
barryhello everyone and welcome to this week's asiapac launchpad reviewers meeting00:00
barrywho's here today?00:00
jameshI'm here00:00
barrythumper: ping?00:02
barrywow, okay, i guess we can make this short :)00:02
barry== Agenda ==00:02
barry * Roll call00:02
barry * Next meeting00:02
barry * Action items00:02
barry * Barry's participation in Asia``Pac meetings00:02
barry * Queue status00:02
barry * Mentoring update00:02
barry * Review process changes00:02
barry   * Tool update00:02
thumperjml is heading over to spiv's00:02
barrywife's got dinner ready so we don't need to wait :)00:03
barry * Next meeting00:03
barryi won't be able to make this time for the next 2 weeks (see email to ml), but please do carry on until i'm back00:04
thumperI'm happy with the time change requested in email00:04
barrythumper: excellent00:04
barrythumper: maybe you can lead the next 2 meetings @ whatever time you guys want?00:04
thumperbarry: ok00:04
barrythumper: and i'll join back at 0300tuesday on 05-feb00:04
barrythumper: thanks!00:04
barry * Action items00:05
barryfrom last time at ameu:  * intellectronica to work on a cover letter template00:05
barryi think that's still outstanding, but low priority00:05
barryany previous action items that you guys can think of?00:05
jameshnot that I recall -- the last meeting was fairly low-key00:06
barryjamesh: cool, thanks00:06
barry * Barry's participation in Asia``Pac meetings00:06
barryjamesh: is the proposed time good with you?  0300 tuesdays?00:06
barry0300 utc tuesdays00:06
jameshbarry: sure.  That's midday rather than 9am00:07
jamesh(not that 9am is too bad :)00:07
barrygreat.  i think the only person who it's worse for is jtv, but i don't know how often he attends the asiapac meetings00:07
barryjamesh: :)00:07
barryif one of you gets a chance, could you just ping jml and spiv and make sure they're cool with it?  and let me know?00:08
barrythumper: thanks00:08
barry * Queue status00:08
barrylooks like 5 branches in needs-review over sla00:09
barrybut the general queue looks good (i assigned 2 at the end of my shift today)00:09
barryjamesh: what's up with adeuring's branch?  it's huge00:10
jameshbarry: I think it is missing a Depends: ...-step100:10
barryso not as bad as it looks? ;)00:11
jameshI'll try adding that00:11
barryi'll try to ping the other guys about the other branches and see where we are00:12
* thumper nods00:12
barryany thoughts from you guys on the current queue?00:12
thumpermpt's branch00:12
thumperwhy red?00:12
* Rinchen laughs "It's huge". "I remember when 36,764 lines was huge"00:12
barryRinchen: wait until 200 lines is huge :)00:13
thumper36kloc is huge00:13
barry36klocs is EVIL00:13
jameshit is smaller than the soyuz merge ...00:13
barrythumper: perhaps it's a typo in the url00:13
jameshI think that was around 60k00:13
* Rinchen laughs. James read Rinchen's thoughts.00:13
barryjust wait 'til the storm branch :)00:14
barry * Mentoring update00:14
barryi sent a message to the lp list calling for new reviewers.  i haven't gotten any responses yet <sniff>00:15
thumpermaybe they all feel too busy already00:15
* Rinchen wonders if it's time to start Gavin and Graham's review training.00:15
barrythumper: why should that stop anybody? :)00:15
thumperGavin who?00:15
thumperbrain freeze00:16
barryRinchen: gmb is currently being mentored, but he's probably ready for graduation soon i'd think00:16
barryallenap, yes definitely00:16
* thumper thinks mainly in nicks00:16
Rinchenbarry, oh thanks. I don't have him reporting hours. I'll fix the template!00:16
barryRinchen: maybe you can make some, er, inquiries and i'll do the same00:17
* barry is no longer mentoring anyone00:17
barryso really it's just gmb and jtv being mentored right now00:17
Rinchenbarry, yes, I'll chat with Bjorn on Thursday. Another reviewer on bugs would be good so they can achieve the state foundations is in00:17
barryRinchen: great, thanks!00:17
barryanything else on this topic?00:18
barry * Review process changes00:18
barry   * Tool update00:18
barryi think there's not much progress on this until mwh settles into his new environs00:19
barryso really, that's all i've got today.  anything from you guys?00:19
barryokay then!  i'm going to get some dinner00:20
barryMEETING ENDS00:20
barrythanks guys.  talk to you later00:20
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Rinchenhello MootBot :-)22:24
Rinchen[TOPIC] No Topics!22:39
Rinchen[IDEA] No Ideas outside of meeting22:39
Rinchen[ACTION] No actions outside of meeting22:39
Rinchen[LINK] No link outside of meeting22:39
Rinchen[AGREED] No Agreed outside of meeting22:39
Rinchen[VOTE] No Votes!22:39
MootBotMeeting started at 22:39. The chair is Rinchen.22:39
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]22:39
Rinchen[TOPIC] Inital Testing22:39
MootBotNew Topic:  Inital Testing22:39
Rinchen[IDEA] Check that its working22:39
MootBotIDEA received:  Check that its working22:39
Rinchen[ACTION] Run the test script22:39
MootBotACTION received:  Run the test script22:39
Rinchen[LINK] http://www.google.com/22:39
Rinchen[LINK] wiki:ScribesTeam22:39
MootBotLINK received:  http://www.google.com/22:39
Rinchenblah blah blah http://www.google.com/22:39
MootBotLINK received:  wiki:ScribesTeam22:39
Rinchen[AGREED] Testing!22:39
Rinchen[VOTE] Does voting work?22:39
MootBotLINK received:  http://www.google.com22:39
MootBotAGREED received:  Testing!22:39
Rinchen[TOPIC] Should end vote and change22:39
MootBotPlease vote on:  Does voting work?.22:39
Rinchen[VOTE] Can we restart?22:39
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot22:39
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #launchpad-meeting22:39
Rinchen[TOPIC] Change topic after voting22:39
Rinchen[VOTE] Test Endmeeting22:39
MootBot+1 received from Rinchen. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 122:39
MootBotVote is in progress. Finishing now.22:39
MootBotFinal result is 1 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 122:39
Seeker`dont flood the bot quite so much :P22:39
MootBotNew Topic:  Should end vote and change22:39
MootBotPlease vote on:  Can we restart?.22:39
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot22:39
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #launchpad-meeting22:39
MootBotVote is in progress. Finishing now.22:40
MootBotFinal result is 0 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 022:40
MootBotNew Topic:  Change topic after voting22:40
MootBotPlease vote on:  Test Endmeeting.22:40
Seeker`I dont have access to the server to get it to rejoin if it get kicked22:40
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot22:40
RinchenSeeker`,  :-)  It's working perfectly I have to admit22:40
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #launchpad-meeting22:40
MootBotVote is in progress. Finishing now.22:40
MootBotFinal result is 0 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 022:40
MootBotMeeting finished at 22:39.22:40
Rinchenthe result is great22:41

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