
phincrashed again00:00
nekostarstill pretty broken eh00:00
phinits just a video crash00:01
nekostarany thoughts on 64 vs 32 bit on this encarnation of buntu?00:01
phini wonder if it has anything to do with compiz00:01
phinno clue, im still in a 32bit world00:01
pwnguinmy laptop only does 32bit00:01
pwnguinand i dont run 64 on the athlon00:01
phinim actually about to pinmod mine00:01
phinpinmod my laptop00:01
phinits a dell b120, runs at 400mhz fsb, a pinmod puts it at 53300:02
phinsupposed to be much faster00:02
pwnguini dont think you can magically wire pins and suddenly find a 64bit buss00:02
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telexiconUbuntu Hardy still doesn't support wireless on macbooks? (atheros)00:44
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pwnguintelexicon: do other distros00:46
telexiconI don't know, its supported in the head version of madwifi00:47
telexiconer trunk00:47
pwnguinwhat was wrong with old madwifi?00:47
pwnguinim using madwifi in gutsy right now00:48
telexiconthe wireless card doesn't work on the macbook00:48
telexiconunless you use a new madwifi00:48
telexiconi was wondering why that isnt in hardy yet00:48
telexiconit would help with asus eeepcs too00:48
pwnguingood question00:49
pwnguinthere's no real people driving laptop development00:49
pwnguinis bug #122703 what you're talkin bout?00:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 122703 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "Upgrade Atheros drivers to snapshot/trunk to support AR5008" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12270300:49
pwnguinit seems like it'll be fixed soon enough00:50
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pwnguintelexicon: have you updated everything to the latest in hardy?00:54
RyanPriorI'm most of the way through an upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy and I'm stuck on the very end of the installation step, after it says "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place"01:07
`MatirRyanPrior, that often takes a few minutes01:07
RyanPrior`Matir: there were errors and Apport came up and had me file a few bug reports.01:08
`MatirRyanPrior, ah01:09
RyanPrior`Matir: Hmm, now it went on to the Cleaning Up step.01:09
lenniewhen my hardy login,it prompt "language en_US does not exists,use system default"01:23
ryanpghi all... testing ubuntu hardy on a toshiba a215, I find that I can plug/unplug a usb flash drive repeatedly without trouble, however mice and my sound card are not detected when plugged in01:26
ryanpgdmesg makes no note of the usb device being plugged in01:26
ryanpgor removed01:26
ryanpghowever, if the mouse is plugged in when the laptop is turned on, dmesg reports it and the system finds it01:27
ryanpgwhere do you recommend I start investigating this? udev? dbus? the kernel?01:27
ryanpgheh, though I just noticed that pulling the drive (after umounted) crashes nautilus too01:31
ryanpghrm... actually gnome-panel is what crashed01:31
SeveredCrossDoes anyone know about any breakage in Bluetooth stuff?01:35
SeveredCrossI don't seem to get pairing dialogs anymore.01:35
ryanpgI'm going to try a different kernel, I'll be back if that doesn't work01:36
vecnaI need help with nvidia driver on hardy heron02:01
vecnacan someone help me please?02:02
telexiconpwnguin, yea02:05
telexiconpwnguin, well im going to do fill out a bunch of the laptop testing wiki pages and file bug reports for hardy now02:05
telexiconpwnguin, because this needs to get done.. theres no excuse.. it just needs to work02:05
telexiconespecially since this is an LTS release02:06
vecnaI got a broken nvidia-glx package02:06
vecnathat I can't reinstall or purge02:06
vecna Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules//libglx.so :x02:20
vecnahi again02:20
vecnawell i got the driver working again but I can't load glx02:20
articpenguin3800i cant get hp linux to get my printer to print02:26
articpenguin3800it detects it and installs the driver02:26
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pwnguintelexicon: well I'm glad you've decided to participate. just remember that it's still under testing as a whole, and ubuntu processes control a very small sliver of open source development. it may be that even madwifi feels the code is not ready for stable support. in any case, if it's not fixed by a certain deadline, you should probably bring it up as an Exception02:44
telexiconan Exception?02:45
pwnguindepends on the deadline02:45
pwnguinthere are freezes of various types02:45
pwnguinnew version freeze, etc02:45
pwnguinafter which point, more developer attention must be applied to ensure that updates don't break things02:46
pwnguinin truth, it may be easier to get things accomplished after the freeze, when you can get more developer's attention about serious bugs02:47
pwnguinin the case of madwifi, there is a couple developers who've taken interest02:48
telexiconi noticed a few regressions on my latitude (compared to gutsy).. especially with the ati xorg driver02:48
pwnguinwell, testing is testing ;)02:48
telexiconsuspend no longer works, and there are graphical bugs when displaying photos02:48
telexiconhalf of the picture is black02:48
javatexanalsa says i have to install alsa 1.0.15rc3 to get my mobo to work....how do I do that...its not in synaptic and I cant find it with apt-get either03:02
javatexanis there going to be a package released for it soon?03:03
javatexani hate to compile the new one and loose the ability to get updates via synaptic/updater03:03
keithI'm a little confused about the X11 configuration on hardy...  I am trying to install the accelerated ATI drivers, but when I go to edit my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, the Monitor, Device, and Screen sections of the file are all empty... how is the xserver running with an empty xorg.conf file?03:04
andre_plwhere did the restricted driver manager go? i can't enabled desktop effects, I'm assuming because its not using the nvidia driver, but I can't see anywhere to configure it with this new xorg.03:27
`Matiris FF3 beta 2 in the hardy repos?03:37
crimsunhas been for some time03:37
`MatirI just upgraded a gutsy box and FF still shows as FF203:38
crimsunthe package name is not firefox.03:38
crimsunit's firefox-3.003:38
nekostaris there a way to wrap multiple isos onto a single disk?03:39
nekostaradd another layer thats just an option to boot which iso?03:39
`Matircool, thanks, crimsun03:39
* nekostar pokes crimsun 03:42
nekostarhey u usually know lots of stuff lol03:42
pwnguinnekostar: probably, but i dont think anyone has written it03:44
nekostarresearching some stuff03:44
nekostarseems there are at least a few windows utils03:44
nekostari grabbed all the isos for alpha303:44
nekostarand was thinking in the future of creating a custom [all of em] in one type solution03:45
nekostarthis way could include 32/64 bit normal/server/alternates for each flavor03:45
nekostarwould burn into one dvd and could come in REAL handy03:45
nekostarwith broken links but now i got somewhere to follow up on ;)03:48
nekostarif this works would be perfect - and i think we should have an official version or whatnot opon release03:49
RyanPriorAccording to the Ubuntu alpha 3 page, the latest Hardy alpha should have Firefox 3 installed. I've just upgraded to Alpha 3 but it seems that Firefox 2 is still default. Where do I find firefox 3?03:49
nekostarbittorrent only perhaps03:49
nekostar<crimsun> the package name is not firefox.03:49
nekostar<crimsun> it's firefox-3.003:49
RyanPrior But is it installed by default, or just available?03:50
nekostarRyanPrior i dont know03:51
nekostari'm about to install - are you on 32 or 64 bit?03:51
nekostarand e/k/ubuntu?03:52
RyanPriorI'm on 32-bit. My computer is terrible, though. Hardy is very broken on it, but Gutsy was too. I use both Ubuntu and Xubuntu.03:52
RyanPriorThe last good release for me was Dapper. Everything since then has been one regression after another. Hardy is a step in the right direction, though. Sound finally works.03:52
nekostarwhat hardware do you have?03:53
RyanPriorToshiba Satellite A105-S laptop03:53
crimsunah, poor thing.03:53
nekostarwhats the numbers with that?03:53
nekostar2747 or whatnot03:53
crimsunYou suffer from one of those craptastic Realtek HDA codecs.03:53
RyanPriorcrimsun: You bet. :-)03:53
nekostarooooo btw03:54
RyanPriorPheonix BIOS is a bucket of laughs too.03:54
nekostargrabbing that and doing pinmod on my e216003:54
nekostarplanning to get around 50% overclock on stock heatsync03:54
nekostarand back to your notebook03:55
nekostari wouldnt say its horried03:55
nekostarhorrid even03:55
nekostarwhat cpu do you have?03:55
nekostarand what video03:55
RyanPriorI've been thinking about trying to build my own computer, but I'm also heavily considering getting a ZaReason laptop.03:55
andre_plis output hotplugging in Xorg supposed to be working now?03:55
RyanPriorI have a Celeron M CPU, I think. And an old ATI Mobility card -- very poor support by the latest 3D drivers.03:55
andre_plI dont think it really is.03:55
andre_plwell... maybe?03:56
nekostarwell first03:56
nekostari would say support a linux distrobuter if you can afford it03:57
nekostarwonderful thing to support03:57
nekostarand secondly i wouldnt worry about that hardware too much03:57
RyanPriorZaReason's prices are hardly unreasonable.03:57
nekostari mean they got compiz-fusion fully working on an eeepc03:57
nekostarand youve got MUCH better than a 700mhz arm cpu :P03:57
nekostaryou might wanna try doing something a bit lighter tho03:57
nekostartry killing trackerd and using xfce03:57
RyanPriornekostar: I already kill trackerd.03:58
RyanPriornekostar: I've got most of the services disabled. I start them when I need them.03:58
nekostarmy personal advice would be server install + generic - server kernel / + x-window-system + window manager + basic proggies03:58
nekostarshould get something flying fast that way03:58
RyanPriornekostar: If I wanted a super efficient desktop I wouldn't be using Ubuntu in the first place.03:59
UnNaturalHighRyanPrior, you might wanna try e17 from the elbuntu repositories03:59
RyanPriornekostar: I've used Arch linux to build light desktop systems, but it's too much config work for my tastes usually. Ubuntu is a little heavier, but it's less hassle.03:59
RyanPriorUnNaturalHigh: I'm not very comfortable with e17. My web development workflow is based on Gnome, and it's tough for me to get used to e17. I used the e17-debian distro for awhile.04:00
UnNaturalHighyou can make e17 nearly work almost the same as gnome04:01
nekostarRyanPrior also check puppy and dsl perhaps04:01
RyanPriorUnNaturalHigh: what would be the point then? A little bit faster system for how many hours of work and how much documentation to read through?04:01
nekostarRyanPrior actually that one's REALLY easy04:01
UnNaturalHighRyanPrior, if you mean clicking options in the control panel04:02
RyanPriornekostar: puppy and DSL are much too light for what I do. I use a lot of tools that those distros don't have.04:02
hydrogenthe difference between e17 and gnome is that gnome makes releases and still looks that bad :p04:02
nekostarjust get the gOS iso04:02
andre_plhas anyone been able to connect a 2nd display w/out restarting x?04:02
nekostarbuilt for those 200 dollar pc's at wallmart04:02
UnNaturalHighhydrogen, lol04:02
nekostarand actually work04:02
RyanPriorgOS is a toy, not suitable for dev work.04:02
nekostarandre_pl i have - i yhave nvidia card and use the nvidia-settings util04:02
andre_plor set up dual monitors at alll?04:02
nekostarRyanPrior its just a modded ubuntu04:02
nekostarandre_pl duals are easy04:02
nekostarwhat vid card bro04:02
nekostaroh wait04:02
RyanPriornekostar: right. modded to be more toylike.04:03
nekostarin hardy04:03
andre_plyeha :)04:03
nekostarRyanPrior thats just the interface04:03
andre_pli have it working fine in gutsy04:03
nekostarandre_pl gimme 40 min04:03
RyanPriornekostar: Right. I use the interface to get work done.04:03
nekostargotta burn and install iso ok?04:03
andre_pli want video-output hotplugging, dont want to restart X to hook up a tv or 2nd monitor. that's in 7.3 now right?04:03
UnNaturalHighRyanPrior, why don't you just try installing e17 with elbuntu/gos repositories and try rather then dissing it04:04
andre_plbrb restarting x.. for the 4th time. :)04:04
neztit1guys ubuntu works on pa-risk machine??04:53
neztit1guys again --guys ubuntu works on PA-RISK  machine??04:56
crimsunneztit1: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/7.10/release/ . Scroll down to the appropriate arch.04:59
crimsunneztit1: and for hardy, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/daily/current/ .  Same instructions.04:59
keithis it possible to install w32codecs under 8.04?  I cant find it in the repositories.05:10
DarkMageZkeith, it's safe to install the 7.10 version. since the contents are purely binary and aren't likely to change.05:17
keiththats what I thought... I added "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gusty universe multiverse" to my sources.list, but it cant add the 7.10 repository05:19
SeveredCrossgutsy not gusty. ^__^05:20
SeveredCrossThat's probably the issue you're having.05:20
keithlol... i think it might be time to get some sleep :P05:21
nekostarfound a bit of a guide...05:21
nekostarhopefully this will actually work lol05:21
nekostarmuilti-boot-install dvd here i come :>05:21
Some_PersonIs it true that Hardy will include a brand new theme?05:31
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silentis there a way to change the niceness of daemons/programs on startup?09:44
amikropHello. So, finaly in Hardy, will the famous "Blank ttys when using vesafb (vga=xxx)" bug will be fixed?11:04
amikrop* finally11:04
AnAntHello, what's kernel modesetting ?11:20
* Hobbsee suggests AnAnt becomes familiar with the pointy end of a google search.11:21
AnAntHobbsee: did that11:22
AnAntHobbsee: all I understand is that it has to do with framebuffer11:23
amikrop(I bet that guy read that in tha last email of the launchpad mailing list about the bug "Blank ttys when using vesafb (vga=xxx)".11:32
amikropThis is where I read that, too.11:32
amikrop* the11:32
ArelisWhere do i get pages that show me the new features of a "herd" or "tribe" or whatever it is now?11:35
Hobbseesee lists.ubuntu.com - ubuntu devel announce11:42
ArelisHobbsee: thank you :)11:43
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Wizardis hurdy available for powerpc ?13:45
elbermungsterseshow to enable hardy respitories in gusty?13:50
scizzo-elbermungsterses: you shouldn't run hardy if you even ask that question actually....13:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hurdy - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:51
scizzo-Wizard: hardy you mean13:51
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu13:51
scizzo-read the topic otherwise13:51
mykas0hi everyone14:09
MetaMorfoziShi all14:10
MetaMorfoziSi want to try hardy live cd14:10
mykas0I'm a computer science student and, for some reasons, I need to fully reinstall my Ubuntu - obviously, I'd want the latest version, and my concern is that this alpha may not allow me to upgrade to the next alphas, betas and final versions... how does that work?14:10
MetaMorfoziS(kubuntu, but this isn't matters at my space)14:11
MetaMorfoziSso after boot i only get blinking "_" cursor14:11
TheInfinitymykas0: just apt-get update && apt.-get upgrade14:11
MetaMorfoziSand nothing else, i have tried vga=771 noapic nolapic14:11
MetaMorfoziSany other idea?14:11
mykas0TheInfinity, but will that work?14:11
TheInfinitythe next aplha / beta / etc comes as regualar update14:11
TheInfinityit works like alpha versions always work14:11
TheInfinityif you have unluck your system breaks in parts or complete14:12
Ziroda1mykas0: I recommend you run 7.10 if you are unsure, 8.04 is no where stable yet14:12
TheInfinityyou need some skills if you want to test alpha versions14:12
TheInfinityZiroda1: "not stable" is a nice description ;)14:12
mykas0Ziroda1, I know, but as a computer science student, and i want it for testing purposes, too14:13
TheInfinityi test kubuntu alpha, and i already found lots of bugs ;)14:13
TheInfinitymykas0: never install a alpha as your main system14:13
TheInfinityif its just a test computer / test partition you can test it14:13
mykas0TheInfinity, virtual machine14:14
Ziroda1mykas0: how long have you ran linux for?14:14
TheInfinitymykas0: yes, i use VMs to test14:14
mykas0that's what I'll be doing, too14:14
mykas0you know... I used to run Ubuntu as my main OS, but unfortunately it doesn't have drivers for my usb modem14:14
TheInfinitymykas0: this is often not a problem of kubuntu version14:15
TheInfinitymore a problem of properitary drivers14:15
TheInfinityjust ask at #ubuntu14:15
mykas0I know, but last time that lead to a 3-day conversation, and ultimately I figured out that it was just way too hard14:16
mykas0my usb modem is part of the "random craptastic series"14:16
TheInfinitymykas0: google helps :)14:17
TheInfinityand experience in linux ...14:17
mykas0TheInfinity, yep, but I asked it in the ubuntu channel around and in the boards14:18
mykas0well, thanks for everything!14:28
TheInfinityis there a problem with OOo atm?14:31
TheInfinityor should i report this as bug?14:31
Hobbseesure, it's big and unweildy.14:35
Oli``How do I find out what depends on a package? both update-manager and apt are crashing out when installing updates on libflickrnet2.1.5-cil14:39
selckinman aptitude14:39
HobbseeOli``: apt-cache rdepends foo, iirc14:46
volkI can't get my usb mouse to work after upgrading to hardy :S14:50
volkit does get detected by the kernel, but I cannot use it14:50
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sn0setting up gnome-power-manager 2.21.1-0ubuntu1 Installing new version of config file /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-power-manager.desktop is taking an age today :I 15minutes and still accessing hd15:16
sn0there we go, bug 182130 still happening i see15:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 182130 in libflickrnet "package libflickrnet2.1.5-cil 25277-5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18213015:20
sn0Oli`` you might want to check that bug ^ :)15:22
swx_Hello all15:54
swx_I have problem with AINOS overcloking options of my ASUS board, I think it speed up ubuntu/system clock, is it possible ? thks15:55
mrtimdogAnyone know how to send a Sun STOP-A from a standard keyboard from cu?15:56
PriceChildswx_, undo the changes and see if things are fixed?16:22
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Oli``sn0: thanks, that looks about right. I don't know why you would, but I don't suppose you know how long something like that would take to fix? It says there's a committed fix but it doesn't seem to have filtered into the repos yet16:33
sn0no idea sorry Oli`` , soon i would suspect :)16:36
Oli``fair enough sn0 - thanks for kicking me in the correct direction16:36
sn0your welcome :)16:36
sn0as you have posted on the bug link, you should get updates when anything new is added / commented about16:37
sn0going shopping, cya16:37
swx_PriceChild: Yes I tried and now my clock seems to be synch16:42
swx_PriceChild: do you really think its not my imagination?16:42
PriceChildswx_, overclocking is dangerous and can cause random problems16:43
swx_PriceChild: I was aware of that, but I thought that my board jumper free options were safe16:43
swx_meybe it is for M$ and not for nix systems16:44
PriceChildswx_, overclocking is overclocking16:44
swx_ok thks for the hint ;)16:44
PriceChildswx_, if you are trying to increase the performance of your hardware past is rating... then there will normally be consequences16:45
swx_PriceChild: so theres no way for me to oclock my board ? I dont really need it but I am very curious.. overcloacking a cpu can lead to this type of problem ?16:47
swx_maybe others components of the board were overcloaked too16:49
Oli``swx_ & PriceChild: Re: "overclocking is overclocking"; ASUS provide overclocking tools that work under Windows to enable dynamic overclocking. I'm not sure if they provide Linux alternatives, but this is something to ask ASUS for, not Ubuntu so much16:57
PriceChildOli``, true16:57
PriceChildswx_, components are rated to a certain performance16:58
PriceChildswx_, the overclocking software will give you warnings that it is dangerous and can damage your hardware.16:58
pvandewyngaerdehow do i install virtualbox on hardy ?16:59
Oli``swx_: you have the option of setting the clock speeds under the BIOS but I fully agree with you, as another ASUS user and overclocker that ASUS should make an equivilent Linux tool16:59
swx_I would find it dangerous to play with these settings manually17:00
swx_but I will ask this question to an asus tech17:00
swx_thks for your support Oli``17:01
Oli``swx_: Well if you don't know exactly what you're doing (and I mean no offence intended toward you), you probably shouldn't be playing around with the clock speeds. Things can go pretty bad if you push it too far and you *can* do that using their "automated" tools17:01
swx_at this time I did try some very tiny oclock... like 10 of 15 % iin heavy load time17:02
swx_with the automatic tool..17:03
swx_but as I saw it cause me more problems than it gices benefit, my system is pretty fast with ubuntu... so I think Ill let it go.. :)17:03
sn0pvandewyngaerde as there are no pre-built packages yet, you could compile the OSE source of virtualbox, their website includes instructions.17:08
sn0hrm ignore that, there is virtualbox-ose in universe :) try that17:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 156210 in virtualbox-ose "Please sync virtualbox-ose 1.5.4-dfsg-1 from debian unstable" [Wishlist,Triaged]17:09
pvandewyngaerdelibicu38 [3.8-5 (hardy, now)]17:09
pvandewyngaerdelibxalan110 [1.10-3.1 (hardy, now)]17:09
pvandewyngaerdelibxerces27 [2.7.0-5 (hardy, now)]17:09
pvandewyngaerdevirtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.22-14-generic [6 (hardy, now)]17:09
mrtimdogI'm just installing HH via net onto sparc 64 (a Netra X1)... painful at 9600 baud, but it is a little old!17:10
infinitycircuitmrtimdog: wow you have a great deal of patience17:10
infinitycircuitmrtimdog: if you want to really kill yourself you can try testing the new port of openbsd on that machine17:11
mrtimdogAh, sorry, bit misleading! The tty is at 9600 baud, net is broadband :)17:11
infinitycircuitmrtimdog: ah yes well i remember the days of 200 baud modens17:11
infinitycircuitso that brought me back to that17:11
mrtimdogI used to use FreeBSD. I may do sometime!17:11
mrtimdogThat's odd. You can't configure LVM using manual partitioning on the install, but it's offered for guided partitioning? I'm sure you used to be able to?17:16
mrtimdogFor guided partitioning during install, as well as offering a "Guided - use entire disk and set up LVM", an offer of "Guided - use all disks and set up LVM" may be an idea?17:20
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mrtimdogDamn, failed to install my sparc server :( ... SILO install failed but I can't tell why.18:19
MenZaAm I the only one having issues with dist-upgrading in Hardy? I'm getting some “unresolvable dependency issues” with openoffice.org-l10n-en-za and -gb19:03
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RyanPriorTotem won't play sound for me.20:44
RyanPriorIt comes up with an error message. Rhythmbox, however, plays sound just fine.20:44
atoponcewill hardy have the tickless kernel for x86_64? i know it's not in gutsy right now...21:03
atoponcegood to know21:04
RyanPriorHow does ALSA differ from PulseAudio?21:39
Oli``Hi I upgraded to hardy from gutsy and now all my video players have dodgy hue (I need to set the hue to 0 in each player for normal playback)21:45
awalton__RyanPrior, PA is a sound server, ALSA is a hardware driver architecture.21:46
awalton__PA sends sound to ALSA (or OSS, or a network feed) for playback21:47
RyanPriorawalton__: Thanks.21:48
RoC_MasterMindHow do I upgrade my Ubuntu server to hardy alpha?21:59
affluxRoC_MasterMind: try: sudo do-release-upgrade -d22:02
AyabaraIf I accept the occasional bump in the road, is Hardy in such a state that I can use it on a daily basis (I've read the topic) :-)22:02
affluxAyabara: it is working for me quite well, but it can break anytime.22:03
telexicontheres some broken stuff in apt right now22:03
telexiconsome mono package22:03
Ayabaraafflux: I'm aware of that, so I'm trying to figure out a strategy :-). Currently I have only Gutsy installed on my system.22:04
affluxgnome keyboard shortcuts aren't working for me.22:04
cdm10displayconfig-gtk appears badly broken in Hardy...22:27
cdm10anyone else noticing this?22:27
affluxwhat's actually broken?22:28
cdm10afflux: well, i'll upload a screenshot22:28
cdm10hold on, i have to start the vm to do it22:28
affluxno hurry22:28
picard_pwns_kirkhow can I enable the edge scrolling for my touchpad?22:28
picard_pwns_kirkI sorta can't edit the xorg.conf file, since there isn't one22:29
pwnguini think if you go to system preferences mouse22:29
cdm10i don't think that has touchpad settings22:30
cdm10try installing the "gsynaptics" package22:30
picard_pwns_kirkcdm10: now what?22:31
cdm10picard_pwns_kirk: run it22:31
picard_pwns_kirkGSynaptics couldn't initialize.22:32
picard_pwns_kirkYou have to set 'SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf or XF86Config to use GSynaptics22:32
cdm10picard_pwns_kirk: oh...22:32
picard_pwns_kirktell me, why did the xorg devels remove xorg.conf?22:32
cdm10I think you can create one to set custom settings22:33
affluxmine isn't removed.22:33
crimsunyou absolutely may create a custom one.22:33
affluxokay, that might be the point ;)22:33
cdm10Heh, I actually have one22:33
cdm10no idea why22:33
picard_pwns_kirkI did a fresh install22:33
picard_pwns_kirkso I don't have one22:34
cdm10i did a fresh install22:34
cdm10and i have one22:34
cdm10hmm, maybe displayconfig-gtk created it22:34
cdm10perhaps it hasn't been updated yet22:34
affluxcrimsun: it looks like we have several bugs about non-existant 'xorg.conf's (e.g. bug 174819). So it is intended that xorg.conf doesn't exist? How should those bugs be handled?22:36
ubotuBug 174819 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/174819 is private22:36
cdm10afflux: screenshot: http://www.uploadgeek.com/uploads456/43/Screenshot.png22:36
cdm10all the dropdowns are empty22:37
cdm10as is the ListView on the left22:37
cdm10also, are they planning on updating the rest of the administration programs to use PolicyKit?22:37
affluxcdm10: I think mine looked similar when I hat no xorg.conf22:38
crimsunafflux: that particular bug is fine22:39
crimsun(no additional triage necessary)22:39
cdm10afflux: well, i assume they're going to make displayconfig-gtk work with this new xorg.conf-less X system...22:39
crimsuncdm10: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/PolicyKitIntegration22:40
cdm10I also have a question about PulseAudio22:41
crimsunask away.22:41
cdm10...where is it?22:41
cdm10I can't find the pulseaudio settings anywhere in hardy.22:41
cdm10Is it not set up by default?22:41
crimsunif you installed Alpha 2 or newer fresh, then you have it enabled by default.22:42
cdm10crimsun: I have Alpha 3 fresh22:42
crimsunright, so it's enabled by default properly.22:42
crimsunwhat are you looking for?22:42
cdm10crimsun: alright, how can i get to the settings?22:42
crimsunwhat settings?22:42
cdm10Isn't there some UI that lets me set up network sharing and stuff?22:42
cdm10And set which soundcards to use for which sources...22:42
crimsunsure.  Install the padevchooser package.22:42
cdm10ah, ok22:43
cdm10so, that stuff isn't going to be set up by default22:43
cdm10got it22:43
crimsunit's not currently installed by default, because it has not been established that it can be configured well [by default] without headaches.22:43
cdm10crimsun: ok. Will Gutsy upgrades to Hardy final have PulseAudio set up properly?22:44
crimsunwe've got it working well in ESounD-emulation, which is the intent.22:44
cdm10what's the point of running PulseAudio in ESD emulation mode if the other PulseAudio features aren't going to be enabled?22:44
Tomcat_One guess would be so you can have a slow migration to PA. :)22:45
cdm10Makes sense :)22:45
crimsuncdm10: I don't recall saying they _aren't_ going to be enabled.22:45
cdm10I guess I don't think like a distro maintainer.22:45
cdm10crimsun: you said that only fresh installs of Alpha 2/3 have it enabled by default... will upgrades from Gutsy to Hardy final have it set up properly?22:46
crimsuncdm10: it depends on the state of the gutsy system.22:46
cdm10crimsun: what do you mean by that?22:46
crimsunobviously it will be much more hairy to handle customised PA installs on gutsy and have them migrate cleanly to hardy.22:46
cdm10ah, ok22:47
cdm10but assuming I haven't messed with my sound system...22:47
crimsunif, however, one has a standard gutsy system without PA installed (and using "nearly" the default Ubuntu settings), then yes, one will have a fairly painless migration to a PA-enabled hardy.22:47
crimsunit's a real coverage pain, heh.  We have to test 5.10, 6.06, 6.10, 7.04, and 7.10 dist-upgrades.22:48
cdm10crimsun: why, though? I thought the only supported upgrade path was gutsy --> hardy?22:49
cdm10Oh, 'cause it's an LTS, right?22:49
crimsunyes, because someone will still be upgrading from 5.1022:49
crimsunit's not supported, but dist-upgrading to a supported release is still there.22:49
crimsunmy next task is figuring out what to do with all these friggin utilities' .desktop entries.22:50
cdm10crimsun: which?22:51
crimsunit really doesn't make any sense to have menu entries for all of padevchooser, paman, pavucontrol, and pavumeter.22:51
cdm10yeah, it's a bit of a mess22:51
cdm10btw, i noticed a bug when i installed hardy, a few of the Administration tools that were switched to PolicyKit still called gksudo in the .desktop file, which broke them22:51
crimsunon the other hand, I can't assume that everyone is going to willy-nilly install padevchooser, though that's what I would likely recommend.22:52
crimsuncdm10: yes, that migration is on-going.  Please file bugs as you encounter them, thanks!22:52
cdm10alright :)22:52
cdm10as for the pa stuff, i think they should be moved out of Sound and Video22:52
cdm10it seems like something that belongs in System somewhere22:52
crimsundoes a volume control applet belong in the System>Preferences menu, though?  I deem not.22:53
crimsunand - it seems overkill to place the functionality of a volume control applet in the existing PulseAudio Preferences dialog.22:54
cdm10crimsun: all of the pa tools appear in the context menu of the notification applet, so what about getting rid of everything except some sort of option as to whether or not to display that applet?22:54
crimsuncdm10: one approach I've considered is to hide all the icons (similar to what's done for eog) except for padevchooser's22:55
crimsunMartin is pretty set on not cluttering the tray with an additional sound icon by default, and I agree.22:56
cdm10crimsun: well, perhaps by hardy+1, there will be time to work on the UI and perhaps unify the audio configuration a bit more... integrate PA stuff into the volume controls and notification applets, for instance.22:57
crimsunthere are some disadvantages, however, to hiding the icons for all save padevchooser's.22:57
pwnguinso what is the situation with policykit?22:57
crimsune.g., apt-get install pavucontrol  ->  "uh, where's the menu entry?!"22:57
crimsunpwnguin: please clarify22:57
pwnguindoes this mean pam is gone?22:57
crimsunpwnguin: absolutely not.  It means we skip libpam-foreground.22:58
crimsun(PK is not a wholescale replacement for PAM.)22:58
cdm10crimsun: i think PA just has too many tools :)22:58
crimsuncdm10: I think it was designed for "power users" - like ALSA - and exploded.22:59
crimsunALSA, of course, is another bag of beans altogether, and I'll save that one for another time.22:59
cdm10crimsun: I'm not a fan of their GUIs... I think that some of the functionality offered by PA could be useful for non-power-users, but to get that functionality, you have to install the confusing power-user GUI.23:00
crimsuncdm10: agreed, and there're plans to address that, probably by Red Hat.23:00
cdm10crimsun: Red Hat did the system-config-* stuff, right?23:01
crimsunpersonally, there are other issues, too.  I need to ensure that OSS, OSS/Free, and ALSA are swappable.23:01
crimsuncdm10: yes23:01
cdm10crimsun: btw, are there any plans for making filesharing a little easier in hardy?23:01
cdm10as in, networked file servers23:01
crimsuncdm10: I don't know offhand; please see the approved specs for hardy.23:02
cdm10crimsun: where can i find a list of the approved ones?23:02
crimsuncdm10: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/23:03
crimsunthe Design column will list "Approved"23:03
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mrtimdogI've just got a 'kernel BUG at include/linux/netdevice.h:405!' message in syslog when trying to setup the machine as a wireless router.23:37

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