39
novato_brmy resolution is 640x480, how can I change it to resolution 1024 x 768 by line command ?13:39
novato_brmy resolution is 640x480, how can I change it to resolution 1024 x 768 by line command ?13:39
PoobleoFinnaly finished my project -> http://tinyurl.com/34vk4513:39
ubuntuisloved_can someone kick Poobleo13:40
erawfish!Ops Poobleo is a spammer13:40
Joelionavato_br: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (I think)13:40
ubuntuisloved_!Ops kick Poobleo13:40
x9xerawfish: yeah it beats me, but when I active the nividia 3d driver, ubuntu says I must reboot now. I think it *should* be enough to restart X (ctrl-Alt-Backspace) but it is not :-(13:40
Kasplattis there a way to partition my HDD without breaking my windows install ?13:41
Lartza_what is gui programming? i dont understand13:41
PoobleoCan somebody please rate my project13:41
Poobleo[02:38:35] <Poobleo> Finnaly finished my project -> http://tinyurl.com/34vk4513:41
MolePrinceAnyone know if there's a way to allow tshark to be run as a normal user instead of superuser?13:41
Joeliohey guys, I've just installed gutsy on my latitude d630 and then had to reinstall it once I'd ran an upgrade (Gnome was crashing). Is there a bug?13:45
osxdudewhere are my panels?13:45
osxdudeshoot :/13:45
osxdudeI have to reboot!13:45
bidossessiwow,, people here reboot like nobody's business!13:46
ikoniabidossessi: there are over 1000 people in here, people will come and go13:46
erawfishikonia: more like "there are lots of windows users in here"13:47
bidossessiikonia, my comment was rather on the very winblowsy instinct to "reboot" for a quick fix13:47
bidossessierawfish, exactly13:47
simonovaI installed some packages with synaptic, there were some problems, and now I can't use apt... and apt-get -f install won't fix it13:47
ikoniasimonova: what error do you get13:49
simonovawhen I run apt-get -f install, for every package I get "dpkg: error processing <insert deb name here> (--unpack):"13:49
Picisimonova: What do you mean by 'there were some problems'?13:50
simonovawhen I installed, it gave me a bunch of the same error messages13:50
Safiyyaham having trouble burning the DVD any1 to help me?13:51
x9xif anyone knows how to make a livecd that do both nvidia and ati 3d-graphics just honk!13:51
CroXAnyone here happen to know the Glicko ranking system?13:52
Calgood morning folks.  i am trying to install ubuntu on my hp dv6000 notebook and am having problems.  after i select 'start or install' from the boot menu a prompt shows that drivers are being loaded, and then the screen goes black and i have to restart.  can anyone tell me why this is happening?13:52
ikoniax9x: it's the same process as any livecd, you just need to update the drivers to the correct compatability versions13:52
ikoniaCal: do you have an ATI card ?13:52
Calikonia, no nvidia13:53
ikoniaCal: have you tried using the failsafe boot option ?13:53
murchahhh now i have the fear13:53
Calikonia, no not yet.  if that works what does that suggest?13:53
murchi need to look at resizing partitions, anyone got any suggestions on the easiest way to do this13:54
ikoniaCal: some later versions of video cards are not supported at the install cd, it is SUPPOSED to fall back to vesa in tht case, but with ati's I've seen it fail a fair ammount, you are the first potential nvidia user I've seen13:54
aramcan any one helo whuch linux is good choise for server i mean dhcp and routing tottaly act like win 2k313:54
ikoniaaram: anyone13:54
ikoniaaram: ubuntu is quite acceptable13:54
x9xyeah I have nividia too, but my friend maybe have ati, and I want it to be possible to run the cd (without intallation on harddisk) with 3D without having to type anythin on her part13:54
ikoniaaram: the desktop eddition would work well13:54
Calikonia, my video card is a geforce go 6150.13:55
ikoniaCal: I'm not aware of the specifics of that model13:55
ikoniax9x: you just need to include the drivers for you / your friend in the livecd you build13:55
aramikonia: i mean can i run dhcp , routing ,dns and some stuff like that ?13:55
th0raram none of them will act like windows server, but any would handle dhcp and routing (but not like w2k3)13:55
ikoniaaram: correct13:55
ikoniaaram: the ubuntu desktop cd will be a perfect install solution13:55
x9x ikonia: x9x: you just need to include the drivers for you / your friend in the livecd you build13:55
x9x 14:55 aram:13:56
x9xok is that easy :-)13:56
Calikonia, alright well i'll give the safe mode boot a try.  if that works, how can i solve my problem?  also where on the net can i find ubuntu hardware compatibility?13:56
ffmWhat command should I use if I want to replace every instance of string "A" with string "B" in all files in DIR (and all files in subdirectories of it)13:56
aramikonia: how can i find out about about feature of ubuntu ?13:56
ikoniaCal: if that works you won't have a problem on the install system, its a limiation of the static drivers on the cd13:56
ikoniaaram: read ubuntu.com ?13:56
aramikonia: i got redhat but it seemd to be same as ubuntu13:57
th0rffm sed13:57
ikoniaaram: all linux distros are built around the same technologies so their functions / capabilities will be mostly the same13:57
ffmth0r: thx13:57
markumanwhere is eeeFiatpuntu?13:57
aramikonia: could you please help me how could i find out if my ubutu is desktop or not?13:57
ascI keep getting a checksum error on install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz when trying to install flashplugin-nonfree. Can anybody help me with this?13:58
ikoniaaram: do you have a gome gui (I assume yes)13:58
ffmaram: cat /etc/issue13:58
ikonia!flassplugin | asc13:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flassplugin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:58
ikonia!flashplugin | asc13:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flashplugin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:58
ffm!flash | asc13:58
ubotuasc: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash13:58
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.13:58
aramikonia: i have gnome and version is 7.10 gusty13:58
ikoniaffm: thank you13:58
Pici!flashplugin is <alias> flash13:58
ubotuI'll remember that, Pici13:58
ikoniaaram: then you have ubuntu 7.10 desktop13:58
ffmikonia: np13:58
aramikonia: ok thanks is there any other version apart from desktop?13:59
ikoniaaram: there are - but you won't need them13:59
aramikonia: ok thanks what about virtual mashine like vmware i got that on widows14:00
aramikonia: do we have any virtual mashine for linux14:00
ikoniaaram: there are multiple virtualisation options available to linux and ubuntu14:00
ikoniaaram: there is even the cross-platform vmware application which most windows users use14:00
aramikonia: thanks for ur help is there any program that you suggest ?14:01
aramikonia: i mean name of the program14:01
ikoniaaram: suggest for what ?14:01
aramikonia: virtual mashine14:01
hitcan i change specific keyboard key to another one?14:01
ikoniaaram: well if your a windows user, I'd suggest vmware so it seems familier to you14:01
hiti.e i don't have vertical bar in us keyboard14:01
aramikonia: thanks14:01
jarrydhere have mine14:02
hitjarryd, copy/paste isn't much satisfying14:02
murchany suggestions on the safest way to resize partitions14:02
jribhit: probably with xmodmap, but you'd have to look up the syntax14:02
brobostigongood afternoon14:02
ubuntuisloved_murch: gparted will resize partitions and is free14:02
ikoniamurch there is no "safe way" be aware there are risks with any resizing of partitions14:03
aramikonia: i just want to go thanks again bye14:03
ikoniaaram: welcome14:03
murchoh yes i know14:03
murchso gparted is the way to go14:03
ubuntuisloved_murch: well i use gparted and i resized my win partition 80 gig14:03
ikoniamurch: if your comfortble with the risk, it is an excellent tool14:03
ubuntuisloved_down to 20 gig then eventually deleted it14:03
ubuntuisloved_of course this was XP not vista14:04
ikoniaubuntuisloved_: how does that matter ?14:04
murchi made my /home to small and need to take some of /14:04
ubuntuisloved_ikonia: not to you but maybe it gives him relief14:04
ikoniaubuntuisloved_: he didn't mention anything about windows partitions or vista/xp worries14:05
ikoniamurch: native file systems have less of a risk, but there are still risks14:05
ubuntuisloved_murch: yes you can resize home i thought you were resizing win partitions14:05
murchcan it be done within or do i need to boot from disk14:05
ubuntuisloved_murch: just backup your /home first and importatnt files14:05
ikoniamurch: I would do it from a livecd14:06
ubuntuisloved_it has a bootable iso on thier website14:06
murchcool ta14:06
ikoniamurch: due to the file systems your using14:06
ascikona: Thanks.14:06
ikoniaubuntuisloved_: what has a bootable iso ?14:06
ubuntuisloved_murch: bootable or not backup14:06
ikoniaasc: welcome14:06
F-u-z-z-YHi all, I am having trouble editing /etc/fstab from the terminal (im logged on to root) It says "bash: /etc/fstab: Permission denied"14:06
dgjonesF-u-z-z-Y, are you using the sudo command?14:06
ubuntuisloved_ikonia: do you have something better to do then that?14:06
dgjonesF-u-z-z-Y, ignore that, i misread you14:07
ikoniaubuntuisloved_: the ubuntu install cd - that he already has14:07
ikoniaF-u-z-z-Y: are you on the livecd14:07
ubuntuisloved_ikonia: has gparted?14:07
F-u-z-z-Ydgjones, im trying to edit it so that i can add windows shared to be mounted at boot. I did it before i reinstalled ubuntu14:07
ikoniaubuntuisloved_: yes14:07
murchok whats the preferred option gparted bootcd or Ubuntu cd14:08
F-u-z-z-Yikonia, i used the livecd and installed ubuntu to the hd14:08
brobostigongksudo gedit /etc/fstab14:08
ubuntuisloved_ikonia: really cool how do you know whether its uptodate?14:08
ikoniamurch: as you are using ubuntu I would suggest the ubuntu cd as it will "know" your setup.14:08
chazcoHi... i've created a deb... just checking on the format of .desktop files (menu entry ones)... is it permissable to have an absolute path to an executable? e.g. /opt/some/dir/app14:08
ikoniaubuntuisloved_: it's the version that's in the repo14:08
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
ikoniachazco: I don't see why not14:08
ubuntuisloved_ikonia: cool how do you load it up just command line?14:09
F-u-z-z-Ybrobostigon, thank you14:09
ikoniaubuntuisloved_: just drag it down from the repo and it appears in your menu14:09
chazcoikonia - Good, just checking... its finally finished now :D14:09
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chazcoWorks on KDE & Gnome too :)14:09
wuchengi excute "ln -s ../../../host /home/" ,then "file /home/host" ,the console retune the message "broken symbolic link to `../../../hosts'14:09
ikoniachazco: well done to you, I know it's been hard work14:09
x-X-xi bought an " iriver t60 4gb " and i want to upgrade the firmware but i need to install " iriver plus 3 " and its an .exe what do i do and if anyone else owns an iriver how did you upgrade the firmware under linux ?14:09
ikoniawucheng: your link is going to a dead location14:10
ubuntuisloved_ikonia: so its not actually loaded on the ubuntu live cdrom then by default you have to have internet ?14:10
Jonny88hi, i'v got a ubuntu DVD from linux format magazine, and I want to install it onto a 1gb usb flash drive. How do I do minimal install? I'v read guides saying use the alternative CD (I dont have) and use 'custom' as a boot option, which isnt working for me. Any help?14:10
chazcoikonia - yep :) I've made other debs but the mime type stuff really threw me off14:10
ikoniaubuntuisloved_: I believe so14:10
ikoniaJonny88: you can't really strip it down like that at install time from the standard cd14:10
khamaelx-X-x: try #winehq for running .exe in linux/ubuntu14:10
perfectoravahi-daemon still tries to start itself even though i have disabled in system start-up scripts.. shld i disable it anywhere in config files??14:10
Jonny88Got the standard DVD, does that make a difference?14:11
ikoniaJonny88: not really14:11
dgjonesJonny88, you'd be better downloading the alternate cd from the ubuntu website14:11
Jonny88can't burn discs here14:11
chazcoJonny88 - Is this the 8GB multi-distro DVD in the Linux format with the gumball machine pic on the front by any chance?14:11
Jack_Sparrowikonia: I thought alt was included on DVD?14:11
ikoniaJack_Sparrow: depends on the version14:12
Jack_Sparrowikonia: Good to know.. thanks, and good morning14:12
Jonny88Its the double sided LXF DVD with suse 10.3 on the flip14:12
ikoniaJack_Sparrow: I think he's got the DVD from the front of a UK magazine14:12
menllyosis there some list of soundcards available somewhere that do work properly under ubuntu ?14:12
ikoniaJack_Sparrow: LFX is a magazine in the uk14:12
ikonia!hcl | menllyos14:12
ubotumenllyos: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection14:12
dgjonesJonny88, if you download the alternate cd and save the iso, you should be able to follow the instructions to setup a usb stick install, you shouldn't need to burn it to a cd14:12
Jonny88dgjones: where can I find said instructions?14:13
Unrealcatgood morning14:13
UbuntuNeulingHi. I have the following prblem after installing Ubuntu. My HD space is lowered from 200 to 18GB. I alreadz checked and formated it with QTParted but it only shows 18gig. Does anyone know, what can be wrong? thank zou14:13
brobostigonyou could dd the iso to the usb stick.14:13
F-u-z-z-Yto add windows shares to be mounted at boot, can you confirm this is the correct command,   smbmount //78.***.***.***/TV$ /mnt/R-TV -o credentials=/home/fraser/.smbpasswd14:13
dgjonesJonny88, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick14:13
felichplease advise solution to repair 'opera' installation; here is terminal message http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51194/14:14
Xintruderis nvidia 7400 less better than nvidia 8400?14:14
Xintruderi want better for ubuntu and compiz14:14
Jack_SparrowUbuntuNeuling: What does your bios show for hard drive and are you sure you are not reading it  wrong and it is showing 18 x 10 after the format?14:14
ikoniaXintruder: different chipsets so "better" depends on your needs14:14
chazcoDoes anyone know if its possible to remove packages from /var/cache/apt/archives that are not installed?14:15
ikoniachazco: dpkg should do that if there is a cleanup section in the script14:15
brobostigonsudo apt-get clean14:15
Xintruderwhich are considered (High end) and better for ompiz capabilities14:15
ikoniaor  "post" I think is the reference14:15
ikoniaXintruder: the 8x version is a better card, but the 7x has better current driver support14:15
ubuntuisloved_Xintruder: you can go here for hardware support https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport14:15
xsavierplz anyone help me how to use ubiquity tool14:16
perfectorpls tell me how to disable avahi-daemon?14:16
chazcobrobostigon - I thought that totally wiped the folder?14:16
UbuntuNeulingJack SParrow. My BIOS shows 200GB and the GNOME partition manager sayz 18,19 GiB14:16
Guillemikonia, Xintruder, nvidia drivers keep improving IMHO...14:16
perfectorits increasing my boot-up time14:16
ikoniaGuillem: I didn't say they didn't14:16
brobostigonjust wipes the contects i think14:16
xsavierim trying to install the filesystem from livecd but it is going fine upto creating the partition14:17
Guillemikonia, OK14:17
ubuntuisloved_Xintruder: is it a laptop? just curious because ive had trouble with the nvidia on mine14:17
Xintruderthere is no nvidia 7400 in the nvidia list :s14:17
Xintruderyes, vaoi14:17
xsaviersorry im not able to create a partition through ubiquity14:17
xsavieri dont know wats the exact problem14:18
ubuntuisloved_what laptop is it ive got T61 cant remember the details on chipset14:18
Jack_SparrowUbuntuNeuling: I was not doubting you.  But I had made that mistake before.  What does sudo fdisk -l   show14:18
menllyoscan one assume that hardware working under older version of ubuntu also works under 7.10 (or 8.04) ?14:18
xsavierplease help me in this regard14:18
white_eaglehow can I download the java runtime enviroment, because when I go to sun microsys. they offer only a rpm package14:18
ikoniamenllyos: 8.04 is unstable so nothing can be assumed14:18
F-u-z-z-YXintruder: I use a nvidia 7300 in my laptop. Its listed in the restricted drivers but i have no real probs using it14:18
ikoniawhite_eagle: use the sun package the ubuntu repo's14:19
menllyosi know, but for future usage ... :)14:19
pike_white_eagle: search for jre sun in synaptic14:19
ikoniawhite_eagle: or use the tar file installer from sun (not recommended)14:19
Guillemmenllyos, should, but, check with the live CD... prior to do anything.14:19
ikoniamenllyos: 9 times out of 10 yes14:19
xsavierhow to create a partition with the help of ubiquity14:19
ikoniamenllyos: occasionally support for older kit is dropped14:19
Jack_Sparrowfelic1: Did you recently try to update opera?14:19
ikoniaXintruder: stop asking every 30 seconds14:19
ubuntuisloved_F-u-z-z-Y: did you have any problems enabling the nvidia for desktop effects?14:19
ikoniaxsavier  stop asking every 30 seconds14:19
ljsmithxok im back14:19
Xintruderikonia: excuse me?14:19
ikoniaXintruder: typo, not meant for you, apologies14:20
pike_xsavier: im not sure what ubiquity is but if you just want to create a new partition not resize an old one you can use gparted or sudo cfdisk /dev/sda  <-- or whatever partition also fdisk14:20
pike_xsavier: gparted will resize also14:20
ljsmithxIf When I right-click on my desktop and goto change wallpaper, the appearance menu doesn't respond :'(14:20
ljsmithxanyone help?14:20
bazhangxsavier: are you doing a new install? please be precise14:20
Guillemubuntuisloved_, enabling nvidia for desktop-effects has some tricks14:21
ljsmithxhow do I go about fixing a problem like this?14:21
F-u-z-z-Yubuntuisloved: no, but i had to change the software source to enable the driver first, before i could enable the driver, then enable desktop effects. Desktops effects are set on the highest and i have no real problems. Sometimes they dont stop wobbling, lol but u just need to minize them, and maximum then again14:21
ubuntuisloved_Guillem: im all ears for help on any tutorial?14:21
Guillemubuntuisloved_, you have to get rid of xserver-XGL, you have to enable the proprietary driver, you have to enable some options at xorg.conf,14:22
Jack_Sparrowljsmithx: SInce it normally should.. what did you recently install or do that may have caused the problem.  And, have you ever run automatix or envy scripts.. Both bad ideas.14:22
F-u-z-z-YI have a Nvidia 7300 tho, Xintuder has a 7400 (i think)14:22
ljsmithxI have automatix installed14:22
ikonia!automatix | ljsmithx14:22
ubuntuisloved_Guillem:cant u post me a tutorial14:22
ubotuljsmithx: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »14:22
white_eaglethanks ikonia14:22
ljsmithxdid that break it?14:22
UbuntuNeulingOk he says 20.0 GB, 20000268288 bytes14:22
ljsmithxohh dear14:22
bazhangljsmithx: automatix? uh oh14:22
Jack_Sparrowljsmithx: Yes you broke it.. fresh install is the way to go14:22
Guillemubuntuisloved_, and depending on your hardware you have to enable some options for the nvidia-kernel-driver....14:22
ikonialjsmithx: we do not support systems that have ever used automatix14:22
ikonialjsmithx: no - clean ubuntu install only14:23
ljsmithxok then14:23
ikonialjsmithx: you need to re-install ubuntu14:23
pike_ljsmithx: sorry just too many variables14:23
Guillemubuntuisloved_, I'm not sure, since I've been evolving from long time ago...14:23
ljsmithxso i wont ever be able to get help ever?14:23
ljsmithxthats just crap14:23
Guillemubuntuisloved_, first step is to ensure you have the propietary driver working.14:23
Jack_Sparrowljsmithx: Nope14:23
ikonialjsmithx: not until you re-install ubuntu14:23
* bazhang wonders what the attraction of automatix/envy is14:23
ubuntuisloved_Guillem: how do i do this14:23
elkbuntubazhang, lemmings14:23
ikonialjsmithx: thats not "crap" that was your choice using tools created by people who are nothing to do with ubuntu14:23
ljsmithxok then14:24
Jack_Sparrowljsmithx: We had a whole series of people with automatix related problems last night14:24
ljsmithxI just heard about automatix and thought it was a good idea14:24
UbuntuNeulingSo Jack_Sparrow du you have another idea? because this comand gave 20.0 GB, 20000268288 bytes back. I dont understand that because the bios says 200gb14:24
pike_ljsmithx: there is an automatix channel i think14:24
bazhangelkbuntu: seems that way :}14:24
pike_ljsmithx: nm, i guess there isnt. you can always run gparted to resize you hd and create free space then install a new install of uubntu to that so you dont lose your current OS14:25
Jack_SparrowUbuntuNeuling: Something is up... WOuld it be possible for you to get the gparted stand alone cd 50 meg dl  and see what it shows for your drive14:25
xoqacan someone help me get an internet connection on ubuntu 7.10?14:25
ubotuGParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/14:25
xoqacan someone help me get an internet connection on ubuntu 7.10?14:25
LuCypherHi, I can't install msttcorefonts... I don't really need it , but I can't remove it too14:25
ljsmithxxoqa, don't spam14:25
Guillemubuntuisloved_, ideally, the restricted-modules-manager should show you the way14:25
bazhangxoqa: wired or wireless14:26
F-u-z-z-Yxoqa, whats ur set up? wired/wireless etc?14:26
UbuntuNeulingI have a ubuntu live cd with gparted. Is that working too? I am online with this live cd atm14:26
LuCypherThe pcess stops configuring and downloading *.exe14:26
ljsmithxi want to die :'(14:26
anubis_is anybody familiar with hda-intel bus14:26
xoqabazhang: wired14:26
jribLuCypher: pastebin what happens when you try14:26
xoqaF-u-z-z-Y: wired14:26
LjLljsmithx: if you really don't want to reinstall, then remove automatix and everything related, then install debsums and run "sudo debsums -g | grep -v OK", and for each file that doesn't match the sums, reinstall the corresponding package (« sudo apt-get --reinstall install packagename »)14:26
ubuntuisloved_Guillem: should i remove that other package first?14:26
x9xstrange that the flash-thing isn't fixed yet.... what is best version in terms of be able too use as many webpages that unfortunately require flash? (no I dont count ads here...)  the old one or the new?14:26
Jack_SparrowUbuntuNeuling: entirely different, which is why I was specific and gave the link14:26
bazhangxoqa: your ethernet does not work? is this gutsy? can you access the computer now?14:26
Guillemubuntuisloved_, not necessary. You need to have working the nvidia proprietary driver prior to any other thing.14:27
F-u-z-z-Yxoqa, do you get an ip address from plugging a ethernet cable in?14:27
Guillemubuntuisloved_, that step is mandatory14:27
xoqabazhang: i can access it but i have to disconnect from irc to do so because i only have on cable.14:27
anubis_need help with using hsf modem under ubuntu14:28
xoqai followed the directions on http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde and removed the libs and installed kde, but after rebooting, no internet..     <- bazhang, F-u-z-z-Y14:28
pike_x9x: normally i just grab the tar.gz from adobe anyway. all you do is drop it in plugins folder /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ i think is right14:28
LjL!dialup > anubis_    (anubis_, see the private message from Ubotu)14:28
bazhangxoqa: this is computer you are using now? with another os?14:28
pike_x9x: er drop the plugin that is in the tar.gz14:28
Jack_SparrowLjL Wouldn't it take longer to do that than reinstall.?  And good morning..14:28
x9xpike_, ok14:28
xoqabazhang: it's another computer, mine. i just got it in the other day. it's a thinkpad t4114:28
LjLJack_Sparrow, i really don't think so14:28
Guillemubuntuisloved_, as I told you, ideally, System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager14:29
ubuntuisloved_Guillem: do you recommend Envy?14:29
bazhangxoqa: can you turn it on an type lspci in the terminal on it and tell (not paste in the channel) what the ethernet card is for that thinkpad--no need to connect at this point14:30
Guillemubuntuisloved_, nope14:30
dgjonesThat advice about Autom-tix possible repair sounds like it should be added to the factoid as a "You may be able to repair using this method...." option14:30
Guillemubuntuisloved_, I recommend the ubuntu packages already available at the repositories.14:30
TuxOtakuhey guys...I'm having some trouble starting FVWM-Crystal14:30
LjLJack_Sparrow: there are still risks that stuff will remain installed, doing it the way i proposed... changes in files in /etc for instance, or stuff installed in /opt or /usr/local... but it's certainly not slower than reinstall in most circumstances14:30
TuxOtakueverytime I try to start it from GDM, I get a "your session lasted less than 10 seconds" error14:31
bazhangdgjones: not likely as it is not supported14:31
abhi_i'm using libdb4.4-dev and not able to compile my berkeley db programs on Gutsy any help?14:31
Jack_SparrowLjL Good to know thanks14:31
xoqabazhang, F-u-z-z-Y: Ethernet controller: Intel Corp 82540EP Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Mobile) (rev 03)14:31
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bazhangxoqa: so when you connect it to via ethernet you get no dhcp offers? this via network-manager or the terminal?14:32
xoqabazhang: terminal14:33
novato_brautomessage: downloading 66%  of 100MB - 16KB/s14:33
LjLnovato_br: uh?14:34
bazhangxoqa: are you going to get this computer going on the same network? if so, via router or second ethernet cable? at some point in time that is14:34
redrahIs there some italian guy?14:34
Guillemxoqa, a month ago I saw a hp laptop which had trouble with a wired card - I guess it was an Intel card, not sure- The workarround consisted on starting the kernel with the pci=noacpi option.14:34
LjL!it | redrah14:35
uboturedrah: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!14:35
xoqabazhang: i'm going to unplug the ethernet cable plugged in this one, put it in the other computer's port and reset the cable modem14:35
simplyubuntuhey has anyone experienced gnash working in one account and not in another?14:35
xoqaGuillem: is there a log of this conversation?14:36
LuCypherHi, I can't install msttcorefonts... I don't really need it , but I can't remove it too http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/51196/14:36
bazhangxoqa: so both will be on the same network--or just the one computer?14:36
Jack_SparrowLuCypher: How are you trying to remove msttcorefonts?14:36
xoqabazhang: one computer, one connection. one at a time14:36
LuCypherIf I do apt-get remove or dpkg -r it starts with configuration anyway14:36
Guillemxoqa, no, it was a friend of mine... we googled for the model of the laptop and we reached a page where a guy stated the problem...14:36
mfabbrihi, does anyone know where keymap files are on gutsy?14:36
Jack_SparrowLuCypher: Does synaptic show it as installed?14:37
xoqaGuillem: i just find it odd that i remove these apps and then don't have an internet connection14:37
LuCypherJack_Sparrow : yes14:37
Guillemxoqa, it was something like this page : http://marcin.af.gliwice.pl/if-then-else-20071022085850 (but it was not that one...)14:37
Mutexeshow do i start the ubuntu server installation in text-mode (not graphical mode)14:37
Jack_SparrowLuCypher: Have you tried to remove it from there?14:37
xoqaGuillem: i could try installing ubuntu-desktop :| i kind of like my kde deskto :)14:37
LuCypherJack_Sparrow : yes14:37
Jack_SparrowLuCypher: Does it give you an error or tell you what to do to fix it?14:38
Ni from korea14:38
Guillemxoqa, I'm sorry because I have not read all your problem. Just the bottom line and then I've remembered the trouble of my friend. Probably it is not your case...14:38
simplyubuntuhellooo anyone?14:38
Nnice to meet you14:38
ikoniasimplyubuntu: what ?14:38
ikoniaN: do you have a question based on ubuntu ?14:38
bazhangN: this is a support channel14:38
XintrudernVidia GeForce 8600M GT 256 MB graphics and 2 Mega Pixel Built-In Webcam ( +$199.00 ) << is this old???? because my nvidia has go instead of geforce, and will it work well with gutsy?14:38
LuCypherJack_Sparrow : every time I try to remove it it starts with "pre-removal script" that is the same "post-install"14:38
ikoniaXintruder: go is a laptop model14:38
simplyubuntuikonia my gnash works with one account and not with the other...14:39
Xintruderoh ic14:39
dfault312my thin client wont boot, i get a message related to the sound card during the boot process, and then just a blinking cursor. can anyone help?14:39
ikoniasimplyubuntu: look at .firefox or .mozzilla in the home dir's of the working/nonworking users14:39
Jack_SparrowLuCypher: I take it you are cancelling it out at that point?14:39
ikoniadfault312: anything logged14:39
dfault312i dont know, where would the log files be?14:39
dfault312@ikonia: where would the log files be?14:40
iNtERrUpTvncserver doesn't work. with "could not open default font 'fixed'". how can i fix it?14:40
GuillemiNtERrUpT, you are at 64bit install, aren't you?14:40
ikoniaiNtERrUpT: yes ?14:40
iNtERrUpTno, i am 32bit.14:40
xoqaslighly off from my main problem, but also, with this version of ubuntu (7.10) i always have to select 'recovery mode' or else it looks like it's going to load but it's just blank... i haven't left it alone for more than 2 mins and then i reboot by pressing ctl-alt-del. anyone know of something similar where this has occured?14:41
ikoniadfault312: well how far does the boot get ? the log files will be on the boot setber14:41
pike_iNtERrUpT: is the server just a bare install no X?14:41
iNtERrUpTno, desktop.14:41
luksmannanybode here who is a real w-lan expert - i've got some very strange problems...14:41
simplyubuntuok ikonia what am i looking for14:41
LuCypherJack_Sparrow : I left it go... But when finished it says that some of the *.exe cab is corrupted and gives me: "pre-removal script sub-process has given error code1"14:41
ikoniasimplyubuntu: differences14:41
iNtERrUpTX does work. but vnc server crash with "could not open default font 'fixed'"14:41
ikoniasimplyubuntu: check the .plugin folder too14:42
ikoniasimplyubuntu: I assumed you install gnash via apt14:42
ikoniaiNtERrUpT: is that font available to it ?14:42
perfectorin which package can i find the gtk startup-manager tool??14:42
simplyubuntuyep ikonia14:42
bazhangxoqa: you have a livecd around? you might want to try booting from the livecd and see if that can acquire an internet connection--hard to know what you have done to your system14:42
dfault312@ikonia: boot gets past the splash screen, the cursor starts blinking when the bar finishes loading. i disabled the splash screen to see the message about the audio card... where is boot setber?14:42
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iNtERrUpTikonia, I think it's yes. but vncserver can't detect font 'fixed'14:42
ikoniadfault312: boot server14:43
ikoniaiNtERrUpT: check if it's installed and available, or change vnc server to use a different font14:43
dfault312@ikonia: what file on the boot server?14:43
iNtERrUpTum.. how can i change ?14:43
Jack_SparrowLuCypher: SOmething odd here...How were they installed.  and if you say you used automatix or envy scripts to install anything I am gonna scream..14:43
ikoniadfault312: I don't know off the top of my head, look in the generic log files, come on, your setting up this environemtn you should know the basicsis14:43
iNtERrUpTikonia, how can i change the font?14:44
LuCypherJack_Sparrow : I stay away from Envy or Automatix14:44
LuCypherJack_Sparrow : It was installed as a dependency of ubuntu-restricted-extras14:44
GuillemiNtERrUpT, there are several vnc-servers....which one have you installed?14:45
dfault312@ikonia: i just followed the LTSP Quick Install guide... I have no experience with linux, I'm used to M$14:45
luksmannanybody here who is a real w-lan expert - i am experiencing a very strange problem14:45
GuillemiNtERrUpT, perhaps you shoud use the vnc4server14:45
cleaton!ask | luksmann14:45
ubotuluksmann: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)14:45
xoqabazhang: i'm sure it can get the internet... i'm going to reboot... brb14:46
simplyubuntuikonia is copying the working users .mozilla to the other users home dir?14:46
Jack_SparrowLuCypher: Good to know you never tried or used automatix...  We have seen way to many problems these last couple days.  Are you running something under wine in the background ?14:46
iNtERrUpTikonia, I am using realvnc.14:46
LuCypherJack_Sparrow :  ps aux | grep wine ........ nothing14:46
Jack_SparrowLuCypher: Oh, and is this a real install or some vm optional setup?14:46
LuCypherJack_Sparrow :  Real install... As I've done it many times before...14:47
dfault312can anyone help me find the boot logs for my LTSP thin client?14:47
Jack_SparrowLuCypher: Sorry , I am at a loss on this.. maybe after I finish my morning coffee I will have something, hopefully you will get an answer before that.14:48
GuillemiNtERrUpT, vncserver from vnc4server works for me...14:48
Drixxhey ... i need some help ....14:48
LuCypherJack_Sparrow :  Is there any way I can tell apt-get to remove but don't do configure (pre-remove)???14:48
dfault312Drixx: be more specific14:48
Drixxcan't mount my external to my laptop ...14:48
iNtERrUpTGuillem, ... how can i do fix it -_-; help me plz14:48
Drixxcan't mount my external to my laptop ...14:48
dfault312@Drixx: what happens when you try14:48
luksmannmy intel 3945 wlan card cant connect to my AP as long as I am in my room. as soon as i move about 5m towards the AP the card connects fine and the connection remains stable, even if I move away again. it's only the inital connection that is buggy14:49
Drixxit says ... " cant mount " try force mount or add a command to /etc/.. n14:49
Jack_SparrowLuCypher: You can purge it, but my concern is the corrupt *.exe cab files... this problem is the tip of the iceberg14:49
dfault312can anyone help me find the boot logs for my LTSP thin client?14:50
dfault312@Drixx: im not sure14:50
Jack_SparrowLuCypher: Are you running the repo version of wine or an upgraded version14:50
Drixxdfault312: this cmd " mount -t ntfs-3g/dev/sdb5/media/New Volume -o force root"14:50
Drixxto /etc/fstab14:50
Drixxto /etc/fstab14:51
Drixxdfault312: to /etc/fstab14:51
GuillemiNtERrUpT, you are executing like this: "vncserver :10", OK?14:51
Drixxdfault312: how do i do that ?? ..14:51
iNtERrUpTGuillem, it seems yes, but log file:14:52
iNtERrUpTFatal server error:14:52
iNtERrUpTcould not open default font 'fixed'14:52
GuillemiNtERrUpT, in synaptic, I can see :vncserver, vnc4server and xtightvncserver; try installing each one and see if any of them works14:52
dfault312drixx: go to the terminal and type "sudo gedit /etc/fstab"14:52
gvsa123what do i have to install to play vcd's?14:52
DrixxOdd-rationale : u there ??14:52
iNtERrUpToh, thx. i'll try it.14:53
dfault312drixx: then add that command into the file14:53
GuillemiNtERrUpT, some of the vncserver do read your xorg.conf to locate the fonts, other do not AFAIK14:53
Drixxdfault312: ..kk14:53
dfault312drixx: im not sure if that will work14:53
Drixxi tried ...14:53
iNtERrUpTGuillem, oh ic. thx.14:53
Jack_Sparrowdfault312: would you not use gksudo for gedit as it is a gui app14:53
Drixxdfault312: but where in that file ??14:53
dfault312drixx: did you do a restart after you added that line?14:53
GuillemiNtERrUpT, you can see if your xorg.conf is OK, by launcing "xload -fn fixed" and see if it shows a simmilar error14:53
alephantHi all14:53
dfault312drixx: where is which file?14:53
Drixxit does'nt add ...14:53
iNtERrUpTGuillem, i'll try it :D thx14:54
alephantI've got a somewhat difficult question about releases and package versions:14:54
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)14:54
alephantI didn't ask-to-ask... I began my question in a civilized way.14:54
GuillemiNtERrUpT, if shows an error, check you have a Section "Files" in your xorg.conf  with several FontPath entries starting with /usr/share/fonts/X1114:54
bazhangalephant: what is the issue14:55
alephanttrying to get to it14:55
Jack_SparrowThe point is.. feel free to ask your question.. all on one line.. no lead in is needed.14:55
iNtERrUpTthe section "files" is empty14:55
dfault312can anyone help me find the boot logs for my thin client?14:55
Drixxdfault312: its saved ...14:56
Drixxshud i reeboot ??14:56
dfault312drixx: yeah, try that14:56
rajasunLuCypher: u can try sudo nano /var/lib/dpkg/info/packagename.prerm > insert i.e. add "exit 0" after set -e (without the quotes)14:56
Drixxdfault312: kk ... thnx dude ...14:56
LuCypherJack_Sparrow :  Sorry... I was googling... I have no wine installed, but I don't think it's needed, it uses cabextract to install fonts14:56
dfault312can anyone help me find the boot logs for my thin client?14:57
alephantI want to install Release Foo.  After it's installed, I want packages bar and baz, plus all of their dependencies.  Is there any way, without manually specifying exact versions, to guarantee that I will get identical versions of those packages, regardless of how many updates to that Release have been made?14:57
alephantThat is, without maintaining my own non-updating package repository.14:57
iNtERrUpTGuillem, oh, thx. i've fixed.14:57
GuillemiNtERrUpT, nice!14:57
iNtERrUpTxorg.org, section "files" was empty.14:57
gvsa123totem is saying that it needs a vcd protocol source plugin to be able to play vcd's. what do i have to install from synaptic?14:58
Jack_Sparrowalephant: So you want an install that you can lock down.. Is that the basic concept?14:58
bazhangalephant: what packages are you talking about?14:58
alephantNot so much locking down the install, but guaranteeing that a subsequent install four months later will be identical to the original.14:58
newUsersudo apt-get install vlc :)14:59
LuCypherrajasun,  thanks it worked14:59
dfault312can anyone help me find the boot logs for my thin client?14:59
alephantbazhang: there are many.  mod_python is the specific offender: it's currently broken in Feisty but wasn't at Feisty's release >:-|14:59
rajasunLuCypher: np14:59
GuillemiNtERrUpT, nevertheless, you can enable the :0 vnc at either gnome/KDE... in gnome is called "remote desktop" in the preferences menu...14:59
rajasunLuCypher: trick saved me many times b4 in similar situations. most handy ;)15:00
donkdonkhow do you set the run level for various deamons? i am used the the chkconfig command on red hat.15:00
Jack_Sparrowalephant: I would think the dpkg list would give you the exact same setup... but I still think you will end up having to maintain your own mirror..  There is aptoncd that works quite well.15:00
iNtERrUpTGuillem, oh ic. thx you're so kind.15:00
LuCypherrajasun : I'll add it to my how-tos docs15:01
bazhangalephant: the part I'm wondering about is the guarantee; there are so many variables there that it seems tough to guarantee--what would be the end goal of this? to clone it to another box? or something else15:01
GuillemiNtERrUpT, you obviously don't know me, Muhaaahaaaa15:01
bazhanglol Guillem15:01
rajasunLuCypher: LOL. k.15:01
ascIs there an easy way to check whether I'm running 32 or 64-bit?15:02
ljsmithxok guys15:02
ljsmithxi've uninstalled automatix15:02
ljsmithxwhat now?15:02
asc(I know which it is, I just need to be able to check...)15:02
bazhangasc: cant recall what you downloaded?15:02
Guillemasc, you can check the binaries: file /usr/bin/some_binary15:02
alephantThe ultimate goal is to have a production system that we know works.  When I install from a CD I know it won't be different each time I do it, but if I then add packages from Canonical, the versions may increment over time.15:03
Jack_Sparrowalephant: Ok,  back.. nature called15:03
Guillemasc, also uname -a shows the arch15:03
Guillemasc, but won't work as you expect within a 32bit chroot....15:03
aladdinsanewhy do i have to be superuser to mount this drive:15:03
aladdinsaneUUID /media/Xp        ntfs     user,noauto,rw  0      015:03
aladdinsaneand not this one:15:03
aladdinsaneUUID /media/Hdd2        ext3     user,noauto,rw  0      015:03
ascIt works in this case. Thanks.15:03
alephantSo I guess it boils down to the fact that I'm installing from CD and then adding packages from Canonical's repos, without explicitly requesting versions.15:04
donkdonkaladdinsane: /media/Xp/ is not in the fstab15:04
bazhangalephant: aptoncd sounds the safest bet; otherwise you might consider commercial support from canonical15:04
ljsmithxthe thing is that its only the appearance menu that goes funnyt15:04
Guillemaladdinsane, probably because ntfs needs fuse to access rw (Idon't know really since I do not ntfs at all)15:04
ljsmithxNO other window does it15:04
Guillemaladdinsane, I'm talking based on hearings...15:04
Jack_Sparrowalephant: I would use a dvd and put all of my var/cache/apt/archives on it as part of the install and lock down the sources list to my cd or dvd.. the concern are the security updates...15:04
Tyczekasc, getconf LONG_BIT15:05
aladdinsanedonkdonk: what do u mean? that was acopy from fstab15:05
donkdonkthis should be an easy question to answer. how do you set the run level for various deamons? i am used the the chkconfig command on red hat.15:05
GuillemTyczek, wow15:05
alephantWhat I wish for is a "tag" within a distro... ``-t feisty'' but without pulling in updates since the release.15:05
TyczekGuillem, ?15:05
bazhangljsmithx: you uninstalled automatix? there may still be problems associated with it, and afaik automatix is not supported here15:05
ljsmithxso how do i fix it? i want to change things but cant15:05
alephantdonkdonk update-rc.d15:05
GuillemTyczek, I didn't know that trick. Interesting!15:05
donkdonkaladdinsane: then it should be automaticly mounting at boot...15:05
ljsmithxDAMN YOU AUTOMATIX!15:06
TyczekGuillem, magic ;p15:06
GuillemTyczek, smart + elegant15:06
bazhangcaps ljsmithx15:06
aladdinsanedonkdonk: as u see i have set it to noauto, and that was not my question15:06
Jack_Sparrowljsmithx: You KNOW the answer...15:06
GuillemTyczek, getconf is linux-only ?15:06
ljsmithxI do, but I might go for Mint15:06
donkdonkaladdinsane: ok, the answer is you always have to be root to mount anything15:06
ljsmithxso I don't have to download the codecs and stuff again15:07
TyczekGuillem, dunno, but in 99 % yes ;p15:07
dgjonesaladdinsane, this is my mount for an ntfs partition - UUID= /media/windows        ntfs    defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0       1, maybe that will help15:07
Jack_Sparrowljsmithx: Just so you know.. Mint ships with Envy.. similar to automatix.. and Mint has little or no support.. check it out first..15:07
bazhangljsmithx: not a wise choice; mint is loads slower than ubuntu; but to each his own good luck!15:07
ljsmithxI just don't understand what automatix has done to break my appearance menu15:07
alephantdonkdonk: you *don't* have to be root to mount; root can allow users to mount specific devices in /etc/fstab15:07
hk2999how do i add a shared network folder to exaile? rhythmbox can do it though.15:07
ljsmithxOk guys, I have found my ubuntu install disk15:08
aladdinsanedonkdonk: no thats not true, as i said, i can mount the first drive without a problem, isn't that what the "user" command does in fstab?15:08
Jack_Sparrowljsmithx: Read the link under automatix.. it explains how it breaks your system and why it is so hard to fix15:08
Jack_Sparrow!automatix > ljsmithx15:08
ljsmithx!automatix | ljsmithx15:08
ubotuautomatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »15:08
aladdinsanedgjones: ok, but i want my drive NOT to mount at start-up, hence the noauto, but then i would like to be able to mount it as user when i need to15:09
Poundo is there an xml or RSS feeds channel anyone knows about? I am having a problem with google reader and a feed I created and would like to bounce a question off someone.15:09
gvsa123hey anyone, what's the plugin i need to have totem play vcd's?15:09
astabenoaladdinsane use the 3dfg utility for read write15:09
ljsmithxI WISH I knew about this before installing, there should be a thing on the forums...15:09
brobostigongvsa123: vlc15:10
ljsmithxinstalling automatix15:10
chazcoHi... anyone know how to sync a Samsung F700 with Ubuntu 7.10?15:10
gvsa123brobostigon: but that's a whole new player right?15:10
brobostigongvsa123: yep15:10
Jack_Sparrowljsmithx: This are lots of warnings, but there are also a lot of worksforme out there..15:10
Jack_Sparrowljsmithx: Of course worksforme.. until the next update.. seldom gets posted.15:11
gvsa123brobostigon: isn't totem just missing a plugin?15:11
ljsmithxOk, I wont leave ubuntu yet.15:11
luksmannmy intel 3945 wlan card cant connect to my AP as long as I am in my room. as soon as i move about 5m towards the AP the card connects fine and the connection remains stable, even if I move away again. it's only the inital connection that is buggy15:11
brobostigongvsa123: no idea, but vlc definatly plays vcds.15:12
aladdinsaneastabeno: 3dfg? well, i pesonally think this must be a simple issue to solve, i mean if i use auto instead of noauto in fstab it mounts perfectly at boot up15:12
ljsmithxI'll back up my things to dvd then install again15:12
Jack_Sparrowljsmithx: SInce you are reinstalling anyway, feel free to check it out.. You will feel much better about your choice of Ubuntu when you return15:12
borbusHi, someone on the forum said that the real time kernel will make performance worse? Is this true? Is making a low latency kernel by recompiling better?15:12
ljsmithxcheck what out Jack_Sparrow?15:13
Jack_Sparrowljsmithx: mint15:13
ljsmithxanother thing15:13
gvsa123brobostigon: hmmm... i'd like to have just one app to handle movies as much as possible...15:13
ljsmithxI have lots of bookmarks and stuff I don't want to lose. is there a way to save them to txt or something?15:13
Jack_Sparrowljsmithx: It is cute...  I installed it on a spare partition I use for testing.. and FYI extra partitions and a seperate /home are great to have15:14
brobostigongvsa123: i dont knw about totem, but my recommendation for vcds is vlc.15:14
Jack_Sparrowljsmithx: You can export your bookmarks or even mail them to yourself if you want15:14
luksmannnobody here who can help me?15:14
brobostigongvsa123: and vlc plays every movie format in existance pretty much15:14
solarisishello can anyone help me with runnung gg-client15:15
ljsmithxFrom the live CD?15:15
gvsa123brobostigon: thanks though. i'll try to see if i can make totem work before getting vlc15:15
alephantluksmann: wish I could.  I have similar weirdness with the same chipset.15:15
bemoushow can i install jabber15:15
alephantluksmann: try iwl3945 perhaps?15:15
gvsa123brobostigon: i have on my xp also... :)15:15
luksmannalephant: at least i'm not alone15:16
brobostigonbemous: pidgin15:16
iNtERrUpTbemous, pidgin supports jabber plugin.15:16
luksmannalephant: happens in static ip and dynamic mode - i just have to get near enough to the AP then everything workds15:16
bemoustell me more15:16
Jack_Sparrowljsmithx: You cant get to your ubuntu install in safe mode or any other way?...  then you can do it live...15:17
hellboy195can someone help me with k3b? flac is installed but it refuses to add .flac files15:17
brobostigon!pidgin | bemous15:17
ubotubemous: pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It is available in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), but not previous versions. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. To install Pidgin please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallPidgin2.015:17
aladdinsaneanybody know how to create a ram-drive in fstab? i would like to use it for temp files15:18
ljsmithxJack_Sparrow, I'm re-installing ubuntu because of no support for anuthing if I have or had automatix. I want to keep my bookmarks that I have right now in firefox.15:18
ljsmithxI want to export them15:18
ljsmithxbut to the live cd15:18
brobostigonljsmithx: backup you firefox dir in your home folder.15:19
ljsmithxhow do i do that?15:19
ljsmithxcopy paste?15:19
Jack_Sparrowljsmithx: Yuo cant export to the livecd.. it is a CD Rom.. you can save them to a usb stick or to another partition or send via email.15:19
void^aladdinsane: mount a tmpfs anywhere you like15:20
ljsmithxthanks for the help guys15:20
Jack_Sparrowljsmithx: I find mine in /user/.mozilla/firefox/rbbhl8lp.defaults/bookmarks.html15:20
aladdinsanevoid^: ok how do i mount it on my ram?15:20
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kikrFlash  is still broken =(15:21
UBUNTUISLOVEDive got dual display working but i cant seem to make my laptop the default screen and Not the LCD attached?15:21
PeecoIn terms of boot times and general usage, is ubuntu likely to be quicker/more responsive etc than xp on an older laptop?15:21
cypr1nushi, i've got a problem: i've got iso files, and want to mount or open them in mc, but i can't - mc hows red box and: CD-ROM is NOT in ISO 9660 format. What's wrong?15:21
cypr1nusmc shows*15:22
sandr-UBUNTUISLOVED: I have a setup that I maintain with xrandr15:22
ljsmithxi just thought of something!15:22
Jack_SparrowPeeco: How much ram in the old laptop15:22
bazhangPeeco: this is not really a chat channel; lots of web links out there comparing the two15:22
ljsmithxhow do i run the appearance from the terminal?15:22
Peecoaround 35015:22
ljsmithxwhats the comman?15:22
Guillemcypr1nus, mount -o loop file.iso mount_dir/15:23
void^aladdinsane: 'mount -t tmpfs -o size=500m none /some/mount/point', or in fstab 'none /some/mount/point tmpfs size=500m 0 0' (size can be anything)15:23
Jack_Sparrowljsmithx: No idea...15:23
Guillemcypr1nus, probably, you will require root privileges: sudo mount -o loop file.iso mount_dir/15:23
Jack_SparrowPeeco: I would say very similar.15:24
UBUNTUISLOVEDsandr-: do you care to explain?15:24
aladdinsanevoid^: ok thnx i'll try it out15:24
PeecoCheers Jack_Sparrow15:24
sandr-well, try xrandr -q in terminal, you get overview of connected screens15:24
bazhangphap stop15:24
Jack_Sparrow!ops | Phap15:24
ubotuPhap: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici!15:24
cypr1nusGuillem: i must specify the sile system15:25
Vad1I'm trying to install JEoS, but its been stuck on "Validating zlib1g" for a very long while now... is it supposed to be?15:25
cypr1nusGuillem: iso9660 and udf don't work ;/15:25
sandr-I do this: xrandr --output VGA --auto && xrandr --output LVDS --off15:25
sandr- to just enable my external screen15:25
bazhangVad1: on ubuntu?15:25
bakaratwhat sound "system" is used in ubuntu gutsy? (aka Alsa, esd,...)15:25
Vad1bazhang: in virtualbox.15:26
UBUNTUISLOVEDany way to just change the default screen though?15:26
sandr-and turn it around to just enable my notebook screen ; i bind those actions to a key with xbindkeys and I can easily switch between my setup15:26
Guillemcypr1nus, I don't have to specify the filesystem at all15:26
bazhangVad1: #vbox can probably help if no responses here15:26
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Davieysandr-: With compiz on?15:26
sandr-My default is cloned so sorry can't help you :(15:26
sandr-yes with compiz on15:27
Guillemcypr1nus, perhaps the iso file is corrupted15:27
sandr-I just rerun compiz when I do that because yes, it can't start then15:27
cypr1nusGuillem on my friends computer (winxp) it works15:27
sandr-so basically I do xrandr --output VGA --auto && xrandr --output LVDS --off && compiz15:27
sandr-and it works :)15:27
Lartza_anyone got simcity 300 to work?15:27
bazhangLartza_: ubuntuforums has a great section on games; seen it yet?15:28
AJC_Z0In the default gnome/compiz environment, how to I get windows to stack from right to left instead of the default left to right?15:28
Guillemcypr1nus, check "dmesg" output15:28
bakaratanyone: does ubuntu gutsy still use ESD?15:28
pike_AJC_Z0: might be a setting in the compiz config manager or whatever its called15:29
pike_AJC_Z0: that isnt installed by default15:29
cypr1nusGuillem dmesg shows:unable to identify cd format (when iso9660)15:29
AJC_Z0pike_: Thanks15:29
Guillemcypr1nus, perhaps these iso's have been created in a non-standard way...15:29
cypr1nusGuillem some help found15:30
cypr1nusthanx ;]15:30
Guillemcypr1nus, in my case: [25892.181121] loop: module loaded15:30
Guillem[25897.351041] ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A15:30
Lartza_i have read many topics there but none of them have worked15:30
Lartza_when running command sc3u in console nothing happens15:31
Guillemcypr1nus, if I specify -t iso9660 works as well, if I do -t udf, fails.15:31
cypr1nusGuillem both fails15:31
Lartza_processor usage stays at low and i dont see process simcity process15:31
Guillemcypr1nus, if I do not specify the fstype, it finds out automatic15:32
bazhangLartza_: this is via wine?15:32
Guillemcypr1nus, what does file command claim for the iso file?15:32
Lartza_updatet linux ver. of simcity 3000 unlimited15:32
borbusIf you boot to a different kernel, you have to reinstall nvidia drivers, right?15:32
cypr1nusGuillem dmesg shows:unable to identify cd format15:32
Lartza_with some tweaks to get it work15:32
Lartza_but something doesnt still work15:32
Guillemcypr1nus, I mean "file the_file.iso"15:32
bazhangLartza_: installed from where?15:32
Lartza_from cd15:33
cypr1nusGuillem data15:33
Lartza_and updated with patch15:33
Guillemcypr1nus, bad news.15:33
bazhangLartza_: what cd?15:33
kikrAMD Athlon XP is not AMD64, right?15:33
Luize ae15:33
riaalhow long will a post stay on the http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org? shall I remove my old ones?15:33
Guillemcypr1nus, should say something like brasero.iso: ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data UDF filesystem data (unknown version, id 'NSR015:33
borbuskikr, Yes15:34
Lartza_how you mean what cd?15:34
matutanoalgun español??15:34
bazhangypyf this is english channel15:34
kikroops, I have Gutsy Gibbon installed on an AMD Athlon XP15:34
cypr1nusGuillem I've found out that's the packed data, and I shoult use dd command15:34
borbuskikr, Athlon XP is 686, with MMX.. and some other stuff15:34
bazhang!es | matutano15:34
ubotumatutano: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.15:34
Guillemcypr1nus, be careful with dd15:34
x-X-xcan someone redirect me to the amule supprt channel?15:34
borbuskikr, then you have the x86 build of gutsy gibbon installed..15:34
Lartza_everything is installed normally and almost working15:34
matutanook muchas gracias15:35
Lartza_i have loki compat libraries15:35
Guillemcypr1nus, do not use as root... since you may eventually overwrite whatever...15:35
jaggyhmmm , anyone knows about this error ? : http://pastebin.ca/84677215:35
Lartza_changed the /usr/local/bin for my needs15:35
borbuskikr, you'd know if you tried to execute AMD64 code on your Athlon.. it just wouldn't work..15:35
kikrborbus, oh ok. I was looking at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash and only see Gutsy Gibbon under AMD64 and PPC15:35
vsmatckhey guys, is there a way to disable the fullscreen orange screen that lasts for a one second after GDM login?15:35
bazhangLartza_: still no idea how you installed this? from a store bought cd? from the repos? you need to be more precise15:35
cypr1nusGuillem don't using root15:36
Guillemcypr1nus, OK15:36
borbuskikr, for x86 you can just use Adobe's official flash player15:36
Guillemvsmatck, you can change the orange by any other color at gdm preferences15:36
vsmatckGuillem, I have mine set to black but I still get orange.. :(15:36
Lartza_it was an iso15:36
jaggyhmmm , anyone knows about this error ? : http://pastebin.ca/846772 ( its fluxbox thats crashing :s never used it before btw )15:36
Lartza_didnt get the cd work, but created i created isoimage that worked15:37
vsmatckI think it's something not handled by GDM.15:37
bazhangLartza_: with that little amount of info; no idea then15:37
hk2999how do i mount a smb share?15:37
Lartza_game leaves blank terminal15:37
Lartza_that is the problem15:37
brobostigonhk2999: menu places/cnnect to server15:38
Lartza_simcity 3000 leaves me a blank terminal, how to fix this?15:39
ikoniaLartza_: how are you running sim city - it's a windows game15:39
Lartza_its ported to linux by loki15:39
ikoniaooh really15:39
ikoniathats very good15:39
ikoniaI suggest you get support from loki then15:39
bazhangLartza_: loki? are they still around? iirc they went out of business several years ago15:40
Lartza_youre right15:41
LiqqEanyone knows what the auto uplink on a router does?15:41
LiqqEi mean switch15:41
bazhangLiqqE: try the hardware channel15:41
ikoniaLiqqE: uplinks to another switch if it's there15:41
rjune_LiqqE: Auto MDI/MDIX15:41
rjune_aka auto crossover15:42
LiqqEthanks !15:42
cappottonecome faccio a scaricare?15:44
ericvwI have a 4.1 speaker system, however when I mute my speakers via the volume control icon, it only mutes my front 2 speakers...is there a way for me to get all the speakers muted15:44
cappottonecome si scarica15:44
kthgrmmwhat is the best and easiest imap mail server to setup?15:44
Guillemcappottone, #ubuntu.it15:44
=== JohnMM is now known as JohnMMaway
cappottoneguillem grazie15:45
=== JohnMMaway is now known as JohnMMafk
dgjones!english | cappiz15:46
ubotucappiz: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat15:46
dgjones!english | cappottone15:46
ubotucappottone: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat15:46
hipitihopI need to set an environment variable for a given user session, what is the best way to do that ?15:47
goldenratiocan anyone help with my bcm94311 card, it uses the bcmwl5.sys driver, i have the process down, i tried bcm43xx-fwcutter and extracted the firware and put the files in /lib/firmware, i also blacklisted bcm43xx, and tried ndiswrapper, it loaded with no errors, am i missing something?15:47
luksmannonce again :D -  my intel 3945 wlan card cant connect to my AP as long as I am in my room. as soon as i move about 5m towards the AP the card connects fine and the connection remains stable, even if I move away again. it's only the inital connection that is buggy15:47
vsmatckI found a solution!! http://www.backports.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4024549&postcount=215:48
bazhangluksmann: what router?15:48
orangePnutI'm having trouble connecting to a dial-up connection on Ubuntu15:48
vsmatckoh man that was annoying me so bad.15:48
luksmannbazhang: some belkin n-draft model15:48
luksmannbazhang: belkin n-draft F5D8231-4 v215:49
bazhangluksmann: any reports on the forums or google with others having the same problems?15:49
hugoooohello! people, i have a big problem.. my notebook - toshiba satellite a70 (1gb mem/pentium iv processor 3.06ghz) when processor is in use 95% for 15 or 20 minutes , ubuntu shutdown my pc.. somebody knows something about?15:49
stmartinI have big problem.15:49
stmartinlook at this15:49
luksmannbazhang: did not find anybody with exactly the same problem - some people experienced strange things with the intel 3945 chip but nothing like that15:50
pike_hugoooo: temperature issue maybe? that would typically be a setting in bios like max temp before force shutdown15:50
pike_hugoooo: other than temp i dunno15:50
hugoooopike_, do you think that's a problem in bios so?15:50
bazhangluksmann: i suggest the router because I have the same intel 3945 and it is not problematic--best supported card out there iirc15:51
pike_hugoooo: well.. the setting may be in bios but is suppose the overheating problem could be specific to the OS15:51
comodocan i get some help i tried to install flash plugin for firefox but it said it was not installed but it seems to be installed because when i run the command for it in the terminal it still says already the newest versian15:51
dgjones!flash | comodo15:51
ubotucomodo: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash15:51
pike_hugoooo: there are applets you can install to monitor temp and cpu id try to install one from synaptic see what it says15:51
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.15:51
luksmannbazhang: might be a promising idea - strange thing is that it works as soon as I get near enough to the router. just the inital connection15:52
hipitihopcomodo:look at forumtopic and /msg ubotu flash15:52
newUseris it that difficult to change the md5 for flash ?15:52
pike_comodo: do you need flash right this moment?15:52
bazhangluksmann: so does it disconnect when you move away? there may be interference from other devices using the same frequency15:52
Xintruderis there a channel for hardware/graphic cards..?15:53
hugoooopike_, humm.. well, i'm using applets .. but temperature is normal.. the real problem is processor in multi tasks15:53
hugoooosorry my english15:53
jac1is it possible to change the location of grub installation while installing from the live cd15:53
bazhangjac1: yes indeed15:53
pike_comodo: you can grab the tar.gz file from adobe website double click on it to open the files inside and in a seperate terminal window gksu nautilus&   then drag the plugin to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/15:53
comodo@pike no but i've been trying to install it for a long time15:53
dgjones!hcl | Xintruder, as a website, or #hardware is a possibility as a channel15:54
ubotuXintruder, as a website, or #hardware is a possibility as a channel: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection15:54
jac1bazhang: how to do that ?15:54
luksmannbazhang: it doesnt disconnect. the connection stays fine - even if I move away further. but the intial connection only works when I am near enough to the AP15:54
pike_hugoooo: im sorry ive not run into that before.. might try ubuntuforums.org or maybe someone else here can offer better advise15:54
hugoooopike_, for example, pc shutdown when i using xmms + eclipse + xchat + firefox..15:54
hugoooopike_, ok thanks.. i 'll see this15:54
stmartincan anyone help me?15:55
bazhangluksmann: you might try getting an el cheapo range extender (about $5 iirc); it sounds like interference if it does not drop out15:55
bazhanghugoooo: how old is this computer?15:55
luksmannbazhang: for example: i power up my computer in my room. wlan connection doesnt work - in dynamic mode router is found but does not accept the wpa key - keeps asking me to type the key again. i move one room towards the AP , reenter the key there - connections works. walk back to my room - connection stays just fine15:56
NeatcheeDoes anyone know if there is an IRC channel for the Linux Wireless team, or some other way I can get support specific to their work?15:56
jac1bazhang: How to do it ?15:56
hugoooobazhang, my notebook is a pentium IV with 1gb ddr, ati radeon 9100 with 64mb15:56
goldenratioanyone get there broadcom wireless card working?15:57
hugoooobazhang, 2 years ago15:57
Neatcheegoldenratio: Yes, I have.  What seems to be the problem?15:57
bazhangjac1: near the end of the install sequence there should be an advanced option that lets you choose where to install it15:57
Neatcheegoldenratio:  I'm on my BCM4318 right now :)15:57
fbondHi, in gutsy Desktop CD, what boot parameters can I use to blacklist a module?15:57
goldenratioi just cant seem to get it working15:57
fbondThe usual d-i parameters don't work.15:57
dgjonesgoldenratio, yep, I'm on BCM4306 using restricted drivers on a fresh gutsy install15:57
Hamiyes works fine15:57
nadir_me too15:58
Neatcheegoldenratio: please /join neatchee15:58
vir--Hi... my gf wanted to install windows on my computer so i made her a 10gig partition.. and when she installed she foramted the wrong partition and ereased my whole HOME.. is there any way i can recover the file from that hd now?15:58
bazhanghugoooo: hate to say it but a heat issue sounds serious--could be the system is not registering the problem--or the hardware is not getting cooled properly15:58
Neatcheegoldenratio, sorry, /join #neatchee15:58
nadir_qualcuno può aiutarmi15:58
dgjones!it | nadir_15:58
ubotunadir_: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!15:58
bazhangvir--: she overwrote it? seems unlikely then15:58
newUser@vir r-studio can recovery fat ntfs ext2 ext3 but it run on windows15:59
nadir_ops sorry15:59
vir--bazhang nah.. she never installed windows.. just farmeted it15:59
vir--newUser ok thanks..15:59
A[D]minSHello, Evolution problem : Error loading addressbook.15:59
vir--newUser can it recover info from a ext3 that now is ntfs ? :P15:59
newUseryes it can15:59
bazhangvir--: that seems the best option at this point15:59
vir--ok thanks a lot guys :)15:59
jac1bazhang: are you sure ?16:00
A[D]minSWe were unable to open this addressbook.  Please check that the path /home/hazem/.evolution/addressbook/local/system exists and that you have permission to access it.  I can access the path and files there have this permission -rw-r--r--16:00
newUser@vir try googling "intitle:forum r-studio rapidshare.com" hoho grey area16:00
bazhangjac1: have you checked elsewhere? I'm just a lowly volunteer :}16:00
jac1Heh.. :)16:00
HamiSound problems anyone out there with a Fujitsu Siemens lap top Amilo have you got your sound card to work?16:00
hugoooobazhang, ham.. thank's .. i think that temperature isn't my problem, because the applet don't show me overheating.. but.. ok, i'll see more about acpi.. maybe i try something new there16:00
jac1will try..or else will cancel the installation16:01
erUSUL!sound | Hami16:01
ubotuHami: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:01
erUSUL!intelhda | Hami16:01
ubotuHami: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto16:01
Hamiubotu: thanks checking16:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks checking - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:02
stmartinso, can anyone help me, with my problem?16:02
Dr_willis!bot | Hami16:02
ubotuHami: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:02
erUSULHami: ubotu is our bot 8)16:02
neverblue!anyone | stmartin16:02
ubotustmartin: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:02
comodo@pike thanks man that helped me alot16:03
pike_comodo: np16:03
kojiroubuntu101: . ..16:03
stmartinI already asked. Why I can't update my ubuntu? Here are the details.http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66177016:03
auraxcan anyone help out setting snmp for zenoss?16:03
nadir__Some one play to Plane Shift?16:04
ikoniapardon ?16:04
bazhangstmartin: care to summarize in a few words your problem?16:05
sluimersMy sound is not working, can someone help?16:05
* screencaster loves ubuntu16:05
erUSUL!sound | sluimers16:05
ubotusluimers: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:05
neverbluesluimers describe the problem please16:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about snmp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about snmpd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about monitor - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:06
stmartinI tried to update my ubuntu, so I get this error16:06
bazhangaurax please stop16:06
auraxwhy i'm trying to get information16:06
auraxstep aside..16:06
Jack_Sparrow!botabuse > aurax16:06
bazhangmessage the bot aurax16:06
Lartza_stmartin: dont have account so cant check the image16:07
HamierUSUL fanx what a dork!!!16:07
sluimersI was here a few hours before, because my USB microphone didn't work, last advice was installing esound something something before I had to leave, installed it, left came back, restarted, now the sound stopped working16:07
NeatcheeDoes anyone know if there is an IRC channel for the Linux Wireless team, or some other way I can get support specific to their work?16:07
markvandenborrestmartin: can you resolve names to ip addresses?16:07
bazhangstmartin: a small precis of your problem would be helpful first16:07
markvandenborrestmartin: do you know how you can check that?16:08
erUSULNeatchee: linux-wireless mailing list maybe16:08
stmartinactually, no16:08
sluimersAlsa is selected16:08
markvandenborrestmartin: System-> Administration -> Network tools16:08
stmartinI choosed DHCP16:08
markvandenborre(at least, I think that's the english translation)16:08
erUSULsluimers: have you checked alsamixer in console? check all channels16:09
markvandenborrelet's have a look over there first, right?16:09
newUserso many bot and nick parking in this channel...16:09
stmartinI get this error16:09
stmartinwhen I tried to update16:09
stmartinnow I am talking from my windows xp operating system16:10
markvandenborreah, right16:10
ljsmithxhello again guys!16:10
stmartinI even tried to open some pages, but it seems like it just opens google16:10
sluimersersul, they're all working16:10
markvandenborrestmartin: are you absolutely sure you are not visiting a cached google page16:10
Jack_Sparrowstmartin: Please post your sources.list to the pastebin.. NOT in the channel..16:11
stmartinI am writing in the address bar16:11
stmartinin mozilla firefox16:11
erUSULsluimers: that error is non fatal the system will use old index until the repositories (or mirrors) are ok again16:11
markvandenborrestmartin: that is not 100% sure16:11
markvandenborrecould be cache for some strange reason16:11
ljsmithxim about to install Windows ME in a virtual machine for the SOLE purpose of infecting it with viruses. I'm using virtual box and wondering if the viruses can break me machine?16:11
stmartinno, I tried www.ubuntuforums.com16:11
markvandenborreljsmithx: you'll be fine16:11
ljsmithxmy machine*16:11
stmartinI tried www.wikipedia.org16:12
stmartinand nothing16:12
x-X-xhow do i disable sound coming from my notebook built in speakers? i only want to use my headphones and when i dissconnect them i want to make sure no sound comes out my built in speakers. anyone help me ?16:12
stmartinProbably, something is happening with my network16:12
sluimerserusul, ?? What do you mean? which error? when will it be ok?16:12
ljsmithxi just need to find some viruses!16:12
Lukaszhey people16:12
markvandenborrestmartin: the network tools are your friends16:12
Lukaszhow do I install Grub Uisng the livecd install on USB16:12
newUser@ljsmithx: lol16:12
bottigerI'm trying to create a ssh-tunnel to my university so I can use firefox from their ip. I did a "ssh -D localhost:9999 user@host", and then set firefox to use a proxy on port 9999. However, it doesn't work. Firefox doesn't return anything but blank pages16:12
stmartinmarkvandenborre, I tried16:13
LukaszI don't wonna install grub on Internal C:/ mbr16:13
markvandenborrestmartin: tell me about the results16:13
erUSULsluimers: sorry the msg was for stmartin :| (tab completion you know ;)16:13
stmartinhow can I connect on my linux on mirc?16:13
markvandenborreyou tried to ping a machine somewhere by name16:13
markvandenborredid it work?16:13
markvandenborrestmartin: pidgin16:13
eSPyeLI've got a major problem.  I stupidly moved my /lib to another directory.  Now none of my binaries will run so I can't even move it back.  Is there an environment variable that tells binaries where /lib is located?16:14
stmartinwhere can I find it?16:14
markvandenborreit's installed by default16:14
stmartinin applications?16:14
atoponceeSPyeL: where did you move it to?16:14
markvandenborreapplications -> internet16:14
jribbottiger: I usually just do ssh -D 9999 user@host.  But your university may be blocking you from doing this16:14
markvandenborrebut if you're not able to resolve names16:14
stmartinI will connecting from there16:14
x-X-xhow do i disable sound coming from my notebook built in speakers? i only want to use my headphones and when i dissconnect them i want to make sure no sound comes out my built in speakers. anyone help me ?16:14
LukaszAnyone know how to install grub on SDA not hda16:14
stmartinI will try to connect from there16:14
eSPyeLatoponce: /home/lib  i was going to create a symlink to point /lib to the new location, but I can't16:14
Eddietopbottiger make sure its a socks proxy you have configured on firefox, and not an http proxy16:14
Lukasz!grub usb16:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about grub usb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:14
atoponceeSPyeL: then just move it back16:14
DRebellioneSPyeL: boot of the livecd and fix it16:14
jribbottiger: make sure you set firefox to use a socks proxy too16:15
sluimerserUSUL, ah :), say I get an error when I open alsaplayer, maybe it's significant to my sound problem where was the ubuntu cut and paste your code so a helper can look at it again?16:15
atoponceeSPyeL: if /home/lib was /lib, then 'sudo mv /home/lib /'16:15
newUser@SPyel omg16:15
Pici!paste | sluimers16:15
ubotusluimers: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:15
eSPyeLatoponce: that won't work16:15
Lukaszhelp please16:15
atoponceeSPyeL: why not?16:15
bottigerjrib: I couldn't image they would block it. also, I just checked the "use this proxy server for all protocols"16:16
newUserthe mv comand is in bin folder16:16
DRebellioneSPyeL: its really easy! boot off a livecd and fix it16:16
eSPyeLatoponce: because you can't run sudo or mv or anything else16:16
atoponceeSPyeL: ahh. i see your problem. you need to boot from a live cd, mount your / partition, and move it from there16:16
erUSULsluimers: can you paste the error?16:16
jribbottiger: you should send an email to their help desk16:16
bottigerjrib: ok - I will16:17
eSPyeLDRebellion: yes, that is my last resort...this is a machine I can't take down until the end of the day....there has to be a environment variable that the binaries look at to see where the lib directory is at16:17
newUserisnt mv on bin not lib16:17
Lukaszi woould like the grub to install on SDA USB DISK16:17
sluimersthere it is16:17
Dr_willisI though the ld.so.conf file had a list of lib paths  to search16:17
DRebellioneSPyeL: if its a critical machine, then why did you mess around with it in the first place?16:17
neverbluesluimers, thats the output from ?16:18
neverbluesluimers, been having sound issues for a long time ?16:18
eSPyeLDRebellion: because the partition was full, i was going to move it to another partition then create a symlink to point to the new location16:18
erUSULsluimers: and alsamixer fails too?16:18
sluimersno, I was asking for help in here, I had a different sound issue, last advice gave me this sound problem, but I had to leave for a couple of of hours16:19
sluimershad... probably still have16:19
sluimersalsamixer runs.. no problem there16:19
neverbluesluimers, please answer the question16:20
atoponceeSPyeL: /lib is essential system binaries. if your partition is full, then you need to figure out where the space is being taken up and properly administrate. moving random dirs not knowing what they are or how to fix it is the right way to go about things16:20
=== root_ is now known as jvargas
atoponces/is the right way/is NOT the right way/16:20
sluimersI answered both your questions, output? = alsaplayer  longtime? = no16:20
newUser@sluimers maybe the kernel doesnt support your sound card16:20
erUSULsluimers: then it seems that other app is locking the sound device...16:20
jvargashow can i adjust the date in ubuntu from command line and without rebooting?16:21
atoponceeSPyeL: your only option at this point is booting into a rescue environment, such as a livecd16:21
neverbluesluimers, logout, then back in again, then just run alsaplayer, see if you get the same error16:21
sluimersnewUser, impossible it worked for a longtime, I got this problem after installing another app16:21
jvargasalready used tzconfig to set my timezone, but it is still not update when i execute `date`16:21
DRebellionatoponce: date command16:21
erUSULsluimers: sudo lsof /dev/snd/*16:21
coolbhavi I just wanted to ask as to how does a person come to know that his @ubuntu address is activated? Any Ideas?16:22
newUser@sluimers what app if i may know16:22
atoponceDRebellion: ?16:22
LukaszI need help installing grub on a usb disk16:22
DRebellionatoponce: sorry wrong user :/16:22
DRebellionjvargas: date command16:22
DRebellioncoolbhavi: @ubuntu is not an address16:22
jvargasand if i restart is the date still saved?16:22
DRebellionjvargas: course16:23
coolbhavi@ubuntu.com mailbox16:23
atoponcecoolbhavi: are you talking about @ubuntu.com email addresses?16:23
DRebellion!man | jvargas16:23
ubotujvargas: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:23
sluimersnewUser, that's what I forgot, it was something like: esound-nice-pckg , something like that and since then in my volume control I got 4 extra mixers and no sound16:23
LukaszHi Apotonce16:23
coolbhaviyup atoponce16:24
atoponcecoolbhavi: you've done everything necessary with launchpad?16:24
erUSULsluimers: then is esound what is taking control of your sound device... any reason to install it?16:24
DRebellionwhy is ubuntu a .com domain? wouldn't a .org be more appropriate?16:24
sluimerserUSUL, yes, I wanted a USB microphone to work.16:25
newUser@sluimers well you can uninstall the sudo apt-get remove esound-nice-pckg (iam not linux guru, might worth to try)16:25
atoponceDRebellion: being an ubuntu member gets you a @ubuntu.com email address. he's making sure he did all the steps to get it to work16:25
bazhangDRebellion: they are commercial but that is offtopic for this channel16:25
atoponcecoolbhavi: it's been a while. let me dig up the details. when were you approved?16:25
erUSULsluimers: it is pulseaudio not esd anyway alsaplayer will not work you have to use apps that support esd or pulseaudio16:26
coolbhavinov 29th16:26
coolbhavi2007 ofcourse16:26
DRebellionbazhang: i don't see how this is offtopic16:26
=== neatchee_ is now known as Neatchee
LukaszAtopence do you know how I can install ubuntu gutsy GRUB on USB DISK16:26
erUSULsluimers: with gstreamer-properties you can configure gstreamer to use esd16:26
atoponcecoolbhavi: 1min16:26
sluimersnewUser, that might be nice if I knew the correct name of the package16:26
coolbhaviyup no problems16:27
erUSULLukasz: man grub-hdinstall ??16:27
kahrytannewUser➲ what's the problem?16:27
brobostigonlukasz: take a look at help.ubuntu.com, there instructions there.16:27
newUser@kahrytan ask sluimers16:27
atoponcecoolbhavi: actually, your main email on launchpad should be where your @ubuntu.com email is forwarded to16:27
erUSULLukasz: is man grub-install16:27
DRebellion!grub | Lukasz16:27
ubotuLukasz: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:27
thedoc2097Hi people! Is there somebody that knows how to modify the grub bootloader, I am Linux Noob16:27
pike_thedoc2097: to do what?16:28
kahrytansluimers➲  what was the problem?16:28
sluimerskahrytan, my sound no longer works16:28
LukaszI have the live cd Erusul16:28
atoponceeSPyeL: are you still there? do you have a running bash session?16:28
coolbhavimeans I have to set preferred address?16:28
coolbhaviin LP?16:28
erUSULthedoc2097: what do you want to modify?16:28
thedoc2097I´ve got windows on hda1 auditor on hda2 and backtrack 3 beta on hda3 but the backtrack installation isn´t listet in grub16:28
thedoc2097I want to put in the backtrack in grub16:29
atoponcecoolbhavi: yeah16:29
jolsonHi! Aspiring user here. It seems using the built-in package management system is by far the easiest way to install software. If there is something I miss on that list, can I suggest it somewhere?16:29
erUSULthedoc2097: auditor and backtrack are linux distros?16:29
kahrytansluimers➲  did you turn on audio preview in nautilus?16:29
citybirdhello. is it a driver or a bios problem with the HP Proliant DL380 when the booting process stops at "Attempting to boot from Hard Drive (C:)"16:29
DRebellionthedoc2097: files in /boot/grub16:29
LukaszI tried going to advance Erusul and typin in sda and then after install it failed16:29
sluimerskahrytan, how do I turn that on?16:29
atoponceeSPyeL: if you do have a running bash session, run 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/lib'16:29
thedoc2097in boot/grub ? Which file i have to modify16:29
erUSULthedoc2097: you have to wrte a stanza for it on /boot/grub/menu.lst16:29
* marcx zbohom budte ... zajtra zbohom budem16:29
atoponceeSPyeL: that should temp fix your problem. i would *strongly* suggest moving everything back inot place to avoid future headaches16:30
Xintruderwhats the difference between visualizer and emulator?16:30
erUSULthedoc2097: you have to figure out the correct filenames root fs etc16:30
coolbhaviOK then how to access the mailbox? any specific address like gmail.com?16:30
DRebellion!grub | thedoc209716:30
thedoc2097Ah, I understand ....mom16:30
ubotuthedoc2097: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:30
coolbhavior yahoo.com?16:30
sluimerskahrytan, my sound no longer works after I installed a program, the initial idea was to fix another problem which was making a USB microphone working16:30
Lukaszsluimers go to the website of the program16:30
kahrytansluimers➲  do you have pulseaudio installed?16:30
LukaszThere should be a new version16:31
newUser@sluimers what is your USB microphone brand16:31
atoponcecoolbhavi: all email sent to @ubuntu.com is forwarded to your email box you provided to launchpad. it's a virtual box16:31
BlinkizI would like a dvd dual layer burning program that can be run in textmode or in Xfce. Can anyone recommend a DVD burning program?16:31
LukaszThats what I did with Amarok16:31
kasansweatI'm trying to go mouseless in GNOME - is there any way to access the system tray via keyboard?16:31
m1k3I need help, when ever wine creates it's config files, my pc freezes16:31
DRebellionkasansweat: ctrl + alt + f116:31
coolbhaviOK thanks mate got it......16:31
coolbhaviyou rock16:32
DRebellionm1k3: any error messages?16:32
kasansweatDRebellion - umm, wouldn't that open tty1?16:32
m1k3DRebellion, nope16:32
sluimerskahrytan, yeah, that's probably what I have installed, that's probably the program that made it stop working16:32
golem1how do i determine a partition's UUID again? :\16:32
erUSULBlinkiz: command line: growisofs; wodim16:32
DRebellionkasansweat: you said you wanted mousless :P16:32
kahrytansluimers➲  check.16:32
erUSUL!uuid > golem116:32
kasansweatDRebellion - goofy :)16:32
LukaszerUSUL Its for the Livec Ubuntu Gutsy install and I tried using partitioner16:33
sluimersnewUser, it's a logitech, the one you get after buying karaoke revolution16:33
kasansweatDRebellion - funny, it almost makes sense, since Alt F1 gets you the system menu.16:33
kahrytangolem1➲  you dont have to install anything to get uuid.16:34
Icehawk78Is it possible to have a session over SSH not expire when the terminal window is closed? I'd like to be able to SSH onto my Ubuntu box and run a Ruby script, but have it continue running (and if possible, still see the output when I SSH back in, though that isn't necessary)16:34
sluimerskahrytan, because after I installed it, four new mixers, all pulseaudio mixers appeared in volume control16:34
atoponcecoolbhavi: np16:34
DRebellionIcehawk78: program called 'screen'16:34
pike_Icehawk78: nohup scriptname& maybe?16:34
Xintruderany guide on how to instal windows xp in a Linux environment?16:34
StudiosusHello, everyone =) Why "Services" tool doesn't show some services from init.d?16:34
pike_heh yeah screen16:34
kahrytansluimers➲  remove pulseaudio16:34
Xintruderlike emulator visualizer16:34
Peakerwhich part of Python's debian package build process calls the unit tests? They're taking ages16:34
DRebellionXintruder: virtual machine16:34
kasansweatjoin #gnome16:35
kahrytansluimers➲  I used it for audio preview in nautilus and it turned off sound for me.16:35
erUSUL!virtualizers | Xintruder16:35
ubotuXintruder: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications16:35
DRebellion!screen | Icehawk7816:35
ubotuIcehawk78: screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen16:35
Peakeralso, why would package building run unit tests? What's the point of that?16:35
m1k3DRebellion, I've used wine before on this pc but now it wont work, when I tried it on the knoppix live cd instead of freezing, it debugged it16:35
ubotuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox16:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about winbind - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:36
aramhow can i resize the partition that i have already created16:36
sluimerskahrytan, still no audio16:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about homework - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:36
sluimerskahrytan, reboot?16:36
VadiFor some reason my ubuntu 7.10 jeos always fails its integrity check. I've download it several times now just fine though. what's going wrong?16:36
thedoc2097So, now I see the grub.lst But it´s a little difficult to know on which position I should insert the code and I don´t know which code I should insert16:36
DRebellion!grub | thedoc209716:37
ubotuthedoc2097: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:37
kahrytansluimers➲  and kill pulseaudio app16:37
newUser@sluimers hmm why don't u use a standard mouse connect to sound card16:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cadega - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:37
etronikhello all, anybody knows if its possible to use more recent versions of bacula under Dapper 6.06 ?? the one in the repositories is already somehat old 1.36.216:37
kahrytansluimers➲  use system monitor to kill it.16:37
Icehawk78Nohup should work well, enough, but screen looks like something which would be more ideal. I'm not entirely sure from here, but can Screen be installed on a display-less installation of Ubuntu and accessed using SSH from a Windows machine?16:37
aramhow can resize my partiton in ubuntu16:38
Dr_willisetronik,  you could alwyas compile the latest from source16:38
sluimerskahrytan, yay it works!16:38
Dr_willisaram,  gparted tool on a live cd - is normally how i do it.16:38
DRebellionIcehawk78: screen does all of the stuff you want and is definantly the way to gu16:38
sluimerskahrytan, can you also help me make the microphone work?16:38
kahrytansluimers➲  Pulseaudio was controlling the sound output16:38
Odoaram, you have to use a livecd , and the gparted tool16:38
aramDr_willis: thanks what is that ?16:38
etronikDr_willis: but is it fully supported ? why do the repositories only have 1.36 ??16:38
Dr_willisaram,  its a program..16:39
Icehawk78DRebellion: Thanks, that does look exactly like what I was thinking of.16:39
aramDr_willis: how do i open it?16:39
kahrytansluimers➲ use a standard audio input microphone?16:39
DRebellion!livecd | aram16:39
ubotuaram: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.16:39
arami mean run it16:39
Dr_willisetronik,  thats how ubuntu does its  release.. every 6 mo a new relese wth updates.. or its a LTS.16:39
bbqfritohow can i make apt-get find the package "winbind"? it says "E: Couldn't find package winbind"16:40
sluimerskahrytan, but those aren't fun! I try to use it to sing on Ultrastar, a karaoke game.16:40
DRebellionbbqfrito: bash it with a hammer16:40
atoponcebbqfrito: aptitude search winbind16:40
atoponcebbqfrito: using gutsy?16:40
kahrytansluimers➲  just dont quit your day job.16:40
sluimerskahrytan, lol16:40
atoponcebbqfrito: it's there16:41
sluimerskahrytan, I'm still studying, so no worry there16:41
aramubuntu: i have 5 partition and 3 of them are ntfs and 1 is ext3 and other one swap for kubuntu and know because i have problem with one of my ntfs partiton i want to resize it but in win xp dont allow me to do that i just want to do i t in ubuntu16:41
etronikDr_willis: how do I make sure that there is no limitations due to the kernel version ? can I also install it from .deb packages ?? is it safe?16:41
aramubuntu:and know i am booting from live cd where can i find these program16:41
Piciaram: ubotu is a bot.16:41
kahrytansluimers➲  cant help ya with microphone but just dont install pulseaudio.16:42
Dr_willisetronik,  no idea - Try it and see i guess.16:42
aramPici: sorry what do u mean ?16:42
shnastybiznasticare there any programs that will allow me to see active memory usage broken down by process?16:42
atoponceshnastybiznastic: top16:42
aramPici: and i have grub boot loader16:42
atoponceshnastybiznastic: htop16:42
Elephantmanhi :)16:42
sluimerskahrytan, okay, thanks16:42
atoponceshnastybiznastic: gnome-system-monitor16:42
Dr_willishtop - is handy16:42
sandr-ubotu doesnt respond, it's a program16:42
DRebellion!gparted | aram16:42
ubotuaram: GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/16:42
shnastybiznasticI tried top, but apparent'y I need to go read the man file16:43
shnastybiznasticthanks guys16:43
atoponceshnastybiznastic: shift-m will sort my mem usage16:43
kahrytan!bot | aram16:43
ubotuaram: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:43
shnastybiznasticatoponce, thank,s16:43
Elephantmanhow can I repeat a command x times for all the files in a folder ? i'd like to run a "ls folder/" and then run the command on each one of the results16:43
atoponceshnastybiznastic: np16:43
atoponceElephantman: you'll need to write a script16:44
atoponceElephantman: what's the command that you want to execute on each of the results?16:44
aramubuntu :i have installed how to run it now?16:44
Elephantmanatoponce> I was planning to, but I dont know the syntax16:44
Gate_LaptopAnyone help the following situation: I have installed 7.10 on a recent macbook and the system doesn't actually boot it, I know it is installed properly and will boot once grub picks up. Any suggestions of what I can use to repair it?16:44
thann0yElephantman: xargs is a command ling tool for this goal16:45
shnastybiznasticatoponce, what about sorting by swap usage16:45
Elephantmanatoponce> ffmpeg (I want to encode a series of videos at once)16:45
Elephantmanok I'll look at that thann0y16:45
atoponceElephantman: also look at for loops in bash16:45
atoponceshnastybiznastic: not sure. i'd have to check the man page16:45
=== KnifeHat_ is now known as KnifeHat
shnastybiznasticatoponce, alright, I"ll do that.  thanks for the help[16:46
aramubuntu :i have installed how to run it now?16:46
atoponceshnastybiznastic: np16:46
atoponcearam: who are you talking to?16:46
Gate_Laptopatoponce: there is a user named ubuntu16:46
atoponceGate_Laptop: not in this channel right now...16:47
Dr_willisaram,  you do realize you cant resize a filesystem thats in use? thats why theres so much talk about the gparted-livecd.16:47
aramatoponce: i think ubuntu i just want to ask how to run gparted16:47
Gate_Laptop.... my tab completion says there is.......16:47
Dr_willisthe command for gparted is 'gparted' i belive.16:47
quaalwhat filesystem to use for 900gb raid516:47
atoponceGate_Laptop: ubuntuisloved_ ubuntulog UbuntuStats is all i have...16:47
LukaszWould simply copying the livecd into the drive and then using hd1 work16:47
Gate_Laptopthat would explain my tab completion atoponce :)16:48
aramDr_willis: no i couldnt run it ,i first installed but dont know how to run it just please give me code or anything to run gparted i mean open the program16:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about filesystem - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:48
tofaffy|desktopWhy is there no way to remove the last gnome panel?16:49
atoponcetofaffy|desktop: sure there is. run 'killall gnome-panel'. that'll do it. :)16:49
tofaffy|desktopatoponce, but get it to not load on startup?16:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:50
tofaffy|desktopCause I altually kinda like avant...and don't see a reason for having a gnome panel (for now...)16:50
LeAstralehi everybody16:51
kahrytantofaffy|desktop➲  when avant crashes :-P16:51
atoponcetofaffy|desktop: not familiar with avant...16:51
LeAstralewhich wireless net card would you recommend for Ubuntu ?16:51
tofaffy|desktopatoponce, it's really nice...it's just a bar at the bottom, autohide, all sorts of features. Even has an xkcd applet.16:51
VolkodavI can not find volume plugin for xfce - apt-cache search does not list it16:52
kaje1can anyone help me get my ati card working with 3d accel? I've got a Radeon x1400 and I'm in ubuntu... When I run fglrxinfo I get: Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".16:52
RhinoAKhas anyone had any success with complilig Madwifi before16:52
Lukaszwell gonna try something16:52
RhinoAKI'm trying to compile it for my Debian box16:52
LeAstraleRhinoAK: plenty people should have yes..16:52
RhinoAKbut when I type make16:53
atoponceVolkodav: you sholudbe able to use the gnome-volume-manager in xfce16:53
PiciRhinoAK: This is Ubuntu support, perhaps you should be asking in #debian16:53
tofaffy|desktopRhinoAK, you say debian? Might I suggest #debian ?16:53
RhinoAKI'm get the following: /bin/sh:  cc: command not found16:54
Volkodavatoponce>that I unserstand but anyway - why did they miss it? makes noi sense16:54
atoponceVolkodav: does xfce have their own separate volume control applet?16:54
tofaffy|desktopRhinoAK, this isn't #debian and I don't believe many in here could/would help you.16:54
Volkodavyes it does16:54
deathbob52I'm trying to get rosegarden to work but even after i installed a realtime kernel it says the system timer is not good enough for midi.  Any suggestions on a program or a distro that is good for midi and recording audio?16:54
kaje1RhinoAK: Enter: which cc in a terminal16:55
atoponceVolkodav: not sure then. i'm not seeing anything in my aptitude searches16:55
Volkodavit's just not there16:55
atoponceVolkodav: found it16:56
kaje1RhinoAK: You probably don't have gcc installed... try sudo apt-get install gcc16:56
atoponceVolkodav: xfce4-mixer xfce4-mixer-alsa16:56
newUser@deathbob52 have you choose the right option when compile the kernel16:56
VolkodavThanks atoponce16:56
atoponceVolkodav: np16:56
articpenguin3800is it better to keep files that prone to fragmentation on a seperate partition16:57
deathbob52I followed some instructions i found from googling the problem in the ubuntu forums, and downloaded a precompiled binary16:57
atoponcearticpenguin3800: not really. ubuntu auto-defrags partitions16:57
Picideathbob52: I suggest that you try asking in #ubuntustudio, I believe they have some resources on getting that to work properly.16:58
deathbob52i suppose there are tutorials online for compiling your own kernel for multimedia applications?  Anybody got a pointer or shall i hit google16:58
Elephantmanthanks atoponce, loop was the keyword I was missing to get what I want :)16:58
jveare there any powerpc users active right now here on channel?16:58
atoponceElephantman: np. get it working?16:58
deathbob52thank you for your help!16:58
Elephantmanatoponce> yup, it's on the way :)16:58
hs1I installed correctly sun-java-jdk and eclipse but I cannot import javax.net.ssl.*; someone can help me?16:58
brobostigonjve: yep, whts your quuestion??16:58
atoponceElephantman: cool16:58
jvebrobostigon: do you get strange flickers when you boot your mac, due to the boot loader installed by ubuntu?16:59
brobostigonjve: i dont,16:59
brobostigonjve: i have an ibook g317:00
jvebrobostigon: ok. so you just get screen turning on, then boot loader, then OS loading?17:00
jvebrobostigon: also do you use the standard boot loader?17:00
brobostigonjve: yes too both questions17:00
DRebellionhey, i've got a dell flatscreen lcd monitor. When I boot ubuntu and the splash screen is supposed to show, my monitor simply displays a message that it can't display that video resolution/feed or something. Same thing happens when i shutdown and the splash screen is meant to show.17:01
ikoniaDRebellion: your framebuffer is displaying at a non-support mode17:01
DRebellioneverything in between is alright17:01
jveappreciate it, it doesn't seem to bad on my ibook g4 - i am trying to get wifi working next17:01
DRebellionikonia: can i configure it to display at 1024x768 60hz ?17:01
ikoniaDRebellion: change your /boot/grub/menu.lst file to include the boot line "vga=ask" then try the available modes, find one you like and change VGA=$the_mode_you_like17:02
brobostigonjve: depending on he chipset, it can be easy17:02
DRebellionikonia: thanks ill try that17:02
dusty-stshttp://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Artec_T1_USB_TV_Box <-- I have this card, and I am following these instructions.  However the CVS server asks for a password.. what is the password the tutorial doesn't supply it?17:02
=== LifeHacker is now known as tuxmaniac
ikoniadusty-sts: that tutorial is not an ubuntu one, so how will ubuntu know ?17:03
ikoniadusty-sts: contact the article writer or try anonymous cvs17:03
dusty-stsubuntu is full of wise users?17:03
DRebellionikonia: where should i place that line "vga=ask"?17:03
Gate_Laptopdusty-sts: the commands are supposed to be anonymous, so it shouldn't require a password17:03
ikoniaDRebellion your kernel boot line17:03
dusty-stsikonia, you can't tell me that ubuntu users only have ubuntu knowledge do you?17:04
dusty-stsGate_Laptop, Indeed, that is true.17:04
ikoniadusty-sts: no, but I can tell you that this channel supports ubuntu issues only17:04
Gate_Laptopdusty-sts: you will have to contact the author or the owner of that server.17:04
dusty-stsif it makes you feel like you got that little bit of power, i'll let you have it.17:04
ikoniadusty-sts: I have no power17:04
ikoniadusty-sts: but this channel is for ubuntu support queries only17:05
averyhello anybody can help how to install a webcam17:05
=== crd1b_ is now known as crdlb
dusty-stsno no thats alright, you have power.17:05
dusty-stsdon't be scared its ok.17:05
* dusty-sts wanders off.17:05
ikoniaoh, ok17:05
suweidI'm looking for some RPG game to pass the time, are there any? :=) (that work under ubuntu, that is)17:05
averyneed to install webcam17:05
ikoniaavery: we know, you've just asked 5 seconds ago17:06
averymodel vgear talkcam17:06
ikonia!pastebin > DRebellion17:06
Dr_willis!webcam | avery17:06
ubotuavery: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras17:07
Gate_Laptopdusty-sts: just hit enter, empty password works17:07
dusty-stsThank you, Gate_Laptop, see ikonia he fixed my problem.17:08
dusty-stsWas it really that painfull to see?17:08
ikoniadusty-sts: if you can't work out how to press enter your in trouble17:08
spark_can anyone tell me how to change the icon in gnome main menu? gconf-editor works fine with the one without the "application".... text next to it but not with the other one17:08
BlinkizI would like a console program that can measure the.. whats the world.. thoughfrow something on my harddrive. I mean, I would like to know how much my harddrive currently is serving my system in GB/sec or something. Does it exist a program for this?17:08
ikoniadusty-sts: it's not a matter of being painful its a matter of respecting the channel policy17:09
shade052how do we change the size of conky window ?17:09
Blinkizworld.. hehe.. "word". jisses, can't spell :)17:09
newUser@deathbob https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToVanillaKernelWithRealtimePreemption17:09
Dr_willisshade052,  conky is totally controlled by the conky config file. change file. close conky, restart it.17:09
newUserhmm left already17:09
=== tofaffy|desktop is now known as tofaffy
DRebellioni have pasted my /boot/grub/menu.lst here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51219/ . can anybody advise me wheere i would add the line "vga=ask" if i want to pick the display mode when i boot ubuntu?17:10
chazcoHi... I have an odd problem on a Gusty desktop... periodically the file icons all change to the "blank" icon, and refuse to open. Then nautilus refuses to even list them... killall nautilus repairs this... ideas?17:10
ikoniaDRebellion: after your kernel line17:10
Dr_willisshade052,  .conkyrc -  if that one dont exist. then it uses some system default I recall. Theres dozens of example conky configs at the conky web site17:10
averywhich one is good compiz or berly17:10
ikoniaavery: beryl is no longer available17:10
shade052Dr_willis: i tried the config file. cant find the opton17:10
DRebellionikonia: what do you mean by kernel line?17:10
tofaffyavery, beryl is no longer being coded. Try compiz-fusion17:10
ikoniaavery: compiz is now "compiz-fusio"17:10
ikoniaDRebellion: the line that contains your kernel boot image17:11
shade052Dr_willis: option17:11
averythanks guys17:11
stmartinhi guys!17:11
stmartinI have broadband internet connection17:11
bahmanHi all17:11
stmartinand I opened Networking17:11
DRebellionikonia: okay, ill try between kernel and initrd. thanks17:12
bahmanhow could I delete a folder from terminal by root-user?!17:12
DRebellionbahman: sudo rm -r <folder>17:12
ikoniaDRebellion: on the same line as "splash"17:12
stmartinso instead of DHCP i choosed Static IP address17:12
Dr_willisshade052,  its a setting in there.. look at the examples.17:12
ikoniaDRebellion: so it is a kernal boot option17:12
stmartinwhat should I write in?17:12
DRebellionikonia: oh olkay thanks17:12
ikoniastmartin: if you don't have a static IP change it back to dhcp17:12
ikoniastmartin: you can't just make up static IP's17:12
Administradorhello, i setup vino (remote desktop) on my ubuntu destkop, and now i need to remotelly change the vino passwd (using ssh, only command line). How can i do that?17:12
Dr_willisshade052,  i see a maximum_width 308 in my conkyrc17:13
DRebellionikonia: wait. this problem only affects when i boot/shutdown. its fine during normal usage.17:13
ikoniaDRebellion: yes and thats what that boot option is there fore17:13
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=== Administrador is now known as notadmin
DRebellionikonia: so it won't affecet display options when computer is running normally?17:13
=== notadmin is now known as notadmin1
tofaffyehh what is the keyboard combination to start an open thingy?17:13
ikoniaDRebellion: no - that is xorg, this is your framebuffer17:13
DRebellionikonia: oh okay thanks17:13
spark_can anyone tell me how to change the icon in gnome main menu? gconf-editor works fine with the one without the "application".... text next to it but not with the other one17:14
notadmin1hello, i setup vino (remote desktop) on my ubuntu destkop, and now i need to remotelly change the vino passwd (using ssh, only command line). How can i do that?17:14
DRebelliontofaffy: ctrl + alt + specialopenthingykey17:14
DRebellionnotadmin1: stop repeating17:14
navreetanyone know how to figure out why a device is busy? lsof isn't helping :(17:14
tofaffyDRebellion, not terminal but the open application.17:14
shade052Dr_willis: dont have that option on my rc? will try it now17:14
ikonianavreet: what device17:14
bahmanReally thanks DRebellion17:14
navreetikonia, /dev/sda1 (my harddrive)17:14
ikonianavreet: where is it mounted ?17:15
gibbste1Hi guys17:15
DRebellionbahman: no probs man17:15
notadmin1DRebellion, sorry, a bot kick me and i dont know if someone answered...17:15
gibbste1I can't get LEAP to work. Any tricks?17:15
navreetikonia, /media/mediaTwo17:15
Dr_willisshade052,  go to the conky web site/docs thers 100000's of options Not in the default config files.17:15
DRebellionIceKiller: no probs man17:15
ikonianavreet: fuser /media/mediaTwo17:15
DRebellionIceKiller: crap wrong person17:15
navreetikonia, nothing returns... yet, when I try to umount, it says device or resource busy17:16
gibbste1LEAP works on windows, but when I try the same settings in ubuntu, no luck17:16
ikonianavreet: pwd17:16
navreetikonia, I am going to try logging out, and then try a failsafe session17:16
bahmanI'm a new user and have lots of problems!17:16
navreetikonia, i was in /home/navreet17:16
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navreetit's really weird17:16
gibbste1It certainly sees the network, but keeps coming back with 'Wireless Network Key Required'17:16
DRebellionbahman: s'allrite. we all have to start somewhere ;)17:16
shade052Dr_willis: k , thanks17:16
bahmanHow could I remove my hard drives from desktop?!17:16
BarracudaHi Does anybody knows how to set openssh so that only certain computer with specific Ip can access it while reject all other connection Any help is greatly appricieated17:16
gibbste1And I'm quite sure I've set my password correctly ;-)17:16
notadmin1well bye, obviously it isnt possible to do that17:17
DRebellionbahman: file: /etc/hosts.allow17:17
ikoniaBarracuda known hosts17:17
ikoniahosts allow with tcp wrappers17:17
DRebellionBarracuda: /etc/hosts.allow17:17
kojiroBarracuda: /etc/hosts.allow -- DRebellion tried to tell you17:17
DRebellionbahman: ignore what i just told you17:17
kojiroBarracuda: it might be better just to use keypair authentication, though17:17
DRebellionkojiro: lols im to hasty with my tab key17:18
Barracudasure thanks let me try this....17:18
Dr_willisshade052,  and yes. i twiddled withmy conkyrc for about a week.. befor i got it set how i like it. :) taking bits from examples and so forth17:18
gibbste1syslog is telling me that my LEAP connections: NetworkManager: <info> link timed out.17:20
gibbste1Any idea about how to get any more info?17:20
DRebellion!leap | gibbste117:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about leap - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:21
gibbste1ubotu seems to know even less about LEAP than I do :-(17:22
DRebelliongibbste1: maybe you should tel it17:22
bahmanSorry I don't know anything about file: /etc/hosts.allow17:22
golem1ahoy. what cli tool can i use to show current data transfer rates? (want to measure file copy speed between hdds)17:22
DRebellionbahman: try editing it ;)17:22
gibbste1DRRebellion: tell it what?17:23
DRebellion!ask | ra17:23
ubotura: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:23
navreetikonia, realized what it was... i had mythbackend dumping to that drive ;)17:23
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:23
zcodegolem1: Use the time command:   time cp file1 target17:23
navreetubotu, OK17:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ok - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:23
ikonianavreet: fuser should have shown tha though17:23
golem1it's too bad the file copy dialogue doesn't estimate the speed :o17:23
DRebelliongibbste1: aaah. ubotu can learn. its a clever little robot.17:23
achadwickgolem1: if you have a pipeline you can use cpipe. If that makes no sense, don't worry.17:23
DRebellion!bot | gibbste117:23
ubotugibbste1: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:24
navreetikonia, oh well, my issue is solved... thanks17:24
kojiro!caps | ra17:24
ubotura: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:24
golem1seems like i'm getting 7-8mB/sec writing to my 3ware 7506-LP raid5 ext3 fs17:24
gibbste1DRebellion: I can't tell it much, unfortunately. If I was an expert, I wouldn't be asking the questions ;-)17:24
DRebelliongibbste1: heh17:25
chazcoHi... I have an odd problem on a Gusty desktop... periodically the file icons all change to the "blank" icon, and refuse to open. Then nautilus refuses to even list them... killall nautilus repairs this... ideas?17:25
PriceChild!caps | ra17:25
ubotura: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:25
chazcoHow can I test if two folders are the same?17:27
gibbste1if fact, my wifi in general is pretty weird. WEP works ok, but no password connects (and gets IP), but always times out17:27
zcodechazco: Same what?17:27
chazcoIdentical (copies)17:27
queuetueHi.  What's a simpler alternative to mythtv for playing videos?  Essentially, I'd like a full-screen, keyboard-controlled menu system to play videos on a machine connected to a TV.17:27
_sers all17:27
stroyangolem1:  You can install the sysstat package and use "iostat -m 5" to see disk transfer rates every 5 seconds.17:28
zcodechazco: Use ls -l folder1 folder217:28
etronikHi all, what's the safest way to upgrade from 6.06 to a recent version ??17:28
white_eagleanyone knows where can I find nokia linux themes?17:28
ikoniawhite_eagle: linux themes ?17:28
zcodewhite_eagle: google it17:28
golem1stroyan: great, that's exactly what i was looking for17:29
golem1systat is built in on fbsd17:29
white_eagleikonia: linux based themes17:29
jargentoo rock17:29
LjL!ot | jar17:29
ikoniawhite_eagle: what do you mean linux based themes17:29
stroyanetronik:  Backup your data, confirm that your backup is good, then install and restore your data.17:29
etronikqueuetue: Ive heard of geexbox17:29
LjLerr, like i didn't just see ubotu quitting17:29
averydefault root password please17:29
LjLjar: please stick to Ubuntu support questions17:29
ikoniaavery: there isn't one17:30
jarjust kidding17:30
LjLavery: there is none, use sudo17:30
Xmancan anyone tell me how to install a cpkg package17:30
ikoniaXman: thats not a package supported by dpkg17:30
ikoniaXman: thats a propriatary format17:30
white_eagleikonia: you know what is a theme, right, now I want a theme with tux or something like that17:30
bahmanWow really thanks DRebellion17:30
ikoniawhite_eagle: you want a theme for a nokia device ?17:30
Xmanikonia: then how can i install that file17:31
ikoniawhite_eagle: such as a phone ?17:31
newUsertry google debian theme17:31
bahmanCould U please tell me how you answer me here?!17:31
ikoniawhite_eagle: then why are you asking in here. This is ubuntu support as you well know and have been told on multiple occasions17:31
queuetueetronik, geexbox appears to be a separate distro - do you know what it uses for a frontend?17:31
white_eagleikonia: I was just asking in general17:31
ikoniawhite_eagle: a Linux based theme for a nokia phone is NOTHING to do with ubuntu17:31
ikoniawhite_eagle: this is not a general chat/question channel17:31
ikoniawhite_eagle: as well you know17:31
LjL!root > avery    (avery, see the private message from Ubotu)17:31
ikoniaXman: yes ?17:31
Xmanikonia: then how can i install that file17:32
bahmanHow could I A a Q here?!17:32
ikoniaXman: it is a propriatry format that is nothing to do with ubuntu17:32
ikoniabahman: just ask17:32
etronikqueuetue: not really no17:32
LjLbahman: ?17:32
white_eagleikonia: I am trully sorry I asked17:32
newUserlol this is ubuntu why not help each other17:32
Xmanikonia: i have a cedega trans gaming package and its a cpkg file17:32
newUsereventhough sometime its not relevant17:32
ikonianewUser: we are doing17:32
bahmanNo! I wanna A a Q! just like you ikoina!17:32
tssomrable rable rable17:33
ikonianewUser: because thats the not the policy of the channel, as you can see it is busy enough with ubuntu related questions, so non-ubuntu questions are just noise in a busy channel17:33
bahmanWhen you A me I see yor A in a red line!17:33
ikoniabahman: ask the question you want to know the answer for17:33
ikoniabahman: because I am saying your name before I type17:33
bahmanikonia Wow thanks17:33
bahmanjust like this?!17:34
ikoniatssom: do you have a question yes/no17:34
ikoniabahman: ask a question if you have one17:34
Xmanikonia: do you have any idea of installing that package?17:34
ikoniabahman: if you want to address it to someone say their name first17:34
ikoniaXman: no - get support from where you got the package.17:34
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ikoniaCrazyTurkish: we saw.17:34
tssomikonia: yes, as a matter of fact i do. i was wondering, when will the world end?17:34
Xmanikonia: ok thank u17:34
ikonia!offtopic > tssom17:34
CrazyTurkishikonia : what is your name ?17:34
ikonia!offtopic > CrazyTurkish17:35
tssomwhere do you go if you are offtopic in offtopic?17:35
* CrazyTurkish Türk Yokmu Lan ßurda :D17:35
ikoniatssom: stop now please.17:35
nickrudoh, not yet rajasun17:36
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:36
_moro_bana_ dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/dev/sdb6  i copied my partition to another hdd, how do i make it bootable,help17:36
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici!17:36
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:36
nickrud_moro_bana_: you have to edit the /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst to reflect the new locations, then write the mbr17:37
opuswould be really cool, if right click on a directory would have an option "open console here.." is this possible to configure somewhere?17:37
nickrudopapo: install nautilus-open-terminal17:38
ikoniaopus not in gnome - no17:38
ikonianickrud: for a right click menu on the deskto p ?17:38
nickrudikonia: he mention directory ;p17:38
ikoniaoooh click on a directory within I see17:38
opusI consider this pretty basic, and even on windows one had to install some plugin to enable "open CMD here" in right popup menu17:39
_moro_bana_nickrud: but how do i get there ,because i cannot boot from that partition, or i do it from the current one17:39
nickrudopus: wrong nick earlier, install nautilus-open-terminal it gives you that17:39
HowbagHey guys, anyone knows why a "make" command just stops, without giving any error messages? (it doesnt actually stop, it just "waits")17:39
opusnickrud: ok17:40
ikoniaHowbag: depends what your trying to make and what it expects17:40
Howbagits a driver17:40
nickrud_moro_bana_: you can do it from the current one if it exists, or use the live cd to edit that stuff.17:40
ikoniaHowbag: depends what your trying to make and what it expects17:40
Howbagikona: its a wlan driver17:40
ikoniaHowbag: that tells me nothing17:40
Howbagikona: hm, alright.17:40
thann0yopus: there is a way to add plugins in a directory so thaht nautilus will add item in file/firectories context menus. I used it but forgot how to do this. Try look to nautilus plugins...17:40
ikoniaHowbag: what are you making ? "food"17:41
CrazyTurkishi Fuck youý17:41
ikoniaCrazyTurkish: stop17:41
_moro_bana_nickrud: i ll use the life cd,will i need anything alse17:41
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici!17:41
ikonia!ops | CrazyTurkish17:41
ubotuCrazyTurkish: please see above17:41
newUserkick pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee17:41
eamounable to upgrade to 7.10 from 7.04 - upgrade stalls at step 217:41
zcodeHowbag: try make -d17:41
shade052i freshly installed fiesty once and had not yet installed samba. funny thing was i was still able to access windows XP file. any one know the reason?17:41
Howbagzcode: thanks17:41
newUserinstaled automaticly17:42
pmvalenteas anybody know if it is possible to sort by users in users & groups graphical manager?17:42
ikoniashade052 the samba file system driver is part of the kernel17:42
opusas a new linux or ubuntu user I was pretty confused about the differences of add/remove in applications tab and synaptics package manager, when was one used as opposed to another one17:42
ikoniashade052: the samba client is installed by default17:42
Howbagzcode: When i do make -d, I get some info on the program, and then the line: reading makefile "makefil"17:42
Howbagzcode,  but then it discontineues again17:42
Xmancan anyone tell me how to install cpkg package17:43
ikoniaXman: you've been told what to do17:43
nickrudopus: both use the same backend, they're just different ways of doing the same thing. Add/remove lists a lot fewer packages, though17:43
shade052ikonia: dont we need samba server?17:43
ikoniaXman: get support from the place you got it from. This is nothing to do with ubuntu17:43
ikoniashade052: no - thats for "serving" shares17:43
bahman<bahman> :)17:43
ikoniashade052: your using a client to connect "to" a share17:43
shade052ikonia: k17:43
newUser@Xman from where do you got the package / waresz :)17:43
zcodeHowbag: Isn't there a "configure" file?  If so, you might need to run that first.17:43
ikoniazcode: few drivers will have a configure file17:44
XmannewUser i just got it from one of my friend17:44
mneptokopus: oy17:44
ikoniazcode: they normally just want a few base details in the make file17:44
bahmanCrazyTurkish do you have a question?!17:44
stroyanshade052:  I suspect you were browsing smb shares with Nautilis, which was acting as a smb client without using samba.17:44
ikoniabahman: he was kick banned a while ago17:45
zcodeHowbag: What are you compiling (making)?17:45
shade052ikonia: but i am sure that samba was not part of the daper drake kernel. am i wrong. because in that it was impossible to connect to windows without getting samba connected17:45
opusalso, when I double click on a app which does not load instantly the cursor doesnt change to clock ikon, for new users also confusing one doesn't know if the app is starting or double click just doesnt work ..17:45
Howbagzcode: Im compiling the acer acpi wlan driver17:45
cnadevelopI am trying to do a search and replace thru a directory of html files I got this so far [ sed -e 's/src="..\/..\/..\/img\//src="/ig' *.html ] how do I make this output back in to the file it is reading?17:45
mneptokopus: sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal17:45
ikoniashade052: it's been in the kernel for a while17:45
Howbagscode: the stable one.. ill try the RC now17:46
opusmneptok: thank you got it installed using synaptics17:46
bahmanikonia: thanks, how could I remove showing my hard drives from desktop?!17:46
desmondhello everybody17:47
shade052ikonia: some one told me may be it the enabled sharing was due to avahi network tools which started shipping with fiesty17:47
ikoniabahman: no idea, it's a gconf option as I recall17:47
ikoniashade052: I doubt that17:47
ikoniashade052: remember, your not sharing - your mounting using the sambaclient and file system17:47
=== desmond is now known as edmond
pmvalente as somebody know how to sort by user in users & group graphic manager17:47
newUser@xman install cedega then open the cpkg17:47
bahmanIs there any body know how could I remove showing my hard drives from desktop?!17:47
shade052ikonia: yes.k17:47
mneptokbahman: gconf-editor > Apps > Nautilus > Desktop17:48
nickrudbahman: you can turn off showing all removeable drives with gconf, but then you wouldn't see your usb stick if you had one. You can move their mount points out of /media , that way only they will not show up17:48
newUser@sman http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Install_Cedega17:48
Mik1hi folks, I'm having trouble regarding themes with ubuntu 7.10 - I switched to anonther theme (peachy-clean) from gnome-art. After that, the windows had no titles etc anymore and the menu-panel was lacking. Thus i couldn't switch back. So I restarted X, but the problems did remain. I therefore used "metacity --replace" to switch to metacity because I thought this would help. Actually this didn't help much, but at least I got an error message sayi17:48
ikonianewUser: why point him at a gentoo guide17:48
opusmneptok: how does one use the open-terminal ?17:48
mazenhi all17:49
profanephobiaif i know i have 2100 messages in my gmail account why is thunderbird only donwloading 370 of them?17:49
mneptokopus: you may need to restart Nautilus for it to work17:49
mazenhow could i go to the source.list ... new to this :)17:49
ikoniaprofanephobia: buffer limits ?17:49
ikoniamazen: system --> administation --> softrware sources17:49
profanephobiaikonia, so do you think over time it will download them all?17:49
ikoniaprofanephobia: I don't know17:49
nickrudmazen: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list . Be sure to make a backup before editing17:49
profanephobiaikonia, ok will thanks for the input i appreciate it17:50
newUser@ikonia it solve the problem17:50
ikoniaprofanephobia: no problem17:50
pike_flom: hey17:50
ikonianewUser: it may not, gentoo is very different17:50
flomOh, here I must be speak english... Sorry, I´m German...17:50
_moro_bana_nickrud:/etc/fstab its not opening anything17:50
mazenthx ikonia and nickrud17:50
ikonia!de | flom17:50
ubotuflom: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de17:50
newUser@its linux dont be so cocky17:50
ikonianewUser: I'm not being cocky, gentoo has a lot of differences.17:50
flomI love my Ubuntu.... And you? I use Ubuntu 7.10, GNOME...17:51
nickrud_moro_bana_:  sudo nano /etc/fstab . Change the mount point (for example I use /windows for my windows partition) . Be sure to create the directory /windows so the moint point exists17:51
ikonia!offtopic > flom17:51
newUser@ikonia i try from gentoo freebsd solaris slackware to ubuntu and i love ubuntu nothing change17:51
DRebellion_moro_bana_: did you get that hdd copy thing done?17:51
bahmanmneptok: thanks17:51
flom@ikonia: That´s not nice17:51
ikonianewUser: it does, lets not discuss this off topic, just try to use ubuntu documentation for ubuntu users17:52
badmanwell hello17:52
ikoniaflom: if you are welcome to join #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support issues17:52
flomWhy I don´t can speak about ubuntu or offtopic17:52
_moro_bana_DRebellion:hey yes i did but it cant boot17:52
flomok, i´m go out17:52
nickrudflom: we have #ubuntu-offtopic17:52
_moro_bana_DRebellion:i checked all the files using the life cd, they are there, only that it cant boot17:53
DRebellion_moro_bana_: aaah you need to set a boot flag on the hdd17:53
ViniBuna oameni buni17:53
syberpuppyi need a bit of help17:53
badmanbrand new to ubuntu...so far it rocks17:53
mneptok!ro | Vini17:53
ubotuVini: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro17:53
DRebellion!fdisk | _moro_bana_17:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fdisk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:53
nickrudDRebellion: no, he needs to update grub and fstab and write the mbr to point at the new location of grub17:53
badmantrying to decide whether to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10....anyone have any thoughts on the subject17:54
ikoniabadman: it's up to you17:54
ikoniabadman: depends what you want17:54
nickrudbadman: if feisty is working well for you ....17:54
DRebellionnickrud: depends where hes booting it17:54
mneptokVini: placere17:54
badmanseems to be some stuff on the forums about crashes and hangs after 7.1017:54
nickrudDRebellion: true about the mbr. But still needs to let grub know where the new root is, and fstab as well17:55
syberpuppyubuntu remembers a session that was somehow got screwed up so everytime ubuntu starts its screwd up, (the safe mode works great) anyone knows how to revert the session to it's default state?17:55
DRebellionnickrud: he used dd to copy it all over from a working, booting drive17:55
DRebellionnickrud: so thats all set up17:55
ikoniaDRebellion: grub uses uuid to boot17:55
bahmanDRebellion: hello again, <mneptok> answer me on this way: gconf-editor > Apps > Nautilus > Desktop it so good ;) thanks again17:56
nickrudDRebellion: and now the new root is the new partition. needs a grub stanza and a fstab update.17:56
DRebellionbahman: np17:56
_moro_bana_DRebellion:from here or from the live disk17:56
ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)17:56
syberpuppycan someone helppppp, pretty please?17:57
DRebellion!ask | syberpuppy17:57
ubotusyberpuppy: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:57
syberpuppyubuntu remembers a session that was somehow got screwed up so everytime ubuntu starts its screwd up, (the safe mode works great) anyone knows how to revert the session to it's default state?17:57
boxemallhi folks need some help. i just installed ubuntu 7.10 64bit edition17:57
_moro_bana_nickrud:what should i do17:57
DRebellionsyberpuppy: what exactly do you mean by: 1) session 2) screwed up17:57
DRebellion!ask | boxe17:58
ubotuboxe: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:58
ikoniaboxemall: do you have a problem ?17:58
boxemallalso i installed nvidia restricted drivers. but my refresh rate cannot be set higher than 75Hz. under windows 100 Hz was no problem. what can i do? my eyes hurt by watching low refresh screens,...17:58
bahmansyberpuppy: go to System > Administration > Login Window17:58
newUser@boxemall hmm have you got the right monitor set up17:59
ikoniaboxemall: your drivers may not have the same performance as windows, or you may have to manually enter a refresh rate in the xorg.conf files, or you may need to configm you are using the nvidia restricted drivers and set them up appropriatly17:59
ikoniaboxemall: there are many potential reasons17:59
bahmansyberpuppy: could you solve it?!17:59
syberpuppyDRebellion: 1) there was a setting somewhere for ubuntu to start the session as it was turned off18:00
boxemalli have an iiyama a201ht and got the tech info from their site. i changed them in xorg.conf manually and did a x restart. even after reboot not higher than 75 hz18:00
BreetaiHey all, here is an interesting question. Anybody know of current USB Video Capture devices that work with Linux?18:00
thann0ysyberpuppy: System> prefferences> session, if you want to remove auto-load of programs at logging18:00
nickrud_moro_bana_: put the output of    sudo fdisk -l   ,   ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/*  ,  and the contents of /boot/grub/menu.lst  original partion and /etc/fstab of the original partition on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org18:00
syberpuppybahman: was through it... couldn't find something18:00
boxemallwhere do i change refresh rate manually?18:00
DRebellion!webcam | Breetai18:01
ubotuBreetai: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras18:01
syberpuppythann0y: already did it, didn't fix it18:01
bahmansyberpuppy: from your main menu... go to System > Administration > Login Window18:01
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:01
newUser@boxemal run nvidia-settings choose refresh rate then click save to x configuration18:01
thedoc2097I´ve got another question!!! I have the /boot directory of my distro on an other partition When I link in grub " kernel     /dev/hda4/boot/vmlinuz       grub says after rebooting   > File not found18:01
syberpuppybahman: what to do there?18:02
bahmansyberpuppy: you could change your Default Session18:02
Breetaiubotu: Nope not cam. I want to hook up an external video source.18:02
DRebellion!bot | Breetai18:02
ubotuBreetai: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:02
jgalvinWould anyone be able to help me configure dual monitors with an ATI card on 7.10? I've followed a couple guides on the forums and I can't get it working properly.18:03
bahmanedulix Hi18:03
syberpuppybahman: yea... but that session will stay ruined, how do i fix it?18:03
Breetaianyways I am talking about capturing video from an external source with a card that will "grab" it.  I can find some PCI cards that are known to work.18:03
DRebellion!dualhead | jgalvin18:03
ubotujgalvin: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama18:04
bahmansyberpuppy: change to Run Xclient script18:04
jgalvinthanks DRebellion, I'll try that too18:04
jgalvinthat is the one I tried18:04
DRebellionjgalvin: oh :P18:04
zylcheFark. How do I use fsck again with alternate superblock?18:04
syberpuppybahman: already that way18:04
jgalvinit makes my login window so huge I can't see to login, then when I do login it just hangs for a second and kicks me back to the login window.18:05
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead18:05
bahmansyberpuppy: So whats your problem exactly?!18:05
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:05
bahmansyberpuppy: change it to GNOME18:06
syberpuppyall the graphical settings are screawed... can't move windows, change their size, minimize...18:06
DRebellion!ask | edulix18:06
ubotuedulix: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:06
bahmanedulix: hello, ask us?!18:06
syberpuppybahman: all the graphical settings are screawed... can't move windows, change their size, minimize...18:06
DRebellionw00t ubotu absolutely rules !!!18:07
_moro_bana_nickrud:i pasted it18:07
DRebellion_moro_bana_: we need the url18:07
nickrud_moro_bana_: I need the links so I can see them18:07
bahmansyberpuppy: ask <DRebellion> again18:07
syberpuppyi can always start in gnome, but how do i fix the xclient?18:07
syberpuppyk, thx18:07
edulixbahman: hi, i would like to know of a similar to aterm terminal with support  of tabs18:07
fuq-hacked ur butte18:08
nickrudfuq-: is that a question?18:08
edulixi could use screen but i don't like it. i could use gnome-terminal, but i would like to evit gtk if possible,  i want something with small footprint18:08
edulixlike xterm, aterm, etc, but with tabs  :p18:09
DRebellionedulix: ctrl + alt + f1, f2, f3....18:09
syberpuppyDRebellion: 1) there was a setting somewhere for ubuntu to start the session as it was when turned off, did so, was probably screwed some time and remembered it that way, since then it always screwed18:09
syberpuppyDRebellion: 2)  all the graphical settings are screawed... can't move windows, change their size, minimize...18:09
DRebellionsyberpuppy: i don't really  know how to help with that. sorry...18:10
edulixDRebellion: that's not for x11 :p anyways it seems materm is aterm with tabs18:10
nickrudsyberpuppy: and metacity --replace didn't work?18:10
DRebellionedulix: you wanted tabs and a small memory footprint18:10
syberpuppynickrud: what do you mean18:10
bahmanDRebellion: You are great, thanks! from your main menu "ctrl + alt + f1, f2, f3...." works in a good way18:11
nickrudsyberpuppy: type alt-f2 , run   metacity --replace18:11
_moro_bana_DRebellion:nickrud:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51225/ i pasted twice18:11
syberpuppynickrud: ill try, it should revert the settings to the default?18:12
notadmin12hello, i need someone using ubuntu right now. I lost my remote_desktop password, so if someone could provide me a gconf file.18:12
bahmanWhich antivirus do I need in ubuntu?! Do I need any antivirus program?!18:12
DRebellionbahman: no problem18:12
=== Ttech is now known as W6JCN
brobostigonbahman: no need, no point18:12
notadmin12i need this file with ~/.gconf/desktop/gnome/remote_access/%gconf.xml18:12
nickrudsyberpuppy: it will get back the window title (should)18:12
DRebellionbahman: not really, no18:12
walter_ecoyou shouldnt because the kernel is supposed to filter traffic18:12
walter_econatively out of the boix18:13
pike_notadmin12: just delete yours and itll be recreated18:13
bahmanbrobostigon: Thanks18:13
pike_notadmin12: id think18:13
=== W6JCN is now known as Ttech
_moro_bana_DRebellion: since i copied the partition , i cannot view it from here, i used a livecd to view its files18:13
nickrud_moro_bana_: leave a space between the nick and the http:// , it makes it easier to load the link18:13
=== rbs-tito is now known as rbs-titoo
notadmin12pike_, im not using ubuntu right now, and i only have ssh access. So i need an already generated one (and know the passwd)18:13
linuxoserRicoh card reader works under 704 but can not work under 710, anyone knows why? thanks18:13
walter_ecois there an easy way to print to a stylus cx5000 under 6.06lts?18:14
DRebellionnotadmin12: you can forward X11 over ssh:  ssh -X user@host18:14
DRebellionnotadmin12: then run a graphical program18:14
syberpuppythanks... the metacity --replace did the work18:14
notadmin12DRebellion, well, ok, i will do that18:14
=== rbs-titoo is now known as rbs-tito
nickrudsyberpuppy: now save that session, apps->sessions-> last tab18:14
DRebellionnotadmin12: no problem18:14
mtvoidlinuxoser: Do none of the cards work, or only a particular type?18:14
_moro_bana_nickrud:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51225/18:15
syberpuppyalready did, 10x man18:15
nickrudsyberpuppy: erm, system->prefs->session that is18:15
=== miip_ is now known as miip
syberpuppynickrud: already did, 10x man18:15
bahmanMy labtop have Ricoh Card Reader, but I couldnt use it!18:16
zylche[529942.416000] EXT3-fs: sdb1: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (40004000). <-- Any help?18:16
nickrud_moro_bana_: ok, got the uuids, and the disk info. Now I need the grub from the original partition, and the fstab from the original. Then I'll have some questions18:16
_moro_bana_nickrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51226/18:16
centaurohi channel i am searching web developers if are anyone interested visit http://embedmyvideo.com Thanks and sorry for the spam :)18:16
wizzo_i accidentally deleted a folder and emptied the trash, does anyone know how i can recover that folder?18:16
stmartinHi! Why I have double ubuntu's when I boot ?18:16
_moro_bana_nickrud: those were from the original partition18:16
Mik1does anyone know, if it is possible to launch the program "ubuntu appearance" or similar (in german "Erscheinungsbild") in a console because I don't have access to the system-menu due to lacking panels?18:16
fUGLYhi everybody,18:17
nickrud_moro_bana_: yes, thats fine. But    gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst  , paste that from the original.  Then   gedit /etc/fstab  , and paste that18:17
bahmanfUGLY hi fugly18:18
zylchewizzo_: If you use ext3, you can't ...18:18
soporte does anyone know,how to install aircrack-ptw on ubuntu Gutsy18:18
pike_Mik1: cant you launch a panel?18:18
stmartinHi! Why I have double ubuntu's when I boot ?18:18
pike_Mik1: or youre on a tty launching on remote display?18:18
wizzo_greeeaaaattt so screwed... thanks18:18
nickrudstmartin: if one has (recovery) , it's an emergency boot for fixing major problems18:18
fUGLYi am trying to get pdt eclipse working, but i keep getting this errors:18:18
fUGLYError creating the view.18:18
fUGLYError creating the view.18:18
fUGLYI am new with linux (ubutnu). Tried the installation manual page of pdt (http://www.eclipse.org/pdt/install.php) but I am stuck.Can anybody help me ?18:18
Pici!paste | fUGLY18:19
ubotufUGLY: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)18:19
bullgard4[GNOME, Ubuntu 7.10] Pressing System > Quit > Suspend will call what program?18:19
Mik1pike: I mean these bottom/top-panels, they are just blank due to some misconfiguration of the appearance.18:19
Mik1pike: and right-click does not work on them.18:19
_moro_bana_nickrud:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51228/18:20
nickrudfUGLY: use the automatic one, the 'Update Manager'18:20
=== aman is now known as Xman
evil_techevery time i boot ubuntu it asks me whether i want to keep X setting or gnome settings18:20
fUGLYok, i will try that one18:20
tzdany suggestions for a program that is able to download and run videopods please?18:20
demitrihi everyone, VERY NEW TO UBUNTU- how to i change directory in terminal ex. going to Desktop..?18:20
tzddemitri: cd "folder"18:20
demitriwith the " "18:21
linuxoserdemitri: cd ~/Desktop18:21
pike_Mik1: sorry dunno gnome well. id just do rm -fr ~/.g*; pkill gnome-panel;gnome-panel but youd lose all  you settings and be at default again..18:21
nickrudMik1:   gconftool --recursive-unset  /apps/panel && pkill gnome-panel , that will reset the panels without affecting anything else18:21
demitriit keeps giving me "No such Directory"18:21
pike_demitri: this will help with basics  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal18:22
pike_demitri: answer is cd18:22
pike_demitri: remember directory/ is diff from /directory18:22
demitrii typed: cd /desktop18:22
zylcheQ: How do I find all the superblocks on a drive?18:22
_moro_bana_nickrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51229/18:22
grekkosdesktop is in your home directory18:22
Mik1nickrud & pke: thanks, I'll try it out.18:23
tzddemitri: you need to figure out where you are in the hierarchy first by using a commands such as: ls18:23
thann0ydemitri: cd ~/Desktop18:23
fUGLYwhen I do "sudo apt-cache search pdt" it does not find the eclipse pdt project18:23
fUGLYwhat to do .... ?18:23
boxemallso does anyone know how to get higher refresh rates?18:23
nickrud_moro_bana_: ok, do you plan on keeping the original install, or do you want to switch completely to the new?18:23
grekkosdemitri: to find your current directory type pwd18:24
SANTAbioshow do i add a shortcut on my desktop for a url?18:24
demitriwhen i type "ls" is shows: Desktop Documents Examples...18:24
tzddoes anyone use videopods here?18:24
soporte does anyone know,how to install aircrack-ptw on ubuntu Gutsy18:24
demitripwd = /home/demitri18:24
_moro_bana_nickrud: i wil keep it, its on a different hdd18:24
tzddemitri:  ok then you have the folder "Desktop" there... then next type this: cd Desktop18:24
nickrudfUGLY: on that link you gave, look for the Update Manager section, install it that way. Works for Me™ :)18:24
KiD_ChAoSAnyone used fwcutter? is it difficult to install18:24
=== LoRez is now known as Kratos
pike_demitri: /Desktop means a desktop directly at root / just Desktop will work or /home/$USER/Desktop18:24
tzddemitri: letters are case sensitive18:24
grekkosdemitri: the directories are case-sensitive18:24
lucais there anybody who can help me with xatv? i see the image but not listen the audio18:25
grekkosdemitri: and files as well18:25
SANTAbioshow do i add a shortcut on my desktop for a url?18:25
=== Kratos is now known as LoRez
nickrud_moro_bana_: you moving that disk to another machine?18:25
demitriooohhh.. ok. didn't know they were case sencitive. thnx18:25
demitrisorry for my ignorance18:25
grekkoscan anyone help me fix my gnome? i changed some settings in compiz and now neither compiz nor metacity are loading... in fact it looks like i'm getting no programs at all running in my x session18:26
pike_demitri: not a problem good luck and welcome to ubuntu18:26
bullgard4[GNOME, Ubuntu 7.10] Pressing System > Quit > Suspend will call what program?18:26
_moro_bana_nickrud: i experiment a lot, i think it will be good for such a backup18:26
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=== SKitt is now known as Skitt
nickrud_moro_bana_: ok, I will set it up so the original install is primary, but you can boot the second. OK?18:26
_moro_bana_nickrud: ok18:26
tzddemitri: no problem. Good luck :)18:26
SatorisanjaBin erstmal neu hier18:27
R|2|D^TRAPdito ^^18:27
Skitt!de | Satorisanja18:27
ubotuSatorisanja: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de18:27
SatorisanjaWas kann ich lernen, bin wissbegierig18:27
nickrud_moro_bana_: one last question, to be sure: the new partition is sdb6 ?18:27
_moro_bana_nickrud: yes18:28
nickrud_moro_bana_: brbb18:28
Mik1nickrud: quite nice, know the panels are displayed again, but they don't react on clicks and actually they get blank again after some seconds.18:28
SANTAbioshow do i add a shortcut on my desktop for a url?18:28
Shadow147nickrud hey man I got grub reinstalled after install windows I had no problems booting windows18:28
panfisthey i was wondering if anyone knew what kind of performance flash player gets playing through a windows virtual machine running in ubuntu18:29
warlinux# ubuntu-br18:29
Shadow147panfist well you can use flash in ubuntu18:29
grekkoshow can I restore a default x session?18:30
Shadow147panfist | !flash18:30
=== kreativefinally is now known as kreative
R|2|D^TRAPI've got a general question about the ubuntu versions: I've an AMD 64 X2 CPU, I know there is a amd64 version available but I'm not sure if this installs a native 64bit OS or just a 32bit OS optimized for amd64 concerning the kernel18:30
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:30
panfistshadow147 i know, but this website wants to install a addon or plugin or whatever that it claims is incompatible with ubuntu18:30
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.18:30
_moro_bana_nickrud: so i will have to go there to get the correction18:30
jgalvinDRebellion, I went in and tried a couple other things18:31
R|2|D^TRAPcan anybody help me?18:31
Shadow147panfist !find flash18:31
QliXhi!, i replace a network card in my pc and the new card get the dev name eth2, but i want to give it the eth1 name, because i replace it, how can i done?18:31
jgalvinstill nothing but either cloning or single monitor18:31
DRebellion!ask | R|2|D^TRAP18:31
ubotuR|2|D^TRAP: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:31
nickrud_moro_bana_: well I just learned something new, dd carries the uuid along with the the data on dd .  Need to research just a bit.18:31
jgalvinI can't get them both working with either Xinerama or BigDesktop18:31
nickrudShadow147: cool18:31
panfistshadow147 i set up a HTPC for some friends who would like to be able to go to abc.com to view recent episodes that are played through a flash player but it needs to install something else that is for mac or windows only18:31
_moro_bana_nickrud: ok18:31
pike_R|2|D^TRAP: its native 64 very complete and robust OS but maybe not best bet for desktop. i still use i386 kernel even though i have 64bit cpu18:31
panfistshadow147 it works if i install firefox in wine but its choppy18:32
DRebellion!htpc > D18:32
R|2|D^TRAPthanks for answer, thought so ^^18:32
DRebellion!htpc > DRebellion18:32
AsheliaHas anyone here successfully managed to cure video playback tearing using the Nvidia proprietary driver with a GeForce 8 series card? The "Sync to VBlank" option doesn't work for me18:32
QliXi replace a network card in my pc and the new card get the dev name eth2, but i want to give it the eth1 name, because i replace it, how can i done?18:32
grafti'm sick of exim4! is there anything easier to configure that's about as reliable? i'm not doing anything very heavy-duty...18:32
DRebellionQliX: what difference does it make?18:32
Mik1Another idea: does anybody know, where is stored, which theme gnome should use? If I'd know, i could change it back - I didn't find it in gconf/desktop/gnome18:32
Shadow147panfist !find htpc18:32
Shadow147!find htpc18:32
SANTAbioshow do i add a shortcut on my desktop for a url?18:32
QliXDRevellion, all my scripts points to eth1.18:33
ubotuPackage/file htpc does not exist in gutsy18:33
SANTAbioswill someone help me please18:33
DRebellion!bot | Shadow14718:33
ubotuShadow147: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:33
DRebellionQliX: use 'sed' to edit them18:33
pike_Ashelia: not sure what youre problem is exactly but ive had issues with nvidia driver and xv video so i usually either launch another x session with nv or play my stuff like mplayer -vo x11 mahmovie.avi18:33
SANTAbioswill someone help me please18:33
graftSANTAbios: can't you just right-click on your desktop and say 'create new <whatever>'?18:33
panfistshadow147 i appreciate the help but i really need some kind of windows virtualization or emulation to get this to work18:33
pike_Ashelia: course you lose software scaling18:33
QliXDREbellion, it's so dificult to change the device name? :S18:33
panfistshadow147 its not plain flash player18:33
jgalvinAnyone here have a guide on which commands I need to use to manually re-write my xorg.conf file for working with an ATI driver for dual-heads?18:34
jgalvinI've tried the bot help here and a couple other threads18:34
pike_!dualhead | jgalvin18:34
ubotujgalvin: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama18:34
TrampQliX: I think you can just delete the line for eth1 in /etc/udev/70-persistent-net-rules, and rename eth2 to eth1 there.18:34
jgalvinTried them already, pike_ - it comes up with clones, way too large to use, and kicks me back out to the login window18:34
pike_jgalvin: oh sorry only used twinview on nvidia18:34
Shadow147panfist there is a firefox plugin that works I use it18:34
jgalvinthe ATI ones are wicked hard to configure :/18:34
QliXThanks Tramp, U got the power ;)18:35
Shadow147planfist it's for flash18:35
DRebellion!virtualization | panfist18:35
Shadow147panfist it's for flash18:35
ubotupanfist: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications18:35
fUGLYnickrud: thanks for your eclipse installation tip. I will try to get it work on that way18:35
TrampQliX: to my knowledge, you will have to reboot to see the device change18:35
=== Evgeny is now known as E_v_g_e_n_y
domashas anyone actually tried to rebuild imagemagick packages? I get following error for debuild: http://p.defau.lt/?OZfOJJzxBZVs2_Bg3eZG6g18:35
SANTAbiosgraft i only have an option to create a new folder18:35
nickrudfUGLY: yw. I install all my eclipse plugins using that method18:35
panfistshadow147 i can get flash to play in firefox just fine man...but the website wants to install something else on top of that. try for yourself go to abc.com and try to watch an episode. or you can continue to address a problem that is not my problem18:35
Asheliapike_: With Sync to VBlank off, I get major tearing, but with it on I get a big tear that slowly crawls up the screen, as if it is just slightly out of sync with my refresh rate18:36
SANTAbiosgraft i only have an option to create a new folder or launcher18:36
Shadow147panfist well I just hope your system can handle it18:36
ward_how can i lsit my users / usergroups from commandline?18:36
ward_and how can i add a new regular user?18:36
panfistshadow147 yeah me too18:36
SANTAbiosso how do i creat shortcut top a webpage llike my webmail18:36
ward_(from command line)18:36
graftSANTAbios: hm. well, you can do it on KDE. Try creating a new launcher that's just a URL string18:36
=== Cameron` is now known as _Cameron
thann0yward_: cat /etc/groups18:36
rich__has anyone got outlook working in linux? the hotmail account is missing in the accounts menu18:36
ward_thann0y, thanx, and to add a new one?18:36
thann0yward_: cat /etc/passwd  (for users)18:36
Asheliapike_: I have also tried X11, but the lack of scaling is terrible when watching in full screen18:36
graftrich__: why would you want to use outlook? use thunderbird or kmail or evolution...18:36
ward_thann0y, thanx again :-)18:37
DRebellionward_: useradd (8)          - create a new user or update default new user information18:37
DRebellionuserdel (8)          - delete a user account and related files18:37
jgalvinward_, useradd18:37
DRebellionusermod (8)          - modify a user account18:37
pike_Ashelia: yeah. im usually stuck using nv driver on another display18:37
PoodlemcwhiskersWhat is this channel?18:37
nickrud_moro_bana_: first we need to give the new partition a unique uuid, so run:   sudo tune2fs -U 4a75f810-be18-11dc-95ff-0800200c9a66 /dev/sdb6   .  I got that uuid using http://www.famkruithof.net/uuid/uuidgen18:37
unpersonHow do I turn off the snap to edges feature (or whatever it's called) for the windows on my desktop?  I thought it used to be easy to find, but now I can't find it anywhere.18:37
FloodBot3NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.18:37
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.18:37
rich__its like a mail user agent for two year olds18:37
FloodBot2NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.18:37
jgalvingo flood bot go!18:38
* nickrud loves floods from floodbots, it's their purpose!18:38
DRebellionhow did the floodbot get ops?18:38
thann0yward_: and to add new users, take a look to "man adduser18:38
ward_DRebellion, and to remove a user? (or edit)18:38
jgalvinchanserv gave it to it18:38
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!18:38
ward_thann0y, thanx, and to remove or edit?18:38
nickrud_moro_bana_: did you get my last line?18:39
rich__has anyone got this working in linux?18:39
Shadow147panfist well I see your problem18:39
_moro_bana_nickrud: just got it, doing18:39
nickrud_moro_bana_: thought it might have got lost in the flood18:39
bullgard4[GNOME, Ubuntu 7.10] Pressing System > Quit > Suspend will call what program?18:39
Shadow147panfist abc.com is being a dick about they would have more people watching if they made it work for linux user18:39
rich__does anything support hotmail?18:40
sidelilexcuse me I installed a command line ubuntu. Now I'd like to install fluxbox, how can I do it? Thanks.18:40
DRebellion!fluxbox | sidelil18:40
ubotusidelil: fluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox18:40
DRebellionrich__: hotmail is crap18:40
_moro_bana_nickrud: almost got lost yes, i did it18:40
pike_sidelil: i usually 'sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg fluxbox' now xserver-xorg should also pull  in xfonts-base but if it doesnt itll complain and youll need that too18:40
rich__no its not, its excellent18:40
rich__instant delivery, its fine. ive used it for ten years.18:41
Name141When I boot from the CD, Ubuntu begins to start, then I get a "BusyBox" or something terminal, how do I go ahead and boot inside of the orginal live disk/install ?18:41
pike_sidelil: then just echo "exec fluxbox" > ~/.xinitrc; xinit18:41
nickrud_moro_bana_: ok, reboot into the primary partition again18:41
mneptokrich__: any webmail service that blocks based on browser name string is bad.18:41
SANTAbiosi need a good solitaire game one that looks like windows where can i get it?18:41
graftSANTAbios: try Aisleriot, should be in the repository18:42
_moro_bana_nickrud: ok im rebooting18:42
Name141I try to go inside of the safe video , or whatever, and my system starts beeping, and eventually restarts itself.18:42
Shadow147when I went to a site I got a http 1.1 service unavailabe?18:42
rich__ok your right, so everytime something is bad lets change all our addresses yeah, NO!18:42
graftSANTAbios: err, just sudo apt-get install gnome-games18:42
FloodBot2NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.18:42
sidelilDRebellion, pike_ thank you both.18:42
Shadow147I got this Http/1.1 Service Unavailable when I went to a site?18:43
SANTAbiosso how do i creat shortcut top a webpage llike my webmail18:43
rich__i tried thunderbird, its useless, its slow and nothing works.18:43
DRebellionsidelil: no problem18:43
* Name141 shrugs18:43
Name141When I boot from the CD, Ubuntu begins to start, then I get a "BusyBox" or something terminal, how do I go ahead and boot inside of the orginal live disk/install ?18:43
Name141I try to go inside of the safe video , or whatever, and my system starts beeping, and eventually restarts itself.18:43
DRebellionis floodbot an ubuntu maintained bot? or part of freenode? or not?18:43
DRebellion!floodbot | DRebellion18:44
gentimjsStupid question, using apt-get how do I specify a specific version of something to install? Im trying to install python 2.3 for compatibility with a 3rd party app but Ive got python 2.5 at the moment18:44
kaboombobi have a question about my panasonic media player18:44
LjLDRebellion: don't be concerned about it.18:44
Redhammer_the_A_hi all, short question: how do I set the preferred application in the context menu -- ie currently films are opened in "movie player" (totem I believe) but I want them to open in m-player18:44
kaboombobi cant mount it18:44
Redhammer_the_A_what type is it kaboombob18:44
jgalvin"sudo aticonfig --desktop-setup=horizontal --sync-vsync=on" makes only one monitor work, makes it really huge so I can't see my login window, then boots me back out to the login window when I try to login, it just hangs and redisplays the login window18:45
nickrudRedhammer_the_A_: right click a movie, properties, then the open with tab. Be sure to move the radio button18:45
kaboombobpanasonic mp3 thing18:45
DRebellionLjL: ignorance == m$ == bad18:45
Redhammer_the_A_thanks nickrud18:45
mneptokRedhammer_the_A_: right-click > Properties > Open With18:45
Redhammer_the_A_could have guessed that18:45
gentimjsI looked in the docs, but havent found anything specific about how to get a specific version with apt-get18:45
DRebellion!apt | gentimjs18:46
ubotugentimjs: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)18:46
edulixhow can I install a specific version of a package with apt-get?18:46
kaboombobRedhammer_the_A_ panasonic sv-mp25v18:46
tanlaanhello everyon18:46
DRebellion!repeat | edulix18:46
ubotuedulix: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience18:46
grekkoscan someone help me reinstall gnome?18:46
neverbluehow can I force Nautilius to login on a network share ?18:46
zylcheWhat are the alternate superblocks to use for fsck? :/ [ext3]18:46
jgalvin!apt | edulix18:46
ubotuedulix: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)18:46
LjLDRebellion, the people who need to know, know.18:46
Shadow147I got this Http/1.1 Service Unavailable when I went to a site how do I fix this?18:47
DRebellionLjL: i thought ubunutu practiced open values eg. open information?18:47
gentimjsright, ive read that document, but it doesnt explain how to get a specific version18:47
LjL!ot | DRebellion18:47
ubotuDRebellion: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:47
mneptokShadow147: you don't. the site is down.18:47
gentimjsI figured it would be something like "apt-get install python-2.3" to specify version number or something, but no luck so far ...18:47
nickrudgentimjs: looks like python2.3 isn't available in the repos18:47
yangohello, can I put 7.10 kernel's into a 6.06.1 ?18:47
gentimjs:-\ ugh18:47
neverbluehow can I force Nautilius to login on a network share ? (its logging in anonymously atm)18:48
DRebellionLjL: right...18:48
Shadow147mneptok thats strange it was up yesterday18:48
grekkosif i want to install KDE what package should I install? (Ubuntu 7.10)18:48
mneptokgentimjs: are you sure whatever it is doesn't work with Python 2.5?18:48
zylcheNo one able to help me? :/18:48
_moro_bana_nickrud: im back i did the reboot18:48
thann0ygentimjs: use apt-cache search pythony   to find the good package name18:48
tanlaanI'm a bit confused on how the CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor is supposed to work. I know that is supposed to scale the frequency to something like 800mhz *for mine* but it is supposed to do its job when you are idle...right? well what is considered idle?18:48
DRebellionneverblue: places > connect to server18:48
kaboombobRedhammer_the_A_ panasonic sv-mp25v18:48
ReVisionshey all ;)18:49
nickrud_moro_bana_: ok, put up a new copy of    sudo ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid18:49
P_KableAnybody using joomla here ?18:49
jgalvinokay, crt1 is my left monitor and tmds1 is my right - I can enable them both (it clones them) or neither, or one at a time. crt1 works alone, but tmds1 gets scrambled by itself.  Any ideas?18:49
Redhammer_the_A_kaboombob is it ums or mtp device ie does it work as a "normal Usb stick" or as mtp devie in windows18:49
mneptokP_Kable: no, we'rea ll using IRC ;)18:49
neverblueDRebellion, yes, thats a quick fix, but can you answer my question directly ?18:50
ReVisionshow can i chack if my graphic card is working good?18:50
bluefoxxhow can i force my computer to re-cache the RAM memory?>i have 1.5 gigs RAM and only 11% is cached18:50
jgalvinReVisions, glxgears, I think18:50
pteague_workanybody know what package i need to install in order to get apxs?18:50
LjLbluefoxx: "cached"?18:50
kaboombobRedhammer_the_A_  it says mass storage device18:50
ReVisionsglxgraes is for glx check...18:50
DRebellion!apxs | pteague_work18:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apxs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:50
_moro_bana_nickrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51235/18:51
zylcheWhat are the alternate superblocks to use for fsck? :/ [ext3]18:51
_moro_bana_nickrud: there u go18:51
Redhammer_the_A_kaboombob, did you see the private message I sent you ?18:51
SANTAbiosso how do i creat shortcut top a webpage llike my webmail18:51
bluefoxxLjL: going by what the system monitor applet tells me18:51
neverbluehow can I force Nautilius to login on a network share ? (its logging in anonymously atm)18:51
steveireHi. Can gparted in gutsy resize a vista partition cleanly?18:51
steveireDoes it use a funky filesystem of some sort?18:51
SANTAbiosso how do i create shortcut to a webpage llike my webmail on my gnome desktop18:51
bluefoxxat anyrate, my system is lagging horribly and im not running anything other than this18:51
nickrud_moro_bana_: ah, much better. Now I see both the old and new partitions in that listing18:51
adelieis there a simple way to grab the access date of a file from the command line?18:51
thann0ypteague: type "apxs" as if you have it. Answer appear to be apache-dev18:51
DRebellionsteveire: windows uses ntfs18:51
DRebellion!ntfs | steveire18:51
ubotusteveire: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE18:51
stroyanedulix:  You want the link at the very bottom of that AptGetHowto page- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto pinning forces a particular version.18:52
ubotuvista is the new operating system by the evil overlords from Redmond. For more information, see http://www.badvista.org and !windows18:52
nephexAnyone that can help me with a little ubuntu server problem?18:52
_moro_bana_nickrud: yeh i do too18:52
pike_nephex: what problem?18:52
DRebellion!ask | nephex18:52
ubotunephex: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:52
pteague_workDRebellion> ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about apxs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - which returns nothing as well18:52
kaboombobRedhammer_the_A_ nope i didnt18:53
Redhammer_the_A_kaboom sent you antoher just now18:53
bluefoxxso how do i force the RAM to reload or w/e cause its mostly used by some invisible process i cant seem to see. i tried to disable compiz but i still lag, and my rig isnt that bad18:53
SANTAbiosso how do i create shortcut to a webpage llike my webmail on my gnome desktop18:53
LjLbluefoxx: err, ok, but do you know what "cached" means in that context and if/why/how you need more? :)18:53
nephexThe ubuntu installation that is on the server now is bugged, and I was wondering if there was any chance of making a "fresh" install over the internet, since the server is 15kilometers away from me.18:54
kaboombobRedhammer_the_A_ i dont think i can recieve private messages18:54
ubotuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:54
Redhammer_the_A_kaboombob what irc are you using18:54
nickrud_moro_bana_: one more thing, just to be sure about where we are: type   mount  , and paste that18:54
th0rnephex there is a chance maybe to fix it. You normally do not reinstall linux...you fix it18:54
Redhammer_the_A_what version of ubuntu are you using18:54
bluefoxxLjL: for me i equate cached memory to redieing an action, as if i were playing DND >.>18:54
Redhammer_the_A_have you tried plugging the player in and using amarok to connect to it ?18:54
LjLbluefoxx: sorry but you aren't making much sense... your computer is being slow and you're blaming that on the RAM (and possibly the fact that some of it is used as cache), because...?18:54
pike_bluefoxx: the usage reported by 'free' and such doesnt really mean that an app needs that ram its kinda precaching it so often it isnt what is slowing your system down18:54
nephex7.10 i think18:55
LjLbluefoxx: i don't know what you're talking about. in that context, "cached" memory means memory used as a file cache.18:55
stroyanSANTAbios:  Right click on the desktop and select "Create Launcher".  Change the type to "link" and enter the URL.18:55
jgalvinaarrggh, ati drivers eat children :(18:55
nickrudjgalvin: only bad children18:55
jgalvinthen why won't they work for me? :D18:55
bluefoxxbascally i have some process in 'zombie' state taking up 1.2 GB of my RAM, and i am lagging on the desktop, and i dont wish to reboot as it will destroy my uptime18:55
nickrudjgalvin: you been bad this year already !?18:55
_moro_bana_nickrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51237/18:56
jgalvinnickrud: I'm just trying to get dual monitors set up :( I didn't know it was that bad :\18:56
pike_bluefoxx: what does top say?18:56
Wanderer_Anyone know if there's a usb bootable image for ubuntu for a thumbdrive?18:56
nickrudjgalvin: oh, that task eats everyone ;)18:56
bullgard4[GNOME, Ubuntu 7.10] Pressing System > Quit > Suspend will call what program?18:56
LjLbluefoxx: and "kill -s 9 <process-number>" won't work, i assume?18:56
bluefoxxi know its not my CPU overheating as i have good cooling for it and just replaced the heatsink compound18:56
stroyanjgalvin:  I thought that was kittens-  http://www.kernel.org/doc/ols/2006/ols2006v1-pages-19-26.pdf18:57
nephexSo there are no ways of fixing it then?18:57
=== b0nn_ is now known as b0nn
nickrud_moro_bana_: ok, I got all the info I need. I'm going to edit a couple of things you gave me, then I'll walk you though making the changes18:57
jgalvinstroyan: hahah18:57
steveireSeems there's nothing special about the vista filesystem. Should work as well as it did for XP.18:57
bluefoxxLjL: no, it tells me 'process not there' or something like that18:57
kaboombobRedhammer_the_A_ xchat18:57
LjLbluefoxx: *what* exactly?18:58
jgalvinmaybe I'll go see if the IT guys will trade me a nvidia card for this ati card >_>18:58
_moro_bana_nickrud: ok18:58
Volkodavxfce xkb layout does not work for some reason - is there a way to turn off gnome layout switcher and go with xorg option instead?18:58
Redhammer_the_A_or try the following command:18:58
pike_jgalvin: yeah a cheap nvidia is better than a new ati imo for linux18:58
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)18:58
grekkosI need some help - Gnome session on Ubuntu 7.10 won't start - I get a tan background with a white cursor and nothing loads18:58
th0rbluefoxx http://www.linuxsa.org.au/tips/zombies.html   zombies don't hurt anything18:58
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.18:59
SANTAbiosis 6.1 safe to run?18:59
SANTAbiosall i have is 6.118:59
Jack_Sparrowgrekkos: Was it working before now?18:59
pike_grekkos: try alt-ctrl-f2 then login then sudo adduser    after that is done sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart and see if new user can login. if they can its just a profile issue and rm'ing some .config files should fix18:59
kaboombobRedhammer_the_A_ i didnt see the command19:00
Jack_SparrowSANTAbios: If you mean Dapper.. yes. it works just fine19:00
grekkosJack_Sparrow: yeah i changed some of the compiz settings through the appearance->effects dialog and now nothing loads up19:00
bcardarellaDid Ubuntu rename the apache module: proxy-html to proxy-http ?19:00
bluefoxxLjL: 'sh_'19:00
grekkospike_: so try loggin in as root, for example?19:00
pike_grekkos: well if you have that setup. i dont typically run x as root19:01
pike_xsession i mean19:01
Jack_Sparrowgrekkos: If you can get to cli   reset your compiz settings to default compiz --replace cpp &19:01
bluefoxxit wont die <.<19:01
Volkodavhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51240/  I have this in xorg and it used to work19:01
Volkodavnot anymore for some reason looks like gnome took over19:01
LjLflush: eh? the "kill -s 9 processnumber" command, what does it say? i don't think it says sh_...19:02
grekkosOh wait I think i fixed it... I removed compiz completely and rebooted and that worked for some reason19:02
bluefoxxive tried the 'kill' and 'killall' stuff19:03
SANTAbioshow do i restart from the console?19:03
Jack_SparrowVolkodav: Is that all of it or just the keyboard section for us and ur19:03
peppoI have an internet-less system, which was installed on another monitor. the vga mode during bootup (framebuffer I guess) doesn't work for the monitor it's currently used, but I can't figure out how to change it. where is this controlled? I guess perhaps a grub setting somewhere?19:03
DRebellionSANTAbios: i think its an argument to halt19:03
SANTAbioswhats the command19:03
SANTAbiosGnome is frozen19:03
DRebellionSANTAbios: reboot19:03
th0rSANTAbios  shutdown -r now19:04
nickrud_moro_bana_: you still here :)19:04
grekkosoh but now i have no window decorations19:04
_moro_bana_nickrud: yes19:04
Volkodavweird shit19:04
bluefoxxgrekkos: try 'metacity --replace' or if you use compiz 'compiz --replace'19:04
nickrud_moro_bana_: ok, I have two files. One is a new menu.lst for grub on the original partition, so it will boot your new partition. The second is the new /etc/fstab for the new partition19:05
SANTAbiosok when i restart ununut i have a blinking cursor at the top right of the screen for like 10 seconds before it loads, any ideas?19:05
grekkosbluefoxx: just metacity without the replace worked fine haha-- how can I add it back into my startup?19:05
bluefoxxthat fixed it for me when i upgraded and lost windo borders19:05
grekkosbluefoxx: just add it to the startup tab in sessions?19:05
kaboombobi have a question about my panasonic media player it says i cant mount it it works in windows tho19:05
nickrud_moro_bana_: make a backup of /boot/grub/menu.lst on the original partition, then replace it with http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51242/19:05
Jack_SparrowVolkodav: I need to ask , since we have seen a lot of odd problems recently.. and many of the people having problems had used automatix.. a bad idea by the way19:06
bluefoxxgrekkos: i think so, but should still work without doing that[it has for me]19:06
grekkosbluefoxx: oh maybe when i run metacity it will automatically set the configuration for me?19:06
VolkodavI always use xkb editing xorg19:06
th0rSANTAbios what is ununut?19:06
blackjaxis ubuntu or centos used more often for server lamp installations19:06
Volkodavand it worked perfect - not in ubuntu for some reason19:06
Jack_Sparrowkaboombob: When you plugged it into windows did it just work, or did it need a driver or need to connect to the internet to get a driver?19:06
bullgard4[GNOME, Ubuntu 7.10] Pressing System > Quit > Suspend will call what program?19:07
bluefoxxgrekkos: i think so19:07
Jack_SparrowVolkodav: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   should let you fix it.19:07
domasum, I was just today introduced to PPAs19:08
domasthat stuff rocks19:08
Jack_Sparrowblackjax: You wont get an unbiased answer in here..  This is the support room for people already using Ubuntu19:08
bluefoxxanyone know if theres a tutorial on enabling hibernation and suspend modes to work properly? hibernate just shuts everything off and leaves the computer running until i hit the reset button19:08
grekkosbluefoxx: it didn't work... and when i used metacity & in a terminal and closed it metacity closed also...19:08
opusanyone know why alt+shift doesn't work? i have found out that pressing right alt + left alt does change the language, is this configurable somewhere?19:09
cyanicsquestion: How can i turn off package-update-checking for a specific package (custom ffmpeg, keeps getting overwritten.)19:09
bluefoxxgrekkos: then add it to startup options, and search it on the forums, probally documentation on a fix there19:09
th0ropus keystrokes can be defined in the file Xmodmap in your home directory. There are some tutorials on the web about Xmodmap19:10
nickrudcyanics: install yours, then in synaptic, mark it as 'force version'19:10
neverbluehow can I force Nautilius to login on a network share ? (its logging in anonymously atm)19:10
siriusnovawhat's the next LTS?19:13
nickrudsiriusnova: 8.04 or so19:13
SANTAbioshow do i get my epson cx4400 to run on ubuntu?19:13
J_Psiriusnova: 8.0419:13
siriusnovaok thanks19:14
J_Pmatricial LX3000 run on ubuntu?19:14
Scampihi I wonder if anyone could help - my DKPG package list has been lost and I want to rebuild it somehow. anyone got any ideas?19:14
graft8.04 isn't LTS for kubuntu, right?19:15
nickrudScampi: what do you mean, lost?  dpkg -l | grep ii shows nothing?19:15
Jack_SparrowScampi: apt-get update   ?19:15
neverbluehow can I force Nautilius to login on a network share ? (its logging in anonymously atm)19:16
mneptokneverblue: someone answered that already19:16
mneptokneverblue: check your scrollback19:17
Scampi dpkg -l | grep ii shows nothing - yes correct it shows nothing19:17
Jack_SparrowScampi: Did this just happen after the updates yesterday?19:18
SANTAbioshow do i get my epson cx4400 to run on ubuntu?19:18
LjLmneptok: it isn't?19:18
_moro_bana_nickrud: it says i dont have permission to save the file19:18
unagihow do u change the icon of the batter applet in the sys tray19:18
dstathI have an internet connection problem: I connect for 30 secs but then it stops19:18
nickrudScampi: oh, you are in deep do do. I've heard of a script that will use /usr/share/doc/* to recreate the package install, but don't know it. People that do come thru here regularly though19:18
dstathany ideas?19:18
Scampino i was trying to install Pro-FTPD server via Webmin which hung and somehow lost package list19:18
_moro_bana_nickrud; i backed up19:18
nickrud_moro_bana_: you need admin privileges, use    gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst19:18
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion19:19
pike_Scampi: sadly webmin isnt really supported anymore19:19
nickrud_moro_bana_: after you save it, paste it again. This file is worth double checking :)19:19
SANTAbioshow do i get my epson cx4400 to run on ubuntu? please help me anyone, i need some printer advice19:19
_moro_bana_nickrud: ok19:19
bullgard4[GNOME, Ubuntu 7.10] Pressing System > Quit > Suspend will call what program?19:19
Scampii've got a script that is meant to rebuild package list but it fails. webmin not supported? its most useful esp as VNC is dreadful from Ubuntu for me19:19
Dr_willisSANTAbios,  check cups.org to see how well supported that printer is.. with my printers - i just plugged them in and thye were seen/deteted19:20
VoksDIs there some software I can use to retrieve data from a USB stick that wasn't cleanly unmounted?  I know a lot of data was written to it, but it was removed from it's slot before the unmount completed (some r/w was apparently still in process).19:20
Dr_willisVoksD,  you can try fscking the filesystem. - may be safer to dd the stick to a file, then try to fsck the file by mounting it.19:21
VoksDThanks, I'll try that.19:21
Dr_willisHmm.. how do you fsck a loopback'd filesystem in a file..19:21
Dr_willisIve heard of it being done.. just not sure how. :)19:21
unpersonHow do I turn off the snap to edges feature (or whatever it's called) for the windows on my desktop?  I thought it used to be easy to find, but now I can't find it anywhere.19:21
VoksD'spose I'll figure it out eventually.19:21
dtiddprinter help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64084519:22
DRebellionDr_willis: i don't think you have to mount it19:22
laughzillahi  :)  what ubuntu package(s)  are necessary to install to use java on sites like facebook?    i installed something called GCJ and restarted browser and now the page doesn't ask me to install other plugins yet i still can't use the page properly19:22
_moro_bana_nickrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51245/19:22
DRebellion!java | laughzilla19:22
ubotulaughzilla: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)19:22
Volkodav xprop -root | grep XKB19:22
Volkodav_XKB_RULES_NAMES(STRING) = "base", "pc101", "us", "", ""19:22
Scampilooks like a reinstall for me then. have to say its making me a little edgy about moving over from windows to linux server if its that easy to kill your machine!19:22
laughzillathanks :)19:22
VolkodavThat's where the problem is19:22
DRebellionScampi: what did you do19:22
dtiddor here for the printer help epson cx4400 http://www.backports.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=403676319:23
pike_Dr_willis: after you losetup and its associated with a node then you can just fsck loop0 or whatever right? or maybe not ive never done it19:23
Volkodavit does not read the xorg settings for some reason19:23
Scampijust attempted an install of pro-ftpd from within webmin interface19:23
nickrud_moro_bana_: ok, that looks good.  now    sudo mount /dev/sdb6 /mnt  , you should just get back a new line, no output19:23
pike_Dr_willis: fsck /dev/loop1 or whatever i mean19:23
dstathany ideas why i manage to connect to the internet for 30 secs only?19:23
DRebellionVoksD: pike_ Dr_willis :    you don't need to mount it. just fsck <ddfile>19:23
Scampithen i was faced with a lot of locking errors which i eventually cleared then i found i had no packages installed anymore19:23
VoksDDRebellion: Great :)19:24
SANTAbioshow do i get my epson cx4400 to run on ubuntu? please help me anyone, i need some printer advice19:24
Jack_SparrowSANTAbios: Here is a link in the Ubuntu Forums.. I can't believe it says to use Alien to convert an RMP to make up the Deb driver package...   Be aware that alien is dangerous.. But they insist it works.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62747119:24
dtiddSANTAbios: http://www.backports.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=403676319:24
Volkodavwhere I can fix that line?19:24
DRebellionScampi: you should have used ssh + apt-get to install proftpd19:24
_moro_bana_nickrud: as you said19:24
Pici!webmin | Scampi19:24
ubotuScampi: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system - Consider "ebox" instead19:24
nano_can i ask a question19:24
nickrudScampi: webmin assumes a lot about how a system is put together, not the way debian/ubuntu is. That's why it's not in the repos anymore19:24
erUSULdstath: have you checked your logs?19:24
nickrud_moro_bana_: ok     cd /mnt/etc19:24
Pici!ask  | nano_19:24
ubotunano_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:25
dstathi've tried many things. which logs in specific?19:25
Scampiright ok shall leave webmin alone then. shame cause it was easy to use. i'll take a look at ebox19:25
DRebelliondstath: try the command 'dmesg'19:25
crolle17i set syntax=on in my ~/.vimrc but opening an sql-script-file, no syntax is highlightened. btw. how does vim know how to highlight?19:25
_moro_bana_nickrud: i gives me this:  boikhutso@morobana:/mnt/etc$19:26
DRebellioncrolle17: i think you may have to download extra packages for syntax etc19:26
crolle17DRebellion, which packages?19:26
DRebellioncrolle17: no idea :P19:26
DRebellioncrolle17: try 'apt-cache search vim'19:26
dstathdrebellion: dmesg without any options?19:26
DRebelliondstath: yar19:26
nickrud_moro_bana_: ok make a backup of fstab in that directory, then replace it with http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51239/19:26
ouellettesrare there any built in image creation tools? I need to make a .img file19:27
dstathdrebellion: ok. i will reboot and let you know19:27
tanlaanhow do I edit the amount of virtual desktops I have?19:27
Dr_willistanlaan,  ifusing compiz use the ccsm tool general tab19:27
tanlaanDr_willis: thanks19:28
dstathdrebellion: any other logs that I should check?19:28
leoi have yust installed ubuntu19:29
Jack_Sparrowouellettesr: Gimp  cna make many formats, but I dont think img is one of them19:29
Shadow147ok leo19:29
leoit's working great19:29
Shadow147leo thats good19:29
leoyeah, do i have to install a antyvirus,19:30
ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2119:31
neverbluehow can I force Nautilius to login on a network share ? (its logging in anonymously atm)19:31
Dr_willisleo,  short answer.. No. :)19:31
_moro_bana_nickrud: done it19:31
Shadow147!leo virus problems are very low19:31
nickrud_moro_bana_: time for the acid test :) Try rebooting each19:31
DRebellionneverblue: would you like to expand you question? what are you trying to achieve? what sort of network share?19:32
leookay, thank you19:32
neverbluesmb share19:32
_moro_bana_nickrud: ok im going down19:32
leoso i wil not instal one19:32
Jack_Sparrowleo: Stick to official repos and dont worry about virii and common windows problems19:32
neverbluei want to login to the smb share, as its just using anon access atm19:32
DRebellion!smb | neverblue19:32
ubotuneverblue: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:32
Dr_willisI like using the fusesmb tool to access samba shares19:33
neverblueDRebellion, thanks, that doesnt help me whatsoever19:33
leoi am really happy with ubuntu, it's working great19:33
DRebellionneverblue: also see   places > connect to server19:33
dallashey what would the best program be to format an external hard drive?19:33
VoksDDRebellion: Dr_willis: Your advices worked great, I just found a bunch of files.  Thanks a lot :)19:34
DRebelliondallas: what sort of format19:34
DRebellionVoksD: no problem19:34
=== x-spec-t is now known as Spec
dallasis that what you mean?19:34
neverblueDRebellion, yes, I seen your previous reply, but thats not what I want, I want to change my current share to allow a login prompt, not to create a new share, from the beginning (if possible)19:34
DRebelliondallas: what do you need to do with it?19:34
Wanderer_cool, hackers is on19:34
Dr_willisVoksD,  weeee :) hope they are not currupted19:34
dallasinstall backtrack219:34
=== federico_ is now known as Crash_Overflow
DRebellionneverblue: oh you want to change the login name each time you use it?19:34
crolle17does somebdy know how to get vim make syntaxhighlightening?19:34
neverblueDRebellion, or even just initially19:34
pike_crolle17: sudo apt-get install vim19:35
crolle17pike_, ;) i did.19:35
pike_crolle17: do it again!19:35
Picicrolle17: I think you need vim-full19:35
DRebellionneverblue: places > connect to server  it has a box labelled 'user name'19:35
pike_oh do that instead :)19:35
idefix_how do you add an icon to the emblem list?19:35
cal-machi folks.  i successfully isntalled ubuntu 7.10 on my hp dv6000 notebook today and i am having troubles with some of my devices.  i have found a walkthrough to get the wireless adaptor working at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Broadcom_BCM4311_rev_01_%28ndiswrapper%29?action=show, however i am stuck on step 6.  my wireless card is supposed to be recognized as wlan0, but it is currently listed as eth1, which is preventing ndis19:35
neverblueDRebellion, so I have to initialize a new share then, not just work with a currently set share ?19:36
dallasinstall a linux distro DRebellion is what i need to do. im trying to use gparted but i didnt know if there was a better prog19:36
VoksDDr_willis: Of the ones that really did get written, only a few seem to have ended up as garbage, but..  I'm just glad I could salvage anything at all ;oP19:36
jshriver_anyone know why pthreads was removed? I can't find it anywhere in apt19:36
cal-macremove the line from /etc/iftab that it asks me to19:36
arturoscusate l italiano?19:36
LjL!it | arturo19:36
Pici!it | arturo19:36
ubotuarturo: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!19:36
domasjshriver_: should be part of libc19:36
DRebellionidefix_: /usr/share/icons/gnome/*/emblems19:36
jshriver_was weird did an apt-cache search pthread found libpthread20  did and update and it was gone19:36
crolle17Pici, even with package vim-full no syntaxhighlightning.19:37
DRebellioncrolle17: try making a file called test.c and see if highlighting is turned on19:37
mEck0hi! is it safer to have a partitions UUID in fstab instead of e.g. /dev/sda1? or why is the UUID used by default ?19:37
domasjshriver_: root@ubuntu:~# dpkg -S /lib/libpthread-2.6.1.so19:37
domaslibc6: /lib/libpthread-2.6.1.so19:37
ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)19:38
Jack_SparrowmEck0: uuid really helps with removeable devices or when you move drives around19:38
idefix_my icon is 128x128 pixels, there's no such format19:38
bullgard4[GNOME, Ubuntu 7.10] Pressing System > Quit > Suspend will call what program?19:38
Shadow147mEck0 |!UUID19:39
xTheGoat121xAfternoon everyone19:39
yokobrive got a problem19:39
zhegaohi, does anyone know how to connect to the internet using ubuntu, i'm currently using a ethernet cable connection but its still not working19:39
graftUUIDs are annoying as hell for normal devices, though19:39
crolle17DRebellion, i did. and i wrote a simple for-loop to see if there would be syntax-highlightening. and no there i no syntaxhigh.19:39
mEck0Jack_Sparrow, aha, okey. Is it otherwise possible that a partition got another name (e.g. /dev/sda2 instead of /dev/sda1) if not using UUID?19:39
Shadow147yokobr how can we help19:40
xTheGoat121xAnyone here know anything about ACPI?  I get a couple of error messages when I run "dmesg | grep acpi"19:40
Jack_Sparrowgraft: Thankfully, you only need to set them once, or when you modify a partition19:40
idefix_crolle17, DRebellion is gone I think19:40
bullgard4zhegao: Read the Forum with the catchword 'networking' first.19:40
zhegaowhere is that at?19:40
marko-_-is there a programm... like i'm setting a date and time and a window will popup at that time reminding me someting...?19:40
crolle17idefix_, mmh... maybe you can help me?19:40
Jack_SparrowmEck0: YEs, there were a few of those problems as well...19:40
yokobri have an asus m2n4-sli, with geforce 7600gs. I cant install ubuntu, because of acpi problems.19:40
mEck0Jack_Sparrow, ok, thx!19:41
Jack_SparrowmEck0: There was also a problem when people mixed ide and sata drives19:41
idefix_crolle17, you have a problem with syntaxhighlightning19:41
crolle17idefix_, yes19:41
yokobrIve tryed everything, like noapic nolapic acpi=off, acpi=noirq, irqpoll19:41
graftJack_Sparrow: yeah, but when i want to go back and see what the fstab settings for /dev/hda2 are, it's a pain in the ass19:41
Shadow147yokobr | !find acpi19:41
idefix_crolle17, that's like in the X-window? I don't know much about the subjec5t19:41
Jack_Sparrow!ohmy > graft19:41
yokobri can even boot, but my screen gets weird19:42
Jack_Sparrowyokobr: You may need the alternate cd..19:42
crolle17idefix_, o.k.19:42
danielitohey ho!!! everytime i startup ubuntu, this nm-applet wants the key for my keyring19:42
danielitohow do I avoid that?19:42
yokobrive tryed the alternate.19:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acpi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:42
SeamusHey guys, I need to get fan speed control working on my thinkpad r60e19:42
yokobron the alternate cd, it says that cant mout my cd19:42
* nickrud drums his fingers19:42
Shadow147!find acpi19:42
ubotuFound: acpi, acpi-support, acpid, acpidump, acpitool (and 4 others)19:43
Jack_Sparrowyokobr: Alternate got you through the install but you could not get in after rebooting?19:43
neverblueDRebellion, did i lose you ?19:43
garbleeeehi all19:43
Picigarbleeee: Please dont, this is a support channel.19:43
yokobrnope, i cant even make it install. I says that it cannot mount my cd.19:43
Jack_Sparrowyokobr: Are you trying a regular install or some sort of vm or wubi etc?19:43
yokobron alternate.19:43
marko-_-is there a programm... like i'm setting a date and time and a window will popup at that time reminding me someting...?19:43
cal-machey guys i'm having a problem with ubuntu and my wireless card.  currently there is a line in a file somewhere assigning the name wlan0 to a MAC identifier that i need to remove, but it's not where it's described to be '/etc/iftab'  can anyone tell me where i can find this file?19:43
yokobri can install xubuntu, but not my ubuntu and ubuntu studio cds.19:44
crolle17idefix_, DRebellion doing :syntax on helps...19:44
Jack_Sparrowyokobr: But that did not answer my question19:45
idefix_crolle17? I used ultraedit in the past it had syntax highlighting19:45
Flannelyokobr: With the alternate CD, install the "server" (no GUI), then afterwards, install whatever GUI system you want19:45
yokobrim on a regular install19:45
idefix_it was a really cool program19:45
nickrudcrolle17: emacs isn't brokein19:45
Jack_Sparrowyokobr: Where do you get the error can't mount?19:45
LukaszI get an error cannot be mounted 1719:45
idefix_but in linux you have cool editors already, no use paying for software such as ultraedit19:46
crolle17nickrud, who talks about emacs?19:46
idefix_allthough ultraedit was very cool19:46
Trampcal-mac: check /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules19:46
yokobrWell, after it gets my keyboard type.19:46
idefix_GUYS? does ultraedit exist in ubuntu?19:46
LukaszAnyone know how to fix error 17 cannot be mounted19:46
ghosthello there anyone know why web browser(firefox...) crash with flash animation?19:46
crolle17idefix_, when i code i use eclipse ;)19:46
nickrudcrolle17: nm me, just a joke19:46
Lukasz!error 1719:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about error 17 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:46
idefix_crolle17, do you have a cool screenshot?19:46
crolle17idefix_, about what? me?19:46
idefix_crolle17 that'd be cool too, but I actually meant eclipse..19:47
grekkosidefix_: i prefer to use vim for my editing :) it's a very powerful editor if you know how to use it19:47
crolle17idefix_, i can make.19:47
EvaLuaTeis there any way to 'undo' the changes made by an installation ?19:47
garbleeeek bye19:47
idefix_vim, that's the masochistic editor, I remember some companies use it19:47
Dr_willisEvaLuaTe, undo what exactly?19:47
crolle17idefix_, why you're asking?19:47
=== RULER_ is now known as Catsceo
Pici!offtopic | idefix_ crolle1719:48
ubotuidefix_ crolle17: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:48
crolle17idefix_, mmh. it's not masochistic, trust me.19:48
yokobrwell, i can install if i use my xubuntu cd =)19:48
idefix_at my traineeship company my supervisor always used UltraEdit19:48
yokobrbut i just wanted ubuntu studio.19:48
LukaszI need help I get an error 17 cannot be mounted19:48
EvaLuaTeDr_willis, i tried to install vhcs and it uninstalled some programs and installed some others instead and i would like to undo that, any idea please ?19:48
crolle17Pici, we're talking abut vim, eclipse or even emacs. that is linux- software.19:49
idefix_the emblems ubuntu choses from are they in all formats in /usr/share/icons/gnome/*/emblems ?19:49
Dr_willisEvaLuaTe,  you can always try to just reinstall the ones it removed.19:49
ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2119:49
DRebellionidefix_: thats what i got from a quick locate19:49
jgalvinI have my two monitors working properly - login on one, blank on the other with proper color and resolution on the other, with mouse moving between them - with the ATI drivers, but when I go to log in, it hangs for a few seconds and returns to the login screen.  Anyone know why?19:49
Picicrolle17: That is not an Ubuntu support question.  #ubuntu is not for just random linux chatter, only support questions.  Feel free to discuss it in #ubuntu-offtopic however.19:49
EvaLuaTeDr_willis, is there any way i can view recent changes made to my system ?19:49
crolle17Pici, sorry.19:49
MarkyB86good afternoon!19:50
Jack_Sparrowidefix_: FYI, I just got ultraedit32 to run under wine19:50
neverbluehow can I force Nautilius to login on a network (smb) share ? (its logging in anonymously atm)19:50
_moro_bana_nickrud: it did not show on the grub, i went to bios to  boot from it19:50
jgalvin!repeat | neverblue19:51
ubotuneverblue: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience19:51
neverbluejgalvin, that was un-necessary19:51
nickrud_moro_bana_: don't do that, boot normally. It should show in the usual grub menu19:51
_moro_bana_nickrud: it gave me this : grub loading please wait error 1719:51
komputesGuide to reinstalling grub/mbr after installing XP19:51
jgalvinneverblue, you asked the exact same question earlier19:51
_moro_bana_nickrud: it did not show at first19:51
evsawhat is unmaintained?19:51
neverbluejgalvin, and, your point is ?19:51
Jack_Sparrow!grub > komputes19:51
_moro_bana_nickrud: then i didi that19:52
nickrud_moro_bana_: hm, did your original one boot correctly?19:52
mike90hi guys !! i am a noob :D how can i install a .run file ??????19:52
jgalvinneverblue, exactly what I sent19:52
xTheGoat121xnickrud, heya19:52
komputesJack_Sparrow: didn't work19:52
neverbluejgalvin, if you dont want to assist me, then please dont reply, thanks19:52
_moro_bana_nickrud: yes its the one im using now19:52
nickrudxTheGoat121x: heya back19:52
Picimike90: First, are you sure that the software doesnt already exist in the Ubuntu repositories?19:52
nickrud_moro_bana_: ok. One sec19:52
jgalvinneverblue, follow the channel rules and it wouldn't be an issue at all19:52
komputesevsa: unmaintained, in what sense, where did you read it?19:52
_moro_bana_nickrud: ok19:52
lastentryhi to all, please how can I go in a channel?19:53
mike90yap im sure19:53
neverbluejgalvin, i have always followed the rules...19:53
evsahere http://www.linux.org/dist/list.html19:53
mazenhi all ... i've all-in-one HP photosmart c6100 printer ... how could i set up its scanner driver to my ubuntu?19:53
TtechIs there a way to accomplish the folding notification icon like Windows XP?19:53
Picineverblue: I dont see a problem with the way you have conducted yourself, dont worry about it.19:53
ScuniziThis may be off topic.. but.. does anyone know of a web based calendaring program that will allow an unregistered user to tag themselves as "attending" for a scheduled calendar event?19:53
danielitoyou know. this key-ring stuff is stupid bullshit. with such little 'features' you just prevent users to switch to linux19:54
evsasay: Include unmaintained19:54
PiciScunizi: It is offtopic.19:54
Pici!language | danielito19:54
ubotudanielito: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:54
Lukaszalright Im gonna try something19:54
PiciScunizi: try #ubuntu-offtopic or #defocus19:54
danielitoPici: why do you let ubotu let speak for you?19:54
Picidanielito: Because that is what the bot is there for. Repeating stuff that needs to be said often.19:54
danielitobut not in this case :-(19:54
danielitoit's just true19:55
evsahello komputes19:55
Jack_Sparrowdanielito: Please follow the rules.. this is not a discussion room..19:55
mike90can you help me19:55
lastentrydanielito sei italiano?19:55
danielitoJack_Sparrow: but noone helped me out with my problem19:55
danielitolastentry: que cosa?19:55
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines19:55
DRebellion!ask | mike9019:55
ubotumike90: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:55
Jack_Sparrowdanielito: That is no reason to be rude..19:55
danielitoJack_Sparrow: I wasn't rude to anyone though to the distro that has no feelings19:56
Picimike90: sure:  from a terminal:  chmod +x file.bin ; bash file.bin19:56
lastentrydanielito: eres espanol?19:56
neverblue!es | lastentry19:56
danielitolastentry: no, pero hablo espaniol :)19:56
ubotulastentry: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.19:56
ScuniziPici. Thanks... been to ubu-offtopic.. nothing... trying defocus now.19:56
Jack_Sparrowdanielito: Feel free to discuss it in #Ubuntu-offtopic19:56
lastentryno problem. can tell me please how I can go in a channel please?19:56
Picilastentry: /j #channel19:57
lastentrythank you very much Pici19:57
danielitowhat is the default root-password when I start the live/install-disc?19:57
nickrud_moro_bana_: still here, by the way19:57
danielitoI need to mount the harddisk19:57
fiXXXerMetWhy does the unixodbc package require x11-common?19:57
Picidanielito: There is none.19:57
cal-mactramp: thank you, i found the file.  it lists my wireless card and is described as eth1.  i commented out the line and repeated the steps but the wireless device is still listed as eth1.  any suggestions?19:57
_moro_bana_nickrud: yeh im here19:57
pike_danielito: sudo -s or sudo -i for root term19:57
danielitoPici: so there is now way to get root?19:57
Picidanielito: see pike_19:58
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:58
Shadow147well I am going to boot into windows I have to work on it19:58
lastentrythank you angain Pici. goodbye to all19:58
danielitopike_: nice one, thats so much!!!19:58
* pike_ bows with a flourish19:58
Scunizidanielito: when installing from the live cd you don't need root access.  just click install and follow the prompts.19:58
idefix_hey DRebellion, I found a folder scalable ツ19:59
mike90thanks pici19:59
Jack_SparrowScunizi: He may be trying to repir something not doing the install19:59
ScuniziJack_Sparrow: ah.. true.  even so, I don't remember seeing a root password anywhere on the live cd.. does it do root by default?20:00
Dr_willisyou can jump to the console on the live cd and set a root password if you want.20:00
Jack_SparrowScunizi: Same as ubuntu  just use sudo or gksudo20:00
Dr_willisbut by default i didnt hink it needed one.20:00
danielitookay my friends. so is there a solution for the latest version of ubuntu (gecko or something?) to avoid my system to everytime ask me for the keyring password when automatically connecting to the wireless network on startup? I am using automatic-login in gdm. the system is for my father who has no experience in entering hidden passwords :)20:00
ScuniziJack_Sparrow: yes but will it ask for the sudo password? if so what is it?20:00
shbla99my system clock keeps drifiting20:01
tininAm I the only one that crashes firefox when I close a flash video window?20:01
Dr_willisScunizi,  hit enter?20:01
ScuniziDr_willis: probably.. inquiring minds what to know!20:01
nickrud_moro_bana_: do sudo umount /dev/sdb6 , it may say it's already unmounted20:01
shbla99my system clock keeps drifiting, how can i tell ubuntu to use the hardware/bios clock?20:01
xTheGoat121xshbla99, how old is the computer?20:01
Dr_willisScunizi,  i dont think there is one.. for sudo wanting a password. you just hit enter.20:01
shbla99xTheGoat121x: brand new build.20:01
shbla99xTheGoat121x: 2 months20:02
Dr_willisScunizi,  the default user has no password. so the sudo default password is also blank. (i think)20:02
ScuniziDr_willis: that would make sense on the live cd.. kk. :)20:02
Dr_willisScunizi,  :) yes it does20:02
xTheGoat121xshbla99, and you're sure that it's not the BIOS clock itself?20:02
Trampcal-mac: you removed the line and rebooted?20:03
_moro_bana_nickrud: it said nothing ,20:03
shbla99xTheGoat121x: hwclock says the right time20:03
nickrud_moro_bana_: ok, now run   sudo fsck /dev/sda20:03
nickrudbots on the job20:03
m3gach33zyHey guys i'm trying to install ubuntu onto my desktop and everything is going fine until it starts setting up.  My monitor goes black and doesnt want to display anything... but the cd is running fine cause I can hear it... any suggestions on how to get the monitor to work while installing?20:04
_sojourneris the ubuntu forums site down I can't reach it ? I get some wierd message from comcast , my isp20:04
nickrud_moro_bana_: argh, the bot confused me,    sudo fsck /dev/sdb620:04
KinPumpkinKingI can't get my webcam detected!20:04
xTheGoat121xshbla99, hmmm my immediate thought there would have been HW problems... I've never heard of an OS clock floating.20:04
pinklerosedon't seem to be have all the variables for eth1/inet. failed to bring up eth1. - what this mean? i think i have good /etc/network/interfaces file20:04
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billeniumHello! Is there any possible way i can remove the Left, Right and Bottom boarder around my terminal?20:05
_moro_bana_nickrud: aha i noticed, im its checking20:05
cal-mactramp: no, i didn't reboot.. i did however just look in the restricted drivers manager and the broadcom driver was listed in there!! now it is asking me to select the driver.. i assume i am supposed to pick something from the ndiswrapper folder right?20:05
KinPumpkinKinghow can I mount my /dev/video0 or how can I can have gutsy detect my webcam?20:05
billeniumkinpumpking: mount /dev/video0 /location/?20:06
graftbillenium: eviction notices?20:06
Trampcal-mac: Sorry, I have no experience with ndiswrapper at all.20:06
shbla99xTheGoat121x: is there a way to tell ubuntu to use the system/hardware clock?20:06
billeniumgraft: what?20:06
nickrudlol graft20:07
_moro_bana_nickrud: its force checking ,it said it contains a file system with errors20:07
xTheGoat121xshbla99, not that I'm aware of, I would imagine it would automatically do that but it might not be able to.  Instead, why not synchronize it to an internet time server?20:07
billeniummeh worth a shot i guess...20:07
KinPumpkinKingbillenium, it says it can't locate it under etc/something like that20:08
nickrud_moro_bana_: ok, I hope this takes care of it. The files are right20:08
KinPumpkinKingbillenium, I guess it didn't detect it at all, which is what I really want :p20:08
visofhow can i find the file for xsession?20:08
billeniumI guess so20:08
nickrudvisof: if it doesn't exist, you'd make it. To see it in the filemanager, ctl-h to show hidden files (files that start with a period are hidden)20:09
shbla99xTheGoat121x: for some reason, the ntp server stops running20:09
blackjaxcan you ssh onto an ubuntu livecd20:09
xTheGoat121xshbla99, wow.... that's... really odd20:09
DRebellionblackjax: i don't think the livecd contains sshd20:10
kahrytanDRebellion➲  probably right there. since that opens a port20:10
blackjaxdo you know if knoppix does20:10
steveireHi. I thought intel released source code for their drivers,but restricted manager tells me it's proprietry...20:11
kahrytanblackjax➲  you can make your own live cd20:11
steveireIt's a 3945 intel20:11
steveirepro wireless20:11
anthissteveire im having the same trouble20:11
anthisthe wireless option doesn't show in the network settings does it?20:11
nickrudsteveire: it probably has a firmware blob, that isn't open source20:12
_moro_bana_nickrud: the illegal nodes so i clear them20:12
nickrud_moro_bana_: ok, hope for the best20:12
naliothhow do i change my window manager?20:12
nickrudnalioth: find a broker20:12
steveireanthis: I'm using kubuntu really. I do get a wireless option, but it won't connect to my network atm for some reason20:12
nickrudnalioth: compliant ones should respect the   --replace option :)20:13
Dr_willisnalioth,   at the gdm login screen theres a menu to pick from the isntalled windopw managers.. unless you want to ask a more specific Q.20:13
anthissteveire: did you have to do anything for it to show up? or did it just automatically detect it?20:13
naliothDr_willis: i want to replace GDM with entrance, not gnome for kde20:13
graftDr_willis: those are desktop environments, not window managers20:13
graftnalioth: that's a LOGIN manager, not a window manager!20:14
Dr_willisnalioth,  install entrance, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm, (actually itshould do that automaticially)20:14
* Dr_willis hates entrance.20:14
chazcoHi... does anyone know how to sync a Samsung F700 with evolution?20:14
graftis entrance in the repository?20:14
Dr_willisgraft,  ive seen it in the gOS or geubuntu repos.. not sure about the standard ones20:15
naliothgraft: i don't think so, i'm running a super unstable version of enlightenment20:15
graftdoes entrance do multiple sessions for gnome or KDE?20:15
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naliothDr_willis: any other ideas? entrance is installed but not showing up in the dpkg-reconfigure session20:16
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shbla99how can i get cron/crontab to not log to syslog?20:16
Dr_willisgraft,  and the GDM.KDM/whatever menus can have just 'window managers' listed in them (sawfish, icewm, wmx and so on) .. or they can have the whole desktop. (kde/gnome/xfce), r20:16
naliothgraft: join #e to ask about enlightenment/entrance20:16
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nickrudnalioth: how did you install entrance ? If it's not a deb package using debconf , it won't respond to dpkg-reconfigure20:16
Dr_willisnalioth,  nope.  - Ijust installed the gOS-desktop and it handled all that.20:16
naliothnickrud: i'm not sure where to look for --replace20:17
nickrudnalioth: that was for a window manager, like metacity20:17
idefixI put a png in the dir but I cannot change the emblem of my icon, why is that?20:17
peppois it just me, or is the PS3 Ubuntu 7.10 installer very, very slow?20:17
mindframe-im getting md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz when trying to install flashplugin-nonfree.20:17
naliothmindframe-: run your install again20:18
nickrudnalioth: try setting /etc/X11/default-display-manager20:18
mindframe-peppo, linux has not been optimized for the PS3 cell processor's20:18
idefixdoes ubuntu only pic icon-emblems from the scalable dir? then why are the other dirs there?20:18
naliothnickrud: ah, thanks much20:18
mindframe-nalioth, i've remove --purge'd several times and it gives the same one every time20:18
naliothmindframe-: then find the deb itself from packages.ubuntu.com and install it with gdebi20:19
jugheadhey I plugged in a usb external hard drive before I left home and tried to access it (I use it through freenx) and nothing showed up.  dmesg output is odd... too long here's the pastebin:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51253/ any ideas?20:19
chazcomindframe- - you may want to look at the channel topic20:19
Dr_willisjughead,  ntfs filesystem?20:19
chazcoYou can manually install Flash eaisly though... download the tar.gz from Adobe and put the .so file in ~/.mozilla/plugins20:20
mindframe-yeah i just wanted to have it in the package list20:20
mindframe-i usually do install it manually20:20
jugheadDr_willis, not sure; it's a WD Passport that worked with my linux laptop; it's a WD Passport 160 gig it might be ntfs20:20
Dr_willisthe discussion urlk given in the bot/topic has links to deb's that work also.20:20
chazcomindframe- - once they fix it just delete the .so and install it from the repos20:21
mindframe-yeah ;)20:21
_moro_bana_nickrud: im done with fsck20:21
nickrud_moro_bana_: try the reboot then. May fail, but worth a try.20:21
_moro_bana_nickrud: ok20:21
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geminidominoStrange problem... My ubuntu servers are apparently not obeying the post-up lines I added to /etc/network/interfaces to change the mode to 10baseT-FD. When I run mii-tool from the shell, though, it works. Any ideas?20:23
Safiyyahhi all. i burnt myubuntu  CD as a data disk + it doesnt load at start up20:23
jaggycan anyone give me a decent explanation of how to configure compiz ? :s i searched the web and i don't get any of the things explained there :s20:23
Safiyyahnow wot?20:23
blackjaxis performing nightly backups of one hard drive to another, on linux, an easily feasible task20:23
Dr_willisblackjax,  very feasible20:23
Dr_willisrsync  in a cron job is one way.20:23
blackjaxi'm talking a literaly copy though, so that if one hdd failed, i could boot off the other20:24
kxbxhey all20:24
blackjaxi can't setup raid 120:24
Dr_willisblackjax,  dd can do exact copies..20:24
blackjaxthanks, Dr_willis20:24
blackjaxlast Q20:24
Trampgeminidomino: have you tried running ifup with the --verbose option?20:25
blackjaxif hd1 fails, and hd2 is my exact copy. how would you go about saying "now load off of hd2" haha20:25
Dr_willisblackjax,  you could set up a grub entry to boot either one .20:25
Safiyyahgosh is any20:25
Safiyyahany1 2 help me20:25
geminidominoTramp: I'll try that.20:25
blackjaxgrub is bios-side?20:25
blackjaxso that if hd1 fails it's okie dokes20:26
kxbxwhat is it safiyyah?20:26
Dr_willisblackjax,  I think ya got some reading up to do on linux basics. :) and grub.20:26
nickrudSafiyyah: you have to burn it as an iso, that's a coaster you have (except maybe for reference)20:26
blackjaxthanks Dr_willis20:26
Safiyyahkxbx> i downloaded the VCD and DVD version too20:26
geminidominoTramp: Will --force be safe if I use -n? or does --force override -n?20:26
Dr_willisblackjax,  you could always just tell the bios to boot the other hd.20:26
dreitechhi everyone.. can someone help me? I'm quite new to Linux.20:26
Dr_willisblackjax,  or remove the bad. and swap cables20:26
Safiyyahkxb> I wanted to install the DVD version but anyway20:26
blackjaxtrue, thanks again Dr_willis20:26
blackjaxi appreciate your help20:26
SafiyyahI cant get the VCD to work20:26
Safiyyahat all20:27
Trampgeminidomino: no idea. I'd expect force to take precedence - but the manpage doesn't tell20:27
SafiyyahI just burnt it as a data disk20:27
geminidominohm... it says it's running it...20:27
stathisi am new is anyone that can help me?20:27
geminidominoThis is nuts...20:28
nickrudSafiyyah: and that's the problem. if you mount it in windows and see only one file, the iso, then you burned it wrong and must burn as an iso. infrarecorder is a free windows burner that will do the job20:28
Safiyyahkbx> I tried doing it as a burnt image but that actually didnt go on the disk it went on the HDD20:28
billeniumDo ATI drivers work okay with Ubuntu?20:28
WebspotHey. I'm having problems with the built in microphone on my laptop. It doesn't seem to pick up any sound in any sound recording apps. I've set the recording input to Mic, but it doesn't seem to connect up20:28
_moro_bana_nickrud:  it did not show on the grub menu20:28
geminidominoWebspot: Is this on an intel on-board audio by any chance?20:28
bildpunkthey i have 6 virtual desktops. how can i stick windows to one desktop so they do not overlap to another desktop (when they are opened)20:28
Webspotgeminidomino: Yes, I believe it is20:28
nickrud_moro_bana_: the Drive 2 stuff we added didn't show?20:29
geminidominoWebspot: Had the same problem... trying to remember the fix... Involved switching the input channels in the sound applet I beleive20:29
Shapeshifter_i have a really funny problem. i can't use the ctrl, alt and shift keys anymore. besides of that, e.g. if i click on any menus in opera the will disappear immediatly if i release the mouse button. or e.g. if i click on the kickoff menu the upper menu entry flickers. or i can't just hold a button to have it act multiple times. e.g. i have to write aaaaaaa i have to press a multiple times, i can't just hold it down.20:29
winwinwinrenting a dedicated server VS renting a dedicated line for a server at home20:29
itch_Hello guys. I`m trying to connect to wireless router in my apartment that is configured to use DHCP and WPA encryption. From what i`ve read around the forums, there seem to be a problem when using DHCP and WPA. Is there any fix to the problem ?20:29
Shapeshifter_and this is, since i pressed alt-f2 to disable wireless. i just installed the ipw3945 package as the iwl3945 didnt work ar all, and now the wlan actually works, but my keyboard is messed up. i already had this once with the other driver....20:29
Webspotgeminidomino: I'll have a look around there. Thanks.20:29
dreitechare PCMCIA cards plug and play for ubuntu?20:29
_moro_bana_nickrud: aha only the one im using and the xp20:29
mneptokdreitech: if the kernel supports the device, yes20:30
flipmoderunning kubuntu 7.10 cant get cds or dvds to read anyone know a fix?20:30
sahilis there a way to kill a process and store its data in a buffer and then relaunch the application in its prior state20:30
geminidominogyah... every server... *facepalms* what a pain20:30
nickrud_moro_bana_: ok, then somewhere the right changes didn't get written to the right place.  mount   , and paste the output20:30
billeniumHey, im buying an ATI graphics card, and i want to know if there will be any problems with the driver if i have Ubuntu?20:31
jugheadbillenium, it's possible20:31
Trampitch_: I can't see, what should be the problem with WPA (Layer2) and dhcp (Layer3) - can you give a reference to which problems you refer?20:31
_moro_bana_nickrud: ok20:31
mneptokdreitech: i'd prefer being asked about PMs before receiving them20:31
billeniumjughead: erm, thanks?20:31
bundagani just installed a gforce mx4000, and using synaptic i installed nvidia-glx; but i am only getting 400fps in glxgears, what gives? should i have installed nvidia-glx-new instead?20:32
Dr_willisbillenium,  i would not buy ati - if you want best linyux sypport20:32
mneptokdreitech: you can know if the card is supported by looking online at what devices/chipsets the Linux kernel supports20:32
Webspotgeminidomino: Nah. Nothing in the sound applet, that seems to fix it.20:32
mneptokdreitech: if it's a wireless card with a Broadcom chipset, good luck.20:32
dreitechmneptok: sorry, I'm new here and to Ubuntu. Thanks.20:32
mneptokdreitech: no problem20:32
itch_Tramp, i just can`t connect to the router. It hangs at "Waiting for IP".20:33
vinicius__how can i aplu an alsa patc?20:33
dreitechmnpetok: how about d-link cards?20:33
vinicius__hottible typing...20:33
blackjaxwhat would be the advantages of doing a nightly rsync as opposed to a raid1 setup20:33
geminidominoWebspot: Gimme a sec, trying to find it in google20:33
Webspotgeminidomino: Thanks20:33
Trampitch_: iwconfig <interface> shows the interface associated?20:33
_moro_bana_nickrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51255/20:33
flipmoderunning kubuntu 7.10 cant get cds or dvds to read anyone know a fix?20:34
mneptokblackjax: RAID is useless in the event of physical catastrophe20:34
nickrud_moro_bana_: you're in the second partition, see the first line there :)20:34
blackjaxbut a nightly rsync would be better?20:34
mneptoki <3 off-site storage20:34
blackjaxoh no no20:34
blackjaxi mean rsync from one hd to another in the same box20:34
mneptokblackjax: to an external drive locked in a fireproof safe? you bet.20:34
itch_Tramp, is that what youre looking for? "eth1      IEEE 802.11g  ESSID:off/any "20:35
Rufusin eggdrop, i get: [20:34] Couldn't listen on port '6667' on the given address. Please make sure 'my-ip' is set correctly, or try a different port.20:35
Rufus    while executing20:35
Dr_willislocked in a room.. surrounded by huge attack dogs! :)20:35
siriusnovabrand new ubuntu  laptop20:35
_moro_bana_nickrud: yes i saw it, what a suprise, i did not notice20:35
siriusnovawhat apps should i install :)20:35
Rufusdoes that mean it cant connect to the server on that port?20:35
mneptokRufus: try an eggdrop channel20:35
LjLRufus: that's more than a bit package-specific, you should try #eggdrop20:35
vinicius__alsa patch in compiling alsa? anyone knows?20:35
nickrud_moro_bana_: so replace the /boot/grub/menu.lst in that one with http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51245/ , that way it will see both partitions20:35
mneptokRufus: that's not an OS error. it's an eggdrop configuration problem.20:35
Dr_willisRufus,  could be the port is in use.20:35
Trampitch_: no, in the 2nd line, after "Access Point" - does it show a MAC?20:35
geminidominoWebspot: This is what I used: http://hublog.hubmed.org/archives/001422.html20:36
Webspotgeminidomino: Thanks. I'll take a look20:36
Rufusis it trying to connect to the server or my computer?20:36
dreitechmneptok: do you reckon d-link cards are supported?20:36
mneptokRufus: try an eggdrop channel, please20:36
geminidominoAny other ideas on mii-tool not working as a post-up?20:36
mneptokdreitech: D-Link uses about 25 different actual wireless chipsets. which one are you talking about?20:36
itch_Tramp, there is no access point or MAC there.20:37
flipmoderunning kubuntu 7.10 cant get cds or dvds to read anyone know a fix?20:37
itch_Tramp, each time i try to connect via WIFI, my wired connection (using now) is hanged up.20:37
mneptokflipmode: you've been asking that for hours and *still* aren't on #kubuntu? ;)20:37
EvaLuaTeis there any way to see stuff that was recently installed/uninstalled please ?20:37
dreitechmneptok, I'm totally forgot the model but I'm referring to a pci wireless card for an old laptop.20:38
flipmodemneptok: i just started asking five minutes ago and there is noone in that irc20:38
Trampitch_: having both wired and wireless at the same time in the same subnet is troublesome for the routing anyways and hard to debug.20:38
mneptokdreitech: your question is basically "i want to drive 300mph."  "you should see if your car supports that."  "it's an Oldsmobile."20:39
th0rmneptok who are you and why are you being a pain20:39
mneptokdreitech: "it's a d-link." is nowehere near enough information to help you.20:39
flipmodethor: i do agree20:39
itch_Tramp,  there are 2 different internet connetions. Not on the same subnet.20:39
mneptokflipmode: there are a ton of people in #kubuntu20:39
Dr_willisthe CHIPSET of a card is more imporntant then the brand/company20:40
mneptokflipmode: which you now know, as you just /join'ed :)20:40
Trampitch_: well, then probably the default-GW switches, for some reason, to the not working wireless - but that would imply that dhcp works.20:40
Safiyyahis  any1 going to help me with this CD problem or what?20:40
Dr_willisive also seen exact identical  wireless cards that have different chipsets.. because the silly company changed the specs.. but just called one a version 1.2, and the other radically differetn card was a version 1.3 :)20:40
cabrioleurEvaLuaTe, sudo less /var/log/dpkg.log20:41
Jefowhen see other wlan networks in ubuntu, can i be sure wlan works on this laptop with ubuntu??20:41
_moro_bana_nickrud: done , then reboot ?20:41
mneptokDr_willis: it's OK. you can say "d-Link" ;)20:41
nickrud_moro_bana_: yes20:41
itch_Tramp, i don`t require to use the bouth connections as the same time.20:41
jaggycan anyone give me a decent explanation of how to configure compiz ? :s i searched the web and i don't get any of the things explained there :s20:41
th0rSafiyyah well I just got here and don't know what your problem is, but if you keep that attitude...no20:41
dreitechmneptok: yeah., i got your point. i'd go check the shop tomorrow for the exact model number. Should I then cross check it with the linux kernel throught the INternte?20:41
Dr_willismnemo,  actually this was a Linksys card  In my case..20:41
mneptokdreitech: is this a card you're thinking about buying?20:42
mneptokDr_willis: yeah, them too. bleh.20:42
itch_Tramp, let me try connect now and see what I get . BRB20:42
RyanPriorjaggy: Use CompizConfig settings manager20:42
RyanPrior!ccsm | jaggy20:42
ubotujaggy: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion20:42
dreitechmneptok: yes. I used to connect by LAN but my uncle broke the pins inside, god knows how.20:42
lil_cainon a dapper machine, is there any way of telling if an NFS drive is mounted?20:42
Safiyyahlol thor20:42
ubitux_someone can give me the result of ls -ld /root/ please ?20:43
mneptokdreitech: you in the US?20:43
dreitechDr_willis: how do you know what chipset it uses?20:43
lil_cain /etc/mtab is singularly useless20:43
Dr_willisthere are replacement network cards. other then wireless..20:43
Safiyyahi seem to have the problem no1 wants to deal with20:43
dreitechmneptok: Maputo, Mozambique, Africa.20:43
Dr_willisdreitech,   lots of googling I guess..20:43
komputeshas anyone seen tonic-pushcart around?20:44
dreitechDr_willis I agree.. mneptok made me realize that a few minutes ago20:44
mneptokdreitech: desculpe, que pena. ;)20:44
Safiyyahdreitech mozambique... wow20:44
itch_Tramp, noup. No MAC ..20:44
nickrudSafiyyah: I've already given you the fix20:44
mneptokdreitech: look at the compatability list at http://madwifi.org20:44
geminidominoSafiyyah: You've been told how to fix it more than once already20:44
Trampitch_: but if you have no MAC it should clearly say "not associated"?20:44
mneptokdreitech: choose a card using an Atheros chipset that others have reported works20:44
WinShadeok, i screwed myself...20:45
poeloqpoeloq: what?20:45
impsynI'm trying to compile the DRI drivers for an Ati card and I got to step 1.7 on http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/Building but I just don't understand what it's telling me to do. Can anyone assist? It seems like kernel stuff but I donno exactly what the guy means or how to tell if it's applicable.20:45
poeloqMax__: what?20:45
dreitechmneptok: nao falo bem de portugues.. eu estou aqui um ano tres mes porque eu estudou em swazilandia.. muito obrigado20:45
mneptokdreitech: you could also take an Ubuntu LiveCD to the store, and ask to test the card using a live session20:45
Safiyyahgemini i apologise..... i was watching the screen for a while saw no responses and finally rebooted to try a few other options20:45
geminidominoSafiyyah: What burning software are you using?20:46
mneptokdreitech: really? wow, i have a very good friend from Swaziland. and i don't speak Portugese well, either. :)20:46
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nickrudSafiyyah: if you mount it in windows and see only one file, the iso, then you burned it wrong and must burn as an iso. infrarecorder is a free windows burner that will do the job20:46
dreitechmneptok: I tried telling them that but they really have bad service.. I'm serious. Waterford Kamhlaba UWCSA20:46
WinShadei didnt have an internet connection so i download ndiswrapper 1.51 from the website and tried to install it following the instructions. that failed, finally i ran a really long wire to hook it up to the internet and tried uninstalling ndiswrapper, and then installing (via synaptic) ndiswrapper 1.43. now when i try modprobe ndiswrapper i get "could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/misc/ndiswrapper.ko': No such file or directory.20:47
WinShadeAny ideas anyone?20:47
LandonDoes anyone know how much RAM a cli only ubuntu installation with apache and postfix would take?20:47
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mneptokdreitech: the MadWiFi Compatability chart will set you right20:47
geminidominoLandon: I suspect it would depend on the load20:48
mneptokdreitech: http://madwifi.org/wiki/Compatibility20:48
VolkodavHow do I turn off gnome's xkb layout so I can use xkb from xorg ?20:48
LandonI'm just looking for a general figure so I know what level of VPS to purchase20:48
itch_Tramp, here`s what iwconfig says: http://pastebin.com/d24b3c35420:48
Landonright now I'm looking at one with 64mb ram, but I'm not sure how much I'd have to go around after getting everything installed20:48
geminidominoLandon: Well, how much traffic do you expect to get? Do you intend on running bayes filters on the email? Etc...20:48
Trampitch_: well, as I said "not associated" - so your WPA does not work at all20:49
leppardsHi, can anyone point me to a document detailing the installation of Ubuntu on an external USB drive and being able to boot from a macbook pro20:49
RyanPrior!usb | leppards20:49
ubotuleppards: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick20:49
dreitechmneptok: thanks a lot. I've been going crazy about this. Would you believe me that someone just gave me a laptop for free?20:49
LandonI don't expect very much traffic or anything very intensive on there20:49
mneptokdreitech: any bloodstains?20:49
blackjax!usb | def20:49
ubotudef: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick20:49
itch_Tramp, it should.20:49
itch_Tramp, how do i find out ?20:49
LandonI just need to get something I can put my mail and webserver on20:49
LjLLandon: although not really a Server-specific question, you might try asking on #ubuntu-server, since that's a typical setup for the Server edition much more than the Desktop edition20:50
Trampitch_: you are using wpa_supplicant, I presume?20:50
leppardsubotu: would this also be applicable to a USB drive instead of a stick.20:50
itch_Tramp, i`m using wicd network manager.20:50
geminidominoLandon: Then 64MB might be tight but passable, 128 would probably be better.20:50
opapoI have a problem installing Ubuntu on a 1U HP proliant server20:50
leppardsubotu : would this also be applicable to a USB drive instead of a stick.20:50
ouellettesris there an apt log file?20:50
geminidominoLandon: Just have to worry about load spikes on the apache. Try not to get slashdotted. :)20:50
Landonthanks to both, that answered my question and I'll be sure to go check out -server if I need more help20:50
RyanPrior!bot | leppards20:50
WinShadendiswrapper.ko is missing.. is there anyway i can get this file? I've tried completely removing ndiswrapper and reinstalling but it still says ndiswrapper.ko is missing. Ideas?20:50
ubotuleppards: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:50
itch_Tramp, yes, i installed that from reps. But i`m not sure that i configure it right.20:50
Safiyyahnickrud: it actually looks more like a zip file.. which when unzipped I get all the other files and see them. So are u saying that i need to unzip first and then burn? (I am downloading the infrarecorder)20:50
leppardsubotu  would this also be applicable to a USB drive instead of a stick.20:50
geminidominoHalf my servers ignore post-up, half don't...20:51
Trampitch_: dunno this program, but for WPA you usually need a ESSID, a mode and a key20:51
geminidominobetter check the version numbers... I hate inherited networks...20:51
fallorecan someone help me download fusemb? or in some other way get onto the workgroup all the rest of the (windows) computers are on in this house?20:51
dreitechmneptok: no.. no bloodstains.. A friend of mine had this dell inspiron 8100..20:51
opapoIt has a raid 5 array with 3 hard drives and pauses after 33%20:51
EvaLuaTe2008-01-08 20:32:22 status half-installed vsftpd 2.0.4-0ubuntu4 <-what does this mean please ? (dpkg.log)20:51
nickrudSafiyyah: no, you need to make a bootable cd. don't unzip anything (you should have a file ending in iso) and use infrarecorder to create a bootable cd20:51
itch_Tramp, and how do I get those?20:52
dreitechmneptok: i had to replace the RAM and HDD but I got lucky and Ubuntu work as I installed it with the HDD after 10 tries. Been using Linux but very ignorantly20:52
sarthorHI, Using ubuntu Hardy, In GUI, my network manager need to be unlocked, How to unlock, i am new.20:52
_moro_bana_nickrud: bingo! done it, but its perfoming a bit funny20:52
WinShadendiswrapper.ko was not installed or downloaded for ndiswrapper 1.43. how do i find/generate this file so i can use "modprobe ndiswrapper"?20:52
Trampitch_: they have to match what's configured on the AP20:52
_moro_bana_nickrud: thank u very much for your time20:52
Safiyyahnickrud, I did that bootable CD thing using nero + got same thing, will see what infrarecorder says... is this the same for the DVD?20:53
mneptokdreitech: well, welcome to the free software world20:53
* mneptok tootles off for home20:53
DWSR2hey all, does the partition manager in (X)ubuntu support making NTFS partitions?20:53
* WinShade jumps20:53
fallorecan someone help me download fusemb? or in some other way get onto the workgroup all the rest of the (windows) computers are on in this house?20:53
arooni-mobilehow do i find out how many files there are in a given directory?20:54
arooni-mobileusing ls20:54
pike_DWSR2: i dont think you can mkfs a ntfs partition20:54
Trampitch_: You run this AP, right? So you configured the values on the AP somewhere 8)20:54
itch_Tramp, I know the SSID and the encyption key. But what about the mode ?20:54
dreitechmneptok: thanks.. the battery is dead though so I need to keep plugged. Buying a battery in this country is like buying a pc..20:54
th0rfallore fusesmb is available in synaptic20:54
pike_DWSR2: you can setup the partition and let windows format later20:54
falloreth0r: is it fusesmb? not fusemb?20:54
WinShadendiswrapper.ko can't be found even though i installed ndiswrapper 1.43, where can I find it?20:54
itch_Tramp, yes and no. It`s my roomate`s AP. I know that settings, but I don`t really wanna temper with it.20:54
nickrud_moro_bana_: cool, I learned a bit more about how uuid's work myself.20:54
th0rfallore fusesmb - two s's20:54
nickrudSafiyyah: yes it would be20:54
falloreth0r: when i search nothing comes up. do i need an additional source?20:55
_moro_bana_nickrud: u know i copied a 72G to a to 150G hdd its exactly like that, its not showing the free space20:55
sarthorHI, Using Ubuntu Hardy, In GUI, my network manager need to be unlocked, How to unlock, i am new.20:55
ubuntu_hi, when i try to boot up my computer. it comes up in a terminal style, but instead of it saying what directory its in it says (initramfs) and i cant get the computer to boot up at all. what is this and how can i fix it (im on a live cd now)20:55
dreitechmneptok: less technical question: ever been to Mozambique or Swaziland?20:55
_moro_bana_nickrud: then i ll have to use gparted maybe20:55
nickrud_moro_bana_: that's what dd does ...20:55
th0rfallore not sure...give me a sec and I will pastebin my apt sources20:55
fallorety th020:55
bahmanHi everybody20:55
WinShadendiswrapper.ko was not installed or downloaded for ndiswrapper 1.43. how do i find/generate this file so i can use "modprobe ndiswrapper"?20:56
_moro_bana_nickrud: yeh u were researching all this time20:56
nickrud_moro_bana_: not all this time, much of it was spend drumming my fingers, hoping you would be back :)20:56
bahmanHow could I delete some fonts in non root-user account?!20:56
th0rfallore http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51258/    make a backup of your file before using this one!20:56
Trampitch_: well - the mode is most probably PSK. Just enter key and essid wherever your GUI wants them20:56
_moro_bana_nickrud: ofcoz dont change your nick please, u a developer20:57
fallorei'm sorry th0r but i have no idea how to 1. use that 2. make a backup of whatever it replaces :-//20:57
bahmanCould anyone help me in deleting fonts, created by root-user?!20:57
nickrud_moro_bana_: not even close to being a developer. That takes work, this is simple fun. I've been using linux for a while now and try to help out as I was helped when I was strarting20:58
dreitechmneptok: pm?20:58
=== RyanPrior is now known as PirateHead
ompauldreitech, he is gone away20:59
fallorenickrud: i think that attitude is what makes ubuntu and this community so great. ever since i discovered this channel, even though i know nearly nothing, i've been sitting in it trying to help and learn :D20:59
th0rfallore the file in /etc/apt called sources.list is the list of repositories that synaptic uses to find packages. The pastebin url I sent contains a copy of my sources.list, which includes a repo that has fusesmb. You would need to make a backup copy of your /etc/apt/sources.list and then create a new one with the contents I sent.20:59
dreitechompaul: ok.20:59
sarthori am asking again after 5 min, I Using Ubuntu Hardy, In GUI, my network manager need to be unlocked, How to unlock, i am new.20:59
bahmanCould anyone help me in deleting fonts that created by root-user?!20:59
fallorethanks th0r!20:59
_moro_bana_nickrud: i love that, i ve been using linux for almost a year now, i love it, its fun, now wanna know the system very well21:00
Safiyyahnickrud,  I am gonna do the DVD now... ran out of 700MB disks, will try again in a few hours when I restock only have 650MB disks now21:00
nickrudfallore: absolutely. I installed warty on a lark cuz I used debian, opend xchat and got dumped here. Got sucked in immediately. Much more fun than helping on mail lists and debian's channel was too abusive. But enough off topic21:00
arooni-mobilehow do i list all files in a directory and get the date they were created (not modified)?21:01
nickrudSafiyyah: ok, see you21:01
falloreth0r: it wont let me save the file, said something about insufficient permission21:01
Safiyyahnickrud, time to shoot windows..... the infrared wont work. I have been having trouble with installations it keeps telling me exe files are corrupted or commited illegal actions NOT just for this21:02
Tramparooni-mobile: the creation date is not stored.21:02
th0rfallore you need to use 'sudo' to edit system files.21:02
arooni-mobileTramp, is there any way to change that21:02
fallorei was just opening it with gedit, should i sudo gedit it from terminal then?21:02
th0rfallore open a terminal and type 'gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list'21:03
Tramparooni-mobile: change what? Storage of creation date? No.21:03
Volkodavanybody got xkb layout working in xfce?21:03
falloreth0r: just for education's sake, what does the gk part do/mean?21:03
Safiyyahnickrud, downloading image burn21:03
th0rfallore or does ubuntu use gnomesu? the gksu is a gui frontend to su....opens a nice little window for the passwd21:03
senjinhello I have a problem with my graphic drivers the change to vesa generic from my i810 inte graphics drivers and it changes my languge settings to and it makes it inpossible to run blender and games21:04
falloreth0r: i dont know, whenever i do sudo it asks for the password before doing whatever it is supposed to do in the terminal21:04
nickrudth0r: you can change what gksu uses with gksu-properties, but it defaults to sudo backend21:04
th0rStarnestommy  might be that....I created a script for gksu cause I use both ubuntu and suse, one uses gksu the other gnomesu, so I scripted them both <smile>21:04
itch__Tramp, ok, I`ve got it. Had to set the wpa supplicant to wext :) Thanks for the help man.21:04
graftis there some easier way to configure exim4 other than its stupid config files?21:05
=== ward__ is now known as Ward1983
th0rfallore right....entering that password gives you system access21:05
bahmanI added an unsupported program which name was "Ubuntu restricted extras" - It was install some fonts I really hate them! How could I delete these fonts?!21:05
PirateHeadgraft: Write a python script that automates it.21:05
nickrud!gksudo | fallore21:05
ubotufallore: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)21:05
Trampitch__: glad you got it working. So dhcp is now fine as well?21:05
bahmanHelp help help!21:05
leppardsHi, any help would be appreciated with pointers for installing linux on an external USB drive and booting on a macbook pro.21:05
graftPirateHead: uh... what would that python script do?21:05
_moro_bana_nickrud: see you around ,gonna read for my exam21:05
fallorethanks nickrud21:05
bensehow do i mount a device so that a non-root user can read/write to it?  what's that mount option?21:05
nickrud_moro_bana_: probably :)21:05
PirateHeadgraft: It would write a configuration file based on input from a GUI, probably.21:05
_moro_bana_nickrud: u come here often21:06
graftPirateHead: so, in other words, i would have to not only do the work of understanding exim4 config, but create a python script to autogenerate it?21:06
WinShadendiswrapper.ko was not installed or downloaded for ndiswrapper 1.43. how do i find/generate this file so i can use "modprobe ndiswrapper"?21:06
nickrud_moro_bana_: more often than is good for me right now, but it comes in waves. I was away for a year a while ago21:06
graftbense: mount -o rw, plus make sure that they have the appropriate permissions21:07
itch__Tramp, yeah. I`m chating from the WIFI connection right now. The only problem though, I have to restart the apps that are connected to the internet in the moment I switch connection (pidgin, skype, etc.)21:07
PirateHeadgraft: That's assuming that there is no existing exim4 configuration automator already available.21:07
attickidhelp with network settings I have a desktop,it uses wireless card to connect to internet..and I have a laptop..which Im connecting to the lan port of the deskop..I set up ip numbers but when I use ping commands with the laptop it says it cant find the ip number of the desktop21:07
graftPirateHead: that's what I was asking for!21:07
PirateHeadgraft: you'd be saving other people the work, though. :-)21:07
=== jernster is now known as jme`
graftPirateHead: nuts to those people! i want to save ME work21:07
pietro_sera a tutti21:08
bahmanHi all21:08
_moro_bana_nickrud: can u see my ip, one guy guased where i am, he said he looked at my ip21:08
IndyGunFreak!restricted | wweasel21:08
Trampitch__: Yeah, well - this is, because your IP changes.21:08
nickrudgraft , sudo dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config iirc21:08
ubotuwweasel: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:08
diego`seek 3on3/4on4 server off tf221:08
wweaselAh, I was thinking too hard :)21:08
pietro_qualcuno mi puo' dare un canale per scaricare??? vorrei provare21:08
mafubuntudoes anybody knows why only one user on my system do not have windows titlebar, to close , minimize , etccc?21:08
bahmanthanks for your kindness! I have a problem!!!21:08
benseanyone had problems with dbus?21:08
bensefor some reason it just stopped working today21:08
nickrud_moro_bana_: starts with 80, ends with 18. freenode doesn't hide ips, but you can ask for a cloak I think21:08
bahmanAhh :(21:08
itch__Tramp: I know. Well, now I can use my notebook while in the bathroom :D21:08
jshriver_How can I setup a proxy server?21:08
PirateHeadgraft: http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/sendeximweb.htm looks like a useful link21:09
jme`by installing squid21:09
jshriver_rather what package should I apt-get?21:09
Trampitch__: *g* - have fun then.21:09
PirateHeadgraft: I found it by googling "exim4 configuration GUI"21:09
Starnestommydepends on which protocol you want for the proxy21:09
itch__Tramp: Ok man, bye. And thanks again.21:09
steveireI'm having strange problems with my intel 3945abg. I can see a wireless network, but I can't connect. I'm currently using another wireless laptop, so the router/network is fine...21:09
kayceis there a way to run a distro of Linux of any kind (DSL?) on an iPAQ PocketPC?21:09
bahmanjshriver_ search Tor Proxy in google.com21:09
th0rbahman ask the question...so far you havent said anything anyone could respond to21:09
_moro_bana_nickrud: ur info does not show yours21:09
bluefox83kayce, probably21:09
xshadis it _safe_ to do a dist-upgrade ?21:09
jshriver_I just need it on a local work machine so another work machine can tunnel through my connection21:10
jme`define safe :o21:10
nickrud_moro_bana_: I donated money to freenode, so they gave me that fancy thing21:10
Jack_Sparrow_moro_bana_: May I pm you21:10
jshriver_I dont need to be anonymous or anything21:10
bahmanth0r I added an unsupported program which name was "Ubuntu restricted extras" - It was install some fonts I really hate them! How could I delete these fonts?!21:10
_moro_bana_nickrud: u are kidding me21:10
bahmanth0r: I added an unsupported program which name was "Ubuntu restricted extras" - It was install some fonts I really hate them! How could I delete these fonts?!21:10
YeTr2bahman: aptitude remove <package name>21:10
bahmanth0r: I ask this lots of times!21:10
th0rbahman you should be able to delete the package in the same way you added it, using synaptic, apt-get, dpkg, whatever you used to install21:11
_moro_bana_Jack_Sparrow: hey what are u doing to me21:11
pike_xshad: there is a reasonable likelyhood that your computer will not suffer catastrophic failure21:11
nickrud_moro_bana_: no, I've met one of the ops for freenode, he twisted my arm :)21:11
Jack_Sparrow_moro_bana_: Showing you how easy it is to find out21:11
_moro_bana_Jack_Sparrow:tell me how to21:11
bahmanI remove the package, but fonts are now there!21:11
Jack_Sparrow_moro_bana_: http://www.ip2location.com/free.asp21:11
PirateHeadxshad: At the same time, dist-upgrade may eat your children. In other words: backups are a good idea.21:11
Jack_Sparrow_moro_bana_: It will even give you a map21:11
_moro_bana_nickrud: then twist mine21:12
dragon67hi i got problem how can i know if my graphic card is inetalled or no?21:12
xshadhmmm, seems nice21:12
bahmanth0r: I really remove the package but fonts are now be there! in the font folder21:12
th0rbahman if the fonts were installed with that package, they should have been removed with it. Have you logged out and back in to see if they are just cached?21:12
panfistif for some reason i absolutely had to run a flash player through windows which was either virtualized or emulated in ubuntu, what kind of performance might i expect to get, or what would be the best method to try to do that?21:12
PirateHeaddragon67: Try to run a 3d graphical app and see if it works.21:12
sarthori am asking again after 5 min, I Using Ubuntu Hardy, In GUI, my network manager need to be unlocked, How to unlock, i am new.21:12
dragon67PirateHead: i mean is there any program that i can run and show me if it is installed or no?21:13
bahmanth0r: Yeah! I logout severaltime, but I have still a problem!21:13
asathoorsarthor >> you have to run the gui as sudo21:13
PirateHeaddragon67: glxgears21:13
bluefox83sarthor, hardy isn't supported just yet in here...it's still beta to my knowledge21:13
rokraCan we say that the xubuntu is more light that the ubuntu?21:13
th0rbahman are you using gnome?21:13
PirateHeadrokra: Yes, the xubuntu is more light than the ubuntu.21:13
dragon67PirateHead: how do i run it21:13
Jack_Sparrownickrud: Hope I didnt freak him out...21:13
bahmanth0r: could you tell me how could I delete fonts that installed by root-user?!21:14
panfistrokra you can you definitely say it uses less RAM21:14
_moro_bana_nickrud: it wants me to enter an ip , which is what i want21:14
PirateHeaddragon67: You open a terminal, type glxgears, and hit enter.21:14
sarthorasathoor, bluefox83 : i am new, please tell me what to do? shuld i have to reinstall feisty?21:14
nickrudJack_Sparrow: oh, you want my ip? I live in Los Angeles :)21:14
nickrud_moro_bana_: erm ^^21:14
bahmanth0r: Yeah, I'm using gnome21:14
Jack_Sparrowmine is not cloaked21:14
th0rbahman the fonts should be deleted in exactly the same way they were installed. If that doesn't work I don't know how you would get rid of them.21:14
bluefox83sarthor, gutsy21:14
sarthorasathoor, bluefox83 : i am unable to connect to my Wireless.21:14
sarthorYes Gusty21:14
white_eaglecan I make when I enter a web page in nautilus to show it in a web browser?21:14
nickrud_moro_bana_: if you are using xchat, you can right click the person's name on the left and see the ip21:14
bahmanth0r:  I added an unsupported program which name was "Ubuntu restricted extras" - It was install some fonts I really hate them!21:14
sarthorhow to move back to gusty?? is there any command??21:14
SafiyyahJack_Sparrow, what is a cloaked machine? sounds like star trek21:15
PirateHeadwhite_eagle: Why would you want it to do that?21:15
th0rbahman in gnome you should be able to change the font that is used...you shouldn't have to delete them...just start using a different one. I am not sure where the config is done...I don't use gnome21:15
white_eaglejust for fun21:15
bluefox83sarthor, i'd suggest a fresh install...21:15
PirateHeadwhite_eagle: I'm sure it's possible. Download the Nautilus source code and figure it out.21:15
Jack_SparrowSafiyyah: Sorry.. enough offtopic...21:15
sarthorbluefox83, by CD drive is not reliable21:15
nickrudsarthor: nope no going back21:15
rokraokok someone tried the xubuntu 7.10?? seems the 3D is not working fine?21:15
jenyahy yall can anyone help me wit bcm94311mcg install??21:15
bahmanth0r: thanks21:15
th0rbahman look at the desktop settings in the menu21:15
_moro_bana_nickrud:i tried that oon me yeh, but on you no21:16
nickrudSafiyyah: _moro_bana_ you can find out more about ips and cloaking them by asking in #freenode21:16
bahman I added an unsupported program which name was "Ubuntu restricted extras" - It was install some fonts I really hate them! How could I delete these fonts?!21:16
dragon67PirateHead: it work it show me gear doest mean my graphic is installed?21:16
bahmanth0r: sure ;)21:16
bluefox83sarthor, have a usb thumb drive?21:16
th0rbahman it is under Settings -Desktop Settings21:16
th0rbahman  you should be able to change fonts there.21:16
Safiyyahnickrud,  thanx21:16
PirateHeaddragon67: How many FPS are you getting? (It should say on the terminal window)21:16
jenyai try sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter does nothing21:16
FingelHey guys, Im running ubuntu at my house at home, and I SSH to it with putty from my laptop at school, how can I launch GUI applications on the ubuntu computer at home on an xsession that I know is running?21:16
sarthornickrud, ohhh.... then tell me how to connect my wireless.. ssid is khan WPA key is abcd1234 and ip is gateway
PirateHead!vino | Fingel21:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vino - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:17
nickrudbahman: uninstall msttcorefonts , it will remove ubuntu-restricted-extras as well. That's ok since ube is just a list of packages.21:17
_moro_bana_nickrud: thanks  bye21:17
Jack_Sparrowjenya: That is not the right driver for a bcm943xx21:17
th0rFingel you have several options...you can use vnc, do X forwarding through ssh, or use NX21:17
PirateHead!vnc | Fingel21:17
ubotuFingel: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX21:17
bahmanth0r: whrer is this setting?!21:17
sarthorbluefox83, Yes i hav usb pen drive. thumd drive is that??21:17
nickrudsarthor: lol. I live or die by networkmanager I know little to nothing about wireless21:17
dragon67PirateHead: 3678 frames in 5.0 seconds = 731.998 FPS21:17
dragon67piratehead:3678 frames in 5.0 seconds = 731.998 FPS21:17
th0rbahman I can't say...I don't use gnome21:17
=== |fsckr| is now known as fsckr
PirateHeaddragon67: it sounds like your graphics card is probably installed just fine.21:17
bluefox83sarthor, think so...try using that to install it...21:17
nickrud_moro_bana_: see you about21:17
ganymedehello, i have just accidentally rm'ed the /usr, /bin, /etc, and some other directories on a file server (i thought i was rm'ing it off of a mounted disk, not the root filesystem). i wanted to ask if it's still safe to write things onto it's mounted samba shares, before i reinstall linux on it21:18
th0rbahman, if I remember right there is a gnome-configuration-editor...it might be in there.21:18
sarthorblu2, i hav remove network-admin and reinstalled but same21:18
dragon67PirateHead:thanks a lot is there any specific number that it should show21:18
FingelI tired checking off x11 forwarding in putty, gives me an error connection to localhost:10.0 was lost21:18
sarthorbluefox83, , i hav remove network-admin and reinstalled but same21:18
th0rganymede probably not.21:18
jenyaJack_Sparrow: what do i need to get the right onw21:18
sarthorcan any 1 tell me how to make change in /etc/network/interface for ssid is khan WPA key is abcd1234 and ip is gateway
th0rFingel if you want to use X forwarding in windows you are going to have to run Xming at the same time21:19
PirateHeaddragon67: Nope, the number it shows depends on your graphics card, your computer, and so on. On my computer, which has no graphics card, I only get about 400 FPS.21:19
bahmannickrud: Really thanks ;)21:19
Soskelhi, what year did RH release their first distro?21:19
Jack_Sparrowjenya: I dont know about the 943... I use the bcm43xx21:19
unagihow do u change the icon of the batter applet in the sys tray21:19
th0rFingel  check searcher.myvnc.com/geek...I have some notes about remote access21:19
PirateHeaddragon67: However, you might be able to get more FPS out of that card with different drivers. I'm not an expert on that, though.21:19
bcardarellaWhat is the Ubuntu way of installing Apache modules? Do I use apt-get or something similar as opposed to downloading and compiling?21:19
jenyaJack_Sparrow: do you know of anyone of any channle than can help me..?21:20
robyonrailshi guys, what editor do you use for programming?21:20
bahmanth0r: Thanks, <nickrud> said it! I should unistall msttcorefonts ;)21:20
bluefox83sarthor, i dunno how to help you, i think there used to be a #ubuntu+1 or something for the next releases of ubuntu...21:20
PirateHeadbcardarella: Right, you use apt. For example, apt-get libapache2-mod-ruby21:20
white_eaglerobyonrails, I use gambas21:20
white_eagle!info gambas21:20
ganymedeth0r: samba is still running, so i guess most of it's shared libraries and whatnot are in memory, but this can still corrupt the filesystem?21:20
ubotugambas: Visual development environment for the Gambas programming language. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.18-2 (gutsy), package size 957 kB, installed size 2232 kB (Only available for i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386)21:20
Jack_Sparrowjenya: I looked around on google yesterday and didnt find much21:20
bcardarellaPirateHead: okay... must not be available on the repository then. Thanks!21:20
FireHazrdrobyonrails, I use Eclipse21:20
dragon67PirateHead: thanks a lot#21:20
bcardarellaRobyrails: are you looking for a good ROR editor?21:21
jenyaJack_Sparrow: hhmm bummer21:21
robyonrailsno bcardarella21:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eclipse - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:21
th0rganymede I wouldn't want to be on the libs being cached...not all of them....so you don't know when the whole thing will come down on your head <smile>21:21
white_eaglerobyonrails, did that help?21:21
sarthorbluefox83, OK, thank you.. I am hanging.. my feisty was upgraded from the internet to gusty.. so i dont hav any gusty.21:21
robyonrailseclipse is already installed21:21
Jack_Sparrowjenya: I am sure people have got it working with ndiswrapper or fwcutter21:21
white_eagle!info eclipse21:21
ubotueclipse: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.2-3ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 125 kB, installed size 412 kB21:21
robyonrailsI just looked for something what can enhance my productivity21:21
bluefox83sarthor, i don't know if there's a dist-downgrade type command for ubuntu or not...21:21
jenyaJack_Sparrow: i got the light to go on once but i just did a whole reinstall for the sake of expolring21:21
ganymedeth0r: lol, i can't even halt it now21:21
rokrawhy the 3D is not integrated in the xubuntu ? like in ubuntu?21:22
jenyaJack_Sparrow: how does ndiswrapper work? or fwcutter21:22
ganymedewould the kubuntu live dvd allow me to run a samba server?21:22
FireHazrdjenya: i wrote a simple tutorial for ndiswarpper & ubuntu a couple weeks ago. It may help you http://www.firehazrd.com/ubuntu/using-windows-wireless-drivers-on-ubuntu-ndiswrapper-utility21:22
bcardarellaWell to add to the discussion I use Aptana Studio and Gedit. I'm slowly weening myself off of Aptana though... with a little time you can configuring Gedit to act very similar to Textmate. The only downer is that I haven't found any SVN integration yet.21:22
th0rganymede right...like I said...you don't know what is in the cache, so it is pending doom <smile> Good luck21:22
palbuddyhelp! I formated an external HD to ext3 now when I look at the drive in gnome it says 'lost and found' and I don't have the authoriation to access it!21:22
elektronik123witam hello guten morgen21:22
=== Jakarta is now known as Belgium
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:22
nickrudrokra: most people that install xubuntu don't like all the hand holding that ubuntu does, so it expects you to do much manually21:22
PirateHeadbcardarella: You can always write a plugin for gEdit to integrate with SVN.21:22
th0rganymede any of the live cds would work...the only difference is the desktop you will be working in21:22
Jack_Sparrowjenya: I suppose yu already tried all of that21:22
=== Belgium is now known as Garp
th0rganymede  for a server I would use xubuntu...lighter and leaves more for the 'server' part21:23
Safiyyahnickrud, just letting you know my DVD works, thanx 4 ur help21:23
jenyaJack_Sparrow: yep forgot wth i did21:23
jenyaJack_Sparrow: recaping ..lol21:23
FireHazrdjenya: take a look at my tutorial and if it works let me know21:23
ganymedeth0r: i usually choose a server install, a desktop livedvd can offer that, right?21:23
bahmannickrud: My problem is solve :D really thanks again ;)21:23
nickrudbcardarella: you could try installing nautilus-script-collection-svn , it gives you most of the svn stuff you need as a right click21:24
bcardarellaPirateHead: yeah, I know. I've actually written a few modifications to some of the other plugins. But my Python abilities are not good enough yet to write full fledged plugin21:24
jenyasure..i wil21:24
nickrudSafiyyah: , bahman you are welcome :)21:24
th0rganymede I think so.21:24
graftso, i reconfigured exim4 using dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config; now there's a bunch of stuff sitting in /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf, but it hasn't updated /etc/exim4/exim4.conf - what gives?21:24
th0rganymede I used xubuntu for my server so I am not sure ...but at worst case the desktop just sits there not running <smile>21:24
nickrudgraft: restart exim, but iirc exim reads both and creates it's working config on the fly21:25
rokranickrud: yeap, so you confirm me that the 3d is not installed by default on xubuntu?21:25
ganymedepalbuddy: that is normal, only root should be able to access lost+found21:25
Jack_Sparrowjenya: Not much info on the bcm943 uising google21:25
nickrudrokra: it's in ubuntu-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) . I'm not sure if it gets installed by default21:25
palbuddythanks! ganymede....so uh how do I access it through root (sorry newbie)21:25
reportingsjrHow do I install programs with deb files?21:25
Kris07A few days ago, I ran the upgrade manager, and since then my scroll has been acting really weird, it lags all the time, and on any program. Does anyone know what it could be?21:25
ganymedepalbuddy: i think that's where files go when your filesystem gets broken, you can make directories alongside lost+found21:26
twavisdegwethow do i install stuff from source?21:26
DWSR2hey all. I'm looking to edit the partition table of the computer that I'm currently using. Right now I'm in LiveCD. Does anyone have a guide to using mkfs or fdisk to do this?21:26
palbuddyso you are suggesting the HD doesn't work?! I just reformatted it ganymede?21:26
jenyasudo apt-get ndiswrapper utill couldnt find package21:26
xalertwhy errorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr21:26
th0rtwavisdegwet start by installing 'build-essential'. then read up on compiling c programs21:26
ganymedetwavisdegwet: no, it works, the lost+found directory will just always be there, and if you delete it, it will come back when you run a filesystem check21:26
xalertwhy why why21:26
elektronik123mam problem21:26
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:27
reportingsjrHow do I run debs?21:27
twavisdegwetcompiling c programs got it..21:27
xalerti installed java-sun7-jre and jdk21:27
twavisdegwethow do i install build essentials?21:27
elektronik123jak zmienic nazwe dysku ?21:27
ganymedepalbuddy: ^^21:27
xalertbut doesct configure correctly21:27
Jack_Sparrowjenya: FYI it is... apt-get install ndiswrapper21:27
DWSR2twavisdegwet: sudo apt-get install build-essential21:27
elektronik123na inna ?21:27
Jack_Sparrow!find ndiswrapper21:27
xalertE: /var/cache/apt/archives/sun-java6-bin_6-03-0ubuntu2_i386.deb: subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 221:27
ubotuFound: linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-386, linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-generic, linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-server, ndiswrapper-common, ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 (and 3 others)21:27
xalertE: /var/cache/apt/archives/sun-java6-jre_6-03-0ubuntu2_all.deb: subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 221:27
xalertE: /var/cache/apt/archives/sun-java6-jdk_6-03-0ubuntu2_i386.deb: subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 221:27
elektronik123mozna tak ?21:27
xalertthis is error what does it mean21:27
Safiyyahnickrud, once i get accustomed to linux, is there a way to get rid of the windows partition without reinstalling linux?21:27
DWSR2!pastebin > xalert21:27
xalertsorry :D21:28
DWSR2Safiyyah: Yes.21:28
elektronik123w konsoli ?21:28
nickrudSafiyyah: sure, just reformat it and make it an ext3 partition. Mount it as, say, /data21:28
jenyasame problem can find packg21:28
elektronik123czy gdzie indziej ?21:28
xalertwhat şiss the solutşon of this problem21:28
DWSR2You can simply reformat the Windows partition to ext2/3 and use it as a data partition.21:28
reportingsjrHow do I run debs?21:28
elektronik123wiecie jaki ?21:28
DWSR2!english > elektronik12321:28
Kris07A few days ago, I ran the upgrade manager, and since then my scroll has been acting really weird, it lags all the time, and on any program. Does anyone know what it could be?21:28
nickrud!pt | elektronik12321:28
ubotuelektronik123: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:28
IndyGunFreakreportingsjr: double clicking them usually works.21:28
xalertspeak english dude !ÇD21:28
nickrudmaybe I got lucky there21:28
jenyaJack_Sparrow: any reasons y it doesnt find package21:28
DWSR2reportingsjr: You use dpkg.21:29
astro76!plt | elektronik12321:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about plt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:29
Jack_Sparrowreportingsjr: double click them.. but where did you get it...21:29
astro76!pl | elektronik12321:29
palbuddyganymede: I'm really sorry but I can't make a folder or anything21:29
ubotuelektronik123: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl21:29
reportingsjrIndyGunFreak: Oh, I tried to open in through Fx :p21:29
xalerthey anyone interested my problem21:29
reportingsjrJack_Sparrow: It's x64 opera21:29
nickrudgot stupid there actually21:29
IndyGunFreakreportingsjr: :)21:29
DWSR2hey all. I'm looking to edit the partition table of the computer that I'm currently using. Right now I'm in LiveCD. Does anyone have a guide to using mkfs or fdisk to do this?21:29
Safiyyahnickrud DWSR2 thanx. i am on an eradicatin-windows-from-my-pc mission :)21:29
Jack_Sparrowjenya: USe synaptic and make sure you have the extra repos enabled21:29
reportingsjrDWSR2: I'll have to try the double click first, unless that's what you meant21:29
Zilussomeone got a Atheros AR5006EG working in Gutsy?21:29
elektronik123i have block on #ubuntu0pl21:29
Jack_Sparrowreportingsjr: There should be a readme file inside or info where you downloaded it.21:30
DWSR2reportingsjr: dpkg is the binary that will be run when you double-click. I generally run stuff from the command line, but I'm just old school like that.21:30
jenyaJack_Sparrow: got repos enable21:30
nickrudelektronik123: you can ask on #ubuntu-ops for the reason, and to have it removed21:30
jenyaJack_Sparrow: trying synaptics21:30
elektronik123who is ops ?21:30
reportingsjrDWSR2: Oh, ok21:30
elektronik123on this channel ?21:30
reportingsjrCrap, it's i386 anyways, I can't install it. :'(21:30
nickrudelektronik123: the dudes in #ubuntu-ops21:30
DWSR2hey all. I'm looking to edit the partition table of the computer that I'm currently using. Right now I'm in LiveCD. Does anyone have a guide to using mkfs or fdisk to do this?21:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mkfs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:31
xalertsomeone help lennnnnnnnnnn21:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fdisk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:31
FireHazrdjenya, go to "System > Administration > Software Sources" and then check off all the boxes there21:31
jenyaJack_Sparrow: synaptics has common scripts and userspace utilities..21:31
astro76elektronik123: /join #ubuntu-ops21:31
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE21:31
DWSR2and pidgin is so useless.21:31
xalertmy problem i downlaod sun-java-sjdk and jre but system doesnt configure correctly21:31
palbuddyperhaps someone has a good resource on dealing with external hard drives and lost+found...I mean I'll read any documentation, I just can't find it21:31
DWSR2Sorry, but what a crap client to include by default.21:31
elektronik123who is ops ?21:32
reportingsjrDWSR2: Agreed, esp. for irc.21:32
Jack_Sparrowjenya: Read through the wifi link I gave you earlier...  they have detailed info...21:32
IndyGunFreakxalert: are you using 32bit or 64?21:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about parted - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:32
xalertsubprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 221:32
frillewhat is the best defragmenter for ubuntu?21:32
xalert32 bit21:32
astro76elektronik123: join the channel and you will find out21:32
IndyGunFreak!java | xalert21:32
ubotuxalert: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)21:32
Kris07A few days ago, I ran the upgrade manager, and since then my scroll has been acting really weird, it lags all the time, and on any program. Does anyone know what it could be?21:32
grafthuh, why pidgin instead of gaim?21:32
th0rfrille there is none21:32
elektronik123i can`t join ?21:32
astro76!defrag | frille21:32
ubotufrille: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases. A package "defrag" is available in !Universe, however its use is not safe, and is generally not needed.21:32
Tramp!msg the bot | DWSR221:32
ubotuDWSR2: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.21:32
DWSR2frille: Fragmentation does not occur as much on linux systems.21:32
frilleth0r that really sucks21:32
smelroy|workgraft, gaim was renamed to pidgin21:32
steveireI bought a dell vostro 1500 today with an intel 3945abg. Network manager shows networks, but can't connect. What can I do?21:33
x-X-xhow do i close gnome-volume-manager i want to use alsamixer cos gnome has a bug which is affecting my usb soundcard21:33
jenyai just did common for ndiswrapper and utils...how do i work them now..?21:33
* IndyGunFreak jumps for joy, finally got his sound working again21:33
graftsmelroy|work: ah.. imagine that21:33
elektronik123astro76 i can`t join there21:33
Jack_Sparrow!wifi > jenya:21:33
th0rfrille no it doesn't...none is required. linux handles the file storage differently than windows. What does suck is that windows does need one21:33
graftwhat's wrong with it, then? it's one of the best IM clients out there21:33
jenyaJack_Sparrow: just look for wifi?21:33
Jack_Sparrowjenya: You need to read...21:33
x-X-x how do i close gnome-volume-manager i want to use alsamixer cos gnome has a bug which is affecting my usb soundcard?21:33
DWSR2graft: I don't like it.21:33
DWSR2Really, I don't.21:34
jenyaJack_Sparrow: ok..not too much to read but im trying21:34
DWSR2I'm not saying I have an alternative, just that I think that it's kinda....well...lame.21:34
x-X-xhow do i close alsamixer?21:34
DWSR2Although it's a step forward from GAIM >.<21:34
WinShadendiswrapper.ko was not installed or downloaded for ndiswrapper 1.43. how do i find/generate this file so i can use "modprobe ndiswrapper"?21:34
graftDWSR2: can you be more articulate?21:34
x-X-xgnome-volume manager * i meant21:34
twavisdegweti prefer trillian.. but no linux port yet21:34
DWSR2graft: About what exactly?21:34
graftDWSR2: about what's wrong with it21:34
Jack_SparrowDWSR2: Please take the conversation to offtopic21:34
th0rtwavisdegwet trillian runs under wind21:34
twavisdegwetoh really?21:34
twavisdegwetsweet :D21:35
Kris07A few days ago, I ran the upgrade manager, and since then my scroll has been acting really weird, it lags all the time, and on any program. Does anyone know what it could be?21:35
ubuntu_hi, when i try to boot up my computer. it comes up in a terminal style, but instead of it saying what directory its in it says (initramfs) and i cant get the computer to boot up at all. what is this and how can i fix it (im on a live cd now)21:35
twavisdegwettrillian also converts wine to a smiley that's a bottle of wine..21:35
twavisdegwetthat could get annyoing21:35
DWSR2graft: The interface is a little bland. I don't like all the flashy flashy that has occured in WLM, etc, but I would like to see SOME colour (then again, I'm only running the default XFCE theme, so maybe that's why?).21:35
white_eagleubuntu_ how much ram do you have?21:35
ubuntu_white_eagle: a gig21:36
DWSR2ubuntu_: initramfs means that it hasn't been able to mount the harddrive.21:36
graftDWSR2: try kopete.. gnome stuff is bland21:36
* elektronik123 HELP21:36
ubuntu_DWSR2: so if i mounted it myself could that fix it?21:36
DWSR2ubuntu_: possible, although unlikely. The mount probably failed for some reason.21:36
x-X-xhow do i close gnome-volume-manager21:36
Jack_Sparrowelektronik123:  /j #Ubuntu-ops  and ask in there21:36
ubuntu_DWSR2: how would i fix it then21:37
DWSR2Like corrupted MFT or something.21:37
twavisdegwetare chmod and sudo the same thing?21:37
WinShadendiswrapper.ko can't be found even though i installed ndiswrapper 1.43, where can I find it?21:37
brokenIf I am using the ati xpress 200M what ati drivers should I be using?21:37
white_eagleubuntu_ when you run ubuntu press f2 when it counts down and choose the first option21:37
th0rx-X-x why would you want to do that? it handles the mounting of usb drives and such21:37
graftbroken: you're pretty much screwed, mate21:37
graftbroken: nothing out there will satisfy you21:37
graftbroken: i've got the same problem21:37
brokeni just want something that will give me dri21:37
ubuntu_white_eagle: ive tried that21:37
graftbroken: can't do it, as far as i know21:38
white_eagleubuntu_ and the same happens?21:38
DWSR2graft: Can you point me to a good guide for editing my partition table via parted, fdisk, or something?21:38
ubuntu_white_eagle: yes21:38
brokenthat sucks.21:38
x-X-xth0r im experiencing this bug and its due to gnome https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/155109 and apparently closing gnome volume manager and using alsamixer is the way to go21:38
Dr_willisMy x200m works with the fglrx drivers.21:38
year0369_moin wie mache ich ein update auf openoffice 2.3.121:38
Kris07A few days ago, I ran the upgrade manager, and since then my scroll has been acting really weird, it lags all the time, and on any program. Does anyone know what it could be?21:38
brokenMine works but DRI isn't working..21:38
Dr_willisi watch videos with it mainly21:38
white_eagleubuntu_, the run the install again21:38
graftDWSR2: nope... but fdisk is pretty braindead, isn't it?21:38
Dr_willisdri and ati drivers are often an issue.21:38
ubuntu_white_eagle: im not comming off a fresh install21:38
th0rx-X-x  try opening a terminal and typing 'sudo killall gnome-volume-manager'21:38
stefg!de | year0369_21:39
blackjaxhow would you activate eth1 using the terminal?21:39
ubotuyear0369_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de21:39
DWSR2graft: I know, but I'd rather not leave anything to chance. I guess I'll just read the man pages.21:39
ubuntu_white_eagle: it just happened when i rebooted today21:39
DWSR2blackjax: sudo ifup eth121:39
x-X-xth0r will i be able to start it back up again later ?21:39
white_eagleubuntu_ then I suggest asking in the forums21:39
th0rx-X-x if that doesn' t work type 'ps ax | grep volume' and then 'sudo kill -9 <process#>21:39
ubotuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.21:39
DWSR2x-X-x: : Yes.21:39
th0rx-X-x  it should start again when you log in next time.21:39
graftDWSR2: are you trying to resize a partition? or just make new ones?21:39
Kernelhello all. is there a emulator for linux that will do nes/snes/genesis games?. or will i have to use more then one emulator21:39
x-X-xthnx guys21:40
Jack_SparrowKris07: I must ask.. Did you EVER run automatix or envy? Both bad ideas..21:40
unagianyone know how to set gutsy to automatically lock the screen when you close the lid21:40
brokengraft, so nothing will work, not even latest drivers 8.44?21:40
graftbroken: the most i've been able to get is 2D acceleration out of those things21:40
twavisdegwetso are chmod and sudo the same thing?21:40
DWSR2graft: resize existing to make space for a new one. I'm not worried about data loss (already backed up), but would like to not make the drive unbootable. I have 2 partitions currently.21:40
brokengraft, what do yo mean by 2D acceleration?21:40
stefgtwavisdegwet: no... you might find reading the !cli factoid useful21:40
unagitwavisdegwet: no chmod allows you to change the access permissions to not need sudo21:41
stefg!cli | twavisdegwet21:41
graftbroken: just does video and such, doesn't do 3D stuff21:41
ubotutwavisdegwet: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:41
twavisdegwetoh lol that's exactly what i was looking for then :D21:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lock - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:41
cybergigoops, forgot I had a session running lol21:41
unagiomg this is frustrating =(21:41
graftbroken: i'm using 8.42, 8.44 might work, worth a shot21:41
brokengraft, the ati site has their catalyst suite 7.12 for these drivers21:41
brokenI don't know how good those are.21:41
twavisdegwetso if i write like chmod twavisdegwet+rwx make_file21:42
twavisdegwetthen i get the permisions?21:42
gyaresuHello usual suspects.21:42
cybergigKernal, there is one out there most likely...21:42
WinShadendiswrapper.ko was not installed or downloaded for ndiswrapper 1.43. how do i find/generate this file so i can use "modprobe ndiswrapper"?21:42
twavisdegwetjust use the ndiswrapper included ubutunu.. it actually has a ui and all u have to do is install 3 packages21:43
IndyGunFreakhow do i see a list of available wireless networks?21:43
WinShadetwavisdegwet: how do i get it?21:43
tininwhat's the web page of te flash linux developer, I need to insult him a little bit. Firefox crashes most of the times I see a flash video21:43
th0rIndyGunFreak  iwlist <interface> --scanning21:43
IndyGunFreakth0r: thanks21:43
gyaresuIndyGunFreak: from the command line you can 'sudo iwlist eth1 scan' if eth1 is your card21:43
graftDWSR2: gparted from a live-cd not warm and fuzzy enough?21:43
WinShadetwavisdegwet: which 3 packages?21:44
stefgtinin: www.adobe.com :-)21:44
Jack_Sparrowgraft: live-gparted works when ubuntu livecd with gparted sometimes fails21:44
IndyGunFreakth0r: how do i tell if its eth01, or ..?21:44
cybergigKernal, http://justlinux.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6604221:44
DWSR2Oh DUH.21:45
xalerti realize21:45
unagidoes no one here prefer their screen to lock when they close their laptop?21:45
DWSR2Forgot that Ubuntu comes with Parted by default.21:45
th0rIndyGunFreak ifconfig or iwconfig21:45
tehtrk_unagi: I don't21:45
Xintrudercompiz causes my ubuntu to freeze. Is this common?21:45
DWSR2Xintruder: Not rare, that's for sure. Sounds like either a driver issue or your computer choking.21:45
cybergigKernel, http://justlinux.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6604221:45
rodolfoJack_Sparrow: hello. as I want to update my video driver, I want to use Git to check out for new stuff. but I don't know how to use Git. Can you help?21:46
stefgunagi: that was default behaviour until dapper (?) ... people kept complaining, so it was changed :-\21:46
Kris07A few days ago, I ran the upgrade manager, and since then my scroll has been acting really weird, it lags all the time, and on any program. Does anyone know what it could be?21:46
DWSR2Does compiz-fusion come on Gutsy by default?21:46
unagiit was defauly for fiesty21:46
Xintruderhow can I verify the source of problem DWSR2?21:46
unagiim just trying to get it back21:46
DWSR2Xintruder: Good question.21:46
esper]anyone know how to setup http tunneling on an ubuntu server?21:46
graftDWSR2: yeah, compiz is default for gutsy21:46
esper]im trying to make it so i can http tunnel into my network using my mac21:46
unagithere we go21:46
unagigot it21:46
stefgunagi: iirc it's in the screensaver preferences21:46
DWSR2graft: Does that mean that my LiveCD environment does cool compiz stuffs?21:46
bcardarellaHow do I add a user to a group from the command line?21:46
graftDWSR2: hmm dunno... i guess it must21:47
bcardarellaI've tried sudo useradd -G GROUP USER21:47
diego`jemand bock auf tf2 3on3? :D21:47
DWSR2that would be sweet.21:47
* DWSR2 checkls21:47
DWSR2checks, even.21:47
Jack_Sparrowrodolfo: I dont know what git is?21:47
graftJack_Sparrow: git = cvs21:47
unaginow if i could just get my pc to suspend thatd be great21:47
unfim suffering very slow speed while copying into a usb device (flash card), do anyone know which could be the reason? ive read it could be cause its mounted synchronously, but i dont see any flag in its mount line21:48
graftJack_Sparrow: more or less21:48
stefg!suspend | unagi21:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:48
Xintruderso.. DWSR2, any suggestions?21:48
DWSR2Compiz does not come installed in the live environment.21:48
DWSR2Xintruder: Sorry, I'm really newb.21:48
DWSR2Can't help you there.21:48
rodolfoJack_Sparrow: "Git is a popular version control system designed to handle very large projects with speed and efficiency; it is used mainly for various open source projects, most notably the Linux kernel." - http://git.or.cz/21:48
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Jack_Sparrowrodolfo: That isnt anything I can help you with21:49
unagisuspend just puts my screensaver up and tells me that my pc failed to suspend21:49
rodolfo!info git | Jack_Sparrow21:49
ubotujack_sparrow: git: GNU Interactive Tools, a file browser/viewer and process viewer/killer. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.3.20-11 (gutsy), package size 259 kB, installed size 992 kB21:49
robyonrailswhy if I try to request a local php page it asks me to save it (firefox) ?21:49
Trampbcardarella: man usermod21:49
tehtrk_I'm compiling a new kernel for a ubuntu server box. The package linux-source seems to be unrelated to the ubuntu server kernel. Is there a set of patches that are available that are configured  the same way as the server kernel?21:49
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iceman_can you mount a ftp site in kubuntu21:49
WinShadetwavisdegwet: which 3 packages?21:49
graftrodolfo: not that git, a different git21:49
Xintrudercan anyone help me?21:49
rodolfoJack_Sparrow: oh! it's ok21:49
chef_is anyone here running iplist on gutsy?21:49
fallore!ask | Xintruder21:50
ubotuXintruder: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:50
th0riceman_  you don't mount an ftp site...you log into it21:50
rodolfograft: what do you mean?21:50
unfyep, iceman_, just install proftpd or pureftp21:50
Xintruder!Ididask | fallore21:50
stefg!kernel | tehtrk_21:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ididask - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:50
ubotutehtrk_: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages21:50
falloreoh, sorry Xintruder, didn't see. my bad21:50
tehtrk_been there, thanks21:50
iceman_th0r why not? why hasn't anyonne thought of being able to mount an ftp site21:50
iceman_so dumb if i say so myself21:51
Xintrudercompiz causes my ubuntu to freeze. Is this common?21:51
Xintrudernp fallore21:51
th0riceman_ for the same reason no one has thought to eat a chevy21:51
graftrodolfo: there's git = gnu interactive tools, and git = version control, different beasts21:51
chef_is anyone here running iplist on gutsy?21:51
d_tech123Xintruder:  compiz causes gutsy to freeze for me too21:51
iceman_th0r its not a stupid idea. if anything it makes for easier mmngmt of a site21:51
DWSR2Does anyone know of a quick way to do a comparison between 2 folders?21:51
unfim suffering very slow speed while copying into a usb device (flash card), do anyone know which could be the reason? ive read it could be cause its mounted synchronously, but i dont see any flag in its mount line21:51
DWSR2Like a diff or something?21:51
graftrodolfo: for the CVS system, you want git-cvs21:51
tehtrk_stefg: What do you mean? to me that read NOT kernel piped to tehtrk21:51
DWSR2unf: Could be USB 1.x perhaps?21:52
Xintruderd_tech123: do you have good pc specs?21:52
Kris07Hello everyone.21:52
graftunf: how slow?21:52
d_tech123Xintruder:  check out this thread -- another 5 people with freezes21:52
d_tech123I have a new dell laptop21:52
Kris07I have a problem with my scrolling.21:52
stefgtehtrk_: the only way of having the actual kernel source for the running kernel is pulling ben collins' git tree ... as described in the factoid. You might consider going for a vanilla kernel from kernel,org21:52
d_tech123with a GEforce go 7400 running restricted drivers21:52
Kris07Is there anyone who can help?21:52
unfDWSR2, nop, its usb2, in fact it starts copying quite fast, but it turns ultraslow in a few seconds21:52
falloreKris07: whats the exact problem?21:52
Jack_SparrowXintruder: See if the people in #Compiz can find answers..   ATI video card perhaps.  driver (ManuallY Installed) issue? or ?21:52
tehtrk_I thought about going to #ubuntu-kernel, but thats more of a dev channel21:52
th0riceman_ if that is what you are after look at sshfs21:52
Kris07A few days ago, I ran the upgrade manager, and since then my scroll has been acting really weird, it lags all the time, and on any program.21:53
th0riceman_  now THAT you can mount21:53
unfgraft, it lasts copying a simple mp3 more than a minute21:53
T1m0thyI am trying to unzip a large file and I'm getting "error:  invalid compressed data to inflate" in terminal.21:53
DWSR2graft: What's a quick command to compare two files?21:53
rodolfograft: and how can i use it? I looked for documentation on the web but nothing that helpful so far...21:53
Xintruderlink the thread. I use a sony vaio sz premium... wierd...21:53
Xintrudergot it21:53
graftDWSR2: diff?21:53
graftrodolfo: what are you trying to get?21:53
tehtrk_stefg: thanks I didn't see that21:53
DWSR2graft: by files I do mean folders >.<21:53
=== wirechief is now known as wirechief_intel
Jack_SparrowKris07: I never saw an answer ... Did you ever use or try to use automatix...?21:53
chef_can anyone here tell me anything about iplist?21:53
tehtrk_mmmm, git...21:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about iplist - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:54
Lord_IllidanI'd like to ask, does anyone have a problem with buttons remaining seemingly "pressed" after mouse over in open office?21:54
graftDWSR2: redirect the output from ls to two files and do a diff?21:54
Lord_IllidanI dunno how to express the problem, but to try it out..open OpenOffice, and use the Draw Toolbar for instance21:54
DWSR2graft: heh, thanks. :-)21:54
DWSR2good enough.21:54
gcbhi all. How do I download all packages to install VLC on a machine w/out internet?21:54
chef_ubotu: thx21:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:54
Lord_IllidanClick on the flowchart button, open a dialog21:54
rodolfograft: intel video driver (xf86-video-intel-2.2.0) using this -> #git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/xorg/driver/xf86-video-intel21:54
Lord_Illidanand upon mousing-over the buttons in that dialog, you should see that the buttons look wierd..like this : http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/d803bb93bd.png21:54
graftrodolfo: sudo apt-get install git-cvs, then run that command21:55
Lord_Illidancan anyone help with that? Has anyone seen that particular problem before?21:55
iceman_th0r what is ssh?21:55
graft!ssh | iceman_21:55
falloreLord_Illidan: try asking your problem all in one line, it will greatly increase your chances of getting the answer you want21:55
ubotuiceman_: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/21:55
T1m0thyI am trying to unzip a large file and I'm getting "error:  invalid compressed data to inflate" in terminal.21:55
Lord_IllidanSure. Has anyone seen a bug in office that looks like this : http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/d803bb93bd.png21:55
ubuntuhi, when ever i try to boot up after it goes through the grub instead of going to a login screen it goes to a black and white screen and it says "BusyBoxv1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu7) built-in shell (ash)" then goes down a line and says "(initramfs)" i cant boot up or anything, what is this error and how can i fix it?21:56
finnis anybody using a bluetooth keyboard and experiencing lag?21:56
esper]does anyone know how to setup an ubuntu server so that i can  use it as a host for http tunneling?21:57
fallorewow, you got the name ubuntu :D bravo21:57
rodolfograft: so basically, git-cvs does the same that apt-get does?21:57
finnI didn't use the computer for 2 months and now the wireless apple keyboard is lagging like hell21:57
Xintruderd_tech123: so u think its the hardware?21:57
graftrodolfo: no, not at all21:57
finnis there a standard solution to this?21:57
finn(batteries are brand new)21:57
ompaul!tell ubuntu about bootoptions (have a look at the apic and apci options onthis web page)21:57
iceman_th0r is putty the client version?21:57
ghlalahi all21:58
ubuntuompaul: what?21:58
ghlalahow do I display a list of running applications?21:58
ompaul!bootoptions | ubuntu (have a look at the apic and apci options onthis web page)21:58
ubotuubuntu (have a look at the apic and apci options onthis web page): For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions21:58
ghlalain KDE I use "crtl+esc"21:58
ghlalahow about gnomne?21:58
DWSR2christ ls -alR /dev/sdb1 takes forever >.<21:58
th0riceman_ of sshfs? No....sshfs allows me to mount my server as a folder in my home directory. don't know what the windows version would be.21:58
DWSR2th0r: You could use WinSCP to explore SSH shares.21:59
ghlalais there anyone that can help?21:59
ghlalahow do I display a list of running applications?21:59
graftwow, who knew that keybinding existed in KDE?21:59
Lord_IllidanWell...has anyone seen a problem like mine before? To test..it's quite simple:  Fire up OpenOffice, go to the Draw Toolbar, select something like Flowchart, and in the popup dialog, you should notice that the buttons remain pressed after a mouseover21:59
graftghlala: top?21:59
high-freqghlala, ps aux21:59
DWSR2tabbed terminals ftw.21:59
th0riceman_ ssh is a secure telnet...and sshfs works via the same mechanism. Putty does do ssh, but not sshfs21:59
ghlalagraft: I want it in a windowed view21:59
ghlalanot console21:59
ompaul!offtopic | DWSR2 (it is support only, not running commentaries ;-))22:00
ubotuDWSR2 (it is support only, not running commentaries ;-)): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:00
th0rDWSR2 really...will make note of that and have some folks do some experimenting with it. I don't use windows...so have to depend on others for that info <smile>22:00
DWSR2th0r: Yeah, you're welcome. WinSCP essentially turns SSH into an FTP server. Ultra nice. :-)22:00
th0rDWSR2 yeah...I use sftp which sounds like the same thing.22:01
iceman_th0r i'm not in windows btw but ok...so i just need something to access ftp server not to worried about how secure it is...but yeah so what do i download?22:01
ghlalahow do I display a list of running applications?22:01
DWSR2It is, yeah.22:01
Phusioniceman_: gftp is good for a graphical one22:01
th0rDWSR2 going to work with some friends and see if it is the same thing22:01
DWSR2iceman_: You're trying to access an FTP server from Linux?22:01
Phusioniceman_: ncftp for command line is nice22:01
jqkghlala: check your ps22:02
DWSR2The default file managers all support FTP, I believe.22:02
th0riceman_  is it  a windows server?22:02
falloregraft: system > preferences > sessions > current session tab22:02
graftfallore: eh?22:02
iceman_ok thats good. th0r i don't know if its a windows server but more than likely it is. i don't own the server i just use it22:02
falloregraft: in the top bar hit the "system" button. from there navigate to preferences, and then sessions. it will open a window where you can click the current session tab22:03
adaminlaDoes myspace work in ubuntu (firefox)?22:03
ghlalais there something similar to KDE's "ctrl+esc" in gnome?22:03
falloreadaminla: yes, it does. the internet works just the same in windows and ubuntu :]22:03
graftfallore: why are you telling me this?22:03
falloregraft: weren't you asking how to display a list of what programs were running?22:03
th0riceman_ then what you use to access it depends on what they have isntalled. If youjust want ftp access...use gftp22:03
falloredamn! it was ghlala,  not graft. my bad :p22:03
evil_techanyone have xubuntu running on an IT8212 ide raid controller  (either as raid or not)22:04
falloreghlala: : system > preferences > sessions > current session tab22:04
iceman_ok so sudo apt-get gftp ?22:04
th0riceman_ that should work22:04
ghlalathanks guys22:04
iceman_k thanks22:04
fallorenp ghlala, hope i helped22:04
adaminlaSome of the videos don't seem to work on my kids site.22:04
quaalhow do you chmod recursively22:04
falloreadaminla: do you know if they are flash videos?22:04
DWSR2chmod -R22:04
DWSR2quaal: chmod -R22:05
DWSR2The capitalization of command line switches matters.22:05
DWSR2quaal: chmod -R <mask> <target>22:05
graftwhat's especially annoying is that recursive chown is chown -r22:05
esper]anyone around that can help me out with http tunneling?22:05
DWSR2graft: yeah22:05
adaminlano i don't. flash is installed.22:05
graftwait, no it's not!22:05
macdyeah its not22:05
macdchmod is -r22:05
graftmust hav been fixed22:05
fallorealso adaminla, when you respond it would be very helpful if you included my name in the message, it hightlights it.22:05
macdchown is -R22:05
DWSR2chown accepts both I think.22:05
Jack_Sparrowadaminla: Depending on when flash was installed.. it is broken even if it shows as installed22:06
DWSR2Must have fixed it.22:06
tanlaanI have a question about the CPU Frequency Monitor, why can I not use its functionality to "dynamically" scale my CPU frequency? right now I do not have to the choice to either change the frequency or the "Governers" which decide how to scale my CPU22:06
graftthey're finally consistent!22:06
th0resper] I've done ssh tunneling, but not http tunneling22:06
tehtrk_I always do -R for both22:06
falloreadaminla: did you recently install flash/ubuntu? did you install flash through firefox?22:06
DWSR2Been a while since I've chowned anything. I'm the only user normally.22:06
graftwell, chmod -r should be 'remove read flag'22:06
esper]im basically trying to figure out how i can configure apache or some other service to accept a tunnel from my laptop22:06
DWSR2but that's assuming that you don't supply a mask.22:06
evil_techanyone have xubuntu running on an IT8212 ide raid controller  (either as raid or not)22:06
DWSR2If you do chmod -r 777, that's a bit pointless, and offtopic. AnYWAYS!22:06
adaminlaFallore: flash through ubuntu synap.22:07
* DWSR2 shuts up.22:07
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.22:07
falloreadaminla: yeah, theres a problem with flash recently where it wont properly install/work if you download it through synap or firefox22:07
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falloreadaminla: what ubotu just said is what you need :]22:07
th0resper] strange...the only google reference to http tunneling is under firewall piercing <smile>22:08
falloreadaminla: if you need additional help installing flash just ask :]22:08
esper]my lan admin is pretty cool, but doesn't want to go through the trouble of openning ports because of all the paper work involved22:08
esper]so he'll let me tunnel out through http if i can set it up22:08
th0resper] http://www.nocrew.org/software/httptunnel.html22:09
esper]ssh is internal only though :/ otherwise i would be set22:09
adaminlafalloreOk i'll need to go back to my kids place.22:09
falloreadaminla: alright, good luck :]22:09
esper]thanks th0r22:09
graftesper]: what are you trying to setup?22:09
th0resper]  there is even a debian package22:09
macdesperj: privoxy should also do what you want.22:09
tininlets complain for the slow flash videos and firefox crashes here: http://blogs.adobe.com/penguin.swf/2007/12/flash_player_9_update_3_final.html22:09
adaminlafallore, can I just remove flash and reinstall it?22:09
rockzmanHow do I tar all files with X name?22:10
falloreadaminla: as long as when you reinstall it you do it like ubotu said, then yes, thats the solution22:10
esper]th0r: i have alot of down time at work and basically want to forward my WoW connection and also be able to access my network22:10
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pike_rockzman: like tar vfc tarfile.tar *.txt ? i dunno if that works or not22:10
th0resper] yo no se nada22:10
macdrockzman, "man tar" if you know howto use tar, then specify the filenames with wildcards so x*.*22:10
graftesper]: if your home connection can handle it, settingup a VPN via SSH is probably your best bet22:10
esper]~network's connection for when I'm trying to look at sites that the firewall blocks like linux forums22:10
Omnimon-XDoes anyone know how to kill X server display without restarting my comp? I have an irc server running on this comp and I don't want to kill it...22:11
graftesper]: but be advised you'll be limited by your upload bandwidth if you tunnel anything from home22:11
Omnimon-XIt locked up, lol22:11
esper]yah im going to do that aswell, but ssh out of the network isnt possable22:11
graftOmnimon-X: ssh is your friend22:11
macdOmnimon-X, crtl+alt+backspace restarts it, to kill it use sudo /etc/init.d/xorg stop22:11
esper]i have a pretty rock solid 3mbps dsl line22:11
esper]with a static ip22:11
Omnimon-Xkeyboard is locked up in display22:12
macdOmnimon-X, yeah my mistake its x11-common ;P22:12
Jack_Sparrow!lol > Omnimon-X22:13
tehtrk_As near as I can tell, there is nothing ubuntu server specific in the ubuntu kernel git repository, either.......22:13
finnwhat could be the cause for my bluetooth keyboard to start lagging?22:13
WinShade!lol | WinShade22:13
finnit makes it almost worthless to me and I think I need a wired one again :(22:13
tehtrk_finn: too close to the receiver?22:13
Omnimon-Xmacd, it didn't work22:13
Omnimon-Xdisplay is still locked up22:13
macdOmnimon-X, stop gdm also then22:13
finnhow close is too close?22:14
finnand can that really cause problems?22:14
rockzmanHow do I tar all files on my machine with X name?22:14
sliptteeswell...i have problem with session of my bro22:14
tehtrk_within about 3 inches22:14
sliptteesmetacity don't work !22:14
tehtrk_yes it can22:14
sliptteesi need help22:14
finnno, it's about as far away as my foot22:14
sliptteesmy session work metacity ok22:14
tehtrk_then that's not it22:14
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:14
sliptteesbut, session my little bro no :-(22:14
Jack_Sparrowrockzman: Good info on the help page for backup if you want it..22:15
speedbirdcan anyone help me with pidgin upgrade in gusty ? i have downloaded 3 files from debget but i dont know how to uninstall previous ver.22:15
mtretinI've just installed Ubuntu 7.10, and everything works great -- except that my CDROM idsn't recognized; same problem with debian lenny22:15
Jack_Sparrowspeedbird: Use synaptic22:15
finnI didn't change any bluetooth software either22:15
Omnimon-Xmacd, still locked up22:16
sliptteessomeone ?22:16
stefgtehtrk_: the source is the same for all editions. the -server kernels are just compiled with a different config, afaik. But there is no magic in the  ubuntu kernel sources, mainly it's restricted drivers and added hardware support what makes an ubuntu kernel. if you don't need particular hardware supported a vanilla source is just fine to build a kernel for a ubuntu box22:16
fallorei have a file copied somewhere else as a backup. i want to use that file to replace the edited one, but it's telling me i don't have permission. how can i replace it?22:16
macdOmnimon-X, does ps ax | grep X in console list any processes?22:16
rodolfograft: i type the command on the terminal but nothing happens.22:16
speedbirdJack_Sparrow : and select what ? :s22:16
Jack_Sparrowfallore: sudo  or gksudo22:16
SonicadvanceMy laptop has a wireless card, and it is connecting using dhcp upon startup. Is there anyway to make it so it connects to my router at the login screen instead of at startup?22:16
tehtrk_stefg: oh cool, then I'll just reuse the config I have now, thanks!!22:16
graftrodolfo: what command?22:17
TonKifallers: sudo cp /backup /file22:17
ouellettesris there a difference in mini pci and mini pci express?22:17
TonKiin terminal22:17
rodolfograft: should I call git?22:17
Omnimon-Xmacd, it lists tty2 and thats it22:17
JordiGHWhen converting mp3 to Vorbis, is there a way to do it without losing audio quality? I get the feeling that if mp3 already cuts out inaudible frequencies, that there's no reason for Vorbis to cut them out again?22:17
rodolfograft: #git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/xorg/driver/xf86-video-intel22:17
falloreTonKi:  alright thanks22:17
Jack_Sparrowspeedbird: gaim if feisty or pidgin if gutsy22:17
tehtrk_finn: did you change anything major? Upgrade to gutsy, anything like that?22:17
Sonicadvanceouellettesr, Mini PCI is bigger than Mini PCI express. Mini PCI is based off of PCI and Mini PCI express is based off of PCI express22:17
graftrodolfo: what happens when you type it? you're not typing the #, are you? (you shouldn't)22:17
macdOmnimon-X, you see that number in front of tty2, well issue command "sudo kill -9 number"22:17
ouellettesrthanks Sonicadvance22:18
speedbirdJack_Sparrow its pidgin and i m on gusty22:18
falloreTonKi: would this be correct? sudo cp /home/alexander/Documents/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list22:18
Omnimon-Xmacd, it says no such process22:18
rodolfograft: without "#" | terminal returns to me 'bash: git:command not found'22:18
graftrodolfo: did you do sudo apt-get install git-cvs?22:18
Jack_Sparrowspeedbird: tag for removal22:18
Omnimon-Xmacd, I entered the command again and the number is different22:19
macdOmnimon-X, if the number in front of tty2 was 1234 you issued sudo kill -9 1234 right?22:19
DWSR2Does anyone here have a good knowledge of GRUB? I'd like to set up GRUB on my MBR in order to facilitate a completely Windows dual-boot system.22:19
JordiGHBlagh, the non-free Adobe flash player keeps freezing my Firefox. Die die die, Adobe. >:-(22:19
macdOmnimon-X,   ohh, interesting, different number22:19
Jack_SparrowDWSR2: Single or dual drives....?22:19
rodolfograft: oh crap...i just built it's dependencies...hehe =x22:19
speedbirdJack_Sparrow : tag what ? :(22:19
Omnimon-Xit was originally 1223822:19
Omnimon-Xbut it went up22:19
swanbergHow does one get the propriatary (broadcom) netword drivers for a new install of Gibbon? W/o a network connection? O.o22:19
DWSR2Jack_Sparrow: single.22:20
DWSR2swanberg: Hope to god ndiswrapper comes with the CD? :D22:20
Jack_Sparrowspeedbird: Did you find pidgin in synaptic and is it tagged as installed on your system22:20
falloreTonKi: would this be correct? sudo cp /home/alexander/Documents/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list22:20
macdOmnimon-X, that makes sense, did you issue both "sudo /etc/init.d/x11-common stop" and "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"22:20
Jack_Sparrowspeedbird: If you have windows installed first, the automatic installer works very well... I suggest you do manual partitioning and have a second partition for /home22:20
speedbirdoh yes older ver is installed the one which comes with gusty .. .but i want to upgrade to newer ver.22:21
DWSR2Does anyone here have a good knowledge of GRUB? I'd like to set up GRUB on my MBR in order to facilitate a completely Windows dual-boot system on a single drive.22:21
Omnimon-Xmacd, now what? keyboard is still locked up on the screen where the display usually is, and there is a black screen22:21
fallorecan anyone tell me if this command would copy the sources list from the documents folder to the etc/apt folder? "sudo cp /home/alexander/Documents/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list"22:21
Jack_Sparrowspeedbird: Per the instructions where you just downloaded.. you MUST remove the old one first.22:21
stefg!grub | DWSR222:22
ubotuDWSR2: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:22
macdOmnimon-X, well reverse the stop with start now on those 2 commands, and hopefully X will come back up with a login prompt22:22
Priit_MHi! Is there workgroups between linux-linux machines as well, or only between linux-windows/windows-windows machines?22:22
speedbirdJack_Sparrow :  yeah thats what i dont know .. how to remove the old one ?  :s22:22
macdPriit_M, if both windows machines use samba for sharing, yes there is.22:22
macdPriit_M, err both linux *22:22
DWSR2stefg: Looked.22:22
Priit_Mok, thanks22:22
DWSR2stefg: Don't really help me.22:22
Jack_Sparrowspeedbird: In synaptic...  click the little bow where you would select to install it.. there is an option to remove it22:23
Omnimon-Xmacd, now the numlock is blinking on the screen22:23
Omnimon-Xbut its still black22:23
fallorecan anyone tell me if this command would copy the sources list from the documents folder to the etc/apt folder? "sudo cp /home/alexander/Documents/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list"22:23
macdOmnimon-X, Im fresh out of ideas then to be honest, better warn your users reboot iminenet ;P22:23
swanbergDWSR2: :-\ I do have another ubuntu host near, on Feisty. Can I use that to get the drivers?22:23
Flare183fallore: cp22:23
stefgDWSR2: ##windows .... you could use grub for it using the 'chainload' command, but why not simply use windows boot.ini ? 'nuff offtopic ... /j ##winows22:23
falloreFlare183: thats the command i'm using22:23
macdfallore, yes it will22:23
DWSR2swanberg: Yeah.22:24
fallorethanks macd22:24
JordiGHfallore: It would. Be careful you don't typo anything while you write that. ;-)22:24
Flare183fallore: then your doing it right22:24
falloreJordiGH: Flare183: macd: awesome, ty :]22:24
Flare183fallore: np22:24
JordiGHfallore: GNU isn't meant to be forgiving when you're typing "sudo this" and "sudo that".22:24
JordiGHfallore: So be careful...22:24
macdOmnimon-X, but dont give up, someone else here is sure to have another idea, maybe Jack_Sparrow  ;)22:24
speedbirdJack_Sparrow : I found pidgin but there is another file named : pidgin-data and if i will search for pidgin i m sure i will find some more .. i just wanna know which one i have to remove to uninstall it ?22:24
Sonicadvancesudo punched yourself in the face22:24
Jack_Sparrowspeedbird: Uninstall anything pidgin22:25
falloreJordiGH: i am :] this box is mostly a practice run, if i mess up something here it wouldn't be catastrophic22:25
magukoIs there a known reason why using the madwifi driver in an Atheros AR5212 would cause a full system lock-up at sporadic intervals?22:25
swanbergDWSR2: can you give me a hint how?22:25
FingelHow can I tell which displays are in use on a particular machine? so I can set DISPLAY=(whatever)22:25
rodolfograft: it worked. Thank you :)22:25
graftrodolfo: np22:25
DWSR2swanberg: Removable media.22:25
JordiGHmaguko: Of course not, because madwifi uses non-free software, so it's entirely possible that your system is locking up and there's no way to find out why. :-(22:25
TonKifallore: you can autocomplete with tab (folder files commands)22:26
swanbergDWSR2: yes, I know that. I mean, do I use apt-get? And if so, how? Doesn't it default to it's own distribution?22:26
magukoJordiGH, such is what I feared.  I'm already posing the question to #madwifi  :)22:26
unagimy sound wont work.........says something is using it........but there isnt anything22:26
magukoJust wanted to know if there was something documented already.  Would save some headache in tracking down this pretty-severe bug.22:26
aladdinsaneWhy do i have to be a superuser to mount this ntfs disk:22:26
aladdinsaneUUID /media/Xp        ntfs     user,noauto,rw  0      022:26
aladdinsanewhile i can mount this one just fine as user:22:26
aladdinsaneUUID /media/Hdd2        ext3     user,noauto,rw  0      022:26
aladdinsane(and yes, i want them to be unmounted at boot up)22:26
Flare183!ops | aladdinsane22:27
ubotualaddinsane: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici!22:27
Omnimon-Xmacd, I tried to remote desktop to my computer, but got an error, lol22:27
LjL!paste | aladdinsane22:27
ubotualaddinsane: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)22:27
capomy xorg.conf disappeared and now my drivers wont work.  anyway I could get the .conf back?22:28
macdcapo, you prolly have a xorg.conf.bak in there22:28
macdcapo, how/why did you delete it ;)22:28
TonKicapo: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg if no backup22:29
Tigerplughey room22:29
stefgcapo: if you're lucky there's backup files in /etc/X11 ... watch out for files enfing with ~ or datecodes22:29
WindowSmasherHey all, my friend is having trouble with his broadcom wireless card being limited to 24 mb/s instead of it's full capability of 54 mb/s.  Any advice (besides don't buy broadcom)?22:29
TigerplugLooking for some advice on desktop customization and enabling compix22:29
Tigerplug*compiz in gutsy22:29
nickrud!compiz | Tigerplug22:29
ubotuTigerplug: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion22:29
rockzmanhow to transfer a file using scp?22:29
zcodeTonKi: What does -phigh do?  It's on in the mna page22:29
bundagani've tried all nvidia-glx, nvidia-glx-legacy and nvidia-glx-new, none of them work with my mx4000; what gives?22:30
Flare183Tigerplug: try in #compiz-fusion22:30
clawfire_(c'est ubuntu__)22:30
neverbluerockzman, man scp22:30
rockzmanneverblue, f off dude im not asking how to see scp manual22:30
JordiGHrockzman: "scp thefile_here theserver_there:new_filename"22:30
rockzmanim asking how can i transfer that22:30
speedbirdJack_Sparrow : i searched for "pidgin" and i found 22 files !!22:30
stefgbundagan: mx400 needs -legacy (for starters)22:30
aladdinsaneWhy do i have to be a superuser to mount this ntfs disk:UUID /media/Xp        ntfs    user,noauto,rw  0      0while i can mount this one just fine as user:UUID /media/Hdd2        ext3    user,noauto,rw  0      022:30
neverblue!language | rockzman22:30
Flare183!scp | rockzman22:30
uboturockzman: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:30
uboturockzman: SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/22:30
ubotuAcronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.22:30
bundaganstefg, is mx400 and mx4000 the same?22:30
zcoderockzman: scp localfile user@remotehost:/dir22:31
WindowSmasher!noOneCares | neverblue22:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about noonecares - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:31
Jack_Sparrowspeedbird: Remove pidgin  and pidgin-data...    then install fresh pidgin22:31
ikonia WindowSmasher drop the attitude22:31
stefgbundagan: not really, but it's close enough. and it might not meet the minimum /safe/ specs, so it's disabled on purpose for that card22:31
rockzmanFlare183, thanks and JordiGH  thanks22:31
JordiGHrockzman: If you omit new_filename, it'll be the same.22:31
Flare183rockzman: no problem22:31
Aeleonsup, ladies & gentlemen.22:31
WindowSmasherHeeeeere we go.  Have a good one gents!22:31
rockzmanJordiGH, [root@gw060302 tmp]# scp teste.tar.bz2
rockzmanit is on my / ?22:32
capoTonKi: I get this error '/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: xserver-xor is not installed'22:32
JordiGHrockzman: Oh, and this is assuming you have the same username both here and in theserver_there.22:32
speedbirdJack_Sparrow : and what about libpurple ? as i also downloaded that from getdeb.22:32
JordiGHrockzman: Why are you doing this as root?22:32
zcoderockzman: It will only work if ssh is enabled on the remote end22:32
Jack_Sparrowspeedbird: Sure.. pull it too22:32
speedbirdJack_Sparrow : ok thanks :)22:33
nickrudrockzman: yes, it will try to write that to /   , you need to give a file path to your home22:33
bundaganstefg, what should i do? compile my own drivers from nvidia website?22:33
WNxCryptic How do I setup non-local accounts for vsftpd?22:33
AeleonI've got a networking question that involves my ubuntu box at home.22:33
Flare183!ask | Aeleon22:34
zcoderockzman: You might also want to look at rsync22:34
ubotuAeleon: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:34
stefgbundagan: no, get a newer card :-) you can get a FX5200 for ten bucks22:34
AeleonJust getting your attention, Flare183. :]22:34
AeleonI can SSH to my box at home from her ein the UK,22:34
hyper__chubuntuforums.org admin online?22:34
Flare183Aeleon: still do please ask the question22:34
aladdinsaneWhy do i have to be a superuser to mount this ntfs disk:UUID /media/Xp        ntfs    user,noauto,rw  0      0while i can mount this one just fine as user:UUID /media/Hdd2        ext3    user,noauto,rw  0      022:34
Aeleonand I want to set up a VPN.22:34
dualmonitorqsif I create say a 60 gig partition on a hard drive that has a physical size of 120 gigs, can I use dd to copy the 60 gig drive to only the 60 gig partition of the hd?22:34
neverblueAeleon, ask in one line please22:34
Tigerplughow do I enable emerald theme manager? - is it part of compiz?22:34
ikoniahyper__ch: join #ubuntuforums22:34
hyper__chikonia: thx22:34
twavisdegwetso ughh howcome when i try to install stuff it says it couldn't find my kernel version? any ideas22:35
bundaganstefg, all i have in this motherboard is a single PCI slot, so this card was the best option.22:35
dualmonitorqswhoops, I didn't ask my question very well22:35
Flare183!vpn | Aeleon22:35
ubotuAeleon: From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD22:35
nickrudTigerplug: install emerald , that will pull in the theme editor22:35
neverbluetwavisdegwet, mind supplying output from your programs? using pastebin please22:35
macddualmonitorqs, in theory that would work fine, some disk manufacturers ship tools that do what you want with new drives, and the method is similar to dd22:35
magukohm.  How do I check the version of my currently installed madwifi driver?  I'd look it up in synaptic, but it's part of the linux-restricted-modules meta package.22:35
AeleonOriginally I thought that if I could SSH to my Ubuntu box I could just sort of .. use the internet connection on it. I want access to BT and an MMO that my uni's IT dept's firewall is blocking.22:35
neverblue!pastebin | twavisdegwet22:35
ubotutwavisdegwet: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)22:35
twavisdegwetsorry i can't..22:36
twavisdegweti'm not connected to the internet on linux22:36
neverbluetwavisdegwet, are you using apt/aptitude to install ?22:36
neverblueah, then your not22:36
dualmonitorqsif I want to copy a 60 hd to a 60 gig partition on a larger usb drive using dd will that work?22:36
twavisdegwetughh i'm justrunning an autoinstall.in22:36
neverbluetwavisdegwet, not sure what you mean...22:36
AeleonFlare183, does that help with Ubuntu server-side or client-side? My client is Vista, my ubuntu box is my server at home.22:36
stefgbundagan: sadly your hardware will not allow you to run compiz, it seems. it takes /some/ GPU horsepower, if you don't provide it, you can't run it ...22:37
WNxCrypticHow do I create / set permissions for Virtual (non-local) users on vsftpd? And can I limit that access only to /var/www  ???22:37
WNxCrypticCreate users / Set permissions***22:37
AeleonOh, both. THanks.22:37
=== Floxxx is now known as Acsuna
twavisdegwetit's a driver and there is a file that says autostart.in i ran that with like sudo /home/twavsidegwet/Documents/source/autoinstall.in22:37
Flare183Aeleon: client-side I think22:37
ffmWhat is the best free personal finance software for ubuntu?22:37
twavisdegwetand i get an error that my version cannot be determined22:37
macdWNxCryptic, I think you need to read the documentation, and config file examples22:37
* swanberg will try again tomorrow.22:37
bundaganstefg, i'm not shooting for compviz, i'd just like to see glxgears running over 2,000 fps.  i'm going to compile drivers now.22:38
macdWNxCryptic, its all covered pretty well from me just glancing at the man pages22:38
Muskratnalioth, I didn't know you were in here.  :-)22:38
MuskratI need help22:38
ompaulffm, you could look at gnucash22:38
neverbluetwavisdegwet, is there an INSTALL or README included, or documentation online for installing it ?22:38
WNxCrypticmacd: I've read through both thoroughly...I spent a long time trying to give local-system users full access until I realized..well, you couldn't.22:38
twavisdegwetyes it says to run the autoinstall22:38
twavisdegwetand i did22:38
ffmompaul: does it auto-magicaly import data from banks?22:38
WNxCrypticmacd: ill take another look I suppose.22:38
tomttquestion: I am looking into what hardware to buy for a setup with at least to large displays. Any (pointers to) recommendations on what is best supported by Ubuntu?22:38
aladdinsaneWhy do i have to be a superuser to mount this ntfs disk:UUID /media/Xp        ntfs    user,noauto,rw  0      0while i can mount this one just fine as user:UUID /media/Hdd2        ext3    user,noauto,rw  0      022:38
aladdinsanehelp, anyone?22:38
ikoniatomtt: you just need generic linux support22:39
ikonia!hcl | tomtt22:39
ubotutomtt: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection22:39
neverbluetwavisdegwet, network card driver, wired or wireless ?22:39
ompaulffm, you asked for it - it has the best rep I have no idea what it does I use a spreadsheet (living a simple life ;-))22:39
MuskratI'm trying to play DVD's, and it seems to work ok.  but the picture is WAY too bright22:39
naliothMuskrat: just ask your question  ;)22:39
twavisdegwetneverblue : wireless22:39
MuskratI don't know how to fix it22:39
wiske57_Is there a way to install ubuntu to a laptop w/o a CD drive?22:39
macdWNxCryptic, I see a config directive that allows local users to login to ftp, as well as limit them to their home directory22:39
ablyssaladdinsane: you can change the ownership of the drive while root and allow yourself to mount it normally22:39
neverbluetwavisdegwet, check the forums, that will be your best solution22:39
ffmompaul: ah. Thansk22:40
bildpunktdoes anybody know a tool for ebay, so i wont miss any auction?22:40
macdWNxCryptic, all within the top 40 or so lines of the file (that I might mention is documented itself)22:40
twavisdegwetwiske: format a jumpdrive to fat 32 using a formatingtool make it bootable and install it that way?22:40
bildpunktsomething like a timer22:40
ikoniabildpunkt: nothing I'm aware of22:40
naliothMuskrat: that sounds like a hardware problem to me (but i may be wrong)22:40
MuskratI don't think it is22:40
MuskratI used to be fine with windows22:40
Muskratit's this ubuntu program22:40
nickrudffm: yes gnucash will import quicken compatible files22:40
Muskratit's only when I play DVD's22:40
ablyssaladdinsane: chown -r owner:group /media/Hdd222:40
Flare183!enter | Muskrat22:41
ubotuMuskrat: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:41
ffmnickrud: thx22:41
wiske57_twavisdegwet: good till the boot, old BIOS. Any way to boot from floopy?22:41
macdWNxCryptic, so chroot the users to their home dirs, then use a symbolic link to their directory within /var/www/22:41
twavisdegwetlol floopy's are a little bit small22:41
stefgMuskrat: check different players like mplayer and vlc... totem had some issues in the past22:41
aladdinsaneablyss: you mean by right clicking it in nautilus and choosing preferenses for example? cause i did that and set the group to my user, still doesnt mount without me changning to root22:41
twavisdegwetwiske:floopies are a lil bit small i don't see how it would be possible.. condsider ordering the cd off of the site if it is a problem22:42
AeleonUh, I'm trying to install pptpd as indicated in this faq i was listed (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD) but when I try to apt-get it, it "couldn't find th package". I'm SSH'ed to my box, what do I do?22:42
wiske57_twavisdegwet: should be a way to make boot & root disk22:42
capois there any way to get my xorg.conf back if there aren't any backups?22:42
twavisdegwetwiske: there could be but i'm not sure of it :D22:42
Flare183!ask | WinShade22:42
ubotuWinShade: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:42
aladdinsaneablyss: ok, maybe im wrong, but doesnt that just affect the folder after it has been mounted? since thats the mount point?22:42
WinShadei have ubuntu installed, i want to update the bios but the update only comes in an exe file... any ideas?22:42
ablyssaladdinsane: hmm yes.. i think you actually have to be root to mount it22:42
twavisdegwetwinshade: use wine?22:43
capois there any way to get my xorg.conf back if there aren't any backups?22:43
stefgWinShade: freedos, ultimate boot cd ....22:43
wiske57_twavisdegwet: have CD but no drive22:43
naliothMuskrat: try another media player22:43
=== gtmt is now known as dragonus
Muskratstefg, VLC is doing the same thing.  the picture is clear enough, but it's still unnaturally bright22:43
WinShadewill wine work?22:43
=== dragonus is now known as gtmt
aladdinsaneablyss: so its a ntfs issue then?22:43
Muskratit might be a little better, though22:43
AeleonUh, I'm trying to install pptpd as indicated in this faq i was listed (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD) but when I try to apt-get it, it "couldn't find the package". I'm SSH'ed to my box, what do I do?22:43
twavisdegwetwiske: well i'd go with my jumpdrive idea or looks like u gotta go buy a cd drive lol refer to newegg.com that's where there cheapest i think22:43
ogrehey anybody here running linux on a mac? actually the question is does linux recognize macintosh partitions in a dual boot scenario22:43
stefgMuskrat: hmmm... might be an issue with your video driver and xv accelerated video...22:44
ablyssaladdinsane: not sure.. far as I know you have to sudo mount all drives except usb drives22:44
Flare183WinShade: maybe doubt it because ubuntu is controling hte mine part of your computer22:44
twavisdegweti'm running linux on an xbox? i think that's close enough22:44
wiske57_twavisdegwet: have USB drive, maybe I can find way to load drivers first...22:44
Aeleonthat's cool, twavisdegwet; what do you actually do with that?22:44
WinShadeok so freedos it is22:44
rjacksonWinShade: boot from an ultimate boot cd to freedos and run it?22:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about readahead - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:44
=== dualmonitorqs is now known as vontux
WinShadefreedos runs windows in it? i've never used it before22:45
Safiyyahwiske, borrow a CD drive that plugs unto USB?22:45
twavisdegwetAeleon: softmodding.. needed deviced : pro action replay/mega x-key / copy of ghostreacon/mechassualt/007 agent under fire a dvd burner and a brain :D22:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about variants - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:45
Muskratnalioth, as a separate issue, I still can't play windows games on here at all22:45
rjacksonWinShade: you can boot to a free dos environment on something like ultimate boot cd, and run it from there22:45
=== Spec is now known as x-spec-t
WinShadewill do22:45
naliothubotu: tell Muskrat about wine22:45
Aeleonso can you do everything an xbox does + other stuff?22:45
aladdinsaneablyss: no if u use "user" in fstab you normally dont have to be root to do it, as i wrote above i can mount my other drive perfectly fine22:45
wiske57_twavisdegwet: yes, have one if I can load drivers first. Will try.22:46
rjacksonWinShade: http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/22:46
Muskratnalioth, I tried using wine.  it's not working too well22:46
Aeleon& yo, I swear my question is simple, can nobody even say "I don't know" when I ask it?22:46
Safiyyahwiske57, how is windows even on it without a CD drive?22:46
twavisdegwetAelon: burned games.. emulators.. basic applications.. skins... did i say burned games?22:46
rjacksonAeleon: i dont know...22:46
naliothubotu tell Muskrat about cedega22:46
Aeleondo you even know the question, rjackson?22:46
AeleonUh, I'm trying to install pptpd as indicated in this faq i was listed (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD) but when I try to apt-get it, it "couldn't find the package". I'm SSH'ed to my box, what do I do?22:46
rjacksonAeleon: i dont know22:46
Aeleonrjackson: good. at least i know you're useless and won't bother with you again.22:46
wiske57_Safiyyah: there is nothing on it22:46
twavisdegwetwiske: do not try do :D22:46
SmoothOpI GOT MY SDS22:47
SmoothOpnot that i need them22:47
SmoothOpbut i really wanted stickers22:47
ikoniaSmoothOp: ?22:47
wiske57_twavisdegwet: Good attitude!22:47
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:47
rjacksonAeleon: you asked if anyone would not say i dont knnow if you asked a question...i said i dont know... but thx for the compliment22:47
Safiyyahwiske57_, i think travis has an answer, mine would be to get a USB cd drice22:47
twavisdegwetsmoothop: ya i wanted those 2.. put it right over my designed for windows xp..22:47
Flare183!offtopic | SmoothOp22:47
ubotuSmoothOp: please see above22:47
thedoc2097Somebody can tell me how i get the LILO bootloader in the mbr22:48
Aeleonrjackson: Say "I don't know" if you actually don't know. I'm looking for response of any kind, at this point.22:48
thedoc2097I have grub at the moment22:48
AeleonExcept for the cheeky, unclever kind.22:48
ubotulilo is an alternative [Li]nux Boot[Lo]ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.22:48
wiske57_Safiyyah: yes, I think that is only way22:48
Flare183thedoc2097: see above22:48
rjacksonAeleon: with venom like that, good luck getting a response22:48
rjacksonAeleon: would have been better to just ask a question22:48
twavisdegwetis any1 using a 2wire wireless adapter succesfully on ubuntu? details please22:48
speedbirdanyone here using pidgin ?22:48
AeleonI asked the question 8 times.22:48
AeleonYou still didn't read it, did you?22:48
Odd-rationalespeedbird: Me22:48
aladdinsaneWhy do i have to be a superuser to mount this ntfs disk:UUID /media/Xp        ntfs    user,noauto,rw  0      0while i can mount this one just fine as user:UUID /media/Hdd2        ext3    user,noauto,rw  0      022:49
KlrSpz!ask | speedbird22:49
AeleonUh, I'm trying to install pptpd as indicated in this faq i was listed (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD) but when I try to apt-get it, it "couldn't find the package". I'm SSH'ed to my box, what do I do?22:49
ubotuspeedbird: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:49
Muskratnalioth, I have to pay $5 a month just to use windows games22:49
ikoniaAeleon: I missed it, what is the question22:49
thedoc2097What´s above? There is standing I should use grub but I need LILO22:49
AeleonJust posted it again.22:49
^A^kirahey there22:49
ikoniaAeleon: what package can it not find22:49
Flare183!lilo | thedoc209722:49
ubotuthedoc2097: lilo is an alternative [Li]nux Boot[Lo]ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.22:49
^A^kiracvslockd uses 90+% of cpu22:49
naliothMuskrat: no, you don't.  cedega can be obtained for free22:49
^A^kirawhat can i do withthat?22:49
Aeleonoh shit hold on.22:49
^A^kiraexcept of kill :)22:49
ikoniaaladdinsane: that language is uncalled for22:49
Flare183!language | Aeleon22:49
ubotuAeleon: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:49
speedbirdI am unable to send / receive files using pidgin :( even tried the latest ver. ... :s22:49
AeleonYou mean me?22:49
ikoniaAeleon: yes, I meant you22:50
KlrSpzspeedbird: check your firewall settings22:50
twavisdegwetgreat a long message.. no1's gonna scroll up now i gotta reask my question.... question : Does anyone know how to install a 2wire wireless adapter on ubuntu i've tried ndiswrapper the light turns on but then it lags out..22:50
Muskratnalioth, IIRC we tried cedega that time22:50
SmoothOpdoes anyone have suggestions for ubuntu ready laptops22:50
thedoc2097flare183 : I don´t like to use grub22:50
ikoniaSmoothOp: dell or a random small companies22:50
manicnerdWhat does it mean when negative bars appear on my display (above the window switcher and trash can) and sometimes by my mouse?  i cant screenshot them because they dont appear on the image22:50
Odd-rationaleSmoothOp: system76.com22:50
neverbluespeedbird, try shutting down the app, running it from command line, looking for errors, issues22:50
Flare183thedoc2097: oh well..22:50
speedbirdhow ?22:50
naliothubotu: tell Muskrat about qemu22:50
Jack_Sparrowthedoc2097: Why do you need lilo , or why wont grub work for you..  The cute login page of lilo is cute...22:50
speedbirdKlrSpz how to check my firewall ?22:50
Odd-rationalenalioth: You know that ubotu is just a bot..22:50
KlrSpzspeedbird: if you don't know that, just give up now22:51
nickrudSmoothOp: the gateway mt64xx series have ati and broadcom, but work very well with ubuntu22:51
aladdinsaneikonia, is this a bot?22:51
thedoc2097I need lilo to boot the backtrack distro properly22:51
Flare183Odd-rationale: dude he is a op22:51
ikoniaaladdinsane: no, it was my typo22:51
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash22:51
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.22:51
thedoc2097Jack Sparrow: So what should I do22:51
Jack_SparrowKlrSpz: It is a legitimate question...22:51
naliothOdd-rationale: yes, i do.  :)22:52
SmoothOpnickrud, i have a gateway 742gx, never have gotten video or wifi working22:52
_moro_bana_Jack_Sparrow: do you work here22:52
AeleonOk, semantics question: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD When it says "File contains only these lines", does that mean it *should* contain only these lines? Or it really does contain just that, and needs to be edited accordingly?22:52
^A^kiracvslockd uses 90+% of cpu and google doesn't help me, some1 moght know what the problem is?22:52
ikoniaAeleon: when what says "file contains 3 lines"22:52
Jack_Sparrowthedoc2097: There should be some info on using lilo..  It installed on this system once when I installed a distro that included it...  So I know it will work.  Just not how to get there22:53
Aeleonhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD This FAQ mentions options files that I imagine I should be aware of i.22:53
Jack_Sparrow_moro_bana_: Im here alot.. I would not call it a job.. How may I help you22:53
Aeleonand it says "File contains these lines", and quotes some code.22:53
thedoc2097Ah, that´s a good idea, i install a distro containing lilo, but which distro22:53
nickrudSmoothOp: mt64xx series, some very generic hardware on that on22:54
Muskratnalioth, I also can't update ubuntu.  the update doesn't work.  lol so many problems...22:54
thedoc2097Jack Sparrow : Ah, that´s a good idea, i install a distro containing lilo, but which distro22:54
twavisdegwetany1.. 2wire usb wireless adapter.. and ubuntu?22:54
aladdinsaneWhy do i have to be a superuser to mount this ntfs disk:22:54
aladdinsaneUUID /media/Xp        ntfs    user,noauto,rw  0      022:54
aladdinsanewhile i can mount this one just fine as user:22:54
aladdinsaneUUID /media/Hdd2        ext3    user,noauto,rw  0      0pretty please help22:54
ikoniaAeleon: I'm not actually sure what your asking. Can you be specific22:54
Jack_Sparrowthedoc2097: Knoppix I think stil uses it22:54
AeleonDid you open the link I gave you twice now? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD22:54
manicnerdWhat does it mean when negative bars appear on my display (above the window switcher and trash can) and sometimes by my mouse?  i cant screenshot them because they dont appear on the image22:54
ikoniaAeleon: I've not opened it yet, no22:54
thedoc2097jack Sparrow: I have a knoppix live cd, but i think this won´t help22:54
neverblueAeleon, ask your direct question please22:55
DWSR2aladdinsane: because the ntfs drivers require the use of root privs, unless you configure them otherwise. I'm assuming you're using NTFS-3g?22:55
twavisdegwetmnicnerd: if u can't screenshot them it's probably ur monitor22:55
^A^kira<manicnerd> if u have ATI card try to reinstall drivers22:55
manicnerdits a brand new laptop22:55
nickrudthedoc2097: you can install lilo from the repos.22:55
ikoniaAeleon: I'm looking at it now, but there are lots of lines and examples, please ask a specific question22:55
thedoc2097nickrud: repos?22:55
twavisdegwetmanicnerd: ouch well not sure then22:55
AeleonRight. In those examples, it says "File Contains Only These Lines".22:55
manicnerd^A^kira: any suggestions on how to do it?22:55
ubotulilo is an alternative [Li]nux Boot[Lo]ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.22:55
manicnerdit is an ATI card and this didnt happen before i updated to the new drivers22:56
AeleonWhat am I supposed to do with that? Make sure my files contain the same lines? Or is that an indication that there's something I should be editing?22:56
neverblueAeleon, question, please22:56
manicnerdbut no one is reporting this problem22:56
nickrudthedoc2097: sudo apt-get install lilo , the repos are the repository of software22:56
ikoniaAeleon: so the file /etc/ppp/options contains lock #debug is what your asking about22:56
Aeleonneverblue, THis is the fourth iteration of this question.22:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 2wire - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:56
ikoniaAeleon: thats being specific22:56
nickrud!repos | thedoc209722:56
ubotuthedoc2097: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource22:56
aladdinsaneDWSR2: dont know what u mean with 3g, but ok i guessed it was a ntfs issue, can i get around it?22:56
BOZGHey everyone22:56
^A^kira<manicnerd> dl and install from ati site22:56
ikoniaAeleon: your not asking a specifc question, there are MANY exmaples in that page you've posted 4 times22:56
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:56
Aeleonikonia: fine. What do I do with that?22:56
neverblueAeleon, it will contain those lines22:56
Jack_Sparrow_moro_bana_: Did you have a question?22:56
Aeleonneverblue: and?22:56
ikoniaAeleon: what do you do with what ?22:56
^A^kiraworked for me and some my friends22:56
Aeleonikonia: those lines.22:56
DWSR2aladdinsane: ntfs-3g is a piece of software that allows Linux to read and write to NTFS partitions safely.22:56
BOZGDoes anyone notice that videos played on Ubuntu are much darker than the same video being played on Windows?  Is there any way of resolving this?22:56
dstathany ideas why i can only connect to the web for 30 secs?22:56
thedoc2097nickrud : ah in slax it is slapt-get22:56
Aeleonikonia: i imagine they were quoted to me for a reason.22:56
DWSR2It comes installed with Ubuntu >7.0422:56
manicnerd^A^kira: thanks22:56
ikoniaAeleon: nothing - it says "it only contains these lines"22:57
Aeleonikonia: i wanted to know what that reason is.22:57
naliothMuskrat: did you see your server window?22:57
=== ^A^kira is now known as ^A^way
neverblueAeleon, and nothing, it clearly tells you that file will have those lines22:57
ikoniaAeleon: it's telling you what the file should contain22:57
dstathbozg: you are right.22:57
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions22:57
nickrudthedoc2097: yeah, they did that to avoid trademark infringment :)22:57
Aeleonneverblue: so there's nothing I should be doing to those lines, as indicated by the FAQ, right?22:57
Muskratnalioth, what server window?  I did the update thing, and it doesn't work22:57
AeleonIkonia & neverblue: I just wanted to make sure I'm not missing something.22:57
ikoniaAeleon: no, the howto is telling you thats what they should contain22:57
aladdinsaneDWSR2: do i need that in gutsy? i never did anything and it always worked, exept this manual mount thing22:57
naliothMuskrat: your irc clients server window22:57
neverblueAeleon, no one has any idea of what your trying to do, thats why we ask you to repeat22:57
WinShadewill freedos run an exe made for windows?22:57
DWSR2no. it's automatically installed and used in gutsy.22:58
ikoniaWinShade: no, it's dos, not windows22:58
Aeleonneverblue: someone did, and that's why they pointed me to this faq.22:58
DWSR2WinShade: I don't know, but I know that Wine will.22:58
Aeleonikonia: thank you.22:58
WinShade:s... ok i guess i'll just have to try wine22:58
ikoniaAeleon: no problem, just took a while to get there, as a tip try to be a little clearer rather than generic and we'll get there easier22:58
DWSR2aladdinsane: You'll need to install ntfs-config in order to solve it.22:58
bat3manI'm trying to install the GNU scientific library, but when I run ./configure I get (after a few lines): configure: error: compiler cannot create executables  -  anyone know what I need to do?22:58
EvaLuaTeconfigure: error: Cannot find MySQL header files under /usr. any idea how i could install the mysql header files or where they are located ?22:58
_moro_bana_Jack_Sparrow: just that u are always here,someone was helping me here and u were here all that time and still are,22:58
_moro_bana_Jack_Sparrow: are u part of the ubuntu team22:59
DWSR2Run 'sudo apt-get install ntfs-config'. You'll need the universe repository enabled in Synaptic.22:59
dstathi am able to connect to the internet for a few seconds. any ideas why?22:59
Jack_Sparrow_moro_bana_: Nickrud and I were helping you.. and he is still here too..22:59
rdw200169_is there  anyone here who can tell me how to turn off my mouse?22:59
twavisdegwetunplug it22:59
=== gcc is now known as debatem1
neverbluedstath, call your ISP, they would have a much better idea than we would22:59
rdw200169_duh, guy, this is a touchpad that never registers the synaptics driver correctly.23:00
Jack_Sparrow_moro_bana_: Not part of any team.. just part of the community.. which is Ubuntu23:00
rdw200169_i just want it off, never loaded23:00
aladdinsaneDWSR2: ok i'll try it out23:00
dstathneverblue: I can connect without a problem using windows.23:00
neverbluerdw200169, there isnt a button (hardware) to press ?23:00
rdw200169_it's a macbook23:00
neverbluedstath, good to know23:00
debatem1anybody know of a server that permits the safe execution of one of a small number of programs, requires authorization, and does not require suid, sgid, or devices inside of its chroot?23:01
TigerplugWhen I have AWN installed... how to I hide the bar at the bottom of my screen?23:01
Jack_Sparrow_moro_bana_: If you hav a question about Ubuntu I would be happy to try and answer it...  If you have non-ubuntu questions, ask and I will join you in offtopic23:01
Sir_Fredhi :)23:01
rdw200169_with my wacom pad and external mouse, the touchpad never gets the synaptics driver for some d* reason23:01
dstathneverblue: I asked the provided of my modem and they say that they have nothing on linux.23:01
PhusionTigerplug: gotta right click on it and go to prefs and select autohide23:01
neverbluedstath, without any details, no one will be able to just guess and be correct as to why you went offline for a few seconds23:01
rdw200169_i just want it off so I can type without clicking everything on the screen23:01
Odd-rationaleTigerplug: Right click -> properites.23:01
BOZGCan anyone help me with video codecs?23:02
BSG75anyone know why samba is brutally slow?23:02
dstathneverblue: I understand that. I have logs.23:02
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:02
AeleonOk, another question: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD In this FAQ, it's telling me to run echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward & ip_dynaddr accordingly, but when I go to run it, -bash tells me "Premission Denied". Suggestoins?23:02
manicnerdanyone know which driver supports the x1150 by ati?23:02
debatem1anybody know of a server that permits the safe execution of one of a small number of programs, requires authorization, and does not require suid, sgid, or devices inside of its chroot?23:02
KlrSpzBSG75: have you tested your hdd speeds with hdparm to see if it's samba that's slow?23:02
debatem1aeleon: sudo23:02
neverblue!pastebin | dstath23:02
ubotudstath: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)23:02
Aeleoneven with sudo, debatem1.23:02
KlrSpzBSG75: there's also an optimized line you can use for the tcp controller.. lemme see if i can fidn it23:02
BSG75KlrSpz: yes .. ftp.. scp .. is blazing fast ..23:02
neverblueAeleon, look at the permissions23:02
KlrSpzscp is NOT blazing fast23:02
Aeleonneverblue: how? where?23:03
sanyorafirefox's memory usage seems to build up after a while even when there's only 1 tab open. why is that?23:03
x_orCan anyone tell me how to change the timezone on my system?  I switched it, and cannot figure out how to switch it back.23:03
debatem1aeleon: cute. that was my only suggestion23:03
KlrSpzwith 1024 rsa you'll only get about 8mbit at max23:03
Aeleondebatem1: thanks anyway.23:03
neverblueAeleon, its right in your command, your copying/writing to something, look at the permissions23:03
BSG75KlrSpz: I have tried copying it from linux thinking it's because of usual Vista bloat23:03
dstathneverblue: dmesg here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51269/23:03
neverbluesanyora, try restarting it23:03
BSG75KlrSpz: but it seems OS independant23:03
nickrudx_or: system->admin->time & date23:03
AeleonHuh? Could you elaborate, neverblue?23:03
twavisdegweteveryone: so what's a wireless adapter that every1 can confirm works with linux?23:03
neverblueAeleon, whats the command23:04
th0rx_or http://www.wikihow.com/Change-the-Timezone-in-Linux23:04
debatem1aeleon: wait, is that & or &&23:04
sanyoraneverblue: is it the only way to prevent/solve the problem?23:04
KlrSpzBSG75: well do an hdparm test real quick while i look for this line23:04
DaemonikI can't apt-get update http://pastebin.ca/84734323:04
KlrSpzBSG75: something like hdparm -tT /dev/xxx23:04
AeleonNo, no &, they're two serperate commands and I didn't wnat to fill the screen with them.23:04
sanyoraneverblue:  that's kinda dumb23:04
BOZGDoes anyone else have problems with videos in Ubuntu being extremely dark compared to Windows?23:04
neverbluesanyora, quicker than a long winded explaination from more than one person in here23:04
twavisdegwetoh ya for the wireless adapter that works on linux... preferbly one that can be found at best buy23:04
Azzmodantwavisdegwet, I don't think there's a user name "ever1" on at the moment, so you should wait till he gets on before asking what chipset he'd recoomend23:04
Aeleonecho > 1 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward23:04
twavisdegwet^there that one isn't pointed at anyone lol23:05
Aeleonand echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr23:05
Aeleonecho 1 *23:05
debatem1aeleon: which does it fail on? it should not fail on either, but that could help23:05
Aeleonit "Permission Denied"s me on both, debatem1.23:05
neverblueAeleon, then look at the permissions of: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward and /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr23:05
Aeleonand how do I do that, neverblue?23:06
tiny_Hi! Why do I need to create separate partition for installer when installing from existing linux partition?23:06
ubotuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview23:06
tiny_I'm refering to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux23:06
BSG75my usb2 hd is 32MB/sec my internals are 31.3023:06
debatem1aeleon: hmm check for their existence23:06
neverblueAeleon, now its your turn to do some wor23:06
twavisdegwetis there a list of confirmed working wifi adapters for linux?23:06
Aeleonneverblue, you don't need to be rude.23:06
KlrSpztiny_: because it's mounted, you can't write to many of the locked files such as your user namespace (formerly devfs) or proc23:06
neverblueno idea dstath23:06
dstathneverblue: ifconfig http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51269/23:06
debatem1anybody know of a server that permits the safe execution of one of a small number of programs, requires authorization, and does not require suid, sgid, or devices inside of its chroot?23:06
KlrSpzBSG75: yeah that's not that fast to begin with23:07
neverblueAeleon, not having the knowledge to check permissions on a file/folder is a basic skill required in linux, i suggest you give the URL a good read, sorry if that appeared to be rude23:07
debatem1klrspz: you should be able to enable forwarding...23:07
KlrSpzBSG75: and that's most likely buffered, not sustained23:08
mynymlis there an application i can use to make custom keyboard shortcuts less of a pain under gnome?23:08
tiny_KlrSpz: so what if I can't create another partition?23:08
KlrSpzdebatem1: huh?23:08
reportingsjrDoes anyone know how to set up an ftp account on an ubuntu server? I have the ftp program installed but can't figure it out.23:08
Sir_Fredbye :)23:08
BSG75but why is samba shares so slow23:08
Aeleonneverblue: I installed ubuntu yesterday and haven't worked on a commandline in 5 years +. Apology accepted.23:08
neverbluereportingsjr, running a server or a client ?23:08
KlrSpztiny_: then you can create a file and mount it as a drive with the loop option to mount i believe23:08
debatem1klrspz: he should be able to enable forwarding. thats what that line is- echoing one into the kernel setting for ip forwarding23:08
neverblueAeleon, welcome back :)23:08
SeicherlBoBhi there! is there a way to swap between java JREs? I got 5 and 6 installed and need to downgrade now to 5 - but i dont want to uninstall version 6. any suggestions?23:08
KlrSpzdebatem1: i think you have the convo confused, i'm not talking about that one23:08
reportingsjrneverblue: I'm using my computer (the one I'm on now) as a server. (just to learn)23:08
BSG75KlrSpz: I am about to check with nfs23:09
debatem1klrspz: ah srry23:09
reportingsjrSo running a server.23:09
ikoniaSeicherlBoB: /etc/alternatives/java23:09
tiglionabbitI have two monitors connected, but only one of them is showing graphics, and only one shows up in the Screen and Graphics Preferences thingy.  How can I enable my other screen?23:09
neverbluereportingsjr, which FTP server are you considering ?23:09
Aeleonneverblue: not quite a welcome return, but a return nonetheless.23:09
debatem1anybody know of a server that permits the safe execution of one of a small number of programs, requires authorization, and does not require suid, sgid, or devices inside of its chroot?23:09
* Pelo waves hello to the group23:09
KlrSpzBSG75: again, there's an optimization line.. i'm at work and it's all blocked here... i can't find jack squat... i have a config at home optimized that did make a huge diff.. but the ubuntu default is generally pretty good23:09
nickrudSeicherlBoB: sudo update-alternatives --config jave23:09
KlrSpzdebatem1: what's the issue though? ip masquerading?23:09
SeicherlBoBikonia: yes, but there are like 20 links i would need to change manually... do you know a script or tool?23:09
siriusnovacan someone do me a favor and post the url to the broadcom fw-cutter firmware that ubuntu downloads?23:09
SeicherlBoBnickrud: thanks, i'll check that23:09
ikoniaselinuxium: update-alternative is the command I think23:09
reportingsjrneverblue: Well, it looks like I have "The FTP client" installed already. (via package manager)23:09
Bakefycould someone please help me determin if I installed ubuntu server correctly?23:10
ikoniaBakefy: what do you want to know ?23:10
neverblueBakefy, please explain23:10
nickrudSeicherlBoB: be sure to use java  not jave , typo23:10
debatem1klrspz: he's getting permission denied on enabling ip forwarding. last time i checked the only things that should cause that to fail are a kernel compiled without it or removing CAP_NET_ADMIN23:10
selinuxiumikonia: ? I don't think that was aimed at me  :)23:10
PeloBakefy,  do you boot into the command line ? yes : it is installed properly23:10
debatem1klrspz: i may be wrong tho23:10
SeicherlBoBnickrud: hehe, i was sure about that23:10
ikoniaselinuxium: probably not, auto-complete is borking for me23:10
XerostyleIs there someone in here who loves fixing sound cards? Because I've got one hell of a problem23:10
dstathany guess why my connection to the internet stops after a few secodns?23:11
KlrSpzdebatem1: done as sudo?23:11
selinuxiumikonia: np :)23:11
debatem1klrspz: yep23:11
SeicherlBoBnickrud: perfectly fine! thanks a lot!23:11
reportingsjrneverblue: Any clue?23:11
PeloXerostyle, stating the problem is the next step23:11
Bakefyikonia, I have good feeling its not correct... its got some shell running "busybox" (include Pelo and neverblue)23:11
neverbluereportingsjr, i cannot help you, until you help me, please reply to any questions I have23:11
KlrSpzdebatem1: hmmm.. who is this doing this? and did they compile their own kernel? (and why?)23:11
ikoniaBakefy: so you don't boot ubuntu - you just get busybox23:11
Bakefyikonia, I am at command line though. (include Pelo and neverblue)23:11
reportingsjrneverblue: I did..?23:11
debatem1klrspz: ask aeleon23:11
neverbluereportingsjr, which FTP server are you considering ?23:12
Bakefyikonia, that is correct.23:12
KlrSpzAeleon: did you compile your own kernel, and if so.. what is your reasoning?23:12
ikoniaBakefy: then t's not installed23:12
AeleonI uh..23:12
reportingsjrneverblue: What do you mean by that? Which daemon?23:12
XerostyleMy computer says I have a card installed, I can change the volume, and It sees everything about the card, but no sound plays.23:12
AeleonKlrSpz, if I did, I didn' know about it.23:12
KlrSpzAeleon: debatem1: ubuntu's default kernel has all that enabled23:12
Bakefyhmm, wonder where it failed23:12
KlrSpzlol, ok23:12
nd1can anyone tell me what script ubuntu uses for hotplugging?23:12
KlrSpzso i'll take that as a no23:12
Bakefyit went through the whole thing...23:12
ikoniand1: udevd23:12
Pelo!sound > Xerostyle check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu23:12
KlrSpzAeleon: first catch me up to what you're trying to do?23:12
debatem1klrspz: i know. im just saying i see no reason why enabling ip forwarding should fail under sudo23:12
XerostyleThe kicker is that if I boot into Windows, the sound works, so I know the speakers aren't broken23:13
=== cZw0 is now known as cZw0^bettl
neverbluereportingsjr, an FTP client connects to a server, which is offering files, a server is run a system which offers files. From my questions, it seems your asking how to install an FTP server, so yes, I am asking which daemon you are considering23:13
debatem1klrspz: a custom kernel and lcap are the only things in my limited experience that might cause that23:13
PeloXerostyle, check in your private msg windows ,  ubotu just sent you a link to a trouble shoot for sound problems23:13
AeleonKlrSpz: I'm trying to set up a vpn server on the ubuntu box that I can use for bt & mmos off a vista laptop in the UK.23:13
Xerostylehow do I check private message?23:13
reportingsjrneverblue: Ok, I already answered that one. I have FTP installed. That's the name of it.23:13
KlrSpzdebatem1: agreed.. but he's using the generic ubuntu kernel it seems23:13
_moro_bana_Jack_Sparrow: offtopic can i open a dialogue box23:13
PeloXerostyle, what client are you uisng ?23:13
debatem1xerostyle: pms are disabled on freenode right now23:13
AeleonKlrSpz: I was directed to read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD and I'm having trouble with every step, hah.23:14
PeloXerostyle, hmmm, hold on23:14
AeleonKlrSpz: *she :P23:14
Pelo!sound | Xerostyle23:14
neverbluereportingsjr, what command did you use to install this 'ftp' ?23:14
ikoniadebatem1: I've got pm's today23:14
reportingsjrneverblue: I'm not asking how to install one, but how to set up a user on it.23:14
Peloubotu, dead or someting ?23:14
Jack_Sparrow_moro_bana_: Sure23:14
KlrSpzAeleon: are these pc's all on the same lan?23:14
neverbluereportingsjr, setup a user on what ?23:14
reportingsjrneverblue: I think it was already installed, or maybe I ran apt-get a while back. I don't remember installing it though :D23:14
PeloXerostyle, give it a minute for the bot to catchup, it might be lagging a bit23:14
debatem1ikonia: really? i just got a blocked message a few hours ago... might just be me?23:14
_moro_bana_Jack_Sparrow: i did23:14
reportingsjrneverblue: The ftp server..23:14
neverbluereportingsjr, ftp is not an ftp server23:14
AeleonKlrSpz: my ubuntu box is connected to my router at home, my intended client is going to be here in the UK.23:15
Bakefyikonia, should I attempt to reinstall her?23:15
neverbluereportingsjr, your confused23:15
Jack_Sparrow_moro_bana_: /j #Voyager23:15
ikoniaBakefy: I certainly would23:15
PeloXerostyle, meanwhile, open a terminal and type alsamixer   see that everyting is turned up and not muted23:15
AeleonKlrSpz: I'm actually on my vista box, and I'm SSH'ed to my ubuntu box.23:15
reportingsjrneverblue: Isn't it? I thought it was... What would you recommend then?23:15
reportingsjrneverblue: I'm running apache 2 for the server.23:15
neverbluereportingsjr, what are you trying to do ?23:15
silverCASEi have ubuntu server installed on a system with multiple network cards, but it only sees one of the cards... how can i get the system to see the other card?23:15
Bakefyikonia, this is my 2nd failed attempt.... and I have had no warnings till the boot... it installs with flying colors.23:15
ikoniareportingsjr: thats a webserver, not an ftp server23:15
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:15
ubotuXerostyle: please see above23:15
reportingsjrWait, I just realized it was a client *smacks head*23:15
neverblueikonia ;)23:15
reportingsjrikonia: Because, nevermind.23:16
nd1ikonia, I need to be able to tweak the user which udevd mounts usb-drives.  Do you know the best way to go about that?23:16
ikoniareportingsjr: because what ?23:16
KlrSpzAeleon: sorry, i'm having a hard time understanding the network config... are the 2 pc's to be vpn'd remotely separated over a distance?23:16
Xerostylethey're all up23:16
debatem1reportingsjr: take my advice with a grain of salt, but vsftp is pretty nice23:16
twavisdegwet! wifi23:16
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:16
ikoniand1: udev must be run as root23:16
reportingsjrI thought apache would have to be dealing with the ftp. Apparently not.23:16
neverbluereportingsjr, do you want to offer files, grab files, what are you wanting FTP for ?23:16
reportingsjrdebatem1: Ok, thanks!23:16
PeloXerostyle, read up a bit , ubotu finaly kicked in23:16
ikoniareportingsjr: no, it's a webserver, nothing more23:16
KlrSpzAeleon: (tring to find out if vpn is necessary)23:16
reportingsjrneverblue: You know what, I need to look up on this a bit more. Sorry about that!23:16
neverbluereportingsjr, you are attempting to run apache, correct ?23:16
AeleonKlrSpz: The computers are very seperate. Mad ports are blocked at my uni's ISP here in the UK, and there are things I want to do that I can't.23:17
KlrSpzAeleon: otherwise, if it is remote, then yes vpn is needed; as well as can you report back what this gives you::::  sudo echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward23:17
neverbluereportingsjr, and you want to access your files, to add/change/remove from your webserver23:17
_moro_bana_Jack_Sparrow: aha23:17
debatem1aeleon: ssh tunneling, if an option, is usually easier than a pptp solution23:17
KlrSpzAeleon: ok i see23:17
neverbluereportingsjr, you can do such tasks via ssh23:17
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/23:17
=== kavok is now known as kavok2
yagohi all!23:17
Flare183!hi | yago23:18
kavok2Ubuntu was updating like 150 packages and it seems frozen on configuring cupsys23:18
AeleonKlrSpz + debatem1 : Well I can successfully SSH to my ubuntu box, but I don't quite know how to tunnel with it. I mean, I do,23:18
XerostyleI've actually read up on those.23:18
Bakefyikonia, any tips?  so far I am manually partitioning a 500 GB drive because my BIOS is too old to see it.23:18
Aeleonbut it's not quite what I'd imagined. Sorry, premature enter pressing.23:18
kavok2Thge details shows * Starting common unix printring sytsem: cupsd23:18
XerostyleUnfortunately, I don't understand why it doesn't work23:18
=== WikiMan is now known as MatthewV
ubotuyago: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:18
kavok2What do I do?23:18
XerostyleIt sees the cards23:18
Bakefyikonia, i got the grub error 18 the first install23:18
XerostyleIt's not muted23:18
debatem1aeleon: google ssh. there are a TON of GREAT references on ssh out there23:18
neverbluereportingsjr, we are just here to 'try' and help :)23:18
KlrSpzAeleon: yeah you don't want tunnelling, you want an actual network formed between remote pc's to play games together and stuff right?23:18
PeloXerostyle, in menu > system > prefs > sound,  second tab I think make sure that the proper audio card is selected for each sound events type thingy23:18
ikoniaBakefy: I suggest you make a small 200 meg /boot partition23:18
chocosolhey there, I have been trying to resolve this cups printing problem but I am at a block. localhost:631 shows that the printer is configured and active and every thing appears good. it appears that the printer accepts the print job and then it thinks it is printed but nothing comes out the printer and cups reports as successfully printed. This is a USB connected printer but it initially worked fine and then last week it just stoppe23:18
debatem1klrspz: unfortunately, ssh stil requires /dev/null and /dev/urandom, and suid, so i can't use if for my current problem- any suggestions?23:19
KlrSpzAeleon: either way, can you do the sudo line i pasted, and if that fails give me the error, as well as output for doing an LS on the file as well23:19
nd1ikonia, do you know how udevd decides what user to mount usb-drives as?23:19
AeleonKlrSpz: well, it'd just be me. I want to use my home network since it's set up to do everything I want, instead of my uni connection, which has ever port blocked.23:19
Pelolater folks23:19
kavok2What do I do if an update freezes?23:19
AeleonKlrSpz: I did it, and bash says "Permission Denied".23:19
ikoniand1: its root - it has to be root, it's root only23:19
twavisdegwetcan some1 tell me if this will work with linux (http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8454638&st=network+adapter&lp=3&type=product&cp=1&id=1184369369644)23:19
KlrSpzAeleon: give me an ls reading on it23:20
Bakefyikonia, so would that be a primary partition?23:20
ikoniaBakefy: doesn't matter23:20
AeleonKlrSpz: .. ls? :| (sorry for being ignorant.)23:20
chocosolI cant find any tips at cups.org or google or anywhere else. any tips to address this usb printer would be much appreciated23:20
ikoniaBakefy: but I would make it one23:20
=== tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek
debatem1twavisdegwet: A) probably not and B) man your name is hard to spell. funny, though23:21
KlrSpzAeleon: list? LS23:21
KlrSpztwavisdegwet: http://tinyurl.com/2b2q8z23:21
kavok2What do I do if an update freezes?23:21
KlrSpzkavok2: ctrl+c if in cli, kill the app otherwise and redo the update process23:21
KlrSpzif the server is down, it should time out... if it FROZE, then it might be a fluke23:21
nd1ikonia, When i'm logged in as nd1, and i insert a usb stick, it is mounted with permissions so nd1 can read it.  How does it decide that nd1 can use it over other logged in users?23:22
KlrSpzi'm about to take off for the night... work is about over23:22
XerostyleIt says that everything should work, just nothing is working23:22
kavok2KlSpz: its frozen on Starting common unix printing system: cupsd23:22
dstathi am connecting to the internet using by a USB model. everything works weill for a few seconds but then connection stops. any help?23:22
AeleonKlrSpz: a list on which directory? .. is ip_forward a directory or a file? or do you want an ls on ipv4?23:22
Aeleon(I'm really embarrassed right now.)23:22
kavok2KlrSpz: its frozen on Starting common unix printing system: cupsd23:22
ikoniand1: the permissons are probably 775 which means anyone can read it23:22
Bakefyikonia so I need the primary "/" and the "/boot" and the extended "/something"23:22
ikoniand1: also your logged into the desktop and hal/dbus are aware of your user23:22
KlrSpzAeleon: ls works on all files.. do this: ls /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward23:22
ikoniaBakefy: you don't "need" anyhting23:22
KlrSpzkavok2: that's not an update, that's starting a service23:22
dn4how do I kill a terminal?23:22
ikoniaBakefy: make 3 partitions 1 /boot 2 / 3 swap23:23
Tigerplughey room23:23
neverbluehey Tigerplug23:23
kavok2KlrSpz: Its during "Configuring cupsys"23:23
KlrSpzkavok2: if that's PART of an update... theeeenn.... all i can say is kill the update, and restart cupsd yourself23:23
debatem1aeleon: don't take this as an insult, but you probably shouldnt mess with /proc if you don't know what you're doing23:23
Bakefyikonia, thanks man!  thats what im gonna do, I really apprecaite you help and understanding.23:23
KlrSpzkavok2: something in your config is probably holding it up23:23
kavok2KlrSpz: I dont know how to kill the update ctrl+c does nothing23:23
ikoniaBakefy: it's fine23:23
Aeleondebatem1: i agree, but I figure there's no better way to figure it out than to jump in, yeah?23:23
Tigerplughow do I configure ubuntu to use emerald-theme-manager?23:23
KlrSpzkavok2: use ps to find the pid, and use kill <pid> to destroy the application23:24
AeleonKlrSpz: it just repeats the directory back to me.23:24
KlrSpzAeleon: do an ls -la /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward and paste the output, i wanna see perms23:24
debatem1aeleon: this particular feature is pretty safe, but dont mess with any others unless told to by someone who does understand it. you can REALLY screw up your system that way23:24
Pirate_Hunteris there some kind of disk defrag option in ubuntu?23:25
Aeleon-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2008-01-08 17:59 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward23:25
Tigerplugany help with emerald-theme-manager?23:25
neverblueroot can write to ir Aeleon23:25
Aeleonjeez, it's raining like hell here in London.23:25
Aeleonneverblue: but only root?23:25
enkidu_akGood evening23:25
KlrSpzAeleon: ok that looks good.. i wonder if sudo is jacked...23:25
debatem1aeleon: thus, sudo23:25
KlrSpzAeleon: yes only root.. which is why you use sudo23:25
neverblueAeleon, read that URL I posted for you, please23:25
Aeleondebatem1: but sudo doesn't do it either.23:25
KlrSpzbut i've seen where sudo will not work with echo very well23:25
Aeleonneverblue: I did.23:25
kavok2KlrSpz: I can't open a terminal23:26
nd1ikonia, ahh, so you're saying it determines it based on what hal/dbus know?  You're right, i'm signed in, but i have multiple users signed into a graphical environment on this pc.  Right now it mounts it with permissions for only the one user though. ie: (rw,nosuid,nodev,shortname=mixed,uid=1001,utf8,umask=077,usefree)23:26
debatem1klrspz: really? do you know why?23:26
KlrSpztry this.. do "sudo -i" then run that echo.. keep in mind this is actually logging you in as root and is not supported23:26
KlrSpz!root | Aeleon23:26
ubotuAeleon: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo23:26
ubotuWe don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)23:26
KlrSpzso i don't support it, but it will most likely get you around your problem23:26
ikoniand1: your on the console23:26
enkidu_akI am attempting to install mplayer from source after compiling it as a .deb package using fakeroot. However, when I attempt to install i with dpkg -i, I receive a message saying "upgrade refused". Why would I receive this message?23:26
k31thany graphic designers around?23:26
kavok2How do I close the update manager if a terminal won';t come up23:27
KlrSpzk31th: sure, waht do you need?23:27
neverblueenkidu_ak, ask in #mplayer ?23:27
KlrSpzkavok2: press ALT+F223:27
* bluefox83 wonders why in the world someone would intentionally compile mplayer when they could install it from a regular .deb23:27
soundraykavok2: do you get a Run dialog with Alt-F2?23:27
KlrSpzkavok2: otherwise if THAT won't come up, seem slike your OS is frozen, try to restart X with CTRL+ALT+BKSPC23:27
kavok2soundray: no23:27
debatem1bluefox83: for optimizations etc23:27
kavok2KlrSpz: My OS isn't frozen23:27
enkidu_akneverblue: I can ask in mplayer, yes, but I think this is relating more to dpkg conflicts than to the mplayer binary. After all, it compiled successfully.23:27
FlintPearceHello to all23:28
k31thKlrSpz: a logo, willing to pay.23:28
KlrSpzkavok2: sorry, mean to say WM23:28
kavok2KlrSpz: like I can bring up the power management applet23:28
soundraykavok2: I'd follow KlrSpz's suggestion then and try a Ctrl-Alt-Backspace23:28
KlrSpzk31th: ah i don't do much sidework like that.. but what are we talkin?23:28
kavok2KlrSpz: and the text editor23:28
AeleonKlrSpz: what's gksudo?23:28
enkidu_akbluefox83: Because I wanted amr-nb support23:28
kavok2soundray & klrspz: ctrl alt bckspace does nothing :(23:28
KlrSpzAeleon: a gnome and kde wrapper to sudo for launching apps via a shortcut to prompt them23:29
Tigerplugno help?23:29
bluefox83whats amr-nb?23:29
debatem1anybody know of a server that permits the safe execution of one of a small number of programs, requires authorization, and does not require suid, sgid, or devices inside of its chroot?23:29
AeleonJeez, you're handling everybody tonight, KlrSpz. I can wait 'til you're free-er, if that's alright.23:29
kavok2Should I just restart the machine?23:29
ikoniadebatem1: xinetd ?23:29
enkidu_akbluefox83: It's an audio codec that is used by many devices, cellphones in particular.23:29
Aeleonok, so I'm afraid of sudo -i now.23:29
KlrSpzkavok2: ok... odd... try ALT+CTRL+F1 to drop to a TTY, log in as your user, and sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart23:29
FlintPearceCould anyone kidnly help me with a little problem? My friend downloaded 7.10, iso'd it on a CD. When he boots it on his computer everything is alright except when it starts He is queried for a Username and password. I told him to enter ubuntu as login and "  " as password. He momentarily sees the desktop and then the computer reboots to the log in screen23:29
soundraykavok2: I suspect your keyboard is frozen then. Add the Force-Quit applet to the panel and use that to terminate the update manager23:29
bluefox83enkidu_ak, ah..neat23:30
ikoniaFlintPearce the livecd does not ask for a username and password23:30
debatem1ikonia: i admit my ignorance of the superserver, but can even run it in a nosuid environment?23:30
ikoniadebatem1: sure23:30
kavok2soundray: that might be it, my  caps lock key won't light up anything23:30
KlrSpzAeleon: it's not bad.. just that you'll BE root, so be careful with deleting files, and just know that starting applications such as pidgin/irssi and anything that communicates is taboo as it can lead to vulnerabilities23:30
ikoniadebatem1: xinetd is run as root, however the program it launches can run as anyone23:30
kavok2soundray: how do I do that23:30
AeleonKlrSpz, so if I sudo -i, do I enable myself as root until I disable it again?23:30
KlrSpzAeleon: i really have to take off.. i apologize23:30
enkidu_akbluefox83: If I could get away with the mplayer from the ubuntu or medibuntu source, I would gladly do so. amr-nb isn't supported by either build, though.23:30
FlintPearceHmm strange. He deffinately gets ask for a username and pass23:31
AeleonAww, no problem, KlrSpz. Thanks for everything.23:31
ikoniaFlintPearce: then he's not using an ubuntu cd23:31
KlrSpzAeleon: yeah.. once logged in, you can use "exit" to go back to your user23:31
thann0ykavok2: try   ALT+PRINTSCR+R  then CTRL+ALT+F123:31
soundraykavok2: right-click the panel, select Add to Panel, find the ForceQuit applet in the list and add it23:31
FlintPearceOk I shall try to help him again, thanks Ikonia :D23:31
debatem1ikonia: thats not really an option, unfortunately. i have student penetration testers- aka the end users from hell- using this system23:31
bluefox83enkidu_ak, and you had to recompile it from source to add that support? that sucks :(23:31
KlrSpzAeleon: i'll try to log on when i get home, but no promises23:31
BlackCowI am trying to remove a folder and everytime it throws back, "Cannot remove 'filename': is a directory"23:31
soundraykavok2: or listen to thann0y23:32
dn4iamy hdd clicks and will not be recognized23:32
ikoniadebatem1: why is that an issue ?23:32
enkidu_akbluefox83: It does :(23:32
KlrSpz(one last one) BlackCow: rm -rf /path/to/folder23:32
dn4iawhat does this mean is it toaste?23:32
AeleonKlrSpz: Safe trip. :]23:32
bluefox83enkidu_ak, vlc wouldn't work with it?23:32
kavok2soundray: that didnt work either lol23:32
kavok2soundray: the force quit did23:32
BlackCowthank you <KlrSpz> :-)23:32
astro76Aeleon: here is a workaround for redirection as root... sudo bash-c "echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"23:32
kavok2soundray: but not the printscreen thing23:32
astro76Aeleon: here is a workaround for redirection as root..errr... sudo bash -c "echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"23:32
debatem1ikonia: 'cause i have to lock it down or the little snots tear it up for me, and they have limited admin rights23:33
ikoniadebatem1: they won't be able to do anything with it then ?23:33
soundraykavok2: you may have to hold Ctrl and Alt and PrtScrn (SysRq), then hit R23:33
ikoniadebatem1: they can't mofidfy xinetd as thats root - and you can tell it to launch the programs you want as any user you want23:33
Aeleonwhat's that gonna do, astro76? Is that going to avoid putting me in root?23:33
ikoniadebatem1: you can even chroot them23:33
astro76Aeleon: one more time, need ' instead of " because you are using " already... sudo bash -c 'echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward'23:33
astro76Aeleon: yes23:34
IntelligitimateI am having a problem with Ubuntu randomly assigning names to my various connection devices. How do I make such a device always be recognized as either "eth1" or 'eth2"?23:34
astro76Aeleon: jsut for the command like sudo23:34
kavok2soundray: it looks like im going to have to forcefully restart the computer23:34
soundraykavok2: try a "soft" shutdown using the Quit icon first23:34
enkidu_akbluefox83: I don't know, I've never used vlc. In my search for amr-nb support, mplayer was the only media player that even hinted at it. I had to go and grab the codecs from a third party and then recompile mplayer to support that codec. It was a bit annoying, but if I can get it working, I'll live with it.23:34
kavok2soundray: the quit icon wont activate23:34
eHomesometimes an update will destroy my ubuntu ?23:34
kavok2ill slog through it for awhile23:34
debatem1ikonia: it needs to run inside of a very secure chroot so that I can set it up to fail in predictable ways. since the host needs to stay up and running, i would really prefer that it not involve an suid action or straight up root23:34
Aeleonastro76: but I won't have to worry about deleting stuff by accident and messing my whole pc up, right? :P23:35
confreyhi everybody23:35
eHomemy task manager looks like a line in my task bar, after i upgrade something today23:35
ikoniadebatem1: there is no setuid action and xinetd is run ass root, so it's totally safe23:35
astro76Aeleon: if you trust me I guess ;)23:35
soundraykavok2: okay, if you have to cut the power, there's always a small risk of data loss (very small actually, thanks to ext3), but if you have exhausted all other options, go ahead.23:35
Aeleonastro76: oh, that makes me nervous!23:35
ikoniadebatem1: I can assure you it's a secure method, a lot of the banks of england use it....it's secure23:36
Aeleonoh my gooses, it did it!23:36
DoonzHi there i need help applying a patch for my esata controller so that it supports the port multiplier function23:36
confreyI need a help : I enabled restricted drivers to obtain 3d accel on my laptop, I have a ATI Xpress 200, but now when I close the gnome-session I can't use gdm again, and I must reboot. waht can I do?23:36
AeleonThank you, astro76!23:37
astro76you're welcome ;)23:37
]RandoM[i can't seem to ssh into my computer which sits behind a router although i have the port forwarded.. i can only ssh from my laptop if i connect via 192.168.0.x or from the same computer using localhost.. but no luck otherwise23:37
debatem1ikonia: eh, im being paranoid, I know- but i would be much more comfortable if it did not run as root23:38
zcodeRandom: Can you ping the machine?23:38
eHomemy system monitor icon in task bar displayed as a line ? what's gone wrong ?23:38
zcodeRamdom: Check /var/log/message on your remote host23:38
BlackCowi feel like a totally noob here but, why is it that I cannot copy and paste folders and files through the GUI?23:39
ikoniadebatem1: then you need to write daemons to run as non-privileged users23:39
BlackCowi am using kubuntu, so i should probably take it to the kubuntu channel23:39
astro76]RandoM[: yes that's normal, you can only use the external IP from outside23:40
astro76]RandoM[: unless your router support something sometimes called "nat reflection"23:40
astro76]RandoM[: otherwise the router just sends the request out to your gateway, never to return23:40
soundrayBlackCow: you're probably trying to write to system folders. You're only supposed to write data to your $HOME folder, and nowhere else23:40
OnyxBlackCow: How are you trying to copy and paste?23:40
Phusion]RandoM[: sounds like the port was incorrectly forwarded23:40
Phusion]RandoM[: who makes your router?23:40
Aeleonand which port did you use, ]RandoM[? Last night I tried to have ssh listen on 80, and that failed miserably. Have you tried other ports?23:40
OnyxBlackCow: And... what happens when you try?23:40
debatem1ikonia: and I'm hoping to avoid that too. if i have to, ill just deal with ssh being pretty bad for chrooting, or set up a cgi script to auth, but i would rather do either of those things than trust myself to write code as secure as I would need it to be in that case23:40
Aeleonjesus christ mega flood!23:40
BlackCowthrough the GUI, right click on a folder in the main directory, go over to a users directory and paste is grayed out23:40
tomttI want to find out what hardware is best to buy knowing I will be running Ubuntu on it. I especially want to reward manufacturers that actively support open source. Any pointers?23:41
BlackCowI cant paste it anywhere23:41
BSG75okay I have tested it .. there is something seriously wrong with Samba .. how and where do I report this??23:41
BlackCowthe delete and paste option are always grayed out23:41
OnyxBlackCow: Do you have permissions to the folders and directories?  Both of them?23:41
BlackCowi am logged in as the main user so yeah23:41
zcodeBlackCow: Try clicking the scrollbutton on your mouse to paste23:41
OnyxBlackCow: By main directory, do you mean / (root)?23:41
zcodeBlackCow: If you don't have scrollbutton, try clicking both left+right buttons at once23:41
sliptteesi find bit bug in gusty23:41
Belboz99Hey all, can someone tell me what the status is on ia32-libs?  I can't seem to find it in the repositories.23:42
soundray!bugs | BSG7523:42
ubotuBSG75: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots23:42
FlintPearceikonia: My friend is using Deepburner, writing an ISO to a CD. Downloaded it from the Ubuntu site (filename: ubuntu-7.10-desktop-amd64.iso). I have told him to recreate the ISO maybe something went wrong whilest the writing.23:42
OnyxBlackCow: try to open the terminal and "sudo cp /path/to/file /path/to/destination"23:42
sliptteessoundray: hey, my user work perfecly..but a create new user in gutsy and metacity no work23:42
sliptteesi test in many user and no work metacity!23:43
soundrayslipttees: how are you trying to create a new user?23:43
sliptteessoundray: yes23:43
soundrayslipttees: please read my question carefully, then answer23:44
sliptteesmetacity no work in all users..only first user work metacity23:44
LoneWolfHi. I am trying to get Ubuntu 7.10 running dual screen with my LCD TV. I am running an nvidia 7900 GS card and when I go to nvidia-settings I can manage to get some of my screen onto my TV, but it seems to be using one desktop... I would like separate desktops so I can drag movie clips over to the TV and maximise it.  Hope this makes sense?23:44
tomttAny pointers on which hardware manufacturers actively support open source?23:44
ikonia!hcl | tomtt23:44
AdemoSUbuntu 7.10 64 Bit ---- Regular boot no longer works, was only able to get in with Recovery mode, which I'm using now. Is there a log I can show you to check for why?23:44
soundrayslipttees: so you've successfully created a new user, but if you log in under that name, metacity won't start?23:45
bhangi'm in need of the command to check available space on the hard drive. anyone?23:45
ubotutomtt: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection23:45
soundraybhang: df -h23:45
Jack_Sparrowtomtt: Youcan look at our supported hardware page and get some info from that that ma help you23:45
sliptteessoundray: yes23:45
SlartAdemoS: you can always start with the system log.. /var/log/syslog23:45
BlackCowI chmod 777ed both folders and the paste was ungrayed but it threw up a box said permission denied, I did it through the command line and it said, "cp: omitting directory `tss2_rc2'"23:45
DoonzHi there i need help applying a patch for my esata controller so that it supports the port multiplier function23:45
AdemoSSlart, thanks, pastebin?23:45
sliptteessoundray: yes yes23:45
krielps: the onscreen kb is hard to get to without a kb...23:45
SlartAdemoS: yes.. and you might only need the last 50 or so lines from the log23:45
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection23:45
soundrayslipttees: is the xserver-xgl package installed on your system?23:46
bhangsoundray: Thx alot!23:46
sliptteessoundray: i use System=>administration=> user and group23:46
AdemoSSlart, I'll part the whole thing just in case, I don't want to cut out a line you guy might need23:46
krielnor sure if i sgould tell you or #gnome...23:46
BlackCowis this a normal problem lol23:46
soundraybhang: also check out System-Administration-Disk Usage Analyzer23:46
bhangsoundray: no gui?23:46
jshriverOHWhat is the diff in Ubuntu Server and Ubuntu? besides lack of X?23:47
soundraybhang: no, it needs gnome23:47
jshriverOHtrying to install Ubuntu Server now, but it's not putting any mirrors23:47
sliptteessoundray: For that xserver-xgl needed ?23:47
jshriverOHjust has the CD in the sources.list23:47
Aeleonuh, imo, desktop has gui.23:47
Aeleonother than that, 0.23:47
Aeleon0 difference.23:47
linxehjshriverOH: nothing, its just the packages that get installed23:47
sliptteessoundray: no instaled xser...xgl23:47
protolocohello, what is the stable and unstable of ubuntu _23:48
redrobinhow do I upgrade from ubuntu 7.10 to hardy.23:48
linxehjshriverOH: we often start with a basic server core install and add what we want on top23:48
bhangsoundray: aha. ok. i'm on Xubuntu. thanx anyways. df -h was all i needed. excellent.23:48
sliptteessoundray: i'll install xserver-xgl ?23:48
AdemoSSlart, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51275/23:48
soundrayslipttees: no!23:48
EvaLuaTechecking for gcc bug PR28045... configure: error: your compiler has gcc PR28045 bug, use a different compiler, see http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=28045. any idea how i could fix this ? (ubuntu says gcc is already the newest version)23:48
sliptteessoundray: ok23:48
* slipttees stop download of xser....xgl23:49
SlartAdemoS: I'll read it as soon as it's finished downloading it23:49
soundrayslipttees: I asked because it can cause this problem23:49
linxehprotoloco: gutsy and hardy23:49
protolocoso if im using gutsy and i install a hardy package23:49
protolococould i have troubles ?23:49
kandoanyone here have any experience running solaris along w/ ubuntu?23:49
protolocothe package if ultramonkey23:49
AdemoSSlart, thanks sorry about the wait23:49
krielEvaLuaTe: dont use gcc?23:49
falloreredrobin: that would be a downgrade, fyi23:49
BlackCowso yeah, i guess im not allowed to copy a file over heh... google is not much help23:49
PicijshriverOH: Ubuntu server also has a specialized server kernel that adds support for up to 64gb of ram on PAE processors. It also does not support restricted drivers (proprietary stuff)23:49
sliptteessoundray: ask :-)23:49
SlartAdemoS: no worries.. it's not like I spend time here because I'm in a hurry to do something else =)23:49
AdemoSSlart, :P23:50
BlackCownvm I got it23:50
* cubexombi grumbles about odd ralink chipsets and drivers that aren't ndiswrapper23:50
EvaLuaTekriel, i'm trying to install something (ispconfig) and that program itself installs some other programs using gcc.23:50
fallorethis is really weird. sometimes, i think when i click out of the konversation window, when i click back into the konversation client, a huge wall of text, like messages, will scroll down23:50
BlackCowI had to chmod 777 -R the folder, thanks for ur help23:50
redrobinfallore- how is it a downgrade im going from 7.10 to 8.04?23:50
jshriverOHhow do I add or find something to put in sources.list? right now all it has is 1 CD23:50
tomttikonia: I have looked there but that just tells me how good ubuntu is at supporting stuff. I want to know how good manufacturers are at supporting ubuntu :). And support those that have been helpful.23:50
Flare183!hardy | redrobin23:50
jshriverOHalso how do you find out what device a cdrom is on?23:50
jshriverOHchecked dmesg but doent say.23:50
DoonzHi Guys i need some help applying a patch so that my esata controller card will support PM23:50
jshriverOHcan I just scp my sources.list from my 7.10 desktop to a 7.10 server?23:50
uboturedrobin: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu23:50
patogenWhat is this audio player called? It looks like (from what I've seen) xmms/winamp and starts with an a?23:51
falloreredrobin: hmm, i think i was confused, i'm sorry :[23:51
soundrayslipttees: it's possible that an error message is logged to /home/newuser/.xsession-errors (replace newuser with the real username)23:51
soundraypatogen: audacious23:51
neverbluejshriverOH, can you ssh into the server?23:51
neverbluejshriverOH, then yes23:51
patogensoundray: Ah thank you :)23:51
jshriverOHjust installed openserver-ssh or whatever23:51
kandodoes anyone here have any experience running solaris along w/ ubuntu?23:51
Arccan someone help me resolve why I can unmute (and then monitor) my microphone but not record with it or use it with ekiga?23:51
neverbluejshriverOH, time to give 'man scp' a look over23:51
Arceverything in alsamixer looks fine.23:51
SlartAdemoS: I didn't see anything special in there.. I don't know what those 10 or so lines with "INBOUND" is all about... might be some firewall logging..23:52
neverblueArc, usb ?23:52
redrobinfallore- how do I upgrade to hardy. I have gutsy installed and I want to try the testing release of hardy.23:52
Arcneverblue: no, PCI.23:52
soundray!hardy | redrobin23:52
uboturedrobin: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu23:52
LjL!hardy > redrobin    (redrobin, see the private message from Ubotu)23:52
AdemoSSlart, yeah I have Firestarter installed23:52
neverblueArc, just using it in Ekiga ?23:52
sliptteessoundray: i can paste in PM ?23:52
LeviathNLhmm, my quit-applet does a instant logout if I click it (gnome) anyone any idea how to trace the problem?23:52
Arcneverblue: I just tried using it with sound recorder.  it recorded nothing.23:52
soundrayslipttees: no, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org23:52
falloreredrobin: this is a link that seems to explain it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Alpha123:53
Arcneverblue: the microphone is turned all the way up and capture is permanetly turned on (I can't unset it)23:53
AdemoSSlart, I don't really get the difference between recovery mode and non-recovery mode. I have all my settings here, the only differerence is I see a ton of text in the terminal...23:53
neverblueArc, you want to point your specific application to the location of the device23:53
ikoniatomtt: most of the products that are supported support/contribute to open source23:53
falloreredrobin: specifically it says "To upgrade from Ubuntu 7.10, run "update-manager -d" using the update-manager package from gutsy." but i'm sure the'res more23:53
DoonzCan anyone help me with applying a patch to my system?23:53
Arcneverblue: they're pointed to ALSA.  There is no other ALSA device on the system.23:53
sliptteessoundray: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51277/23:53
neverblueArc does the mic/card work, have they been tested (hardware) ?23:54
Arcneverblue: The microphone WORKS FOR MONITOR.  That is, when I unmute it, I can hear myself immediatly through the speakers.23:54
SlartAdemoS: I'm not really sure either.. some extra debug info is one thing23:54
Arcneverblue: thus, the hardware must be functioning.23:54
neverblueArc sure, thats a good assumption to make23:55
AdemoSSlart, well is there anything else I can give you to check?23:55
FlintPearceCould anyone tell me a little thing that keeps happening to me when i open new windows? When i open them for some reason they go off the screen at the top.. and i keep having to drag them to the center of the screen? any idea23:55
neverblueArc, not sure I can offer any more suggestions, sorry23:55
Arcneverblue: this is certainly an issue with ALSA somewhere.  I just cant figure out what or where.  I really wish that Ubuntu's ekiga was built to use OSS so I could try that.23:55
SlartAdemoS: there is a kernel log too... /var/log/kern.log23:56
squarebracketwhat's the command to view hex output for keyboard?23:56
sliptteessoundray: then ? have solution ?23:56
neverblueArc, maybe Twinkle, it allows OSS (I think)23:56
DoonzCan anyone help me with applying a patch to my system?23:56
AdemoSSlart, okay pasting now23:56
Arcneverblue: what is Twinkle?23:56
neverblueDoonz, patch for ?23:56
soundrayslipttees: there's clearly something wrong with your setup, but I don't know what it is, sorry. You could ask the channel again or post to ubuntuforums23:56
EvaLuaTeis there any wa to upgrade my version of gcc if apt says it is already the newest version ?23:56
neverblueArc, something like Ekiga :)23:56
sliptteessoundray: thx a lot23:57
SlartEvaLuaTe: there's always a way.. I'm not sure it's a nice way with lots of restaurants and good scenery though23:57
Doonznix'neverblue its for libata so that my esata controller supports port multiplier23:57
PriceChildopapo, list23:57
AdemoSSlart, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51278/23:57
twavisdegwetwhat is a good linux compatable network adapter that can be found at bestbuy?23:58
SlartEvaLuaTe: I wouldn't try updating gcc outside of the official repos unless I had a very very good reason23:58
EvaLuaTeSlart, could you please give me some links or resources where i could read about this please ? as i'm pretty new to linux and i don't know how to accomplish this23:58
BakefyI keep hearing that webmin is the way to go... can you pretty much do everything once that is installed/23:58
soundrayEvaLuaTe: don't force cutting-edge software into a stable Ubuntu release. You could run the alpha release of hardy (gcc 4.2.2) or switch to Debian Sid23:58
EvaLuaTeSlart, i'm trying to install a program, and i won't install because gcc's version is too old (it's containing a bug23:58
SlartEvaLuaTe: if you're new to linux I must again recommend you to "stay on the path"... why do you want to upgrade gcc? any special reason?23:58
SlartEvaLuaTe: what program is that?23:59
patogenHow much performance can I suppose to get while emulating windows? I only need to run small apps (that reads from database files)23:59
EvaLuaTeSlart, ispconfig23:59
marti149anyone know how to run ghost32.exe on linux ubuntu?23:59
SlartEvaLuaTe: what version of gcc do you need?23:59
marti149wine is for windows, so looking for a dos on linux cmd23:59

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