
anolishey guys i attempted upgrade a few minutes ago it got all the way through fine until it got to trying to update scrollkeeper, and then kinda died with 3 I/O errors complaining about not being able to load a web entity00:09
anolisso as a result most gnome related apps would not install00:09
crimsunmm Evolution can't grab my e-mail due to a field change00:10
crimsun(evolution:#####): e-data-server-ui-WARNING **: Key file does not have group 'Passwords-Mail'00:10
anolislol the problem app seems to have fixed itself00:13
anolisdpkg: error processing flashplugin-nonfree (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 101:00
crimsunwhat's the actual error?01:01
crimsunand, what $ARCH?  (`uname -m`)01:01
anolislemme post to pastebin.. hold on01:02
crimsunright, known issue on 64-bit01:03
crimsunit's the ia32-libs issue01:04
anolisoh ok so a fix is probably on the way i guess lol01:04
crimsunwell, it's a bit trickier than usual01:04
crimsunthe source package is nearly 450 MB01:04
anoliswell it's fine i have vmware and a laptop if i absolutely need flash01:05
anoliswould it work if i tunneled the firefox from my laptop through ssh?01:05
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DanaGargh, trying git compiz:  (gtk-window-decorator:25639): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_hash_table_insert_internal: assertion `hash_table->ref_count > 0' failed02:23
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Hirvinen_Hi. Just aptitude safe-upgraded and since there was a kernel upgrade, rebooted. Now <command> | less in bash says "bash:  less: command not found"03:17
Hirvinen_less <file> works though.03:17
Hirvinen_/usr/bin is in my path and which less says points there.03:18
RAOFHirvinen_: bash defines all sort of funky $LESSPIPE stuff, to make less play better.03:19
crdlbwell, it's weird that there are two spaces between 'bash:' and 'less:'03:19
RAOFThis may be the source of the problem.  It is wierd, though.03:19
crdlbas if bash thinks the command is ' less'03:19
Hirvinen_Gee. <command> |less works.03:20
RAOFbug fililng time!03:20
DanaGArfgh, my touchpad keeps forgetting where its right edge is.03:42
alka_trashhow is "The Hardy"04:07
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Hirvinen_Interesting. "echo foo | less" => "bash:  less: command not found". But after "echo foo |less" "echo foo | less" works fine.04:53
crdlbthat's quite a bug :)04:59
Hirvinen_That previous thing happens at least on bash, zsh, tcsh but not on dash(it doesn't start working.)05:11
Hirvinen_Whoa, gets even weirder. "echo foo | less" *written* after issuing "echo foo |less" fails. It will succeed however, *if* I go back in command history to "echo foo |less" and add the space.05:17
Hirvinen_And it affects other commands as well, not just less. I just failed to notice that earlier, I guess because I just edited a prior command from less to cat.05:19
Rubinsounds like your bash environment is messed up05:24
Rubinand /or one instance of less is not what it seems05:25
blkorpheus2.6.24-4 is broken05:28
Hirvinen_Rubin: zsh, tcsh and dash as well05:29
RubinHirvinen_, maybe you have a root kit :)05:29
Hirvinen_And why on earth would they break my pipes?05:32
Rubinthey play tricks with the path to hide their tools05:32
Rubinsometimes less is one of the things monkied with so you cant see their kit05:33
Hirvinen_Well, the broken thing isn't less, as a lot of other commands exhibit similar behavior when preceded by "| "05:37
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SebastianAny idea how I can get rid off these errors during package upgrades: http://phpfi.com/29008208:03
Hobbseegot US langpacks installed on your system?08:06
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SebastianHobbsee: Let me check. At least I did not uninstall them.08:24
SebastianHobbsee: Looks like it was uninstalled by some package upgrade. Installing it would break OOo, though.08:31
Hobbseethat'll be why, then.08:31
SebastianI wonder if I should reinstall from scratch using the current Hardy image.08:32
Hobbseewouldn't bother08:33
Hobbseeit'll be likely listed as uninstallable08:33
Hobbseeso should get fixed08:33
Oli```oo new kernel?08:43
Oli```Hey, I've got a AMD64 chip. I want to be on 32bit until Flash, Java and other people feel the need to release their stuff properly, but which version of the Kernel should I be on? -generic or -386 ?08:45
geserOli```: -generic08:47
Oli```Why's that? (I'm not questioning the validity of the answer, just curious)08:47
geser-i386 is for those who have a problem with -generic, it has some options disabled like nosmp08:49
Oli```*THAT'S* why I've only got one core of my processor working at the moment! D'oh! Yeah I set the graphics up in -386 and couldn't be arsed going through all that again for -generic... Plus -386 was the default for the alpha3 install... I've just checked and this update made -generic the default08:51
lemonadeis -generic optimized for i586 or i686?08:51
Oli```Thanks for your help geser08:51
geserlemonade: I guess no specific optimization so it can work on all processors (i586,i686,k7,k8,etc.)08:53
Oli``He I was just about to restart onto the new kernel and then I thought about the graphics driver headache (need to use default driver, then get and install restricted driver, configure and restart) but could I install the restricted driver *before* I restarted? Ie install the driver for kernel -4 while I'm still on -3?09:27
nanonymenormal Linux way probably yes but i have no idea what the restricted driver management part of Ubuntu actually does09:29
Oli``No, me neither... oh well looks like it's 10 minutes of mucking around with graphics drivers for me then =(09:32
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Oli``guys how do I maximise a window without a mouse?09:44
Oli``if you could type a few more lines in so I could see the answer, that would be greatly appreciated... I can't see the bottom of my xchat window =(09:45
AmaranthOli``: Alt-Spacebar pulls up the window menu09:47
Oli``Oh I can't see what you wrote >_<09:48
Ryuhohow do i copy stuff from ssh connection to my local machine?09:50
lemonadeuse sftp or scp09:50
Oli``The damned menu doesn't work lol... okay back to -3 for me09:51
Oli``well this is just splendiferous. I'm stuck in 640*480!10:01
Oli``With no mouse!10:01
Oli``Hell, there's no room for a mouse at this res10:02
Oli``But I can see the whole of xchat... and I have compiz to keep me company10:02
Oli``Is there a x-Armageddon command I can let off to nuke my X into a nice default so I can a) have my mouse back and b) use a decent res?10:05
Oli``Well I should have used some common sense there... Restoring a backup of my xorg.conf worked...10:21
spikehi, just wondering if someone could comment on this, hardy installer doesnt give me an option to create an encrypted lvm volume. is that expected?10:59
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aslanI just upgraded from Gutsy on my laptop, it has an nVidia 8600m GT... rebooted, and now when loading all I get is a white screen... any ideas?12:07
DeepBaslan: try #ubuntu, for Gutsy issues12:28
beerockxsis java broken in hardy?12:29
beerockxsmeaning sun-java6-jre12:29
beerockxseclipse works, but starting any app using "java -jar app.jar makes java crash12:30
void^if it's a gui app, you might need LIBXCB_ALLOW_SLOPPY_LOCK=true (in your environment)12:31
beerockxse.g.: http://pastebin.com/m202c9f0312:31
beerockxsyes, it is a GUI app12:31
void^yes, just export LIBXCB_ALLOW_SLOPPY_LOCK=true first12:32
beerockxsvoid^: ok, thanks. can you explain why?12:32
void^bug in java - the old xlib doesn't care about it, but xcb does.12:33
void^see http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6532373 for details12:33
beerockxsvoid^: thanks12:34
JoeLinux117Does anyone know where the Hardy Server Sparc release is?13:42
JoeLinux117I'm trying to test the Alpha release, but it's nowhere to be found on the Tracker website.13:42
JoeLinux117Is there a Hardy Sever Sparc release at all?13:44
JoeLinux117Does anyone know if there's going to be a Hardy Desktop Sparc?13:59
Sonjawhat are the main differences/improvements with hardy vs gutsy14:32
ubotuhardy is Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu14:32
stdindifference? Gutsy is stable, Hardy is not14:33
Sonjai mean, when hardy is released14:33
Sonjait will be stable at that point14:33
Sonjawill it not?14:33
stdinit will, yes14:33
Sonjawhat are the biggest changes i will notice or like, as a person woh used to use winxp14:34
stdinwho knows, the features aren't all in place yet and not all finalised. it's still in development14:34
Tomcat_Sonja: I think that question is better suited for #ubuntu ;)14:35
* Hobbsee suggests actually reading the release notes for the alphas, on ubuntu-devel-announce@lists.ubuntu.com before asking silly questions like that.14:35
Tomcat_Hobbsee: The release notes aren't that good last time I checked... the Beta wiki pages are *much* better. :D14:35
HobbseeTomcat_: feel free to help out with them.14:36
Tomcat_Hobbsee: Oh, sorry... I'm wrong. :)14:36
Tomcat_Just looked at them again and see that there's a wiki page for changes.14:36
Hobbseeyes, which are linked off the release mails14:36
Tomcat_Sonja: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/hardy/alpha314:37
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Tomcat_Sonja: Best is to just try it out. LiveCDs don't hurt. But use 7.10, not hardy (which is in development)14:38
tifinewhen i m on text mode in ubuntu why its doesnt show onthe full screen it only shows in the middle of the screen14:49
tifineI mean the actual text!14:49
void^then i'd guess it's not running at the native resolution of the display and the laptop isn't scaling it up. my old ibm laptop used to do that, though there was some fn-combination to make it scale (ugly).14:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fn-combination - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:52
tifinevoid^: fn-combination14:53
mrtimdogWhat's the difference between 'stroke' and 'fill' in the Annotate compiz pluging?14:58
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MGrundeWhat seems to be the problem with apparmor in alpha 2/3?17:26
WorkingOnWisedoesn't sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg allow me to set up my video card and monitor?17:32
WorkingOnWiseany idea why it stops after it get done with keyboard setup?17:36
WorkingOnWisecan someone tell me why my xorg.conf looks like this?  http://pastebin.ca/85744817:54
UnNaturalHighwhere should I file bug reports related to hardy?18:01
blkorpheustry googling that question18:03
blkorpheusyou could probably take a guss and be right18:03
silentwhat stage is hardy at right now?18:03
silentfor development18:03
timingseriously, why is update-manager putting error windows on wrong workspaces?18:04
blkorpheusgoogle it18:04
blkorpheushave not seen such behavior18:04
timingyou can test it now i think18:05
timingif i click partial upgrade now18:05
timingand go back to this workspace18:05
blkorpheus"partial upgrade"?18:05
blkorpheusI don't do partials18:05
blkorpheusI just did a full upgrade18:05
timingthat's what the package maneger tells me18:06
blkorpheusIf I were you, I would not18:06
timing"Not all updates can be installed"18:06
blkorpheusstick with Gutsy18:06
timingi'm already 2 weeks on hardy18:06
blkorpheusbecause if you are having issues upgrading, thenyou will have a rough time18:06
blkorpheus2 weeks on a partially upgraded system18:07
blkorpheusI don't see how18:07
timingit's just one package18:07
blkorpheuswhich package?18:07
timingthis upgrading bug was 4 times in launchpad already18:07
timinganyway, the errormsg will apear on the wrong workspace18:08
timingthis libflickrnet18:08
timingblkorpheus: but my first upgrade to hardy was successful18:09
timingand the updates after that as well18:09
timinguntil this flickrnet came18:09
blkorpheusthats an issue for everyone18:09
blkorpheusgoogle it, and you'll see there is a bug report for it18:09
timingyeah i just said there were 418:10
timingbut update errors are okay with my18:10
timingi'm not whining about those18:10
timingi'm whining about the error windows which apear at weird places18:10
blkorpheushave not seen weird errors at odd places18:12
timingblkorpheus: are you using compiz?18:18
timingmaybe that's putting windows on wrong places18:18
blkorpheusof course I am18:18
blkorpheusMy system runs damn near perfect18:19
blkorpheusbetter than gutsy forsure18:19
rama_8086to all18:33
WorkingOnWisecan someone tell me why my xorg.conf looks like this?  http://pastebin.ca/857448. I have already done sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and sudo dpkg-reconfigure-phigh xserver-xorg, and cleared the xorg.conf and reran each. still no change. It will go thru the keyboard part, then exit. I have also added             Driver     "nv"  to the Device section, under the Identifier, as recommended here http://pastebin.ca/85748118:35
ToxinPoweWorkingOnWise, are you screen and graphics preferences empty?18:38
ToxinPoweI use hardy in vbox and I dont have change my resolution, I think its a bug18:40
ToxinPoweand Im waiting for upgrades18:40
WorkingOnWiseToxinPowe: not emty, but they say "Configured Device" and sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg exits after the keyboard section18:41
ToxinPoweempty Screen and Graphics preferences in Administration menu, not xorg18:42
WorkingOnWiseToxinPowe: oh...yes they are.18:43
ToxinPoweI think that is the same problem18:44
timingwhat's this evolution-data-server thing doing on 100% of one cpu?19:02
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WorkingOnWiseif I copy my /var/cache/apt/archives to a new installation, and then do « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade », will apt-get still try to download all 1613 packages, or just the ones newer than in the cache?19:47
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DarkMageZlol, gotta love hardy breakage ^-^. the new evolution packages break sending & receiving emails for some people =D21:36
hydrogenits evolution21:47
hydrogenwhat do youe xpect21:47
mp10are packages in 8.10 reviewed by the ubuntu security team?22:07
crdlbmp10: 8.10 doesn't exist yet22:11
crdlb7.10 is the latest release, and 8.04 is in development22:12
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