
slangasekanyone here using xen with hardy?00:01
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nemosorry to bother the devs, but I have identical symptoms and similar intel card to this bug  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/145747  <-  is anyone here from audio team who might know if this is a known issue?03:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 145747 in ubuntu "Sound system locks up" [Undecided,New]03:31
nemooh. and thanks for whoever put gimp 2.4.2 in gutsy proposed - it has solved all my gimp issues03:32
* Hobbsee curses keyboard.03:33
LaserJocknemo: you probably want to add your specs and problem to that bug and subscribe to it03:36
nemopretty similar though03:36
nemoslightly newer soundcard03:36
* nemo does so03:36
nemoaand done03:44
nemohm dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base  seems to do nothing, but, since clearly I'm just adding noise to this channel, I'm going to slink away again03:45
nemolater y'all03:45
emgenthello ernesto!03:48
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pittiGood morning06:06
warp10good morning06:09
StevenKMorning pitti!06:10
Hobbseemorning pitti!06:25
* pitti waves to Australia, hey!06:26
pittiand to Italy, too :)06:26
slangasekdon't wave to Italy, you'll only encourage it06:33
keescookhm, don't all the core 2 duos have a temp sensor somewhere?06:49
Hobbseenow, if i was an ubuntu live cd, where would i be...06:51
keescookmine is stuck in a failed CDROM.  :P  need to find a paper clip...06:52
* keescook is off to bed, g'night all06:52
Hobbseeoh dear06:52
Hobbseenight keescook!06:52
keescookcya Hobbsee06:52
Hobbseeah, i'd be sitting on my desk, away from all the ubuntu cds06:54
Hobbseehad forgotten about that one06:55
* Hobbsee reboots06:55
dholbachgood morning07:28
pitti\sh_away: can you please use requestsync from now on, so that we get a standard request with changelogs, etc.?07:29
* pitti hugs dholbach07:29
* dholbach hugs pitti back07:29
* desrt piles onto the hugfest, grabbing pitti and dholbach 07:29
* dholbach hugs desrt too :)07:30
* pitti jumps for joy and hugs desrt07:30
desrtyou seem a bit excited =)07:30
dholbachdesrt: "I like hugging, ... no not that much" ;)07:36
desrtdholbach; something like that, yes :)07:37
desrtdholbach; you may know: i'm coming to visit you in march07:38
dholbachoh really?07:38
dholbachtell me more :)07:38
dholbachahhhh, gkt hackfest?07:38
desrtthere's a "gtk hackfest" at some rented house in berlin07:38
dholbachnice... summer in berlin is even better, but I'm sure March will be great too :)07:39
desrti have a bit of a catch 22 situation07:39
desrti have a friend living in berlin who i want to surprise with my arrival07:39
desrtbut i have no idea where she lives :p07:39
desrti should say i want to write her a letter or something :p07:40
desrtalthough that may be a little obvious... that's how she got my address :/07:43
TheMusodesrt: And you didn't think to make a note of the return address? :p07:44
desrtshe lived in the US at the time07:45
desrtwest coast, too07:46
desrtso quite a drive to my place (where she randomly showed up last summer)07:46
desrtif i drop in on her on a different continent i figure we're more or less even07:47
Mithrandirdesrt: tell her you'll send her a post card?07:47
desrti know a couple of her friends.  i think i'll implicate one of them =)07:48
MithrandirI mean, you travel to UDS-es and such, so sending a post card isn't that unrealistic.07:48
pittidoko: tmda was removed in Debian ("RoQA; unmaintained, useless"); should I remove it in hardy as well?07:52
dokopitti: sure, never used it. do we document reasons for removals somewhere?07:55
pittidoko: yes, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/removals.txt07:56
freeflyingpitti: I found the broken k-menu(errors in translation) still exist in hardy, but it was fixed already, will you upgrade the language-kde-pack?07:57
pittifreeflying: I was promised that by Monday we will get a hardy translation tarball, so that I can build langpacks07:57
freeflyingpitti: will do a SRU for gutsy? thanks07:58
pittifreeflying: hm?07:58
freeflyingpitti: this was broken in gutsy too07:58
pittifreeflying: we'll update the gutsy langpacks at start of February again, yes08:01
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pittiKeybuk: I finally filed that udev bug about wlan0_rename08:15
gesergood morning08:16
desrtpitti; did you notice the esd bug?08:18
* Mithrandir boggles.08:18
Mithrandirto get maemo mapper to dtrt on the n810, you tell it to connect via bluetooth without an address.08:19
pittidesrt: yes08:19
desrtpitti; think we can get a gutsy upload?08:19
pittidesrt: is there a patch attached?08:19
pittidesrt: hm, please remind me of the #? can't find it in the list08:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 183411 in esound "libesd leaks pipe file descriptors" [Undecided,Fix released]08:21
* pitti approves the gutsy task08:21
desrtit'd be cool if i knew how launchpad worked :p08:22
pittidesrt: so, I take that as "please upload the SRU for me"?08:23
pittistable release update08:23
desrtif you think it's appropriate, yes08:24
desrtseb128; hihi =)08:24
pittidesrt: can you please add a "TEST CASE:" to the description? (see the policy in the wiki)08:24
pittihey seb12808:25
seb128hey desrt pitti08:26
pittidesrt: uploaded, with some changelog tweaking08:30
desrtthat was fast.08:30
desrti was still reading this wiki page :p08:30
pitti"Ryan Lortie  did not previously have any assigned bugs in Ubuntu.08:32
pittiIf this bug was assigned by mistake, you may change the assignment."08:32
pittiwow, LP is clever :)08:33
Treenakspitti: Yes.. it's the new name for Skynet 8)08:33
pitti"Ryan Lortie did not previously receive enough hugs. If this was a mistake, please rectify that immediately."08:33
* pitti hugs desrt08:33
* desrt grins08:33
desrtpitti; i'm not sure i can do a TEST CASE08:34
* seb128 hugs desrt08:34
desrtsince i've never experienced the bug myself08:34
desrtseb128; thx :D08:34
pittidesrt: well, you can probably do some lsof | grep stuff08:34
desrtya... but the thing is that i've never personally hit this problem on my gutsy box08:34
seb128desrt: try what the duplicate suggests08:34
desrtso i don't know exactly what use case it is that causes the problem to explode08:34
pittidesrt: alternatively, you can do the testing on the box of your sister where you can reproduce it08:35
pittidesrt: we just need to know that the actual .debs from -proposed are good and fix the bug08:35
desrt"katie... remember what you were doing before when your computer broke?  can you do it some more?"08:35
seb128desrt: the other bug suggest that mouseover an ogg would be enough08:35
desrtlemme check that out =)08:36
desrtoh ya08:37
desrtthat definitely does it08:37
desrtonly works if the [x] enable esd thing is checked in the sound prefs08:39
desrtprobably explains why it's never hit me before08:39
dholbachgood morning thekorn! :)08:40
thekornmoin dholbach08:41
thekornjust merged py-lp-bugs08:41
pittiTheMuso: any idea about verification of bug 155130?08:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 155130 in usplash-theme-ubuntustudio "Ubuntu Studio usplash Fails to Prompt for Passphrase for Encrypted LVMs" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15513008:43
desrti think i've added a good test case08:44
desrtcan someone test it? :)08:44
pittidesrt: I subscribed sru-verification, they will08:45
pittidesrt: thanks08:45
desrtthanks for the info on what to do =)08:47
pittiyou're welcome08:47
snadgei ask mercifully in here because someone in here might have a clue ;)08:48
desrtsnadge; try #ubuntu08:48
snadgegnome-settings-daemon error on login08:48
* desrt grins08:48
Treenakssnadge: the 'Language unknown' error?08:48
snadgeits a known issue that has been around for some time, to do with a failure to start gnome-settings-daemon.. i'd have to reboot my pc to see the error again, its a bit intermittant.. i thought i had fixed it already08:49
snadgewhen i last looked into it, it had something to do with the gnome people deciding to start gnome-settings-daemon either a lot earlier, or later in the normal login sequence08:50
snadgeok if thats not ringing any bells i'll dig up more info ;)08:51
snadgeok im kinda embarassed now.. i had fixed the original problem, but it seems to resurface if your pc is uncleanly shutdown .. (a flatmates parents did the favour of unplugging the cord)08:55
snadgei guess i should check launchpad for an existing bug and see if it has been resolved, and provide more info if not08:58
pittiLongPoin1yStick: any idea about the status of bug 133944? (stalled SRU)08:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 133944 in kdepim "package kitchensync 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu6 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ksync/ksyncui.rc', which is also in package ksync" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13394408:59
snadgeis alt-sysrq-b equivalent to just pulling the power cord?09:02
snadgei guess not really.. as i was not able to reproduce the error09:02
snadgesweet.. anybody can reproduce this error now, its quite simple.. standard ubuntu gutsy09:12
snadgepull the power cord out of the back of your pc, reboot.. and you're greeted with this error "There was an error starting the GNOME Settings Daemon.. blah blah blah" - none of your settings are loaded09:13
seb128snadge: now, like it you didn't had the issue before? what did you change?09:14
snadgeyour hosts file must contain an entry for that has your hostname09:15
tjaaltonis anyone working on merging libnss-db?09:17
snadgecan someone else try this on a spare gutsy machine for me? (logged into X)09:19
slangasekNafallo: no, you should never point at anything except localhost09:22
slangaseksnadge: no, you should never point at anything except localhost09:22
slangasekNafallo: sorry09:22
slangaseksnadge: you should have *an* entry pointing to a valid IP for your hostname, but it should not be; the norm is
snadgei see.. it helps to know this ;)09:25
pittihey mvo09:27
mvohey pitti09:27
pittimvo: I am just doing some cleanup of old SRU bugs; there are quite a few update-manager ones, too09:27
pittimvo: I could clean most of them, but some require your input09:27
mvopitti: ok, I'm happy to help, I have a look now, ok?09:28
pittimvo: can you please check the u-m ones on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sru/+subscribedbugs?batch=100 ?09:28
pittimvo: you should have quite a lot of bug mail, too; most of the bugs were already in -updates and forgotten to be closed, and some tasks were never really handled09:28
* pitti hugs mvo, thanks09:28
pittimvo: hm, bug 75273 is weird; Mithrandir said that he accepted it to edgy-updates, but there's no apt in edgy-{proposed,updates}09:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 75273 in apt "Apt constantly sigsevs on edgy" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7527309:30
tjaaltonStevenK: why did you change libnss-db to use debhelper?09:32
tjaaltonStevenK: and dpatch09:32
pittimvo: ah, seems it got superseded in bug 85207, and then removed from -proposed because that bug was deemed obsolete in edgy09:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 85207 in apt "SRU request for new DPKG::StopOnError config " [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8520709:32
Mithrandirtjaalton: to get rid of yada, I'd imagine.09:32
tjaaltonMithrandir: yes, but is that worth the delta09:33
Nafalloslangasek: :-)09:33
Mithrandirtjaalton: yes.09:33
tjaaltonMithrandir: hmm, ok then :)09:33
Mithrandirtjaalton: yada should be wiped off the face of this planet.09:33
mvopitti: ook, looking now09:34
Mithrandir(or at least kicked out of main)09:34
pittiMithrandir: it's in universe since gutsy09:36
tjaaltonone more reason to keep the delta :)09:37
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pittiseb128: still interested in bug 114770? (feisty-proposed)09:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 114770 in nautilus-cd-burner "Cannot burn on RW media because n-c-b does not unmount it" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11477009:39
seb128pitti: not really, interested to discuss why a simple Build-Depends change is waiting there during months until being deprecated though09:41
pittiseb128: I asked for testing feedback from the reporters again; if nobody answers, I'll kill it from -proposed next week09:41
seb128pitti: isn't bugsquad supposed to do testing and approve the changes?09:42
pittithe change was approved, but someone needs to test the actual .debs in -proposed, not a locally built package09:42
seb128pitti: I don't really care, but it's annoying to spend work on SRU to have those ignored09:42
seb128pitti: not it's not against you, you did reply pretty quickly ;-)09:43
* seb128 hugs pitti09:43
seb128pitti: well, I though bugsquad was supposed to do that as written09:43
pittiseb128: my concern isn't that the patch is obvious and fixes the bug, but that the change had inadvertent side effects (thus the rigorous testing)09:43
pittiseb128: right; let's see if someone answers09:43
seb128pitti: I don't expect lot of people are still using feisty and we got no new duplicate, so deprecate it if you want, I don't think it's worth the efforts now, we have better things to get working09:44
tjaaltonwe have ~300 feistys :)09:45
pittisoren: any chance you could test the bind9 .debs in the other -proposed?09:50
sorenpitti: Um... Yes, I suppose I can squeeze that in today.09:50
pittisoren: thanks09:50
sorenThat also gives me an excuse to get the rest of my vm's moved over to kvm. :)09:50
mvopitti: #75273 -> its still worthwhile to have this fix in edgy-updates, the fix is trivial09:51
pittiasac: any idea how bug 138794 could creep back to hardy?09:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 138794 in network-manager "Error getting killswitch power arguments: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs - Argument 0 is specified to be of type "uint32", but is actually of type "int32"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13879409:58
Mithrandirhm, it would be very useful if the /+archive url included a link to the build records for that upload.10:00
pittiRiddell: ping about bug 153500 - the gutsy-proposed patch needs to be uploaded to hardy10:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 153500 in kdelibs "Kopete crashes on startup" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15350010:01
pittiseb128: is bug 152638 fixed in hardy?10:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 152638 in gedit "Permissions and owner/group changed when editing using gedit" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15263810:02
asacpitti: not sure ... did hal bounce back to use guint32?10:03
pittiasac: it didn't change drastically for months (no new upstream version and no patches)10:03
seb128pitti: yes10:03
pittiseb128: merci, bug closed10:04
asacseb128: can you reproduce bug 138794 (i remember that you could in the past)?10:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 138794 in network-manager "Error getting killswitch power arguments: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs - Argument 0 is specified to be of type "uint32", but is actually of type "int32"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13879410:04
sorenpitti: I've filed a MIR for kvm.. Do I need to do anything to get it looked at?10:04
seb128pitti: you are welcome10:04
seb128pitti: danke10:04
pittisoren: if ubuntu-mir is sub'ed, that's enough10:04
sorenpitti: Cool.10:05
seb128asac: no such warning no10:06
asachmm ... any idea if launchpad removes files for superseded version? e.g. trying: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/0.5.10-5~ubuntu310:08
asacis that a feature or a bug?10:08
asac"ERROR 404: Not Found"10:08
sorenIt's a bug which will be fixed with the next lp release, afaik.10:08
asacwhen will that be? its essential for some kind of regression hunts :)10:09
pittiasac: the files are still there10:10
pittiasac: but the URL doesn't work10:10
tjaaltonoh ffs, libnss-db doesn't clean properly10:10
pittiasac: hal is in bzr, too, you can get it from there if all else fails10:11
sorenasac: You can find the files on staging, afair.10:11
asacok ... is there any way that i could guess the proper urls?10:11
sorenasac: http://staging.launchpad.net should expose the correct URL's.10:12
sorenasac: Allegedly. It was discussed on #launchpad yesterday (or the day before).10:12
pittiasac: oh, seems they are really gone now; hmm10:12
asaclets hope that they are not physically gone10:15
sorenasac: I'm quite sure librarian still has them. You can ask in #launchpad for the right URL.10:19
* pitti purges firefox 2; yay10:26
sorenI'm looking at the Jeos image. It seems that the installer will offer to let you configure lvm regardless of whether or not lvm is actually available on the cd to be installed on the system. Should lvm perhaps be moved to minimal or required?10:37
Mithrandiris the processing of PPA uploads down or stopped or something?10:38
Mithrandirah, no, there it was10:39
cjwatsonsoren: lvm2 needs to be in the jeos seed, I think10:40
cjwatsonI actually thought I'd added it already10:40
cjwatsonsoren: some installer features will attempt to dynamically install packages on the target system in order to support themselves, using apt-install10:40
cjwatsonyou need to arrange for the packages in question to be seeded, just like they're in the ship seed10:40
pittimvo: ok, please go ahead and upload apt/edgy10:41
sorencjwatson: I realise it'll install them if it's configured.  I just figured that since the installer will unconditionally offer to configure it, it should always be installed (and hence be in required or minimal).10:42
mvopitti: isn't this magic copy mechanism working on edgy? to copy it from -proposed to -updates?10:42
sorenEr... Always be *available* for isntallation, of course.10:42
pittimvo: check rmadison; as I said, there is *only* edgy release, no -proposed, -updates, -security10:42
pittimvo: TBH I don't know when or why it disappeared from -updates10:43
mvopitti: right, sorry I missed that earlier. that is indeed strange, as I have a accepted mail here even10:43
sorencjwatson: Either that or the installer should be taught to not ask such questions if lvm is not available for installation?10:43
cjwatsonsoren: being in required or minimal would have it always installed, not merely always available, which would be inappropriate10:44
sorencjwatson: Ah, point.10:44
sorencjwatson: Can you think of anything else the installer will offer to configure, but will not necessarily be available for installation?10:45
cjwatsonI think it would probably be impossible (with current infrastructure) to avoid offering the option at all if lvm2 isn't available; the only thing we can do is to try to install it and see if it failed, but we shouldn't try to install it until the user asks for it10:46
cjwatsonbut we should certainly have better error handling in the event that it is not available10:46
cjwatsonpartman-lvm could do that10:46
cjwatsonand lvmcfg10:46
cjwatsonyes, lots. grep for apt-install10:46
cjwatsoneverything under "Filesystems" and "For language support in the installer" in ship, though that is not exclusive10:47
sorenI don't have all of the installer code checked out..10:47
cjwatsonMac systems will apt-install mouseemu10:47
cjwatsonvarious others10:48
sorenThat sounds like a good start.10:48
cjwatsonyou probably won't care about much more than that10:48
sorencjwatson: Great. Thanks.10:51
=== pitti is now known as pitti_
asacbryce: when will we get ?11:21
ogratjaalton, is tehre a way to set keymaps through sysfs in Xorg or so ? or am i forced to have hal available for that ?11:32
mvopitti_: I updated #172609 - I need approval for 0.81.2 first, the version in gutsy-proposed does not fix the bug unfortunately11:34
pitti_mvo: looks ok11:36
mvogreat, thanks pitti_11:36
mvopitti_: if you haven't accepted update-manager 0.81.2 yet, please wait a sec11:46
mvopitti: if you haven't accepted update-manager 0.81.2 yet, please wait a sec11:46
pitti_mvo: I didn't11:46
pitti_mvo: (experimenting with an irssi proxy, thus two nicks ATM)11:47
mvopitti_: ok, I think there is another tweak needed, sorry - its a bit difficult to test without a ia64 machine :)11:48
tjaaltonasac_: we have that11:48
tjaaltonogra: hmm, what are you trying to do?11:48
tjaaltonasac_: actually it's newer than that, from the 1.4-branch11:49
ogratjaalton, i somehow need to get the new X going in ltsp :) we use a script generated xorg.conf there11:50
asac_tjaalton: hmm ... since when?11:51
ograi would like to switch the conf to be optional (to many special cases to not have something you can override configs with) and default to a configless setup11:51
asac_tjaalton: ok there is a bunch of upgrades coming (incl. xserver) ... lets see after lunch11:52
mvopitti_: could you please reject 0.81.2 from gutsy-proposed ? I upload a new one now and I added instructions how to reproduce the bug and the fix on regular hardware11:57
tjaaltonasac_: we've been tracking the stable branch with debian for some time now. at least 2:1.4.1~git20071212-1ubuntu1 includes everything in
=== asac_ is now known as asac
tjaaltonogra: oh right :)11:58
pitti_mvo: there's nothign in gutsy-proposed11:58
tjaaltonogra: it uses hal (if you enable it), so the same rules apply11:59
ogratjaalton, so i'd like a hal-less way of setting keymap and mouse options :)11:59
ograhal = to big for thin clients11:59
tjaaltonogra: then you either patch the server or use a xorg.conf11:59
ograpatch ? in what way ?12:00
ograi would expect hal to hook in to sysfs or so12:00
tjaaltonogra: let me check12:04
sorenpitti: How does Feb 4th sounds as a (soft) deadline for submitting new packages? That leaves 10 days for NEW processing before FF.12:05
pittisoren: sounds ok (although the current policy already accounts for processing the backlog)12:05
sorenI see.12:06
mvopitti_: ok, now there is 0.81.2 in gutsy-proposed, this time valid12:08
tjaaltonogra: the devices don't have any options set by default, so I don't see how it could work without hal or xorg.conf12:14
Kmosogra: tuxtype needs sdlpango promoted to main.. =)12:16
ograKmos, yup, you told me before :)12:20
ogratjaalton, ok, then i will keep the current structure12:20
Kmosogra: can you ask pitti to do it? i can't.. prevented from participate in ubuntu development12:21
ograyes, i saw that :/12:21
ograKami will talk to pitti about it before release, dont worry12:21
Kmosok =) thx12:22
ogra(i have some more pressing work atm, but e sure debs will be fixed by release )12:22
dholbachMOTU Q&A session in 8 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom12:52
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=== DrPepperKid is now known as MacSlow
ln-what exactly did the latest Dapper updates break?13:16
Hobbseeln-: what makes you think that the dapper updates are broken?13:16
ln-trying to run the minimal sample of self-compiled wxGTK-2.8.6 gives an error like this: http://pastebin.ca/85985713:18
ln-that did not happen earlier.13:18
Hobbseedoes that happen with the normal version of that?13:20
Hobbseeah, perhaps https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/dapper-changes/2008-January/012606.html13:20
ln-does the "normal", packaged version ship with the samples?13:23
Hobbseei have no idea13:24
ln-apparently not.13:24
* Hobbsee does not run dapper, sorry, and ran kde around that time.13:24
snadgei think i've got a theory about the gnome-settings-daemon startup error after a power cut13:26
snadgeits possibly because im using reiserfs13:26
snadgewhich from what i've read.. is designed to corrupt data in a power loss situation by default13:28
ln-maybe this is yet another reason to abandon Ubuntu as soon as possible and switch to CentOS on our computers.13:29
seb128ln-: do you think that's an useful comment to do there?13:30
seb128ln-: you will never have a distro which never has any issue but you can use whatever you want, that's not really revelant on this chan though13:31
Hobbseeln-: methinks centOS also took that update, so it would be worth checking to see if your self-compiled wxGTK-2.8.6 gives the error there too.13:31
seb128hey Hobbsee ;-)13:31
_MMA_seb128: Is there anything more I should add to bug 183199?13:33
ubotuLaunchpad bug 183199 in gnome-control-center "System sounds aren't being played in Hardy." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18319913:33
seb128_MMA_: no idea13:34
seb128_MMA_: I've enough work to be busy 30 hours a day basically at the moment so I didn't look at that yet13:34
_MMA_Sure. np13:35
seb128the login sounds work correctly on my hardy13:35
seb128could be a pulseaudio issue13:35
ograhere too (even in ltsp)13:36
seb128I need to look at it13:36
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
_MMA_Really odd as the same day I filed I did a Ubuntu/Ubuntu Studio install from the daily.13:36
Hobbseeseb128: mine don't, but on the live cd, they'll play twice, around a minute in13:36
_MMA_(doing another now)13:36
_MMA_Yeah. Im using the Alt. disk.13:39
tkamppeterpiit, hi13:39
tkamppeterpitti, hi13:39
tkamppeterAnyone got build failures on IA64 and/or HPPA today?13:41
tkamppeterThis architectures are segfaulting on processing of .po files.13:41
tkamppeterAll other archs are OK.13:42
seb128_MMA_: I've esound installed on this box though13:43
seb128_MMA_: let me try without it13:43
tjaaltonln-: those patches are from upstream and probably already applied on RHEL/Centos :)13:55
=== LongPoin1yStick is now known as LongPointyStick
seb128_MMA_: sounds work fine without using esound too14:09
_MMA_seb128: Im downloading todays daily. Ill check it out.14:10
_MMA_Though the install will probably fail with the lang packs being broken.14:13
seb128_MMA_: do you have anything on the command line when trying to play a sound in the GNOME capplet?14:14
_MMA_Ill have to wait to test. If the disk fails to install then Ill do a CLI install then grab ubuntu-desktop.14:14
ln-tjaalton: well, that's possible.14:17
_MMA_seb128: "GNOME capplet" Did you mean "applet" ie: the tab where you can preview the sounds?14:17
tjaaltonln-: a workaround; put 'Option "MIT-SHM" "no"' in the Extensions -section14:19
tjaaltonof xorg.conff14:19
seb128_MMA_: gnome-sound-properties, that's a capplet14:19
tjaaltonln-:  or downgrade to the previous version14:21
Hobbseeinfinity: that was uploaded months ago.  i'm unsure why it's decided to attempt to build now14:26
Hobbseeln-: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/18396914:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 183969 in xorg-server "xserver-xorg-core update breaks java apps" [Critical,Confirmed]14:30
Hobbseewhat is it with xorg's lack of testing or something, which means that security fixes break apps?14:30
* Hobbsee uploads kdepim14:37
ln-Hobbsee, tjaalton: at least i'm happy to notice i'm not the only one suffering from the bug, and that it has been marked critical.14:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 184041 in ubuntu "failure to interact with bug reporters" [Undecided,New]14:47
Hobbseecyberix: this is bugs marked as incomplete?14:49
seb128jamiemcc_: hey14:50
seb128jamiemcc_: is there a way to know what tracker is doing exactly? tracker-status say it's indexing but I would like to know what and how many things it still has on its list etc14:51
seb128jamiemcc_: ups14:51
seb128no, not ups14:52
cyberixHobbsee: Is there a status history?14:52
LucidFoxCould any archive admins please look at bug #184025?14:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 184025 in mpeg4ip "Please move mpeg4ip to multiverse" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18402514:52
Hobbseecyberix: yeah14:53
cyberixHobbsee: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20/+bug/85455/+activity14:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 85455 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20 "D-Link DWA-547 wireless card doesn't work" [Wishlist,Confirmed]14:53
Hobbseecyberix: no idea who the guy is who triaged your bug incorrectly there.14:54
HobbseeKeybuk: has already had a go at him14:54
cyberixDoes everyone have rights to reject bug reports?14:55
LucidFoxcyberix> From a technical POV, anyone can set a bug to Invalid, and bug control members can set a bug to Won't Fix14:56
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Keybukseb128: I tend to restart it with the debugging command-line flags and watch what it's doing15:03
seb128Keybuk: right, would be nice if tracker-status would be verbose about that though15:03
KeybukLucidFox: I think it's anyone in ubuntu-dev, rather than anyone15:05
HobbseeKeybuk: to reject?  no15:05
HobbseeKeybuk: anyone can set a bug as invalid15:05
Hobbseein any project15:05
Keybukoh, ok :)15:05
Keybukshows how much I know15:05
HobbseeKeybuk: btw, you have another core dev app :)15:05
HobbseeKeybuk: or how long you've been in power for, either wya.15:05
* Hobbsee crash-tackle-hugs pitti15:06
* Hobbsee crash-tackle-hugs pitti into the middle of next week15:06
Hobbseedamn enter key.15:06
geserHobbsee: now you also have problems with the enter key?15:07
Hobbseegeser: yeah, but they're pebkac15:07
pittioh, what a nice welcome :) /me hugs Hobbsee back15:08
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ScottKpitti: About Bug 183570 - I had edited the bug, but forgot to leave a comment.  Sorry about that.  I'd appreciate it if you would have another go at it.15:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 183570 in clamtk "Request sync clamtk 3.06-1 (Universe) from Debian Unstable (Main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18357015:08
Hobbseepitti: i uploaded the hardy section of kdepim, btw15:09
pittiScottK: sure15:09
pittiHobbsee: awesome, thanks15:09
ScottKpitti: Also, on Bug 183661 - What sort of testing do you want?  The bug was an FTBFS bug and they both built?15:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 183661 in libmail-box-perl "FTBFS in Gutsy/Feisty" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18366115:09
pittiScottK: I didn't do it because you indicated some doubts whether it would work15:09
pittiScottK: a confirmation that it still works, and isn't worse than the current gutsy version15:10
pittiScottK: (or feisty)15:10
ScottKI tested clamtk.  It works.15:10
ScottKpitti: For the libmail-box-perl one, since it was FTBFS before, isn't a package automatically better than none?15:12
LucidFoxpitti, I assume it was you who approved mpeg4ip? :)15:13
pittiScottK: it's not none, it's the last version that built15:14
ScottKpitti: OK.  Got it.  Thanks.15:14
pittilibmail-box-perl |    2.065-1 | gutsy/universe | all15:14
pittilibmail-box-perl |    2.070-1 | gutsy/universe | source15:14
mjg59Argh my liferea db has become corrupted.15:14
pittiScottK: IOW, gutsy has the feisty version15:14
pittiLucidFox: right; was there still a problem with it?15:14
ScottKActually it's Edgy, but OK15:15
LucidFoxbug #18402515:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 184025 in mpeg4ip "Please move mpeg4ip to multiverse" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18402515:15
ScottKI'll see if I can figure a simple test.  The gutsy one installs fine.15:15
pittiScottK: chewmail is an rdependency and looks like it's reasonably easy to set up15:17
ScottKpitti: Thanks.15:17
pitticlamtk synced15:17
ScottKpitti: Thanks.15:18
seb128pitti: how is named the wiki page about MIR procedure?15:24
seb128pitti: looking for MainInclusionReport on the wiki list a zillions of pages15:24
pittiseb128: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess15:25
ograshouldnt the old queue page link it ?15:25
pittiit has15:25
pittiUbuntuDevelopment should have a link as well15:25
ScottKpitti: Speaking of which, are you planning on looking at MIRs soon?15:26
pitti*sigh* I guess I have to; maybe doko can help me a bit, we got tons of requests this week15:26
Hobbseepitti: you can do the new queue instead, if you like15:26
pittiI already reduced it from ~ 100 to ~ 10 today15:27
pittitjaalton: hm, your dpaper-proposed xorg-server upload doesn't work15:27
dokopitti: sure, next week (had still vacation days this week)15:27
pittitjaalton: 10.8 is already in dapper-security, can you please bump the version and reupload/15:28
ScottKpitti: I only ask because I expect the amavisd-new one will require some discussion and I'm anxious to get it started, but I understand there's tons of other stuff to do too.15:29
tjaaltonpitti: ok15:29
pittitjaalton: you  probably need to rebase your patch against the -security version15:29
* pitti updates the bug15:29
tjaaltonpitti: actually, since the security fix is broken I'll just wait for the right fix15:30
pittiugh, is it? in the sense of not plugging the hole, or breaking stuff?15:30
tjaaltonbreaking stuff15:30
pittitjaalton: bug?15:30
pittiif that's serious, we need to immediately disable the version and revert it15:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 183969 in xorg-server "xserver-xorg-core update breaks java apps" [Critical,Confirmed]15:31
tjaaltondoesn't affect amd6415:31
* pitti drops everything else15:31
tjaaltonpitti: sorry for not raising this up earlier :/15:31
tjaaltonupstream has been notified15:32
tjaaltonthe MIT-SHM patch is the one that is buggy15:32
* ScottK suddenly decided not rebooting his dapper desktop for a while is a good idea.15:33
tjaaltonsince disabling the extension is a workaround15:33
pittiit affects all releases?15:33
tjaaltonseems like it15:34
pittitjaalton, bryce: can either of you revert the change in -security and upload a higher version to -proposed?15:35
tjaaltonbryce is asleep, I can do it15:35
tjaaltondapper first?15:35
seb128pitti: is bug #184050 what you need or do you want extra informations for those bugs or a wikipage or something?15:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 184050 in seahorse "seahorse MIR request" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18405015:35
pittitjaalton: all the binaries? or is a subset enough?15:35
pittiseb128: seahorse doesn't need one, it's ok15:36
tjaaltonpitti: well, -core is the one most have installed, and reverting just that seems to work15:36
seb128pitti: we said we need bugs for things which have been promoted yesterday no?15:36
pittiseb128: right, bugs, but not necessarily wiki pages15:36
seb128pitti: ah ok, it was not clear, so bugs similar to this one are alright? just asking before continuing with the other ones15:37
pittitjaalton: we disable the faulty version on the mirrors now, so the order doesn't matter too much15:37
tjaaltonpitti: ok15:38
jdongforum complaints are starting to surface regarding the X breakage too...15:38
pittitjaalton: I think it would suffice to take the -updates versions, bump their version, and reupload15:39
ln-15:16 < ln-> what exactly did the latest Dapper updates break?15:39
ln-15:16 < Hobbsee> ln-: what makes you think that the dapper updates are broken?15:39
ln-Hobbsee: nothing, just a kind of review of the timeline of this situation.15:41
jdongtimezones help with timelines ;-)15:41
* Hobbsee clearly should read userland more often15:42
LucidFoxpitti, so what about moving mpeg4ip to multiverse? Sorry if I sound impatient.15:48
LucidFoxI'm just anticipating libmp4v2/faac builds unbroken at long last15:48
pittiLucidFox: oh, it should have gone there? license seemed free to me15:49
LucidFoxit build-depends on multiverse15:49
pittiLucidFox: done15:49
LucidFoxjdong> Rejoice :)15:50
jdongpitti: yeah it's patent encumbered and all that fun stuff ;-)15:51
jdongLucidFox: whoo!15:51
JungleDaveDid the recent xserver update get pulled? I'm getting a 403 from http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xorg-server/xserver-xorg-core_1.3.0.0.dfsg-12ubuntu8.1_i386.deb15:58
PiciJungleDave: see: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/18396915:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 183969 in xorg-server "xserver-xorg-core update breaks java apps" [Critical,In progress]15:59
Pici"The faulty xserver-xorg-core packages have been disabled on security.u.c. We are in the process of reverting the change and providing updated packages."15:59
JungleDaveThanks.. it also broke my app (which happens to be C++)15:59
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: OPEN | Hardy Alpha 3 released | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty/gutsy, #ubuntu+1 for hardy | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | xorg-server security update blocked, fix in progress
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geserpitti: please give-back: haskell-hgl haskell-edison haskell-fgl. thanks.16:08
dholbachis the wiki flaky to somebody else too?16:13
sorendholbach: Sometimes.16:14
_MMA_dholbach: Yeah. I cant connect to wiki.ubuntu here.16:14
\shdholbach, yep16:14
dholbach_MMA_: same here16:14
nxvl_workwhy is the xorg update blocked that way? it crashes my whole update process16:16
nxvl_workit's kind of annoying for non experienced users16:16
ScottKnxvl_work: There really isn't another way.16:17
cjwatsonnxvl_work: it should be resolved soon16:17
cjwatsonnxvl_work: it's better than inexperienced users getting a broken update and not being able to start some applications16:17
nxvl_workit's better not to upload broken SRU, but once done, it's done16:18
cjwatson(it wasn't an SRU)16:21
cjwatsonyes, the broken update came from upstream and it also affects other distributions; at least Debian had the same regression16:22
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geserpitti: please give-back: haskell-openal. thanks.16:25
LjLcheers on blocking the upgrade (and, i guess it takes what it takes to block it) :)16:26
pittigeser: all kicked16:27
looldoko: Recall the /usr/share/doc/* symlinks you mentionned as a good way to save space?16:28
pittilool: what about them?16:29
looldoko: I got a RC against Gtk+ because it's not a strict dep; I don't want a strict dep because of arch: all / arch: any regularly out of sync and to ease upgrade; I've asked for relaxing the rule, see Debian #46144016:29
ubotuDebian bug 461440 in libgtk2.0-0 "libgtk2.0-0: Must not use a symlink for /usr/share/doc/libgtk2.0-0" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/46144016:29
loolBut this will be rejected because we need the proper copyright file version16:29
pittilool: oh, please don't use symlinks for entire directories16:29
loolpitti: Even for files it wouldn't be enough16:30
loolpitti: Why not?16:30
pittilool: please only symlink files (changelog.gz -> ../otherpackage/changelog.gz)16:30
dokolool: if ensure that the copyright didn't change, I can't see why it's RC16:30
dokos/if/if you/16:30
looldoko: This requires a strict versionning16:30
pittilool: because dpkg has a *very* weird (but justifiable) way of hanlding symlinks to directories16:30
looldoko: Anyway, giving some thoughts to it, I think it would be more efficient to compute these symlinks (or hardlinks?) before the creation of the image16:30
loolpitti: You mean changing from a dir to symlink or vice versa16:31
pittilool: our cdbs in Ubuntu now symlinks identical doc/ files and does dependency checks16:31
loolpitti: But that didn't happen16:31
pittilool: right16:31
\shdoko, good to so you ... would you like to take a look at the gdc-4.1 merge? mom failes to merge it correctly and I don't have really a clue about the package..16:31
loolpitti: The dir symlink was there since forever16:31
pittilool: just mentioning it, this approach shouldn't proliferate16:31
loolpitti: I just unversionned the dep16:31
pittilool: oh, I see16:31
loolpitti: CDBS does strict dependency checks or simple dependency presence check?16:32
cjwatsonlool: at squashfs creation time? remember that the squashfs contents are copied to the hard disk and that this will therefore infect installed systems; think carefully before you say that you want /usr/share/doc on systems installed from live CD to be constructed differently from those installed in other ways ...16:32
doko\sh: please talk to arthur; IIRC the package should simply be synced16:32
pittilool: no version comparisons, just dependency16:32
loolpitti: The bug here is that the dep needs to be at least >=source:version16:32
pittilool: right; I think I misunderstood the original issue that you had16:32
\shdoko, ok :)16:32
loolcjwatson: Yeah, I know, but I persist: if this optimization is useful for live CDs but not wanted in e.g. Debian for policy compliance, I think we should make it only for the live CD use, perhaps undoing it on install -- I don't claim I have a working implementation for this16:33
\shdoko, btw..do you have arthurs nick?16:33
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loolcjwatson: it just sounds sane to think into doing the proposed optimization before the live CD build if it's not acceptable in binary packages16:34
\shdoko, ok..that was easy ;)16:34
pittimvo_: can you please reupload apt/edgy with adding .1 to the version? soyuz hates me16:35
pittimvo_: i. e. it doesn't have apt_0.6.45ubuntu14.1 in the archive any more, but when I try to accept your upload it says that it's already accepted in edgy16:35
tkamppeterhi pitti16:35
pittihi tkamppeter16:36
loolcjwatson: Or perhaps we could sort file by checksums and help mksquashfs store them in the same place in the image when they do?16:36
loolI don't know how squashfs works currently, so I'll shut up; just wanted doko and interested people know that changelogs symlinks are not welcome without a very strict dep16:36
tkamppeterpitti, flphoto built correctly on most archs, only on IA64 and HPPA it FTBFS, with the processing of the I18n .po files segfaulting on one file, looks like a toolchain problem on the two build systems.16:37
cjwatsonperhaps not entirely by checksums (performance), but that does sound more viable than actually changing the resulting squashfs filesystem16:37
mvo_pitti: meh, ok. I name it apt_0.6.45ubuntu14.2 - ok?16:37
pittimvo_: yes16:37
pittitkamppeter: don't worry about it too much for now16:52
_MMA_seb128: Ok. Fresh alpha3 install on my desktop and laptop. I get no sound and no output in the terminal when I try to play the sounds on the "Sounds" tab of gnome-sound-properties. Nothing on login/out either. I do however get sound when I test on the "Devices" tab.16:53
_MMA_I'll update and see what happens.16:53
cjwatsonoh, was *that* why my system was running like a drain when using vmware?16:55
cjwatsontracker was indexing my vmware images ...16:55
cjwatsonI mention this in case anyone else was trying to figure it out. :-)16:55
loolcjwatson: (squashfs: Don't we have most checksums hints already?)16:56
mvo_jdong: what do you think about a backport from the current hardy notification-daemon to gutsy? this fixes a problem with the notification color under dark schemes16:56
cjwatsonlool: it'll probably spot it so long as they're sufficiently close together in the image16:57
LaserJockcjwatson: ahhh, that might explain why tracker was so obnoxious to me yesterday. I just put in a couple of vmware images16:57
loolcjwatson: Sounds unlikely for package libfoo and foo if it's sorted by alphabetical order though16:57
cjwatsonlool: I don't know enough of the details, unfortunately16:58
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mvo_pitti: 0.6.45ubuntu14.2 should be waiting now17:02
LaserJockare unseeded Main packages semi-automatically demoted?17:03
cjwatsonLaserJock: yes17:03
LaserJockso no bug report required17:04
cjwatsoncomponent-mismatches tracks that17:04
cjwatsonindeed not17:04
\shdoko, gpc-4.1 I think you applied all patches from ubuntu to your debian packages in _2.1-4.1.2-17, as far I can compare the changelog it looks like17:06
doko\sh: gpc should just be synced17:07
pittimvo_: ok, will process; thanks! *hug*17:08
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\shdoko, thx...I'm testbuilding it right now...and request one17:08
\shhmm..upgrade dapper->hardy: openoffice.org-l10n-en-gb: Collision: openoffice.org-core (>= 2.0.3) but 1:2.3.1-3ubuntu2 should be installed17:17
\shthe same for -l10-en-za17:17
emgenthello there17:18
emgentW: Errore nello scaricamento di http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xorg-server/xserver-xorg-core_1.3.0.0.dfsg-12ubuntu8.1_i386.deb17:18
emgent  403 Forbidden17:18
emgentplease fix :P17:18
cjwatsonemgent: please see the topic17:18
emgentok thanks ehehe17:18
jamiemcc_cjwatson: I will add *.vmdk *.vmd *.vmsd *.vmss to the default ignore file list in next version of tracker17:20
seb128jamiemcc_: hey17:20
jamiemcc_hi seb12817:21
cjwatsonjamiemcc_: thanks! I was actually just looking at the tracker source to try to find a blacklist of extensions, but I guess I was looking in the wrong place17:21
seb128jamiemcc_: is there a way to know what tracker is doing exactly? tracker-status has no details on what is being indexed, how many items are still to index, etc17:21
jamiemcc_cjwatson: you can blacklist in tracker-preferences17:21
jamiemcc_seb128: the applet should tell you that17:21
cjwatsonjamiemcc_: vmem too, please17:22
seb128jamiemcc_: the applet tooltip is not really useful ;-)17:22
jamiemcc_cjwatson: yeah will do - I use vmware here17:22
cjwatsonI did indeed blacklist in the preferences17:22
cjwatson(once I realised the problem)17:22
jamiemcc_seb128: that will be fixed soon17:23
seb128jamiemcc_: when right click, it's written indexing in progress and the files and email progress bar at 100%17:23
seb128on left click I mean rather17:23
cjwatsonjamiemcc_: I think *.iso would be a good plan too17:23
jamiemcc_cjwatson: yeah pls file a bug with full list if you think on any more - atm we balcklist mainly dev files like autofoo17:23
seb128jamiemcc_: I'll open bugs I think so the issues are listed on launchpad17:24
jamiemcc_seb128: ok thx17:24
_MMA_cjwatson: Really? *.iso? Ive searched for 'em before. Seems handy for most to be able to search.17:25
seb128jamiemcc_: another annoying one is the index merge bubbles, I got a lot of those17:25
jamiemcc_seb128: yeah the plan is to autopause trackerd whenever the user moves mouse or presses a key by getting the applet to monitor x events - that way we can do away with thos messages17:26
cjwatson_MMA_: hmm, I guess I want their names indexed but not their contents17:27
_MMA_cjwatson: Yeah. Agreed.17:28
jamiemcc_cjwatson: the problem is xdgmime sometimes mistakes binary blobs for video files17:28
seb128jamiemcc_: still, is there any need to merge indexes every 15 seconds or to notify users about those in a bubble?17:28
jamiemcc_seb128: no - it should only ever notify after initial index only17:28
jamiemcc_will make sure thats the case17:28
jamiemcc_cjwatson: I will include extra logic to make sure xdgmime is not used on certain file patterns17:29
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cjwatsonjamiemcc_: thanks17:30
* cjwatson wonders how you tell gtk to switch input methods17:30
seb128cjwatson: right click in the text widget you are using and select the option there?17:31
seb128cjwatson: or you mean the default one?17:31
seb128cjwatson: gtkrc is likely the easiest to change the default17:31
cjwatsonseb128: I mean the default, programmatically, without restarting gtk17:31
cjwatsonseb128: context is that I want ubiquity and oem-config to be able to switch input methods when the language changes17:31
seb128cjwatson: use gtk_rc_parse maybe?17:35
_MMA_seb128: Ok. Clean alpha3 install then dist-upgraded. Same results. No sounds on login/out. This is what I saw back at gutsy's development. A Feisty->Gutsy install worked but a clean install doesnt.17:36
seb128_MMA_: no clue about the issue, it works for me, I'll try to do a new install and look at it later17:37
seb128_MMA_: maybe some pulseaudio package not installed by default or something17:37
_MMA_Im gonna go from Feisty->Gutsy now and see if i can wrangle some help from crimsun later.17:38
cjwatsonseb128: argh worst interface ever. if I have to :)17:38
BenderUnit22*blush* Sry.17:39
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jdongmvo: if you're confident with the backport, by all means feel free :) thanks18:26
mvojdong: what could possible go wrong :P ?18:30
mvojdong: thanks, I check out the debdiff again (I think its good, but I did my changes some days ago)18:33
pochuseb128: bug 176892 and bug 177027 are metacity regressions which are affecting tracker-applet in a usability POV. Would be nice to get them fixed (and I think they are the same bug but someone undupped them)18:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 176892 in tracker "Search box out of focus when tray icon clicked" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17689218:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177027 in tracker "notification icon window has no obvious way to close " [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17702718:37
pochuHmm, I'll dup them again explaining why they are dups :)18:37
pochuThe good one is 176892, and 177027 is caused by it.18:38
seb128pochu: would be nice to send the bug upstream on bugzilla if you have an account there ;-)18:46
pochuseb128: to metacity right? I'm not sure I reassigned it well because nm-applet behaves correctly. But downgrading metacity fixed it...18:47
seb128pochu: right18:48
pochuAlright I'll forward it.18:49
Mezwas the xorg break really bad?18:50
pochuHave to go. See you all18:50
Mez(the published and pulled package?)18:50
Mezor dare I not restart my PC18:50
pochuMez: downgrade it.18:50
Mezpochu, wont get to till Monday18:51
ln-wtf: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/11430070/Schermata%20aMue2.png19:03
ln-not a screenshot of the error itself, but a screenshot of the error message pasted into launchpad. and this file is an attachment of that very bug report.19:03
ln-is there something i don't understand?19:04
slangasekgpocentek: are you planning to take care of the gnumeric 1.8.0 merge?  goffice 0.6 is already in hardy, and apparently gnumeric 1.8 is the version that goes with it19:10
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[Gutsy]TuTUXGafter latest update i cannot login to gnome19:15
[Gutsy]TuTUXGis this known?19:15
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steveirehttp://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xorg-server/xserver-xorg-core_1.3.0.0.dfsg-12ubuntu8.1_i386.deb <<< This is forbidden for some reason (in todays update)19:19
mjg59steveire: Yes, it's broken19:19
mjg59Access will be provided again once it's fixed19:19
steveiremjg59: Cool. Thanks19:20
gpocentekslangasek: I'll take care of it tomorrow19:20
slangasekgpocentek: ok, cheers :)19:20
jpatrick!xbug > steveire19:21
ScottKinfinity: Thanks for fixing the released sbuild too.19:21
cvasilak!xbug > cvasilak19:22
infinityScottK: NP.  I was sick of seeing the traffic on the buildd list, and fixing the bug turned out to be about as much effort as unsubscribing from it. ;)19:25
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desrtW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xorg-server/xserver-xorg-core_1.3.0.0.dfsg-12ubuntu8.1_i386.deb 403 Forbidden19:56
desrtuh oh19:56
seb128desrt: there was an issue in the update it has been blocked19:57
desrtthat's why i say "uh oh" :p19:57
seb128ah ;-)19:57
desrtthere needs to be an http status code for "for your own good" :p19:57
desrtor update manager needs to know what forbidden means19:58
seb128every time they do that there is lot of confused users19:58
jpatrick!xbug | desrt19:58
ubotudesrt: The latest security updates unfortunately broke Java and wxWidgets applications. See https://launchpad.net/bugs/183969 for more information. The X.org package causing the problem has been pulled from the repositories, which is why you currently get a "403 Forbidden" error.19:58
desrtwho uses java and wx? :p19:58
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keescookdesrt: no one who tests X updates, it seems.  none of the distros ran into the bug while doing testing.  :P20:20
desrtkeescook; =)20:32
=== Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette
=== bigon is now known as bigon`
=== bigon` is now known as bigon
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