
Davieyshould be00:00
AboveBrewyeah VLC media player...running that now..00:00
Davieybrb, if you want me - make sure you use my nick as it highlights..00:01
AboveBrewDaviey: Ok, thanks. Does Frequency match up with the channel number?00:02
AboveBrewDaviey: I select open capture device, put in a frequency, no video...but no errors either00:03
AboveBrewDaviey: Oooh... under stream and media info: I see a bunch of stuff .. stream bit rate - looks like there is a signal...no video yet though00:08
AboveBrewDaviey: Demuxed is going up... input bitrate is 0 though00:08
DavieyAboveBrew: keep playing.. i think it'll work :)00:09
AboveBrewDaviey: hehe sweet00:10
harminoffso is there some sort of alternate cd for mythbuntu?00:18
Davieynot yet00:19
harminoffyeah I cant unstall mythbuntu at all00:19
harminoffive cd wont even load up00:19
Davieybut you can install ubuntu' alt then use the mythbuntu packages00:20
harminoffim downloading mythdora instead00:20
harminoffgiving that a shot00:20
famiconnothing seems to ever just work01:26
zoidfarbHey, so I just installed Mythbuntu, and I'm having trouble getting the IR remote for my PVR-150 to work. Does anyone know if there's something special I need to do?01:26
famiconzoidfarb hey there01:27
famiconyou mean the remote that came with the card?01:27
zoidfarbit's silver, with four colored buttons at the bottom01:28
zoidfarb(my understanding is that the PVR-150 ships with two different remotes)01:28
zoidfarbDuring the install process, it asked me about a remote, and I selected Hauppauge TV-Card01:28
Dr_willisI belive on which package you get - the pvr150 either has a mce remote. or a hauppage remote. and theres several of them I belive.01:29
famiconThe pvr150 has been sold with 2 different types of remotes one grey and one silver so your lircd.conf will depend on which you have.01:29
zoidfarbYeah, I read that page. What I'm a little unclear on is how much of that has already been done by the Mythbuntu team01:29
zoidfarbbecause lirc seems to be installed and the daemon seems to be loading correctly01:30
famiconafaik everything you have is pretty much the same as an install from mythtv source01:30
famiconmythbuntu is for the most part just myttv with ubuntu slapped on it01:31
Dr_willisSo..is the silver one - like shiny silver? the other is a matt grey?  :)01:31
zoidfarbit's shiny silver01:32
Dr_willisIve only got one. Its  sort of shiny silver. :)01:32
zoidfarbthat's what mine is like01:32
Dr_williswith black on the back. 4 color buttons on the bottom.01:32
Dr_willisgreen power om top right. House/Go button on top left.01:32
zoidfarbmine looks exactly like this, as far as I can tell: http://lirc.sourceforge.net/remotes/hauppauge/PVR-350.jpg01:33
zoidfarbyeah, it's silvery on the top and black on the botton01:33
zoidfarbit sounds like we have the same remote, did you get yours working?01:34
zoidfarbor not?01:37
zoidfarbwhere'd everyone go?01:43
famiconim just cursing at this goddamn motherfucking piece of shit dvb card01:44
famicongetting ready to throw it out of the window01:44
zoidfarbset it on fire01:46
famiconi dunno01:46
famiconim trying not to01:46
zoidfarbso you think I should try to reinstall LIRC by compiling the latest CVS source?01:46
famiconcause it would be the third unit so far that i've smashed in complete rage01:46
famiconand at 500 dollars a piece01:47
famiconmy anger is getting rather expensive01:47
zoidfarbhey, so I'm having trouble getting a Hauppauge PVR-150 remote to work. I found this page: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/PVR150_Remote  but it's a year old. Does anyone have any suggestions?03:29
Aquahallicevenin' folks04:03
Aquahallicanyone else having problems with viewing the guide while watching Live TV and it hanging the box up hard?04:03
zoidfarbI'm not, but have you tried tinkering with the settings for the guide04:21
zoidfarbthere's different transparency levels that are easier on the CPU04:22
=== hexxeh is now known as directhex
MilhousePunkRockHello everyone!13:42
MilhousePunkRockMythbuntu keeps on logging me out/restarting gdm13:42
MilhousePunkRockInstead of starting mythwelcome/mythfrontend13:42
MilhousePunkRockAny ideas?13:42
Davieymythwelcome :(13:43
* Daviey has never seriously used mythwelcome13:43
MilhousePunkRockDaviey: It did work until just now13:43
Davieywell what did you change :)13:43
MilhousePunkRockThe only thing I have done were the regular updates, nothing myth related in them though13:43
Davieymight it be worth creating a new user, and trying that?13:47
MilhousePunkDaviey: Did you say anything in the last 4 minutes? I lost my connection13:49
DavieyMilhousePunkRock: yes i did :)13:50
Daviey13:47:24 < Daviey> odd!13:50
Daviey13:47:47 < Daviey> might it be worth creating a new user, and trying that?13:50
MilhousePunkRockDaviey: I think it's X-related, I tried starting a plain xfce session, that terminates too after a second or two13:50
Davieycheck the xorg log file?13:51
MilhousePunkRockFatal server error: Caught signal 11.  Server aborting13:51
Davieyyou have a /tmp right?13:51
Daviey(with space)13:51
MilhousePunkRockDaviey: Yes I do.. The machine is still pretty fresh, HDD is not yet full13:52
MilhousePunkRockBacktrace: 0: /usr/bin/X(xf86SigHandler+0x81) [0x80c95d1] 1: [0xffffe420]13:53
MilhousePunkRockThat's from the log too13:53
Davieysomething is broken, and i'm not sure of the fix13:54
Davieypersonally i would reinstall xorg first13:54
MilhousePunkRockDaviey: Just doing that... <3 ssh ;)13:55
Daviey(This doesn't seem to be a mythbuntu related problem, so you might get better support from Ubuntu support avenues)13:55
Davieysorry not being more help!13:55
MilhousePunkRockDaviey: No need to apologize, checking in #ubuntu now13:56
MilhousePunkRockDaviey: #ubuntu says I need to reinstall the nvidia-driver14:01
MilhousePunkRockWhich I am doing right now (need the 100.14.11 driver to prevent the pink screen bug)14:01
MilhousePunkRockDaviey: Which I dirtily put on top of the nvidia-glx-new with nvidia's install script, other than complaining about an version inconsistency it's been fine so far14:03
MilhousePunkRockDaviey: Back to life!!!!!! Thanks for trying to help... And time to watch this weeks Prison Break now ;)14:05
MilhousePunkRockDaviey: So for the next poor guy whose session keeps on terminating, it's the nvidia-driver... Over and out, have a nice day!14:06
Tig|hi,  for my sins I have bought an Elonex Artisan case for my new little mythbox,  it is supposed to have a front display and a volume control dial on the front but obviously these seem to need some drivers,  google has not helped so far but is there a project (like lirc for remotes) for dealing with displays and things like that or has anyone heard of any other drivers that might point me in the right direction?  Thanks :)14:50
directhexTig|, lcdproc, i think it's called15:10
rigologood afternoon15:46
rigoloI'm trying to switch to the trunk weeklybuilds. I have done all the steps as described on the weeklybuilds webpage. When I do a apt-get update I get an error: Failed to fetch http://uk.weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org/mythbuntu-trunk/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/Release  Unable to find expected entry  univers/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?) Any idea what goes wrong?15:48
rigoloIf i look at the direcotries where this file should be there is a Packages file but it is zero bytes15:49
Davieyrigolo: erm, you did do a "sudo apt-get update"15:52
Davieyhttp://uk.weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org/mythbuntu-trunk/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/ <-- shows 10K here15:53
rigoloDaviey: I did ... the file in dists/gutsy is indeed 10K ... but it gives an error on the univers/binary-i386/Packages file15:55
rigolothat file is referenced from the dists/gutsy/Release file15:56
Davieysame on the US one.. i can re-prod it15:57
Davieywait 115:57
rigoloI can access the UK server with a web browser but the US gives me a 403 error15:58
Davieyrigolo: try now15:58
rigolosame error ... (i'm using the UK server)15:59
Davieyi just re-sync'd the uk one15:59
Davieyrigolo: I just apt-get updated on two boxes - didn't get the error :/16:01
rigoloI also just found a mistake in my source.list.d entry ... forget a e after universE16:01
rigoloIt is working now ....16:01
Davieydid you copy and paste the instructions?16:02
rigolomaybe I should put my two screens next to each other ... instead a 90 degrees angel and twist left to right16:02
rigolonope .. manually typed it over :-)16:02
rigoloupgrade is running now ...16:02
rigoloand then I will start looking at the multirec that is now in trunk :-)16:03
Davieyyep, i upgraded to it last night16:03
rigoloGot 4 dvb-c cards here ... and using them with sasc-ng should be "fun"16:03
Davieyyiu will probably need to delete your cards (maybe channels aswell) and re-add16:03
Davieyrigolo: what country?16:04
rigologot to go now ... some shopping to to do before the girlfriend comes home16:04
rigoloand .. this is a new build ... so a mythtv setup from scratch16:04
rigoloI will be back later ... most likely16:04
MilhousePunkRockHello everyone (again)!16:30
MilhousePunkRockThere are still some minor flaws I have to fix before I can really enjoy my MythBox:16:31
MilhousePunkRock1. Overscan: When I adjust the screen size with nvidia-settings, those will not survive a reboot. Any way to make it consistent?16:32
chasepokay, ive almost got everythign working, except the audio is still squeaky.... I've set the rate sampling limit to 32000, I've verified the audio is fine when played through other programs besides mythtv.......I've tried every single example I've been able to find inline about what might solve the problem.....any ideas?21:42
TazgodXdamn, all this work on my mythbox and its for nothing22:00
TazgodXswitching to IPTV soon....AT&T UVerse22:01
chasepim giving up on myth....2 weeks, 4 flavors of myth, still not working right.......even though I have found reports of people with the same capture cards getting it to work, they either don't say how, or what they do say doesnt work22:06
squish102haupage pvr 150 works out the box22:12
squish102i went through 3 cheap capture cards before i got it working22:13
ZoidfarbHey, how do I remove scheduled recordings?22:23
=== Sphagnum is now known as tari

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