
nysosymhi there11:50
nysosymkwwii: congrats for KDE 4.0 :)11:50
kwwiinysosym: thanks, I had some help though12:11
nysosymsure, i know :)12:11
nysosymi also like the new color palette for hardy :)12:12
andreasnkwwii: congrats on the release!12:12
kwwiiandreasn: thanks, good to know that I can do something else for a while now12:13
andreasnlike 4.1 ;)12:13
* Tm_T is shaking12:21
_MMA_kwwii: TheMuso cleaned up example-look to match the changes he did in ubuntustudio-look. Should make it easier to use as a base now. Check it out. bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-art-pkg/example-look/dev12:50
=== Toma-- is now known as Toma-
Cimikwwii, news from yesterday's meeting I might notice for the murrine development?15:25
_MMA_I didnt see that but I did mention you.15:26
Cimijust to notice how the development will take place15:27
kwwii_MMA_: cool, I will check that out in a bit15:28
kwwiiCimi: pretty much we talked about how hardy will have smaller changes and the big changes will be made first in hardy+115:28
kwwiihardy being the last of the LTS cycle and only 4 months away15:28
Cimiso no new theme?15:29
_MMA_Not for Hardy.15:29
Cimioh cool15:29
_MMA_Cimi: So will you know release a new Murrine update?15:29
kwwiihardy is supported for a long time and supposed to be the most solid of the line before we screw everything up again and start fresh15:30
CimiI have more time now to convert the world from ubuntu to murrine ;)15:30
* _MMA_ downloads 30MB worth of build-deps to build some art packages. :D15:31
_MMA_(20 just for a iconset) :P15:32
thorwilhey nand16:42
_MMA_kwwii: No artwork deadlines here? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule17:05
_MMA_kwwii: Want me to approximate the ones from Gutsy? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule17:07
kwwiierm, they were there and now they are gone17:23
kwwiiyeah, we should go with pretty much the same ones from gutsy17:23
_MMA_Ok. Ill do it.17:25
nandhey thorwil17:27
_MMA_kwwii: How's that?17:30
thorwilnand: would you be ok with an svg with the text and region rectangles in layers? you could check font sizes, check size and coords of the rects and export a template after hiding layers with one file17:32
nandthorwil: If it is feasible for a inkscape noob, no problem :)17:34
thorwilnand: heh, sure. plus you have your helpdesk right here ;)17:34
nandthorwil: just saw your annoying bugs mockups. I like both D & E! What is your personal preference?17:41
thorwilnand: D17:42
thorwilfor reference ;) http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2008/01/11/ubuntu-most-annoying-bugs/17:43
nandthorwil: If D, then IMO a very small margin between the logo and the borders would make it nicer.17:44
nandlike the others samples17:44
thorwilwill try that later on17:46
nandotherwise, it's perfect17:46
thorwilheh, thanks!17:46
thorwilnand: you got mail17:50
nandthorwil: in the inbox! thanks. I'll host and post as usual?17:51
thorwilnand: i don't think anyone wants to touch them. they're meant as base for generated text17:52
=== Skiessl is now known as Skiesi
=== Skiesi is now known as Skiessi
thorwilnand: oh, to work with these files, you need the layers dialog (shift+ctrl+L)17:57
nandthorwil: hehe yes, I was looking for them.18:00
nandok it looks straighforward18:00
thorwilnand: good, as your support goes to eat something ;)18:01
nandthorwil: ;) I shall too. Thanks again for your work!18:02
kwwii_MMA_: looks good, thanks man18:40
thorwilnand: http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2008/01/11/ubuntu-most-annoying-bugs-2/21:15
nandthorwil: perfect! Concerning font sizes, GD offers a pretty nice API, I think I could handle that. I'll see that soon21:19
thorwilnand: cool. i'll prepare another template file, then21:19
thorwilnand: note that with bugs 2, indexed PNG with 128 colours beats JPG21:36
thorwilhaven't tried a smaller index, actually21:37
nandthorwil: by beating, you mean an higher file size?21:40
thorwilnand: smaller files with indexed png. sharper at the same time21:40
thorwilit tends to lead to problems with the anti-aliasing, but i saw none in this case21:41
nandok. So I understand png is the better option here21:42
thorwilyes, good night :)21:52
troy_sNew typesetting.  Very interesting.22:48
troy_sThat is a massive shift.22:48

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