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brandonhey, im just here on my quest to get sound to work on my laptop06:13
brandonhow do i use kernel?06:15
ripdiski need some help getting your kernel to boot, it's telling me it attempted to kill the idle task06:17
ripdiskthis is for the live cd06:17
ripdiski'm trying to install on an old laptop06:18
ripdiski guess nobody has anything to say about the kernel panic i'm getting, then07:58
Kanohi rtg 09:24
Kanowhen can we expect removed ids from bcm43xx and prism54 and iwl39/49 in lum?09:25
rtgKano: I am unaware of this issue. Have you started an LP report?09:26
rtgKano: in particular, what is wrong with iwlwifi?09:27
Kanobcm43xx and ssb share same ids (ssb is used for the b43* drivers and works usually better)09:27
Kanortg: nothing is wrong with iwl, but it is disabled in the kernel - marked for inclusion in lum09:27
rtgKano: right, but I have not upload either for build. I have some other stuff to work on before I'm ready to upload.09:28
Kanoalso the old prism54 module + new p54pci share use same ids, so remove it for both old modules09:28
Kanortg: they are disabled in git and when you build it you get no iwl..09:29
rtgKano: I'm aware of that, but the git repo is not in a consistent state at the moment.09:30
rtgI'll get to it this week.09:30
Kanowaiting for it09:31
majikinshi can anyone help me with a raid1 lvm setup on ubuntu server 7.10?09:38
majikinswhen I test by removing one drive, i get dropped into initramfs prompt09:39
majikinsI've googled and have ensured that that the module file includes md and raid109:39
majikinsran update-initramfs -u as well09:40
majikinsnow I'm stuck09:40
Kanowhat do you use as root option09:41
majikinsI don't know what to answer to that? I'm a noob and followed a howto to get lvm and raid setup09:41
Kanousually you get that problem when the root partition is not found. this can be specified using uuid or /dev/mappper/... in case of lvm09:42
majikinsok - pls can you help me specify that - where do I go to?09:43
Kanothat was a general hint, i only use u kernels, not u itself09:45
smbabogani: Hi Alessio, I wanted to quickly follow up on my mail about audit settings. Do you think audit syscall should be configured for -rt?09:46
aboganismb: Stefan sorry for my poor english and for missed replay.10:14
aboganismb: At the moment if audit syscall is or isn't configured it is unimportant for -rt.10:15
aboganismb: Feel free to do the most convenient thing for you. Anyway i prefer to remain stick on -generic's configuration as soon as possible.10:15
aboganismb: Thank you and sorry again for missed replay.10:15
aboganis/soon as/10:15
smbabogani: Alessio, no need to apologize for your english. Mine isn't perfect either. Ok, so (since i just added this to -generic) I will modify the -rt configurations as  well. Thanks.10:19
aboganismb: Thank you for your kindness. 10:25
smbabogani: Just noticed you already did the change yourself. Sorry for the bother then.10:56
lagaKano: hey, do you use aufs or unionfs for your live disks?10:58
Kanowell i did some testing10:58
Kanostandard kanotix does not rely on unionfs or aufs, just when you want it you can enable it10:59
lagaKano: i did some testing, too, and found unionfs 1.4 (which is in ubuntu) to be unusable with nfs branches. i was just wondering if you made aufs work on ubuntu's 2.6.24 :)10:59
lagaKano: interesting. what do you use instead? symlinks to a tmpfs?11:00
Kanobut for next gen i need it. an image with network-manager does not work when unionfs is used but aufs makes network-manager working11:00
Kanodebian live based it is just a switch to set it to aufs or unionfs11:00
Kanoi added the security perm patch to be able to compile aufs11:01
lagaadding such a switch is not hard, especially when you compile aufs with unionfs compatibility.11:01
Kanoyou just need to add 2 files to the headers manually as they are not there by default11:01
lagaKano: on ubuntu's 2.6.24?11:01
Kanothe standard headers are not enough11:02
Kanoi guess you could go without the c file if you put it into lum11:02
Kanoas it is only grepped11:02
lagai wanna put it into lum, but i need to convince the kernel people first i suppose. also need to add some patches to the kernel itself as you said.11:03
Kanoone patch11:03
Kanoif you like i can create 2 kanotix ng images11:03
lagaKano: do you still have your aufs source tree? i'd be interested in a copy. compilation is broken with the ubuntu kernel because of apparmor patches (IIRC)11:03
Kanowith your latest kernel11:03
Kanoi fixed compiliation of course, when you add the 2 files11:04
lagaKano: i'm not an official kernel developer, i just need aufs for my work on mythbuntu11:04
Kanothats the only patch needed11:04
Kanolatest snapshot patched for apparmor11:05
lagaKano: thanks a lot! i'll take a look11:06
lagadebian/patches/06_remove_ia_file.dpatch - heh, i tried the same hack. does that work for you?11:09
Kanothe added patch is 0511:15
Kanoand 0611:16
Kanomaybe 06 is not needed anymore11:16
Kanodid not check11:16
laga06 is still needed last time i looked11:17
lagaie there's no ia_file member anymore11:17
laga(in the ubuntu kernel)11:17
laganow that i think about it, maybe my problems were caused by some other missing patches.11:18
Kanowell i adopted the 05 patch from the old aufs from ubuntu11:19
Kanofixed positions11:19
lagaKano: i was talking to the aufs guy and he recommended some additional patches. i can forward the mail if you want to11:19
Kanoi wanted to write him too,but my mail was rejected11:20
lagadid you sign up on his mailing list?11:20
lagaif you want to send email there you have to sign up11:20
lagayour email address is master at kanotix dot com, right?11:21
Kanothats not the adress i use to "write" but to get mails11:21
Kanois basically only a forward11:21
lagagot mail11:22
Kanolaga: btw. i patch my kernels even with dmraid4511:22
Kanoupdated dmraid of course too11:23
lagadmraid is for those "fake" raid adaptors, right?11:23
Kanoubuntu does not support raid level 511:23
lagaraid 5 sounds nice. too bad i'm too cheap for that :)11:23
Kanodid not try it myself yet11:24
lagaok, i need to run now. thanks a lot for your help, i'll try the patches ASAP.11:24
Kanobut patched the kernel even for 2 ubuntu users + updated dmraid for em *g*11:24
* laga wonders why make-kpkg produces kernel packages > 220MB with linux-sources and default ubuntu config while leaving11:25
Kanolaga: take a look at my scripts11:27
Kanothese compile a patched kernel, you can even add rc8 git patches with ease11:28
zdzichuBGI believe getting http://lkml.org/lkml/2008/1/17/544 into Hardy kernel is out of question?11:30
Kanosplice-2.6.23.patch, put_filp.patch, and deny_write_access.patch.11:47
Kanodid you use those?11:47
Kanoi think some of em are autenabled11:47
Kanohmm these are kernel patches, maybe i should add em too11:49
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aboganirtg: Are you around?15:48
aboganirtg:  I have founded this meta-package: linux-image-debug-rt. Do you want provide a debug version for -rt kernel flavour? BenC always refuse to provide it...15:49
BenCabogani: and we will still refuse to do so :)15:50
BenCabogani: that's a huge package to keep around, plus I'm not sure the binary-custom build can handle DEBUG=y kernels+modules15:52
aboganiBenC: :)15:53
aboganiBenC: Could you cut out that meta-package?  For avoid to confuse users... Thanks.15:54
BenCrtg: you get that?15:55
rtgBenC, abogani: np.15:57
BenCrtg: thanks15:58
aboganirtg: Thanks! 16:00
rtgabogani: linux-meta uploaded16:33
aboganirtg: Thank you very much.16:35
Kanortg: when do you add iwl to lum?18:14
rtgKano: before I do the next upload.18:14
lagaKano: thanks for your script, i'll try it in a few minutes. have you had the chance to add those additional patches?18:26
Kanodid not try, want to wait for the fixes i proposed18:26
Kanobut nobody likes to do those it seems18:26
lagaok, i'll add those patches then18:27
Kanobest add latest git patch too18:29
lagano, i want to use a plain ubuntu kernel18:30
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=== fabbione is now known as thegodfather
_MMA_Hi guys. I having a user asking about using more than 3GB of RAM on -RT and -generic. Says server kernels do. Since I don't have 3GB of RAM and haven't had this issue I don't know what to say.21:42
stgraberhe can either switch to amd64 kernels (which shouldn't have the problem) or use the server kernel, highmem is AFAIK not enabled on other kernels21:45
crimsunyes it is.22:00
crimsungrep -i highmem /boot/config-2.6.24-4-generic  =>  CONFIG_HIGHMEM4G=y22:00
mjg59crimsun: If it's mapped above 4GB (because there's PCI stuff in the way, or whatever) then it might need CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G22:01
crimsunhmph, we don't enable 2/2 or full or whatever22:03
mjg59That's not relevant for highmem22:05
mjg59The 3:1 split is fine22:05
crimsunno, the full option or whatnot22:06
crimsunoh, nevermind, misread the help.22:06
mjg59It wouldn't help - with CONFIG_HIGHMEM4G you're still limited to 4GB of physical address space22:07
mjg59And PCI has to fit in there22:07
crimsun(the VMSPLIT_2G_OPT, which isn't even relevant here)22:07
mjg59So many BIOSes leave a hole between 3 and 4GB and put the PCI stuff in there, and then map the RAM up >4GB22:07
mjg59Which means you need CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G to get at it22:07

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