
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
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=== asac_ is now known as asac
asacmozilla bug 41132712:08
ubotuMozilla bug 411327 in XPConnect "nsIXPCNativeCallContext should not inherit from nsISupports" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41132712:08
asac[reed]: why do you add wanted1.9+ to mozilla bug 327109 ... which is fixed according to #9?12:18
ubotuMozilla bug 327109 in Security "[FIX]SameOrSubdomainOfTarget should die" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32710912:18
[reed]moving the whiteboard note to a flag12:18
[reed]I just did it for about 500 bugs12:19
asacah :) ... i saw all those mails ;) ... just picked a few and wondered :)12:19
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armin76asac: Ubulette: know something about xulrunner-config?17:34
asacarmin76: xulrunner-config?17:43
asaclike the old-dead configure flags helper?17:44
asaci don't think thats still supported17:44
asacwhy do you need it?17:45
asacarmin76: ?17:45
armin76someone told me about it when compiling vlc17:47
armin76oh, probably won't work with 1.817:48
asac1.9 you mean ... yes17:48
asacthey should switch to use pkg-config nowadays17:49
jimmy_asac: you still couldn't get the panning add-on to work? are you testing it on the latest WORKING branch?18:02
asacjimmy_: well. last time i looked there haven't been any new commits :)18:04
asacjimmy_: but i will try again later today .... did you flesh out the bookmark issues?18:05
asacstill "3 weeks ago" for last commit on WORKING ... so yes.18:05
jimmy_asac: i am building the latest again, and will do another test18:06
asacjimmy_: try the package as well please18:06
asace.g. just dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b in the tree18:06
jimmy_what does that do?18:07
asacbuild the package :)18:07
asac(-b for "without sources, just binaries")18:07
asacits the same as debuild -b18:07
asacbut debuild might not available on your system18:07
asacjimmy_: will you be here later today (3 hours)?18:07
asacjimmy_: btw, the extension worked in midbrowser 0.1.618:08
jimmy_yeah, i'll be back from lunch18:08
asacok ... ill ping you then in about 3+ hours ... have to leave now18:09
jimmy_c u18:09
ian__is there a gpg key i can add so that apt doesn't complain about ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/ubuntu?18:47
Ubulette[reed], what is [Hixie-PF] ?19:51
Ubulettemozilla bug 7537519:52
ubotuMozilla bug 75375 in Style System (CSS) "support for :nth-*() pseudo-classes" [Enhancement,Assigned] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7537519:52
[reed]some tag hixie used years ago19:52
[reed]who knows19:52
Ubuletteyou did:19:52
Ubulette  Status Whiteboard|[Hixie-PF][wanted-1.9]      |[Hixie-PF]19:52
Ubulette               Flag|                            |wanted1.9+19:52
Ubulette           What    |Removed                     |Added19:52
armin76new nspr head19:52
Ubuletteoh, it was already there.. nm19:52
ian__on the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/PreviewArchives  there seems to be a half section about adding gnomefreak's key...20:06
=== ian__ is now known as score
Ubulettehmm, who added the "Daily Builds" on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/PreviewArchives ? I'm not doing daily ppa build there, and i'm not fta on irc...20:21
Ubulettei can't see who did that there..20:30
Ubulettetrunk is once again broken http://paste.ubuntu.com/3613/20:30
scorethe portion of that same wiki page about the 'key'? that seems unfinished20:34
Ubulettegnomefreak's repo is gone for good. PPAs are not signed, it's not supported20:36
Ubuletteasac, armin76: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66926220:39
scoreUbulette: so, that portion of the wiki article should go away?20:43
armin76Ubulette: i have a user with same problem on ati open source20:54
jcastrohi guys20:55
jcastrofor hardy FF is built ontop of xulrunner right?20:55
UbuletteFF3, yes20:55
UbuletteFF2, no20:56
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asacjimmy_: ok back - sorry for the delay. Still there?22:28
jimmy_yeah, i am here22:28
asacyou're finished with post-holiday catch-up yet ?22:29
jimmy_hehe, almost22:32
asacjimmy_: of what use is the "bring all windows to the foreground" feature for which the WindowService was introduced?22:33
asacis that a workaround for something?22:34
asac(talking about 0.1.x)22:34
jimmy_i believe that's something Carl patched to make the Midbrowser a single instance22:35
asaci see that it makes sense to put all browser on top of the window stack22:35
asacexactly, ... but how is that going to gether with "singleton"22:35
asacand which window is raised first :)22:35
asacanyway ... lets go for the WORKING branch again :)22:36
asacjimmy_: did you receive bug reports about ffox 3 so far? except the boomarks issue?22:36
jimmy_i think Carl is in the works of merging the WORKING branch into the main branch22:36
jimmy_no, no one is using the FF 3, except for some performance #s22:37
jimmy_the only thing are performance issues like slower startup times and zoom in/out doesn't work well with Flash22:37
asaccwong1: imo we should fix the main blockers in WORKING before pushing it to main22:38
asacjimmy_: slower startup times?22:38
asaccompared to what?22:38
jimmy_rendering time is faster22:38
asachow measured?22:38
asacwell ... we observed a 5 times faster startup on the classmate pc for firefox 322:39
jimmy_one of the QAs just launched it like 100 times, and compared the average compared to the current midbrowser22:39
asacok ... well might be related to using less system libs in the current build22:40
jimmy_what are the current main blockers for the WORKING branch22:40
asacbookmarks is a huge blocker22:40
cwong1asac, jimmy_ :  sorry  I am back22:41
asacno idea if it goes away if we upgrade to beta2 (or better beta3pre)22:41
asachi cwong122:41
cwong1hi asac happy new year22:41
jimmy_i am actually doing a port to the beta2 code base now22:41
asaccwong1: same to you22:41
cwong1jimmy_: did u see if the bookmark work for u22:41
asacjimmy_: please please please do it as a merge from the right branch22:41
cwong1asac: he is using the WORKING22:41
asacyes ... but i mean ... upggrade the upstream branch to beta2 and then use git merge to get the basic merge on WORKING :)(22:42
asacunfortunately the midbrowser/ directory copies need still manual action.22:43
jimmy_as far as i can tell now, the bookmark still doesn't work in beta222:43
cwong1asac: do you have any clue on this?22:44
jimmy_and btw, do you know how to turn FF back from offline mode to online mode through about:config?22:44
asacbrowser.offline doesent work?22:44
jimmy_i am now stuck in offline mode somehow on beta2, but there's no File -> menu in mid22:44
asacjimmy_: beta 2 uses network manager online state22:44
asaccwong1: about the bookmarks?22:45
jimmy_asac: that means?22:46
asacjimmy_: do you use network manager?22:46
asac(on your desktop)22:46
asacor mid or whatever :)22:46
cwong1mid does have a network manager22:46
jimmy_no, i dun think so22:46
jimmy_they removed the network panels, didn't they?22:47
asacok ... might be a bug if ffox thinks its offline if there is no network-manager22:47
asacbut you should use it as its used on the real devices afaik22:47
cwong1jimmy_: your problem could be that you are running in a simulate environment22:47
asacyeah ... maybe nm really reports that you are offline22:48
asactry to start the nm-applet (if its not started)22:48
cwong1asac: do you have any clue on what the root cause for the bookmark not showing up?22:49
asacjimmy_: would it be ok if i update the upstream branch, then merge that onto the WORKING branch and then use the midbrowser/ directory you are currently preparing? (i assume you didn't do the upstream branch and merge steps in git right now)22:49
asaccwong1: well ... i always assumed that its a brokenness in places22:50
asacas it landed pretty recently in ffox 3 beta 1 and there where some bugs with bookmarks22:50
cwong1asac: go ahead and update the upstream branch to ff3.0 beta 2 please22:51
asacbut if you say that its still gone in beta2, then probably did something during the upgrade merge. maybe we removed some important xul element by accident or miss to install some component.22:51
asacimo we should first try to use the plain firefox menu and see if its still broken22:51
cwong1asac: most like we did something bad22:51
jimmy_that's what i am thinking too22:51
asacyeah ... lets try the unmodified browser menus and see if its gone ... if so we could try to narrow down22:52
asacif not we would at least know that its most likely either a chrome deployment issue or we miss to install some component or something22:52
cwong1asac: I just tried a ff3.0b2 on my PC and it worked just fine22:52
cwong1the bookmark22:53
asaccwong1: yes i know that :) ... please try beta122:53
cwong1ok will give beta 1 a try22:53
asacif that works, try to pull in the complete menu from the browser/ tree ... like we did back in the beginning22:55
jimmy_i can't seem to launch the nm-applet in simulated MID enviroment, is that broken?22:55
asacis it installed?22:55
asacjimmy_: is the process running?22:56
asacit won't show up if there is no NetworkManager daemon running/reachable via dbus22:56
asacoh i see that i have a fix lying around ... for the find as you type toolbar. or is that intentional that you cannot search in midbrowser?22:57
asacotherwise i would commit that to WORKING before doing the upstream branch update22:57
asaccwong1: jimmy_: thats the patch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/3615/ ... just say if its intended that the findbar is gone :)22:58
asaci committed it now ... let me know if shall push22:59
cwong1is this referring to the find toolbar?23:00
asactext search is currently broken23:00
cwong1why hidden?23:00
asacwell ... it will only appear if you either select search through a) menu b) toolbar? c) press ctrl+f23:01
asacsee the behaviour in firefox23:01
asacif you press ctrl+f it will appear23:01
asaci think midbrowser should provide a toolbar button for that23:02
cwong1good. I though we make it hidden for good.  My bad23:02
asaccwong1: its hidden in the beginning, but where do you see hidden in that patch?23:02
cwong1no.  I misunderstood. The patch is fine.  go ahead and push it.23:04
cwong1and please go-ahead and update the upstream branch to beta 2...23:05
cwong1asac: btw,  we really appreciate your help on tis23:06
asaccwong1: you added the hildon window service only to implement the gtkremoveservice raise feature, right?23:09
jimmy_nm-applet is already running in the simulated enviroment, but it won't be able to look up the network adapters, so unless i run it on the acutal device, FFb2 won't be able to access the network state23:10
asacjimmy_: hmm ... is NetworkManager started?23:10
cwong1asac: yes.  The components will keep track of open windows and raise it to top when needed.23:10
jimmy_is there a work-around? to manually set FF3 to online mode?23:10
asaccwong1: could you please be more specific? when exactly are windows raised now?23:10
jimmy_asac: otherwise, it is a pain in the pass23:10
asacjimmy_: if you start NetworkManager and add any bogus network interface it should broadcast you as being "connected" ... even if that device doesn't exist23:11
asacjimmy_: you can try browser.offline setting23:11
asacno idea if it auto-reverts to offline though23:11
jimmy_no such setting in about:config23:12
cwong1asac: on a mid device, if you have a browser running and you hit the home button, the browser window will be hidden in the background.  And if the user press the browser icon in the home screen again, it will call my new raisewindow routine to just raise the hidden browser window and dialogs to the foreground.23:12
cwong1asac: I tested it and it seems to work fine with FF2.0 base midbrowser.23:13
jimmy_asac: there's a network.online setting, but it is already set to true23:13
asaccwong1: yes so its just to fix the gtkremoveservice so you can re-raise windows from the commandline, right?23:13
asaccwong1: ok that service should not be needed in midbrowser 0.323:13
cwong1gtkremoveservice or windowservice that I created?23:14
asacboth: the gtkremoveservice change + the window service23:15
asacffox 3 now properly uses gtk_window_present23:15
asacffox 2 didn't do that23:15
asaccwong1: a fallout is a rather annoying bug: bug 17590423:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 175904 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox-3.0 window moves to current workspace" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17590423:16
asac(annoying for multi-workspace desktops as it just beams firefox on the current desktop when invoking window_present)23:17
asacbut probably exactly what we want :)23:17
cwong1asac: hmm.. I dont think that is going to solve the problem with MID environment23:19
asaclets test when upgraded to beta223:19
asaccwong1: you think you could test if the bookmark issue is solved by including the full browser menu?23:20
cwong1asac: I am going to test it in a 10 mins.  I have an Intel C/C++ problem to take care of now23:21
armin76kde doesn't have that problem23:23
cwong1asac: Have a favor to ask... Can you fix the flashplugin-nonfree and update the checksum in the debian package?  The checksum is out of date. Our testing team need this fix asap..23:24
asacwhich package version are you using?23:25
asacwe rolled an update recently23:25
cwong1to hardy or gutsy?23:25
cwong1how recent?23:26
asaclets see23:26
asacwaiting for hell-slow-launchpad :)23:26
asacdamn ... it has been rolled-back.23:28
asacso which version are you using?23:28
cwong1I think they are using gutsy version..23:30
cwong1why rolled-back?23:31
asacnevermind ... next time feel free to bug me earlier:)23:31
cwong1Can you put the fix back in, please?23:32
asacyes i will ... unfortunately the source links are broken for those deleted packages, so i cannot really access them23:35
asaci will do it with high priority23:35
cwong1thank you23:36
asacstill, which package version do you use?23:36
asacthe one in gutsy should work afaict23:37
asac(its not 9.0.115)23:37
asacits :)23:37
asacwhat a lovely version23:37
asaccwong1: test http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.115.0ubuntu0.7.10.1_i386.deb23:48
asacto be double sure that the sums are right now23:48
cwong1asac: I will test it.23:56

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