
=== ceeka1 is now known as seekay
xivuloncjwatson anything against moving lupin/casper into a dedicated project called custom-installation?00:51
xivulonaim is to allow modifying initrd/iso/installer using files and scripts available on local hard disk, lupin/casper code stays the same + I add lupin/alternate to provide equivalent functionality within the alternate CD00:52
xivulonevand noticed your comment re #173659 would you mind expanding on it?10:30
xivulonmy understanding is that if you loopinstall inside linux, it will use /loopinstallation/disks/boot as /boot when you are within the loopinstallation10:33
xivulonthen the user will have to add an option to their regular grub pointing at /loopinstallation/disks/boot/grub/menu.lst10:34
xivulonI did not test this configuration, but I assume that is what should happen10:35
xivulonhence I do not see how the patch is problematic for linux based loopinstallations10:36
xivulonthe loopinstallation /boot is a directory sitting within the /host partition, but it is segregated from the host /boot dir.10:59
xivulon that's the same behaviour in linux and windows.10:59
thomhell and death12:46
thomthere's no way i can see of forcing usb_storage not to load in gutsy's d-i12:46
thomwhich means that #33249 kills autoinstalling :12:47
sorenthom: Isn't there a kernel option to disable usb altogether?13:44
thomsoren: yeah, trying that one. means no keyboard though13:45
sorenYou're *auto*installing.13:45
thomdebugging past that point gets tricky ;)13:45
sorenWhy do you care about a keybaord? :)13:45
thomfirst gutsy autoinstall... i'm unconvinced it's gonna work flawlessly ;)13:45
sorenbug 3324913:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 33249 in hw-detect "root partition once /dev/sdi1 then /dev/sda1" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3324913:46
sorenDoes that still apply?13:46
thomin as much that the USB mass storage still turns up as sda, yes13:47
sorenUUID based mounting surely should avoid that?13:47
thomand there's nothing actually *attached* to the usb mass storage13:47
sorenWell, not avoid them showing up as sda, but it should alleviate any problems that might arise from it?13:47
thomi guess i can just write a partman recipe for this specific hardware, but meh13:48
sorenI still fail to see how it's a problem?13:48
sorenFrom Edgy and onwards, we use UUID's all over the place?13:49
thomd-i     partman-auto/disk       string  /dev/sda13:49
thomis where the problem is. but like i say, a partman recipe for this hardware is not the end of the world13:50
thomjust irritating13:50
sorenOh... Got it.13:50
CIA-22ubiquity: cjwatson * r2411 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py): * Simplify check for gconftool-2 being on $PATH.13:58
xivulonevand ^^^15:56
evandxivulon: I replied to the bug report directly.15:57
evandI also uploaded a new lupin.15:57
xivulonthanks a bunch15:57
evandIt hasn't hit the buildds yet though.15:58
xivulonso basically now we only have the grub bugs left out!15:58
xivulonI won't be around this w/e though16:01
xivulonif you have any q I'd rather answer today16:02
evandI'll be in transit this weekend, so I wont be around either.16:02
xivulonthe 2 patches are about 10 lines in total, basically one patch detects whether we are using a loopinstallation and set kopt/kopt_2_6 to use the root and loop arguments correctly16:03
xivulonthe second patch simply ensures that grub-installer works when /boot is mounbinded16:04
Jean-PaulHi everybody16:43
Jean-PaulI don't know if this is the proper place for this mquestion, but here it is: I'm trying to update xserver-xorg-core using Update Manager16:44
Jean-Paulonly I get this error: "W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xorg-server/xserver-xorg-core_1.3.0.0.dfsg-12ubuntu8.1_i386.deb  403 Forbidden"16:45
evandIt's not, but the update was blocked as it caused serious problems.  Just ignore it for the time being.16:45
Jean-PaulI did update the rest of the updates that were available today16:46
Jean-Paulwon't that cause any conflicts?16:46
Jean-Paulthank you, I was wories about that16:46
evandYou're welcome16:46
evandFuture reference though, such questions are best asked in #ubuntu.16:46
Jean-Paulok, thanks16:47
Jean-Paulbye everybody (got a flight to catch :p)16:48
CIA-22partman-auto-loop: evand * r40 partman-auto-loop.ubuntu/ (7 files in 4 dirs): * Add /host/boot to fstab (LP: #173659). Thanks Agostino Russo.17:05
CIA-22oem-config: cjwatson * r399 oem-config/lib/im_switch.py: fix sense of XMODIFIERS test18:07
xivulonevand added a comment to 175772 with new code to replace the first chunk, + there is no longer any need for umounthost in lupin-support (since new umountroot does the same thing)18:09
xivulonstill need `kopt_2_6="$default_kopt"` down at ~822+18:11
CIA-22oem-config: cjwatson * r400 oem-config/lib/im_switch.py: export GTK_IM_MODULE, QT_IM_MODULE, and XMODIFIERS; run input method as mortal user if sudoed18:17
cjwatsonmebrown: OK, I think this input method stuff is basically working now, although I've only tested it in the context of ubiquity, not oem-config (ubiquity is easier to fiddle with on the fly)18:18
cjwatsonmebrown: for ubiquity, the caveats are that (a) the locale you select isn't actually generated until much later due to memory constraints so scim will have the wrong input method selected by default (b) Chinese support isn't installed at present on the live CD due to space constraints18:19
cjwatsonmebrown: (a) only affects oem-config if you're using a language other than that selected by default during installation, so your default-to-Chinese systems won't do that18:21
cjwatson(I think)18:21
cjwatsonmebrown: (b) ought not to affect oem-config since the full language-support-* package ought to be installed18:21
cjwatsonoh, and by "Chinese support" I meant "Chinese input method support" not translations and such18:22
CIA-22oem-config: cjwatson * r401 oem-config/lib/im_switch.py: don't read all_ALL and default; that would involve starting up scim even for English18:25
CIA-22oem-config: cjwatson * r402 oem-config/lib/im_switch.py: delete GTK_IM_MODULE, QT_IM_MODULE, and XMODIFIERS from environment if they vanish from IM configuration18:28
cjwatsondrat, can't quite get it to persuade gtk to switch input method on the fly though18:39
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CIA-22oem-config: cjwatson * r403 oem-config/ (lib/im_switch.py oem-config): inform GTK about input method change19:36
CIA-22grub-installer: evand * r722 grub-installer.ubuntu/debian/control: Restore proper Original-Vcs-Svn field.20:40
CIA-22grub-installer: evand * r723 grub-installer.ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.27ubuntu220:51
CIA-22partman-auto-loop: evand * r41 partman-auto-loop.ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 0ubuntu1321:09
xivulonevand thanks again for merging the patches22:23
evandxivulon: you're welcome.  Thanks for writing them.22:24
xivulonI think now all the pieces are in place and as soon as the ISO is ready I should be able to have a +/- working wubi22:24
xivulonA shame I am not around this w/e, but hopefully will have something to play with mon-wed22:24
evandlet me know how it goes and we'll see about getting the new version on the CD22:25
xivulonI would expect to have alphas next week, we can have maybe a few days of testing just in case there is a major blunder22:26
xivulonthen we can put it on CD22:26
evandenjoy your weekend22:29
xivulonyou too22:29

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