
nosrednaekimmiladen: are you using konversation?00:00
sven_oostenbrinkmiladen, you install the programs directly from the internet00:00
sven_oostenbrinkmiladen, for example, apt-get takes the files from here: http://mx.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/00:00
sven_oostenbrinkmiladen, these are called repositories00:00
miladenyes Konversation00:00
nosrednaekimmiladen: settings->configure notifications00:01
sven_oostenbrinkmiladen, the more repositories, the more software you can install..  you can configure these repositories in your sources.list file (exact location: /etc/apt/sources.list)00:01
miladenok wait, try writing my name again00:01
jorge__¿alguien habla español'00:02
miladensome1 write my name :D00:02
jorge__necesito ayuda00:02
jorge__i need help00:03
sven_oostenbrink!es | jorge__00:03
ubotujorge__: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.00:03
sven_oostenbrinkjorge__, Si quieres ayuda aqui, tienes que hablar ingles, perdon...00:03
sven_oostenbrinkjorge__, youre welcome00:03
miladensven_oostenbrink: where is there a list of repositories?00:03
miladenso the more repositories= the more packages in adept00:04
sven_oostenbrinkmiladen, I could send you my list.. its not 100% perfect (will give a number of warnings about repositories not existing anymore) but it works well00:04
nosrednaekimmiladen: there is an indefinate number of repositories... anyone can make one00:04
sourcemakerwell, my question is offt-topic.... but maybe someone can answer them:  how can I convert openoffice master documents to PDF in batch mode?00:04
sven_oostenbrinkmiladen, more or less.. repositories should not cause incompatibilities.. but the ones I have work good00:04
miladensven_oostenbrink: isnt it irritating that you get an error message everytime u use adept00:04
egorkjorge: yo hablo un poco.00:04
tekteensourcemaker: I use macros for that00:05
sven_oostenbrinkmiladen, no, you wont get errors every time.. just once during hte update you will see some warnings00:05
sourcemakertekteen: are this offical macros from OO?00:05
sven_oostenbrinkyou backup the sources.list, put the new one there, then you HAVE to run " sudo apt-get update" wait for it to finish, and then you enjoy the new packages00:05
tekteensourcemaker: no00:06
tekteensourcemaker: there are guides online00:06
miladensven_oostenbrink: how can i get your list then? :)00:06
penolwhen i type apt-get install kde4-core i got this error = http://www.pastebin.no/314200:06
sourcemakertekteen: ok.. thanks00:06
sven_oostenbrinkmiladen, check this:   http://rafb.net/p/N7KAZM28.html00:07
sven_oostenbrinkput the contents of that in /etc/apt/sources.list00:07
miladenhow do i do that? :S00:07
miladenjust windows style?00:07
nosrednaekimmiladen: erase whats in it, and paste that :)00:08
nosrednaekimmiladen: and open it with root of course, like "kdesudo kate /etc/sources.list"00:09
miladensven_oostenbrink: doesnt work, when i do kdesudo kate etc/apt/sources.list it just shows up as a blank docu00:13
miladensolved :)00:13
miladensven_oostenbrink: ok done, what now?00:15
miladensven_oostenbrink: There are just as many packages available as befor00:16
tekteenmiladen: did you update the repos?00:16
tekteenmiladen: in the konsole type: sudo apt-get update00:17
tekteenmiladen: with adept closed00:17
miladeni know, im doin it00:17
miladendidnt think befor :)00:17
tekteenmiladen: what are you doing? I was not here.00:18
miladenupdating my repository :)00:18
tekteenmiladen: what is your goal here?00:18
miladensven_oostenbrink: Thanks a lot dude :) do you know if i can find a "php repository"?00:18
kijutsuI'm attempting to mount an XFS drive from another system to recover approximately 6 gig from a 750 gig hard drive.  I keep getting a segmentation fault from xfs_check and a 'cannot read realtime bitmap inode (22)" error.  I'm not sure what the crap is going on, can anyone help?00:19
miladentekteen: you follow? :)00:20
* tekteen is confused00:21
applehypnosismiladen: there are php/php module packages in the ubuntu respositories, if that's what you mean00:22
tekteenapplehypnosis: I think he wants programs coded in php00:22
miladenI shouldnt download GNOME stuff when im running kubuntu right?00:22
tekteenmiladen: u can00:23
tekteenmiladen: they just boot up slower00:23
CadaverPimpWhat would stop a splash screen from showing up?00:23
CadaverPimpWhen I boot, it only shows a blank screen00:23
=== CadaverPimp is now known as draik
miladeni need a "color scheme" so i can easily find colorcodes00:23
tekteenmiladen: for html?00:24
tekteenmiladen: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors00:24
biovoredraik: you running amd 64?00:24
miladentekteen what? i mean a package00:25
sven_oostenbrinkmiladen, you can run gnome stuff on kde, no problem, but it IS less efficient, because you will be loading extra gnome libraries.. so if you can, use KDE only stuff, but if there is no alternative, no problem, just install it and use it00:25
draikmiladen: http://www.immigration-usa.com/html_colors.html00:25
draikbiovore: No00:25
draikbiovore: Intel p4 2.0GHz00:25
tekteenmiladen: I do not under stand the question00:25
miladenlol guys: i want a palette00:25
tekteenmiladen: wikipedia has one00:26
miladenI know HTML colors :) i want the colorpalette, you know where I click a place and it tells me the color00:26
draikmiladen: I gave you a complete list00:26
miladennevermind guys :) i know wikipedia has one, i was just asking if such a package existed00:26
sven_oostenbrinkmiladen, I dunno if there is such a thing as a php repository but it can.. Check google.. You can install PHP and lots of php related material from the standard repos though anyway00:26
draikbiovore: It's an oldie laptop00:27
miladensven_oostenbrink: Adept is really slow now :S00:28
miladenHERE IT WAS: kColorEdit00:31
achilleshi, what software do you guys recommend for creating websites?00:33
tekteenachilles: kate :-)00:33
sven_oostenbrinkmiladen, did you do an apt-get update after the new sources.list00:33
achilleswith a gui:P00:33
tekteenachilles: I hear NVU is good00:33
sven_oostenbrinkmiladen, and please, tell me you made a backup of the original sources.list in case you want to go back? :)00:33
sven_oostenbrinkmiladen, anyway.. its not slow here, no problems iwth it00:34
achillesis it likea dreamweaver?00:34
miladenyes i did :)(00:34
tekteenachilles: it is by mozilla00:34
tekteenachilles: I know nothing about is00:34
miladenachilles download Windows XP, then throw it out and use Kate :)00:34
nhowellIm getting an error with an update I wanted to ask about00:34
tekteen!ask | nhowell00:35
ubotunhowell: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)00:35
nhowellnevermind.  they must have fixed it recently. sry for the bother.  How is everyone today?00:36
nhowellit was xserver-xorg-core erroring out on the package upgrade install00:37
nhowellbut I just tried it again and it worked fine.00:37
draikbiovore: Got anything with the splash screen?00:38
Odd-rationaleWhat was this probelm with the xorg package, anyways. I just heard about it and don't know what was the matter.00:38
U238Willyachilles, NVU now goes by Kompozer00:39
achilles_thanks i will try nvu00:40
U238WillyQuanta+ is another gui web design program00:40
achilles_thanks :)00:40
nhowellOdd:  I came in this morning to find the adept-updater alerting me of some package upgrades.  All of them ran in fine, but xserver-xorg-core errored out.  Tried it again, errored.  Restarted X, errored.  So once things piped down for the day, I thought I'd drop in and ask you guys.  As I was asking, I ran the updater again, and it worked fine.  They must have updated the package throughout the day.00:40
U238WillyNVU has stopped devel.. the project continues under the new name.00:40
Odd-rationalenhowell: I just saw the topic today. Then I ran an update and everything was fine.00:41
Odd-rationaleBut what was the problem in the first place?00:41
nhowellStill looking into that myself00:42
achilles_quanta says its to work with html  but can you creat wiith out coding?00:42
andy_hey guys i just installed kubuntu and im having an adept package manager error when i try to update00:42
Odd-rationaleSee you guys later!00:42
tekteenandy_: what happens?00:42
andy_basically when i go to install anything it says that there is another application using the adept00:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fixkate - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:43
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code00:43
andy_ill get you specifics00:43
ubotuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, eclipse, pida00:43
tekteenandy_: restart and it should work00:43
andy_signal 6 crash00:43
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »00:44
tekteen!adeptfix | andy_00:45
ubotuandy_: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »00:45
andy_ok i just sent that string through00:45
andy_seems to work now00:46
tekteenandy_: ok00:46
achilles_i want to start programming but what language should i learn first theres so many:P00:46
tekteenachilles_: python or C++00:46
U238Willythat's a loaded question00:46
biovoreI vote for lolcode.. its awsome.. :-P00:47
achilles_linus says c++ sucks:P00:47
tekteenachilles_: python is a scripting language00:47
U238Willystarting out.. i'd go for python as well..00:47
U238Willyor ruby00:47
tekteenachilles_: and works with QT00:47
tekteenWhich means it works on windows and linux00:47
andy_seems to work now00:47
andy_thanks a lot00:47
achilles_oh nice:)00:47
tekteenandy_: np00:48
achilles_i think theres some python books in my schools library00:48
tekteenachilles_: how old are you?00:48
achilles_ill try it out:P00:48
tekteenachilles_: I am 1500:48
nhowellI have an update on the xserver problem if anyone is interested.00:48
Strangelet14 here! :D00:49
U238Willybut if web stuff is your thing.. you might want to look into php00:49
tekteenStrangelet: Just turned 1500:49
Strangelettekteen: happy birthday! :D00:49
Strangeletnp :P00:49
achilles_i want to  make my own softwre00:49
tekteenachilles_: then python is the way to00:50
achilles_yeah :)00:50
tekteenachilles_: but you can not protect the source00:50
tekteenachilles_: it has to be open source (which is not such a bad thing)00:51
achilles_i know:)00:51
achilles_you mean that python has to be open source?00:51
tekteenachilles_: python is a scripting lang.00:52
achilles_but anything you do with it has to be open source?00:52
tekteenachilles_: you send the source and on run time it compiles is00:52
tekteenachilles_: that is what a scripting lang is. :-D00:52
tekteenachilles_: scripts run slower. but are good for applications since the libs are all c++00:53
achilles_and what is C  what type is it00:53
tekteenachilles_: compiled00:54
tekteenachilles_: but harder to work with00:54
achilles_so you can only have binary with it?00:54
tekteenachilles_: it is also much faster00:54
achilles_not open?00:54
tekteenachilles_: yes00:54
achilles_ok im getting the hung of it:P00:54
tekteenthat is what compiled means :-)00:55
tekteenachilles_: lets continue in #kubuntu-offtopic00:55
achilles_comiple is the process of translating source to binary right?00:55
tekteenachilles_: yes00:55
tekteenlets not flood the channel00:55
achilles_yeah sorry :P00:55
tekteen... More :-)00:55
familyhey guys im trying to ics my eth0 and wlan0 cards this is how i did it but its not working http://www.pastebin.ca/86190000:56
mixedhow do i install xfce using apt get?00:58
sven_oostenbrinkmixed, try adept manager from the menu.. search for xfce00:58
tekteenfor the full desktop00:58
tekteensudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop00:58
sven_oostenbrinkmixed, what tekteen says00:59
mixedtekteen and sven, thanks!  do you know if I can run Quake III on xfce?00:59
StrangeletI would like to learn about how Ubuntu and Linux works, could you recommend me a good source of information?00:59
miladenany1 know about a nice cell phone with a linux OS?00:59
Strangeletdid I kill the conversations? :(01:01
tekteenStrangelet: i suggest you first learn the command line01:02
Strangelethmm, how I do that? :D01:02
tekteenStrangelet: by your age I had mastered command line scripting :-)01:03
Strangeletcheater :\01:03
tekteenStrangelet: open a konsole and type01:03
tekteenStrangelet: man man01:03
biovoremiladen: openmoko..01:03
tekteenStrangelet: that will give you a manual on how to use the manuals01:03
miladenyeah im looking in to it, but its still in developer ed ition biovore01:04
Strangelethooray (?)01:04
Strangelettekteen: So, once I finiish the manual, what do I do next?01:04
tekteenStrangelet: http://www.downloadsquad.com/2008/01/17/flipping-the-linux-switch-new-users-guide-to-the-terminal/01:04
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal01:05
tekteenalso use the link above ^01:05
Strangeletthanks :)01:05
familyanyone with ics experience? http://www.pastebin.ca/86190001:05
yao_ziyuankde 4 is out...01:06
yao_ziyuanhow large is kubuntu-desktop?01:06
yao_ziyuankubuntu doesn't support east asian input methods very well. i want to download ubuntu + kubuntu-desktop01:06
yao_ziyuanit is said this way would solve it01:07
yao_ziyuanmy Adept Manager is downloading the latest files from ppa.launchpad.net01:07
Strangeletwhat ARE the benefits of using KDE 4?01:07
yao_ziyuanwill it be kde 4 files?01:07
tekteenStrangelet: no01:08
yao_ziyuanStrangelet: kde4 seems oversimplified01:08
tekteenStrangelet: kde4 is not ready01:08
yao_ziyuanStrangelet: and i don't like the appliance-like look'n'feel01:08
StrangeletI tried earlier today01:08
Strangeletdint like it, so I switched back to KDE301:08
tekteenStrangelet: me too01:08
yao_ziyuankde3 is probably too shiny after a while of use01:09
Strangeletwhat are the supposed pros?01:09
yao_ziyuantoo watery01:09
yao_ziyuancan make one nervous if tired01:09
yao_ziyuanor using a chinese phrase, "too eye-cutting"01:10
Strangelettekteen: whoops! heehee01:10
Strangelettekteen: BRB, registergin01:10
Strangelettekteen: How do I register a nick in Kopete? :\01:11
=== Strangelet is now known as thoe
=== thoe is now known as Strangelet
draikbiovore: Do you think that I am running 2.0GHz with 256MB RAM might be a hinder?01:12
miladenany1 know a really nice laptop, kinda like alienware style=01:12
yao_ziyuani think, open source developers should be the anti-institution type, isn't it? how many of you are out of college?01:12
tekteenthere is info on freenode.net01:12
tekteenStrangelet: look above ^01:12
Strangelettekteen: look at waht?01:14
Strangelettekteen: freenode.net?01:14
ardchoille!register | Strangelet01:14
ubotuStrangelet: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration01:14
tekteenardchoille: thanks01:15
yao_ziyuanwhen will be the next kubuntu release using kde4?01:17
Strangelettekteen: when I type in /msg nicserv register *****, a new chat window to nickserv is made, that's it :\01:18
Strangeletmaybe it is because I am using Kopete01:18
tekteenStrangelet: prob. not01:19
tekteenStrangelet: I have no clue though01:19
Strangelettekteen: Hmm :\01:19
ardchoilleStrangelet: nicserv or nickserv?01:19
Dr_willisthats mnaking a private chat to  the nickserv. Be sure you got the name right. :)01:19
Strangelettekteen: I am going to try using Konversation :)01:19
nicholasStrangelet here :)01:19
Dr_willistry /msg nickserv help01:19
Jabapythi tried installing kde4-core, but i got an error "Broken packages"01:20
nicholasJabapyth: maybe you need to add the sources01:20
ardchoilleJabapyth: kde4 support is in #kubuntu-kde401:20
Jabapythim pretty sure i did...jsec01:20
=== nicholas is now known as Strangelet
draik_Is it possible that since I am running 2.0GHz with 256MB RAM, I am unable to view the loading screen with KUBUNTU and the scrolling blue bar?01:21
StrangeletTekteen: i DID register it :P01:21
tekteenStrangelet: cool01:21
StrangeletTekteen: NickServ just didn't reply01:21
Dr_willisdraik,  i wouldent think so.01:21
=== draik_ is now known as draik
justin_why is it that just out of the blue my screent will go black as if changing resilutions then a little text input thing then it will got black then another blinking text thingy. this just happens out of nowhere01:22
draikDr_willis: Ok. I still cannot figure out what is going on with it. I got the DVD to play, but now I'm wondering about the loading screen01:22
Dr_willisYou are refering to the splash screen befor you get to the KDM login?01:23
=== nicholas is now known as Strangelet
draikIt's just blank01:23
draikThe monitor is on01:23
StrangeletTekTeen: okay, it SHOULD work here on Konversation01:23
draikThe backlight to the laptop is on01:23
draikJust nothing being displayed01:23
Dr_willisdraik,  i always disable the lame splash and frame buffer. :) so  No idea.01:23
Jabapythdraik: so your screen is competely blank?01:24
draikJabapyth: Yes.01:24
Dr_willisgrub --> total blankness --> kdm login ?01:24
draikDr_willis: Yes01:24
Dr_willisdoes the consolkes work after you login?01:24
Dr_willisalt-ctrl-f1 and so forth.01:24
draikDr_willis: Let me check...01:24
draikIts superimposed01:25
Jabapythto upgrade to gutsy, do you just do a ful adept upgrade?01:25
draikI am getting a really closeup of the screen01:25
Dr_willisSo the framebuffer displayed console is all goofed up.01:25
draikHow do I fix that?01:25
Dr_willisNow ya know why i always disable the framebuffer. :) You Might be able to change the framebuffer res and get it working.01:25
Jabapythdraik: oh, this has happened to me before. restart the x server01:25
draikJabapyth: I'm restarted the X Server many times. Nothing changes01:26
Dr_willisI was thinking i was told that the splash does not rely on the framebuffer. But it might be a resolution issue.01:26
Dr_willisSome times ive had differnt X video cards/drivers/  goof up with the framebuffer consoles also.01:26
draikDr_willis: The video card is ATi. The driver is ati. Try VESA?01:26
Dr_willisYou want to lose all performace for X, just so you have a purty splash? :)01:27
Dr_willisyou could try the recovery/rescue mode, that normally disables the framebuffer also.01:27
regeyaI am so looking forward to kde 4.1. :-D01:27
justin_why is it that just out of the blue my screent will go black as if changing resilutions then a little text input thing then it will got black then another blinking text thingy. this just happens out of nowhere01:28
Dr_willissee if you  can get to the consoles after the recovery mode boot, after starting X with startx, it could be the ATi drivers are fighting with the fremabuffer stuff.01:28
draikDr_willis: I have 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x76801:28
draikThose are my only resolutions01:29
draikSo I restart and choose recovery mode?01:29
draikThen go to a console?01:29
draikThen type "startx"01:30
draikAnd see if that works?01:30
Dr_willisrevovery mode goes to the console. :) then try startx. and see if that messed up the consoles.01:30
draikAlso, I'm using -generic instead of -386, if that matters.01:31
draik_Dr_willis: Sorry, someone called the house and disconnected me01:38
draik_How do I get console from within XFCE?01:38
draik_It seems that it defaults to XFCE when I entered "startx"01:39
draik_Last thing I saw was your comment about "revovery mode goes to the console. :) then try startx. and see if that messed up the consoles."01:40
draik_Dr_willis: ^^^^^^01:40
=== CadaverPimp is now known as draik
RalphNaderTHIS IS A TEST01:50
draikDr_willis: How do I get console from xfce?01:51
geniiRalphNader: I hope the crash test dumies didn't get too badly injured in this test01:51
draikHow do I remove XFCE to have only KDE?01:58
geniidraik: sudo apt-get remove --purge xubuntu-desktop02:00
draikgenii: Says it is not installed02:00
geniidraik: So how then did you put xfce on?02:01
draikNo clue02:01
draikInstall it and remove it?02:01
miketalancaI have a pretty big problem. After the Xorg update, I had some problems, reinstalled my nVidia drivers, and went to reboot again...and now I cannot boot at all; for a normal boot it freezes at the loading screen right when it says "resuming normal boot" and stops in the middle of booting when I try to boot into recovery mode.02:08
ehcI have moved some programs into the kde Autostart directory but sometimes  kde will keep a program running on restart and Autostart will cause a second one to start. Is there a way to have an applicaiton start only if it isn't already running?02:09
sub[t]rnlehc➜ system settings -> advanced -> session manager.  Enable start with an empty session to be sure that only the programs in the autostart directory will be opened02:13
val0does anyone know if .NRG and .DAA files can be viewed under linux?02:17
draikgenii: If I do sudo apt-get remove --purge xubuntu-desktop, it only removes that app, not anything else.02:17
tekteenval0: can k3b read it>02:17
tekteenval0: can k3b read it?02:17
geniidraik: xubuntu-desktop is a metapackage which includes al of the xfce system and applications02:18
val0tekteen: hmm good call let me check it out02:18
val0tekteen: nope it can't...02:19
val0tekteen need something along the lines of magiciso for windows02:20
tekteenval0: how about nrg2iso02:20
tekteenor isomagic02:20
tekteeniso magic I am not sure about02:20
miketalancava10: I use a utility i found on kde-apps.org to mount just about any CD image file called MountISO02:21
miketalancaYou should look into it.02:21
val0miketalanca thanks will do!02:21
miketalancaI have a pretty big problem. After the Xorg update, I had some problems, reinstalled my nVidia drivers, and went to reboot again...and now I cannot boot at all; for a normal boot it freezes at the loading screen right when it says "resuming normal boot" and stops in the middle of booting when I try to boot into recovery mode. I have NO idea as to what the problem might be.02:22
tekteenApacheNoob: hi02:23
ApacheNoobI have a slightly less epic problem02:23
tekteenbut I cant answer miketalanca's02:23
ApacheNoobI need to set up apache and filezilla on my server02:23
tekteentry #ubuntu02:23
tekteenthis is for #kubuntu02:23
tekteenor ask here too02:24
ApacheNoobthat's what I'm using02:24
ApacheNooboh crap02:24
ApacheNoobI'm using xubuntu02:24
draikI'm trying to get rid of Xubuntu02:24
tekteenApacheNoob: it does not matter02:25
tekteenubuntu is ubuntu for the servers02:25
tekteenincluding kubuntu and xubuntu02:25
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
ApacheNoobthanks tekteen02:26
ubotuDolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.02:29
jerry_has anyone trie dKDE 4?02:29
tekteenjerry_: yep02:30
tekteenjerry_: it is not ready yet02:30
tekteenjerry_: though you can try it if you want02:30
ardchoillejerry_: kde4 support in #kubuntu-kde402:30
draikgenii: It only removed the package xubuntu-desktop02:31
niallis there a way to roll back to before you last update?02:31
draikNot the other installed packages02:31
geniidraik: And right now you have what? KDE and XFCE on your box?02:32
draikgenii: Yes02:33
geniidraik: please put into pastebin result of these commands: apt-cache policy xubuntu-desktop             apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop                apt-cache policy kubuntu-desktop02:34
draikOn it02:35
niallhow do you rename a directory at commandline?02:37
tekteenmv dir new-dir02:37
draikgenii: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5252902:37
geniiniall: (sudo) mv oldname newname02:37
Dr_willisdraik,  hmm.. the console is the  terminals on the alt-ctrl-F1 through f6 keys. if you are in Xfce. then you allready got X going. :)02:41
draikDr_willis: I was in a console from recovery mode. I entered "startx" and I got into XFCE.02:42
Dr_willisdraik,  then you did exactly what you wanted to do. :)02:42
Dr_willisstartx just starts up X and spawns whatever default desktop ya got set.02:43
draikDr_willis: Oh. Ok. So how do I change xfce to KDE?02:43
Dr_willis given that its just a test.. it dont matter. You must of selected xfce from gdm/kdm some how   proberly a  setting file in your home dir.02:44
Dr_willisYou could make a .xinitrc file and put in it 'startkde' that may go to kde.02:44
Dr_willisbut this is all just for testing out the fremabuffer/splash/video issues.02:44
niallso I take it you can't just log out and choose a different session and log back in then? ;x02:45
draikEverything worked. Console was the correct, decent size. How do I get it to do that in normal boot, rather than recovery?02:46
Dr_willisdisable the framebuffer  Like i  alwyas say :) been saying it all day.02:46
jabapythhow do i start the x-server from command-line?02:47
jabapythor for that matter, kde?02:48
Dr_willisappend the 'nofb' option to the kernel= lines in menu.lst  or  edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and edit the line to be like --> # defoptions=quiet nosplash nofb              Then rerun 'sudo update-grub'02:48
Dr_willisjabapyth,  'startx' is the command.02:48
Dr_willisYou can set what X runs by default by editing the .xinitrc file (make it)02:48
Dr_williswork time for me. :(02:49
draikDr_willis: How do I disable the framebuffer?02:49
ddaveHi #kubuntu02:52
ddavesetting up a samba domain controller to provide files to both windows XP and kubuntu workstations02:53
ddaveThe WinXP machines have connected to the domain, I like that way that you have to ability to centralize logins on the PDC. I would like to use the same set of logins on the windows workstations provided by the PDC on the kubuntu workstations. What is the best way to do this?02:53
BluesKajhmm, I've changed the bouncing cursor to no busy cursor in kcontrol/launch feedback , but it still bounces ...gawd it's annoying :(02:54
Dr_willisdraik,  i just told you how to disable the framebuffer. edit the menu.lst file.02:56
asdfasdfasdfasdf hi im trying to add subtiltes to a dvd without menu and im using qdvdauthor with spumus i checked text based subtiltes went to font typed Arial.ttf and then the execution dialog appeared sa¡ying this: http://rafb.net/p/25kI2R19.html02:56
Dr_willisbye all.02:56
asdfasdfasdfasdfof course i copied Arial.ttf from somewhere to $HOME/.spumux02:56
jabapythfor some reason my pc starts up with the splash screen, then switches to a cmd-line login02:57
jabapythbut it diddnt used to02:57
jabapythhow do i change this?02:57
blgrnboysup dudes03:04
blgrnboyand ladies03:04
blgrnboyi got a question...03:04
blgrnboyI am new to linux, and although kubuntu is really friendly, I would like to learn to use command line03:04
blgrnboyand get familiar with linux OS03:05
xRaich[o12xblgrnboy: start konsole and type "man command" for the command you want to learn03:05
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal03:05
MGalaxyhow can I force an APP to use newer libraries, e.g. from libwx2.6 to libwx2.8 ?03:08
user_hello all.  sorry if this has been discussed already (I imagine it has), but have any of you had any issues with today's update of the xorg-server?03:11
user_vlc won't run, and I'm sure there are other programs affected03:12
xRaich[o12xuser_: there is already a bug in lauchpad dealing with that03:12
biovoreyeah.. I had problems with it.. changes up my nvidia driver stuff..03:13
biovoreand changed my xorg.conf03:13
user_xraich[o12x: thanks - just so i wasn't the only one03:13
user_i had some really weird things going on with my display for a while too, but after booting in recovery mode fixed that one03:13
xRaich[o12xuser_: nope the problem is already known and the xorg package has been blocked03:13
user_xraich[o12x: so should i force-install the previous version?03:14
user_or wait for a fix?03:14
=== galathal1on is now known as galathalion
xRaich[o12xuser_: if you want to fix the problem a downgrade should do the trick03:14
xRaich[o12xuser_: but i don't really had any issues so don't ask me ;)03:15
user_xraich[o12x: i figured as much.  but will the xorg team release a fix?03:15
=== xRaich[o12x is now known as xRaich[o]2x
makers_markhi.i'm having trouble using a webcam on another account in ubuntu.03:16
xRaich[o]2xuser_: hmm dunno but i though is was more an ubuntu issue rather than xorg03:16
user_i'll just downgrade then.  thanks.03:16
xRaich[o]2xuser_: arg sorry i'm pretty tired so my typing suffers a bit ^^03:16
xRaich[o]2x4 am in the morning....03:17
user_makers_mark: what exactly are you trying to do with the webcam?  and is it a usb?03:17
user_xraich[o]2x: no probs.  but your nick is incredibly hard to type ;)03:17
makers_markyes.i'm trying to use it through kopete and skype 2.0 beta.it works fine on my account (main account).03:17
makers_markbut it won't work on another admin account.03:17
xRaich[o]2xuser_: use auto completition ;)03:18
user_how do i do that?03:18
xRaich[o]2xuser_: like in bash. just hit tab03:18
user_xRaich[o]2x: cool.  i didn't know that Konversation had that feature!03:19
=== draik_ is now known as draik
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* xRaich[o]2x is using irssi but konversation also does it03:19
user_makers_mark: did you need any special drivers to get it to work before?03:19
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=== LearningLinux is now known as JoeShmoe
user_makers_mark: luvcview (if its still active) works wonders for linux webcams03:20
user_ha! just did an "apt-get update" and found that there already is a new xserver-core package available! Let's hope this one works better :)03:22
makers_markuser_ the other account didn't have flash player 9 installed.03:22
makers_markuser_ i installed that and rebooted.i think it'll work now.03:22
user_makers_mark: hmmm :/ That shouldn't matter03:22
makers_marklet me give it a whirl03:22
user_i mean, the webcam itself should work without Flash, but in certain programs, they may rely on Flash, so it just might work for you after all :)03:23
makers_markuser_ nevermind,it doesn't work.03:24
makers_markbut i have to go so i'll figure it out later.03:24
Joe98052Hey, I have a very stupid (noob) question, what is the best program to play dvd's with? (Yes, I am new to linux, Yes, I googled the hell out of this, and Yes, I still had to ask!)03:24
xRaich[o]2xJoe98052: did you install the medibuntu stuff?03:25
Joe98052xRainch nope, fresh install of Kubuntu 7.1003:25
xRaich[o]2xJoe98052: give that page a look : http://www.medibuntu.org/03:26
xRaich[o]2xJoe98052: they have good "howto" on their page03:26
draikHow do I remove the frame buffers during boot?03:27
xRaich[o]2xdraik: framebuffers should be disabled by default03:27
xRaich[o]2xdraik: do you mean the splash?03:27
Joe98052xRainch: I appriciate you help!  I'll read up03:28
draikxRaich[o]2x: Yes. I do not see the splash prior to the KDM login. Also, console login is superimposed. I cannot see what follows.03:28
xRaich[o]2xdraik: did you setup any framebuffers?03:29
xRaich[o]2xyou see no splash at all?03:29
draikxRaich[o]2x: Not to my recollection03:29
draikxRaich[o]2x: None. It's all blank03:29
xRaich[o]2xnow that's weird... sorry never saw that before. with kind of video card?03:30
xRaich[o]2xdraik: could you nopaste your /boot/grub/menu.lst and the output of lsmod please?03:31
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:32
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion03:33
zhobbsI'm trying to get xinerama working, it works in kdm but switches to just one monitor when I login03:34
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draikxRaich[o]2x: On it03:34
xRaich[o]2xdraik: it's almost 5 am over here so don't expect to much ;)03:35
jimmy51hello, trying to get kvpn working i get this error:  "error: The required daemons (pppd and pptp) are not available,"03:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pppd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ipppd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:36
draikxRaich[o]2x: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5253503:36
xRaich[o]2xjimmy51: try sudo aptitude install ppp pptpd03:37
jimmy51xRaich[o]2x:  trying...03:38
xRaich[o]2xdraik: try the nosplash option instead of splash03:38
xRaich[o]2xdraik: change line 89 into # defoptions=quiet nosplash03:39
xRaich[o]2xdraik: an run sudo update-grub03:39
draikOne sec03:40
xRaich[o]2xdraik: could you post your /etc/initramfs-tools/modules too please?03:41
jimmy51xRaich[o]2x:  well, that got further.  now i get: "error: Input/output error"03:42
xRaich[o]2xjimmy51: that doesn't specify the problem very good ^^03:43
jimmy51xRaich[o]2x:  it sure doesn't. :(03:44
niall_compiz is pretty slow :z03:44
xRaich[o]2xniall_: are you using hardware acceleration?03:45
niall_good question03:45
niall_I should be03:45
niall_do I have to turn it on??03:45
xRaich[o]2xglxinfo | grep rendering03:45
xRaich[o]2xwhat does it say?03:45
xRaich[o]2xYes or No03:46
xRaich[o]2xhrm what kind of video card?03:46
niall_nvidia 7800 GTS03:46
xRaich[o]2xniall_: check if there are other proceses running with top03:47
xRaich[o]2xmaybe there is a process hogging the cpu03:47
xRaich[o]2xlsmod | grep nvidia says nvidia?03:48
niall_nvidia               7013492  4403:49
niall_i2c_core               30208  2 nvidia,i2c_nforce203:49
xRaich[o]2xhrm ok. i'm lost ^^03:49
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion03:52
jimmy51ok, i've got more debug output... should i paste it all here?03:52
xRaich[o]2xjimmy51: nope never paste inside channels ;)03:52
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:52
xRaich[o]2xjimmy51: pasting inside a channel will result in a kick03:53
jimmy51ah... ok03:53
draikxRaich[o]2x: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5253603:54
jimmy51VPN Error:  http://pastebin.com/m514f70a003:54
draikxRaich[o]2x: When I did the update-grub, it added 386. I've been using the generic. Should I remove it or does it matter?03:55
xRaich[o]2xjimmy51: install pptp-linux03:56
xRaich[o]2xdraik: should be ok03:57
draikxRaich[o]2x: Does it matter which one I use?03:57
Jabapythhow do i downgrade a package?03:57
xRaich[o]2xdraik: just pick the right one when booting ;)03:57
draikxRaich[o]2x: Which one would be the right one?03:58
xRaich[o]2xdraik: dunno. i don't really know much about the kernel labeling in ubuntu ^^ but i don't really think i should cause any trouble. i'd pick the generic03:58
draikGeneric it is03:58
niall_is there anyway I can edit the appearance of the K Menu?03:58
xRaich[o]2xniall_: you can use a replacement like kbfx or tastymenu03:59
xRaich[o]2xniall_: kbfx is pretty much horrible but some people seem to like it ^^03:59
xRaich[o]2xi think there also is a kde3 kickoff menu03:59
draikxRaich[o]2x: What now? Anything wrong with my /etc/initramfs-tools/modules file?04:00
xRaich[o]2xdraik: nope everything's fluffy04:00
draikSo... reboot?04:00
xRaich[o]2xdraik: give it a try ^^04:00
* draik reboots, then crosses his fingers04:00
CppIsWeirdI upgraded to 7.10 from 7.04 and now my sound plays these ultra high pitched squeals. Any ideas as to a course of action?04:01
xRaich[o]2xjimmy51: is it working?04:01
geniiMute your microphone?04:01
CppIsWeirdnot the microphone04:01
CppIsWeirdwhen the computer tries to output sound is when it does that04:02
ploohow do you install and enable SSHD from cli?04:02
xRaich[o]2xCppIsWeird: intel chipset?04:02
CppIsWeirdlike the boot up sounds, etc.04:02
xRaich[o]2xreduce cd volume04:02
CppIsWeirdeh... ok...04:02
xRaich[o]2xdid the trick on my box ^^04:02
spawn57pioo apt-get install openssh-server04:03
draikxRaich[o]2x: Ok04:03
xRaich[o]2xdraik: works?04:03
CppIsWeirddidnt work04:03
draikxRaich[o]2x: I rebooted. No splash screen. I see text. I wanted to see the splash screen, though. On the bright side. Boot time has gone from ~3 mintues to just under a minute.04:03
xRaich[o]2xdraik: seems like your video card doesn't like the splash04:04
xRaich[o]2xCppIsWeird: did you reduce it in alsamixer?04:04
draikOh well04:04
draikI can live without it04:05
CppIsWeirdno, kmix04:05
xRaich[o]2xtry that04:05
draikNow I am just wondering if it is conflicting with something else that I am not aware of right now.04:05
CppIsWeirdk, one sec. i had a high pitched squeal that did go away when i turned off line-in04:05
xRaich[o]2xdraik: dunno. but that was all i could think off right now ^^04:05
draikxRaich[o]2x: That's fine. It may not produce the end results I wanted, but my boot time is cut down to a third04:06
xRaich[o]2xCppIsWeird: just juggle around with some settings. i had the high pitch problem when alpha testing hardy and CD volume fixed it04:06
CppIsWeirdbut i dont hear the actual sound04:07
CppIsWeirdlike every time im supposed to hear a ding from a messenger, i get a screetch04:07
CppIsWeirdi had a buttload of problems getting my sound to work in 7.04, and after like a month of screwing around i finally got it04:08
xRaich[o]2xCppIsWeird: odd....04:08
CppIsWeirdi will sooner go back to windows before going through that crap again. >_<04:08
xRaich[o]2xsad to hear that04:08
xRaich[o]2xmaybe you should submit a bug report04:08
jimmy51xRaich[o]2x:  sort of.  it's getting further, but the remote end is disconnecting04:13
xRaich[o]2xjimmy51: well that's a far as i can get. don't know much about vpn04:14
xRaich[o]2xseems like a configuration problem04:14
jimmy51xRaich[o]2x:  thanks for the help so far... i'm further than i would be without the proper libraries installed!04:14
xRaich[o]2xnp problem.... mind head feels funny... it's 5 am and i'm all out of tea04:15
xRaich[o]2xneeeeeed sleeeeeep04:15
niall_you were right04:15
niall_kbfx is horrible04:15
xRaich[o]2xbut on the other hand i feel kinda awake...04:15
xRaich[o]2xniall_: it sure is ^^04:16
xRaich[o]2xniall_: wait for kde4.1. it should have some nice menus ;)04:16
niall_that's not out till July04:16
xRaich[o]2xit's sure worth waiting for ^^04:17
niall_I think 4.0.4 is out by April04:17
xRaich[o]2xkde4.0 is pretty much the most amazing DE i've ever used04:17
niall_so that's probably what they'll include in Kubuntu 8.0404:17
niall_I liked it, it just ran really slow04:18
jimmy51xRaich[o]2x:  i've found a ubuntu guide for what i want to do:  http://tipotheday.com/2007/11/28/connect-to-windows-vpn-server-pptp-with-ubuntu-gutsy/  is that worth trying?04:18
niall_so I'm holding out for a proper distribution04:18
xRaich[o]2xruns very fast over here04:18
ploothere any problems installing kubuntu 7.10 on lcd labtop with 8600gt nvidia card?04:18
ploostops when trying to load the install04:18
xRaich[o]2xjimmy51: looks smexy give it a lick ^^04:19
jimmy51(if that's linux lingo, i don't know what it means...)04:19
ploofatal error no screens found04:19
xRaich[o]2xjimmy51: nevermind... i'm weird.. way to tired ^^04:19
xRaich[o]2xjimmy51: just try the howto you have posted04:20
smaxi installed Qt 4 but g++ cant see it.04:20
xRaich[o]2xsmax: did you install the dev packages?04:21
smaxwhats to add to my PATH04:22
ardchoillesmax: KDE4?04:22
smaxxRaich[o]2x: sudo apt-get install libqt4-gui libqt4-dev04:22
smaxim on feisty fawn04:22
smaxare those the correct packages ?04:22
xRaich[o]2xhmm dunno programming in qt4 works like a charm over here. running gutsy04:23
xRaich[o]2xpackages look correct to me04:23
smaxerror: QApplication: No such file or directory04:23
xRaich[o]2xsmax: you familiar with building qt4 apps?04:24
xRaich[o]2xqmake etc?04:24
smaxi used g++04:24
smaxthis is my hellow world.04:24
smaxi know C++, just now getting into Qt.04:24
xRaich[o]2xah ok04:24
xRaich[o]2xqt is different04:24
xRaich[o]2xit extends c++04:24
xRaich[o]2xso you need some different tools04:25
=== orga is now known as organix
smaxok qmake is what im looking for.04:26
smax/home/jerware/C++/qt/hello.cpp:5: Unknown test function: int main04:26
smaxi'll throw a paste bin04:26
xRaich[o]2xmake a folder04:26
xRaich[o]2xname it helloworld04:26
xRaich[o]2xinside you put a file main.cpp04:27
xRaich[o]2xwith you code04:27
xRaich[o]2xrun qmake -project04:27
xRaich[o]2xrun qmake04:27
xRaich[o]2xand tada it should work04:27
xRaich[o]2xat least i think so ^^04:27
xRaich[o]2xcan't think straight anymore :P04:28
smaxno erros. but i got a qt.pro04:28
smaxrather than an a.out04:28
xRaich[o]2xrun qmake04:28
smaxnow i have a Makefile04:29
xRaich[o]2xrun make04:29
smaxhello.cpp:6: error: ‘argc’ was not declared in this scope04:29
smaxforgot data types04:29
xRaich[o]2xhow does your code look?04:29
xRaich[o]2xnopaste please04:29
smaxxRaich[o]2x: thanx pal04:30
smaxit worked04:30
smaxi have a qt bin file.04:31
xRaich[o]2xcongrats ;)04:31
smaxxRaich[o]2x: Do you like the designer?04:32
xRaich[o]2xsmax: sure04:32
smaxi have heard some controversy about it.04:32
smaxbut nothing speciffic.04:32
xRaich[o]2xway better than layouting by hand04:32
xRaich[o]2xit gives me the results i want. a lot faster than doing it with code04:33
ploohow come when I try to install kubuntu it does not boot the livecd or graphical installer?04:34
smaxploo is your boot device priorit set to cdrom ?04:34
plooit boots off CD04:34
plooget the kubuntu thing04:34
ploofor start and shit like that04:34
plooafter that nothing04:34
xRaich[o]2xploo: check the md5 of the iso you downloaded04:35
xRaich[o]2xand check the cd04:35
ploonvidia 8000's having problems?04:35
xRaich[o]2xmaybe something went wrong04:35
plooit will do a text based install04:35
organixi'm running nvidia 7800gt working as intended04:36
geniiorganix: Mine too04:36
organixkde4 works beautifully too ;)04:37
xRaich[o]2xid check the cd first04:37
ploothere iso's with kde4?04:37
xRaich[o]2xinside the kde4 announcement04:37
organixIt is only a live CD though, correct?04:37
ubotuKDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde404:38
xRaich[o]2xdunno i have kde4 running here. never tested the live cd04:38
plooNO screens found04:38
ploois what happens04:38
ploowhen trying to boot04:38
se7enploo: as far as i know the kde4 live cd doesn't even have knetworkmanager04:38
xRaich[o]2xploo: hmmm i had that error a few years ago... but that was with the closed driver04:39
xRaich[o]2xse7en: run the kde3 knetworkmanager04:40
xRaich[o]2xor use the solidshell04:41
xRaich[o]2xdunno if it's already suited to do the job04:41
se7enwell if you can't connect to the internet how you get kde3's networkmanager xRaich[o]2x04:41
plookubuntu have 64bit?04:41
xRaich[o]2xse7en: pppoeconf04:41
xRaich[o]2xworks for dsl04:42
organixploo: yes04:42
se7enok xRaich[o]2x i didn't know that04:42
xRaich[o]2xploo: yep but has some issues with closed source04:42
xRaich[o]2xno flash, skype and so on04:42
plooissues like?04:43
xRaich[o]2xsee above04:43
ploodo I gain much using 64bit?04:43
xRaich[o]2xnot really04:43
xRaich[o]2xfor a few things it just means more work04:44
xRaich[o]2xthe 32bit needs less care04:44
xRaich[o]2xat least it was that way when i tried it the last time ^^04:44
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justin_would kubuntu be good for devolpment C C++ pascal etc.04:47
justin_and how do i upgrade the version04:47
xRaich[o]2xi'd say yes04:47
justin_how do i upgrade to a newer version04:48
justin_i found it nvm04:49
xRaich[o]2xjustin_: check the wiki there should be a howto or something04:49
justin_its a big button in the package manager04:49
justin_why is it that out of the blue, my moiniter goes black twice. i think x server is restarting or somthing or at least that what it looks like, ok let me restate why is it that out of nowhere X restarts twice then goes back to normal04:53
ubotuA bug has recently caused an X.org package to break. It is fixed now, just update your packages list from Synaptic/Adept or « sudo apt-get update »04:53
draikDoes anyone here play Uplink?04:53
justin_whats that is it fun04:54
CppIsWeirdxRaich[o]2x, well i got all the high pitched noise to go away, but now i get nothing at all. >_<04:54
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=== ubuntu_ is now known as arrrghhh
arrrghhhok, so i'm trying to install kubuntu 7.10 on this older machine, and kdesktop came up with an error and now there's no desktop icons04:55
xRaich[o]2xCppIsWeird: submit a bug report04:56
arrrghhhso how do i install kubuntu now without the install icon?04:56
organixarrrghhh: have you tried rebooting back into the CD04:56
jimmy51i think this is my bug:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-pptp/+bug/12369604:56
arrrghhhorganix: yes, same error04:56
arrrghhhi added more ram because before it wouldn't load anything with 256 or whatever it had before04:57
jimmy51kubuntu + connecting to windows vpn server = broken04:57
xRaich[o]2xok 6am.. time for me to hit the sac04:57
arrrghhhyea i haven't found a way to connect to pptp with linux04:57
xRaich[o]2xby folks04:57
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jimmy51man oh man.  i hate to whine about a free OS, but that's a big hit if i can't dial in to work from my home linux box04:58
justin_X is still messed up after i updated it still messes up when im play urban terror (open source Q3 mod)04:58
justin_would x86_64 arch have anything to do with it04:59
draikjustin_: http://www.uplink.co.uk04:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pptp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:00
inaety_how can i lock my screen on kde405:00
draikinaety_: Doesn't CTRL+ALT+L work?05:01
ardchoilleinaety_: kde4 support is in #kubuntu-kde405:01
inaety_ardchoille: thanks05:01
draikHey there ardchoille05:01
inaety_draik: no, i believe i am missing a componoent05:01
ardchoillehi draik05:01
draikWell, it's late and I work tomorrow. Goodnight all.05:02
organixjimmy51: http://fosswire.com/2007/10/13/setting-up-a-simple-vpn-connection/05:02
organixjimmy51: check out rdesktop as well05:03
justin_X server is still restarting(at least i think thats what it is) out of nowhere05:03
organixcheck your log files justin_05:04
organixsee if it points you in any directions05:04
smaxif i write a UML diagram in Dia,  could visio read it too ?05:11
smaxjust like openoffice can read microsoft office.05:12
ubuntuso there's no textual installer on the desktop livecd?05:12
ubuntubecause the icons on the desktop are still not loading05:13
ubuntuand i can't start the installer any other way other than that desktop icon?05:13
organixubuntu: try browsing your desktop through dolphin or whatever?05:14
ubuntuy'know i thought i tried that... but now i just feel dumb.  let's see if it starts it.  looks like it's going to05:15
organixif that fails, try your trusty shell05:15
ubuntuwell how do i run it from the shell?05:15
organixgood question :)05:15
ubuntuhrm, it's slooooow.05:16
ubuntuthe window came up05:16
ubuntubut it's still loading05:16
organixout of curiosity, why are you attempting to install on such a slow PC?05:16
ubuntubecause XP is atrocious05:17
ubuntuthis isn't my machine05:17
ubuntubut i can't stand seeing someone using XP.  the livecd has been working fairly well once it's loaded05:17
organixcould always try xubuntu if kubuntu fails05:18
ubuntui thought about it05:18
organixi personally don't like xfce05:18
ubuntuyea i used to use it05:18
ubuntubut i found kde was much more mature WM05:18
ubuntuand xfce was actually running worse on the box i was using it on05:19
ubuntudidnt feel lighter at all05:19
organixsome argue it's not05:19
NeoOokamiXubuntu's a bit heavier than a regular Xfce desktop.05:20
organixNeo0okami: interesting, I wonder why.05:20
NeoOokamiThey're quite a bit of Gnome bits still in it to make up where Xfce's lacking.05:20
NeoOokamiIt's a lot more minimalistic by itself.05:21
organixI see05:21
NeoOokamiThough if you're worried about being ultralight you shouldn't be using a desktop environment anyways~05:21
organixall my servers run debian05:21
ubuntui'm setting this up for a soon-to-be ex windows user05:21
ubuntua console environment is not a viable replacement05:22
NeoOokamiDon't get me wrong. I use desktop environments. XD05:22
ubuntuprofoX`: is pissing me off!05:22
NeoOokamiubuntu: I meant more a plain window manager and just the apps you want.05:22
ubuntuNeoOokami: plain like what?05:22
ubuntulike flux?05:23
NeoOokamiubuntu: Yeah. Just the window manager.05:23
organixubuntu: is your PC still loading Dolphin? haha05:23
NeoOokamiGnome, KDE, and even Xfce load up quite a bit to provide functionality.05:23
ubuntudolphin works great05:23
snarksterIve never used Flux. are there any screen shots of it?05:23
ubuntukonquerer works great05:23
ubuntuNeoOokami: what do you suggest then?05:24
organixgoogle: fluxbox screenshots05:24
NeoOokamiFor a former windows user I suggest Gnome or KDE.05:24
ubuntui'm goin with kde05:24
ubuntuor at least trying to05:24
ubuntuso i have to download the alternate CD to install with the text installer?05:24
NeoOokamiI like both honestly. Though my presence here should indicate my preference.05:24
ubuntuthat is lame05:24
ubuntuNeoOokami: well you mentioned a '05:25
ubuntuplain window manager'05:25
geniiPlease.Someone put me out of this profoX misery05:25
NeoOokamiIf you're worried about being ultra light.05:25
ubuntucan someone ban him for like 20 mins?05:25
ubuntuor so05:25
NeoOokamiNot in general.05:25
ubuntui want kde05:25
ubuntubut this is not workin for me05:25
NeoOokamiI like all of the functionality and cohesiveness of a desktop~05:25
genii!ops profoX_ flood05:26
organixim a commandline junkie at heart, but I hate lynx heh05:26
geniibah wrong syntax05:26
genii!ops |profoX_ flood in #kubuntu05:29
geniiThanks ardchoille05:29
ubotuprofoX_ flood in #kubuntu: Help! Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato,  haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, jussi01 or ardchoille!05:29
geniiCan someone remind me of proper !ops   call??05:29
* genii hides05:29
ubuntuso there's no text install on the desktop livecd?05:30
ubuntukinda ridiculous you have to download a different image... seems like a simple thing they could incorporate.05:31
m0u5ewhere can i find a well kept kde4 repos?05:32
m0u5ewell *maintained05:32
organixm0u5e: http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu05:33
organixnice transfer rates too (in oregon atleast)05:33
ubuntuso is that the only way to do the text install?05:33
ubuntudownload the alternate iso?05:33
organixubununtu: unfortunatly yes05:34
m0u5ei just add this to my source.lst?05:34
organixm0u5e: yup05:34
m0u5eno key?05:34
AdmPaulHowdy howdy.05:35
se7enm0u5e: no key just sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade05:35
organixapt-get install kde4-core after05:35
organixAdmPaul: howdy05:36
AdmPaulI've got an interesting issue. When trying to browse an NTFS partition, dolphin is giving me a "hal-storage-removable-mount-all-options refused uid 1000" error. Any ideas on that one?05:36
ubuntuAdmPaul: goto system settings05:37
ubuntudisk & file systems05:37
ubuntuadmin mode05:37
m0u5ei didn't work...05:38
ubuntunow find the disk you need to mount, and define a mount point05:38
m0u5ei typed deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/ main universe multiverse05:38
ubuntulike /media/mountpoint05:38
m0u5eand it didn't work :/05:38
ubuntuAdmPaul: then enable it after that's done, should be mounted now05:38
se7en!kde4 | m0u5e05:39
ubotum0u5e: KDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde405:39
AdmPaulHa, another interesting error.05:39
organixm0u5e: http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu gutsy main05:40
AdmPaulSystem reported and unclean shutdown.05:40
organixshould be in your sources.list05:40
AdmPaulI guess I should boot back into windows and then "shutdown"?05:40
AdmPaulLast time I booted into windows I sent my system into hibernate.05:40
LamerManhow can i launch several processes in bash? :) when i just print program1\nprogram2\n, program2 will not be launched until program1 exits.05:40
AdmPaulI'm gonna try that and see if it works. Thanks for the assist ubuntu.05:41
organixLamerMan: use &&05:41
geniiLamerMan: What organix said05:41
LamerManok, thanks.05:41
organixor, have fun with pipes ^^05:41
LamerManorganix could you please make an example? i try program1 && program2, is that wrong?05:48
hydrogenorganix: no05:48
hydrogenLamerMan: no05:48
hydrogenLamerMan: you can lauch a program in the background but adding & to it05:48
organixLamerMan: should work fine...05:48
hydrogenorganix: no, it won't05:48
hydrogenthat will lauch one program, if it ends successfully it will launch the next05:49
hydrogenprogram1 & launches it and puts it in the background05:49
LamerManhydrogen like &program1 ?05:49
LamerManor program1& or program1 & ? :)05:49
se7enLamerMan: kwrite& kate&05:49
LamerManok thanks.05:49
LamerManit works, but now the shell blocks until all the programs exit (and redirects stdout or all programs to the shell). How could i make it not block completely?05:59
LamerMani type pr1& \n pr2& \n05:59
geniiWhy are you putting in the newline?06:00
LamerManshould i make it in one single line?06:00
se7enkwrite& kate&06:00
hydrogennewlines are fine06:02
hydrogenyou may need a space before the &06:02
AdmPaulSomehow I got both Synaptic and Adept package managers installed on my system. I can remove Synaptic without a problem, correct?06:02
LamerMani'm new to linux :) shell does not block until the programs exit but it won't return until i press enter in the shell. If i put that script in rc.local to launch programs automaticall, won't it block? :)06:03
ardchoilleAdmPaul: Yes, it's just a gui front-end to APT06:03
AdmPaulardochoille: Thought so. Thanks.06:04
fortruthjoin #kde-cn06:15
LamerManme again :) i try to launch java application automatically after the start, to do it i place the string "java -jar my.jar&" and it does not launch. When i type the vvery same in console, application starts. Maube rc.local start before x-server or some other stuff that prevents java from starting proreply? where is it better to start it (propably rc.local is not the best place)?06:33
LamerMan* i place the string "java -jar my.jar&" in rc.local06:33
LynoureLamerMan: what kind of application is it? if it requires gui, it cannot get it at that stage yet06:35
LamerManyeah, it need gui06:35
LynoureLamerMan: should work from .kde/Autostart , I think06:36
LamerManok, thank, i'll try it06:36
m0u5eis there a kde4 metapackage?06:43
m0u5eanyone know?06:47
m0u5eanyone know if there is a kde4 metapackage?06:47
flickyes there is06:48
m0u5edo you know what it is/06:48
flickgives step by step for how to install06:48
m0u5ei already did that, but i don't have much besides a really basic desktop06:49
m0u5eare there any other kde4 meta packages?06:49
flickthat link has some good stuff06:49
=== u^A is now known as u^A_
flickand if you search in Synaptic for "kde4" you'll see a lot of stuff you can install06:50
flickthere's a kde4 version of Kopete06:50
flicklots of other kde4 goodness06:50
flickit just isn't all installed by default06:51
flickhope that helps a little at least06:51
m0u5eokay thx06:53
flickyou're welcome06:53
flickhave fun06:53
=== AdmPaul is now known as AdmPaul-away
=== bkpavan is now known as pavan
lenIf you have a module that lucks up your system on boot, how do you remove that module from the modules list if that module causes your system to lock before you can get to the file to edit it?  Is there a grub cheat code to skip loading most most modules or something so you can to the file do disable it?  I tried recovery mode, but it still loaded the module.07:08
makers_marki'm running ubuntu 7.10 and i set up my webcam to work with skype and kopete but it just won't work for another admin account.07:10
crimsunlen: you could try using init=/bin/bash07:13
crimsunlen: at that point you could remount / rw, edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, save it, sync, remount / ro, and reboot07:14
lenThat sounds like what I'm looking for.  You mean hold the esc key down at boot and type init=bin/bash on the grub line?07:16
=== josh__ is now known as JoshOvki
lenIt's not my machine.  I have to step someone over the  phone.  I'd just tell him to boot a live cd, edit the file and reboot, but he doesn't have a working livecd and can't get one 'cause he's getting locked on boot.  Catch-22.07:18
oscarcan anybody explain to me07:19
oscarwhy does not amd do drivers for mobility radeon hd-series?07:19
CppIsWeirdI upgraded to 7.10 from 7.04 and now my sound plays these ultra high pitched squeals. Any ideas as to a course of action?07:19
JoshOvkilots of kde4 updates this morning07:22
justin_where can i get a easy to use C++ compiler07:22
JoshOvkia GUI or command line one?07:22
justin_KDE should come with one kalled kompile07:22
justin_im learning still07:22
JoshOvkiyours didnt come with it did it?07:24
justin_kubuntu 7.10 x86_6407:24
justin_it came with no dev tools whatsoever07:24
justin_i have that how do i compile07:25
JoshOvkiopen up command line and run      sudo apt-get install kompile07:25
justin_haha how did i know it would be called kompile07:26
Daisuke_Idojustin_: install build-essential07:26
Daisuke_Idobut for the most part, if you CAN install from the repos, do, they're there for a reason.07:27
justin_so uh how do i compile my .cpp file07:28
justin_its the simple hello world07:29
Daisuke_Idofirst, install build-essential07:29
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)07:29
justin_#include <iostream>07:31
justin_int main();07:32
justin_int main()07:32
justin_std::cout << "Hello World!\;07:32
justin_return 0;07:32
justin_does that look bugless07:32
justin_i just out of the blue today decided i want to learn C++07:33
JoshOvkii learnt it ages ago and there are a couple of problems with your code07:34
ethan961no not that07:35
JoshOvkifor examaple you havent closed your speachmarks are the end on Hello World07:35
CppIsWeirdhes gone buddy07:36
JoshOvkiah ok07:37
JoshOvkii should have saved my keystrokes :P07:37
ubuntuok so i ended up using the text installer07:39
ubuntuand it failed loading grub... i have *never* seen grub fail to load.  everything else i'm assuming is fine... so can i save it?07:39
=== ubuntu is now known as arrrghhh
JoshOvkii have seen grub fail a few times07:40
arrrghhhi'm pretty new to linux07:40
arrrghhhinstalled about 10 maybe unique machines07:40
arrrghhhand this one has been the worst... other than that dell vostro which failed completely.07:41
arrrghhhso can i save the install?  i really don't want to have to go thru that again.07:41
JoshOvkiive installed it on about 20 machines, at first i had problems, but not i have vert little07:41
LynoureGetting to choose the hw helps :)07:42
JoshOvkii think you can arrrghhh07:42
JoshOvkiread that arrrrghhh07:42
JoshOvkiubuntu  what error is grub giving?07:43
arrrghhhJoshOvki: that's not even close to what i need07:43
arrrghhhand when i installed the os grub and lilo failed07:44
arrrghhhthey simply would not install07:44
arrrghhhwouldn't really give a reason, just couldn't07:44
arrrghhhand i had to finish the install without it, and now of course when i boot from the hdd i get "failed to load operating system" or whatever07:44
makers_markhi.i run ubuntu 7.10 and i managed to install my webcam to work with skype and kopete.but the problem is that the webcam won't work with another admin account on the same pc.any help?07:45
Lynourearrrghhh: lilo and grub are a bit mutually exclusive  (or did I misunderstand what you meant...)07:47
JoshOvkisorry arrrrg i misinturprited something07:48
zorglu_q. when i unlog from ssh, it frequently freezes. where should i look to be able to fix it ?07:48
arrrghhhLynoure: i just want to install grub07:49
arrrghhhi have a complete install, but no bootloader07:49
Lynourearrrghhh: then (make a rescue disk and) remove lilo, install grub.07:50
arrrghhhLynoure: lilo wouldn't install either07:51
Lynourezorglu_: sshd freezes?07:51
JoshOvkihttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351    has how to install grub07:51
zorglu_Lynoure: nope, the client ssh. and only when i unlog07:51
zorglu_Lynoure: not all the time tho. sometime it works without issue07:51
Lynourearrrghhh: your pastebin did not contain anything about the errors you got...07:51
zorglu_Lynoure: unfortunatly i cant figure out what cause it. all that is over LAN between 2 ubuntu i38607:52
arrrghhhLynoure: sorry http://pastebin.com/m39d50fc807:52
arrrghhhand the error when installing kubuntu was just 'grub could not be installed' - it didn't give me any explanation as to why.  lilo did the same thing, just said it could not be installed.07:53
JoshOvkithis using the same CD both times?07:54
Lynourezorglu_: If the remote hangs up on you, instead of you user logging out, then it is quite normal for it to hang for a bit... I guess you could strace the process while it has frozen, but often these 'sometimes' errors are timeconsuming to look into07:54
zorglu_Lynoure: ok. this is not the usual 'timeout' issue. this one i got it fixed by configuration :) this is only when i do ctrl-d. then it stay frozen forever (well at least 5min, which is the most i have waited before doing killall ssh)07:55
zorglu_Lynoure: ok i will do strace next time. btw i asked a friend of mine and he experiences the same issue07:56
arrrghhhLynoure: so was that the wrong way to install grub?07:57
Lynourearrrghhh: not really, if you want to do it manually... I guess you had reasons for that07:58
arrrghhhit didn't work07:59
arrrghhhis there any other way to save the install?07:59
Lynourearrrghhh: what do you mean by "save the install"? make a clone of the whole disk, rescue the effort that has gone into installing, something else?08:00
arrrghhhno no... like the install is done, it just needs a bootloader08:00
LynoureIt's weird if it did not put it there itself...08:00
arrrghhhit tried to08:01
arrrghhhbut gave me an error08:01
LynoureWas that this Error 15 then too, or something else?08:01
arrrghhhsaid it couldn't do it... i really wish i knew why.  i'm wondering if this hdd is messed up, i don't know08:01
=== joshovki is now known as JoshOvki
arrrghhhwell the error i received when the actual grub installer tried from the kubuntu install it just said it couldn't do it, this is a fatal error you'll need to manually start linux etc08:02
Lynourearrrghhh: many people have found what they need by using the supergrub disk08:03
arrrghhhshoot i was hoping to not burn more cd's lol08:04
=== ubuntu is now known as HaXeri
Lynourearrrghhh: there is a usb image08:04
sergHi all tell me please how to switch between boot modes without reboot?08:06
JoshOvkiwhat an odd question08:07
LynoureJoshOvki: probably meant runlevels... but too impatient08:09
Richard_Ballsplz halp08:11
oscarDoes anybody know about a good subtitute for msn for kubuntu? AMsn and Kmess dont really like me08:12
JoshOvkioscar: pidgin    is pretty good08:13
JoshOvkiRichard, where does that appear to?08:13
Richard_Ballswhen I boot that's what I see08:13
oscarkk ty will try08:13
Richard_Ballsinstead of normal GRUB08:14
JoshOvkiRichard: You could try reinstalling GRUB08:14
Richard_BallsJoshOvki, using super grub disk I get 'ERROR 25: disk read error" when trying to boot to kubuntu or repair grub08:16
JoshOvkican you put your menu.lst anywhere for me to have a look at?08:20
wasomeone knows a program like devede for the K desktop?08:27
Richard_BallsJoshOvki, I cannot boot to any operating system08:27
Richard_Ballsi'll try knoppix08:28
NickPrestawa, what's wrong with devede?08:28
wai would like to have a qt prog :)08:29
NickPrestawa, I don't believe a QT4 equivalent of devede exists.08:29
waui saw mandvd08:30
NickPrestaYou could always (try to) port devede to QT :)08:30
ubotuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html08:30
wabut i would like to know if it can convert08:30
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic08:30
dhqthe source o matic page is no more08:30
NickPrestawa, actually, try qdvdauthor. That might be what you're looking for.08:31
wabut my dvd player can't read avis08:31
NickPrestawa, I'm not sure what else to suggest.08:32
=== Julie is now known as Richard_Bals
=== Richard_Bals is now known as Richard_Balls
Richard|knoppixputting my menu.lst in a pastebin08:37
zorglu_q. does gutsy kernel include cfs (completly fair cheduler) ?08:39
posingaspopular@ zorglu_ ^^08:40
zorglu_posingaspopular: this means yes or no ?08:41
zorglu_im guessing no, is it correct ?08:41
sigma_1234when i output to tv out the screen displays too much to the right. how can i center it or move it left?08:42
posingaspopularif i read the correctly, it's included and not enabled by defualt08:42
zorglu_posingaspopular: ok thanks08:42
JoshOvkiRichard_Balls: sorry about that was compairing and everything looks fine08:42
Richard_Ballsthen I don't know what the problem is :/08:43
JoshOvkiIt seems very odd08:44
JoshOvkicould you reinstall the whole lot, all of kubuntu?08:45
Richard_Ballsthis has happened twice08:45
JoshOvkisame disk?08:45
Richard_BallsI installed kubuntu, updated, rebooted08:45
Richard_Ballsand this happened with grub08:46
Richard_Ballsso I reinstalled kubuntu08:46
icewatermanwhy is there already a version 1.0.5-2ubuntu2.1 out and deployed if packages.ubuntu.com still lists the 2:1.0.5-2ubuntu2 ?08:46
JoshOvkicould be a faulty part of the disk. when i installed kubuntu hardy i had a problem with getting to anything that wasnt my home dir, it turned out to be a problem with the iso i used08:46
Chin1help please08:49
Chin1i'm trying to install my nVIDIA Go 7950 GTX...08:49
Chin1I've tried the Synaptic, manually, etc... and I just can't.... what can i do?08:50
icewatermanChin1: cross your fingers...08:50
icewatermanChin1: nvidia graphics has nothing to do with touchpad though08:50
Chin1HELP PLEASE...>!!! i've trying for 6 days.. :(08:50
Chin1i'll really appreciate any help...!!!08:51
arrrghhhok so super grub didn't even save it08:52
jussi01Chin1: ok, please calm down, and tell me exactly what you have done.08:52
arrrghhhi still get an error 15: file missing08:52
icewatermanChin1: for your synaptics touchpad try to handle it as a normal ps2 device for starters. and for the nvidia graphics card: you rely on binary drivers from nvidia - bug them, noone here can help you. another approach is to try the nv driver (it is open source but offers no 3d acceleration).08:53
arrrghhhthat was obnoxious08:53
arrrghhhanyone have any ideas?08:54
arrrghhhi figured supergrub could handle it, but no go.  same result.08:54
jussi01arrrghhh: whats the prob?08:54
icewatermanarrrghhh: same here.08:55
Chin1well, i fully installed the UBUNTU, after that the OS is runnign under the lowest Resolution, i guess from the Mother Board Video Card, not my actual video card...!!!08:55
jussi01Chin1: are you running ubuntu or kubuntu?08:55
icewatermanChin1: manually edit xorg.conf to include your graphics card. google for how to do that.08:55
blazis this ok that kdebase-bin-kde3 will be removed after I have apt-get install kde4-core ?08:55
icewatermanChin1: another hint: disable onboard graphics in systems bios.08:55
Chin1I RELOAD the Synaptic Package Manager to see if it would install the NEW/GOOD driver for my video card, and NOTHING..08:55
JoshOvkiarrrghhh: apparently deleteing the   savedefault    line is ment to sort it out?08:56
arrrghhhuhm the kubuntu installer failed at the grub installation.  lilo wouldn't go either.  didn't give me an error just "i can't do this"  and now when i'm trying to install grub after everything else is already installed, i get the same error08:56
arrrghhhJoshOvki, deleting what savedefault?08:56
JoshOvkia line in your menu.lst08:56
icewatermanChin1: you installed ubuntu - you are in the wrong channel, kubuntu does not use synaptic package manager, try #ubuntu instead08:56
Chin1after that went to nVIDIA, check their DRIVER for Linux 32, downloaded it, tryed to installed manually in the Terminal, using the SUDO...and it runs, but STOPS and gave me an error...!!!08:57
icewatermanarrrghhh: do an md5sum check on the iso you downloaded08:57
Chin1thats what i did...!!! After that I got stock...!!!08:57
arrrghhhicewaterman, already did, passes08:57
JoshOvkiarrrghhh: i cant see how it can work. take a look at this:   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43926608:57
icewatermanChin1: -> #ubuntu08:58
arrrghhhso that's fstab i'm editing?08:58
arrrghhhlemme see08:58
icewatermanarrrghhh: did you choose some fancy filesystem for / ?08:59
icewatermanarrrghhh: ok, thats not fancy08:59
icewatermanshould be fine08:59
arrrghhhis there a way to boot a rescue mode from the livecd?08:59
arrrghhhlinux rescue or rescue don't work08:59
icewatermanarrrghhh: you could always try knoppix08:59
arrrghhhyea i think i have a cd sittin around here09:00
arrrghhhsheesh this is way more trouble than i've ever had with ubuntu09:00
JoshOvkiinstall ubuntu and do     apt-get install kubuntu-desktop09:00
arrrghhhi don't see how an fstab entry prevents supergrub from installing grub on my drive...09:06
arrrghhhuhm my /boot/grub directory is empty09:11
arrrghhhcan i install grub on an installed o/s from knoppix?09:11
icewatermanarrrghhh: of course09:11
icewatermanknoppix comes with grub, so just look into the grub manual how to install it. you will of course get an old grub version this way, but it'll work and you can always replace it with the one from ubuntu later09:12
arrrghhhi couldn't install knoppix with supergrub09:12
arrrghhhi couldn't install grub with supergrub09:12
icewatermanarrrghhh: -> google: grub install howto09:12
arrrghhhi'm tired09:12
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:13
jussi01arrrghhh: just use the lost grub after windows tutorial09:13
arrrghhhthat's not what happened but ok09:13
jussi01arrrghhh: I know, but its the same proceedure :)09:14
arrrghhhwell i've tried that... and it doesn't work because my /boot/grub directory is empty09:14
arrrghhhand this assumes that there's something in there!09:14
jussi01arrrghhh: hmmm... there is a way to do it vi the live cd...09:15
arrrghhhgrub-install looks promising09:15
JoshOvkiarrrghhh any luck yet?09:23
arrrghhhwell no09:24
arrrghhhknoppix keeps lockin on me09:24
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arrrghhhugh this is ridiculous09:31
JoshOvkiarrrghhh if i was you i would pack trying to fix it in, install ubuntu and install kubuntu-desktop on top of that09:33
arrrghhhwhy would ubuntu install any better?09:34
JoshOvkiive always had better luck install ubuntu than kubuntu09:35
=== gladier is now known as beccles
=== beccles is now known as gladier
lacould somebody give me some kubuntu optimization hacks?09:35
laor a link09:36
blazI have installed kde4 and enabled desktop effects and now I get a black screen with visible cursor and thats all :/ Is there any option to disable dekstop effects ?09:36
JoshOvkiblaz you need   #kubuntu-kde409:37
blazJoshOvki: thanks. Didnt know that09:38
blazhumm its in topic :P didnt see it :/09:38
JoshOvkiblaz: no worries :)09:39
lahey, people, how could y make my kubuntu run faster?09:40
laglobal/individual programs, like firefox, openoffice09:40
arrrghhhso to change the root password, all i have to do is be root and type "passwd" at the prompt?  will that change it for the user login as well?'09:51
llutzarrrghhh: why should it?09:52
arrrghhhi have no idea09:52
jussi01arrrghhh: why are you trying to change root password? there should be no root password...09:52
arrrghhhall i know is i'm installing another ubuntu09:52
arrrghhhand i don't know what pw she wants09:52
arrrghhhso i know i'll need to change it later09:52
hwHow can I get rid of this useless (for me) kwallet service? Everytime I send an email or start kopete this annoying kwallet passwd question pops up. kwalletmanager is already removed. I work on feisty...09:52
lahow about recompiling the kernel?09:52
arrrghhhhw isn't there a way to opt to simply not use the kwallet service?09:53
llutzhw: stop that service in kwallet settings menu09:53
jussi01hw: just set the kwallet pw to nothing09:53
lai don't think that kwallet is the major resource eater in kubuntu09:53
arrrghhhso do i just type passwd at the prompt then without doing sudo -i?09:53
laother ideas?09:53
jussi01!kernel | la09:53
ubotula: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages09:53
blazis there any easy way how to install nvidia drivers ?09:54
jussi01!ati | blaz09:54
ubotublaz: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:54
arrrghhhblaz, restricted drivers manager09:54
arrrghhhso anyone?  how do i change a user's password?09:55
llutztype "passwd" and change it09:55
arrrghhhthat's what i thought09:55
arrrghhhi don't need to sudo -i or anything09:55
arrrghhhor sudo su - or whatever09:55
llutzjust do, don't ask09:56
arrrghhhok that's the most retarded statment i've ever heard09:56
llutzread "man passwd"09:56
arrrghhhy'know i try to find out things about linux, but when you act like that... just disrespectful.09:56
MaskedOneany interesting questions tonight need answering?10:01
llutzMaskedOne: sure: why did the ubuntu-team again realease broken xorg-packages? :)10:03
MaskedOneI don't have any problems with them, what problems are you having?10:04
llutznone, but lots of other guys had after updateing xorg yesterday. puts a "bad light" on distro10:05
MaskedOneI haven't even seen updates lol, though im using Kubuntu not Ubuntu10:06
MaskedOnedoton whats up?10:06
ksweeleyHello, I am new to Kubuntu and I have just installed the 64-bit version and I am trying to install Creative's 64-bit driver for my Sound Blaster X-Fi and I keep getting "checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables See `config.log' for more details." Can anyone help?10:07
MaskedOneBasically using a 64-bit OS is asking for trouble, untill the technology is more developed and the software as well10:08
ksweeleyWell, Creative only has a 64 bit driver for Linux for the Sound Blaster X-Fi card.10:08
ksweeleyI don't understand why Creative didn't release a 32-bit driver for Linux for the Sound Blaster X-Fi.10:09
hwOk, now I have set "load-on-demand" of the kde wallet service to disabled and now kopete doesn't start anymore. Any ideas how to get rid of kwallet service and keep kopete working? =)10:10
ksweeleySo, does anyone know why this error is popping up: "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables"?10:11
llutzMaskedOne: i was referring to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/183969    which doesn't matter if you use kubuntu or ubuntu. But be happy if you haven't had any trouble (it's fixed right now)10:11
llutzksweeley: you need to install build-essential10:11
ksweeleyAnd where can I install build-essential?10:11
llutzsudo aptitude install build-essential10:12
ksweeleyOkay, just installed build-essential and tried installing the drivers again, now I'm getting "make: *** [copy_modules] Error 1 Installation Unsuccessful"10:18
llutzksweeley: you used "sudo make install"?10:19
CreationistThis may not be a Linux-related question, but I have recieved a few threatening emails and posts to my blog by a certain IP address.  Nothing bad enough to go to the police with, but I'm sure it's someone that I know.  Running a WHOIS on the IP places them in my state, but is there any way to narrow it down any further than that?10:20
ksweeleyLike I said, I am completely new to Kubuntu.10:20
llutzthen use it, you need root-rights to install modules10:20
llutzksweeley: what are you trying to install?10:20
ksweeleyDrivers for my Sound Blaster X-Fi card.10:21
llutzis that that card with the worst linux-support of all? ;) good luck10:21
ksweeleyI've extracted the files and included is a "installer" file.10:21
llutzksweeley: there should be a readme-file aswell10:22
dhqhow do i recover my partition10:22
ksweeleyYes, it's "Readme.txt"10:22
blazhow I should install nvidia restricted drivers in hardy ? In system settings, under advanced tab, there is no option for restricted drivers10:24
ksweeleyOkay, interesting, I tried using "installer --with-alsainc=" and now the installer states "Installation Complete" Does this mean that if I reboot Kubuntu, sound should work?10:25
ardchoilleblaz: Hardy support in #ubuntu+110:27
blazI just found it :) Thanks10:27
indikutAnyone good with ffmpeg and/or mencoder, converting divx to mpeg2 files?10:27
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blackflagHello all10:40
blackflagI installed kde4 , since that I have no sound with amarok and kaffeine10:40
blackflagI uninstalled kde4 but the sound is not coming back10:40
blackflagsoundserver is activated10:41
blackflagand alsa is used10:41
se7en!kde4 | blackflag10:41
ubotublackflag: KDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde410:41
blackflagwhat is is wrong10:41
matttis!test > matttis10:47
Ayabaraanyone with a ps3 here? I want to stream media from my laptop to my PS3, and need help getting started10:48
se7enhow was the command to find out on what code name i am again10:52
matttisse7en: what do yyou mean ? "whoami" ?10:53
matttisxchat always complains that libnotify isn't installed. does anyone know the correct package name ?10:53
se7enmatttis: no i mean feisty, gutsy ...10:54
matttisse7en: well i don't know10:55
blaz_is there any tool to check if X11 conf is ok ?10:58
llutzse7en: lsb_release -a11:00
se7enthanks llutz11:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eeepc - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:01
sigma_1234whats the link to the community page on the eeepc?11:02
jussi01sigma_1234: why dont you go use the search function on the wiki?11:03
llutzwhy don't you ask google instead of ubotu? ;)11:03
sigma_1234it doesnt work on opera mini :(11:03
sigma_1234the search function that is11:04
jussi01sigma_1234: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC?highlight=%28eee%2911:04
IndikuTThe EeePC. Sweet little box.11:07
bazhangtry #eeepc11:13
|Quest|how can i see system stats, an app that shows big variety of sys stats. memory load, cup, internet speed.. etc ?11:31
ardchoille|Quest|: ksysguard  Look at the "Sensor Browser" and the System Load tab11:32
ardchoille|Quest|: You can create a new worksheet: File > New worksheet  and then drag sensors to it from the Sensor Browser11:36
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|Quest|ardchoille ok. i wanted an app to be one my desktop always11:39
|Quest|will that do it?11:39
ardchoille|Quest|: For an app that can do that, I use gkrellm. It's a nice system monitoring app and there are some plugins in the repos for it too11:39
ardchoille|Quest|: And, it's skinnable :)11:40
ardchoille|Quest|: apt-cache search --names-only gkrellm11:41
vijay_i cant edit wvdial.conf  file --- message i got "could not save the file /etc/wvdial.conf"11:41
ardchoille!sudo | vijay_  That would require sudo11:42
ubotuvijay_  That would require sudo: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.11:42
ardchoillevijay_: Or, if you're using a gui app to edit it, it would require kdesudo11:43
|Quest|ardchoille ok11:44
|Quest|ardchoille i hope its versatile . and includes network moniter graph and speed11:44
CppIsWeirdhow can i make a shortcut to mouse settings?11:45
CppIsWeirdor is there any way i can from command line switch my mouse orientation from left to right?11:46
|Quest|how to make kubuntu installed into pendrive and that install would work for ALL hardware and ALL other computers?11:56
=== Huahua is now known as Shely
DArtagnanis anyoane that could help me please? I writing now from a windows laptop, my kubuntu desktop doesn't have network connection12:00
DArtagnanthe dhcp simply doesn't work12:00
DArtagnanany idea what to do? :-)12:03
Guniruswb profoX` :p12:07
profoX`Gunirus: :p12:07
profoX`Gunirus: how do you take care of your excess floods ? :p12:07
Gunirusi had 4 yesterday :p12:08
Gunirusconnection problem12:08
Gunirusfixed it with dome scripts12:08
profoX`Gunirus: you join a few channels on start-up, and a few channels after N seconds?12:09
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extremishi... I am a n00b and I need help getting kde4 to use the kwin effects like shadows/translucency/expose/etc and I am using vmware fusion and running the kubuntu kde4 livecd installed version of kubuntu.. none of the effects are working and I am curious what steps I have missed12:16
extremisall the effects are enabled in system settings -> display12:16
extremisI'm guessing that compiz isn't enabled... but I assumed that the livecd would install everything I needed12:17
extremiscould someone lend me a hand please12:17
|Quest|how to make kubuntu installed into pendrive and that install would work for ALL hardware and ALL x86 other computers?12:17
extremisquest: I am assuming you install a generic kernel12:17
extremisyou can't possibly support everything though12:18
ardchoille!kde4 | extremis12:18
ubotuextremis: KDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde412:18
extremisbest you can do is support a majority of the hardware you use12:18
extremisjoining the proper channel12:18
extremisnobody is alive in kubuntu-kde12:29
extremiscould someone help me with kde4?12:29
ardchoilleextremis: If all the kde4 support takes place in #kubuntu-kde4, why do you think you have a better chance of support here?12:31
extremisI'm not convinced that everyone in here is running kde412:31
|Quest|extremis whats the problem12:32
extremisI'm unfamiliar with the requirements of the livecd version of kubuntu/kde4 to enable the compiz like effects (translucency/shadows/expose/etc)12:32
|Quest|try #kde12:32
extremisby default it is lacking those features it seems12:32
extremisand the site setup doesn't include steps to enable those features... I have enabled them in system settings -> display with no results12:33
extremisso, I am assuming it is something simple like I am not running the right Xserve12:33
extremisor that my hardware just lacks the ability since I am running inside of vmware fusion12:33
extremisdoes the livecd, upon install, configure the Xserve to support those features?12:34
extremisor do I need to install a new Xserve, or install additional packages?12:34
extremisthese questions are primarilly focused around the kubuntu/kde4 livecd recently released12:37
extremiswell, I guess I am someone else's problem then... this channel isn't as friendly as expected12:39
|Quest|try #kde :)12:40
extremisthey try to pass the buck just like you12:40
extremisthey of course tell me to come here12:40
|Quest|you are just out of luck. nothing else is wrong12:40
|Quest|#kubuntu-offtopic ?12:40
extremisso you are telling me that it installs and enables everything I need by default?12:40
|Quest|iam new too12:41
extremisbecause I do know that the effects were disabled under the display settings, I am assuming that more needs to be configured12:41
extremisquest, ahhh... well that makes sense12:41
extremisthe documentation on the livecd is pretty much nonexistent12:41
extremis"install the livecd" "good luck"12:41
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Richard_BallsI'm having some serious problems with fglrx12:44
Richard_Ballsis there any way I can switch the graphics driver I'm using without a restart12:44
ardchoilleRichard_Balls: After switching the driver, you simply need to restart xorg, doesn't require q reboot: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart12:46
se7en_somebody uses kde4 earth widget i get opengl shaders not supported12:48
ardchoilleRichard_Balls: Be sure to save all work before running that command, tho, it restarts the display manager12:48
ardchoille!kde4 | se7en_12:48
ubotuse7en_: KDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde412:48
ubunturoscan one directly upgrade to 7.10 from 6.06 ? (using the alternate CD)?12:49
ardchoille!upgrade | ubunturos12:49
ubotuubunturos: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes12:49
enrygood morning12:50
krabadorhey people, the kubuntu live cd in http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php12:51
krabadoris a regular kubuntu cd with kde 4.0.0 inside12:52
krabadoris only demonstrative?12:52
ubunturoskrabador: I assume, it is just a KDE 4.0.0 demo12:52
ubunturoskrabador: doesn't seem to be good enough for a day-to-day activities for end users12:53
krabadorif i want use kde4 , i must install kubuntu and late kde4 following the instructions?12:54
ardchoille!kde4 | krabador12:54
ubotukrabador: KDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde412:54
Richard_Ballsardchoille, yeah I ended up restarting, but thanks12:55
Richard_BallsI couldn't see anything12:55
=== crematorio_ is now known as new2Kubuntu
new2Kubuntuhi guys i have installed Kubuntu gutsy. I didn't have mp3 support so i started searching and found that i need to install libxine-extracodecs. i run sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs but receive "couldn't find package libxine-extracodecs" . any ideas?13:02
ardchoillenew2Kubuntu: install libxine1-ffmpeg13:03
=== bomber_ is now known as bomber
new2KubuntuPackage libxine1-ffmpeg is not available, but is referred to by another package.13:04
new2KubuntuThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or13:04
new2Kubuntuis only available from another source13:04
vijay_found massage "The APT Database could not be opened!... wht to do?13:04
ardchoille!info libxine1-ffmpeg13:04
ubotulibxine1-ffmpeg: mpeg related plugins for libxine1. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.7-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 435 kB, installed size 908 kB13:04
ardchoillenew2Kubuntu: Did you disable the universe repo? If not, can you pastebin your sources.list so I canhave a look?13:05
ardchoille!pastebin | new2Kubuntu13:05
ubotunew2Kubuntu: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)13:05
se7en_how do i use k3b to rip dvds13:05
new2Kubuntuok just a sec13:05
ardchoillese7en_: k9copy does a better job of that, imho13:05
se7en_thanks ardchoille i never got k3b working for ripping13:06
ardchoillese7en_: Neither have I13:06
se7en_cool than i dont have to feel stupid13:07
new2Kubuntuardchoille: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/52574/13:08
ardchoillenew2Kubuntu: You have universe enabled. What does this command reuturn:  apt-cache search libxine1-ffmpeg13:10
new2Kubuntuardchoille: nothing13:11
new2Kubuntui press enter and it just goes to the prompt again13:11
ardchoillenew2Kubuntu: update your sources and try again: sudo apt-get update13:11
new2Kubuntuardchoille: thnx it worked! i am now installing libxine1. what was wrong (i'm trying to understand ubuntu :) )13:15
new2Kubuntuwhat did sudo apt-get update do?13:16
zorglu_Lynoure: are you here?13:16
ardchoillenew2Kubuntu: Your package lists were outdated. the command I gave you updated them.13:16
new2Kubuntuoh ok thanx alot13:16
ardchoillenew2Kubuntu: yw13:16
zorglu_Lynoure: ok i hope you log, yesterday we talked about my ssh sometime freezing when i do ctrl-d. i found the reason. this is because from process still have stdin/stdout/stderr still open on the tty. so ssh wait for their completion to close the connection13:18
vijay_error massage "The APT Database could not be opened" wht to do?13:19
MinnozzHi, you guys know an easy way to properly calibrate my monitor (color levels, gamma)?13:20
ardchoillevijay_: Does it say anothe rprocess is using the database?13:20
vijay_no ardchoille/13:21
zzrMinnozz: Some monitor has a self-calibrate button. Do you talk about it?13:21
vijay_it saying "This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem.13:21
Minnozzzzr: I mean that I want the colors displayed on my monitor to be exactly right13:21
Lynourezorglu_: Thanks for telling what was the cause, I kinda should have thought about that, but I think it was very late my time.13:22
zorglu_Lynoure: cool, thank for your help :)13:23
zzrMinnozz: What do you mean by "exactly right"?13:24
Lynourezorglu_: Was not that much help this time :)13:25
mefisto__is there a way to find out exactly what the ubuntu updates are fixing (that would make sense to a mere mortal)?13:25
Bandit12when i echo $PATH where is it getting the information for the paths from?13:25
vijay_when i run apt-get update   massgae is "E: Type 'firefox' is not known on line 76 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list13:25
zzrvijay_: Your sources.list has some wrong lines.13:26
ardchoillevijay_: Please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list13:26
ardchoille!pastebin | vijay_13:26
ubotuvijay_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)13:26
mefisto__so, does anyone know if I can find out about the updates?13:30
ardchoillemefisto__: Please elaborate13:31
mefisto__is there a way to find out exactly what the ubuntu updates are fixing (that would make sense to a mere mortal)?13:31
llutzmefisto__: aptitude changelog <packagename>               <- like this?13:31
mefisto__thanks llutz, I'll try that and see if I can make sense of it13:32
MGalaxyinstalling FontForge @ Gutsy, I get "libgutils.la" dependency error, which package should I install?13:40
ardchoilleHow do I find out which package provides foo.la ?13:50
llutzardchoille:already installed foo.la or to be installed13:51
llutz ?13:51
llutzardchoille: if already installed: dpkg -S foo.la          if not, apt-file13:52
_6502_ahhhhhhhhhh... vlc stopped working and seems this is a common problem (last xorg update, i suppose) any known solution ?13:52
ardchoillellutz: That tells me there are two diff commans for those13:52
ardchoillellutz: Ah, thank you13:52
Richard_Ballsme too, _6502_13:52
_6502_Richard_Balls: so ? did you revert to a previous xorg or are you just waiting hoping someone will fix it in next few weeks ?13:55
MGalaxyany APPs except Alien to install .RMPs directly?13:55
ardchoilleMGalaxy: You shouldn't install .rpm files at all, it can cause problems. Kubuntu uses .deb packages13:56
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)13:56
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx13:57
Richard_Balls_6502_, praying13:57
Richard_Ballstry #vlc, anyway13:58
Richard_Ballsnot #vlc, #videolan13:58
MGalaxyardchoille: Alien almost always fails to convert RPMs13:58
_6502_richard eh... ok, i'll pray too then13:58
ardchoilleMGalaxy: alien is dangerous anyway13:59
michalo90anybody there?14:01
emilsedgh!ask michalo9014:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask michalo90 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:03
emilsedgh!ask | michalo9014:03
ubotumichalo90: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)14:03
Richard_Ballshello michalo9014:03
michalo90im searching for program which can converting audio formats14:04
michalo90i have kubu 7.1014:04
michalo90etc mp3 to m4a14:04
DragnslcrYou can try soundKonverter14:05
michalo90it is in repo?14:05
michalo90ok i downloading it :)14:06
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michalo90i cant install it ;(14:08
michalo90error in /usr/share/mimelnk/audio/x-wavpack.desktop14:08
smerilhow do i install firefox14:08
smeriland flash14:09
michalo90sudo apt-get install firefox14:09
ardchoille!flashissue | smeril14:09
ubotusmeril: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.14:09
smeriland efter that comand?14:09
ardchoillesmeril: then nothing.. firefox should be installed14:10
smerili know i have installed that broken plugin14:10
michalo90i install flash without apt-get14:10
michalo90isntall firefox14:10
smerilfor open suse i didnt have any problem like this14:10
michalo90and open etc youtube.com14:10
ardchoillesmeril: This is not opensuse14:10
michalo90you should see manu to install flash14:11
smerilhaha thats thruu14:11
michalo90i havent problem with java and flash on kubuntu14:11
smerilI have the icon for firefox but it wont start14:11
smerildo i need to restart ?14:11
michalo90try run firefox in konsole14:12
ardchoillemichalo90: the current flash plugin uses libXEmbed which causes a problem in konqueror due to konqueror not supporting libXEmbed14:12
smerilwhat command i have to use14:12
michalo90firefox :D14:12
mefisto__smeril: it might just be taking a while starting up for the first time (creating your profile)14:12
smerilit says program is not installed when i try to run it from console14:13
michalo90you install it?14:13
Jhqplz help me14:16
Richard_Ballshi Jhq14:16
Jhqi hav airtel edge usb modem i dont know how to connect in kubuntu14:16
michalo90what modem?14:16
smerilyes i installed firefox with the comand and when i try to install it again it says that firefox are installed and up to date14:17
Jhqairtel edge usb modem14:18
smerilbut when i run it from console it cant find it is it some missing sudo apt-get install firefoxplugin i need?14:18
smerilI also restarted the computer to be sure14:18
michalo90you must install firmware to your modem14:19
michalo90try install ubudsl14:19
Richard_Ballsit's for the EDGE network14:20
michalo90for adsl14:20
michalo90and dsl14:20
Jhqyes edge network14:20
Richard_Ballshe's connecting wirelessly to the internet, right?14:21
michalo90my mistake edge != eagle :D14:21
Richard_Balls"Airtel USB Modem is a card which can be inserted in your Laptop/Desktop's USB slot and hence your laptop/Desktop becomes truly mobile and you can access internet connectivity anytime anywhere."14:21
michalo90with pcmcia14:21
mefisto__smeril: do an update (sudo apt-get update) then try to reinstall firefox (sudo apt-get install --reinstall firefox)14:22
Jhqyes i wil send u that like see14:22
smerilthanks i will try14:23
=== jason_ is now known as jckl
mefisto__is anyone here using the linux-rt kernel?14:24
smerildo i need to do anything after those two comands14:24
michalo90write lspcmcia14:24
mefisto__smeril: just type firefox to start it14:24
smerilbash: firefox commando cant be found14:25
michalo90try firefox-bin14:25
smerilsame with that14:25
JhqRichard_Balls, http://www.airtel.in/level2_t3data.aspx?path=1/106/17914:26
jcklis there a way i can get my titlebars in kde to have transparency like they do in gnome?14:26
JhqRichard_Balls, see this link i hav this airtel usb modem14:26
michalo90found in configuration kde14:26
jckli found a way but it only showed the bg image.. in gnome it shows what is behind the titlebar14:27
smerilsoon i give up and go back to windows xp :(14:27
jckllike an icon or if there is another window behind it then it shows the window14:27
Jhqmichalo90, http://www.airtel.in/level2_t3data.aspx?path=1/106/17914:27
smerilis there a way to get security updates for ubuntu14:28
Jhqhow to config this usb modem in kubuntu14:28
Jhqmichalo90, ???????????14:30
michalo90i dont know :(14:30
smerilsoon i am ready to give somebody remote acces to fix this14:31
michalo90ssh? :D14:31
jcklfix what smeril14:31
mefisto__smeril: did you try to reinstall?14:31
smerilfirefox i14:31
jcklwhat is it doing14:31
Jhqplz any one knows how to config this modem in kubuntu http://www.airtel.in/level2_t3data.aspx?path=1/106/17914:32
smerilafter i did reinstall it cant find the comand14:32
smerili only get bash: firefox comando cant be found (in swedish)14:32
Richard_BallsJhq, are you using it now?14:33
Lynouresmeril: you'll get security updates automatically through Adept14:33
JhqRichard_Balls, now i m on windows xp n i want to use in kubuntu14:33
mefisto__smeril: are you typing it correctly? all lowercase "firefox"14:33
Richard_Ballsdo you know the version number of your modem?14:34
jcklsmeril: did you try with using the path?14:34
smerilwhich one14:34
mefisto__smeril: /usr/bin/firefox14:34
smerilsame with that one14:35
smerilBut i have the icon thats wierd14:35
smeriland it says that firefox is installed when i try the install comand again14:35
mefisto__smeril: did the install finish ok? no errors?14:35
JhqRichard_Balls, i dont know14:36
mefisto__smeril: you can try to remove it (sudo apt-get remove --purge firefox) then install again (sudo apt-get install firefox)14:37
Richard_BallsJhq, where can you find drivers for your modem?14:39
smerilFöljande paket kommer att TAS BORT:14:39
Richard_Ballsfor xp14:39
smeril  firefox*14:39
smeril0 uppgraderade, 0 nyinstallerade, 1 att ta bort och 0 ej uppgraderade.14:39
smerilBehöver hämta 0B arkiv.14:39
smerilEfter uppackning kommer 26,6MB att frigöras på disken.14:39
smerilVill du fortsätta [J/n]? j14:39
smeril(Läser databasen ... 88959 filer och kataloger installerade.)14:39
Lynouresmeril: looks right for the remove...14:39
smerilTar bort firefox ...14:39
smerilRaderar konfigurationsfiler för firefox ...14:39
smerilProcessing triggers for libc6 ...14:39
smerilldconfig deferred processing now taking place14:39
JhqRichard_Balls, they gav drivers cd with modem14:40
Richard_BallsJhq, can you find them online anywhere?14:40
smerilonly news is that it says firefox is not installed but you can install it typing sudo apt-get install firefox14:41
JhqRichard_Balls, i dont know14:41
Jhqdevices name is AIRTEL edge modem14:42
smerilbefore i took it away it was saying that comando cant be found14:42
smerilit is just going back and forward14:43
Lynouresmeril: the latter after   sudo apt-get install firefox?  And you are on gutsy (7.10)?14:44
smerili think so whats the vommand to check what version i have14:45
jcklsmeril: uname -r14:45
jcklerm thats kernel14:45
smerilsmeril@sm-laptop:~$ uname -r14:46
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
jcklgots the right kernel for 7.10 lol14:46
jcklwhat gui are you using14:47
smerili dont know14:47
ardchoillesmeril: lsb_release | grep -i release14:47
smerilNo LSB modules are available.14:48
ardchoillesmeril: lsb_release -a | grep -i release14:48
smerilNo LSB modules are available.14:48
smerilRelease:        7.1014:48
ardchoilleThat's Gutsy14:48
smerilis there anything i can do or do i have to reinstall everything?14:49
smerili mean if i have to change linux version14:50
mefisto__smeril: have you reinstalled firefox?14:50
smerilyes 2 times14:50
Lynouresmeril: it's a very exotic problem14:50
ardchoillesmeril: Have you tried running firefox from a terminal to see if there's any error output?14:51
mefisto__smeril: try this: locate /usr/bin/firefox14:51
smerilnothing happends i just get a new line with no message14:51
ardchoillemefisto__: Hemight need to update the slocate database for that to be effective.14:51
jckldo whereis firefox and it will tell you them all14:51
smerilsmeril@sm-laptop:~$ locate /usr/bin/firefox14:52
ardchoillesmeril: Try this: which firefox14:52
mefisto__ardchoille: he gets command not found14:52
jcklsmeril: whereis firefox14:52
smerilsmeril@sm-laptop:~$ which firefox14:52
smerilis there a command for error check?14:53
ardchoillesmeril: apt-cache policy firefox | grep -i installed14:53
smerilsmeril@sm-laptop:~$ apt-cache policy firefox | grep -i installed14:53
Lynouresmeril: how experienced linux user are you? If that happened to me, I'd strace the process of installing firefox and saw what it really did...  seems almost hard to believe, this one14:54
ardchoillesmeril: Ok, there is a problem because that last command I gave should have output something14:54
smerilI am not so experienced but there might be some problem with the linux copy i installed14:54
ardchoilleeither "installed <version>" or "installed (none)"14:55
jelanyone know how I go about building a kde4 app on hardy?  Like, with kde3, I just did ./configure --with-qt-includes=/usr/include/qt314:55
jckli would think there was an error with the firefox install14:55
ardchoille!kde4 | jel14:55
ubotujel: KDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde414:55
jelthat doesn't help ubotu14:55
ardchoillejel: that last bit should tell you were you need to be14:55
jelOh, the last part does, sorry :)14:56
IanCalhey all. Is there anything messed up with the standard package repositories atm?14:56
coreymon77jel: ubotu is a bot14:56
ardchoilleIanCal: Not here14:56
jelyeah, I meant to address the person who commanded it :)14:56
Lynouresmeril: Where did you get your copy?14:57
smerilsmeril@sm-laptop:~$ installed <version>14:57
smerilbash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'14:57
mefisto__IanCal: can't update/install?14:57
IanCalardchoille: thanks. I've been trying to install kubuntu 7.10 today, and that goes fine (both 64 and 32 bit)14:57
smerilfrom manchester university website14:57
IanCalthen  it tells me there are updates, so I fire up adept, get the list and choose to install the 120 packages it has picked out14:57
IanCalthey download fine, but then when installing them it complains that one or more will break another package and fails14:58
ardchoillesmeril: no, the "apt-cache policy firefox" command I gave you should have at least output something, but it didn't. I feel yo have problems beyond the firefox issue atm14:58
IanCalthen says there is a new version to upgrade to, 7.10 (which I'd installed), tries to upgrade to that and fails in exactly the same way14:58
IanCalthis is going straight from install to upgrade, without changing or doing anything14:59
smerilsmeril@sm-laptop:~$ apt-cache policy firefox14:59
smeril  Installerad:
smeril  Kandidat:
smeril  Versionstabell:14:59
smeril *** 014:59
smeril        500 cdrom://Kubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016.1) gutsy/main Packages14:59
smeril        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status14:59
mefisto__it should be version
llutzmefisto__: .6 is from cd15:00
ardchoillesmeril: Ok, first of all use pastebin in the future. secondly, the first time I had you run that you said output was nothing15:01
ardchoille!pastebin > smeril15:01
tekteenIanCal: take the cd out of your sources.list15:01
smerilcan i update without get new cd15:01
llutzardchoille: output was empty, he has .se language Installerad != installed15:01
jcklinstall newer version of firefox15:01
ardchoillellutz: Ah, good catch that15:01
IanCaltekteen, thanks will try that. Why would that break things though? Surely it couldn't be finding updates on the cd, since they are all already installed15:02
tekteenIanCal: no idea15:02
IanCal*why would/how could (sorry)15:02
IanCalfair enough :)15:02
tekteenIanCal: I think it is because the cd is first15:02
ardchoillesmeril: You are on Gutsy, but is this an upgrade from feisty?15:03
IanCalbut the packages are the same version as the installed ones. Anyway, what's weirder to me is that it can detect that one package upgrade would break something else, but only AFTER it's downloaded 240 megs of files15:03
smerilwhats the difference?15:04
llutzi guess he has installed from CD without network, so only CD is activated in sources.list15:04
IanCalseems like it's not checking the dependencies correctly15:04
ardchoillesmeril: I am wondering how you ended up with firefox if you just installed it on Gutsy, the current firefox in the repos for Gutsy is
smerilis there a problem with that?15:05
ardchoillesmeril: Is this an upgrade from feisty or did you try to manually install firefox from the firefox site or soemthing?15:06
IanCalanyone have a similar problem when they've done a fresh install before?15:06
smerilbefore i went here to irc i tried the website and diffrent comands from internet instructions15:07
llutzsmeril: do you have unrestricted online-access? please paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to pastebin15:07
ardchoillesmeril: I thought so15:07
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)15:07
mefisto__IanCal: I had a similar problem, but that was upgrading from feisty to gutsy. apt-get dist-upgrade fixed it15:08
neopsychehi all15:08
smerilsmeril@sm-laptop:~$  /etc/apt/sources.list to pastebin15:08
smerilbash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Åtkomst nekas15:08
smerilacces denied15:08
smerilin swedish15:08
tekteenneopsyche: hi15:08
llutz!pastebin | smeril15:08
ubotusmeril: please see above15:08
IanCalmefisto__: Thanks, it's worth a shot. maybe a problem  if it's trying to change the kernel (wild stab in the dark here :) )15:08
smerilsmeril@sm-laptop:~$ !pastebin | smeril15:08
smerilbash: !pastebin: event not found15:08
neopsycheI have a problem . .i added kde to ubuntu and now it says kubuntu when it starts up.. also .. when in kde session .. i cant mount external hdrive but it mounts fine in gnome????????????????????15:08
ardchoillesmeril: Go to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and paste your /etc/apt/sources.list there15:09
llutzsmeril: paste the contents of that file to  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org15:09
tekteenneopsyche: did you install kde or kubuntu-desktop?15:09
neopsychetekteen.. i may have installed kubuntu desktop15:09
IanCalthanks guys, I'm off to try apt-get dist-upgrade. Ah the fun of rebooting.15:10
tekteenneopsyche: it should work15:10
neopsychetekteen.. im also finding some errors with th emouse now.15:10
neopsycheit doesnt though15:10
neopsycheThe mounting .,.15:10
tekteenI do not know15:10
jckli didnt think the desktio environment effected your mounts15:11
jckldesktop *15:11
alisonwhat system requirements do you need for kubuntu?15:11
smerilhow can i do that when it says15:11
smerilsmeril@sm-laptop:~$  /etc/apt/sources.list to pastebin15:11
smerilbash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Åtkomst nekas15:11
smerilsmeril@sm-laptop:~$ !pastebin | smeril15:11
smerilbash: !pastebin: event not found15:11
ardchoillesmeril: Go to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and paste your /etc/apt/sources.list there15:11
smerilwhat syntax15:12
neopsychehow do i stop the annoying windows from disappearing?15:12
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jcklsmeril: view the contents of /etc/apt/sources.lst and then open the pastebin link in a web browser and copy the contents of the file and paste in the browser15:12
ardchoillesmeril: Go to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org in your web browser and paste your /etc/apt/sources.list there, not in the channel15:12
neopsychethe window hides itself?15:12
smerili will try15:12
ardchoillesmeril: Perhaps you would be more comfortable in a support channel where folks speak your native language?15:13
mefisto__smeril: kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list will open the file in file editor. copy the text and paste it in pastebin15:14
smerilwhat do i go after15:14
smerilwhere do i go after15:14
ardchoillesmeril: If you have pasted it into the web pastebin, give us the url15:14
neopsychesometimes i have to click more than once to open a window from the task bar?15:15
ardchoille!source-o-matic | smeril your sources list is bad, go here to regenerate a new one15:16
ubotusmeril your sources list is bad, go here to regenerate a new one: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic15:16
ardchoillesmeril: disregard that15:16
mefisto__smeril: open the file, copy the text and paste it in pastebin15:16
llutzardchoille: i don't think the file is broken, he just don't know how to paste it15:16
ardchoillellutz: yes, I saw that15:16
JhqRichard_Balls, plz tel me how do i config that AIRTEL EDGE MODEM15:16
* ardchoille jumped the gun a bit15:17
alisonwhat are the system requirments to run kubuntu?15:17
vivekwhat is  compiz fusion??15:17
ian__hey, I was IanCal here a few mins ago. Just wanted to say thanks for the suggestion of "apt-get dist-upgrade". Works fine now15:17
tekteenvivek: search it on youtube15:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about youtube - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:18
smerildoes that help?15:19
ian__have no idea why adept wasn't able to sort the problem out, or present me with a better message than "Something has failed" and an exit. My only input to dist-upgrade was to say "install new version" which should have been done anyway by the updater15:19
ian__shame, because (k)ubuntu is supposed to be new user friendly. Not so friendly if doing recommended updates after installing fails and stops you from using apt until you know another command to run15:20
llutzsmeril use "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" from a console and try to make it looking like this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/52614/15:20
ian__anyway, thanks for the help :D15:20
applehypnosisalison: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements15:21
mefisto__smeril: your all sources are commented out. You can try uncommenting them yourself, or go to the source-o-matic site given a few minutes ago and create a new sources.list file15:22
ian__when using su/sudo/similar, how long do you stay logged in for?15:23
jcklian did you build essentials?15:23
llutzsmeril: change the "#" at the specific lines15:23
vivekhow to install compiz fusion in Kubuntu 7.1015:23
ardchoille!compiz | vivek15:23
ubotuvivek: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion15:23
llutzsmeril: or just save my paste and copy it to /etc/apt/sources.list15:23
ian__I haven't had to retype my password since I ran the updater a while ago, been able to change system settings and run kate with root permissions15:24
mefisto__smeril: remove the # AFTER every line that says Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify15:24
ian__jckl: All I did was install from cd, then run the updater. Then it failed :)15:24
jckli couldnt compile anything at first15:24
smerilpage cant be found15:25
fannagogannahi, which KDE4 packages are in kubuntu -- kdenetwork, kdepim, etc.?15:25
Richard_BallsJhq, I cannot help you, sorry15:25
jcklian try sudo apt-get update15:25
ian__jckl: I didnt need to compile anything15:25
ardchoillefannagoganna: kde4 support is in #kubuntu-kde415:25
ian__jckl: it's all fine now15:25
ian__thanks though15:25
ian__jckl: the fix was sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:26
jcklian: sudo aptitude install build-essential15:26
jckleverything failed for me until i did those15:26
ian__I'm really quite concerned about this security problem though.15:27
llutzsmeril: join #kubuntu-se and let the people there explain you what to do in swedish. i guess it's easier for all15:27
smerillluts where is your paste15:27
llutz http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/52614/15:27
smeriljust tell me again how to acces the source list15:28
smeriland i will try copy and paste15:29
llutzsmeril: save my paste to a file 8make sure you get all lines) and copy that file to /etc/apt/sources.list15:29
ian__hang on, I can open kate as "sudo kate" and edit system files without a password, but I had to enter a password to copy a file?15:29
smerilacces denied15:30
mefisto__ian__: sudo asks for a password, unless you've already entered it in the last few minutes15:30
llutzsmeril: sudo cp sile-you-saved.txt  /etc/apt/sources.list15:30
smerilfile not found15:31
ian__mefisto__: I know, but I hadn't entered it for about 10-15 minutes. I can still open kate with sudo, but I couldn't copy. I've tried using different konsole windows but it didn't make a difference15:32
jcklsmeril: sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list15:32
smerilwhat do i do after i saved15:33
jcklfile -> quit15:33
smerilafter that15:33
ian__is there a way of changing the length of time you have between re-entering the password?15:33
ian__1-2 minutes seems like a good time, 20 seems very excessive15:34
mefisto__smeril: sudo apt-get update, then (re)install firefox again15:35
ian__and could give rise to security problems where you don't know that a script is running something in superuser mode15:35
TallenAny way to make Konversation have a transparent background?15:35
ian__I'm suprised that you don't have to re-enter the password when switching apps, too15:36
smerilsmeril@sm-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get update15:36
smerilE: Typ "1" är inte känd på rad 1 i listan över källor /etc/apt/sources.list15:36
jcklunzip it15:36
ian__that seems like a glaring problem to me15:36
jcklerm wrong window lol15:36
jelTallen: probably only by using a compositing window manager that knows how to do that with any window.  KDE4 might have a version of konversation available which does it, but probably not yet.15:37
ian__back in a bit, must kill x15:37
Tallenjel: oh, I just noticed I can in Xchat but not in Konversation.15:37
smerilsomething happend after i copy and pasted15:38
smerilnow i cant update15:38
mefisto__smeril: you replaced the old text with the new text? or did you leave the old text?15:39
lucadevo scaricare vlc per linux come fo15:39
llutzsmeril: safe that paste again, but WITHOUT the line-numbers15:39
smerilreplaced to this one http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/52614/15:39
llutzsmeril: take the part at the bottom of the page15:39
jimmy51are there any VPN specialists in here?15:39
smerilfinanly it uppdated15:41
jeljimmy51: try ##networking15:42
holai have a problem with vlc15:42
jimmy51jel:  is that a kubuntu specific vpn channel?  my problems are with a known bug and needing help with the workaround15:43
mefisto__smeril: remove firefox (sudo apt-get remove --purge firefox) then install again (sudo apt-get install firefox)15:43
jimmy51jel:  bug   https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/knetworkmanager/+bug/15186715:43
jeljimmy51: nope, it's not15:43
smerili have done it check my paste http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/52619/15:45
smerilerror message15:46
nuxilg.day all15:46
llutzsmeril: sudo chown root:root /etc/apt/sources.list15:46
jimmy51how might one install a .patch file they've downloaded?15:48
nuxilyou dont install it.. you patch your code with it :p15:48
jimmy51nuxil:  that sounds tricky.15:49
jcklif you have a current patch you have to remove it before applying the new patch.15:49
jimmy51i don't think i have any patches...  i just found two patches on a bug report for my problem and downloaded them.  i guess i was thinking like a windows patch.15:51
radioaktivstormhello, does anyone have a link to a list of all of the packages installed under the kubuntu-desktop metapackage?15:51
llutzradioaktivstorm: aptitude show kubuntu-de15:52
llutzradioaktivstorm: aptitude show kubuntu-desktop15:52
jckljimmy look up the patch command ;)15:52
radioaktivstormllutz thanks! :)15:52
ubotuPatches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.15:52
nuxiljimmy51, example of use..  cd /usr/src/linux ; patch -p0 new-patch15:53
nuxilthat if the patch is in /usr/src/linux15:53
nuxilbut look up man patch15:53
mefisto__radioaktivstorm: if you want a webpage: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/metapackages/kubuntu-desktop15:54
radioaktivstormwow. both are very useful! thanks :)15:54
jimmy51nuxil:  thanks... i'll try to figure out what that means15:54
jckljimmy in a terminal type man patch and it will give you detailed help15:57
jelwhat's the command to build a deb by wrapping make install again?  dh_make?15:57
nuxilOMG. OMG what shall i do now.. i just been scaned by Malwarecrush V2. it says i got 9 infected files it say. 5 dll file and some coockies.15:57
cef"man patch" - quotes help guys15:58
jckli couldnt get my kernel to load lol15:58
Chousukejel: checkinstall15:58
holawhere is located the file contains the kde menu applications15:58
holawhere is located the file contains the kde menu applications?15:58
jelChousuke: that's it.  Thanks :)15:58
nuxilhola, ? what you mean15:59
mefisto__hola: you want to edit your kde menu?16:00
cefhola: do you mean the file that gets used to display the actual menu entries in the KDE menu system>16:00
nuxilhola, 2 ways. go in your kmeny and right click and edit menu16:00
nuxilor use whereis which app16:00
holacef: yes16:00
nuxil*whereis | which16:00
holanuxil: of course, but i would like to edit it with terminal16:01
cefhola: not sure about the file, but if you right-click on the K, you'll get an option for the menu editor16:01
mefisto__hola: or you can right-click individual apps in the menu too16:02
mefisto__hola: take a look at http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Applications_GUI_Multimedia/How_To_Configure_the_KDE_3_3_Menu_manually_without_KMenuEdit16:04
jimmy51should this do anything?  sudo patch -p01 kubuntu_08_ppp_support.patch16:05
jckljimmy extract the patch16:05
jcklthen use patch -E -p01 < path i believe16:05
jimmy51jckl:  it just looks like a text file or something... nothing to extract16:06
cefa .patch file is text16:06
jckl"patch -E -p01 < path" path is the path of the files16:06
jcklyou need to get the source files for the patch16:06
cefbut you need to redirect the file into patch16:06
jcklcef can better help i bet16:06
jimmy51here's what i've got:  sudo patch -E -p01 kubuntu_08_ppp_support.patch16:07
cefbut you need the source code for the app you intend to patch first16:07
jimmy51cef:  whoa16:07
cefjimmy51: UNLESS it's patching a config file16:08
cefwhere did you get this patch jimmy5116:08
jimmy51cef:  here's the bug page:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/knetworkmanager/+bug/15186716:08
nuxilyou can also cd dir ; cat new-patch | patch -p016:08
jimmy51cef:  there's a link on there to patches and fixed versions or whatever.  i don't know what any of it means, so i'm trying to learn how to apply the guy's fixes16:09
jimmy51cef:  so i don't have to boot to XP to get work done (need to vpn and rdp into work)16:09
cefok.. that patch is a source code fix16:11
jimmy51cef:  should i just give up and stick with XP?16:13
cefjimmy51: You might be better off downloading zanfur's precompiled package: http://www.zanfur.com/knetworkmanager/network-manager-kde_0.2ubuntu1-0ubuntu5~pptp_i386.deb16:13
jimmy51cef:  that sounds better.  it's a deb, so i can use package installer, right?16:14
mefisto__that's much easier16:14
cefdownload that, and then run "sudo dpkg -i network-manager-kde_0.2ubuntu1-0ubuntu5~pptp_i386.deb" or yeah, use the package installer16:14
cefbut remember: you're using someone elses packages, so if it breaks you're sort of on your own. chances are, it'll work fine.16:15
cefnote: there is only a .i386 package that I can see, so if you're using x86-64 packages/install, you won't be able to use that16:15
jimmy51cef:  ok.  i figured i could trust these guys, since the package manager is on the post16:16
mefisto__cef: is that the right link? or is it the knetworkmanger one?16:16
cefjimmy51: most likely trust it, and it's signed by the guy.. and afaik robin (zanfur) knows what he's doing.16:17
cefjimmy51: I don't forsee a problem, but better you know than me not warning you at least16:17
cefahh, you might need http://www.zanfur.com/knetworkmanager/knetworkmanager_0.2ubuntu1-0ubuntu5~pptp_all.deb as well16:18
jimmy51cef:  ok, thanks for the warning.16:18
cefjimmy51: I prefer to give people all the info so they're well informed. :D16:19
jimmy51cef:  that's good.  so far i've killed my install (beyond my ability to repair) 3 times trying ATI drivers16:20
cefjimmy51: ouch16:21
nuxilhow did you manage to kill you install beyond repair by installing ati drivers ?? you must be a good killer :p16:21
mefisto__he said "beyond my ability to repair"16:22
nuxiljimmy51, your install should work fine even tho you video drivers are not installed. you can use always use vesa drivers :p16:23
jimmy51nuxil:  i guess so :)16:23
mefisto__has anyone installed linux-rt kernel?16:24
cefhrm.. think I might head off and play some trem16:24
ceflater ppl16:24
nuxilhave fun16:25
`Zmax`Does anyone have a Samsung i600 for a little tip, please?16:25
nuxilno,, but whats your problem16:27
nuxili got sgh-83016:27
suboptMy browsers in Gutsy are all crapping out, and it sounds like it's probably a flash issue. How do i upgrade them? I installed the flashplugin-nonfree (which was supposed to install the thing), but it didn't, and i don't even know where it put it.16:28
suboptrather, How do i upgrade flash?16:28
nuxilyour brwser is ?16:28
nuxilkonqueror or firefox16:28
jimmy51thanks for the help guys, i'm going to reboot16:28
suboptnuxil: those, plus galeon and epiphany16:29
jimmy51and my wife's mad because i won't pick between thurs and fri to take the pup to the vet so i've gotta go anyway16:29
Tm_Tsubopt: topic?16:29
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash16:29
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.16:29
jelsubopt: same way you upgrade anything else: install the lastest package using adept (or synaptic or aptitude)16:29
suboptubotu: thanks16:29
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)16:29
`Zmax`nuxil, !16:31
`Zmax`is the sgh-830 a smartphone?16:31
`Zmax`I am wondering to use it for internet connection16:31
nuxil`Zmax`, its a verry dumb phone :p16:32
`Zmax`under windows there is "active sync"16:32
`Zmax`I haven't any ACM device under /dev16:32
Odd-rationaleWhich should I install? guarddog or kmyfirewall? I'm looking for something similar to firestarter which I can just install, run a wizard and pretty much forget about it.16:32
nuxil`Zmax`, you can network bluethoot or wlan of that phone supports it16:32
`Zmax`nuxil, network bluetooth?16:33
nuxilit might be a pain in the ass to set up tho16:33
`Zmax`nuxil, yes I think so :D16:34
nuxil`Zmax`, if its supports Wlan.. thers no problem connecting it to internett,,, but if it doesnt.. bluetooth networking on phones dosent always work..16:36
nuxil`Zmax` since its more ment for pc to pc bluetoothing16:36
`Zmax`it supports wlan16:37
`Zmax`but I tried16:37
`Zmax`to configure an access point to it16:37
`Zmax`it seems that the ap is always "red"16:37
`Zmax`doing a scan I can see it16:38
`Zmax`but I cannot connect to it16:38
nuxildo you see your network on a scan?16:38
`Zmax`dhclient does not work16:38
`Zmax`yes nuxil16:38
nuxil`Zmax`, check your router settings.16:39
`Zmax`I haven't a router16:39
nuxilonly wireless card in pc ? then you need to look up ad hook16:40
azloni'm currently downloading/installing kubuntu-desktop package. if i have a kubuntu cd, can i install the package from that?16:44
Sbucatoneazlon: of course yes16:45
azloni just have to add it to the sources?16:45
nuxil`Zmax`, whats your wifi card ? eth1 ?16:46
`Zmax`nuxil, no, wlan016:46
azloni have it in ISO format on my harddrive, do i need to burn it to a CD first?16:46
nuxil`if you dont know.. type: iwconfig16:46
azlonSbucatone: can i load it from an ISO or do i have to burn it to a CD first?16:50
mefisto__azlon: you can mount the iso16:50
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azlonmefisto__: how do i do that? sorry... 2nd day on linux16:50
mefisto__mount -o loop -t iso9660 diskimage.iso /mountpoint16:51
nuxiliwconfig wlan0 mode Ad-Hoc essid MYNET channel 6 ; ifconfig wlan0 ;  route add default netmask gw ; route add -net  netmask dev wlan016:51
nuxil@ `Zmax`16:51
mefisto__create the directory you will mount it to first16:51
azlonawesome, thanks16:51
nuxil`Zmax`, you need to set gw right on phone how16:52
nuxiland make it ip example16:52
oscarHowd do I get kde 4?16:52
ubotuKDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde416:53
oscaryes, I know, they say kubuntu will download updates. But kubuntu tried and kubuntu failed and kubuntu wont try again16:53
oscarcan I install it from the live cd?16:54
azlonmefisto__: ok, i have the kubuntu iso mounted, how can i use this to install the kubuntu-dekstop package?16:54
nuxiloscar, dude.. go to a kde4 channel16:54
oscark sry16:54
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azloni have the KDE ISO mounted, how can i use this to install the kubuntu-desktop package?16:57
nuxil`Zmax`, do you understand?16:57
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maduserdoes kde4 work yet?16:58
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mefisto__azlon: I'm not exactly sure, but it's something like "deb /directory-mounted-iso gutsy main restricted" in your /etc/apt/sources.list file16:59
nuxilmaddler, how about reading the topic16:59
`Zmax`_<`Zmax`> nuxil,17:00
`Zmax`_<`Zmax`> nuxil, apparently there isn't the way to set the gw17:00
nuxilyou mean on the phone17:00
maduseryeah you can download it, but its really buggy17:00
maduserwhen I tried it17:00
nuxil`Zmax`_, but can you set a static ip on the phone ?17:01
`Zmax`_apparently no17:01
nuxil`try setting up a dhcp server on wlan0..the phone might ask for a dhcp offer.17:02
maddlernuxil: I would if I needed ;)17:02
nuxilmaddler, it was for `Zmax`_  :p17:03
nuxil`Zmax`_, do you know how tcpdump works? try staring tcpdump on wlan0 and see if the phone asks for a dhcp offer.17:05
`Zmax`_I don't know17:05
`Zmax`_I'll try :D17:05
`Zmax`_nothing :|17:13
dhqwhy are medibuntu packages dont work17:13
nuxil`Zmax`_, tcpdump -i wlan0 ; then on phone try to connect. you see some output in concole17:14
Strangeletwasn't there an unnofficial fix for the flash plugin error in Konqueror17:16
jelStrangelet: which error?17:17
Strangeletjel: Loading up a page with flash causes Konqeuror to cash17:17
nuxil`Zmax`_, you might need to set wlan0 in promiscuous mode17:18
nuxilturn it down.17:19
nuxilifconfig wlan0 down17:19
azlonhow can i install kubuntu-desktop from the cd instead of downloading it?17:23
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g2g591azlon: if the packages on the cd are upto date and the cd is in your sources, apt will prefer the cd17:27
nuxilazlon, if you installed ubuntu i think you need to dl it.17:27
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g2g591azlon: if you have a kubuntu cd with upto date packages and added it to your sources , useing apt-cdrom, synaptic, or adept, and the packages on it are up to date, apt will use the cd17:29
azlonnuxil: i removed all of the gnome stuff and want to install KDE from a cd i downloaded yesterday17:29
azloni just commented out everything except the CD... we will see how this works17:30
stdinazlon: only works with the alternate cd, not the desktop cd17:30
azlonguess i will just download it17:31
g2g591azlon: no, stdin is wrong17:31
azlonill try it and see what happens17:32
g2g591azlon: the packages are on the reguler cd too, otherwise what would the cd install from?17:32
bob__anyone know why my gdeskletts wont work it tries to come up then just dies17:32
stding2g591: try it, find out17:32
azlong2g591: i commented out all the http sites, refreshed, searched for kubuntu-desktop and didnt find it...17:33
* stdin is not wrong then17:33
g2g591stdin: im on a hardy install, i dont want to downgrade17:33
bob__i am using ubunt 7.1017:33
g2g591bob_: #ubuntu17:33
g2g591bob_: different set of apps,17:34
stding2g591: there is an alternate cd for hardy too, but it's probably quicker to install kubuntu-desktop over the internet than downloading the CD (if  your system has internet that is)17:34
g2g591stdin: i know17:34
bob__what is the dif. kubuntu and ubuntu?17:35
g2g591stdin: there are some packages on the cd, i notice build-essential for one, and glibc,17:35
jpatrickbob__: ubuntu uses gnome, kubuntu kde17:35
g2g591bob_: different de17:35
cristinahi, i have 2 sound cards, after installimg ubuntu the 2'nd card worked, aftter installing the updates the firs card works, how can i set the card that is running?17:35
holowhere can I change the size of the icons in konqueror? they are so huge!17:36
g2g591bob_: like, the widget program for kubuntu, would be preferably superkarumba17:36
stding2g591: yes, there is build-essential and some drivers, that's it17:36
azlonif i had a dollar...17:36
bob__but anything kubuntu i can run on ubuntu17:37
g2g591bob_: yep, and vice versa17:37
g2g591bob_: you can also install kubuntu from ubuntu17:37
bob__so whats the dif?17:37
g2g591bob_: different preinstalled stuff17:37
bob__o ok17:37
bob__i am a noob17:38
g2g591bob_: we have a start menu,-like thing and stuff, see kde.org for some screenshots17:38
bob__o so it is more like windows?17:39
jckli have both gnome and kde installed17:39
JoshOvkisame here17:39
jcklyou can choose what one you want to load at login17:39
g2g591bob_: sorta, but none of the stability things, if you want to see screenshots, kde.org has many17:39
jcklalso i think using a command17:39
NeoOokamibob__: The default look has a bit more in common with Windows. But it's over all just a different way of doing things.17:39
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bob__ya i dont think i like it i looked17:41
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bob__i have a dell inspiron 1501 and ubuntu runs great but the visual effects dont work17:43
mefisto__cristina: to set the default sound card, "asoundconf list" will list the soundcards you have, "asoundconf set-default-card THEONEYOUWANT" will set the default17:43
nuxilhmm.. why does ntop show sites i am not connected to ?17:45
phello...i'm having some problems playing my .mp3s...can anyone help?17:45
nuxilnetstat -a -e | grep tcp | grep -v tcp6 doesnt show em.17:45
cristinamefisto__ thx17:45
g2g591p: sudo apt-get install ffmpeg libxine1-ffmpeg17:46
makers_marki need a new battery for my mbp :(17:47
makers_marki've had it for almost a year.17:47
makers_markand now it just jumped from 34% to 19%17:48
dragonessgood evening everybody17:48
JoshOvkiwhat package does wlanconfig install with?17:49
g2g591Josh: run which wlanconfig then run dpkg-query -S (whatever which wlanconfig told you)17:50
pg2g591: which application should I use for playback, I've tryede Amarok, Beep, Exaile, XMMS etc, but they all seem to chrash whenever I try playing an mp317:52
g2g591p: try amarok first17:52
jpatrick!mp3 | p17:52
ubotup: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:52
JoshOvkithanks g2g59117:53
JoshOvkii am having a problem with wlanconfig   i get this error      /usr/local/bin/wlanconfig: 1: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")17:53
pg2g591: Amarok starts loading, and then just shuts down?17:55
dragonesssee ya all17:55
g2g591p: that is very very wrong17:55
nuxilJoshOvki, use iwconfig instead17:56
g2g591p: did you just click on the icon to load it or what?17:56
g2g591p: try just opening amarok by itself17:56
pg2g591: yes17:56
pg2g591: I did17:57
JoshOvkinuxil how do you use iwconfig to set something into monitor mode?17:57
g2g591p: ok, you have deep issues, if amarok crashes opening by itself17:57
g2g591p: try reinstalling it17:57
nuxilJoshOvki, to set in monitor mode. turn the iface down and use tcpdump or a sniffer tool.17:57
nuxilJoshOvki, example.. ifconfig wlan0 down ; tcpdump -i wlan017:59
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nuxilthen its monotoring without sending anything17:59
JoshOvkinuxil, thanks17:59
nuxilJoshOvki, check out "kismet"18:00
pg2g591: ok, one more question: exaile says i'm missing some Gstreamer plugins, do you think it would help installing the plugins listed here:https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/codecs.html#codecs-gstreamer18:00
RickKnightHelp. My kubuntu desktop is restarting Xjust after the desktop finishes loading. I am able to create a new user and get to the desktop.18:01
RickKnightBut my desktop will not stay up.18:02
artur_Hello folks. I have a problem that is a message appearing when I try to do somethings like, when save a .odt , when i want to attribute a icon to a file and other things that i don't remember now. The message is the following (i will translate to english cause my kubuntu is in another language) I was not possible to find the MIME type ; (in the next line) application/octet-stream ...and a OK button.  How could i make this message stop18:02
artur_appearing. It appears when i do many kind of thins.18:02
nuxilRickKnight, remove the .kde dir.. but that will remove all your custom setup.. but it might not be a kde issue.. check the X log for erros first18:03
RickKnightnuxil: I did remove the .kde directory. Same problem. Like I said, a new user works fine.18:03
nuxilRickKnight, any errors in X org log ?18:04
GreeneryRickKnight: have you updated recently?18:04
nuxilgrep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:05
nuxilRickKnight, you can also remove the .Xauthority file in you home dir18:06
RickKnightnuxil:I have a failed to initialize GLX18:06
nuxilthat should not cause the X to shut down18:06
GreeneryRickKnight: try updating first, there was an issue with the last update for xserver-xorg-core18:07
RickKnightnuxil:I didn't think GLX would.18:07
RickKnightnuxil: In Xorg.0.log.old I have a Fatal error  sig 11 at the bottom.18:08
nuxilRickKnight, do as Greenery says, apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade18:08
RickKnightOK, I'll try the update. Looks like I need to reboot now. Locked up.18:10
nuxilRickKnight, if that fails.. try a older xorg server,, you will most likely find it in /var/cache/apt/archives/ if you didnt clean your cache18:10
nuxilto late18:10
RickKnightOK. But if the problem is Xorg, why am I able to create a new user in console and then use the new user without any problems?18:11
artur_Message appearing: It was not possible to find the MIME type ; (in the next line) application/octet-stream ...and a OK button.  How could i make this message stop appearing?18:12
GreeneryRickKnight: did you have any program on autostart?18:13
sperlohello all, having a bit of a problem with connecting my phone. ask here? or someplace else?18:14
RickKnightGreenery: Nothing in autostart, that I remember, but I'll check. Last night I had a problem with OO.org, and tried to log off and then back on. That's when it started.18:14
nuxilRickKnight,  ls .kde/Autostart/ -la18:14
nuxilRickKnight, if you removed your .kde then there should not be any autostart of any app18:15
GreeneryRickKnight: the last update for xerver-xorg-core breaks java apps, so OO.org might caused it18:16
nuxilRickKnight, did you try apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade18:16
GreeneryRickKnight: upgrade your kubuntu and try to use your old user again, see if it loads this time18:16
stevec_join #ubuntu18:16
nuxilRickKnight, if that fails.. try a older xorg server,, you will most likely find it in /var/cache/apt/archives/ if you didnt clean your cache18:17
unosoy nuevo en este cuento18:17
RickKnightOK nuxil, I'll try the upgrade.18:17
unoalguna dama que me puede guiar??18:17
jpatrick!es | uno18:17
ubotuuno: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:17
unoaqui nadie habla español??18:18
hi__Hi. (using kde3.5.8). I have working nvidia drivers with good modlines in the xorg.conf. i can set the resolution/refreshrate i want but only with the nvidia-settings tool. the KDE config panel to set it don't show me the good resolutions i setted in the xorg.conf. here is my xorg.conf file: http://www.pastebin.ca/864170 .  how can the kde config panel use the same resolutions as the nvidia tool? thanks!18:18
x_linkI can't find on www.kubuntu.org where to download Kubuntu-Alernate18:20
organixhi_: what nvidia card are you using18:20
hi__mx440 but i really don't think this is the problem18:21
llutzx_link: http://ubuntu.media.mit.edu/ubuntu-releases/kubuntu/gutsy/18:21
x_linkllutz: Thanks man.18:21
llutzyou haven't searched ;)18:21
RickKnightnuxil: I did the upgrade. Same problem18:22
NickPrestaif I have two different Hard Drives, Windows on the first and Kubuntu on second, where should I install GRUB? On the first, overwriting Windows' MBR?18:22
llutzNickPresta: yes, you will have win in grub-menu18:22
g2g591x_link: hold on18:22
g2g591x_link: nm18:22
x_linkI jut changed to Intel, so I should get .i386.iso right?18:23
RickKnightI tried startx from the command line and after X shutdown I see Fatal server error, Caught sig 11, xinit connection to Xserver lost18:23
x_linkhttp://ubuntu.media.mit.edu/ubuntu-releases/kubuntu/gutsy/kubuntu-7.10-alternate-i386.iso that one right?18:23
nuxilRickKnight, press CTRL ALT F2 and log in.. type : /etc/init.d/kdm stop ; startx18:23
organixx_link: yes18:23
g2g591x_link: you should get i386 no matter what cpu, unless ppc (64 bit isnt very good)18:23
x_linkorganix: Okey.18:24
x_linkg2g591: Okey.18:24
x_linkThanks guys.18:24
x_linkI just tried to re-install Kubuntu with my cd but it didn't work.18:24
x_linkSo I hope that it will work with this CD:18:24
NeoOokamiThere aren't that many downsides to using amd64.18:24
NeoOokamiAnd if you do a lot of video encoding, a ton of benefits. ;_;18:24
x_linkNeoOokami: I don't do video encoding =)18:25
x_linkNeoOokami: Are you using amd64?18:25
x_linkBaah, this site is really slow today.18:25
NeoOokamix_link: Yep.18:25
llutzx_link: look for a mirror closer to you18:25
NeoOokamiUsed it on Gentoo, now using it in Kubuntu.18:25
organixhi_: what does 'cat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/status' tell you18:25
nuxilRickKnight, what version does Xorg -version  say?18:26
x_linkllutz: I couldn't find any alternate before.18:26
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nicolas_hi all!18:26
organixgreetings nicolas_18:26
llutzx_link: as i said, you haven't searched: http://www.kubuntu.com/download.php18:26
x_linkAhh I just found it =)18:27
RickKnightnuxil: I'm rebooting again. Trying to stop kdm froze me again.18:27
x_linkllutz: ftp://ftp.df.lth.se/pub/ubuntu-iso/kubuntu/gutsy/kubuntu-7.10-alternate-i386.iso18:27
nuxilRickKnight,  thats weird18:27
nuxilmaybe kdm is messing with you :p18:28
llutzx_link: wtf should i know that you're swedish? ;)18:28
x_linkllutz: Alot faster now, ~1300kb/s =)18:28
nicolas_i'm new at linux and i've just a little pb... cant acces my database even after a restart, an other prog is using it... but i dont know which one and how to shut it down...18:28
x_linkllutz: I didn't say that it was your fault =)18:28
blind_guardianhello all18:28
RickKnightnuxil, yes, weird.18:28
nuxilRickKnight, but what version of Xorg ?18:28
nuxiltype Xorg -version18:29
maduserdoes anyone here use kde4?18:29
nuxilRickKnight, have you tried to disable gui "kdm" login ?18:29
nuxiland see if the problem still remains18:30
organixmaduser: yes, installed it last night18:30
x_linkllutz: Thanks alto for your help. I really appreciate it alot!18:30
llutzx_link: np18:30
nuxilRickKnight, to try that,, sudo chmod -x /etc/init.d/kdm to fix back.. just use +x18:30
x_linkllutz: I got an Gigabyte GA-P35-DS4 + Intel 2.2GHz from my girlfriend 2 days ago. So my system got a bit messed up when I changed from AM2-motherboard to this =)18:30
x_linkSo that's why I want to re-install.18:30
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miacan kopete have more than one messenger listed on it?18:30
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jpatrick!nickspam > thomas12318:31
ubotuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl18:31
x_linkThanks once again.18:31
llutzx_link: strange, i changed from AMD 2400+ to intel E6300 on gigabyte ga965-DS3 without problems18:31
x_linkllutz: Okey.18:31
x_linkSee you later!18:31
RickKnightnuxil, Xorg version is 7.2.0. Build date is Jan 18 200818:31
inforatixbonjour à tous!18:32
miacan anyone see me?18:32
thomas123jpatrick: man I just booted a live cd18:32
nicolas_Another process is using the packaging system database18:32
thomas123gimme a fuckingbreak18:32
inforatixi'm french18:32
jpatrickthomas123: ah, sorry18:32
nicolas_do you know how to fix it please?18:32
mianot much help in here18:33
jussi01!fr | inforatix18:33
ubotuinforatix: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.18:33
jussi01mia:  I can see you18:33
ubotuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl18:33
nuxilRickKnight, no.. look for a line like xorg-server 2:
organixmia: I can as well18:33
g2g591nicolas_: sudo killall apt-get , you have a backgound update in progrss, the command would stop it18:33
nicolas_mia: and me too :)18:33
jussi01mia: the answer is yes, it can18:33
miaok....how is it done?18:33
jussi01mia: just go add anoth account18:33
nicolas_ok thxs a lot i'll try it!18:33
RickKnightnuxil; when I stop KDM and then run startx I get the same thing. Same error after X stops.18:34
miahow do i add another account?18:34
miasorry...new to linux system18:34
mialike it so far18:34
madusernew to linux completly?18:34
maduserget ubuntu18:34
maduserits easier to use18:34
maduserfor new people18:35
jussi01mia: settings - configure accounts18:35
nuxilRickKnight, ok.. did you remove the .Xauthority file18:35
thomas123mia: kdesu kuser18:35
madusermias talking about kopote users18:35
nicolas_well "apt-get: no process killed" and my database is still locked...18:36
NickPresta!aptfix | nicolas_18:36
ubotunicolas_: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »18:36
madusernicolas_ sudo dpkg --configure -a18:36
miathanks jussi01!18:36
jussi01mia: :)18:36
miagot it!18:36
nicolas_ok thanks!18:36
jussi01mia: great!18:37
nuxilRickKnight,  dont know if this works.. but you can try dpkg "XORG-NAME" --force downgrade18:38
nicolas_works now! tanks a lot!18:39
jussi01nicolas_: :)18:39
miaok...another question18:39
RickKnightnuxil: Ye, I did remove Xauthority. I don't see anything like "xorg-server 2:" How do I find that?18:39
miahow do one download a game from a cd?18:40
nuxilin Xorg -version.18:40
jussi01mia: what sort of game?18:40
miastar wars18:40
miaits for my son18:40
jussi01mia: is it made for linux?18:40
nuxilRickKnight, ok one idea.. copy all the stuff you need from your user.. delete the user and its home dir.. then recreate the user and cp your files back18:40
miaummmm....not sure18:40
miadon't think so18:41
jussi01mia: you will probably need to use !wine18:41
miamerlot or white?18:41
jussi01!wine > mia18:41
RickKnightnuxil: recreating my user should work, I am able to create a new user. Was hoping to avoid that. Guess I'll try that after I eat.18:42
mefisto_RickKnight: you have my sympathy18:42
mefisto_can I mount to a dir that is not empty?18:43
RickKnightThanks mefisto.18:44
g2g591mefisto: i dont think so18:45
mefisto_g2g591: it does work, just wondering if the files in the dir are safe18:46
smerilwhat is the comand for installing firefox18:46
=== Sbucatone is now known as Sbucat
jpatricksmeril: apt-get install firefox18:46
mefisto_sudo in front of that, smeril18:46
sourcemakeris there a release plan for the next kubuntu release with kde4?18:48
jpatricksourcemaker: yes18:49
sourcemakerjpatrick: where can I find... or do you know the date?18:49
jpatricksourcemaker: http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~jpatrick/minutes/kubuntu-meeting-20071222.pdf18:49
smerilwhats is the firefox install command18:51
organixsmeril: sudo apt-get install firefox18:51
smerildo you know the delete comand and reinstall comand for firefox?18:52
organixsudo apt-get remove firefox18:52
SlimeyPe1ebest to purge it too18:52
g2g591smeril: if you use adept, theres an option to reinstall18:52
organixtrue true18:52
mefisto_sudo apt-get remove --purge firefox will completely remove it18:53
mefisto_sudo apt-get install --reinstall firefox will completely reinstall it18:53
sourcemakerjpatrick: thanks18:55
jcklstill having troubles with it smeril18:55
jpatricksourcemaker: I always write the meeting minutes18:55
cash-homeHello there,please help me ? via which program I can cut video files?18:55
jussi01kdenlive cash-home18:56
mefisto_avidemux is a basic one18:56
cash-homekdenlive -it is program ?18:56
jussi01!info kdenlive18:56
ubotukdenlive (source: kdenlive): A Non-Linear Video Editing Suite for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5-0.0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 648 kB, installed size 1992 kB18:56
cash-homethnx guys18:57
smerilyes still troubles19:00
=== AdmPaul-away is now known as AdmPaul
jussi01!away > AdmPaul19:01
smerillast time somebody helped me it seams like something happend to a file in the system19:02
jussi01smeril: could you please repeat your issue?19:03
smerilI cant install firefox19:04
sperloanyone using moto4lin?19:04
sperlofor some reason I can't get it to open my phone. It sees it fine, just can't open it19:05
jussi01smeril: ok, what have you done?19:05
jussi01!it | mimmo-anna19:05
ubotumimmo-anna: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!19:06
smerildelete reinstall19:06
smeriland somebody told me to change a system file they instructed me19:06
smerili have the icon for firefox19:06
jussi01smeril: have you installed it before?19:07
jussi01so what happens when you type firefox in the terminal?19:07
smerilbut when i try to run it it says that the program is not installed and when i install it again it says i cant because i already have it19:07
jussi01smeril: go type firefox in terminal19:08
smerili have already19:09
smeriltryed many times19:09
smerilit is not that19:09
smerilbut there is a file i have forgot the name of and i changed som configurations and that file i was runing thruu the terminal19:10
smerili copy and pasted from here19:10
jussi01smeril: I want to know the out put from that.19:11
smerili dont know thats the output19:11
smerili was instructed from here a few hours ago19:11
jussi01smeril: check if firefox is currently running19:12
jussi01smeril: ctrl + esc then look for firefox in the list19:12
jussi01smeril: if its running and not responding, it wont rerun, so kill it if its in the list19:14
smerilno its not running19:15
ArtimusHas anyone gotten auto  mounting to work in Gutsy?  I rather liked it in Feisty, but I've never seen it work on Gutsy (my installation or a fresh installation on a friend's computer)19:15
smerilthe should name should be firefox?19:15
biovoreArtimus: Automounting.. you mean.. USB device auto mounting?19:15
jussi01or firefox-bin or similar19:15
smerilno its not runing19:16
Artimusbiovore: USB, primarily.  I guess I haven't tried a CDRom19:16
biovorethose work here..  KDE dosn't do a pop up window when you attach new media?19:16
ArtimusNope, never has in Gutsy19:17
biovoreyou running a custom kernel?19:17
jussi01works in gutsy here19:17
das6745smeril, check /usr/lib/firefox or /usr/local/firefox or similar19:17
Artimusbiovore: Stock kernel19:17
ArtimusA friend installed Gutsy (fresh) and it didn't work for him either.19:17
biovoreArtimus: It should do it out of the box..19:17
ArtimusI've kept my KDE profile, so I thought it was my settings originally.  What does it actually use to accomplish it (program wise)?19:18
biovoredbus I think19:18
KlavKalashjanyone know how to connect external speakers to a laptop, and make them work?19:19
ChaosRhello, I have a problem (before someone starts telling me I should explain, I'll exlpain in a moment) with filezilla for some reason it doesn't workk (goes for that one too)19:19
KlavKalashji only get sound from internal crappy speakers19:20
=== Riddell is now known as Riddellll
smerilsmeril@sm-laptop:~$ /usr/lib/firefox or /usr/local/firefox or similar19:20
smerilbash: /usr/lib/firefox: är en katalog19:20
ChaosRThe program 'filezilla' received an X Window System error. This probably reflects a bug in the program. The error was 'BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)'.   (Details: serial 2058 error_code 11 request_code 147 minor_code 5)19:20
smerilfirefox is a catalog19:20
smerilin english19:20
=== Riddellll is now known as Riddell
ChaosR2 days ago it just started to give that error19:21
ChaosRso does anyone know how to solve this19:22
ChaosRbecause filezilla is my favorite ftp program19:22
das6745smeri, if there is such catalog as firefox there should be firefox executable file19:22
Tm_TKonqueror <319:22
das6745das6745@lhome:/usr/lib/firefox$ ls -A | egrep firefox$19:23
KlavKalashjno one can help me with speaker problem?19:23
das6745if it is, run it19:23
mani213how do i install flash so i can watch youtube videos on mozila?19:24
mani213what do i search for in adept?19:24
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash19:24
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.19:24
das6745KlavKalashj, what exactly you want to do19:25
user_help! every time i run firefox, i get an error "NS_ERROR_FAILURE".  I click OK, and then everything works fine.  What gives?19:26
KlavKalashjdas6745: I want to connect my good speakers to my laptop, but i cant get them work. just the internals.19:26
KlavKalashjis there any setting that will switch speakers?19:27
das6745guess yes, check speacker connector19:28
user_klavkalashj: are you using an external sound card, or just running from 'line out'?19:28
KlavKalashjjust running from line out. green hole=)19:29
mani213whats a website to get linux wallpaper and skins?19:29
user_klavkalashj: if you plug headphones into that jack, do they work?19:29
user_mani213: www.kde-look.org19:29
mani213thanks alot19:30
user_if you run kde19:30
user_if not, www.gnome-look.org19:30
mani213any good mp3 players like winamp for linux?19:30
Tm_TAmarok <319:30
user_i think its call mmx19:30
KlavKalashjnope, they dont19:30
user_klavkalashj: when you open kmix, is the line out or microphone output listed?19:31
ArtimusWell, I've done a bit of reading on the no-automounting stuff.  pmount-hal /dev/sdb1 (that is the address, sda is a harddrive) spits out this: Error: libhal_ctx_init: (null): (null)19:31
mani213kk amarok i tried installin new skin it didnt work:S19:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mmx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:31
mani213or liek themes19:31
mani213for the player19:31
Tm_Tmani213: noatun ?19:31
KlavKalashjUser_: no, just one channel, master. Maybe I need drivers for the soundcard, but I have a laptop and acer only got windows drivers....19:32
user_klavkalashj: i also have an acer... hang on- you probably need intel hda settings19:32
parkinanyone know a pdf reader that can read the pdfs with inverted colors?19:33
user_KlavKalashj:  see here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gutsy_Intel_HD_Audio_Controller19:34
KlavKalashjuser_: ah! how do I get?19:34
KlavKalashjuser_: What model do you have?19:34
user_doesn't matter.19:35
user_Use this:19:35
user_added options line to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base:19:35
user_ options snd-hda-intel model=acer19:35
crimsunhave you verified that that's the correct model by inspecting his SSID?19:36
user_in /etc/modprob.d/alsa-base, add that line "options snd-hda-intel model=acer".  Then you should be good to go.  You have to restart X or reboot for it to take effect19:36
KlavKalashjuser_: ok, thank you, will try reboot. brb19:39
user_klavkalashj: so?19:43
KlavKalashjhello agaion19:43
KlavKalashjuser_: no difference =/19:43
KlavKalashjmust have done something wrong, NOTHING happened=)19:43
user_hmm.... you did exactly what was written?19:43
KlavKalashjI think so...19:43
user_KlavKalashj: ok, follow me19:44
user_KlavKalashj: open terminal.19:44
user_KlavKalashj: type: sudo kate /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base19:44
crimsunKlavKalashj: please pastebin the output from `lspci -nv`19:45
KlavKalashjcrimsun: everything?:P19:46
user_crimsun: almost all acer laptops use the HD intel sound - but i am making an assumption19:46
Richard_BallsI just got a version upgrade notice for 7.1019:46
Richard_BallsI'm on 7.1019:46
crimsunKlavKalashj: yes, everything.19:46
user_richard_balls: just do "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".  It should stop bothering you then19:47
crimsunuser_: you need the SSID info to be able to suggest a model.  There are many variants for Acer hardware.19:47
Jeroihello, is there good ssa/ass direct subber for media player in linux?19:47
user_crimsun: i know.  like i said, almost all acer laptops use this hardware.  i shouldn't assume, though ;)19:48
nosrednaekimuser_: eh... whats the problem with this acer? (got a acer here)19:48
KlavKalashjoh, maybe pasted to much.19:48
KlavKalashjcrimsun: did u get the paste?19:48
user_hey mike- klavkalashj is trying to get microphone and line-out working19:48
user_on acer lappy19:49
crimsunKlavKalashj: you need to tell me the url that you used.19:49
KlavKalashjif it helps: Acer travelmate 5520G19:49
crimsunno, that doesn't help.19:49
crimsunI need the url of the pastebin that you used.19:49
KlavKalashjsry crimsun, dont know how to use pastebin19:49
crimsun!pastebin |KlavKalashj19:50
ubotuKlavKalashj: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)19:50
Jeroidoes win truetype fonts be used with linux?19:50
Jeroior kubuntu19:50
nosrednaekimJeroi: yeah, I think they can19:50
user_klavkalashj: here is tutorial for your model to get sound working: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=358986119:50
JeroiI think I miss fonts that ass script has used19:50
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer19:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)19:50
user_jeroi: yes - but you may have to copy the .ttf file from windows to linux19:50
Jeroiwhere are fonts kept in linux?19:51
KlavKalashjcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/52666/19:52
user_jeroi: usr/share/fonts (should be there)19:53
crimsunKlavKalashj: looking now.19:53
KlavKalashjuser_: taking a look at that tutorial now, thank you for url=)19:53
KlavKalashjcrimsun: nice=)19:53
mefisto_Jeroi: fonts can also be in .fonts/ in your home dir, so they can be installed per user, or systemwide19:54
crimsunKlavKalashj: did you try model=3stack, too?19:54
user_mefisto | jeroi: this is correct, but i think they are in usr/share by default, right?19:55
crimsunKlavKalashj: we likely need to update the code for your quirk, since it's not in the source code.19:55
Jeroihow to make sumbolic link with kde3?19:55
KlavKalashjcrimsun: I dont really understand what you are talking abaout =/19:55
JeroiI want fonts folder to desktop19:55
Jeroioh drag and drop19:56
crimsunKlavKalashj: you know how you placed model=acer in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base?  Replace "acer" with "3stack", and reboot.19:56
dorkfaceHi all, I was wondering how to roll back an installed program, like wine.  would there be an apt-get command for it?19:57
KlavKalashjcrimsun: kk19:57
user_crimsun: good detective work ;)19:57
user_dorkface: to reinstall an older version?19:57
dorkfaceuser_: yeah19:57
nosrednaekimdorkface: yeah... you can apt-get install a specific version if you know what version it was19:58
user_dorkface: afaik, you'd have to remove all files of the new version, and compile the older version, as the repos only keep the updated version.  Anyone else?19:58
Jeroihmm how can I copy fonts from windows folder to fonts as I dont have privlidges to save into kubuntu font folder19:58
user_nosrednaekim: yeah, thats what i meant ;)19:58
dorkfacenosrednaekim: cool, I'll check that out19:58
user_jeroi: run "sudo konqueror"19:59
nosrednaekimJeroi: sudo19:59
user_jeroi: then you will have write permissions19:59
nosrednaekimdorkface: synaptic has the ability to choose versions19:59
user_nosrednaekim: it does?!?19:59
dorkfaceI'm using kde :)19:59
crimsunKlavKalashj: I need to scoot now to catch the train, but leave me a private query if it still doesn't work; I'll need to catch up with you to debug it further.19:59
dorkfacedoes adept manager have that option?19:59
user_dorkface: install synaptic19:59
dorkfaceuser_: can do :)20:00
nosrednaekimuser_: yeah20:00
user_nosrednaekim: shoot, i'm switching right now, then.  No wonder all gnome freaks say Adept sucks :)20:00
nosrednaekimuser_: synaptic is much nicer.... ATM20:00
user_nosrednaekim: well, i'll keep both, but use synaptic for now.  thanks for the info.  i thought they were essentially the same, just built with different toolkits20:01
dorkfaceuser_: can do :)20:03
vijay_Packgae installer  --Error: Dependency is not satisfiable -- why this?20:03
user_nosrednaekim: so can you force-install an older version through synaptic?20:03
nosrednaekimuser_: I think so20:04
user_vijay: try running "sudo apt-get -f install", and if that doesn't work, you can install the depency manually, either by compiling or finding a .deb package20:04
perseptif I know correctly, KDE 4 will be in Hardy?20:07
jpatrickpersept: it already is20:07
nosrednaekimpersept: a version of hardy. yes20:07
jpatrickpersept: http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~jpatrick/minutes/kubuntu-meeting-20071222.pdf20:08
perseptjpatrick: i meant will be, because it hasn't had its final release20:08
jpatrickpersept: it has20:08
perseptthen why isn't it on the download page?20:08
jpatrickpersept: read the link, seeds are not yet ready20:09
jpatrick!kde4 > persept20:09
perseptgot it, thanks20:09
cash-homeHow I can cut mp4 video ?20:09
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:10
lokpesthi, I cant use a microphone20:10
Flare183!microphone | lokpest20:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about microphone - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:10
user_!cinelerra | cash-home20:10
ubotucash-home: Cinelerra is a video editor and compositor that cannot be included in Ubuntu for legal reasons. Install instructions can be found on http://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu20:10
Flare183!mic | lokpest20:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mic - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:10
Flare183what the mess20:10
lokpestFlare183: ??20:11
Flare183lokpest: hold up20:11
user_or: !avidemux | cash-home20:11
cash-homethnx a Lott20:12
user_cash-home - yeah, i messed up, but avidemux is good too :)20:12
Flare183beats me dude i can't find the factoid umm try krec20:13
jussi01cash-home: kdenlive should do it fine, you just need all the restricted extras installed iirc20:13
Flare183!info krec20:13
ubotukrec (source: kdemultimedia): sound recorder utility for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 354 kB, installed size 1056 kB20:13
lokpestFlare183: cant record in krec20:13
cash-homeI l try all and say result )20:13
Flare183yeah you can20:13
jussi01lokpest: have you had a look in kmix to see it is unmuted etc?20:13
jussi01!restricted | cash-home20:13
ubotucash-home: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:14
lokpestFlare183: alsamixer doesnt have a bar for mic, and pressing M does nothingb20:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mic - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:14
user_lokpest: have you run "alsamixer" in terminal and see whats there?20:14
lokpestuser_: http://img180.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot2tp6.png20:15
lokpestpressing M wont do anything20:15
perseptjpatrick: if i read right, the LTS has kde 320:16
user_lokpest: hmm... did it ever work before?20:16
lokpestuser_: no20:16
user_lokpest: what kind of computer are you using?20:16
lokpestuser_: dell inspiron 6400 laptop20:16
user_lokpest: ok, hang on.20:16
nosrednaekimpersept: there will be no LTS20:17
jpatrickpersept: no20:17
jpatrickpersept: what nosrednaekim said20:17
perseptjpatrick: then I guess the title of this is wrong? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/ports/daily-live/current/20:17
squid0hi! ctrl + alt + del doesn't work for me :( any idea why?20:17
squid0i mean, backspace20:17
perseptit calles it kubuntu 8.04 LTS20:18
jpatrickpersept: yes, I shall inform someone on that asap20:18
squid0also, when I do ctrl+alt+f1, it takes me to workspace 1 instead of terminal 120:18
user_lokpest: does your lappy have a built-in microphone?20:19
lokpestuser_: not sure what u mean? its a Intel motherboard with a sigmatel stac soundchip20:20
lokpestand im trying with a headset20:20
lokpestso I guess no20:20
user_lokpest: so you're just plugging a mic into the jack?20:20
lokpestyes a headset with to plugs20:21
jpatrickpersept: thank you very much20:21
user_lokpest: ok, lemme see,...20:21
user_lokpest: hmmm.. others with the same lappy say that it is supported.  If you plug in your mic, right click the sound icon, and click "show mixer window", what do you see?20:23
user_lokpest: is there a tab for "input"?20:24
lokpestuser_: three channels20:24
user_lokpest: ok, but is there a tab for "input"?20:24
=== niles_ is now known as NetersLandreau
user_lokpest: click on that, and is there a listing for mic?20:25
user_make sure the levels are turned on (not muted), and turn them up20:25
lokpestcapture, capture mux, digital20:25
user_lokpest: nothing about microphones?20:26
lokpestuser_: nope20:26
lokpestbut a have a tab for "coverter"20:26
lokpest(not sure about the english term as I dont use english langue)20:27
user_lokpest: "switches" maybe?20:27
user_lokpest: everyone else with your computer seems to be OK, just try to make sure nothing is muted, and sound levels (like "capture") are turned up.20:28
lokpestuser_: ok, so it should work out-of the-box20:29
user_lokpest: yes, that is what everyone has said20:29
KlavKalashjlokpest är en riktigt bra skiva måste jag säga=)20:29
user_lokpest: some people have had problems _recording_, but not using the mic20:29
senorpedrohi folks20:31
senorpedrois it possible to set the panel in kde4 on autohide??20:31
Lynourelokpest: if you use kmixer for the settings, do note that the green light is for whether it plays in your speakers, and red light is whether stuff can be recorded from that source20:31
senorpedroand maybe place it on the top of the desktop?20:31
nosrednaekimsenorpedro: neither is possible20:31
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
senorpedronosrednaekim: why not?? that sucks, in kde3 its possible20:32
Dr_willissenorpedro,  its a work in progress20:32
nosrednaekimsenorpedro: KDE 4.0.0 is not "finished" it is more of a devolopment release for people who want to create wdigets and apps20:33
senorpedroman without this particular feature the desktop is unusable for me....i mean even the xfce panel supports autohiding20:33
vijay_how to install firefox in kubuntu?20:33
Dr_willissenorpedro,  then dont use kde4.20:33
senorpedrovijay_: aptitude install firefox20:33
KlavKalashjapt-get install firefox?20:34
Dr_willissenorpedro,  The panel and other parts are still being developed and features added.20:34
respatianyone in here ever use linux media cent edition20:34
Dr_willissenorpedro,  or run the kde3 panel.20:34
senorpedrohm ok20:34
KlavKalashjDr_willis: Isnt kde4 officially released as a non-beta version now?20:34
=== NetersLandreau_ is now known as NetersLandreau
Waschmittelvijay_: you may also want to install mozilla-firefox-locale-(yourlanguage)20:35
lokpestLynoure, user_: http://img341.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot3ku3.png20:35
user_KlavKalashj: i found it is always better to use "aptitude" rather than "apt-get"20:35
hydrogenI disagree20:35
hydrogenaptitude trys to outthink you20:35
KlavKalashjuser_: what is difference?20:35
hydrogenand its not a good thing20:35
respatiim on kubuntu 0704 kind of a noob to kubuntu and linux. i cant find the program to download more programs like xchat20:35
Dr_willisKlavKalashj,  it is what its is.. Its still very much a work in progress20:35
user_aptitude will do more in the way of depencencies and broken packages than apt-get20:36
respatiwhere is adept/20:36
KlavKalashjDr_willis: kk20:36
respatiwhere is adept?20:36
senorpedrorespati: alt-f2 and then type adept_manager20:37
senorpedroor alt-space if you want to use the cool katapult ;)20:37
vijay_: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)20:38
vijay_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?20:38
senorpedrovijay_: try sudo aptitude install firefox20:38
user_vijay: you probably have an instance of adept running already.  kill it with ksysguard20:38
stdinvijay_: prefix the command with sudo20:38
vijay_i did20:39
vijay_: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)20:39
vijay_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?20:39
Respatixsenorpedro: Could not run the specified command.20:39
jpatrick@paste | vijay_20:39
jpatrick!paste | vijay_20:39
ubotuvijay_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)20:39
senorpedroRespati: look under k-menu->system->adept manager20:39
user_jpatrick: :)20:39
Respatixi used to use the gui and search programs thru the gui.  i cant find it in the menus though20:40
=== ubuntu is now known as lex
KlavKalashjguys, wich is best msn-substitute for linux?20:40
senorpedroor type in the terminal / Konsole : sudo adept_manager20:40
user_KlavKalashj: amsn is good20:40
user_!amsn | KlavKalashj20:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amsn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:40
jpatrick!kdesudo | senorpedro20:41
ubotusenorpedro: In KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)20:41
user_KlavKalashj:  http://www.amsn-project.net/20:41
lokpestuser_: well, its seems I got it working20:41
Lynourelokpest: hmm, weird. usually there is a green light just under the icons20:41
user_lokpest: what did you do?20:42
user_lokpest: i was sure it would work, but what settings did you change?20:42
lokpestLynoure: cant get a green light or record20:42
lokpestuser_: not sure, but i think the capture red light wasnt acivated20:43
Lynourelokpest: I'll need to exit this hot noisy machine room now, (un)fortunately, but the red lights all look like they are on.20:43
lokpestuser_: anyway, thanks20:43
user_lokpest: i didn't really do anything, but i'm glad its working now :)20:44
Lynourelokpest: ah, got it working. Great :)20:44
user_gah! how do i configure Konversation to open links in firefox?  this is killing me!20:44
lokpestuser_: nost problems seems to disapear when you ask somebody else ;)20:44
user_lokpest: i've found that to be true, too! :)20:45
sasha_how can i20:45
sasha_how can I use wget with pages made in php?20:45
das6745user_, set default in kde settings20:46
jpatricksasha_: you can't20:46
Darkrift411Hello again20:46
user_das6745: in Kcontrol?20:46
sasha_is there another way to solve this problem?any tool to download from this kind of sites20:47
jelsasha_: do to what?  If you mean to get the php source code then, no, you can't.20:47
Darkrift411I was in here yesterday because my wife did something that made my wifi stop working. I thought buying a pcmcia wifi card would fix it, but apparently it didnt work. anyone know why neither wifi cards (build on and pcmcia) arent even being detected?20:47
respatisenorpedro, adept manager is not in the menu.  sorry i just figured out it because i have installed kubuntu thru the linuxmce dvd and that is disabled to avoid automatic updates that would mess something up20:47
jelsasha_: you can download the original source via FTP or some other way that you have access to the actual files on the server.20:48
Dragnslcrsasha_- PHP just outputs normal HTML. wget will fetch the HTML just fine20:48
jelsasha_: IF you've been given such access20:48
user_darkrift411: did you try booting in recovery mode?  it seems to fix many networking problems20:48
nosrednaekimDarkrift411: what is "sudo lshw" saying?20:48
Respatixsenorpedro: i'll just use terminal sudo apt-get install xchat20:48
val0Darkrift411 are you using a laptop?20:49
das6745user_: emmm... in system settings20:49
user_nosrednaekim: nice command.  thats a new one for me   *writes that one down*20:49
val0Darkrift411 with a ndiswrapper?20:49
senorpedrorespati: do you even have adept_manager installed? try dpkg -l '*adept*' (from the command line/Konsole/terminal, you dont need to be root for that )20:49
Darkrift411if i remember correctly, when i first got it working many months ago, ndis didnt work, but we did something else20:49
val0Darkrift411 are the drivers being loaded properly?20:49
Darkrift411i tried ndis last night, and it didnt work20:50
das6745go kde-menu->system settings->default applications20:50
jelsasha_: another issue you might be seeing is that you need to log into some sites before you can access certain content, and wget won't have the login that your browser has.  Look at it's cookie options for that, or program something using python's mechanize or similar.20:50
val0Darkrift411 what happens when you try to bring the interface up?20:50
user_das6745: got it, and it works like a charm! I always use kcontrol instead of system settings, but this is a good one to know.  thanks!20:50
Darkrift411bring what interface up20:50
val0Darkrift411 your wireless interface20:50
sasha_I have an account on my colege's site with courses. I would like to download that site on my computer with wget20:51
val0Darkrift411 what does iwconfig say?20:51
sasha_I mean what I am able to take from that site20:51
jelsasha_: you want to download your course materials, not the site?20:51
Darkrift411lo        no wireless extensions.20:51
Darkrift411eth0      no wireless extensions.20:51
ScottKIs there anyone here who has Edgy or Feisty that would be willing to install an updated Klamav (and Clamav) from PPA for testing?20:51
das6745user_: thx you too, i miss that kcontrol is more powerfull20:51
jelsasha_: ok, read the man pages for wget, and figure out how to let it use your browser's cookies then.  Login with your browser, then use its cookies in wget as a "key" to get your stuff.20:52
Darkrift411sudo lshw doesnt show my built on wifi, or the pcmcia card20:52
Darkrift411it just shows ethernet device (lan)20:52
val0Darkrift411 ok, what about "ifup eth0"?20:52
nosrednaekimDarkrift411: weird...20:52
Darkrift411eth0 appeares to be my wired lan20:52
val0Darkrift411 oh ok20:53
jelsasha_: alternatively, use something built into your browser, or kget might work20:53
nosrednaekimDarkrift411: you sure you are  are running the right kernel?20:53
user_das6745:  true, but i didn't see a place to set default browser in there, so system settings is good for something! :)20:53
sasha_jel:thanks a lot for advice20:53
Darkrift411its been working for like 6 months20:53
sasha_I shall try20:53
Darkrift411but yesterday my isp had a hickup, and my wife needed to get on, so she started messing with stuff20:53
val0Darkrift411 I've had the same issue with the pcmcia cards not working on my x23 and took me 3 days to get it running20:53
nosrednaekimnot good...20:53
Darkrift411i came home and wifi managers and other things were open20:54
respatisenorpedro, i'll have to check if i even should install adept_manager.  i guess the automatic udates can mess up linux media center edition.  but i think I can shut off automatic updates and just use it for manual downloads of specific programs cant i?20:54
Darkrift411she ran everything under the internet settings section and somehow changed something20:54
val0Darkrift411 how about activate at start up option? :D20:54
user_darkrift411: dumb question: do you have wireless enabled?20:54
Darkrift411the onboard wifi was working, but its a pain in the arse chipset, so i bought a belkin pcmcia card to avoid the hassle.... but that isnt even detected20:55
user_Darkrift411: when you right click network manager, does it even list any wireless options?20:55
Darkrift411right now all i have open is kwifimanager20:55
Darkrift411which is what used to work20:56
jwproxwhen I enable all the repos and apt-get kde4 I get an error saying some packages are uninstallable20:56
jwproxHow do I upgrade to KDE4?20:56
user_darkrift411: the fact that nothing is even detected is troublesome.  Have you tried rebooting with recovery mode?20:56
ubotuKDE 4.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ - Support in #kubuntu-kde420:57
Darkrift411let me try that20:57
val0Darkrift411 check this out: http://linux-wless.passys.nl/20:57
Darkrift411brb i a few20:57
miketalancaI'm having a pretty big problem with GRUB; I had to format a few days ago and now I cannot do anything to get GRUB working; I've tried every terminal command and livecd trick (including Super GRUB disc) but I am always getting "error 15" no matter what I do.20:58
miketalancaIf it matters here is my sudo fdisk -l when starting up from a livecd: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/52680/20:59
user_miketalanca: try this maybe > http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24113.html21:01
user_miketalanca: it should re-build your Grub properly21:02
val0miketalanca this could a good thing to look at too > http://www.blogmanno.com/?q=node/6921:02
miketalancauser_ I can't get the first post's trick to work correctly, and the second post doens't work at all because I get an "error 15"21:02
user_miketalanca: try val0's suggestion - just make sure you know the location of each device21:03
miketalancaAlright, I am trying that now.21:05
Darkrift412x didnt even want to start in recovery, and i had no idea what elase to do frmo there21:07
user_Darkrift412: x won't start automatically in recovery, you either can reboot or (what I do), press ctrl+d to proceed21:07
Darkrift411i c21:07
user_i probably should have mentioned that ;)21:08
Darkrift411im still pissed that somehow i ended up buying a pcmcia card with the same damned chipset in it that i was trying to avoid21:08
user_darkrift411: linux can be frustrating like that... i'm always checking to make sure the stuff is compatible21:09
user_darkrift411: but in your case, it *is* compatible, as you were using it before...21:09
Darkrift411i just dont know what went wrong21:09
Darkrift411sounds almost like a hw issue21:09
firecrotchDarkrift411:  still having wireless problems?21:10
Darkrift411onboard and pcmcia both not detected21:10
val0Darkrift411 so i guess that site helped a little? i had the same problem, i bought 2 different cards but both used the same stupid chip set21:10
Darkrift411yes firecrotch21:10
user_Darkrift411: yeah, but both pcmia *and( built-in go at the same time?21:10
Darkrift411i had been using the onboard for 6-10 months, and something happened yesterday21:10
firecrotchWow I would have figured you'd have gotten that solved by now.  That thread on ubuntuforums didn't help?21:10
Darkrift411i couldnt get drivers reinstalled, so i gave up, and bought a new card (pcmcia)21:11
nosrednaekimDarkrift411: hmm do you have a liveCD?21:11
Darkrift411when i put it in, its not detected, and it seems to use the exact same install method/drivers as the onboard does21:11
Darkrift411no, but i guess i should dl one21:11
tdnfirecrotch, I do not have access to a Windows installation, so I cannot get Helvetica from there.21:11
Darkrift411i might have my install set, which im sure has a live boot option21:12
firecrotchtdn:  Oh, well, I suppose you'd have to buy one of the commercial ones then, or get someone who has a windows install to copy the font file from21:13
g2g591tdn: sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts21:13
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.21:13
Darkrift411afk,. going to look for my discs21:13
user_tdn: yeah, i think msttcorefonts has everything but tahoma21:13
tdng2g591, user_: It does not have Helvetica.21:14
g2g591tdn: i think it has tahoma actuallly ..21:14
firecrotchit has tahoma, but does not have helvetica21:14
tdnfirecrotch, ok, if I bought a Windows license, would I be allowed to copy Helvetica from it to my Kubuntu machine?21:14
Jeroidoes sun-java5-jre make symbolic link to firefox?21:15
firecrotchtdn:  That's a grey area, really.21:16
user_tdn: it is *completely* possible, but i;m not sure if we can advise doing so21:17
user_tdn: i have a "friend" who did just that, and it works fine :)21:17
user_tdn: .ttf files are equally recognizable in ubuntu21:18
KlavKalashjkde4 was not really nice:P21:18
KlavKalashjtested it now21:18
Darkrift411how do i check my exact kubuntu version?21:18
g2g591Kalv: the trunk branch is pretty21:19
RickKnightnuxil:Are you still here? I think I've found the problem.21:19
KlavKalashjg2g...: :P21:19
firecrotchDarkrift411:  lsb_release -a21:19
Darkrift411k. thx21:19
g2g591Kalv: the trunk branch is pretty good i ment21:19
firecrotchHmm... Vista apparently doesn't come with Helvetica.  I can't seem to find it, at least21:19
Jeroihow can I make java work with firefox?21:19
JeroiI dled that jre21:20
g2g591Hmm I cant seem to find Helvetica on my xp21:20
Jeroiform multiverse21:20
RickKnightnuxil:After I created the new user account and started copying files I tried to run glxinfo. X restarted. So I think the problem must be in glx and nvidia.21:20
g2g591Jeroi: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin21:20
Darkrift411i have 7.04, and the site offers 6.?? or 7.10, and while i dont mind an upgrade, there might be changes in that version that would make it work but not help with debugging21:20
Darkrift411should i just try the 7.10 livecd?21:21
tdnuser_, Ok :)21:22
user_Darkrift411: you can get the 7.04 livecd here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/feisty/21:22
Darkrift411the top link would be a livecd also, right?21:23
Jeroiwhy wont jre install plugin right away?21:24
g2g591Jeroi: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin21:24
g2g591Jeroi: some people dont want the plugin21:24
user_Darkrift411: i dont know what you mean- just download either the 32 bit or 64 bit version from the site21:24
Darkrift411i meant do the regular install cd's function as a livecd also? i thought they did, but wastn sure21:24
user_Darkrift411: yes.  they are the same thing :)21:25
Darkrift41110% dl21:25
Darkrift411gonna go smoke, tehn burn it21:25
user_Darkrift411: its a large file...21:25
Darkrift411we willl see if this helps21:25
g2g591Darkrift: as long as you dont download the alternate cd ... that one isnt live21:25
=== m-a-k is now known as m-a-k-
das6745user_: kcontrol->KDE components->Default applications =)21:28
Jeroig2g591 packet is not available, bot one packet points to it21:28
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:29
user_das6745: much more hidden than in system settings!21:29
g2g591Jeroi: oh, amd64 doesn't have a java plugin, you have to install the 32 bit version, and a 32 bit browser21:29
firecrotchtdn:  This link might interest you... http://www.searchfreefonts.com/search/?p=2&q=helvetica21:30
Jeroiwel why cant I make the symbolic link?21:30
Jeroijre is in 64bit21:30
user_tdn: can't you just arial instead?21:30
g2g591Jeroi: because the file you do the symlink from doesnt exist21:30
user_*just use21:30
tdnuser_, no! Really, no! :)21:30
Jeroihow can I then enable java 64bit?21:30
das6745user_: you know that KDE guys =)21:30
tdnuser_, it is just not as "perfect".21:31
g2g591Jeroi: you install the 32 bit version and a 32 bit browser21:31
user_tdn: i can't even find Helvetica on my XP install... hmmm21:31
tdnuser_, ok. Strange.21:31
tdnfirecrotch, I'll check it. Thanks.21:31
firecrotchI couldn't find it on my Vista install either.  I think it might have a weird filename21:31
g2g591Jeroi:  im not sure, thats why i stopped using 64  bit, when i found about no java21:31
mefisto_helvetica doesn't come with windows, but there are many helvetica-like fonts21:31
tdnfirecrotch, I think MS changed the font set in Vista.21:32
g2g591tdn: did you check out that found link above21:32
g2g591tdn: <firecrotch> tdn:  This link might interest you... http://www.searchfreefonts.com/search/?p=2&q=helvetica21:32
tdng2g591, yes. I am doing that right now.21:32
tdnfirecrotch, is that the real Helvetica? Or a free "implementation" of it?21:32
firecrotchtdn: I'm not sure, really21:33
tdnfirecrotch, ok. I'll try it.21:33
mefisto_if you own any adobe software, you might find helvetica on the install cds21:33
g2g591firecrotch: wow thats lots of helveticas!21:33
firecrotchI'm not sure if it actually lets you download them from there though, it almost looks like it actually directs to a site where you have to pay for it21:36
user_tdn: on wikipedia, it says Arial is almost indistinguishable from Helvetica...21:36
arkygeekhi everyone21:36
user_"Monotype's Arial, designed in 1982, while different from Helvetica in some few details, has identical character widths, and is indistinguishable by most non-specialists."21:37
arkygeekhow do i rebuild the linux image?  I did a dist-upgrade, and now in grub i have to boot to the old kernel. :-s21:37
user_tdn: Arial is much easier to come by21:37
arkygeekX wont start21:37
user_arkygeek: so you upgraded to 7.10, and now the grub menu lists... what, exactly?21:39
sourcemakerMy nvidia card is not working... I have read the installation guide... but it does not work21:39
user_!envy >sourcemaker21:39
sourcemakeruser_: yes... habve used this21:40
user_oh, then sorry :)21:40
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »21:40
jpatrickenry: night21:40
arkygeekuser_:  one generic (works)  and the other doesnt (386 or something)21:41
=== steve_ is now known as Scubar
user_arkygeek: is the "generic" your new version?21:41
user_it should be21:42
arkygeekuser_: no.21:42
mefisto_arkygeek: pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst21:42
sourcemakerthe nvidia driver does not detect my nvidia card21:43
sourcemakerI have a Geforce 7800GT21:44
arkygeekuser_: http://rafb.net/p/z4IZPQ97.html21:44
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:44
sourcemakerbinary driver does not work21:45
user_arkygeek: the "386" version is the same as the "generic" just below it21:46
user_arkygeek: if the one just below the two "386" entries works, just remove it from the grub menu21:47
arkygeekuser_: no it isnt. the kernel image is different21:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)21:47
arkygeekuser_: yeah, thought of that.  still bugs me that it didnt work though, know what i mean?  like, wtf?"!?21:48
* arkygeek heads off to remove the entry21:48
user_arkygeek: i'm pretty sure they are the same - they're both 2.6.22-14 - just with a different reference name.21:48
user_its the same kernel21:49
arkygeekuser_: off to reboot.... brb   (and thx!) :-))21:49
user_sourcemaker: see here> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64913221:50
=== steve_ is now known as Scubar
sourcemakerwhat't the current kubuntu kernel version?21:53
nosrednaekimin gutsy?21:54
sourcemakeryes in gusty21:54
sourcemakernosrednaekim: thanks21:54
mefisto_while you're all talking kernels, has anyone installed linux-rt?21:55
mefisto_previously known as linux-lowlatency21:55
user_mefisto: i've never had good luck compiling my own kernels21:55
jussi01mefisto_: yep21:55
nosrednaekimuser_: its in the repositories21:56
Scubaranyone know the easiest way to get the latest nvidia forceware drivers installed ?21:56
ubotuThe RT kernel is the Ubuntu kernel with a realtime preemption patch applied. It is included in Ubuntu Studio by default. For more information please see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RealTime/Gutsy21:56
mefisto_jussi01: any downsides?21:56
javieralguien habla espanl21:56
user_nosrednaekim: is there anything you *don't* know? :)21:56
jussi01mefisto_: what are you using it for21:56
jussi01!es | javier21:56
ubotujavier: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.21:56
user_!es | javier21:56
Scubari tried earlier and after ending x session it said something about kernel headers being wrong21:56
nosrednaekimuser_: oh yes :)21:56
mefisto_music, with rosegarden and ardour21:57
=== javier is now known as javier__
jussi01mefisto_: you may want to look into ubuntustudio21:57
jussi01!ubuntustudio | mefisto_21:57
ubotumefisto_: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org21:57
user_scubar: see here > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7507421:58
mefisto_jussi01: but I can pretty much build ubuntustudio from the standard k/ubuntu, no?21:58
user_mefisto: i'd imagine so, but this has everything packaged together21:59
frojndI have ati mobility x1400. Is there any tutorial how to install linux driver for that ?21:59
jussi01mefisto_: yeah, we have made a few changes ie. some to the limits.conf though21:59
user_frojnd: http://www.lunders-and.no/wp/?p=9621:59
g2g591frojnd: have you tried systemsettings -> advanced -> restricted manager22:00
frojndg2g591, yes I have but I don't see any result, I still have 1024*768 :S22:00
user_frojnd: if that doesn't work, you can also try here: http://cybernetnews.com/2007/10/20/install-and-enable-restricted-drivers-in-ubuntu/22:00
mefisto_jussi01: so ubuntustudio installs linux-rt by default?22:02
jussi01mefisto_: have a look at:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation22:02
jussi01mefisto_: correct22:02
g2g591so? you need to run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg , and setit to use the new driver, and a better res22:03
tdnuser_, and yet, Arila is not at all as perfect as Helvetica. The horizontal lines in Helvetica are missing in Arial.22:04
user_tdn: i understand they're a little different, but Arial is easy to find, and Helvetica - not so much...22:05
tdnuser_, yes. I know.22:06
mefisto_thanks jussi01, I'll try the ubuntustudio-audio. I'm assuming this will also install gnome, right?22:06
CppIsWeirdive got an  Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family), i had it working in 7.04, upgrading to 7.10 i get nothing. anyone know what i can do? i cant find too much on google other then people messing with alsamixer settings which have done nothing for me.22:07
jussi01mefisto_: could you join #ubuntustudio?22:07
tdnI am trying to unmount an USB storage device, and I get this error: http://thomasdamgaard.dk/paste/P1053.html.22:08
jussi01CppIsWeird: is that the hda one?22:08
jussi01!intelhda | CppIsWeird22:08
ubotuCppIsWeird: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto22:08
tdnhttp://thomasdamgaard.dk/paste/P1054.html <- Here are the process details. Should I just kill them?22:09
frojnduser_, I have enabled restricted drivers for ati but in system -> settings -> screen I only see 1024*768, 800*600 and 640*480.. Do I have manually edit xorg.conf or do I have start all xorg settings from gorund up ?22:11
Darkrift411ok, so im burning this livecd what do i want to do with it22:11
CppIsWeirdim not screwing with a bunch of custom stuff22:13
user_frojnd: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg    then specify your resolution22:13
user_frojnd: it will only take a couple of minutes- most things will be correctly auto-detected22:14
TimSCan Ark open password protected rar files?22:15
frojnduser_, should I pick for X server driver ATI or leave vesa ?22:15
ArtimusI came here this morning with Automount issues in Gutsy.  If anyone wants this for their notes, this was the solution I found.  If automount doesn't work and/or HAL can't start, run this command as root and reboot: /usr/lib/hal/hald-generate-fdi-cache22:15
jpatrickTimS: no22:15
TimSjpatrick: Is there another program that can?22:15
jpatrickTimS: unrar e archive.rar22:15
user_frojnd: i would say try the ATI one (that's what you are using).  If it doesn't work, you can always go back and use vesa (which is generic)22:15
TimSWill it prompt for password?22:16
user_tims: if its password protected, then yes22:16
TimSAlright =]22:16
Odd-rationaleArtimus: Is this the fix for automounting ntfs?22:17
ArtimusOdd-rationale: No22:17
Odd-rationaleArtimus: OK22:17
ArtimusThis is an issue where out of the box, HAL gets messed up (it'll give errors on loading KDE)22:18
ArtimusI don't have any NTFS drives, so I haven't ever looked into that one22:18
Odd-rationaleArtimus: OK. Mine's different, then.22:18
ArtimusI've had issues where NTFS drives won't mount because of them not being cleanly unmounted from Windows.22:18
Artimus(that was mounting manually)22:18
Odd-rationaleArtimus: I have an external hdd22:19
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adydasis there anyway to learn the path of a sound device ( a mic )22:19
ArtimusOdd-rationale: Just heads up, if you just unplug it instead of clicking "Safely Remove Hardware" in Windows or unmounting it nicely in Linux, Linux *WILL NOT* mount it next time you plug it in22:20
Odd-rationaleArtimus: I can mount it manually form the command line. So it is really no problem. But it would be nice if it worked like my FAT32 flash drive.22:20
user_odd-rationale: can you format it to ext3?22:20
Artimususer_: Might as well make it FAT32 by that point.22:21
Odd-rationaleuser_: I use it to share files with window machines. I'm the only one in the family using linux.22:21
CppIsWeirdive got an  Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family), i had it working in 7.04, upgrading to 7.10 i get nothing. anyone know what i can do? i cant find too much on google other then people messing with alsamixer settings which have done nothing for me.22:21
adydasyou tryed looking at kmix22:21
adydasif i recall right upon my install with a very simlar sounding set of a situation i was required to move the sliders up22:22
adydasand turn on some things22:22
Odd-rationaleHopefully Kubuntu Hardy will fix this. (It automounts in ubuntu gnome gutsy though)22:23
simion314hi, i want to kill x and enter in terminal mode?22:25
simion314how can i kill X22:25
adydasSo you want it to allways boot in terminal mode?22:26
g2g591simion: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop22:30
geniisimion314: Choose from login manager Console or Terminal login22:30
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geniisimion314: As the session22:30
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homelessjoeanyone know how to remove cups without removing kde?22:36
Maaraupdate-rc.d -f kdm remove22:37
jpatrickhomelessjoe: no22:38
homelessjoethat will allow me to remove cups without having apt remove kde?22:38
homelessjoejpatrick: arg22:38
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homelessjoei dont need cups since i dont print anything! ugh so stupid22:39
homelessjoetheres no way to break the "dependency" on it? even though its not actually dependent on it?22:39
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firecrotchhomelessjoe: what is it saying is dependent on cups ?22:40
homelessjoeand vice versa22:41
firecrotchthat's odd.  I would expect kubuntu-desktop to be dependent on it, but not kde itself22:41
homelessjoetechnically it does say kubuntu-desktop22:42
firecrotchkubuntu-desktop is just a meta-package that depends on _everything_ that is installed by default22:42
CppIsWeirdive got an  Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family), i had it working in 7.04, upgrading to 7.10 i get nothing. anyone know what i can do? i cant find too much on google other then people messing with alsamixer settings which have done nothing for me.22:43
jason__i am having an issue with kaffeine or xine not sure what the problem is but it keeps saying that all the video drivers failed to load. it was working fine last night but now it won't do didley22:43
homelessjoeis there a way to delete that met package without actually removing anything? in a way breaking that dependency22:43
firecrotchyou can just remove kubuntu-desktop, it shouldn't delete the things that it depends on22:44
homelessjoei really hope so22:45
homelessjoethat seems to remove all of kde22:45
firecrotchwell, I don't even have kubuntu-desktop installed on my system, and I'm running KDE :)22:45
homelessjoe*is going to try it now*22:45
homelessjoeomg my machine is running like ass for some reason! is there a way to turn off power management?22:46
firecrotchhomelessjoe:  besides, it would list all packages that are going to be removed before doing anything22:46
firecrotchjust make sure that it ONLY lists kubuntu-desktop, and you'll be fine22:47
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jason__anybody? anybody have a clue where to begin for fixing xine video drivers22:48
Odd-rationale Hello! I'm having trouble connecting to last.fm with amarok. I get this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/52697/ I have already double-check to make sure my username ans password are correct. Thanks for your help!22:50
g2g591jason_:sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg22:50
g2g591odd: working on it22:52
jason__it's installed22:52
Odd-rationaleg2g591: were you talking to me?22:53
g2g591Odd-rationale: im working on loading that pastebin page, im multitasking22:54
Odd-rationaleg2g591: OK Thanks.22:54
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jason__i even tried reinstalling it... same problem22:55
g2g591Odd-rationale: this is just a weird error -> over my head22:56
Odd-rationaleg2g591: OK. Thanks anyways.22:57
jason__as i said it was working fine last night and now i am getting "All Video Drivers failed to initialize!"22:58
g2g591jason_: thats wierd23:00
jason__yeah, the thing is, amarok is working fine23:00
jason__i've tried reinstalling everything, I just don't understand it23:04
Kloplop32I have a quick question, where is the bash script that acts after the user is logged in? I need to set a variable with export, but global, and not just in that terminal session23:10
adz21ci think one of might be ~/.profile, but don't take my word on that23:12
sourcemakersimple question: nvidia-glx is working fine... nvidia-glx-new not... shouldn't I use nvidia-glx-new for newer nvidia cards?23:13
adz21csourcemaker: which card?23:13
adz21cyea i would think new is what you should be using23:14
Kloplop32I have a FX one, and I know glx on linux was meant for general FX23:14
alex_mayorgahello all, what's the easiest way to go from ubuntu to kubuntu?23:14
sourcemakeradz21c: but with glx-new... I receive an api missmatch23:14
Kloplop32install the KDE environment23:14
adydashow can i idenfity a sound device23:15
adz21calex_mayorga: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop23:15
alex_mayorgaadz21c, thanks23:15
adz21csourcemaker: sounds like somethings going wrong when removing the old driver23:15
adz21csourcemaker: then you get a mix of both and it isn't happy23:16
sourcemakeradz21c: the old driver is working fine23:16
Kloplop32adz21c, do you know where that ~/.profile may be at?23:16
Kloplop32sourcemaker, then I would just stay with the old one :/23:16
sourcemakeradz21c: when I purge nvidia-glx and install nvidia-glx-new... kdm is not working due api missmatch23:16
adz21csourcemaker: yea thats what I mean, the old driver is install, but doesn't remove correctly then install new and u get a mix and all hell breaks loose23:17
sourcemakeradz21c: ok23:17
steve_oh ffs23:17
adz21csourcemaker: like Kloplop32 says tho, unless you have problems with the old driver might as well stick to it23:17
steve_stupid Konversation23:17
Darkrift411ok, nothing is working, still cant get wifi going, so im going to try to upgrade to 7.1023:17
alex_mayorgaadz21c, I tried with aptitude but it asks to remove all my language packs23:17
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basculeI can't seem to set a cover on some tunes I have just downloaded, the set cover options are all greyed out in edit track information and the sidebar, any ideas?23:17
Darkrift411everyone told me the adept update will prob fail, or not go smooth, but at this point, with no wifi, i could care less23:18
Darkrift411any words of wisdom for me?23:18
Scubardoes anyone know how i could get some form of sound on my X-Fi Prelude sound card ?23:18
adz21calex_mayorga: odd, but other than performing a full install from a kubuntu disc or picking out packages individually thats the key package23:18
alex_mayorgain the aptitude punctuation a bigger number is a worst thing right?23:19
jason__ok, i solved the problem, i didn't have libxine1-x installed23:19
adz21cScubar: the X-Fi only has some beta 64bit drivers available23:19
lod_I have a Q. about Cedega, to update from 6.0 to 6.0.5 must I apply all updates before 6.0.523:19
Kloplop32thanks adz21c I found the .profile file, restarting now to test if variable is set23:19
adz21clod_: no23:19
adz21cKloplop32:  gl23:19
sourcemakerdoes the RT kernel performs better on desktop systems?23:21
lod_iwconfig wlan0 mode master23:23
lod_Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :23:23
lod_    SET failed on device wlan0 ; Invalid argument.23:23
Scubaranyone got a X-Fi Prelude working on ubuntu ?23:23
jussi01sourcemaker: not really23:23
Scubareven if its just basic output23:23
Scubarkinda makes me sad cause i wanted to play quake wars on here :(23:24
adz21cScubar: http://opensource.creative.com/soundcard.html23:24
nickprestaFor some reason, whenever I try to login, the computer hangs before I can get to the desktop or the login process sends me back to the login screen. Ideas?23:24
Darkrift411i love linux23:24
Darkrift411getting a FREE os upgrade, at 2000kb/s over the internet23:24
Darkrift411when will ms learn23:24
Scubarill take a look23:24
Scubarunforunately the Prelude is made by Auzentech23:25
Scubaralthough they still use the creative drivers but not sure which ones23:25
adz21cScubar: well they will use the same chip23:25
nickprestaI applied the latest updates (including the previously broken X package) so I think that could be the problem...23:25
Scubarthat only has 64bit driver :\23:27
Scubarunless im being blind23:27
adz21cthere is only a 64bit driver23:27
adz21cand its beta23:27
Scubarim runnin i38623:27
adz21ci was thinking about getting an xfi till i found23:27
Darkrift411should going from 7.04 to 7.10 give any more hw support?23:28
ScubarAuzentech are making a driver at the moment but they only say its scheduled for Q1 0823:28
Scubari hate waiting23:28
nickprestaDarkrift411: I would imagine so. Newer kernel, etc.23:28
PriceChildDarkrift411, yes, for the latest hardware23:28
Darkrift411im scared still23:29
adz21cScubar: i don't think there is much else u can do except use an onboard card if you have one till then?23:29
adz21cScubar: under linux23:29
Darkrift411ppl in here told me not to do the "version upgrade" but right now my computer is as good as useless without wifi23:29
Kloplop32.profile isn't it adz21c :/23:29
nickprestaPriceChild: if possible, could you list the packages that were affect via the latest update or which were directly related to X? I think I need to downgrade.23:29
adz21cKloplop32: your just trying to set an enviroment variable when logging in?23:29
Kloplop32do you at least know how/where to set environmental variables?23:30
adz21cKloplop32: and what did you put?23:30
PriceChildnickpresta, it has been fixed with newer packages.23:30
Kloplop32export PSPDEV=/user/local/pspdev23:30
nickprestaPriceChild: I'm having trouble logging into my desktop and the only thing I've done recently is update those packages. =(23:30
adz21cKloplop32: weird cos it worked for me23:31
PriceChildnickpresta, not related.23:31
PriceChildnickpresta, give the channel more information on the errors you are experiencing.23:31
Scubari have the special SoundFX that came with my Asus Blitz mobo23:32
Kloplop32yeah, I know it works in the terminal, but it isn't global systemwide. It has to be able to be used inside of a C script compiled by gcc23:32
nickprestaFor some reason, whenever I try to login, the computer hangs before I can get to the desktop or the login process sends me back to the login screen.23:32
Scubarso i could try popping that in and using that in linux and using my Prelude in Vista23:32
adz21cKloplop32: oh ok, got ya, it isn't on a per user basis then23:32
Kloplop32I can go: echo $PSPDEV and it returns blank, but then I do export... then it works23:32
Kloplop32well I am the only user, it just has to be able to be constant and preset in the system23:33
lotfii'm here23:33
adz21cKloplop32: try /etc/rc.local?23:34
Kloplop32because when it starts a session  export only works in that section23:34
Kloplop32yes I already tried that23:34
Kloplop32and I already tried /etc/init.d/rc.local23:34
adz21cwell you tried all the ones i know of23:35
Kloplop32I know :(23:36
Scubaris wine still the best for running win bins ?23:37
Darkrift411id think so23:38
Darkrift411i run world of warcraft in wine23:38
Darkrift411runs great23:38
Darkrift411crossover office is good, but its just wine with a facelife as far as i can tell23:38
basculeKloplop32: /etc/bash.bashrc23:38
Scubarits k im gettin wine now anyway23:38
Scubarits only 2 apps i need to run23:39
Scubarand i know they run under wine23:39
Kloplop32bascule, I'll look23:39
Darkrift411how important is the package debconf ?23:41
Darkrift411because that package was corrupted in my version upgrade23:41
adydasCripes can somone tell me how you install flash when its erroring23:41
Scubardunno flash isnt working for me in opera23:41
Darkrift411oh crap23:42
Darkrift411x11-common also got messed up23:42
Darkrift411i feel like im going to have major problems23:42
adydasive done it on drapper or feisty23:42
adydasbut cant get flash plugin to work with gutsy for some reason i get a md5 error23:42
applehypnosisadydas, url coming up23:42
adydasCheers ears, i aint even got it going by putting liflashplayer.so into operas plugins folder23:42
Kloplop32thanks to the person who told me about /etc/bash.bashrc :) (forgot your name) thanks23:44
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adydas4 me?23:46
applehypnosisthat's not what i'm looking for but it should work23:46
applehypnosisi'll keep loking23:46
applehypnosisthere is one where you simply open up nano/gedit/vim and comment out the md5 matching section =[ but for the life of me I can't see it23:47
NickPrestaHow would one go about uninstalling the nvidia driver installed with Nvidia's .run package?23:47
mariaI have a problem with 'kmix'. I get 'It seems like kmix is not running' error when I attempt to adjust the volume.23:47
adydasNickPresta: are you using gutsy?23:48
adydasif so theres a much easyer way to do it, System settings > Advanced > restriced Drivers23:48
vltHello. I'm looking for an audio player that can do the following: When skipping to the next track (manually) I want the current track to fade out in 500 ms. Any idea?23:49
adydasvlt: tryed amarok?23:49
mariaI am having problems getting kmix. 'Mixer cannot be found'23:50
Scubarcant xmms do it ?23:50
basculeit was obvious after the event, no album tag set :)23:50
adydasvlt: amarok has a crossfading optiong23:51
adydasset in ms23:51
NickPrestaadydas, I know about restricted-manager :) I needed to use the latest version to support an 8800 GT. I am going back to the version in the repos. I actually figured out how to uninstall the .run package.23:51
adydasvlt:  its under the playback option menu23:51
* bascule knows vlt was just in #amarok asking the same thing :)23:52
vltadydas: amarok fades the next track in. I need it to play immediately and only the current one to fade out.23:52
adydaswell i just setit up and tryed and does excatly what he wants.. :p23:52
basculewants fade in in the second tune23:52
basculenot sure why though ... :)23:52
adydaswhat about no crossfading, and turn on fade out23:53
adydasso it starts the next one, and fades out the other?23:53
hydrogenthats only on exit23:53
adydasoh bummer23:53
adydaswell im out of ideas :P23:53
basculehe seems to want fade *in* on the second tune23:53
adydasto be hoenst im crossfading now and you cant really tell23:54
basculeI turn it off, annoys me to death :)23:54
adydasoh im going to turn it off, just saying if thats what you want its as close to it as i think youd get, and its so close what diff is there..23:55
adydasapplehypnosis: am i understanding correcltly that there is a deb file to install flash?23:56
Jabapythwhats the command to "version upgrade" from the command line?23:56
adydasapt-get upgrade23:57
basculeJabapyth: well I edit /etc/apt/sources.list to point to the new release and dist-upgrade23:57
adydasor apt-get -u dist-upgrade23:57
basculeJabapyth: so basically change all feisty to gutsy23:57
firecrotchThat's a VERY bad way to upgrade to gutsy23:58
adydasfirecrotch: must agree never worked for me...23:58
firecrotchediting sources.list and then updating, yes.  It's been known to break people's systems23:58
basculefirecrotch: what is the suggested way?23:59
firecrotchIf you're running Kubuntu, why would you want to do it from the command line?23:59
bascule!upgrade > bascule23:59

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