
brycea couple more comments...  http://bryceharrington.org/drupal/node/31#comment-600:00
bryceI'm suspecting some sort of drm issue00:00
inukabryce, do you now what kerenel image your testing against, I am getting errors pointing to a bad kernel driver00:15
brycebuilt Mon 14 17:33:1800:15
inukabryce, I have the same, but I do not see the behavior you experienced. 00:21
brycetell me what you are seeing?00:21
inukabryce: I see Failed to load module "psb" (module requirement mismatch, 0 )00:29
GrueMasterIf someone would kindly help me get a Hardy snapshot going, I can start looking at the video driver issues.00:40
amitkinuka: can you elaborate the kernel-drivers in hardy being bad?00:40
inukaamitk,I am not sure about it yet, I am trying to recompile the psb kernel modules against the ubuntu kernel00:41
amitkinuka: the modules are already present in linux-ubuntu-modules. Are you saying they are broken?00:42
inukaamitk, I am not sure it definitely it does not work against the packages bryce created. His packages work against the moblin kernel and corresponding kernel driver00:43
amitkinuka: we can do a diff between the source in psb-kmd and the one in lum. You can clone LUM from git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-hardy-lum.git00:45
inukaamitk thanks.00:46
GrueMasterAm I being filtered?  If someone would help me get MIC to generate an Ubuntu-Hardy snapshot, I can start troubleshooting the PSB Video driver issues.00:47
StevenKGrueMaster: Yes, I can help you.00:49
amitkGrueMaster: what help do you need? do you have MIC installed from the hardy repo?00:49
amitkinuka: diff -ur psb-kmd/ ubuntu-hardy-lum/ubuntu/media/drm-poulsbo/00:49
GrueMasterI pull a daily MIC snapshot from moblin.org git tree.00:49
StevenKGrueMaster: Ah, you'll need to make a change to the menlow base.fset00:50
StevenKGrueMaster: Moblin has the package called xf86-video-psb, whereas in Ubuntu it's called xserver-xorg-video-psb.00:50
GrueMasterI wasn't aware that Ubuntu had changed the name.00:51
StevenKWe hadn't changed it, it's always been called that in Ubuntu. I thought, anyway.00:52
GrueMasterThere are multiple packages.  Are you referring to the open source or closed source package?00:52
StevenKI'm unsure about that, sorry.00:52
bryceDebian calls X drivers "xserver-xorg-*" rather than "xf86-*".  I do not know why.  But we've always followed their lead in the naming.00:53
GrueMasterirrelevant to me anyways.  I am working on driver integration testing, so what I have is newer than public.  I just need a working ubuntu snapshot.00:53
GrueMasterI can get it renamed I think.  I'll ask.00:54
GrueMasterAt any rate...00:56
GrueMasterWhat I'm getting is apt-get failures.  First it was the kernel, now it's gnome related.00:56
GrueMasterAnd at this point, I must leave.  It's almost 5pm and I have to be somewhere else at 6pm.00:57
=== DannyZ_ is now known as DannyZ
amitkinuka: anything?01:04
inukaamitk, I am getting compiler errors compiling against 2.6.24 headers....01:05
amitkinuka: can you paste those errors into a pastebin01:06
inuka5: error: missing binary operator before token "("01:07
inukaIn file included from /usr/src/psb-kmd/i810_drv.c:35:01:07
inuka/usr/src/psb-kmd/i810_drm.h:166: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'drm_clip_rect_t'01:07
inukaIn file included from /usr/src/psb-kmd/i810_drv.c:36:01:07
inuka/usr/src/psb-kmd/i810_drv.h:80: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'drm_map_t'01:07
inuka/usr/src/psb-kmd/i810_drv.h:118: error: expected ')' before '*' token01:07
inuka/usr/src/psb-kmd/i810_drv.h:119: error: expected ')' before '*' token01:07
inuka/usr/src/psb-kmd/i810_drv.h:122: error: expected ')' before '*' token01:07
inuka/usr/src/psb-kmd/i810_drv.h:123: error: expected ')' before '*' token01:07
inuka/usr/src/psb-kmd/i810_drv.h:124: error: expected ')' before '*' token01:07
inuka/usr/src/psb-kmd/i810_drv.h:126: error: expected ')' before '*' token01:07
inuka/usr/src/psb-kmd/i810_drv.h:128: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'i810_ioctls'01:07
inuka/usr/src/psb-kmd/i810_drv.c:51: error: 'i810_driver_lastclose' undeclared here (not in a function)01:07
inuka/usr/src/psb-kmd/i810_drv.c:52: error: 'i810_driver_preclose' undeclared here (not in a function)01:07
inuka/usr/src/psb-kmd/i810_drv.c:53: error: 'i810_driver_device_is_agp' undeclared here (not in a function)01:07
inuka/usr/src/psb-kmd/i810_drv.c:54: error: 'i810_driver_reclaim_buffers_locked' undeclared here (not in a function)01:07
inuka/usr/src/psb-kmd/i810_drv.c:55: error: 'i810_driver_dma_quiescent' undeclared here (not in a function)01:07
inuka/usr/src/psb-kmd/i810_drv.c:58: error: 'i810_ioctls' undeclared here (not in a function)01:07
mjg59Sounds like you're trying to build against the wrong DRM01:08
brycehi mjg5901:09
inukamjg59, your right nothing to do with the kernel headers...... let me try and install bryce's drm dev debs01:10
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bryceinuka: yeah if you don't have that libdrm-dev snapshot installed, that could cause the compilation issues with -psb01:10
bryceinuka: however it shouldn't matter for compiling the kernel01:11
inukabryce, I am recompiling the driver against the hardy kernel.... to make sure the kernel driver is correct or if it is something else01:12
brycein that case I don't think my libdrm2 package is involved01:13
inukaI am trying to compile it against the dev package of the libdrm2 you produced01:15
mjg59Yes, I don't believe PSB will compile against the in-kernel drm01:15
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inukayes it wont, doesnot seem to like the updated one either, I am going to try the one in moblin01:16
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bryceamitk: dunno if this is important, but looking at the startup log on Mithrandir's image, I see an error:01:18
bryce* Setting kernel variables...01:18
bryceerror: "vm.mmap_min_addr" is an unknown key     [fail]01:18
StevenKI don't think it is.01:19
mjg59Yeah, don't worry about that01:19
=== DannyZ_ is now known as DannyZ
brycemjg59: I've posted my troubleshooting log at http://bryceharrington.org/drupal/node/31, woefully unsuccessful though it is...  do you have any thoughts or tips on further steps I could take?01:24
bryceunfortunately I can't get networking going on it, so running gdb against it is difficult01:25
amitkbryce: as soon as you modprobe psb, the screen blanks out. Since I tried this an Xterm, Ctrl-Alt-Bksp killed X and gave me a tty console at a weird resolution. Is this what you see too?01:26
mjg59amitk: Loading drm modules inside X is likely to result in badness01:27
bryceactually I tried it without X running, but saw similar01:27
mjg59Some potential for them to beat on registers that X has set01:27
mjg59bryce: Mount / -o sync01:27
mjg59That way you'll get more xorg.log01:27
amitkmjg59: true. I think they do a good job of clobbering the regs :)01:28
brycemjg59: ahh thanks01:28
mjg59Does -psb run without drm? Or is drm a dependency?01:28
mjg59(I know we're moving to a model where drm is needed)01:28
bryceamitk: however before it restarted, I saw three error messages written.  Unfortunately the screen blanked before I could read them01:28
brycemjg59: afaik it's required01:29
amitkmjg59: drm is a dep01:29
amitkmjg59: this drm is something very close to git HEAD though. The in-kernel one has been turned off on LPIA.01:30
bryceamitk: interesting; starting X after doing modprobe psb causes a black screen (not power saving mode)01:31
bryceit let me ctrl-alt-backspace too, which it hadn't allowed before01:33
amitkbryce: I caught glimpse of that error. It looks very very familiar. I'm gonna try to get a picture here. Something related to MSVDXblah.01:33
bryceamitk: since this isn't using /etc/fstab to control mounting, where does / get mounted?01:35
inukaI managed to recompile the kerne driver will see if that changes anything.... 01:37
mjg59amitk: When building, I suspect there's a chance stuff will still end up trying to link against the kernel headers unless you're careful01:37
alek_deskbryce, the root got mounted in initrd01:38
brycefwiw, I see an error, "mount: "Mounting /dev/sda1 on /container failed: No such file or directory"01:40
bryceI suppose that's non-fatal though01:40
amitkmjg59: I will check that out. We did not have this problem in Gutsy though...01:41
amitkbryce: inuka: modprobe psb throws a error about msvdx_fw.bin not present blah foo. Is this being powered by a PowerVR?01:42
mjg59PSB is PowerVR MBX01:42
mjg59With custom 2D modesetting, I think01:42
amitkno wonder it sounded familiar01:43
inukayes, and it shows that error normally01:43
amitkinuka: is this related to the 3d driver?01:43
amitkthe error I mean01:43
bryceamitk: not sure01:44
inukaamitk, no it does not , it is shown in the log even when things work correctly01:44
amitkbryce: mjg59: in any event, modprobe psb shouldn't do what it is doing, correct? So things are pretty messed up before the X psb driver kicks in.01:47
bryceyeah it looks bad01:48
mjg59It's not immediately obvious to me how that could have anything to do with our kernel or drm01:49
mjg59It sounds like it's entirely in psb01:49
brycemjg59: unfortunately, adding -o sync doesn't seem to have changed the amount of stuff logged in Xorg.0.log...  It still ends right after the drm bits02:00
bryceunless I've done the sync option incorrectly (trying to verify)02:00
brycelast line is "(II) [drm] Irq handler installed for IRQ 17."02:01
mjg59bryce: There may not be any further output before it hangs, then02:03
* bryce nods02:04
brycenext...  digging in driver source02:04
amitkinuka: in psb-kmd/Makefile.kernel, drm_ioc32.o is conditionally included if CONFIG_COMPAT is defined. Does the moblin kernel define it? We don't.02:17
mjg59amitk: Is that just the 64-32 bit compatibility layer? If so, it shouldn't be needed on lpia02:18
amitkmjg59: that's what it is.02:19
mjg59(lpia is 32 bit, right?)02:20
mjg59Right. Yeah, it should just be needed on 64-bit architectures02:20
brycea bit more progress after spelunking through the X driver...  http://bryceharrington.org/drupal/node/31#comment-1102:26
* bryce -> dinner. bbl02:26
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dholbachgood morning07:56
Mithrandirhiya Daniel07:57
dholbachheya Tollef08:00
* Mithrandir kicks the psb driver09:51
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* Mithrandir wonders what to do in order to make the hardy build work right, graphics-wise.12:31
Mithrandiralek_desk: there's no reason for you guys to have a kernel-mid binary package; apt-get source will look for source packages if no binary package matches.12:39
amitkMithrandir: I might have a fix for networking, could you try building the latest commit to the hardy tree.12:43
amitkMithrandir: I am building now, but it takes time12:44
Mithrandiramitk: sure, will do.  I got distracted for a minute here13:01
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Mithrandirmeh, almost 20 minutes to build a kernel. :-/13:22
MithrandirI'll try it once I have tested this stuff13:22
Mithrandiramitk: loading the moblin.org psb driver seems to initialise the framebuffer13:34
Mithrandiras in, I then get a 1280x1024 framebuffer console.13:34
Mithrandiramitk: you win!  Thanks.13:51
Mithrandiramitk: as in, works, and I can ping something.13:51
Mithrandirbryce: would (EE) PSB: Failed to load module "Xpsb" (module does not exist, 0)14:00
Mithrandirexplain anything?14:00
amitkMithrandir: Are you compiling the moblin kernel driver against our headers?14:11
Mithrandiramitk: that was just pulling in their binaries.14:11
Mithrandir(if you're referring to the framebuffer thing)14:11
amitkMithrandir: yes. How do you check the framebuffer resolution? We too get a high-res framebuffer console.14:12
Mithrandiramitk: it looked native on my 1280x1024 screen. :-)14:13
MithrandirI could be wrong, of course, but it looked right.14:13
amitkMithrandir: ohh ok. :) Have you tried modprobe psb with the Ubuntu module? It too gives a high-res console after blacking out at first14:14
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Mithrandirwill try14:15
alek_deskMithrandir, got it. the kernel-mid is an empty binary package.14:16
Mithrandiralek_desk: yeah, I noticed.  Just wanted to tell you since you were listed as the maintainer14:16
Mithrandirit's not actively harmful, just useless.14:16
alek_deskMithrandir, thanks. :)14:17
Mithrandiramitk: indeed, our psb.ko gives the same result.14:17
Mithrandirnow I wonder where I can find a module that answers to the name "Xpsb"14:17
alek_deskMithrandir , I know the 1280x1024 issue14:17
alek_deskyou need build the drivers/acpi/video module14:18
Mithrandiras in, what's the problem you're seeing?14:18
amitkalek_desk: what is the 'issue'?14:18
MithrandirI have a just fine 1280x1024 framebuffer console.14:18
alek_deskMithrandir, Moblin hildon desktop assume a 1024x768 and 800x600 resolution by default14:19
Mithrandiralek_desk: oh, but my display actually is 1280x1024, so it shouldn't blow up, should it?14:20
alek_deskpsb-kmd will set the screen to 1280x1024 if could not detect LVDS pannel14:21
mjg59alek_desk: The ACPI video extension doesn't support resolution setting. How does drivers/acpi/video help?14:21
mjg59Oh, I see14:21
alek_deskthe psb-kmd module will detect /proc/acpi/video14:21
mjg59That sounds kind of wrong14:21
Mithrandirit seems to just hang in (II) PSB(0): Locking DRI for screen14:22
mjg59Let me take a look at the code for this14:22
Mithrandirand I can't attach with gdb14:22
alek_deskthe video extension has something to do with the LVDS interface14:22
alek_deskpsb-kmd support both LVDS and SDVO RGB output14:22
alek_deskLVDS resolution is 1024x768 while SDVO resolution is 1280x1024 by max14:23
smagounMithrandir: do you have Intel's libdrm?14:24
Mithrandirsmagoun: I have what I got from bryce.  I could test with libdrm from moblin.14:24
smagounMithrandir: also, at one point you had to add the following to xorg.conf: Section "DRI" Mode 0666 EndSection . Not sure it's still necessary, but might be worth a shot?14:24
alek_deskamitk, I guess you did not enable CONFIG_ACPI_VIDEO?14:25
amitkalek_desk: We have it enabled, IIRC.14:25
* amitk checks14:25
mjg59Hm. Where does the psb-kmod code live? I can't find it in the moblin git, but maybe I'm looking in the wrong place14:25
amitkamit@amit-laptop - (..sources/ubuntu-hardy) $ grep CONFIG_ACPI_VIDEO debian/binary-custom.d/lpia/config.lpia14:26
alek_deskmjg59 http://moblin.org/repos/projects/psb-kmd.git14:26
smagounmjg59: It's in the psb-kmd git tree at moblin14:26
alek_deskamitk, ok.14:26
mjg59Ah - it's not linked from the browser14:27
alek_deskmjg59, yes. it is a secret :)14:27
amitkalek_desk: I live for secrets on public IRC channels ;)14:28
alek_deskamitk, LOL14:29
mjg59alek_desk: http://moblin.org/repos/?p=projects/kernel-mid-2.6.24.git;a=blob;f=debian/patches/thermals-ext-acpi_video.dpatch;h=9539cec3a250baaaf1acab3c06e49dd4b4e54dad;hb=26b8b6eadf0651726500360d3e639128512a1e0c - are you sure this patch is named correctly?14:29
mjg59The only thermal related bit is the addition of a structure to the backlight class, and there's various other bits in there14:29
alek_deskmjg59, we have no chance to test thermal at all -- it needs a special CRB board14:30
mjg59alek_desk: Right, but the patch still seems wrong14:31
alek_deskmjg59, well. we need to trace it back to 2.6.22 kernel.14:31
alek_deskto check if it is a porting error or original error14:32
mjg59alek_desk: The get_brightness_levels() code isn't upstream (and really shouldn't be necessary), but it's nothing to do with thermal code so should be in a separate patch14:32
mjg59alek_desk: My reading of the psb code is that it'll do the ACPI validation itself - it shouldn't need the video.ko module?14:34
mjg59It's executing _DOD natively rather than calling out to a separate module14:35
alek_deskmjg59, do you mean get_brightness_levels will never get called ?14:35
mjg59alek_desk: No, I mean it's nothing to do with thermal code14:35
mjg59The only thing it does is present a sysfs node14:35
mjg59Whereas what we should be doing is flattening the list of backlight values that acpi gives us (I've sent a patch to Len to do that)14:35
alek_deskCONFIG_ACPI_VIDEO depends on CONFIG_VIDEO_OUTPUT_CONTROL, I guess psb-kmd read /proc/acpi/video to detect LVDS existence is ok.14:37
* alek_desk is not sure14:37
mjg59alek_desk: No, it calls the methods itself. It doesn't use the drivers/acpi/video code at all.14:37
alek_deskmjg59, so it only check the /proc/acpi/video node?14:38
mjg59alek_desk: No, it calls the methods itself. It doesn't use the drivers/acpi/video code at all.14:38
alek_deskmjg59, I saw the code to check if /proc/acpi/video exists.14:39
mjg59alek_desk: In psb-kmd? Not that I can see.14:39
alek_deskif you insert video.ko before loading psb-kmd, the screen get initialized to 1024x768 by default14:40
mjg59If it is doing that, it's doing it wrong14:40
mjg59Since the module executes the methods itself14:40
alek_deskmjg59, yes. I see the code.14:40
Mithrandiramitk: uploading to the ppa now.14:40
mjg59alek_desk: See the code in intel_lvds.c 14:41
mjg59intel_get_acpi_dod() will get the list of devices and walk them14:41
alek_deskmjg59, yes.14:41
mjg59That doesn't need the video module14:41
alek_deskmjg59, wait.14:42
alek_deskmjg59, I may miss the point. But if you could do the test -- insert video module before loading psb-kmd module, you would find the difference.14:53
mjg59alek_desk: I don't have PSB hardware at the moment. But if that's the case, there's a bug.14:53
mjg59Since psb-kmd never calls anything in the acpi video module14:53
alek_deskmjg59, if you run xrandr on them, you will find one report LVDS and RGB, another only report RGB14:55
mjg59alek_desk: Then there's a bug in psb-kmd.14:55
mjg59How do we reliably ensure that the acpi video module has started before loading psb-kmd?14:56
mjg59psb-kmd needs to either declare an explicit dependency on the acpi video driver and then use its functions rather than its own, or it needs to do whatever setup is missing itself14:56
mjg59I think the former is the better plan14:56
alek_deskmjg59 there is a module parameter ignore_acpi seems could cut the relation.14:57
mjg59alek_desk: No, it clearly wants to use the acpi functions14:58
mjg59Otherwise we can't tell whether there's an LVDS or not14:59
alek_deskmjg59, currently most our CRB boards are not connected with LVDS, but psb-kmd will report they are connected15:00
alek_deskmost CRB are using SDVO15:00
mjg59alek_desk: Right, but it still needs fixing15:00
alek_deskmjg59, agree.15:01
mjg59I'll look at this next week15:01
bryceMithrandir, I believe the Xpsb error is a red herring - http://bryceharrington.org/drupal/node/31#comment-516:12
Mithrandirbryce: yeah, seems to be.16:12
Mithrandirit's still stuck in acquiring the DRI lock, though16:12
brycehrm.  Do you have a new img I could mess with today?  (I'm still having trouble getting image-creator to build imgs)16:16
Mithrandirgrab the one from the same location as yesterday (http://err.no/tmp/menlow_full_install-usb.img)16:17
Mithrandirit's much bigger since it includes both the kernels from moblin, but no other moblin components.16:18
bryceok cool16:22
brycehmm, each of the 3 kernels in the image fail squashfs, leaving me at an initramfs prompt17:03
brycec3a693eb53d710e7cf23ee0fc6654d33  menlow_full_install-usb-mithrandir3.img17:04
Mithrandirbryce: md5sum matches18:02
Mithrandirrobr: you going to be on the call?  It seems the call info we have from Peter isn't working.18:03
rustylMithrandir, we are having problems with the room and number we scheduled18:05
rustylMithrandir, seems it was setup for UK time18:05
Mithrandirthat would have been pleasant. :-)18:05
rustylgetting a new number right now18:06
Mithrandirexcellent, just keep us posted.18:06
loolrustyl: Yes18:06
loolrustyl: Operator confirmed this18:06
robrcalamity of errors 18:06
rustylBridge: 5, Passcode: 321160618:07
rustylMithrandir, lool ... if you call the original number but use the above bridge and passcode, then you are good18:08
loolrustyl: I tried saying hi a couple of times, but nobody seems to hear me; I tried *6 and #6 to unmute, doesn't seem to work for me18:10
loolrustyl: Could you confirm how to unmute please?18:10
rustyljust  a sec18:11
loolIt happened last time to me as well, couldn't talk for the whole call18:11
MithrandirI'm in now.18:11
loolThanks *6 didn't work the first time18:11
loolBut now I did hear "Unmuted"18:11
mawhalenmdz - can you resend the link18:35
mdz_patm: are you back on the call now?18:41
patmwe are on yes18:41
patmI grabbed Steve to listen as well18:41
agoliveirabspencer_: Hi Bob. I was discussing with Ted about messing abit with the applets. The idea is to mak an alerm clock running in the home applet. Do you see any problem with that? Should I bother someone else? :)19:26
bspencer_tell me more19:26
bspencer_alarm clock simple application... or a "settings" control panel applet?19:26
bspencer_and who is Ted? :)19:27
agoliveirabspencer_: Ooops, I meant Todd19:28
bspencer_I see.   19:29
agoliveirabspencer_: The idea is to have an alarm clock just being called from the applet like you click on the time and it shows the clock or something like that.19:29
bspencer_alarm clock is interesting because if you put it in "Settings" it isn't a perfect fit. 19:29
bspencer_in any case though it is a good idea19:29
bspencer_(wherever we put it)19:29
agoliveirabspencer_: The clock would run on the home applet thus being allt he time available if the user wants it.19:30
agoliveirabspencer_: Is there any docs you know that can help me (running something in the home appler I mean)19:30
bspencer_the rub is that currently the home screen HTML is a fill-area home applet19:30
bspencer_so unless home applets can overlap you won't be able to have both19:31
bspencer_but you could resize the HTML stuff... that woudl work19:31
bspencer_you'd probably have bugs related to background19:31
agoliveirabspencer_: Hmmm... what's rendering the html?19:31
bspencer_a mozembed home applet19:32
bspencer_where the applet size is 100% width and 100 height of home area19:33
agoliveirabspencer_: I see. Looks like my idea will be a bit more complex to implement that I thought.19:34
bspencer_sorry :(19:35
bspencer_but it may be possible to overlap applets19:35
bspencer_I haven't tried that, have you?19:35
bspencer_if that is the case then there is no problem19:35
agoliveirabspencer_: No, I didn't. I'll check this out tomorrow.19:35
bspencer_I have an N800 here now19:35
bspencer_it lets me edit the home screen layout (I just did this)19:35
bspencer_but when I say "Apply" it says:  "Some of the applets are overlapping.  Try closing or moving them"19:36
agoliveirabspencer_: Same with the 77019:36
bspencer_this may be an arbitrary restriction though, not part of the underlying home applet capabilities19:36
agoliveirabspencer_: Well, thanks a lot. I'll give it some thought tomorrow.19:40
amitkbspencer_: the new OS for N800 does not have the Edit and Apply modes. All the applets are freely draggable19:41
bspencer_amitk: interesting.  Can they overlap?19:41
* amitk drags19:42
amitkbspencer_: yes. and the underlying applet shows through due to the transparency19:42
bspencer_ah, good to hear.  agoliveira ^^19:43
loolPretty cool heh19:43
bspencer_we might be in luck then as we're using the latest hildon stuff (hopefully)19:43
agoliveirabspencer_: Ah, cool. It will give me more food to the thought (and make David nuts as will take longer :) ) but it's certanly something to look at.19:44
* agoliveira -> coffee19:45
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amitkMithrandir: got a few minutes?21:26
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