
=== _Dave2_ is now known as Dave2
jay-oh-encan somebody help me get my flash workingh00:48
naliothjay-oh-en: is #ubuntu closed?00:49
LjLfraid so00:49
naliothjay-oh-en: this is not #ubuntu00:52
jay-oh-ennalioth, i know cause ubuntu is closed00:52
LjLjay-oh-en, you were more than slightly inappropriate in #ubuntu...00:52
naliothi'm afraid #ubuntu is open, jay-oh-en00:52
nalioththis is not a support channel00:52
jay-oh-ennalioth, well how come it keeps redirecting me to here00:53
jay-oh-enLjL, when?00:54
jay-oh-enubuntu :That channel doesn't exist00:54
LjLMez just set a forward, but i'm not sure it shouldn't be a ban, given he was banned already in december00:56
LjLthat doesn't help, oh no.00:57
LjLjay-oh-en-2-3-4: that won't help00:57
LjLactually, it'll make things distinctly worse00:57
jay-oh-en-2-3-4LjL, it said my name was already in use00:57
jay-oh-en-2-3-4why am i banned?00:57
ubotuOn IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password>00:57
jay-oh-en-2-3-4ill just wait til whenever00:59
jay-oh-en-2-3-4LjL, so am i banned00:59
LjLjay-oh-en-2-3-4: you were banned because you insulted people00:59
jay-oh-en-2-3-4LjL, the dude was trolling how long am i banned for?00:59
LjLjay-oh-en-2-3-4, true, the guy was trolling... however trolling back is worse than trolling. that's what the troll look for.01:00
jay-oh-en-2-3-4LjL, well darn lol ill wait til the ban lets up if it does01:00
LjLjay-oh-en-2-3-4, i'm more concerned about you understanding how we'd like #ubuntu to be treated. it's a support channel. it's meant to be family friendly. some people purposely try to disrupt it. they succeed the more they manage to make other people misbehave in response.01:02
LjLjay-oh-en-2-3-4, i'll give you some reading to do01:02
LjL!etiquette > jay-oh-en-2-3-4    (jay-oh-en-2-3-4, see the private message from Ubotu)01:02
jay-oh-en-2-3-4LjL, thanks01:02
LjLjay-oh-en-2-3-4: please give me a ping when you've read them and ask if there's any doubts left01:02
jay-oh-en-2-3-4LjL, ok im done reading01:22
LjLjay-oh-en-2-3-4: all clear?01:22
jay-oh-en-2-3-4LjL, after reading that , yes01:23
LjLjay-oh-en-2-3-4: please, try to ensure we never have a reason to ban you again01:24
jay-oh-en-2-3-4thanks LjL =]01:24
PriceChildHey there aubade/01:28
* aubade waves.01:29
LjLhi aubade, can we help you?01:29
aubadePutting in a request to have a ban lifted in #ubuntu-offtopic, has been around two weeks or so.01:30
PriceChild!guidelines | aubade01:30
ubotuaubade: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:30
LjLaubade: we would like to ensure you understand those and hopefully have no problem respecting them01:31
aubadeNo problem with the guidelines, had plenty of time to read 'em beforehand and have.01:32
LjLaubade: enjoy your time in #ubuntu-offtopic then. remember the be respectful part01:33
aubadeSure, thanks.01:33
mneptokbut ... but ...01:33
mneptokhe's gotten at least one ban per month from -offtopic for the past year01:33
mneptokwhat does it take to learn?01:33
LjLbanner gave instructions01:34
LjLalso, it doesn't look like (m)any of those bans were "real" to me01:35
AmaranthMez: ping?01:49
LjL[03:43:52] <luchador> You have been unbanned from #ubuntu02:44
LjL[04:12:58] <aoirthoir> hey whats the deal with automatix..is that something folks do or dont want us to install?03:13
mneptokdown there they're 'rounding a posse to ride.03:17
PiciWheres that?03:18
PiciLjL: ^03:18
LjLPici, #ubuntu03:18
LjLsince he was usually an -ot troll, perhaps he really doesn't know - not sure03:18
naliothoh, he knows.03:21
elkbuntuLjL, i believe he knows... iirc he trolled mjg59 when he put out the post03:24
LjLwell at least he wasn't much fed03:24
LjLi mean now03:24
soldatskeep an eye on "wenbo" in #ubuntu mildly suspected troll03:29
LjLyes i noticed03:29
LjLi need to go to bed now though, so03:29
ardchoilleGood night LjL03:29
Picinight night03:29
ubotusoldats called the ops in #ubuntu (wenbo)03:33
soldatssorry i asked but id rather not see a bsd troll for a support channel03:34
Picisoldats: Don't be sorry.03:34
mneptoksoldats: good call.03:34
mneptokPici: "maryluz" is worth a watch03:35
Picimneptok: I'll take a look03:35
mneptokPici: i kept my +o just in case03:35
PiciI was wondering ;)03:35
Piciaww.. : /CSKICK maryluz No spam, thank you ma'am.03:36
mneptokwenbo is back, but behaving03:38
luchadorwhy was i kicked for being a bot03:41
luchadorim not a bot lol03:41
PriceChildluchador, one moment please.03:42
PriceChildLjL, ping03:43
Hobbseeluchador: clearly you act too well ;003:43
mneptokluchador: and that circuit board hanging out of your half-zipped fly is somewhat misleading03:43
PiciHrm... /methinks that LjL meant to ban himself, he seemed to be doing that earlier in the logs.03:47
luchadorWHAT CIRCUIT BOARD!?!03:47
* mneptok polishes his halo03:48
luchadorany chance i can get unbanned from #ubuntu03:48
PriceChildluchador, please be patient.03:53
luchadori am03:54
luchadori just dont get why out of the 1200 people in the channel im kicked for being a bot03:54
PriceChildAnd neither do I.03:55
luchadorcalm down PriceChild im just making conversation03:57
luchadorim not upset03:57
PriceChildluchador, I've removed the ban.04:02
PriceChild!guidelines | luchador04:02
ubotuluchador: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:02
PriceChildluchador, please read that. Also note, no talking scripts or bots in #ubuntu.04:02
luchadorI'm truely sorry PriceChild04:04
luchadori never inferred anything other than that you guys were volunteers04:04
PriceChildluchador, i meant the link at the end04:04
elkbuntuluchador, it's a multipurpose factoid, but it's probably not worded ideally04:07
luchadorthe wireless adapter shows up as wlan1 when i did sudo lshw -C network04:08
navetzcan someone help me get unbaned from #bash04:08
Piciluchador: you're unbanned, you can rejoin #ubuntu.  This isnt a support channel.04:09
PriceChildnavetz, contact whoever banned you04:09
luchadori typed it in wrong channel sorry.04:09
Picinavetz: No, we cannot help you get unbanned from #bash, listen to the folks in #freenode04:09
PriceChildnavetz, alternatively, someone listed on /msg chanserv access #bash list04:09
PiciYes, that is what they suggested to do.04:10
dbmoodbhello it has been more than a week now i think06:13
dbmoodbi am sorry, i hope you show you can still show me some compassion06:13
dbmoodbi will not do it again06:13
ubotuXiXaQ called the ops in #ubuntu ()09:06
ubotun2diy called the ops in #ubuntu ()09:06
Madpilotdealt with09:07
jpatrickLjL: I'm sorry, I was sleeping10:08
jpatrickI'll deal with that next time I see him10:10
ubotuOdo called the ops in #ubuntu ()10:43
Madpilotfalse alarm apparently...10:44
Madpilotor "hey, what does this do"10:45
elkbuntui vote the second10:45
Madpilotgood thing for him it's quiet in #u10:46
ardchoilleJucato: hahahahahaha10:52
ardchoilleJucato: You seem to say the perfect things at the perfect times10:52
Jucatoheh but now I have to explain... oh well10:52
ardchoilleI helped, I think10:53
* jussi01 read scrollback...11:07
Seveas'sup P?12:39
PiciToo much faith in humanity.12:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ding - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about king - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:53
ikoniawould be cool if it repsonded with "kong"12:57
PiciI have my bot setup to do that ;)12:57
Seveas!king is <reply> kong12:57
ubotuI'll remember that, Seveas12:57
elkbuntu!ding is <reply> dong12:57
ubotuI'll remember that, elkbuntu12:57
Seveas!zing is <reply> zong12:58
ubotuI'll remember that, Seveas12:58
Seveas.!jding is <reply> jdong12:58
elkbuntuSeveas, you read my mind12:58
ikoniaelkbuntu: careful not to get ding and king mixed up, could be advertising "not-nice" films13:00
ikoniaSeveas: jding = genius13:01
Piciikonia: hehe.13:01
ikonia Seveas is on good form today13:05
ikoniavery ammused13:05
ardchoilleopinions on the recent nick change in #k?13:07
PiciSeveas: Quick questions. I'm playing with the bot source, trying to get it to play nice with mysql instead of sqlite. Does the bot throw any errors during normal operation?  Also, what versions of supybot/python are you running it against?13:11
SeveasPici, it should not throw errors13:11
Seveasand it uses the dapper versions of both13:11
PiciOkay. /me looks13:12
ikonia#ubuntu is a pain today :(13:17
ikoniaSeveas: how about a "post to bot" button in ubuntu's pastebin ?13:35
ikoniaSeveas: could be a risky thing, just a thought ?13:36
Seveasabuse potential: extremely high13:36
Seveasbeen discussed many times since 2005, no good arguments yet :)13:36
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
ikoniathought so13:37
ikoniaworth a query though13:38
ikoniaa tick box that fed the bot the url you just posted13:38
ikoniabut then there are issues like correct channel13:38
ikoniaand abuse as Seveas said13:39
ikoniait was only a random thought13:39
elkbuntuikonia, it all falls down to 'would some idiot get their jollies playing with it'... yes? probably not a good idea to voice it ;)13:40
ikoniait was a bad call13:40
PiciAha, looks like it was a python2.5 vs. python2.4 issue.13:40
ikoniajust thinking out loud13:40
elkbuntuPici, what was?13:40
Seveasikonia, thinking out loud is good13:41
Seveasgives us a chance to shout at you ;)13:41
Picielkbuntu: I'm tinkering with ubotu's code to get it to work with mysql instead of sqlite, but was getting a lot of errors.13:41
SeveasPici, it can all be much better if the logs were stored in files instead of the db13:43
PiciSeveas: One thing at a time ;)13:43
ikoniaha ha13:44
ikonia fourchan> sudo rm -fr / to solve it13:50
ikonianot good in #ubuntu13:50
LjLPici: no, i didn't mean to ban myself when i banned luchador. he had a script that tells you "You have been unbanned from #channel" in a PM when you get unbanned from somewhere13:56
LjLnot good13:56
ikoniaLjL: doesn't sound good13:57
LjLand crap, i should learn to *make sure* something is running with screen13:58
PiciLjL: I coudlnt figure out why you were banning and unbanning yourself before.  I figured that it had something to do with the floodbots or the bantracker.13:59
LjLPici: i'll give you a demonstration in a minute14:00
LjLbut, in the case of luchador, the "No bots" remove message could have given a clue :P14:00
PiciLjL: I thought it was a tab-complete error.14:00
LjLi don't miscomplete my own nickname :P14:01
ikoniaI do14:01
PiciMany times I've almost said Pici instead of PriceChild.14:01
LjLi'd never, LongPoin1yStick is perfect14:01
jpatrickwas that sublimal?14:04
SeveasGiven that LongPoin1yStick comes after LjL in the alphabet, LjL is just being his normal nasty self14:05
* LongPoin1yStick points14:05
=== LongPoin1yStick is now known as LongPointyStick
LjLand i tab complete ljl by typing ljTAB anyway14:05
ikoniaha ha14:05
PiciI'm lazy.14:05
* jussi01 always tries to tab complete things that arent nicks...14:06
ikoniaBitcX is weird, if you make a typo it autocompletes the typo14:07
ikoniaif I call pici say popo, next time I complete pici it goes to poco even though poco doesn't exist14:07
jussi01hehe, I just wish i could add autocomplete from my bash shell to irssi....14:07
ikoniajussi01: you can try "cat /etc/res[tab]"14:08
LjLSeveas, can enable bugsnarfer in #kubuntu-kde4 so i can part ubotwo (which is stupid anyway, i can't get it to reply to just "bug #", only "lp bug #")? if there's some relevant bug feed available for kde4/kubuntu hardy, perhaps enable bug logger as well14:08
Seveas@config channel #kubuntu-kde4 plugins.bugtracker.bugsnarfer14:09
Seveas@config channel #kubuntu-kde4 plugins.bugtracker.bugsnarfer True14:09
jussi01!opsnack | Seveas14:10
ubotuSeveas: Chocolate!  And Peanuts!14:10
Jucato!helpersnack | Seveas14:11
ubotuSeveas: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!14:11
Jucatoaw :(14:11
Jucatooh there :D14:11
SeveasLjL, you want to set plugins.bugtracker.snarftarget to launchpad in ubotwo14:11
ikoniabeen a long time scince elbuntu gave me a cookie :(14:12
LjLSeveas: hah. last time i had tried "config search bug", there were 10 lines of stuff, and as i typed @more a bit too quickly... guess what :)14:13
LjL(that was on ubotwo, mind)14:13
Seveas@config list plugins.bugtracker14:14
ubotu#bugReporter, #bugSnarfer, #repeatdelay, #replyNoBugtracker, #showassignee, #snarfTarget, @bugtrackers, imap_password, imap_server, imap_ssl, imap_user, public, replyWhenNotFound, and reportercache14:14
LjLSeveas: ah, i didn't know that worked if you prefixed plugins...14:15
PiciYou dont need the supybot.14:16
Picier "supybot." in front of everything.14:16
PiciAnyway, whats with this xserver update breaking java apps that seems to be happening?14:16
Seveasjava sucks14:17
LjLPici: i know, but i never realized there was a "plugins." prefix at all, somehow.14:19
elkbuntuhttp://bash.org/?835030 <-- i'm laughing so much i'm nearly crying14:21
ikoniaHmmm people starting to flood in with "xorg is broke after update"14:22
elkbuntuhmm i wonder if envy got updated14:23
ikoniaenvy isn't supplied by ubuntu so updates shouldn't be effected14:23
elkbuntuif they install an envy-provided driver and the kernel doesnt know about the version yet -- it will be14:25
ikoniadoesn't look like it's "nvidia/ati" speicifc14:25
ikoniajust querying a few users14:25
Piciikonia: the java issues?14:25
ikonialooks like the intel cards are effected too that suggests it's the latest driver updates from xorg packages14:25
ikoniaPici: looks like it's more than that too14:25
ikoniajust java14:26
ikoniajust trying to work out14:26
ikoniaI've got an intel card, I'll download hte updates now see what breaks14:26
ubotuLaunchpad bug 184018 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "no terminal/console screens with new proposed xserver-xorg-video-intel 9.1" [Undecided,Incomplete]14:28
elkbuntuikonia, ^^ is that it?14:28
Picihttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/183969 too14:29
* Hobbsee sighs14:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 183969 in xorg-server "xserver-xorg-core update breaks java apps" [Critical,Confirmed]14:29
ikoniamaybe, it could cause the symptoms14:29
ikoniatesting now, just downloaded14:29
ikoniaPici: thanks14:29
Hobbseeikonia: which release?14:29
ikoniagutsy apprantly14:29
ikoniaupdating now to test14:29
Hobbseeoh dear, ti's dapper--> gutsy14:29
jussi01LjL: do we really need the "type bug #number" stuff in #kubuntu-kde4 topic?14:30
LjLjussi01: well, we needed it when it was ubotwo doing it, since one had to type "lp bug #"... now it's just the usual command, up to you14:31
ikoniawhats a good java app14:31
ikoniasomething generic to test with14:31
Piciikonia: hah14:31
ikoniabad choice of words ;)14:31
jussi01LjL: in keeping with the rest of the channels and in the interest of shorter topics... let get rid...14:32
ikoniacan't think of a generic everyday java app14:33
jussi01ikonia: azureus?14:34
ikoniatt_: fine14:34
Piciikonia: amule14:34
LjLamule is not java14:34
ikoniadownload azureus now14:35
jussi01LjL: :)14:35
PiciLjL: Hrm, I guess I'm seeing things then.14:35
PiciI thought I saw it on `apt-cache rdepends sun-java6-jre`, but its no there now :o14:35
jussi01sigh.... Richard_Balls?14:41
elkbuntuoh, not him...14:41
jussi01#k ...14:41
elkbuntujussi01, he's a regular linuxchix troll14:41
elkbuntuhe will maintain to the death that it's his real name14:42
elkbuntuand he may post nsfw links14:42
ikoniaooh this is very interesting14:43
jussi01elkbuntu: sigh... ok, Ill keep an eye out14:44
jussi01Tm_T: ?14:44
ikoniaelkbuntu: sorry, just looking at this java issue14:44
elkbuntuikonia, yeah, i was wondering what was interesting14:44
ikoniagive me a minute and i'll explain - just let me run this quick check14:45
ikoniaI wish I had an nvidia/ati box to hand to verify14:45
Tm_Tjussi01: just my "hello" ;)14:45
elkbuntujussi01, did you request a nick change?14:45
jussi01elkbuntu: no, just watching right now.14:46
Tm_Telkbuntu: hi to you too :)14:47
elkbuntuTm_T, meh :Þ14:47
jussi01alright im off for a while... you lot can watch mr balls...14:51
ikoniaat least all the jvm's respond the same14:59
ikoniaHmmm someone left a -maloc on the xorg repackage ?15:10
ikoniamalloc even15:10
LjLikonia: hm, say what? i'm upgrading right now, should i expect my RAM chips to explode now? =)15:15
ikoniaha ha15:17
ikoniaLjL: try launching x-java apps after your xorg upgrade15:18
ikoniajust testing non-X ones15:18
ikoniawhich should work fine15:18
LjLah well i use no java apps thankfully15:18
ikoniaI only installed some to test15:18
jdongLjL, ikonia bug 18396915:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 183969 in xorg-server "xserver-xorg-core update breaks java apps" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18396915:31
jdongprobably time to make a factoid about it15:31
jdongif people haven't started whining already ;-)15:32
Priceyis that hardy?15:32
jdongPricey: security update15:32
jdongPricey: though I cheer on the disablement of java ;-)15:32
LjLsecurity comes at a price as we all know15:32
jdongyeah they seem to be on the job in -devel15:33
jdongI wouldn't apply the update15:33
PiciDo we have a fix/workaround?15:33
LjLtoo late for me, i wasn't listening15:33
jdongPici: right now, no, stay put.15:33
jpatrick"< tjaalton> since disabling the extension is a workaround"15:33
jdongPici: that's always the advice for broken updates15:33
* Pici is watching in -devel15:33
jdongPici: don't instruct users or allow users to instruct each other to try various ways to roll back updates, etc...15:34
Picijdong: I never do.15:34
jdongPici: never accused you of doing so15:35
LjLapt really should have a way to though15:35
PiciThe bugs have been flying in for a while now, its too bad its taken this long for it to be really noticed.15:36
jdongLjL: yes, but downgrades aren't officially supported in any manner15:37
jdongLjL: there's no guarantee that the prerm/postinst going the down way was ever debugged to work :)15:37
LjLjdong: that's because apt has no sane way of doing them. all i'm saying is, it should15:37
jdongLjL: I totally agree, it should15:37
jdongLjL: APT needs a way to go down releases, our packages need also to be tested against such a feature :)15:38
LjLi still fantasize about versioning filesystems used for something different than showing a Nautilus with a time bar15:38
HobbseeLjL: apt does have a way of downgrading.15:39
LjLHobbsee: note "sane"15:39
Hobbseeit's sane enough15:39
Hobbseein fact, it should be fine as long as there's not mroe stuff piled on top15:40
Hobbseewhich also needs reverting15:40
LjLwhich is the main use case of APT, isn't it?15:41
Hobbseewhat, downgrading?15:43
LjLHobbsee: no, dealing with "stuff piled on top" (dependencies)15:43
Hobbseeoh, sure, yes.15:43
HobbseeLjL: it's more the problem that you have to make sure everything goes down in the right order - including essential packages15:44
Hobbseewhere not everything explicitly depends on everything else15:44
* Pici tries to think of a good way to word the topic for this issue15:45
Pici"X.org update may break java, stay tuned for a fix"?15:46
LjLdid anybody ask yet?15:47
LjLi grep for java in #ubuntu, i find nothing (given my limited backscroll length)15:47
PiciI got a bunch of people asking about eclipse in my backlog.15:48
Pici"The faulty xserver-xorg-core packages have been disabled on security.u.c. We are in the process of reverting the change and providing updated packages."15:50
Jack_SparrowLjL: Can you lend me a hand on fxrabbit for a sec15:50
Jack_Sparrowor anyone actually, just want someone to double check me15:50
ikoniaLjL: been a busy bit with the java stuff15:52
ikoniaPici: eclipse, vlc, few azeures few have asked15:52
LjLikonia: vlc?15:53
PiciLjL: I think the bug affected wx as well.15:54
ikoniaLjL: yes vlc has appeared with the same errors15:54
LjLouch. now *that* worries me15:54
ikoniaI'm trying to work through the updates now to see what's changed, just slow !15:54
Piciikonia: They disabled the patch that causes the bug.  Its not a real 'fix'15:55
ikoniaPici: is something going to be pushed out quickly15:56
ikonia(I've not gone through the bug in detail)15:56
Piciikonia: From the bug "The faulty xserver-xorg-core packages have been disabled on security.u.c. We are in the process of reverting the change and providing updated packages."15:56
ikoniabug report I mean15:56
PiciI'm just listening in #ubuntu-devel15:56
ikoniagood call16:00
LjL!xbug is <reply> The latest security updates unfortunately broke Java and wxWidgets applications. See https://launchpad.net/bugs/183969 for more information. An application may be affected if « apt-cache depends $(apt-cache pkgnames vlc) | grep "java\|libwx" » shows any output.16:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 183969 in xorg-server "xserver-xorg-core update breaks java apps" [Critical,In progress]16:06
LjL!javabug is <alias> xbug16:06
ubotuFactoid 'xbug' does not exist16:06
LjL!wxbvug is <alias> xbug16:07
ubotuI'll remember that, LjL16:07
LjL!wxbug is <alias> xbug16:07
LjLpeople are getting a 403 forbidden from the xserver-xorg-core package in security...16:11
LjLhave they finally decided to actually withhold packages when they find they're broken? :)16:12
LjLah, good news.16:12
stdinhmm, K44ALL_Marphine in #kubuntu seems an interesting character16:14
PiciLjL: The whole repo isnt broken, just that package.16:15
LjLPici, no need to nitpick... i've already hit max topic length once today16:15
LjL!no xbug is <reply> The latest security updates unfortunately broke Java and wxWidgets applications. See https://launchpad.net/bugs/183969 for more information. An application may be affected if « apt-cache depends $(apt-cache pkgnames vlc) | grep "java\|libwx" » shows any output. The X.org package causing the problem has been pulled from the repositories, that's why you get a "403 Forbidden" error.16:17
ubotuI'll remember that LjL16:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 183969 in xorg-server "xserver-xorg-core update breaks java apps" [Critical,In progress]16:17
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
MezAmaranth, you pung me earlier16:50
LjLhello Co__, how can i help you?16:50
PiciWhy are we still banforwarding that address here?16:51
AmaranthMez: pm?16:52
jpatrickPici: which?16:52
LjLCrysis, how can we help you?16:52
Picijpatrick: Co__16:53
jpatrickPici: no idea on that one..16:53
LjLCrysis podemos ayudarte?16:55
MezAmaranth, you want to pm me ?16:55
Mezor asking if it's in the afternoon ?16:55
Crysisno, por el momento no, gracias16:56
LjLCrysis: en ese caso, vuelve cuando necesita ayuda por fav.16:57
Crysisno puedo quedarme?16:58
LjL!idle | Crysis16:59
ubotuCrysis: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.16:59
jpatrickCrysis: /topic16:59
LjLCrysis: eso dice que preferimos que aqui sean solamente personas que necesitan ayuda con los canales.16:59
Crysispero no molestare, aun asi me tengo que ir?17:00
jpatricksi, es asi este canal17:01
Crysispero no hablen mal de mi17:01
Crysistake care all17:02
LjLCrysis: sí por que queremos saber que si uno esta aqui es por que necesita ayuda. cuando miramos a los usuarios de este canal, queremos tener una vision inmediata.17:02
jpatrickgot plenty of places to talk bad17:02
LjLyou don't give us reason to talk bad about you, and we don't. you do, and we do. i don't understand how it can be such a complicated concept to grasp.17:02
LjLjpatrick: well, no, i've joined them all ;)17:02
jpatrickLjL: /msg, muhahahaa17:03
ikonianice translation17:03
PiciMy latin is failing me in translating some of that.17:04
jussi01hmmmm,what does cat /dev/hda | tar -xj - > /dev/null17:05
jussi01(it was mentioned in #k)17:05
LjLPici: cum trollus operatores disturbat, operatores eventualiter upsetti becomunt.17:05
no0ticjussi01, nothing17:06
ardchoillejussi01: nothing17:06
Picijpatrick: nothing, it just uses up cpu cycles.17:06
PiciLjL: hehe.17:06
jussi01no0tic: ok, all good then, just checking as when i dont recognise a command...17:06
no0ticLjL, "upsetti" :)17:06
PiciClose enough ;)17:06
LjLno0tic: well, it races with becomunt really17:07
LjLbut the everyday-latin version would be, ne operatores offpisseas17:08
ardchoilleWell, I guess he told me17:18
ardchoille* intelikey* ardchoille i'll do no such a damnd thing.   and you don't need to kick me out,  i can find the door myself.17:18
jpatrickardchoille: ah well17:25
ubotuIn ubotu, suzachild said: my english is very bad17:59
jpatrickjussi01: maybe it was the first time, he was on irc18:59
jussi01jpatrick: it was the second time he had done exactly that...18:59
Tm_Tjussi01: ?19:05
jussi01Tm_T: oops... its getting late...19:06
jussi01Tm_T: muza had done the same thing about 5 mins earlier, got confused between maro and muza...19:08
jussi01jpatrick: Im going... cant get anything right tonite19:13
jpatrickjussi01: :( don't worry, tomorrow will be a better day :)19:13
jussi01jpatrick:  hopefully...19:13
Seeker`does anyone know when the repos went bad19:18
PiciThis morning.19:18
ubotuThe latest security updates unfortunately broke Java and wxWidgets applications. See https://launchpad.net/bugs/183969 for more information. The X.org package causing the problem has been pulled from the repositories, which is why you currently get a "403 Forbidden" error.19:18
Seeker`roughly what time?19:19
PiciAbout 10:30 EST19:19
Seeker`Pici: So about 3pm UTC?19:22
PiciSeeker`: thereabouts19:23
Seeker`ah, cool. I was on campus then, so I didn't get any b0rked updates :D19:23
naliothrepos went bad?  somebody give 'em the cheap whiskey?19:24
PiciPast their 'sell-by dates'19:24
Davieythe repo's have always been bad, we are the dark side19:24
TheSheepDaviey: where is the light purple one?19:25
DavieyIt's Hobbsee19:26
* TheSheep sets out on a journey19:26
* TheSheep changes his mind19:26
Davieyno do, go19:26
TheSheepbbbut, but...19:27
* TheSheep bursts into tears19:27
Davieyompaul: o/19:29
ompaulDaviey, lo'19:29
ompaulSeveas, pong19:33
Seveasompaul, ?19:34
ompaulpm incoming19:34
DavieyThat ompaul, he's such a chatter box19:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jding - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:42
ikoniaompaul rules19:43
uboturt has no aliases - added by Tm_T on 2007-12-18 11:26:5220:26
PriceChildIts a gary20:30
* Gary nibbles PriceChild 20:30
* PriceChild pats Gary20:30
PriceChildHey stefg, how can I help?20:59
stefgPriceChild: sorry... a leftover from an old auto-login script. didn't join manually20:59
assilva meu gnomao tigrao; http://img169.imageshack.us/my.php?image=capturadatelamg2.png22:02
assilvao poder do gnome22:03
assilvajpatrick, ola22:03
assilvajpatrick, look my walpaper22:03
PriceChildassilva, this isn't an offtopic channel22:04
assilvaPriceChild, ??22:04
ompaulassilva, this is the ubutu ops channel22:05
ompaulis there anything else we can help you with?22:05
assilvaompaul, dont was beautiful my scren?22:05
naliothEsta es la oficina para los operadores22:05
assilvanalioth, valeu bambi22:06
mneptoktenha por favor cuidado da porta revolvendo22:07
naliothmneptok: کانال رسمی گپ و گفتگوی کاربران ایرانی و فارسی زبان اوبونتو است22:09
Garyawwww pretty22:10
crdlb< ~c0ldfusi0n> It's not hard. All i want is a tar.gz file containing the file I tell tar to gzip and not a directory  structure.22:16
mneptokዌብ ምስሎች የውይይት መድረኮች ማውጫ · ከፍተው ይግቡ. አማርኛ. የረቀቀ ፍለጋ · ምርጫዎች · የቋንቋ መገልገያዎች22:17
* crdlb wonders why he's asking if it's not hard22:17
DavieySomebody has been set to kickforward here:22:23
Daviey22:05:06 -!- port7 [n=mark@80-68-82-92.no-reverse-dns-set.bytemark.co.uk] has  quit ["I am going for a piss"]22:23
Daviey(just for your info)22:23
ompaulremove forward Daviey we don't kick ;-)22:25
ompaulban forwarded to be honest they removed themselves22:25
Davieyerm, yeah - no kicking22:25
LjLcrdlb: yeah me too, horrible attitude22:25
ompaulpopey, ^^ see Daviey's comment22:26
Davieypopey smells22:26
* ompaul considers replacing Daviey with a small shell script :)22:26
Davieyahh, but can sh make a cuppa?22:27
* jussi01 hasnt seen any of these cuppas... replace him!22:28
ompauljussi01, :)22:33
Davieyjussi01: everyone else had one.. just not you - i don't like you  :D22:36
* jussi01 curls up in the corner and sulks...22:43
PriceChildWhat's up jussi01? :/22:43
jussi01PriceChild: Daviey doesnt like me...22:44
PriceChildjussi01, maybe its because of the.... you know.... smell22:45
jussi01PriceChild: sorry... thats just you...22:46
ompaulPriceChild, you are being subjective - you must be trolled for that :)22:49
Seveasspeaking of trolls22:49
Seveasthe Mess plugin is on again in ubotu22:49
* ompaul wonders 22:50
ompaulno I am not going to tell them22:50
Seveasthey know22:50
jussi01no t?22:52
Seveasnot in here22:52
Seveas-bots and -offtopic22:52
Davieyjussi01: tell tell tit22:54
SeveasLjL, original or 3?22:54
LjL!info supybot22:58
ubotusupybot: robust and user friendly Python IRC bot. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.83.2-2 (gutsy), package size 488 kB, installed size 2948 kB22:58
LjLSeveas: 0.83.2-222:58
* jpatrick wonders wth assilva was on about23:06
LjLdunno, not first time he joins here i think23:06
LjL<LjL> !paste > eek <DRebellion> LjL: i believe floodbot1 already gave the pastebin link <LjL> DRebellion: yes it did, i'm sorry.23:09
* jussi01 pokes Daviey in the ribs... am not!23:09
LjLscolded for spamming what my own bot already gave23:09
LjLi should retire23:09
jussi01LjL: I understand... Im having one of those nights...23:10
jpatrickLjL: danroj back in #-es23:11
LjLjpatrick: changed host, or unbanned?23:11
jpatrickLjL: changed nick23:11
LjLjpatrick: he was banned by *nick*?23:12
jpatrickLjL: I was lazy at the time23:12
LjLwell now let him stay until he actually does something bad23:12
LjLor crysis & friends will yell at you if you reban now23:12
LjLi suspect23:12
LjLhello th0r, can we help you?23:12
th0ryeah, I would like to discuss something with you guys for a minute23:13
th0rI think you should consider disabling that bot...a lot of the people coming into #ubuntu are newbies (I know...bad word) and feeding them a link to a howto is like sending them directions in greek23:14
th0rok...no comments...will stick to suse...sorry I took up your time23:15
Seveasno patience23:16
LjLeh, really23:16
LjLalthough the answer would have been pretty obvious23:16
PriceChildi think his patience is indicative of why he doesn't like ubotu's links23:17
ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, MenZa said: !ming is <reply> mong [in -offtopic. ubotu doesn't like suggestions in the form !command-#channel D:]23:22
LjL!bing is <reply> ban23:24
ubotuI'll remember that, LjL23:24
jpatrickLjL: 17:34 < Crysis> pipehh: #puertos-ubuntu23:26
jpatrickthis guy won't stop23:26
jpatrick /abk Crysis ?23:27
LjLthat channel doesn't exist though23:27
LjLbah, i think he was kidding23:28
LjLin a weird sort of way23:28
jpatrickor, since he's /join-ed #-irc poking fun at us23:28
LjLor he was called there by danroj23:29
jpatrickah well23:29
LjL!no xbug is <reply> A bug has recently caused an X.org package to break. It is fixed now, just update your packages list from Synaptic/Adept or « sudo apt-get update »23:49
ubotuI'll remember that LjL23:49

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