
effie_jayxjpatrick,  ping ping00:02
danrojhola a todos02:54
danrojalguien sabe sobre supybot02:54
tritiumHello there, danroj.03:08
danrojtritium, supybot?03:09
tritiumdanroj: what about it?03:09
danrojtritium, sable supybot?03:10
tritiumdanroj: what?03:10
danrojtritium, speak spanish?03:10
tritiumdanroj: a little bit, but not usually.  I'm not familiar with supybot, sorry.03:11
qbedanroj, que necesitas?03:11
danrojsabes supybot?03:11
qbetengo uno03:11
qbeque necesitas saber?03:11
danrojqbe, me ayudas con el mio?03:11
danrojmira entra a este canal #gnu-libre03:11
danrojdesde aqui03:11
danrojte digo03:11
tritiumdanroj: you really should ask for Spanish help in #ubuntu-es03:13
danrojtritium, yes03:14
tritiumdanroj: :)03:14
botijoEn #ubuntu-ec, maco havia dicho: @botijo es cool03:18
=== danroj is now known as J0nM4RL0nG
=== J0nM4RL0nG is now known as danroj
danrojqbe, oye no pude04:39
danrojmira quiero hacer lo de botijo04:40
botijoHola! Bienvenido a #ubuntu-irc !04:40
danrojqbe, in spanish04:40
danrojqbe, entra a mi canal y desde ese hablamos04:40
danroj#gnu-libre please04:40
danrojjpatrick, hola04:58
danrojqbe, hola07:43
danrojhola jpatrick07:44
danrojalguien habla español?07:50
danrojP3L|C4N0, porque me baneo?09:43
danrojdije algo malo?09:43
danrojhice spam o flood?09:43
jpatrickeffie_jayx: que ha pasado?09:53
jpatrickeffie_jayx: ping ping ping10:01
jpatrickdanroj: esta vez que has hecho?10:03
danrojjpatrick, hola10:03
danrojmira ya tengo el bot pero me gustaria dejarlo como el tuyo es decir que responda como botijo10:04
danroj#gnu-libre jpatrick entre aqui le muestro10:05
jpatrickestoy hablando de #ubuntu-es10:05
danrojjpatrick, no puedo entrar10:06
danrojme baneo P3L|C4N010:06
danrojno se porque10:06
jpatrickeso pregutno10:08
jpatrickP3L|C4N0: ^^^^10:09
danrojP3L|C4N0, no me ha querido responder jpatrick10:09
danrojjpatrick, puedes hablar con el?10:11
danrojpara k me kite el ban10:11
danrojjpatrick, me encanta el logo de botijo10:12
danrojesta excellent10:12
jpatrickdanroj: no puedo quitar el ban hasta se el porque10:13
jpatrickdanroj: lo ha hecho meisok10:13
danrojjpatrick, puedes hablar con el?10:13
jpatrickdanroj: que crees que estoy intentando?10:14
danrojjpatrick, pudiste??10:21
jpatrickerUSUL: tu sabes que ha pasado?10:23
danrojjpatrick, mira lo que quiero hacer es que danrobot haga lo mismo que botijo es decir escribo @danrobot y diga hola!!! etc,etc... igual que botijo10:24
danrojel mio doy eso y devuelve10:25
danroj<danroj> @danroj10:25
danroj<danrobot> danroj: "danroj" - (#1) blog de danroj www.danroj.tk,10:25
danrojquiero quitar ese danroj: "danroj" -10:25
danrojy que me diga el resultado nada mas10:25
danrojcomo botijo10:25
botijoHola! Bienvenido a #ubuntu-irc !10:25
jpatrickdanroj: pues cambia el codigo10:27
danrojjpatrick, en k carpeta esta?10:27
danrojaca viene10:28
danrojjpatrick, mira10:28
danrobotdanroj: Error: "hola" is not a valid command.10:28
botijoHola! Bienvenido a #ubuntu-irc !10:28
danroj@learn hola as Hola! Bienvenido a #ubuntu-irc !10:28
danrobotdanroj: The operation succeeded.10:28
botijodanroj: Error: Solo soy un bot, por favor no pensa que soy inteligente :)10:28
danrobotdanroj: "hola" - Hola! Bienvenido a #ubuntu-irc !10:28
danrobotdanroj: "hola" - Hola! Bienvenido a #ubuntu-irc !10:29
botijoHola! Bienvenido a #ubuntu-irc !10:29
danrojla diferencia10:29
botijoEn #ubuntu-ar-cafe, danroj havia dicho: @translate en es hello10:29
danrojles dice lo que hago?10:30
jpatrick<danroj> pues como entre ops se hablan10:31
danrojjpatrick, ese es mi error?10:31
danrojjpatrick, que tiene de malo?10:32
danrojestaba preguntando si estabas10:32
jpatrickno se10:32
botijoEn #ubuntu-ar-cafe, mstreetlinux havia dicho: @translate en es die10:33
botijoEn #ubuntu-ar-cafe, mstreetlinux havia dicho: @translate en es to die10:33
botijoEn #ubuntu-ar-cafe, mstreetlinux havia dicho: @translate en es die you10:34
botijoEn #ubuntu-ar-cafe, mstreetlinux havia dicho: @translate en es I'm dead10:34
jpatrick@abuso > mstreetlinux10:34
danrobotjpatrick: Error: "abuso" is not a valid command.10:35
danrojjpatrick, me podes pasar la carpeta que le tenes de ese plugin de botijo a mi please?10:37
danrojjpatrick, mira descargue esta carpeta Supybot-plugins-2006072310:38
danrojdonde estan todos los plugins10:39
danrojjpatrick, como se llama ese plugin ? el @botijo10:39
botijoEn #ubuntu-ar-cafe, danroj havia dicho: @danroj es www.danroj.tk10:40
danrojjpatrick, otra cosa en la web de botijo dice que descargar codigo10:43
danrojpero entro y sale error10:43
danrojya vengo jpatrick10:48
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=== ArminRonacher is now known as mitsuhiko
jpatrickLjL: did you get to the ubuntu-es meeting? I can't get anything out of effie_jayx13:59
effie_jayxjpatrick,  whaaa13:59
effie_jayxjpatrick,  you can't get waht out of me ... I have been here for a while boy ;)14:00
jpatrickeffie_jayx: "04:09 < jpatrick> effie_jayx: ping ping ping"14:00
jpatrick4 hours ago14:00
effie_jayxjpatrick,  what about me pinging you right on the meeting14:00
LjLjpatrick: what meeting? :)14:01
jpatrickeffie_jayx: ^^14:02
effie_jayxLjL,  the informal talk with pelicano14:02
LjLooh, that meeting! :)14:02
jpatrickeffie_jayx: soo... how did it go?14:06
effie_jayxjpatrick,  I think it went quite well14:06
effie_jayxjpatrick,  I stated the issues14:06
effie_jayxthe consensus was that we need more responsive ops14:07
effie_jayxand the strict moderation line falls right into the situation at hand14:08
effie_jayxjpatrick,  there is a need to activate offtopic14:08
effie_jayxpeople just don't join offtopic for small talk14:08
effie_jayxand that hurts the ambiance in the channel14:08
effie_jayxand this is not a ubuntu-es situation14:09
effie_jayxbut LjL  suggested some nice ways of redirecting people there14:09
jpatrickok, but when it gets bad in there, don't blame me14:09
effie_jayxjpatrick,  LjL  and no0tic  are two new ops and we are recruiting14:09
jpatrickyes, I've heard14:09
LjLjpatrick: when it gets bad where?14:10
jpatrickLjL: #ubuntu-es14:10
effie_jayxjpatrick,  so prepare a proposal for two or more people to help out as well... I would promote ke|p and meisok from the spanish team14:10
jpatrickeffie_jayx: and _sLap14:10
jpatrickeffie_jayx: but does Pelicano feel ubuntu-es.org friendly?14:11
effie_jayxjpatrick,  I trully don't care14:12
effie_jayxthere is no time for old deamons to arrive14:12
effie_jayxthere are people willing to do the job and they are bound to the CoC14:12
effie_jayxwhat else does he want14:12
jpatrickyep, good point14:13
effie_jayxjpatrick,  like in the case of LjL ...14:13
effie_jayxLjL,  did you have any runnings with pelicano before...?14:14
jpatrickeffie_jayx: yes, good to have IRC Council member on our side14:14
effie_jayxjpatrick,  it is key to getting #ubuntu-es back in shape14:14
LjLeffie_jayx, i invited him here time ago as the -es contact, and i asked him to make the channel access list public14:14
LjLthat's about all i've dealt with him14:14
jpatrickeffie_jayx: and we will do14:15
effie_jayxLjL,  and he followed the suggestions I take it...14:15
jpatrickLjL: erm, I think I /cs set #ubuntu-es secure off yesterday...14:15
LjLeffie_jayx: yes, you can /cs access #ubuntu-es list fine now14:15
LjLjpatrick: ssh, don't tell.14:15
effie_jayxLjL,  he has a history in not being freindly but I haven't met a single person that can confirm this14:16
jpatrickLjL: ah, yes, of course ;)14:16
effie_jayxanyways... not interested in personal14:16
LjLme neither14:16
LjLi could not care less about whatever happened with other people of other teams14:16
effie_jayxthe work at had is what is to be addressed14:16
LjLi want to get the channel back on track and i really don't give a damn about the politics14:17
effie_jayxLjL,  right on...14:17
jpatrickcould I get a staffer to set me as alternate contact of #k-es?14:17
effie_jayxjpatrick,  please let the people you want to recommend that we have a meeting next sunday I believe... shall confirm date and time14:18
LjLjpatrick: i don't think so14:18
jpatrickLjL: why not? :)14:18
LjLyou'd have to ask the current contact14:18
LjLwell, try.14:18
effie_jayxjpatrick,  did you see my rant about k-es yesterday?14:18
LjLthey'll tell you that you need the current contact :)14:18
jpatrickLjL: I've tried that several times, na!oith had to bump my level himself (after Riddell went after him)14:19
LjLtimido was last seen 4 days ago... is he that hard to catch?14:19
jpatrickeffie_jayx: no, and I recommand ke|p, meisok, mstreetlinux, _sLap and fetova14:19
effie_jayxjpatrick,  you should have14:20
jpatrickLjL: can be weeks before he comes back (Memos don't seem to get through either)14:20
effie_jayxjpatrick,  ElMecha second guessing a suggestion from botijo about his NP script14:20
effie_jayxjpatrick,  the example is set at home14:20
effie_jayxjpatrick,  I could have banned him for telling me "no me jodas"14:21
botijo`A nadie le importa que musica estas escucando. Ocupa espacio, etc.14:21
jpatrickbit crube but to the point14:21
erUSULjpatrick: eso está mal escrito ;) es "escuchando"14:21
effie_jayxjpatrick,  ou can be blunt and still be nice to people14:21
erUSULjpatrick: como va lo de dejarnos añadir y corregir "hechos"14:22
jpatrickerUSUL: todavia no se14:22
jpatrick@addeditor erUSUL14:22
botijo`jpatrick: Error: Solo soy un bot, por favor no pensa que soy inteligente :)14:22
jpatrick%addeditor erUSUL14:22
botijo`jpatrick: Error: Usario erUSUL no registrado14:22
LjLjpatrick, well, we could make you contact in theory, but i don't really feel very comfortable doing that without the approval of the current contact...14:22
erUSULLjL: ese tipo de cosas son las que llevan a conflicto sin necesidad; imho14:23
jpatrick@no, np es <reply>A nadie le importa que musica estas escuchando. Ocupa espacio, etc.14:23
botijo`Recurdare eso, jpatrick14:23
jpatrickLjL: well, I hardly know the guy, but oh well14:25
LjLjpatrick, if you can get him to send an email to the irc council address...14:25
jpatrickerUSUL: tu coneces TiMiDo?14:26
erUSULjpatrick: no; es de kubuntu-es ?14:26
jpatrickerUSUL: no14:26
LjLbuen es el contacto del canal14:26
jpatrickno se como14:27
LjLah pero no14:27
LjLlos bots de danroj aqui no14:27
qbehi all14:57
effie_jayxjpatrick,  botijo` doesn't like me16:08
effie_jayxjpatrick,  I tried trigering a factoid and it didn't reply16:08
effie_jayxerUSUL did the same and It worked16:08
erUSULeffie_jayx: no pusiste el |16:09
erUSULeffie_jayx: hay que fijarse :P XD16:09
effie_jayxerUSUL,  AHhhhh :S16:23
effie_jayxerUSUL,  heh16:23
no0ticjpatrick, auto_bleh is now self-commented16:55
jpatrickno0tic: woah16:55
jpatrickqbe: ^16:55
no0ticjpatrick, I added commands syntax and what they really do16:56
* jpatrick wget16:56
jpatrickerUSUL: http://no0tic.homelinux.org/~no0tic/auto_bleh.pl16:56
erUSULfor irssi?16:56
no0ticerUSUL, the ultimate irssi operator's script16:56
jpatrickright, /me is now on lastest rev16:58
no0ticjpatrick, you may want to read the first lines16:58
erUSULno0tic: XD good althought i have problems loading irssi scripts... they are in .irssi/scripts and i made the links on autoload but they do not load :(16:58
no0ticerUSUL, .irssi/scripts/autorun16:59
no0ticerUSUL, not autoload16:59
erUSULno0tic: maybe is becouse i launch it from .screenrc ...16:59
erUSULno0tic: yes autorun sorry my mistake16:59
no0ticerUSUL, uhm.. I launch irssi inside screen, not via .screenrc in effect17:00
jpatrickno0tic: the ####?17:01
erUSULi have this on my screenrc17:01
erUSULscreen -t irc 0 irssi17:01
erUSULto launch irssi on the first window17:01
no0ticjpatrick, yes there are commands syntax and explaining17:02
jpatrickno0tic: I saw ;)17:02
no0ticerUSUL, and then you simply launch "screen"?17:03
erUSULno0tic: yes in fact gnome-terminal launchs screen ... gnome-terminal -e 'screen'17:03
erUSULno0tic: from a panel launcher17:04
no0ticerUSUL, and if you try to manually launch irssi, do they load?17:04
no0tichi, fetova, may we help you?17:05
jpatrickeffie_jayx: fetova quiere ser op17:05
fetovai wanna help :)17:05
no0ticjpatrick, -es?17:06
jpatrickno0tic: yes17:06
jpatrick@cupie > no0tic17:09
erUSULno0tic: only auto_bleh loaded when run from a shell17:09
no0ticerUSUL, try putting scripts directly in autorun, not linking them there17:10
erUSULno0tic: o.O i'm a mo*** the links are wrong!!17:10
effie_jayxjpatrick,  cool17:10
erUSULno0tic: never mind i was just beiing an idiot :S17:11
no0ticerUSUL, :P17:11
* erUSUL redoing the links17:11
effie_jayxjpatrick, just make sure fetova  joins us as we talk to pelicano on sunday17:11
jpatrickeffie_jayx: tell him that ;)17:11
fetovai'm here effie_jayx :)17:11
fetovaon sunday?17:12
no0tic23 UTC17:15
fetovaok :)17:23
fetovai'll be here :)17:23
effie_jayxfetova,  thanks for helping out17:25
fetovayour welcome :)17:26
jpatrickfetova: un "mute"17:56
fetovacomo lo haces?17:56
jpatrick /mode +q usario17:57
fetovasiendo op, supongo...17:57
jpatricksi claro18:00
fetovajpatrick: hay algun modo de unirlos a -es-offtopic?18:03
jpatrickfetova: banforard supongo18:05
fetovaeso es...? jpatrick18:06
ubotuThere are many different channel and user modes on !freenode. Here's a list: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml18:06
* fetova reading18:06
fetovanow i understand why you need help with ubuntu-es xD18:21
effie_jayxfetova, yup18:21
fetovael @offtopic que hace? effie_jayx18:22
botijo`#ubuntu-irc es un canal de soporte, para hablar de temas no relacionados por favor visitá #ubuntu-es-offtopic. Gracias!18:22
fetovaahh... ?18:22
fetovaentonces fue otra cosa18:22
LjLfetova: no18:22
fetovalo de que echaron a sikrio o algo asi18:23
fetovaquiero familiarizarme con las herramientas que hay18:23
LjLsí... fue la misma cosa18:23
LjL[19:18:09] <effie_jayx> @offtopic | raCkz0r18:23
LjL[19:18:09] <botijo`> raCkz0r: #ubuntu-es es un canal de soporte, para hablar de temas no relacionados por favor visitá #ubuntu-es-offtopic. Gracias!18:23
effie_jayxfetova, juega con botijo... abrele un privado y envia estos comandos...18:24
effie_jayx /msg botijo @enter18:24
effie_jayxfetova,  y prueba a ver que tal18:24
fetovao eso parece, al menos18:25
effie_jayxfetova,  escribe @enter en un privado a botijo18:26
fetovalo hice18:27
no0ticeffie_jayx, tenemos una lista de palabras que botijo sabe?18:27
fetovaque raro...18:28
effie_jayxno0tic, si yo se18:28
effie_jayxno0tic, no se cuales son las que sabe. :S18:28
effie_jayxjpatrick,  tienes una lista del factoid de botijo?18:29
effie_jayxno0tic,  jpatrick  esta trabajando en el bot.18:29
no0ticeffie_jayx, jpatrick our italian 'supybot admin' has a small script that creates a local page out of the factoids. I'll try to obtain it for you18:31
fetovaesta raro...18:31
fetovano me hace caso en privado...18:32
botijo`Facto modes no encontrado18:32
fetovaaqui si...18:32
no0ticfetova, botijo` no es identificado18:32
fetovapor eso?18:32
no0ticfetova, tienes que hacer /msg nickserv set unfiltered on18:33
no0ticfetova, si quieres verlo en privado18:33
fetovaera eso18:33
fetovagracias :p18:33
no0ticestraño que no sea identificado18:34
effie_jayxno0tic,  fantastic18:34
effie_jayxI gotta head for work...18:35
no0ticfetova, sep?18:35
effie_jayxhold the fort all18:35
fetovamal español :P18:35
fetovasep == si18:35
no0ticah :)18:35
fetovaser op es una tarea ardua en un canal frecuentado... eso estoy viendo...18:37
jpatrickno0tic: botijo ya tiene uno (el de uboti)18:50
no0ticfetova, sep :P18:51
no0ticjpatrick, lo mismo?18:51
jpatrickno0tic: el mismo (pero no tiene servidor http)18:51
no0ticjpatrick, so it's as it hadn't one18:52
no0ticjpatrick, or is it accessible in any way?18:53
danroj__jpatrick, hola18:53
danroj__solucionaste lo de mi problema?18:53
jpatrickdanroj__: no18:53
danroj__me kede con el lban?18:54
fetovano0tic: jaajajaja18:54
jpatrickno0tic: it's not accessible (I've asked canonical admins)18:54
fetova[12:51] <no0tic> fetova, sep :P18:54
jpatrickLjL: arkaitz is...18:54
LjLi can't keep trying to help him now anyway, i need to go18:55
jpatricksee you later then18:56
fetovapor cierto...19:06
fetovase han dado cuenta de que hay dos locobot en #ubuntu-es ?19:06
fetovaasi debe ser?19:06
jpatricksi, pero no sabemos de quienes son19:07
fetovaeso esta algo "simpatico" ...19:12
danroj__jpatrick, una cosa19:13
danroj__yo no puedo entrar en ubuntu-es19:13
danroj__ademas el ban que me pusieron no tengo idea porque si no rompi ninguna regla19:14
danroj__no hice ni spam ni flood19:14
jpatrickdanroj__: yo tampoco lo se19:15
jameswfTo whom do I request a cloak?19:15
no0ticjameswf, what type?19:16
fetovajpatrick: esta en la lista de bans?19:17
jameswfthats an awesom question :)  brobably user/developer I am not sure of my options19:17
jpatrickfetova: lo haci Pelicano, asi que no lo voy a tocar19:17
fetovacada quien se hace responsable de sus baneos¡19:18
fetovao como esta organizado eso?19:18
jpatrickfetova: Pelicano es el admin de todo19:18
fetovaya lo acabo de ver...19:20
=== danroj__ is now known as danroj
fetovano creo que funcione, danroj :(19:21
fetovapor como esta el veto, no creo19:21
danrojlo peor es que ni se porque fue19:22
danrojjpatrick, una pregunta19:23
danrojyo puedo meter a supybot a otros servidores?19:23
jpatrickno se19:23
danrojdesde el mismo archivo .conf19:23
danrojjpatrick, me puede hacer el ultimo favor?19:23
jpatricknunca lo he probado19:24
danrojmmm ok19:24
fetovadanroj: si19:24
danrojjpatrick, como se llama la carpeta donde esta el plugin donde guarda lo que le enseño a el bot?19:25
danrojes decir este19:25
botijo`Hola! Bienvenido a #ubuntu-irc !19:25
danrojcomo se llama ese plugin es para editar el codigo19:25
jpatrickdanroj: se llama Encyclopedia, y si lo buscas por internet lo encuentras19:26
danrojjpatrick, pero descargue una carpeta donde estaban todos los plugins19:27
danrojy en una de esas me permite hacer ese plugin19:27
danrojseran diferentes?19:28
jpatrickdanroj: lo pones tu bot/plugins19:28
danrojsi si jpatrick epera te muestro19:29
danrojjpatrick, mira no he descarga ese plugin de enciclopedia19:30
danrojpero tengo este19:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hola - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:30
danrobotdanroj: "hola" - Hola! Bienvenido a #ubuntu-irc !19:30
danrojes el mismo no?19:30
fetovapor lo de locobot19:49
fetovaahi hay alguien como contacto...19:49
danrojkien es el creador de ubotu ?19:50
fetovani idea, pero ahi esta quien lo opera19:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about contact - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:51
fetovaahi no dice19:51
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:52
fetovapues quien sabe...19:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about author - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:55
botijoesto es una prueba19:58
ubotuAdmin, Bantracker, Bugtracker, Channel, Config, Encyclopedia, Filter, FreenodeAuth, Lart, Math, Mess, Misc, Owner, Services, User, and Webcal19:59
botijoFacto list no encontrado19:59
ompaulso why the second bot but anyway19:59
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com19:59
jpatrickompaul: LjL let me20:05
ompauljpatrick, np20:05
ompaulcurious as it did not say who to contact in its cloak ;-)20:05
* fetova necesita leer las reglas de #ubuntu-es20:52
jpatrickestan en el /topic20:55
danrojjpatrick, me puedes decir donde descargar enciclopedia ? no lo encuentro21:01
jpatrickdanroj: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-es.bot/ubuntu-es-bot/botijo-trunk21:03
danrojtengo un problema con synaptic jpatrick21:03
danrojme puedes ayudar?21:03
jpatrickI needed that21:06
jpatrickno0tic: we need a /atn :D21:11
* fetova no las encuentra xD21:12
jpatrickno0tic: possibly saying "I'm muting you for $minutes"21:12
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LjLwhat's this thing with mutes22:27
Tm_Twhat thing?22:28
LjLa mute is good when someone pastes, or when you're not sure if someone posted something by mistake or is going to keep spamming22:28
LjLit's not a "punishment"22:28
LjLif someone misbehaves they get warned, kicked and banned if they go on22:29
LjLthey don't need to understand that they can get away with N minutes of being muted depending on how bad what they said was22:29
LjLyeah, mute = +q22:32
xqaye for hostname or nickname22:32
xqCatalyze is what they called it awhile back! I think...I remembered it by +q for "quiet" hehe22:33
xqIs there a person or person(s) with access to get a log bot in my channel? :\ I sent an e-mail about two months ago, and then a follow-up three weeks ago and never heard back.22:34
LjLxq: i kind of know the feeling... what do you need with it?22:38
xqJust for logging purposes when I'm not there or idling22:38
xqMainly for official logging purposes for the team22:38
xqSo we/I can have an archive22:38
xqFor when things (questions or comments) arise22:39
xqAt least I can look back into the logs that the bot has taken, I see that it is in numberous channels and logs are being taken on a continued basis22:39
xqI have access to quite a few stable shells...I don't mind hosting a "log bot" if you know of a good script or two worth my looking into? But I would still rather go with what the other Ubuntu team admins are using, you know?22:40
PriceChildirssi logging ftw22:40
xqBut in the meantime, do you know of any scripts for eggdrops or anything that I could host I guess via a screened session and upload to FTP/http?22:40
PriceChildyou don't need a "bot", just a client that logs22:41
PriceChildand with irssi, its "simple" to change how it outputs etc.22:41
xqPrice, I already do that. Leave irssi running 24/7 and use screen and the log running22:41
xqI have a co-admin now, would be helpful though if they could access it22:41
xqAnd starting to get a bit bigger, so would like to start having public access/public domain logs22:41
LjLxq, you sent the email to a-dmin at ub-untu-eu.org?22:42
xqThat is Fabbione, right?22:43
LjLfabbione doesn't handle logs anymore22:43
LjLand anyway, one thing was ubuntulog, another the locobots22:43
xqI thought that is what I read in the Wiki22:43
xqOkay, so e-mail admin@ubuntueu.org?22:43
LjLwith a hyphen between ubuntu and eu22:44
LjLxq: you never had the logging bot in the channel before the name change, right?22:46
no0ticjpatrick, will do it in a minute :)23:09
no0ticjpatrick, uhm, I read the scroll back, won't do it anymore :)23:12

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