
asacUbulette: did mozclient patch work?00:23
Ubuletteasac, it still ftbfs at the same place, even with MOZ_CO_DATE="2008/01/17 11:16 PST"00:36
asacUbulette: could you verifiy that that patch is in your ball?00:51
armin76]reed[: thanks for the checkin :)10:32
asacbug 18388611:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 183886 in xine-lib "XS-Vcs-Hg url in debian/control doesn't exist" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18388611:20
]reed[mozilla bug 399590 just landed11:23
ubotuMozilla bug 399590 in Security: PSM "Update Mozilla trunk to use NSS tag NSS_3_12_BETA1" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=39959011:23
]reed[so, you all will need to rebuild the nss packages11:24
]reed[for firefox 311:44
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asac]reed[: will you stick to that tag for beta3?13:20
]reed[yes, unless something drastically changes that causes us to pull a new tag13:21
]reed[but most likely, yes13:21
=== ]reed[ is now known as [reed]
asacok ... hopefully it doesn't doesn't break bin compat to previous builds13:21
[reed]it does13:22
asacis just "reed" taken on freenode?13:22
[reed]yeah, reed is taken :/13:22
asacit does?13:22
asachave you checked if its actually used?13:22
[reed]it adds a new .so / .dll13:22
[reed]so, if you don't have the .so packaged, runtime will fail13:22
asacill try ... in the past we could upgrade without a respin of the other (even when .so where added)13:23
asacif reed has not been used for some time you can take it over13:24
[reed]I'll ask my friend13:24
[reed]I happen to know a senior staffer in real life ;)13:25
[reed]hmm, I'm eating lunch with him today13:25
[reed]I'll ask13:25
asacyeah :)13:25
asacfreenode staff?13:25
asac[reed]: the NSS tag is already set, right?13:28
[reed]check client.mk13:29
[reed]NSPR_CO_TAG          = NSPR_HEAD_2008011313:29
[reed]NSS_CO_TAG           = NSS_3_12_BETA113:29
asacthats why i ask :) -.. client.mk disappeared for me when using that tag :)13:29
[reed]I guess they only tag client.mk on release tags?13:32
[reed]do you even really need it, as the client.mk on trunk is correct...13:32
asacapparently yes ... unfortunately our mozclient that produces proper tarballs for our projects appears to rely on the tag being set on client.mk13:33
asacUbulette: ^^^13:33
asacmozclient chokes for pristine NSS tags (which don't exist on client.mk)13:33
asacUbulette: i think we have to reconsider how we produce NSS/NSPR a bit13:35
asacUbulette: maybe we should just blatently use cvs co -r $(TAG) $(nss_DIRS) ?13:37
[reed]somebody broke something with the latest security update13:42
[reed]for gutsty13:42
[reed]I'm getting "NOT AUTHENTICATED"13:43
asacthere was no mozilla update13:43
asacoh ... unrelated?13:43
[reed]not mozilla13:43
asacyeah ... thought ubuntu mozilla security update :)13:43
[reed]the latest update that got pushed out to people13:43
asacwhere do you get that?13:43
[reed]Update Manager13:43
[reed]for libxfont1, xserver-xorg-core-dbg, and xserver-xorg-core13:44
[reed]weird... I did an apt-get update and then tried it again13:46
asac[reed]: can you try to "check" ?13:46
[reed]no warning13:46
asachmm ... so its not reproducible?13:46
[reed]not now, no13:46
asacmaybe the update manager download was interrupted by reboot or reconnect?13:47
asacso the signature wasn't valid?13:47
asacif you see it again, please keep the state so we can eval13:48
asac[reed]: will there be a beta4?13:50
[reed]b4 isn't _wanted_, but if it comes to it, they will do it13:50
asacok ... so there is at least hope that it will go to RC1,2,3?13:51
[reed]who knows :)13:51
asacdo you dial in to the firefox3/gecko meetings regularly?13:51
[reed]every Tuesday13:54
[reed]and I dial in to the project meeting on Mondays13:54
[reed]plus any release driver meetings that are specially scheduled like post mortems13:54
[reed]since I'm part of release-drivers13:54
asacoh cool. i think i should start to listen again13:55
[reed]are you awake at that time?13:56
asacits still 1100 PST, right?13:56
asacthats ok its 2000 here or something (not perfect, but works)13:56
asacoh ... gecko and firefox3 meetings have been merged again. good13:57
asacoh ... have been for a long time :)13:57
asacwtf, mozilla-nss.pc.in now uses: Version: %MOZILLA_VERSION% ... why isn't Version: %NSS_VERSION% ok anymore?14:08
asac(nspr sill has %NSPR_VERSION%)14:09
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=== rhelmer is now known as rhelmer|afk
[reed]who changed that?14:09
asacoh ... shame on me ... that wasn't changed ... it was just the Libs: line that conflicted here14:11
asacbut MOZILL_VERSION doesn't sound right either14:11
asacanyway, its my fault, because i failed to post my patches to support system-nspr/nss properly14:12
[reed]yes, it is your fault14:12
[reed]submit patches!14:12
asacwell ... we are pretty good so far14:14
[reed]how many non-ubuntu-only patches do you still use on top of CVS?14:14
asacjust three14:16
asacthose bzXXX are those we want to push up14:16
asacthough the gre_extension_plugin patch is apparently not wanted by :bs14:16
asacthe one with bug number wait for review/landing14:17
asacwell bz384304 has landed now14:17
asacpyxpcom is not in ffox build (so easy commit)14:17
asac[reed]: can you look at mozilla bug 233371 and tell me who should do the superreview? bs said he cannot review that (lack of expertise) ... timeless appeared unresponsive14:18
ubotuMozilla bug 233371 in Embedding: GTK Widget "Long tooltips should wrap instead of being cropped in gtkmozembed" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23337114:18
[reed]he's not an sr, but he owns gtkmozembed14:19
asacso ask him for review or superreview ... or doesn't matter?14:20
asac  14:21
asacmgritti did not match anything14:21
[reed]hmm, does marco@gnome.org ?14:22
asacwell ... i should tackle the comments first i guess :)14:22
asacnoted marco@gnome.org14:22
armin76i have trouble compiling with external nss-3.12_beta1...14:50
* armin76 blames asac 14:50
* asac ducks14:50
armin76asac: and yes, you fail, it's always been MOZILLA_VERSION14:50
asacyes ... my patch does that :)14:51
armin76there's no bug number14:51
asacarmin76: its bzXXX :)14:57
asace.g. to be submitted14:57
armin76you fail? :P14:57
asacno because i do things in batches ... i hate to submit things if i cannot be responsive14:57
armin76so looks like something is wrong with my nss build...14:57
armin76but that stuff is since ff2 or so :P14:58
asacarmin76: try the patch ... it doesn't fix xulrunner build ... just embedders and firefox that don't explicitly add nss to CFLAGS14:58
asacarmin76: if you still use the same packaging as in ff2 you probably need to update it14:59
asacthere are more libs ... and the dir structure has been shuffled14:59
armin76it just worked before nss-3.12_beta1 :P15:00
armin76fails with included nss as well...shrug15:19
* armin76 tries updating snapshot15:19
armin76/usr/bin/gmake -j1: *** No rule to make target /var/tmp/portage/net-libs/xulrunner-1.9_pre20080118/work/mozilla/dist/lib/libsoftokn.a.  Stop16:00
armin76asac: fix :P16:00
asacin which dir?16:00
asache? the build tries to go on and fails in mangle?16:04
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
asacarmin76: why is that build at all? with system-nspr/nss it shouldn't try to build shlibsign et al afaict16:06
armin76err, no, i'm not using system nss/nspr16:07
armin76since it failed i just tried to build with the one included16:07
armin76so it fails using included nss/nspr16:07
asacah ok16:09
asacbut the tinderbox is still ok?16:09
asacmaybe just get a more recent snapshot?16:10
armin76no idea, will check later, meanwhile i'm going to do a new snapshot without nss-3.12_beta116:17
asacarmin76: for me latest trunk works fine with whatever nss we have16:48
asacbuilds + runs16:48
armin76yes, but it fails with nss-3.12_beta116:48
asachmm https works ... but adding exception crashes it now ... so we probably really need to upgrade16:49
armin76wfm with nss-3.12_alpha2b16:51
=== greenery_ is now known as Greenery
Greeneryfound the root of the problem, nvidia driver causes the restart of X17:23
asacGreenery: np :)17:24
cwong1asac: ping17:37
asaccwong1: yes`17:59
asacwill  be out for sports soon ... anything important -> hurry ... otherwise, lets talk later today ;)17:59
cwong1asac: I like to merge in some changes I made to preference pages and the windowservice before we push WORKING to main.17:59
asaccwong1: ok, if you use git merge und checked out WORKING branch its fine18:00
asaci tried it yesterday and it worked18:00
cwong1talk 2 u later18:01
asacthere shouldn't be much conflicts during merge18:01
asaccwong1: you most likely have to drop the changes in toolkit because it won't build ... libxul cannot depend on any application component in ffox 318:03
asacbut give it a try18:03
asacbut merging the midbrowser/ code would be beneficial anyway ... so we don't loose it and reuse it once we figured out the proper way.18:04
asacok out18:04
RainCTSomeone filled many bugs about packages that have "Iceweasel" in their description..18:13
RainCTShould the name "Iceape" also be replaced (for ex. in tabextensions) or is it fine (as there are both iceape and seamonkey in the repo)?18:14
armin76asac: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=399590#c2018:17
ubotuMozilla bug 399590 in Security: PSM "Update Mozilla trunk to use NSS tag NSS_3_12_BETA1" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]18:17
armin76[reed]: you broke it :P18:17
\shRainCT, see u-d ml and motu-ml...we raised a question about it18:18
RainCT\sh: you mean the "Do we have a Mozilla packaging policy?" thread?18:19
\shRainCT, yepp...18:20
\shRainCT, I think it covers also the description :)18:20
RainCTI'm working on a debdiff to rename iceweasel-scrapbook to firefox-scrapbook. Should I also provide a transitional package?18:53
[reed]armin76: how is it my fault? :p19:03
armin76i have to blame someone :P19:05
armin76yuck, and cairo 1.5.6 sigbus on sparc again19:21
rajiasac, Are you there,19:25
[reed]armin76: YOUR PROBLEM19:32
* [reed] resolves it INVALID19:32
RainCTcan someone check bug #184115?19:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 184115 in scrapbook "iceweasel-scrapbook should be firefox-scrapbook" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18411519:44
armin76wtf xulrunner-stub it's prestripped?19:57
armin76[reed]: well, fix sparc then :P20:17
armin76it's not cairo this time20:17
[reed]bug #?20:17
armin76no bug yet20:18
armin76need to check when was the last time it worked20:18
=== Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette
armin76so something is broken since beta2 and it's not cairo21:45
armin76it's broken at least in 2008010821:46
armin76in sparc, btw21:46
Ubulettecan't you get a backtrace ?21:53
asacraji: ?21:53
armin76will do21:55
rajiasac, Network-Manager having problem 'create new network' with ath_pci driver, did anybody report about this before21:55
asacraji: what kind of problem?21:56
rajiasac, I am expecting that an adhoc network is created when I click on create new network. But that is not happening, looking at the log, cause appears as 'association taking too long to activate the network' and the action of creating network is cancelled.21:57
rajiasac, I can use iwconfig to connect to an AP in ad-hoc mode...21:58
asacraji: to be honest, i never heard of anyone who successfully created an ad-hoc network with nm21:59
asacand i never managed to find my chipsets when manually setting them to ad-hoc mode21:59
asaceither ... but yeah. there should be plenty of bugs already.22:00
asacraji: do you see in log if NM tries to get an IP?22:00
asac(which would naturally time out i guess)22:00
rajiasac, NM tries to associate22:01
rajiasac, and timesout22:01
asaccan you please paste full log from beginning to end of connect attempt?22:01
rajiasac, sure.22:01
rajiasac, Here is the log ,http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m79b6494122:07
asacraji: so what kind of node is that ... the one that wants to setup the AP ?22:11
rajiasac, it is samsung q1, UMD device22:13
asacraji: look ... it finishes stage 2 ... but never even tries stage 3 or 422:15
rajiasac, what does that indicate?22:16
asachave to look in the code for a few22:17
rajiasac, ok22:17
asacraji: ok ... looks like either the parameters send to supplicant are wrong, or the supplicant doesn't get feedback to the driver that adhoc mode has been properly setup22:33
asacto evaluate you need to stop NM ... then run wpasupplicant in daemon mode ... use wpa_cli to connect and run the commands you see in thelog you posted22:34
asacthen see if supplicant ever gives you any feedback about that ad-hoc has been properly created22:34
rajiasac, I see. I will try that. thanks a lot22:35
asacraji: as soon as we know how supplicant behaves, we can match that with what nm does with that22:37
[reed]mmm, new cairo22:38
rajiasac, ok will let you as soon as I find out.22:38
asac[reed]: in tree?22:38
[reed]not sure22:40
* [reed] looks22:40
[reed]and pixman-0.9.6-25-ge0af59222:41
asac1.5.4 sounds scary old22:41
[reed]it's the latest from git22:41
asacwell we have 1.5.6 :)22:41
[reed][04:44:03PM] <reed> vlad: ubuntu says they have cairo 1.5.6, yet the README for your upgrade says you landed 1.5.4-141-g57c2b75... is that right?22:46
[reed][04:45:30PM] <vlad> reed: yes22:46
[reed][04:45:46PM] <vlad> reed: I dunno why the hell ubuntu has 1.5.6, since 1.5 is a development branch22:46
Ubulettemozilla bug 41122422:46
ubotuMozilla bug 411224 in GFX: Thebes "Upgrade cairo to latest git version" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41122422:46
asac[reed]: welll ... we have 1.5.x because vlad started with that :)22:46
asac(and that is really the truth) ... otherwise we would have waited a bit longer (though not much)22:47
asacand we have it in hardy ... which is a development branch as well :)22:48
asacraji: you could also try the wpasupplicant 0.6.1~gitxxx ... maybe thats better doing ad-hoc ... you can take sources and build for gutsy from my ppa: http://ppa.launchpad.net/asac/ubuntu/pool/main/w/wpasupplicant/22:52
asacUbulette: has mozilla-devscripts_0.2~fta5 been baking long enough in your ppa to declare it stable enough for upload? or do you plan to integrate a fix for NSS or something to it?22:54
rajiasac, will try 0.6.1 code first.22:55
asacraji: don't hope too much :)22:57
asacraji: this samsung thing uses ralink driver, right?22:58
rajiasac, No, ath_pci22:58
Ubuletteasac, well, yesterday, xul still ftbfsed within webservice even with fta5 so i'm puzzled22:58
asacraji: have you tried to use just wext?22:59
asacinstead of madwifi?22:59
asac(on supplicant side)22:59
rajiasac, No23:00
asacSUP: sending command 'INTERFACE_ADD ath0^I^Imadwifi^I/var/run/wpa_supplicant2^I'23:00
asacraji: thats definitly worth a shot as well23:00
rajiasac, I dont know how to do it23:00
asacyou need to remove the special cases in the nm-device*wireless.c file23:00
asacline 370223:00
asacand 3703 ... just remove them or comment them or whatever23:00
rajiasac, ok,23:00
asacraji: http://madwifi.org/ticket/46223:02
rajiasac, Added to it my list of things to try  :)23:04
asacraji: but the CLI instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc work?23:05
asacConfiguration + Activation?23:05
rajiasac, yes , with iwconfig ad-hoc association and activation worked.23:06
asacraji: oh23:06
asacdo you loa ath_pci like:23:06
asacsudo modprobe ath_pci autocreate=adhoc23:06
rajiasac, yes23:06
asacraji: do you have an ad-hoc network where you can get the ip through dhcp?23:11
rajiasac, No I dont,23:12
asacthen nm won't work anyway23:13
asacyou have to wait for 0.7 to get static ips23:13
asacraji: but still ... we should try to get to stage 423:14
asacif dhcp fails it might at least work :)23:14
rajiasac, when is 0.7 released?23:14
asacunknown ... current state is: its more or less feature equivalent to 0.6.5, but has an improved architecture and afaics it already allows you to confiugre static ips23:15
asacthrough a system config plugin (that i have to finish first) that reads from /etc/network/interfaces23:15
asacfedora 8 released with 0.7 beta23:16
asacbut are having a long-term release, which is why we are evaluating it23:16
rajiasac, I see,23:17

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