
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
=== leonel_ is now known as leonel
james_wHi all, is there a procedure to book this channel for sessions?19:04
naliothjames_w: see the /topic ?19:07
nalioththe wiki will familiarize you with what has gone one19:08
naliothgone on19:08
james_wnalioth: I read the topic but didn't see anything obiously useful?19:08
james_wnalioth: are you referring to the open week stuff?19:08
james_wnalioth: thanks.19:10
james_wI'm trying to organise wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School19:10
james_wit seems sensible to have it here like the Q+A.19:10
james_wI would like to have a sesion on Thursday 17th 20.00 UTC.19:12
naliothplease update the schedule at w.u.c/Classroom so nobody double books  :)19:13
james_wnalioth: sure. thanks.19:13
james_wThanks a lot.19:17
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
=== bigon` is now known as bigon

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