[00:00] LjL, because there's they're not talking or doing anything. [00:00] don't see the point in them being put here. [00:03] Right I need sleep. === Dave2 is now known as Dave2` [00:06] PriceChild, they needed to be *banned* according to elkbuntu, but we really shouldn't make such a ban a straight ban === Dave2` is now known as Dave2 [00:24] PriceChild: err isn't he still banned from there? ;-) [00:24] (re: #uf) [00:25] jdong, who? [00:25] chuy [00:25] chuy? [00:25] "vagina boy" as jdong called him [00:25] lol [00:25] and is caca slang in some language? [00:25] Never heard of him. [00:25] I doubt he's referring to the color ASCII image library. [00:25] Yes, it means poop. [00:25] PriceChild: really? [00:26] * Pici greps and pastes [00:26] Pici: eeeewwwww X-rated... [00:26] Pici, no time, pricechild@ubuntu.com and I'll look tomorrow :) [00:26] PriceChild: how dare you sleep? [00:26] jdong, I don't sleep [00:28] hmmm was hoping to find a cooler sounding synonym on thesaurus.com but "beddy-bye" just doesn't cut it [00:28] and "/quit getting horizontal" would probably cause a little unwanted attention [00:30] hehe [00:30] PriceChild: What about /quit ZZzz.. [00:30] That'l work too [00:31] ugh [00:31] that was a bad idea [00:31] giving an email address on a logged channel :) [00:32] jdong: #uforums [00:32] And obvious i-konia didnt ban him, I did. [00:34] * LjL hasn't had #uf in autojoin for too long [00:35] LjL: nothing much happening. [00:35] oh, the littlest things entertain me. [00:35] Pici: yeah I noticed that statement, hopefully he shuts up [00:35] doubtfully of course :D [00:35] like jdong [00:36] LjL: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51285/ [00:37] Pici: cute! [00:38] Pici: if i'm not mistaken you *didn't* ban him from #ubuntu for that matter, did you [00:38] LjL: It was more for the !CALMDOWN and the !vagina | ikon-ia thing. [00:39] LjL: But it didnt help. [00:40] If you think I was too harsh, let me know. [00:51] Pici: if anything you were too little harsh. did you notice he, uhm, kick-evaded? [00:53] * Pici looks [00:53] [01:52:01] Hi, I want to ask a question: when I do "apt-get update" I get a message "Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Hash Sum mismatch" [01:52:49] pdenapo you can delete that repo from the list. that message just means the server didn't respond. Might be a permanent problem or a temp one [00:53] this seems so absurd an answer to me that i suspect willful trolling [00:57] thanks for inviting me for the party [00:57] AKWIN: what was that? [00:57] what? [00:58] that URL you gave and then parted as soon as you saw i opped. [00:58] you thought i was advertising stuff [00:58] AKWIN: well, not really, not what i thought... but what did *you* think that made you leave so suddenly? [00:59] you'd ban me [00:59] AKWIN: and why did you think i'd ban you? [00:59] the #kubuntu channel did [01:00] AKWIN: #test is the better place to, er, test [01:00] join test [01:00] AKWIN: uhm, when did that happen? [01:01] As an aside: I asked chuy to join here, I'd like to talk to him or have someone talk to him about his behavior in #ubuntu before the ban is removed. [01:01] idk [01:01] Pici: assuming it should, which i doubt [01:03] AKWIN: anyway, what was that URL? i'm curious. it merely shows a line of text to me. [01:03] is a java remote desktop utility [01:04] allows others to control my mouse, keyboard, etc. [01:04] ah... 201, perhaps, 200 only showed a string saying "RFB 003.008". [01:05] AKWIN: anyway you're not banned from #ubuntu. i suggest you wait to be banned rather than just running away... you know, we can ban you *after* you've run away if we want to, anyway, so it doesn't make much sense. [01:05] bye, have fun [01:06] Also, its not really an appropriate channel to ask for things like that, as the /topic says, it is just for Ubuntu support. [01:06] yep, try #test next time [01:06] yeah indeed, i guess #test should do. [01:13] AKWIN, if there's nothing you want to ask us, please part [01:24] Pici? [01:24] chuy, hello there. [01:24] What's up? [01:24] chuy: First of all, it was not ikonia that banned you the other day, it was me. [01:25] Reason being? [01:27] Well, for one, you did not respond appropriately when the !paste factoid was used, and furthermore was not very accomidating when asked to cease that attitude. [01:28] In addition, you seem to be enjoying announcing to everyone what you named your hard drive, even though you have been told that it is inapropriate for the channel. [01:28] howdy. [01:28] I am a friend of "chuy." [01:28] not his brother? [01:29] I'm known as mulciber, do you know who I am? [01:29] no. [01:29] I'm not sure how I would know who you are. [01:29] maybe a little bird might have told you? [01:30] chuy: a hungarian? [01:30] no? [01:30] anyways [01:30] chuy: then the little bird failed me [01:30] I would like to point out some objections I have with the bullshit you and I both know is happening. [01:30] so let me tell you [01:31] 1. He is telling me you have some problems with the names of his computer. Are you illiterate? [01:31] Do you read at all? Do you have no culture? [01:32] chuy, well let's put facts straight... [01:32] Say how is google running right now? or is it wikipedia [01:32] let's test your culture [01:32] show me that you can count up to three [01:32] this is not chuy, [01:32] starting from one [01:32] well, whoever it is [01:32] I want a word with you. [01:32] I don't have to prove jack, LjL. [01:32] anyways [01:33] chuy: just do me this favor [01:33] count from one to three in here [01:33] I feel it is inappropriate the thingsa being done to my friend (chuy) on a so called help line. [01:33] are you aware that he was given advice here that is clearly, to any knowledgable person, intentionally malicious? [01:33] chuy: he never joined here before [01:33] chuy: which channel? [01:34] well not ops, the other line he is telling me now [01:34] #ubuntu [01:34] So here is what I see [01:34] quote it please [01:34] I have some friends with blogs [01:34] they like to use sites like digg, reddit, etc. [01:34] They like advert revenue [01:34] not sure i'm following you [01:34] he tells me his irc is set to log [01:35] tell me, do you want to be internet famous? [01:35] !kigs [01:35] Sorry, I don't know anything about kigs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:35] ërr [01:35] !logs [01:35] Channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ - See also « /msg ubotu ircstats » [01:35] I don't like whats goign on. [01:35] oh neither do i [01:35] threats... [01:35] i don't like those [01:35] I've been on linux for a long time, and I just don't see how being malicious to users seeking help helps linux. [01:35] why don't you rather just put forward what *exactly* was said that was malicious [01:36] it certainly isn't helping the linux market share [01:36] because logs are long and hard to read [01:36] If there was a problem with advice given in the channel, this is the first time I'm hearing about it, I can't speak for LjL though. [01:36] or, alternatively, count from one to three [01:36] you all should be ashamed to call yourself apart of opensources [01:36] *open source [01:36] chuy: why don't you rather just put forward what *exactly* was said that was malicious [01:36] I wasn't here [01:36] I [01:37] I am just his friend who likes linux and can see someone instructed him to use a utility in a way to destroy his computer [01:37] I had to waste two hours of my time fixing that shit [01:37] I want to know who I can bill for my time. [01:37] well friend of chuy, i can't take any measures against the offender if i don't know who the offender was and what they told chuy to do [01:37] Well, if you or he cannot tell us who the advice was from, or what the advice was, there isnt really anything we can do. [01:37] My time is valuable, and I certainly don't need to spend it cleaning up the messes of some juvenile kids on irc. [01:38] Well I am over drinking right now, and chuy is a little angry at the moment. [01:38] I just think this is incredibly stupid, and I am annoyed. [01:38] Call me mulciber, anyone in the know will know my nick. [01:38] then perhaps come back when y'all can put your case forward in a rational manner [01:38] not linux [01:38] the know? [01:38] but other programming circles [01:39] you know what [01:39] i'll send a message to the know [01:40] Can you even tell us what utility it was? [01:40] pici, pici, wake up, i banned him [01:40] I saw. [01:40] Did you get the query from you? [01:40] er, him [01:40] 20:40:00 really mature. [01:40] 20:40:04 I'll be sending my friend the logs for a blog post. How are, WHY LINUX WILL FAIL as a digg headline? [01:40] not yet [01:40] 20:40:33 Also your ban is pathetic [01:40] 20:40:40 defeatable with a bouncer or a sock proxy [01:41] well he's not registered [01:41] i guess i somehow have unfiltered off [01:41] * LjL goes to fix that [01:41] uhm, no, it's on [01:41] Pici, are you replying to him? :) [01:41] no0tic: nope. [01:42] I have no desire to talk to him. [01:42] Mulciber was the nickname of a prominent pirate in the Internet piracy scene and satellite piracy community, and he was also the only known American member of the infamous "European camp". He is rumoured to have been killed or arrested largely in part to his disappearance during a period of high profiled satellite piracy arrests in early 2006. [01:42] * Pici shrugs [01:43] * LjL wants more trolls like that for when he's bored at this late time of the day [01:43] problem is, when they come they generally come all in a row [01:43] well, my faith in humanity is a bit decreased today. [01:43] Hmm.. seems Minataku is quite angry with me. I suppose he'll be in here soon telling you all how everything was my fault and that he's an angel. [01:44] ardchoille: yeah i saw some highlights in k-ot [01:44] * Pici adds more stuff to his autojoin [01:44] Oh well, thank goodness for logs :) [01:44] never liked minataku [01:45] and i think that feeling is shared by some others [01:45] I'm not sure what evidence that chuy thinks he has, but the only thing that I see in my logs is someone asking him to fsck his drive. [01:46] Pici: yeah same here... you know, there's a reason why he refused to give the relevant quote. [01:46] LjL, he didn't even count from 1 to 3 [01:46] indeed :( [01:47] i had to kick him without the jingle [01:47] sorry for lurking in here, but it's so funny.. :) [01:47] no0tic: how can we help you? [01:47] afaik, we aren't removing lurkers that have voice... yet. [01:48] LjL, take a lool in access list :) [01:48] *look :) [01:48] no, no, i'd rather lol [01:49] haha [01:49] vfdgdfgsfd̈́ [01:49] i hate that colon [01:49] vfwhat? [01:50] jdong: "... IRC council reserves the right to remove idlers from the channel" [01:50] LjL: is that lossy text compression? :D [01:51] jdong: it's lossy brain compression, given i've *never* remembered that /remove needs : before the reason any time i've used it since i've been on freenode [01:51] LjL: ah. Maybe time for a script or alias then :) [01:51] ya [01:51] i have aliases for paste, botabuse and some more, but no generic one [01:52] but, i *could* just remember a colon goes in there [01:52] pfft where's the fun in that? [01:54] auto_bleh rules chanserv.py too :) [01:55] no it doesn't, chanserv.pl is in the works [01:55] temporarily stalled as jdong works on his perl-foo [01:55] I was thinking of a !idle-#ubuntu-ops earlier today, [01:56] jdong, are you working on a chanserv.py perl porting? [01:56] no0tic: yep, at least a full UI clone, different codebase [01:56] Oh, looks like chuy set off my hilight in uforums [01:56] Pici: yes, he pinged you and LjL. you're both douchebags. [01:56] jdong: thanks for the update [01:56] jdong, for what client? [01:56] :D [01:56] !idle-#ubuntu-ops is Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we as you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries. [01:56] I'll remember that, LjL [01:56] no0tic: irssi [01:56] jdong: start with auto_bleh and go from there :) [01:57] LjL: well said [01:57] jdong: cept i didn't notice the highlight even [01:57] nalioth: yep, it's a good start :) [01:57] LjL: s/we as/we ask/ ? [01:57] !idle-#ubuntu-ops =~ s/we as/we ask/ [01:57] I'll remember that LjL [01:57] we as you, its a philosophical thing. [01:57] jdong, uhm.. isn't auto_bleh just enough? /me doesn't know anything about chanserv.py [01:58] no0tic: chanserv.py does a whole whole lot more [01:58] no0tic: it's good but chanserv.py is auto_bleh on steroids [01:58] Can't it search bans? [01:58] Can chanserv.py be used in irssi? [01:58] yes it can [01:58] ardchoille: no [01:58] ardchoille: it's xchat only [01:58] that would be reason enough for me to use it. [01:58] Ah [01:58] i can search bans with konversation without any stupid scripts. [01:59] But you also have to use it inside a *gasp* window. [01:59] jdong, uhm.. I'm looking forward for testing your port then :) [02:00] that sounded mneptoktic [02:00] doh [02:01] * Pici waves to Hobbsee [02:02] * LjL hobbsees to Wave [02:02] heya! [02:03] ugh, hes messaging me again. [02:03] and I responded. [02:03] Pici, you fool. [02:03] I'll pastebin it all when hes done ranting. [02:03] Pici: Deny them the satisfaction of a response and they'll get bored and go away [02:04] Pici: "You can come back to #ubuntu-ops when, and only when, you have a rational complain to put forward with evidence in the form of logs. We can't help you otherwise. See you there later." [02:04] LjL, have you an alias for that? [02:04] no0tic: not yet [02:04] It wouldnt surprise me. [02:09] LjL, you'll enjoy this log. [02:09] gimme gimme [02:10] http://pastebin.com/f3b522a92 [02:11] Man... hes still talking, I though he'd stop. [02:12] Pici: i'd *so* love to see a K on him [02:12] LjL: with the latest ranting: http://pastebin.com/m734ca2d0 [02:14] y'all can remove them when i'm gone and/or i'm not in such a trollish mood [02:17] Pici, you didnt ask for his friend's blog site? [02:18] elkbuntu: hes still in #ubuntuforums if you feel up to it. [02:18] elkbuntu: it's probably /. [02:23] jdong, #uf [02:29] Oh well. [02:34] i goes to zzz [02:34] makes a note to check digg tomorrow :> [02:34] Goodnight :) [02:35] terribleflood was fun in a way that suits me [03:05] LjL: ugh wow that guy just doesn't stop. [03:05] Is he still going? [03:06] or are you reading the backlog in forums? [03:06] yeah I'm backlogging [03:06] was having a relaxing cup of tea. [03:06] (pricey would be proud!) === cool_man is now known as sassy_girl [03:38] ce_smasa_nganjuk === cow_cari_tmn is now known as ce_smasa_nganjuk [03:42] What is the policy regarding cracking wep in #kubuntu? [03:45] ardchoille: we don't condone illegal activiies of any kind [03:46] since we don't know if they're doing it on a testnet, we pretty much don't talk about it [03:46] nalioth: Even if the person wanting to crack wep says it's his own box? [03:46] ardchoille: are you standing next to him to know for sure? [03:46] nalioth: Ah, very good point. [03:46] ty [03:47] ardchoille: _everyone_ wants to know how to "crack their own wep" [03:47] nalioth: hahaha [03:47] Truw [03:47] *true [03:50] ardchoille: recommend #networking [03:50] nalioth: Ah, will do [03:50] or ##linux or somewhere [03:50] NIMBY [03:51] * nalioth kicks Pici into someone elses backyard [03:52] huuuuuuuuuu === cow_cari_tmn is now known as ce_smasa_nganjuk [03:58] ce_smasa_nganjuk: can we help you? [03:59] hm... he/it just PM'ed me... [04:00] with a plain "uhu"... [04:01] asl [04:02] ce_smasa_nganjuk: did you have business here? [04:02] no,why [04:02] banfw fyi [04:07] ce_smasa_nganjuk: we discourage idling in here, and we definitely don't speak in asl [04:07] up [04:51] nalioth: You made a differentiation between asl (age/sex/locatin) and asl (american sign language) ? [04:52] Most people don't know what ASL is. I do beacuse it's my second language due to being hearing impaired. [04:52] nickrud called the ops in #ubuntu (maco) [04:52] ardchoille: no, i pretended not to know what age/sex/location was [04:52] nalioth: Oh, my bad :) [04:53] i know my alphabet, though in ASL [04:53] nalioth: Even that's more than what most hearies know [04:53] Good on ya :) [04:53] * Hobbsee wonders how different the australian and american sign languages are === tritium_ is now known as tritium [04:54] Hobbsee: Not sure, but I know English sign is different than ASL [05:04] * tonyyarusso knows the alphabet and the sign for "judgement" [05:04] tonyyarusso: Nice :) [06:26] __mikem called the ops in #ubuntu (evsa) [06:28] astro76 called the ops in #ubuntu (pregunton) [06:32] astro76 called the ops in #ubuntu (Krodolfo) [06:34] hmm, there's a little troll party happening in #ubuntu [07:01] nick ce17_cr_co [07:01] server mesra.dal.net [07:02] sra.dal.net [07:02] !staff [07:02] Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2 or Christel, I could use a bit of your time :) [07:03] nick ce17_cr_co [07:08] ce 17 cr co [07:08] server mesra.dal.net === sassy_girl is now known as ce [07:09] nick ce 17 taon [07:09] ce: What can we help you with today? [07:09] server mesra.dal.net [07:10] Hmm.. might be a spambot [07:14] at least they can't spam in #ubuntu [07:25] ardchoille, they're a spambot, i'm waiting for a staffer to give them a free k [07:30] * elkbuntu tosses up the idea of a forward to an auto-dline channel, but isnt sure if it's legal for us to do that [07:34] In #ubuntu-bots, tssom said: !what is the best distro? [07:34] elkbuntu: Ah, ok. [07:35] !best > tssom [07:35] Hmm.. banforward to an auto-dline channel for bots? Not a bad idea. [07:45] good morning all [07:47] hi jussi01 [07:52] n/win 15 [07:52] bah [08:02] elkbuntu: did you get helped? [08:03] * SportChick falls asleep [08:09] SportChick, no [08:09] or, not that i knwo of [08:14] oh god, not pfa again [08:16] elkbuntu: pfa? [08:16] ardchoille, see #ubuntu-offtopic [08:20] whenever she's in the channel, it's hostile. she used to be a regular, but now she just trolls past every now and then [08:24] she used to be a nice person who contributed to decent conversations [08:24] now she just comes in, insults a few people, tells them what their opinions are, gets pissed off when they take big steps backwards, and storms off again [08:43] Sad that she can't see this the way others do [08:47] * PFA smooches lipstick all over wobblywu's face [08:47] * PFA looks around [08:47] is this room ok? [08:47] * wobblywu rubs anchovies all over himself [08:47] * tssom gets nakes and jacks off at the offtopic current topic [08:47] and once more i'm too soft and only removed tssom [08:48] I am again reminded why I don't spend time in #*-offtopic [08:49] they *used* to be ok channels [08:49] i became op back when that was the case [08:50] mind you, hanging out in #debian-offtopic, is far worse than #ubuntu-offtopic [08:50] hehe [08:50] I tried asking support questions in #debian back when I used debian but I was made to feel like an idiot. [08:51] yep [08:51] i actually got told i know something about something (non-tech related) in their offtopic the other day [08:51] o.O [08:52] they had a troll with the nick 'brawearingguy' or something like that, so i quipped that nobody actually likes wearing bras [08:53] hahaha [08:53] so it delved into a discussion of body modification fashions, like corsets, arsnic, chinese feet folding [08:55] this guy was trying to dismiss any notion that it's women basically killing themselves to be attractive to guys, but gave up when i out-argued him on it. [08:58] haha [09:00] elkbuntu: Well, I believe the value of a human is what's on the inside, not the outside. The outside is simply a wrapper for the true gift. [09:01] But I seem to be in the minority in this belief [09:01] ardchoille, agreed [09:02] i can PM you a pastebin of the conversation if you're interested [09:03] Please do [09:09] it wont let me join the ubuntu channel [09:11] let me check [09:11] acidfire2008, did you read the topic of the channel you were sent to? [09:12] i dont have no bug lmao [09:12] acidfire2008, you do or you would not have been sent there [09:12] how the hell can a router get a bug [09:12] the router works fine [09:13] funny that [09:13] acidfire2008, that was the bug [09:13] wtf? [09:14] chill ppl lol [09:14] acidfire2008, your router panics when certain strings come across port 6667 [09:14] if you change your freenode port to 8001, it should help trick the router into not panicking [09:14] if you change your freenode port to 8001, it should help trick the router into not panicking [09:14] ok should being on port 8001 work [09:14] yes [09:15] thats gay then [09:15] never heard of this before [09:15] acidfire2008, actually no, it's not homosexual. [09:15] nor is it happy [09:15] have you changed port now? [09:15] yes [09:16] congratulations [09:16] your redirect has been lifted [09:17] hmm ok [09:17] ty [09:18] remember to stay on that port or you'll end up in the same place the next time a kiddie with too much spare time comes by thinking their cool [09:18] if that's all, you no longer need to be in this channel === Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth [10:00] hello is it possible to unblock my account at some point ? [10:00] otherwise i will just have to use another nick for ubuntu (no real problem) [10:00] dbmoodb1, I would strongly advise against threats and ban evasion [10:01] ah ? [10:01] ban evasion [10:01] What channel are you banned from? [10:02] this one and ubuntu - for swearing at people - well one op i think - i don't keep logs. basically i was about to type another message to explain it - as in follow to make it make sense and not be blatently rude andstupid [10:03] That's not really helping yourself :/ [10:03] well no [10:04] but why would i lie - you are going to look up the logs anyway [10:05] I don't see any ban anywhere. [10:05] ah it is for dbmoodb [10:06] aha got it [10:06] ? [10:06] ? ah [10:07] oh ok - i guess next time i will not swear at ops [10:07] did you ban me there or unban me - cannot tell [10:07] It's best to not swear at all :) [10:08] dbmoodb1, ignore it [10:08] dbmoodb1, what's #ubuntu for then? [10:08] ? [10:08] simple question [10:09] - well i assume the op banned me in both [10:09] wait [10:09] ah ... no i think i got kicked from the other one first [10:09] answer the question please [10:09] yeah - ah something similiar i think - but involved ranting about compiz-fusion and debian [10:09] - not ranting about compiz-fusion [10:10] - wanting a simple - general query answered - given compiz-fusion channel says ask there for them (re ubuntu) [10:10] please answer my question [10:10] i did [10:10] didn't i ? [10:10] dbmoodb1, what's #ubuntu for then? [10:10] the ban ? or the channel [10:11] stop being difficult [10:11] "#ubuntu" is a channel [10:11] can you be more specific [10:11] if i had meant the ban, i would have said "what was the ban in #ubuntu for then?" [10:11] well no [10:12] sorry i didn't know what you were asking for [10:12] ubuntu is for queries about ubuntu- help - etc. [10:15] s [10:27] In ubotu, ardchoille said: !rootkit is A program designed to take fundamental control of a computer system, without the authorization of the system's owners and legitimate managers. Rkhunter and chkrootkit are decent rootkit scanners. [10:36] Hello dbmoodb, can I help you? [10:41] ah ? [10:41] yeah you asked what #ubuntu is for - it is for helping and assiting / asking q reubuntu [10:49] right [10:50] so why didn't you say that the first time? [11:55] ah hi ? [11:55] price still here ? lol [11:56] mhmm [11:56] - sort of idled out [11:56] when i was having fun destorying vista - got it running in virtualbox :) [11:56] i can save it - destory it and then reload it [11:56] etc [11:56] ? [11:57] PriceChild: Dont you ever sleep [11:57] - i think he has clones [11:57] ikonia - im evil [11:57] i had 9 hours today :O [11:57] define today [11:58] started about 11 hours ago, finished about 2 hours ago [11:58] ok [11:58] 4hrs here "Grand" baby woke me up.. [11:59] so price am i any closer to being unbanned in #ubuntu - or that not going to happen [11:59] ah brb -maybe disconnected [12:00] you haven't been very helpful to youself avoiding questions etc. [12:00] and i haven't got much time now [12:00] oh [12:00] well it would be nice to get unblocked [12:01] it would be nice if i had some ice cream [12:01] sure [12:01] me too [12:01] but that requires me to work to get money to go out and buy it [12:01] ? you don't keep it on tap ? [12:05] ... [12:15] mmm [12:19] join #linux [12:20] PriceChild: I didnt email you my chuy logs yesterday. I'm not sure if you saw, but lets just say that the ban isnt going to be lifted any time soon. [12:20] Let me know if you want some logs. [12:20] ? [12:20] It was certantly a most interesting situation. [12:20] ban or me or chuy ? [12:20] dbmoodb: Huh? [12:21] dbmoodb: I just got here, I dont know what you're doing here, but I assure you I wasnt talking about or to you. [12:22] Pici: chuy has been a problem before [12:22] ikonia: Oh, I know. [12:22] fine [12:22] oh sure [12:22] ikonia: you'll probably be interested in the logs.. I'll put them together for posterity anyway. [12:22] - i'm talking about my ban [12:22] Pici: cool [12:23] Pici: sounds interesting [12:25] mmm [12:28] Pici: the turk? [12:28] Daviey: Not sure. [12:29] * Pici cats and greps [12:29] fgrep ftw [12:29] well can i get reasoned with and get banned or stated not to be unbanned ? [12:30] dbmoodb: I don't know anything about the situation - but PriceChild didn't seem keen on lifting it now - i'd come back after a suitable amount of time [12:31] sure- he said he was busy [12:31] just questioning me on what ubuntu (the channel) if for before [12:31] - wants to know i know what it is for etc. [12:31] and that i will not kill it [12:32] Kill it? [12:32] - ............ [12:33] not literally [12:33] right dbmoodb let me explain a few things while i have 10 minutes [12:34] This is the ubuntu operators/operations/whatever channel. So a few things go on here, most irrelevant to you. [12:34] ok [12:34] sure [12:34] i know that [12:34] even more things go on in ubuntu+1 [12:34] etc [12:35] Its like #ubuntu and almost every other channel in that if someone else is talking here... you don't know who they are, if they don't make sense they probably aren't talking about you, or to you especially if they don't talk about you or to you. [12:36] You can safely ignore anyone that hasn't addressed you. [12:36] oh you mean just above [12:36] oh sure - just hoping :) [12:36] indeed [12:36] rofl [12:36] well you were awol wanted to see if i could talk to them about unbanning [12:37] seeing they were on the topic [12:37] - but yeah i missed what they were on about for a sec - misread while doing something else [12:37] we all have a backlog, and people will talk and try and help you out if they have the time, ability, patience etc. [12:38] :) damn right - for which most have little for me [12:38] - in this room [12:38] everyone at their irc session will have seen the backlog, so if nobody is talking to you it is because they aren't there, or can't/won't/don't want to talk to you [12:39] so anyway [12:39] like i said [12:39] ltime = low here for me [12:40] that's really not the point [12:41] dbmoodb, so what's #ubuntu for? [12:43] - tries to copy paste can't find it, drat - it is for ubuntu queries and helping users in it [12:43] i'm not interested in pastes, i want you to speak your own thoughts [12:44] i just did [12:44] couldn't paste lol [12:45] !offtopic [12:45] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [12:45] so ubuntu is for support [12:46] 2008-01-07T22:25:53 jack you are clueless go and die [12:46] 2008-01-07T22:25:14 omfg go and die jack [12:47] ? [12:47] yeah [12:47] tis me [12:47] And then of course the absolute bucketload of offtopic chatter around those, trolling, random chatter, request to be kicked [12:47] sure [12:47] quite rude/insulting to tell someone to die [12:47] and bad language with "omfg" [12:47] ikonia, [12:47] dbmoodb, so what warranted that? [12:48] mostly lack of sleep, and intent to be rude [12:48] aka none [12:48] intent? [12:48] -tired -> bored -> intent [12:48] why did you want to disrupt the channel? [12:48] "fun"? [12:48] no [12:48] i was looking for an answer [12:48] i get bored but i don't go into ##windows and call them all stupid [12:48] which i never got from #ubuntu [12:49] rofl [12:49] price - how many do you think run windows as their dedicated os in there ? [12:49] - offtopic but yeah [12:49] - i said lack of sleep - came in to find the name of a compiz-fusion plugin [12:50] dbmoodb, so say I let you back into #ubuntu, what are we going to have to deal with next time you get bored? [12:50] then didn't get an answer and knew that compiz-fusion was for something else [12:50] i said tired price [12:50] An even better question... "why" should we have to deal with it? [12:50] tired --> bored --> [12:50] eh ? [12:50] ah sure - next time i'm not really going to ask to be unbanned [12:50] Everyone gets tired and bored, that is no excuse. People aren't all disruptive and malicious inside, and most that are have self control. [12:51] - if it is for good reason this this one was [12:51] like* [12:51] - look price i accept this [12:52] you can go look at my whole chat history if you really want - i often say debian rocks every now and again [12:52] but i do help out [12:52] or try io [12:52] to* [12:52] so back to my previous question, why should we (operators and users) have to deal with this disruptive behaviour next time it happens? [12:52] Why should I lift the ban and allow it to potentially happen again? [12:53] ? [12:53] Why is this acceptable on irc and in #ubuntu? I seriously doubt you'd behave like that in.... a shop or bank? [12:53] that is up to you not me [12:53] sure price [12:53] dbmoodb, but I am asking for a reason, a little show of remorse even. [12:53] I don't think you've denied that it will happen again. [12:54] I have 1 minute. [12:54] there is a price there is a complex associate with it [12:54] ah - what dnied ? [12:56] I have to leave and will be back in 2 hours and 15 minutes if you would like to continue the discussion. I suggest you read the backlog fully, and try to understand why I do not want to let you back in. I suggest you exercise some self control, understand that the behaviour is not acceptable anywhere. [12:56] Maybe once you achieve that I'll think differently. [12:56] !guidelines [12:56] The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [12:56] Read those too. [12:59] sorry had a technical difficulty [13:00] - the other box seems to have frozen [13:00] ah yeah well you are right i have not denied that it will not happen again [13:01] i said that i would not asked to be unbanned if banned for serious reason - regarded to by you or another op perhaps [13:01] don't know if you are still here meh [13:01] 07:56:01 I have to leave and will be back in 2 hours and 15 minutes if you [13:01] would like to continue the discussion. I suggest you read the [13:01] backlog fully, and try to understand why I do not want to let you [13:01] back in. I suggest you exercise some self control, understand that [13:01] i don't have it [13:01] the behaviour is not acceptable anywhere. [13:01] 07:56:19 Maybe once you achieve that I'll think differently. [13:01] i got that [13:01] 07:56:22 !guidelines [13:01] 07:56:22 The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. [13:01] good [13:01] Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [13:02] 07:56:24 Read those too. [13:02] arg [13:02] I fail at pasting. [13:02] - lol [13:02] That was the last thing he said. [13:02] oh good - ubuntu froze on me [13:02] well not ubuntu - i don't blame it - i blame virtualbox (using the binary from their side not the oss version so.( [13:03] ... [13:03] dbmood1: #ubuntu-ops isnt for support questions OR random chatter. I suggest that you either wait quietly until PriceChild returns, or come back later. [13:03] ok so he will be back in two hours mmm - what time zone is he on - because if another op is'nt going to touch this matter then it would be good to know when i can contact him [13:03] 2 hours is 2 hours no matter what timezone you are in. [13:04] ....his timezone i will ont be here in 2 hours [13:04] i will be asleep [13:04] it will be 2 am local time here [13:05] dbmood1, unfortunately, you dont have a good reputation across numerous channels on freenode [13:06] eh ? [13:06] define numerous then define the channels [13:06] dbmood1, i've seen your behaviour in other channels, including the last time you trolled here, plus your rudeness in #slug [13:06] ? [13:06] rude in slug [13:06] to who chesty ? [13:07] to a newbie, but if you're confessing another incident, then it only adds to my stance [13:07] to a newbie ? === dbmood1 is now known as dbmoodb [13:08] don't know what you are talking about - re newbi [13:08] it was late november, early decmber last year [13:09] last year [13:09] oh - 2007 you mean - thought 2006 for a sec lol [13:09] i do not recall being rude to a newbi there [13:11] i did have a lively discussion with some users early in the morning - but it went both ways and was taken in good steed - don't remember insulting a newbie [13:11] - i would like to see the log if you have it [13:12] actually, it was mid-dec and i didnt witness it directly but was told abotu it in passing conversaiton by one of the slug ops === NotAManticore is now known as Manticore|Away [13:13] i would like to know about it [13:13] the nov/dec thing i saw was you vandalising the slug topic [13:13] oh i did change it back [13:13] no, you did not [13:13] or attempt to - was done for me [13:13] and left it alone afterwards [13:13] - and it was hardly vandalising [13:14] oh btw our slug topic is wrong - at.. is not located in darling harbour [13:14] either way, if your excuse is 'i was tired and bored' then sorry, we cant trust that you wont ever get tired or bored again. [13:14] ? [13:15] i accept responsibility [13:15] i have never not [13:16] you accept responsiblity after the fact, not at the appropriate time which is 'in time to stop yourself' [13:17] sure [13:17] how could i take responsibility if i had not performed the act, i can't do both things [13:18] if you take responsibility when it's just a thought, you would only be doing one thing [13:18] additionally, you proved on december 19th that you have no respect for the operators, since you joined this channel to abuse our bot and be rude to me [13:18] no [13:20] in fact, the bot abuse was debianista trolling at that [13:20] ? [13:20] 2007-12-19T15:54:51 In ubotu, dbmoodb said: dpkg is better than you [13:20] oh i wsa playing with the bot [13:21] - yeah that was funny for a bit - didn't know it was going to the ubuntu-ops as a suggestion or anything [13:22] then why on earth were you in this channel? [13:22] sorry ? which channel [13:22] - it did say something about this has been forwarded to debian-ops [13:22] so i came to see [13:23] was my rudeness re abusing the bot or just debian trolling ? [13:23] http://pastebin.com/d24fe5450 [13:23] as i said i don't keep logs [13:23] we do. [13:23] this is the official logs from the ban tracker [13:24] wow [13:24] i know [13:24] lol - well that is hardly rudeness compared to what i did yesterday don't know why you bring that up [13:25] - yeah i was rude but i didn't insult you [13:25] and i was eating [13:25] see, you did know it would go to -ops, since you were there purely to see it. that is intentional misuse of the bot. you then call the !elkbuntu factoid when i ask you a question, then without answering it (which is rude) went idle, only to give me cheek when i asked for your answer [13:26] sorry ? oh this is personal fine [13:26] no, i have had no influence on the recent bans at all [13:26] i see - i'm sorry if i upset you by seeing what the bot would do [13:26] - i know that [13:26] elk you didn't ban me [13:27] rofl [13:27] i mean this some stint you seem to have taken to heart vs what i did recently [13:28] dbmoodb: why don't you just behave and respect the rules like everyone else ? [13:28] i'm sorry for both - if i have teased a newbi and it was not in humour then i do very well regret that [13:29] no, i have not taken anything to heart. i am putting forth additional information as reasons why your ban have not been lifted at this time. [13:29] well i will. first thing i do with a bot is play with it. -i'm sorry for treating #ubuntu like a throwaway and #slug like a place to ping [13:29] well that log is'nt that great to prove why i should be banned [13:29] dbmoodb: your proving it now with every word you say [13:30] which is being logged [13:30] i know [13:30] good good. [13:30] i just mean - as i did yesterday is worse than that [13:30] just because you've done worse doesn't mean you can do "not quite as bad" and it's no problem [13:30] dbmoodb, it demonstrates long term behaviour [13:30] i do not mean to say this is not relevant, or funny [13:30] just don't do anything bad, respect the rules [13:31] you cannot claim a once off [13:31] i have not [13:31] - i'm just saying that incident is not as significant [13:31] I wonder if I'm feeding the attention being craved here. Apologies [13:31] 1 + 1 =2, this is 0.5 [13:31] so i have 1.5 [13:31] it doesnt work like that [13:32] well i know that you know that [13:33] yes ikonia, i do believe so [13:33] agreed [13:33] rofl [13:34] wow you only started to play with linux in 2005 [13:35] - just looked up google thing - out of interest [13:36] http://ubuntucounter.geekosophical.net/ - wow nice [13:36] ok so i would like to understand this i will or will not be unbanned pending how i react - or has it already been decided [13:37] - i mean that in the nicest possible way [13:38] and there you go again.....just drop it. Be respectful to other people and respect this rules. This channel is not a chat channel, so wait for the person who banned you to discuss your ban, should you want to be allowed back into #ubuntu [13:39] i don't know who banned me [13:39] PriceChild: did, the guy you've been talking to, the guy who said he would consider unbanning you when he got back [13:39] and yes that was offtopic if you want to call it that [13:40] oh he did [13:40] i was not aware of that [13:40] yes, you've spent 20 minutes interacting with him [13:40] he never said that too me [13:40] ah that was nice of him [13:41] perhaps ask him when he returns if it was him to be certain, but other than that I suggest you consider your actions and future actions [13:41] ? [13:41] ... i meant that was nice of him [13:41] the whole 'intent to be rude' attitude [13:42] the intent is not to be rude attitude [13:43] dbmoodb, so what warranted that? [13:43] mostly lack of sleep, and intent to be rude [13:43] aka none [13:43] intent? [13:43] -tired -> bored -> intent [13:43] why did you want to disrupt the channel? [13:43] "fun"? [13:43] no [13:43] i was looking for an answer [13:43] ah yes during that incident it might have been [13:43] in other words you were acting like a spoiled child, and threw a tanty to get your way. [13:43] - yes [13:44] not spoiled - overly assured [13:44] you might get away with that in #debian, but not in #ubuntu channels [13:44] ? [13:44] oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [13:44] #debian -want to go check my entire chat logs of debian [13:45] dbmoodb: not interested debian [13:45] bottom line is the operators found your behaviour unacceptable [13:45] yes but i had to respond to the comment [13:45] yes i know- i do too [13:45] no you didn't [13:45] not at the time [13:45] How about: you might get away with that in #someotherchannel, but not in #ubuntu [13:45] !codeofconduct [13:45] dbmoodb: great, so instead of making your self look like an attention seeker in this channel, why not go away and think about it and come back with a new attitude approach [13:45] much better [13:45] The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ [13:46] !guidelines [13:46] The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [13:46] - ikonia have been doing that [13:46] read those and answer questions when pricechild returns, and you may have a chance [13:47] you do realise that i am here of my own free will [13:47] and that i have accepted all responsibility, didn't quit after finding out that price is the apparently the only one to block me [14:02] ce: Is there a particular reason you keep trying to join #ubuntu? [14:02] Pici, it's a spambot [14:02] elkbuntu: Then why havent we banned it outright? [14:02] wait what - ce is a spam bot [14:03] wow those things exist .... [14:03] Pici, because i'm waiting for a k-line. -ops is the only place it can get into atm [14:03] elkbuntu: understood :) [14:03] * sassy_girl (n=sy001@ has joined #ubuntu-ops [14:03] nick ce17_cr_co [14:03] server mesra.dal.net [14:03] * sassy_girl has quit (Client Quit) [14:03] is it from earlier [14:03] elkbuntu: oh, you mean a k-line also known as kline from freenode staff, like a network-wide ban you know? the stuff ircops deal with. [14:03] highlight? what highlight? [14:04] hehe [14:06] #freenode is dead atm dbmoodb [14:06] !staff [14:06] Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2 or Christel, I could use a bit of your time :) [14:07] ? [14:07] oh [14:07] hows that for service [14:08] bah [14:08] Dave2, it's not an on-join [14:09] ah. [14:09] sec i'll pastebin evidence [14:09] Dave2, http://pastebin.com/m17f47226 [14:11] * Dave2 attempts to fight with seemingly randomly dropping connection [14:11] wait so why do you think it is a spam bot - it is hardly spamming here - just out of intreest [14:11] dbmoodb, because it was earlier [14:11] dbmoodb, see the pastebin [14:12] meanwhile, until pricechild returns, you have no need to be in here [14:12] i have no reason not to be here either [14:12] !idle | dbmoodb [14:12] dbmoodb: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries. [14:12] - i have been quiet up until this caught my attention - i find it interesting so i asked [14:12] well i am waiting for price - if you have to have a reason [14:13] dbmoodb: well then perhaps try reading what was said before asking obvious questions [14:13] oh is he off irc - if so i can just msg him at random intervals [14:13] LjL: I forgot where you looking for me a day or so ago [14:13] dbmoodb, that would be rude [14:14] dbmoodb, it would indeed. if you type /whois PriceChild, you'll see he's marked away. when he's no more marked as away, it probably means he'd no more away. [14:14] LjL: I wrote an irssi plugin and a high light came up from me from you about 5 times in here, but I kept missing you to ask you if you where looking for me or my attempt at plugin writing had gone wrong [14:14] well - i can't see the earlier pastepin [14:14] dbmoodb: a better way would be to check /whois PriceChild once in a while [14:14] (bah! LjL beat me) [14:14] ikonia, i don't remember pinging you [14:14] or /notify [14:14] LjL: no problem, could have been my mistke, I was just checking [14:14] ikonia: I mentioned your name a few times when talking about the chuy incident. [14:14] Pici: ahhh it could have been that, maybe some plugin re-work is in order [14:15] Pici: although it appeared to come from ljl. probably my bad code, first plugin and all that [14:15] yes, that is true. your plugin tries to catch misspelled nicknames? :) [14:15] it's not my best work ;) [14:15] Dave2, have you sufficient evidence to send ce/Co_cr_tmn_ on their way? === dbmood1 is now known as dbmoodb [14:45] LjL: yah, I should have asked him in here, but once again I underestimated how much of a scene it would cause. [14:45] I've been good at doing that lately. [14:45] Pici: i understand that, don't take it as scolding, it's always better if a third party calls ot [14:46] what. [14:46] IndyGunFreak, the issue is simple. the factoid i give below is not entirely relevant, but there is a parallel [14:46] !feeding the troll [14:46] The above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal. [14:47] IndyGunFreak: now, a paster is not a troll. i might agree with you that they *could* rationally realize that pasting is bad [14:47] if you say so. [14:47] IndyGunFreak: but the problem is that, if everyone *comments* on the paster/troll and what they did, *more* noise is created than what the paster/troll alone would have [14:48] IndyGunFreak: that's why we mostly just give short warnings, or a kick, and rarely reply when people call !ops or otherwise warn us of something - we just act, as silently as possible [14:48] because doing things without much ado is the only way not to make the channel noise worse ourselves [14:52] ikonia: i used « french quotation marks »... but they're used in the topic and factoids too [14:52] LjL: your last post (I've only got the last lines) cmae out like this [14:52] ntfs-config | grep bin » will most likely give you the name of the [14:52] executable(s) provided by the package [14:52] LjL: it changed the spacing of your text [14:52] what i said was [14:52] i don't know about that package specifically, but " dpkg -L ntfs-config | grep bin " will most likely give you the name of the executable(s) provided by the package [14:52] (i changed the quotation marks this time) [14:52] yes, I got the text of it, but the spacing went crazy [14:53] may just be my client [14:53] very odd [14:53] I don't know if it came out odd for anyone else [14:53] ikonia: i donno really, i have a clone connected (although it's on the same client as myself), and it saw my message correctly [14:53] irssi ? [14:53] konversation [14:54] interesting [14:54] not a big deal [14:54] just curious to what happened as I've never seen that [14:54] ikonia: i don't know about that package specifically, but « dpkg -L ntfs-config | grep bin » will most likely give you the name of the executable(s) provided by the package [14:54] IndyGunFreak: I just wanted to ask you to stop with the remarks regarding pasting, such as: "freakin moron" and "it amazes me someone could me that dense" [14:54] this time? [14:54] LjL: perfect [14:54] * LjL head desks [14:55] not for you ikonia :P [14:55] first time it seemed to add a line in between eeach of your lines [14:55] ha ha , no problem [14:55] ikonia: weird really, it's a verbatim copy and paste except for the nickname [14:55] very odd [14:55] LjL: try it with my nick ? [14:55] ikonia: i just did [14:55] so you did [14:55] how odd [14:55] don't want to mistakenly ping st-din *again* :) [14:55] not to worry [14:56] odd little glitch [14:57] Pici, not to mention that such rudeness is not acceptable by the Code of Conduct anyway [14:58] elkbuntu: But of course. [14:59] is it appropriate to make suggestions re fixes for the future or the present here ? [14:59] dbmoodb: suggestions/fixes regarding what? [15:00] * ikonia puts away the food [15:01] well i might take a bit longer to respond - virtualbox is doing stuff [15:01] dbmoodb: suggestions/fixes regarding what? [15:01] dbmoodb, this is *not* a support, development or chit-chat channel. [15:02] * Pici taps his foot, wonders when PriceChild is coming back [15:03] ok i would like to suggest a possible fix for the issue of ubuntu (the way linux handles hard disk mangement and the way the drive does..) [15:03] dbmoodb, wrong place for that [15:03] * ikonia prays for pricechilds return quick [15:04] !launchpad [15:04] Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/ [15:04] * MenZa pokes Pici, awaits reaction [15:04] :p [15:04] no channel ? [15:05] #ubuntu-motu [15:05] dbmoodb: irc is probably not the best place for long-term suggestions [15:05] but they'll only tell you to LP it [15:05] lp ? [15:06] LaunchPad [15:06] L aunch P ad [15:11] lunch pail [15:21] bah, 10 minutes late 8-) [15:22] dbmood1, correct me if I'm wrong... but earlier I think I made it "reasonably" clear that other discussion in this channel really wasn't something you should involve yourself in? [15:23] one sec [15:24] ah [15:25] yes, i talked to elk and pi.. for a bit then asked about the spam bot out of interest then asked a q just before you showed up before - hardly discussion [15:26] excuse me?! [15:26] i have not been discussing many things in your leave [15:26] Hello, [15:26] Why is this channel so popular lately? (This is not directed at your dbmood) [15:26] nor pasting [15:26] leagris, hey, how can I help? [15:26] ? ....price what are you on about now [15:26] PriceChild: because you have a magnetic personality ;-) [15:27] I'v been banned: LjL met un ban sur *!*@2001:41d0:1:562f:0:0:0:1 [15:27] leagris: that was old and not funny... and even if it were funny, #ubuntu is way too busy to deal with jokes, really. have you noticed there's almost 1200 people in there? [15:27] dbmood1, "what are you on about now" - what's that in regard to? [15:27] - my "discussion" in this channel [15:27] LjL, that was sharp though [15:28] leagris: not really, there are automatic tools (which you probably used) to "invert" text with unicode tricks, and we've seen them all already. [15:28] anyway, it doesn't matter how sharp it might have been [15:28] !offtopic [15:28] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [15:28] i had a long discussion with elk and pi.. then that stopped then i asked about the spam bot a bit later then i asked where do i put possible suggestion to fix things [15:28] !etiquette > leagris (leagris, see the private message from Ubotu) Please read these carefully [15:29] dbmood1, it was not your place to discuss the spambot. it was not your place to start googling me and asking me questions based on what you found [15:29] that is what pricechild is referring to [15:29] oh sure [15:29] dbmood1, Before I left, I left some specific suggestions for you before we continued the discussion. Did you do those? [15:29] read the web page i believe [15:30] Good, and the rest? [15:30] you believe? did you read it or did you not read it? [15:31] which web page - i have switched to another computer -i believe it was the code of conduct site you wanted me to read maily [15:31] !guidelines [15:31] The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [15:32] yes that too [15:33] so, what is the first guideline? [15:34] of [15:34] the guidelines [15:34] the irc ones [15:34] ok [15:34] Thanks and sorry [15:34] didn't think they were numbered [15:35] ah - one must follow the code of conduct [15:35] they're not. it should be simple to figure the first one is the one directly below the title 'channel guidelines' [15:35] yes [15:35] and do you understand the code of conduct? [15:35] ops have an extra special set of guidelines too :D [15:36] -saw that too mez [15:36] http://www.ubuntu.com/community/leadership-conduct [15:36] Mez, we did not instruct him to read those though [15:36] elkbuntu, only caught the tail end of the convo [15:37] rofl, yeah i know - wanted to see them too. ah yeah i know english. so yes i should understand the code of conduct [15:37] understanding the words does not mean you understand the philosophy [15:37] doesn't it ? [15:37] -not going into the mostmodern debate [15:38] sure i do understand the rules [15:38] and you understand that being tired and bored are not an excuse to break them [15:38] yes [15:39] wait pricechild - are you here - i thought you were the one who was able to unban me - not that i mean elk questioning [15:39] mean* --- mind [15:40] dbmood1, he's here reading what you say, just in the middle of something else atm [15:40] k [15:42] yes i'm here, just watching you natter [15:42] and eating pasta 8-) [15:42] I would like to comment on the following paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/3399/ Everyone here is here of their own free will also. "So?" I don't believe you have accepted all responsibility. You've shown no remorse, and no promise to prevent it happenning again. I am *NOT* the only one who can unban you. Anyone with access in #ubuntu can unban you, I just seem to be one of the only ones willing to give you the time [15:42] of day. [15:42] oh [15:42] well i was told otherwise [15:43] can != willing to [15:43] -i was told otherwise [15:43] no, you were told you had to wait for pricechild [15:43] ? [15:44] no i was told he was the only one [15:44] we do not take over other ops proceedings [15:44] where is the official pastebin of that - so i can read up and paste or point you to the fact i was told you were the only one [15:44] in case you have missed it [15:45] * elkbuntu points to the logbot [15:45] and the explanation is the following. I was still in the channel had not left - talked to elk accepted responsibility [15:45] -how do i use it elk ? [15:45] !logbot [15:45] Sorry, I don't know anything about logbot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [15:45] it's called ubutulog. /whois it [15:45] ah [15:46] nope not there [15:46] ubuntulog * [15:46] !logs [15:46] Channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ - See also « /msg ubotu ircstats » [15:46] oh [15:46] mmm should think about adding a search facility to that site [15:46] !logbot is logs [15:46] I'll remember that, Mez [15:47] rofl [15:47] I'm not sure whats so funny. [15:47] basically i meant i am here answering elk's qs and not leaving and rejioning when you show up later [15:48] dbmood1, the only incidence of 'only one' is: 13:47 dbmoodb and that i have accepted all responsibility, didn't quit after finding out that price is the apparently the only one to block me [15:48] pici - you don't find mez's action funny ? [15:48] no [15:48] rubbish elk [15:48] i saw it and was told [15:48] * Mez wonders how it can be found funny ... [15:48] then find it [15:48] it would be only one [15:48] dbmood1: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=site%3Airclogs.ubuntu.com+what+you+want [15:49] i am aware of that jp [15:49] Even grepping for 'only' in the past 12 hours of this channel reveals nothing. [15:50] can't find it tho [15:50] oh ffs [15:50] Pici: grep for me, I told him to wait for pricechild [15:50] i was told he was the only one [15:50] ok [15:50] fact of life some in here told me that [15:51] fact of life - don't believe me go read the logs [15:51] I didn't [15:51] well some one told me [15:51] nope. I told you to wait for pricechild [15:51] no, the fact of life is that everything said in the channel today is in http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/01/09/%23ubuntu-ops.html [15:51] and as already stated i don't keep logs and ubuntu is not happy with opensuse in a virtualbox (freezes it up) [15:51] dbmood1: Regardless of who told you, it is our policy for the person who placed the ban to be the one to remove it. In addition, PriceChild had already engaged you and said that he would return later to discuss it. [15:51] thank for the think [15:52] the only incidence of 'only one' is the line i pasted above [15:52] Anyway, I'm not sure why you're focussing on who said what and whos doing what. [15:52] yes well i don't know why we are arguing over this one [15:52] - likewise pici [15:52] because you wouldnt deviate from the topic, dbmood1 [15:53] time stamp 13:38 ikonia [15:53] I give up. [15:53] and there you go again.....just drop it. Be respectful to other people and respect this rules. This channel is not a chat channel, so wait for the person who banned you to discuss your ban, should you want to be allowed back into #ubuntu [15:54] happy - not so clear cut but was not corrected later [15:54] that does not say they're the only one [15:54] well ikonia did not correct me when i asked [15:55] - not clear communication but that is how i took it [15:55] nevermind [15:55] the logs there for all to see, so I'm shutting up [15:55] lol [15:56] elkbuntu, Pici it was actually ompaul's ban, but he's not around so i decided to look after it [15:56] It doesnt really matter anyway. [15:56] ok... [15:57] (that was not addressed to you(# [15:57] - i know that - i want to know what is happening next [15:57] dbmood1, just a thought for you. how many hours is it since 9pm. THAT is how many hours of time you've taken up in here today [15:57] you cannot take no for an answer [15:57] you give cheek [15:58] you are rude [15:58] i did ask at the start and at numerous intervals is my fate predecided to which there was no answer [15:58] and it's only getting worse [15:58] and in all that, you have not convinced us that you are actually sorry (token apologies do not count) [15:59] token [15:59] that is nice to know well you see i have two options, one give up on the channel ubuntu, two see if i can get back in [16:00] dbmood1, and back to square one you go [16:00] you just threatened to ban evade [16:00] no [16:00] yus [16:00] no [16:00] Then what? [16:00] Daviey, where does that rank in freenode policy again? [16:00] i said SEE IF I CAN GET BACK IN AS IN AS DBMOODB [16:00] elkbuntu: pretty serious IIRC :) [16:00] not as in evading [16:01] you misunderstood [16:01] dbmood1, your fate is not predecided. I thought that I made it pretty clear earlier I was looking for "remorse", a "promise you would try not to let it happen again" [16:01] dbmood1, that has been the *sole* reason we have allowed you to occupy our time. [16:01] PriceChild, exactly, and remorse is not something that needs extracting [16:01] PriceChild, 6 hours of our time [16:01] i cannot show you remorse over irc [16:01] I've made that comment twice now iirc. [16:02] i cannot show emotion over irc [16:02] dbmood1, the ban will not be lifted at this time. Please think about what I just said, go over the guidelines, and come back in a week. [16:02] i can [16:02] say that i will not do it again [16:02] too late IMO [16:02] ? [16:02] But you haven't, despite a *lot* of nudging. [16:02] what [16:02] no i have been waiting [16:02] dbmood1, we had to extract that from you with prodding and questions. that is *not* remorse [16:03] eh [16:03] dbmood1: see you next week [16:03] what did you want to start with - a i'm sorry i will not do it again [16:04] PriceChild: May I pm you? [16:04] Jack_Sparrow, sure [16:04] dbmood1, it's too late for that today. come back next week with an explanation of *how* you understand, not just a statement *that* you understand [16:04] ok now i feel cheated. - that is how i feel. you ask for remorse you don't show any interest in the others explanation [16:04] ? [16:04] dbmood1, I have stated out decision. [16:04] *our [16:04] dbmood1, the ban will not be lifted at this time. Please think about what I just said, go over the guidelines, and come back in a week. [16:05] yes i know that price. but are you saying all you wanted was a - i will not do it again message ? [16:05] without prompting needed to get it [16:05] dbmood1, its not much to ask is it. [16:06] i find that a bit hard to believe. oh ffs. - great so i answer q's re other things and all you wanted was a " i will not do it again" [16:06] anyway, we heard your explanation - you were 'tired' [16:06] dbmood1, Could you please /part #ubuntu-ops, think about what has happenned and come back in a week [16:06] in one second [16:06] no, now. [16:06] i would like to say that you have shown no part of humanity your selves here. [16:07] good night [16:07] in true troll form [16:07] I was expecting worse [16:07] all david's are that bad :( [16:08] Respecting Ubuntu Processes and Principles The Code of Conduct does not only apply to leaders. It applies to leaders more. Leaders show more patience, more respect, and more civility than other members of the Ubuntu community. As leaders, they represent their team and, ultimately, the whole Ubuntu project. Leaders do their best to reflect the values that Ubuntu stands for and the behaviors that Ubuntu holds as paramount. Additionally, they take ca [16:08] i thought i would remind then part [16:09] ikonia, he'll probably be back at least once more within the hour [16:09] Anyway. [16:09] elkbuntu: $10 your on [16:09] ikonia, it's 3am, so im not entirely confident [16:09] PriceChild: First of all: http://nullcortex.com/upload/ubuntu/chuy.log [16:09] he's in my timezone too [16:09] $5 ? [16:10] PriceChild, jdong: second of all: http://pastebin.com/f11c71d41 [16:10] oh shit, he's in #kubuntu now [16:10] elkbuntu: has been for a while... [16:10] !ohmy > elkbuntu [16:10] elkbuntu: been for a while [16:11] ikonia: fyi, that second message is just the conversation that you and I had about the pm you got on the forums. [16:11] Pici: nah, thats fine, I told you to warn you so I appriciate you telling the others [16:12] I didnt get one, but then again, I dont have Pici registered there. [16:12] Pici: I think it's because he think I banned him [16:12] and my irc name matches my forum name [16:13] white chocolate cookies.... they make life so sweet [16:13] PriceChild: which shop ? [16:13] ikonia, somerfield [16:13] PriceChild: suggest waitrose as a rival [16:13] PriceChild: I will evaluate [16:14] PriceChild: jussi01 if you want me to forward that pm to you for your reference just say [16:15] that was meant for jdong sorry [16:15] ikonia / Pici thanks for the heads-up [16:15] Daviey, if you could keep an eye on ^^ ip, it would be appreciated. the same ip was possibly spamming earlier [16:15] and yes, ikonia, please forward the message to me [16:15] jdong: incoming [16:16] elkbuntu: will do [16:16] Crisis averted/ [16:17] Daviey, for reference: http://pastebin.com/m17f47226 [16:17] jdong: sent [16:18] is that bot banned in #kubuntu ? [16:18] ikonia: thanks [16:18] jpatrick, possibly [16:20] I'll keep an eye out for it [16:20] ikonia: for now, please inform him that the forums should not be used to settle IRC disputes, and I'll keep an eye on this guy and see if I need to strip his PM abilities [16:20] ikonia: and let me know if he acts up anymore [16:21] jdong: Not sure if you saw the mess he made in here last night, http://nullcortex.com/upload/ubuntu/chuy.log [16:21] are you sure you want me to reply - or just ignore it (ref picis long text log) [16:21] er, wait, yes you saw part of it at least. [16:21] exactly [16:21] happy to respond politly, or ignore it [16:23] synergy is so much cooler than dual screen [16:24] ikonia: well I'd like you to respond politely that the forums aren't to be used for bitching about IRC disputes -- I'm concerned what else he's doing on the forums right now [16:24] ikonia: there's not enough evidence for me at the moment to take any punitive measures on his account, but I'd rather not let it grow out of control. He has threatened mass media attention already. [16:25] so um, has this famed digg post surfaced yet? [16:25] jdong, he's on the forums?! [16:25] elkbuntu: nope. [16:25] PriceChild: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4103332#post4103332 [16:26] elkbuntu: I've been monitoring the incoming headlines in the Linux/Unix section for Ubuntu. [16:26] jdong, ah so different one. [16:26] lol "monitoring" [16:26] wtf, i cant view that [16:26] jdong: wait, talking about chuy? [16:26] elkbuntu, staff section [16:26] rude :( [16:26] how wude [16:26] LjL: yep [16:27] Right now to read the logs. [16:27] jdong: thats fine, just wanted to be certain [16:27] * elkbuntu sulks with pici [16:27] elkbuntu: ikonia has posted the PM elsewhere ;-) [16:27] * Daviey joins them :( [16:27] jdong: can you share a summary of that link's contents? [16:27] elkbuntu: see pici's last pastebin [16:28] LjL: just ikonia's PM quoted, then a heads-up warning to the staff shortly describing chuy's behavior on IRC and threat to take it to riot levels [16:28] i see [16:28] anyway we say, barking dog doesn't bite [16:28] :) [16:28] but a kline does [16:28] well yeah [16:29] Daviey: Hes threatened and probably was using a proxy to connect to here fyi. [16:29] Pici: the guy he was pretnding to be doesn't exist [16:29] well he has the habit of making it known that he's him... [16:29] Pici: I don't believe he had the knowledge [16:30] no matter what the nick or hostmask. [16:30] plonker [16:30] as far as I am concerned our job of identifying him is pretty easy :D [16:30] he came in here because anything containing "chuy" is banforwarded to here from #ubuntu, by the way [16:31] Why a forward? [16:31] Pici: because i wanted to have fun [16:31] and see if his threats of coming back from other hosts would materialize [16:32] (which they did right after you initially banned him, anyway... see chuy_max) [16:32] Ah, that was what you meant by the kick evasion then? [16:33] ikonia, well we know he doesnt have the knowledge since there's nobody sprouting his crap in the actual channels ;) [16:34] fair point [16:34] * jdong digs around for some lunch [16:34] * PriceChild hides his cookies [16:35] * Pici checks out /names [16:36] jdong: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51368/ [16:36] jdong: just confirm your happy [16:36] fyi; I noticed the typos, I'll correct them [16:37] too, dicuss etc [16:37] reads fine to me [16:37] ikonia: eloquently worded. great by me :) [16:38] super [16:38] it's gone === tika is now known as anas [17:57] gah tab completion strikes again [17:57] gah [18:00] are Cow_cakep, anas, and cowboy_ Cow_Asyik all clones in this channel? [18:00] ardchoille: yes [18:01] Ah [18:01] ardchoille, hostmask [18:01] Quite a zoo in #ubuntu right now... [18:02] nalioth: I see [18:02] no kidding [18:02] elkbuntu was trying to get them k-lined... dunno what happened with that [18:04] ah, very good [18:05] anas = anus + whitty ? [18:08] ikonia: hablamos multi-idiomas? [18:09] latain ? [18:10] texan? [18:10] nalioth, is that your new super sneaky kline @ [18:11] ikonia: do you speak many languages? [18:11] no [18:11] ikonia: then please assume good faith [18:11] no problem [18:12] english / german, little italian, little cantoneese [18:12] not very well though [18:14] did i do something wrong? [18:14] tell me so i can understand [18:14] Yes, that is why you were banned. [18:14] To start with, you called someone "a fucking tuga". [18:14] so I removed you, giving you a link to our guidelines [18:14] Then you came back in and "wtf"d [18:15] which is swearing and against our guidelines if you had of read them [18:17] yes i read then, and im sorry, "fucking tuga" was for a friend of mine, "wtf" was because u kick me of the channel [18:17] now i understand why and it was totaly right [18:17] sorry my bad language, my bad for forgoten the guidelines.. [18:18] Please go and read the guidelines again :) [18:18] yeah u bet sorry again :P [18:18] oh and good job moderating the channel [18:18] :) [18:18] andre, next time you should be less "colourful" in pm, none of us ban people for un. [18:19] *fun [18:20] yeah u're right, i was in other many ubuntu foruns and there they ban for fun, thats why my reaction [18:20] andre: 'ban for fun'? which 'forums' [18:21] not in this IRC [18:22] nalioth: and only happens one time [18:22] andre: i was gonna say, i don't think you'll find anyone 'banning for fun' in our Ubuntu channels here [18:23] i was upset because, i think, "not again!" [18:23] andre, the ban has been removed. [18:24] ok thanks === jpatrick_ is now known as jpatrick [18:25] PriceChild: I will play by the rules of the guidelines dont worry! :P [18:26] Heads up on cosimo, hopefully he's changed since I last met him. === andre is now known as a4ndr3c === Pici` is now known as Pici [19:01] * mneptok bans PriceChild for fun [19:01] and profit! [19:02] ooh, my favorite step. [19:02] bargain! [19:02] Pici: mine, too. too bad the prior step is so damned ambiguous. [19:08] Stalker! === no0tic_ is now known as no0tic [19:35] howdy [19:36] * mneptok coats ompaul in candied cherries and raw fury [19:37] sweet anger? [19:37] mneptok, yah! [19:37] \o/ [19:43] * ompaul will be back in a few moments - some shopping and food stuffs are about to be combined [19:43] * Pici is done watching #ubuntu for a bit === jpatrick_ is now known as jpatrick [19:47] im still banned from ubuntu+1 [19:50] Good for him. [19:51] its not something i would have though he wuld have been boasting about [19:52] god, I hate it when you follow the OpGuidelines and the other users come back at you saying "You're wrong" [19:54] jpatrick: what happened? [19:56] Seeker`: I !away-ed someone, cos he put -Away in his away and /remove'd him [19:56] he came back and said "I'm connected on 4 servers and 25 channels" [19:56] jpatrick, who? what channel? [19:56] "and I can only see the nick change in the current channel" [19:57] I'll go and chant "my irc presence is bigger than yours" at him. [19:57] "so I care, change your config" [19:57] don't* [19:57] and now someone else is bashing me for it [19:57] I think someone doesn't quite know how irc works. [19:57] two someones then [19:58] PriceChild: #cupie a spanish channel like #ubuntu-classroom [19:58] ah its in spanish then [19:59] ah, now they've both lefted cos "I have the ops" [19:59] jpatrick, tell them that they should get the latest irc protocol because it has away statuses built in. [19:59] did that [19:59] "/away doesn't change for all servers" [20:00] I'm sure most clients must have a way to do it. [20:00] Or perhaps I'm just exceedingly blessed with xchat [20:01] * jpatrick <3 irssi [20:13] jpatrick, where? [20:13] jpatrick, yeah well don't worry, be happy, they troll until one day they see the light [20:14] thanks ompaul [20:15] jpatrick, you get that rubbish now and again [20:16] oh, another person bashing me before leaving [20:16] yay _o/ [20:19] jpatrick, where? [20:19] same place [20:22] jpatrick, ahh [20:29] I liked the launchpad logo [20:29] me too [20:29] It took me a while to realise launchpad had a logo, and then why it was a rocket... but i eventually got it [20:30] but, change is the only constant [20:30] PriceChild, spell duh ;-) [20:30] * ompaul runs [20:36] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE) [20:36] FALSE ALARM [20:36] sorry i forget to remove ubotu from there when testing [21:13] I hate difficult people. [21:14] PriceChild, look upon them as an overhead [21:14] PriceChild: welcome to the club [21:14] and justify then the level of investment with a cut off point [21:14] ompaul, i know, but I can never go through with it [21:15] * ompaul can [21:15] well lets see I have been on IRC since 1994 [21:15] Yeah well you're older and bigger and meaner with more experience of this world. [21:16] I love the way you assume irc. [21:16] Pici, thanks for the logs earlier by the way. I did go over them despite not saying anything. [21:16] Night all. [21:17] * nalioth has been communicating online since he had a telephone modem and a console based login sequence [21:17] Good night PriceChild [21:17] cheers PriceChild [21:17] ompaul, hmm? [21:18] nalioth, I had slip a console and a 2400baud modem as a connection to the interweb with a shell on a linux box way back then [21:18] and I had irc :) [21:18] PriceChild, difficult people - same answer any environment [21:19] oh, fun in #ubuntu-es [21:19] * ompaul blasts out enough kraftwerk to be happy with [21:20] haha [21:20] ompaul: you listened to Tangerine Dream? [21:20] jpatrick, na - I kind of like yello kraftwerk and looooottttssss of metal / hard rock mostly [21:21] UFO being my favourite all time band [21:22] I liked Autobahn [21:22] some people became politically aware, and stuff, me I became musically aware :) [21:22] mneptok, who is the lawnmower man anyway? [21:22] securely ringing all phones ..... [21:26] * nalioth used DOS in those days :( [21:27] oh wow, this guys complaining I shouldn't have muted him, cos he's an old timer [21:28] agest [21:28] what can I do? everyone just started saying "KDE (or other thing) sucks" [21:28] in caps [21:29] he fought for your freedom ! [21:29] and thats how you repay him [21:29] People who admit to using Ubuntu but come into #kubuntu for help because #ubuntu is "too crammed", should I just let that be? [21:32] sort of defeats the object of the topics [21:32] True [21:33] I mentioned it to the person but what should I do as an op? I don't want to cause trouble, but I also need to do that which is best for the user. [21:34] We also get a fair number of Kubuntu users in Ubuntu that feel they were ignored and that the Kubuntu channel was too slow [21:34] ardchoille, is it specifically a gnome issue? [21:34] ompaul: it's Hammer89 with a sound issue [21:35] then !sound | harrmer89 [21:35] and say sorry the factoid does not suit you grab the one in #ubuntu please [21:35] that is why we have different channels [21:35] make it that he is not not wanted but in the wrong place [21:35] OR trollnig [21:36] and no one wants their bluff called on that [21:36] ompaul: grab one in #ubuntu - genius [21:36] cept one [21:36] ardchoille: help is help. for *buntu [21:36] and that one well I banned him about two years ago [21:37] nalioth: how do I moderate a channel? [21:37] +m isn't working [21:37] ardchoille: since anything in the repos will install and run under any DE . . . . [21:37] jpatrick: which channel? [21:37] nalioth: Good point [21:37] nalioth: #kubuntu-es [21:37] jpatrick: what do you mean 'isn't working' ? [21:38] It does raise an interesting point... If not Desktop specific is it really and issue.. and if it is then do we nudge them in the right direction [21:38] nalioth: I can still view messages sent [21:38] Jack_Sparrow: True [21:38] when I /mode +m [21:38] jpatrick: because it is +z, also [21:38] "ops see all traffic when moderated" [21:38] deop and i'll bet it goes quiet, jpatrick [21:38] I've removed the +z [21:39] jpatrick: but only _YOU_ could see anythig [21:39] everyone else sees nothing [21:39] nalioth: channel went a bit haywire, and we had some kicks, so I'm going to let it cool down for a while [21:40] Did not mean to interrupt... I will sit back and be quiet now [22:08] ok for the record [22:08] i was wrong [22:09] was my script from irssi that wasnt on 8001 - was still using 6667 [22:09] therefore pricechild or w/e was right and i'm sorry for being a dick [22:09] nalioth pass on plz [22:09] ; ; [22:10] ???? [22:10] what was that about [22:15] nalioth, ^^ did you ever think you would see the day [22:21] * nalioth needs smelling salts [22:21] nalioth, I told ya he had more or less cottoned himself on [22:25] Always make me chuckle when people threaten to go back to Windows [22:28] ardchoille: let them [22:29] Yeah [22:38] their choice, noone forced them over [22:39] I'M GOING BACK TO DOS [22:40] * nalioth pushes Seveas over the edge [22:41] Seveas, good for you [22:41] I'm going back to C64 basic [22:42] poke 264, sys 2046 [22:42] ikonia, - I can't reply to that [22:42] ha ha ha [22:42] I'm going back to pong [22:42] ompaul: sure you can. [22:42] * nalioth sends ompaul the address to the abacus factory [22:42] nalioth: not with out !ohmy [22:42] ha ha ha h [22:43] ompaul: go back to top trumps [22:44] ikonia, it had no line number [22:44] ha ha ha [22:44] clever [22:44] 10 ompaul [22:44] 20 goto top trumps [22:44] 30 run [22:44] better ? [22:44] 10 rem ompaul [22:44] * ompaul twacks ikonia :) [22:45] error [22:45] haha [22:45] right enough already I am off to bed [22:45] have fun people [22:45] night [23:30] !test [23:30] Failed. [23:58] <_MMA_> Anyone else seeing a issue with this guy dn4ia? Been spamming channels on freenode and getting pissy when asked to stop.