
bassinboywhich repo holds bcm43xx-fwcutter?02:10
soldatssynaptic should find it in a search02:11
bassinboyi return nothing.02:12
soldatswhat is it for02:13
bassinboyok weird, using apt-get i got it02:13
=== thomas__ is now known as The-Kernel
nerous2alo!  i need some help with virtual box04:51
nerous2it keeps crashing on me04:51
somerville32I guess it crashed again :P04:56
somerville32TheSheep, Would you be able to keep me an SVG icon that conforms to the current style of Xubuntu for the Xubuntu applications menu?09:02
somerville32It is currently a png and hence I don't think it scales very nicely09:02
TheSheepsomerville32: I already made one and uploaded to the wiki09:14
TheSheepsomerville32: I think 1.5 years ago09:14
somerville32TheSheep, Link?09:14
TheSheepsearching the ubuntu wiki is surely slow09:21
TheSheepsomerville32: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Artwork/Feisty09:23
TheSheepsomerville32: see under 'Logo'09:23
TheSheepa year ago09:23
TheSheepAh, distinctly I rememeber, it was in the bleak December09:25
TheSheepAnd each separate dying ember, wrought its ghost upon the floor09:26
somerville32thanks :)09:26
nanbudhhow can i check for signal strength of my wifi card  on my xubuntu box?10:51
nanbudhthe nm applet which is installed by default does not show the wifi signal strength. is there anything i can install for that? in system>network>wireless-connection-properties when i open the list of avalable networks it show "NETGEAR 17%" is this signal strength? if yes then should 17% at least open a page or two?11:00
witozzothat is the signal strangth ;) and it is quite low to be usable in my opinion11:36
nanbudhwitozzo: okay so at least it means that all is installed properly. But the strange thing is that a newer windows laptop placed besides the errrant xubuntu desktop picks up internet very well. could it be that OS is making a difference or is it purely a hardware issue?12:02
witozzowell, it should be just an hardware issue12:05
TheSheepnanbudh: check if it's the smae network12:08
nanbudhits the same network i am sure of it. there is no other network picked up.12:09
nanbudhthe signal strength should not be this weak, it just a 15 mtrs away max. and not too many walls too. has to be card hardware issue12:11
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kwhkhi, anyone there uses secpanel?13:13
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neroushey all14:36
nerousanyone around i need some quick help14:36
maxamillionnerous: i have to leave in just a moment, but what's up?14:37
nerouswhy does virtualbox keeps freezing my computer?14:37
nerousi am running 7.10 xubuntu and the latest ver of  vb14:38
nerousi needed to install windows on it for some applications that i have already purchased and blackberry support14:38
maxamillionah! ... sorry, i have to go14:39
=== maxamillion is now known as notMax
stone[no]Hi, what is the best video player plugin for Firefox (with best performance)? (xine-plugin hung my pc several times today)16:32
TheSheepif there was a singl;e best one, it would be the default16:33
TheSheepI use the vlc one, but I don't watch video often16:34
stone[no]TheSheep: Thanks, I'll give it a go.16:40
white_eagleI didn't knew,but xfce is really nice!17:20
TheSheepit can be made nice, yes17:23
patientfoxwhat's a way to find out my screen resolution in x?17:48
texnicerI found a strange behaviour after installin Gutsy Gibbon: while mountin <something LIKE USB-Stick or USB-HDD> this mount is rather unstable and will umount after randomly and approximatly 3min... anyone can give me a clue on that? Which information are needed? TIA.18:27
TheSheeptexnicer: try looking at the end of your dmesg18:27
TheSheeptexnicer: it might be something with the cable or the hardware18:28
texnicerTheSheep:   hm... looks like the HUB is doing trouble..18:28
texnicerport 1 disabled by HUB (EMI?) re-enabeling18:29
texnicerhm... I found that problem with my USB directly attached to the computer, too. But this is definitly a HW prob, I see18:30
texnicerTheSheep: now I got the errormessage: scsi 12:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to dead device \newline FAT: Directory bread (block1..56) failed.18:32
texnicerwhat could this mean. HDD error?18:32
texnicerhm fs-error or problems mounting an ubuntusystem on an ubuntusystem?18:32
TheSheepno, I think that just the filesystem module couldn't read from/write to the device (because it got disconnected at lower layer)18:33
texnicerTheSheep: ok. I check forums on that. Trying direct attach later. Thank you for help18:34
texnicerTheSheep: Direct connect makes it stable. Just one more: Using an USB-Stick, which fs would you prefer if you also have to transfer between win/linux?18:40
TheSheeptexnicer: fat, unfortunately18:41
TheSheeptexnicer: unless you are willing to install additional drivers on the windows18:41
texnicerwhat about FAT32 . which makes the mount type -t vfat <- is that right?18:42
texnicer*LOL* saw new GIMP splash ...18:42
texnicernice balloon18:42
TheSheeptexnicer: yes, I meant fat32, mount should actually autodetect the filesystem type18:43
texnicercopy on that18:43
TheSheeptexnicer: so you can skip that -t18:43
texnicerthx for help you really saved my evening =)18:43
TheSheepglad I could help18:44
neopsychehi can anyone help me install xubuntu on my old hardware?19:13
=== notMax is now known as maxamillion
Ven]nwhy is there a keyring for wifi?19:16
Ven]ni want it gone19:16
texnicerneo? uhm gone?19:19
HalfShellhi everyone. how are you all today?19:26
somerville32HalfShell, doing well :)19:29
maxamillionsomerville32: hey man, long time no speak19:34
somerville32Heya maxamillion :)19:34
maxamillionsomerville32: how have you been holding up?19:34
somerville32Doing alright. Yourself?19:34
maxamillionhorribly busy ... but not half bad otherwise19:34
Ven]nhow to set a keyboard shortcut for terminal?19:34
* maxamillion is actually at work right now19:35
maxamillionVen]n: in the keyboard settings in settings manager19:35
maxamillionVen]n: you will have to create a custom keyboard "profile" but it will copy all the defaults automatically to your new one and then allow you to add your own19:35
HalfShellhey guys, i have this wifi problem i was wondering if anyone could help me with... it has to do with WPA enterprise19:37
Ven]nthanks maxamillion19:37
Ven]ncommand to run terminal is terminal? hehe19:38
Ven]nno.. :/19:38
DjerkafHi, I have tried to install Xubuntu on my old PC, but the installation freezes when it's trying to identify the disk format. What to do?19:48
Ven]nwhat terminal is standard in xubuntu?19:50
TheSheepbut terminal should be linked to it19:51
TheSheepxfce4-terminal, sorry19:52
noonananyone here/19:53
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:53
Ven]nwhy cant i start it with that command, TheSheep?19:53
Ven]nworked :D19:54
Ven]nthanks alot19:54
qwerku2hi all20:01
qwerku2i hate updating my system20:01
TheSheepqwerku2: then don't20:02
TheSheepno, really, don't fix things that work20:02
qwerku2but this time, eveything worked fine20:02
qwerku2i was hapily surprised to discover my fbconsole AGAIN20:03
qwerku2that's why I'm here20:03
qwerku2since i tried to solve that problem a few month ago20:03
qwerku2i'm very interested in the "official" solution20:03
qwerku2en clair: what was fucked up ?20:04
qwerku2So, does anyone here know about the ex-fbconsole problem ?20:04
Ven]nwhy does wifi asks for password on keyring?20:06
TheSheepqwerku2: please don't swear, have you checked the forums?20:06
TheSheepqwerku2: what's the problem exactly?20:07
TheSheepVen]n: to be able to access your stored passwords20:07
qwerku2TheSheep: sry. the problem is solved, I just want to know how it has been solved20:08
qwerku2after the 7.10 upgrade, most of us lost the usual frame buffer console20:09
qwerku2just black screen20:09
qwerku2there was quite a lot of litterature about some hacks to fix it, but nothing very conclusive20:10
TheSheepif it was reported and fixed, then it will be in the bug database20:10
qwerku2and now, i just update my system20:10
TheSheepjust search the solved bugs20:10
qwerku2the bug has NOT been solved ...20:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129910 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "Blank ttys when using vesafb (vga=xxx)" [Unknown,Fix released]20:24
qwerku2you mean there is only a soluce for ati cards ?20:24
Ven]nline commented out by installer because it failed to verify20:26
Ven]na fresh install of eeexubuntu20:26
Ven]nwhat should i do?20:28
qwerku2what is your problem ?20:28
Ven]nall repositories are uncommented20:29
Ven]nfor some reason20:29
qwerku2you mean in file /etc/apt/sources.lst20:29
Ven]ncommented out i mean20:29
Ven]nthey all have #20:29
Ven]nand over them a new line saying line commented out by installer because it failed to verify¨20:30
qwerku2could you post your file somewhere ?20:30
Ven]none sec20:30
Ven]nis there a text editor in gnome like kwrite?20:31
qwerku2(i guess)20:31
TheSheepbut xubuntu has mousepad20:31
qwerku2but he asks for gnomw20:31
Ven]ngedit didnt exist :p20:31
qwerku2and mousepad ?20:31
Ven]nworky :)20:32
qwerku2my advice:20:33
qwerku2backup first20:34
qwerku2blank out everything20:34
qwerku2and put the minimum required20:34
TheSheepwhat's the problem?20:34
* TheSheep looks20:34
qwerku2installer fails to verify depos20:34
qwerku2looks like a connection problem to me20:34
TheSheepVen]n: you can just uncomment them manually?20:35
Ven]nTheSheep, all ?20:35
qwerku2add your local prepos20:35
Ven]nim was uncertain if i should uncomment all of them20:35
TheSheepVen]n: you can use system->software sources20:36
TheSheepVen]n: I'd leave out the 'proposed' upgrades20:36
TheSheepVen]n: the yare not tested20:36
Ven]nok.. if i use the software sources20:36
Ven]ncanonicalsupported open source software (main)20:37
Ven]ncommunity-maintained (universe)20:37
Ven]nproprietary drivers for devices (restriced)20:37
Ven]nsoftware restriced by copyrioght or legal issues (multiverse)20:37
Ven]nthose are under "ubuntu software"'20:37
Ven]nwhich should i enable? :)20:38
TheSheepall :)20:38
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource20:38
Ven]nsource code as well?20:39
TheSheepVen]n: not really, unless you want to compile something yourself20:39
Ven]ndownloading packet information20:40
Ven]nwonder why the installer commented all those out20:40
TheSheepVen]n: it probably tried to connect to them and failed20:41
Ven]nyeah, i hadnt set up wifi20:41
TheSheepVen]n: then concluded you have no net access, so it should only use the cd...20:42
Ven]nwas that bad?20:42
TheSheepit's the expected behavior, works fine for most users :)20:43
Ven]ncan i empty the whole file sources.list and set it up with system->software sources again?20:43
Ven]nits so messy20:43
TheSheepor you can use the Easy Source to generate a list for you20:43
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic20:43
Ven]ni will do that :D20:44
Ven]nthanks alot20:44
Ven]nUpstream Opera20:45
Ven]nThe Opera developers provide their product in this repository.20:45
Ven]nthats the opera browser i assume?20:45
Ven]nand beryl.. is there a point in having lates there?20:45
Ven]nor will stable work fine?20:45
TheSheepeaither this, or some tickets for the Carmen ;)20:45
Ven]ni prefer lates from opera..20:45
TheSheepVen]n: you can always add repos when you need them20:46
Ven]ni know20:46
Ven]nwill skip beryl so far20:46
Ven]nexcellent.. updating20:48
Ven]nso.. why does keyring ask for password everytime i boot?21:11
Ven]nit looks for wifi..21:11
texnicer!welcome back21:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about welcome back - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:15
Ven]nanyone knows how to prevent keyring to asks for password to use wifi?22:02
Ven]n"the application nm-applet wants access to the default keyring, but its locked"22:02
zoredacheVen]n: I have seen a few articles that describe how to integrate the keyring with pam22:04
zoredacheso if your keyring password is the same as your login password then it automatically works.  But the directions I tried didn't work.22:04
dddddisnt there a group to make a user member ?22:04
zoredacheddddd: sorry?22:05
dddddto make use of wifi22:05
dddddwithout asing passwords22:06
zoredacheI am betting he has access to wifi, but his wpa/wep key is stored in the keyring22:06
zoredacheI don't think adding a user to a group would make his wpa/wep password available if it is in the keyring22:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 161122 in gnome-keyring "nm_applet prompts for password on startup" [Undecided,New]22:26
Ven]nhow do I fix auto-login btw?22:30
TheSheepVen]n: fix?22:31
Ven]nuhm.. set it on :D22:33
TheSheepsettings->login window22:34
Ven]nthanks :D22:34
Protohello all23:01
Protowhen i plug in my ipod, Rhythmbox starts automatically. How can i stop this, or use a different program23:02
TheSheepProto: open Thunar, go to edit->preferences->advanced->configure volume manager23:03
TheSheepProto: second tab23:03
Protoi see where it should be, but i don't see an option for iPods, nor is there anything using Rhythmbox as its program23:05
somerville32Proto, Do you have ubutnu-desktop installed?23:08
Protoi'll check. i'm using xubuntu though, of course23:09
Protono, i only have xubuntu-desktop23:15
soldatsproto did you fix your ipod/rythmbox problem23:17
Protoi feel like i'm closer though :-)23:18
soldatsdo you use rythmbox for your ipod or do you use something else23:18
Protoi'd like to use gtkpod23:18
soldatsi think if you go to edit > plugins and remove the check next to ipod support it wont pop up. i left my ipod at work so i cant check23:19
soldatsfrom rythmbox23:19
marchremoving the check next to ipod support works here ;)23:27
marchgoodnight :)23:28
Protothanks everyone23:32
Protoi'm out23:32
Protopower to the people23:32

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