
DarkMageZDrUnKnMuNkY, so it was the framebuffer?00:03
tretlecompiz is a bit crashy on my end too00:06
tretleuseable though00:06
RAOFAmazingly, compiz works on the nouveau drivers.  If you use Xgl, and don't mind it being slow as molasses :)00:06
DrUnKnMuNkYtried xgl earlier today for all of 10 minutes.. it was slow to the point of being unusable00:07
phinis anyone having issues with compiz?00:07
phinit doesnt seem to love me anymore00:08
RAOFIncidentally, anyone who has an nvidia card and doesn't particularly want 3d, I now recommend trying nouveau before nv.00:08
DrUnKnMuNkYphin, mine broke earlier today. what's your issue?00:08
crdlbcool beans00:09
crdlbphin: details are helpful :)00:09
phinno problem00:09
RAOFTodays fun nouveau fact: firefox scrolls faster with nouveau than the binary blob on my 7600go00:09
crdlbdie, nvidia driver, die00:10
phini noticed it wasnt running so i went to my appearane preferences, and so it was set to none, so i tried to change it back to custom, the screen blanks a bunch and it fails. so i goto term and type compiz --replace and it spits out this: http://pastebin.arslinux.com/15735100:12
phinim using the intel driver00:12
DrUnKnMuNkYDarkMageZ: it may have been that, but my xorg.conf was bloated with a whole bunch of crap, I'll be able to nail down exactly what was causing it hopefully00:12
DrUnKnMuNkYi'm assuming now it was something to do with multiple monitors00:12
crdlbphin: you aren't using metacity's compositor by any chance are you?00:13
phini think its being used, yes00:13
crdlbturn it off00:13
crdlbxcompmgr copypasta sucks :<00:14
crdlbgconf-editor /apps/metacity00:14
phini havent used metacity in quite some time00:14
phinah ok00:14
phindanke, that should work for me00:14
RAOFOh, man.  I should turn on metacity's compositor while I'm nouveauing.00:15
crdlbit's really disappointing that the author of the metacity compositor never even tested switching to compiz :/00:15
phinno shit00:16
phincrdlb: thanks man!00:16
phinthat did the trick :)00:16
RAOFLet's add that to the list of "things not to do": kill xcompmgr with metacity's compositor enabled.00:17
phinnow, i just have to patiantly wait for exa to pan out :)00:17
RAOFHey, cool.  Metacity's compositor is less evil than xcompmgr.00:19
crdlbRAOF: in what way? :)00:20
RAOFIn the way that it doesn't randomly use corrupt textures.00:20
crdlbthat falls under the category of "broken", not "evil" :p00:20
RAOFAlthough it seems that multi-head is a bit beyond it.00:20
RAOFOk.  It'l less *broken* than xcompmgr.00:22
RAOFRight.  Although it does break Do like a twig.00:24
phoulAnyone know a good sfv file checker?00:26
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HellMindWhat is the alsa version of hardy heron?02:35
HellMindjust check02:37
HellMindwhat alsa it uses please02:37
HellMindalsactl -v02:39
HellMindand tell me what it says please02:39
HellMindWake up02:40
RAOF!info alsa-base hardy | HellMind02:40
ubotuhellmind: alsa-base: ALSA driver configuration files. In component main, is important. Version 1.0.15-4ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 191 kB, installed size 384 kB02:40
HellMind!info jack hardy | RAOF02:41
uboturaof: jack: Rip and encode CDs with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.1+cvs20050801-21 (hardy), package size 144 kB, installed size 656 kB02:41
HellMind!info jackd hardy | Lord Momoland02:41
ubotulord momoland: jackd: JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and example clients). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.103.0-6ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 360 kB02:41
HellMinddammit why it uses the old jack02:41
RAOFHellMind: Please don't ping random people with ubotu, it's really obnoxious.02:42
HellMind!info kernel hardy02:42
ubotuPackage kernel does not exist in hardy02:42
HellMind!info kernel-image hardy02:42
ubotuPackage kernel-image does not exist in hardy02:42
HellMindRAOF: sorry and thank you02:42
HellMind!info linux-image-rt hardy02:43
ubotuPackage linux-image-rt does not exist in hardy02:43
HellMind!info linux-image* hardy02:43
RAOFIt seems you probably want to learn about packages.ubuntu.com02:43
ubotulinux-image: Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 25 kB, installed size 52 kB02:43
HellMindIt seams there are no pre made kernel images with realtime capabilities02:44
RAOFHellMind: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=linux-image&searchon=names&subword=1&version=hardy&release=all02:45
HellMindRAOF: you rocks02:45
emgentxstasi, augh02:59
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HellMindWhat can I do to push to introduce a new version of jackd into the hardy distribution?03:22
HellMindwho desides what should be there03:22
RAOFHellMind: I'd suggest filing an upgrade bug against the jack package.  You probably want to have answers for the following questions:  Is there a newer version in Debian?  What does the new version fix/add?  Etc03:26
HellMindwhy we are so afraid of upgrade? new upgrades usually gave more unestability?03:27
RAOFNo.  Before feature freeze it's open slather on upgrades.03:27
RAOFOn the other hand, there are finite packaging resources.  Giving people a good reason makes it more likely they'll do it.03:28
HellMindis there any distro that always try to give the latest version of software?03:28
RAOFWell, most of them.03:28
RAOFI think Foresight is trying a rolling release?03:29
RAOFDebian Sid?03:29
HellMindthat isnt enough03:29
RAOFYou can always help make Ubuntu (or many other distros) that distribution by helping to package shiny new stuff.03:31
HellMindyou do that?03:34
RAOF!contribute | HellMind03:34
ubotuHellMind: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate03:34
phinHellMind: there are plenty of rolling release distros03:37
phinfeature freeze distros are great for stability03:38
phinand it offers a reliable way for people to package up 3rd party applications for a distro03:38
phinas, things like libaries and the like, rarely change03:38
phinsay now, as a software devolper, i can release a package for ubuntu gutsy, and i know 6 months down the road, its gonna work still for ubuntu gutsy03:39
phini release for debian sid, it could stop working next week03:39
phinits really the only way you are going to get more commercial software venders to even bother releaseing for linux03:39
phinif you want cutting edge ubuntu, just switch right away to the next version once everything gets frozen, or goto debian sid.  you could try a few of the other flavours, such as slack or arch.03:41
RAOFgentoo is rolling-release, too, if you like unsupportable.03:41
phini do wish they would come with grumpy groundhog03:43
* DanaG likes using development versions of Ubuntu.03:43
HellMindlocate libGL.so.1 =>  /usr/lib/libGL.so.104:02
HellMind but rror creating symbolic link `./usr/lib/libGL.so.1': No such file or directory04:02
HellMind-> libGL.so.169.0704:04
HellMindShould I unistall my nvidia driver :S04:04
HellMindhow can i fix that :S04:09
HellMindwhat for I need to install that .deb  -_- to use hardy04:10
ubotuLaunchpad bug 159434 in libcairo "Unable to set legacy subpixel rendering" [Undecided,Invalid]04:32
DanaGI still can't set legacy there.04:32
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alex_mayorgahello there, can Firefox 2 and 3 coexist in Hardy?04:50
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alex_mayorgaRAOF, whatever was done recently made my "standard" GNOME session work04:52
RAOFalex_mayorga: Ah, with Xgl?  Cool.04:53
alex_mayorgaso I install firefox-3.0 and that's it04:53
RAOFalex_mayorga: Care to check out ~/.xsession-errors, looking for some Xgl debugness?04:53
alex_mayorgaRAOF, sure04:53
RAOFIndeed.  firefox-3.0 and you're good to go.04:54
alex_mayorgaRAOF, there's a bunch of stuff on my .xsession-errors do you want to take a peak? I really dunno if it's related to video tough04:56
RAOFalex_mayorga: You could pastebin it.  But I'd only be interested in the top page or so.04:57
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:57
alex_mayorgaRAOF, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/52366/ any user induced breakage you see and is easily fixable I'm all ears :)05:00
alex_mayorgalooks like my keyboard and sound are a bit broken there05:01
RAOFThanks.  That looks good to me.05:02
alex_mayorgaHow do I remove all those Warning and ALSA lines :S05:04
alex_mayorgaRAOF, any bugs I should report?05:37
RyanPriorAnybody else have video randomly break in Hardy? My VLC and Totem both started displaying stripy video just now, sound is fine but the video is all vertical stripes.05:59
NoelJBRyanPrior: which video card & driver?06:03
RyanPriorNoelJB: fglrx driver with ATI Mobility card.06:04
RyanPriorNoelJB: the whole rig worked just 10 minutes ago though. It suddenly broke.06:04
NoelJBwierd.  but wanted to make sure that the config was reported.  it was suggested that you try a reboot and see if that clears it up.  did you?06:06
RyanPriorYes, I tried rebooting, and I also tried shutting down the machine, unplugging it, and holding the power button down to discharge the capacitors. Still had no effect.06:08
NoelJBand nothing would have changed in your configuration?06:09
RyanPriorIt suddenly stopped working while I was browsing the 'net, listening to music, and watching videos.06:09
RyanPriorI opened the video and there was no sound, so I closed it and opened alsamixer to see if something was muted. Nothing was, so I opened the movie back up and the sound was then good but the picture was bad.06:10
RyanPriorAnd now the sound has stayed good but the picture is still bad. And what's wierder is, the exact same thing happens to VLC as well as Totem.06:10
RyanPriorSo, to answer the question directly, I had no configuration tools open, no root access to xorg.conf, nothing out of the ordinary for my computer use.06:14
NoelJBRyanPrior, wierd.06:21
RyanPriorI agree. No ideas, I presume?06:22
NoelJBNope.  Given that we're talking about Hardy, have you considered a reinstall :-p06:27
RyanPriorNoelJB: That may end up being necessary. Sucks though.06:29
RyanPriorNoelJB: I'm sure it will stir up new bugs, on the other hand. I've only reported about two dozen since upgrading to Alpha 3.06:30
NoelJBRyanPrior, I suppose.  I keep Hardy on a USB drive, and have reinstalled it from scratch (clean reformat) with each alpha drop.06:30
RyanPriorI've been upgrading going forward, to catch the bugs in forward progress.06:31
NoelJBRyanPrior, I'm just waiting to see any action on the ones I've reported.  Such as the hotswap bay regression from Gutsy.06:31
RyanPriorYeah, my bugs haven't been getting much attention either.06:31
NoelJBmeanwhile, I've got today's updates downloading.  Will take another several hours at the rate this hotel's network serves up.06:31
RyanPriorThat's only until we get the Ubuntu NeuroNet set up.06:32
RyanPriorComing in Alpha 4. =P06:32
* RyanPrior can dream06:32
* DanaG is going back to packaged compiz.07:04
mattismynameAre there any cool features in a build more recent than what's packaged?07:06
DanaGHmm, snowglobe and atlantis2 are cool.07:07
DanaGBut it turns out, the new versions seem to be slower on my system.  Way slower.07:07
mattismynamehmm...that's no good.07:07
mattismynameI have a weird problem with the packaged build07:10
mattismynameMenus sort of "flicker" in07:10
mattismynameInstead of smoothly fading in or whatever they're supposed to do07:10
DanaGHmm, try turning off "fade"07:10
mattismynameI assume it's an nvidia driver issue though07:10
DanaG(I also set my menus to 'vacuum'.07:11
mattismynameThat got rid of the flicker...nice07:12
mattismynameI don't see vacuum in my ccsm07:13
DanaGIt'd be there only for 'open' and 'close'.07:13
mattismynameahh I see it07:14
DanaGOh hey, mattismyname: can you try enabling the 'put' plugin and see if hitting 'super' (just that key and nothing else) makes the window move to the opposite edge of the desktop?07:18
mattismynamesuper isn't bound to any default action07:20
mattismynameIn put07:20
mattismynameOk, here's a question, how do I get macos-like expose?  Where it shrinks the windows on the current desktop so all are visible07:22
DanaGThat's 'scale'.07:22
DanaGI mean, in 'put', super isn't bound to anything, yet it still does something.  Odd.07:22
DanaG(For 'scale', I use screen corners.)07:22
mattismynameGot it07:23
mattismynameThat's weird about put.  It doesn't happen for me.  I'm using whatever version is default for hardy07:23
mattismynameOk, this is weird, scale changes the ordering of the windows if I just hit the hot-corner twice in a row.  I wish it would scale back to the window I originally had focused if I don't select a new one.07:24
DanaGOdd. For me, it un-scales.07:25
mattismynameMaybe because I have sloppy mouse focus07:25
DanaGOh, and "scale additions" and "scale window title focus" are cool.07:25
DanaGOh, and 'put' keybindings don't work with numlock on OR off.07:29
DanaGWell, super-z does, but no others.07:30
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DanaGAnd super-KP_507:31
DanaGBut even binding it to numbers doesn't work.07:32
DanaGIt's like it's being childish and saying,07:32
DanaG"OOOoh, I got a 'super'.  Yay, move window!"07:32
DanaGand then stops trying to do anything else.07:32
DanaGAnother odd thing: whether num-lock is on or off, my keypad still gives me numbers.07:33
DanaGOOh, I see an07:35
DanaGOLPC keyboard layout.07:35
DanaGYay, I fixified it.07:41
DanaGIt turns out that somehow my keyboard layout was screwing stuff up.07:41
DanaGIt made all numpad keys just be numbers, and somehow ALSO screwed up 'super' for Compiz.07:41
DPicWill there be some serious performance improvements in Hardy?08:07
RAOFDPic: No, probably not.08:09
DPicwill that be made a priority for the version after?08:11
DPicI definitely think it's time for Ubuntu to make performance a high priority. speed, system resource consumption, efficiency, and even minimum disk space required for an  install08:18
peciskDPic: as far as I see, last two Ubuntu releases has been tweaked heavily for performance, but it happens per project basis, as it should be08:50
peciskand of course, let's keep in mind, how subjective is term "peformance". As long it works acceptble for user - with all features he/she wants - it's ok, imho08:52
peciskhmmm, no windows decorations when Compiz is turned off with lastest updates? Anyone seen this?09:03
DanaGFor me, Hardy has had WORSE performance.  It's odd.09:23
DanaGThe new scheduler seems to get bogged down by 'nice' loads too easily.09:23
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blkorpheusu are?10:36
alteregolioafter a update of now i can't use my mouse10:36
alteregolioi have a logifnord usb mice10:36
hitlost my media buttons on usb kb10:37
hitworked after first plug in10:37
blkorpheus update without checking what is to be updated10:37
blkorpheusdoes the 2.6.24.-4 kernel work yet?10:39
hitalways check but how supposed i know if it will break something10:39
alteregolioi have problems with my hardware detection10:39
blkorpheusif it break revert10:40
blkorpheusbut expect breakage10:40
blkorpheusbreakage is to be assumed and expected10:40
blkorpheusthats how you know10:40
blkorpheusor read the topic10:40
alteregolioa update is weird10:41
blkorpheususe a stable release for stability10:41
hita stable version is boring, nothing to do there :p10:42
hitbtw any way to debug why system hangs on booting when loading hardware drivers and also some X crashes?10:42
hitdmesg and Xorg.0.log didn't give anything exciting10:42
blkorpheuswhich kernel version?10:43
alteregoliomy mouse is dead10:43
hitlatest kernel10:43
alteregolioi have 2.6.24-410:44
alteregolioit work before the update10:44
blkorpheusI amm supposed to know which update right?10:45
hitah no, 2.6.24-3 here10:45
blkorpheusyou guys need to learn how to ask and answer support questions10:45
blkorpheusyou'd be better off posting in the forums and filing bug reports10:46
hitwell, how can i file a bug when i don't know what is wrong?10:47
blkorpheusgeez, thats the point in filing, so those smartter can determine what the issue could be, and you may find your issue is known, and or resolved with basic reading.10:48
blkorpheusIf this is complicated, DO NOT RUN HARDY10:49
alteregoliois there a way to start xconfig?10:51
blkorpheuswhats that?10:52
alteregolioto add a mouse10:52
alteregolioor something10:52
blkorpheusthere is no "xconfig"10:53
blkorpheusdo you guys even know what system your running?10:53
alteregolioand where is the mouse configuration stored?10:53
blkorpheusread the topic10:54
alteregolioyeah i run a 4GHz Pentium penryn10:54
alteregolioasus p5k with ddr 1066 at 5-5-5-5-1510:54
alteregoliocore2 penryn or something who cares10:55
blkorpheusI sure don't if you don't10:55
alteregolioand this monolithic kernel isn't able to find my mouse10:55
blkorpheusgood luck on getting help when you don't read10:55
alteregoliomaybe linus saw space odyssey 200110:56
alteregolioi think i move back to weedian10:59
bardyr!info nvidia-glx-new11:06
ubotunvidia-glx-new: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 169.07+ (hardy), package size 5660 kB, installed size 16192 kB11:06
hitargh blkorpheus left11:07
bardyr!info linux-image-generic11:07
ubotulinux-image-generic: Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 25 kB, installed size 52 kB11:07
hitwanted to ask if he knows one possible reason why my xorg.conf looks like this: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/30258/11:07
bardyrhit, because xorg.conf is obsolete11:08
bardyrhit, hardy is going to make X use auto configuring and have changes in the xorg.conf like keyboard layout, etc11:08
hithow do i configure X then?11:09
bardyrhit, xorg.conf11:09
bardyrthey are going to override X's auto configuration11:09
hitonly when i need something special then?11:09
alteregoliosection input decice11:11
alteregoliodriver mouse11:11
alteregoliocorepointer blah whaetver11:11
alteregolioport does not exist11:11
alteregolioprotocol does not exist11:11
alteregolioi try to find a xorg backup file11:11
bardyralteregolio, xorg.conf.backup ? :)11:12
bardyralteregolio, if you used the GUI it normally saves a backup11:12
bardyralteregolio, else just use dpkg/X to make a new one11:12
alteregolioi can't use the gui11:12
alteregoliothe gui is messed up without a mice11:13
alteregoliowhat is backslasg11:13
erudifiedHi! Anyone know how to get XGL working (with fglrx) ?11:14
bardyrdoes anybody have a asus wl-167g or any other rt2500usb wifi device ?11:14
bardyrerudified, sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl11:14
alteregoliono fun dpkg /x doesn't work11:15
erudifiedDoesn't work - 0115 version starts on :2 and GNOME kinda doesn't, prior to that I get a gtk+ suid error11:15
bardyrerudified, why do you need XGL?11:15
erudifiedWhy does that matter...?11:15
bardyrAGILX is much better11:15
bardyrand the new ATI drivers should support it11:15
erudifiedThey don't work with Xorg 7.3 and they're not in Hardy11:16
bardyrthey do support 7.3 and should be in hardy11:17
bardyrat least the new cards11:17
alteregolioah it worked11:18
alteregolionow i just modified the xorg.conf with a old xorg conf11:18
erudifiedWELL THEN!11:18
erudifiedbardyr thanks ;)11:18
bardyris there a way to make screen brigtness bottons work, either some hacks or software11:30
bardyrbut i dont want to hack the ACPI DDTD tables or what they are called11:31
hithmm, i can define my media keys in keyboard shortcuts conf, but they won't still work, so problem must be in something else?11:39
hithttp://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=Pq4Q1Wz0 all right values in here11:40
hitonly key that works, is suspend11:42
hitwhich messed up just something so i'll restart X11:42
alteregoliocompiled the kernel against icc now11:44
alteregolioworks better for audio rt11:44
bardyralteregolio, you compilled it with the intel compiler?11:45
bardyrhmm I didnt know you could do that :D11:46
pborhey hey guys.. is there a channel specific to virtualization on ubuntu (I just read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KvmVirtManagerEtc )11:56
bardyrpbor, you want to virtualize servers or desktops?11:58
pborbardyr: desktop... nothing in particular just trying out kvm/virt-manager on hardy11:59
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e_r_c_e200 packadges to download12:36
IdleOne200 packages to download for what?12:37
e_r_c_eat 4Mb donwload/512 upload it goes 9989Bs12:37
e_r_c_enow 80Mbs12:37
e_r_c_eIdleOne: for update12:37
e_r_c_esory for hightlight12:37
e_r_c_etopic is fun12:38
e_r_c_eif..... do not run haardy12:38
e_r_c_emy adsl could run 45-5 Mbs but one idiot run torrent12:41
IdleOneFetched 153MB in 1min42s (1495kB/s)12:41
IdleOnethat isnt to bad12:41
e_r_c_e47/200, 60-80 Kbps12:42
e_r_c_eonly cuz of that stupid idiot12:42
e_r_c_ewich's comp  is 24/7 online and it has all the speed so i havent anything12:43
e_r_c_eicy  (that'z my gutsyđ internet gateway)
e_r_c_eall others are having later IPs than i12:44
e_r_c_eand one man wich was tested12:44
dholbachMOTU Q&A session in 8 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom12:52
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
squeHi, hardy is gona use the new scheduler that people at kernel trap where speaking for?13:21
e_r_c_eewwww.... no?13:21
e_r_c_ei think so13:21
e_r_c_esque: do you have bug with update manager13:24
e_r_c_ein hardy13:24
squee_r_c_e: I haven't installed hardy, I just had a quick view from live cd13:32
e_r_c_ebetter not install (YET!!)13:33
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se7en781 upgraded, 74 newly installed, 67 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 763MB of archives   is that normal for a gutsy to hardy upgrade ???13:44
se7enhmmmm i guess i don't get that done today ... only 3 hour left13:46
IdleOne3 hours for what?13:46
se7enof today13:46
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frenkelanybody here use an rt2500 wireless networkcard?14:39
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cavediverHi guys. I have kind of a strange "bug" in Hardy. When connecting to my mac using sshf in nautilus, I have to log in twice before the browsable list appear, and even though I state "save forever", It stills asks for password the next time. Anyona having the same issue ?15:59
=== DrUnKnMuNkY1 is now known as DrUnKnMuNkY
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=== bigon is now known as bigon`
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
HellMindMy usb mouse stop working how can I track the problem19:02
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pvandewyngaerdei had kde 3.5.8 , now 3.5.7 is in the update19:15
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HellMindemerald dies frecuently is there any alternate pkg for that?19:30
HellMindemerald[6214]: segfault at 00000004 eip b788078d esp bf93a4e0 error 419:30
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=== bigon` is now known as bigon
annoiaI've bought an AMD Phenom 9500, which is supposed to run at 2.2Ghz per core. However, in Ubuntu (whichever) it is rated at 1.8... The BIOS claims it's running at 2.2.20:48
annoiaAny thoughts?20:48
tretleright I have sorta a strange problem21:56
tretleupdate manager opens but when it checks for new updates it crashes21:57
tretlewell gets cought in a loop21:57
tretleand I cant open synaptic at all21:57
tretleor sources21:57
gesertretle: have you tried updating with apt-get in a terminal?21:59
tretlenow oi just figured out that it wont let me log in as root22:00
tretleubable to resolve host22:00
tretlehmmmm.... kung po chicken is calling me.... brb22:02
tretleunable to resolve host users-desktop22:15
tretlewhenever i try and open anything as root?22:15
bukskubuntu alternate install (daily 18 Jan) installation is not working on my laptop22:26
buksis this the right forum to be talking about issues with hardy before logging a bug on launchpad?22:28
bukshello, anybody home?22:31
muesli_hardy's qt4-sql module doesn't seem to contain sqlite support. could i be wrong? :)23:01
tretleif its any help this problem started when i changed the domain name23:06
tretlewhen i look in the /etc/hosts it shows users-desktop.workgroup23:07
tretleand when i try and log in as root it says unable to resolve hosts users-desktop23:07
tretleI cant change the domain anymore23:12
tretleits stuck at WORGROUP23:13
tretleany ideas?23:13
alteregolio i need a moebius gearbox for my fnordocycle23:15
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
askandWhat gnome version will be in Hardy?23:35
andi5askand: i guess 2.22.0 or some bugfix releases thereof23:36

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