
=== Zdra_ is now known as Zdra
RAOFalex_mayorga: They're an indication of how good aptitude thinks the solution it has presented is.00:08
motopluxanybody has problem with totem and subtitles .srt? It's not able to display subs00:13
motopluxneither vlc00:13
bardyrhow can it be that the packages in a the current live build are 10 days old?00:15
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askandWhat version of tracker, if it is still included by default, is in Hardy?00:33
RAOF!info tracker hardy00:35
ubotutracker (source: tracker): metadata database, indexer and search tool. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.4-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 264 kB, installed size 1776 kB00:35
askandRAOF: cool thanks :)00:37
bardyrhow can i fix a nvidia kernel api mismatch?00:45
RAOFbardyr: By not manually installing the nvidia.com drivers.00:45
bardyrRAOF, i didnt, nvidia-glx-new are giving me those erros00:46
RAOFOh, really?  Ok.00:46
bardyryea i have not touch the nvidia.com drivers00:46
RAOFGot anything strange in /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules?00:46
bardyrlemme se00:47
RAOFSorry, there should be a -common at the end of that.00:47
* crdlb stabs lrm00:49
RAOFbardyr: Oh.  Do you have a /lib/linux-restricted-modules/.nvidia_new_installed file?00:53
pwnguinarg. intuit still doesn't support linux01:03
tumbleweed__pwnguin : what else is new? :/01:15
pwnguinmaybe a special envoy should show up and request testing01:15
pwnguinpehaps canonical offers a free support contract for use in testing in exchange for them letting ubuntu pass the ubuntu user agent check01:16
pwnguinim pretty sure i pulled it off last year, as i have the pdf01:22
alex_mayorgaRAOF, on the aptitude score, bigger numbers are better or worse?01:34
alex_mayorgaHow can I isolate kubunut packages from ubuntu ones if I've installed both ubuntu and kubuntu desktops? Is there a way to "clean" the icons that "spilled" when I installed kubuntu-desktop from my GNOME session??01:47
Tomcat_alex_mayorga: You can install debfoster, run it, and then remove all packages that don't seem to belong to regular ubuntu.01:48
Tomcat_alex_mayorga: That will remove all dependencies as well, and won't ask for most ubuntu packages.01:48
alex_mayorgaTomcat_, thanks on the advice, seems like I'm not getting my idea through01:50
alex_mayorgaproblem at hand is I wanted to see the KDE side of things so I went and installed kubunutu-desktop, but now my GNOME menus are "polluted" with KDE stuff and viceversa01:51
Tomcat_alex_mayorga: And it should be enough to just remove those KDE packages I think.01:52
alex_mayorgabassically I'd like a way to have only KDE stuff (icons) to show if I chose KDE for my session and the other way around01:52
Tomcat_Ah, alright.01:52
Tomcat_Well, can't help with that.01:52
alex_mayorgajust that I don't wanted removed, just not to show, this is a blueprint maybe01:53
alex_mayorgabut maybe someone more experienced might know a way01:53
tumbleweed__how can I tell what optimizations (sse3, etc) my cpu supports?01:54
alex_mayorgaTomcat_, WDYT?01:56
alex_mayorgahowabout having a menu-separation package or something like that :)02:02
wastrelhi i upgraded to hardy02:03
tumbleweed__wastrel : do you need help with anything?02:05
wastrelnot as such02:07
tumbleweed__then you're one of the lucky few, congratulations!02:07
wastrelmaybe as i settle in more, just came up from reboot02:08
alex_mayorgaany other dual session (GNOME&KDE) users that feel the same?02:12
tumbleweed__alex_mayorga : yes02:21
tumbleweed__I have the same problem with gnome and xfce02:21
wastreli found a problem :]02:24
mohkohnIs the hardy virtualbox-ose package working with the 2.6.24 kernel?02:29
wastrelyeah the edges of my screen are unresponsive to mouse clicks.  - I think X thinks it's not part of the screen02:33
tumbleweed__mohkohn : nope, you have to use the package from debian sid02:40
mohkohnthanks tumbleweed__02:41
wastrelit was the desktop wall compiz plugin02:55
orethare there any known issues with cd/dvd burning?02:56
tumbleweed__no prob, mohkohn02:57
bazhangdoes the alpha three not have restricted drivers for the intel ipw3945 wireless card? alpha2 had them but alpha three seems not to find my wireless card--no sign of restricted drivers manager either03:18
wastreli'm on 3945 and it works03:21
wastrelhrm says "enabled" and "not in use" however...  also i upgraded from gusty so that may be different03:22
wastrel(in the restricted drivers mgr it says "not in use")03:22
wastrelbut lsmod has it loaded :]03:22
bazhangright; this is the live iso--not an upgrade. like to do my installs fresh :} thanks!03:29
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Cavallowhy my fonts are so unreadable: http://shrani.si/f/2c/fc/4e7wF2Ak/snapshot1.png ? It's very har to read something like that :/ Any suggestions ?06:12
DarkMageZCavallo, what size is your screen?06:16
DanaGActually, that looks like gnome-settings-daemon isn't running.06:16
DarkMageZCavallo, 17" 19" 21" 30" ?06:17
Cavalloups, sorry, 1906:17
DanaGgoogle for 'javascript dpi calculator' and make sure the Gnome setting is right.06:17
Cavallognome ?06:17
DarkMageZ19" should be ok on that res then. but yeah. gnome-settings-daemon is what you need06:18
DanaG(what do you mean by, "gnome?")06:18
Cavallohummm mybe Im on the wrong channel :P Because some peoples said to me that for hardy I must ask here but Im using kubuntu hardy ...06:18
DanaGYou're using kde.  Perhaps you need the gtk-qt-engine installed.06:18
DanaGOr if using kde4, then GTK apps are simply ugly.  I didn't use KDE4 long enough to bother trying to fix that.06:19
DanaG(I didn't like KDE4, because it made my 17" 1440x900 laptop feel like a 12" 1280x800 (or smaller) laptop.06:19
CavalloId have the same problems in kde4 and kde3.506:20
CavalloI remember that onece I have restarted the comp. the fonts were ok but next time again were crappy and so are now :/ Dunno what to do. If I turn on antialiasing then its better but then are fonts looking much bigger and they are looks like they were bolded :/ Sorry for my English :)06:23
DarkMageZyeah, the applications you are complaining about are gtk/gnome applications. you need to start gnome-settings-daemon06:23
Cavallobut the fonts are the same in all kde apps, here in konversation, kopete, kontact etc.06:24
DanaGWait, there's a "gtk apps" thingy for kcontrol.06:26
DanaGWTF?  This bug is "not a regression"?07:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177713 in boinc "2.6.24-2: Regression with idle cpu cycle handling" [Medium,Invalid]07:32
kripkenSure sounds like a regression to me07:40
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ryanpghi, was just told fglrx + aiglx won't currently work with hardy, any workarounds?08:02
ryanpghi crdlb :)08:02
ryanpgcrdlb, do you know where lack of aiglx support for xserver 1.4 is documented? I can't find anything on the website08:10
ryanpgeverything suggest 1.4 is simply supported - except that it doesn't work of course08:11
crdlbryanpg: well here's someone suffering from the same issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=664202&highlight=fglrx+hardy+AIGLX08:20
crdlbvery few people are using 1.4 yet so it's not a very well-known problem08:20
crdlbbut if ATI doesn't fix it *really* soon, it's about to enter the spotlight ;)08:21
ryanpgwell, I guess we'll see what unfolds08:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173663 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 "compiz will not launch with fglrx driver - falls back to metacity" [Undecided,New]08:22
crdlbthat's a bug kindasorta directed at it08:23
crdlbbut half the comments are unrelated problems08:23
DarkMageZcrdlb, is that your bug?08:25
ryanpgwell, back to radeonhd for me then08:25
crdlb"my bug" ?08:25
ryanpghope it gets sorted out soonish - I'm tired of non-accelerated X08:25
crdlbryanpg: you could always use Xgl :)08:25
DarkMageZcrdlb, fglrx cannot use aiglx with xorg core 1.408:25
DarkMageZwhich is why that is failing ?08:26
ryanpgcrdlb, seems hackish to me, I'd rather wait things out08:26
ryanpgbut thanks for the assistance08:26
crdlbDarkMageZ: that's what I'm talking about, yes08:26
ryanpgI'm off to bed08:26
DarkMageZi'm gonna comment on the bug to put their minds at rest08:28
DanaGArgh, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/17771308:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177713 in boinc "2.6.24-2: Regression with idle cpu cycle handling" [Medium,Invalid]08:31
DanaGcompletely fair scheduler, my ________.08:32
DanaGI don't call it fair for the kernel to give half my CPU time to a process that asks specifically for "only spare CPU cycles".08:32
DarkMageZthat bug shouldn't be invalid either... someone needs to take responsibility for it.08:32
DanaGWell, now that I made a new user for folding (never had to do that before.......), and set it to a really low share, the impact on compiz-fusion is less severe, but still present.08:33
DanaGWithout folding@home running, I get a nice vsynced 60 FPS.  With folding running, I'm now getting about 45 FPS.08:34
DanaGc r i m s u n: do you have any insight on this issue?  (I'm leaving spaces in your name so it doesn't ping you, so you can answer it whenever you happen to read it.)08:40
DanaGOh, and odd:  "Bug #177713 is not in Ubuntu"08:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177713 in boinc "2.6.24-2: Regression with idle cpu cycle handling" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17771308:41
kripkenSpeaking of the CFS, how are people impressed with it so far?08:43
DanaGI'm not (though you probably already know that from my bug report).08:50
DanaGs/not/not at all impressed/08:50
kripkenDanaG: Yeah, I suspected as much :) . Myself, I don't have any hard evidence, but my experience is that Hardy with CFS is less responsive for desktop use. Especially on slow CPUs08:57
DanaGI actually have a Core Duo 1.83GHz, and when I was running folding as root, it made my system feel slower than an old p2 266 I have around here.08:58
DanaGIf I say "idle cycles only!", I don't expect that thing to eat half my CPU time, even if it IS run as root.08:58
kripkenwell, based on the responses to the bug, *part* of the issue is that Ubuntu configured CFS with that group option. However, since this occurs also when using the same user... it's a serious problem08:59
DanaGEven if it's 'by design', the subjective behavior is a major regression.08:59
kripkenPerhaps removing the grouping option will solve it09:00
DanaGI think "idle cycles only" processes should get ALL and ONLY the cycles not needed by anybody else.09:00
DanaGI also still use the old deskbar applet, not the new desk-button-that-opens-a-window applet.09:01
kripkenhow is that related?09:01
DanaGIt's on the theme of regressions that are 'by design'.09:02
kripkenoh, ok (I don't use the deskbar, so didn't notice any change)09:02
kripkenwhat annoys me is that when e.g. I compile in the background, on a 1GHz CPU I get sound and video stuttering, which I didn't get on previous Ubuntu versions09:03
DanaGHmm, since I changed the 'folding' user's CPU share, I see less of a performance hit, but it's definitely still there.09:03
DanaGHeh, trying to delete .Trash from within baobab:09:05
DanaGCould not move ".Trash" to the Trash09:05
DanaGDetails: Invalid parameters09:05
DanaGShift doesn't work there.09:06
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Evildustwhich package repository should i use to install kde4? kubuntu.org?12:15
DarkMageZEvildust, it's in the main repositories. no need to add anything12:16
Evildustokay thx12:16
Evildustjust wondering why kubuntu.org has extra repos for gutsy and hardy12:18
auraxelkbuntu you idiot :)12:26
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h3sp4wn_Right this has been annoying me for far too long - How can I get xorg to use the external monitor on its own if its plugged into my laptop otherwise the default screen (With the dpi set to the probed value in each case and not hardcoded)13:32
danbhfiveanyone know how I can request a project for inclusion in hardy heron13:48
IdleOnedanbhfive: add a wish to launchpad.net13:49
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danbhfiveIdleOne: like a blueprint?  I can't find a "wish" term13:58
IdleOneyeah I guess a blueprint would be it. isnt that if you want to start a new project?13:59
IdleOnedanbhfive: you can submit it as a Bug and in the Description add Wish to the beginning of it13:59
danbhfivei don't know.   I started the project myself.  I really have no idea13:59
danbhfiveah, ok14:00
IdleOnedanbhfive: then it is a blueprint14:00
danbhfivehuh, but you can register blueprints directly too14:00
IdleOnedanbhfive: I am not really sure. must be some info on the site14:01
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frejHmm i get a crash in X that gives no hits in google/launchpad...15:09
frejSeems to be in xkb :( (Happens when gnome-settings-daemon) is run15:09
smallfoot-dont upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 Alpha 3, I did and now my computer went haywire!15:10
void^smallfoot-: see topic15:12
Hobbseeyou clearly didn't follow the topic15:12
frejany seen a similar crash?15:12
motopluxI upgraded yesterday, after a 5 hours fight with moooo my hardy runs flawless15:14
smallfoot-i didnt come to this channel, it should have said on the website "HEY NOOB! DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! ALPHA 3 IS NOT FOR YOU!"15:20
smallfoot-so now my ubuntu is crippled, and im stuck to using windows xp15:20
smallfoot-ill try 8.04-final when its released15:20
nanonymeerm, what?15:22
nanonymesmallfoot-, alpha means it's in testing15:22
nanonymeuse the latest stable unless you want to go bug hunting15:23
smallfoot-i thought it would be same like 7.10 but with new versions15:26
smallfoot-but no, its all buggy and crazy15:26
nanonymesmallfoot-, do you know what the concept of alpha is?15:27
nanonymeit's supposed to be buggy15:29
nanonymeheck, if it wasn't buggy, there'd be no reason really to do alpha's and beta's. you could just release right away15:30
hydrogenno you couldn't15:35
hydrogenyou can't release till april15:35
hydrogenreguardless of how buggy it is15:35
hydrogenor isn't15:35
hydrogenlook at the version number15:35
nanonymehydrogen, i do know how it works with ubuntu. but that's all bureaucracy15:36
hydrogennanonyme: you can't fight the bureaucracy15:36
kripkensmallfoot-: I'm sorry to hear that your experience was like that. During the alpha stage, that is to be expected, however. Perhaps, despite this, I or someone else can help you to recover from it or to reinstall a previous version15:36
nanonymehydrogen, my point was that if it says alpha or beta, you should be prepared to do bug hunting15:37
hydrogenunless the alpha or beta is prefixed by Google15:37
nanonymesince in software development terms that means there are a lot of bugs15:37
hydrogenno, it means its not expected to be stable15:38
hydrogenthere is a huge difference between the two15:38
hydrogenpeople don't say "hmm, we need to release an alpha next week.. let me go break things so that its truly alpha quality"15:38
nanonymenew features usually bring bugs15:38
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WorkingOnWisehydrogen: I'm a little late to your party here, but I think some north-western US software compainies actually do say that. :D16:21
bazhangis hardy going to use xorg 7.3 or is that already in gutsy?16:30
smallfoot-hardy is going to use the new xorg16:31
smallfoot-gutsy has 1.3, but hardy has 1.416:31
bazhangthanks smallfoot-16:31
bazhangby the way smallfoot-the alpha two was much better than alpha 316:32
bazhangby beta it should have most of the major issues ironed out16:32
smallfoot-its not possible to downgrade from alpha3 to alpha2? :d16:33
bazhangsmallfoot-: do you have a lot of data to backup?16:33
smallfoot-and the wallpaper in gutsy is nice than hardy16:34
smallfoot-i have sda1 and sda2, and sda2 is my stuff, and sda1 is only ubuntu, i have nothing important on sda116:34
bazhangbest wait for beta 1 or two--the wallpaper is easily changed16:34
smallfoot-but on sdb i have much important stuff16:34
smallfoot-will there be a alpha4 or is next beta1?16:35
bazhangnot sure; you can check the release calendar at ubuntu or at distrowatch16:35
smallfoot-where is release calendar?16:36
Tomcat_smallfoot-: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule16:39
smallfoot-it says  January 31st16:43
smallfoot-Alpha 416:43
smallfoot-but its already alpha 4 out in today 20 jan16:43
smallfoot-then alpha5, alpha6, but wont be no beta, cuz after that is final16:43
smallfoot-no beta? no rc?16:44
Tomcat_smallfoot-: Alpha 4? Never seen that.16:44
smallfoot-oh, maybe i have alpha316:45
scizzo-alpha3 is out16:45
scizzo-smallfoot-: please see http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/16:45
smallfoot-oh, then thats what i have16:45
smallfoot-i must upgrade to alpha4, in 11 days, hoepfully it fix my computer16:45
smallfoot-i have alpha3, but ii dont have Firefox 3 Beta 216:46
smallfoot-i update from 7.10 to alpha316:46
smallfoot-and still ahve firefox
WorkingOnWisesmallfoot-: I am sure alpha4 will fix some things wrong with your computer.16:46
scizzo-yes because it aint standard yet16:46
WorkingOnWiseand break others possibly16:47
smallfoot-but on website it said alpha3 have firefox3, but it dont16:47
scizzo-it does have the 3.0 in the release16:47
scizzo-I am using it...for testing only16:47
kripkenit does, install firefox-3.016:47
smallfoot-i updated from 7.10 to alpha3, and its still not 316:49
smallfoot-i did it by "update-manager -d"16:49
void^install firefox-3.0, run firefox-3.0, use firefox316:49
scizzo-smallfoot-: 16:46   <scizzo-> yes because it aint standard yet16:49
smallfoot-i dont understand16:50
scizzo-smallfoot-: firfox-3.0 is not yet the first browser.....it still is the 2.0 release.....to be able to use the 3.0 version you need to install it16:52
WorkingOnWisewhile we are on the subject, can I run ff2 and ff3 on the same machine, same user, without breaking either one?16:53
scizzo-WorkingOnWise: shouldn't be any problem...16:53
smallfoot-its strange, i ahve to install it, when alpha3 website says it comes with ff316:53
scizzo-smallfoot-: maybe because its a work in progress to make it standard browser16:53
void^ff3 isn't released yet, there's only betas out. would be a little unwise to update regular firefox to a beta snapshot.16:54
scizzo-smallfoot-: nothing on the site says that it _is_ the standard browser....only says that it is there16:54
scizzo-smallfoot-: I am not even sure that all the plugins work for firefox 3 yet16:54
scizzo-smallfoot-: since it is still beta releases of that browser also.16:55
smallfoot-scizzo-, but if i have to install it, its kinda not there16:55
WorkingOnWisecool. I have wanted to take it for a drive, but I already know that like 90% of my extentions don't work in ff3 yet, and I live for some of those extentions....16:55
scizzo-smallfoot-: like I said....work in progress16:56
alex_mayorgaany fellow users bitten by the problem described on this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=622045 namely "Couldn't display "obex://[..." when trying to access a bluetooth device?17:09
WorkingOnWisedoes the gcj java browser plugin work yet?17:15
WorkingOnWiseor where can I go to find out?17:16
alex_mayorgaOK my problems seem to be rather old as bug #14871217:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 148712 in gnome-bluetooth "Gusty, Hardy: Not seeing bluetooth services even after pairing" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14871217:36
enquora1Can anyone give me some pointers on diagnosing wifi problems and bug filing? I have several machines with realtek 8185 chips that worked marginally under gutsy. Under hardy the chips aren't recognized at all. Don't know where to begin.18:17
scizzo-!launchpad 15252718:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 152527 in ubuntu "rtl8185 freezes on connect to network" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15252718:22
enquora1ubotu: this would seem to be a different problem. Hardy a3 doesn't recognize the rtl8185 at all.18:24
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XBehavewill kde support multi pointer x in hardy?18:46
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Assidokay i broke gutsy big time19:26
Assidi think i should participate in helping with hardy.. atleast when thats released it might not do funny things on my laptop19:27
Assiderr.. how "broken" is hardy atm? can X atleast be used?19:27
gunashekarI am using hardy alpha on my laptop19:28
WorkingOnWisewith the latest update to Xorg, my nvidia drivers finally work, sorta.19:28
gunashekarmost applications seem to be working19:28
AssidWorkingOnWise: im using an old dell d600 and my compiz keeps breaking19:28
WorkingOnWisewhat video19:29
Assidthinkng if i participate. theres a good chance the final product will work fine for me atleast19:29
Assidati radeon rv250 / mobility firegl 900019:29
gunashekarAssid: If you do not have any critical data on you laptop , i don't see why not19:29
Assidgunashekar: atm.. only using it for irc/msn.. and remote desktop19:30
Assidbut i do need a  valid X interface incase i go for a meet.. (rare)19:30
Assidokay hook me up.. lets check it out19:30
DanaGOh yeah, one thing that IS screwed up in Hardy: battery reporting.19:31
Assidoh crap.. i use battery quite a bit19:31
Assidis it anywhere near 10% accurate?19:31
gunashekarAssid: I am using hardy alpha on my laptop , both Gnome and Xfce are working nicely, I have installed ubuntu studio as well and am able to run most applications19:31
Assidor am i working on guess work?19:31
WorkingOnWiseAssid: i wont be much help with ati. I bought a nvidia laptop because the ati in my last one was such a pita. however, the last O knew, firegl's were very bad news on compiz.19:31
gunashekarAssid: battery reporting is totally regressed19:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177570 in hal "[hardy] two batteries display when left clicking on g-p-m" [Medium,Confirmed]19:32
DanaGAnd one of the batteries doesn't update.19:32
Assidokay well.. im sure they "should" update it19:32
DanaGHowever, that bug CAN be worked around with an fdi file.19:32
Assidlet me update my sources.list19:33
Assidjust change gutsy to hardy right?19:33
gunashekarAssid: To upgrade from Ubuntu 7.10, run "update-manager -d" using the update-manager package from Gutsy.19:35
Assidi just updaed sources.list19:35
AssidDanaG: gimme a few.. let me get onto the new one first19:35
WorkingOnWiseanyone have a working java plugin?19:37
WorkingOnWisefor ff2?19:37
Assidwish i could force apt to use 5 simultanous connections19:37
wastreljava works here19:39
WorkingOnWisewastrel: what plugin do u use?19:39
WorkingOnWiseoh yeah...i'm on and64....big pite atm for some things19:39
Assiderr.. mirrors are slow19:40
Assidonly 17K/sec19:40
wastrelhah sry that's a flash thing on java.com19:40
DanaGOh yeah, I had to install java7.19:41
DanaGJava6 doesn't get along with libxcb.19:41
WorkingOnWisewhat is the curent "right" way to install 32bit firefox19:41
DanaGAssid: what country are you in?19:41
DanaGTry using a different source, such as mirrors.kernel.org if in USA.19:41
WorkingOnWiseDanaG: are u on amd64?19:41
DanaGLarge universities and such seem to have better connections.19:41
DanaGOh yeah, I'm on 32-bit, actually.19:42
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WorkingOnWisehehe...yeah, cuz the students are busy dl'ing movies amd music!19:42
WorkingOnWiseDanaG: ah, ok.19:42
Assidmy bad.. was on the wrong gateway19:42
DanaGWell, residential networking, at least at Cal Poly, is separate from the labs side.19:42
DanaGI love going into the lab, plugging into GbE, and downloading updates at 30 megabytes per second.19:43
WorkingOnWiseDanaG: thay actually have different pipes for each?19:43
wastrelyeah java not working here19:43
wastrelplugin anyway19:44
WorkingOnWisewastrel: yup...have to wait still...19:44
DanaGI don't actually know the topology, but they wouldn't pipe the computer-sci department through residential.  Residential is most likely a branch of its own.19:44
WorkingOnWisewhat is the curent "right" way to install 32bit firefox  on an AMD64 system?19:44
wastrelis there a bug in about java plugin?19:47
wastrelnot that i see19:48
Assidokay updatemaneger is saying i can only run a partial upgrade19:48
Assid"not all upgrades can be insalled"19:48
nanonymehmm, where's the release schedule for hardy?19:48
Assidnanonyme: 6 month from gutsy release19:49
Assidso when did gutsy releasE?19:49
nanonymei meant the schedule map19:49
nanonymei don't remember the link19:49
nanonymeright, thanks19:50
nanonymegoing to be a lot of alpha's19:50
Assidwhats a developer sprint?19:51
* Assid watches the upgrade take place19:51
Assidonly 2 hours 35 mins to go19:52
Assidshould i just download the iso disc19:52
nanonymemaybe developer sprint is irl activities? ^^19:52
Assidirl ?19:53
nanonymein real life19:53
nanonymethat is, dev'd go running together somewhere19:53
nanonymedevs'd even19:54
Assidi need more bandwth19:54
Assidso im going from unstable 7.10 to alpha 8.1019:55
Assiderr.. 8.0419:55
nanonymecontact your ISP? ;)19:55
nanonymei'm sure they want to give you more bandwidth if you pay more19:55
Assidyeah well no unlimited usages19:55
selckinfind a better mirror19:55
Assidselckin: isp goes faster if i have multiple threads19:56
nanonymeit will go even faster if you get a faster connection ;)19:56
* nanonyme got 8/1 a while ago19:57
Assidmaybe i should upgrade tomorrow19:57
nanonymenowadays the speed limitation is my adsl modem19:58
nanonymeit can't get downloads faster than 750 kilobytes per second at constant19:58
Assidcurrently doing 163K/sec19:59
Assid1 hr 34 mins to go19:59
Assidhonestly. there shoul dbe better support for LCD's19:59
AssidLCD's have a refresh rate too19:59
Assidgenerally upto 75hz19:59
nanonymethe refresh rate in LCD's is mostly irrelevant19:59
Assiderr.. no20:00
Assidi find alot of difference between 60/7520:00
nanonymeerr.. yes. it's not an electron cannon which will break your eyes with too low refresh rates20:00
Assidlower refresh rates slowly hurt my eyes..20:01
nanonymelike crt's are20:01
Assideven on lcd20:01
Assidwhen i get some cash.. thinking of the dell 22" ultrasharp lcd20:02
Assidcurrently on 17"CRT on my desktop20:02
nanonymei don't use any crt's anymore except at work20:02
Assidwhy use crt's there?20:02
nanonymeat work i have 21" crt with 1600x1200@85Hz20:03
Assidi want one of those20:03
Assidmine does only 1024x768 @8520:03
Assidone day i plan to move my desktop to linux too20:04
Assidtoo man unstable and alot of apps required for my usage to wanna shift20:04
Assidand everything said and done. wine has a long way to go20:04
=== macd_ is now known as macd
Assidthe other day i wanted to do some development with monodevelop. unfortunately it was different than sharpdevelop20:05
Assidso just got annoyed20:06
Assidalso the usage of compiz breaks wine apps as such20:07
Assidand GL apps20:07
=== burne1 is now known as burner
WorkingOnWisewow is there an anoying feature in awn with ff3!20:26
WorkingOnWiseduring a dl' awn pops up a tooltip of the percent completed about every 2 seconds!20:26
DanaGLast CRT I used was 19"; I used it ah 1280x960 at 85Hz.20:28
nanonymei'd rather use 1280x102420:28
DanaGI'd also use 100Hz, but it whined horribly, and I think that's what made the convergence become so bad after not very long of owning it.20:28
nanonymeyour resolution might lead into aspect ratio problems20:28
DanaGActually, 1280x960 is 4:3.20:29
DanaG1280x1024 is 5:4.20:29
WorkingOnWise is there any real performance gain to running 64bit ff2 or ff3?20:30
nanonymenow that you mentioned it, you're right20:31
nanonymethough 1280x1024 looks a lot better than 1280x960 on this tft20:32
DanaGThat's because such LCDs really are 5:4.20:33
nanonymeah, right20:33
nanonymeall of them?20:33
DanaGMost 17" and 19" LCDs are either 1280x1024 or 1440x900.20:33
DanaGExcept in notebooks, that is.... there you can get 1920x1200 at even 15 inch, which seems edging on silly to me.20:34
AssidWorkingOnWise: awn?20:34
Assidthe dock?20:34
nanonymeDanaG, what if it can't do a resolution as high as 1280x1024?20:34
Assidi need a new lcd screen for my desktop.. 1024x768@85 sucks20:34
nanonymesince 1024x768 would be wrong aspect ratio according to what you said20:35
DanaGIt depends on the LCD itself.  Whatever the physical resolution, you want to match it.20:35
nanonymeit would need to be something like 1024x819 or so20:36
Assidbtw did hardy fix that ntfs-3g bug?20:36
WorkingOnWiseAssyup . Avant Window Manger20:36
AssidWorkingOnWise: sweet.. always wanted to use that20:37
WorkingOnWiseit's cool, just no extra applets for it.20:37
Assidapparently if you use an external drive with ntfs.. and you enable the ntfs-write for external through ntfs-config it doesnt do anything20:37
WorkingOnWisejust the launcher20:37
Assidyou need to copy the hal files20:37
AssidWorkingOnWise: yeah i know. gives it the mac look20:38
nanonymeDanaG, so should i start measuring myself or is that told in some specs?20:38
DanaGIt's most likely written somewhere.20:38
Assidman.. my sister is hooked on ubuntu20:38
Assidi told her to move back to windows.. just to pull her leg and well to have her stop bugging me for stupid things.. she just outright refused20:39
Assidand was all pissed off about it like it was a bigggg thing20:39
DanaGI have several things that make me stick with Ubuntu as my primary OS.20:39
DanaGOne big one: font rendering.  I can't stand Cleartype.20:39
Assidcleartype and subpixel rendering is the same thing right?20:40
DanaGBoot windows: eyes hurt after not very long.  Boot Ubuntu: can read all day with no issues.20:40
Assidbtw "appearance" is broken.. it just gets stuck20:40
DanaGWell, cleartype is one method, but there are some other methods.  I don't know the details.20:40
Assidthis is on gutsy btw20:41
DanaGAnother thing: nice visual styles.  I'm currently using Fedora's "Nodoka" theme, but with a much less "so bright I need sunglasses" blue.20:42
DanaGI like orange, but this theme doesn't seem to work with any shade of orange I've tried.20:42
Assidif you can get all my work to run perfectly with wine20:43
Assidi might move my desktop20:43
DanaGTry XP in Virtualbox.20:43
Assidnot the same :920:43
Assidrather use native then20:43
DanaGDepends on the nature of work, that is.  AutoCAD, for example, won't work, of course.20:43
Assidi got good hardware. but stupid thing slows down cause of the software :(20:44
AssidDanaG: i really want dreamweaver latest and other stuff on it20:45
Assidi got tons of legit software.. including windows20:45
hithi there21:02
swhalenHello, i cant get mono basic to compile21:03
swhalenis there a deb?21:03
hithal fails to start and therefore almost nothing works, how can recover hal package or smth?21:05
Assidshould i just download and install from the iso21:06
Assidatually will finish downloading through apt upgrade in 1/2 hr21:07
gunashekarAssid: To upgrade from Ubuntu 7.10, run "update-manager -d" using the update-manager package from Gutsy.21:08
Assidgunashekar: thats already being done21:08
Assidjust wondering if i shoul make a live cd and keep21:08
gunashekarnot worth it Assid21:08
gunashekarthere are so many daily updates21:09
Assidhrmm true21:09
Assidgonna see if i can sit for 1/2 hr more21:10
Assidelse will shut it down and continue tomorrow21:10
Assidhopefully compiz will still work21:10
DanaGHmm, if I'm on AC, suspend and resume work pretty reliably, but if I'm on battery, resume never works.21:11
Assiderr.. isnt it suspended to ram?21:11
Assidhow should it matter between AC/battery?21:11
DanaGBeats me.21:12
DanaGI wish the packaged compiz-fusion had more of the inside-the-cube plugins.21:13
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
thegveHello - Anyone tried the new ATI driver yet?22:04
thegveand seen this type of errors ;) module abi major version doesn't match the server's version22:04
DannilionHi- can anyone remind me how to stop a package from upgrading?22:05
Dannilion(using apt-get)22:05
WorkingOnWise is the person still here wondering about 32bit firefox on 64bit linux?22:09
DannilionAhh... remembered it :)22:11

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