
desertcsomerville32: Where do you live?01:24
somerville32desertc, Canada01:38
desertcAre there CompUSA stores up there?  Probably not.01:38
somerville32I don't think so, no01:39
desertcThis huge chain of stores called CompUSA just closed it's doors, leaving BestBuy as one of the only computer retailers with service in many areas.  I just checked the prices for service and it is outrageous what they are charging people.  Best Buy must looooooove Windows for all it's failings.01:40
desertcI wish I could convince myself it was worth my time to compete against them, but I suspect I can make way more money working a 9-5 job.01:41
desertc$350 virus removal, $300 vista installation (no license included in that price)01:44
desertc$150 for printer installation01:46
desertcThe list goes on01:46
desertcDid you know the Canadian dollar is on par with the American dollar now?  Must be nice for your vacations.01:55
desertcSorry to be OT, just something I looked at last night.01:56
somerville32It was worth more than the American dollar for awhile02:01
desertcFor the last half of the year, they seem to be hovering just above or below the same value.  The suspicious side of me thinks the central banks are stabilizing the parity in preparation of a common currency.02:12
desertcIt is said the US has a severe loonie deficiency and practically no lucky loonies.02:14
desertcI love those things.  :-)  Better than large roll of one dollar bills.02:17
desertcAnyway, guess if you want to make money off computers, you make it where people are stuck in Win-hell, not when they have lots of options with open source.02:45
ryanakcawhen is #72 to be out?10:58
ryanakcawould there be any chance of including the Kubuntu Website Mockup Contest in the next UWN?11:01
juliuxhi katkin 11:16
katkinhi juliux11:16
katkinhow are things?11:16
juliuxkatkin, i don't know if you are the right person to ask, i have setup a website with drupal for the ubuntu-de assocation with the old ubuntu.com durpal theme, has canonical a copyright on the theme?11:18
katkinI'm not entirely sure11:18
katkinbest people to ask would be Gerry or Matt Nuzum11:18
katkinyou might want to drop them an e-mail?11:18
katkinhope that is helpful?11:28
OrethriusJenda, there is much evil to be done, how may I assist? :)13:39
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=== Orethrius is now known as vincentrichter
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=== MrM is now known as mrmonday
=== MrM is now known as mrmonday

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