
ubotuIn #ubuntu, ally_xoxo said: ubotu what is shred01:04
naliothubotu: tell ally_xoxo about bot01:05
ubotuFlannel called the ops in #ubuntu (theAtom)01:08
jussi01oooh, nalioth got a helper snack :P ROFL...01:15
jussi01@now helsinki01:16
ubotuCurrent time in Europe/Helsinki: January 20 2008, 03:16:27 - Next meeting: Edubuntu meeting in 3 days01:16
ubotuastro76 called the ops in #ubuntu ()02:01
no0ticcan nicks contain '#'?02:17
Thugacationhey all thugacation here02:56
Thugacationi'd like to contest some bansa02:56
LjLThugacation: i'm listening02:56
Thugacation#ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic plz02:57
Thugacationi was banned for something i dunno what02:57
LjLThugacation: how come you just joined both channels?02:57
Thugacationi dont want those bans on record anymore02:57
LjLThugacation: but you were right when you left them after joining.02:58
LjLyou are still banned.02:58
Thugacationbut they expired02:58
LjLThugacation, no, they didn't. your ISP changed your hostname.02:59
LjLbans don't expire.02:59
Thugacationsomeone told me they do02:59
Thugacationwhy does my ISP change my hostname02:59
LjLsomeone was lying02:59
LjLhow would i know. because they think it's a good way to hand out hostnames, i suppose.02:59
Thugacationso now since my ISP decided i shouldnt be banned anymore02:59
Thugacationi guess we can put all this behind us03:00
LjLyour ISP isn't an authority about bans in Ubuntu channels.03:00
LjLi beg to differ.03:00
ardchoilleThugacation: Entering a channel using a different host after being banned from that channel can be seen as ban evasion.03:02
Thugacationwell not in this case03:02
Thugacationi dont control when my isp changes hostnames03:02
Thugacationand i wouldnt have known they did it if LjL didnt tell me03:02
ardchoilleRead that again.. "can be seen.."03:02
ardchoilleAnd that can complicate matters.03:02
Thugacationu mad?03:02
LjLThugacation, i'm not say you were intending to ban evade, however, what i am saying is that i guarantee you that the ban *is* still in place03:03
ardchoilleNot at all03:03
Thugacationso when does the ban expire03:03
LjLi told you, bans don't expire.03:03
LjLit will be lifted when we decide it should be lifted.03:03
LjLand, right now, i'll throw this random suggestion - come back in a week03:03
Thugacationill be back tomorrow probly before the game starts03:04
LjLi don't think so03:04
LjL[04:08:13] [Whois] l0000000000l is n=ldnguyen@c-67-168-41-252.hsd1.wa.comcast.net (l0l)03:08
no0ticauto_bleh script now provides multiple banforward with|without private notices. You can find it at no0tic.homelinux.org/~no0tic03:18
* nalioth smells a spammer03:20
ardchoillenalioth: How does a spammer smell?03:21
no0ticnalioth, you told me to inform you about changes :)03:22
danrojLjL, hi03:28
LjLdanroj, we saw your message. that channel is legal.03:29
danrojLjL, no #gnu-rujillo es ilegal?03:29
danrojLjL, no #gnu-trujillo es ilegal?03:29
danrojLjL, si es ilegal o no03:30
elkbuntuhola danroj03:30
LjLdanroj, no es un canal Ubuntu - es una pregunta para los del staff03:31
danrojentonces se puede?03:31
danrojLjL, puedo crear un canal asi?03:31
LjLno, entonces no es una pregunta a que you puedo respondir03:31
naliothdanroj: this room is only for #ubuntu channels03:31
danrojLjL, crearon un canal asi03:31
danrojese canal no es ilegal?03:32
LjLdanroj, como te dice nalioth, este canal es solamente sobre los canales de Ubuntu.03:32
LjLjesus christ03:33
elkbuntui dont think even he has control here03:41
nalioth i have no clue what is going on  :(03:42
Picisomething about the canals of ubuntu.04:16
elkbuntuPici, canals = channels04:17
PiciYes, I was making a feeble attempt at a joke04:17
ubotuIn #kubuntu, TheAlien said: !aptfix is that a command?04:36
elkbuntuPici, i dont get the joke04:38
Picielkbuntu: It was pretty dumb.  Not even a joke at best.04:39
naliothPici: so your joke was a joke?04:40
Picinalioth: you could say that.04:40
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic
jussi01whats our policy on [11:35] < surgy> is it ok to poll this channel if its on subject? in #kubuntu-de4 ?09:37
jussi01hang on, #kubuntu sorry...09:38
jpatrickjussi01: should we set +z in -kde4?10:46
* Hobbsee always likes +z10:48
* jussi01 wonders why we would do that atm?10:50
jpatrickjussi01: in case of floods, let us suffer instead of everyone else10:51
jussi01jpatrick: ^10:53
jussi01I am soo sick of that freaking bot... sigh10:54
ubotuMetisse is Mandriva's composite window manager. For more information, see http://www.mandriva.com/projects/metisse11:06
Arelisthat link is broken11:06
jussi01doesnt mandriva use compiz-fusion now?11:09
Helvascawhat the...11:12
Helvascaok that was wierd...11:12
ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, nickspoon said: !forget me not11:32
jussi01someone should probabbly keep an eye on #u: [14:14] < aurax> bazhang: what about you join to #ubnutu-stfu-you-fucking-nerd ?12:20
auraxelkbuntu you idiot :)12:26
Garyaurax, can you stop this please12:26
auraxgiving kids op status..12:27
PriceChildaurax, can I help you?12:28
PriceChildaurax, is there any reason for your presence here then?12:28
PriceChildaurax, could you explain?12:29
* aurax points at elkbuntu12:29
PriceChildaurax, what about elkbuntu?12:29
auraxhe's being too charming12:29
PriceChildelkbuntu, awww you're too charming :)12:30
Seveaslet's see what happens next12:30
ubotustaff is <sed> s/Dave2/Dave2, Gary/12:30
elkbuntuSeveas, once he's out of all that channels i'm in, he'll start pm'ing i bet12:30
PriceChildWheras I'm just a racist. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=67294612:30
Seveaswho messed up !staff?12:30
* PriceChild wouldn't dare touch the staff12:30
Garyme neither12:30
jpatrickelkbuntu: I've kicked whereever I can12:31
Seveasmez did12:31
ubotustaff aliases: staffers - added by Seveas on 2007-02-04 18:30:2812:31
Garyanyone want to make a nice pastebin log?12:31
Seveas!no staff is <reply> Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel or Gary,  I could use a bit of your time :)12:31
ubotuI'll remember that Seveas12:31
Seveas@removeeditor Mez12:32
Davieypoor Mez12:32
PriceChildDaviey, don't laugh or you'll be next ;)12:33
PriceChildGary, of aurax?12:33
DavieyI'm not trusted enough as it is PriceChild12:33
elkbuntuhe's in debian too now12:33
GaryPriceChild, yeah12:33
* jenda waves12:34
PriceChildgimme a mo12:34
PriceChildGary, http://pastebin.ca/VtJAemJ4 is most of it, p/w = aurax12:37
PriceChildI've probably missed a few channels12:38
PriceChildmissed -es and -motu12:39
DavieyI reckon we can guess what happend in those.12:39
jpatrickand -youth12:39
GaryI've gotta go, made a report to more senior staff of aurax's playtime, will chase it up later this evening12:45
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic
* Seeker` still doesn't understand how Gary became staff13:35
Tm_TSeeker`: its all about the money13:35
DavieyI heard Gary recieved the staff status as part payment for other services :/13:43
* Hobbsee doesn't wnat to know what services were provided...13:43
Tm_THobbsee: or see or any other knowledge13:44
* Daviey suspects Hobbsee already knows, and is hiding behind false innocence :)13:44
Tm_Ttrust me on this13:44
* Seeker` prods pricechild's "p" and "c"13:49
=== pricechild is now known as PriceChild
Seeker`how be?13:52
Seeker`how are you?13:53
ubotucoolbhavi called the ops in #ubuntu-in ()13:54
PriceChildsame as ever13:54
PriceChildI'm already there, was a mistake.13:55
MezSeveas, don't see why I should be blamed for that - if the bot didn't pick up the <sed> then how is that my fauly ?13:56
Mezfault *13:56
SeveasMez, you used the wrong syntax13:57
Mez I used !x is <sed> s/x/y/13:57
PriceChild~=, not sed13:57
ubot3Factoid not sed not found13:57
MezPriceChild, either works, unless one was deprecated?13:58
Mezand it's =~13:58
PriceChildmeh, I don't pretend to be comfortable using it :)13:58
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:58
Mezoh, ok13:59
MezI added in an "s" before the first delimeter.13:59
Mezbut if you're going to use regexps - it should take regexps13:59
* Mez shakes head14:01
elkbuntuMez, you should at least have checked it.. that's called being responsible. that way you could have fixed it, or let us know and we could have fixed it before we needed it14:06
jpatrickelkbuntu: by the way, do you not have +i set?14:14
elkbuntujpatrick, no. if losers want to harrass me, they'll go into every ubuntu channel anyway14:15
Mezelkbuntu, so for one mistake I have editor rights revoked? (one mistake may I add that is the fault of the software - not myself)14:47
elkbuntuMez, firstly, i didnt remove you so i'm merely speculating, but the mistake is the lesser part of the problem in my eyes, the bigger part is that you didnt act responsibly by checking it worked14:47
PriceChildMez, I think you should take it up with Seveas. He manages the bots.14:48
Mezelkbuntu, when I issue a command that the bot should come back to me and tell me regarding issues with it, and it comes back saying "OK" ... then I should check it14:49
Mezfor example14:49
Mez!staff is The staff shouldnt be here14:49
ubotuIn #ubuntu-ops, Mez said: !staff is The staff shouldnt be here14:49
elkbuntujust because it replaces text, doesnt mean it did it correctly14:49
elkbuntui *always* check a command i edit, even if i replace the whole text14:49
Mezelkbuntu, so it's my job to check that the progeamming is wrong ?14:49
Hobbseeie, wrong syntax?14:50
Hobbseeit's generally a darned good idea to check *any* new thing you put into the bot, particularly if it has a regular expression14:50
SeveasMez, you used !no staff is ....14:50
Seveaswhich will replace the entire factoid14:51
Mezand even if I *was* in error I should be spoken to first rather than just penalised14:51
SeveasI removed access rights since I didn't know if you would be around here before making more of such edits14:52
Seveaspreventive lockout14:52
Mezand yet you made no effort to contact me, which would have been the sensible thing to do14:53
ubotuchanserv.py is http://www.sourceguru.net/files/chanserv.py.txt14:54
Seveasinteresting as well, why doesn't that point to the real location?14:55
ompaulSeveas, it is a version but not the canonical version I take it14:55
ompaul__module_version__     = "1.0.2"14:56
ompaulis it current?14:56
* ompaul goes to look14:56
ompaul__module_version__     = "1.0.3"14:56
ompaulthat is what I am running14:56
ompaulwho changed that?14:56
ompaulor created it14:56
ompauland which14:56
Seveasobsolete as well :)14:57
ompaulI concur14:57
ompaulwhere did it come from?14:57
Seveas!no chanserv.py is <reply> http://kaarsemaker.net/software/chanserv/14:58
ubotuI'll remember that Seveas14:58
ompaulgoogle says: www.kaarsemaker.net/software/chanserv/ - 134k - Cached - Similar pages14:58
* ompaul pats google on the head14:58
ompaulMez, seems to me (and I am not here long today) you broke it - you could have fixed it - they don't owe you anything, if they have to babysit your output, such as telling you when break stuff, you lose their trust. When I do new stuff I call it here so that it can be checked if I really break it someone better than me can fix it or at least carry the message to someone who can. That's my take on it, and a note from IRC survival ompaul (c) 20015:08
ompaul8 manual.15:08
Mezompaul, one mistake out of ... how many edits ?15:09
ompaulMez, I work in an industry where you are only as good as your last job15:10
elkbuntuMez, we dont know since you dont check15:10
ompauli.e. one error can cost you your ability to continue in that role15:10
* Mez headdesks15:11
ompaulMez, leave the desk alone :)15:11
Mezompaul, no offence meant, but it's my desk.15:12
Mezand my head15:12
ompaulmaybe I was trying to be nice to your head - just maybe15:13
LjLNOTICE - the floodbots will now attempt to get +o if they detect that nobody is opped in the channel. So, if you need to deop them, you will have to stay opped yourself. If they need to *stay* deopped, kickban them.15:14
MezThe simple fact is that due to one mistake, I have punitive action taken against me, without even being spoken to. Plus, may I add, by someone who I believe stepped down from the council, therefore has no right to take punitive action? If I am wrong correct me - but I beleive that if there is an issue with someone, generally the first step is to talk to them? Even if it was preventitive Seveas, you didn't make any effort to TRY and contact me - and when15:14
MezI bought that up completely ignored me.15:14
naliothMez: it's his bot15:15
naliothMez: he can take it home with him and not let it out ot play, if he wants to15:15
elkbuntuMez, the bot is on his computer, he has more rights to it than the council does15:15
ompaulMez, the bot does not belong to the council they grant it rights to help15:15
elkbuntuMez, meanwhile, im really glad there's no trolls or borderline people in here to see an op argue like they do15:16
Seveasspeaking of which, thw bot still needs to go away from my hosting at some point :)15:16
naliothSeveas: i would offer, but my hosting company doesn't allow irc bots  :(15:17
SeveasMez, and if the council disagrees with the editrights being removed, they have access enough to reinstate it15:17
elkbuntunalioth, we're hoping for one of the serverpronto ones canonical still has lying around15:18
MezSeveas, which I have offered to host for you before, which I went out of my way to setup my server to accommodate it, only for you to lose interest.15:18
Mezelkbuntu, I don't believe this is an argument, I believe this is a discussion, however, if you wish, we can move it to another channel ?15:18
elkbuntuMez, seveas has stated his reasons and some of us have approved his reasoning.. yet you're arguing against them with a repetitive argument15:19
elkbuntuMez, as for the bot server, we dont want it moving from one privately held server to another, we want it somewhere that if we all died tomorrow that it'd be recoverable15:20
Seveas@list User15:21
ubotucapabilities, changename, hostmask, hostmask add, hostmask list, hostmask remove, identify, list, set password, set secure, stats, unidentify, unregister, username, and whoami15:21
Seveas@list admin15:21
ubotucapability add, capability remove, channels, ignore add, ignore list, ignore remove, join, nick, and part15:21
Seveashelp capability add15:21
Mezelkbuntu, I'm not arguing the actions. I can understand them. However, the way I've been treated is a different matter. If someone makes a mistake, then someone makes a mistake. At that point, it's usually, I believe, general procedure to talk to them over any issues. If not procedure, then at least politeness15:22
elkbuntuMez, seveas was within his rights to protect his asset before anything else. we cant deny him that for your pride15:23
* Mez headdesks.15:23
MezYou don't seem to be getting the point15:23
Seveasand given that you so far have only argued to get privileges back instead of even apologizing for the error, I'm not too sure whether I want to reinstate them15:24
elkbuntuSeveas, i am in agreement with you15:24
LjLwe sound like a bad soap opera.15:24
ompaulLjL, you reading it out loud?15:25
MezSeveas, please quote me where I have argued to have my privileges reinstated?15:25
elkbuntuMez, the past half hour15:25
LjLompaul: well, not loud, but yeah you've discovered my little semi-conscious vice15:25
elkbuntusorry, 45 minutes15:25
* Seveas stops feeding troll -- sorry Mez I really thought better of you15:25
MezI don't believe I've asked once for them to be reinstated. I'm not pissed because of the revocation, I'm pissed because of the fact that noone even bothered to try and talk to me regarding the issue.15:26
elkbuntuseveas stated his reasons and you've refused to accept them15:27
Mez<+Seveas> I removed access rights since I didn't know if you would be around here before making more of such edits15:27
Mez<+Seveas> preventive lockout15:27
Mez<Mez> and yet you made no effort to contact me, which would have been the sensible thing to do15:27
MezI haven't refused to accept them at all. I'm unhappy that the people here find it fine to resolve an issue without even talking to the persons involved15:28
LjLi thought "duck, if that fails hide, if that fails run" was always our motto15:29
elkbuntuMez, your name was mentioned thrice and hence pinged thrice. we needed to mention it a fourth with 'please talk'?15:29
MezIf I for example, hadn't been online this weekend, had come back, tried to make a change when Seveas wasn't here...15:29
ompaulyour change would be echoed to this channel and most likely executed if found to be sane15:29
elkbuntuthen you still wouldnt have seen our attempts to talk since you wouldnt have been here15:29
Mezelkbuntu, just because there is a presence of me in this room, doesnt mean I'm active. Infact, I only picked it up on the backlog. Which was "mez did" "@removeditor Mez" "poor Mez"15:30
MezI had no clue what the hell was going on and had to go and find out from ubuntulog15:30
elkbuntuthen you come and go 'i shouldnt be blamed'15:31
elkbuntuthat was not a good way to start this conversation.. you immediately set beacons going with that statement15:32
Mezelkbuntu, indeed I shouldn't be blamed for an issue with the programming of the bot. Not fully anyway. Ok, a mistake was made. but that is all it was, a msitake, and yet here I am being treated without even being given the respect of being spoken to. Can you imagine how annoyed I'd be if i'd only found out a week down the line that this had happened?15:33
elkbuntuMez, you were blamed *for being irresponsible and not checking*15:34
Mezelkbuntu, if the bot responds to a command like that legitimately, then it's a bug in the bot. Do you really expect me to call !staff here? and annoy all of them?15:35
elkbuntuhello Co_OkE, can we help15:35
elkbuntuMez, you could PM the bot, like I do when i edit things that are sensitive15:36
LjLwe all do that15:36
LjLexcept seveas15:36
LjLwho likes to spam us in channels15:36
MezYou know what - forget it. I'm off to watch a movie. I'll email the list later with my thoughts when I've calmed down15:37
SeveasMez, what you typed was syntactically correct. This is not a programming error15:37
SeveasMez, so yeah watch that movie, read the docs for the bot, apologize and ask the council for your rights if you want them. In that order15:38
SeveasMez, and if you have complaints, voice them in here...15:39
ompaulbugs on launchpad15:40
MezMessage sent to Seveas: <Mez> I do not appreciate being talked down to, or patronized15:40
SeveasMez, and I don't appreciate your troll-like behaviour15:40
Mezfeel free to discuss. I thought it polite to discuss issues with a single comment ion private, rather than pull them into the open15:40
MezSeveas, and I'm sure you know that that comment itself is trolling.15:41
ompaulCo_OkE, is there is something we can do to help15:41
elkbuntuMez, no it's not, it's the opinion of several of us15:41
Mezelkbuntu, then for someone to discuss their opinion regarding their treatment is being a troll?15:42
elkbuntuMez, no, the way they go about it is the defining factor15:43
Mezelkbuntu, we'll discuss this later15:43
elkbuntuyes, we will15:43
ompaulenjoy the film15:44
stdin_<fllszbrnc> irc://irc.p2p-irc.org/gtn < in #kubuntu15:48
LjLco_oke is the usual 125.164 forwarded guy15:49
LjLchanging nick every time15:49
=== stdin_ is now known as stdin
Seveaswhy not just ban then instead of forward?15:49
LjLSeveas, i don't know, not my ban, but when we forward i trust there's usually a reason15:50
LjLi don't think he ever replied here15:50
elkbuntuLjL, the ip address hasnt changed the whole time, i dont think15:50
elkbuntui think we can safely ban them outright15:51
LjLcall me curious though, but i am interested in knowing why on earth he keeps coming in with a different nickname and not replying to us15:51
LjLCo_OkE: how can we help you?15:52
elkbuntuLjL, im betting spy bot15:52
LjLcould be but it's not really joining -ops, it's joining #ubuntu and getting redirected, and they should have found out by now15:52
LjLand i'm pretty sure he/she/it was just made to rejoin manually now15:53
LjLdoesn't reply to version15:53
ompauljust a moment15:53
LjLthere is another 125.164 online right now15:53
LjLand it's in #ubuntu15:53
LjLit replies to version though15:54
LjLXChat-GNOME IRC Chat 0.16 Linux 2.6.20-15-386 [i686].15:54
LjL!info xchat-gnome dapper15:54
ubotuxchat-gnome (source: xchat-gnome): a new frontend to the popular X-Chat IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.11-0ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 499 kB, installed size 4280 kB15:54
LjL!info linux dapper15:54
ubotulinux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component restricted, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 52 kB15:54
LjL!info xchat-gnome feisty15:54
ubotuxchat-gnome (source: xchat-gnome): a new frontend to the popular X-Chat IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.16-0ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 305 kB, installed size 784 kB15:54
LjL!info linux feisty15:54
ubotulinux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component restricted, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB15:55
stdinforwarded here for changing nicks in #u15:56
LjLi smell logging bot15:56
ompaulI smell a nick changing machine15:58
ompaulso yes15:58
ompaulCo_OkE, or whoever you are come back some time when you have a different IP15:58
ompaulyou are now going to be banned15:58
ompaulfrom here15:58
ompauland #ubuntu15:58
LjLmelin never spoke in #ubuntu, either15:59
ompaulit is ban forwarded to here15:59
LjLalthough he/she/it has been there for quite some time15:59
ompaulI banned them for nick changing no reason15:59
LjLhe is, but melin is another host15:59
LjLit merely happens to be the only other 125.164* online15:59
elkbuntuLjL, what's the other 125.164*? one exactly?16:00
LjLelkbuntu: yeah, "melin". and my logs say he's been in #ubuntu at least since november, but never spoke16:00
LjLbut as i said, it does reply to VERSION, while this bot does not16:01
elkbuntumelin's n=  is also interesting16:01
ompaula hijacked kiosk ?16:03
elkbuntuompaul, i'm starting to suspect16:03
LjLmebbe whonnoes16:03
ompaulor a kiosk install to hide its real purpose - spies from SuSE ;-)16:03
ompaulthey want to see what a community looks like16:04
elkbuntuexcept for the fact that the xchat instance would need to actually be started by someone, and noticable16:04
* ompaul slaps his own wrist, bad ompaul16:04
LjLelkbuntu: weird that that someone hasn't PM'd me about my VERSION request.16:04
LjLthey usually do16:04
ompaulLjL, daemonised16:04
elkbuntuaccording to apnic, it's indonesian16:08
elkbuntuanyway, im off to bed. g'nite16:13
DarkmystereCan some 1 help me add a factoid for fixing sound for Toshiba Sattilite A105-2071 with sound card:ATI Technologies Inc SB450 HDA Audio (rev 01)18:27
LjLDarkmystere, is there a bug filed against that?18:28
DarkmystereLjL: I dont think so... Let me google second18:29
Darkmysterein err launchpad right?18:29
Darkmysteregoogle is giving me generic links link to site please18:29
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots18:30
kbrooksum, is anyone watching #ubuntu-offtopic at present18:30
LjLi'll do it the dutch way18:31
kbrooksljl: ty18:31
jussi01Darkmystere: is that not one of the !intelhda cards??19:22
DarkmystereI Think but that didnt really help me19:23
DarkmystereCould some 1 help me get my splash screen in Ubuntu?19:37
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash19:55
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.19:55
DarkmystereXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":2.0".20:05
Darkmystereerr:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"SystemRequirementsDialog" returned 160220:05
jussi01Pici: ping?20:25
Picijussi01: pong?21:14
jussi01Pici: ahh, you missed him, one of your bans popped in (I beleive)21:16
Picijussi01: oh?21:16
jussi01Pici: Darkmystere I looked it up on bt, a paster from a few weeks ago (it seems)21:17
PiciHmm.. I''ll take a look21:17
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
Seeker`jussi01: Pici: He's done that in -uk too. He doesn't seem like he means any harm, just a new user that doesn't really seem to know much about anything22:08
PiciI see a kick for pasting... but not a ban..22:14
LjLdarkmystere is an idiot22:15
PriceChildIs that the guy wanting to make his own bot from scratch to help?22:17
Piciugh, him.22:18
LjLand asking to become an op, and a couple of other idiotic things22:18
PriceChildpfft who'd wanna be an op22:18
LjLi asked someone in #ubuntu to pastebin the last 200 lines or so of their syslog22:28
LjLi asked that 20 minutes ago22:29
LjLthe PMs are still incoming...22:29
ardchoilleLjL: :(22:41
SeveasLjL, LOL :_)22:41
LjL[Sun Jan 20 2008] [23:08:03] <zk> Jan 20 23:36:36 ubuntu syslogd 1.4.1#21ubuntu3: restart.22:43
LjL[Sun Jan 20 2008] [23:32:43] <zk> Jan 20 23:36:42 ubuntu NetworkManage22:43
crdlbslashix is still recommending envy :/23:40
Jack_Sparrowcrdlb: which room23:41
crdlbstill in #ubuntu23:42

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