
castroxsoldats, hah... okay.. default settings was 24 bits of graphics.. changed to 16 bits.. now it's a lot more tolerable. Seems xorg must be loading neomagic dynamically (as the .so suggests..). I have no idea really.. seems to me it SHOULD show in lsmod but doesn't..00:00
soldatsahh yea the bit has a lot to do with it, i totally spaced it. even my desktop wont run with 24 bit i had to switch to 16 bit00:01
castroxwell i guess you'd need to replace some binary file holding the graphics used at boot..00:01
soldatstrue that should work00:06
soldatsbrb, band practice00:06
castroxheading for bed.. thanks again00:06
aroit seems like 7.10 is a lot slower to boot / use than 7.0401:26
aroi used to be able to install with normal graphics enabled, now i have to boot the live cd in safe graphics mode01:26
=== aro is now known as aroo
noonananyone around?05:23
soldatslemme check05:24
soldatsi is05:24
soldatssorry im in a wierd mood05:25
evil_techthis is probably a dumb question but why cant you put /home on a seperate drive?06:21
The-Kernelevil_tech you can, and I do it all the time06:21
The-Kernelactually I have /home on a separate "machine"06:22
evil_techwhenever I've tried it tells me the /home must be located on the same drive06:22
evil_techmust have done something wrong06:22
The-Kernelyou're doing it wrong06:28
evil_techconsidering the system isnt even booting right now06:29
evil_techmust not like my controller card06:29
evil_techwhich doesnt make sense since the installer could see it06:30
evil_techok so grub said it was starting up and loading then it dropped to a busybox shell06:32
evil_techafter giving this error: Check root= bootarg cat /proc/cmdline or missing modules, devices : cat /proc/modules ls /dev06:33
evil_techAlert! /dev/disk/by-uuid/ does not exitst dropping to a shell06:34
evil_techany idea?06:34
lizilihelp !! when i try to run xfce-terminal,my os willcome to die,and  my xfce-environment will restart itself ,why ?any one can help me .please !08:07
lizilianyone use xubuntu ?08:08
lizilixubuntu7.10 within chinese environment ~~08:10
TheSheeplizili: see bug #9184908:23
returnCodehallo folks12:55
returnCodeanyone can suggest me a music player fom ny xubuntu box?12:55
stmartinhow to play subtitle (.sub file) in movie player?13:27
puboHi everybody15:03
puboI have a problem with External USB HD + Samba + nautilus combination :(15:05
puboHas anybody worked with it?15:05
somerville32pubo, #ubuntu for help with gnome15:06
pubosomerville32, but the samba server is Xubuntu, maybe the problem is on it15:08
somerville32For support with Samba, see #ubuntu-server15:09
somerville32*Samba Server15:09
redlre all16:47
redlplease give me list of applications which are installed in xubuntu16:48
evil_techsudo apt-cache pkgnames | less16:50
redli don't have it16:51
evil_techdont have what16:51
redlxubuntu installed on my pc16:51
redlif you can16:52
evil_techi'm running ubuntu right now16:52
evil_technot on my xubuntu box16:52
redlone question: what gui frontend for cd/dvd burning is intalled there16:54
TheSheepredl: brasero16:54
TheSheepdapper had xfburn16:54
evil_techxfburn was bad16:55
TheSheepevil_tech: there is still no perfect one16:55
evil_techbrasero at least kinda works, xfburn would crash my system16:56
evil_techended up having to use gnomebaker16:56
redlbut it pulls gnome-libs =\16:57
TheSheepredl: but you don't have to have it running all the time16:57
redli don't wanna emerge gnome-libs16:58
TheSheepredl: then don't use it on gentoo16:58
=== zoredach1_ is now known as zoredache
methods[laptop]how do i install by category ?19:16
methods[laptop]like i want to install the entire games section19:19
zoredacheI am not aware of anyway to do that short of a fairly complex command line19:20
SpaggyI installed mythtv and all of its dependencies by a mistake with apt-get install mythtv. Is there any way I can remove all  of the packages that are now dependant on what's already on my system?19:53
TheSheepSpaggy: apt-get autoremove20:08
TheSheepSpaggy: after you have removed mythtv20:08
wsguedecan some one help me?20:29
wsguedeis anyone alive?20:29
TheSheep!ask wsguede20:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask wsguede - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:33
TheSheep!ask | wsguede20:33
ubotuwsguede: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:33
wsguedeok so I installed xubuntu (via alternate cd because the normal one didn't work for some reason) and at the end of the install it hangs on "gathering install information..." @ 85%... so I figured all is probably ok to boot. I hard booted the computer, and then it loads grub 1.5... now it brings up a cmd prompt type deally and I can't load up xbuntu20:36
TheSheepwsguede: it wasn't ok20:39
TheSheepwsguede: redo the installation20:40
wsguedethesheep: how long does it normally hang on that part?20:40
TheSheepwsguede: depends on your processor and ram, it can hang permanently if you have less than 96 mb of ram20:41
wsguedeit says on the site with the alternate cd all i need is 64 mb to install... but I have 256 mb ram.20:42
wsguedethesheep I just need a round about time limit, because I let it sit for like 30 min and nothing happens, this is after I pull out the cd because it makes me20:45
TheSheepis there any message before the command prompt?20:46
TheSheepexcept for the "no job control" one20:46
wsguedethere is no "no job control" msg20:46
wsguedeit says20:46
wsguede[ Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB ... blah blah about the use of the tab button...]20:46
TheSheepwsguede: and before that?20:47
wsguedeloading grub...20:48
TheSheepwsguede: this is an emergency shell that's packed together with the kernel, it means basically that kernel failed to mount the root filesystem for some reason20:48
TheSheepwsguede: you can see some more messgaes by switching to a different console, with alt+f1, f2, etc.20:49
wsguedethesheep ???20:50
TheSheepwsguede: ah, sorry, that's after it boots20:53
TheSheepwsguede: not if it failed at this stage20:53
TheSheepwsguede: did you use any boot options to boot the alternate cd, or did you just press eneter?20:54
wsguedewhat do you mean?20:54
TheSheepwsguede: did you have to press f6 and add any boot options for the kernel, or did it just boot out of the box?20:55
wsguededo you type my name every time? or is there a short cut to type to the last person you typed to?20:56
TheSheepfew first letters and then TAB20:56
wsguedeTheSheep: o ok20:56
wsguedeI like that20:56
TheSheepwsguede: you can try and see if 'repairing grub' will help20:57
TheSheep!grub | wsguede20:57
ubotuwsguede: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:57
TheSheepwsguede: there is an option for that on the alternate cd20:57
wsguedeTheSheep: yeah, I tried that the first time I installed it and this happen to me... didn't help much20:57
TheSheepthen I'm out of ideas, sorry20:58
wsguedeTheSheep: its ok20:58
whyking_I have a pdf here and evince tells me21:21
whyking_Error: Couldn't create temporary font file21:21
whyking_some font thing failed21:21
whyking_pretty specific, huh?21:21
whyking_what font package could I install to make that go away?21:21
whyking_i can read it on my other xubuntu machine just fine21:21
zoredachethe message seems to suggest that it is trying to create a file, not find something you already have21:26
zoredacheis your disk full, do you have rights to /tmp,21:27
Turnohow do i completely disable the screensaver/monitor powerdown?21:52
TurnoI'm installed on a media pc and theres no kb/mouse, only a remote control21:53
haxalityhi all21:55
haxalityI was wondering how to enable XGL and compiz in Xubuntu 7.1021:55
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion21:58
haxalitythank you, even though I should have guessed that :)21:59
TheSheephaxality: they are better specialists :)21:59
turnosorry if i missed a response to my question22:05
TheSheepturno: nobody responded, sorry22:06
TheSheepturno: maybe try looking on the forums or the wiki22:06
TheSheepturno: or ask at some other time22:07
turnodoes xubuntu have a power management configurator?22:10
TheSheepturno: there is settings->setting manager->screensaver...22:11
TheSheepturno: or just run gnome-screensaver-preferences22:12
turnoi'm installing gnome-power-manager22:16
turnoif it does what i'm looking for, i'm really surprised its not included by default22:16
turnowell it doesn't seem to run22:18
turnomaybe if i just stop acpid22:22
turnostill no luck... i'll post it in here if i find a solution to my problem23:14
soldatsturno, so are you trying to make your monitor not power off after 10 minutes23:15
turnomm hmm23:15
turnocause i use it for watching videos on my tv23:15
soldatsi take "mm hmm" as a yes23:15
soldatsok well i have a simple fix23:15
turnogo ahead please23:16
turnoi've disabled dpms in my bios, turned power management to never in xfce, disabled the screensaver...23:16
soldatsopen /etc/X11/xorg.conf and pastebin it and ill add some lines to it and explain them if you need me to23:16
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)23:17
soldatscan you do it23:18
turnosorry, i was off googling pastebin ;)23:19
turnoi see the serverflags you added23:22
soldatsthe section for "Section ServerFlags" i added some options and other stuff23:22
soldatsadd the section exactly as i put it or i guess you cpoy paste the whole thing23:22
soldatsthe tabs/spaces need to be aligned23:23
turnoi have agood  feeling about this23:23
turnoi just loaded it up and am rebooting now23:23
soldatsdont worry i had the same problem23:23
soldatswhen doing this your screen will never turn off though23:23
soldatsyou can solve it by hitting the power switch23:23
soldatsxset dpms force off in a terminal23:24
turnoi don't want it to ever turn off23:24
turnoits hooked to a tv23:24
turnoanything less than 3 hours would interfere with movie watching23:24
soldatswell to test dont move the mouse or touch a key for about 12 minutes and let me know23:24
turnoi've put together a pretty swanky little media pc now23:24
turnowill do23:25
turnoits in the next room anyway, all i have to do is not vnc into it23:25
soldatswell i meant for at night when its not in use its nice to power down the monitor so "xset dpms force off" in a terminal will turn it off then any mouse movement or keytouch will bring it back up23:26
turnoits a traditional tube tv23:29
turnoconnected with composite cable23:29
turnoso the best it could do would be to blank it anyway23:29
soldatsok well just let me know if it works23:31
soldatsi tried to get to you right before you left23:31
turnoi don't know why i kept closing the window23:32
turnoif this works, it should really be on a menu somewhere23:33
soldatsyuh true but i guess its the joy of learning. it would be nice if it was implemented as an option but timkering is fun as well23:34
turnoso far so good!23:35

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