
gnomefreaki did thank you00:10
ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: January 11 2008, 00:59:41 - Next meeting: Kubuntu Developers in 1 day00:59
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fellaciouswhere do i find the debug symbols for firefox-3.0?03:14
fellaciousfirefox-3.0 is segfaulting in ?? in /usr/lib/firefox-3.0/components/libbrowsercomps.so03:15
asacfellacious: deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/ddebs/ hardy main universe03:21
[reed]asac: ugh, that was a huge pain to get bug 384304 on the branch03:23
[reed]mozilla bug 384304, that is03:23
ubotuMozilla bug 384304 in Startup and Profile System "/usr/bin/firefox is not able to handle symlinks due to error in script" [Major,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=38430403:23
fellaciousi see... firefox-3.0-dbgsym03:25
fellaciousok, but that requires a firefox-3.0 that apt can't find03:25
fellaciousfirefox-3.0-dbgsym: Depends: firefox-3.0 (= 3.0~b3~cvs20080101t1000+nobinonly-0ubuntu1) but 3.0~alpha8+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 is to be installed03:30
[reed]you want to pull firefox-3.0 from hardy repo03:30
[reed]not from gutsy03:30
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fellaciousok... how am i supposed to do that without installing hardy?03:31
fellaciousin fact, how am i supposed to do that at all03:32
[reed]asac: ^^03:32
[reed]it's possible03:32
fellaciouswell, apt thinks that firefox-3.0 is in its latest version03:33
fellacious(the gutsy one)03:34
[reed]you can teach apt new tricks03:34
fellaciousso... how am i supposed to tell it that i want the hardy one?03:34
[reed]dunno, that's why I'm pinging asac :)03:34
armin76[reed]: what distro do you use?06:47
[reed]armin76: gutsy06:55
[reed]well, Ubuntu, of course06:55
[reed]but if I need something from a newer version that's not released yet, I usually just build from source ;)06:56
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asacUbulette_: -devscripts are through source NEW btw ... now bin NEW and then we can update as we like :)16:01
=== Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette
Ubuletteasac, excellent18:20
Ubulettejcastro: [Thu 21:15] <jcastro> Ubulette_: around?18:23
jcastroUbulette: hi18:46
jcastroUbulette: someone from mozilla co was looking for you with regard to packaging xulrunner and prism, I sent them your way18:46
jcastrojust wanted to let you know18:46
Ubuletteoh, Mark Finkle. He contacted me. Thanks.18:48
Ubulettewe only discussed prism, not xulrunner18:49
jcastroactually it was chris blizzard, so he might have sent that guy along. *shrug*18:49
jcastroas long as someonne over there got ahold of you. :D18:49
UbuletteMark is the initial author of prism/webrunner. so i guess Chris will ping me eventually.18:53
jcastrothat's cool19:18
fellaciousok.  so i have a bug wherein firefox 3 segfaults19:42
fellaciousin ?? in /usr/lib/firefox-3.0/components/libbrowsercomps.so19:43
fellaciousand that's as far as i can take debugging because there isn't a dbgsym package for the firefox 3 in gutsy (why not?)19:43
fellaciousthe bug is triggered when i try to import my 148k bookmarks.html into places19:43
fellaciousfrom bookmarks -> organize bookmarks --> file -> import19:44
fellaciousSO: my question is: what should i do next?19:45
fellaciousbuild firefox from a source package somewhere?19:46
asacfellacious: you need to rebuild the package for gutsy ... did you try the package in mozillateam ppa?20:16
[reed]Hixie keeps changing acid320:29
[reed]we used to be the best at it last week :)20:30
fellaciousasac: sorry, i just lost my internet connectivity :/20:39
fellaciousthe last thing you said was:  you need to rebuild the package for gutsy ... did you20:39
asac21:16 < asac> fellacious: you need to rebuild the package for gutsy ... did you try the package in mozillateam  ppa?20:39
fellacious              try the package in mozillateam ppa?20:39
asacyeah ... thats all i said ;)20:39
fellaciousok... whats the ppa?20:39
asacwell in ppa ther are the latest packages (which is why i think you want to test those first) ... you need to rebuild them to get -dbgsym packages though20:40
asacfellacious: ^^20:40
asacjust install pkg-create-dbgsym package and then rebuild ... this will produce the debug packages automagically20:40
fellaciousok, so i added those lines to /etc/apt/sources.list, apt-get update, apt-get install firefox-3.0.  but, those packages are built for hardy, and i'm on gutsy20:43
asacfellacious: switch to gutsy on top20:43
asacthen you get gutsy lines20:43
fellaciousoh... rite :p20:43
asacfellacious: anyway ... for the current gutsy package there should be a -dbgsym package available at the place i gave you yesterday20:44
fellacious(installing firefox-3.0 from ppa now...)20:45
asacfellacious: oh ... i gave you the hardy line yesterday ... use20:45
asacdeb http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/ddebs/ gutsy main universe20:45
asacanyway, try ppa first20:45
[reed]mozilla bug 347938 gets reopened, lol20:51
ubotuMozilla bug 347938 in Server Operations: Projects "Cannot eat 10 burritos in 2 hours without vomiting" [Blocker,Reopened] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34793820:51
[reed]oh, and make sure you all see http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.dev.apps.firefox/browse_thread/thread/bca2c9249616101520:51
fellaciousok... the bug is still there, i can't get the dbgsym package because firefox-3.0-dbgsym: Depends: firefox-3.0 (= 3.0~alpha8+nobinonly-0ubuntu1) but 3.0~b2+nobinonly-0ubuntu2~mt1~gutsy120:53
fellaciousnow running: apt-get build-dep firefox-3.020:54
asacfellacious: as i said you need to rebuild the packages ... anyway, how do you reproduce?20:54
asacfellacious: first rebuild xulrunner-1.920:54
asacthen firefox-3.0 ... most likely you need the xul dbgsymbols20:54
fellacioussteps to reproduce: start firefox-3.0, go to bookmarks->show all bookmarks->import from file, try to import my bookmarks.html, crash20:55
fellaciousok.  whats the command to build these packages?20:56
asacapt-get source xulrunner-1.920:56
asacsudo apt-get install build-essentials (if you haven't done before)20:56
fellaciousgot those (aren't they supposed to be covered in build-dep?)20:57
asacthen in xulrunner-1.9 be sure that pkg-creawte-dbgsym is installed do20:57
asacdpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b20:57
asacfellacious: no idea if apt-get build-dep does automatically install build-essentials20:57
asaci rarely need to install them ;)20:57
asacfellacious: at best do a dch -i before20:58
asacso your version will be bumped20:58
asacto add a new changelog entry on top20:58
asacyou can adapt the version accordingly20:58
asacat best just add a ~fellacious to the end of the version thats in ppa20:58
asacor a +fellacious20:58
asacthe latter if you want to keep the ppa lines and don't want to auto upgrade to those again20:59
fellaciousi see... dch is in devscripts, which isn't in build-essential21:01
asacyeah possibly21:02
fellaciousok, building21:03
fellaciousso... if i have pkg-create-dbgsym installed, dpkg-buildpackage automatically creates dbgsym packages?21:04
asacit diverts the dh_strip helper to sort out the symbols to a package instead of just dumping them to /dev/null21:06
fellaciousany way to get dpkg-buildpackage to use both cores?21:06
asacboth cores?21:07
fellaciousi have a dual-core processor21:07
asachmm try:21:07
asacnot sure ;)21:07
asacprobably not that easy21:07
asacwait a sec21:07
asactry export MAKE="make -j8"21:08
asacbefore building21:08
asacbut not sure if its overwritten somewhere or working at all21:08
asaci only build my dev tree with -j21:09
saivannasac : If you're here, I've worked on lightning-extension-locale and sunbird-locale to fix all points you described in bug #174290. sunbird-locales still has a packaging problem that I would like to look with you.21:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174290 in sunbird-locales "[hardy] new upstream release 0.7" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17429021:35
saivannasac : http://upload.leservicetechnique.com/bugs/lightning-extension-locales_0.7.tar.gz21:35
saivannasac : http://upload.leservicetechnique.com/bugs/sunbird-locales_0.7.tar.gz21:35
asacsaivann: whats the problem=21:37
saivannasac : I created a patch for the mk locales but the patch doesn't apply. I don't know what path I should use in the patch file because I try to patch a install.rdf file inside the /tmp/buildd folder.21:38
asacdo you extract all locales before building?21:39
saivannasac : it's in the debian/rules file line 54, and the debian/patches folder21:39
saivannasac : Yes21:39
asacsaivann: ok i see21:39
asacpatch -p1 < $(CURDIR)/debian/patches/$${CURLOCALE}.diff21:40
asacok the -p1 means: you strip one directory from the beginning of the path of the pach21:40
saivannasac : It's as simple as that?21:40
asacthe rest of the path then needs to exist from whatever you dir you are in when running patch21:40
asacyou have to remove the path in front21:40
asacplease keep the -p121:40
asacfix the path in the patch accordingly21:42
saivannasac : I should just keep : build/translations/mk/install.rdf ?21:42
asaci think just mk/install.rdf (if i understand it correctly the patch is applied after cd'ing to the debian/build/translations/mk/ dir)21:43
saivannasac : Oh you're right! I test this21:44
saivannasac : You can also look at lightning-extension-locales, all point you asked me to fix are now fixed. I suggest to merge jar_to_xpi.sh scripts with regen_package.sh script and then eventually replace this by a makefile21:45
asacpatches? i only have scripts21:49
asacoh ups21:49
asacbad scrollback :)21:49
saivannasac : for sunbird-locales, using "mk/install.rdf" in the patch works21:49
saivannasac : hehe :)21:49
asacthose scripts are in fact a bit ugly :)21:53
saivannasac : I know.. I'm still really a beginner :( sorry21:53
asacyeah np21:54
saivannasac : That's why I need your help, if you believe that it's worth21:54
saivannasac : If you say that you prefer a proper makefile and that you know good documentation about this, I can work very hard on this.21:55
asacyes, i have to think abit :)21:56
saivannasac : From now on, yes it's ugly but it's working for A to Z, except if you find some new problems. All locales for sunbird and lightning-extension are tested and working21:57
asac# Fix the missing thunderbird-locale-ka dependency for lightning-extension-locale-ka package.21:58
asacwhat does that mean?21:58
saivannasac : There's no thunderbird-locale-ka package, so I the lightning-extension-locale-ka package can't depend on thunderbird-locale-ka, I fixed this.21:58
asacoh ...ok21:59
asacjust wonder if that should be a recommends anyway21:59
saivannasac : Most of time, if the appropriate thunderbird-locale package isn't installed, it will result in partially translated application.21:59
asac(i mean the tbird locale depend)21:59
asacbut it works though? e.g. partically translated?22:00
saivannasac : I asked this question to myself too but sometime, if the appropriate thunderbird locale isn't installed, it gives strange results22:00
asacah ... you say even sunbird isn't translated ok22:00
asacwe are just talking about lightning, right?22:00
asac(stupid me)22:00
saivannasac : about lightning only yes22:00
saivannasac : np :)22:01
asacwhat kind of strange results?22:01
asacbroken chrome? or just funny non-translations?22:01
saivannasac : Example : thunderbird-locale-fr is installed but thunderbird-locale-eu isn't installed. Both lightning-extension-locale-fr and eu are installed. I start thunderbird with fr locale and everything is translated, now I close it and re-open it with eu locale, thunderbird interface is still in fr ( mostly )22:02
asacok, but it uses eu for the strings it has?22:03
saivannasac : What do you mean?22:04
asacpartly fr + partly eu ... or just fr ?22:04
saivannasac : Just fr and sometime just a bit of eu in some part of the lightning-extension-locale, AFAIK. That's strange, I can test it again if you need more information22:05
saivannasac : That's what I remember and I tested it a lot of time, I can do it again22:05
saivannasac : I also remember that it won't happen with all locales but almost all locales, if my memories are right22:07
saivannasac : But never any broken chrome22:07
asachmm wierd22:08
saivannasac : yep22:09
saivannasac : Do you want clear and detailed informations?22:09
asaci will let you know tomorrow if we want to use recommends. otherwise i will probably sponsor the packages as they are now22:14
asacare all locales that were in gutsy again available?22:15
saivannI would need to look to confirm, but there's one or two locales that aren't available for 0.7 release, and some new locales too22:17
saivannasac : mn locales for sunbird and lightning-extension doesn't exist anymore22:18
saivannasac : ( Mongolian locale )22:18
saivannasac : All other locales does have a 0.7 release22:19
saivannasac : I uploaded fixed sunbird-locales package, http://upload.leservicetechnique.com/bugs/sunbird-locales_0.7.tar.gz22:21
fellaciouswow, libxul.so is huge22:27
asacyeah ... building is memory sucker22:29
asacsaivann: did you look? maybe mn has been added recently?22:29
saivannasac : let me look..22:29
saivannasac : Unfortunately, no :)22:30
asacmaybe there is an upstream site for that locale?22:30
asacoften lang contributors miss some deadline and then the pack is only available on their private site22:31
saivannasac : Hum.. Ok, let me search a bit22:32
asacmaybe the site is in the install.rdf file of the 0.5 xpi22:32
asacunfortunately not22:33
saivannasac : Yes I looked too22:34
saivannasac : look : http://wiki.mozilla.org/L10n:Thunderbird_Trunk_Status     mn is in the pending locales22:36
saivannasac : I would say that we'll not get mn for 0.7 release22:36
saivannasac : Unless I take the decision to learn Mongolian :)22:36
asacok i sent a mail to the upstream maintainer for info22:39
asacCCed you22:39
asaclets give him a day or two22:39
saivannasac : Great, thanks22:39
[reed]asac: building libxul takes a gig of RAM, I think?22:40
asacyeah at least :)22:40
asacif you use -O3 probably more :)22:40
[reed]you all should use the normal optimize options22:41
[reed]we've been tweaking them22:41
[reed]to be the best on each platform22:41
fellaciousok, xulrunner 1.9 rebuilt and installed.  now what?22:41
fellacioussame thing for firefox-3.0?22:42
saivannasac : Thanks for your help. Please let me know your opinion about what should be lightning-extension-locales and sunbird-locales in the future, I'm ready to continue this work and do everything I can.22:42
asacfellacious: yes ... if you have the xul 1.9 dev package installed as well22:42
asacshould just take a few minutes22:42
asac[reed]: you most likely didn't tweak them for the compiler version we use22:44
[reed]I think they're being tweaked for gcc 4.222:44
fellaciousProgram received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.23:00
fellacious[Switching to Thread 47259275488880 (LWP 12267)]23:00
fellacious0x00002aaaabdb91d9 in BookmarkContentSink::CloseContainer ( this=0x2aaaac21cef0, aTag=eHTMLTag_dd) at nsPlacesImportExportService.cpp:55723:00
fellacious557             lastModified = PreviousFrame().mPreviousLastModifiedDate;23:00
fellaciousCurrent language:  auto; currently c++23:00
Ubuletteplease pastebin a "bt"23:02
asacfellacious: so how do you reproduce?23:04
fellacioushm... you would like to see my bookmarks.html?23:05
asacwhat operation are you doing when it crashes?23:05
fellaciousbookmarks->show all bookmarks->import from file23:05
asacand what bookmarks.html are you trying to import?23:06
asacthe one that was in your firefox 2 profile?23:06
asacthat should have been migrated automagically23:06
asacfellacious: are your bookmarks completely empty before doing this?23:12
fellacioushttp:// <- my bookmarks.html23:13
fellaciousnot completely.  i'm using a different profile that did manage to import bookmarks23:14
fellaciousit crashes on launch with my default profile (maybe it crashes on this bookmarks.html issue?)23:16
fellacioushow do i get it to run through the debugger?23:17
fellacious-ProfileManager creates a new process for the selected profile, so theres no time to attach the debugger23:17
fellacioushm... i can win this race...23:18
asacfellacious: you can do:23:19
asacfirefox-3.0 -g23:19
asac(gdb) run23:19
fellacious$ firefox-3.0 -g23:20
fellaciousSegmentation fault (core dumped)23:20
fellaciousoh right i can look at the core file23:21
asacapparently -g doesn't work anymore23:21
asacyes you can23:21
asacok now you have to23:21
asacgdb /usr/lib/firefox-3.0-3.0b3pre/firefox-3.023:22
asac(gdb) run23:22
fellaciousok, i finally got a backtrace from a core from firefox crashing on startup23:35
fellaciousit crashes in the same place23:36
fellacioushttp:// <- this is the offending bookmarks.html23:36
asacfellacious: please backup your whole .mozilla folder so can still reproduce23:37
asacthen remove the places.sqlite file from your firefox-3.0 profile23:37
asacchanges a thing?23:40
fellacioussame crash as before23:42
asacok ... stop browser, remove the whole .mozillla/firefox-3.0 directory, start again23:42
asacsee if the crash was due to old migration code in alpha23:43
fellaciousi've removed the firefox-3.0 directory and restarted several times.23:44
fellaciousdoing it again...23:44
asacwell...your ffox 2 bookmarks should be migrated now anyway23:44

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