
ryanakcaScottK: *nods*00:02
RinTinTiggerHey...is someone there?00:27
RinTinTiggerI need some help with a "special problem"00:28
ryanakcaRinTinTigger: #kubuntu ?00:28
RinTinTiggerwell i am not sure00:29
RinTinTiggerproblem is00:29
RinTinTiggerI have a laptop with cd-drive malfunction00:29
RinTinTiggerand had windows preinstalled00:29
RinTinTiggerand installed Feisty Fawn via Wubi00:29
ryanakca... and... was it caused by Kubuntu / Did it happen when you put in the CD?00:29
ryanakcaah... Wubi?00:29
RinTinTiggernow BOTH OS crashed00:29
* ryanakca scratches his head and decides this is above him00:30
RinTinTiggerand i cant reinstall00:30
RinTinTiggerso i kinda need a way to install ubuntu/lionux via USB-Stick ^^00:30
RinTinTiggerHow do i F***CKIN ;) install Linux without a Cd-Drive and network access ? :D00:30
ryanakcayou're better off asking that type of question in #ubuntu ... #kubuntu answers that type of question, but it's not as populated. #ubuntu will deal with more generic issues, hardware under Ubuntu, etc.00:31
ryanakcahow? with your godly superpowers :P00:31
nixternalman, I so need to get this audio crap fixed...I just booted into KDE 4 in class and everyone heard the new login sound :)00:35
crimsun/ignore * nixternal ["audio" "sound"]00:37
ryanakcaoooh, I like the new "to complete this update you need to reboot your system" message that pops up, telling me my upgrade is done00:38
ryanakcabrb, wish me luck, hardy, here I come :)00:38
ryanakcaweee :)00:50
ryanakcaMy KDE session didn't get restored for some reason... but I can live with that :)00:50
yuriyoh this is fun. kde4 just crashed and now the panel won't come up00:53
* yuriy says goodbye to his ~/.kde400:56
ryanakcaaaaaah! 'kopete' points to /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kopete ... and kopete-kde4 points to /usr/bin/kopete-kde400:57
ryanakca... and /usr/bin/kopete refuses to start :S00:58
yuriyi know this was being discussed yesterday but.. maybe the user on computer/kubuntu label could go on the top of kickoff?00:58
stdinnixternal: you about?00:59
=== santiago-php is now known as santiago-ve
ryanakcahmm... is kopete dead for anybody else?01:31
crimsunerr, sorry.01:31
jjesse_evening :)01:57
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
Jucatohi jjesse!01:58
jjessemorning Jucato02:00
jjesseman i love the opening sessions of american idol02:00
bddebianIt's frickin' frightening02:02
jjesseaint it great02:02
bddebianNo it makes me ashamed of my species :-)02:04
jjessemakes me ashasmed as well02:05
jjessei can't believe some of these people02:05
jjessejust started watching02:05
jjesseman i love to do that02:05
jjesseset password kmj040702:06
jjessegood lord02:06
jjessei should quit typing02:06
jjessechanged all of my accounts again :(02:07
jjessei'm stupid02:07
* yuriy found a use for the thumbnail aside effect02:15
jjesseyay yuriy02:15
=== kitterma is now known as ScottK2
jjesse_hrm interseting dropping my network connectin again under linux ;(02:36
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jjesse_i think everyone fell alseep03:09
nixternalhey, we aren't going to have a #kubuntu and a #kubuntu-kde4 are we? just one channel03:09
jjesse_nixternal: you are in charge of both :)03:09
Hobbseethe impression tha ti got from teh meeting minutes was that we wer.e03:10
nixternalheck no, trying to put a stop to a separate channel if at all possible03:10
nixternalthat is ridiculous03:10
Hobbseewell, fix it then, and stop the arguing.  *shrug*03:10
Hobbseeif you want to take over, then do so.  no one's stopping you.03:10
* Hobbsee should just resign from the KC03:20
nixternalHobbsee: don't you dare!03:22
Hobbseenixternal: why?03:22
nixternalcuz I said so, that's why :p03:22
DaSkreech I have my ticket03:22
tlaytonhey. talking about kde4, if i remove a desktop file when in kde3, shouldn't it also be removed when i go back to kde4?03:23
Hobbseenixternal: so?03:23
nixternal 21:24:51 up 63 days,  4:22,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.0003:24
* nixternal thinks it is time for a break03:25
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=== Sapphire-Tux is now known as Elidix
manchickenWe've got a babychicken.05:59
manchickenBorn on the 15th at 19:46 -050005:59
Jucatothat's great!! congratulations!! :)06:00
Hobbseeheya Jucato!06:01
DaSkreechLumaya Jucato !06:04
ScottKmanchicken: Congratulations.06:12
yuriycongratulations manchicken!!!06:18
manchickenBaby pics: http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=17489305&albumId=142946006:22
DaSkreechI have to login to see em?06:24
JucatoI have to register? O.o06:24
DaSkreechseele: Someone is looking for you06:32
DaSkreechseele: _CitizenKane_ in #kde if you see this06:45
manchickenTry going to http://www.myspace.com/manchicken and clicking on "pics"06:48
Hobbseeew, myspace?06:51
Tm_Tstop cursing, little kids are awake06:51
DaSkreechI must be logged into see that06:54
DaSkreechmanchicken: I guess you have some filter on them06:57
* Tm_T doesn't know what is this "myspace"06:57
manchickenI don't think I do.07:00
manchickenSorry, myspace is all I can think of to access on this super-anal network.07:00
* Hobbsee suggests hosting them on a real site07:00
manchickenEverything is locked down on this hospital wifi.07:01
Tm_Tmanchicken: awww, what's the situation there?07:01
manchickenThey'll be on manchicken.com once we get home.07:01
manchickenProbably with video.07:01
manchickenBut this hospital is locked down.  I'm using an HTTP client to IRC right now.07:01
manchickenbtw, mibbit.com is sweet.07:01
manchickenmeebo.com isn't half bad either.07:02
* Hobbsee si surprised the hospital has wifi07:03
manchickenI was, too.07:03
nixternalBelkin KVMs are the suxorz08:19
apache|mobilestdin: I think we should close bug 182288 telling the report to move it to bugs.kde.org that report doesn't report a certain issue, but quite some troubles with ATI stuff08:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 182288 in kdebase-kde4 "blank screen with kwin effects" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18228808:50
nixternalapache|mobile: that is because that person doesn't have either a) the correct driver installed, or b) doesn't have the correct driver installed09:04
nixternalI have no problems now with my Radeon and KDE 409:04
nixternalholy smokes, 03:07...time flies when you clean up your computer area09:07
* nixternal beds09:07
apache|mobilenixternal: I think it also depends on the chip09:15
iRoni got the same thing (blank screen) with integrated intel video09:22
iRonon my laptop09:22
apache|mobileiRon: works for mine09:55
apache|mobileiRon: can you paste your xorg.conf?09:55
* Hobbsee curses blinken10:31
* Hobbsee tries again10:31
* Hobbsee plays with more of kdeedu11:04
iRonapache|mobile: actualy default one, generated by xserver-xorg: http://pastebin.org/1564211:20
* apache|mobile isn't too surprised that this doesn't work properly11:23
iRonoh.. i found how to reproduce it.. anyone whants to try?11:23
iRoni think it will fail on any card11:23
parthananyways of tracing why a "knotify crashed error occurred" ?11:26
iRon1. Goto System Settings / Desktop Effects: deselect 'Enable desktop effects' checkbox11:26
iRon2. Then again select 'Enable desktop effects' checkbox and deselect 'Improved window management' and 'Various animations'...11:27
iRonLeave only selected 'Shadows'11:27
iRonAnd press Apply..11:27
iRonYou'll get a black screen with mouse cursor11:27
iRonapache|mobile: could you try this?11:28
apache|mobileiRon: only for 5 seconds11:29
iRonapache|mobile: yep, then it returns to prev state.. but if you press 'ctrl-alt-backspace' before this 5 seconds -- then on next login you'll get a black screen.11:31
iRonapache|mobile: or press `enter'11:31
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apache|mobileiRon: upstream bug11:32
mhbryanakca: I get the feeling that the message did not get to many interested ears12:38
stdinapachelogger_: there's nothing we can do about that bug either way, it should go upstream (maybe kwin can do better detection of hardware capabilities)12:49
stdinsomeone says they're still having bug 18207712:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 182077 in kdebase-workspace "multiple desktop-icons in kde4" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18207712:52
iRonstdin: i think there is some logical error in code.. need to check what settings are activated when 'Improved window management' is checked.12:53
iRonstdin: because i could see mouse cursor.. so X doesn't failed12:53
iRonstdin: i think it's just need to enable some variables in code even if only 'Shadows' activated12:54
stdinstill should probably go upstream, they know the code better than anyone12:55
alleeHolHobbsee: you've added to exiv2 quite some conflicts for smooth upgrades.  This effectivly disabled having several libexiv2* in parallel.   Was this a quick fix?  Can't this be solved in a less intrusive way?12:59
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
HobbseealleeHol: probably.  it was holding back digikam upgrades.13:05
smarterAre we going to package the oxygen cursor theme?13:10
mhbplease do (humble request)13:11
mhbit should be packaged separate from KDE anyway (cursors are non-DE-dependent)13:12
smartershouldn't be too hard to package ;)13:16
smarterIt uses inkscape to generate the png, can it uses ksvgtopng?13:18
alleeHolHobbsee: thx13:22
mhbsmarter: hmm, I guess Inkscape is a safer choice.13:22
apachelogger_smarter: no13:30
apachelogger_can't use ksvgtopng13:30
apachelogger_smarter: btw, you probably will have to write a script to create a snapshot tar.gz13:31
smarterapachelogger_: why should I create a tar.gz?13:31
apachelogger_smarter: how do you want to package it without?13:31
smarterI type make, then cp cursors/* /usr/share/icons and that's it13:32
apachelogger_smarter: _package_13:32
smarterso I just need to put this in debian/rules13:32
apachelogger_smarter: where do you get the source from?13:32
smarterapachelogger_: git13:32
apachelogger_you need to create a solution to update the checkout13:33
apachelogger_hence create a tar.gz13:33
apachelogger_because only native packages can go without orig.tar.gz13:33
smarterI thought I'll just remove .git and create the tarball13:34
smarterIf i make a script, where should I put it?13:34
apachelogger_in the debian dir13:34
apachelogger_you can also create a get-orig-source rule in debian/rules, but script is probably easier to do13:34
apachelogger_just needs to git clone, remove the .git and tar it up13:35
* apachelogger_ updates kdeedu13:35
smarterI'll do that13:35
apachelogger_smarter: cool :)13:35
apachelogger_stdin: btw, kde4 is missing a dep on kdeedu-kde413:36
stdinapachelogger_: kde4 depends on kde4-amusements, which depends on kdeedu-kde413:37
_StefanS_I was just wondering, anyone have the xorg settings for nvidia to enable effects under kde4 ?13:38
stdin_StefanS_: http://websvn.kde.org/*checkout*/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/kwin/COMPOSITE_HOWTO13:39
apachelogger_stdin: ok13:39
_StefanS_stdin: thanks13:39
* apachelogger_ svn co's kiten13:39
_StefanS_hey Tonio_13:39
Tonio_hey _StefanS_13:40
* apachelogger_ commits fixed icon installation to kiten13:42
_StefanS_I wish we could do without xorg.conf, and leave it to autodetect everything... seems unlikely at the moment though13:42
mhb_StefanS_: all in due time13:43
_StefanS_mhb: yes, I sure hope so.. its already been stripped down a bit the past years, but time will tell I guess.13:44
_StefanS_going kde4... brb.13:44
apachelogger_stdin: btw, I think we should work on a different configuration solution ... .kde4 isn't precisely a good thing, considering kde 4 is default in hardy13:45
apachelogger_makes one unbelivable pita13:45
apachelogger_for upgrading13:45
stdinapachelogger_: the "kde4-*" packages are really just there to replace the kde3 versions "kde-*"13:46
stdinwe could/should make a kubuntu specific meta-package13:46
apachelogger_stdin: nah, I mean for the configuration storage13:46
mhbapachelogger_: is KDE4 even ready to import original .kde3 config files?13:46
apachelogger_right now it's $HOME/.kde for kde3 and $HOME/.kde4 for kde413:47
stdinahh, right13:47
apachelogger_mhb: I don't know13:47
apachelogger_honestly I don't care13:47
apachelogger_I'm worried about KDE 4 upgrades13:47
apachelogger_if we go with .kde4 for hardy13:47
apachelogger_we will have to patch KDE until KDE 5 gets out13:47
mhblike we haven't patched KDE3 at all :o) but I see your point13:48
apachelogger_I think we should patch .kde313:51
apachelogger_maybe add some cp -rf .kde .kde3 when the startkde for KDE4 is initated the first time13:52
* apachelogger_ takes the stress ball for a walk13:52
ScottKapachelogger_: Are you going to do the regression testing to ensure that doesn't break anything?13:54
apachelogger_ScottK: what could this possible break?13:59
apachelogger_mhb: do you think a migration wizard would be too bloated? :P13:59
mhbapachelogger_: nay14:00
apachelogger_like blah, a kde3 configuration set has been detected, do you want to reuse it for kde3 applications, dump it or let apps try to migrate them14:00
mhbapachelogger_: wizard's are Riddell's expertise14:00
apachelogger_hrrhr :D14:00
smarterand the same for kde3: ".kde contains kde4 configuration, do you want to use .kde3?"14:02
apachelogger_we patch kdelibs to use .kde3 for kde314:02
apachelogger_just what we do now for kde4 the other way round14:03
apachelogger_if a user starts kde3 we just cp -rf to .kde314:03
Mezwhy do gtk need to have a gboolean type?14:12
Nightroseapachelogger_: you should give the option to make a backup no matter what is choosen14:14
ScottKapachelogger_: Are there any KDE3 apps that are hardcoded to look in .kde?  If you answer no, then tell me how you know that?14:22
apachelogger_ScottK: no, if they do they aren't KDE apps14:26
ScottKapachelogger_: Or buggy ones.14:26
apachelogger_that's the most basic freature of configuration stoarge ;-)14:26
ScottKYes and it's not unknown for programs to have bugs due to relying on basic things they shouldn't rely on.14:27
apachelogger_ScottK: so you think we should test the zillions of KDE software ;-)14:27
ScottKapachelogger_: If you're going to move .kde to .kde3, yes.14:27
apachelogger_cool thing14:27
ScottKKDE3 is your stable foundation for people to do work on, don't take risks with it.14:27
* apachelogger_ hereby proposes to remove KDE 3 completely14:27
* ScottK goe and installs opensuse then.14:28
ScottKBTW, if it's easy to move .kde to .kde3, why isn't it just as easy to move .kde4 to .kde when the time comes?14:28
apachelogger_ScottK: because when the time comes it's move .kde4 to .kde and .kde to .kde314:29
apachelogger_the thing is14:30
apachelogger_ScottK: the change to .kde3 would only cause problems if another app uses a 3rd apps config14:30
Hobbseeand there's no guarentee that the configs are compatible14:30
ScottKWhich are all very good reasons not to be messing with KDE3 configs in Hardy.14:31
apachelogger_ScottK: IMO the scenario of regression is _highly_ impossible14:32
apachelogger_as saied, a really problem would be if another app access another app's config14:32
apachelogger_and doing that yourself instead of abusing kdelibs is more work14:32
apachelogger_so none would have done that14:32
apachelogger_if the app writes it's own config statically to .kde14:33
apachelogger_it's a problem either way14:33
apachelogger_because if you start the KDE 4 port, it will do it, and if you start the KDE 3 port it will do it as well14:33
apachelogger_so we can't influence it at all14:33
apachelogger_but I agree, regression testing is most important for the whole transition process14:34
wesley_there are daily kde4 updates it seems14:34
apachelogger_pretty much14:35
wesley_theres one from kopete and plasma14:35
apachelogger_Nightrose: maybe some checkbox - "Create a compressed backup package"14:35
Nightroseapachelogger_: jep something like that14:35
apachelogger_Nightrose: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/img046.jpg14:42
apachelogger_like this?14:42
Nightroseapachelogger_: nicely :) - maybe some indication where it gets saved to?14:43
NightroseI assume home14:43
* apachelogger_ would go for Desktop14:45
apachelogger_most visible after login14:45
Nightrosehmm fine as well I think - just indicate somehow where it is14:46
apachelogger_Nightrose: in a tooltip14:47
apachelogger_everything else bloats the gui and mhb will punch me again14:47
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger_: Hope you don't leave the third option to 'ony'14:48
apachelogger_Artemis_Fowl: just a mockup :D14:49
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger_: :-)14:49
mhbapachelogger_: I'm fine as long as Riddell approves it14:49
apachelogger_well, needs some improvement14:50
apachelogger_logo somewhere maybe14:50
xRaich[o]2xstacked widgets could be nice. for step by step migration. or is this too much?14:52
apachelogger_xRaich[o]2x: the options on the screenshot are really everything we want/need to do14:53
apachelogger_we can't influence the actual configuration migration14:53
xRaich[o]2xhm k14:56
* apachelogger_ kicks kiten15:01
apachelogger_that app has been made to annoy me15:01
* apachelogger_ assumes Nightrose is responsible for this15:01
manchickenSun is going to buy MySQL.  What is the world coming to?15:01
xRaich[o]2xkiten bakka desuka?15:01
Nightroseapachelogger_: right - I only did that for you honey cause I know you like it :P15:02
apachelogger_manchicken: they need at least one useable software :P15:02
apachelogger_Nightrose: bah15:02
manchickenapachelogger_: I suppose.  At least they didn't buy postgresql.  It'd be a shame if they pulled a real dbms out of Free Software.15:03
apachelogger_deb creation for kdeedu takes almost as long as compiling15:04
apachelogger__my english sounds kinda cool today15:32
apachelogger__paste something so that somewhere else can take a look15:32
apachelogger__sounds reasonable, doesn't it :P15:32
* apachelogger__ needs more sleep15:32
=== apachelogger__ is now known as apachelogger
apacheloggerScottK: about your comment on libksquirrel - nixternal and I came to agree that including useless manpages doesn't make any sense, and for the bins in that package they are useless15:33
ScottKapachelogger: OK.  Debian policy doesn't discriminate.  I'd suggest writing a very simple one.15:34
ScottKNot quite that simple.15:36
apacheloggerthere ain't much to write15:36
apacheloggerapp name15:36
apacheloggerbin name15:36
apacheloggercopyright holder15:37
apacheloggerhomepage maybe15:37
ScottKAny options you can give it when you run it?15:37
apacheloggerwell, for one I think, but I never tried whether this actually works15:37
ScottKFixing Riddell's FTBFS would be a nice feature for the package too ;-)15:37
apacheloggeralso these bins aren't for any use to anyone15:37
ScottKWell test and document that then.15:38
* apachelogger is kinda busy with kde4 though15:38
ScottKIt's FOSS, you can't control or predict how it will be used.  Better it be documented.15:38
apacheloggerScottK: pretty much my point, since it has a source anyone would use that and not introduce a dep on libksquirrel ;-)15:39
apacheloggeranyway, I'll add the manpages15:39
ScottKGreat.  Once you fix the FTBFS, ping me and I'll look at it.15:39
emonkeyryanakca, news about the mockup is out since lunchtime (europe)16:14
mhbjpatrick: are you making minutes from the last meeting, too?17:24
jpatrickmhb: seeing as no one reads them => no17:24
smarterI read them :}17:25
mhbjpatrick: what's that?17:25
mhbjpatrick: I read them *all* the time17:25
Nightrosejpatrick: I read them as well17:25
mhbeven though I've been on most of the meetings :o)17:25
jpatrickI got the feeling from kubuntu-users that noone bothered with them17:25
jpatrickI will do it ;) and always will17:26
mhbI'm not sure a ML with topics like "Alternatives to Kubuntu" is really representative17:27
mhbI am sorry that I haven't paid more attention at the last one ...17:27
mhbhave you/we decided to have a #kubuntu-kde4 channel?17:27
jpatrickwe have it17:28
mhbI know we do now17:28
mhbbut it was quite a hot topic at the yesterday's IRC meeting17:28
mhbmany people are against it17:28
mhband I must have missed the part when we talked about it, so I'm asking17:28
jpatrickwell Hobbsee pulled out her Kubuntu Council shotgun when the IRC council shut it down17:29
mhbso we haven't really talked about it as a team, or have we?17:31
claydohjpatrick: I read thje minutes, I can't usually make it to the meetings17:31
* mhb honestly doesn't know17:31
jpatrickwe did at the meeting and the vote got though by one17:32
mhbwell, I guess I should continue what I'm doing now17:32
claydohand , at least for those that actually post in k -u- ml, well i dunno17:32
jpatrickclaydoh: don't worry, I'll keep doing them and I'm the one that posts them ;)17:33
mhbnot pay attention to the issue and let the chips fall where they may17:33
claydohand thank you17:33
mhbyes, thanks17:33
claydohthat was the one good post to the list lately17:33
jpatrickbut it seems kubuntu-users people can't read them17:33
jpatrickotherwise we wouldn't have this useless Kubuntu LTS thread17:34
smarterI just finished packaging oxygen cursors theme =)17:34
jpatricksmarter: w00t17:34
nixternalooh? how are they looking?17:34
smarteravailable here: http://ppa.launchpad.net/smarter/ubuntu/pool/main/o/oxygen-cursors-theme/ (the ppa3.1 when they will be uploaded)17:35
jpatricknixternal: you upload? or should I?17:36
smarterI've made two packages: one with the white, yellow and green cursors and another one with the tons of others colors :}17:36
smarteroxygen-cursors-theme and oxygen-cursors-theme-extra17:36
jpatricksmarter: ~ppa3 still need building?17:37
smarterthe latest one is ~ppa3.117:37
smarterwhich is not even uploaded :)17:37
jpatrickmhb: oh, wait, you wanted the last meeting minutes?17:38
smarterI messed up and made ~ppa3 for gutsy ^^'17:38
mhbjpatrick: well, sure.17:39
mhbjpatrick: but I can dig up the logs17:39
mhbjpatrick: don't bother17:39
jpatrickmhb: http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~jpatrick/minutes/17:39
jpatrickmhb: first on the list :)17:39
jpatricknot much details, but...17:40
smarterppa3.1 are uploaded in my PPA17:40
jpatricksmarter: ok, I'll test the package and shove it into universe17:43
smarterthe version number is 0git080116, I don't know if it's the correct way for unreleased programs17:43
smarterffmpeg use 0.cvs2007xxxxx17:43
jpatricksmarter: 0~git20080116-0ubuntu1 would be better17:44
smarterjpatrick: okay, you'll do the change?17:45
jpatrickmaybe 4.0.0~....17:45
mhbjpatrick: thanks17:45
jpatrickseeing as that's kde-icons-oxygen's version17:45
jpatricksmarter: yes17:45
jpatrickmhb: yw17:45
jpatrickRiddell: could we upload oxygen-cursors-theme?17:46
apachelogger_smarter: I vote for 0.1~git.....17:46
apachelogger_smarter: teh diff isn't clean17:46
apachelogger_...meaning there is quite some junk left by clean17:47
jpatrickapachelogger_: on the off chance that upstream releases a 0.0 version ;)17:47
smarterjpatrick: you'll also need to update debian/create-orig-from-git17:47
apachelogger_jpatrick: ~git would still be <17:47
jpatrickapachelogger_: I said that ;)17:47
apachelogger_I'd like to have it in revu17:47
jpatrickgood point17:47
jpatrickapachelogger_: but would upstream mind?17:48
* apachelogger_ needs more time to revu17:48
apachelogger_have to head off for a meeting17:48
apachelogger_jpatrick: ruphy in #oxygen17:48
jpatrickapachelogger_: I'm on it17:48
mhbI hate to bother you again, but shouldn't it be oxygen-cursor-theme?17:48
apachelogger_actually I think ruphy should import it into kde svn before we release something17:48
jpatricksmarter: can you upload to revu?17:48
jpatrickmhb: I vote for kde-cursors-theme-oxygen17:49
mhbthere's no package called "*cursors-theme" but there are "dmz-cursor-theme" "chameleon-cursor-theme"17:49
smartermhb: there's human-cursors-theme17:49
apachelogger_jpatrick: themes aren't desktop depending17:49
jpatrickapachelogger_: he's not there!17:49
apachelogger_jpatrick: well, I will talk to him17:49
mhbsmarter: is there?17:49
apachelogger_smarter: go with cursor-theme17:49
smarterI can upload to revu, even if I've never done it ;)17:49
apachelogger_it's more common17:50
mhbhmm, apt-cache search can't find it17:50
smarterapachelogger_: ok17:50
smarterI'll remove the junk in the diff17:50
jpatricksmarter: is your key in revu keythingy?17:50
smarterjpatrick: I think so17:50
apachelogger_just stick the stuff in revu, I'll have a look at it in ~12 hours and talk to ruphy about releasing17:50
apachelogger_if it's ok I'll push it to universe17:51
jpatricksmarter: yeah, it is; dput revu .changes17:51
smarterso oxygen-cursor-theme-0.1~git080116 ?17:51
apachelogger_maintainer should be ubuntu motu17:53
apachelogger_everything I can complain about on first sight17:53
apachelogger_will have a look at it tomorrow17:53
* apachelogger_ heads off for a meeting17:53
apachelogger_smell you later :P17:53
smarterSo I put myself as "Uploader"?17:54
jpatricknot needed17:54
smarteruploaded ;)18:01
jpatricklet me see...18:02
ScottKsmarter and apachelogger_: Maintainer should probably be Kubuntu Developers18:12
jpatricksmarter: Homepage under Standards-Version could be good too :)18:13
smarterjpatrick: yes18:13
smarterthere's a problem with the version I uploaded to revu18:13
smarterthe /usr/share/icons/oxy-* directories are empty :/18:13
smarteroh I see why18:14
smarteri forgot to rename the oxygen-cursors-* files ...18:14
smarterso I put Kubuntu Developers as maintener?18:14
jpatricksmarter: "is licensed under the GPLv3" and not: (at your option) any later version? :)18:15
ScottKAnd you can put yourself as XSBC-Original-Maintainer: (I think that's it) if you want.18:15
smarterjpatrick: I just copy-pasted the LICENSE file18:15
ScottKAnd use The kubuntu-devel ML for the maintainer mailing address.18:15
jpatricksmarter: ok :)18:16
smarterfor the homepage I put ruphy's blog or the git repository?18:17
jpatrickoxygen-icons.org/ ?18:18
smarterjpatrick: good idea ;)18:19
smarterjpatrick: Now, I just have to debuild -S and upload or should I make a new revision?18:22
jpatricksmarter: no18:23
jpatricksmarter: new revision is just if it's in ubuntu18:23
smarterrevu handle packages with same revisions?18:23
stdinyes, revu will keep track of uploads itself18:24
smarterstdin: ok, thanks18:24
jpatrickhello DSW_ZeRo_8474518:24
nixternalshouldn't the icons go into /usr/lib/kde4/share/icons?18:24
smarter"Checksum doesn't match for /home/smarter/Builds/oxygen/oxygen-cursor-theme_0.1~git080116-0ubuntu1.dsc"18:25
jpatricksmarter: try debuild -S -sa-ing it again18:25
smarternixternal: no, 'cause it's not kde4-specific18:26
smarterpeople using kde3 may want to use it18:26
nixternalI thought just like the Oxygen Icons you couldn't use them in KDE 3...hey, learning something new every day18:26
smarterjpatrick: doesn't work :/18:26
nixternalthought they went through a naming rechange as well18:26
smarterthey work fine on my kde3 box18:27
nixternalwhen are they supposed to be released officially?18:27
mhbnixternal: aren't they already?18:28
smarternixternal: apachelogger said that he will talk to ruphy about releasing18:28
nixternalthey aren't in kdelibs with the rest of the Oxygen theme stuff18:28
mhbnixternal: I'm pretty sure you're free to use them wherever you want18:28
smarterthere's already a tarball on ruphy's blog18:29
nixternalno, reason I am asking is because when they do get released, they will become a part of the kdelibs package18:29
jpatricksmarter: sweet, package works18:31
smarterjpatrick: I didn't uploaded the fixed version18:32
smarteroh it worked18:32
jpatricksmarter: I'm using the ~ppa3 one18:33
smarterjpatrick: ok18:33
smarterI think I managed to upload a new version to revu18:33
smarternah, it still says checksum doesn't match :/18:34
jpatrickevil :/18:34
smarterI removed everything but .orig.tar.gz and the directory and it worked :}18:35
smarterSince I install kde4 packages, kde3 launch by default kde4 apps19:27
smarterfor example, if I click on a link in Konversation it will open in konqueror419:27
jpatrickyep, known bug :(19:28
smarterAt least, it forces me to use more kde4 apps :P19:28
* jpatrick just uses KDE419:28
smarterI'll use it if it was faster19:29
* stdin should run "sudo apt-get update" more19:30
stdinFetched 17.1MB in 1min6s (257kB/s)19:30
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_away
=== DaSkreech_ is now known as DaSkreech
ryanakcamhb: "11:14:44 #kubuntu-devel: < emonkey> ryanakca, news about the mockup is out since lunchtime (europe)"21:05
ryanakcaemonkey: ping, was the blurb you sent your people in german? or could you also forward it to ubuntu-weekly news?21:05
ryanakcaemonkey: this morning he told me "07:38:35 #kubuntu-devel: < mhb> ryanakca: I get the feeling that the message did not get to many interested ears"21:06
ryanakcaemonkey: so I showed him what you told me :)21:06
emonkeyryanakca, yes its in german21:06
ryanakcaemonkey: ok, I'll write one up myself then21:07
erableI have a problem with my package on Hardy: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=qdevelop21:07
emonkeyryanakca, maybe you could ask txwikinger, but my english is too bad to do it. and beside, I've got exams atm, so I try to learn as much as possible and not to do other things ...21:08
ryanakcahehe, I'm in the same situation, exams next week and the week after :)21:09
ryanakcawill to21:09
erableqdevelop depends sqlite21:09
erableOn gutsy, libqt4-dev require libqt4-sql and libqt4-sql require sqlite:21:09
ryanakcatxwikinger: umm, mind translating the blurb that emonkey wrote for the news?21:09
txwikingerif it is not too long... I am not feeling too well atm21:10
txwikingerwhere is it?21:10
emonkeyryanakca, I didn't write anything I jsut asked if someone could do it ;)21:10
ryanakcaemonkey: ?21:10
emonkeyryanakca, our news team wrote it21:10
ryanakca(I don't read / understand german, so I'd be at loss as to where to find it... link for txwikinger ... )21:10
emonkeyI only asked them21:10
emonkeytxwikinger, er meint das mockup news auf unserer Seite21:11
emonkeyer will es an den UWN senden21:11
txwikingerDesigner Wettbewerb?21:11
txwikingerah ok21:11
mhbich kann's auch machen21:11
emonkeytxwikinger, ich kann es sonst morgen versuchen, aber mein english ist naja21:11
txwikingerryanakca: how shall I get it to you, or should I just insert it to the UWN?21:12
ryanakcatxwikinger: either or, whichever is easiest for you ;)21:12
txwikingerI can put it into the UWN21:12
ryanakcatxwikinger: okies, thanks a lot :)21:12
txwikingerHowever, I suggest that it refers back to the article in kubuntu.org21:12
txwikingerfor the image etc21:13
ryanakcaRiddell: Hmm... I don't suppose the mockup contest would be considered newsworthy enough for kubuntu.org?21:13
mhbryanakca: you could try the artwork team, but those people are often very bike-shedding21:13
mhbmeaning they start arguing over some minor detail or the fact that it is not Kubuntu and in the end nothing gets done21:13
mhberr, it is not Ubuntu21:13
mhbbut it's worth a try I guess21:14
txwikingerI heard that the art team has nothing to do with art ;)21:14
mhbtxwikinger: they submit mockups quite often21:15
mhbvery few of them gets implemented21:15
* ryanakca nods ...21:15
txwikingerwell.. I don't know.. I just heard21:15
ryanakcaanything artwork related tends to result in a lot of bickering :)21:15
txwikingerI guess the best is to create the article in english on kubuntu-de.org and to write a summary for UWN21:16
ryanakcatxwikinger: sure. You can find the original here http://blog.ryanak.ca/archives/4421:16
txwikingerthis can also be announced on kubuntu.org then21:16
* ryanakca nods21:16
txwikingerok thanks21:17
apachelogger_<-- slightly drunk :P21:48
Nightrosewb :)21:48
emonkeyapachelogger_, sansgrüsst21:49
apachelogger_ScottK: nope, that set is aimed to be desktop independant, so it make sense to have ubuntu motu as maintainer... also ruphy is working on a fdo cursor spec21:49
apachelogger_emonkey: servas21:49
ScottKapachelogger_: OK then MOTU it is.21:50
apachelogger_somehow smarter didn't upload the orig.tar.gz :|21:52
mhbryanakca: ping22:10
mhbryanakca: you wouldn't mind if I made a mockup too, right?22:11
ryanakcahaha, nope, the more the merrier :)22:11
coreymon77what are we talking about22:11
ryanakcacoreymon77: Kubuntu Website Mockup Contest, submit your mockups :D22:12
nixternalwhat do I win?22:13
nixternalI mean if I were to win :p22:13
apachelogger_nixternal: karma22:13
nixternalhopefully good karma, I need some to alleviate all of the bad karma :)22:14
mhbnixternal: <blackhumour>the winner gets to die</blackhumour>22:14
nixternalI am down then :)22:15
* apachelogger_ goes on bug hunt22:15
mhbnixternal: we're all winners in this one22:15
mhbapachelogger_: catch 'em all!22:15
nixternalhahaha, sounds like a telethon call22:15
* apachelogger_ doesn't get it22:19
mhbapachelogger_: you never had it22:19
mhbor was it "I lost it..."22:20
* mhb lost it22:20
apachelogger_bug 182077 should be fixed in http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=75761222:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 182077 in kdebase-workspace "multiple desktop-icons in kde4" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18207722:20
apachelogger_too tired22:22
* apachelogger_ turns off mouse potato mode and turns on couch potato mode22:23
mhbryanakca: no, I rather give up22:26
mhbit's no use22:26
mhbI never design anything worth noting :o)22:26
mhbryanakca: I always end up reinventing what we already have, with just small modifications22:28
crimsunwhat is kubuntu 8.04 going to use as the underlying audio substrate?22:45
ryanakcamhb: ouch22:49
ryanakcano more "switch user" in hardy?23:22
ryanakcastdin: start, there used to be a switch session, etc23:33
stdinyes, I still have it23:34
stdin3rd option up, after "Log Out..." and "Lock Session"23:34

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