
no0ticauto_bleh script now provides multiple banforward with|without private notices. You can find it at no0tic.homelinux.org/~no0tic03:19
danroj#ubuntu-int this channel is illegal03:20
danrojlo concegui03:38
danrojmire el historial03:38
danrojgracias igual03:38
LjLconseguiste que...03:39
danrojel comando03:39
danrojque le pregunte por privada03:39
LjLme preguntaste nada por privada03:39
danrojpero da igual03:41
danrojsorry LjL se me cayo la red03:41
danrojgracias LjL ahora si me voy03:47
danrojbye bye03:48
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic
jpatrickno0tic: wow, you're fast10:07
no0ticjpatrick, did you read about multiple forward? :P10:08
jpatrickno0tic: yep10:08
* jpatrick wgets10:09
jpatrickno0tic: do you know if it's possible to /abk multiple users at once?10:09
no0ticno, but I can implement it in a moment10:10
no0tic/ambr and /ambk :)10:10
jpatrickoh yeah..10:11
* jpatrick should learn perl10:12
jpatrickno0tic: hmm, it says: "my @nicks = split /\s+/" - does that mean I do /ambk nick1+nick2+etc?10:14
no0ticjpatrick, no /ambk nick1 nick2 nick310:22
jpatrickno0tic: ok, gotcha10:22
no0ticjpatrick, \s+ means one or more space_char10:22
jpatrickeven if it sounds mean at first :)10:22
no0ticjpatrick, /ambrn could be a problem :) how to distinguish between nicks and reason? :)10:23
no0ticjpatrick, same for commands without notice, actually10:24
jpatrickput a | between nicks and reason10:25
no0ticjpatrick, | could be present in a nick10:25
no0ticjpatrick, better #10:25
no0ticjpatrick, I think | could be a nick :)10:25
jpatrickno0tic: btw line 36: abk  => 'cmd_abkn',10:26
jpatrickis that suppose to be like tha?10:26
no0ticjpatrick, no, it can't be a nick :)10:26
no0ticjpatrick, yes, indeed, I will work on it later, I'm going out right now, bbl10:28
jpatrickno0tic: later10:29
jpatrickmstreetlinux: este canal es internacional, hablalo que quieres11:05
no0ticjpatrick, done, now includes /ambr /ambrn /ambk /ambkn  (syntax: "/ambXX nick1 nick2 nick3 .. < user defined reason")12:20
jpatrickno0tic: wow12:20
no0ticjpatrick, I chose < to remind shell redirect12:21
jpatrickno0tic: oh, btw, how can I make the script less verbose? I tried /ar and it told me everything it was doing12:21
no0ticjpatrick, $DEBUG = 012:22
jpatrickyes, but /ar is the first to show everything12:22
no0ticuhm, I'll check12:24
auraxelkbuntu you idiot :)12:26
no0ticjpatrick, ok, just comment "$DEBUG = 1 unless defined $DEBUG;"12:26
jpatrickno0tic: otherwise: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/3706/12:28
no0ticyes, I know :)12:30
jpatrickok done12:30
jpatrickno0tic: so, now, all reasons are "< blah"?12:34
no0ticno, only multiple reasons12:35
jpatrickor just multiples? right12:35
jpatrickno0tic: best tell the others in -ops12:47
no0ticjpatrick, about syntax or updates?13:04
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic
jpatrickno0tic: existance of your work :)13:44
no0ticjpatrick, ah they all already know :)13:45
jpatrick@addeditor effie_jayx13:48
botijojpatrick: Error: Solo soy un bot, por favor no pensa que soy inteligente :)13:48
jpatrick%addeditor effie_jayx13:49
botijojpatrick: Error: Usario effie_jayx no registrado13:49
=== pricechild is now known as PriceChild
effie_jayxjpatrick,  como que no estoy registrado13:52
jpatrickeffie_jayx: no lo se13:52
* jpatrick va a mirar el codigo13:53
effie_jayxjpatrick,  * services. establece modo +e effie_jayx13:53
effie_jayx* NickServ set your hostname to "ubuntu/member/effie-jayx"13:53
jpatrickeffie_jayx: /msg botijo %login13:56
effie_jayxjpatrick,  <botijo> Error: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.14:00
jpatrickwell, I have no idea then :|14:00
erUSULjpatrick: no sería mejor hacer que el bot acepte ediciones de los operadores? los que esten +o14:48
LjLwould be complicated to implement i think14:52
erUSULLjL: never mind then14:54
LjLwhat is the problem right now?14:54
LjLcan't login user pass after register user pass?14:54
effie_jayxjpatrick,  did you fix it?14:55
effie_jayxjpatrick,   <botijo> Error: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.15:26
effie_jayxit still happens15:26
effie_jayxbe back15:29
mstreetlinuxhola qbe16:48
effie_jayxLjL,  how's #ubuntu-es16:49
effie_jayxLjL, jpatrick  and I have shaken things up a bit16:49
LjLeffie_jayx: pretty quiet at the moment16:49
effie_jayxLjL,  great, thanks and sorry for all incoveniences...16:49
LjLi'm here to deal with inconveniences16:51
effie_jayxLjL,  great then... :D16:51
jpatrickeffie_jayx: no, I haven't17:52
jpatrickerUSUL: me gustaria, pero 1) botijo esta en otros canales 2) no se como hacer lo17:53
effie_jayxjpatrick,  you tell me when17:53
jpatrickeffie_jayx: I will :)17:54
jpatrickeffie_jayx: now, let's see what you broke17:54
jpatrickno0tic: http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~jpatrick/patches/ab-patch.diff17:57
effie_jayxjpatrick,  I broke?... hehe...17:58
jpatrickjoking ;)17:58
effie_jayxjpatrick,  do ou havce e script for irsii?17:58
jpatrickI use many17:58
effie_jayxjpatrick,  I am interesting17:58
effie_jayxwrong participle17:58
jpatrickhehe :)17:59
effie_jayxinterested, and I need to have a script that Ican use on GNOME or KDE18:00
jpatrickirssi is text based18:00
jpatrickeffie_jayx: any word from p3licano?18:03
effie_jayxjpatrick,  nothing18:04
=== xq is now known as xq_away
jpatrickLjL: there's a #ubuntu-es meeting today19:07
LjLjpatrick: i look forward to it19:11
jpatrickno idea where tho19:11
LjLhopefully on irc19:12
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience19:22
jpatrickeffie_jayx: can you translate that^^ :D19:22
effie_jayxNo se sienta ignorado y no repita su pregunta rápidamente; Si nadie sabe la respuesta, nadie responderá. Puede buscar en https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com mientras espera. También vea @paciencia19:25
effie_jayxjpatrick,  there ^^19:25
jpatrick_effie_jayx: puedes enviar lo otra vez?19:27
jpatrick_es que el otro irssi no soporta UTF19:27
effie_jayxNo se sienta ignorado y no repita su pregunta rápidamente; Si nadie sabe la respuesta, nadie responderá. Puede buscar en https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com mientras espera. También vea @paciencia19:29
jpatrick_ahora veo los accentos19:29
jpatrick_@repetir es No se sienta ignorado y no repita su pregunta rápidamente; Si nadie sabe la respuesta, nadie responderá. Puede buscar en http://doc.ubuntu-es.org or http://help.ubuntu.com mientras espera. También vea @paciencia.19:30
botijoRecurdare eso, jpatrick_19:30
effie_jayxjpatrick,  paciencia esta?19:35
jpatrickeffie_jayx: sip19:35
botijoLa gente aquí son voluntarios, su actitud debe reflejar eso. Las respuestas no siempre están disponibles. Vea http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines (ingles)19:35
effie_jayxjpatrick,  sea paciente!19:43
effie_jayx(ingles) =!(Inglés)19:43
jpatrickai, ves, por eso no quiero traduccir los factos19:44
effie_jayxjpatrick,  solo falta ¡sea paciente!19:45
jpatrickeffie_jayx: look at vud1 at #u-es19:48
effie_jayxjpatrick,  I saw. he's doing some packaging19:50
jpatrickeffie_jayx: isn't that cute :)19:50
jpatrick_!ohmy | effie_jayx20:03
ubotueffie_jayx: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:03
effie_jayxjpatrick,  por favor, cuida tu lenguaje y tema de conversación para ayudar a mantener un ambiente familiar en este canal20:11
effie_jayxjpatrick,  por favor, cuida tu lenguaje y tema de conversación para ayudar a mantener un ambiente familiar en este canal.20:11
botijoFacto lenguage no encontrado20:11
jpatrick_@lenguage es <reply>Por favor, cuida tu lenguaje y tema de conversación para ayudar a mantener un ambiente familiar en este canal.20:12
botijoRecurdare eso, jpatrick_20:12
jpatrickarg, I hate non-UTF supporting irssi20:12
effie_jayxjpatrick,  it's lenguaje20:15
effie_jayxnot lenguage20:15
jpatrick@lenguaje es <alias>lenguage20:15
botijoPero lenguaje ya quiere decir otra cosa!20:15
botijoPor favor, cuida tu lenguaje y tema de conversación para ayudar a mantener un ambiente familiar en este canal.20:15
botijoPor favor cuida tu vocabulario para mantener este canal amigable.20:16
jpatrickeffie_jayx: I want some trolls to kick20:16
effie_jayxjpatrick,  http://dolls.listings.ebay.com/Trolls_Modern-1975-Now_W0QQfromZR4QQsacatZ1206QQsocmdZListingItemList20:18
no0ticjpatrick, thanks, fixed20:28
jpatrick** danroj [n=danroj@] has joined #ubuntu-es21:07
effie_jayxLjL,  what happened with him21:51
LjLeffie_jayx: he just sent a channel CTCP PING in -es21:51
botijoEn #ubuntu-es-web, jpatrick havia dicho: @ops es <reply>Ayuda!21:54
jpatrickarg, it doesn't work21:54
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
jpatrickno0tic: you around?21:57
jpatrickno0tic: I've just tried: /amr blah21:58
jpatrickno0tic: but it still shows: 16:05 ** Irssi: MSG chanserv op #kubuntu-es21:58
no0ticdid it anything else?21:59
jpatrickyeah, throw two users out in one21:59
no0ticprobably chanserv was lagged22:00
jpatrickno0tic: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/3725/22:00
jpatrickit shouldn't try to op twice (or n times foreach user)22:00
no0ticjpatrick, indeed22:01
no0ticlet me try22:01
no0ticjpatrick, latest version?22:02
jpatrickbit less verbose: prefection22:02
jpatrickno0tic: yes22:02
no0ticok, it tries to op n-times but correctly deops once22:03
no0ticand still print output even if DEBUG is not defined22:04
no0ticok, let's fix that :)22:04
jpatricki've commented that line22:04
jpatrickno0tic: line 121: Irssi::print("MSG chanserv op $channel") if $DEBUG eq 1;22:07
jpatrickor just if $DEBUG22:08
no0ticyes, found22:09
no0ticI was investigating why it tries to op me n-times22:09
jpatrickbtw, should line 229 also have if $DEBUG;?22:11
jpatrickand 23422:12
no0ticI think you have another version22:13
no0tic229 and 234 are not "print" lines22:13
jpatrickok, with lastest wget, they're 283 and 28822:15
no0ticI'd leave it on timeout22:16
no0ticit could be useful to keep track about start and duration of the mute22:17
jpatrickline 343: should the thrid $channel have a - before it?22:18
no0ticjpatrick, yes, it deops nick (/msg chanserv op #channel -nick)22:19
jpatrickright :) sorry22:19
jpatricktill next tie I get a change to try it out22:21
jpatrickthe script22:23
no0ticsorry, but didn't understand :)22:24
jpatrickI could randomly throw people out but that would just be mean22:25
no0ticah, ok, let's open a test channel :)22:25
jpatrick##autobleh ?22:25
effie_jayxjpatrick,  vistes kubuntu-es23:22

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