
TorgotonI'm doing a netboot install, and it hangs at 75% of "Storing language..." but I can still use another console. Is there anything useful I can do? (Oh, and #ubuntu is nearly useless.) (and cjwatson: I got 6.06LTS installed on my 486 box with 36MB RAM. now trying on a P/166 with 80MB RAM)00:09
Torgotoner cjwatson_ ^00:09
TorgotonI can switch to a console. Anything useful I can do there?00:10
Torgotonlast pertinent log message was "localechooser:    en_US.UTF-8..." about ten hours ago.00:12
Torgotonok maybe this one: when trying to netboot hardy heron, it says there are no kernels to install. tips or pointers to info. much appreciated.01:04
methhhphi: when i install gutsy, reboot and try to login using gdm i get you dont have home dir create so you have to use / (root) like home dir, why i have to create home dir manually?02:41
simeonhi all07:35
simeonI'm not given a resize option in the paritioning part of a gutsy install07:36
simeonis this normal?07:36
simeonsudo gparted :-)07:51
cjwatsonsimeon: not necessary08:29
cjwatsonsimeon: I assume you're talking about the autopartitioner; in that case the automatic resize option can only be offered in some quite limited circumstances due to how crap the PC partition table format is08:29
cjwatsonsimeon: but if you select manual partitioning you can change sizes there; there's no need to resort to gparted08:29
simeoncjwatson: well I also wanted to resize the NTFS partition, so gparted saved me lots of ntfsresize man page reading08:30
cjwatsonthe manual partitioner would have let you resize NTFS too08:31
cjwatsonyou created lots of work for yourself, it sounds ;)08:31
simeonoh :-)08:31
simeonseems I didn't have enough faith in the installer08:31
simeonwasn't too tought though08:31
simeongparted, click, click, resize, done, run installer08:32
cjwatsonyeah, I really dislike people having to rely on gparted though08:33
cjwatsonwe put a lot of work into replacing it for a reason :)08:33
simeonto be honest, I did a bit of googling and I saw some (possibly older) screenshots showing an option to resize the NTFS parition on the first paritioning screen08:36
simeonyou know, the one with, o - guided use whole parition, o - manual paritioning08:37
simeonand mine didn't have that08:37
cjwatsonright, that's what I was saying above08:37
cjwatsonit can only be offered in certain quite limited circumstances08:37
cjwatsonwe plan to expand those a little bit in hardy, but they'll still be limited08:37
simeonand NTFS+SATA is one combination where it doesn't work?08:37
cjwatsonno, it depends on the partition table layout08:37
cjwatsonas in the number of primary partitions you have, the position of the extended partition, that sort of thing08:38
cjwatsonSATA has nothing to do with it08:38
cjwatsonif the NTFS partition is unresizable for some reason, then that would also kill it, but since you resized it with gparted I doubt that's the case08:38
cjwatsonin gutsy, if you have three primary partitions already, it won't offer auto-resize08:38
cjwatson(three primary partitions and no extended, that is; or four primary partitions)08:39
simeonah, HP recover and HP tools paritions :-)08:39
cjwatsonyeah, I'm beginning to hate vendors ;-)08:39
cjwatsonlike I say, I think we can relax this a bit in hardy due to fixes made elsewhere08:40
CIA-8partman-auto-loop: cjwatson * r36 ubuntu/ (autopartition-loop debian/changelog): * Account for partman library code having moved to /lib/partman/lib/.08:40
CIA-8partman-auto-loop: cjwatson * r37 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 0ubuntu1208:45
simeoncjwatson: I assumed that since I did not get the resize option on the initial screen that a manual paritioning would just change the table, and not resize the FS08:48
simeoncjwatson: but maybe a "typical" user does not know the difference between resizing a parition and the underlying FS08:49
simeonHCI is fun :-)08:49
cjwatsonmanual partitioning would change both; changing the table without changing the filesystem is an absurd division of functionality to present in a UI :)08:51
simeonI won't argue with that08:58
simeonbut I should mention that many other installers will do exactly that08:59
simeonespecially older ones08:59
simeonso I suspect many users have come to expect the installer to do something absurd :)09:00
tjaaltonhardy still fails to netboot here.. I'll post the log shortly09:27
cjwatsontjaalton: same thing as before?09:31
tjaaltonno, different09:31
tjaaltonbut I've seen this as well09:31
cjwatsoncurrent apt?09:31
tjaaltontry now09:32
tjaaltonthe mirror is uptodate, so is the netboot image09:32
cjwatsonyou seem to have ended up with 'stty olcuc' somewhere in the middle of that09:34
tjaaltonapt is current09:34
tjaaltonheh, yes :)09:34
cjwatsonJan 10 09:20:50 in-target: E:09:34
cjwatsonJan 10 09:20:50 in-target: Command line option 'i' [from -icons] is not known.09:34
cjwatsonthat doesn't ring any bells09:34
tjaaltonI'll check the preseed09:34
tjaaltonhm, there are no changes though, and it's mostly the same preseed with feisty which works09:37
tjaaltonoh right09:37
cjwatsoncan I see the preseed file?09:37
tjaaltonfound it, typo in pkgsel/include :/09:37
cjwatsonthat'd do it :)09:38
cjwatsondodgy line breaking?09:38
xivuloncjwatson, evand, would it be possible to take care of the wubi tagged bugs? All the ones that require coding should have a patch attached and/or link to a branch09:38
xivulonit would semplify my life quite a bit and it is a necessary to eliminate the lupin-support package09:39
tjaaltoncjwatson: we use the same package list for 7.10 and hardy, which obviously fails by now, so I've added rules to filter out some packages, and it fails since some of the packages had a "$pkg-icons" variant on the list :)09:40
cjwatsonxivulon: not today but yes09:40
xivuloncjwatson thanks, feel free to ask if you need clarifications or require some more work on those issues09:40
tjaaltonit would be nice if aptitude would be more graceful when it cannot find all the packages on the list09:40
cjwatsonxivulon: you should default to evand not me09:41
* xivulon pokes evand09:41
cjwatsontjaalton: it's worse than that in this case because it's being interpreted as an option09:41
tjaaltonyep, true09:41
cjwatson+  * Pass pkgsel/include to aptitude following "--" to prevent typos in09:41
cjwatson(committed upstream)09:41
cjwatson+    preseed files being interpreted as aptitude options by accident.09:41
tjaaltonright, fvwm is uninstallable, so fvmw-icons becomes "-icons", duh09:43
cjwatsonI doubt that09:43
cjwatsonI think it's more likely you have a space in there by mistake09:44
cjwatsonoh, unless you were doing s/fvwm//g?09:44
cjwatsonah, ok09:44
tjaaltonso s/fvwm //g works for now :)09:44
xivuloncjwatson forgot to check that, but does the live cd initrd prompt the user to insert a CD if one live media is not detected? Don't think so.10:14
cjwatsonno, I think it loops waiting for one and eventually panics10:16
xivulonif you plan to keep using wubi-cdboot it would be a good idea to add that prompt10:17
xivulonI can file a bug report10:17
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
cjwatsonxivulon: I don't know; that has a nasty interaction with systems where it takes ages for the CD device to appear normally10:24
tjaaltoncjwatson: it seems that all the logs entries of packages being installed are in caps10:39
cjwatsonyes, I'm mystified but not concerned10:46
sorentjaalton: Is this amd64?10:47
tjaaltonsoren: yes10:48
sorentjaalton: I'm seeing the exact same thing in my amd64 sbuild (not i386)... I've spent a bit of time tracking it down, but haven't figured it out yet.10:48
sorenIt's been that way since gutsy.10:48
tjaaltonsoren: cool, as said it's not that important, but annoying :)10:49
sorenIt doesn't happen on my real system, or if I schroot into an amd64 chroot and apt-get install stuff. Only if sbuild does it.10:49
tjaaltonhmm, my gutsy install log seems fine10:49
sorenMy best guess was that something accidentally sent stty olcuc to my terminal, but AFAICS that wouldn't case the logs to be in uppercase, too.10:50
cjwatsonunless it's going through a virtual tty10:52
tjaaltonhmm, casper still preseeds the mouse protocol?11:46
tjaaltonon livecd11:46
tjaalton(EE) Configured Mouse: Unknown protocol "10 xserver-xorg/config/inputdevice/mouse/protocol doesn't exist"11:46
cjwatson<cjwatson@sarantium ~/src/ubuntu/casper/bzr/casper>$ wcgrep mouse/protocol11:47
cjwatson<cjwatson@sarantium ~/src/ubuntu/casper/bzr/casper>$11:47
cjwatsonthat looks to me like xorg trying to fetch a question that doesn't exist11:47
tjaaltonright, but it doesn't use that anymore11:48
tjaaltondexconf or the postinst11:48
tjaaltonhopefully casper.log will show the culprit11:49
tjaaltonbug 181732 btw11:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 181732 in xorg "[hardy][livecd] xorg configuration problems on qemu-kvm" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18173211:49
tjaaltonhardy netboot finished fine once I filtered all the failing apps from pkgsel list11:49
cjwatson<cjwatson@sarantium ~/src/ubuntu/xorg/xorg-7.3+10ubuntu2>$ wcgrep mouse/protocol11:51
cjwatson./debian/local/Failsafe/failsafeDexconf:169:fetch xserver-$SERVER/config/inputdevice/mouse/protocol11:51
cjwatson./debian/xserver-xorg.postinst.in:920:                        "xserver-xorg/config/inputdevice/mouse/protocol" \11:51
tjaaltonoh right :/11:51
cjwatsoncurrent version in hardy11:51
cjwatsonthe second one is cleanup code11:51
cjwatsonthe first is your bug11:51
cjwatsonpresumably the failsafe copy didn't get fixed ...11:52
tjaaltonright, but the real bug is why it got there :)11:52
tjaaltonto failsafe-mode that is11:58
xivuloncjwatson can you elaborate on "nasty interaction"? Worse case scenario is that you prompt the user to insert a CD even if it is already inserted at which point the user will probably hit enter12:50
cjwatsonhmm, I suppose12:51
xivulonWhich I think it's better than showing them the busybox prompt12:51
xivulonbug #18173412:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 181734 in casper "Prompt the user to insert a CD if a live media is not detected" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18173412:52
evandxivulon: sure thing, I'll take a look at them today13:39
evandright, though today is alpha3 so I cannot release any of those changes.14:36
xivulonevand, I can grab you on jabber and we can go through together15:23
xivulonif possible I'd like to have them by the w/e so that I can test my stuff15:25
xivulonPS I am having a "chat" (on forum) with henrik re WinFOSS/launcher in CD15:26
xivulonThe idea is to replace it with a small nsis app that displays 4 options15:26
evandxivulon: Sure, but can we defer that to say tomorrow after today's alpha release?  Henrik emailed me about the forum thread.  I believe I have a call with him later today.15:27
xivulonevand, sure I'll try to grab you tomorrow night (feel free to start merging stuff before then)15:28
evandI'm definitely going to look over them today to prepare for the discussion tomorrow.15:29
evandindeed, I already have it opened in a tab :)15:30
xivulonI have another grub-install patch to submit, will do that tonight15:30
evandok, I'll keep an eye out ofr it15:31
xivulongood news is that half of them are taken care of by ~ago/partman-auto-loop/lupin-support15:31
xivulonby the way is it possible to mount hardy squashfs in gutsy?15:47
evandwhy would you want to do that?15:51
Le_Vertmmh that's probably the right channel :)15:58
Le_Verthello mates15:58
Le_VertI was wondering if there's a way to use a response file with ubuntu graphical installer15:58
Le_Vertcould you confirm it or give me some pointers ?15:58
cjwatsonwhat is a "response file"?15:59
cjwatsondo you mean preseeding the answers to certain questions?15:59
cjwatsonas of 7.10, yes; generally speaking the question names are the same as for d-i, with a few exceptions15:59
Le_Vertany documentation on this ?16:00
cjwatsonevand: ?16:00
Le_VertI can't find some anywhere16:00
cjwatson^-- expert16:00
Le_Vertokay ;)16:00
* evand makes standard comment about needing to write that documentation. Adds it to today's TODO.16:01
Le_VertI found this but it seems to apply to D-I16:01
evandone moment16:01
Le_Vertnot ubiquity, right ?16:01
cjwatsonthe ubiquity automation is designed to be compatible where possible, so a decent starting point is to copy a d-i preseed file16:02
Le_Vertokay, so all I need to do is to check ubiquity help and launch it with the right argument and a DI preseed file ?16:03
cjwatsonthe preseed argument is fished out of /proc/cmdline since that's how people usually like to start ubiquity16:04
cjwatsonso url=http://blah usually16:04
Le_Vertokay :)16:04
Le_Vertboot on the regular ubuntu live cd16:05
Le_Vertadd the right kernel flag to start ubiquity at boot time16:05
Le_Vertand url parameter to the pressed file16:05
evandautomatic-ubiquity being that kernel parameter.16:07
evandso boot the Ubuntu desktop CD and press F6 at the islinux menu, add url=http://evalicious.com/evan.seed automatic-ubiquity to the argument list, as an example.16:09
Le_Vertnice :)16:09
Le_Vertchoises that are not presseded will be asked to the user ?16:09
evandfeel free to use that preseed file, but be forewarned, it will format your hard drive without warning16:09
Le_Vertthis's all I need16:10
Le_Vertperfect :)16:10
* evand makes note to correct the languagechooser question in that file.16:10
Le_Vertthanks a lot for your help16:10
evandlet me know if you run into any trouble16:10
Le_Vertyeah I'll have some time to make test and do exactly what I want16:10
Le_Verta last thing, do you confirm it's only available since 7.10 ?16:11
Le_Vertokay :)16:11
evandyou're welcome16:11
Le_Verta last one I just thought about16:23
Le_Vertubiquity by pxe ?16:23
Le_Vertpossible ?16:23
Le_Vertping evand ;)16:27
xivuloncan't you use the alternate installer for that?16:29
Le_VertI could do so16:29
Le_Vertbut the aim of the project is to provide a very simple way to install ubuntu for noobs users16:29
Le_Vertso I'd avoid the old curse dialogs....16:29
xivulonseems we share the same aim...16:31
cjwatsonnetbooted ubiquity has been done in the past though may need a bit of plumbing16:32
xivuloncjwatson if that was available I could add that to wubi also16:32
Le_Vertany pointers would be greatly appreciated16:32
Le_Vertas we're now two people that need it16:32
cjwatsonxivulon: it only makes sense with local mirrors; I'd prefer not to offer it to users without proper IT-department-type backing16:33
Le_Vertwhat the good way to start working on that ?16:34
Le_Verttrying to install something like the livecd in a nfsroot16:34
Le_Vertand boot it by pxe ?16:34
cjwatsonI think passing NETBOOT=nfs to the live CD boot process is the way to start16:35
cjwatsonbut I haven't done this personally16:35
cjwatsonerr, and NFSROOT=server:/path16:36
Le_Vertdo you mean loading livecd kernel by pxe and passing the right nfsroot as kernel arg ?16:36
Le_Vertthat was the kind of stuff I was thinking about16:36
cjwatsonkernel and initrd16:36
Le_Vertthe only real problem is how to turn a regular ubuntu deboostrap16:37
cjwatsonjust unpack the squashfs and export that over NFS16:37
Le_Vertoh, really ?16:37
cjwatsondon't try to recreate the squashfs contents if you don't have to16:37
evandugh, I hate this wireless card.  Sorry about that.16:37
Le_Vertmount -oloop the iso, copy it and export it by nfs ?16:37
xivulonmount -o loop iso mntpoint && mount -o loop -t squashfs mntpoint/casper/filesystem.squashfs export-mntpoint16:39
cjwatsonbut COPY the contents16:39
cjwatsonI would not advise NFS-exporting something that's actually a squashfs mount point - it may well work but why make your life harder?16:40
Le_Vertmount iso + mount squafs over, and then copy all that stuff to the exported directory ?16:44
cjwatsonnot saying this will work unmodified but it should be a good start :)16:49
Le_Vertyeah I think that way should work16:50
Le_Vertinitrd is ready to nfsboot16:51
Le_Vertso I guess it should do the trick16:51
evandcjwatson: Maybe it's a false memory, but isn't there somewhere where the latest installation-guide package is built and placed on ubuntu.com?  I poked around archive.u.c and cdimage.u.c and grepped through my IRC logs, but came up empty.16:54
cjwatsonit's supposed to be on help.ubuntu.com16:54
evandIndeed, but that's stuck at 7.0516:54
evanderr 7.0416:54
cjwatsonright, I mailed mdke about that a little while ago16:55
cjwatsonhe acknowledged it but hasn't fixed it yet16:55
Le_Vertokay :)17:21
Le_VertI managed to boot into the livecd throught pxe17:21
Le_Vertbut evrything fucked up17:21
Le_Vertthe main problem, I guess, is that I should mount a virtual ramfs over the nfsroot17:21
cjwatsoncasper should do that ...17:26
cjwatsonapt-get source casper # place to start debugging17:26
Le_Vertmaybe the problem is just that nfs-common and portmap are missing into livecd squash...17:33
cjwatsonsounds possible17:34
Le_Vertjust added them and tried a restart17:36
Le_Vertgot stuck on starting nfs-common17:37
Le_Vertstill the same breakage finally17:39
Le_Verti/o error on all binaries17:39
evandFirst cut: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbiquityAutomation17:40
Le_VertI guess / was not mounted magically :p17:40
Le_VertI'll work on this tomorrow :)17:40
Le_Vertcya people :)17:40
evandbest of luck17:41
evandI'm not really sure where to link to that though.  w.u.c/InstallerTeam?17:43
cjwatsonvia w.u.c/Ubiquity maybe17:43
evandindeed, but what links to that?  I can't seem to find the command in Moin.17:44
cjwatsonI'd do a text search and weed out the FPs I think17:49
cjwatsonbut add a link to Ubiquity from InstallerTeam if it's not there already?17:50
evandwill do17:50
xivulonlupin/casper provides a fourth way to pass a preseed file by the way: on a local hard disk17:53
evandxivulon: feel free to add it to the wiki page17:54
xivulonhe the interface is not yet stable enough I guess, I'd suggest that we merge lupin/hardy play with it, then we write the spec17:56
xivulonbug #144798 partially implemented in lupin/hardy/casper17:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 144798 in casper "Merge lupin functionality + add external hooks" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14479817:58
cjwatsonevand: perhaps note on that page that ubiquity asks a subset of the same questions, rather than the same questions18:16
cjwatsonsince we only use some of the same components18:16
evandah, indeed, thanks for spotting that18:17
evandcjwatson: does this look like a reasonable solution to the inifinte loop bug?  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/3447/18:46
cjwatsonevand: yeah, I think that's basically what localechooser does18:47
evandwhoops, sticking a break in the right place18:47
evandit is18:48
cjwatsonlooks fine18:48
evandok.  I imagine it's far too late to get this in tribe 3, right? :/18:48
cjwatsonI think so - but ask slangasek18:53
evanderr whoops, heh18:55
evandwill do18:55
CIA-8ubiquity: evand * r2402 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/language.py):19:01
CIA-8ubiquity: * Correctly answer both countrychooser/shortlist and19:01
CIA-8ubiquity:  countrychooser/country-name (LP: #174937).19:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 181857 in oem-config "No input methods active for firstboot -- cannot enter chinese" [Undecided,New]19:54
michael_e_browncjwatson, as discussed a couple days ago. I have the system sitting at firstboot now and i cannot enter chinese (gutsy)19:55
michael_e_brownnow, it may just be user-error, but I tried ctrl-space, shift-space, and numerous combinations thereof, and was unable to get it into chinese mode19:56
michael_e_brownnote: both shift-space and ctrl-space work ok after finishing and logging in.20:06
joshkfor ubiquity preseeding, does ubiquity preseed/late_command work?21:37
joshkor is it d-i?21:37
evandah, that's only in d-i.  Use ubiquity/success_command21:39
joshkdoes that run inside /target or outside?21:39
evandoutside of /target, but it's still mounted when that runs21:40
joshkcan i suppress the apt-setup/security-updates note?22:03
joshkcan i suppress the apt-setup/security-updates-failed note?22:03
joshkor whatever it might have been changed to in ubiquity22:03
joshklooks like it's still the same22:05
evandIs 'ubiquity apt-setup/security-updates-failed note ' not working?22:09
joshkoh, haven't tried it22:12
joshkhm, that seemed to work22:34
joshkk, last question: is there a way to suppress "Close the tray and press ENTER to continue?"22:34
evandhmm, there doesn't appear to be currently, but I thought we handled this use case previously.22:40
joshkkind of odd to allow ubiquity/reboot to be preseeded and not this :)22:41
evandindeed :)22:42
evandI'll fix it22:44
evandah, we did22:47
evandor rather cjwatson did22:47
evandadd noprompt to the kernel command line22:47
cjwatsonmichael_e_brown: right, like I said the other day, there's no input method (scim) running22:49
michael_e_browncjwatson, correct22:49
cjwatsonscim is the thing that handles shift-space et al and if it isn't running then it simply doesn't work22:49
michael_e_browncjwatson, that would be a good thing to fix for Hardy22:49
michael_e_brownany way to hack it in for Gutsy? If I modified the script to start an input method, would that just work?22:50
michael_e_brownI dont have a feel right now for how big of an issue this is now.22:50
michael_e_brownI wont find out until next week.22:50
cjwatsonthe place to try to hack it in would likely be oem-config-dm22:52
cjwatsonbut I simply don't know for sure because I haven't tried22:52
cjwatsonand it's 22:52 here :022:52
michael_e_browncjwatson, np. I'll find out next week and work on it if the China team thinks it is a big priority.22:56
joshkit's okay to escape # signs in debconf preseed values with \#, right? or is there a different way to do it23:02
cjwatsonjoshk: hmm, that's a difference between debconf and cdebconf I hadn't noticed before23:13
cjwatsonjoshk: in cdebconf, only # at the start of a line introduces a comment23:13
cjwatsonjoshk: in debconf, AFAICS there is no way to escape # at all :(23:14
cjwatson        $line=~s/\#.*$//;23:14
joshkoh, crap23:15
joshkhm, i can work around it23:17

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