[04:16] Hi [04:17] anyone here? [04:18] :( [04:18] I need help if anyones here [04:18] soldats [04:18] can you help me? [04:26] <_slvmchn_> what's the problem cnStarz, normally you should just ask your question first, that way if someone shows up later they can see what the problem was and respond instead of showing up THEN asking you what the problem is [04:26] <_slvmchn_> saves some time that way [04:26] <_slvmchn_> but maybe i can help, what's the issue sir [04:27] i may be able to help just ask [04:27] hey [04:27] still there? [04:27] sorry [04:28] was browsing forums for possible answer [04:28] if you're still here respond, and i'll tell you :O === adam_ is now known as maxamillion [04:28] adam [04:29] i need help :( [04:29] what's up? [04:29] err... just a second [04:30] hey, when im booting off the 7.10 cd, i get the main menu, but when i try to install, or start in safe mode, it just hangs at a black screen [04:30] cnStarz: first off, what are the specs of the computer you are trying to install on? [04:31] im thinking it has to do with my resolution, but im brand new to this, so i dont know if there's any commands i can give it something [04:31] one sec [04:31] amd64 x2 4400+.... [04:31] 8800gtx evga [04:31] 2gb corsair value select memory [04:32] and... [04:32] asus a8n-sli premium mobo [04:32] huh ... ok, then its definitely a lack of ram issue [04:32] definitely not* [04:32] lack of ram? [04:32] sorry [04:32] ohhh [04:32] lol [04:33] cnStarz: it sounds like a X11 probe issue, its probably trying to use the nv module and you need vesa until you can install the nvidia official one [04:33] i can follow with what you're saying, but really have no clue what it meant lol [04:34] cnStarz: when it hangs at a black screen try hitting ctrl+alt+f1 and see if that takes it to a command line [04:34] alrighty, then what ;) [04:35] btw, im dual booting with windows media center too, which is essentially win xp pro [04:35] cnStarz: then do a "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" and follow the on screen instructions through the little guide, and when it asks for a video card driver, select "vesa" .... then we will go from there [04:35] cnStarz: no problem, that should be fine [04:36] doesnt -phigh just do a sort of reset X [04:36] alrighty, i'll give that a try. gotta restart, bbiab. thanks mang. [04:37] soldats: pretty much, it says to completely recreate the xorg.conf file instead of just build off of the current configuration [04:38] ahh yea i just remembered :P [05:51] can anyone help me get my priter set up via the cups web interface? [05:52] it's a usb priter, but there's no option for it in the device box [05:52] printer [07:58] hey [07:58] anybody active? [08:14] yeah [08:15] TheSheep: hey are you still there? [08:15] TheSheep: does xubuntu have alot of support for hardware and what makes it so fast? [08:15] TheSheep: what about for a mp730 printer === daurnimator is now known as zz_daurnimator === zz_daurnimator is now known as daurnimator [10:28] hello [11:10] Hello... I have a problem. The contents of my desktop just disappeared. I am runnin Xubuntu 7.10. [11:11] I cannot even acces the menu with right click... [11:11] any help? [11:11] the background is just showing the xubuntu-blue.. and nothing else.. no shortcuts, nothing. [11:13] oh nothing :D [11:13] sorry [11:13] got it working easy :d [11:13] Xfce was not managing the desktop :D [13:17] hi, during the upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 at the package lvm2 everything stops at "Backing up any LVM2 metadata that may exist..." what can i do? [13:18] berna: how long has it been sitting at that stage? [13:18] half an hour maybe.... [13:18] and the cpu is not working [13:19] cpu is not working? .... do you mean the computer froze or that there is very little cpu activity? [13:19] little cpu acrivity [13:19] the computer is still working if I want to use it [13:19] hmmm.... [13:20] berna: i have heard of upgrade issues with the graphical interface in the past, but i have honestly never encountered them on my own ... i do all my package management/upgrades from the command line [13:20] well that's the first time I tried it :) [13:21] berna: though it does sound like its no longer doing anything, i just worry that if i tell you to kill the current process that something bad might happen .... since its gone past 50% we can assume it has finished downloading everything and is well into installation .... and to have a half upgraded system can potentially be bad [13:21] the problem now is that when i go in the terminal, and try to do wathever with apt or dpkg it tells me that it's locked and the only thing I can do is dpkg --configure -a [13:21] and when i do dpkg --configure -a the problems starts again [13:21] try dpkg --clear-selected [13:22] --clear-selections [13:22] sorry [13:22] berna: can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file for me? .... i think we are going to end up stoping whats going on and upgrading through the command line [13:22] yes it downloaded everything already, it's installing, this is why I have to solve the problem, because if i do a reboot the system could be fucked [13:23] berna: yeah, that would probably end up being the case [13:23] uhmmm.... brb [13:23] ok, just wait because i'm on another pc. on that pc i don't have a chat program and i can't install it at the moment :) [13:26] do you need to know something about my sources list or you really need to see it? [13:26] berna: mainly just want to know what release it is pointing to [13:27] * maxamillion is back btw :) [13:28] gutsy [13:29] berna: oh, ok ... awesome, then your sources.list already points to 7.10 ... so lets kill the upgrade graphical program and then do a 'sudo apt-get update' and then 'sudo apt-get install -f' [13:30] well that's what i already tried to do but it everytime tells me that the only thing i can do is dpkg --configure -a [13:31] but now I just tried dpkg --clear-selected as TheSheep said and seems like it unlocked everything [13:31] berna: right, but that's because the updater program has a lock on the apt instance ... it won't allow two package managers to manipulate the system at one time [13:31] no, the updater was killed [13:32] oh .... strange [13:32] there must have been something either still running in the background, or the process didn't terminate correctly [13:33] i closed the updater normally, it showed me a warning that it was not finish but i could close it [13:34] ok, now with clear-selections it's unlocked so I'll have a play with apt and dpkg and see what i can do manually [13:34] berna: ok, sounds good ... lemme know if there is anything else i can help with [13:40] i'm trying to remove lvm2 to upgrade the rest and have a look when the rest ist finished [13:40] but even if i try to purge it [13:40] it starts again with it's backup of the metadata [13:48] berna: hmmm.... did you do the 'apt-get update' and then 'apt-get install -f' (both either as root or with sudo) [13:53] yes [13:53] it works out untill it gets to lvm2 [13:54] i did an apt-get autoremove as well, so the packages that i don't need anymore are already gone [13:54] hmmm.... [13:54] i'm trying to do as many things as possible, always until it comes to lvm2 [13:54] berna: what does 'sudo dpkg --purge lvm2' do? [13:54] what i don't underst is why if I want to purge lvm2 [13:54] eheh [13:55] exactly [13:55] hmm..... [13:55] it still wants to do the backup [13:55] whait [13:55] wait, let me try with dpkg [13:55] ok [13:55] because before i purged with apt [13:57] same thing [13:57] i was afraid of that [13:58] 'sudo dpkg --force --purge lvm2' (note that this is generally a really bad idea, but this doesn't appear to be a good situation) [14:05] mmm it seems like there is not such a command [14:13] maxamillion: do you have an idea of what this backup of the metadata is? Maybe I have to help him by creating or copying files or dirs...or maybe setting permissions [14:14] not entirely sure [14:15] just a second ... lemme check something [14:15] ok thx [14:18] berna: ok, again ... this is a horrible idea normally, but this might fix the issue ... 'sudo dpkg --force-remove-essential lvm2' [14:23] ok [14:23] let's try [14:26] doesn't work [14:26] it doesn't accept the command [14:26] awesome [14:26] don't know why cuz i saw it in the --force-help too [14:26] hmmm... [14:26] that's probably the strangest thing i have ever seen [14:27] i tried also to go in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf [14:27] and turn the backup off [14:27] but still the same [15:23] after 2 hours i was so hungry that i just rebooted... [15:24] the system is working, but still the same problem [15:24] and the usb wifi pen wich was working before is not working anymore.... [15:24] :) [15:51] wow it's working... [15:53] i found somewhere on the net about a different problem with lvm2 and it was solved but reconfiguring mdsetup [15:53] i had a different problem, but tryed to do it and it worked! [15:53] now everything seems to work, i solved the wifi prob as well [15:54] maxamillion: thanks for your support [15:55] berna: anytime, sorry i wasn't able to get it fixed [15:56] no problem, it wasn't easy, or let's say it was hard to get an explanation [15:56] i still don't know why :) === Joakim is now known as joakim12 [17:37] anyone know why i keep getting an architecture not found error message when trying to install the ati driver? [17:37] evil_tech: guessing there is no driver for 65 bit? [17:37] 64 even XD [17:38] hmm [17:38] i choose the standard x86 one but the file name does say x86.x86_64 and would explain the error [17:43] or not. it is the right one. wierd === zoredache_ is now known as zoredache [18:26] how do I type unlisted keys with ubuntu? for example I like speaking english but i want access to the other keys [18:28] gerro: http://en.wikipedia.org/compose_key [18:28] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=383408 is that still relavent? [18:28] gerro: or just use the charmap or keyboard layout switcher [18:29] don't have one of those keyboards [18:29] gerro: one of which keyboards? [18:30] the ctrl+shift u number works for me [18:31] re [18:31] gerro: I'm also useing the caps lock as compose key [18:32] using [18:32] gerro: you just need to add an option to your xorg.cong [18:32] conf [18:40] yeah I sort of got that ctrl shift u thing going === hfsdo__ is now known as hfsdo === FreakCER1 is now known as FreakCERS [20:25] is there a screenshot app in eeexubuntu? [20:25] (or xubuntu) [20:29] n8 [20:29] Ven]n: there is a panel applet [20:30] Ven]n: you can also install scrot or ImageMagick [20:30] thank you [20:31] name of the panel applet? [20:32] screenshot [20:32] hmm [20:32] where is it? :ΓΈ [20:35] !info xfce4-screenshooter-plugin [20:35] xfce4-screenshooter-plugin: Screenshots plugin for Xfce panel. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.0-3ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 14 kB, installed size 128 kB [20:36] it should be in the menu by the name 'screenshot' though [20:36] when you right-click on the panel and select 'add item' [20:37] there it was [20:37] thanks ;) [20:37] gah.. gimp is set to open my png [20:38] hey all, I've followed a guide on using fusesmb and sme python bits to automount a smb share in thunar, and it worked well the first day [20:39] but now I can go into the network, I can even see the shares of the computers, but whenever I try to open any shares, it *immediatly* times out with a 'connection timed out error' [20:40] not sure if I should look for help in xubuntu, smb, or fusesmb... [20:40] or xfce [20:42] is that where I should look? [20:43] sgrove: you can meet some thunar developers there at least [20:43] not sure about the smb/fuse stuff [20:44] this is mostly a xubuntu user support channel, rather low on developers [20:44] I suspect it wouldnt' have much to do with xfce at all, and your issue is more likely related to fuse/fusesmb [20:47] personally I like using autofs/smbfs combined with an executable mount map though. As far as I know there isn't a howto describing my methods. One of these days I might write one [20:51] haha [20:51] that would be nice ;) [21:49] how to make xfwm to be my compositing manager in xfce? I moved from gnome and compiz moved to xfce also [21:49] I want to try xfwm4 === Clark2 is now known as TCxnicer === TCxnicer is now known as TeXnicer [21:59] !xfwm [21:59] Sorry, I don't know anything about xfwm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [21:59] !xfwm4 [21:59] Sorry, I don't know anything about xfwm4 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [21:59] !xfce [21:59] xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels [21:59] flox: whats the matter? [22:00] i've just read last post of white_eagle, trying to find doc for him [22:00] did not get that post [22:00] ack. [22:01] he already left [22:01] 5 minutes ago [22:01] u're right :D [22:01] flox: you can search using /msg [22:01] flox: you don't flood the channel this way [22:01] mmm [22:01] can I somehow run Xfce with compiz disabled? [22:02] flood is a big word for that [22:02] white_eagle: just don't run compiz [22:02] flox: yes, but it could continue :) [22:02] * TeXnicer ... to be continued [22:02] flox: with /msg, you can keep going all you want [22:02] np [22:05] is does even work "/msg ubotu !anything" [22:06] recursive; returning to the top after ending; see: recursive [23:25] I have a question [23:25] how do I install this [23:26] XceII, Install Xubuntu? [23:27] yesw, I tried the dvd version, it did nothing, i am now downloading the alternate. [23:28] 32 bit [23:28] if the disk, is good, usually all you have to do is boot off the disk and follow the directions [23:29] it did not boot (dvd) version. [23:29] 2wice [23:29] and your computer has a dvd drive, and it is set in the bios/cmos to boot off the dvd drive first? [23:30] yes [23:30] it read the disc but did not continue [23:30] did you get any messages or anything when you tried to boot? [23:30] no, it went straight to kubuntu [23:30] kubuntu is what you have on your hard drive already? [23:31] do I need a zeroed hard drive to do this? [23:31] yes [23:31] I was going to run a live cd to check it out [23:32] XceII: you shouldn't need to zero the hard drive, no. It sounds like an issue with the disk you had. Did you make it yourself? Did you run md5sum on the iso file you downloaded? [23:32] yes it was good [23:32] i tried 2 new disks [23:32] XceII: if you are running a fairly recent version of kubuntu, you should be able to install xubuntu as well 'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop' [23:33] I wanted to run live first [23:33] then move to another drive for the install [23:34] i used kb3+brasero to burn, no problems [23:35] Are you able to mount the disk that you burned? [23:35] after bootup to kubuntu=yes [23:36] dolphine did it upon request [23:37] i am now getting alternate, should it boot to disc, or does text show up asking for request? [23:37] isnt there skype 2.0 beta for ubuntu? [23:38] google that statement [23:38] XceII: well, hrmph. that rules out allt he obvious issues [23:38] XceII: are u sure you set correctly the boot sequence in the bios ? [23:38] yes, i have all floppys in order [23:38] Ven]n: also, check if you see a debian etch package. A debian etch package will typically run on ubuntu [23:39] the alternate CD is not a live CD [23:39] XceII: anyway, if you boot off the alternate CD you should getting you a menu of choices about how you want to boot/install [23:39] oh, i was at the wrong site [23:40] ya, thats just what i need to know, off the menue, what should i chose for the complete install [23:41] I believe the first option is the one you want. If I remeber right it is just 'install xubunut' [23:41] does it boot in text or gui [23:42] text [23:42] ok, thanks for the help, ill be back asking more stupid wuestions, thanks. [23:53] how do i install skype 2.0 really? [23:53] i need libaudio2, libqt4-core, libqt4-gui etc