
corevettewill KDE4 be in alpha 3?00:19
Riddellcorevette: no00:22
jjessehate to ask on this channel but whats the easiest way to get my xp vm to connect to a kubntu folder via samba, no one on #kubuntu can help00:34
Riddelljjesse: where are you stuck?00:38
jjesseconfiguring hte user00:39
jjessethe user that can access the folder00:39
RiddellI seem to remember it's just the same users as on the machine00:39
Riddellnot that I've used samba much00:39
jjessei've installed samba, then in system settings i've setup the folder i want to share00:40
jjessehowever in windows i keep getting asked for a username/password00:40
RiddellVorian: did you change ktorrent's rules file?00:40
jjessein system settings i  click on add user and not able to add a user00:40
Riddelljjesse: ug, don't use system settings for samba00:40
Riddellit's broken00:40
jjesseRiddell: found out that is00:41
stdintry putting "security = SHARE" under "[global]" in /etc/samba/smb.conf00:42
jjessethanks stdin00:43
nixternalRiddell: just got the ktorrent email, freaked me out for a second...I was like "oh no, please tell me I didn't upload that accidentally"00:56
RiddellI e-mailed?00:56
nixternalnah, you uploaded and I got the commit email00:56
RiddellI uploaded?00:57
nixternalsomeone did00:57
nixternalthe email was sent to you and I00:57
Riddellnixternal: ktorrent or ktorrent-kde4?00:57
HobbseeRiddell's losing it...00:57
JucatoI was beginning to think Riddell sleep-commits :)00:57
nixternalI forgot about KDE 3 already, sorry :p00:57
Riddellnixternal: only think I see is ktorrent-kde4/3.97.000:58
nixternal OK: extragear-plasma_4.0.0.orig.tar.gz00:58
nixternal OK: extragear-plasma_4.0.0-0ubuntu1.diff.gz00:58
nixternal OK: extragear-plasma_4.0.0-0ubuntu1.dsc00:58
nixternalI am a moron00:58
nixternalI meant plasma :p00:58
Jucatowhere's the ktorrent?00:58
* nixternal goes back to sleep00:58
Riddellah, easily confused :)00:59
Jucatonixternal:  you just crack me  up :)00:59
nixternalya, plasma/ktorrent, they look alike :p00:59
Jucatoand watching a googlee talk by the xkcd guy helps a lot in cracking me up :)00:59
Jucatooo googlee :)00:59
nixternalI was out today and noticed some people at Best Buy running the openSUSE KDE 4 cd on a laptop00:59
nixternalI was looking for a good 4 port KVM that supports audio, widescreen, and usb01:00
nixternalI almost bought that new Mac keyboard...that thing is just beautiful01:00
Jucatobrave soul those people...01:00
NightroseJucato: seen the talk? i think that was awesome01:00
Riddellmeh, xkcd guy kept me up late at night when I was at AllHands01:00
nixternalI have been playing with my new Mac, and I am not sold on it just yet01:00
nixternalI don't see what others do I guess01:00
nixternalit is a pita to tweak, it is slow01:01
nixternaloh, and it reminds me of gnome01:01
JucatoNightrose: yeah :D01:01
Jucatonixternal: well, GNOME is somewhat a copy of OS X.... even if de Icaza wants to copy MS... O.o01:01
nixternalthat was low01:02
Jucatohehe :)01:02
Jucatohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJOS0sV2a24 anyway if anyone wants to watch :)01:02
ubotuOh no!  The pointy-clicky Vista lover has arrived!  He's rumoured to be giving out free money, too!01:02
nixternalI think I will go Mac over MS anyday now01:03
Hobbseetrading one addiction for another, there01:03
nixternalJucato: what am I watching?01:08
nixternaloh, I played with the N810, totally not worth it01:08
JucatoGoogle Talk by Randall Munroe, xkcd creator01:09
nixternalSamsung has one even nicer for less if you ask me01:09
Jucato(not the white haired guy)01:09
jjesse_grargh... my hotel can't deal w/ my linux boot01:31
jjesse_keep getting kicked off the wireless01:31
jjesse_just got off the phone and they have no knwledge01:31
ScottKWhy should the fact that it's Linux matter?01:32
jjesse_well when i'm boot into windows, it works fine01:33
jjesse_when i boot into linux i can't maintain a stable connection01:33
jjesse_not even handled a valid ip address01:34
ScottKAre you using Network Manager?01:34
jjesse_but yes, i do not get internet access01:38
ScottKWhat happens if you set your network setting to manage them manually and the do sudo sh /etc/init.d/networking start (or maybe restart)?01:40
jjesse_will have to restart to linux01:40
ScottKjjesse_: Should at least give you idea of where things are going wrong01:41
jjesse_will do01:41
HobbseeRiddell: right, now what metapackage do i install to make kde4 "just work"?01:41
ScottKHobbsee: kde4.101:42
HobbseeScottK: nyah.01:42
HobbseeScottK: and out of the packages that exist?01:42
ScottKOh.  You weren't specific ;-)01:43
* Hobbsee clubs ScottK in the head01:43
* ScottK is glad he wears a helmet while working01:44
* stdin wonders why Hobbsee is Building kde4libs 4:3.96.0-1ubuntu101:44
Hobbseestdin: i'm not?01:44
Hobbseeer, now which packages have to go first?01:45
stdinyou were according to https://edge.launchpad.net/+builds01:45
Vorianevening :)01:45
stdinmaybe LP auto re-queues PPA packages?01:45
Hobbseeit does, but that should have been done ages ago01:47
Hobbseeooh, nice, a build queue depth01:49
jjesseScottK: i'm on for now, got RTnETLINK Ansers No Such Process when i did a /etc/init.d/networking restart01:50
jjessereally slow connection01:50
ScottKDid you connect via start then?01:51
jjessei configured networkmanager to manual01:51
ScottKSounds like you might want to be collecting data for a bug.01:51
jjessethe internet "helpdesK" asked for my mac address01:52
ScottKIf Windows works, then Linux should too, so there's a bug somewhere.  It'd be good to have data on it.01:53
jjesse_ok that went terribly wrong02:08
jjesse_now i can't get knetworkmanager back to th automatica configuration where i can select the wireless connection02:08
ScottKjjesse_: You have to edit /etc/network/interfaces back to automatic02:09
jjesse_ah didn't know that02:09
Jucatovery few do :)02:09
* ScottK learned the hard way.02:09
Jucatogood thing for us :)02:10
jjesse_still can't connect02:10
jjesse_i mean i'm on for a coupple of seconds and then dropped off02:10
jjesse_stupid internet02:10
Vorianthat hurts02:12
Voriandidn't mean to laugh02:12
jjesse_seriously when i'm in windows i'm getting a 300kbps upload speed according to speedtest.net02:13
jjesse_wow i think i'm getting booted in windows as well02:14
VorianI'm trying to build ligature02:15
Vorianbut i get this error02:15
Jucatooh ligature...02:15
* Jucato remembers the drama...02:16
Voriandon't tell me its drama02:16
Jucatoblitz (qimageblitz) is installed?02:16
Jucato!find blitz02:16
ubotuFound: libqimageblitz-dev, libqimageblitz402:16
Jucatothe drama of okular vs ligature... okular won :)02:17
Vorianthis is the line....02:17
VorianCMake Error: Blitz_DIR is not set.  It must be set to the directory containing BlitzConfig.cmake in order to use Blitz.02:17
JucatoI don't know what happened after ligature lost the fight, if it remained maintained in extragear...02:17
nixternalit is in extragear02:18
* Jucato waves to nixternal :D02:18
Vorianaye, i have libqimageblitz-dev as a depends02:18
Vorianflippin ZenWalk has it02:21
* Vorian tries: export Blitz_DIR="/usr/include/blitz/"02:23
nixternalyou shouldn't have to export that at all, why it isn't picking it up in pbuilder is beyond me though02:28
nixternalVorian: pastebin your control file02:29
Voriannixternal: of course it's not cleaned up yet02:30
nixternallibfreetype6-dev, libjpeg62-dev, libtiff4-dev, libgcc102:32
nixternalthat stuff is automatically in a buildd, so you don't need to build against it I don't think02:32
nixternalfind_package(Blitz REQUIRED)02:32
nixternalthat is all that is in the CMake file02:32
nixternalMsgfmt and Gettext are already part of the system, so you don't need to build-dep against them or parts of them02:33
Vorianediting as we speak02:33
nixternalok, this magic foo isn't working for me02:33
Jucatoah.. debian/control files :)02:33
Voriani'll try it again02:34
nixternalbah, gotta add a .install file it seems for the foo02:35
Voriandarn it all!02:36
Vorian1) You need to reinstall Blitz from kdesupport.02:37
Vorian2) There is an updated FindBlitz cmake module in kdelibs/cmake/modules. This02:37
Vorianneeds to be installed.02:37
Vorian3) You need to delete your CMake cache file in your build directory so the02:37
Vorianupdated FindBlitz will run.02:37
* nixternal pets his chroot for actually working tonight02:37
ScottKnixternal: So that's what you call it?02:37
nixternalI about shot an icecube through my nose02:38
Jucatosynchronized lol's :)02:38
Vorian^5 Jucato02:39
jjesse_ok so can someone send me or pastebin me a /etc/network/interfaces file cause i've messed mine up totally02:56
Vorianjjesse_: don't know if this will help, but http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51417/02:59
jjesse_is there a way to recreate that file?03:00
Voriancd /etc/network/03:00
Voriannano interfaces03:00
jjesse_right i now i can edit my interface file03:04
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
Hobbseestdin: ze ppa world exploded.  plzfix.  kthxbye.03:29
jjesseam i still connected?03:30
ScottKjjesse: Yes03:30
stdinHobbsee: blame the one who's initials are "J" and "R", and I'm a fixin em :)03:30
ScottKThat or I'm a hallucination03:30
jjesselookd likr i'm connected for a brief amount of time03:31
Hobbseejjesse: you pinged out before though03:31
jjessei've been pinging out all night, my hotel internet doesn't like me connected via my linux boot03:31
stdinHobbsee: FYI, the language-packs uploaded to hardy are going to go !!KABOOM!! too03:38
Hobbseestdin: why?03:39
stdinmissing b-d on cdbs and quilt03:39
* Hobbsee sighs03:40
jjessecan someone confirm a possilbe bug i found in kde-docs? open up helpcenter, go to settings->modules -> internet & network and click on Network settings03:40
stdinthe i386 queue is going to sore today03:40
jjessewhere do guys go to watch the queues?03:40
stdintop left of +build03:41
Hobbseeaw, bugger03:41
Hobbseesome of this fell over03:41
jjessetop left of what?03:42
jjessesorry got lost03:42
* Hobbsee rescores pimlibs03:42
jjesseoh cool03:43
Hobbseeoh, yuck.03:44
Hobbseestdin: you're sure that they're goign to kaboom?03:44
stdinHobbsee: have a look http://launchpadlibrarian.net/11240662/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-i386.kde-l10n-ne_4%3A4.0.0-0ubuntu1%7Egutsy1%7Eppa1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz03:44
stdinbasically several of: debian/cdbs/cmake.mk:30: /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/buildcore.mk: No such file or directory03:45
Hobbseetesting ftw!03:45
stdinand the like03:45
* stdin has diffs03:45
Hobbseeoh goody03:46
Hobbseestdin: where?03:46
stdinjust uploaded to my apache server now03:46
Hobbseestdin: do you have a list of those in a line?03:47
Hobbseeas in, the langpack names?03:48
stdinI'll make one03:48
stdinkde-l10n-ar kde-l10n-be kde-l10n-bg kde-l10n-ca kde-l10n-csb kde-l10n-de kde-l10n-el kde-l10n-engb kde-l10n-eo kde-l10n-es kde-l10n-et kde-l10n-eu kde-l10n-fi kde-l10n-fr kde-l10n-ga kde-l10n-gl kde-l10n-hi kde-l10n-hu kde-l10n-it kde-l10n-ja kde-l10n-km kde-l10n-ko kde-l10n-lv kde-l10n-mk kde-l10n-nb kde-l10n-nds kde-l10n-ne kde-l10n-nl kde-l10n-nn kde-l10n-pa kde-l10n-pl kde-l10n-pt kde-l10n-ptbr kde-l10n-ru kde-l10n-se kde-l10n-sl kde-l10n-sv03:49
stdin kde-l10n-th kde-l10n-tr kde-l10n-uk kde-l10n-wa kde-l10n-zhcn kde-l10n-zhtw03:49
stdinwow, that is a lot03:49
stdinyou go all of that? up to kde-l10n-zhtw?03:50
stdinI think there'll be more diffs to come (and a long night for me)03:54
nixternalstdin: for a second there I thought we were getting spammed :)03:54
stdinI used a mix of echo and sed, so I didn't quite see how long that line was03:55
nixternalDEB_DH_INSTALL_ARGS = --sourcedir=debian/$(DEB_SOURCE_PACKAGE)03:55
nixternalVorian: ^^ that might be the logical fix for the magic foo03:56
nixternalthat would remove the need for a .install file03:56
Hobbseeoh, ugh.03:56
Hobbseestdin: you couldn't happen to build them with -sd, and leave the source.changes there for me to sign, could you?03:57
* Hobbsee grins at being lazy03:57
HobbseeE: Unable to find a source package for kde-l10n-ca03:57
stdinlemme just find my for .... command03:58
* Hobbsee slowly deprios04:02
Hobbseestdin: will everything else fail too?04:04
stdinnot everything no04:04
* Hobbsee sighs04:04
Hobbseetesting things would really be nice, y'know...04:04
stdinkdebindings-kde4 and kdewebdev-kde4 seem to need a b-d on libphonon-dev though04:05
stdinother than that, I think it should be ok (hopefully)04:06
Hobbseeright, good04:07
Hobbseestdin: any luck with that for line?04:08
stdinHobbsee: it's running now04:08
Hobbseeyay :)04:08
stdinon -tr-04:08
Voriannixternal: that's for ligature?04:10
nixternalnope, I figured out my problem04:10
nixternal/var/cache/pbuilder/hardy/result/ wasn't empty so my .debs were goofy04:10
nixternalthis should be my final test and then I will upload the rules file you need to use for those packages...you will just need to update the install/kaider-kde4:: to whatever your package name is04:11
stdinHobbsee: hows http://www.stdin.me.uk/diffs2/ look?04:11
Voriannixternal: werd04:11
Voriansounds good04:11
Hobbseestdin: great, but missing .dsc's.04:12
stdinhit F5 ;)04:12
Hobbseeah, goody04:12
=== aRyn_ is now known as aRyn
Hobbseemass signing FTW!04:17
Hobbseeyay, accepted spam.04:25
Hobbseeyay, 44 accepted mails104:31
Hobbseestdin: thanks04:32
stdinI can do kdebindings-kde4 and kdewebdev-kde4 for you if you want too? the're already in the same place :)04:33
* Hobbsee shrugs04:33
* Hobbsee will babysit the rest first04:34
stdinwell they will also ftbfs, need libphonon-dev b-d04:35
Hobbseeoh *sigh*04:35
nixternalI wonder if it would be possible to have some Kubuntu KDE 4 CDs made up for Flourish in March...I will be running a KDE booth04:42
Hobbseestdin: oh, even better04:47
* Hobbsee waits for the publisher04:49
nixternaldamn you jjesse and your "log in to leave a comment" blog :p04:49
nixternalI was going to say, OneNote sucks just as much as Basket does04:49
nixternalyou want a good note taking app, grab one of the many personal wikis out there...much better and a hell of a lot less stress on the resources04:50
nixternalfor stand alone note apps though, I think Tomboy has everyone beat hands down04:50
nixternaleven if it is a horrible mono app04:50
Hobbseeheh, yes04:50
* Hobbsee likes tomboy04:51
Hobbseegnome is very slow to load with it, though04:51
nixternaleverything is slow to load with mono :)04:51
nixternalBasket is an obvious rip off of OneNote which is sad, or an attempt to rip off04:51
nixternalI like the notes in OS X too04:52
nixternalthey are pretty slick04:52
nixternalw00t, I am giving yet another KDE 4 talk, this time in front of 500+ people04:52
* nixternal throws up04:52
Hobbseeyou'll be fine04:54
nixternalthat's a bunch of people04:55
Hobbseethey'll all just point and laugh, and otherwise all heckle you04:55
nixternalso far I have just done it in front of 50 or so CS majors at local universities :)04:55
Hobbseeyes.  with lots of eggs adn rotten tomatoes.04:55
nixternalthey will heckle, as most of them already have in the past :p04:55
nixternalI hope they don't throw Ubuntu CDs at me04:55
nixternalor, eggs and rotten tomatoes04:55
nixternalerr, s/or/oh04:55
Hobbseejust make sure they're checked at teh door04:56
* ScottK moves another MIR onto the "Done" pile.04:56
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_afk
nixternalVorian: where you at so far? everything going good?05:11
nixternalI am almost done...working on your kmldonkey getting ready to upload it after this build05:11
nixternalI think ktorrent Riddell was just gonna do05:11
nixternalsince there is nothing to be done to it05:11
nixternaljust uupdate and rock on05:12
ScottKYou leave the easy one for the boss so he feel like he's still got it?05:12
nixternalI added the magic foo to kmldonkey for ya btw05:12
nixternalScottK: you know it :)05:12
nixternalhe does enough, it is good to give him the easy things every once and a while05:13
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
nixternalahh lovely, libgif4 conflicts, kdebase 3.98 issue05:27
nixternalRiddell: http://www.nixternal.com/~rj/kopete-crypto/  <- can you finish this one up too please?05:31
stdinnixternal: kopete-cryptography-kde4 doesn't have any files in bin/ , all your debian/rules needs to be is "include debian/cdbs/kde.mk"05:36
nixternalhe can fix it...it won't build anyways no matter what you do because all of 3.98 hasn't build yet from the looks of it05:37
nixternalVorian: when you complete kpov and ligature, send them to Riddell...I need to crash soon, forgot I have an early doctor's appointment05:43
bigoncould someone have a look at decibel?05:54
bigonit's currently FTBFS05:54
=== rouzic_ is now known as rouzic_ausente
* stdin naps while waiting for the ~180 "Ubuntu language pack builders" packages to stop holding the i386 buildd to ransom06:58
blizzzekright now i saw that there are problems with okular-kde4 after tomorrows update. when i launch it (but from a kde 3.5.8 session) it says okular party cannot be found. then there is a useless window in kde4 style :(08:16
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger
sebastian^good morning folks :)09:24
davmor2good morning09:32
davmor2Riddell: I notice there is a new build for the alternatives :)09:33
Riddellfabo: why not make kdelibs5-dev depend on libphonon-dev?10:48
faboRiddell: primary because kdelibs could be used without phonon, i don't have any real use case atm10:50
faboi thought about kdegraphics as a good example but okular links against phonon ...10:51
RiddellVorian: your debian/copyright for kmldonkey is needlessly verbose, you don't have to list every file (it's unmaintainable in the long term) nor the full GPL11:07
VorianRiddell: ok, that will be useful in the future :)11:08
RiddellVorian: otherwise all perfect, accepting11:08
VorianI'll keep an eye on upstream releases and correct the copyright when a new release is available.11:09
Riddellnixternal: kfax-kde4 debian/copyright says its GPL 2 only, but it seems to be GPL 2 + (fine for me to accept but best to be fixed at some point)11:14
Riddellnixternal: kcolouredit-kde4 too11:14
* Vorian is off to work11:18
* apache|mobile needs someone to revu dragonplayer11:21
=== jpetso_away is now known as jpetso
Riddellapache|mobile: url?11:22
apache|mobileRiddell: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=dragonplayer11:23
Riddellrevu has moved?11:23
apache|mobileRiddell: nope, though I prefer to use ubuntuwire ... branding and stuff ;-)11:24
Riddellapache|mobile: ok, a couple of issues, nothing major11:28
Riddellah Hobbsee11:40
RiddellHobbsee: fancy upping the build priority of kdebase-runtime kdebase-kde4 and kdebase-workspace?11:40
HobbseeRiddell: you want me to babysit some buildds again?11:40
apache|mobileRiddell: updated, uploading to nu queue now11:41
HobbseeRiddell: if you agree to actually test build.11:42
=== jpetso is now known as jpetso_away
HobbseeRiddell: reprio'ing11:44
=== jpetso_away is now known as jpetso
Hobbseeright, done11:44
RiddellHobbsee: are you able to up the priority of ppa builds too?12:02
HobbseeRiddell: no12:02
HobbseeRiddell: well, i don't think so12:03
HobbseeRiddell: a build queue for that hasn't been Deemed Important.12:03
Riddellhmm, so fingers crossed in hoping we'll have packages in time12:03
HobbseeRiddell: pretty much the only way to get control of a ppa build at all is to ask IS to rip out the build directory of something that's currently building.12:04
Hobbseeoh, and take it off auto, so it doesn't get given anything else.12:05
Tonio_Riddell: fyi I'm currentl working on the one click install for kubuntu12:32
Jucatowoot woot :)12:32
Tonio_Riddell: I have a question on that point, a we do use an ioslave.... do you know if it is possible to exclude some urls from konqueror's history ?12:32
Tonio_Riddell: that can cause some issues sometime for example when playing the "back" and "forward" buttons12:33
Tonio_the apt:12:33
Jucatohehe. that sounded nice.. "The Apt"! :)12:33
Tonio_the apt:/ urls should be excluded somehow, maybe by patching khtml/kdelibs12:33
Tonio_Jucato: there is already installation support on hardy, I need to had the management for adding external repos etc....12:33
Tonio_Jucato: apt://yakuake will install yakuake12:34
Jucatooooh... it's in hardy right now? gotta test! :)12:34
Tonio_also, browsing the packages with apt:/ allows to install and remove packages using adept12:34
Tonio_Jucato: please let me know how that works for you12:34
Jucatosure :)12:34
Tonio_Jucato: and aoid playing with back and forward, I investigate to get those urls removed from the historic12:35
JucatoTonio_: and mornfall is working again on adept, for kde4. and yuriy's working with him on it too. exciting to see how it will all come together :D12:35
Tonio_Jucato: does apt://yakuake proposes you to install the software ?12:36
Jucatostill booting my VM for hardy testing :)12:36
RiddellTonio_: I don't know, try asking ervin, he knows all about ioslaves12:36
Tonio_Jucato: I know :) well basically I use adept-batch from kio-apt to deal with this12:36
Tonio_Riddell: I was thinking about him yeah :)12:36
JucatoTonio_: is kio-apt ported to KDE 4? (I'm guessing not yet?)12:37
Tonio_Riddell: I noticed that urls that are not opened with konqueror, for example http://www.mywebsite.com/myfile.txt are not in the historic12:37
Tonio_Riddell: I guess there is a way/condition to get them removed12:37
Jucatospeaking of adept batch: bug 12918612:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129186 in adept "language-selector-qt false success notification" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12918612:38
Jucatocomment from mvo: "It looks like adept_batch does not return a error code if the install was not successfull,"12:38
JucatoTonio_: works perfectly! :)12:44
davmor2Riddell: Kub 64alt and 32alt both work fine :)12:44
Riddelldavmor2: excellent!12:46
Jucatojpatrick: seen the kubuntu-devel list?12:46
Jucatojpatrick: moin btw :P12:47
Jucatoand bye too :)12:47
JucatoTonio_: searching for a package in apt:/ and clicking on Install also works! :D12:47
claydohJucato, you mean the app-naming-argument list? ;)12:49
davmor2Riddell: Np12:49
Jucatoclaydoh: hm?12:49
claydohoops wrong list anyway nm12:50
* Jucato blinks12:50
claydohignore me12:50
Jucato/ignore claydoh12:50
Jucatoooops :D12:50
Tonio_Jucato: yeah I also added this :)12:50
Jucatoclaydoh: how's your knee? :)12:51
Tonio_Jucato: fancy helping in making the UI better ?12:51
JucatoTonio_: I do have one suggestion if it's possible :)12:51
Tonio_Jucato: kio-apt html code is ugly as hell12:51
claydohok, the original pain is gone!12:51
Tonio_Jucato: please ask12:51
Jucatoit's written in HTML?12:51
claydohbut still a bit sore12:51
Tonio_Jucato: well the output is html of course12:51
Tonio_Jucato: and it's ugly...12:51
Tonio_not the code, the UI12:51
JucatoTonio_: when you type apt://yakuake, you're just given a blank page to stare at (or the current page in Konqueror).. it would probably be good to show the page for yakuake12:52
Jucatoclaydoh: oh I hope that goes away soon too12:52
claydohit will im sure, and thanks :)12:53
Tonio_Jucato: yeah that's something I have to change12:56
mhbgood afternoon12:57
jjessegood afternoon12:57
Jucatoafternoon good :)12:57
jpatrickgood afternoon12:58
Jucatowb jpatrick12:58
Jucato<Jucato> jpatrick: seen the kubuntu-devel list?12:59
jpatrickJucato: not yet13:00
Jucatojpatrick: anyway someone was interested in working on Katapult for KDE 4. told him to talk to you here13:00
jpatrickJucato: well, I was13:01
Jucatothen sebas added that ruphy might have something that looks like katapult but uses kde4's runners (which was supposed to be the "deal" between Mz and aseigo)13:01
Jucatojpatrick: busy bird you :)13:02
sebasJucato: It *is* krunner13:03
Jucatosebas: oh...13:04
jpatrickJucato: for some reason Katapult broke with cmake13:04
* Jucato thinks that wasn't the original plan.. but... anyway...13:04
sebasI don't know the original plan, that's just what I saw coming by.13:07
Jucatosebas: Mez and aseigo were the ones that talked... I just watched :D13:08
MezJucato,  ?13:08
sebasThe blueprint isn't exactly verbose13:09
JucatoMez: you're talk with aseigo about katapult. remember?13:09
Mez*shrugs* thats cause Aaron and I have different POV's regarding it.13:09
MezJucato, yes, and I also talked to him after that in person.13:09
MezI'm unsure whether it should use runners or not ... It's still something I'm mulling over. but for now - I'd say not - as I agree with Aaron, while it'd be nice for it to use the runners, they're not what katapult is about, katapult and krunner are different concepts.13:10
Mez(to the untrained eye)13:11
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RiddellHobbsee: could you raise the priority of the kde4 packages in gutsy-backports?13:20
HobbseeRiddell: which packages?13:20
RiddellHobbsee: kde4libs kdepimlibs kdebase-runtime kdebase-kde4 kdebase-workspace13:21
RiddellHobbsee: kdeadmin-kde4 kdeartwork-kde4 kdebindings-kde4 kdeedu-kde4 kdegames-kde4  kdegraphics-kde4 kdemultimedia-kde4 kdenetwork-kde4 kdesdk-kde4 kdetoys-kde4 kdeutils-kde4 kdewebdev-kde413:22
HobbseeRiddell: is there any point?13:22
Hobbseethere's only kde stuff in backports anyway13:23
RiddellHobbsee: well yes, so they actually get built13:23
Riddellbackports is on the same buildds as the rest of the archive13:23
Hobbseebefore all the hardy stuff?13:23
RiddellHobbsee: yes, we have more gutsy users and I need to make the gutsy remastered CD13:24
Hobbseemm, fair enough13:24
jpatrickyuriy: mate, I found out how to leave irssi running in the background13:24
Hobbseejpatrick: screen?13:24
jpatrickHobbsee: yeah that, he was asking days ago13:25
HobbseeRiddell: should just shove terranova onto normal builds :)13:25
Hobbseeno live cds being built atm anyway13:25
mhbjpatrick: you (two) could just ask anyone of us who is always online :o)13:26
jpatrickmhb: he did ;)13:26
Jucatohm... I think kpackage-kde4 needs Smart to be a depends or recommends...13:30
Jucatoor recommends... bah nvm...13:30
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Riddellnixternal: could you add the meeting in the topic to fridge13:37
Jucatooh great.. I can't make it to this meeting too.. and I missed the last one :(13:38
jpatrickJucato: I'll write the minutes13:38
Jucatojpatrick: thank you! :)13:38
jpatrickalways do now13:38
Jucatoyeah I noticed :)13:38
Jucatoof course nothing beats actually being there :(13:38
mhbwhat day is twelvend?13:42
=== mhb changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | Next meeting: 12th January 11:00 | Please test candidate CDs http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all
RiddellHobbsee: did you up those backport build priorities?  seems low at https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/4:4.0.0-0ubuntu1~gutsy1/+build/48820313:46
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Hobbseeoh, i only did the second lot sorry13:47
HobbseeRiddell: some of these versions look old13:56
RiddellHobbsee: like what?14:04
HobbseeRiddell: kdebase-workspace, for one14:05
RiddellHobbsee: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/kdebase-workspace/4:4.0.0-0ubuntu1~gutsy114:06
Riddellwhat are you seeing?14:06
HobbseeSource version: 3.94.0-0ubuntu214:06
Hobbseesparc: Successfully built14:06
Hobbseepowerpc: Successfully built14:07
Hobbseelpia: Successfully built14:07
Hobbseeia64: Successfully built14:07
Hobbseei386: Successfully built14:07
Hobbseeamd64: Successfully built14:07
Hobbseeit might just be a bug in the script or something, to do with backports.  i'm not sure14:07
RiddellHobbsee: yeah, that's release not backports14:07
Hobbseeit was doing some of backports, at least14:07
mhbcould I ask about the state of the latest KDE4 packages in Hardy? Are they built yet?14:11
Hobbseesome, it apperas14:11
Riddellmhb: they seem to be mostly built, but kdebase* hasn't hit the archive yet14:12
mhbokies, I'll wait14:13
RiddellHobbsee: so did you manage to pimp the priority of any of them?14:22
HobbseeRiddell: need to wait on libs to compile first14:35
RiddellHobbsee: we have versioned build-deps for that14:35
HobbseeRiddell: sure, but lp will still take sweet time in deciding which to build first14:36
Hobbseeand isn't overly intelligent about that14:36
Hobbsee(and dumps the priority each time for depwaiting, it appears)14:36
RiddellHobbsee: hmm, but won't you be going to bed at some point?14:36
Hobbseeyeah. like, soon14:37
Hobbseepitti and that are around, though14:37
Riddellthey tend not to be so responsive to the needs of a prompt kde 4.0 release14:37
Hobbseeyeah, it appears to be only finding 3.94.  sih.14:40
* Hobbsee ponders the thought of reprio'ing that all by hand.14:42
* Hobbsee reprio's kde4libs and pimlibs14:44
Riddellif that's what it takes to get 4.0 done in time..14:44
* Hobbsee looks at the depwaited list14:47
yuriyjpatrick: i use irssi with screen all the time. i was saying it'd be cool to be able to do it with konversation14:48
HobbseeRiddell: besides, i thought it was released on the 8th14:50
Hobbseeor 9th14:50
Hobbseelike, euro time14:51
RiddellHobbsee: tomorrow european morning14:51
HobbseeRiddell: define tomorrow.14:53
Riddellfriday 11th14:53
Riddellso we need packages compiled in time for me to make a live CD14:54
Hobbseewhen do you want to make your live cd?14:54
Hobbseeno time like the present, or anything...14:55
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HobbseeRiddell: pitti's happy to proxy for you14:57
kwwiinixternal: ping?15:02
Hobbseestdin: ping15:08
ScottKHobbsee: Given your interest in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, I thought you might find this: http://www.evilmadscientist.com/article.php/edibleeyes humorous.  You can build your own.15:09
HobbseeScottK: ROFL!15:10
Jucatowth? O.o15:11
nosrednaekimmhb: any clue on that slot problem I was having?15:39
mhbnosrednaekim: well, no... must have forgotten about it15:40
mhbdo I have the code that's problematic?15:41
nosrednaekimyeah, I think I sent it to you15:41
mhbdo you remember the topic, email address or something I can search it with?15:42
nosrednaekimtry desktop effects or compiz15:42
mhbgmail searching sucks, it just doesn't find it :o)15:42
mhbah, here it is15:42
nosrednaekim"desktop effects config file" was the name15:43
nosrednaekimthough that really doesn't fit the real reason, forget why I called it that <_<15:43
nosrednaekimand the problem is that the Signal for the "apply button" (accepted()) never gets sent/recieved15:46
mhbmust be a PyQt4 problem15:47
mhbthe API is clear15:48
mhb     connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept()));15:48
nosrednaekimI had this problem before with pyqt4 (slot not connecting) but I wasn't sure if it was a problem with my coding.15:49
mhbI guess join pyqt@riverbankcomputing.com and report that15:49
mhbas a workaround, I guess define a new button for "apply" with a custom connect15:50
nosrednaekimok, and get rid of the original button box?15:51
mhbsure, why not15:51
nosrednaekimok, will do. Thanks for looking at that, always nice to know its not just you :)15:53
nosrednaekimmhb: ummm, one thing more i'm going to bother you about :) do you have the original qt4 .ui file?15:58
mhboriginal as in?16:03
* Jucato read that as "original sin"16:03
nosrednaekimas in before it was converted to python16:04
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mhbnot in data/ ?16:05
mhbkind of strange that it isn't there, cause it was in that tarball, you know16:05
mhbin data/16:10
nosrednaekimah, yes, thank you. sorry..16:11
mhbno problem at all16:11
davmor2Riddell:  Are you doing a Kde4 cd for release?  If so does it need testing?16:12
Riddelldavmor2: yes, should do, it will need testing although I havn't started so it won't be available for some hours16:13
bobesponjais it normal that flash doesn't work with konqueror from KDE4.0?16:14
davmor2Riddell: email me a link we it's up won't take long to dl it.  I'll test 64bit and 32 for you okay :)16:15
Riddellit'll be 32 bit only16:16
Riddellbobesponja: current flash doesn't work with any konqueror16:16
bobesponjaRiddell: but it works with my kde 3.5 session and doesn't with my kde4 one, I'm not using current flash I'm using the one kubuntu installs for me16:17
ScottKbobesponja: It won't once you update to the current Flash from Adobe16:18
ScottKKonqueror isn't a supported platform.16:18
yuriyso i installed the 4.0.0 packages from ppa, and this time kdm-kde4 came up when i booted16:18
bobesponjaScottK: ok, but as it works with the konqueror 3.5 it should work with 4.0 right?16:18
Riddellyuriy: impressive16:18
Riddellyuriy: does it work?16:18
yuriyhaven't logged in yet16:19
bobesponjaRiddell: I'm using ppa right now and it works great, full session16:19
ScottKbobesponja: Since it's unsupported by the vendor and it's proprietary software available as binary only, I'd say be glad for whatever working you get.16:19
yuriybut first problem is: it's showing ALL users in the user list16:19
Riddellbobesponja: 4.0.0?16:20
nosrednaekim4.0.0 is out?16:20
yuriy2nd sort-of problem: plain debian theme, plain blue background16:20
bobesponjaRiddell: latest packages I could grab16:20
Riddellnosrednaekim: ssh (some bits have compiled)16:21
nosrednaekimok :)16:21
yuriyhmm.. "a critical error occured, please look at kdm's logs for more info"16:21
* yuriy wonders which log that is16:22
yuriysame error logging into kde3 or 416:23
Riddellwow, that KDE 4 login sound is.. brief16:25
Jucatovery :)16:26
nosrednaekimyuriy: .xsession-errors possibly16:27
yuriytried that, it's empty16:28
yuriyand /var/log/kdm.log just has X stuff16:28
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Jucatohi bddebian16:33
bddebianHi Jucato16:34
* yuriy punts for now and starts kdm-kde316:38
yuriywhoa plasma actually took the resolution change well. woohoo (now we'll just have to see about kwin...)16:40
mhbhmm, I guess we all need vim shortcuts for irssi :o)16:54
mhbhunger: it's good to see another enlightened soul16:55
iRoni thought first it was kind of some new smiley :-D16:56
hungeroh, sorry, wrong window:-)16:56
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yuriyok so all the "kde 4" shortcuts don't work in a full kde4 session, the standard shortcuts launch the kde4 applications16:57
yuriy(or is that just my config?)16:57
yuriyis there something we can do about that and still keep the shortcuts for in the kde 3 session?16:58
Riddellyuriy: the kde 4 menu entries work but the kde 3 ones will launch the kde 4 app if it's installed because of the $PATH16:59
Riddellyuriy: so question is if a kde 4 session runs without $PATH set to /usrlib/kde4.., I suspect it won't16:59
yuriyhmm the kde 4 entries don't work for me, except for konsole o_O16:59
yuriyoh nvm i think it's just konqueror and system settings that don't work, dolphin works17:00
fdovingRiddell: won't the environment need to change between sessions anyway? - how will the config-files be handled?17:01
Riddellfdoving: that's set by a patch to kdelibs17:02
Riddellyuriy: you may have old versions of the packages17:02
Riddellyuriy: what's your version of konqueror-kde4?17:03
fdovingRiddell: k. good.17:03
fdovingRiddell: do you patch it to look for $KDE4HOME or similar instead of $KDEHOME?17:03
yuriyoh indeed 3.98... i thought that got upgraded. my bad.17:03
Riddellfdoving: no, just set to ~/.kde417:03
fdovingRiddell: that won't work. because you will be able to start for example kde3 appps from within a kde4 session.17:04
yuriyfdoving: isn't that what we want?17:05
Riddellfdoving: ? we want to be able to do that17:05
fdovingRiddell: once you start some kde3 app kded and all from kde3 will be started, with the wrong $KDEHOME.17:05
Riddellfdoving: no, they use ~/.kde17:05
fdovingRiddell: not with $KDEHOME set to ~/.kde417:05
fdovingfrom within a kde4 session.17:05
Riddellfdoving: well no, so don't set KDEHOME17:06
fdovingRiddell: it will be set if it's unset. won't it? i belive startkde fixes that.17:07
Jucatopatched kdelibs right?17:07
RiddellJucato: yes17:07
Jucatothe question is the -kde4 wrapper scripts... don't they set $KDEHOME to ~/.kde4? or only for that particular app?17:08
Riddellwell they only run that app17:09
Riddellbut they shouldn't need $KDEHOME set in there, I just havn't had time to test it without them17:09
Jucatoah :)17:10
Jucatooh btw, kpackage-kde4 needs to depend on smartpm-core17:10
fdovingit would be a one-liner to make kde4 look for $KDE4HOME before $KDEHOME, and use it if it exists. it's the same file you change to make ~/.kde4 the default.17:10
Jucato-        localKdeDir =  QDir::homePath() + "/.kde/";17:10
Jucato+        localKdeDir =  QDir::homePath() + "/.kde4/";17:10
yuriyhmm so plasma doesn't seem to deal well with resolution changes when desktop effects are on..17:10
Jucato(kdelibs4 patch to kdecore/kernel/kstandarddirs.cpp)17:11
yuriy(or i geuss it's kwin)17:11
nosrednaekimok, for the desktop-effects wizard, when we enable compiz when it has been previously disabled, should we automatically run "compiz --replace" or  should we wait for next login?17:16
* Jucato wonders why kpackage suddenly started to depend on smartpm...17:19
nosrednaekimit uses smart17:20
Jucatoyeah.. it seems it started to in kde4... but it isn't a depends yet in our package so... :)17:22
* buz reports success in loading and playing with 4.017:29
buzon a separate account anyway17:30
Riddell\sh: can you upload to main these days?17:32
\shRiddell: nope :)17:34
Riddell\sh: so do you have libgif transition patches that need uploding or is someone doing that?17:34
\shRiddell: I applied for motuship yesterday again..I don't know when I will apply for main again :)17:34
\shRiddell: sure17:34
\shRiddell: there are patches ready from me....17:35
\shRiddell: if you or someone else has time, please upload...I need to fix two more packages...but one is waiting for a fixed gdal, and simage needs a fix inside aclocal.m417:35
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nixternalkwwii: pong17:45
nixternalRiddell: I will fix the copyrights with an update...don't how the heck I missed that one...I wonder if I copied and pasted the wrong one maybe17:46
nixternaladding the meeting to the fridge17:47
kwwiinixternal: no worries, problem solved17:49
\shkwwii: what are you doing on January 26th?17:52
kwwii\sh: I'll be coming home from London, why?17:53
\shkwwii: hmm...there is a birthday party happening in karlsruhe ;)17:55
\shkwwii: I thought to invite some people from the OSS universe ;)17:55
kwwiihehe, wish I could be there but I don't fly into Nuernberg until the evening and karlsruhe is a couple of hours away17:55
kwwiiearly happy birthday wishes though ;-)17:56
\shkwwii: right ;)17:56
\shkwwii: bah, wish me that tomorrow morning ;)17:56
kwwiibeen years since I had a birthday party, I should do that again this year17:57
kwwiiif anyone is interested, we are having an art team meeting in a couple of minutes in #ubuntu-meeting17:57
nosrednaekimkwwii: whats disccussed in one of the,?17:58
kwwiinosrednaekim: art stuff :p17:58
nosrednaekimeh, I'll see what its like :)17:58
kwwiithere are not any agenda items for kubuntu though17:58
buzok so the kde4.0 debs work,now on to figure out how to get my settings back18:03
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nosrednaekimcan you go straight from rc2 to final.... or do you have to uninstall rc2 first?18:19
Riddellnosrednaekim: I think there will be some overlapping icon files18:20
Riddellnothing --force-overwrite can't handle18:20
hungerIs there a meta package to install all of kde4?18:22
hungerkubuntu-desktop-kde4 or something?18:22
jpatrick"kde4" in hardy18:22
Riddellkde4-core for the base18:23
nosrednaekimRiddell:  for activating desktop effects, you we want to run "compiz --replace" as soon as they activate them in the GUI or should we wait until next login?18:24
hungerkdebase-bin-kde3 conflicts with kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4. Is that ok?18:24
Riddellnosrednaekim: having them immediately would be best18:25
Riddellhunger: it's intended, that's the files that can be swapped for each other18:25
bigonis it possible to tell cmake to look for kde4 in /usr/lib/kde4 and tell him to install in an other path?18:29
Riddellbigon: yes, if there's a way to do that18:29
Riddelloh, you're asking if there is18:29
bigonand how to do that18:29
Riddellbigon: try -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/lib/kde4 ?18:30
bigonyeah but it will install everithing in /usr/lib/kde418:31
bigonwhat I whould like is ie: -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt and tell cmake that kde4 is in /usr/lib/kde418:32
nixternalRiddell: if you ever sneak into the Ubuntu offices, snag me one of those messanger bags, those are pretty sharp :p18:32
nixternalwould be nice if they offered Kubuntu items in the Ubuntu store...granted it is kind of high for me to purchase here in the US, but I would purchase a good Kubuntu shirt18:33
Riddellnixternal: messanger bags?  Ubuntu offices?18:33
davmor2just hand them out Riddell Why don't you :D18:33
nixternalCanonical offices, sorry about that...ya, they have messanger bags in the Ubuntu store...matt revell just linked to them in his recent LP Logo post18:33
Riddellbigon: possibly you can then set -DLIB_INSTALL_DIR=/opt -DBIN_INSTALL_DIR=/opt, I don't know18:34
buzhmm kopete-kde4 complains about missing QCA TLS plugin18:35
Riddellbuz: try installing libqca2-plugin-ossl18:36
buzNo candidate version found for libqca2-plugin-ossl18:37
buzaptitude search only finds libqca2 itself, no plugins for it18:37
buz(thats on gutsy)18:37
Riddellah, maybe it needs backported then18:37
buzshould probably be a dependency of kopete-kde4, also18:39
yuriyhmm kopete-kde4 works for me on gutsy18:39
buzyuriy: try using tls to connect to a jabber server18:39
buzwithout tls, it works fine18:39
yuriyah ok18:39
buzwell except for that fact that i cant really figure out where it dug out that old history :P18:39
Riddellwhat languages do we want on this live CD?18:42
Riddellgood idea18:42
nosrednaekimI think British would be a good idea18:43
Riddellgot that18:44
* ScottK suspects German would be popular for a KDE Live CD ;-)18:45
Riddell20MB of german, those are some long words they have18:45
yuriyspanish, french.. are we looking beyond the obvious ones or is it really restricted?18:46
nosrednaekimChech(sp?) for mhb :)18:46
xRaich[o]2xhmmm just testing kopete-kde4. i can't set up any accounts18:46
buzxRaich[o]2x: what type of account?18:47
buzclicking on add account works for me18:47
xRaich[o]2xany. there are none to choose from. no icq no xmpp no whatever18:47
buzthats weird18:48
buzi see them all18:48
xRaich[o]2xworked fine on rc218:48
buzi did purge all kde4 stuff before i installed 4.018:48
xRaich[o]2xi didn't18:48
buzi figured that was probably helping, seeing just how rc2 would not work without it :P18:49
xRaich[o]2xso purging does the trick?18:51
buzcould do18:51
buzmhh most kde3 apps simply crash upon starting18:51
buzwhich is pretty bad :P18:51
Riddellimbrandon: did you manage to integrate qyoto into kdebindings?18:52
xRaich[o]2xstill not possible to set up any accounts18:53
buzxRaich[o]2x: what happens when you try to start kopete-kde3?18:53
apacheloggerRiddell: kde4libs 4:4.0.0-0ubuntu1~gutsy1 finished building 3h ago, does it always take that loong until a package hits the archive? https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/4:4.0.0-0ubuntu1~gutsy1/+build/48820318:54
xRaich[o]2xbuz: works finde18:54
buzhmmm crashes for me18:54
buzas do a lot of other kde3 apps18:54
buzamarok works, but konqui3 and akregator do not18:54
xRaich[o]2xworks for me18:55
xRaich[o]2xeverything works flawless just kopete is acting weird but that doesn't really surprise me ^^18:57
buzwell in my case kopete is loading weird history files :P18:57
buzbut other than that it works18:57
buzand i occasionally get errors like klauncher could not launch "path" but the app comes up fine18:57
xRaich[o]2xyep i get those too18:57
buzand very weird, lyx gets an entry in the taskbar, but its completely empty, no icon, no name18:58
buzah now its there18:59
buzhmm now akregator came up without any hitch19:02
buzxRaich[o]2x: any chance you see the could not launch messages when you hit ctrl-enter but not with enter?19:10
imbrandonRiddell: yea19:10
xRaich[o]2xbuz: i didn't really get the message anymore19:13
Riddellimbrandon: I see kdebindings is moving forward in debian, might be an idea to try and get that into debian19:13
Riddellnixternal: fancy knocking up a quick alpha 3 page?  I can't actually think of anything to put in it though19:14
Basher_Get paid to click on website-link. i make 90$ a week doing nothing rofl, check out http://bux.to/?r=basher1119:14
yuriyhardy alpha 3? isn't KDE 4.0.0 FINAL something to put in there?19:15
xRaich[o]2xhrmm no usable output when starting kopete in konsole19:15
Riddellyuriy: yes, it would be.  is that you volunteering to make the page? :)19:15
* yuriy isn't very good at marketing speak, and isn't using hardy. but ok, where do I start?19:17
Riddellyuriy: copy the Alpha 2 page19:17
davmor2Riddell: does that mean your getting ready?19:19
nixternalRiddell: sure19:19
Riddelldavmor2: dunno actually, I've not heard anything, about it's due today19:19
nixternalRiddell: been a while since you had to op up and boot someone ey :)19:20
jpatrickif he/she/it resets their router they can come back19:21
nixternalyuriy: you got the release notes then?19:22
* nixternal can go back to doing nothing19:22
davmor2Riddell: no it's in two days according to the counter I just wondered if the site prep meant you were getting ready :)19:22
yuriyhehe Note to bloggers: experimental packages do not indicate taking a clear position.19:23
yuriydon't really know what i'm doing...19:24
yuriynixternal: all yours19:24
Riddelldavmor2: oh, KDE 4?  that's tomorrow19:24
davmor2so testing soon right?19:25
Riddelldavmor2: for some reason they never made a 1 day to go counter image so it's stuck on 219:25
Riddelldavmor2: there's packages in hardy and gutsy ppa for testing19:25
Riddelldavmor2: I'm making the live CD now19:25
yuriyoh that's what's going on with that picture19:25
davmor2Riddell: okay cool so what about 2 hoursish?19:26
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Riddelldavmor2: about that19:26
davmor2righto np19:26
* yuriy makes his own image19:36
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nosrednaekimok, it starts up compiz when you hit apply :), now, is it good behavior for the app to close when you hit apply?19:53
yuriywhy does it close?19:55
nosrednaekimcause I told it to ;)19:56
Riddellnosrednaekim: no, don't close it19:57
Riddellclose on OK19:57
nosrednaekimok, i'll add an ok button, thanks.19:58
Riddellanyone else have random broken italics in places, such as planet.kde.org in konqueror-kde4?20:00
hungerinstalling kde4 will remove libgif in favour for libungif. Is that intended?20:04
jpatrickI think it's the transition20:05
hungerjpatrick: Wasen't the transition from libungif to libgif once the patent ran out?20:05
jpatrickyeah, I think that was it20:05
hungerDunno. I had to install libgif since I could not find libungif-dev when building kde4 myself.20:06
hungerHmmm... actually it is memcoder that forces libungif, not kde4.20:08
Riddellmplayer failed to compile I think20:10
Riddellfor an unrelated issue20:10
hungerYeap, looks like.20:10
yuriywas alpha 2 before the non-LTS announdement?20:31
iRonyuriy: why you asking?20:49
yuriysomething should probably be written about it in the release notes20:52
iRonbut it is just an alpha.. who cares about LTS in alpha?20:53
yuriywell the release notes are basically news and progress of hardy between this alpha and the last one20:54
iRonoh i see20:55
yuriyalpha 2 release notes say: The focus for 8.04 for the Kubuntu community will be stability20:56
yuriywhich isn't quite accurate anymore20:56
jpatrickyuriy: I think it was before..20:56
jpatrickRiddell: should I add KDE4 gutsy-backports to #kubuntu topic?20:58
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Riddelljpatrick: not yet, they don't exist until tomorrow morning21:11
Riddelljpatrick: although backports do need testing, I've been using the ppa so far21:12
Riddellnot sure what's compiled in backports currently21:12
mhbhello folks21:12
jpatrickRiddell: right21:12
mhbis there a KDE4 countdown?21:12
Riddellmhb: that gets pretty dangerous, things could still go wrong21:13
mhbso no countdown21:14
Riddell3:38:56 ETA21:14
Riddellis my current one for uploading the iso though :)21:14
Riddellneed more upstream...21:14
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
mhbRiddell: I've thought in the bus about doing a second phase to the Kubuntu Tutorials Day21:16
emonkeygood evening21:16
jpatrickgood evening emonkey21:17
emonkeyDoes anybody know something about a announcement about kde4 which we can translate for kubuntu-de.org ?21:17
mhblike Novell had a hack week, we could do a hack session too, perhaps 24 hours so we'd be a bit different... what's your opinion?21:17
mhb24 hours of intense hacking on bugs & miniprojects which would the users and the participating people suggest21:18
emonkeyWe've got already prewritten a news about it, but we don't know anything about gutsy and KDE421:18
jpatrickemonkey: in gutsy-backports tomorrow hopefully :)21:19
mhbemonkey: what would you like to know?21:19
mhbemonkey: yes, gutsy backports21:19
mhbalso in a PPA I presume21:19
mhbthere will be a KDE4 CD, too21:19
mhbRiddell's baby21:19
mhb(I mean Gutsy CD)21:20
emonkeymhb, It would be cool to know if there will be a news about the packages on kubuntu.org which we can translate nad integrate in our prewritten news about the release of KDE 421:20
mhbemonkey: ah, marketing talk ... I don't do that :o)21:21
emonkey:) ok, but maybe you know who I can ask about it?21:21
mhbRiddell or nixternal should know21:22
emonkeyok, thank you, I'll ask them if I see them being active here. :)21:22
Riddellemonkey: hi, I'll be making the 4.0 announce page shortly so you can translate that21:23
Riddellit's mostly technical rather than marketing21:23
mhbRiddell: what do you think about my suggestion?21:24
Riddellmhb: hmm, there's only so much you can get done in 24 hours21:24
* txwikinger thinks about starting an petition to th eprime minister for a 48h day21:25
jpatrickmhb: won't we have to teach them all how to do the stuff first?21:25
emonkeyRiddell, that's ok, just like the others news about the packages, isn't it?21:25
mhbjpatrick: well, depends on what you'd like to achieve21:25
mhbjpatrick: I think it would be more of an incentive to get the medium contributers back again21:26
mhbopen source development suffers from the fact that there's nobody looking over your shoulder, no deadline etc.21:26
mhbin 24 hours, you can achieve as much as you want to21:27
mhblet's say I fix 10 bugs in KDE applications and port gdebi-kde to KDE4.21:27
mhbit's not much, but it's more than some people will do in the whole release cycle21:28
mhbsuch a hack session would be about setting your goal and not letting go until it's finished21:28
mhbnot slacking off21:28
mhbthat's my vision21:28
mikkaelare there translations ofr kde4 yet available ?21:28
mhbif you have the idea, I can do a personal one, no problem.21:29
mhberr, s/have/hate21:29
jpatrickmikkael: there is a kde-l10n-de package21:29
iRonmhb: personaly i like your idea.. i starts contributing to project after Kubuntu Tutorials Day..21:29
jpatrickmhb: I like it :)21:29
jpatrickmikkael: kde-l10n-de | 4:4.0.0-0ubuntu2~gutsy1~ppa1 | http://ppa.launchpad.net gutsy/main Packages21:29
mikkaeljpatrick: thank you21:30
jpatrickmikkael: bitte21:30
jjesse_msg nickserv identify jes478SE21:31
mhbjpatrick: I'd like people to go and suggest small improvements and bugs I could do/fix, and then making some of em happy21:31
jpatrickjjesse_: change password FAST21:31
emonkeyor you will be ghostet soon :P21:32
jjesse_i've done this before :)21:32
mhbjjesse_: smart boy21:33
mhbjjesse_: not irony21:33
* stdin wakes up and wonders why it's dark out 21:33
jjesse_tornado watch here again :)21:33
jpatrickstdin: you've spent to much time watching KDE4 package builds...21:34
mhbjjesse_: you do have separate passwords for irssi and ssh, which makes you a smart boy :o)21:34
jjesse_mhb yes i do21:34
mhbjjesse_: I know21:34
jjesse_did you try?21:34
mhbjjesse_: yes, sorry... I was curious.21:34
jjesse_mhb i understand no problems21:34
stdinjpatrick: then I fell asleep, for ~12 hours21:34
stdinI was only planning on a nap21:35
jpatrickstdin: the dream is reality...21:36
mikkaeljpatrick: will those language packs work on hardy too ?21:36
jpatrickmikkael: the language packs are in hardy21:36
mikkaelhttps://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members-kde4/+archive gutsy ?!21:37
jpatrickmikkael: yeah and uploaded to hardy21:37
stdinmikkael: and in the normal archive21:37
* buz is stumped21:37
buzcomposited desktop running for 2hours without any hitch21:38
xRaich[o]2xhmm i can't get the updated kdemultimedia packages from ppa21:39
xRaich[o]2xbuz: composited desktop ran for more than 10 hours here ;)21:39
jpatrickxRaich[o]2x: give stdin a break ;)21:39
xRaich[o]2xjpatrick: no refuse to do that ^^21:40
jpatrickxRaich[o]2x: joking ;)21:40
xRaich[o]2xno seriously. where can i file bugs for the ppa packages21:40
xRaich[o]2xkopete is acting weird21:40
stdinxRaich[o]2x: why can't you?21:40
xRaich[o]2xsince it's a weird piece of software21:40
xRaich[o]2xstdin: what can't i do what?21:40
stdin[21:39]  <xRaich[o]2x> hmm i can't get the updated kdemultimedia packages from ppa21:41
jpatrickstdin: kdemultimedia-kde4 | 4:3.98.0~svn755919-1ubuntu1~gutsy1~ppa2 | http://ppa.launchpad.net gutsy/main Packages21:41
stdin386 build of kdemultimedia-kde4 4:4.0.0-0ubuntu1~gutsy1~ppa2 in ubuntu hardy RELEASE  Build started 4 hours ago on iridium (xen-i386) and finished 4 hours ago taking 12 minutes21:41
jpatrickhmm, I just updated sources and same..21:42
xRaich[o]2xi updated a dozen of times. it still doesn't work21:42
xRaich[o]2xdunno why21:42
xRaich[o]2xthought that's weird so i asked21:42
xRaich[o]2xanother weird thing is that kopete cannot create any accounts21:43
xRaich[o]2xwhen i say add account there are no protocols to choose from21:44
stdinwait, no I'm being 1/2 asleep still, "ubuntu hardy RELEASE"  is not "ubuntu gutsy RELEASE"21:46
xRaich[o]2xi'm not trying to push you ;) just wanted to know where i can file the bugs for later fixing21:47
xRaich[o]2xyou are doing a great work with packaging. i don't mind if it takes longer21:48
stdinfor the PPA packages you could either mail the list kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com or do it via LP, but it could get confusing which packages are effected, PPA or universe21:49
xRaich[o]2xi guess i'll mail the list. seems less confusing for the devs21:51
jpatrickhi danimo21:51
danimowill KDE 4.0.0 be in backports tomorrow?21:52
danimoor will it just have an extra repo?21:52
jpatrickdanimo: yes, hopefully tomorrow (building now)21:53
danimojpatrick: ah, so not yet21:53
jpatrickdanimo: no, but asap, nice cloak btw21:53
danimojpatrick: I'm KDE staff, so not that amazing, but I was curious anyway, since this will be my first non-self-built KDE 4  packages :)21:55
jpatrickTm_T: ahoy21:55
Tm_Tdanimo: heh, your cloak is simple21:55
danimoTm_T: I think in order to get "kde" without the ".developer", you need to be e.V. member or such21:56
danimothat's about it21:56
jpatrickdanimo: you can grab them from the PPA if you want21:56
jpatrickPersonal Package Archive21:57
jpatrickdanimo: sudo -s; echo "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu gutsy main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list; exit; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install kdebase-workspace-dev21:57
* danimo just stumbled across http://games.kde.org/new/ -- wow21:57
Tm_Tdanimo: I know21:57
Tm_Tdanimo: seen mine?21:58
danimoTm_T: what?21:58
Tm_Tdanimo: my cloak21:58
danimoTm_T: yeah21:58
Tm_Tdanimo: yours is simple21:59
* danimo has enough to do with that single one affiliation21:59
danimo(and real-life ones)21:59
Tm_Tdanimo: oh, just if you knew... ;)21:59
* apachelogger notes: kdm-kde4 is totall b0rked, woohoooo21:59
Tm_Tson, hug it21:59
apacheloggerit's pure crap21:59
apacheloggerkicked it from the system21:59
yuriy<noob>how do you enable a cloak? </noob>22:00
jpatrickyuriy: freenode staff22:01
apacheloggerdepends on the cloak really ;-)22:01
jpatrickyuriy: ask nalioth in #ubuntu-ops for an ubuntu/member one22:01
yuriyis there a kubuntu/member one?22:02
jpatrickno, we use the same ones..22:02
jpatrickwe should all have: kde/kubuntu/ ones22:02
yuriylol emonkey22:03
* ScottK would need a kubuntu/ubuntu-server/but-definitely-not-gnome cloak then.22:04
emonkeyyuriy, ;)22:04
* apachelogger hugs emonkey22:07
* emonkey hugs apachelogger back :)22:07
apacheloggeranyone knows why my -kde4 apps have no icons?22:08
=== yuriy is now known as gamemank
jpatrickapachelogger: you're not in KDE4?22:09
apacheloggerI am22:09
jpatrickI have no idea then22:09
* apachelogger investigates22:09
stdinapachelogger: you wouldn't be on amd64 would you?22:10
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apacheloggerare the icons supposed to be in hicolor?22:10
stdinah, bacause amd64 didn't build until recently22:11
apacheloggerhere is the scope: the desktop files from the PPA actually refer to /usr/lib/kde/share/icons/hicolor for the icons, but they are actually almost all in oxygen22:12
apacheloggerthis can't be healthy22:13
jpatrickwe need oxygen22:13
danimoapachelogger: so upgrading to PPA is not a good idea yet? :)22:14
apacheloggerdanimo: well, everything works, you just have no icons in kickoff etc.22:14
apacheloggeri.e. for all application references which relay on the .desktop file22:15
danimodo KDE 4 applications have their own $KDEHOME?22:15
danimoapachelogger: how is that achived?22:15
apacheloggerdanimo: I think by patch22:15
jpatrickdanimo: kdelibs patch22:15
danimoah, ok22:15
danimothat's cool22:16
apacheloggerthis is no good22:18
apacheloggerapparently KDE still ships old icons22:18
danimoapachelogger: yes, somehow they (we) do22:18
apacheloggerwe actually install them for hicolor22:18
apacheloggerand by default we use these hicolors22:18
danimoapachelogger: but the iconloader should ultimately default to oxygen22:18
apacheloggerdanimo: the paths are static22:18
danimoapachelogger: huh?22:19
apacheloggersince everything for kde4 is placed in /usr/lib/kde422:19
apacheloggerto not cause any conflict with kde3 stuff22:19
danimoapachelogger: ah, ok, so this is an ubuntu magic22:19
danimoapachelogger: I was just going to look it up22:19
apacheloggerI wouldn't call it magic since it doesn't work properly ;-)22:19
danimoapachelogger: even magic can go bad22:19
apacheloggerthen it's not magic IMHO22:20
apacheloggerbad trick or something22:20
Tm_Tapachelogger: yes?22:20
apacheloggerRiddell: ping22:21
seeleWhat is the difference between being a Kubuntu member and not?22:21
apacheloggerI think we should remove +| sed 's,Icon=,Icon=/usr/lib/kde4/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/,' \22:21
danimoapachelogger: heh22:21
* apachelogger tends to think it will not work in KDE322:22
danimoapachelogger: well, no22:22
danimojust replace hicolor by oxygen22:22
apachelogger*head meets table*22:22
danimothe icon loader should look for oxygen icons by default22:22
apacheloggerdanimo: not the kde3 one22:22
jpatrickseele: recognition for contributions I guess22:22
danimoso IF /usr/lib/kde4 is part of KDEDIRS, then it's fine22:23
stdinit is22:23
danimoapachelogger: ah,  right22:23
apacheloggerstdin: only for kde422:23
danimoapachelogger: we want to allow KDE 3 to show icons correctly22:23
stdinapachelogger: KDEDIRS is a kde4 only variable, so yes22:23
apacheloggerwe just need to change the debian/rules for -kde4 packages22:24
danimostdin: that's not true22:24
apacheloggerto use oxygen instead of hicolor22:24
seelejpatrick: ok thx22:24
apacheloggersince all the app icons should end up there22:24
stdindanimo: kde3 used KDEDIR yes?22:24
Riddellapachelogger: hi22:24
apacheloggerAhoy captain Riddell22:24
apacheloggerRiddell: currently the icons for most apps don't work22:25
danimostdin: no, KDE1 did22:25
danimostdin: KDEDIRS is recommended since at least KDE 3, if not 222:25
apacheloggerRiddell: since we use a static icon path to hicolor, though all the icons are in oxygen22:25
Riddellseele: it's mostly symbolic of ones significant contribution, the practical side is that you can get on planet, occationally vote on community council or tech board members and apply to be a MOTU22:25
seeleRiddell: ok, thx22:25
seelei think i'm a member, but i didn't know what it meant22:26
apacheloggerRiddell: so we need to change the debian/rules to use | sed 's,Icon=,Icon=/usr/lib/kde4/share/icons/oxygen/32x32/apps/,' \  ... in case some app icon doesn't get installed there, we would need to fix it there, but the majority goes to oxygen I think22:26
Riddellapachelogger: yes, it's an issue22:26
Riddellapachelogger: most icons should be installed to hicolour but the generic (or sometimes broken ones) aren't22:26
Riddellapachelogger: the idea is to have the oxygen icon show up in kde 3 but of course kde 3 doesn't look in /usr/lib/kde4..22:27
apacheloggeryeah, though right now it doesn't show it for KDE3 nor KDE422:27
apacheloggersince the files simply don't exist22:27
Riddellapachelogger: it works for some, probably even most, but there's a fair number it's broken for22:28
apacheloggerhow can this work?22:28
Riddellmore clever scripting in debian/rules to make it work out where the icon actually is22:29
* apachelogger senses a headache :P22:29
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davmor2Riddell: is the iso ready?22:35
Riddelldavmor2: yes but seems I miscalculated my upstream bandwidth, it'll be another couple of hours yet according to ssh22:36
Riddellsorry about that22:36
davmor2Np  what the link for it once it's up?22:37
stdinRiddell: looks like that debdiff for kdewebdev-kde4 only fixed i386 builds, still doesn't run common-post-build-arch:: or install/kdewebdev-kde4:: parts of debian/rules22:37
davmor2If I'm still awake I can set the dl and try it first thing22:37
Riddell /msg'ed22:40
danimohmm, from a KDE 3 session, KDE 4 apps don't see the KDE 4 Qt plugins (like styles)22:40
danimoapachelogger: can you reproduce that?22:42
* apachelogger has no KDE3 on the laptop :P22:43
apacheloggerdeleted that in december already22:43
* Tm_T has no KDE on the laptop22:43
danimostartkde sets the plugin path22:44
danimoQT_PLUGIN_PATH, that is22:44
* mhb has a lot of KDE on the laptop22:45
Riddellstarting kde 4 apps in kde 3 has the kde 4 style for me22:46
jpatricksame for me22:46
Tm_Tmhb: like to guess what I do have in my laptop?22:46
iRonTm_T: wmii2 ?22:46
mhbWindows? Apple? No laptop?22:46
Riddell_czessi: do you know who's doing the kubuntu-de.org announce?22:47
mhbRiddell: umm22:47
mhbRiddell: emonkey asked you about it, isn't he doing it?22:48
Riddellmhb: aye but he left22:48
Tm_TWindows 3.11 <322:48
danimoodd, marble wants libgps.15,  but gutsy has .1622:49
danimoyet no conflicts22:49
danimoapachelogger: can you add libgps.15 as dependency for marble?22:51
apacheloggerdanimo: I see no dep on libgps.15 in marble-kde422:54
danimoah, there is marble and marble-kde422:56
Riddellmarble is the old qt only version22:56
danimooh, ok22:56
claydohwhat no tetris clone for kde4??? the wife will be shocked :)23:03
claydohshe likes the look of the kde4 games23:03
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | Next meeting: 12th January 11:00 | Alpha 3 out | Happy KDE 4.0 day
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
RiddellVorian, nixternal: whatever happened to ktorrent-kde4?23:35
VorianRiddell: where do you want it?23:35
* Vorian just gets back from work23:36
nixternalRiddell: I think KTorrent was the one I said to just do uupdate on and upload when you were ready23:36
RiddellVorian: in hardy :)23:36
Riddellnixternal: nope, that wes plasma-extragear23:36
RiddellVorian: put it on a web server somewhere23:36
nixternalya, that was the one Vorian was working on...forgot about that :)23:36
nixternalso it is his fault!!!! WOOT ISN"T MINE FOR ONCE!23:37
Voriannixternal: I can't figure the other two out23:37
nixternalwhat were the other 2?23:37
nixternalkpov and li*23:37
nixternalsomething or other23:37
nixternalk, I will take a look at ligature here in a sec23:37
VorianRiddell: it's gonna be on my ppa23:39
nixternalis ligature the new kdvi by chance?23:43
Riddellnixternal: new kghostview23:45
Riddellit's largly redundant to okular23:46
nixternalhrmm, all of its documentation says &kdvi;23:46
nixternalya, and hasn't been updated since 2004 really23:46
Riddellkdvi is a fork of kghostview, and ligature brings them together.  something like that23:48
nixternalahhhh, that makes sense23:49
nixternalNOT! :p23:49
nixternalOkular is pretty pimpin' though23:49
nixternalhopefully I can build some stuff tonight...last night all hell broke loose with 3.98.0 build-deps23:50
mhbRiddell: any news on the python-kde4 konsole plugin? Do you happen to know whether it exists or not?23:50
mhbRiddell: especially in our packages23:50
mhbkonsole kpart23:50
mhbwell the thing we all need for our python thingies to work23:50
Riddellmhb: I heard that the konsole plugin bits had all been removed in 4.0 and should come back for 4.123:50
Riddelldunno if that's true or not23:50
mhbthat would be a shame23:51
Riddellyes indeed23:52
nixternalryanakca: http://www.nixternal.com/~rj/mockup1.svg23:53
ryanakcanixternal: thanks :)23:53
mhbryanakca: going to work on that?23:58
ryanakcamhb: ask the world?23:58

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