
texnicerHello world!01:13
texnicerAnyone there who has expericence installing texlive under gutsy?01:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about texlive - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about auctex - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:14
ubotuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.01:14
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!01:14
texnicerzoredache: hi01:15
zoredachehe needed to be fed, after that interogation.01:15
* texnicer slaps himself and grabs a bunch of botsnacks from the fridge01:16
* texnicer feeding the trolls erm... bots01:16
zoredacheI don't know anything about texlive sorry.  What is it?01:17
texnicerI mean this is english-speaking. U.S time is approx 5-8 in the evening... almost noone online?01:17
texnicertexlive is the rather new distribution of LaTeX under linux01:17
texnicerWhile LaTeX is a markup for TeX01:17
zoredachethe #xubuntu channel is almost always empty.  If you want a busy channel see #ubuntu01:18
texnicer"it has to do with typesetting"01:18
texniceri wanna see ppl using my xfce =)01:18
texnicerlike i install on my 2 P2-300/128MB01:18
texnicerzoredache: so you are U.S.?01:19
texnicerI am German. *wavehand*01:19
=== texnicer is now known as TeXnicer
zoredachetexnicer: yes, I am in the U.S.  Washington state specifically.01:20
TeXnicerI see01:21
zoredachejust a thought, but did you try doing an 'sudo apt-get install textlive-full' ?01:21
TeXniceri did01:22
TeXnicerthat is why i have time01:22
TeXnicerto be honest i left out the "full" and added some suggested packaged01:22
TeXnicernow I need to find out what is really imporant while not SPAMing my HD (1GB left only)01:23
TeXnicerYou heard about TeX/LaTeX?01:24
TeXnicerit's very simple01:24
TeXnicera markup like HTML01:24
TeXnicerbut it produces (traditionally:  .dvi) and .ps and .pdf01:24
TeXnicerperfect for managing big works like master thesis01:25
TeXnicersectioning and footnotes, extraordinary for math formulars, excellent graphics-environment for precise sketching and plotting01:25
TeXnicerinterested in examples?01:26
zoredachenot really01:26
TeXniceri see. sorry. It is my passion, but that is easlily to be guessed hm?!01:27
TeXnicerWhat you are up to?01:27
TeXnicerWhat purpose is your use of Linux?01:27
zoredacheI am resonsible for about 40 debian-based servers that perform varios roles like (firewall,cache,web server,mail server)01:28
TeXnicerlike: money.01:28
TeXnicerlike 24/701:28
TeXnicerI see01:29
TeXnicerdo you know SVG? Scaleable Vector Graphics?01:29
TeXnicerit's a graphical markup for websites01:29
TeXnicerand precise01:30
TeXnicerlike i did in a small piece of work 'arbelos' (from archimedes): the circles area is the same of the yellow marked area (if you hit the text below)01:30
TeXnicerFLächenmarkierung = area highlighting01:31
* TeXnicer senses that he never gonna use the croatian language support texlive installs right noe01:32
TeXnicerHi _slvmchn_01:39
TeXnicerhow to invite ppl into a seperate channel?01:59
TeXnicer... /msg chanserv #channel nick does not work01:59
lechefirst of all, you have to be authed to the server01:59
TeXniceri am02:00
TeXnicerdoes the channel have to be registered?02:00
lechewhich client do you use? i dont know the command, i usually use rightclick at the nick02:00
lecheoh wait, no02:01
lechethis is another one02:01
lechei thought you mean query02:01
TeXnicer"/invite #channel <nick> doesnt do?02:02
TeXnicerpigding on 7.10 Gutsy gibbon02:03
lechewait a mom02:04
leche /invite [Nick] #Channel02:05
leche@ TeXnicer02:05
lecheinvite me to test02:05
lechedid it work?02:06
TeXnicernone =/02:07
TeXnicerwell ill check that out another day02:07
TeXnicerthere should be some description in the net, hum?02:08
TeXnicergtb soon02:08
TeXnicer3 ion the morning oO02:08
lechei found this one http://www.irc-mania.de/ircbefehle.php02:08
lechei guess youre german, so you should be able to read it02:09
TeXnicer=) good guess02:09
TeXnicerIs my articulation as bad or from whois?02:09
leche<TeXnicer> FLächenmarkierung = area highlighting02:09
TeXniceraregh those damit umlauts got me02:10
* TeXnicer was owned by "ä"02:10
lechenö, ich kenn das wort einfach :-P02:10
TeXnicerwhere the heck did you know that is german?02:10
TeXnicerwie bekommt man seine IP aus dem whois?02:11
TeXnicerhast du es dir wenigstens angeguckt?02:11
lechewieso nimmst du dir keine cloak?02:12
TeXnicerwird es wohl einen unterschied machen, wenn ich auf einem P2-300 mit 7.10 von 64MB auf 192/256/384MB aufrüste?02:12
TeXnicerwie "cloak"?02:12
ubotuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks02:12
TeXnicerdas gucke ich mir dann mal an02:13
lecheTeXnicer, durchaus sinnvoll dem system etwas ram zu gönnen02:13
TeXnicerbei einem P2-300 mobile02:14
TeXnicerdas 333 notebook von compaq verträgt nur max 19202:14
lechewas hast du denn laufen? xubuntu?02:14
TeXnicerhier werde ich mal testen wieviel die zwei slots nehmen02:14
TeXnicerauf beiden02:14
TeXnicerugs. 6.06 weil ich dachte das sei schlanker02:14
lecheich bekomm denmächst einen sony vayo ähnlichen ausmaßes02:14
TeXnicerdarf ich fragen wo du herkommst?02:15
lechewollte entweder xubuntu oder dsl draufmachen02:15
lechegöttingen, warum?02:15
TeXnicerdsl habe ich probiert02:15
TeXnicernur so02:15
TeXnicerich mache den tex-stammtisch hier02:15
TeXnicerfalls du student bist, wäre das vielleicht interessant für dich gewesen02:15
TeXnicerwas machst du so?02:16
lecheich hab zwar noch gar nichts mit gemacht, wollte mir es demnächst aber mal anschauen02:16
TeXnicerna dann02:16
lechewollen wir in deinen stammtisch gehen?02:16
TeXnicerist kein channel02:16
lecheich dachte du hast nen channel hier02:16
TeXnicerdas ist RL02:16
TeXnicerund mit dem einladen...02:16
TeXnicerkann ich dich als buddy adden?02:17
TeXnicerich versuche das mal02:17
lechehast du jabber?02:17
TeXnicerversuche mal #borsi34 zu joinen02:18
Gumbyhello all.  Ive installed xfce on ubuntu using apt-get install xubuntu-desktop from a base install.  The fonts on the desktop are so small they are unreadable.  Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?  I'm googling and every solution I have found thus far has failed04:39
somerville32Gumby, You might try the xubuntu-users mailing list05:08
somerville32Gumby, This channel is pretty dead at this time of day05:08
Gumbyok, thx somerville3205:09
GumbyI might just install ubuntu-desktop meta package instead :)05:10
GumbyI'm really only using the box to run mythtv.  I would have preferred a light desktop but if I cant get the font situation figured out its a moot point :)05:13
somerville32Why not run Mythbuntu?05:17
Gumbysomerville32: because I am using a DVB-S card for satellite that needs special patches to mythtv05:27
Gumbymythtv needs to be compiled with these patches in so running a distro that includes mythtv is somewhat pointless05:27
somerville32Mythbuntu doesn't ship with those patches?05:28
Gumbyits for decrypting encrypted satellite05:28
cratelgetting "the disc is not writable" errors on writable discs using brasero.05:48
reeeh2000hi all, i'm running xubuntu on an old p2 laptop with no network connection and have lost the menu panel, any ideas?05:57
shekharhi could someone help me out? i deleted my .config/xfce and cannot start the xfce desktop now05:57
soldatsreeeh2000, can you open a terminal05:58
reeeh2000soldats: 1 sec, let me see05:58
reeeh2000soldats: yes05:59
soldatsi think the command in terminal is "xfce4-panel" and it will either open the panel config menu or place the default panel in the desktop. sorry i cant check it right now since im not on my xubuntu hard drive06:00
reeeh2000soldats: lets me give it a try06:00
reeeh2000soldats: hurray, it worked! I love the terminal06:01
soldats:P me too06:01
soldatswhat happened wen you lost the panel06:02
reeeh2000soldats: blast it, it dissapeared when i closed the terminal06:02
soldatsxfce4-panel &06:02
soldats^^ do that with th ampersand06:02
reeeh2000it just didn't turn on at start up06:02
soldatserr "xfce4-panel &"06:02
soldatsthen you should be able to close terminal06:03
reeeh2000ok 1 sec06:03
reeeh2000nope, it dissapears when i close it still06:03
soldatsstrange, ok well do it again minimize the terminal and go to the settings for sessions and click save session then restart and see if it helped06:05
reeeh2000ok let me try06:05
reeeh2000restarting now06:06
shekharha okay my problem solved itself06:07
* shekhar loves xubuntu on the asus eee06:07
reeeh2000ok, its going now06:07
reeeh2000thanks for the help06:07
soldatsreeeh2000, awesome :P im glad06:08
soldatsshekhar, what was the problem06:08
shekharsoldats:  disappearing panels06:08
shekharhad something to do with removing compiz and borking the desktop settings06:08
soldatsahh, so it fixed itself??06:08
shekharapparently yes :-)06:08
soldatscool :)06:09
shekhari just deleted .config/~xfce406:09
shekharit rebuilt itself after two or three tries06:09
soldatswow i didnt think it would do that06:09
shekharit just reset all the settings06:09
shekhartook some time and prodding tho06:09
reeeh2000thanks guys, loving the speed im getting out of this old p2 with xubuntu06:10
soldatsbye bye06:11
KuwangerHow do I turn off the system bell?06:22
soldatstheres an option to turn off system bell but i forgot where. look around. i cant check for yousorry since im not on my xubuntu hdd06:25
jrelicsanyone know about installing xubuntu on pentium mmx  I am getting some errors..less when I put acpi=off nolapic etc06:31
nanonymeis that i486?06:33
jrelicsdon't think so...is pentium mmx 486?06:34
nanonymeheh, i586 apparently06:35
nanonymereason for the question is that i suspected it's missing some instructions which causes the errors06:36
KuwangerAh, xset -b06:37
nanonymealso iirc modern versions of glibc require i686 so your computer might have unexpected behaviour after boot06:37
* Kuwanger wonders why glibc would require i686.06:38
jrelicsok so what should I do06:38
nanonymeKuwanger, i don't know, i ran into that while using gentoo06:38
jrelicsi am redownloading and burning a new xubuntu alt cd install since I thought maybe it froze during scanning cd phase06:39
nanonymeKuwanger, it refuses to compile if you tell it that the cpu is lower than i68606:39
nanonymeif i remember correctly06:39
KuwangerOdd.  I recall Ubuntu's docs saying you could install on a 486.06:39
nanonymesure you can06:40
nanonymeyou just have to use glibc 2.206:40
soldatsxubuntu is built for i686 so youll have to use the alt cd i think06:41
jrelicsalt cd is used06:42
nanonymeright even06:43
nanonymeKuwanger, iirc glibc 2.4 added the limitation to Linux06:43
* Kuwanger goes back to wondering why DRI and GLX don't work appropriately.06:43
nanonymebut using a Linux with a non-recent glibc sucks anyway :p06:44
nanonymeat least if it's a desktop06:44
nanonymesince recent programs tend to require a recent glibc so you have your whole dependency chains downgraded to years ago...06:45
KuwangerIs there a simple way to find out what package a file belongs to, to list all installed packages, and to list the contents of an installed package?  Can they be done while Synaptic is running in the background?06:52
zoredacheKuwanger: yes all those things are possible07:12
zoredacheto list all the installed packages 'dpkg --get-selections', to find the package a file belongs to dpkg -S "pattern" '07:14
zoredachethose tasks can even be done as a non-root user07:14
TyroazardHello there xubuntu08:45
TyroazardAny differences between xubuntu and ubuntu general usage wise?08:45
The-Kernelquiet night eh?09:01
The-Kernel*. *?09:03
The-KernelI should use that on my girl friend sometimes09:03
TyroazardNo, I typed "," by accident09:04
TyroazardIn other news, purged my system of mac09:04
TyroazardHouse, rather.09:04
TyroazardWhich is awesome.09:05
TyroazardBeen wanting to do that for a while.09:06
The-KernelI do it to all my new systems "before" I bring them into the house09:07
TyroazardI didn't get the mac.09:07
TyroazardIt was my dads09:07
TyroazardI suppose I could have had use for it if it was faster.09:08
TyroazardNot with OSX, of course, but meh.09:08
TyroazardEither way.09:08
The-KernelI'm on a Pentium Pro right now09:08
The-Kernel150 MHz ftw!09:08
TyroazardMy laptop is faster than it09:08
TyroazardAnd cheaper, to boot.09:08
The-KernelIt cost me like $309:08
TyroazardHell, my desktop is cheaper than the macl.09:08
TyroazardI wonder how much processing power my printer has09:09
TyroazardOr my X360 wireless controller09:09
TyroazardI think the controller has 30mhz.09:09
The-KernelThe laser jet at work has like a 200 MHz CPU in it09:10
TyroazardAny chance you'd know how much power a Lexmark X5470 has?09:10
The-Kernelyeah, about 25 MHz09:11
TyroazardHow about my shiny new router?09:12
TyroazardD-Link DI-50409:12
The-Kernel-100 Mhz09:13
TyroazardUhm, A typical remote control?09:14
The-Kernellike 5MHz09:15
The-Kernelso....Tyroazard, what are you up to at this time of....morning?09:19
TyroazardIt's 5:19PM here09:19
TyroazardHong Kong09:19
TyroazardAfter school, actually.09:19
The-KernelLOL, ok09:20
Tyroazard82% of Ubuntu install on the iCrap09:20
The-KernelIt's 1:20 am here09:20
The-Kernelwhy are you in Hong Kong?09:22
The-KernelThe US isn't THAT bad is it?09:22
TyroazardParents' work09:25
TyroazardAnyways, you don't have MSN, do you?09:26
The-KernelI do...09:27
TyroazardI do hope you're not one of those paranoid types.09:28
TyroazardEither way, mind typing it? Or PMing it over, depends on you.09:28
TyroazardOh, uhm, please?09:31
nanbudhhello. i have just installed a netgear wg311 wifi card on an xubuntu Pentium III box by following this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Netgear_WG311_v3  and the installation was succesfull. could anyone please tell me how to go about linking the card with my netgear router which is running on the machine i currently am?13:36
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
webitoHi! is there any good mp3 player for xubuntu?14:16
webitolike Rythmbox?14:24
TeXnicerHi there14:24
TeXnicerI just installed Gutsy Gibon (7.10) but have some problems with configuration14:25
TeXnicer(1) German language support isnt complete, yet, so I want to switch system language (utmost complete) to british english14:25
TeXnicer(2) language support wasnt available during installation (no inet) - now I receive a warning - how to install?14:26
TeXnicer(3) I messed um the hostname I like to set a new one; i tried to use /etc/hosts but somehow there too much in there. I roughly remember one file where the hostname was stored and red from ... can anyone tell?14:27
TeXnicer(4) TIA14:27
TeXnicererm... anyone active in here... are my questions dumb? Sorry, but a link would help alot.14:28
TeXnicer(3) I found: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/hosts?highlight=%28hosts%29 (rebooting now to see if that was enough in /etc/hosts)14:32
TeXniceranyone in here wanna talk?14:50
TeXnicerHello jonnyboy27 and Dr`Maison14:55
TeXnicerHello joakim14:55
TeXnicerHm I installed 7.10 and want to change the computer's name... is that possible?14:56
TeXniceri changed /etc/hosts but14:56
TeXnicerwhen I reboot he still wanna have the old name and warns me after login... any clue or any file?14:56
marchand then: hostname -F /etc/hostname15:10
marchfinally edit: /etc/hosts15:12
march127.0.0.1       localhost15:12
march127.0.1.1       newname15:12
=== ablomen_ is now known as ablomen
=== march is now known as march_afk
Flibberdyhi all, any idea how to enable coloured output for commands like ls in xfce's terminal?15:59
Flibberdyoh nm, i fixed it. I had a small error in my .bashrc16:00
michaelnebeGood evening.Is it possible to use a Wlan card on a PII 450 Mhz with Xubuntu?16:01
Flibberdymichaelnebe: what chipset is the wlan card?16:02
michaelnebei have to buy a new one.I havnt a card yet16:03
Flibberdyoh i see. the kernel deals with that sort of thing so I'd imagine if it's compatible with ubuntu it'll work in xubuntu. Or are wlan cards very cpu intensive?16:05
michaelnebei think that wlan cards a very cpu intensive,so before i buy one i want to ask it it possible that a card work fine in my computer16:07
AC0RNmaybeh sum1 can help me.. dont ban.. umm im on ubuntu trying to get ot fedora..18:20
AC0RNthe name of the progam that i downloaded is18:21
AC0RNits around 3gbs..18:21
AC0RNi choose to burn with gnome baker18:21
AC0RNand it says BUrn DVD image..18:21
AC0RNdo  i click that.. cause the burn cd image fails18:22
TheSheepif it's over 3GB, it's definitely a DVD18:22
AC0RNyea but the problem is18:22
AC0RNwhen i burn it to dvd it says completed18:22
AC0RNi turn it on18:22
AC0RNboot it up18:22
AC0RNand i go back to ubuntu18:22
AC0RNit doesnt load the fedora?18:22
TheSheepyou need to enable booting from cd in your bios18:23
AC0RNive installed over like 9os in teh past 3 days18:23
AC0RNlike sabayon..... Kubuntu.. and back to ubuntu18:23
AC0RNand they all worked except this one?18:23
TheSheepmaybe the download is corrupted?18:23
TheSheephave you verified its md5?18:23
ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:24
AC0RN0.os... k18:24
TheSheepthe checksum should be available where you downloaded the iso18:24
AC0RN ok umm 1 think may affect it.. my dvd says DVD-R... form fujifilm18:25
AC0RNwould that mean anything?18:25
AC0RNcause i also got a dvd-rw18:25
TheSheepit should work both with DVD-R and DVD+R18:25
TheSheepas long as your burner supports it18:25
AC0RNits gnomebaker? dell computer..18:26
AC0RNoh yea when i plug the dvd in i dont see an icon to see its stuff?18:26
AC0RNshold i download the fedora again and try?18:28
AC0RNor would it not make any difference18:28
TheSheepcheck th md5 sum first18:28
TheSheepif it's wrong, download again18:28
TheSheepif not, redowaloading won't help18:29
TheSheepwhy don't you ask at #fedora, by the way?18:29
AC0RNgpg: keyring `/home/acorn/.gnupg/pubring.gpg' created18:29
AC0RNgpg: can't open `MD5SUMS.gpg'18:29
AC0RNgpg: verify signatures failed: file open error18:29
AC0RNcause i dont got a registered nick18:30
AC0RNand i dont know how to register it18:30
AC0RNit says i need to be identified18:30
TheSheepAC0RN: http://freenode.net <-- it's explained here18:31

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