
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto00:01
soldatsVen]n, if you need those libraries you can download them individually as well00:01
soldatsmost people i talk to say they installed it with that link00:02
Ven]nnoen of those are skype 2?00:03
arooman i love xubuntu00:06
soldatsaroo, :P00:06
aroosimplicity is best00:07
soldatsVen]n, im not sure. ive never seen the point of skype to be honest. i really wasnt aware of a skype 2.0 though sorry00:07
aroowhat is the command to start the default xfce terminal?00:11
doctordeviceI'm having a rather odd issue with my wireless card under Xubuntu. when I first boot the system, it takes a very long time to identify the signal from my router (WRT54G v5). once it has the signal and I attempt a connection, my router makes no indication that any wifi negotiation is taking place, and the connection fails. I have managed once, and only once, to connect to another wireless router I have (La Fonera). I have01:22
doctordevicenot been able to re-establish that connection, though, since I tried to connect to my WRT.01:22
soldatscan you make sure your router isnt blocking connecctions via mac address01:23
doctordevicethat was one of the first things I checked, actually. made sure the MAC address is on the whitelist01:24
KuwangerFor some reason I have two network connection icons in my system tray when I should only have one.  How do I fix that?01:26
soldatsdid you check on the forums for any other problems with the WRT, i recall some people having problems but look for fixes as well01:26
* soldats connects directly to wireless router01:27
doctordeviceas am I right now01:27
soldatsKuwanger, is it a problem, can you remove one, if so will it remove the other?01:28
Kuwangersoldats: There is no option to remove one.01:28
soldatshmm if you uncheck enable netwokring on one will it do the same on the other01:29
KuwangerI haven't tried.01:30
soldatsi recall that happeneing to me with ubuntu and gnome but i rebooted and it went away01:31
KuwangerI've reboted and it didn't go away.01:32
KuwangerOn an unrelated issue, how do I change the screen blanking so it'll detect when I'm pressing keys on my gamepad?01:40
soldatswhy dont you just make the screen never blank and just use the monitor power key to turn it off01:42
KuwangerWell, I tried that, but it still blanks. :/01:44
soldatshow did you do it01:45
KuwangerThrough Xfce Settings->Screensaver, which launches Gnome screensaver preferences.01:49
soldatstry through the xorg.conf01:50
soldatsit will work01:50
KuwangerOne final question.  How do I figure out what program is grabbing key input?  For some reason, pressing Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right is switching desktops.01:55
soldatsthats standard for xfce i believe, to switch desktops. in each app there should be preferences to tell what keys do what. if not check in each config file.01:56
doctordevicehrm... how do I change wireless drivers in xubuntu? I have ndiswrapper installed, and I want to try it in place of hostap02:08
soldatsimnot experienced with wireless. you should ask in #ubuntu since its the same underlining kernal02:10
soldatsim sure somone will have a fix for it02:10
fiyawerxAnyone using a manual install of the nvidia drivers? I Installed Xubuntu, did all the updates (didn't enable restricted drivers) Since i thin kthe ones in repos aren't the newest, not too sure tho. But This is the only distro I've had problems installing with lately02:12
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:14
fiyawerxInternal Server Error02:15
fiyawerxAnd do you know what version of the drivers nvidia-glx-new installs?02:15
soldats"sudo apt-cache search nvidia-glx-new" may say02:16
fiyawerxfound it02:17
fiyawerxaptitude show did the trick02:17
fiyawerxthe newest are 169.07, came out dec 20th02:17
soldatsahh ok i was about to say aptitude as well02:18
fiyawerxwill check out the binary driver howto once the servers back working02:18
fiyawerxah its back02:18
soldatsgood luck02:18
fiyawerxthat just tells you to do restricted drivers02:19
soldatsnvidia home page may be better02:19
fiyawerxwonder what happened that ubuntu doesn't like the manual install02:19
soldatsmaybe not updates repos02:19
XceIIK guys, I got it straight, thanks for the help, god bless. bbs.02:44
KuwangerThanks for the info.02:49
culbwhats a good media player for xfce, mainly mp3's02:49
soldatsdo you like gui or cli02:50
jljohnstonei use xfmedia02:50
soldatsculb, err directed towards you02:50
culbi dont want a bunch of unneeded dependencies02:51
soldatsamarok is an amazing gui mp3 player but works better on more high end systems rythmbox isnt so bloated but lacks some plug-ins and tools02:51
culblike amarok for kde or banshee for gnome02:51
soldatsrythmbox is good too, it supports random and random playlists and has support for podcasts02:52
soldatsboth ipod capable as well02:52
soldatsepiphany i hear is cool02:53
fiyawerxI've been trying to get used to Exaile lately03:22
fiyawerxfairly nice player03:22
fiyawerxExaile is a music player aiming to be similar to KDE's Amarok, but for GTK+ and written in Python. I03:22
XceIIwhat a waste of time, this is the phisher price for teen agers, thanks for the help though, god bless.04:32
zoredachewhat the heck was that about?04:35
soldatshmm trolling maybe04:36
zoredacheperhaps... but he was asking lots of questions about setup a couple hours ago...04:37
soldatsjerk then? doesnt seem to enjoy a great system04:38
soldatserr OS04:38
zoredacheI suppose, but I don't get the drive-by complaining.  If he had a real complaint, it seems like he should have stayed to discuss things.  If he didn't care, why come in at all?04:40
* zoredache shrugs... I just don't understand some people04:40
soldatsthats why it seems more like minor trolling to me04:42
soldatswhy do unnecessary complaining04:42
Archangel144I'm having sound card issues with my Acer 3050,  anyone have any tips.04:53
Archangel144is anyone on line04:56
soldatsso whats wrong04:59
Archangel144I'm not getting any sound from my laptop speakers05:03
soldatscan you go to audio properties and ensure that slsa is selected05:03
Archangel144I can't seem to find that05:06
soldatsapplications > settings > mixer settings05:09
haymakeri've got the ubuntu, what is better about xfce?05:11
soldatssmaller uses less recources but with less support options that come standard haymaker05:15
haymakerhmm, so if i've got a 1.33 ghz laptop that is a better choice?05:15
haymakerdoes it handle gtk apps ok?05:15
soldatsthats a pretty good processor, whats the ram, gtk apps are fine05:16
haymakermy ubuntu machine is a horse, 3.2g, 2gb05:17
soldatsyou should be fine with gnome but xfce is smaller and usually runs faster less of a memory hog05:17
haymakeri'm getting the xubuntu desktop iso, does this work like the livecd?05:19
haymakercool, i'll put it on a memory stick and give it a shot05:20
soldatsit is a live cd. its ubuntu kernal with xfce05:20
haymakerwhat do you mean "less support options"?05:20
soldatsnautilus is a little more advanced than thunar for file management05:21
soldatsthe panels as well05:21
haymakernautilus sucks, i've got a serious hatred for it05:21
soldatswell try it out and see if you like it :)05:21
haymakeri want to be able to have transparency, does thunar have that?05:23
soldatsthe xfce compositor allows it05:24
soldatsas in transperency for thunar05:24
haymakeri can't make the window backgrounds in nautilus transparent05:25
haymakeroops, nevermind that, alt and mouse wheel05:26
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soldatsur wierd07:31
TeXnicerand you are uber-soldats?07:47
soldatsi wish07:48
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ascI need a 'run program' applet for the xfce panel. Does anybody know of one?13:34
ascOr any other program which creates a run program dialog, really13:36
TheSheepasc: the verve plugin13:36
TheSheepasc: you can also just make a launcher to xfce4-run13:37
ascAin't in Synaptic. Looking up verve13:37
ascverve works good - thanks a lot13:39
TheSheepxfrun is the program that starts when you press alt+f213:42
ascI'm putting a franken-environment together, and all the parts aren't working right - metacity's run program dialog doesn't appear.13:45
ascHm. Come to that, is metacity the xfce WM? I'm more than open to replacing it with something lighter13:46
ascAh, xfwm4. I'll have to look into that.13:48
maxamillionasc: xfwm4 is what metacity wishes it could be13:48
ascHeh heh13:49
ascJust a second, restarting wm13:49
ascOooh... :)13:51
ascOkay, this makes everything I've been trying to do a lot easier.13:52
ascEr, maybe. Keyboard commands don't work when I don't have the configuration window open.13:57
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lmAnyone here tried xubuntu with ctwm as the window manager?18:04
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:07
lmHeh.  OK.  The real question is that many of the ubuntu based distros put a lot of their polish into the desktop.  If you want sound/video/networking to work, it will if you run their desktop but tends to fall apart if you don't.  What I'm wondering is if I use ctwm on xubuntu, how much stuff is going to fall apart?18:12
somerville32The virtual desktops might be funky, I'm not sure18:14
somerville32Try it out and let me know :)18:14
maxamillionslow-motion: hello18:23
slow-motionhi maxamillion18:24
arttucan anyone help with no audio on a fresh installation?18:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about anynone - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:55
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:55
arttui'm very sorry18:56
arttunot really the irc type18:56
arttujust kind of lost, don't know what to try18:57
TheSheeparttu: no problem, just tell us what's wrong18:57
TheSheeparttu: and if someone has an idea, they will say it18:57
arttuno audio, works on xp18:57
TheSheeparttu: how did you check?18:58
lmDid you try running aumix or alsamixer or alsamixergui and look at the settings to see if the speakers are muted or turned down?18:58
arttutried playing the video clip in home/examples, video plays but audio doesn't19:00
arttulm: nope, how do i do that?19:00
lmget a terminal window and run alsamixergui - if it isn't there, try apt-get install alsamixergui19:02
lmAs root19:02
TheSheepor install it with synaptic19:10
arttui installed it with synaptic and ran it19:12
arttutrying to figure out exactly what i'm looking at and how to cahnge the settings...19:13
arttunot everything is turned up, but those i can't seem to be able to adjust, PCM Out Path says mute19:15
arttudoes alsa do anything significantly different from volume control?19:16
TurnoI just installed apache2 php5 mysql-server libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql.... why is it when i navigate to my jinzora directory it prompts me to save a file with the mime type application/x-https-php?19:18
Turnoerr... application/x-httpd-php19:20
Turnoi know i'm an idiot19:20
TheSheepTurno: install the LAMP package19:22
TheSheeparttu: alsa is the name of the sound system -- basically all sound drivers19:22
TheSheeparttu: unmute the PCM channel, it's the main sound channel19:23
Turnotheres an actual lamp package?19:25
arttui can't do anything to it19:26
TheSheeparttu: how come? there is no mute/unmute button?19:26
Turnothesheep: i did a synaptic search, couldn't find the lamp package19:30
TheSheep!info ubuntu-lamp19:31
ubotuPackage ubuntu-lamp does not exist in gutsy19:31
arttui'm guessing the speaker icons on top of the bars are the mute buttons, they go from green to white when you click them, but they won't respond on the PCM Out Path. they just stay green, and the bars are down to zero, but i can't move them like on most of the others.... PCM Out Path just has Mute written below it19:32
TheSheepTurno: anyways, I have it on hardy, and it contains these packages:19:32
TheSheepTurno: Depends: apache2, libapache2-mod-php5, libapache2-mod-python, mysql-server-5.0, php5-gd, php5-mysql, phpmyadmin19:32
TheSheepTurno: you probably miss the mod_php one19:32
TheSheeparttu: maybe try the text-mode alsamixer instead, selected the pcm out and press 'm'19:33
TheSheeparttu: is this the same user that was created during installation?19:33
Turnoi have all of those packages installed except for phpmyadmin19:34
TheSheepTurno: you don't need the phpmyadmin19:36
TheSheepTurno: the behavior you describe indicates that mod_php is not enabled in the web server configuration for some reason...19:36
TheSheepTurno: have you checked the server logs?19:37
arttuTheSheep: PCM Out reads "pre 3D" which i can switch to "post 3D" and doesn't seem to affect anything19:39
TheSheeparttu: did you try any of the other files in the examples?19:40
arttujust plain PCM looks just fine19:40
arttuyeah, all 319:40
Turnoi haven't checked the logs... good thinking19:44
jerikoi installed ubuntu-restricted-extras but totem chokes on m3u stream. any ideas?20:01
ubotuThe Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages20:10
TheSheepjeriko: m3u is actually just a text file with an address of the actual stream in it20:10
TheSheeparttu: when you open a terminal and type 'cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp', do you hear noice from your speakers?20:11
TheSheeprun lspci and see what make and model your sound card is20:17
arttuTheSheep: Rockwell International Unknown device 431020:21
TheSheepugh, that's doesn't sound too good...20:22
TheSheeparttu: I'd take a look at forums (http://forum.ubuntu.com) and maybe google for it too... no more ideas, sorry20:23
TheSheeparttu: oh, you could also ask on #ubuntu, it's the same under the hood20:26
arttui found something on it in the forums, gotta keep reading20:26
arttuon another note, why does terminal keep loggong me out? i installed aterm but haven't figured out how to paste in it yet, makes life harder20:27
TheSheeparttu: you have an intel graphics card, I presume?20:28
arttui read changing color depth to 16 would help but it didn't...20:28
TheSheepyes, it should help20:28
TheSheepor just install and use the gnome-terminal20:28
TheSheeparttu: about aterm, you usually paste using the middle mouse button20:28
arttuwhich i don't have...20:29
TheSheeparttu: then the two mouse button pressed together20:29
arttuwow... live and learn, i guess i've just spent too much time in the garage..20:31
TheSheepI don't htink it's really documented anywhere properly...20:32
arttuthanks a bunch for the effort, at least i found a bunch of settings to tweak for problems to come20:35
TurnoTheSheep: i got it to work20:40
Turnonot sure exactly how20:40
TheSheepTurno: that's great20:41
Turnobut i think it was probably when I symlinked /etc/apache2/mods-available/php5 into /etc/apache2/mods-enabled20:41
TheSheepTurno: that may be it :)20:41
Turnoafter i did that i had to clear my browser cache20:41
Turnoso i went well past the solution before I realized it was fixed20:41
TheSheepTurno: playing with ww servers has a lot of things like that20:42
TheSheepTurno: requires a lot of patience20:42
arttuTheSheep: i'll have to try to scrap a sound card from somewhere/someone, or enjoy the peace and quiet, the soundcard just isn't supported. thanks for your help and patience!21:04
jerikohrm, totem won't even play a local mp3 file after i've installed ubuntu-restricted-extras22:15
jerikoany suggestions?22:15
jerikoi've used totem sucessfully in the past on other installs22:15
fiyawerxi just saw an md5 sum mismatch scroll by during ubuntu-restricted-extras22:22
fiyawerxwonder what package itw as22:22
fiyawerxjeriko, good question, I even installed w32codecs from medibuntu and no luck22:26
jerikofiyawerx: :/22:31
jerikofiyawerx: i switched to totem-gstreamer instead of totem-xine and it fixed22:37
jerikoi must have had some xine issues22:37
fiyawerxwhere do you change that?22:37
fiyawerxoh, apt-get install totem-gstreamer, trying that now22:39
jerikosudo apt-get install totem-gstreamer will do it all22:39
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:41
fiyawerxhm no lyuck22:42
JorophoseIs there going to be a way to upgrade from 6.06 to 8.04 directly?23:21
zoredacheAll the docs seem to claim that should be possible23:21
Jorophosealright! perfect!23:22
zoredacheof course, I suspect it might not be entirely perfect.  The more popular packages will probably work fine23:22
zoredacheI would bet some obscure stuff might have issues.23:23
JorophoseBut will it show up in update-manager?23:27
soldatsJorophose, probly not because hardy isnt fully stable yet so no matter what theres is a possibility of something being messed up or bad23:30
JorophoseIs it being planned though? This really is an important feature, because if I can't upgrade to the next LTS release might as well go for Debian Etch instead =/23:31
marchgoodnight :)23:31
soldatsJorophose, the main reason someting may be messed up is because hardy isnt fully stable yet. 7.10 is the newest stable release and is supported till 2009 i believe. even so, the correct way to upgrade is to upgrade each release. go from 6.06 to 7.10 then 8.0423:33
soldatsits not release yet but its only released as 'trial' to test for stability23:34
jerikofiyawerx: i still had issues with some streams using totem-gstreamer23:59
jerikoi gave up and installed audacious23:59
jerikoworking again23:59

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