
MugginsMis anyone successfully using Eclipse in Hardy?00:33
MugginsMI'm getting lots of crashes with "Assertion `c->xlib.lock' failed", was wondering if it was just me00:33
MugginsMoh, found an answer on the forums, it wasn't just me :)00:37
void^java bug, set LIBXCB_ALLOW_SLOPPY_LOCK=true00:37
MugginsMWrite Once, Stacktrace Anywhere00:38
MugginsMok that seems a wee bit more stable00:41
MaximLevitskyJust did the usial update, and got this:00:57
MaximLevitskykmail: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libkmailprivate.so: undefined symbol: _ZN15KFolderTreeItem13setFolderSizeEx00:57
MaximLevitskySeems like a broken package00:57
MaximLevitskyI wish I could downgrade the packages automaticly via apt00:58
MugginsM's why I keep old .debs around00:59
MugginsMin /var/cache/apt/archives00:59
MugginsMmakes it possible to roll back01:00
wastrelwill that fix the java plugin ?01:00
MaximLevitskyWell I have qute a lot of them there too :-)01:00
MaximLevitskyBut I tend to clean this folder qute often :-(01:01
MaximLevitskyIf you have problem with java, try this workaround export ALLOW_SLOPPY_LOCK=101:02
MaximLevitskyexport LIBXCB_ALLOW_SLOPPY_LOCK=101:02
MaximLevitskygreat!, I updated few more packages now, and kmail work again. sorry for the noise.01:13
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emetdo you think firefox 3 will make it into hardy?06:24
blkorpheusits in hardy06:31
dmbits in gutsy also06:55
dmbjust a very alpha version06:55
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bazhangthe beta is nice06:57
blkorpheuslow memory usage07:29
blkorpheustrying out the new 64bit opera07:29
aslanhey, is there a known problem with the latest kernel for hardy and the nvidia driver?08:25
aslanI tried to use the hardy kernel in gutsy because I'm running amd64 and would like tickless08:25
aslanI also tried just installing hardy fresh08:25
aslanand each time when the nvidia driver is installed, whether it's through restricted-manager, or just from nvidia.com all I get is a white screen when I boot up.08:26
aslanno errors in Xorg log08:26
aslanso I'm not sure where to begin troubleshooting....08:26
scizzo-aslan: just a blank white screen?08:31
scizzo-aslan: what nvidia card and what driver are you installing and can you paste the xorg.conf file in a pastebin?08:32
aslanscizzo-: well the nvidia card is an 8600m GT, and the driver is the latest one in hardy.. not actually on the hardy laptop right now, it's at home08:33
aslanand I'm at work, I was just hoping for some troubleshooting steps08:33
aslanI looked through the Xorg.0.log file, and the only thing I see are normal warnings about auto detecting resolution etc...08:33
scizzo-aslan: is it the nvidia-glx-new?08:43
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aslanscizzo-: yes that's what it installs with08:51
aslanwhen using restricted-manager08:51
aslanI also tried installing by downloading from nvidia.com08:51
aslanand using the script to build my own module based on my kernel version.08:51
RAOFaslan: Do you have xserver-xgl installed?08:52
aslanRAOF: umm.. I don't think so unless it installs by default08:53
aslanI've tried a couple different ways08:53
aslanI tried by doing a fresh install of hardy alpha208:53
aslanand then installing nvidia driver08:53
aslanthe restricted-manager syas I don't have any restricted hardware08:54
aslanso I tried installing from nvidia.com08:54
RAOFWell, that's a bad plan, basically.08:54
aslanI can't get alpha3 to work, doesn't like my cd-rom drive08:54
RAOFlinux-restricted-modules doesn't play very well with self-installed drivers.08:54
aslanRAOF: ya I figured08:55
aslanso I actually reinstalled hardy fresh08:55
aslanand tried installing nvidia-glx-new08:55
aslanand same thing08:55
aslanI then tried using gutsy (fresh install)08:55
aslanupdating kernel to hardy's kernel08:55
aslanand that went fine08:55
aslanbut when restricted-manager started saying I didn't have any restricted hardware08:56
aslanand wouldn't install nvidia driver again08:56
aslanso I tried installing nvidia-glx-new08:56
aslanand all I get is a white screen08:56
aslanif I change to vesa in xorg.conf it's fine08:56
aslanor if I move /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and don't create one, it loads using nv driver08:56
aslanbut won't use binary nvidia driver08:57
DanaGHere's a hint: try self-installed drivers, but first edit /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common09:24
DanaGand remove the packaged drivers.09:24
DanaGAnyway, I'm going to bed now.09:24
Assidi updated to hardy.. however. i dont really see any noticable difference09:44
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Assiderr.. my flash stopped wrking :(09:56
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XiXaQdoes anyone know if Firefox 3 will make it into hardy?11:36
XiXaQyes, someone knows, or yes, it will? :)11:38
bazhangalready in11:39
bazhangso both :}11:39
XiXaQit is! Grand! :)11:40
bazhangand very nice it is too :}11:41
XiXaQis it as good as it seems? I haven't tried hardy in a while.11:41
XiXaQthat's great. :)11:41
bazhangwell the alpha 3 is a bit rough, but as there will likely be six alphas its not bad11:42
XiXaQhardy will be a good LTS. I only wish Nautilus would make Computer, CD/DVD Creator and harddisks hidable with gconf, but that's not very important.11:42
bazhangyou should read some of the blog posts on the internet on new features--it is going to rock!11:43
XiXaQit's only abit annoying when you use gnome on a terminal server, when noone will ever use those things, but no biggie.11:43
XiXaQbazhang, I have :)11:43
bazhangXiXaQ: nice!11:43
Tomcat_bazhang: Any URLs?11:43
Tomcat_bazhang: Except the Ubuntu wiki / launchpad?11:43
bazhangjust a minute Tomcat_11:44
XiXaQI hope it's abit more stable than the last one. I've had some problems with crashes, so I've had to use Opera from time to time, but since that doesn't have a good flash blocker, I've had to switch back and forth. It's annoying.11:44
Tomcat_XiXaQ: Ack, 7.10 has been one of the most unstable releases for me.11:45
XiXaQI think I'll stick with hardy for a good while when it's released. But will it be possible to do direct upgrades from LTS to LTS from now on?11:46
XiXaQI don't think it'll be possible to directly upgrade from dapper to hardy?11:46
bazhangthere is rumor of such a plan11:46
XiXaQyes, I thought I read something about that.11:46
void^i wonder why the menus in my gnome-terminal have lost their labels. :)11:48
HobbseeXiXaQ: you can upgrade from dapper to hardy11:49
Hobbseeor at least, by release time, you'll be able to11:49
XiXaQreally? That's good news.11:50
XiXaQwell. I don't have any dapperboxes, so it won't have any consequences for me, but it's good to know.11:50
Gnineanyway, i got this encrypted file in ~/some/folder and i can only decrypt IF i place it on the ~/desktop first. sometimes seahorse asks to rename the file first. some other times, not. on deprypt within ~/some/folder , error : could not list file.  annoying .13:22
Gnineanyway, i got this encrypted file in ~/some/folder and i can only decrypt IF i place it on the ~/desktop first. sometimes seahorse asks to rename the file first. some other times, not. on deprypt within ~/some/folder , error : could not list file.  annoying .13:29
selckincheck premissions?13:30
Gnineselckin: looking into it...14:06
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cizarroquestion, I'm testing hardy install using netboot. which mirror should I select in order to get working kernel modules for the installer?14:56
cizarroI'm using alpha3/server/x86.14:56
bardyrcizarro, anyone you want14:56
bardyrcizarro, the closer the better14:56
cizarrobardyr, but hardy hasn't been mirrored yet?14:56
cizarroor there's something broken, anyhow, the installer claims it couldn't find any matching kernel modules14:57
bardyrcizarro, it should be mirrored, try main14:57
cizarroshould I be using expert mode?14:57
bardyri think14:57
cizarroah. I tried that one.14:57
cizarroalso gb.archive.ubuntu.com14:57
cizarro(the install fails from CD, hence I'm doing netboot)14:58
volkhmm why is ipw3945 module missing from latest kernel tree? (2.6.24-3-386)14:58
bardyrcizarro, maybe you need "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy main restricted"14:59
bardyrvolk, thats not the latest14:59
cizarrobardyr, hmm. while running the installer?14:59
cizarroI thought the installer would use just that when arch.. would be selected as the mirror?15:00
bardyrcizarro, as mirror15:00
bazhangvolk: I noticed that as well in alpha 315:00
bardyrcizarro, im not sure15:00
cizarrobardyr, it's a menu, not input field.15:00
* cizarro nods.15:00
bardyrbeen a long time since i did a netboot :)15:00
* cizarro nods15:00
cizarrothe cd-rom drive is slightly buggy. it used to work with old serverworks 6 pata driver, but the new "sata"-drivers really make a mess of things15:01
cizarrokernel timeouts on I/O and no further cd-rom access is possible at all.15:01
cizarroit was like this already in gutsy. didn't test feisty on this one.15:02
bardyri had alot of problems with 2.6.24-3 but all seems fixed with -415:02
cizarroyup. the installer uses -3 methinks15:02
volkalright! then I'll install -4 and see if I get it working.. I also have some trouble with cryptsetup on -315:03
avatar_anyone here who can reproduce this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/18481715:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 184817 in ubuntu "unable to lock screen with ctrl - alt - L if numlock is on" [Undecided,New]15:03
bardyrcizarro, even the daily builds use -3 :D15:03
cizarrohmm. so I'm in a bind then. anyone built the kernel and installer initrd for -4?15:03
Gnineditto bardyr . only minor bugs spotted15:03
volkwhat does it mean when upgrader says that some packages have been kept back? Why?15:04
bardyrvolk, it needs some dependencies, but a dist-upgrade usually fixes most of them15:05
Gnineeven though, rhythmbox does not load. there is no crash report auto-generated either. quodlibet runs fine.15:05
Gnineand, i also see update manager holding (unchecked) openoffice updates.. [?]15:06
bardyrGnine, apt-get dist-upgrade15:09
bardyri dont have any updates :)15:10
cizarrohmm. what if I install feisty first, and the switch apt to hardy and do an "upgrade"?15:10
cizarroor is that known broken?15:10
bardyrcizarro, you can do that15:10
bardyri just think you would end up with a bloated system15:11
bardyrcizarro, try the live builds15:11
bardyrbut i still think it uses the -3 kernel15:11
bardyrit did last night :/15:11
blkorpheusits on -415:11
cizarroI'm not really worried about the "bloat", I'll just do a minimal server install anyway15:11
blkorpheusyeah "bloat" is overrated15:12
cizarronow I need to find feisty's netboot somewhere..15:12
bardyrblkorpheus, the 19th build has 10days old packages15:12
bardyrand is using -315:12
blkorpheusI guess it depends which server you get the updates from15:13
blkorpheusnot all servers update at once15:13
bardyrblkorpheus, the daily builds from cdrelease.ubuntu.com15:13
blkorpheusI was referring to the actual packages via apt-get update15:14
bardyrthey have -4 :)15:14
blkorpheusand -4 is broken for me anyway, -4-server15:15
bardyr-generic works great here15:16
cizarrobardyr, I'm doing gutsy netboot install atm. will do an upgrade to hardy after this finishes. thanks for the hints, even if the problem didn't get solved :-)15:22
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volkcryptroot is broken in latest kernel. It seems that for some reason /sbin/udevsettle is missing from the initrd image15:27
volkhow can I configure what goes into the initrd image?15:28
Tomcat_volk: /etc/initramfs-tools15:28
volkTomcat_, how do I configure what files go into /sbin inside ramdisk?15:34
bardyris there any way i can control my fan speed or/and disable them?16:42
bardyrits a FSC laptop16:42
bardyrand is there a way to change the nvidia performance mode?16:44
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Oli``I've had PulseAudio running for a few days but I just restarted and the server isn't running =\ Any ideas?17:25
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bardyrw00t, new kernel updates :D18:17
volkOli``, maybe you updated your kernel? Try an older kernel18:17
volkbardyr, yeah.. and they totally suck :P18:17
volkseveral things stopped working for me after the upgrades18:18
bardyrvolk, , the -4 kernel fixed alot of things for me and im guessing the -5 will too18:18
volkwell I still can't make make my ipw3945 wireless card working18:19
bardyrand the nvidia drivers are available too and thats great :D18:19
volkI get some error about the driver failing to load microcode :S18:19
bardyrvolk, do you have the firmware?18:19
volkyeah nvidia drivers aren't a problem, you can always compile them yourself18:19
volkno idea :P18:19
volkI shouldn't need one18:19
volkit should work out of the box18:20
bardyryea if the firmware is installed18:20
volkwell, shouldn't it be installed from the very begining when the card leaves the factory? :P18:20
bardyr ls /lib/firmware/2.6.24-4-generic/ipw3945.ucode18:21
volkthe interesting thing is that I do get the messeage on boot that it finds the card but cant load firmware, but the ipw3945 driver is missing :S18:21
volkah.. I guess it's compiled in doh ^^18:21
bardyrvolk, what is the exact error message?18:21
bardyrj #Ubuntu-dk18:28
hithi, any news on this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/18441018:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 184410 in hal "hal fails to initialize in hardy alpha 3 after upgrade" [Undecided,New]18:37
aboedid anybody try enemy territory on hardy?19:31
Oli``volk> Oli``, maybe you updated your kernel? Try an older kernel < 24.4-generic - nothing new =\19:32
aboeI got a question running full opengl games in hardy?, does anybody else experience strange mouse behavior?19:35
xnixdoes anyone in here know how to setup surround sound in pulseaudio? running hardy heron19:53
kaarelcan anyone tell me how to add custom refresh rates in hardy heron?20:46
bardyrkaarel, xorg.conf20:47
kaareli tried adding a custom modeline there, but my pc became unbootable20:47
kaareli had to revert back to the old xorg.conf20:47
kaarelthis procedure worked fine in previous releases though...20:47
selckinunbootable != xorg wouldn't start20:48
kaareli got nothing after the loading screen20:49
kaareli know i added the right modeline etc20:51
kaarelnoone has suggestions?20:58
selckinread xorg log20:59
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bardyranybody having problem with pulseaudo? does not seem to start23:22
crimsunmore verbose, please23:22
bardyrim debugging ;)23:22
bardyrbasically pulseaudio timeouts23:23
crimsun"timeouts"?  When?  How?23:23
bardyrwhen i try to connect to it with paman23:24
crimsunis this a fresh hardy install?23:24
crimsundoes alsa work correctly?23:24
bardyrsomething is blocking it atm23:24
bardyrand i cant remember to cmd to see whats bloacking it :/23:25
crimsunnothing should be blocking PA if you're using a default hardy install23:25
crimsunsudo lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/*23:25
bardyrblocking alsa23:25
crimsunnothing should be blocking alsa, either.23:25
bardyrthe sound Preferences say some device is using alsa when i try to test sound23:26
bardyrbut it does it will all options23:27
crimsunok, let's first verify that alsa detects your preferred audio device correctly.  Can you do that?23:27
crimsunso, what does that above lsof command give you?23:28
crimsuneven with sudo/23:28
crimsuneven with sudo?23:28
bardyrhmmm, no something happened :)23:29
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)23:29
crimsunbardyr: that looks fine.  Confirm that you do not have an /etc/asound.conf or ~/.asoundrc*23:30
bardyrcrimsun, confirmed23:31
crimsunbardyr: and that your user is in the audio group.23:31
bardyrcrimsun, paman is still timing out when it tries to connect23:31
bardyrcrimsun, it is but i dont know if gnome has reloaded group rights, probably not23:32
crimsunbardyr: groups|grep audio>&/dev/null;echo $?23:32
crimsun(that command verbatim)23:32
crimsunnow, in a Terminal:  paplay /usr/share/sounds/*up.wav23:34
bardyrnothing happens, but the cmd just hangs their23:35
bardyrConnection time out23:35
bardyrConnection failure: Timeout23:35
crimsunvery odd, the PA daemon must be sig'd somewhere.23:35
crimsunpkill pulseaudio23:36
crimsunafterward, log out and back in23:37
crimsunthen see if the symptom is reproducible23:38
bardyrcrimsun, restarted X just made the system hang at login, probably waiting on a timeout, a reboot fixed the problem, i guess the pa deamon has a spatz23:45
crimsunbardyr: hmm, no, it must have been alsa23:46
crimsunbardyr: if you killed the PA daemon, it would have been fine if it had just been PA's fault23:46
blkorpheusgnome crashes upon stary23:50

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