
=== soldats_ is now known as soldats
bassinboyhow can i get to Restricted Driver Manager from xubuntu?00:36
soldatsapplications > system ? restricted drivers00:38
bassinboyi dont have it00:40
jerikoselect all packages, not just supported00:41
jerikotop right i think00:41
jerikoer, nvm00:41
jerikomy reading comprehension is awol00:42
* jeriko walks away mumbling00:42
fiyawerxcan't get mp3 to play with xmms either00:48
soldatsdo you have the codecs00:49
fiyawerxhave installed w32codecs and xubuntu-restricted-extras00:49
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:49
fiyawerxlike i said00:50
fiyawerxthat tells you to do Search for ubuntu-restricted-extras and install it. Note that there is also xubuntu-restricted-extras and kubuntu-restricted-extras.00:50
fiyawerxwhich I did00:50
soldatshmm i installed them through synaptic00:50
fiyawerxi had grabbed an mp3 from easynews to try it with, I think the mp3 was bad :-\00:53
fiyawerxit does work :)00:53
* fiyawerx hangs his head in shame00:54
soldatsdont do that00:54
soldatscommon mistake00:54
fiyawerxwell after all the stuff i installed i shouldn't have any codec problems for a while00:55
mixedanyone know if I can run Quake III on xubuntu?01:02
soldatsthrough wine afaik, ask in #winehq some of them are wine experts01:02
mixedsoldats, I already installed it on my ubuntu distro, now i want to use xfce instead of gnome01:04
soldatssure it should run the same01:05
mixedok i just finished downloading xubuntu, I"ll just run quake on xfce and see if it works01:05
soldatsxfce is just less bloated gnome01:05
fiyawerxaltho thunar > nautilus01:09
soldats> == better01:10
* fiyawerx nods01:10
soldatsits smaller and faster IMO01:10
fiyawerxI dont think I'd ever use gnome, xfce or kde for me, both are pretty fast on my system, i just like how clean xfce is01:11
fiyawerxhmm, by default all streams want to open with totem from firefox, how can i change that?01:11
soldatstrue. i enjoy e16 as well though since its way smaller01:12
soldatstheres a plugin for it afaik. you can look for it in synaptic since i dont recall the name01:12
fiyawerxoh wow, lots of plugins01:13
jerikofiyawerx: in FF: edit -> prefs -> content -> manage01:13
jerikoor just apt-get remove totem01:13
fiyawerxjeriko, : thats all blank01:13
jerikofiyawerx: if blank, then it shouldn't have a default association01:14
soldatsfiyawerx, search synaptic for totem and look for the firefox part. i used gxine for mine01:14
jerikomeaning you get the popup box asking how you want to play/save the file01:14
fiyawerxwhen i click on a stream, it doesnt by default, but the only option ... right01:14
fiyawerxthe only option in the popup is totem01:15
jerikoso choose something else, then click the box for default01:15
jerikoonce you click that default box, you will see the association in ff01:15
fiyawerxah, you have to hit other and browse to the specific /usr/bin/xmms, ok01:16
fiyawerxits in there now01:16
tehkCan anyone suggest a xfrun alternative?01:26
bassinboyanyone have broadcom wireless working on hardy heron alpha 3?01:47
bassinboydid you use ndiswrapper ?01:50
crimsun02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 01)01:51
crimsunand I used b43-fwcutter01:51
bassinboycrimsun: i have the exact card, well, rev 2, but i couldn't get it working with (actually, i used bcm43xx-fwcutter)01:53
bassinboydo you know if b43-fwcutter is significantly different01:54
bassinboymy lspci will show the device yet there is no wlan001:55
bassinboy"b43 offers a newer codebase and hardware crypto support."01:57
crimsunyou must use b43-fwcutter with b43.ko01:59
crimsunI don't know offhand if rev 02 will even work01:59
bassinboydoes this look right to you02:01
bassinboysudo b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware driver/wl_apsta_mimo.o02:01
crimsunI highly doubt you want to use that directory02:02
crimsunerr, sorry02:02
crimsunmy terminal fonts are screwed, and I thought you had an underscore between the 'e' in firmware and the 'd' in driver02:03
crimsunyes, that should work02:03
bassinboycrimsun: K, it's throwing "sorry, the input file is either wrong or not supported by b43-fwcutter..."02:04
bassinboyrev 2 is supported, i'm not sure if the "(needs patches for 2.6.24)" is including rev 2 though02:06
bassinboyit does indeed look like i need a different version of b4302:07
crimsunI use a self-compiled b4302:08
crimsun(I'm using
bassinboyoh crap, i just noticed a link for x.x.2402:12
bassinboycrimsun: i got the fw to extract, but i am unsure of what to do nect02:16
crimsunmake sure the newer b43 is loaded02:17
bassinboyas a kernel module?02:17
bassinboyi feel stupid for not knowing fwcutter was a module02:18
bassinboydang, i loaded the module and still no wlan002:18
crimsunfwcutter isn't a kernel module02:19
crimsunI have an wlan0_rename02:19
crimsunhave a*, rather02:19
bassinboywell, i loaded b43 as the module02:22
bassinboydo you have to generate network devices ?02:23
crimsunwhich drop of compat-wireless are you usinG?02:24
crimsun-rw-r--r-- 1 crimsun crimsun  1170639 2008-01-15 19:50 compat-wireless-2.6.tar.bz202:25
crimsunso mine's from the 15th02:25
ApacheNoobI have a simple problem02:25
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
ApacheNoobI just need to know how to get a good ftp and html server running on this computer02:25
bassinboycrimsun: i dont have compat-wireless02:26
crimsunbassinboy: that's where the new drop is02:26
bassinboycrimsun: is that a package available through ubuntu repos02:28
crimsunyou'd have to use it to build a newer b43.ko02:29
bassinboywhat is a drop?02:29
crimsuna codedrop, in this case, a snapshot of the everything branch of the linux 2.6 wireless tree02:30
bassinboyso what purpose does b43-fwcutter hold?02:31
crimsunit extracts the firmware necessary to use b43.ko02:31
crimsunApacheNoob: like vsftpd and lighttpd?02:32
crimsunApacheNoob: you can use apt-get, dselect, aptitude, synaptic, $whatever to install them02:32
bassinboycrimsun: interesting issue, when i try to make install, (as sudo), it's lookign for all the files in root /02:58
bassinboycrimsun: i finally got compat-wireless to compile, but it is blowing up when i modprobe04:09
bassinboyi want to try your kernel but it's not on the repos lol04:13
bassinboywhy is life so hard04:13
nikolamhi to all07:36
nikolamdo you use some programs from hardy?07:36
nikolamI want to install some newer versions from hardy in my current 7.10/gutsy07:37
nikolamis it advisable? I am thinking to download packages and install them one by one07:37
nikolamor should I add hardy repository?07:38
nikolami got important security updates and recoomended updates for gutsy selected07:39
nikolamMaybe I should add hardy repository, select that i want to use gutsy versions in synaptic repository preferences and then just install hardy versions of programs i want, while i remain on gutsy?07:46
TheSheepnikolam: I think it would be stablier to have a full Hardy installation07:46
TheSheepnikolam: mixing packages from two distros can be bad07:47
TheSheepnikolam: then again, upgrading may be a little bumpy when hardy is not ready yet07:47
nikolamI agree. But Just one program? I already have some programs from getdeb.net, (pidgin, etc) that are newer07:47
TheSheepnikolam: why do you need a newer one?07:48
nikolamI will definately stay on gutsy for every day use07:48
nikolamI dont know, maybe some security patches in iceape invoked me to upgrade07:48
nikolamOk, I will not be messing with Hardy packages yet. I had an issue with xfce 4.4.2 manual install with installer, anyway and when i get back to default gutsy packages, everything was fine.07:50
nikolamBesides that I now use pcmanf instead of always-crashing thunar.07:51
jaggy hey , can anyone help me ? whenever i try to connect to nessus , i fail :s10:17
jaggyyes nessus10:17
jaggynessus is a port scanner =_=10:18
TheSheepyou connect to a port scanner?10:23
jaggyyes ...10:23
nanbudhi cannot access my NETGEAR ROUTER from my main machine wired thru ethernet to the router(though  internet is working fine) while i can access it all fine on the same machine when i have booted up windows XP.11:28
nanbudhthe page starts to open but 'hangs' so to say11:28
totalwormfacei dub it 'silly'11:31
totalwormfaceit's probably not a question about browser plugins, because i'm personally going to kick someone who makes a non plugin free router control unit11:32
totalwormfaceand not one of dynamic / static ip, because you make contact with the router (and have internet)11:33
totalwormfaceso, it's silly11:33
nanbudh:-) yes it must be silly, i have ye another problem. The other machine(which has the wireless card and is running xubuntu7.10) cannot access internet but does access the ROUTER ADMIN Page. is this strange or what?11:34
nanbudhwhen connecting over wireless does one need to make addresses etc different from ones over a wired connection? i have tried all combinations on my xubuntu box with no success11:36
nanbudhthe system>network>wireless connection>properties has password11:39
nanbudhthe system>network>wireless connection>properties has password type as a drop down list in which i am forced to choose a type, while there is no security password or anything on my router settings. could this be reason that i am not able to access internet over the wireless card? and if yes do i need to set a password in my router settings?11:42
grahamperrinnanbudh: no two devices should have the same address, if that's what you mean12:05
nanbudhbut none have the same address, the main machine and the wireless one have diff ip addresses?12:06
bassinboyhas anyone install kde?16:02
predaeusbassinboy, do you mean kubuntu? or installation of kde in xubuntu?16:03
netpappyHey - any Xubuntu IRC Client recommendations?16:04
totalwormfacenetpappy: irssi16:04
netpappythanks - going to check it out16:06
bassinboykde in xubuntu via package installer16:06
bassinboypredaeus: i want to see what kde4 is like16:07
HlfShellhello everyone. I'm having an odd bug with xfce4-panel. it seems my panel spawns 4 or 5 nm-applets and i can't seem tog et rid of them....16:17
TheSheepHlfShell: delete the files in ~/.cache/sessions/ and don't save the session on logout16:18
HlfShellthats the thing- the sessions been saved....16:20
HlfShell0r is that going to work no matter what?16:21
HlfShelli dont seem to have a /.cache/sessions16:21
HlfShellnm i do16:22
HlfShellso if i delete everything in that folder my desktop and panel is just going to return to normal?16:22
HlfShellTheSheep, just wanted to let you know it worked perfectly. Thanks!16:27
FactTechHello, all -- Just upgraded to 7.10 and most things have transitioned well. However, I notice that the volume control knob and mute button on my keyboard are no longer working. Anybody know how to fix this? I found a couple of web pages with similar issues but no solutions.17:22
TheSheepFactTech: set your keyboard type to the keyboard you actually own18:01
FactTechTheSheep: Using the Settings, Keyboard Settings control panel? I tried that, but after I close the panel, the checkbox for "Use X configuration" always comes back on.18:02
FactTechTheSheep: Incidentally, are you literally the only person ever providing answers on #xubuntu? :)18:03
TheSheepFactTech: no18:06
TheSheepFactTech: you can run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and change the X default then...18:07
FactTechTheSheep: Would the X default setting have been changed by the upgrade?18:08
TheSheepI don't think so18:08
TheSheepFactTech: ah, there was an user complaining that the default ocmmands set to "volume up" and "volume down" keys dont' work18:08
TheSheepFactTech: can you look into your keybindings, see what commands there are, and try to run them in a terminal?18:09
FactTechTheSheep: Sure, I'd be happy to, but I might need a little guidance... On the keyboard settings control panel, shortcuts tab -- is that what you mean for bindings?18:09
FactTechTheSheep: If that is what you mean, I see that the command "aumix -v0" is bound to shortcut "XF86 AudioMute", for example.18:12
FactTechTheSheep: When I try to execute "aumix -v0" in a terminal, I get a response that seems to indicate the package is missing. "The program 'aumix' can be found in the following packages: * aumix * aumix-gtk Try: sudo apt-get install <selected package> bash: aumix: command not found"18:14
FactTechTheSheep: Should I just install the aumix package and see if that fixes it? Is there any way to see that the input of pressing the button is registering?18:14
TheSheepisntall it18:15
FactTechTheSheep: Would that mean a missing or broken dependency somewhere in the upgrade?18:15
TheSheepyou can run 'xev' to see what keys are registered18:15
TheSheepFactTech: probably18:16
FactTechTheSheep: xev looks like it's definitely registering both dial-turning and button-pressing. I'll install the aumix package and get back to you. Thanks a bunch for the pointers, TheSheep.18:17
FactTechTheSheep: If installing the package fixes it, who would be the best person/group to report the bug to?18:17
FactTechTheSheep: Unfortunately, it didn't fix the issue. I installed the aumix-gtk package. Running "aumix -v0" from a terminal does not mute the sound, and it issues response " aumix:  SOUND_MIXER_READ_DEVMASK"18:21
crimsunis this gutsy?18:22
FactTechcrimsun: Yes, just upgraded to 7.10 from 7.04 via "Update Manager"18:22
crimsunif so, it's a known issue; aumix source just needs a rebuild.18:22
FactTechcrimsun: Maybe I missed the page that discusses this one. Can you tell me a URL or some keywords to look for?18:23
FactTechcrimsun: Unfortunately, I'm still enough of a newbie that "aumix source just needs a rebuild" does not suggest a course of action to me. :)18:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 145805 in aumix "aumix throws error aumix:  SOUND_MIXER_READ_DEVMASK" [Medium,Confirmed]18:25
FactTechcrimsun: Much obliged, I'll look into it.18:25
FactTechcrimsun: I read over the page. Looks like I'm not the first to run up against this one, but I didn't spot any step-by-steps on how to go about fixing it. Is there any way to rebuild the package using an automated tool? I have built packages manually but would really rather not go behind the back of synaptic/apt-get for something that is in the repository and sure to get an update down the road.18:32
crimsununfortunately I don't have a good answer for it.18:33
crimsunI'll see if I can put some work into that SRU this afternoon.18:33
FactTechcrimsun: If you do get a chance, it looks like me and several other users would appreciate it very much. Coincidentally enough, it looks like this bug indirectly made the front page on digg.com. (http://www.digg.com/linux_unix/The_Ubuntu_bug_reporting_culture_) I'm not going to demand instant service for a FOSS operating system I'm not even skilled enough to contribute to, but I will thank you profusely for a published fix. Thank18:43
FactTechs again.18:43
crimsunurl seems dead?18:44
FactTechcrimsun: Try http://www.digg.com/linux_unix/The_Ubuntu_bug_reporting_culture18:48
graelbHi there20:08
graelbI'm trying to either change or remove the need for, the password on my "keyring"?20:09
eagle-101hey all, I have a copy of xubuntu hardy running, where might I find things to break (ie, what has changed?)20:35
TheSheepeagle-101: the release notes? probably on the xubuntu website, hang on20:38
eagle-101TheSheep, thanks, I have a copy in a virtual machine here :)20:38
* eagle-101 notes a few startup problems. 20:38
TheSheepwait, it's hardy, it hans't been released yet, there are no release notes20:39
eagle-101TheSheep, yeah, but I"m looking for things that have been changed :)20:40
TheSheepeagle-101: just look into the repository and see the commit history...20:40
eagle-101ah I found a link, its in the channel topic :D20:41
* eagle-101 will have to take a screenshot of the problematic login window20:41
TheSheepeagle-101: sorry20:42
eagle-101TheSheep, you can see it at http://lineagle.unixpod.com/xubuntu-login.png :)20:43
eagle-101oh TheSheep nothing to be sorry for!20:43
eagle-101I suppose I should bug report that :) /me goes to read up on what they expect20:44
TheSheepeagle-101: it would be the xubuntu-default-settings package, I suppose20:45
eagle-101TheSheep, mmm yeah something is broken there.20:46
TheSheepeagle-101: but I think they are working on a new login screen for Hardy20:46
eagle-101TheSheep, so... worth reporting, or no?20:46
TheSheepeagle-101: every bug is worth reporting20:46
eagle-101alrighty :D20:47
eagle-101TheSheep, suspect they will want any more then the screenshot?20:48
eagle-101lsmod, lspci? anything else?20:48
TheSheepeagle-101: yes, what kind of emulator is that, what resolution, what settings20:48
TheSheepeagle-101: the exact version you tested too20:49
TheSheepeagle-101: if it's a nightly build, provide build date20:49
eagle-101TheSheep, ah, no nightly20:49
* eagle-101 did not realize there was a nightly :P20:49
TheSheepwow, firefox finally integrates with the system20:52
* TheSheep investigates20:52
eagle-101TheSheep, bug posted :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/18443521:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 184435 in ubuntu "xubuntu alpha3 login display issues" [Undecided,New]21:03
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Steve15good evening, i've a little problem with my x-server: http://phpfi.com/29087222:44
Steve15instead of using the resolutions from xorg.conf, it does use 800x600 only :/22:45
=== Steve15 is now known as Steve14
thruxtonSteve14: it looks like it dosent like your h/v sync settings22:49
thruxtonII) NV(0): ASUS LS201ÿÿ: Using default hsync range of 31.50-37.90 kHz22:49
thruxton(II) NV(0): ASUS LS201ÿÿ: Using default vrefresh range of 50.00-70.00 Hz22:50
thruxtonare you sure those are correct for your monitor?22:50
Steve14thruxton: should be, the lcd has ddc22:50
thruxtonyour getting a lot of hrefresh vrefresh out of range errors22:51
Steve14maybe it's up to the old tnt2 chip :/22:51
Steve14Is it nvs fault, isn't it?22:52
* thruxton shrugs22:52
Steve14i'll try nvidia after i've updated my xubuntu system :)22:54
Steve14little restart, cya in a greater resolution soon, hopefully23:01
HipShotHey...i'm new with ubuntu and everything, and I downloaded this VIA unichrome driver package from viaarena23:33
HipShotand I was wondering how do you install it?23:33

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