
tedgSo, the synaptics driver has this feature where it's supposed to read changes do the xorg.conf file.00:29
tedgHow does that work?  Can all the drivers work that way?  Do they?00:30
tedgDoes xorg.conf get parsed for every driver?00:30
brycetjaalton: apparently bdmurray was planning on scheduling a bug hug day for xorg next week, but between our efforts, our untriaged bug count dropped too low.  heh.00:30
brycetedg: that might be a Q for mjg00:32
brycethat may be the hack he did during Gutsy to get the touchpad configuration stuff working nicely00:32
tedgI was more curious from the perspective of, can I put it on the TODO list to have the wacom driver do it ;)00:34
tedgI'd really like plug'n'play tablet support.00:34
brycetedg: I believe that's in the pipeline, if it's not available already in hardy00:37
tedgIt didn't work for me in Hardy if it's supposed to.00:48
tedgThe only thing I had to do is comment some xorg.conf options though.00:48
tedgNow it works really well.  I unplugged my mouse.00:48
bryceohh, I think I recall seeing a bug about interference between mouse and synaptics01:09
ubotuNew bug: #181914 in xorg (main) "default X configuration assumes wacom hardware" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18191402:11
pwnguin^ doesn't hardy drop xorg.conf by default?03:42
ubotuNew bug: #181935 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 (restricted) "package xorg-driver-fglrx 8.443.1-1 failed to install/upgrade: intentando sobreescribir `/usr/bin/amdcccle', que está también en el paquete fglrx-amdcccle" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18193505:45
ubotuNew bug: #181943 in xorg (main) "[Gutsy] X11 random crash," [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18194307:15
tjaaltonbryce: hehe07:20
tjaaltonpwnguin: no07:20
tjaaltonoh I love those "random crash" bugs07:26
pwnguinwell my crash is clearly repeatable07:39
bryce"Hey, I'm having a random crash, can you fix? kthxbye"07:55
pwnguinwell, at least you're paying attention07:56
pwnguini havent been able to get any results from filing a bug upstream07:56
tjaaltonpwnguin: ah the xkbLeds bug?08:00
pwnguinim not sure how to fix the code, as where it appears is dead simple, but i have no idea where all the code that produced the null pointer is called from08:04
tjaaltonpwnguin: you might have better luck with #xorg-devel :)08:18
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
tjaaltonmvo: there was this strange upgrade failure where xserver-xorg-core.list got strangely corrupted (with data which looks like from Packages file).. is it something that warrants further investigation?13:39
tjaaltonbug 18153013:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 181530 in xkbset "package xkbset None [modified: /var/lib/dpkg/info/xkbset.list] failed to install/upgrade: il file con la lista dei file del pacchetto `xserver-xorg-core' contiene un filename vuoto" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18153013:40
ubotuNew bug: #182003 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 (restricted) "nvidia driver unable to load on clean 7.10 install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18200313:40
tjaaltonreinstalling xserver-xorg-core helped there13:40
mvotjaalton: if its a isolated thing, then its likely that its some HW issue on the machine, most corruptions on the dpkg level seems to be caused by bad ram 13:40
mvotjaalton: (this is the dpkg level)13:41
tjaaltonok, I'll close it then, and ask the reporter to run memtest13:41
mvotjaalton: just to confirm, we will not get a new xserver for hardy that support redirected direct rendering? that means under compiz we have all the nice glx artifacts ?13:46
tjaaltonit would touch too many pkaces13:47
mvomeh, ok. thanks. that means the compiz team needs to think about some stragegy to deal with it13:47
tjaaltonI think this was discussed at UDS13:48
NgI just upgraded my gutsy laptop to hardy and I've noticed X is using EXA by default now (intel driver, 855gm chipset), but some things feel a lot slower14:43
Ngscrolling specifically14:43
tjaaltonsee bug 177492 :)14:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177492 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "EXA is balls-achingly slow" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17749214:43
Nghaha, nice subject14:45
tjaaltonso, put 'Option "AccelMethod" "XAA"' to the driver section for now14:46
Ngnow I have to write a driver section! ;)14:47
Ngbut ta. shame that the fix won't be able to be in hardy, but nevermind14:47
NgI noticed a comment on that bug about losing video with XAA - do they mean Xv?14:47
Ngthat used to work ok in gutsy with XAA14:48
jcristauwith compiz?14:48
Ngwell ;)14:48
tjaaltonit's the other way around, and only with 965 I think14:48
Ngactually it did kind of work with compiz, but it was entirely black&white for some reason14:48
NgI never really dug into that one14:48
jcristau(i guess compiz on i855 would probably be balls-achingly slow anyway)14:48
tjaaltonoh, I don't know what keybuk refers to14:48
Ngjcristau: not so much14:49
Ngjcristau: sure the thing isn't going to be playing quake3 any time soon, but a sane selection of compiz plugins is actually pretty speedy, mostly because it's only doing 1024x768 I suspect14:49
jcristauok, cool14:49
Ngyeah much faster back in XAA, but Xv is entirely broken now15:02
tjaaltonok, so it's not just 965 :/15:03
Nggstreamer-properties died from a BadAlloc error when I ran the test15:03
Ngmuch as I like xv, I have a tiny screen that I almost never use for video anyway, and I scroll an awful lot15:13
Ngso scrolling wins ;)15:13
tjaaltondoes video work without Xv15:13
NgI'll try and remember to flip back to EXA quickly to make sure that video works there too15:18
tjaaltonright, at least cirrus doesn't start in the new world order17:35
tjaalton"Mode pool is empty"17:35
ubotuNew bug: #182062 in xmodmap "IBM Thinkpad T61 key slash/question doenst works in Gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18206217:45
tjaaltonit needs modelines, which seems a bit odd17:49
tjaaltonmodelines, defaultdepth and Modes, duh17:55
pwnguinwell crap, xorg-devel is like half ubuntu devs21:06
bryceyou say that like it's a bad thing...?  ;-)21:10
pwnguinalso bryce, i read your blog21:11
pwnguinon the subject of library versions and fixes, why not use branches?21:12
pwnguinyou've already migrated to bzr21:12
pwnguinfor inkscape21:12
bryceno we still use svn21:13
brycewe only migrated the bug tracker21:13
brycewe have used branches in the past, but find they grow stale and don't get adequate testing.21:13
pwnguinwell, it still has "very cheap branching"21:13
pwnguinwell, that'd sorta be the point21:14
bryceto not get adequate testing?21:14
pwnguindev branch updates the libraries21:14
pwnguinthe other branches would attempt to pull in fixes without touching version dependencies21:14
pwnguinthe other branches would naturally die off as people prefer to simply update lib dependencies21:15
pwnguinit'd be easier to do with bazaar, if it lets you track distro patches21:17
brycecould be21:20
bryceI suspect it's more likely we'd move to git than bzr, but currently it sounds like most developers favor staying with the status quo,21:20
brycewe've set up svn->bzr and svn->git interfaces, so those passionate about git and bzr are fairly happy, and those who wish to stick with svn are happy21:21
bryceI would expect changing at this point would result in some becoming unhappy, and few becoming more happy than they already are21:21
monkee_of_evilHas anyone had any luck here getting a triple monitor setup working with Ubuntu?21:23
bryceI'd like to see us move to bzr, but don't really have a strong preference; I've not gathered sufficient convincing arguments to make me want to push for it yet21:23
brycemonkee_of_evil: I have had some limited successes21:23
monkee_of_evilI've got these 2 widescreen acer monitors and a single Sceptre monitor ( none-widescreen )21:24
pwnguini suppose it just makes more sense in the general perspective; if you have bzr/git and binary distros using your stuff -- you can keep lib version ifdefs out of the tree21:24
brycemonkee_of_evil: If you're using Feisty or earlier Ubuntu, you can use Xinerama to do it21:24
monkee_of_evilI'm on Gutsy21:24
brycemonkee_of_evil: however from Gutsy forward, most drivers have switched to xrandr, which does not handle multiple graphics cards so well21:24
bryceit won't be 'til Hardy+1 that the issue is straightened out21:24
pwnguini havent really used either bzr or git21:24
tjaaltonwell, ati and intel21:24
tjaaltonand experimental mga21:25
brycetjaalton: and nv since g8021:25
monkee_of_evilYeah... I've got an older ATI dualy & an onboard intel chipset21:25
tjaaltonbut nvidia binary can do silly stuff21:25
brycemonkee_of_evil: I have gotten triple screen working with non-merged displays21:25
bryceso like you have :0.0 and :0.121:25
brycethat was on -ati, and I found it too buggy to actually use (mouse would get stuck, etc.)21:26
brycethat was on Gutsy with -ati 195 iirc; it might have gotten better since21:26
tjaaltonati upstream supports zaphod mode again21:26
monkee_of_evilIt will automatically do it's thing and clone my desktop to the two widescreens in Gutsy21:26
tjaaltonso it should work on current hardy21:27
monkee_of_evilWhat sucks for me is that I've got that RV700 or some crap for my ATI card, so the official binaries don't work21:27
monkee_of_evilI tried configuring X to get it going and the only thing i can make it do is show a black screen for 2/3 of the screen on my center monitor ( the one plugged into the intel card ) then for the rest of the screen you see these multi-color stripes21:29
monkee_of_eviland you can see this blurr where the mouse moves21:29
monkee_of_evilthen on the wide screens both of them are blank except for the top left where it shows the part numbers of the monitor21:29
monkee_of_evilIt's the weirdest thing21:29
monkee_of_evilcan't wait for better monitor support21:30
monkee_of_evilBryce: nice screenshots21:31
monkee_of_evilpictures actually21:31
monkee_of_evilbut w/e21:31
brycew/e ?21:32
pwnguinw/e is often "whatever"21:33
* bryce shrugs21:33
monkee_of_evilpwnguin got it21:33
pwnguinmore importantly, that's gnome+konsole21:33
pwnguinand.. xmms?21:34
brycepwnguin: if you're trying to give me a hard time, won't work ;-)21:36
monkee_of_evilI like xmms21:37
pwnguini think if you try harder, you could put in an enlightenment app too ;)21:37
monkee_of_evilFluxbox ftw21:37
pwnguinxmms is like the worst of all worlds. terrible UI that mimics winamp. horrible playlist UI, weak playlist tools...21:38
tjaaltonand yet something that actually worked all these years :)21:38
pwnguinthats about all it has =(21:39
bryceif you must know, I used to use KDE, and wrote scripts to automate konsole placement using dcop.  I've since rewritten the code for gnome-term, but those photos were taken before that.21:39
pwnguininteresting. is the placemnt script a matter of which screen?21:40
bryceI've tried both KDE and GNOME music apps and generally find them inadequate21:40
monkee_of_evilyeah.. I fucking hate Rythmbox21:40
monkee_of_evilListen isn't much better21:40
bryceI put in a bunch of bugs on rhythmbox before giving up on it21:40
monkee_of_evilToo bad foobar doesn't run natively21:41
monkee_of_evilalthough it runs decently under wine21:41
tjaaltonI used KDE in -98 when I installed linux (SuSE 5.3) for the first time21:41
brycepwnguin: no, my set up has a virtual screen so I just specify the x,y coordinates that'd put them on the right screen21:42
bryceit's pretty trial-and-error, and different for KDE and GNOME21:42
pwnguinanyways, i didnt mean to start an involved flamewar, just poking some fun ;)21:42
tjaaltonI use rb happily at work, but it's far from perfect21:43
bryceI'm just irritable due to all the UME stuff at the moment, don't mind me21:43
pwnguintjaalton: i wish it would let me choose a different playlist to default to on startup21:43
pwnguini filed a wishlist bug in LP and someone appears to have run with it, we'll see where that goes21:43
tjaaltonah, I just plug in my iPod and let it play random21:44
pwnguini dont own one of those21:44
pwnguinbut its nice to be able to filter by rating etc21:44
tjaaltonI got it just because it's the only brand that has any sort of gadgets for cars21:44
pwnguini actually used rhythmbox to come up with a playlist for my crappy car stereo to put on CD21:45
pwnguin700 megs of mp3s at bitrate 300 or less sorted by rating21:45
tjaaltonnow I use banshee to sync the iPod, and the next version should finally fix the UI so I can choose by genre21:46
brycedah, LP is going offline22:21
jcristautjaalton: will you report the bug about i810preinit not setting depth to 16 to bugzilla, or shall i?22:24
tjaaltonjcristau: you can do it, it was your idea anyway :)22:26
tjaaltonjbarnes knows about it already though22:27
jcristauyeah i've read that22:27
tjaaltonright, he'd prefer to have the patch on b.fd.o22:28
jcristaua bz report is safer than a mention on irc :)22:28
tjaaltonof course, and you can't track bugs outside bz22:28
tjaaltoner, patches22:28
tjaaltonor both actually22:28
tjaaltonffs, launchpad maintenance break22:29
jcristautjaalton: what's your bz email again?22:40
tjaaltontjaalton+freedeskto at cc.hut.fi22:40
jcristauthere. #1403222:44
tjaaltonso you tried it as well?22:45
jcristaudidn't have time to test the patch yet, no22:45
tjaaltonwell, it works22:45
jcristaubut i don't see why it wouldn't work when X -depth 16 does22:46
jcristaupretty busy at work this week, plus my debian time was taken by other stuff...22:47
tjaaltondon't worry, a couple of guys already proved it working :)22:48
tjaaltonwoohoo, at least one bug fixed by switching to openchrome, bug 18084122:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 180841 in mesa "glXDestroyContext causes segmentation fault with Via Unichrome graphics" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18084122:57
tjaaltonalthough it was quite unclear which version he was using before, and I think via/openchrome both share the same mesa driver23:09
ubotuNew bug: #182100 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 (restricted) "ATI Catalyst 7.12 conflict with Screen Resolution" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18210023:59

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