[01:21] can I rig auto play for DVDs? [01:32] installed ivman [01:33] but hardly know what to do next [01:35] i can play dvds manually [01:36] want to put his in a media room where people can drop in dvds and go grab some popcorn [01:36] tarvid, hi [01:36] ho somerville32 [01:37] tarvid, Do you have Thunar volume manager enabled? [01:37] i have the application and just brought it up [01:37] the dvd is mounted as a file system [01:38] tarvid, Applications > Settings > Settings Manager. Click on File Manager [01:38] On the advanced tab, is "Enable volume management" checked off? [01:39] xfce settings manager, looking for an advanced tab [01:39] under file manager preferences? [01:40] enable volume management is checked [01:40] And if you click configure and then the multimedia tab [01:40] Is it configured to launch gxine when you insert a dvd? [01:42] totem dvd:/ [01:43] gxine wants /dev/dvd [01:43] this box was installed with a cdrom [01:44] then the cdrom was replaced with a dvd rom [01:44] the a symbolic link was added /dev/cdrom -> /dev/dvd [01:46] It should be: gxine -S dvd:/ [01:46] i can manually play the dvd from Movie Player which is totem (I think) [01:46] I'll try that but gxine does not play dvds [01:47] I suggest you install xubuntu-restricted-extras [01:49] completed [01:49] Hopefully it'll work for you now [01:50] just reinserted [01:50] gxine doesn't work manually [01:50] Does it work automatically though? haha [01:51] totem works manually but doesn't autoplay with totem dvd:/ [01:51] there is no /dev/dvd [01:52] right [01:53] totem will take /dev/cdrom [01:54] but gxine won't [01:54] 08:53:14 PM: xine: cannot find input plugin for MRL [dvd:/] [01:54] but [01:55] 08:53:14 PM: xine: found input plugin : DVD Navigator [01:56] weird [01:57] installing vlc [01:57] kind of messy, a little more shouldn't hurt too much [01:57] bet there is somewhere I can tell xine to look at /dev/cdrom instead of /dev/dvd [01:59] the lack of /dev/dvd must be in udev somewhere [01:59] so much to learn [02:00] but xubuntu seems lighter than ubuntu [02:01] installed dsl on a 500 Mhx p III with 128 tonight and it seemed fast enough [02:01] this is an 1100 Athlon with 256 [02:01] not bad in xubuntu [02:02] vlc works manually [02:02] You can just change the command [02:03] You can set it to anything you like [02:03] i'll try anything twice, three times maybe [02:10] i get a mount instead of running the application, is there some place to turn of automount but only for dvd media [02:12] Yea, same place [02:19] should I expect a manual command to work when plugged into configure, multi media, video cds? [02:19] yup [02:20] then is a bug report appropriate? [02:21] tarvid, sure [02:29] looking for the bug tracker for xubuntu in launchpad, not the right place apparently [02:30] You can file it against the xubuntu-desktop package for now [02:44] dhcp reset dropped connection [02:44] another bug? [02:45] I don't think so [02:47] did see the nm-applet doing its thing [02:47] networking is back [02:47] i saw the applet with the little red x then the rotating arrows once [02:48] another time it just came back on its own [02:48] this box is an orphan [02:48] windows 2000 broke (constant reboots) and it wasn't worth fixing the Windows install [02:49] a little wimpy for regular ubuntu so I installed xubuntu [02:49] is that a wise choice [02:49] Xubuntu is faster [02:50] that is probably true even for a decent box [02:51] Yup [02:51] fspot a reasonable alternative to gthumb [02:51] ? [02:52] It'll bring in a bunch of gnome dependencies [02:52] and mono [02:52] need a simple resizer converter [02:52] maybe crop [02:53] gimp is heavy for my usual needs [02:53] although the svg import has been handy [02:57] thank you much for the help, it did get me around a bit, i'm learning [04:28] Someone believes that this is true?? [04:28] http://www.abadiadigital.com/noticia2615.html [04:32] sancas: I can't comment on the Compiz Fusion aspect but I have had Ubuntu and Kubuntu alterate desktops installed to first and second generation iMacs. Only recently discovered Xubuntu [04:34] Aaaaaa this well grahamperrin thanks for your opinion [05:58] i am seeking some help with my dell inspiron 1100 im trying to set the graphics on 1024x768 but im getting mixed responses [05:58] from forums and people [06:25] heeeelllllp :) bought 10 old dell towers at county auction today. trying to install xub on the first one, and getting hung up installing grub, and also lilo. get the message could not install grub to /target/... any ideas? info card says i have 512 ram, pent II 350, installing to 10 gb hard drive. [06:29] mikubuntu: it can't write to the partition or something? [06:29] I'd check the bios for any protection measures - and try with a partition for /boot [06:32] scizzo-: i don't know what ezackly. was loading for the longest time, base system, software, etc, then when i got to grub install failed. tried over and over, then tried lilo, and same failure. on lilo it said error message '1' [06:33] ere4si: on lilo it offers to install to a 'new ubuntu partition' but that fails as well. what kind of protection measures would there be in the bios? me not too smart :( [06:34] on the installation menu there is an option to 'execute a shell' does that mean pull up a terminal? if so, is there anything i could do through a terminal? [06:35] sometimes there are options to protect the mbr etc - a read through the bios options will surely show if any exist [06:35] i hate to abort the install, i took /a really long time/ [06:36] so i would have to abort to do that i guess [06:36] shell = terminal - try "find grub" [06:36] im trying to back up my xorg.conf whats the command to copy files? wc? or something [06:36] cp for copy [06:37] thanks long night of drinking [06:37] lemme try [06:37] brb [06:37] e.g sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.confbackup [06:38] k [06:38] yep got it thanks [06:38] trying to fix these gamn graphics [06:40] brb wish me luck [06:40] ere4si: ok, terminal 'find grub' output = no such file or directory ... is it possible to make the file or directory with the shell and then retry grub or lilo install? [06:46] mikubuntu: the install should put grub where it has to go - did you try something different or did it go wrong by itself? [06:46] !dualboot [06:46] Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [06:50] ere4si: no, it just went wrong. i'm not smart enough to deviate [06:50] without /close/ supervision [06:53] mikubuntu: seems like there might be a protection in the bios for the mbr (maybe) - from here the only suggestion I can give is to look there [06:57] ere4si: i just installed xubuntu on my dell inspiron 1100 laptop and i have been trying to set it to display the 1024x768 resoultion. [06:57] hmmmmm.... oh, well, thanks for your help. trying to google the prob, but not really getting any good hit yet [06:57] ive googled for information on how to fix it. ive done all the xorg.conf crap that i came across [06:57] nothing is working [06:58] bboxet: brb [06:58] alright [07:00] ere4si: i got these boxes from the county auction, and they 'had' windows running on them and i guess wiped off. here is a comment from someone at linuxforums, do you see anything in his statement that might apply to me? : I'm officially retarded... [07:00] The problem was that I had left my Windows partition in my lilo.conf . After removed that section, all is well. [07:01] mikubuntu: your getting grub to install now? [07:01] bboxet: which video driver are you using? [07:02] its on vega right now [07:02] the forums are tellling me this needs i810 [07:02] bboxet: isn't the display on that laptop a widescreen? [07:02] i dont think so [07:03] its not really new or anything [07:03] i edited the xorg.conf according the forums [07:03] it boots but the screen is completely black [07:03] this is a older laptop i guess [07:04] i dont think its wide screen [07:04] ere4si: no, that was what a guy on linux forums posted [07:05] ere4si: i was just wondering if it could apply to me also [07:05] bboxet: reboot into the rescue kernel and at the prompt that appears type - dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choose the defaults exept for the video driver - scroll up and select i810 [07:06] mikubuntu: if there was a complete format off the drive then probably not - there was windows there before right - no linux [07:07] mikubuntu: can you check the bios on one of the other comps? [07:09] ere4si: ya it was windows. good idea, i'll check another machine. i'll be awhile no doubt, thanks for your help [07:09] k [07:14] ere4si: sorry video messed up [07:14] yeah so i can't get i810 to work properly [07:14] with the i810 driver? [07:14] k [07:14] also another question [07:14] i dont have a start up screen at all [07:15] found this - http://www.meyerloewen.net/dellinux/ [07:15] i recall something about editing the grub loader? [07:15] ere4si: i already did that [07:16] bboxet: a menu at boot? is that what your after there? [07:16] no [07:16] isnt there a start up screen? like a splash screen? [07:17] yep - you need to edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst file as sudo [07:17] k cool [07:18] scroll down to where it says "end default options" [07:22] im stumped with the video [07:23] bboxet: found this link - read the bottom post - http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/fedora-35/have-a-dell-inspiron-1100-with-slow-video-or-640x480-video-resolution-solution-here-132135/ [07:25] ere4si: this is from 2004 [07:27] bboxet: so's the laptop :) - most sites say that adding lines for the vert & horiz sync to xorg and deleting all resolutions except 1024x768 is what works [07:28] im going to do another thing real quick [07:28] k [07:48] ere4si: im stumped. [07:48] bboxet: what did you try? [07:49] hold on [07:50] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190022 [07:50] i tried that and numerous other sites [07:55] bboxet: what about the bios update? - one poster that couldn't get it working was given the suggestion of going to dell's' site for the free bios update [07:55] i have a32 installed [07:55] the latest bios update [07:56] k [07:58] can you paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file? [07:58] !paste | bboxet [07:58] bboxet: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [08:10] ere4si: this is bboxet [08:10] i didn't get it to work lol im stumped? [08:11] back to the forums === dave__ is now known as bboxet [08:14] paste wouldn't work for bboxet? [08:15] seems it might just be something simple in your xorg from all the posts I've read now [08:44] i could solve my resolution problem with changing my nvidia tnt2 to a geforce fx5200 :) I can get sound now also, cause i changed the soundblaster to a 6XFire :D [08:54] my tnt2 works ok - just needed the right driver [09:09] is there a way to get seamonky as a debian package? icould only find iceape in an very old version only :/ [09:09] *a [09:33] Steve14: what's iceape? [09:38] grahamperrin: some customized debian seamonkey built :( [09:39] ty [11:02] hi [13:03] Hello, I have a problem with xubuntu login, am I in the right channel? [13:04] yes [13:04] tell us more about your problem :) [13:04] Well, when trying to login, I get a message like "$home/.dmrc file is being ignored" [13:05] I googled it, and found several solutions, none of it worked... [13:06] try to remove that file [13:06] it contains your default session and language [13:07] um, that's why am here, I have no idea how to do that (my knowledge of copmuter language is zero...) [13:07] this is the full message I got: [13:07] “User’s $HOME/.dmrc” file is being ignored. This prevents the default session and language from being saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permission. User $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable by other users” [13:08] Distress: well, just go to your home directory, enable displaying of hidden files, and move that file to trash [13:08] how do I do this? [13:14] Distress: click on the 'home' icon on your desktop [13:14] double click, actually [13:15] ah, but I cannot login to my desktop at all [13:15] this happens when I try to login [13:15] what happened just before it started? [13:16] nothing much, I was downloading stuff, then at restart I got that message at login [13:17] i found this at ubuntu forums: [13:18] Press F2 and log in with your username and password. Then, at the prompt, run [13:18] Code: [13:18] sudo chmod 644 /home/username/.dmrc [13:18] sudo chown username:username /home/username/.dmrc [13:18] but after loging in with my username and pasword, the console asks for my password again [13:21] this means the password was wrong [13:22] so I cannot enter the second code [13:22] no I got the pass right, then I entered the first code "sudo chmod 644 /home/username/.dmrc ", then it asked me again for my pass, so I don't get a chance to enter the second code [13:25] Distress: just enter your pass second time [13:26] I do it, then it says Sorry, wrong password, or something like that. I did it a hundred times so I cannot be wrong with the pass... [13:27] bbl [13:31] Distress: is this the same user tha was created when you installed xubuntu? [13:34] yes, it's the same user [13:36] then you should be allowed to run sudo [13:37] Distress: what happens when you type 'sudo -s' and enter your password? [13:38] you mean in the ctrl+alt+F1? [13:41] it says: /bin/bash: password: no such file or directory [13:46] Distress: seems like your system is very broken [13:46] Distress: missing important files [13:48] how can that be, I didn't mess with anything... [13:48] I would do a clean reinstall but I have a big music library stuck.... [13:49] is there anything I can try before I drop everything and reinstall? [13:49] Distress: boot the livecd and backup your important files [13:49] Distress: it's possible that your hard disk drive got broken [13:50] okay, how do I backup with the livecd? where is that option? === pricechild is now known as PriceChild [13:52] Distress: you will see an icon of your disk on the desktop, you can just go in there and copy the files you need on a thumbdrive or burn on a cd [13:53] but I cannot access my desktop, it's at the login that I recieve the message [13:53] Distress: that's why you need to boot from the livecd [13:53] Distress: I just realised you cannot burn your files to a cd when you're running from a livecd [13:54] yeah :) [13:54] Hello === Clark_der_TeXnic is now known as Technicer [14:09] to hell with this, I'm going back to windows [14:09] thanks anyway [14:19] hello? [14:20] hi russellking [14:20] hey! my first response from someone in the linux community WOOT [14:21] ok, i just got xubuntu installed from a live cd on a magazine, and I've been interested in learning linux for a while now [14:21] up until now, i've been a microsoft xp (pshhh got fed up of exceptions) user [14:22] so, erm, this is my first port of call, so to speak [14:22] great [14:22] there is a xubuntu user guide to help you get oriented [14:23] https://help.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/index.html [14:23] if you have any questions, just ask [14:24] tanks [14:24] you don't have to read it all in one go, of course ;) [14:25] ah, there might be some differences, because things change and are not always updated in time [14:27] lol my keyboard has already gone wonky [14:27] sorry [14:27] .. [14:28] so far, i have not updated in anyway - i'm using 7.04 [14:28] and i have absolutely no idea how to start programming in linux, and have about 1% knowledge of the cli commands [14:29] and why has my keyboard turned into an american? [14:31] GR [14:32] ok - how do i stop the computer using x config when i change my keyboard layout? [14:33] russellking: I don't know, but I know how to change thedefault X config [14:34] russellking: open a terminal and type 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' [14:34] russellking: then go through the configuration, accepting all defaults, except for the thing you want to change [14:36] thanks - just going through the vdeo adapter stuff now [14:47] SHEEP? its still using the x config, and it still thinks my keyboard is american. I keep telling it to stop using an accent, but it doesn't listen to me. [14:47] i'll look it up in a faq somewhere [15:02] any IT professionals in here [15:03] hi TheSheep long time no see [15:03] heya thesheep - worked after reboot [15:03] thanks [16:47] hello!!!! [16:47] I wonder if someone could put the effect of the cube in his xubuntu [16:47] !compiz [16:47] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [16:48] Russellking: sorry, I was commuting [17:03] TheSheep: how did that contracting deal with the school go [17:03] TheSheep: i remember you talking about it a long time ago === magic_ninjai is now known as magic_ninja [17:05] magic_ninja: it didn't work out [17:05] thats no good [17:05] TheSheep: they go with a different person [17:06] probably [17:06] magic_ninja: this is a discussion for xubuntu-offtopic, btw [17:06] i'm putting in a resume for a computer tech job where i work tomarrow, i'm on the floor in a factory atm, but hopefully i get it :-) === Clark_der_TeXnic is now known as TeXnicer [17:44] Äh, moin [17:44] * TeXnicer poltert herein [17:54] [XChat2] Wie kann man beim Start mehrere channels betreten? Leerzeichen und Komma geht nicht...? [17:54] !de [17:54] Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [17:58] TheSheep: erm *dow* [17:58] !dow [17:58] Sorry, I don't know anything about dow - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [17:59] I like to have Xchat2 joining more than one channel during startup but he takes only first argument... [17:59] seperators like " " or "," do not work. anyone a clue? [18:00] TeXnicer: try asking on xchat [18:13] #channel,#channel,#channel [18:13] xchat tells you that [18:46] are you still in TheSheep? [18:47] (if you are, you should get out - thats just sick) [18:48] IRC can be accessed by many ways [18:48] programming ones own irc client being the hardest [18:53] Russellking: sorry === Blinkiz_ is now known as Blinkiz [20:40] what's the deal with this unsigned security update [20:40] how can you have an unsigned security update? [20:40] Version 1:1.3.0-0ubuntu1.1: [20:41] for packages xserver-xorg-core [20:41] and libxfont1 [20:42] emdash: who are you talking to? [20:48] it showed up in my update manager [20:51] if you want to reach the developers, write to the -dev mailing list [20:59] Anyone know where the .schema files go for XFCE? [20:59] for panel applets [21:00] charding: I think that xfce doesn't use gconf [21:01] but gnome applets work in xfce? [21:01] charding: through a wrapper applet [21:01] TheSheep: Yeah I've read about that one.. [21:01] XF(something) [21:02] charding: you could try on #xfce, there are some xfce devs in there sometimes [21:02] If it's a gnome applet, can I change some of the code to fit for xfce? [21:02] ah ok [21:02] I don't think it's straightforward [21:03] TheSheep: ok thanks [21:56] f === Pricey is now known as PriceChild [22:02] its been a while since I have used irc so pleace forgive me for any breach of protocal. I have a quick question. I downloaded the desktop version of xubuntu and ran it on my Toshiba satillite to see how i like it. Unfortunelty when it booted up, I just got a desktop with fonts sizes so large they take up the whole screen. When i run it in safe graphics mode i don't have any problems. any help pointing me i [22:02] n the right direction would be helpful. [22:04] thegoodtimers191: probably the dpi of your screen is getting detected wrong [22:05] thegoodtimers191: you can force dpi in your xorg.conf [22:05] thegoodtimers191: just put ' Option "DPI" "96x96" [22:05] ' [22:06] in your 'screen' section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf [22:06] and restart the X server [22:07] thank you sheep for the responce...I read about that in a couple of forums...but since I'm new to linux I just wanted to make sure I got the conformation from several sources before proceeding..your help has been much appreciated [22:12] thegoodtimers191: you know how to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf? [22:15] not really but a I can find out how on line...but i dont want to bother you [22:17] in terminal, gksu mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf [22:17] and alt+ctrl+backspace to restart the X server without rebooting the computer [22:19] thank you so much [22:21] I think you can also edit some file in ~/.config/xfce4/ to set dpi for your user only, not sure what it was [22:25] hast he xserver problem been fixed [22:26] the found couple of other suggestions but i really need the hints about using terminal [22:27] thegoodtimers191: you can start Thunar as root, with 'gksu thunar', and then do it graphically [22:28] that is a really sweet idea [22:30] i'm not totally new to terminal...ive been playing with backtrack 2 for a couple of weeks [22:31] thegoodtimers191: personally, I often navigate using thunar and then use the 'open terminal here' option to actually perform the commands that require terminal [22:31] that is, when i happen to have the mouse in my hand, cd is faster to type of course [22:32] but keeping the learning curve somewhat easy is what i need right now [22:32] for some reason,the flash player plugin is not working [22:32] vidd: 64bit system? [22:32] fresh install on gutsy [22:33] no...32bit [22:33] vidd: you installed the flashplugin-nonfree package? [22:33] yes [22:33] vidd: can you verify it's installed? [22:33] but i keep getting the message that it is not installed [22:33] how? [22:34] vidd: apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree [22:34] anybody here [22:34] cookiemonster077: no :) [22:35] haha [22:35] magic_ninja: connection problems? [22:35] i need help in a major way. are you busy [22:35] !ask [22:35] Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [22:35] TheSheep: the x server keeps restarting itself [22:35] TheSheep, flashplugin-nonfree: Installed: Candidate: Version table: *** 0 500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/multiverse Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status [22:35] sorry newbie [22:35] i tried the fix on the forums but that made it WORSE [22:36] vidd: did you close firefox after installing it? [22:36] cookiemonster077: no problem [22:36] i am trying to connect xubuntu with my xp network shares [22:36] firefox wasnt open when i installed [22:36] TheSheep: any ideas [22:37] magic_ninja: it restarts when you open the terminal? [22:37] TheSheep: it restarts randomly [22:37] TheSheep: its those xserver problems that happened ( i haven't updated for a couple weeks) [22:37] the system that was upgraded from feisty is fine, but all fresh installs fail [22:37] magic_ninja: any error messages? logs? [22:37] i just updated today [22:37] is the new distro out [22:38] where xserver logs stored [22:38] magic_ninja: /var/log/Xorg.0.log [22:39] http://pastebin.ca/866802 [22:39] vidd: maybe start firefox in terminal and see if there are any messages? [22:39] TheSheep, ive installed using the wizard,apt-get, and synaptic....all fail [22:39] ok... [22:40] TheSheep, no errors in terminal [22:40] TheSheep: while you look at that i'm going to reinstall my nvidia drivers [22:41] is there a test page so i can see if its just the site im trying to view? [22:41] vidd: video.google.com [22:41] vidd: or adobe.com [22:42] same result [22:43] vidd: does it work on a fresh user? [22:44] im ininstall --purge right now [22:44] magic_ninja: you installed the drivers from repositories? [22:45] magic_ninja: because there seems to be a version mismatch [22:45] !pastebin [22:45] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [22:46] TheSheep: na i don't like the repo drivers, i install from the site, i didn't realize the xserver was updating so i reinstalled drivers and it seems to be working [22:46] TheSheep, this is what i got when i purged and re-installed with apt: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/52838/ [22:47] magic_ninja: well, we can't help you if you break something yourself :) [22:48] vidd: ugh, looks like they changed the archive but forgot to update the checksum [22:48] wonderful [22:49] so i need to manually install? [22:49] or use hardy's if you're on ia32. [22:49] it's a little tricky, because the actual files are not in the package, only downloaded and extracted when the package is installed -- the license doesn't allow otherwise [22:49] do _not_ use it if you're on x86_64. [22:50] is there a deb i can download for hardy's flashplayer? [22:50] that new Flash version breaks on all sorts of things, namely x86_64, konqueror, some opera versions, etc. [22:50] vidd: http://packages.ubuntu.com [22:51] again, this is _only_ applicable if you're using a 32-bit install. [22:51] crimsun, yes...i have 32-bit [22:54] what is the command? dpkg -i? [22:55] i made an iso of knoppix to use to try to fix my bootloader on xub; grub nor lilo would install last nite. someone here told me the knoppix has some tools that might help me fix, but problem is i don't sprecken ze deutch. anyone know how i can change menus to english from german? [22:57] ggrrrr this all depends on hardy versions of everything [22:59] and the gutsy version has a mdsum mismatch [23:01] you can hack the config and postinst, you know, for the gutsy version. [23:01] that's all it is. [23:15] looks like the gnash thing fixed it instead of the nonfree [23:15] nope....now i get "copy protection - halt when i try to open a site with flash [23:16] how stable is hardy? [23:17] vidd: it's still at alpha 3, but it has been fine for me so far. [23:17] bugs and breakage are still a possibility at this point, though. [23:17] im kinda upset that gutsy broke the flash player [23:18] an update in gutsy broke the flash player? [23:18] no...a clean install did [23:18] the upgrade works fine [23:19] hm... have you updated everything after doing the clean install? [23:19] the md5sum in the gutsy for the flashplayer-nonfree is wrong [23:20] so it installs but is disabled [23:20] and the site i need flash for does not play at all with gnash [23:21] i think i've had that issue before (with flash). [23:21] if you can wait, it should get resolved within the next day or so. [23:21] it hasnt been resolved for the last 3 months [23:21] flashplugin-nonfree is obvs nonfree, so ubuntu can't do too much about it [23:22] what? [23:22] vidd have you googled this, or searched the forums? [23:22] maybe there's a fix somewhere. [23:22] im going to try the upgrade to hardy [23:23] ill google for a fix on my other box [23:23] vidd: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4160430 [23:24] i'll try that tommorow on my work machine [23:28] j1mc, im already in the middle of a hardy dist-upgrade [23:29] vidd: They're working on a fix but a quick fix would have been to just install the hardy package [23:29] (unless you use Konq which would result in a browser that likes to segfault :) ) [23:31] kONQ? [23:31] Konq? [23:33] konqueror :) [23:34] isnt that a KDE package? [23:34] Yes [23:34] yeah, i think somerville32 was joking with you. i don't think you'd want to install konqueror. [23:34] on a xubuntu system, anyway. [23:35] What I was saying that the problem with the update is that it crashes browsers that don't support xembed [23:35] firefox is ok? [23:35] Yes [23:35] hehe... in the ubuntu channel, someone tried to reply to ubotu. they were like, "ubotu, that link does not work." [23:35] hehe [23:36] patriots aregoing to the superbowl =[ [23:37] ooppss....that was for -offtopic