
alex_mayorgajust trying to start gnome00:00
alex_mayorgamy laptop only works in safemode gnome00:01
RAOFalex_mayorga: That's my fault, probably.  xgl is starting too slowly, or not at all.00:07
RAOFalex_mayorga: I'll be uploading a fixed xserver-xgl soon.  In the mean time, do you really want xgl?  If not, touch ~/.config/xserver-xgl/disable00:07
alex_mayorgaRAOF, how to fix?00:07
alex_mayorgafair enough00:08
alex_mayorgaanyone else seeing his/her HP usb printer not working?00:09
RAOF(By "soon" I mean "hopefully tonight, maybe later")00:09
alex_mayorgabug 179537 anyone?00:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 179537 in cupsys "Error when cancelling print task" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17953700:13
alex_mayorgaRAOF, can you take a look to other paste http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51958/00:44
RAOFalex_mayorga: Common problem, not my fault :)00:47
RAOFThat package is just broken for now.00:47
alex_mayorgaRAOF, is it what makes update-manager "Could not calculate the upgrade"?00:49
alex_mayorgaor it's a different bug?00:49
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:49
RAOFalex_mayorga: No idea, sorry00:52
articpenguin3800if i go back to gutsy should i delete my /home?01:04
Johan-just did a "update-manager -d" and everything seemed to work good until 1 minute before the entire upgrade was done when everything closed01:13
Johan-is there any command to run to complete everything?01:14
LjLpossibly apt-get dist-upgrade01:15
LjLor do-release-upgrade01:15
Johan-thanks :)01:15
Ryuhowhat's a good gui based ftp/ssh connect program that can drag and drop files?02:07
RAOFPlaces->Map Network Drive02:08
RAOFSorry, Places->Connect To Server02:08
DeepBRyuho: try #ubuntu , not here :)02:12
Ryuhoi did that too, thanks go answer02:12
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alex_mayorgawhat's the name for restricted-extras in hardy?02:42
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jacobalex_mayorga: still ubuntu-restricted-extras I think02:54
Sonic11Ha, I seem to have a booting problem with my laptop. it says grep and sh aren't found :D03:05
Sonic11Boots still, but it takes like 2 minutes to get past those messages03:05
Sonic11Also says that AppArmor is unable to register before those 2 errors. Why is it that App Armor can't register?03:06
Sonic11oop, over to desktop03:09
Sonicadvance1Error messages on start up are "Starting up ... \n AppArmor: Unable to register AppArmor \n Loading, please wait... \n /scripts/init-top/brltty: 19: grep: not found \n sh: grep: not found \n /scripts/init-bottom/udev: 25: rm: not found"03:12
Sonicadvance1Anyone able to help?03:13
alex_mayorgawhat you get from which grep03:15
alex_mayorgaand which sh03:15
Hirvinen_Should alpha 3 include newer stuff than can be found in the hardy repos?03:16
Sonicadvance1what do you mean alex_mayorga?03:18
alex_mayorgaon a terminal type "which sh"03:18
Hirvinen_http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/hardy/alpha3 says it includes kernel while the newest one I can see is
Sonicadvance1/bin/sh alex_mayorga03:18
alex_mayorgawhat about grep?03:19
Hirvinen_Sonicadvance1: ls -l /bin/sh ?03:19
Sonicadvance1/bin/grep alex_mayorga03:19
Sonicadvance1Hirvinen_, lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2007-12-06 03:33 /bin/sh -> dash03:19
Hirvinen_Sonicadvance1: And it shows those "\n"s?03:20
Sonicadvance1Hirvinen_, no, those are just ment to symbolize new lines03:20
Sonicadvance1You wouldn't want me to have spammed the channel would ya? ;)03:21
alex_mayorgaRAOF ping03:21
Hirvinen_No, of course not. I just thought that might have been due to dash's echo not supporting -e, which results in escapes supported by bash's or gnu's echo being shown.03:24
Hirvinen_Anyways. I suffer from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-guidance/+bug/177504 and as you can see, a few guys claim that it would be fixed in alpha.03:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177504 in kde-guidance "guidance-power-manager crashes on startup" [Undecided,New]03:25
Hirvinen_I thought that those alphas would be constructed from the hardy repos, but they are implying that alpha 3 would include newer stuff. As does the difference in kernel versions.03:27
alex_mayorgaand firefox 3, but I don't see that either03:28
alex_mayorgaanyone knows?03:28
Sonicadvance1hm, annoying bug03:28
Sonicadvance1Should just reinstall03:29
alex_mayorgashould be in the same repos, right?03:29
Hirvinen_Apparently my beliefs have been incorrect.03:29
DarkMageZfirefox 3 is installable via the package manager03:29
Hirvinen_There's firefox-3.0 package03:29
Sonicadvance1Think I'll just manually remove the apparmor init script >.>03:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about netbeans - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:31
ubotumotu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU03:32
Sonicadvance1beh, the apparmor file is gone03:32
RAOFalex_mayorga: Pong?  Contextless pings are bad, mkay?03:58
alex_mayorgaRAOF, just wondering if it's already "night" on your time zone :)04:03
RAOFNo :)04:03
alex_mayorgaor whether you need a tester for your xgl hack04:03
RAOFI'll ping you if I do.04:04
RAOFBut probably not.  We're not in feature freeze.  The entire xserver-xgl userbase is my tester!04:04
alex_mayorgaOK and sorry to bother04:04
RAOFNo problem.04:04
RAOFBut in future you should probably ping: re <thing you want answered>, rather than just ping.04:05
alex_mayorgapoint taken04:05
DanaGGLib-ERROR **: The thread system is not yet initialized.04:19
DanaGWhat causes that?   (trying to run ccsm from git Compiz, and that error only happens if using the gconf backend.04:19
RAOFDanaG: OOOoh, ugh.  That'd be some part of the ccsm/libcompizconfig/compizconfig-gconf stack using threads without calling gtk.thread_init() (or the glib version).04:33
RAOFDanaG: Grumble on #compiz-fusion or #compiz-fusion-dev, or hit upstream bugzilla.04:34
DanaGAah, part of it was me missing python-pyrex.04:42
DanaGAnd yet somehow it had compiled....04:42
DanaGI hope that durn idle scheduling will be fixed.04:44
RAOFIdle scheduling?04:48
DanaGOh yeah, by idle scheduling, I mean this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/17771305:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177713 in linux "2.6.24-2: Regression with idle cpu cycle handling" [Medium,Confirmed]05:06
Michael74alright what good is the daily build?05:23
Michael74and why is it in DVD format05:23
Michael74does it include Kubuntu and Ubuntu on the DVD05:23
* burner shrugs05:24
AmaranthMichael74: It's probably not much use to you05:28
AmaranthMichael74: you want alpha 305:28
Michael74also does anybody know about Linksys WUSB54GS v205:29
AmaranthMichael74: I'm guessing you need ndiswrapper05:29
Michael74so is there planned support for it?05:30
Michael74or am I stuck for good with a piece of crap05:30
Amaranththe latter05:30
AmaranthWe don't do any work on it05:30
Michael74what do yo mean?05:30
AmaranthSome random kernel guy might05:30
AmaranthUbuntu does basically zero driver development05:31
Michael74so you don't know if it is being support05:31
Michael74I know the WUSB54G V4 is support and works but won't connect fully to networks (problem appeared since 7.04)05:31
Michael74sucks how I can't find a single wireless card that works right with ubuntu05:32
Michael74they all worked in 7.0405:32
AmaranthMichael74: If it doesn't "just work" you probably want ndiswrapper05:32
DanaGIf it must be USB....05:33
AmaranthThis is why you should get Intel everything :)05:33
DanaGI think Zydas has open-source stuff, but I've never used it to know how well it works.05:33
Amaranthbelkin sells a USB adapter that is supported in linux and OS X05:33
Michael74last time I used ndiswrapper it took me about 5 hours straight to figure out what in the world the Colsole was talking about05:34
RAOFAmaranth: Intel for the no-brainer-win.05:34
Amaranthwell, they used to sell one, anyway05:34
Michael74well Linksys's WERE05:34
* DanaG has ipw3945 + e1000. Nice. But not so nice when the e1000 NIC dies and needs a reboot to fix it.05:34
Michael74in 7.0405:34
Michael74but something changed in 7.10+ that broke wireless for alot of cards05:34
AmaranthMichael74: The whole wireless stack in the kernel was replaced05:34
Michael74I am told that it was the rt200 driver being used now05:34
Michael74and the rt2500 needs to be put in05:34
Amaranthno, we're not going back to the old stuff05:35
Amaranthbetter to fix the new stuff05:35
Amaranththe stuff used in 7.10+05:37
RAOFDanaG: That'd be iwl3945, now that it works reliably :)05:37
Amaranthwow i'm laggy05:38
Amaranth5s lag05:38
DanaGOddly, iwl3945 still seems to have slightly shorter range, at least for seeing beacons.05:38
DanaGThen again, it might be hiding things that it can hear but can't 'shout' loud enough to get a message back to.05:38
RAOFI think I see that, too.05:39
DanaGOh, and there's no radiotap support, but I used that as more of a curiosity than as a useful thing.05:39
* RAOF doesn't even know what radiotap *is*.05:39
DanaGRadiotap is nifty: sniff in promiscuous mode while still being associated to an access point.05:39
RAOFJust on the off-chance you want to...?05:40
Amaranthmy connection is spiking hard05:40
* RAOF stops trying to bruteforce Amaranth's system.05:40
* DanaG goes to try kde4...05:58
=== Tomcat_` is now known as Tomcat_
flamesageAnyone tried out the new ubuntu?09:03
TheInfinityflamesage: why this channel might exist? ;)09:04
=== geser_ is now known as geser
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elmargolHi I'm searching a kubuntu hardy livecd that has kde4 on it09:58
elmargolDid only find the gutsy remastered cd09:59
Hobbseehardy version doesn't exist yet10:07
aantipopis there something missing in 2.6.24-4 ?10:13
aantipoplinux-generic still points to -310:13
Hobbseeprobably restricted/ubuntu modules10:14
aantipopall there10:15
Hobbseethen the metapackage hasn't bee updated yet, for whatever reason10:15
* Hobbsee doesn't know if they've finiished pushing changes10:15
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kidalabamai have got problem11:02
kidalabamathis is cant partial upgrade.11:02
aantipopmy bluethooth dongle stopped working in hardy, it used to do in gutsy and feisty. ikm just not sure if i might have deactivated bluetooth somewhere..its still recoginzed in lsusb11:08
Hobbseekidalabama: so, fix it via apt.11:08
kidalabamaHobbsee: how ?11:09
Hobbseekidalabama: if you need to ask that, and that's all the information you're being given, then go back to gutsy.11:09
Hobbseeer, you're giving11:09
kidalabamaHobbsee: :)11:09
Hobbseebecause hardy is not for you.11:09
cwillukidalabama, oh boy11:10
cwillukidalabama, what does it say exactly?11:10
kidalabamacrash report11:10
kidalabamaand partial upgrade problem11:11
kidalabamai am usin turkish version11:11
cwilludid you already complete an upgrade to hardy successfully at some point?11:11
Hobbseecwillu: it's probably libflickrnet11:11
cwilluHobbsee, I thought they resolved that11:11
cwilluat least, it stopped bugging me about it in the upgrade a day or two ago11:12
kidalabamaapparmor problem11:12
=== Hobbsee changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1 "Home of the Hardy Heron" and various breakage | This channel is for Hardy discussion only | If you need help with dapper/edgy/feisty/gutsy join #ubuntu | If you are here to ask questions such as "what repositories do i use?", "is hardy going to break for me?", update without checking what is to be updated, or do not know how to resolve dependancies with apt, DO NOT RUN HARDY
* Hobbsee updates the topic11:13
Hobbseekidalabama: dude, we're not dentists.  give the full error message that you get through apt, or go back to gutsy.11:14
cwillukidalabama, is anything visibly broken?  i.e., that stops you from doing something other than updating?11:14
Hobbseekidalabama: if you don't have that level of basic competence, you shoudl not be running a development release, and shouldn't really expect people to step you through newbie-type things.11:15
* cwillu thinks back on all his alpha updates11:15
kidalabamai apologize from you.11:16
cwilluI think dapper->edgy was the only one that worked flawlessly pre beta, and that was righht before it _went_ beta11:16
* Hobbsee waits for more ifno than just "help, it's broken. it's an apparmour problem and something to do with upgrading"11:16
Hobbseecwillu: i suspect kidalabama was running hardy before, but perhpas not11:16
cwillukidalabama, (this may break more things!) open a terminal, run sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude full-upgrade; and if you get errors out of it, paste the output of the whole mess into a pastebin, and then link us the url11:17
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:17
cwilluHobbsee, that's what I'm thinking, but I like to hear it from them :p11:17
* cwillu has dealt with too many people who had too much ego to even check if the cable that I knew was unplugged was actually unplugged when I asked them to check it11:18
cwillu"it's not unplugged" 'yes it is' "no it isn't" 'yes it is' "oh shit, it was unplugged, who'd have thunk it?" '...'11:19
Hobbseecwillu: sure, but this isn't #ubuntu.  people are supposed to have a clue here.11:19
cwilluya, I'm bad for that actually11:20
cwillusay, can you think of any way to tell what version of ubuntu was originally installed on a machine, before any sequence of dist-upgrades?11:21
kidalabamacwillu:  thank you11:21
cwilluI'm trying to remember which version I started with on this machine11:21
Hobbseecwillu: err...good question11:21
Hobbseeshort of looking at dpkg.log...i'm not sure if that ever gets purged.11:22
Hobbseeyou'd be looking for installer logs or something11:22
cwillu2.6.15;  is my earliest kernel installed11:22
DarkMageZcwillu, dapper.11:22
Hobbseeah,that works.11:22
* Hobbsee was assuming old kernels got removed11:23
cwilluyay for never purging kernels :p11:23
cwilluunless they did a purge at dapper11:23
cwillubut that sounds about right11:23
cwillufound a hoary machine a couple months ago, quite the blast from the past11:23
DarkMageZhoary was when i filed my first bug report11:24
* Hobbsee found an edgy laptop11:24
cwilluanybody ever run beatrix?11:25
IdleOnewhat is up with libflickrnet not configuring?12:11
Hobbseeshould be fixed in the latest uploads12:12
IdleOneupdating now . see what happens12:18
IdleOnenow I have  mono-gac12:32
IdleOne libflickrnet2.1.5-cil12:32
IdleOne mono-runtime12:32
IdleOne libmono2.0-cil12:32
IdleOne libmono1.0-cil12:32
IdleOne that wont configure12:32
IdleOnesorry bout the paste12:32
IdleOnehere is the output http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/52007/12:35
geserIdleOne: it's a known problem (see bug #182130)12:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 182130 in libflickrnet "package libflickrnet2.1.5-cil 25277-5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18213012:45
stephankOooh, that one. Was f-spot an ubuntu-desktop dependency at some point? Because I simply uninstalled it and that library. :o12:47
IdleOnegeser: what about the other 4 packages?13:14
IdleOneor are they all depends of each other13:14
IdleOnebecause it is the first time I have an issue with them13:15
_MMA_Does anyone have logon/out sounds working from a clean Hardy install?13:36
XiXaQcan I ask you people to check something for me? There is a bug in evolution that most users experience. Actually, the only one I know who doesn't experience it, is running hardy, but in my hardy, I have the problem. Create a memo in evolution and select it from the memo list so you can see the content in the section below. Notice if it disappears in 1 minute or less.13:49
XiXaQthat bug is driving me insane, and since I do appreciate my sanity, I'd very much like to find the cause of that bug to help someone fix it.13:51
mrsnoXiXaQ im trying now, but is that the same as bug 182805 ?14:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 182805 in evolution "Memo previews are blanked every minute" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18280514:02
XiXaQyes. I reported that.14:02
mrsnooic :)14:02
XiXaQI'm not kidding when I say it's driving me nuts. It's like reading a newspaper outside on a stormy day :)14:03
mrsnolets see, just updating the latest alpha at the mo14:04
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mooperwhats the kubuntu dev?14:20
mrsnohmm my hardy install has fallen over14:20
mrsnoill try your steps in a while XiXaQ :) after i re-install /me kicks self for not taking a snapshot yesterday14:22
XiXaQmrsno, I did that twice this morning. :)14:22
XiXaQkicked myself, that is.14:22
mrsnohehe :)14:23
mrsnomooper maybe #kubuntu-devel14:23
mrsnoXiXaQ finally done :) i added a new memo, left clicked it and watching it now on the preview underneath15:16
mrsnohasn't dissapeared (yet)15:16
mrsnook now it dissapears, after less than a minute15:16
mrsnoseems to be 30 seconds15:17
XiXaQI think you'll find that it's a precise second.15:19
XiXaQI wish I could find out what happens in that moment.15:19
mrsnoso would this be more a wishlist bug XiXaQ ? as you would like the preview to stay active15:20
XiXaQI don't think it's designed that way. Why would it be?15:21
XiXaQfor me, the memo view is severely limited by that bug, since I often write pretty long memos.15:22
mrsnoim not an evolution user, but i wonder is that an actual bug, as in should it be doing something else instead of preview going away after 30seconds-1minute15:26
mrsnopreviewing a mail messages does stay previewed until you click away though15:28
XiXaQmrsno, yes. So does everything else.15:33
mrsnoso its only the memo that the preview goes away in hmm15:34
XiXaQmrsno, it's not a delay. It's a spesific second once every minute,.15:34
XiXaQthat means, if you're unlucky, you only have one second to read it.15:34
mrsnoopening the memo at least it stays open, im not sure XiXaQ why it works different to mail previews though15:35
XiXaQyes, that only happens in memo view. It stays open between 1-59 seconds, depending on when you opened the memo.15:37
dholbachPackaging 101 Session in #ubuntu-classroom in 12 minutes15:47
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
monkey89how do i prevent my desktop icons for hard drive volumes from showing the size of the volume17:17
danbhfiveare there gnome-terminal developers here?18:07
danbhfiveor, where could I find one?18:07
pvandewyngaerdehow do i remove apache2 ?18:17
Picipvandewyngaerde: sudo aptitude remove apache2-common and or apache2 iirc.18:19
pvandewyngaerdei did this, but afterwards i still can start apache218:21
pvandewyngaerdeapt-get --purge remove apache*    did the trick18:24
pvandewyngaerdeapache2-mpm-prefork* apache2-utils* apache2.2-common* libapache2-mod-php5*18:24
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ToHellWithGAwork firewall doesn't like me much18:56
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tifinehello everybody19:39
tifinei am using ubuntu 7.10 and want to upgrade to ubuntu8.04 can anybody guide me please ? is hardy is stable ?19:39
Picisee topic, and no.19:40
ToHellWithGAi would not try dist-upgrading, tifine19:40
tifinewhy ?19:41
ToHellWithGAeven clean installs are a little buggy19:41
Picitifine: by definition an alpha is not stable.19:41
tifineso it means no point of installing it19:41
ToHellWithGAi hosed my gutsy install *after* downloading the hardy install disc when i tried dist-upgrading19:42
ToHellWithGAwhen things are as unsteady as they are, dist-upgrading is not a good idea yet19:43
tifinethnxs 4 helping me19:47
ToHellWithGAif you want help after installing hardy, tifine, please come back19:48
ToHellWithGAi'd recommend installing it as another OS rather than replacing your current (probably working) ubuntu19:49
=== burne1 is now known as burner
slanninghello - at some point a few weeks ago an annoying flashing thing related to the tracker (which I hate) started always appearing in my gnome panel - I tell it to quit every time I login, but how do I get it to go away forever?20:02
slanningI turned off the "Indexing Options" in the preferences, tried to disable the tracker as much as possible20:03
slanningI guess it's relatively minor today, though - since a handful of apps reported that they've crashed, cruelly asking me if I'd like to report the problem only to eventually not allow me to report anything without an account20:05
ToHellWithGAget an account20:06
ToHellWithGAyou can help :)20:06
slanningI won't register on principle - requiring people to register for an account in order to report bugs is absurd, and I prefer whining uselessly about it20:07
selckinresolving them often requires 2 way communication, waste of time if you don't follow up on it20:10
selckinhence registering20:11
ToHellWithGAwhen you register and submit a bug you receive email about changes to the bug and/or requests for more information20:12
ToHellWithGAit's the difference between user and community member, the choice is yours20:13
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
askandIs the batterylife improved in hardy?20:26
DanaGActually, battery life reporting is screwed up in hardy.20:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177570 in hal "[hardy] two batteries display when left clicking on g-p-m" [Medium,Confirmed]20:30
=== Dana1 is now known as DanaG
Assidim thinking of trying out hardy.. i dont mind an occassional break here and there to try and help .. but i really would like to have a system that works20:57
Assidquestion is .. should i20:58
danbhfiveim guessing no21:03
danbhfivei think that when they say "break", they mean you system doesn't boot anymore, and you have to reinstall21:04
Assidhrmm damn21:05
Assidwill wait for beta then21:06
antdedyethow do I disable the pulseaudio server in ubuntu+1?21:12
antdedyetdid I ask a hard question? :)21:21
Dislohey guys i was wondering if i install 8.04 lts now will i be able to update it to the current version with all the right pacakages or is it going to be a rediculus hassle22:02
Dislowait read the topic nevermind22:03
=== marko-_-_ is now known as marko-_-
ompaulHi, can someone do this in hardy and let me know what happens: /etc/modprobe.d$ grep fb * | wc23:37
crimsun     25      50    139723:38
ompaulcrimsun, thanks for that23:39
* ompaul goes off to be depressed ;-)23:39
thoreauputicso. is the framebuffer deprecated, hmm ???23:39
ompaullooks like it - or forced deprecation23:39
* thoreauputic waits for the kernel devs to back-pedal furiously...23:40
crimsunugh, I broke suspend-to-ram with CONFIG_VMSPLIT_2G_OPT=y23:43
crimsunoh well, I'll revert that next go-round.  Not like I need suspend-to-* anyhow.23:43
ompaulcrimsun, :-) it is the reversion that counts23:44
crimsunI wonder if we're mounting non-ext[23] with UTF-8 as applicable.  Hmm.23:48

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