
asac[reed]: ok we will try the default opt flags for next upload - committed .head00:03
[reed]you just did --enable-optimize ?00:03
asacmore or less00:06
asac--enable-optimize and -g in C/CXXFLAGS00:07
fellaciousasac: same crash00:09
asacUbulette: you don't ship the patches dir for xulbrowser target in mozilla-devscripts?00:10
asacUbulette: http://paste.ubuntu.com/3494/00:11
asacfellacious: still during startup?00:12
Ubuletteit was a bug. fixed in bzr00:13
asacis bin in?00:13
fellaciousbasically, when it tries to start with my default profile, it crashes, in the same way that it crashes when it tries to import my bookmarks.html.  i'm assuming that the problem is with my bookmarks.html file.  you can download that from if you want.  i'm currently looking at nsPlacesImportExportService.cpp00:14
asacapparently not00:14
asacfellacious: try to test whether PreviousFrame() is nsnull ... if so, try to omit what it does in that line00:15
Ubuletteasac, grab the deb from my ppa, it works fine00:15
asacfix confirmed00:17
fellacious(gdb) x PreviousFrame00:17
fellaciousCannot take address of method PreviousFrame.00:17
fellacious(gdb) print PreviousFrame()00:20
fellaciousCannot evaluate function -- may be inlined00:20
asaci just suspect that its null00:33
fellaciousya, me too00:33
fellacious  BookmarkImportFrame& PreviousFrame()00:33
fellacious  {00:33
fellacious    NS_ASSERTION(mFrames.Length() > 1, "Asking for frame when there are not enough!");00:33
fellacious    return mFrames[mFrames.Length() - 2];00:33
fellacious  }00:33
fellacious(gdb) print mFrames00:34
fellacious$2 = {<nsTArray_base> = {static sEmptyHdr = {mLength = 0, mCapacity = 0,  mIsAutoArray = 0}, mHdr = 0x2aaaac503080}, <No data fields>}00:34
asacso the NS_ASSERTION hits here and probably returns something bad00:36
asacyou should be able to see that message in a debug build00:36
asacfellacious: if you still have the build tree you can just respin without the need to wait too long by using00:41
asacdpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -nc00:41
asacthat won't do a clean ... just an incremental build00:41
asac... so keep your tree around :)00:41
fellaciousya, i still have the trees00:41
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Ubulettebug 18222712:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 182227 in firefox-3.0 "external javascript files cause page to fail to render" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18222712:09
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pochuDoes anyone know whether it's possible to have greasemonkey with FF3?19:51
fellaciousok, i have a regression in ubuntu's firefox 3 from mozilla's20:55
Ubuletteasac, bz233371_att296135_fix_outofscreen_embed_tooltip.patch no longer applies because of mozilla bug 408823.21:05
ubotuMozilla bug 408823 in Embedding: GTK Widget "Killing GTK1, deprecated glib uses" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40882321:05
Ubuletteasac, http://mxr.mozilla.org/firefox/source/embedding/browser/gtk/src/EmbedWindow.cpp#40921:05
Ubulette[reed], any idea which one to keep ?21:07
Ubulettemozilla bug 23337121:07
ubotuMozilla bug 233371 in Embedding: GTK Widget "Long tooltips should wrap instead of being cropped in gtkmozembed" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23337121:07
fellaciousin ubuntu's firefox 3, the bookmarks.html on https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=412044 crashes places; in mozilla's, it doesn't.21:08
ubotuMozilla bug 412044 in Places "crash on import of bookmarks.html into places" [Critical,Resolved: invalid]21:08
fellaciousso... maybe its time to import some more current sources21:09
[reed]Ubulette: ?22:21
[reed]what do you mean?22:21
Ubulettewell, the 2 bugs seem to be going in different directions22:21
Ubulettewith gtk_window_set_resizable()22:22
[reed]bring it up in the bug?22:22
[reed]I dunno...22:22
Ubulettewell, asac updated 233371, you committed 408823 ;)22:23
Ubulette[reed], is this invalid ? http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/tmp/firefox-3-js-issue.html22:35
[reed]not sure22:37
[reed]file a bug in bugzilla and see :)22:37
Ubuletteit works in ff2 / sm1, but not in ff3 / sm222:39
[reed]then file it as a bug22:41
Ubulettewhich component ?22:44
[reed]Core :: General for now22:44
Ubulettemozilla bug 41211422:48
ubotuMozilla bug 412114 in General "external javascript files cause page to fail to render" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41211422:48
[reed]Ubulette: mozilla bug 41211423:11
ubotuMozilla bug 412114 in General "external javascript files cause page to fail to render" [Normal,Resolved: wontfix] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41211423:11
[reed]there's your answer :)23:11
Ubulettei expected something like that.23:12
[reed]it's the right answer23:12
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Ubulettehmm, my ff3 is once again frozen. I wasn't doing anything special23:32

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