
=== danroj is now known as danrojen
=== danrojen is now known as danroj
Crysisqueria saber si hay un OP aqui de #ubuntu-es00:35
LjLCrysis, hay jpatrick, erusul y effie_jayx en #ubuntu-irc, sino creo que se dorman00:36
LjLFYI: Michoacano came in #ubuntu claiming that someone from #ubuntu-es gave him the "sudo rm -rf /"00:36
LjLthen, he joined #ubuntu-es claiming that someone from #ubuntu did that00:37
LjLthen, he spammed ##linux claiming that someone from #ubuntu did that00:37
LjLseveas: ping00:37
tomawsee above00:38
LjLSeveas: you are on the -es access list, do you think you could do something about michoacano?00:38
tomawSeveas: it may be useful to add staff to the access list also00:38
* LjL is not sure what he's supposed to do this time00:38
SeveasI didn't know I had access there :)00:39
LjLtomaw: as our recommendations say.00:39
LjLthe channel owner is a bit lazy apparently00:39
Seveas/msg chanserv op #ubuntu-es ljl00:39
Seveasthat worked?00:39
LjLyou're 29 seveas00:40
LjLnot age00:40
LjLanyway, that channel really needs something to be done about00:40
tomawchannel security is on00:40
tomawyou can't op people not on the access list00:40
Seveassince I have 29, I can fix that :)00:41
LjLSeveas, i'm not sure how pelicano would take it if you mess with channel settings though...00:42
Seveasif he notices :)00:42
ardchoillehehe, sneaky00:43
LjLanyway, i'm not sure whether jpatrick is in disagreement with other -es ops, or is just afraid of banning00:45
LjLi think i'll ask for access at the next chance00:45
LjL#ubuntu can be quieter than -es, really... it's not good00:46
LjLCrysis, tiempo de irse... ;)00:52
LjLCrysis: fuera de este canal ;)00:53
Crysisy porque??00:54
Crysispero quiero hablar con los OPS de ubuntu-es00:54
Crysisyo estoy ayudando00:54
LjLCrysis, ellos son en #ubuntu-irc. cuando no se dormen00:54
Crysisy me sacan00:54
LjL[17:59] <LjL> !idle | Crysis00:56
LjL[17:59] <ubotu> Crysis: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.00:56
LjL[17:59] <jpatrick> Crysis: /topic00:56
LjL[17:59] <LjL> Crysis: eso dice que preferimos que aqui sean solamente personas que necesitan ayuda con los canales.00:56
Crysispues por eso LjL00:56
Crysissi llega alguien mas ahi00:56
Crysisyo les aviso00:56
Crysisdespues hablan mal de mi00:57
Crysisy me quieren sacar00:57
Crysispor eso quiero ayudarles00:57
LjLestan en #ubuntu-es o a vecez en #ubuntu-irc00:57
ardchoilleLjL: Crysis knows this channel isn't for idlers, he/she has been told in the past, clearly isn't going to comply00:57
LjLeste canal es para los operadores de #ubuntu00:57
Crysiseres OP de #ubuntu LjL???00:58
LjLardchoille, we need patience with this one. at least until i get access in -es.00:58
LjLCrysis, eso no importa...00:58
Crysisme hubieras dicho desde el principio que el estaba mintiendo00:59
Crysissi realmente es un hacker00:59
Crysisme buscara00:59
LjLCrysis, ultimo aviso. por favor. si quieres hablar con los ops de #ubuntu-es, hablales en #ubuntu-es o #ubuntu-irc00:59
Crysisesta bien pues00:59
ardchoilleLjL: As you wish :)00:59
Crysispero despues no digan que no ayudo00:59
Crysiscuidense gente01:00
LjLthere's a frigging reason i made #ubuntu-irc01:00
PriceChildHey soldats, how can I help?01:03
LjLby sounding like a broken record01:03
soldatsi would like you guys to keep an eye on "penol" he was in #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic he dropped the "F" bomb 3 times and i told him to stop "or else" and he continued to do it. says hes from norway so he may not know CoC.01:05
LjLwill watch01:05
soldatsk :)01:05
ubotuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)01:44
ubotuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)01:44
Mez* Received a malformed DCC request from lololz.01:44
Dave2I noticed :P01:45
* Dave2 K-lines01:45
PriceChildLjL, I guess that didn't go well? :/01:46
Mezty Dave201:46
LjLi guess so01:46
Mezwhy? it did what it should have done other than deop01:47
PriceChildMez, it removed nearly all those bans01:47
Mezah, ok - didn't notice that01:47
MezLjL, I presume it does some checking or somethign /01:48
LjLMez, no, it should remove them after two weeks01:48
MezTime Travelling Bots01:48
LjLbut apparently it believed the timespace continuum suddenly moved two weeks ahead01:48
nixternalman, you all havin' some fun in #ubuntu tonight or what?01:51
LjLisset() will return FALSE if testing a variable that has been set to NULL.01:53
LjLbut of course. crap.01:53
MezLjL, depends on the language01:54
LjLit's a frigging contradiction in terms01:54
LjLif i ask if it "is SET", and i have SET it to null, it means it's SET01:54
MezLjL, however, some define "null" as a non-set thing. Dependant on language.01:55
MezJavascript for example has no unset method01:55
Mezso you have to set it to null01:55
MezVisual Basic also..01:56
MezPHP however, doesnt, but if you do $x = 0; then empty($x) is true01:56
LjLMez, this is php.01:57
Seeker`Hmm, site isn't responding02:02
PsynautCan someone please test me02:07
LjLPsynaut: did the automatic test not work?02:07
PsynautLjL sec gonna relog02:08
PriceChildfor crying out loud02:08
PriceChildhe didn't say a thing02:08
LjLPriceChild: i know.02:08
Psynautyeah still not working02:08
PriceChildLjL, you're not +o, you can't see?02:09
LjLPsynaut, i suggest that you actually read the instructions that are given to you.02:09
LjLPriceChild: i'm pretty sure i would have seen the bot replying to him.02:09
PriceChildLjL, typo?02:09
LjLPriceChild: can't exclude that. still...02:09
PsynautI did I changed my ports to 8001 on ubuntuservers nad freenode02:09
PriceChildLjL, I saw a few people including your funky unicode02:09
PriceChildPsynaut, read the rest02:09
LjLPsynaut: and did you type what the topic, which you read, told you to type?02:09
PsynautI just upgraded my router's firmware the other day02:09
LjLyou know, it's a channel called #ubuntu-read-topic02:10
LjLperhaps you're supposed to read the topic02:10
PsynautI went here02:10
Psynautas the topic said02:10
LjLYour router is affected by a bug. Please follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit to fix it, and then type « test me ». If the automatic test fails, join #ubuntu-ops and ask to be tested by operators02:10
LjLwhich part of "and then type « test me »" escaped you? :)02:10
* PriceChild edits the wiki page02:11
Psynautbeen a long day02:11
Psynauttyring to get my damned microphone working for 12 hours02:11
LjLPsynaut: please, join #ubuntu-read-topic and type that02:11
LjLPsynaut: failed.02:11
LjLmake really sure you're connected to 800102:12
LjLclose and reopen your client02:12
LjLPsynaut: you should be able to join #ubuntu now02:15
PsynautI am back init02:15
LjLthanks and enjoy02:15
Psynautaye thanks02:16
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
PriceChildGrr powersurge knocked my router out.02:25
Seeker`PriceChild: that sucks02:26
PriceChildalarms going off outside02:26
Seeker`is that a result of the surge?02:28
LjLthat's quite a power surge.02:28
PriceChildI guess house alarms decided someone was tampering with them.02:29
Seeker`PriceChild: you have exams at the moment?02:30
PriceChildSeeker`, no, finished last friday02:30
PriceChildIf I did I wouldn't be up so late.02:30
Seeker`PriceChild: Fair enough. I've got one more on monday02:32
PriceChildSeeker`, what're you doing up so late?! :)02:33
Seeker`PriceChild: Because I have all weekend to learn stuff02:33
PriceChildthe man who says that....02:33
PriceChildgets no sunday to play02:33
Seeker`No, I'm having friday night off02:33
Seeker`as I had an exam earlier02:34
MezLjL, you're using PHP?02:34
LjL[03:32:25] <vocx> I don't think there was a valid reason to kick him. He had an attitude but he was not a troll.     Anyway, can you tell me what the job of these FloodBots is? I had not seen them before.02:34
LjLthis is about misslecommander. so perhaps i'll invite him here.02:34
LjLalthough i do think he's a troll and attempted to ban evade [a ban that was not there]02:34
LjLMez: sigh... why's everybody so astonished. yes.02:34
MezLjL, no - er... you're using the constant NULL ?02:34
LjLMez: i was02:34
misslecommanderi dont know what i did02:34
misslecommanderi was trying to help someone and he was looking for trouble. how do i ignore people ?02:35
MezLjL, either use \0 (null byte)02:35
Mezor use your check02:35
LjLmisslecommander, why do you have another nickname joined?02:35
Mezto check is_null aswell02:35
misslecommanderwhat you mean?02:36
LjLmisslecommander, misslecommander_02:36
misslecommanderi am using pidgin, it may have done that02:36
LjLMez, i can use anything really02:36
misslecommanderi was trying help help someone get a list back so i opened pidgin02:36
LjLMez: i just thought NULL would be the most elegant thing do use. foolish.02:36
misslecommanderit has some option to choose names like that02:37
MezLjL, null is annoying02:37
LjLmisslecommander, please don't lie to me. i kicked you, and shortly after you rejoined with the other nickname.02:37
LjLwhat can i think except that you were trying to evade a ban that you thought was placed on you?02:37
misslecommanderi truly dont know, i am very new to not only ,inux but irc02:37
misslecommanderpidgin,  i dont know hw to stop it from auto log02:37
LjLmisslecommander: then if you're new to linux and irc, perhaps you should not attack people but try to understand how things work here.02:37
misslecommanderthats why i went to xchat02:37
Mezbut you can check for null with ===NULL#02:38
Mezif (!isset($var) AND $var !== NULL)02:38
misslecommandernot sure i am getting this, i am here to gather information, not start trouble02:38
LjLMez: i don't need to. NULL was really just a placeholder, i can set the variable to something else02:38
LjL!lol | misslecommander02:38
ubotumisslecommander: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.02:38
misslecommanderand i try to help anyone i can, which is why i am using pigdin, in which i dont like because of the auto log02:38
LjLmisslecommander: this trigger says to not use "lol".02:38
LjLok, you did it just once.02:39
LjLdid it warrant attacking the person who gave it to you?02:39
misslecommanderi wasnt aware02:39
LjLyou wasn't aware?02:39
LjLweren't, even02:39
misslecommanderof the lol02:39
LjLyou're not aware of the things you say?02:39
misslecommanderi wasnt aware lol wasnt allowed nor that i said it02:39
misslecommanderi had changed clients part way through o i could scroll up02:40
misslecommanderi was in the process of helping someone02:40
LjLwell, you did say it. and it is "allowed"... just annoying. but you definitely shouldn't attack someone who's legitimately giving bot factoids to you02:40
LjLalso, what made me kick you eventually was this02:40
misslecommanderi agree02:40
LjL[03:26:23] <RyanPrior> misslecommander: Scroll up and read your comments. I don't mean to push the issue, and I'm not a channel mod and I'm not threating anything against you. Just reminding you that posts like "oh lol" don't add much to the room. Please don't take offense. :-)02:41
LjLthe guy toned it down.02:41
LjLyou could have said, ok02:41
misslecommandermay i ask a question ?02:41
LjLbut no you went on attacking: [03:29:14] <misslecommander> RyanPrior: you are just looking for trouble, and maybe you dont know, but pm's are diabled. so get a life02:42
LjLyes, sure02:42
misslecommanderyou do have rules, some of which i dont know. why is lol not allowed, yet :) is ? maybe dumb question but arent they the same ?02:42
misslecommanderi agree i didnt have to say what i said, i dont deny02:42
LjLmisslecommander, but i told you, "lol" is allowed. it's just that it's much better to actually state full questions and answers, than to use such interjections.02:43
LjL!etiquette > misslecommander    (misslecommander, see the private message from Ubotu)02:43
LjLbrowse these02:43
misslecommanderok, dont go please.02:43
LjLmisslecommander, i'm not going anywhere. please give the guidelines a good read, as well as the other bot triggers i've given you, and then tell me if you have any doubts left02:44
RyanPriorWhat's with the change to Ubotu? He now spams the channel with 2 lines when you use | somebody's name?02:46
RyanPrior!ubuntu | LjL02:47
ubotuLjL: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com02:47
LjLRyanPrior: no02:47
RyanPriorHmm, doesn't do it now. It happened just a second ago though.02:47
LjLRyanPrior: [03:45:51] <Elevator_Hazard> !wine02:47
LjLit's because this guy had called it first02:47
ardchoilleRyanPrior: It does it with the !flash trigger02:47
LjLRyanPrior: type !wine now02:47
RyanPriorOh, so when two people call it, he says "see above"?02:47
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com02:47
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.02:47
LjL!wine | RyanPrior02:47
ubotuRyanPrior: please see above02:47
RyanPriorAh, got it.02:47
RyanPriorThat's not so bad.02:47
ardchoilleVery nice way of handling factoids, that02:48
LjLit was actually done to *decrease* the spam ;)02:48
RyanPriorYeah. I thought it was changed to post the factoid, then tell the person after the | to see above.02:48
LjLno, fortunately that's not the case :)02:48
misslecommanderLjL: as far as misslecommander, misslecommander_ thats pidgin, i dont like to use it, it auto-logs or something, so i switched to xchat, which i like. i meant nothing or was trying nothing.02:49
LjLmisslecommander: ok02:49
misslecommanderi go to @ubuntu for imformation as there is alot of good info in there.02:49
misslecommanderif you grant me permission, i would like to be able to go back in there, please.02:50
misslecommanderwhats going to happen is. my xchat is set to auto join that channel, so when i use it, i know it will try to join that channel02:51
misslecommanderi dont want to get in trouble for that02:51
PriceChilddisk activity is through the roof and little memory left, going down for a fsck and will brb :)02:52
LjLmisslecommander, if you understand the guidelines and do your best to behave according to them, i'll let you back in, yes.02:53
misslecommanderthank you, i am sorry02:53
LjLmisslecommander: nevermind. just understand that #ubuntu is a busy channel and we like neither quarrels between people nor noise of other kinds, since the questions already make up for a fair bit of traffic02:54
misslecommanderis there a timeoout perdiod, from when i leave this client, to use another, it will reject my name ?02:55
ubotuOn IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password>02:55
LjLif that's what you mean02:55
misslecommanderso that will log me off this client ?02:55
misslecommanderre reading it, i think i get it. thank you for allowing me back in.02:56
LjLmisslecommander: uhm, no, because you're not identified02:56
LjL!register | misslecommander02:56
ubotumisslecommander: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration02:56
LjLmisslecommander: this time, you'll just have to wait. if you register, you will be able to kill "ghost" connections02:56
misslecommanderyes i see, now. i see the chanserv messages something like that02:57
jdh6403apparently  i need tested03:09
jdh6403ops test me pls03:09
jdh6403hey PriceChild03:11
jdh6403i need tested according to this dcc exploit03:11
jdh6403i changed the ports for freenode and ubuntu to 800103:12
jdh6403i did the auto test and it said i need to come here to have a op test me03:12
elkbuntuseems you pass03:12
jdh6403ty sir03:12
jdh6403i got it03:13
PriceChildHmm seems like lappy is still alive, *reviews logs*03:14
LjLbut he wasn't banned from #u03:18
brad23does ubuntu 7.10 support dual core cpu's and use both cores to make it faster? or will it only use 1 of my 2 cores?04:28
Picibrad23: This isnt a support channel.  Please change your ident and you can rejoin #ubuntu.04:30
PriceChildAlyxander, Hi? How can I help?04:30
AlyxanderI fixed the dcc bug by changing the port to 8001 and I still cannot join #ubuntu04:30
Picibrad23: preferably to something less... colorful.04:31
PriceChildAlyxander, go back to #ubuntu-read-topic and read the topic.04:31
AlyxanderI did04:31
PriceChildAlyxander, ok...04:31
PriceChildAlyxander, go back to #ubuntu-read-topic, read the topic and do what it suggests.04:31
AlyxanderI did04:31
PriceChildYou didn't.04:32
PriceChildNow you have :)04:32
Alyxanderits fixed now thanks04:32
* Pici facepalms04:37
PiciSecond person who cant seem to follow directions in -offtopic04:52
ardchoilleHow do I do a ban forward with auto_bleh?05:03
ardchoilleWould it be:  /ab *!*@host!#channel ?05:03
crdlbyou'd need to op manually and /mode +b05:06
crdlbiirc autobleh isn't smart enough to say "hey this isn't a valid nick, perhaps it's a banmask"05:06
ardchoillecrdlb: Ok, no problem. Will perform those manually. Thankyou :)05:08
naliothardchoille: autobleh is pretty simple.  there is an updated version more akin to chanserv.py in the works, from what i hear05:11
naliothardchoille: irssi is made for scripting, anyway05:11
ardchoillenalioth: Ah, ok. Yeah, perhaps I need to learn some perl05:13
naliothardchoille: perl? i just make convoluted aliases  :P05:17
dbmoodbi am sorry i will not do it again05:26
dbmoodb- can i be unbanned now ?05:26
ardchoilleI banned profoX_ from #k, will unban when the problem is fixed05:27
ubotugenii called the ops in #kubuntu (profoX_ flood in #kubuntu)05:29
naliothardchoille: um, this is not the way to do it05:29
ardchoillenalioth: Teach me how and I will do it, was just setting a ban due to users complaining05:30
naliothardchoille: /mode #kubuntu +b profo*!?=wesley@*!##fix_your_connection   is the way to do it05:30
naliothardchoille: any time folks are having connection problems, ##fix_your_connection is the place to banforward them to05:31
ardchoillenalioth: Done. I didn't think "Excess Flood" was a connection type problem. Thanks for the advice :)05:32
crdlbit's usually a bouncer gone crazy05:33
santiumAny human ops around to test me?05:56
* nalioth thought there were only human ops05:57
santiumWould you mind doing so if you can?05:57
elkbuntuim trying to find the details of your ban first05:58
santiumI wasn't banned. I was told by a friend of mine to come here first due to a problem w/ my router.05:58
tritiumnalioth: well, Chanserv is ops in many channels05:59
santiumI have no clue what he's talking about. The automatic bot said to come here.05:59
elkbuntuautomatic bot?05:59
santiumIn #ubuntu-read-topic .05:59
naliothtritium: when have you ever seen chanserv speaK?05:59
naliothelkbuntu: the floodbots have been upgraded05:59
* tritium never claimed such a thing06:00
naliothsantium: i don't see a ban in #ubuntu06:00
elkbuntunalioth, string test him anyway?06:00
Jack_Sparrownalioth: How about testing him for the exploit06:00
naliothi did, elkbuntu.06:00
naliothi did, Jack_Sparrow06:00
santiumSo I'm good?06:00
elkbuntusantium, you're safe to enter #ubuntu06:00
santiumOk. Thanks.06:01
Jack_SparrowDidnt mean to interrupt..  Passing through06:01
elkbuntuJack_Sparrow, you're ok, he had us confused without you06:01
C-RadianPlease test me, the bot in #ubuntu-read-topic doesn't work.06:19
naliothC-Radian: have you done as asked in the /topic there?06:20
naliothwhat channel were you banned from/06:22
=== s|k__ is now known as s|k`
s|k`can someone test me so I can get back into #ubuntu, I upgraded my router firmware06:51
s|k`I guess it didn't work?06:52
s|k`ok editing config06:53
s|k`one sec06:53
s|kplease test me again06:57
naliothtest passed - ban removed.  you may return to #ubuntu now and thanks for putting up with us  :)07:01
s|kthank you07:03
makers_markcan someone test me please?07:20
danrojhola alguien habla español?07:25
elkbuntuhola danroj, como estas?07:38
danrojmira tengo una duda07:38
danrojtengo este canal ##ubuntu-co-es07:38
danrojy quiero que botijo o algun bot de ubuntu entre a este07:39
danrojse puede?07:39
jbinderI don't think my router has new firmware.07:39
elkbuntudanroj, Ubuntu bots son solamente para los canales oficiales07:40
danrojelkbuntu, ok07:40
elkbuntuCualquier otro tipo de problema?07:41
danrojelkbuntu, existe algun bot que pueda meter a mi canal?07:42
elkbuntuNo proporciona uno, no07:43
danrojelkbuntu, ok07:44
jussi01morning all08:46
jussi01jbinder: did you need some help?08:47
jussi01hmmm, mr Balls is back and has just joined #ubuntu08:59
* jussi01 sighs where is everyone?09:04
=== profoX_ is now known as profoX`
threeseashello, I changed my server setting to include /8001 did the "test me" and it seemed to have done so and told me I can jion ubuntu again but that failed  so tried "test me" it a second time to be told by floodbot1 it can't test me13:02
threeseasso I'm here13:02
threeseasI seem to remember this issue before and had fixed it, but since then I've done a full new install of teh latest ubuntu.  Anyway, can someone test me to verifyu and then allow me to join #ubuntu?13:06
elkbuntuone minute13:08
Helvascaelkbuntu: can I be allowed to join #ubuntu aswell please13:10
elkbuntuHelvasca, spamming is usually a 1 week ban13:10
HelvascaI wasn't spamming, I was requesting some company13:11
elkbuntuit's still spamming13:11
Helvascaok then13:12
HelvascaDo you by any chance know what date the incident occured?13:12
elkbuntuHelvasca, 16th13:16
Helvascaelkbuntu: ok, thanks for that.13:20
threeseashmm still no access.13:27
elkbuntuyes, because i dont know how to test for what you got hit by13:28
elkbuntuompaul, how does one test a dcc malformed packet?13:28
ompaulelkbuntu, can you wait a moment for my brain to catch up please :)13:28
ompaulelkbuntu, please check pm13:30
ompaulI think I am immune from stating it in this channel but I don't want to take that chance13:30
elkbunturight, you're clean... now i just need to find you in the list13:31
elkbuntuthreeseas, well, ban is lifted (sorry, got sidetracked) so you can join again. anything else you needed here?13:35
threeseasNo, nothing else, thanks for the help.13:37
* Tm_T hugs elkbuntu 13:37
* elkbuntu hugs Tm_T13:37
threeseaswhoa, guess I should leave you two alone13:38
elkbuntuthreeseas, we advise people not to hang around here. we occasionally get some nasty people here13:38
ikoniattt--- "any chess games I can play" this has been asked a few times and normally ends up in a spam flood13:38
ikoniattt--- in #ubuntu13:38
ikoniakeep an eye13:38
ikoniathis happend under 2 different nicks - but the same question/style13:38
AmaranthLjL: Why did you send that moron to #ubuntu-offtopic instead of just booting him?15:07
LjLAmaranth: because i saw no reason not to let him look for beta testers, as long as it wasn't in inappropriate channels?15:09
SeveasLjL, err... people don't look for beta testers this way15:10
Seveasspammers look for victims though15:10
Jack_SparrowDont mean to interrupt.. but the guy that wrote reconstructor for remastering the ubuntu cd did just that..  I read his code, ran it and made several suggestions and worked with him for about a month on that project.  But that was a rare occurance..15:17
Jack_SparrowI must agree most are not who/what they say they are.15:18
elkbuntudanroj, hola?15:19
danrojelkbuntu, hola15:19
elkbuntufunny that15:20
jpatrickLjL: what happened?15:23
LjLjpatrick: this time i have no idea15:26
* jpatrick looks at awaylog and thinks "woah... :("15:26
LjLjpatrick: do a /whois on danroj as well15:27
LjLjpatrick: i have no idea what he's talking about in -irc though15:27
jpatrickLjL: I'm trying to look for the backlog from here15:28
elkbuntuLjL, put it through google translate, but i suspect he's asking for a bot for an unofficial channel15:29
jpatrickLjL: I'm not afraid of banning15:29
jpatrickLjL: It's just I get bashed everytime I do it by someone15:29
elkbuntujpatrick, nobody is going to stand up for the ascii penis crew15:30
LjLelkbuntu, nah he just said to jpatrick "me toco salr a tomarme unas muestras de sangre". but yeah, i know he's attempting to put some bot of his in ## and failing15:30
LjLelkbuntu, i beg to differ15:30
LjLjpatrick: you haven't talked to effie_jayx by the way?15:30
jpatrickLjL: no, I just god back from Barcelona15:30
elkbuntuLjL, he said somethign about blood samples15:31
jpatrickI detach my screen and everything's gone to pot15:31
LjLjpatrick, let me talk bluntly. #ubuntu-es really is a mess. crysis, danroj and friends are just the obvious result of bad channel management. you need to stop being scared of banning, and if other ops disagree, you need to talk together and decide.15:33
LjLmy opinion is that the channel needs to be very strict for some time. as strict as we are in #ubuntu, roughly.15:34
LjLit can probably be relaxed later, but the only way to turn it from the total mess it is into a usable support channel is that in the short term, imho.15:34
jpatrickLjL: danroj => banned big time15:34
LjLit's not a matter of banning danroj really, it's a general issue.15:35
jpatrickLjL: and, yes, #ubuntu-es is a mess15:37
jpatrickI'm only chose to be op there, cos sometimes trolls hope over to #k-es afterwards15:38
LjLjpatrick: i think the only active ops right now are you, effie, erusul and pelicano, is that correct?15:38
jpatrickLjL: and Sapote I think15:39
jpatrickonly active op in #k-es is me15:39
LjLjpatrick: well, i think effie is about as demoralized as you about the state of the channel. as for erusul, i don't know, but he's a good helper in #ubuntu15:40
LjLabout the other two, i don't really know15:40
jpatrickLjL: but now that the guidelines are in #u-es' /topic, I'm going to be a lot more stcrcicter now15:41
LjLhowever, i think this is one of those times (the first?) i'm thinking about proposing myself as an op15:41
jpatrickthen, ask pelicano when you see him15:41
LjL#ubuntu-es currently has 68 users15:42
LjL#ubuntu-it currently has 78 users15:42
LjLare there more spanish speakers around or italian speakers?15:43
LjLif the former, then it would seem clear to me that the channel doesn't attract too many people.15:43
jpatrickI do not know15:46
jpatrickand if anyone asks for "botijo" it's on chanlimit as it is15:47
LjLjpatrick: who owns it?15:48
LjLjpatrick: then ask staff to lift the limit on it15:49
jpatrickLjL: I ask nal.oth, no answer15:49
LjLjpatrick: he's away, he'll probably be back in a couple of hours15:50
jpatrickI'll try in #freenode later15:50
ubotuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu (gambler)15:50
jpatrickLjL: I've asked in #freenode15:59
LjLJack_Sparrow: i'm not sure getdeb is something i'd particularly recommend... the few packages i've tried from it broke quite badly16:02
LjLjpatrick: was that you?16:05
jpatrickLjL: yes16:05
Garyjpatrick, it already has it set16:07
jpatrickGary: pardon?16:07
Garyextended channel limit16:08
jpatrickah, I did not know16:08
jpatrickGary: does that mean that not all channels are shown in /whois?16:12
GaryI only see ten16:13
LjLjpatrick, it's possible perhaps that the bot joins channels before it's identified to services?16:16
LjLjpatrick: you should probably use server password rather than nickserv password16:16
jpatrickLjL: I'm using "supybot.networks.freenode.password:"16:17
LjLshould be right.16:18
jussi01does anyone know where the current encylopedia file is for ubotu ?16:19
LjLjussi01: ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org16:20
jussi01LjL: thanks :)16:20
jpatrickLjL: is it ok if I put botijo in #-irc?16:22
LjLjpatrick: does it answer to "!"?16:23
jpatrickLjL: @16:23
stdinjpatrick: I used to put this as a cron job http://stdin.pastebin.com/m169716a916:23
LjLjpatrick: should be ok then (although ubotu also uses @, but not for factoids, so...)16:23
jpatrickLjL: could be useful for the @ops trigger16:24
jpatrickstdin: thanks :)16:25
LjLcow_cri_tmn_ce_c, hi, can we help you?16:26
jussi01Seveas: are you around? I have a quick bot question for you. (if you have time)16:34
=== no0tic__ is now known as no0tic
jpatrickGary: what would I have to do to get the chanlimit relaxed for myself?17:20
LjLjpatrick, favors to Gary17:23
* jussi01 wonders what that means...17:24
Garythats favours LjL :p17:24
LjLGary: soury17:24
Garyjpatrick, you are only in 16 channels17:26
jpatrickGary: - #k-offtopic, #k-kde4 and some others17:27
LjLGary: oh, and that's that's17:27
GaryLjL, :-)17:27
Garyjpatrick, you should be able to join a few more now :-)17:28
jpatrickGary: cheers17:28
* jpatrick points LjL to -youth17:58
jpatricknalioth: #ubuntu-youth17:59
LjLjpatrick, i don't know. i don't find such topics are necessarily bad in there - they're mostly forbidden in -ot because we know they cause flamewars.18:00
jpatrickLjL: funny how the channels active when it's boy/girl stuff18:00
ubotuMilhousePunkRock called the ops in #ubuntu ()18:02
LjLompaul, i think the reason was rezalover18:02
PriceChildHe was talking about <rezalover>18:03
ompaulI'll chat with im18:03
naliothjpatrick: yes, i know -term usually means #ubuntu-term18:04
naliothi was wondering why you alerted on it, jpatrick18:04
jpatricknalioth: just checking if it was approiate18:05
ompaulPriceChild, did you/anyone get the other party?18:06
PriceChildompaul, he left18:06
* jussi01 cries...18:27
jpatrickjussi01: give us a f****** break ???18:33
jussi01jpatrick: ?18:34
jpatrickjussi01: from #k18:34
jussi01ahh... yeah18:34
jpatrick!ohmy > thomas12318:34
* jussi01 tickles jpatrick ... stress less!18:39
Jack_SparrowIt looks like our link for easysource is not valid....19:18
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic19:21
ompaulSeveas, ^^ any ideas?19:24
SeveasI disabled it, it was becoming more and more obsolete and thus dangerous19:24
ompaul!forget easysource19:24
ubotuI'll forget that, ompaul19:24
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!19:27
* ompaul loves that one - and I don't do it often :19:27
DavieySeveas: Fancy sharing the src for s-o-m?19:34
SeveasDaviey, lp.net/ubuntu-nl-website19:35
SeveasDaviey, though I might bring it back tomorrow if I can find some time to update it19:36
Davieyoh ok19:37
jussi01Seveas: I have a small issue with my bot if you have time. after running update_apt it gives me this error: E: Archive directory /home/jussi/bot/aptdir/cache/archives/partial is missing.19:53
Seveaswell, make sure it's not missing then :)19:53
ubotuCpudan80 called the ops in #ubuntu (tdr1976)19:55
naliothjussi01: play with yourself19:55
naliothjussi01: er, "man touch"19:55
jussi01nalioth: ?????19:55
Seveasnalioth, ROFL19:55
jussi01nalioth: lol, now i get it .. :P19:56
jussi01Seveas: one more quick one, @load Encyclopedia is giving me: Error: No module named apt19:56
Seveasapt-get install python-apt19:57
jussi01ahh, thanks :)19:57
jussi01Seveas: all working now! thanks alot!19:58
jussi01Seveas: one more final question. do you know which plugin I can use to get the bot to post commit messages from launchpad bzr to the channel?20:05
jussi01ok, thanks :)20:05
jpatrickjussi01: RSS?20:05
jussi01jpatrick: do you know where to find the rss plugin?  I cant seem to find it... I downloaded the plugins package from supybot, bot no help :(21:26
jpatrickjussi01: really? it should be included by default..21:27
jussi01yeah, I would have thought so too.21:28
Seveasjussi01, @load RSS :)21:30
stdinjussi01: it's in the supybot package: /usr/share/python-support/supybot/supybot/plugins/RSS/21:30
jussi01stdin: ahh thanks..21:31
tekteenplease kick Kathy^ from #kubuntu21:40
jpatricktekteen: why?21:41
tekteenshe sent me Double Click Here --==-->>> irc://JB.MagixBox.Net21:41
tekteenguessing a bot21:41
jpatrickone moment please21:41
jpatricktekteen: /remove-d21:42
naliothah, i wish you'd not have done that  :(21:43
jussi01nalioth: what is the corrrect proceedure?21:43
naliothwe kline them21:43
jpatricknalioth: sorry21:43
Seveasnalioth, nothing stops you from k-lining anyway :)21:43
Seveasjpatrick, no need to apologize, getting rid of spammers is good21:44
jpatrickSeveas: but kline sounds good :)21:44
naliothSeveas: i have to personally catch the bot in the act21:46
Seveasnalioth, leaving the bot/user in a channel to annoy others doesn't help there21:46
naliothSeveas: there are a number of people who'd love to just say "oh, seveas just spammed me with [something off topic]21:46
jpatricknalioth: it did it in private21:46
naliothSeveas: they were in many #ubuntu channels21:46
Seveasnalioth, but spamming in pm21:46
naliothjpatrick: i know how they work  :)21:46
naliothso it makes sense to kline the one bot from _all_ the channels21:47
jpatrickdon't we all :)21:47
naliothjpatrick: lots of bots are programmed not to spam staff members21:49
jpatricknalioth: that would just make it to easy to throw them out :)21:50
ubotuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)22:06
ubotuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)22:06
ubotuIn #ubuntu, lazy247x said: !msg my SSID is somehow defaulted not to my home network in network-admin. does anyone know a way to change this?22:32
no0ticI have added banforward functions to irssi auto_bleh.pl. You can found it on http://no0tic.homelinux.org/~no0tic . Multiple banforward coming soon23:07
* nalioth locks no0tic back in the basement, so he can stay hard at work without distractions23:07
* jussi01 hugs no0tic 23:08
jussi01you rock!23:08
naliothno0tic: i think your "read it" doens't match your "download it"23:09
no0ticnalioth, I've changed both of them probably after you downloaded it23:10
jussi01no0tic: so how does the syntax work?23:11
no0ticnalioth, ah, now it quiets nick with /aq and hostmasks as usual with /at23:12
no0ticjussi01, /afr nick #channel <reason>23:12
no0ticjussi01, /afrn nick #channel <reason> if you want to send him a notice too23:12
jussi01ahh, great!23:12
jussi01someone want to join #dib5sn for me to test?23:13
jussi01no0tic: thats great. thanks a million!23:15
jussi01ardchoille: you seeing this?23:15
naliothno0tic: i haven't downloaded anything23:17
no0ticnalioth, well now they are the same, I've just run a diff23:18
naliothso /afr is banforward but what is /afrn ?23:24
jussi01banforward with notice to user23:24
jussi01ie: [01:11] <+no0tic> jussi01, /afrn nick #channel <reason> if you want to send him a notice too23:24
naliothso /afrn no0tic ##fix_your_connection contact me to be unbanned                   <<< proper usage?23:25
jussi01yeps :)23:25
* nalioth loads it up23:25
jussi01uh oh...23:25
crdlbI could be mistaken, but won't it eat the first word of your reason if you're not using forward?23:25
* nalioth now looks for guinea pigs23:25
no0ticcrdlb, no23:25
jussi01crdlb: there is other syntax for that23:26
jussi01crdlb: ie. /abrn23:26
crdlbthis line:     my $redirchannel = $3;23:26
no0ticcrdlb, $data =~ /^\s*([^\s]+)\s*(\d+)?\s*(#[^\s]+)?\s*(.+?|)\s*$/23:27
PriceChildStand back! no0tic knows regular expressions.23:27
crdlbok, I don't really know perl, so ... :D23:27
no0ticcrdlb, $3 is (#[^\s]+)?23:27
no0ticcrdlb, last ? stands for "optional"23:27
nalioth  /afrn doesn't ban  :(23:28
no0ticPriceChild, no0tic know how to seem to know them, simply copied :)23:28
PriceChildno0tic, shhh, don't tell anyone else and grab an xkcd shirt23:29
naliothno0tic: do you have a "work channel" ?23:29
no0ticPriceChild, fantastic comics23:29
ardchoillejussi01: Yep, got it :)23:29
no0ticnalioth, no, but jussi01 just banned me with a notice23:29
jussi01nalioth: feel free to use #dib5sn23:29
ardchoilleno0tic: Thank you for your work on this, much appreciated :)23:32

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