
elkbuntuPreZLaptop, i take it you're not a friendly neighbourhood romneybot?00:02
* Tm_T hugs elkbuntu 00:18
naliothdarn it, i knew we should have changed the locks...00:29
naliothhi gnomefreak  :)00:29
LjLhello chuy00:36
chuy_maxLjL, hi00:38
chuy_maxwhy am I being banned?00:38
LjLi think you know why chuy00:38
Piciwow... just wow.00:39
chuy_maxI just connected00:39
chuy_maxcan you just tell me so I don't do it anymore?00:39
LjLchuy_max, everything is possible, but some things are probabilistically very, very unlikely00:40
PiciWhat was the last thing you remember doing on #ubuntu/related channels?00:40
chuy_maxmaybe asking/answering something?00:41
chuy_maxI don't remember doing anything wrong00:42
PiciGive me us a moment please.00:42
LjLchuy_max, can you leave this channel for a minute? i'll invite you back, but we need to discuss something briefly00:56
stdin BraWearerGuy38B (n=9435@ is back again00:58
PiciI thought that they were the same person, but I'm not so sure now.00:58
LjLwe need to know if "our" chuy, the one who was banned, was identified to services00:58
LjLanybody has a whois in the logs?00:58
LjLor capab identify-msg?00:58
naliothLjL: chuy_max was indeed identified00:59
naliothoh, our troll chuy00:59
* nalioth has no clue :(01:00
PiciI think he was identified as FullMon-t01:00
PiciAlthough, grepping for fullmon-t gives completely different behavior than chuy exhibited.01:01
LjLPici: well but it *is* definitely the same person... i have a NICK command01:01
LjLhe changed from fullmon-t to chuy01:01
LjLlast seen quit msg: "/ pici"01:02
PiciHostmasks are different, but if he was using a proxy like he threatened, it very well could be him.01:02
PiciNot that this really helps us with the chuy / chuy_max situation01:03
naliothholy moly01:04
naliothyou guys are linking chuy with chuy_max ?01:04
naliothlet the poor guy in01:04
* nalioth shakes his head01:04
Picinalioth: you know him?01:04
PiciWell, I take that as you do.01:04
naliothno, but suspicion over a similar nick is not cool01:05
LjLnalioth: well, same ident01:05
naliothchuy has not identified in 9 weeks01:05
LjLnalioth: but chuy *is* chuy_max (to nickserv)01:06
LjLboth *.mx01:06
naliothlots of people have the same ident01:06
PiciI suppose if it was the same fellow, he would have not created fullmon-t to talk to us with.01:06
naliothLjL: i just /ns info'd both.01:06
nalioththey are not linked01:06
LjLnalioth: no, but they're quite clearly the same user... same ISP, same ident, come on - same user. but they might not be the same user as "our" chuy, who is n=chuy@
Picisame isp?01:07
PiciLets just ban on, let chuy_max in and just keep an eye on things.01:07
PiciHow does that sound?01:08
LjLPici: it sounds ok01:09
Picichuy_max: Thanks for being patient.01:11
LjLchuy_max: the issue here is that your name resembles very much the name of someone who is banned. i hope it's not really you, but we believe it's not - so apologies for the inconvenience, and you can now join #ubuntu01:11
Picis/banned/caused a big scene and was banned/01:11
chuy_maxI was thinking something like that happened, Chuy is a pretty popular nick for Iesus in hispanic countries01:12
PiciInteresting... to me it was extremely uncommon.01:12
LjLchuy_max: good to know. you should probably link your current nickname to "chuy" (that nickname is also yours, is it not?)01:12
chuy_maxI didn't register that nick01:13
LjLchuy_max: it was last used 9 weeks ago, if you want you can ask freenode staff to release it to you01:14
PiciLjL: Like he said, its a common nickname /shrug01:14
LjLPici: (err yeah but same isp...)01:15
PiciLjL: .mx...01:15
chuy_maxok, I will ask one :)01:15
=== gnomefre2k is now known as gnomefreak
Picignomefreak: !01:15
LjLhey gnome01:15
PiciWelcome back.01:16
LjLchuy_max: meanwhile anyway, check if you can join #ubuntu now, you should01:16
gnomefreakhi everyone im back for atleast the time being. had major surgery and still recovering01:16
PiciWe heard, I hope you're not still in a lot of pain.01:16
LjLgnomefreak: hope it's all well insomuch as it can be01:16
gnomefreaka bit still01:16
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
Pici!idle | chuy_max :)01:30
ubotuchuy_max :): Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.01:30
chuy_maxgood bye :)01:30
ubotuPelo called the ops in #ubuntu (twavisdegwet)02:10
naliothPici: #freenode IS a support channel02:29
Picinalioth: see my correction.02:29
naliothPici: we answer all help questions (not just network related002:29
Picinalioth: Oh, I'm sorry.02:29
naliothwe've had questions on how to install tile floors02:30
naliothand frame up new construction02:30
PiciSorry, whenever I've been in there people seem to herd people out who dont ask network support questions.. although I'm not sure if those people were staffers or not.02:31
* Pici now knows02:31
nalioththere is a sinister troll who lies in wait and speaks falsehoods02:34
tonyyarussoI thought random help was more #defocus's thing, but I apparently was mistaken as well.02:34
nalioth#defocus = controlled chaos02:35
nalioth#freenode used to be #help / ##anything and we continue to help with anything02:35
naliothstdin: if you want uncontrolled chaos, join #politics02:35
stdinnah, my highlights would go off every second in there02:36
tonyyarussoNow, here's something that's always confused me - what's the difference between #politics and ##politics?02:36
LjLnalioth: but you always had a #freenode or ##freenode, didn't you02:36
nalioth#politics is "no holds barred" and ##politics is moderated02:36
naliothLjL: ##freenode doesn't exist or is inhabited by trolls02:36
LjLnalioth: i mean before the change, and i said "or" because i don't remember which one it was02:37
LjLnalioth: weird naming though (for politics) ;)02:39
PiciPerhaps intended, so the unwashed masses go to the unmoderated channel02:40
tonyyarussofair point02:41
naliothLjL: at one time, #freenode was what #defocus is now02:42
naliothway long ago02:42
LjLwell i've been around since more than two years, depends what you mean by way ago02:43
naliothmore than 3 or 4 years back02:43
LjLah i'm probably thinking of #freenode-social02:45
Picihrm, what do you think of soshite's name in #ubuntu, its setting off my hilights.02:46
naliothi think actions speak louder than nicks02:46
PiciI had a feeling you'd say something like that.02:46
LjLerm, the actions being "being offtopic"02:47
jdongnicks and stones can break my bones....02:48
tonyyarussoPici: certainly not new regardless :P02:49
PiciLjL: to be honest I didnt even read what they were talking about.02:51
LjLPici: electricity stuff02:52
LjLnickspoon can break my bones02:53
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
Jack_SparrowSorry guys.. I know better...03:03
LjLJack_Sparrow: answering an ot question is hardly the end of the world03:05
naliothjust answer it an then tell the requestor to continue your chat in #ubuntu-offtopic03:08
Jack_Sparrowagreed...  I really thought it would be a one line end of discussion thing...  Then it dragged out and we ended up in ot anyhow.. but I will be more careful03:09
PiciStop being so hard on yourself03:10
Jack_SparrowI am really tired...  the new grandkid seems to spend more time here than at their house...  :)03:11
Jack_SparrowWhere did I put the duct tape...   ummmmm...03:11
naliothJack_Sparrow: next to the velcro03:12
Jack_Sparrowvelcro sheet... every parents dream03:12
Jack_Sparrowtake care guys...    cya tomorrow03:12
LjLyikes... i was smoking now, missed him03:14
LjLmust be careful with calling some people offtopic :)03:14
LjLwhen he comes back explain to him that i'd be offtopic half of the time if it weren't for the fact that i know that most of you would not call !ot on me (though you should) when i am03:15
Piciback already?03:20
ardchoilleThat was a quick catnap03:20
ubotuIn #ubuntuforums-beginners, ajmorris said: !botabuse is fun03:57
tonyyarussoTime from question asked to first totally jerkface response in #fedora: 51 seconds.04:10
naliothshouldn't tease the trolls, tonyyarusso04:11
tonyyarussonalioth: I have a real, Fedora-related question!04:12
tritiumtonyyarusso: what?!?!?!?04:12
tonyyarussoThe server at school (where I just started a work-study position) got hosed by a power outage and I wanted to see if there was anything we can do other than reinstall.04:12
tonyyarussoThat particular server happens to be running Fedora.04:12
elkbuntuhosed is a fairly broad term04:13
tonyyarussoelkbuntu: My school has this server running Fedora 4.  It experienced a power outage a few days ago.  Symptoms discovered so far are that a) While Firefox can access pages on the internet, wget, yum, and elinks all can not (in yum's case, meaning any usage of yum is impossible, so the system is in pretty sad shape from that), and b) the mysqld init script is missing without a trace.04:14
tonyyarusso'tis the description04:14
elkbuntuis there no RH version of dpkg?04:16
naliothelkbuntu: there is, but it doesn't work real well in maintaining fedorea04:18
naliothsort of like rpm exists for us, but we hardly ever use it04:18
elkbuntuso like dpkg is to apt, ??? is to yum04:18
naliothelkbuntu: rpm is to yum as dpkg is to apt04:19
elkbuntui did actually know that... i think this heat is killing me slowly04:20
* elkbuntu is going to go waste $2 on a cheap thermometer so she knows how hot it actually is in here04:21
elkbuntuoutside, it's 3704:21
elkbuntubut it feels cooler out there04:21
stdin<Kuropon> anyone willing to test my dcc send speed cap? need a good connection pls.. <file> ~BSG Razor(movie)  < hmm.04:22
naliothstdin: it's not illegal to tape television programs04:22
stdinnalioth: is it illegal to then distribute copyrighted content?04:23
tonyyarussodistribution is different than taping for own use usually04:23
naliothi'd say it's off topic because file trading is off topic04:23
elkbuntuin some parts04:23
elkbuntuoh great, my life gets better... my sunnies just fell apart04:24
ardchoilleelkbuntu: At least you can remember where youput them04:24
ubotuChocolate!  And Peanuts!04:58
ubotuAre peanut husks ok? The ops ate the chocolates and peanuts already...06:26
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!06:26
ardchoilleI think our bot may have an obsession with food06:35
stdinwhat do you mean?06:40
ardchoilleAll the snacks :)06:47
stdineveryone/everybot likes snacks :)06:49
jussi01!opsnack > stdin06:49
stdinheh, got 2 snacks then06:49
stdinfrom ubotu and Ubotwo06:49
Jucatojussi01: congrats btw06:55
jussi01Jucato: thanks :)07:05
=== cowboy_ is now known as rien
ubotudgjones called the ops in #ubuntu (ameet (paste))09:41
stdinreop floodbot1 ?09:42
PriceChildHobbsee, you'll never guess what happenned....11:59
HobbseePriceChild: oh?12:00
PriceChildSee planet.12:00
HobbseePriceChild: \sh?12:00
ubotuIn #ubuntu, theunixgeek said: !ops niceM is either a bot or a troll12:00
theunixgeekPlease help in #ubuntu. niceM is either a bot or a troll.12:01
Tm_TPriceChild: mmmm, I was so about to do it :-P12:02
Jack_Sparrownicem is a bot12:02
theunixgeekJack_Sparrow: really?12:02
theunixgeekwho controls him?12:03
Jack_SparrowNone of us...12:03
PriceChildtheunixgeek, best to give benefit of the doubt12:03
theunixgeekall I know is he's a finnish bot by his IP : http://samspade.org/whois/
PriceChildUuuu last exam today... then kde 4.0 is released so might as well install hardy and play12:03
theunixgeekeee 4.0 is finished! :D12:04
ubotuIn #kubuntu-devel, stdin said: !no kde4 is <reply> KDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. - KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php12:28
Jucato!no kde4 is <reply> KDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. - KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php12:29
ubotuI'll remember that Jucato12:29
Seveas!kde4 is broken12:29
ubotuBut kde4 already means something else!12:29
Seveasnot really12:29
Jucatohahah :)12:29
stdinthere is a !brokenkde4 actually :)12:30
=== sassy_girl is now known as ce_17taon
ce_17taonserver mesra.dal.net12:33
PiciI'm starting to think that is just someone who doesnt know how to use their irc client.12:34
stdinthey're ban forwarded to here for nickspam IIRC12:35
PriceChildi think it was more than that12:35
=== sassy_girl is now known as ce_17taon
elkbuntuPici, they dont respond when spoken to though12:54
elkbuntu!staff | ^^ see above12:54
ubotu^^ see above: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2 or Christel,  I could use a bit of your time :)12:54
PiciWhatever they are... its not normal.12:55
elkbuntuPici, agreed12:56
jpatrickLjL: -> #ubuntu-youth14:24
LjLwhat's going on? i left because my proxy crashed tonight...14:24
jpatrickLjL: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/3476/14:25
jpatrickI think I should kick14:25
LjLjpatrick, you're an operator, you decide if you should kick.14:26
jpatrickman, he left14:26
Seveasjpatrick, so do you? :)14:53
Seveashi :)14:54
Hobbseehow goes it?14:54
SeveasHobbsee, I need no hot sisters, I have you :)14:54
HobbseeSeveas: and elkbuntu14:54
Seveas(expects another kick)14:54
Hobbseejust to make people jealous14:54
SeveasI'm good at making people jealous14:54
* Hobbsee grins, remembering the airport14:54
Seveaslast week a few colleagues of mine wanted me to join them to the pub14:55
Seveasso I call my fiancee saying I'll be late and why14:55
Seveastook 10 seconds14:55
ikonialittle help please14:55
ikoniacheck out curs0r in #ubuntu14:55
Seveasthen they stared at me and asked "how on earth..., I need to ask 2 days in advance"14:55
SeveasSo I put my fiancee on speakerphone and se laughed really hard :)14:56
HobbseeSeveas: so, you coming to UDS?14:56
LjLno free wifi, no party14:58
* Seveas now has loads of free wifi14:59
Seveasmy isp has a contract with the largest hotspot provider in nl since this week to allow every customer unlimited free wifi14:59
ikoniaSeveas: thanks14:59
Hobbseewow, nice!14:59
Seveasikonia, np14:59
SeveasHobbsee, yeah, best thing is: it covers 3 of the 4 trainstations from my trip from home to work :)15:00
Hobbseeheh :)15:00
Seveasand the 4th is 2 minutes from another one ;)15:00
ikoniaSeveas: that is unheard of in the uk, fantastic poilcy from your guys15:01
LjLikonia: that's what happens when upper management is on drugs all day15:01
ikoniaI like it15:02
SeveasOf course it helps that my ISP is now owned by the same company that provides these access points ;)15:06
Seveas<Curs0r> seriously, I'm considering another distribution as I think it's incredibly rude to answer help questions the way he did. Your volunteers should have to behave themselves at least as much as the users don't you think?15:06
Seveas<Seveas> then please make the switch. Ikonia was trying to help you but you were uncooperative and rude. things went downhill from there because both of you insisted the other was behaving wrong.15:06
Seveas<Curs0r> suppose I was a new user to linux? Something like that could have driven me away for years if not forever.15:06
Seveas<Curs0r> His answer was useless and condescending15:06
Seveas<Seveas> that's your interpretation15:06
Seveas<Curs0r> And it's correct15:06
Seveas<Seveas> not at all15:06
Seveas<Seveas> his answer was useful and not at all condescending15:06
Seveas<Seveas> the way you reacted was quite bad15:06
Seveas<Curs0r> As an intelligent person with manners, I disagree15:06
Seveas<Seveas> I see neither intelligence nor manners in your actions15:06
=== jpatrick_ is now known as jpatrick
Mez!paste | Seveas15:06
ubotuSeveas: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)15:06
Seveasheh, more paste15:07
Seveas<Curs0r> And fuck you too.15:07
PiciWhat was the answer that ikonia gave? or where abouts in my log should I look for it?15:07
ikoniapaste paste paste15:07
* Pici lastlogs15:07
ikoniaPici: he asked if a re-install would fix his issue, I said "I don't see why"15:08
Seveas<Curs0r> You banned me from a channel for what I said in pm? How juvenile15:08
Seveas<Seveas> irc guidelines don't end at channel borders15:08
Seveas<Curs0r> waa15:08
Seveas<Seveas> so until you grow manners and preferably some intelligence, goodbye15:08
Seveas<Curs0r> Eat me stimpy15:08
Seveasit gets better15:08
ikoniaplease paste the full lot15:08
* LjL brings floodbot in here15:08
ikoniahe came in looking for a fight15:08
Seveashe did15:09
Seveasdid the same on sept 27 last year15:09
PiciStimpy? Thats an insult now?15:09
MezSeveas, remember, IRC is a privilege, not a right, *hint hint*15:10
elkbuntuMez, the whole damn internet is a privilege15:12
Piciikonia: fyi, if you want, there is a nickserv option to allow unregistered users to message you.15:13
MezYou must be this intelligent to use the internet *picture of stick*15:13
ikoniaPici: I'd rather not, just to keep the noise down, but I didn't know you could do that15:13
ikoniaPici: thanks15:13
ikoniaSeveas: I think your getting a complaint in #freenode ;)15:17
Pici10:15:10 <Curs0r> how do I add a cloaked user to the ignore list? Say I want to ignore all ubuntu members (for example) would that be to use the cloak ubuntu/members as the domain to be ignored?15:17
ikoniaPici: you beat me to it, is that in #freenode15:17
Piciikonia: yep ;)15:17
* elkbuntu ops up15:18
ikoniaironic that he wants to ignore all ubuntu members, yet the person he had a problem with isn't cloaked with ubuntu15:18
PiciThe S man is.15:18
Seveashis problem was with ikonia15:19
Seveaswell, his real problem is somewhere else...15:19
ikoniaelkbuntu: good call15:20
PriceChildWoooooooo exams over.15:29
PriceChildLectures on Monday :D15:29
PriceChildoh wait :(15:29
ubotuKDE 4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. - KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/15:40
* Mez spins on his chair and makes himself feel sick15:42
PiciAre we supporting KDE4 in #ubuntu now?15:44
elkbuntuno, +115:44
PriceChildIt isn't part of an ubuntu release in any way?15:44
PriceChildits part of the kubuntu team's ppas but that's it?15:44
PiciWell, +1 or #kubuntu?15:45
jpatrickPriceChild: in gutsy-backports too, still building some last few packages/mirrors updaing15:45
PriceChildjpatrick, ah right15:45
PriceChildi say #kubuntu then15:45
PiciSounds good15:46
ikoniais the current 6.06 kubuntu build classed as LTS ?15:47
ikoniasomeone was shouting about 8.04 not being LTS, any truth in that ?15:47
PriceChildikonia, not for kubuntu, ubuntu wil be15:47
jpatrickikonia: it's _kubuntu_ hardy that won't be LTS15:47
PriceChildikonia, explanations are probably still on planet15:48
ikoniathat's what was being shouted about, I'd not read anything to say yay or nay15:48
ikoniaPriceChild: I think it's reasonably self explanitory15:48
jpatrickikonia: http://tinyurl.com/32b8fs15:49
ikoniaoh, thanks15:49
jpatrickwhat I wrote up from the meeting we had15:49
ikoniamakes for an interesting read15:50
jpatrickyou're welcome :)15:50
ikoniajpatrick: not the reasons I had in mind, but very sensible ones15:52
jpatrickikonia: what reasons were those?15:52
ikoniathe 3.5/4 stability supportability reasons, very sensible15:53
jpatrickno, the reasons you had in mind :)15:53
ikoniaahh, mine where just personal silly ones as I'm not a big kde fan / user15:54
ikoniaeg: drop it because I don't like it15:54
ikoniaI was just being facicious15:54
jpatrickhmm :)15:54
ikoniaI meant drop kde because I don't like it, not "drop the topc"15:55
ikoniawasn't being rude15:55
jpatrick;) no worries16:07
LjLsorry but there's only so much idiocy i can put up with16:43
* Pici headdesks16:44
PiciI can't take it either.16:46
PiciI'm not very happy with the rash of bad advice being given in the channel lately either.  Just a part of growing pains I guess...16:49
LjLPici, when bad advice is given, you lart the bad advicer. lart verbally that is, but don't think about it twice16:50
PriceChildstomp on them16:50
PiciI do... but its been just getting annoying now.16:50
LjLPici, when you help someone, you've helped one person out of 10000 who still need help. when you correct bad advice in a way that the bad advicer understand why their advice was bad, you've suddenly fixed a potentially exponentially growing amount of issues16:52
LjLso it's worth it16:52
PiciLjL: Oh, I know its worth it, otherwise I wouldnt be doing it.16:52
PiciI'm just venting :)16:52
LjLlook at -ops-monitor17:03
LjLand look at the exchange between benjiman and odd_bloke in #u17:04
PriceChildi almost went there17:04
PiciVery odd.17:04
LjLthey're probably good though, google hints that they're different people17:06
PriceChildI'm /msg'ing them17:07
PriceChildThose two gave *exactly* identical replies.17:07
LjLPriceChild: uh? that is?17:07
LjLbenjiman, odd_bloke and lamby are registered, {brad} is not. the former two are on freenode, the latter two are not17:09
LjLregistered since a long time17:09
PriceChildfauxfaux - incoming17:10
FauxFauxHi PriceChild!17:10
PriceChildHello there FauxFaux.17:10
PriceChildbenJIman, how can I help?17:10
benJImanHi FauxFaux.17:10
FauxFaux!say Hi!17:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about say hi! - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:10
FauxFauxWow, pre-emptive, today.17:10
PriceChildFauxFaux, So... could we start the pm conversation again here please?17:11
FauxFauxWhat PM conversation..?17:11
PriceChild<FauxFaux> Oh hi, I upgraded your channel.17:11
PriceChild<PriceChild> Pardon?17:11
PriceChild<FauxFaux> With my bot network.17:11
PriceChild<FauxFaux> (the COMPletely Secret Optimised Cluster)17:11
wietz0rFauxFaux: why17:12
FauxFauxCompsoc? That doesn't expand to compsoc!17:12
PriceChildwietz0r, How can I help/17:12
PiciBspec, wietz0r: Can I help you?17:12
PriceChildFauxFaux, so... what does that mean?17:13
FauxFauxI was jokin, PriceChild, I'd never be immature enough to get loads of bots to join your channels.17:13
FauxFauxHi lamby!17:13
FauxFaux!dcc list17:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dcc list - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:13
FauxFauxOops, wrong channel.17:13
lambyWhy are so many compsoc people on this channel?17:13
wietz0rFauxFaux: with immature you mean ``I don't know how to build a botnet'' amirite ?17:13
PriceChildFauxFaux, explain what is going on now please.17:14
FauxFauxAbsolutely nothing!17:14
wietz0rLOL GNAA AMIRITE17:15
FauxFauxCould you unban @compsoc? That's horribly unfair. :(17:15
PriceChildFauxFaux, so why did you "just happen" to pm me?17:15
LjL 17:15
FauxFauxAbout what?!17:15
wietz0rbecause he's FauxFaux17:15
wietz0r 17:15
PriceChildwietz0r, pardon?17:15
PriceChildFauxFaux, i have pasted the pm above.17:15
wietz0rPriceChild: you can have it17:15
FauxFauxYeah, you pmmed me!17:15
FauxFaux11/17:08:05 <PriceChild> What're you up to?17:15
PriceChildFauxFaux, I am afraid I didn't?17:16
wietz0rthat guy is such a failure17:17
BspecPriceChild, you didnt pm him?17:17
LjLwho's wietz0r for that matter17:17
PiciWe don't joke around about these things.17:17
Bspeci think FauxFaux was clowning around17:17
Bspectold everyone in ##socialites to join here17:18
PriceChildthankyou Bspec17:18
Bspecyoure welcome i guess17:18
Bspecso i joined here17:18
Bspeci guess i should leave17:18
PriceChildBspec, please.17:19
wietz0rLjL: why the ctcp bullshit ?17:19
PriceChildwietz0r, go tell them all that bspec told us where you're from and who told you to come here.17:19
mneptokwietz0r: it's in response to the "LOL GNAA AMIRITE" bullshit17:19
LjLwietz0r: was trying to find out who's who.17:20
mneptokwietz0r: we're evaluating your bullshit filter to ensure inbound and outbound traffic shaping match.17:20
wietz0ryou guys sure are 133717:20
wietz0rfauxfaux told me to join this channel17:20
Piciwietz0r: And you listened...17:21
PriceChildwietz0r, bspec told us17:21
PriceChildwietz0r, now go back and have fun with bad language17:21
wietz0rI should be leet aswell17:21
wietz0r18:21 [freenode] [ctcp(PriceChild)] VERSION17:21
wietz0r18:21 [freenode] CTCP VERSION reply from PriceChild: xchat 2.8.4 Ubuntu17:21
LjLwietz0r: and you do everything that people randomly tell you to?17:21
wietz0ron irc ?17:22
wietz0rheck yes17:22
mneptokwietz0r: type /quit17:22
wietz0rif there might be some fun in it, sure I will17:22
wietz0runless the people are complete and utter retards ofcourse17:22
PiciWhat about counting from 1 to 3?17:22
wietz0rWhat about it ?17:22
LjLwietz0r: yeah, i bet you can't count from 1 to 3 using the english words for those numbers each on a line, without misspelling, in at most 5 seconds17:23
wietz0rLjL: I bet you don't know when to use a capital "i" in a sentence17:23
LjLwietz0r: you lose17:24
wietz0rbut hey, atleast you know how to use some sw33t ctcp commands17:24
LjLyeah, i bet you know much better than that though17:24
wietz0rheck yes17:24
wietz0rlet me show you17:24
Pici!idle | benJIman17:24
ubotubenJIman: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.17:24
wietz0rLjL: 18:24 [freenode] CTCP PING reply from LjL: 1.296 seconds17:25
wietz0rI can teach you how to do sweet things like this if you want17:25
wietz0rjust join ##otw17:25
wietz0rbest channel on freenode, easily17:25
ikoniaooh its the Of the Wall Lot17:25
wietz0rOfcourse it is17:25
mneptokoh, i thought it was "Outed Transsexuals World"17:25
stdinhmm, you step away for a few hours and look what happens...17:25
PiciPriceChild: that hostmask is still muted fyi17:25
PiciPriceChild: thats why he didnt respond.17:25
LjLwietz0r: nah, i know those. i think you know much more l33t commands, but i don't think i'm prepared to learn about them17:26
wietz0rmneptok: Man, you sure are sweet at this whole ``backcronym'' thing17:26
wietz0rmneptok: notice use of GNU/quotes17:26
ikoniawarick uni ?17:26
mneptokwietz0r: man, you sure are sweet at having a sweet short list of sweet adjectives.17:26
wietz0rmneptok: Heck yes17:27
wietz0rmneptok: However, variety is the spice of life17:27
wietz0rmneptok: but I know you're probably h4x enough to know this17:27
Picirisjh: Can we help you?17:28
LjLwietz0r: ok, just, morale of the story... if you're randomly told to join a channel together with a swarm of other people, you shouldn't be surprised if you've investigated and CTCP'd by the people of that channel.17:28
LjLnow, nothing else to see, please move along17:28
* mneptok pats wietz0r onna head17:28
wietz0rLol what17:28
wietz0r``investigated'' ?17:28
risjhPici: i am confused17:28
wietz0rYou can ofcourse, just ask17:28
risjhwhat is going on?17:28
Picirisjh: Why are you here?17:28
LjLwietz0r: that ctcp was a way to investigate.17:28
LjLwietz0r: yeah sure17:28
risjhPici: wanted to ask if ubuntu is a rolling distro17:28
PriceChildrisjh, no need to worry about anything else. Can I help you?17:29
wietz0rLjL: ask away17:29
risjhPriceChild: is ubuntu a rolling distro?17:29
Picirisjh: You are in the #ubuntu-ops channel, either you were banforwarded here or you joined accidentally.17:29
risjhi shouldnt be here?17:29
PriceChildrisjh, this is not a support channel. and No.17:29
risjhok i see i read the topic now17:29
LjLwietz0r: ask away? ok, are you a gnaa member?17:30
PriceChildrisjh, not if you don't have any business here.17:30
risjhlater folks17:30
wietz0rLjL: No, I am not in anyway affiliated with the Gay Nigger Association of America17:30
LjLi see.17:30
LjLi asked what i wanted to know.17:30
LjLi'm done.17:30
PiciCan we please be done with this?17:30
wietz0rLjL: how was ctcping me gonna let you find this out ?17:30
wietz0rI am just interested in this, after this I will leave17:30
LjLctcping was to help me find out if you were on the same machine as those five other folks.17:31
wietz0ryou mean /whois17:31
wietz0rbut sure17:31
LjLno, i don't mean /whois17:31
wietz0rOh, you 1337 hacker17:32
LjLno. but really, we're done now.17:32
wietz0ranyhow, I didn't mean to cause any disturbance yadayadayda17:32
ikonia< wietz0r> can I leave a channel in irssi but keep the window open ?17:32
ikoniahe's trying to look like he's leaving but not17:32
LjLikonia: i think he knows better than that though17:33
LjLanyway, incident closed.17:33
* Pici closes the book17:33
ikoniaLjL Pici you two are like a double act with the counting thing17:33
LjLikonia: it never works though17:33
ikoniaI was hopinh17:34
PiciI was hopinh too17:34
ubotuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)18:19
Pici commiebob (i=loser@cpe-74-79-24-106.twcny.res.rr.com)18:20
Pici!staff | above user attempted a dcc exploit, but didnt use enough character to trigger it and didnt caught by the auto-l-line18:21
ubotuabove user attempted a dcc exploit, but didnt use enough character to trigger it and didnt caught by the auto-l-line: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2 or Christel,  I could use a bit of your time :)18:21
Piciheh, characters, not character.... although lack of character might have something to do with it.18:21
naliothwell, we can't fault 'em for trying18:24
Piciwe can't?18:24
LjLuhm, although...18:31
PiciYes, it triggered the floodbots18:31
LjLthe *bots* shouldn't have been triggered by a non-exploit either18:31
PiciThats the only way I noticed it18:31
LjLbut i thought i did have a characters count check in place18:31
naliothit did not trigger me (obviously)18:32
naliothi don't think it was malicious in nature, after looking at /lastlog18:32
Picinalioth: Why not?18:34
PiciHe joined, was there for a minute, did his thing, and left.18:34
naliothi think it was meant as a joke18:34
nalioththe trolls know well what it takes to actually exploit18:34
LjLwell, it was a *failed* exploit18:35
LjLand he did indeed say dcc send fail18:35
LjLanyway later18:35
ardchoilleI dislike those *snack factoids. They provide nothing useful to the channel.18:43
stdinthey make people feel appreciated when they help, well !helpersnack does anyway18:43
PiciThere are a few non-useful factoids, but as long as they dont get abused, I see no problem with them.18:44
naliothardchoille: there are many factoids that consist of 100% cruft18:45
ardchoillenalioth: I'm beginning to see that18:45
naliothardchoille: do you remember ubotu v1?18:45
ardchoilleI think that was before my time in ubuntu18:45
PiciAny 'fun' factoids that I add, I usually make only active in #ubuntu-offtopic, theres no need for them in any of the other channels.18:45
GaryI hate the !Gary one :'(18:46
ubotuGary is as Gary does, on the other hand four fingers and a thumb!18:46
naliothwell, cafuego (the guy that operated it) still has his factoid page up.  it allowed anyone to add a factoid, and we (the ubuntu ops) were always going through the list and deleting the nasty/off topic ones18:46
ardchoillenalioth: eeewwwww18:46
naliothso if you want to see "major cruft", ardchoille, find the ubotu v1 factoid page and give it a read18:46
ardchoillehehe, no thanks18:47
PiciI do agree with stdin on the helpersnack one, I use that every now and then for the exceptional user who is helping alot.18:48
ardchoilleA simple "thank you" should suffice, imo18:49
stdinbut the user feels "special" when ubotu does it, and everyone else notices ubotu doing it too, so they feel "extra special" :P18:52
Garymy mum says I am special18:53
stdinbecause you are :)18:53
Davieyhe's not special, he's a very naughty boy18:55
jussi01there are fun useful factoids like !thanks, and then there are just useless ones, like !jdong18:58
Picijdong is pretty useless...18:59
ubotu<Hobbsee> jdong: yes, but you're FULL OF CRACK!18:59
PiciI think we're being too sterile about this, I wouldnt be happy if ubotu was completely devoid of humor.19:00
jussi01I would have to agree with that19:01
ubotuIn ubotu, luca_b said: !plasma is Plasma is the new technology developed in KDE 4 to improve the user's desktop experience. For more information, turn to the FAQ at http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Plasma/FAQ19:02
* jussi01 is completely bored of the kde4 discussion in #k ... 19:15
stdinnot much you can do about it, and expect it for a few days (at least) yet19:18
jussi01stdin: yeah, I know...19:18
PiciIf Kubuntu would just release versions more often you wouldnt have this problem19:19
jussi01I just wish we had a separate channel for it or something, like #kubuntu-kde4 its like devel talk in there, which is cool and needed, but doesnt help the new people...19:19
jussi01Pici: ssshhh19:20
Garyis kde4 out then :p19:20
Garyis it shiny?19:20
* Gary hides19:20
PiciI'm not a KDE user, but I really have nothing against it :)19:21
stdinjussi01: kde4 is community supported, so it should be in #kubuntu, but maybe a #kubuntu-kde4 isn't a bad idea. or a #kubuntu-kde3 for when hardy had 4 by default19:23
stdinsomething to think about for later anyway19:23
jussi01stdin: I suppose, just when we are having these dual versions, it gets a tad on my nerves...19:24
stdingets messy anyway, you have to ask "what version of Kubuntu and what version of KDE" when hardy comes out19:25
PiciIts messy if you want to split the channels up too.19:25
jussi01life is messy....19:25
stdinyeah, that's why I think it's something that needs proper discussion, later19:25
jussi01its messy in #kubuntu... which way do you want it?19:26
stdinwe'll have to bring it up at one of the kubuntu meetings19:26
jussi01stdin: yeah, we will have to,19:27
Piciimo #k is no where near as messy as #u is.19:27
jussi01thats really not the point....19:28
PiciI didnt mean for it to sound like a competition, sorry.19:28
stdin#ubuntu vs. #kubuntu, the new "Gnome vs. KDE" for 2008 :p19:29
PiciBoth channels are going through their own growing pains.19:30
jussi01yeah, its something thats getting a little worrying for me, wondering how we are going to do it in the future when we have 30 or 40 thousand people trying to cram into #ubuntu19:32
PiciI hope we arent using irc at that point.19:32
PiciPlus as the distro grows, hopefully it will be more easy to use, more stable and less people will even require support.19:33
jussi01one hopes...19:33
PiciI gotta hope for something ;)19:33
jussi01hehe, true19:33
SeveasPlus as the distro grows, hopefully it will be more easy to use, attracting more users with less clue, increasing the support demand19:33
Seveaswhich is what's happening :)19:34
jussi01exactly what I was thinking..19:34
jussi01Hi Seveas19:34
* jussi01 wonders how to get his shiny new email address working...19:35
Seveaswhat's your main launchpad address?19:37
jussi01Seveas: https://edge.launchpad.net/~jussi0119:38
stdinjussi01: it took about a month for me, apparently LP runs it as one big cron job19:38
Seveas<** 550 <youraddressatubuntu.com>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual alias table19:38
Seveasstdin, not cron job but manually run19:38
jussi01Ok, so how do I fix it?19:39
Seveasto test: swaks -f bill@microsoft.com -t yourubuntu.comaddress19:39
stdinSeveas: took forever for mine then :p19:39
jussi01oooh, i think it works now!19:44
PiciSeveas: Any word on getting ubotu moved to canonical's server or transferring updates/maintenance of it to someone else?19:50
Seveasnobody volunteered19:51
PiciI'm concidering volunteering.19:52
jussi01I would, but you dont want me too ;)19:52
ardchoilleSeveas: Anything I can do to help?19:54
Garysurely mneptok must be useful for something? :-)19:54
PiciAbout as useful as jdong.19:55
SeveasI don't know who you insulted most19:55
PiciThats the beauty of it.19:55
Jack_SparrowMay I ask a short offtopic question.19:56
PiciNo, we're being very serious right now... of course you can.19:56
Jack_SparrowI have a multi-user extension for unix  from 2 user to unlimited.. Is it of any value to the project or to give it away to the group19:57
Jack_SparrowI found it while cleaning my office19:57
PiciExcuse my ignorance, but what is a 'multi-user extension' for unix?19:58
Jack_SparrowSoftware license.. it was expensive at the time..19:58
Seeker`I would potentially be willing to help with ubotu once I finish uni in june, but it depends on jobs etc.20:02
Seeker`well, specifically, whether I find one or not20:02
PriceChildeek i should be applying for jobs already20:03
Seeker`PriceChild: you are 2nd year?20:03
Seeker`or final year?20:03
Seeker`why do you need to apply for jobs?20:03
PriceChildI've got a DoE gold expedition on the books hopefully but obviously that doesn't pay20:04
PriceChildfor money :D20:04
Seeker`but you have a year before graduation20:04
PriceChildthat's if i make it to graduation20:04
Seeker`I need a job because the student loans compnay / my parents will stop giving me money soon20:04
PriceChilddamn parents20:05
PriceChildlulling you into a false sense of security20:05
PriceChildand then BLAM!20:05
jussi01Seeker` has parents o.O20:06
Seeker`jussi01: No, I just spontaneously came into existace20:06
* PriceChild eats ice cream and cookies20:08
* PriceChild dips cookie in ice cream20:11
PriceChild<__mikem> How do I get the stupid built in webcam for my hp pavilian to work? I need to get a recent picture for this dating service I just signed off for20:43
Garyhe sounds really annoyed too :p20:48
PriceChildLjL, what's up?21:43
LjLPriceChild: oh nothing, just sighing on mikem.21:43
articpenguin3800im still banned from ubuntu+122:01
PriceChildarticpenguin3800, you told us a few weeks ago and quickly left22:03
PriceChildThanks for the reminder.22:03
articpenguin3800couple days ago22:03
articpenguin3800my computer crashed22:03
PriceChildarticpenguin3800, skyfalcon866?22:04
articpenguin3800didnt we talk about this last week?22:05
PriceChildarticpenguin3800, you've probably dealt with us once, we've dealt with hundreds22:05
Seveasarticpenguin3800, it's a good thing if ops don't remember you. You probably weren't too bad22:06
LjLSeveas: wrong22:06
Seveasif they remember you, you're in trouble22:06
PriceChildarticpenguin3800, The ban has been lifted, "/msg ubotu guidelines"22:06
SeveasLjL, you just have dodgy memory ;)22:06
LjLSeveas: yes, that's it22:06
ompaularticpenguin3800, trolling is not acceptable the /msg ubotu guidelines will help you understand the attitude we try to encourage, you already know the type we don't like22:07
PriceChildarticpenguin3800, anything else I can help you with?22:08
articpenguin3800no thanks22:08
siriusnovaHi can i please get unbanned from ubuntu-offtopic22:10
siriusnovamy friend got on my comp22:10
siriusnovaand got me banned22:10
siriusnovai went to take a shower and i come back and im banned22:10
LjLsiriusnova: did friend have a different nickname? i don't see you banned as siriusnova22:11
siriusnovaLjL - no it was this nick22:11
siriusnovait says im not welcome22:11
LjLok, i've found it22:12
PiciTwas me.22:12
siriusnovawhat did he do22:12
siriusnovathat got me banned anyway22:12
LjL2008-01-09T17:33:31 <siriusnova> lol22:12
LjL2008-01-09T17:33:32 <siriusnova> http://www.efukt.com/2006_Punched_In_The_Pussy.html22:12
siriusnovaim going to kick his ass22:13
ompaulgame over methinks22:13
siriusnovanext time im locking my screen :S22:13
LjLsiriusnova, i'll unban you because you're enough of a regular, but yeah, please lock your computer while not using it, can never hurt22:13
siriusnovayeah :(22:14
naliothor electrify the keyboard :022:14
siriusnovaespecially when your drunk friends are over22:14
jdongoh yes I remember that happening to me, too :)22:15
jdongfortunately it was over AIM though22:15
Garywhere can one find these keyboards you talk of?  I want them for my users22:15
jdongI had to correct people for weeks after that I was NOT having a camel and llama party.22:15
ompaulsiriusnova, is there anything else we  an help you with?22:16
siriusnovaoh no im good thanks :)22:16
jussi01what is going on in #kubuntu-offtopic's topic?????22:51
PriceChildjussi01, ?22:53
jussi01PriceChild: weird... i think I was seing things...22:54
jpatrickgerax banned from #kubuntu22:54
PriceChildjussi01, about the coc?22:54
jussi01jpatrick: I was about to do that22:54
jpatrickposted a porn link22:54
jussi01PriceChild: nm, I was seeing things...22:55
Seveasjussi01, so you're not blind :)23:10
Moduliz0rhi, does anyone here have power to actually kick someone off the server23:17
LjLModuliz0r: why?23:17
Moduliz0rWait ill get him on23:17
Moduliz0rhere he is23:19
Moduliz0r_Undefine1: tell them your problem23:19
_Undefine1ok, my wireless disconnected me, but for some reason my nick wasnt kicked off the freenode network23:19
ubotuOn IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password>23:19
_Undefine1yay, thanks guys23:20
LjLno problem23:20
LjL*you* said it's $chan and not $channel23:23
ubotuYou should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu-opsnel - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also !Guidelines23:23
Picier... yeah... then I didnt do anything about it...23:23
LjLalso, #ubuntu is busy, #ubuntu-ops is not, #ubuntu-opsnel even less so :P23:23
LjLaah well, my seventh sense failed me23:23
LjLwho's the sacrifice victim then23:24
Pici!away =~ s/$channel/$chan/23:24
ubotuNothing changed there23:24
Pici!away =~ s/\$channel/\$chan/23:24
Palintheusit seems the !away factoid tacks come extra letters to the channel name23:25
ubotuYou should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like ubotunel - it causes unrequired scrolling which is  unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for  using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also  !Guidelines23:25
ubotuYou should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu-ops - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also  !Guidelines23:25
PiciPalintheus: fixed already ;)23:26
nekostarPriceChild u about?23:29
PriceChildyeah sure23:29
PriceChildHow can I help?23:29
nekostarsorry about a couple weeks ago23:29
nekostaryou were right23:29
nekostarirssi was misconfigured23:29
nekostarwas connecting via 6667 and not 800123:29
nekostarand since i took the time to bitch u out23:29
nekostarwanted to take the time to apologize same way23:30
PriceChildIts no problem nekostar. Thanks for coming back to let me know.23:30
nekostarsometimes thats what it takes to be a man or w/e23:30
nekostarhey how broken is hardy?23:31
PriceChildno idea, ask in #ubuntu+123:31
nekostari'm there23:31
PriceChildWell that was nice.23:32
mc44that's what it takes to be a man or w/e!23:34
LjL!rootshell is <reply> Using !sudo with single commands in preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)23:34
ubotuI'll remember that, LjL23:34
naliothif you have to ask, it's broken beyond your abilities23:35
LjLnalioth: maybe, but i'm just sick & tired of seeing people replying "sudo bash", "sudo sh", "sudo -s", "sudo su", "sudo su -", i.e. everything except the right thing to do, to this question23:36
* nalioth was referring to nekostar23:40
LjLwell, how broken is hardy?23:40
naliothif you have to ask, it's more borked than you can handle23:41
* nalioth runs23:41
LjLcan't be more broken than the kde4 packages in gutsy :P23:42
* LjL runs too23:42
Seveas                 !nalioth23:44
ubotuSorry, nalioth's repository is no longer available.23:44
LjLrredd4: need a test?23:45
rredd4please test me, i am logged in via 800123:45
LjLyou pass23:45
rredd4when i do try to join on 8001, i get the 6667 room?23:46
naliothrredd4: we have to see if you've connected on 8001 before we can remove the ban (it's not automatic)23:48
PriceChildrredd4, you should be able to join now.23:48
ubotuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)23:50
LjLjust a spike?23:51

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