
kgoetzXiXaQ: i'll look at the link when i can01:08
CarlFKinstaller is telling me "you need at least 3.2 gig" - (the desktop requirement)01:18
CarlFKbut, isn't the limit set in initrd.gz, which is the same for both desktop and server ?01:19
kgoetz3.2gig for an install?01:21
CarlFKI have a 450mb partition I want to install to.01:23
kgoetzbloated a bit since the 1.8gb days :\01:23
nealmcbCarlFK: is this a server install?  gutsy?01:28
nealmcbI think we've seen some installs at about 500 MB01:29
nealmcbnijaba did the tests IIRC01:29
CarlFKnealmcb: gutsy, server01:30
CarlFKnealmcb: but, I am doing a net install, and that uses the same initrd.gz as the alternate cd (that's what I was told)01:37
CarlFKi am guessing server has its own initrd01:37
kgoetzdoes anyone else consider update-alternatives refusing to run with only one option a bug?03:15
kgoetzah thats got it03:17
kgoetzfor the logs, i needed to `sudo update-alternatives --auto x-www-browser`03:20
kgoetzthen i could `sudo update-alternatives --verbose --config x-www-browser`03:20
nealmcbCarlFK: what exactly are you seeing, at what point in the install?  when I've run into installer problems with space, it was very different (desktop install), and I don't know what would be in initrd.gz that had to do with this04:34
nealmcbXiXaQ: is there a bug or other official request to package calendar server?  seems like a good idea.04:35
nealmcbXiXaQ: do you know what userid the server runs as on macos?04:37
XiXaQnealmcb, yes.04:37
XiXaQI'll call it caldavd in the wiki.04:38
nealmcbXiXaQ: a link to the request to package would be a nice addition to the page.04:39
XiXaQthat it would. I'll see to it. Thanks.04:39
nealmcbI took out the reference about  "should run on desktop" because that seems true to me about everything, and saying it could lead to confusion about other server apps on ubuntu04:40
kgoetzcan you give me the link again?04:40
nealmcbinformation about feisty, dapper etc would of course be handy04:40
nealmcb https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CalendarServer04:41
* kgoetz will be trying it out on dapper probably04:41
nealmcbI started following calendar stuff a bit at the ietf  back in the mid '90's and it has been a real slog....04:42
kgoetzso is the apple thing open source/free software?04:43
nealmcbI also wonder how how emailing appointments fits in to all this04:43
nealmcbapache 2 license04:43
kgoetzno probs04:43
CarlFKnealmcb: boot into the installer, it detects disks, givs me partition options, like "shrink", "use largest space", "use whole disk", II pick "Manual" and it displays a dialog "you need at least 3.2 gig" - which was kinda surprising, given I hadn't picked the 450mb partition yet04:43
kgoetzwhen i looked ~12 months ago at calendaring everything i could find was a monolithic blob or proprietary04:43
XiXaQnealmcb, it isn't necessarily so. You need to install some packages for that software to run. If it isn't present, then the scripts will fail. I'm not 100% sure the desktop variants include it all.04:44
nealmcbCarlFK: you said the net installer? from which cd or location?04:44
CarlFKnealmcb: initrd.gz is the only file I can think of that would contain the setting for how much space is needed.04:44
CarlFK http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/386/ubuntu-installer/i386/04:45
nealmcbXiXaQ: the packages are all available to both server and desktop, so it just requires being specific about all the necessary packages04:45
XiXaQnealmcb, yes, and that would require additional work on the wiki, or at least testing.04:46
XiXaQnealmcb, I have tested using server 7.10, but not with desktop.04:46
XiXaQso I don't _know_ that it works, even though, as the wiki sais, is should.04:46
kgoetzXiXaQ: considering teh disclaimer at the top, i think it only sort-of-working is ok ;)04:47
XiXaQthe disclaimer is temporary.04:48
kgoetz"Installing Apple's iCal Server is fairly trivial once you know what to do" jee thanks :p04:48
nealmcbXiXaQ: got it - perhaps a jeos build would uncover everything that could be missing - or are there things in jeos that are not in desktop?04:48
XiXaQkgoetz, try finding a good howto else where :)04:48
XiXaQwe had to follow quite a number of blogs and forum posts to get it running.04:49
* nealmcb cheers for perseverance!04:49
XiXaQnealmcb, I seriously doubt that. Owl is installing it on jeos I think.04:49
kgoetzXiXaQ: no, i'll fix anything i find wrong :p04:49
XiXaQoh, and I meant owh :)04:50
kgoetzmmm. i'm wondering if i should 'correct' it to not recomend using sudo -s04:52
* nealmcb nods04:52
* kgoetz wishes <ubuntu swiki> broke the pages into sections like mediawiki04:53
nealmcbadvantages of using sudo on each line are for clarity, for preserving shell history across both sudo and non-sudo lines, preserving history of what was done in /var/log/auth.log(?), avoiding dangerous other commands, etc04:54
XiXaQsudo -s is ok when you have alot of commands to issue as part of the same job.04:54
XiXaQthat was a few good points.04:55
kgoetzsudo -s uses the non-root users environment, which can lead to Bad Things04:55
XiXaQI'll fix that then.04:55
* kgoetz tries to work out what user_xattr does04:55
nealmcbkgoetz: surprising - what env diffs are there for sudo -s and regular sudo?04:56
kgoetznealmcb: not sure - you need -i to get a 'full' root shell04:57
nealmcbkgoetz: I think su -i would be even worse04:57
nealmcbbut does get the full root environment04:57
XiXaQsudo addgroup caldavd; sudo adduser --system caldavd --ingroup caldavd <-- Is that the right way to do it, or can I do it in one command?04:57
nealmcbbut that shouldn't matter for these commands04:57
kgoetzadduser should make a gropu at the same time04:58
=== peanutb_ is now known as peanutb
XiXaQkgoetz, sudo adduser --system username?04:58
kgoetzi'm wondering if you think doing the svn checkout to ~, then svn export >/opt/calendar would be better? the only advantage to checkout in /opt/ is for posable updates04:58
ma11ochi, i'm having trouble getting vnc set up on ubuntu server 6.06, could anyone shed some light?04:58
kgoetzXiXaQ: should work04:59
XiXaQkgoetz, no, that'll cause it to be placed in nogroup.05:00
kgoetz       By default, system users are placed in the nogroup group.  To place the new system user in  an  already  existing05:01
kgoetz       group, use the --gid or --ingroup options.  To place the new system user in a new group with the same ID, use the05:01
kgoetz       --group option.05:01
kgoetzadduser man page, ~ line 6705:01
XiXaQadduser --system username --group :)05:03
XiXaQright :)05:03
kgoetzi cant help package (no skills there), but i can go over that wiki page and try and clean/tidy some stuff up if you want05:03
XiXaQthat's nice.05:06
XiXaQI'm connected via ssh. I run sudo -u command & and then I log out. The command will still run in the background, right?05:07
kgoetzrun it in screen05:07
kgoetz-u is user05:07
kgoetz       -b  The -b (background) option tells sudo to run the given command in the background.  Note that if you use the05:08
kgoetz           -b option you cannot use shell job control to manipulate the process.05:08
XiXaQyes, I know that.05:10
XiXaQI need to run the command in the background as another user.05:10
* kgoetz waits to load wiki edit page05:10
kgoetztry -u user -b05:11
kgoetzor screen sudo -u fred -b command05:11
XiXaQok, what's the difference from using &?05:15
kgoetz& will probably background your sudo not the command itself05:16
kgoetzXiXaQ: you done editing the ubuntu wiki? its got a lock open05:17
kgoetznot done? lock expires in 2 minutes. hit 'preview' again is my advice ;)05:18
XiXaQthere are other problems. It should be changed to have everything in /opt/CalendarServer too. Now it creates a few more subdirectories in /opt05:18
kgoetzwhat sort of subdirectories?05:19
kgoetzand why do we enable user_xattr? i cant seem to find anything useful about what it does online05:21
XiXaQpydirector-, vobject and Twisted05:24
kgoetzi'll have to build it tojjorrow05:25
kgoetzcant today, wont be hom e until late05:25
XiXaQI've made some changes, so I'll install it and test that it actually works.05:25
kgoetzhow big is the source checkout?05:26
kgoetzoh, very sane05:28
kgoetzperhaps meantion that size on teh wiki page btw05:29
* kgoetz finds 'total amount of downloading for this projhect is 42343mb' quite helpful05:34
kgoetz(esp on dialup/shaped adsl/satalite)05:36
kgoetzXiXaQ: theres no lock on the wiki now - do i take it you stopped editing?05:38
XiXaQfor the time being. I'm installing Hardy server to test that it actually works.05:39
XiXaQcause I know that if it works in hardy, then it works in 7.10 too.05:39
* kgoetz checks updated version, and might make some edits05:40
kgoetzi'm wondering if the filesystem remount will work, because of existing attached processes05:42
XiXaQI have tested that setup with 7.10 server.05:43
kgoetzmount -o remount /home/05:44
kgoetzbut are you sure the filesystem change applied?05:44
nealmcbXiXaQ: offhand I'd think the svn checkout would be  better as non-root in a different (user?) directory, but I'm only glancing at the emailed diffs :-)05:45
XiXaQnealmcb, you're right about that, though I don't think it matters a great deal. Noted though. :)05:46
nealmcbbut thanks for the sudo changes and user admin updates!05:47
kgoetzMost users will be familiar with apt-get, many with subversion <- probalby need to change this, btw05:49
kgoetzdownload some necessary packages <- and this (what necesary packages?)05:54
kgoetzwhy arnt they installed alreayd? :)05:54
XiXaQthe packages are listed there.05:55
XiXaQthey're not already installed because we didn't need them until now.05:55
kgoetzthats probably all i can do until i get a chance to build it myself and find out the details of the build/install process06:00
nealmcbkgoetz: nice - thanks06:04
XiXaQyey. I'll just take a snapshot of the image, and then installation on hardy server can begin :)06:06
kgoetznealmcb: np ;) getting docs 'more or less' right i'm good at, its making them submitable is my failing ;)06:06
* kgoetz sets up chroot to try in06:31
XiXaQdid you have an edit window open while I was editing?06:32
kgoetzi started editing, when i asked and you said you stopped -- if you started editing again while i was then perhaps yes06:32
kgoetzare you editing right now? python-pyxattr instead of python-xattr (in the apt-get install bit)06:33
kgoetzand i cant find python-dateutil or *dateutil* at all in apt06:34
XiXaQwhat version?06:35
XiXaQI've had no problems with either 7.10 or 8.04 so far.06:35
kgoetzhm. svn checkout doesnt need a sudo while its done in /home/06:36
kgoetzsame repositories06:36
kgoetzah, universe is missing06:36
XiXaQit's not done in  home. It's done in /opt, and that should be changed.06:36
kgoetzgrrr. *mustnt have saved right*06:36
kgoetzi changed it06:37
XiXaQplease don't change the packages?=!06:37
XiXaQwe spent quite some time figuring out what was needed.06:38
XiXaQhave you changed the packages for install on the wiki?06:38
kgoetznope. just the formatting06:38
XiXaQ<kgoetz> are you editing right now? python-pyxattr instead of python-xattr (in the apt-get install bit) <-- What does that mean?06:39
kgoetzi couldnt find  python-xattr (its in universe, which wasnt enabled for some reason)06:39
XiXaQI have to test one thing. I can't test alot of different setups at the same time. I know the packages that were there before works.06:39
kgoetzbut it appeared after enabling universe :)06:39
XiXaQyou didn't change the package installation? Someone has.06:40
kgoetzwhat about it?06:40
kgoetzthe formatting?06:40
XiXaQI don't know,.06:41
XiXaQI'll have to read all the changes I've received in the mail to make sure all the packages are still the same, unless someone can confirm that they are.06:42
XiXaQit's abit difficult to test an assumption when the assumption is changed while you're performing the test..06:42
nealmcbXiXaQ: you can just look at the wiki history online06:48
* kgoetz logs out of caltry1 chroot and leaves it alone06:49
XiXaQthe reason there were two different apt-get commands to begin with, was that someone said that was necessary in a blog, but it should'nt be, so I was about to merge them into a single apt-get command, when there was suddenly three of them.06:49
XiXaQnealmcb, no, I'll just test with the packages that are there now.06:50
XiXaQthe guide doesn't work anymore.. :(06:59
XiXaQI'll fix it. Please don't make any edits.07:01
kgoetztheres probably not-quite-right stuff from my changes. (i spotted a few after i saved)07:01
XiXaQheh, like being in the wrong directory and such? :)07:12
kgoetzi was going to checkout the svn in a user home, then sudo export it to /opt/wherever - i just didnt put that in right :( so yes, you probably wind up in wierd places07:13
XiXaQthat's a different installation procedure.07:27
Kalamansihello is there any way to minize setting of pc2 and pc3? like i will not put my isp's dns? pc1 is my server and i have no router. pc2 and pc3 can connect to the internet with assigned ip,gateway,subnet and dns of my isp..how to minimize this without setting my isp's dns? i dont want to expose my dns to the public...07:41
owhhi XiXaQ07:47
XiXaQowh, hey :)07:47
owhI've been looking at the latest wiki changes, but I have to say that they're making it more and more complicated.07:48
owhI mean, svn to your home directory, then move it to /opt. WTF?07:48
owhThe notion of making each command a sudo makes no sense to me either.07:48
XiXaQyes, and it doesn't work anymore.07:48
owhI am in favour of reverting it to NealMc mumble's revision.07:49
XiXaQis there a way to revert to an older version?07:49
owhYup, I'm in favour of going back to #36, click on "Info" at the top.07:49
owhYou should also put a note near the bottom of the text entry field (there's a separate field for it) indicating the nature of the edit.07:50
owhYou can also see difs.07:50
owhI think the edit from KarlG didn't help the issue. There was a reason we had them as two lists!07:52
owhHey, kgoetz, you're in here, excellent.07:52
owhkgoetz: What were you trying to achieve with your edit of the CalendarServer wiki page, revision #41?07:53
* XiXaQ reverts it to #3607:54
XiXaQlet's just hope it's the guide that's faulty and not the svn version that's become incompatible.07:54
owhXiXaQ: Actually, #37 is fine, that's before we started the silly sudo stuff :)07:54
XiXaQit's done. :)07:55
owhCool, so how did you figure out that it broke?07:55
XiXaQI've installed it three times the last two hours.07:56
owhSo what happened?07:57
XiXaQmissing files, unknown commands...07:57
owhDid you change any steps?07:57
XiXaQI'm making a second attempt with #36 now, so we'll know in a little while if it's the svn version of the guide.07:57
XiXaQyes, quite a few.07:58
owhXiXaQ: Uh, but it was working right?07:58
owhI'm just trying to understand why you would change steps if the procedure was working.07:58
XiXaQsome of them are really necessary, such as giving it its own user.07:59
owhXiXaQ: Yeah, but that's after the install succeeds right?07:59
XiXaQthe problem is that the guide was changed while I was testing if it was working or not, so I can't say for sure.07:59
XiXaQwell, that's part of the install. It's the last step.07:59
owhXiXaQ: So, the missing files happened when?08:00
XiXaQno, you're right. run -s succeeds. It's when it's run that the problems occur.08:00
XiXaQwhen running it.08:00
XiXaQbut as I said, I'm installing from scratch now, so we'll know shortly.08:00
owhSo, this might just turn out to be a permissions issue, which wouldn't surprise me.08:01
XiXaQthough it's my turn to have problems with my connections. :)08:01
XiXaQno, I made sure they were set correctly.08:01
owhXiXaQ: Hey, hate to bail, but I *have* to go.08:02
owhEmail me if you need to.08:02
XiXaQthat's ok. :)08:02
XiXaQsee you later.08:02
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
mok0is there an easy way to remove all the not-needed graphics software from a server?09:30
XiXaQthere is no graphics software in the server install.09:44
mok0is there an easy way to remove all graphics oriented software from a server?10:08
XiXaQthere is none.10:09
XiXaQhave you manually installed such software?10:09
mok0yes, its a workstation converted to a server10:11
_rubeni'd suggest a clean install .. tho uninstalling the X server *should* take most of the graphical crap with it10:12
mok0_ruben: yeah I guess10:13
XiXaQmok0, server uses a different kernel.10:13
_rubenand you could always audit the output of dpkg -l by hand10:13
mok0XiXaQ: didn't know that10:13
_rubenkernel is easy to replace10:13
XiXaQis's PAE-enabled, and it's tickless.10:14
mok0XiXaQ: cool10:14
mok0XiXaQ: is that on the alternate CD?10:14
_rubenthen again, clean install sure is the cleanest (duh) way to do so10:14
XiXaQit's on the server cd or the dvd.10:14
mok0XiXaQ: ok, thx10:14
mok0_ruben: yeah but I've already spent a lot of time configuring t he box10:15
mok0XiXaQ: what's the package name of the server kernel?10:15
_rubenlinux-generic is the default for desktop10:16
XiXaQmok0, I don't know if you're aware of this, but the server install has quite a few helpful tasks.10:16
_rubenlinux-386 for when you have an ancient/odd/whatever cpu10:16
mok0_ruben: It's a Pentium III10:17
_ruben-generic and -server should work fine on those afaik10:17
_rubeni use -386 on a via c3 cpu .. which lacks some instructions making the -server kernel unusable10:17
mok0_ruben: ah, I've never actually talked to someone who uses a via cpu10:18
mok0Pentium III is i68610:19
mok0XiXaQ: What tasks are you referring to?10:19
_rubenLAMP/Print server/etc10:20
mok0_ruben: very nice.10:20
mok0I just need it for kerberos and ldap10:20
XiXaQmok0, mailserver, lamp, ldap, postgresql, etc.10:21
XiXaQhehe, actually, there is no ldap and kerberos tasks. At least not in 7.1010:21
mok0XiXaQ: hmmm. very convincing... but I should be able to manually select that set of packages, right?10:22
mok0XiXaQ: I was just wondering whether there existed a meta package, like gnome-desktop and kubuntu-desktop, that converts Ubuntu to Kubuntu and vice versa.10:23
mok0XiXaQ: For example, a server-install package, that has dependencies and conflicts etc.10:24
XiXaQI don't understand the question. Yes, there are packages for ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop, etc.10:24
mok0XiXaQ: A package that converts a workstation to a server10:24
mok0XiXaQ: By conflicting with X-windows etc10:25
XiXaQno, that'd be very surprising, since almost all software would have to be replaced.10:25
mok0XiXaQ: heh, I understand10:25
XiXaQit'd be faster to simply reinstall from a server cd.10:25
mok0XiXaQ: Hm, I am almost convinced...10:26
XiXaQalot less work too.10:26
_rubenand some ppl do want X on their server (yuck!), so a server package that would prevent X would be bad (for some ppl)10:26
XiXaQ_ruben, why are you opposed to having X on a server?10:26
_rubenXiXaQ: X isnt a very secure thing, and all configs can be done via commandline .. and there's always remote X, which only requires a few X libs instead of a complete resource hogging X server10:27
_rubenresources and security being the main issues here10:28
mok0_ruben: I agree10:28
_rubenand servers also tend to run headless10:28
_rubenrendering X even more usless10:28
mok0_ruben: that's what I did to this box... took of monitor, mouse and keyboard and put it in the server room10:29
XiXaQI run several small server setups with mailserver, lamp and nx. Xorg is installed, but isn't running. That's fine.10:29
mok0XiXaQ: yes it is10:30
mok0XiXaQ: But then you may as well uninstall it :-)10:30
mok0XiXaQ: disk space?10:30
XiXaQthe applications I use depend on it.10:30
mok0XiXaQ: ok10:30
mok0Ah, btw, what is the run level that doesnt start X?10:31
_rubeni think 3, for X it is 5 .. but i aint sure10:31
mok0_ruben: Ubuntu normally runs at 210:32
mok0_ruben: what you say is true for RedHat systems10:32
_rubenarent runlevels deprecated since 'upstart' ? havent looked into that that much, i come from a suse environment, only started experimented with ubuntu recently10:33
mok0_ruben: I don't know10:35
_rubenmok0: never really looked into the runlevels/sysv init stuff10:37
mok0Quick Google search: "Run levels 2 through 5 are full multi-user mode and are the same in a default User Linux (Debian) system. It is a common practice in other Linux distributions to use run level 3 for a text console login and run level 5 for a graphical login."10:37
_rubendebian (stable) doesnt use upstart (yet) afaik10:38
mok0Never heard of upstart10:39
_rubenits ubuntu's replacement of init10:41
mok0_ruben: ah, the venerable init10:41
_rubenupstart sure looks like a nice project10:41
mok0http://upstart.ubuntu.com :-)10:42
_rubenmore or less combines init and daemontools (by dj bernstein, qmail author)10:42
mok0looks pretty cool10:42
mok0wouldn't hurt getting a faster boot...10:43
_rubenubuntu-server boots pretty darn fast i'd say10:43
jordsheh, I just run my server 24/7 so i don't mind :D10:44
_rubenJeOS is probably even fast (Just Enough OS, even more stripped down version of ubuntu-server, designed for virtualization and such)10:44
_rubenjords: during deployments (of the server), a fast boot cycle is a pro :)10:44
mok0_ruben: is jeos tickless as well?10:45
_rubenjords: and i doubt you upgrade your kernel without rebooting10:45
sorenmok0: Well, you can use kubuntu-desktop to *convert* from an Ubuntu desktop to a Kubuntu one. You just *add* all the KDE stuff. You don't remove the GNOME stuff.10:45
_rubenmok0: wouldnt know, have only heard about it in this channel a bit, havent looked into it myself10:45
sorenmok0: likewise, there's no meta-package for ubuntu-server, as it doesn't add anything that's not in the desktop install. It just doesn't include all the graphical stuff.10:45
sorenmok0: Also, removing the x server will not do you much good.10:46
_rubenmight look into jeos once i get some spare time investigating some virtualization opportunities10:46
sorenmok0: No graphical applications I can think of depend on the presence of an X server.10:46
mok0soren: ok, I was looking for a package that would remove all non-server related stuff10:46
_rubensoren: hmm .. indeed, thought too simple on that one .. i even suggested the remote X possibility myself :p10:47
sorenmok0: No such package exists, no.10:47
sorenmok0: You can remove libx11, for instance.10:47
sorenmok0: That will likely remove most of the stuff you don't want.10:48
mok0soren: I can try it, no harm done :-)10:48
sorenmok0: Possibly followed by an apt-get autoclean.10:48
mok0aptitude is now working on it...10:49
jords_ruben: that's true. Hot-puggable kernels is a bit of a stretch10:50
sorenYes, the -virtual kernel image (used by Jeos) is also tickless.10:50
_rubenwhat exactly does this 'tickless' mean/impose?10:51
mok0... from the list of files, it seems removing libx11-6 does pretty much what I want... aptitude still working...10:51
sorenmok0: The problem is that it will only remove libraries and binaries. Not the variuos -common packages, for instance.10:53
soren_ruben: http://www.linuxworld.com/news/2007/022807-kernel.html10:53
mok0soren: it has around 30 packages left unresolved, mostly data packages that recommend other ones10:54
sorenmok0: autoclean?10:54
mok0soren: hang on...10:55
mok0soren: It's going to free 1663Mb10:55
mok0what does {a} and {u} mean in the package names?10:56
_rubensoren: interesting read10:58
mok0soren: it needs to remove 625 packages, it will take probably 10 minutes10:58
sorenmok0: re: "{a} and {u}"... I have no clue.11:01
mok0soren: it's an aptitude thing I think11:01
acidfire2008_ruben u around11:01
_rubenacidfire2008: more or less11:01
sorenmok0: I think so, too. Otherwise, I probably would have known :)11:01
acidfire2008u remember us talking the other night about pure-ftpd?11:01
mok0... " libxpm4{a} libxrandr2{a} libxrender1{a} .."11:01
sorenmok0: Perhaps "automatically installed (as a dependency)" ?11:02
_rubenacidfire2008: i dont recall your nick, but do recall some pure-ftpd stuff11:02
acidfire2008well u showed me how to set port etc on it11:02
mok0soren: yeah that's probably it... "auto" and "user"11:02
acidfire2008i saved where to allow fxp11:02
sorenmok0: Makes sense.11:02
acidfire2008but cnat remember how to change port haha11:02
acidfire2008remember we had to add a file in the conf directory11:02
_rubenacidfire2008: Bind was the filename iirc11:03
acidfire2008thats right or something like that11:03
acidfire2008how did u do that command with echo?11:03
_rubenecho ",PORTNUMBER" | tee /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/Bind ... the path might be slightly off, doing this from top of my head11:03
_rubenecho ",PORTNUMBER" | sudo tee /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/Bind ... the path might be slightly off, doing this from top of my head11:04
* mok0 goes off to get a cup of coffee11:04
* _ruben goes off for lunch11:04
acidfire2008all day i could not remember that11:08
acidfire2008and he comes online and bam its fixed in 2 mins11:08
acidfire2008_ruben when u get back plez let me know i got one more ? to ask u11:18
acidfire2008k im looking into being able to change permission11:40
acidfire2008i cant write or delete etc to a folder11:40
acidfire2008but i can on my home folder11:40
_rubenprobably not pure-ftpd related, just standard file permissions11:41
acidfire2008then how can i set that?11:41
acidfire2008like i would like to be able to edit that directory11:42
acidfire2008its a directory11:42
acidfire2008not file btw11:42
acidfire2008do i can upload to that directory11:42
acidfire2008and woudl u possible nkow how i could change my home directory when i login?11:42
acidfire2008im making note of all this so i wont ever have to ask again11:43
acidfire2008sorry to bother u man11:43
_rubenseveral ways to accomplish that .. one would be: sudo chown YOURUSERNAME /usr/local/torrent/acidphyre/ -R11:43
_rubenim not aware of any method to change the homedir for just ftp, afaik it just takes your homedir from /etc/passwd11:44
_rubenyou could do smth like : ln -s /usr/local/torrent/acidphyre /home/YOURUSERNAME/torrent .. then after logging in with ftp you can just go into the torrent folder and up in the /usr/local/.... one11:44
acidfire2008dude u rule11:48
acidfire2008that was the prob11:49
acidfire2008i can just point myself to that dir via ftp11:49
acidfire2008so its all good11:49
acidfire2008ty so much man11:49
acidfire2008_ruben there is no way i can point the home folder to /var/cache/torrentflux/12:02
_rubenacidfire2008: not that im aware of without diving into the docs12:08
_rubenacidfire2008: well .. one way would be to use virtual users instead of the ones in /etc/passwd .. but that complicates things quite a bit12:09
acidfire2008Transferred 108 files totaling 1.39 GB in 11 minutes 44 seconds (2.37 MB/s)12:10
acidfire2008nice i had 4 threads at that speed12:10
acidfire2008ohh wow12:11
acidfire2008so to make new user accounts on the ftp i can use any of the user accounts on ubuntu i got setup?12:11
_rubenby default pure-ftpd uses the pam database, so each user on the machine will have ftp access12:23
acidfire2008thats bad ass12:25
acidfire2008so that file thing u had me set i gotta set for every user then?12:25
=== ScottK-confused is now known as ScottK
mok0Is there a way to see if the current kernel runs in tickless mode?12:33
sommermok0: you can find the kernel options in /boot/config-kernel-number12:39
mok0sommer: thx12:39
sommermok0: I'm not sure which ones have to do with ticks though, np12:39
mok0If it has "CONFIG_NO_NZ=y" it is tickless...12:40
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acidfire2008_ruben u around?15:11
acidfire2008anyone else around/15:12
sorenJust ask your question.15:13
acidfire2008sudo chown creative /var/cache/torrentflux/creative -R15:14
acidfire2008well i did that and now i need to undo it15:14
acidfire2008i need to be able to write to that dir15:14
acidfire2008but when i did that command now torrentflux cant write to the directory15:15
Gargoyleacidfire2008: set the group to one torrentflux can see and give group write permissions15:24
acidfire2008i just set 777 on the dir15:26
acidfire2008it worked15:26
Gargoyleacidfire2008: that gives everyone read/write and execute permissions15:34
acidfire2008its only me on the dir15:35
acidfire2008so its no biggy15:35
acidfire2008i mean its only me on the pc15:35
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sommercan you point an mx and an A record with the same name to two different IPs?18:40
sommerwithout it causing problems that is... seems to me like it would :)18:40
Nicke_sommer: sure, no problem. However, the MX should point to a hostname, not an IP18:43
sommerNicke_: gotcha18:44
Nicke_I think it's pretty common to have a separate server handling the mails for a domain18:44
sommerI'm working on setting up mailman, but want the emails sent through a gateway18:45
sommerNicke_: what if it's a subdomain (lists.example.com)18:45
sommerfor example18:45
Nicke_sommer: shouldn't matter18:45
sommerNicke_: cool, thx18:45
Nicke_(although my experiences with mailman is pretty limited)18:45
sommerNicke_: so all I need is an MX lists.example.com pointing to another hosts?18:46
Nicke_yeah.. like lists.domain.tld  IN MX 10 mail.domain.tld18:48
zulor you could setup a smarthost in the postfix or email server to send all the email to you email server18:48
Nicke_mail.domain.tld IN A 192.xxxx18:48
sommerzul: ya... that's what I'm wanting18:49
sommerbut how do outside domains know to send through my "normal" mail server?18:50
sommerI think I'm confused about the subdomain part18:50
zulthrough the mx record so if you have mail.domain.com all email from lists.domain.com will be sent from mail.domain.com18:51
zuland your mail server should know where to deliver the email to the local users18:51
sommerzul: sure I understand that part, but if gmail sends a message to user@lists.domain.com it'll know to go through mail.domain.com?18:52
zulit should18:53
sommerthat is without receiving one first18:53
sommerah... just needed to check the logs it is working, thanks zul and Nicke_18:55
Nicke_np : )18:55
zulno worries18:55
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nxvl_workisn't going to be Server Meeting on half an hour?19:37
nxvl_workoh right19:37
nxvl_workit is tomorrow19:37
zulthe day and time has been switched so more people can come19:37
nxvl_workyes, i knew it, but i don't know why i put it for today on my calendar19:38
nxvl_worksometime it happends19:38
=== ScottK-confused is now known as ScottK
nealmcbsoren: is anyone from ebox coming tomorrow?20:52
nealmcbreminder: server team meeting a day from now:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting20:53
dantalizingwhy cant i create a debootstrap for hardy?20:56
ScottKdantalizing: Are you on Gutsy?20:57
dantalizingscottk: yes20:58
ScottKdantalizing: Get the version from gutsy-backports and then you'll be fine.20:58
dantalizinghmm...thought i had that enabled...thx i will check it out20:58
ScottKIt worked last time I tried anyway.20:59
dantalizingscottk: you used debootstrap?21:01
dantalizingscottk: nevermind, its working...thx21:01
jetolehey guys, I know this isn't ubuntu specific but I am looking for a remote kvm/ip interface, a card that I can stick into the computer and will allow me to access not only kvm but also remote media etc so I can even install an OS in a machine that is in a rack elsewhere21:37
jetoleI was wondering if anyone could recommend something21:37
krautjetole: look for peppercon cards21:49
krauteric II for example21:49
jetolekraut: thanks21:54
sommeris it correct to say that do-release-upgrade recommended over apt-get dist-upgrade ?22:01
krautsommer: or aptitude22:02
nealmcbsommer: I've heard that do-release-upgrade is better also22:03
sommercool, just wanted to make sure22:03
* jetole prefers apt-get 22:04
krautindeed, but aptitude is more intelligent to solve conflicts22:05
nealmcbbut I would love to see some details on the differences, with examples from real upgrades.  I mainly heard about apt-get problems during upgrades to edgy22:16
nealmcband with the uncharted territory of upgrading to hardy from dapper looming around the corner, this is a good time to start focusing on that...22:16
corporealhello, i have a question about postgresql installation22:18
corporeali did an apt-get instlal postgresql-8.222:18
corporealbut the service wont start22:19
corporealthere arent even any logs22:19
corporealwhat am i doing wrong?22:19
LeChacalhello, any one know what file system abbreviation to use in the mount command for a partition that fdisk marks as 'Linux raid autodectect', or just how to access this partition so that i can get files off of it. The drive came out of an old Gentoo web server that only had one drive in it so I don't know how it did RAID.22:20
mok0corporeal: what do you mean, it wont start?22:35
mathiaznealmcb: IIRC, apt-get dist-upgrade cannot do stuff like remove a package during the upgrade.22:35
mathiaznealmcb: for example, evms has to be removed when upgrading to gutsy (IIRC) - that cannot be done with a dist-upgrade22:36
mathiaznealmcb: do-release-upgrade is made for that kind of one-time things to do22:36
mok0corporeal: if you want help, you need to specify22:40
corporeali figured it out22:52
nealmcbmathiaz: ahh - that helps!  Will evms cause problems if it isn't removed?  Should we disable or add caveats to apt-get dist-upgrade?23:44
mathiaznealmcb: yes. you cannot start if you don't remove evms23:45
mathiaznealmcb: I ran into that situation.23:45
mathiaznealmcb: but it's just an example. the release-upgrader does other things (mainly on the desktop for now)23:46
mathiaznealmcb: That's why the supported way to upgrade a server is to use do-release-upgrade23:46

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