
=== _MMA1 is now known as MetalMusicAddict
coz_good day all08:37
=== MetalMusicAddict is now known as _MMA_
trosephanyway to set the wallpaper in gnome via commandline?18:15
_MMA_troseph: HI. Lemmie look.18:18
_MMA_Ill get that email off to you today.18:18
_MMA_troseph: Good resource: http://www.gnome.org/projects/gconf18:19
trosephlooks liek the machine is running KDE18:21
trosephso it wouldn't be in gconf would it?18:21
_MMA_troseph: But the answer is still:  gconftool-2 -t str --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename /path/to/file18:23
trosephthank you! _MMA_18:25
troseph~/.kde/share/config is where the config files are in kde, so I will be able to find them18:26
trosephand thanks for the email. I appreciate it.18:26
_MMA_troseph: Ill give some more detail but I dont wanna restrict you too much. Its just gonna need to fit in with the current art. Ill send that to you so you get the idea.18:29
troseph_MMA_ give me as much detail as you would like. I don't know the theme as well as you do, but a general layout would be very helpful.19:16
_MMA_sure. Im playing with the fam atm but Ill send ya off something soon.19:18
goukiAnyone around willing to give me a hand on something?19:24
_MMA_Depends. I don't do windows. :P19:28
gouki_MMA_: Neither do I! :)19:30
goukiActually, I need help on a new project I'm starting ... Web-design side of things19:30

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