
SportChickhi PriceChild ikonia00:00
LjLthe f00:14
LjLhe wasn't banned from #k00:14
LjLnjan, haven't we had enough of this one?00:14
njanLjL, what's the problem?00:14
LjLnjan: always bedpan/romney. pasted the same stuff as you probably know in #kubuntu (not just the link - the whole thing).00:15
njanLjL, how recently?00:15
LjLnjan: 00:13:51 UTC00:15
LjLi banned him at 00:14:0100:16
PriceChildLjL, did he get #ubuntu?00:16
LjLPriceChild: no, he's banforwarded from there to here... it's LinuxBoi00:16
LjLaka romney aka etc00:16
PriceChildAh thankyou.00:17
njanLjL, ty00:17
LjLnjan: he's probably about to do it in #lisp00:18
njanyeah, I'm in #lisp00:18
njanI notice he's joined #xubuntu - has he said anything in ther eyet?00:18
LjLah yes so you are.00:18
LjLi'm not in #x00:18
PriceChildbut he just stopped...00:19
LjLPriceChild: he waits for someone to actually ask him about it.00:20
LjLdoing the same in #lisp00:20
PriceChildah ok00:20
njanHe won't be a problem any more. :)00:20
PriceChildThere he goes.00:20
PriceChildThanks njan.00:20
Seveason the K train?00:20
njanSeveas, that's the one.00:21
PriceChildLjL, get yourself on access for #xubuntu?00:21
Seveaschoo choo!00:21
LjLPriceChild: honestly i haven't joined in ages00:21
PriceChildSeveas, you need to get one of those train-driver hats00:21
njanI'll leave you folks to it; shout if he comes back, please ;)00:21
PriceChildblue, with the stripes00:21
SeveasPriceChild, I only have the whistle :)00:21
LjLnjan: i will. though he's kept that .mx address for quite a while00:21
ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, jdh6403 said: ubotu is the only bot welcome here   and he is all muscular and tan and admired00:28
PriceChildI think someone is getting a little too attached...00:29
LjLubotu, part #ubuntu-offtopic00:30
PriceChildSeveas, has ubotu's deleted factoids been cleared out properly?00:33
Seveasa while ago00:33
Seveassqlite> select count(*) from facts where value like '<deleted>';00:34
Seveassqlite> select count(*) from facts where value like '<deleted>%';00:34
PriceChildHehe I like mneptok's super secret download link00:37
* PriceChild naively wonders if it points anywhere00:37
Seveasit does00:37
Seveasthere's a recursive symlink in there00:38
PriceChildhehe yup00:38
PriceChildhaha at mez's autoreply factoid addition00:39
PriceChild2062|this|Mez!n=mez@ubuntu/member/mez|<deleted>an autoreply: I am currently not available. Please leave your message, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.00:40
Mezdon't even remember that00:40
PriceChildMez, because your autoreply did it whilst you were away?00:40
Mezprobably I set myself away and sent stuff to ubotu - or something00:41
Seveastsk tsk00:42
Seveasnasty boy mez00:42
PriceChildHey Kouen, how can I help?01:19
Kouensorry i am back01:37
Koueni just entered to ubuntu channel and mirc says that i was unable to enter the channel ... address is banned01:37
Kouenbut how can it be if it is my first time that i enter this server?01:37
LjLKouen, i suggest you change your "real name" to either reflect your real name, or at least to use clean language01:40
Kouensorry... ops... it was by that??01:41
Kouenok thanks01:43
ubotuIn ubotu, dontpanic0 said: what is ubuntu01:50
PriceChilddontpanic0, no need to apologise or w/e, we get that all the time. /msg ubotu bot01:52
=== jpatrick_ is now known as jpatrick
crdlbheh @ the floodbots03:36
ubotuDrDerek called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (sorush23)06:24
elkbuntuum... 'poo', 'fart'? do we have an 8yrold troll?06:25
Madpilotobserve the /topic in -offtopic. sorush appears to be extra confused today.06:26
jussi01stdin: smart alec :P08:14
stdinjussi01: just be glad you didn't say "good morning", you'd have had an even more sarcastic response :p08:15
jussi01morning Gary08:33
dunebuggyi have a question about this server09:43
Garywhats the question?09:44
dunebuggyi have created a forum and would like to have a irc channel, dont know how09:45
* stdin points to #freenode09:45
dunebuggyi know i can create a free one, but i wanted it to be up all the time09:45
dunebuggyi use to be slick with irc09:45
dunebuggyhow are all these rooms shelled?09:46
dunebuggyoh i missed that09:46
dunebuggyfreenode is for free channels?09:46
Dave2freenode is the network you're on09:47
dunebuggyi guess i should have looked09:47
dunebuggywhat im trying to say, is when the last person leaves the channel, how do you get it to say open?09:48
stdin#freenode is the place to ask that09:48
dunebuggyahh, thank you09:48
dunebuggysorry for my ignorance09:48
KaoticEvilanyone know why an IDE drive would detect as SCSI during the install of ubuntu-server?12:08
TheSheepKaoticEvil: this is not a help channel12:11
KaoticEvil... howd i get here?12:11
ikoniaha ha ha12:12
ikoniapiff puff poof, and your gone12:13
KaoticEvilwhy cant i get into #ubuntu?12:15
PiciKaoticEvil: Let me check our logs, hold on.12:15
KaoticEvilk, thanks12:15
PiciKaoticEvil: Found it.12:20
Pici!away | KaoticEvil12:20
ubotuKaoticEvil: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu-ops - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also  !Guidelines12:20
PiciKaoticEvil: Please disable your noisy /away script in #ubuntu.12:20
KaoticEvilwas most likely an auto-away, and it has been disabled12:21
PiciKaoticEvil: Allright, you can rejoin.12:21
KaoticEvilthanks :)12:21
Picihrm... odd that it wasn't in the tracker.12:21
jussi01Pici: yeah, I couldnt see it anywhere, what did you do, grep logs?12:22
Picijussi01: yeah.12:22
PiciI saw it in /bans, and hoped I was idle when it happened.12:23
Picimarcx: Can we help you?12:26
marcxthis channel is just only for ops?12:27
Picimarcx: Were you trying to get into #ubuntu and got here instead?12:27
marcxI don't know how I connected cause this channel is not in my start list of Konversation12:28
Picimarcx: Looks like you were forwarded from #ubuntu because of a noisy away script.12:28
Pici!away | marcx please read12:28
ubotumarcx please read: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu-ops - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also  !Guidelines12:28
marcxchannel #ubuntu missing12:29
marcxhow can I get back?12:29
Picimarcx: Can you please disable your script that announces when you are away, or part #ubuntu before you use it?12:30
marcxyes I trying but I can't find it where is it12:31
marcxI can't find it12:34
marcxcan someone help me plz12:34
Picimarcx: yeah, looking.12:35
marcxKonversation 1.0.112:35
marcxu know it12:35
PiciFound it?12:36
marcxnot yet12:36
marcxshould be ok12:36
marcxbut I can't go back12:37
PiciYou found it?12:37
marcx470 Forwarding to another channel12:37
PiciYes, because I need to manually lift it.12:37
marcxit was in Identities12:37
marcx10min I'll be back12:38
marcxI have to go to shop12:38
Picimarcx: You can rejoin now.12:39
marcxthnx a lot12:39
ubotuikonia called the ops in #ubuntu (fath flooding)12:50
Picidarn, I'm slow today.12:51
HobbseeLjL: yes, unfortunately, i dont' get paid to work on ubuntu, and have lots to do, so you'll have to forgive me if i don't do everything immediately.  the first i heard of it having been created was when the reports of it being shut down came thru.13:16
Hobbsee07:44 <+nalioth> i honestly do not see why we have to have #kubuntu-kde4 when13:22
Hobbsee                 we have #ubuntu+113:22
Hobbseenalioth: because the kde4 packages are not only in hardy.  end of story.13:22
ikoniaHobbsee: it was dicussed in hear yesterday that hardy will ship with kde4 ?13:22
ikoniais that not true ?13:22
ikonia(I appriciate you told me it was 3.5 a few days ago) hence the confusion yesterday13:23
* Hobbsee wishes people would actually read the bloody meeting logs, and read the blog posts, before commenting, so that people don't have to explain again and again13:23
Hobbseethere will be 2 versions of hardy - kde3, and kde4.13:23
ikoniaHobbsee: I did read, it said 3.513:23
ikoniaooh two actual releases13:23
Hobbseekde4 will be the default cd, but you'll still be able to get the other13:23
Hobbseestdin: while you have kde3-based releases, you will still need #kubuntu as kde3.13:24
Hobbseeassuming you actually plan to support what's known as supported releases, anyway13:25
stdinHobbsee: I would think both KDE3 and KDE4 would be in #kubuntu when hardy is released13:25
Hobbseestdin: why, though?  they're going to be completely differnet apps, with completely different support answers.13:25
Hobbseeand people ar elikely to be only running one or the other.13:26
stdinHobbsee: because #kubuntu = Kubuntu support, and Kubuntu will have both13:26
* Hobbsee would imagine #kubuntu and #kubuntu-kde4 would both be for kubuntu support, no?13:27
* Hobbsee would have thought that the downsides of having two channels was more than definetly reversed by the lack fo wrong answers for questions, due to assuming the wrong version of kde.13:27
stdinHobbsee: would #kubuntu-kde4 be only KDE4 questions? so if someone wanted to know how to install, say, samba they should ask only in #kubuntu ?13:29
Hobbseestdin: i would assume it would be "if you're urnning a kde4 version of kubuntu, ask stuff in -kde4, else ask in #kubuntu"13:29
Hobbseestdin: as it stands, surely a "install samba" button in kde3 and 4 would be in different places?13:30
Hobbseeand the package manager would be different?13:30
* Hobbsee is unsure how different it would look and act, but certainly some13:30
stdinHobbsee: what happens when hardy and hardy+1 (or hardy+2) come out, when more users have KDE4 than have KDE3? will there still be #kubuntu for KDE3 and -kde4 for KDE4?13:31
Hobbseestdin: i've been thinking about that.13:32
Hobbseestdin: depending on how frequent the kde3 questions are, we either assimilate it all into #kubuntu, or create #kubuntu-kde3.13:32
ikoniaseems the kde status has caused a real layout issue for ubuntu13:32
Hobbseeikonia: it's more an issue of people not actually talking to each other, and doing things without checking with people who might actually care about it.13:33
* stdin thinks we need a long term plan13:33
ikoniathat seems fair comment13:33
Hobbseestdin: at that point, i'd say assimilate into #kubuntu13:33
Hobbseeand just forward #kubuntu-kde413:33
Hobbseei think the # of kde3 people wanting support will still be quite high, for quite a while13:34
Hobbseehowever, i think tha taround 4.1, or whenever it appears to be stable, and feature par with kde3, i think a lot of people will switch.13:34
Hobbseeor at least, for the kubuntu release corresponding to that.13:35
stdinHobbsee: so we'll keep -kde4 open for the foreseeable future and reassess after 4.1?13:35
Hobbseestdin: s/4.1/whatever release is deemed stable and runnable by everyone, and feature-par with kde3.5/13:35
Hobbseestdin: but yes, that would certainly be the best plan, imo.13:35
elkbuntuHobbsee, kde4 user population will spike when the ubuntu release comes, then shrink as certain types of people go squealing back to kde313:36
stdinthat's at least a plan, didn't have one 5mins ago13:36
ikoniado you think this is a testing ground for future non-stable releases available at ubuntu release time ?13:36
Hobbseestdin: was in my head for a while, but :)13:36
Hobbseestdin: no one asked, so i didn't go on too far.13:36
Hobbseeas it is, we know that nalioth will just say "i don't think it's necessary.  end of story"13:36
Hobbseeikonia: what do you mean?13:37
stdinHobbsee: we all know nalioth's position ;)13:37
Hobbseeikonia: as in, a replacement #ubuntu+1 or something?13:37
Hobbseestdin: yeah, so i didn't see the point of putting across my views too far :)13:37
elkbuntuHobbsee, he would need a better reason than that for vetoing the rest of the council13:37
Hobbseeelkbuntu: this is true. it's certainly true that people will go back to kde3, when they see kde4, so will require support on kde3.13:38
ikoniaHobbsee: no, sorry. I mean say ubuntu is released 2 days before gnome 3 is out13:38
ikoniaa model for when there is potential version conflicts / availability13:38
ikonia(my wording on that is terrible)13:39
Hobbseeelkbuntu: sure, but why does he need to have an official veto, when he's a staffer, and can just close channels as he likes, as he's a GC?13:39
Hobbseeikonia: ahh, i see.  well, it'd depend if they planned to release 2.x and 3.x concurrently.13:39
elkbuntuHobbsee, because that would end in a dissolution of trust and a vote of no confidence from at least one of us13:39
Hobbseeikonia: and if they waited to release 3.x until it was feature-par, and reasonably bug free13:39
Hobbseeelkbuntu: i thought he'd already closed it once, no?13:40
ikoniaHobbsee: be interesting to see how the kde3/4 situation works out, as I said could be a potential solid model13:40
Hobbseeikonia: this is true.13:40
elkbuntuHobbsee, and he now knows what *we* think13:40
PriceChildWhat's happenned?13:40
Hobbseeikonia: by the time gnome3 hits, the channels may well be split out anyway13:40
Hobbseethat's the other thing - this is a semi-pilot for what happens if we split #ubuntu up13:40
ikoniagnome3 was a bad example ;)13:40
Hobbseeikonia: on the contrary.  i got your point :)13:41
ikoniagood good13:41
ikoniasame could be true of future kernel releases 2.8 for example with the random device id allocation13:41
ikoniabut thats probably too far13:42
* Hobbsee thinks ubuntu would straight-switch, in that case.13:42
ubotudgjones called the ops in #ubuntu (billlyboy (serial spammer is back))13:42
ikoniaI meant not just dekstop changes, core components13:42
ikoniaagain 2.8 was a tad extreme example13:42
PriceChildWhat on earth is going on?13:43
PriceChildjdong, make a britishism and die.13:43
HobbseePriceChild: discussing the kde4 stuff13:44
elkbuntueww, spammer with a filthy vhost13:44
Hobbseeelkbuntu: ah, good.  right13:44
PriceChildI understood that much....?13:44
PriceChild<elkbuntu> Hobbsee, he would need a better reason than that for vetoing the rest of the council ???13:46
LjL[14:16] <Hobbsee> LjL: yes, unfortunately, i dont' get paid to work on ubuntu, and have lots to do, so you'll have to forgive me if i don't do everything immediately.  the first i heard of it having been created was when the reports of it being shut down came thru.13:46
Hobbsee[00:36] <Hobbsee> as it is, we know that nalioth will just say "i don't think it's necessary.  end of story"13:46
Hobbseewaswhat that related to13:46
HobbseePriceChild: ^13:46
PriceChildBut he didn't shut it down did he?13:47
PriceChildI did.13:47
Hobbseeahhh, i was under the impression that he did13:47
Hobbseebut i saw it still registered13:47
LjLi certainly don't blame you for not knowing or doing everything, Hobbsee, however you'll certainly understand that if the first time you heard of it was when it was shut down, then it was pretty reasonable for us to shut it down to begin with. which we actually didn't, because we were (wrongly? unsure) under the impression that it wasn't yet entirely decided. stdin wasn't sure whether it was supposed to be open or not, and mostly we thought people were13:47
LjLjoining it without it *actually* being open.13:47
HobbseeLjL: of when i heard about it actually existing in practice, not just the theoretical idea, which was what it had been up till now.13:48
LjLand as i said, while you certainly have a right to decide which channels you want under the kubuntu umbrella, a channel with one op, no topic, no bot etc. is hardly a channel i consider "open" and am comfortable with users joining13:48
elkbuntuHobbsee, it was only like 2hrs old when it was shut down, iirc13:48
HobbseeLjL: true.  unadvertised and such.13:48
PriceChildPretty much as soon as it was discussed with Hobbsee, that it was understood it was wanted/needed, it was re-openned?13:49
* PriceChild fails to see the object/point of discussion here.13:49
HobbseePriceChild: i force reopened it, without having spoken to nalioth or others of the council13:49
* Hobbsee thought nalioth had decided to forwad it.13:49
LjLHobbsee: i didn't ask for it to be closed down due to disagreeing with its existence (although i kind of do, but that's not for me to decide in the end), i asked for it to be *temporarily forwarded* because it didn't meet the normal requirements for any normal ubuntu irc channel13:49
LjLHobbsee, he might have, i did ask for it to happen though13:50
HobbseeLjL: right.  which then states that you have a requirement for any ubuntu channel to be set up, in full capacity, immediately.13:50
PriceChildHobbsee, "force?"13:50
HobbseePriceChild: i asked jussi to give me ops there, then reopened it myself.13:50
PriceChildright ok13:50
Hobbseewithout having an answer from the council13:51
LjLHobbsee: since you're the #kubuntu contact, you had in my opinion every right to reopen it. but it's also my opinion that we had a right to close it, seeing as it was not clear whether it was officially endorsed and, in any case, didn't meet a channel's requirements13:51
PriceChildjussi01, gave me full access to the channel. And told me to do what the council wanted with it. He did *NOT* say anything about how kubuntu wanted it, that it had been discussed or anything of that nature.13:51
PriceChildSo it was closed.13:51
HobbseeLjL: why did it not meet the channel requirements?13:51
* Hobbsee is unfamiliar that channels have requirements, especially in the first 48 hours or so of creation.13:52
LjLHobbsee: one op, no topic, no bots, no factoids pointing to it, no staff in the access list, no nothing13:52
LjLHobbsee: oh yes they do, *especially* then13:52
PriceChildHobbsee, it wasn't really created? Yeah it was registered... but nothing was done, and then it was given up to me.13:52
Hobbseedo you have a URL to such a list?13:52
Hobbseeclearly i'll need to refamiliarise myself with ubuntu channel creation guidelines then.13:52
* Hobbsee doesn't recall seeing tha ton the irc wiki pages13:53
Hobbseeand if it's just in your head...i didn't have my psychic cereal this morning.13:53
PriceChildHobbsee, what do you believe should have been done?13:53
LjLHobbsee: if you want a URL you can see  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/Coordination - however, it's mostly common sense, and if you had dropped us a note, we could have taken care of it. you'll see in my PMs that i was waiting for *you* to okay the channel, since it wasn't clear to others whether it should be open.13:53
LjLHobbsee: which doesn't mean i blame you for not having the time to leave us a note -- that's just saying that you shouldn't be so surprised we temporarily forwarded it back13:54
HobbseePriceChild: afaics, it was harmless in current state.  it had been open for a couple of hours, and was otherwise unpublished.  would have thought you'd give it at least 24/48 hours to account for timezone skew, even though it did not have a WIP banner.  after that, sure, i agree that you could have closed it without a problem.13:54
LjLHobbsee, we closed it because of reports that users were *joining* it.13:55
PriceChildHobbsee, even when the channel contact gave it up to me? Saying basically he didn't know what to do with it?13:55
HobbseePriceChild: i've no idea why that was done13:55
PriceChildthere we g13:55
* Pici thinks we're overdue for another irc-council meeting13:56
LjLPici: thanks, we know13:56
Hobbseeseems odd to open a channel, just to hand it to a irc council member, with the idea of closing it.13:56
elkbuntuPici, come back in about 22 hours13:56
Hobbseeawww, shist.13:56
elkbuntuer 21 hrs13:56
Hobbseei have to work then, too.13:56
* Pici shuts up13:56
HobbseeLjL: granted, it would have been easier for me to open it, and do all the stuff at the same time.13:58
HobbseeLjL: that said, it's not a bad idea for new people to open channels, and slowly work thru all the required stuff to go with them - it's teaching the youngins.13:59
Hobbseebecause they will eventually replace us when we're old and bitter at irc.13:59
HobbseePriceChild: i guess i'm also surprised that you didn't tell jussi01 all the other stuff that he needed to set up, when he spoke with you about changing the channel info over.13:59
PriceChildHobbsee, no, he just gave me level 48 and told me to do what the council thought was best...14:00
LjLHobbsee, well then this time they've learned that the way to open a channel is to 1) register it 2) *set it +stnmif #oldchannel* 3) work through setting a topic, making an access list, updating bot factoids to reflect the new channel 4) give a NOTICE in the relevant channels that the new channel is open, and unforward it14:00
PriceChildHobbsee, what other required stuff should i have tought?14:01
HobbseePriceChild: a mention that it didn't have  one op, no topic, no bots, no factoids pointing to it, no staff in the access list, no nothing" and it needed to.14:01
Hobbseebah.  there was supposed to be an extra " in there.14:01
HobbseeLjL: right, but if you require that much red tape, i want to see it on a wiki somewhere, in a logical place.14:02
Hobbseebecause that refers to all locos, etc, there as well, and they'r enot going to guess that kind of stuff.14:02
PriceChildHobbsee, I don't think that was the point... if the council would have decided it was to stay then we would have done that. However it just seemed randomly created, no kubuntu side backing it etc. and we closed it before getting a proper opinion from people.14:02
HobbseePriceChild: oh, so then presumably loco channels announce new channels in #ubuntu-irc and not #ubuntu-ops, which is why i don't see it?14:03
LjLHobbsee, no, that doesn't refer to locos, it refers to all channels in the namespace we handle. anyway, sure, it will be put into a step-by-step guide if that's needed. there is already such a thing about *closing* a channel, i suppose one about *opening* one will only be useful.14:03
PriceChildHobbsee, a new main support channel being set up is a little different to a loco channel14:03
LjLHobbsee, not a matter of announcing really... loco channels create sub-channels without announcing them, and we really only intervene if their teams *complain* about it. i can't go through /list every single minute. #ubuntu #kubuntu #xubuntu are slightly higher in my priority list however.14:04
elkbuntubtw, the answer for this is likely 'feeling intimidated', but only jussi01 can validate this theory or not: <Hobbsee> seems odd to open a channel, just to hand it to a irc council member, with the idea of closing it.14:05
jussi01Ok, im here.14:05
jussi01quite simply, as I said to Hobbsee: [16:02] <jussi01> I dont really want to get involved in the discussion there, but just to add to that, I wasnt sure of the presiding authority, so I didnt want to go set everything up and then have it all closed down. otherwise I would of asked what it needed.14:06
jussi01I handed it to PriceChild as I felt he waas a competant authority to get it sorted.14:07
HobbseeLjL: next time i'll make up a group-contact-freenode-like form, in triplicate, sign it, and email it to you.  and send a copy via snailmail, to each of the members of the council.   will that be beurocratic enough for your liking?14:07
elkbuntuso i'm not entirely off target then?14:07
LjLjussi01, however if you told us that the kubuntu council or even just hobbsee were fine with it and wanted it to be open right away, i for one wouldn't have assumed you were lying, and would have helped setting it up rather than explaining why i didn't find it a good idea.14:07
PriceChildLjL, indeed14:08
jussi01LjL: I beleive jpatrick said just the thing14:08
LjLHobbsee: yes, it would.14:08
HobbseeLjL: great, OK then :)14:08
LjLHobbsee: conversely i ask, when we know of a channel in the namespace that has no topic, no one in the access list, etc, do we need to email all Councils in triplicate, etc, before +mif'ing it?14:09
LjLyou know, that's something we do pretty much daily14:09
HobbseeLjL: the relevant council.  and yes, that'd be nice.14:10
Hobbseeunless you know it's a troll channel.14:10
PriceChildWell then its a shame we missed jpatrick's comment.14:10
elkbuntuLjL, i think it's fair to assume that docile channels are clearly different from troll channels14:10
LjLelkbuntu, #ubuntu-kde isn't a troll channel for instance. but yesterday i just asked for it to be forwarded to #kubuntu (look at the topic, it was set even before).14:11
LjLi do things that i think make sense. when a channel isn't ready to be opened, it makes sense to me to keep it closed14:12
elkbuntuand i think it's fair to assume that a trusted regular such as jussi01 would not exactly start a troll channel... and may have merely got sidetracked in the making process?14:12
HobbseeLjL: i also think it is relevant to check if a regular support person, or a random person opened it.14:12
Hobbseeif it's someone known to us, by being an ubuntu support person, kubuntu support person, etc, then yes, they should get the courtesy of an email before it gets closed down14:12
LjLelkbuntu, you're also working under the assumption that +mif means "it's shut down, don't ever think of opening it again". it may mean that sometimes, but other times it simply means that the channel isn't *yet* open and ready for primetime.14:13
jussi01also, I did ost the minutes of the meeting to the channel, so everyone could have seen the decision14:13
Hobbseejussi01: people don't read meeting minutes.  that's why they keep talking about hardy being kde4 only.14:13
jussi01Hobbsee: hehe14:13
ikoniajussi01: your minutes where helpful to me.14:13
ikoniaI appriciated them14:14
LjLHobbsee: then i wonder why someone like stdin was unsure about the channel, and himself looked worried that people were already joining it, before it even was, under his perception, publicly "open"14:14
LjLand i reasoned that he should know, as he's cited in the kde4 packages page14:14
HobbseeLjL: because it went to vote, and some people were against the channel.14:14
* Hobbsee has no idea why others were joining it, unless tehy read the meeting minutes14:14
elkbuntuLjL, you're also working on the assumption that +mif wont end up in angry genuine contributors14:14
stdinI was worried that people were joining (because it was announced in #kubuntu), but had no topic, no bot, and only jussi01 on the access list14:14
jussi01stdin: who announced it?14:15
jussi01I certainly didnt14:15
stdinjussi01: some random person joined it, then announced it14:15
Hobbseestdin: yes, who announced it?14:15
stdinthen people started to join14:15
Hobbseeyay for random people.  shoot them :)14:15
Hobbseestdin: i would ahve expected someone to go "support is still in #kubuntu while this channel is being set up"14:16
Hobbseethen them to leave.14:16
Hobbseeor to sit there and wait, if they wished.14:17
stdinHobbsee: I said in #kubuntu that the channel wasn't properly setup, and asked people not to join. but that meant that more people joined ironically14:17
Hobbseestdin: yeah, that's normal.14:18
Hobbseestdin: that's why #u-r was kept as a secret for a long while, till some idiot blasted it over -devel14:18
jussi01Ok, Im off home. If you need me, leave a message. :). Ill be back on in a matter of hours. Im sorry about all the confusion.14:21
elkbuntujussi01, i think there's blame for both sides of the confusion, to be fair, so don't beat yourself up :)14:22
PriceChildjussi01, not your fault :)14:22
jussi01ok, thanks for the kind words. I felt a little responsible there.14:23
ikoniaheads up on kkk - pointless random trolling "windows rules" etc etc all day14:24
PriceChildi'm watching14:25
ikoniaPici: was on it14:25
Picilastlog showed enough warnings for that.14:25
PriceChild<BlackSunrise> Pici: wtf is a suppository?14:34
PriceChildSomething on the mind perhaps?14:34
PiciI didn't want to call attention to it.14:34
Piciikonia: Oh, I mean I personally didnt want to call attention, if someone else did, fine with me.14:35
Ubuntu_Rocksgood morning14:35
ikoniajust tired of language14:35
PiciUbuntu_Rocks: How can we help you today?14:36
Ubuntu_RocksPici:  Would it be possible to be let back to the ubuntu room?14:36
PiciUbuntu_Rocks: Do you know why you are banned?14:36
LjLUbuntu_Rocks: why were you locked out of it?14:36
PiciOkay, why?14:37
Ubuntu_RocksI had a bad day and said some bad things.14:37
Piciyou ate what?14:38
LjLPriceChild: the H14:38
LjLPici: the H14:38
LjLPici: i think i'm missing something about that ban14:40
PiciLjL: me too14:40
LjLPici: PM please14:41
Ubuntu_RocksPici:  It was you who banned me, I came back to apologize and to ask for re-in statement, The ban occurred around thanksgiving.14:42
ikoniahow do you deal with xchat plugins like this14:46
ikonia14:33  * Loki0480 »» WinAmp (Playing) «» Smashing Pumpkins - 1979 (181.fm - The14:46
ikoniaPici: thanks14:47
LjLyou know what gets on my nerves? people who change nicknames all the time14:49
ikoniano kidding14:49
Hobbsee /nick HobbseeNickChange14:50
Hobbsee /nick HobbseeConfused14:50
Hobbsee /nick ConfusedHobbsee14:50
Davieylike $nick|Away or totally diff' nicks?14:50
Hobbsee /nick HobbseeKilledByLJL14:50
LjLHobbsee: no, not like that, more like one nick not being traceable to the other :)14:50
DavieyHobbsee: must be past your bed time!14:51
LjLDaviey: i'm thinking totally different right now14:51
HobbseeDaviey: yeah.  i should finish my dinner14:51
LjLUbuntu_Rocks: have you read the channel guidelines?14:51
Daviey$nick|Away really annoys me14:51
ikoniaLjL: I think I see where you are going.......14:51
LjLikonia: orly14:52
LjLikonia: yeah, indeed, i mean, the bantracker is already slow enough to use for *one* search14:52
Ubuntu_RocksLjL:  Yes, I normally use the Kubuntu room (Xcell), but have a few questions regarding Ubuntu and normally cause little problems.14:52
ikoniaLjL: I was right ;)14:53
LjLUbuntu_Rocks: well, i'll give you a pointer to the most important things that really aren't tolerated in the channel. that includes the guidelines as well as some more detailed instructions. please make sure you abide by them this time.14:53
LjL!etiquette > Ubuntu_Rocks    (Ubuntu_Rocks, see the private message from Ubotu)14:53
PiciUbuntu_Rocks: Be forewarned that we won't be as kind next time, so make sure that there isnt a next time.14:54
LjLUbuntu_Rocks: i also suggest that you register your user on freenode. that lets you send private messages and gives you a unique identity on irc.14:54
LjL!register > Ubuntu_Rocks    (Ubuntu_Rocks, see the private message from Ubotu)14:54
Ubuntu_RocksIt is registered.14:55
LjLwell, if it is, then you forgot to identify14:55
Ubuntu_RocksAll my nics are14:55
LjLyou can make your client identify automatically14:55
Ubuntu_RocksI didnt identify this time14:55
LjLUbuntu_Rocks: by using your nick's password as the server password14:55
Ubuntu_Rocksill do that.14:56
Ubuntu_RocksThank you, And have a super day.14:56
LjLyou too14:56
ikoniahow odd, he signed straight out of ubuntu14:57
LjLodd yet not entirely surprising14:58
ikoniaooh really14:58
ikoniasurprised me14:58
ikoniaI thought he'd be straight in14:58
LjLnot the first troll who waits a while before doing anything after getting himself unbanned.14:58
ikoniaheads up on ghosty14:59
ikoniaspamming with porn14:59
dgjonesikonia, was that Ghosty you just reported, was just coming to do that15:00
ikoniaghosty [n=32133@www.businessdevintl.com]15:00
* jussi01 walks in15:34
* Pici wawlks around15:34
* Daviey stands up15:34
jussi01!opsnack | Pici15:34
ubotuPici: Chocolate!  And Peanuts!15:34
PiciYay! Feeding time.15:34
ikoniais it random ?15:36
ikonia!opsnack | jussi0115:36
ubotujussi01: Chocolate!  And Peanuts!15:36
ikoniaahhh same menu15:36
ikoniamaybe thats something I'll play with ;)15:36
jussi01!usersnack | ikonia15:38
ubotuikonia: Are peanut husks ok? The ops ate the chocolates and peanuts already...15:38
ikoniaha ha ha15:38
ikoniathats very quick15:38
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!15:40
ikoniathat still makes me chuckle15:40
jussi01me too :P15:40
* Daviey sits down15:41
jussi01!opsnack | Daviey15:41
ubotuDaviey: Chocolate!  And Peanuts!15:41
ikoniaubotu lies !15:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lies ! - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:41
ikoniayou said the choccy was gone15:41
jussi01ikonia: I sent it to the sho :P15:43
ubotuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)15:47
ubotuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)15:47
PiciI for one welcome our new Floodbot overlords.15:49
Jack_SparrowI forgot the bot trigger for someone trying to set root password..15:49
ubotuWe don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)15:49
Jack_SparrowThat was it...  thanks15:50
AmaranthHobbsee: I always just pull this out in response to "M$": http://people.freedesktop.org/~racarr/ms.gif15:54
HobbseeAmaranth: heh :)15:55
ikoniaTubbycore spamming porn links17:02
ikoniathats ghosty and tubbycore17:02
Piciikonia: banned already :)17:02
ikoniaPici: you are quick today17:02
ikoniashadow417 is starting to annoy me17:08
ikoniatelling people to get xorg drivers from previous ubuntu versions and drop them into the xorg tree17:08
ikoniathen download ffrom the intel site17:09
tritiumLooks like one of those days...17:13
ikoniano kidding17:14
ikoniachannel is bad today17:24
no0ticpray for me, rebooting to hardy :)17:26
tritiumsilly no0tic ;)17:27
ikoniaworking surprisingly well at the moment17:28
ikonialooks like development is moving better than say 7.1017:28
PiciOr not enough development is moving yet...17:28
TheSheepwe have gathered here today, sisters, brothers and little furry creatures from alpha centauri, to pray for the soul of no0tic who has upgraded to hardy17:28
ikoniaI think that could be a key point17:28
ikoniait's working as not much is changing17:29
ikoniawhat is join on in #ubuntu today17:29
ikoniaseems like the last few hours have been just a pain17:30
no0ticTheSheep, thanks, it worked :)17:39
tritiumI'm off to work.  See you later.17:56
Picinooo, now I need to watch the channel17:56
tritiumSorry ;)17:56
tritiumHave a good one.  I'll catch you later.17:56
PiciCyas tritium17:57
ubotuIn #ubuntu-bugs, LucidFox said: !mir is Main Inclusion Report - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess18:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mir - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:10
jussi01!mir is Main Inclusion Report - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess for more information.18:11
ubotuIn #ubuntu-ops, jussi01 said: !mir is Main Inclusion Report - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess for more information.18:11
PiciIn #ubuntu-ops, jussi01 said: !mir is Main Inclusion Report - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess for more information.18:11
jpatrickpeople don't read minutes? oh, that makes me feel loved18:11
Pici!mir is Main Inclusion Report - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess for more information.18:11
jussi01ok, why doesnt it like me?18:11
ubotuI'll remember that, Pici18:11
jussi01I logged in18:11
* jussi01 hugs jpatrick 18:12
ubotumir is Main Inclusion Report - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess for more information.18:12
jpatrickI do CC them to kubuntu-users for a reason...18:12
jussi01anyone know what Im doing wrong?18:13
stdinjussi01: you need to be an editor to add factoids18:13
Picijussi01: you arent an editor18:13
jussi01stdin: hmmm, I thought that capability was automatically added when you were accepted to the irc team. mustve been wrong.18:13
stdinnope, it's an extra special thing ;)18:14
jpatrickI think someone has to add you to the editor list18:14
jussi01ahh, ok then :)18:14
stdinthat someone being Se.eas afaik18:14
jussi01ok :)18:15
jussi01its not a real problem.18:15
Supremushello :D18:18
no0tichi Supremus18:18
SupremusI have change mi nickname Supremus to Schwitzd18:19
PiciAh, and you need your cloak changed?18:19
Supremusyes :D18:19
* Pici *thinks* that any freenode staffer could do that18:20
Supremusthx all :D18:23
jussi01has anyone seen myrtti ? havent seen her for a bit...18:26
jussi01stdin: just a little too quick for me ;)18:29
stdinI'm only keeping the ban for ~1 hour, I think it's one of those shell servers18:30
stdinecho472.server4you.de seems like one /me does a whois18:31
stdindefinitely a remote system type: descr:          SERVER4YOU Dedicated Server Hosting18:32
jussi01nice work18:33
ubotuIn #ubuntu, dgjones said: !no | skessa, I think this is the right channel19:22
Picidgjones: yeah, we'll ignore it19:23
ubotuHvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk!19:23
PriceChildIts no worry dgjones, no need to apologies etc.19:23
PiciWe get this a bit ;)19:23
dgjonesthanks, was just coming to apologise :)19:23
PriceChildwierd how the "is" mattered there.19:23
PriceChildbug?! :P19:23
PiciWho said anything about a bug?19:24
Pici#ubuntu was bad earlier...19:25
PriceChildwell there being a pipe, but the "is" still taking effect19:25
PiciI was thinking of taking a look at the Encyclopedia code later19:29
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »19:46
Amaranthaww, someone changed it19:46
ubotuenvy has no aliases - added by LjL on 2006-12-09 03:22:0119:46
Amaranthugh has envy really been around for over a year?19:46
PiciSomeone removed the 'mental health institute' part of !windows too19:46
ubotuwindows aliases: bug#1, bug #1, bug 1, microsoft, windowsxp - added by Seveas on 2006-06-19 08:49:2719:47
jussi01hello there Seveas19:48
PiciYou summoned him!19:48
jussi01oops :)19:48
* Pici sacrifices jussi01 19:48
jussi01I didnt so it, it was ubotu !!19:48
jussi01cant even type tonight...~19:49
ubotupici is stuck in a factoid factory! Send help!20:18
ubotuompaul is well ompaul, don't get me started about that guy20:18
Pici#ubuntu has been hectic today.20:18
ompaulI fixed !nickspam20:19
ompaulthat was all20:19
ubotuYou should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also /msg ubotu Guidelines20:19
Picioh, you mean just now?20:19
ompaul#ubuntunel is what it said20:19
ompaul I did20:19
PiciIt should be $chan20:19
ubotuYou should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu-ops - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also /msg ubotu Guidelines20:20
ubotuaway aliases: afk - added by Seveas on 2006-06-18 18:58:2720:21
ubotunickspam has no aliases - added by ompaul on 2006-09-16 15:00:4920:21
ubotuafk is <alias> away - added by Pici on 2007-11-12 15:52:2920:21
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.20:21
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for Feisty and earlier for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - And he's getting married!20:21
* Pici runs20:21
ubotupici is stuck in a factoid factory! Send help!20:21
ompauldie pici die?20:22
ompauland he did it again! more reincarnation20:22
* jdong presses ^L just to make sure he's not seeing screen corruption in this channel...20:22
ompauljdong, no ops are corrupt except on screens with bad resolution20:23
ompaulnow that is op abuse :)20:23
* ompaul breaths a sight of relea20:24
ompaulrock and reload?20:37
PriceChild<ubuntunibs> Help- I used to have a /boot, however, a naive user of my computer accidentally removed it, how do I fix this?20:41
ompaullooks a bit nutty in #ubuntu21:30
jdongPriceChild: what happened to not giving naive users sudo? :D21:34
jdong"hmm, boot... that doesn't sound important, I only do that every few weeks"21:34
jdong"except when kid comes home with a bad report card"21:35
jdongbut anyway, enough of my childhook21:35
ikoniaompaul: it's been a funny day21:39
ompaulikonia, funny strange?21:39
ikoniaompaul: stupid day is more accurate21:40
ikonialots of sillyness in #ubuntu allda u21:40
ikoniaall day21:40
PriceChildshitbowl, please change your name.22:21
ubotuhardy is Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu22:23
ompaulLjL, PriceChild ^^ whatya think?22:24
PriceChildIt is alpha software.22:24
ompaulPriceChild, but telling people that they won't grok that22:24
ompaulmaybe I say it is pre beta22:24
jussi01what the kheck happened earlier? I go away for just a few hours...22:25
ubotuhardy is Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu22:25
ompauljussi01, it is all nuts that is all :)22:25
ubotuChocolate!  And Peanuts!22:26
ompaulcracked - loop the loop - not the full shilling - knitting with only one needle22:26
jussi01hehe :P22:27
ompauljdong,                                                           ahh there you are :)22:30
* ompaul rofl22:31
ompaulI'm a gnu how do you do22:31
PriceChildHey microsoftwindows, how can I help?22:31
ompaulPriceChild, perhaps they want to be reinstalled as real good software22:32
ompaulPriceChild,  I'm a gnu, how do you do22:33
* jussi01 sighs at apple....22:35
=== microsoftwindows is now known as penos
penosoh man... i'm banned at #ubuntu. could you unban me plz22:36
ompaulnot a hope with that nick22:37
=== penos is now known as ubuntu`
ompauland I wonder what nick you had at the time22:37
* ompaul goes22:37
ompaulplease wait web problems22:39
ompaulback shortly22:39
PriceChildubuntu`, Please be patient.22:39
ompaulback shortly22:39
PriceChildyay its back22:39
ompaulPriceChild, let me see22:40
ompaul!guidelines | ubuntu`22:40
ubotuubuntu`: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:40
ompaulubuntu`, have a look at that and then come back to us22:41
PriceChild!nickspam | ubuntu`22:41
ubotuubuntu`: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu-ops - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also /msg ubotu Guidelines22:41
ubuntu`ompaul: i'm a newbie and i don't know how to visit URL's22:41
ompaulubuntu`, the nickspam comment goes for all #ubuntu22:41
ompaulI guess you got to type it into your web browser of choice22:42
PriceChildubuntu`, erm... you're not enough of a newbie to know what a URL is though?22:43
ubuntu`PriceChild: i don't know what URL stands for22:43
PriceChild*to not know22:43
PriceChildubuntu`, I never denied that.22:44
PriceChildubuntu`, I suggest you spend a little while working out how to use that url, read what it gives you as well as the other message from ubotu, then come back to us.22:44
ubuntu`PriceChild: but i'm just a newbie22:45
ubuntu`PriceChild: and my IQ is very low22:45
ompaulikonia, I guess they have to be honest I guess22:46
PriceChildompaul, a lot of guessing you do? ;)22:46
ompaulI guess22:46
ompaulthis is not the intelligence you are looking for?22:46
PriceChildubuntu`, please read what I have said and come back in a few days if you still want to be unbanned.22:47
ubuntu`PriceChild: thank you for your kindness and sense of duty22:47
PriceChildNo problem at all.22:47
ompaulubuntu`, you can treat us as fools and we will oblige by being nice towards you, but ever take us as being stupid don't efver thing22:47
ubuntu`ompaul: i'm really stupid.22:48
ompaulI don't think so22:48
PriceChildubuntu`, is there anything else we can do for you?22:49
ubuntu`PriceChild: oh no22:49
PriceChildubuntu`, Then see you in a few days? :)22:50
ompaulubuntu`, so please read the url you might find it interesting: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:50
ompaulubuntu`, bye, have a nice day22:50
ikoniathe race was on to see who would op and kick first22:51
PriceChildI wasn't going to.22:54
ompaulikonia, I think it was obvious I was unimpressed22:54
ompaulmain reason was if you look at the bans22:55
ompaulthe *@ip was usually "suspect"22:55
ikoniaahh regular22:55
LjLhow the hell does he know what IQ means23:07
no0ticLjL, nobody asked him to count from one to three.. what a pity23:08
LjLi was debating the relationship between P and NP with my parents, sorry23:08
no0ticLjL, probability theory?23:09
LjLcomplexity theory no0tic23:09
ompaulno0tic, we knew it was beyond him23:09
ompaulcounting to three23:09
ompaulthat is23:09
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:09
PriceChildErm,... he's using emacs23:11
ompaulPriceChild, so a class b troll23:11
no0ticPriceChild, it's really stupid :)23:11
PriceChilddo real trolls use vi ompaul?23:11
ompaulno wonder he don't know a URL23:11
no0ticPriceChild, *he23:11
ompaulPriceChild, no real trolls use dos23:12
LjLi use amigaos23:12
LjLi am a troll23:12
LjLtherefore trolls use amigaos23:12
LjL(faulty syllogism, but you should expect that from a troll)23:13
ompaul@now dublin23:28
ubotuCurrent time in Europe/Dublin: January 14 2008, 23:28:43 - Next meeting: Edubuntu meeting in 1 day23:28
ompaul@now texas23:28
Picitexas is a state23:29
ompaul@now Chicago23:29
ubotuCurrent time in America/Chicago: January 14 2008, 17:29:52 - Next meeting: Edubuntu meeting in 1 day23:29
Pici@now new_york23:30
ubotuCurrent time in America/New_York: January 14 2008, 18:30:23 - Next meeting: Edubuntu meeting in 1 day23:30
Mez@lart Pici23:30
* ompaul looks at Mez 23:31
Mez@now reading23:31
LjLhar. har.23:31
LjLhmmm yacc again in -unregged23:34
LjLhadn't been for a while23:34
=== LjL changed the topic of #ubuntu-ops to: Welcome to the home of the Ubuntu IRC Team operators | This channel is for operator/abuse questions in the ubuntu-irc team domain only | Support in #ubuntu, #kubuntu etc... | LoCo channel discussion etc. to #ubuntu-irc | Ubuntu-IRC team info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam | The IRC council reserves the right to remove idlers from the channel | Next IRC Council meeting: Wednesday 16, 1:00am UTC
foxrayhi i can't join #ubuntu it keeps saying i'm banned23:39
ompaulfoxray, someone will be with you in a moment or two - some web issues23:41
ompaulfoxray, okay that ban uis about to be undone23:47
LjLfoxray: you were probably hit by a ban placed on another person. please try to join now and sorry for the inconvenience.23:48
foxrayoh thanks i got in #ubuntu23:51
LjLnalioth: yesterday's gnaa troll hit #gentoo and #ubuntu23:59
LjL(at least, same article if not same troll)23:59
naliothLjL: he wasn't klined?23:59
LjLnalioth, it was seconds ago23:59
LjLbut no23:59
LjLhe's still in #gentoo, ops are sleeping23:59

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