
evandxivulon: I believe it's the fault of openoffice.  cjwatson can you confirm?10:51
xivulonevand when do you think the files will be in?11:23
evandxivulon: you mean lupin-casper 0.11?  When a fixed openoffice gets uploaded if I'm correct in that assumption.  I don't have an ETA on that.11:24
xivulonevand what is a convenient way to find out what files/versions are in a particular build (other than asking :P)?11:25
evandheh, check the manifest file11:27
xivulonof course thanks!11:29
evandYou're welcome11:29
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ganeshi installed ubiquity & created a live cd but it is not installing from that cd , help me to resolve my problem14:06
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xivulonevand the manifest is dated 9th of jan. Is that normal?20:22

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