
``Cubehello, im a tango artist. does any project need an icon?00:20
daniel_kinot right now, but I'll take your card :)00:22
jelmer``Cube: Hey again :-) bzr-svn still needs one00:22
``Cubehehe ;00:23
``Cubedon't you like my current proposition?00:23
``Cubecanonical didn't respond yet00:23
daniel_kiyou'll soon have all the chicks you want, trust me00:23
daniel_kiartists are in short supply00:23
jelmer``Cube: current proposition?00:24
* daniel_ki just hopes Cube is not female; after that remark00:24
``Cubebeen sent to the bzr-gtk mailing list00:24
jelmerthat was the generic bzr-gtk one I think?00:24
jelmerbzr-svn is a subproject of Bazaar, not part of bzr-gtk00:24
``Cubeoh ok, jelmer00:38
jml``Cube: well, you know that LP needs a new logo01:13
jmlthere's a contest and everything01:13
``Cubethat awesome logo gotta be replaced?01:13
``Cubemay I get a link?01:14
jmlyou are talking about the rocket?01:14
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kitblakethe edge machine is not connecting, is there a maintenance window?05:28
Rinchenkitblake, howdy06:30
Rinchenkitblake, we normally do a refresh nightly.  06:30
Rinchenhowever honestly I don't know. It's been down now for a few hours.  I've sent off some inquires and also am going to create an entry on it's maintenance window so that everyone knows. 06:31
RinchenI should have the times and such available next week.  I'll probably have Matt Revell post it in the normal places.06:32
kitblakeRinchen: thanks for the info, I won't "wait a few minutes" :)06:33
RinchenGood plan :-)06:33
RinchenIt's painful for me too because I was doing edits on edge06:33
RinchenI'm not normally up this late so I don't know if it's normal. Either way, we should publish the window06:33
kitblakeyes, I tried using another browser to view non-edge, but then I logged in, back to wait a few minutes06:34
kitblakehad to delete the cookie06:34
Rinchenhmm that's interesting. You should just be able to push the 'disable redirect' button on the homepage and be happy for 2 hours06:34
kitblakeI'll try that next time06:34
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Rinchenkitblake, well, turns out it's a real problem! Edge did it's QA job and found something.06:48
RinchenEdge is back up06:58
ubotuNew bug: #182223 in rosetta "KDE importer trying to None.split()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18222308:20
=== LucidFox_Portal is now known as LucidFox
ubotuNew bug: #182235 in rosetta "POHeader substitutes "now" for missing PO-Revision-Date" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18223509:50
test_sabmorning all10:04
tiagosabIs there a way to use sun-java to build a package?12:39
tiagosabIn ppa, I mean.12:40
Fujitsutiagosab: Not at this time, I don't believe.12:40
FujitsuYou couldn't a few days ago, although somebody was looking at fixing that.12:40
geserFujitsu: shouldn't it work in the hardy chroots? elmo preseeded the sun license debconf question12:51
Fujitsugeser: Not in PPA.12:51
FujitsuOh, true, in Hardy, you're right.12:52
geserthey use a different chroot tarball?12:52
FujitsuJust not previous DistroSeries... but most people will be doing it for Gutsy or so.12:52
tiagosabIn Hardy I am building with icedtea, it's ok.12:52
tiagosabIs there a bug about that?12:52
FujitsuThe appropriate people have been notified.12:52
tiagosabFujitsu: Thanks. I was just looking for a place where to look at to know if it has changed.12:54
mptGooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!13:00
FujitsuHi mpt.13:00
Rashomonmpt: Ahoy13:18
Rashomon(damned be it I have a slow response time today ;) )13:18
Fujitsubigjools: Hi. Are you able to look at what happened to the checkstyle binary in hardy? It was promoted to universe about 2 hours before cprov mentioned that bug #178102 was fixed, and it now seems to have two superseded universe BinaryPackagePublishings.13:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 178102 in soyuz "(Pro|De)motion loses arch: all binaries" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178102 - Assigned to Celso Providelo (cprov)13:27
Fujitsu(so has vanished)13:27
ubotuNew bug: #182281 in malone "No tabs work on bug attachment page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18228113:31
ubotuNew bug: #182282 in malone "Patch checkbox caption is silly on bug attachment page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18228213:31
ubotuNew bug: #182286 in malone ""Content Type:" on bug attachment page is editable even when it has no effect" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18228613:36
ubotuNew bug: #182289 in malone ""Delete attachment" is incorrect capitalization" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18228913:41
mpt(I just encountered the bug attachment page for the first time -- can you tell?:-)14:04
Fujitsumpt: Heh. Good to see you waving your magic usability wand over less-used bits :)14:07
ubotuNew bug: #182296 in launchpad "Offline ("Please try again") page contents are tipped to the left" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18229614:10
sivanghas anyone seen kiko ?15:03
Hobbseehe got eaten15:04
* Fujitsu hasn't seen him on IRC in a while.15:04
sivangHobbsee !15:04
Hobbseeheya sivang!15:04
sivangHobbsee: how you been, what are you doing on the launchpad channel ?15:05
Hobbseesivang: been at work, slowly going mad, and i tend to do support on here, or at least poke people in the right direction.15:05
sivangHobbsee: nice, where do you work now?15:05
Hobbseesivang: where i was before.  it's more maddening than before though15:06
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sivangHobbsee: in that supermarket ?15:06
* Hobbsee really dislikes unwritten rules that change at least once a week, often by different people, where one gets yelled at when one follows the old proceedures, or otherwise guesses what the heck they're supposed to be.15:06
Hobbseesivang: yeah15:06
sivangI read you now15:07
* sivang hugs Hobbsee 15:07
* Hobbsee hugs sivang15:07
* Hobbsee did not have her psychic cereal this morning.15:07
Hobbseesivang: you?15:08
sivangHobbsee: I'm mostly fine, getting back to myself slowly15:08
Hobbseenot been bombed to pieces, then.  good!15:09
sivangalmost :)15:11
sivangI was close15:11
sivangthe recent crisis was at least not war oriented :)15:12
sivangbut that's something for a private chat15:12
ubotuNew bug: #182315 in launchpad-bazaar ""Set team policy" is incorrect capitalization" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18231515:25
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ubotuNew bug: #182324 in malone "Exirable bug list contains private bugs" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18232416:06
* Hobbsee sighs16:07
LucidFoxCould someone rerun the inkblot build in Hardy?16:54
lamontdear launchpad.  as a buildd-admin, I want the ability to take a package that is 'Failed to Build', and move it to 'DepWait' with a dep-wait package name.  kthxbye17:20
geserlamont: what's the "fix" for "Failed to upload"? A retry of the build?17:27
lamontgeser: that was my thought... OTOH, infinity is the right one to ask that question of17:27
lamontand I need to run off to find my family before they shoot me, back later17:28
geserok, have fun17:28
ScottKlamont: They have to find you to shoot you, so finding is just a matter of waiting.17:29
lamontScottK: it's more of a 'find my family before them shooting me becomes a definite act'17:31
mptlamont, #launchpad functions poorly as a bug tracker.17:31
pochulamont: did you see bug 160439?17:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 160439 in launchpad-buildd "Some builds fail when they should depwait" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/160439 - Assigned to Adam Conrad (adconrad)17:31
lamontpochu: yeah.  even so, there are some build failures that only become depwaits after about 10 minutes of rooting through the cause of the failure.  Parsing the build log won't tell you the right answer17:33
lamontand at least some of what 160439 is probably pointing at aren't parsable either17:33
lamont(depends foo but foo will not be installed --> figure out what package build needs to happen to make it installable)17:34
lamontand really gone17:34
* lamont really needs mutlihat to show up, too.17:34
lamonton the bright side, I basically remember what I used to be able to do, and just stay away from all the new buttons... :-)17:35
UllnerHi. When can one expect a project's translation .pot file be reviewed? I submitted the .pot file for the dcplusplus project over a week ago and it hasn't been reviewed.17:52
Ullner(I couldn't find any info on the mailing list, FAQ or Question tracker.)17:54
LucidFoxUllner> Some of my .po's are waiting since October :(18:09
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UllnerLucidFox: Have you sent a mail or something? It seems weird that it'd take that amount of time to review.18:17
Ullner(The current file isn't even large; 108 lines, of which there are ~20 translations.)18:20
carlesoriolIt's comething wrong with launchpad?18:55
carlesoriolI'm trying to push for 30 minutes withous success18:55
ubotuNew bug: #182378 in malone "Adding project/distribution without bug watch shouldn't ask for confirmation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18237819:21
LaibschI see their is an svn and cvs import tool for "launchpad code".  Would it be possible to have one for monotone as well?20:44
LaibschHow is one supposed to search through the bugs in launchpad?20:44
LaibschEspecially when it is not clear in what project the bug might have been registered?20:44
mptLaibsch, we don't seem to have a bug reported asking for monotone support yet. Perhaps you'd like to report it? <https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+filebug>20:46
mptLaibsch, if you want to search through *all* the bugs reported in Launchpad, you can do that from <https://bugs.launchpad.net/>.20:47
Laibschmpt: OK, I will20:47
Laibschmpt: RFE done20:55
ubotuNew bug: #182396 in launchpad-bazaar "integration with monotone" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18239621:00
ubotuNew bug: #182397 in soyuz "endless registration loop to try and get CDs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18239721:10
Laibschmpt: Do you know of a way to search for my bugs (I reported or commented) that have the word partition anywhere, regardless of status (open, closed)21:32
Laibschmpt: launchpad search still sucks21:34
LaibschI finally found the bug I was trying to locate21:34
Laibschbug 13923021:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 139230 in sysvinit "/var is mounted too late during the init sequence" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139230 - Assigned to Scott James Remnant (keybuk)21:34
LaibschClearly has both words var and partition all over the place but took me forever and the help of google to locate21:35
affluxLaibsch: it took me 3 seconds using launchpad search21:35
affluxdidn't even need to use the advanced form21:35
affluxokay, for closed bugs you need the advanced21:36
Laibschafflux: OK, maybe I am dumb or not affluent enough with launchpad or both21:36
Laibschwhat did you use for searching?21:36
Laibschmy first complaint about launchpad search is for example accessability21:37
affluxLaibsch: just go to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~r0lf/, click advanced search, check all statuses, enter "partition" in the search form, click "search"21:37
LaibschOftentimes when I thought I was using bug search I was really in project search mode21:37
affluxoh, that should be https://bugs.launchpad.net/~r0lf/21:38
Laibschafflux: I will try in a minute21:38
LaibschLet's assume now you did not know, I had commented on that bug21:38
LaibschOr assume in fact I never did21:38
LaibschHow do you find the bug with the words var and partition21:38
LaibschWithout google21:39
affluxthen you'd go to bugs.launchpad.net, enter "var partition" (without quotes of course), click search, click advanced search if you want to see all states21:40
affluxnote that var doesn't seem to match /var.21:41
Laibschwell, neither of these two result sets includes 139230 when I look!21:41
affluxoh, it should21:42
affluxerr, it should match, i mean21:42
Laibschbut it does not21:42
Laibschnot when I look21:42
Laibschafflux: Did you actually try when making your 2 second claim?21:42
affluxwhich second?21:43
Laibschoh, it was a 3 second claim21:43
Laibsch(22:35:33) afflux: Laibsch: it took me 3 seconds using launchpad search21:43
affluxah, that one21:43
Laibschso, you actually tried?21:44
Laibschwhen making that claim21:44
affluxi think so, but I may have mixed up with your other bug in sysvinit21:44
affluxyes, I have.21:44
affluxI'm not a launchpad expert, but it could be that the search only searches in the initial report, not the comments.21:45
Laibschafflux: http://tinyurl.com/ywjqnu is the result I get21:46
LaibschOK, I guess I convinced you, then.21:46
affluxLaibsch: as I said, i mixed the bug you actually searched up with the wishlist one in sysvinit for the swapfiles21:47
LaibschIOW, the bug 139230, although it should be returned, is nowhere to be found21:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 139230 in sysvinit "/var is mounted too late during the init sequence" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139230 - Assigned to Scott James Remnant (keybuk)21:50
Laibschgoogle turns it up quickly21:51
Laibsch-> launchpad search sucks21:51
Laibschsince it cannot even do something so trivial and essential21:51
Laibschdon't mean to step on anyone's toes21:51
Laibschbut it *severely* limits launchpad's functionality despite the wealth of data it has21:52
ubotuNew bug: #182407 in malone "launchpad search functionality sucks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18240722:05
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
SteveALaibsch: we'll be improving the search a lot over the coming few months23:40
SteveALaibsch: I know it's a problem sometimes23:40
LaibschSteveA: That would be great23:41
LaibschAlas, I believe I was told the same thing about a year ago23:41
SteveAwe like to give you lots of notice :-)23:41
SteveAactually, this time, we have people allocated to work on it, who have agreed to a deadline etc.23:42
SteveAso, I'm very confident about this23:42
Laibschwell, would be nice indeed23:42
Laibschthanks for letting me know23:42
SteveAwell, thanks for talking about it here, where we can see what you're finding useful and what you're finding frustrating23:43
Ubulettehm, i've pushed a package to my ppa 4+ hours ago, it's still not visible in the queue (I didn't get a reject either)23:48
FujitsuUbulette: Did you get any kind of email from Launchpad about it?23:49
FujitsuUbulette: Are you sure it was signed by a key that Launchpad knows about?23:50
FujitsuIt didn't have anything silly in the control file, such as an obfuscated email address in either the Maintainer or Changed-By fields?23:51
FujitsuYou'll have to poke somebody with access to the processing logs, then :(23:52
Ubulettelooking at ppa builders logs, nothing has been built in the last 24h23:55
Ubuletteoh, everything just started :)23:56

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